Conference PaperPDF Available

Scenarios about development and implications of automated vehicles in the Netherlands

  • Delft University of Technology &TNO

Abstract and Figures

Automated driving technology is emerging. Yet, less is known about when automated vehicles will hit the market, how penetration rates will evolve and to what extent this new transportation technology will affect transportation demand and planning. This study identified through scenario analysis plausible future development paths of automated vehicles in the Netherlands and estimated potential implications for traffic, travel behavior and transport planning on a time horizon up to 2030 and 2050. The scenario analysis was performed through a series of three workshops engaging a group of diverse experts. Sixteen key factors and five driving forces behind them were identified as critical in determining future development of automated vehicles in the Netherlands. Four scenarios were constructed assuming combinations of high or low technological development and restrictive or supportive policies for automated vehicles (AV …in standby, AV …in bloom, AV …in demand, AV …in doubt). According to the scenarios, fully automated vehicles are expected to be commercially available between 2025 and 2045, and to penetrate market rapidly after their introduction. Penetration rates are expected to vary among different scenarios between 1% and 11% (mainly conditionally automated vehicles) in 2030 and between 7% and 61% (mainly fully automated vehicles) in 2050. Complexity of the urban environment and unexpected incidents may influence development path of automated vehicles. Certain implications on mobility are expected in all scenarios, although there is great variation in the impacts among the scenarios. It is expected that measures to curb growth of travel and subsequent externalities will be necessary in three out of the four scenarios.
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Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
Scenarios about development and implications of automated 1!
vehicles in the Netherlands 2!
Dimitris Milakis* 5!
Assistant Professor, Department of Transport and Planning, 6!
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology 7!
Tel. +31 15 27 84981 8!
E-mail: 9!
Maaike Snelder 11!
Researcher, Department of Transport and Planning, 12!
Delft University of Technology; 13!
TNO Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research 14!
Tel. +31 15 27 84981 15!
E-mail: 16!
Bart van Arem 18!
Professor, Department of Transport and Planning, 19!
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology 20!
Tel. +31 15 27 86342 21!
E-mail: 22!
Bert van Wee 24!
Professor, Transport and Logistics Group, 25!
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology 26!
Tel. +31 15 27 81144 27!
E-mail: 28!
Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia 30!
Assistant Professor, Department of Transport and Planning, 31!
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology 32!
Tel. +31 15 27 81384 33!
E-mail: 34!
6235 Words + 5 Figures + 2 Tables = 7985 Words 41!
Submitted for presentation to the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 43!
*Corresponding author 45!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
Automated driving technology is emerging. Yet, less is known about when automated 3!
vehicles will hit the market, how penetration rates will evolve and to what extent this 4!
new transportation technology will affect transportation demand and planning. This 5!
study identified through scenario analysis plausible future development paths of 6!
automated vehicles in the Netherlands and estimated potential implications for traffic, 7!
travel behavior and transport planning on a time horizon up to 2030 and 2050. The 8!
scenario analysis was performed through a series of three workshops engaging a 9!
group of diverse experts. Sixteen key factors and five driving forces behind them were 10!
identified as critical in determining future development of automated vehicles in the 11!
Netherlands. Four scenarios were constructed assuming combinations of high or low 12!
technological development and restrictive or supportive policies for automated 13!
vehicles (AV …in standby, AV …in bloom, AV …in demand, AV …in doubt). 14!
According to the scenarios, fully automated vehicles are expected to be commercially 15!
available between 2025 and 2045, and to penetrate market rapidly after their 16!
introduction. Penetration rates are expected to vary among different scenarios 17!
between 1% and 11% (mainly conditionally automated vehicles) in 2030 and between 18!
7% and 61% (mainly fully automated vehicles) in 2050. Complexity of the urban 19!
environment and unexpected incidents may influence development path of automated 20!
vehicles. Certain implications on mobility are expected in all scenarios, although there 21!
is great variation in the impacts among the scenarios. It is expected that measures to 22!
curb growth of travel and subsequent externalities will be necessary in three out of the 23!
four scenarios. 24!
Keywords: Automated vehicles, scenarios, development, implications, The 26!
Netherlands 27!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
The introduction to the market, the development and the implications of automated 3!
driving are among the main uncertainties of the future transport system. According to 4!
Milakis et al. (1) automated vehicles could have significant impacts on cities and 5!
transportation systems. The design of robust long-term transport policies and 6!
investments needs to take into account uncertainties associated with automated 7!
vehicles. The aim of this study is to identify plausible future development paths of 8!
automated vehicles in the Netherlands and to estimate potential implications for 9!
traffic, travel behavior and transport planning on a time horizon up to 2030 and 2050. 10!
The research questions are the following: 11!
o What are the possible developments for automated vehicles and which factors will 12!
determine these developments on a time horizon up to 2030 and 2050 in the 13!
Netherlands? What stages in this development can be distinguished? 14!
o What are the implications for road capacity? Does this differ between urban roads, 15!
regional roads and motorways? 16!
o What are the implications for users (value of time) and consequently for travel 17!
behavior? 18!
o To what extent might automated vehicles affect transportation planning? 19!
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. The literature review is firstly 20!
presented. Then we describe our methodology and we present four scenarios about the 21!
development and possible effects of automated vehicles in the Netherlands. We close 22!
this paper with our conclusions. 23!
Development of automated vehicles 27!
The development of automated vehicles takes place along two axes. First, the manual 29!
to automated axis that describes the extent to which the human driver monitors the 30!
driving environment and executes aspects of the dynamic driving task. Second, the 31!
autonomous to cooperative axis that describes the extent to which vehicles can 32!
communicate and exchange information with other vehicles (V2V) or with the 33!
infrastructure (V2I). For the manual-to-automated axis, two main taxonomies that 34!
classify the levels of vehicle automation have been identified (2, 3). In both 35!
taxonomies the first three levels assume that a human driver will control all driving 36!
tasks. The remaining levels assume that an automated driving system takes control of 37!
all dynamic tasks of driving. In our scenario study we use the NHTSA (2) taxonomy 38!
for vehicle automation. We refer to level 3 and level 4 as ‘conditional’ and ‘full’ 39!
automation respectively. In conditional automation the driver is expected to be 40!
available for occasional control of the vehicle while in full automation s/he is not. Full 41!
automation comprises both occupied and unoccupied vehicles. According to a survey 42!
held during the Automated Vehicles Symposium 2014, experts expect conditionally, 43!
and fully automated vehicles to hit the market in 2019 and 2030 respectively (median 44!
values) (4). Litman (5) estimated the penetration rate of fully automated vehicles 45!
assuming that they will hit the market in 2020. He based his estimations on the 46!
deployment of previous vehicle technologies like air bags, automatic transmission, 47!
navigation systems, GPS services, hybrid vehicles and on assumptions about the 48!
purchase price of these vehicles. He concluded that, in the United States, it may take 49!
ten to thirty years from the time of launch before the automated vehicles dominate the 50!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
car sales market and another ten to twenty years before the majority of travel is done 1!
using automated vehicles. Moreover, Kyriakidis et al. (6) reported that 69% of the 2!
respondents in their internet-based questionnaire survey expected fully automated 3!
vehicles to reach 50% penetration rate up to 2050. 4!
