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Multi-Level Bayesian Decision-Making for Safe and Flexible Autonomous Navigation in Highway Environment


Abstract and Figures

This paper proposes an overall multi-controller architecture (MCA) for safe and flexible navigation of autonomous navigation, under uncertainties and in highway use-cases. In addition to the details given about the main modules (and their interactions) composing the proposed MCA, an important focus of the paper is made on the definition of a robust Multi-Level Bayesian Decision Making module, which uses both: Time-To-Collision (TTC) metric and a new definition of a specific Predicted Inter-Distance Profile (PIDP, between vehicles during lane changes maneuvers) in order to estimate the maneuvers risks, and propose therefore the best decision to achieve the vehicle navigation task while maximizing its safety. Several simulation results show the good performance of the overall proposed control architecture, mainly in terms of efficiency to handle probabilistic decision-making even for very risky scenarios.
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Multi-level Bayesian decision-making for safe and flexible autonomous
navigation in highway environment
Dimia Iberraken1,2, Lounis Adouane1and Dieumet Denis2
Abstract This paper proposes an overall Multi-Controller
Architecture (MCA) for safe and flexible navigation of au-
tonomous navigation, under uncertainties in highway use-cases.
In addition to the details given about the main modules (and
their interactions) composing the proposed MCA, an important
focus of the paper is made on the definition of a robust
Two-Sequential Level Decision Network (TSLDN), which uses
both: Extended Time-To-Collision (ETTC) metric and a new
definition of a specific Predicted Inter-Distance Profile (PIDP,
between vehicles during lane changes maneuvers) in order to
estimate the maneuvers risks. The TSLDN is utilized for: the
driving situation assessment, decision-making and for safety
retrospection over the current maneuver risk. It allows us to
have the best decision to achieve the vehicle navigation task
while maximizing its safety. Several simulation results show the
good performance of the overall proposed control architecture,
mainly in terms of efficiency to handle probabilistic decision-
making even for very risky scenarios.
An important challenge in the field of autonomous ve-
hicles is guaranteeing a safe and smooth navigation while
ensuring the safety of passengers. Although Advanced Driver
Assistance Systems (ADAS) such as Adaptive Cruise Control
(ACC), Lane Keeping Assistance (LKA), have successfully
improved safety, fatal car crashes still occur. One of the
main challenging maneuvers for autonomous vehicles in
highway correspond to the lane change (for overtaking or
lane change to the right) due mainly to the bad estimation
of the behavioral risk of the surrounding environment [1].
For this reason the risk management field has gained a lot
of attention in the recent years. Indicators such as the Time-
To-Collision (TTC) [2], have been extensively used for its
simplicity and its low cost computational time. However, the
common definition of the TTC is restricted for a specific
path to detect longitudinal collision and for well-defined
scenarios such as car following. In order to improve this
measure, [3]–[5] address the problem from planar perspective
where vehicles are considered in a two-dimensional plane
and the state of each vehicle is defined by a vector position,
velocity and acceleration components on X and Y direction.
This Extended TTC (ETTC) is computed at each time
step for each vehicle pair that are close enough. In this
paper, the ETTC formulation proposed in [3] is combined
with the proposed Predicted Inter-Distance Profile (PIDP cf.
Section III-A.6) during the overtaking maneuver to efficiently
The authors are with 1Universit´
e Clermont Auvergne, CNRS,
SIGMA Clermont, Institut Pascal, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France.
2Sherpa Engineering Company, R&D Department La Garenne Colombe,
France. [d.iberraken, d.denis]
measure collision risk around the vehicle at every instant that
compensates for possible failure of the perception module or
other devices.
A common requirement for ADAS systems, is the need
of a decision strategy. In the literature, numerous methods
have been used as decision methods. In [6], authors describe
a fully automated driving algorithm that uses a dynamic
drivable area as a safety constraint for the optimal trajectory
in which the vehicle stays to ensure its safety. An energy
function based on potential field is used to assess the risk
and drive decision maneuvers. However, this method does
not take uncertainties into consideration. In [7], Schubert
uses a Bayesian network for lane change decision-making
and a deceleration to safety time (DST) as a threat measure
to assess the danger of the navigation lanes status. However,
the common definition of the DST is restricted for a specific
path to detect longitudinal collision.
