Dirk OK Lafaut

Dirk OK Lafaut
Vrije Universiteit Brussel | VUB · Philosophy - Moral Sciences (FILO)

Master of Philosophy


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I'm a post-doctoral researcher at VUB. My research interests are humanitarianism, health care ethics, migration. My PhD-research studied "The ethics on bordering healthcare. A mixed methods study on healthcare access of undocumented migrants in Brussels (Belgium)." In my research I use both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, with a focus on the latter.
September 2009 - June 2014
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Field of study
  • Philosophy


Publications (10)
Humanitarian aid projects associated with the emergence of refugee camps within European territories are generally perceived as apolitical. Scholars however, are increasingly questioning this view, pointing to many, often untold, ways in which humanitarianism interacts with the politics of migration and border enforcement. This article examines the...
Access to public healthcare services for Belgium’s undocumented migrants is regulated through a parallel, administrative procedure within the legal framework of Urgent Medical Aid. This imposes several constraints on their access to healthcare services. Drawing on empirical-ethical methodologies, we show how this procedure impacts on the relationsh...
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In 2014, a group of undocumented migrants started a hunger strike in Brussels. The medical monitoring was mainly done by young, committed health professionals with no prior experience of medical monitoring of people on hunger strike. Following the hunger strike, two focus groups were organized to assess the experiences of the health professionals d...
De natiestaat ontzegt mensen zonder wettig verblijf de toegang tot noodzakelij-ke gezondheidszorg, stelt Dirk Lafaut. Hij onderzoekt hoe we voorbij landsgren-zen voor mensen zonder wettig verblijf kunnen zorgen.
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Background Undocumented migrants experience multiple institutional and legal barriers when trying to access healthcare services. Due to such limitations, healthcare workers often experience ethical dilemmas when caring for undocumented migrants. This article aims to understand how individual healthcare workers who regularly take care of undocumente...
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Background Undocumented migrants experience multiple institutional and legal barriers when trying to access healthcare services. Due to such limitations, healthcare workers often experience ethical dilemmas when caring for undocumented migrants. This article aims to understand how individual healthcare workers who regularly take care of undocumente...
Purpose Undocumented migrants experience major legal constraints in their health-care access. Little is known on how undocumented migrants cope with these limitations in health-care access as individuals. The purpose of this study is to explore the coping responses of undocumented migrants when they experience limited health-care access in face-to-...
Although scholars in bioethics usually consider the exclusion of migrants from basic healthcare as unjust, it remains unclear how health professionals should ethically deal with policies restricting access to healthcare for undocumented migrants. Debates on offering less than the most beneficial healthcare have been limited to contributions on ethi...
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Background: So far knowledge about undocumented migrant health status is poor. The objective of this study is to compare patterns in causes of death between undocumented migrants and legal residents, of both migrant and non-migrant origin. Method: Using cause-of-death data, we compared undocumented migrants with Belgian residents and documented...
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In een aantal landen, waaronder België, wordt de rol van raciale en etnische factoren nauwe- lijks of niet in aanmerking genomen bij het bestuderen van gezondheidsongelijkheden. In plaats daarvan analyseert men de gezond- heidsverschillen in termen van migratie- achtergrond. Deze praktijk heeft een aantal belangrijke nadelen.


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