Impacts of automated vehicles on road capacity, travel behavior and transport 6!
infrastructures 7!
Automated vehicles could enhance road capacity by optimizing driving behavior with 9!
respect to time gaps, speed and lane changes (7). The magnitude of this impact is 10!
related to the level of automation and cooperation between vehicles. Thus far, 11!
literature focuses on the automation of longitudinal driving, with the help of adaptive 12!
cruise control (ACC) and cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC). These studies 13!
indicate that ACC can either have a small negative or a small positive effect on 14!
capacity (-5% to +10%) (see e.g. 8, 9). For CACC, most studies report a quadratic 15!
increase in capacity as the penetration rate increases, with a theoretical maximum 16!
increase of 100% (doubling). These studies indicate that the increase in capacity is 17!
high (>10%) only if the penetration rate is higher than 40% (see e.g. 10, 11, 12). 18!
The effect of automated vehicles on travel behavior is a relatively less 19!
researched topic. Malokin et al. (13) showed that the ability of multitasking in 20!
automated vehicles could increase driving alone and shared ride commute shares by 21!
1% each. Gucwa (14) applied several scenarios of potential changes in value of time 22!
because of introduction of automated vehicles in San Francisco. He found an increase 23!
in vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT) between 4% and 8% for different scenarios. 24!
Moreover, two simulation studies reported increased VKT rates for automated 25!
(vehicle and ride) sharing schemes compared to privately owned conventional 26!
vehicles (15, 16). 27!
The introduction of automated vehicles could reduce the requirements for road 28!
network expansion in the future because of the increases in road capacity. 29!
Estimations about the magnitude of this reduction vary from substantial (17) to only 30!
marginal because of the possibility of induced travel demand (5, 18, 19). Automated 31!
vehicles could also challenge the role of public transport (buses in particular) in the 32!
future transport system (5, 20). Finally, increases in road capacity may create the 33!
opportunity for development of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructures (i.e, bicycle 34!
lanes or wider sidewalks). 35!
Given the uncertainty and the long-term character of our research questions, a 39!
scenario analysis was applied. Scenario analysis is “the process of evaluation possible 40!
future events through the consideration of alternative plausible, though, not equally 41!
likely, states of the world” (21). Scenarios have the advantage over forecasts in that 42!
they are more flexible, creative and not necessarily probabilistic outlines of plausible 43!
futures. Thus, they could assist long-term planning to broaden perspectives and 44!
identify key dynamics (21). According to Maack (22) and Townsend (23) scenarios 45!
should be plausible, distinctive, consistent, relevant, creative, and challenging. 46!
Whilst methodologies for scenario construction show great variation, there is a 47!
basic common underlying structure (see 22, 24, 25). In our study, the scenario 48!
development process involved five sequential steps: (a) identification of key factors 49!
and driving forces of development of automated vehicles, (b) assessment of impact 50!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
and uncertainty of driving forces, (c) construction of the scenario matrix, (d) 1!
estimation of penetration rates and potential implications of automated vehicles in 2!
each scenario, and (e) review of the scenarios and assessment of the likelihood and 3!
overall impact of each scenario. 4!
The process was completed in three workshops. The first two workshops 5!
involved five experts (the authors of this paper) from Delft University of Technology. 6!
In the first workshop, we identified the key factors of development of automated 7!
vehicles in the Netherlands and the driving forces behind them. Each expert was also 8!
asked to rank the driving forces with respect to the magnitude of their potential effect 9!
on development of automated vehicles (impact) and the predictability of their future 10!
state (uncertainty). A scenario matrix was subsequently drafted based on the results of 11!
the first workshop. In the second workshop, we discussed penetration rates of 12!
automated vehicles in 2030 and 2050 in the Netherlands, and potential implications 13!
for road capacity, value of time and VKT in each of the four scenarios. After the 14!
workshop, a questionnaire was distributed to the participants asking numerical 15!
estimations about all issues discussed in the second workshop. 16!
In the last workshop, the four draft scenarios were presented and reviewed by 17!
fifteen experts from planning, technology, and research organizations in the 18!
Netherlands (e.g., I&M - Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, RWS - 19!
Ministry of Transport, Public Works, and Water Management, Connekt, KiM - 20!
Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis, RDW - National road traffic 21!
agency, Spring Innovation, Eindhoven University of Technology). The discussion was 22!
organized in two sessions ((a) development and (b) implications of automated 23!
vehicles in the Netherlands) and was coordinated by the five experts from Delft 24!
University of Technology. All twenty experts also evaluated the scenarios in terms of 25!
likelihood and overall impact (i.e., value of time, road capacity, and total VKT). 26!
Key factors and driving forces 30!
Sixteen key factors and five driving forces behind them (policies, technology, 32!
customers’ attitude, economy and the environment) were identified as critical in 33!
determining future development of automated vehicles in the Netherlands (see Table 34!
1). The driving forces were assessed with respect to the magnitude of their potential 35!
effect on development of automated vehicles (impact) and the predictability of their 36!
future state (uncertainty). According to the results, technology is expected to have the 37!
strongest impact on the development path of automated vehicles, but it is also highly 38!
unpredictable (see Table 2). Policies were found to be quite influential, but uncertain 39!
as well. Customers’ attitude was also indicated as a highly unpredictable factor, but 40!
the expected impact was assumed to be lower than technology and policies. Finally, 41!
economy and the environment were assumed to be fairly predictable and to have 42!
relatively lower impact on the development of automated vehicles. 43!
Based on those results, technology and policies appeared to be the most 44!
influential driving forces. Both were also highly unpredictable although customers’ 45!
attitude appeared as equally uncertain driving force. Therefore, technology and 46!
policies were selected as the most relevant driving forces to build our scenario matrix. 47!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
TABLE 1 Key Factors and Drivers of the Development of Automated Vehicles 1!
in the Netherlands. 2!
Key factors
Driving forces
AV technology trials
Technology, Policies
Interoperability among AV technologies
Technology, Policies
Costs/benefits of AV technology
Technology, Policies, Customers’ attitude
Development of AV in EU
Technology, Policies, Customers’ attitude
AV ownership structure (public vs private)
Technology, Economy
Transition steps
Technology, Policies
Energy, emissions
Technology, Policies, Economy, Environment,
Legal/institutional context (national and
Public/private expenditures on infrastructure
Policies, Economy
Stability of policies
Accessibility, social equity
Technology, Policies
Psychological barriers (Citizens and
Technology, Customers’ attitude
Marketing/image of AV
Policies, Customers’ attitude,
Attitudes towards AV
Technology, Policies, Customers’ attitude,
Economy, Environment
TABLE 2 Ranking (Median Values) of Driving Forces of the Development of 5!
Automated Vehicles (AV) According to their Impact and Uncertainty (1-Lowest, 6!