In general planned trajectories assumes that obstacles
doesn’t deviate from their predefined behavior and in order to
avoid collisions, safety verification methods as reachability
analysis [8] have been used in the literature to verify the
safety of these trajectories. Reachability analysis calculates
the reachable set of positions of each vehicle in the envi-
ronment and possible future collisions are identified when
comparing the intersection of the obtained sets. However if
the trajectory is regarded as unsafe no alternative is proposed.
In this work, a Multi-level Bayesian decision-making
approach [9] through a Two-Sequential Level Decision Net-
work (TSLDN) is proposed. This approach constitutes a good
deal for handling numerous scenarios configuration, multi-
ple decision criteria while taking uncertainty into account.
The graphical representation of the Decision Network (DN)
eases the connection between the situation assessment level
(observations level) using the collision risk measure and the
decision-making level. The overall network consists of a
situation assessment part which defines the current driving
state of safety, a decision-making strategy that makes the
control decision and a safety verification of the maneuver that
allows to propose an evasive alternative. The Probabilistic
model summarizing the TSLDN is described in Section III
and constitutes a novel manner to manage decision-making
maneuvers. In addition, it is proposed in this paper, an
adaptation to the highway case of the limit-cycle trajectories,
employed in [10] and [11] for mobile robot navigation in
cluttered environment, that will constitutes the baseline of the
used obstacle avoidance strategy. The structure of this paper
is as follows: Section II-A describes the proposed overall
MCA. Section III formalizes the decision-making problem
Control law
(𝑣, 𝛾)
local and
Homogeneous set-points
Position and velocity
of obstacles
Closest hindering
Information on the
Optimal Decision
Extended TTC
Decision Making
Inter-vehicular distance
Localization of vehicles
Perception and Localization
Raw Sensor
Sensor Uncertainty
(𝑥, 𝑦, 𝜃, 𝑣)𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑙𝑒
(𝑥, 𝑦, 𝜃, 𝑣)𝐸𝑔𝑜
(𝑥, 𝑦, 𝜃, 𝑣)𝐸𝑔𝑜
Task activation, achievement & validation
Lane Keeping
Assist (LKA)
Auto Lane
Change (ALC)
Cruise Control
Fig. 1. Proposed multi-controller architecture for highway navigation
where are detailed the used TSLDN structure, the risk
criteria and the decision-making strategy for deriving most
suitable maneuver decision. The simulation results will be
presented in Section IV based on experiments performed on
a Matlab/Simulink car simulator that has been implemented
to test the developed algorithms. This paper concludes with
perspectives on future research.
It is proposed in this paper a MCA, shown in Fig. 1,
that aims at decomposing the overall complex task into a
multitude of sub-tasks to achieve [12]. Once the path plan-
ning is developed, an appropriate decision-making strategy
for autonomous navigation has to be defined that takes into
account several aspects, such as: traffic rules, passenger
safety and measurement uncertainty of perceptive modules.
In this MCA, a probabilistic decision-making block (detailed
in Section III) computes the most suitable decision according
to the environment knowledge based on perception sensors
while taking into account the presence of uncertainty to
achieve desired action. Then a selection process, based on the
Task activation, achievement and validation block, enables
the switch between different ADAS modules (block 3 and 4
in Fig. 1) to activate the corresponding ADAS that generates
dynamic target set-points (cf. Section II-A). These set-points
are fed to the nonlinear control law (block 5 represented in
Fig. 1) developed in [13] that aims to drive the vehicle toward
specific (static or dynamic) target set-points. This control
law is based on a Lyapunov function design to ensure the
convergence of the vehicle to the target. The motion of the
host vehicle is described by the so-called tricycle model [13].
A. Elementary Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
During autonomous navigation in highway, vehicles per-
form either an ACC behavior for driving with desired veloc-
ity while maintaining a safety distance with vehicles ahead,
or LKA or switches to an Auto-Lane Change (ALC) behavior
while guaranteeing the smoothness and the safety of the
trajectory. For these behaviors, a homogeneous target set-
points definition has been proposed in [12] [10], defined by
a pose (xT,yT,θT) and a velocity vTwhich can be constant
or variable indifferently Fig. 2.
1) Lane Keeping Assist (LKA): For the lane keeping
assist, where a global path is already defined to be the
center-line of the lane to follow, it is enough for the vehicle
to follow this path as precisely as possible without any
modification. The dynamic target set-points are extracted
then using a Frenet reference frame [10] (cf. Fig. 2(a)).
They correspond to the closest position (xT,yT)in the path
(a) Frenet reference frame (b) Eucledian distance RS
Fig. 2. Set-points definition based on (a) global planned path, (b) local
planned path.
with an offset curvilinear distance, w.r.t to the origin of the
vehicle reference frame, and to an orientation θTtangent to
the defined path at (xT,yT).
2) Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC): The adaptive cruise
control follows the same homogeneous reasoning (in terms
of used set-points and control law). Dynamic target set-
points are extracted using a Frenet reference frame (cf. Fig.
2(a)). A desired velocity, that insures maintaining a temporal
safety distance with vehicles ahead, is generated using the
predefined control law.
3) Auto-Lane Change (ALC): The auto-lane change con-
troller in the other hand, is based on generated limit-cycles
trajectories which are defined in the literature according to
an elliptic periodic orbit [11] corresponding to an ellipse
of influence. These periodic orbits if well-dimensioned and
accurately followed guarantee the avoidance of any given
obstacle. These ELC trajectories are defined according to a
set of differential equations [11]:
Fig. 3. Lane Change maneuver: Overtaking yellow vehicle with auto lane
change and lane keeping assist
lc y2
lc +cxsys)
lc y2
lc +cxsys)(1)
with m=±1 according to the direction of avoidance
(clockwise or counterclockwise). (xs,ys)corresponds to the
position of the vehicle according to the center of the ellipse,
alc and blc characterize the major and minor elliptic semi-
axes respectively (defined above), cgives the orientation
of the ellipse and µa positive constant that enable us to
modulate the convergence of the ELC trajectory toward
the ellipse of influence. In this work, an adaptation to
the highway case of elliptic limit-cycles (ELC) techniques,
previously proposed in [11] for mobile robot navigation
in cluttered environment, has been carried out, to perform
the lane change maneuver, while taking into account ve-
hicle speeds and traffic rules in the dimensioning of the
evolution trajectories of the controlled autonomous vehicle
(cf. Fig .3). To differentiate the multiple parts of the lane
change maneuver, a convention is used based on Worrall and
Bullen definition [14] in: head portion, lane change part,
tail portion (cf. Fig. 3). The ellipse of influence has been
expanded laterally and longitudinally based on the traffic
rule regulation and the vehicle dimensions. Indeed, based
on the French highway traffic regulation, a minimum lateral
distance of Ldistance =1.5mhas to be left during the tail
portion and a longitudinal safety distance equivalent to the
distance traveled over ts=2seconds. The parameters of the
ellipse are then given by the following equations:
alc =0.5lb+tsvr
blc =wb+Ldist ance (2)
with lbthe wheelbase of the vehicle, wbthe vehicle track
and vris the relative velocity.
As for the navigation, because the vehicle is already on
the defined path, the ELC takes as initial parameters the
current vehicle configuration. The extraction of set-points in
this case, is based on a heuristic defined in [10] where at
each sample time the intersection between a circle surround-
ing the ego vehicle (defined by a radius Rsand a center
corresponding to the origin of the reference frame linked to
the ego vehicle) and the pre-planned ELC is calculated (cf.
Fig. 2(b)). The intersection point (xT,yT)corresponds then
to the position of the dynamic set-point, the orientation θTis
the tangent to the ELC at (xT,yT)and the velocity vTwhich
is constant or variable indifferently.
In the next section, the probabilistic decision block con-
stituting the main contribution of this paper is detailed.
In order to clarify the used nomenclature in this paper, it
is important to recall the basic definitions of Bayesian net-
works. A Bayesian network (BN) is a directed acyclic graph
representing a set of random variables and their conditional
dependencies. Decision networks (DN) are an extension
of BNs that allow us to support probabilistic reasoning,
decision-making under uncertainty for a given system and
yield the capacity to incorporate multiple decision criteria.
A DN has three types of nodes: chance nodes, utility nodes
and decision nodes. The set of chance nodes UCrepresents
the set of random variables and their conditional probabilistic
dependencies. They are summarized in a conditional proba-
bility table (CPT) representing the conditional probabilities
P(Xi|pa(Xi)with XiUC. The utility nodes UVdefines
the cost related to the decision. In the literature [15], a
normalized utility scale interval [0,1]is usually used, to
compare between some complex scenario. Both chance and
decision nodes can be parents of a utility node, and their state
directly affects the utility value. Finally, the set of decision
nodes UDrepresents the choice of action among alternatives.
In a Multi-Level Decision Network (MLDN) [9], the decision
nodes have a temporal order (D1,·· · ,Dn) which means the
action chosen for decision Dn1is part of the information
available at decision Dnalong with past observations.