5-Highest). 7!
Driving forces
Customers’ attitudes
Scenario matrix 11!
Four scenarios were constructed assuming combinations of high or low technological 13!
development and restrictive or supportive policies for automated vehicles (AV …in 14!
standby, AV …in bloom, AV …in demand, AV …in doubt; see Figure 1). Although 15!
scenarios were built around permutations of those two driving forces, we also 16!
incorporated all remaining driving forces in our scenario plots (customers’ attitude, 17!
economy, environment). The aim was to capture as much as possible of the 18!
complexity surrounding this exercise. Moreover, the key factors offered input into the 19!
development of detailed, dynamic and coherent storylines. The scenario plots are 20!
presented in the next four sections. 21!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
FIGURE 1: Scenario matrix about development of automated vehicles in the 23!
Netherlands. 24!
Scenario 1: Automated vehicles …in stand by 26!
Although discussion about the potential of having fully automated vehicles on public 28!
roads by 2030 had been intensified already since 2015 and conditional automation 29!
was a reality since 2020, the Dutch government decided not to heavily invest on 30!
integration of this mobility technology in the transportation system of the 31!
Netherlands. In fact the government did not see any major benefits stemming from a 32!
rapid development of automated vehicles, while they did foresee a lot of risks 33!
associated with this technology. It is true that the Dutch transportation system was 34!
really efficient in the early 2020’s with a multimodal character, which was translated 35!
into a modal split where almost half of the trips were being undertaken by bicycle, 36!
foot or public transportation. Moreover, transport safety was steadily improving and 37!
no major environmental problems were expected in following years. The consistent 38!
strategy towards low-carbon economy had already started paying-off. Also, the 39!
modest economic growth did not allow allocation of more resources on infrastructures 40!
related to this emerging technology (V2I). 41!
The combination of Dutch government’s skepticism about automated vehicles 42!
and the weak income growth had possibly played a role on customers’ moderate to 43!
low demand for automated vehicles. Customers’ demand did not significantly change 44!
even when conditionally automated vehicles were made commercially available in 45!
2020. The fact that the Dutch government allowed conditionally automated vehicles 46!
to travel only in motorways until 2025 might have deterred demand. Moreover, the 47!
attitude towards vehicles in general and automated vehicles in particular was not very 48!
positive at that time, with most customers adopting a ‘wait and see’ position. In fact 49!
vehicles use had already reached its peak a decade earlier (during 2010’s) mainly 50!
because of the generation Y reluctance to live an automobile oriented 20th century 51!
like life. This attitude did not change dramatically in the following years until the 52!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
advent of fully automated cars in 2030. At that point automated vehicles (conditional 1!
automation) represented a small fraction of total vehicles fleet (4%) and a slightly 2!
higher percentage (7%) of total VKT (see Figure 2). 3!
The advent of fully automated vehicles in 2030 signalized a change in 4!
customers’ attitude. Auto manufacturers adopted an aggressive promotion strategy, 5!
which among other actions allowed everyone to experience first hand a fully 6!
automated vehicle for a week. They knew that ‘hands on’ experiences could remove 7!
psychological barriers of automated driving from both customers and citizens, even if 8!
eventually they would not buy the car. Moreover, seamless communication between 9!
automated vehicles (V2V) and safe operation in urban environments signaled a huge 10!
progress. Operation first of conditional and then of fully automated vehicles in urban 11!
environments was indeed proven a real challenge especially with respect to urban 12!
intersections and uncontrolled pedestrian movements. Customers’ attitudes about 13!
automated vehicles became progressively more positive after 2030, which was 14!
translated into stronger demand for this kind of vehicles. Twenty years later (2050) 15!
automated vehicles represented 26% of vehicles fleet and 33% of total VKT (see 16!
Figure 2). During the same period (2030-2050) the Dutch government regulated 17!
several areas related to fully automated vehicles (e.g., automated-taxis, liability, 18!
safety). However, no proactive actions were taken to further promote this mobility 19!
technology because initial fears about potential negative implications, like strong 20!
induced travel demand, sprawling trends and a modal shift from conventional public 21!
transportation to automated vehicles were confirmed. In fact, the decrease of value of 22!
time for automated vehicles users by 21% (see Figure 3) and the increase of 23!
motorways capacity by 7% (mainly because of the development of cooperative 24!
systems) (see Figure 4) could easily explain the increase of total VKT by 7% in 2050 25!
(see Figure 5). 26!
Scenario 2: Automated vehicles …in bloom 28!
The CEO of Audi predicted in his interview on Automotive News in 2015 that “a 30!
vehicle capable of driving itself with no need for any interaction from the driver, even 31!
in critical situations, is probably 10 years away”. He was right. Technological 32!
development between 2015 and 2025 was really rapid. First vehicles with conditional 33!
automation were already launched in the market in 2018 and fully automated vehicles 34!
hit the market in 2025. Governments in the Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Japan and 35!
USA helped research community, high technology industry and auto manufacturers to 36!
rapidly push the boundaries of vehicle cooperation (V2V) and automation. In the 37!
Dutch context, a progressive regulatory framework for automated vehicles trials was 38!
adopted as early as 2016, while significant investments in research and development 39!
followed in coming years, supported by R&D funds of the European Commission. 40!
Important investments on infrastructure communication with vehicles (V2I) were 41!
decided in mid-2010’s and implemented within the next ten years, allowing for 42!
seamless operation of automated vehicles in motorways and urban streets but also for 43!
easy system upgrades thereafter. Moreover, an aggressive subsidy policy was 44!
adopted. During first five years after launch, fully automated vehicles were exempted 45!
from the registration fee, while electric automated vehicles were exempted from road 46!
taxes as well. In the case of shared electric automated vehicles (automated taxis) the 47!
government decided to provide an additional subsidy of 3000 on the purchase, which 48!
had been proved a successful measure for electric-taxis about a decade earlier. It was 49!
clear that the Dutch government was seeing automated vehicles as the solution to 50!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
many long-standing mobility-related societal problems originated in 20th century, like 1!
congestion and traffic fatalities. They were also considering the introduction of 2!
automated vehicles as an opportunity for developing a more efficient multimodal 3!
transportation system. The healthy macro-economic environment in Europe and the 4!
high economic growth in the Netherlands supported the decisions for adopting such 5!
aggressive promotional policies for automated vehicles. Moreover, most policy 6!
reports from governmental organizations at that time were suggesting that investments 7!
on automated vehicles were highly likely to pay-off soon by addressing many of the 8!
inefficiencies of the conventional transportation system. An important prerequisite, as 9!
all reports clearly noted, was user acceptance. 10!
Customers’ attitude about automated vehicles evolved quite positively during 11!
the 2010’s. It was the disruptive change in the mobility experience that attracted the 12!
attention of most people at that point. More productive use of travel time and safe 13!
driving conditions were among the changes that customers valued more. They were 14!
also frequently referring to wider positive societal implications such as lower energy 15!
consumption, environmental protection, economic, and social equity benefits (e.g., 16!
mobility for elderly and disabled persons). The positive economic context, the 17!
supportive governmental policies, but also the wider societal changes of that period 18!
such as the growth of digital and shared economy and the environmental awareness 19!
movement played also a key role in having strong demand for automated vehicles. 20!