It is proposed in this paper a Two-Sequential Level Deci-
sion Network (TSLDN) (cf. Fig. 4). The Maneuver Decision
Level (MDL) in this network represents the choice of action
regarding the most suitable lane change maneuver in terms
of safety, based on the current situation assessment using
the ETTC (cf. Section III-A.3) while taking measurements
uncertainties into account. The Safety Verification Decision
Level (SVDL) consists of a safety checking regarding the
action chosen in the MDL, based on the definition of a
new measure, the Predicted Inter-Distance Profile (PIDP) (cf.
Section III-A.6). The PIDP is utilized in order to estimate
the current performed maneuver risks to compensate for pos-
sible failure of the perception module and/or other vehicles
intention/action lack of precision, and therefore propose the
best decision to achieve the vehicle navigation task while
maximizing its safety given the available evidence. The
purpose of a multi-level DN instead of one is the ability
to reason while accounting for a margin uncertainty (cf.
Fig. 5). As the MDL is very dynamic and the choice of
action is instantaneously taken which means if a false alarm
is triggered due to wrong information from the perceptive
module for instance, the MDL will immediately abort the
previous decision and compute another one. The SVDL, on
the other hand allows us in this case to verify the coherence
of the maneuver and thus allows a safety retrospection over
the current performed maneuver (cf. Section IV).
A. Probabilistic Situation Assessment
In the TSLDN, the lanes are numbered from right to left
by i, with i=1 denoting the rightmost lane. In this paper,
for the sake of convenience, a two lane configuration to
Maneuver Decision Level (MDL) Safety Verification Decision
Level (SVDL)
Actual Inter-Distance Profile
Extended TTC Extended TTC
Position Estimation
with uncertainty
L2: Level of dangerousness Lane 2
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
2.6 ± 1.5
OPosVeh: Observation on vehicle position
Lane2 50.0
PosVeh: Vehicle Position Estimation
Lane2 50.0
SL2: Status of Lane 2
AIDP: Actual Inter-distance Profile
Outside margin
Inside margin
No Change
SM: Status of Maneuver
SL1: Status Of Lane 1
L1: Level of dangerousness Lane 1
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
2.61 ± 1.5
Decision 1: Lane Change Maneuver
Decision 2: Maneuver Safety Checking
Abort Maneuver
Warning Be careful
Maneuver is Safe
Fig. 4. Multi-level decision network for lane change maneuvers
present this model is considered. However, this architecture
is generic and can be extended to an N-Lane configuration.
To derive decision strategy for the most suitable maneuver
to be achieved, situation variable represented by UChave to
be defined. The chance nodes defining the structure of the
MDL are then:
1) Observation on the vehicle’s position OPosVeh:
OPosVeh is the uncertain observation denoting the estimated
position of the vehicle in the lane. This observation is
considered as the lateral control variable. In a DN when
a rough evidence on a random variable (PosVeh) is found,
the concept of virtual evidence is used [9] to propagate
it by adding a virtual node (OPosVeh), as a child of the
random variable (PosVeh). This virtual node will have a
CPT that reflects the uncertainty of the observation. The
candidate lane is selected by checking the closest distance
of the vehicle to the center-line of one of the lane based
on the definition of the Frenet reference frame [10] (cf.
Fig. 2(a)). This estimation is augmented with uncertainty,
as the situation assessment needs to account for erroneous
estimation. This is modeled using an ellipse of uncertainty
around the vehicle, propagated laterally and longitudinally in
terms of: the distance traveled from position Posk1to Posk
and the vehicle’s dimension. The overflow of this ellipse near
the adjacent lane constitutes the uncertainty accounted in the
(OPosVeh) node’s CPT.
2) Vehicle position estimation PosVeh:This parameter
denotes the vehicle position in the lane. The possible states
are Lane1 and Lane2.
3) Observation on the level of danger of the lanes Li: Li
is an observation node that describes the level of danger of
the lanes. It is based on an extended formulation of the TTC
(ETTC), that addresses the problem from planar perspective
where vehicles are considered in a two-dimensional space.
A quartic equation with one unknown the ETTC (given in
[3]), take as parameters the state of each vehicle defined
by their position, velocity and acceleration component on
X and Y directions. The smallest root value of this quartic
equation is the ETTC value. The ETTC is computed at each
time step for each vehicle pair that are close enough. The
most dangerous vehicle in each of the lane characterized by
a small ETTC is used as input to the MDL. This observation
is considered as the longitudinal control variable. In the
MDL, the conditional probability distribution related to the
ETTC measure under the condition of the status of the
lanes P(Li|SLi)is approximated by a normal distribution.