The share of automated vehicles reached 11% in 2030 and rocketed to 61% in 2050 21!
(see Figure 2). The share of VKT by automated vehicles in total travel followed a 22!
similar path (23% in 2030 and 71% in 2050). As expected, automated vehicles users 23!
(especially early adopters) were inclined to drive, on average, more kilometers than 24!
users of conventional vehicles because of the opportunity they had to relax or do other 25!
useful things during their trip. Indeed the value of time for automated vehicles users 26!
had dropped 18% already by 2030 and 31% by 2050 (see Figure 3). New models of 27!
fully automated vehicles after 2030 offered a highly flexible interior design that 28!
allowed all kind of activities to be undertaken during travel including sleeping, 29!
working, tele-conferencing and many more. Moreover, the combination of automated 30!
and cooperative systems (V2V and V2I) allowed capacity to increase on both 31!
motorways and urban streets by 25% and 6% respectively in 2050 (see Figure 4). All 32!
these benefits did not come without a cost. Total vehicle kilometers had significantly 33!
increased by 3% already in 2030 and by 27% in 2050 (see Figure 5). The Dutch 34!
government quickly realized that congestion relief would not come simply by 35!
introducing automated vehicles. In fact, they realized that congestion could get worse 36!
in the future because of induced travel demand and sprawling trends, if they would 37!
not take action. Therefore, stricter land use policies inspired by the compact city 38!
paradigm (which had been abandoned decades earlier) and transportation demand 39!
policies, such as road pricing, had been introduced during the 2040s to curb growth in 40!
travel and urban expansion. Furthermore, automated taxis had been highly regulated 41!
after 2030 with respect to total number of taxis per capita, and hours of operation. 42!
Automated taxis were responsible for a significant part of VKT increase and thus 43!
congestion, mainly because of their 24/7 non-stop operation. Dynamic policy 44!
adaptation, such as in the case of automated taxis (from heavily subsidized to highly 45!
regulated), was clearly the right way to go in a new transportation ecosystem where 46!
asymmetric changes were more likely than ever. 47!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
Scenario 3: Automated vehicles …in demand 1!
The optimism for seamless mobility by fully automated vehicles in the near future 3!
was high in the mid 2010’s. The countless discussions in popular media were centered 4!
on possible changes that this technology could bring to daily mobility and 5!
subsequently to our societies. These discussions were fueled by frequent 6!
announcements of auto manufacturers’ plans for fully automated mobility until 2025. 7!
Many governments around the world, including the Netherlands, were foreseeing 8!
major societal benefits from this technology, like congestion relief and significant 9!
reduction of accidents. Therefore, they rapidly formed progressive legislative 10!
frameworks allowing automated vehicles trials and supporting cooperation between 11!
automobile and high tech industry. They also invested on research and development 12!
of this technology and asked governmental organizations to adapt their plans to 13!
possible development of vehicle automation in coming years. Moreover, they secured 14!
important resources to fund smart infrastructures that would allow communication 15!
with automated vehicles both on motorways and in urban environments (V2I). These 16!
investments were partly funded by European Commission R&D funds, which in the 17!
meantime had decided to allocate more resources in developing vehicle automation in 18!
Europe mainly because of the expected traffic safety benefits. 19!
However, the technological path to full automation was proved more difficult 20!
than assumed. It took ten years (2025) for auto manufacturers in collaboration with 21!
high technology companies only to make conditional automation commercially 22!
available. The variability of road infrastructure and weather conditions, but also the 23!
complexity of urban environment especially with respect to interaction with other 24!
road users (conventional cars, cyclists and pedestrians) and to unexpected events (e.g., 25!
road flooding) required exhaustive tests and continuous adaptation of technology to 26!
meet high safety standards. Moreover, the first fatal accidents in European urban 27!
roads between conditionally automated vehicles and pedestrians in 2026 proved that 28!
this technology was not entirely ready (at least for urban environments). The 29!
European Union and many governments around the world responded with a mandate 30!
that conditionally automated vehicles were only allowed on motorways until the 31!
technology would evolve enough according to even higher safety standards. The 32!
Dutch government also announced a new round of funding for research and 33!
development in this area. Fifteen years later (2040) fully automated vehicles were 34!
hitting the market. 35!
Customer’s demand for automated vehicles incrementally increased up to 36!
2040 and significantly expanded thereafter. Only 3% of total vehicle fleet was 37!
(conditionally) automated in 2030 representing 5% of total VKT (see Figure 2). The 38!
first fatal accidents in 2026 further prevented customers from buying automated 39!
vehicles. It was only in 2040 with the advent of fully automated vehicles when the 40!
psychological barriers for this technology were truly removed and sales subsequently 41!
increased. In coming years people realized that this was a safe technology with 42!
significant benefits especially with respect to comfort and to various activities 43!
someone could undertake during a trip. The value of time was decreased by 16% for 44!
automated vehicle users in 2050 (see Figure 3), while penetration was quite high at 45!
that time with 17% of all vehicles being automated (see Figure 2). Moreover capacity 46!
increased by 5% in motorways and by 2% in urban streets in 2050 (see Figure 4). The 47!
combination of a decrease in value of time and an increase in capacity resulted in 48!
more VKT in 2050 (3%) (see Figure 5). In fact the Dutch government was expecting a 49!
stronger increase of VKT in coming years after 2050, because penetration of 50!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
automated vehicles was expected to become even higher. Therefore, they were 1!
already planning to introduce travel demand management measures from the 2!
beginning of 2050s to prevent major increase of VKT. Unfortunately, a significant 3!
portion of automated vehicles was still carrying internal combustion engines. Thus, 4!
increased VKT were associated with more energy consumption and more emissions. 5!
Scenario 4: Automated vehicles …in doubt 7!
Automated vehicles were one of the most appealing concepts of mobility technology 9!
during the 20th century. No accidents, no driving effort, more personal time, less 10!
congestion and almost no parking problems were the basic elements of vehicle 11!
automation imprinted in the collective imaginary. In the early 21st century, the 12!
discussion about the prospects of a fully automated mobility world resurfaced because 13!
of some technological progress of auto manufacturers and high technology companies 14!
in this area. However, full automation was still way too far from reality and cities and 15!
transportation systems were more complex than ever. Thus, such a socio-technical 16!
transition seemed quite difficult even if the technology was available. 17!
In fact, it turned out that none of the basic forces (high technological 18!
development, supportive policies and positive customers’ attitudes) for such a 19!
transition were existent. In a recessive global economic context during late 2010’s, 20!
most governments (the Dutch included) did not intend to spend their valuable 21!
resources on research and on infrastructures for automated vehicles. Neither did they 22!
develop a supportive institutional framework for testing and developing this 23!
technology. They thought that vehicle automation might in fact lead to counter-24!
effective results for the transportation system. Their deepest fear was that the system 25!
would not evolve enough to become fully automated. Thus, it was likely to stuck in 26!
transition where semi-automated, fully automated and conventional cars would co-27!
exist, causing major safety and congestion problems especially in urban 28!
environments. Their fears were absolutely justified. The technology evolved quite 29!
slowly after 2015 with first conditional automation vehicles hitting the market only in 30!
2028 and subsequently allowed to travel only on Dutch motorways. The bankruptcy 31!
of a major automotive company (due to a sharp decrease in sales of conventional cars 32!
in China) and the shift of attention of a high tech giant from automated vehicles to 33!
other emerging technologies could partly explain the slow technological development 34!
in this field. Technical difficulties associated with the detection of obstacles and 35!
navigation in various road and weather conditions and in complex urban 36!
environments inhibited rapid technological development as well. 37!
As a result only 1% of total vehicles fleet was (conditionally) automated in 38!
2030. Customers’ were reluctant to buy this technology since neither the government 39!
supported it through, for example, subsidizing policies, nor middle-class income 40!
could afford to pay for such a premium technology. When fully automated vehicles 41!
were launched in 2045, customers’ interest became stronger since the benefits where 42!
clearer then and the Dutch government allowed these vehicles to travel in urban 43!
environments as well. However, the price for this technology was still too high, thus 44!
fully automated vehicles continued to represent a marginal share of the vehicles’ fleet 45!
in 2050 (7%). Moreover fully automated taxis offering premium services became 46!
available after 2045. These companies have invested in transforming the interior of 47!
these taxis into fully functional work and rest spaces. The marginal share of 48!
automated vehicles affected neither capacity nor total VKT in 2050. 49!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
Unlike 20th century, vehicle automation did make it through to the market in 1!
21st century. However, until 2050 automated vehicles was still a technology for the 2!
upper class that could afford to have it. The rest of the people could have an 3!
experience with automated vehicle by hiring an automated taxi or by just taking 4!
automated buses, which in the meantime had grown rapidly. 5!
FIGURE 2 Estimation of (a) percentage of (conditionally and fully) automated 15!
vehicles in vehicles fleet and (b) percentage of VKT by (conditionally and fully) 16!
automated vehicles in total VKT, in 2030 and 2050. Each bar represents average 17!
value of five experts responses collected in Delft University of Technology 18!
workshops and error bar depicts standard deviation. 19!
FIGURE 3 Estimation of decrease in value of time of automated vehicle users in 29!
different scenarios. Each bar represents average value of five experts responses 30!
collected in Delft University of Technology workshops and error bar depicts 31!
standard deviation. 32!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
FIGURE 4 Estimation of capacity changes in different scenarios. Each bar 15!
represents average value of five experts responses collected in Delft University of 16!
Technology workshops and error bar depicts standard deviation. 17!
FIGURE 5 Estimation of change in total vehicle kilometres traveled in different 25!
scenarios. Each bar represents average value of five experts responses collected 26!
in Delft University of Technology workshops and error bar depicts standard 27!
deviation. 28!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
Likelihood and overall impact of the scenarios 1!
All scenarios were assessed with respect to their likelihood and overall impact during 3!
the last workshop. The participants were asked to evaluate each scenario with respect 4!
to (a) its likelihood, on a scale ranging from 0% (impossible) to 100% (certain), and 5!
(b) its overall impact (i.e., on value of time, road capacity, and total VKT) on a scale 6!
ranging from 0 (no impact) to 5 (highest impact). The participants were also asked to 7!
respond about their confidence with the estimations on a scale ranging from 0 (not at 8!
all confident) to 5 (very confident). 9!
According to the results, scenario 2 (AV ….in bloom) and scenario 3 (AV 10!
…in demand) were perceived as the most likely to happen in the future (41.8% and 11!
38.3% respectively). The likelihood of scenario 1 (AV …in standby) and of scenario 12!
4 (AV …in doubt) was assessed lower (31.8% and 25.8% respectively). The average 13!
sum of probabilities per person was 137.5%, while only one person estimated a sum 14!
of probabilities below 100%. Moreover, the participants were quite confident about 15!
their responses (average level of confidence: 3.1). The results did not change 16!
significantly when responses were weighted based on the level of confidence. 17!
The scenario 2 (AV …in bloom) was also expected to have the highest overall 18!
impact (4.6), with scenario 1 (AV …in standby) and scenario 3 (AV …in demand) 19!
having similar but lower effects (2.4 and 2.3 respectively). The scenario 4 (AV …in 20!
doubt) was not expected to have significant impacts on mobility (1.1). 21!
The aim of this study was to identify plausible future development paths of automated 25!
vehicles in the Netherlands and to estimate potential implications for traffic, travel 26!
behavior and transport planning on a time horizon up to 2030 and 2050. To this end a 27!
scenario analysis was conducted. Technology and policies were assessed to be the 28!
most influential and unpredictable driving forces; hence the scenario matrix was built 29!
around them. Four scenarios were constructed assuming combinations of high or low 30!
technological development and restrictive or supportive policies for automated 31!
vehicles. All remaining driving forces (customers’ attitude, economy and the 32!
environment) have been incorporated in our scenarios as well. 33!
According to our scenario analysis: 34!
o fully automated vehicles are expected to be commercially available within a time 35!
window of twenty years (between 2025 and 2045), while the respective time-36!
window for conditional automation is smaller (ten years) and more immediate 37!
(between 2018 and 2028), 38!
o full vehicle automation will likely be a game changer, driving the demand for 39!
automated vehicles high. Penetration rates of automated vehicles are expected to 40!
vary among different scenarios between 1% and 11% (mainly conditionally 41!
automated vehicles) in 2030 and between 7% and 61% (mainly fully automated 42!
vehicles) in 2050, 43!
o vehicle automation and cooperation will likely follow converging evolution paths. 44!
The type of cooperation (V2I, V2V) will likely vary though among different 45!
scenarios according to the main drivers (policies, technological development), 46!
o complexity of the urban environment is expected to influence the development 47!
path of automated vehicles either by inducing regulation allowing automated 48!
vehicles to travel only in motorways or by complicating and subsequently 49!
delaying technological development in this field, 50!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
o unexpected incidents like fatal accidents; bankruptcy or change in strategic 1!
priorities of major industry players could significantly influence the development 2!
path for automated vehicles not only in the Netherlands, but also in any country, 3!
o development of automated vehicles is expected to have implications on mobility 4!
in all scenarios. These implications vary from very important in the ‘AV …in 5!
bloom’ scenario to minimal in the ‘AV …in doubt’ scenario, 6!
o the Dutch government is expected to take measures (e.g. travel demand 7!
management) to curb growth of travel and subsequent externalities in three out of 8!
the four scenarios. 9!
In the last step of our study twenty experts assessed the likelihood of all 10!
scenarios and overall impact (i.e., value of time, road capacity, and total VKT). 11!