This is justified by the fact that the ETTC is an estimation
based on uncertain sensor observations and only a probability
distribution is known with certainty. This is known as soft
evidence [9]. Thus, the likelihood function of the ETTC will
P(Li|SLi) = N(µET T C ,σ2
ET T C ) = 1
σET T C 2πexp1
(ET TCLiµE T T C )2
ET TC (3)
with i(1,2),µET T C is the mean and σET T C is the standard
Based on a five-level discretization of the likelihood function
of the ETTC and given uncertain evidence, equation (4) is
P(Li|SLi=Dangerous) = N(µET TC =E T T Cdan,σ2
ET T C )
P(Li|SLi=Occupied ) = N(µE T TC =E T TCocc ,σ2
ET T C )
P(Li|SLi=Free) = N(µET T C =E T TC f ree,σ2
ET T C )
The value ET T Cstate with state = [Danger-
ous,Occupied,Free] represents the fixed threshold for
determining the occupancy of the lane.
4) Status of Lane SLi:These nodes describe the status
of occupancy of the lane. The possible states are Dangerous
(vehicles present on the lane at a critical distance to the
ego vehicle), Occupied (denoting the uncertainty and the risk
outside of the critical zone) and Free (no vehicles present on
the lane until a certain distance).
5) Utility SafetyUS:Utility nodes UVdefines the cost
related to the decision. In the MDL (cf. Fig. 4), Usa f ety
is the utility related to the safety of each of the maneuver
alternatives given the observations.
Fig. 5. Predicted inter-distance profile with velocity uncertainty
The SVDL in the other side is represented by the following
6) Observation on Actual Inter-distance Profile AIDP:
We propose in this paper, a criteria-based on a predicted
inter-distance profile (PIDP) during overtaking built off-
line during normal conditions, to manage the maneuver
risk during overtaking (from the head portion to the tail
portion) and we compare it on-line to the actual inter-distance
profile (output of a laser range-finder sensor for example).
Indeed, the assumption considered is that if nothing changes
in the initial configuration, the predicted evolution of the
inter-distance between vehicles during lane change is not
supposed to change. The PIDP is proposed while following
the definition on a complete lane change maneuver (cf.
Fig. 3) and is shown in Fig. 5. The PIDP is constructed as the
euclidean distance between the ego vehicle and the candidate
obstacle-vehicle for the overall lane change maneuver.
An Upper Safety Boundary (USB) and a Lower Safety
Boundary (LSB) is allowed, that is fixed while taking into
account the vehicles’ perceptive uncertainties. Multiple ve-
locity configurations of the ego vehicle and the obstacle-
vehicle during the overtaking are considered. A ±percentage
uncertainty over the velocities is selected as uncertainty
value. We have chosen to propagate the uncertainty in this
way instead of setting a fixed value because uncertainty is
increasingly rising as the velocity increases. The LSB is
considered in this algorithm as a threshold of danger at every
time step. Indeed, the risk of collision increases when the
progress of the distance between vehicles is not conform
to the expected one. The following errors are calculated to
assess the dangerousness of the situation (cf. Fig. 5):
Err1is the lateral error between the PIDP and the AIDP.
Err2is the lateral error between the AIDP and the LSB.
These errors are fed into the SVDL. The node AIDP (cf.
Fig. 4) has then three states:
Outside Margin means that the input AIDP is strongly
different then the PIDP (Err16=0) and its values
goes beyond the limit boundaries defined by the LSB
Inside Margin means that the input AIDP is different
than the PIDP (Err16=0), however its values are within
the limit boundaries (Err2>0).
No Change means that the input AIDP is equivalent to
the PIDP (Err1=0)
The same concept of virtual evidence is used in here through
the AIDP node, to propagate the uncertainty of the observa-
tions. The velocity uncertainty in this case is reflected in the
CPT of this node.
7) Status of maneuver (SM):This node describes the sta-
tus of the engaged maneuver based on the observations that
the node AIDP provides. The possible states are Dangerous
(for the case where the brought evidence on the AIDP is
outside the margin), Cautious (denoting the uncertainty and
the risk when the AIDP falls inside the margin), Safe (the
observation AIDP does not endanger the situation).