Scenario 2 (AV ….in bloom) and scenario 3 (AV …in demand) were perceived as the 12!
most likely to happen in the future, while likelihood of scenario 1 (AV …in standby) 13!
and scenario 4 (AV …in doubt) was assessed lower. The results show that these 14!
experts expect policies in the Netherlands to be generally supportive of automated 15!
vehicles (scenarios 2 and 3 exhibited the highest likelihood). Thus, it is probably 16!
technology that will mainly influence development path of automated vehicles. In 17!
fact, participants seem also to believe that technology has good chances to develop 18!
rapidly and full automation to be a reality within the next ten years, if we take into 19!
account that ‘AV …in bloom’ was ranked as the most likely scenario. It should be 20!
noted that the average sum of probabilities per participant was 137.5%, while only 21!
one person estimated a sum of probabilities below 100%. This indicates that the 22!
participants were quite confident that the four scenarios can adequately describe 23!
potential development paths of automated vehicles in the Netherlands or at least they 24!
did not consider an alternative fifth scenario as more likely. Finally, the experts 25!
expect the ‘AV …in bloom’ scenario to have the highest and the ‘AV …in doubt’ 26!
scenario the lowest overall impact. 27!
In conclusion, our study suggests that fully automated vehicles will likely be a 28!
reality between 2025 and 2045 and are expected to have significant implications for 29!
mobility and planning policies in the Netherlands. The pace of development and 30!
subsequent implications largely depend on technological evolution, policies and 31!
customers’ attitude. These driving forces could be weighted differently in other 32!
countries or from other experts with respect to their impacts and uncertainty. Thus, 33!
the paths we identified for the development of automated vehicles in this study are 34!
plausible but not the only ones. Moreover, our assessment exercise offers a rough 35!
order of magnitude estimate of the possible impacts of automated vehicles in various 36!
scenarios based on experts’ responses. Such estimations can offer input to subsequent 37!
modeling exercises to explore these impacts and their complex interactions more 38!
precisely. Sensitivity analysis in these modeling exercises could address uncertainty 39!
about the magnitude of those effects. 40!
This research was funded by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment 45!
Agency. 46!
Milakis, Snelder, van Arem, van Wee, Correia
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... accurate estimate of the uptake of automated technology is extremely difficult and is heavily dependent on many factors, such as technological development, regulatory incentives or barriers, and economic development[29,30]. Furthermore, once a technology is available, it will still take a considerable time before it demands a considerable share of vehicles due to generic market adaption and phasing out of the current vehicle fleet which usually takes approximately 15 years[28]. ...
... A timeline is given inFigure 1showing an estimation of the deployment of various levels of vehicle automation in sufficiently large numbers (>1% penetration of vehicle population). This timeline is an estimate based on a wide range of various estimations from academia, industry, and government[27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. The figure is by no means meant to be definitive but is meant to give an indication of the duration of the transition phase and what percentages of different automated technologies may be present simultaneously, which is relevant for simulating different types of vehicles. ...
... Numerous recent studies used time gap settings in a range between 1.0 and 3.0 seconds for the desired time gap of the ACC vehicles, with a main focus on desired time gaps of 1.2–1.8 seconds[14,16,17,20,26,30,39,[41][42][43]. Although these are simulation studies, the authors have derived the values from practice. ...
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With low level vehicle automation already available, there is a necessityto estimate itseffects ontraffic flow, especially if these could benegative. A long gradual transition will occur from manual driving to automated driving, in which many yet unknown traffic flow dynamics will be present.These effects have the potential to increasinglyaid or cripple current road networks.In this contribution, we investigate theseeffects using an empirically calibrated and validated simulation experiment, backed up with findingsfrom literature. This is investigated withthe hypothesis that automated vehicles may negatively impact traffic flow. Wefound that low level automated vehicles in mixed traffic will initially have a small negative effect on traffic flow and road capacities.The experiment further showed that any improvement in traffic flow will only be seen at penetration rates above 70%, which is far higher than will be the case before highly automated vehiclesreach the market. Also, the capacity drop appeared to be slightly higher with the presence of low level automated vehicles. The experiment furtherinvestigated the effect of bottleneck severity and the influence of lower truck shares on traffic flow. Neither of these variables were significantly influenced by the presence of the low level automated vehicles.Improvements to current traffic modelling arerecommended and arerequired to include a greater detail and understanding of driver-vehicle interaction, both in conventional traffic flow as well as in mixed traffic flow. Further research into behavioural shifts in driving is alsorecommended due to limited data and knowledge of these dynamics.
... For the scenario formulation, several approaches are found in literature, among which the step-wise approach from [18], the sequential step for AVs scenarios from [19] and the general five-phase scenario formulation from [17]. The aim of our study fits the first step of Milakis's approach, the identification of key factors and driving forces. ...
... Step 3 -Analysis of key factors for driverless shuttle integration in transit What: Analysis of each key factors and definition of their characteristics How: Experts interviews [17] and [19] acceptance based on socio-demographic characteristics and travel behaviour patterns. ...
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Driverless shuttles are a new automated road-based means of transport, small in size and capacity and with a relatively low operational speed. Classified as high-automation vehicles, these shuttles are capable of driverless operations in specific operational design domains. Given their characteristics, driverless shuttles have been studied as a first/last-mile complement to main public transport lines, serving the access and egress parts in multimodal trips. Currently, driverless shuttles are mostly operated as pilots testing their technical capabilities and measuring passengers’ willingness to use them. To reduce the gap between pilots and implementation, this study formulates a set of deployment scenarios for driverless shuttle integration in transit. A four-step approach is followed. First, the scenario field is identified. Second, key factors that support the future integration of driverless shuttles are defined based on a literature study. Third, these key factors are analysed through a stakeholder survey, in which experts in the field of transport define possible development directions. Fourth, survey respondents combine these factors to create plausible future scenarios. Through the formulation of three scenarios, the results of this study show the best combinations of vehicle characteristics, type of supervision, operational characteristics, and type of infrastructure for future integration of driverless shuttles.
... Przewidując przyszłe problemy, niektóre ośrodki badawcze proponują wzmożenie prac na ruchem transportowym w skali mikro i makro, aby już teraz wnikliwie rozpoznać problem podróżowania i przygotować się na efekty wprowadzenia technologii autonomicznej w życie. [2] Przykładem może być tu propozycja naukowców z Uniwersytetu w Delft w Holandii złożona rządowi holenderskiemu dotycząca podjęcie działań mającymi na celu racjonalne zarządzanie zapotrzebowaniem na podróże lokalne [120]. Jedną z propozycji jest ustanowienie opłat administracyjnych za nadmierne zwiększanie ruchu drogowego. ...
... Opracowanie właściwych regulacji prawnych w odniesieniu do najnowszych rozwiązań technicznych stanowi zawsze poważny problem i najczęściej jest pełne błędów i rozbieżnych interpretacji. Nie inaczej jest w przypadku pojazdów autonomicznych [1,120]. Jak zwykle technika jest krok przed przepisami, które próbuje się dopasować do zaistniałej sytuacji. ...
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Is the "autonomous" car a "safe" car? Over the past few years, many automotive companies, and also not connected with this industry, have developed autonomous cars. The companies present the prototypes, some shows the results of the first tests. The announcements and declarations of such giants as Google, Tesla, Toyota, Mercedes or Ford appear to indicate that within a dozen years the automotive market will be dominated by autonomous vehicles. The emergence and development of autonomous cars is a response to the need for increased road safety and, above all, the reduction of traffic accidents. Studies clearly show that the majority of road events are the result of human error. The use of "autopilot" in the car should significantly reduce the problem of the road accident or may even completely eliminate it. Modern technologies from the IT, communication, electronic and automatic industries are helping to achieve this goal. They enable vehicle implementations of many technologically advanced devices, blocks and computer programs to completely eliminate the driver and thus reduce the human error and provide for safe traffic on the roads and highways. The results of the work related to the autonomous cars area show that they are technically almost 100% developed. However, automotive market research indicates that there are still many areas that are not fully recognized. Manufacturers themselves emphasize the problem of cyber-security of vehicles and limiting algorithms that are unable to predict any traffic situation and lawyer's offices and insurance companies signal deficiency of regulations on liability in case of accidents and collisions. It is difficult today to answer the question of whether an autonomous car is completely safe. Only the coming years will show whether the problems connected with the use of such vehicles can be overcome. Keywords: autonomous car, safety on road, automotive industry, automotive electronics
... Lower levels of automation systems, such as adaptive cruise control (Mahdinia et al., 2020) and lane keeping assist systems (Mammeri et al., 2015), are already widely deployed in modern cars and trucks. Since the development of ADSs has made significant progress, it is expected that ADSs addressing higher levels of automation and covering the full dynamic driving task, i.e., SAE level 3 or higher (SAE J3016, 2021), are soon to be introduced on public roads (Bimbraw, 2015;Milakis et al., 2016;Madni, 2018). ...
The development of Automated Driving Systems (ADSs) has made significant progress in the last years. To enable the deployment of Automated Vehicles (AVs) equipped with such ADSs, regulations concerning the approval of these systems need to be established. In 2021, the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations has approved a new United Nations regulation concerning the approval of Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKSs). An important aspect of this regulation is that "the activated system shall not cause any collisions that are reasonably foreseeable and preventable." The phrasing of "reasonably foreseeable and preventable" might be subjected to different interpretations and, therefore, this might result in disagreements among AV developers and the authorities that are requested to approve AVs. The objective of this work is to propose a method for quantifying what is "reasonably foreseeable and preventable". The proposed method considers the Operational Design Domain (ODD) of the system and can be applied to any ODD. Having a quantitative method for determining what is reasonably foreseeable and preventable provides developers, authorities, and the users of ADSs a better understanding of the residual risks to be expected when deploying these systems in real traffic. Using our proposed method, we can estimate what collisions are reasonably foreseeable and preventable. This will help in setting requirements regarding the safety of ADSs and can lead to stronger justification for design decisions and test coverage for developing ADSs.
... Societal impact themes from the literature on autonomous transport Societal themes in autonomous transport Authors i.SafetyAlessandrini et al., 2013; Bansaal et al., 2016; Bansal and Kockelman, 2017; Bonnefon et al., 2017;Cavoli et al., 2017;Chong et al. 2013;Daziano et al., 2017;Dresner and Stone, 2007;Eby et al. 2016; Fagnant and Kockelman, 2014; Frisoni et al., 2016;Hashimoto et al., 2016;Hyde et al., 2017;Keoleian et al., 2016; Lavieri et al., 2016;Litman, 2017;Milakis et al., 2017;Nair et al., 2017;Pettersson and Karlsson 2015;Schoettle and Sivak, 2015;Shen and Neyens, 2017;Taniberg et al., 2017; Thomopoulos and Givonial., 2013; Anderson et al., 2016; Badger, 2014;Clark and Mann, 2017;Cavoli et al., 2017; Fishman and Davies, 2016;Hao and Yamamoto, 2018; Howard and Dai, 2015;Khau, 2013;Litman, 2017;McLoughlin et al., 2018;Meyer et al., 2017;Milakis et al., 2016;Milakis et al., 2017;Ohnemus and Perl, 2016;Papa and Ferreira, 2018;Sand et al., 2016; Thomopoulos and Govini, 2015 Security and PrivacyCavoli et al., 2017; Docherty et al 2017;Hyde et al., 2017Kyriakidis et al., 2015 Lavieri et al., 2016;Nair et al., 2017; Schottle & Sivak, 2014; Sun et al., 2017;Thomopoulos and Givoni, 2015 iii. EmploymentBansal and Kockelman, 2017; Beede et al., 2017;Clark and Mann, 2017; Clements and Kockelman, 2017;Cavoli et al., 2017;Davidson and Spinoulas, 2015;Frey and Osborne 2017;Hyde et al., 2017;Litman, 2017; Schottle & Sivak, 2014;Thomopoulos and Givoni, 2015;West, 2015 ...
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This Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) was undertaken to contribute to the delivery of the scientific objectives of COST Action CA16222, which aims to address the “Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport (WISE-ACT)”. To this end and in order to contribute to our understanding of the social impacts of autonomous transport, the STSM focused on topic no.4 of CA166222, “Literature review on social challenges of autonomous transport. The literature review identifies and categorizes the social benefits and costs of autonomous transport in terms of safety, accessibility to urban opportunities, privacy and security and the ethical dilemmas associated with the automating driving. Other important social issues discussed in this report include the potential impact of autonomous transport on employment; travel behaviours and the possible socio-environmental consequences; land use and urban spatial structure and gender. For each of these themes, possible equity implications are highlighted by addressing the question: which groups in society are more likely to enjoy the benefits and which groups might be affected negatively as we transition towards autonomous transport? Thus, this STSM report contributes directly to the WISE-ACT objective of examining the wider impacts of autonomous vehicle while expanding the existing network of researchers on the topic in Europe to provide a foundation for possible collaborative research in the future
... Publications that analyse the broader implications of AVs constitute the second type. These more holistic writings tend to report the use of scenario-based analytical approaches (such as [26][27][28][29]) as this permits organising more effectively the vaster range of possibilities at stake. This method, which falls within the class of conjectural forecasting methods, is frequently associated with future research. ...
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The emergence of fully Automated Vehicles (AVs) is expected to occur in the next 10 to 30 years. The uncertainties related to AVs pose a series of questions about what the societal consequences of such technology are. Mainly, what are the consequences of AVs regarding accessibility? This paper uses Geurs and Van Wee’s definition of accessibility to give an exploratory answer to this question. Using a scenario-based approach which allows identifying critical decisions that will emerge shortly (or are already emerging) concerning automated travelling, this paper proposes that AVs have great potential to both seriously aggravate and considerably alleviate accessibility problems. A great deal will depend on how these critical decisions will be approached and the choices that will be made. This debate is most needed because existing research on AVs tends to focus on how to make them a commercially viable and safe technological enterprise, and on what their benefits and drawbacks are regarding variables such as carbon emissions, energy consumption, and total miles travelled. Narratives of this nature can be problematic, as they are unlikely to promote sufficient awareness about the real disruptive potential of AVs. It is crucial that stakeholders realise the extent to which—if the governance of AVs implementation processes is not taken very seriously, and the identified critical decisions are not carefully approached—these machines can materialise a dystopian mobility future.
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The development of safety validation methods is essential for the safe deployment and operation of Automated Driving Systems (ADSs). One of the goals of safety validation is to prospectively evaluate the risk of an ADS dealing with real-world traffic. ISO 26262 and ISO/DIS 21448, the leading standards in automotive safety, provide an approach to estimate the risk where the former focuses on risks due to potential malfunctioning of components and the latter focuses on risks due to possible functional insufficiencies. The main shortcomings of the approach provided in ISO 26262 are that it depends on subjective judgments of safety experts and that only a qualitative risk estimation is performed. ISO/DIS 21448 addresses these shortcomings partially by providing statistical methods to guide the safety validation, but no complete method is provided to quantify the risk. The first objective of this article is to propose a method to estimate the risk of an ADS in a more quantitative and objective manner. A data-driven approach is used to rely less on subjective judgments of safety experts. The output of the method is the expected number of injuries in a potential collision. Thus, the method is quantitative, the result is easily interpretable, and the result can be compared with road crash statistics. The second objective is to provide a method that supports the risk assessment as stipulated by the ISO 26262 and ISO/DIS 21448 standards by decomposing the quantified risk into the 3 aspects of risk as mentioned in these standards: exposure, severity, and controllability. The proposed methods are illustrated by means of a case study in which the risk is quantified for a longitudinal controller in 3 different types of scenarios. The code of the case study is publicly available.
The sustainable and continuous development of public transport systems is crucial to ensuring robust and resilient transport and economic activity whilst improving the urban environment. Through technological improvement, cities can increase the competitiveness of public transport, promote equality and pursue a multi-modal shift to greener solutions. The introduction of vehicle automation technology into existing public transport systems has potential impacts on mobility behaviours and may replace conventional bus service in the future. This study examines travellers’ preferences for automated buses versus conventional buses, using a context-dependent stated choice experiment. This experiment measured the effects of context variables (such as trip purpose, travel distance, time of day, weather conditions and travel companion) on the choice of automated buses versus conventional buses. The results were analysed using mixed logit models, and the findings indicate that, in general, choice behaviours do not diverge much between the choice of automated bus and conventional bus. However, individuals’ choices are more elastic towards the changes in automated bus service levels compared to conventional bus service. The results show that poor weather conditions may lower the quality and reliability of public transport service, and the probability of choosing an automated bus over a conventional bus is reduced due to such disruptions. In addition, passengers travelling for work purposes, covering long distances, or travelling with companions are more likely to choose conventional buses than automated buses.
Although automated vehicles (AVs) are rapidly being developed, the public sector continues to learn what this technology could mean for transportation policy. As reducing auto-based commute distances is one common planning objective, understanding the conditions under which individuals may adopt AVs to commute further is important. To that end, this study uses data from a 2016 survey of residents in Southern Ontario, Canada, to estimate the characteristics and motivations of individuals indicating the most interest in commuting further using AVs. Comparing findings with existing research on commute lengths and AV adoption, this study identifies how AV adoption may shape long-distance commuting, focusing on commuters who already drive to work. Results suggest significant potential for longer commutes and that longer AV-based commutes are expected to be taken by younger, higher educated, and tech-savvy individuals who already travel by car for regular daily trips, and by older individuals residing in urban neighborhoods. Findings on longer commutes, gender, and domestic responsibilities suggest that longer commutes could reinforce existing disparities in commuting distances between men and women but may be valuable to individuals with occasional chauffeuring responsibilities—suggesting potential for broader impacts in household social roles. Those expected benefits from AVs anticipated to motivate longer commutes include multitasking, safety improvements, better reliability, improved parking, and reduced traffic—suggesting that should AV technologies deliver in these realms, select commuters may derive significant utility. Paradoxically, several of the benefits expected to deliver the most consumer value may be undermined should additional AVs increase traffic significantly.
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Scenarios are possible future states of the world that represent alternative plausible conditions under different assumptions. Often, scenarios are developed in a context relevant to stakeholders involved in their applications since the evaluation of scenario outcomes and implications can enhance decision-making activities. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of scenario development and proposes a formal approach to scenario development in environmental decision-making. The discussion of current issues in scenario studies includes advantages and obstacles in utilizing a formal scenario development framework, and the different forms of uncertainty inherent in scenario development, as well as how they should be treated. An appendix for common scenario terminology has been attached for clarity. Major recommendations for future research in this area include proper consideration of uncertainty in scenario studies in particular in relation to stakeholder relevant information, construction of scenarios that are more diverse in nature, and sharing of information and resources among the scenario development research community.
Since the oil shocks upset the business world in the 1970s, the use of multiple scenario analysis has been increasingly propagated as an approach to deal effectively with the many long-run uncertainties that surround business organisations. Since its introduction, the scenario approach has undergone some considerable changes and it is now claimed fulfils a diverse range of functions. Newly-added functions include the stretching of managers' mental models and the triggering and acceleration of processes of organisational learning. Although these functions currently get most of the attention in academic and management journals in recent years, a satisfying explanation of how scenarios fulfil these functions is still missing in the scenario literature. The scenario methodology seems to tell only part of the story suggesting that construing and using scenarios ‘simply’ consists of sequentially completing several distinct phases. If multiple scenario analysis really is able to fulfil the wide range of functions ascribed to it another, more dynamic process has to be hidden behind the rather static phase model. The scenario literature does not give any insight into this latter process. This article aims to increase the understanding of multiple scenario analysis by unravelling some of the mysteries surrounding it. For this purpose, the role of scenarios in strategic management is studied from a cognitive perspective. It appears that scenarios can deal effectively with several bottlenecks that potentially hinder organisational learning on a strategic level in organisations.
The Smith & Hawken story: the process of scenario-building -- The scenario-building animal -- Uncovering the decision -- Information-Hunting and -Gathering -- Creating scenario building blocks -- Anatomy of a new driving force: the Global Teenager -- Composing a plot -- The world in 2005: three scenarios -- Rehearsing the future -- Epilogue: to my newborn son -- Afterword: the value of a strategic conversation -- Appendix: steps to developing scenarios -- Endnotes -- Scenario planning: select biography
Re-programming mobility. The Digital Transformation of 20 Transportation in the United States
  • A Townsend
Townsend, A., 2014. Re-programming mobility. The Digital Transformation of 20 Transportation in the United States. New York, NY: Rudin Center for 21 Transportation Policy & Management.
A formal framework for scenario 14 development in support of environmental decision-making
  • R Waldick
  • D White
  • L Winter
Waldick, R., White, D., Winter, L., 2009. A formal framework for scenario 14 development in support of environmental decision-making. Environmental 15