8) Utility Check UCh: UCheck is the cost related to the
safety verification during the lane change maneuver based
on the PIDP.
B. decision-making strategy for Lane-change maneuver
In this network, two decision nodes are represented. For
Decision1four possible maneuvers are defined: Lane Change
Left (LCL) and Lane Chane Right (LCR) for lane change
maneuvers , Keep Lane ACC (KLACC) for staying in the
considered lane while keeping a temporal safety distance
ET T Cocc with the obstacle-vehicle in front and Maintain
Velocity (MV) which is an alternative decision allowing to
stay in the current lane while maintaining previous velocity
configuration. This state allow us to ensure passenger safety,
smooth navigation and energy saving. Decision2in the other
side, has 3 states: Abort Maneuver (AM) that allow us to
react to a dangerous change in the PIDP by canceling the
previous decision effect on the system, Warning Be Careful
(WBC) state represents an additional safety level, where a
warning is issued if any change in the PIDP is detected and
Maneuver is Safe (MS) that comfort our previous decision-
making in node Decision1regarding to safety. The ultimate
goal of the proposed cascade decision-making strategy is
deriving the most suitable decisions given the available
evidence. To identify the most suitable decision, we compute
the Expected Utility (EU) of each decision state and the final
decision is the alternative maximizing this EU. A MLDN is
a representation of a joint expected utility function due to
the chain rule:
EU (UD) = P(UC|UD)
Following the temporal order for this network UObsv =
(SL1,SL2,Posveh,SM)D1D2, the EU of D1given
observations will be then:
EU (D1|UObsv) =
+UCh(SM ,D2)=
USaf ety (SL1,SL2,PosVeh,D1)+ UCheck(SM,D2)
The EU for the second decision D2given past observations
and decisions (D1=d1) is:
EU (D2|UObsv,D1=d1) =
P(UObsv |D1,D2)UCh(SM,D2)+
USaf ety (SL1,SL2,PosVeh,D1)+ UCheck(SM,D2)
The most suitable decisions will be:
EU (D1)(8)
EU (D2|UObs,D1)(9)
To demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach
for handling safe highway maneuvers (cf. Fig. 6), let us
show in what follows simulation examples. In Fig. 7 and
8(a) the first set of simulation results highlights the efficiency
of the proposed MCA in normal situations. The other set
of simulation results depicted on the Fig. 8(b), 9 shows
capability of the overall MCA for anomaly detection and its
capacity to reconfigure and react by taking the appropriate
decision in emergency situations.
For the different simulations scenarios (cf. Simulation
video -, an exemplary overtaking
maneuver scenario is shown. The scene is constituted of three
vehicles: two vehicles on the right lane including the ego-
vehicle (that we name respectively ego-vehicle and obstacle-
vehicle 1) and one vehicle on the left lane named obstacle-
vehicle 2. The ego vehicle is traveling on the right part of
a two-lane highway. The ahead vehicle (which maintains a
constant velocity) is considered as an obstacle by the ego
vehicle. In the first part of the simulation, as the ego vehicle
(a) Head Portion at t=1.5s(b) Lane Change Part at t=3s
(c) Lane Change Part at t=4.5s(d) Tail portion at t=6s
Fig. 6. Simulation results of the overtaking maneuver. (See. Simulation
video -
Fig. 7. Results of TSLDN during normal conditions.
(a) PIDP for normal conditions (b) PIDP for emergency situations
Fig. 8. Predicted Inter-Distance Profiles respect to the vehicle evolution
approaches the obstacle-vehicle, it performs a Lane change
maneuver to the left starting at t=0.85sand ending at t=
4.85s. (cf. Fig. 6). Fig. 8(a) shows the evolution of the AIDP
wit respect to the PIDP. In this set of simulation no change is
noticed regarding to the PIDP. Fig. 7 shows the EU of each
decision alternatives for both decisions: at the beginning of
the scenario the ego-vehicle approaches the obstacle-vehicle
1 (cf. Fig.6(a)) which leads the EU of the Keep Lane ACC
state to decrease while the EU of state Lane Change Left
increases. This is justified by the fact that the distances are
shrinking and SL1is approaching the state Occupied. At t=
0.85s, since Decision1is in the state Lane Change Left the
decision in node Decision2is simultaneously computed while
taking into account the AIDP. In this case, it can be noticed
that the most suitable decision is Maneuver is safe and
remains constant during the whole lane change maneuver.
After the lane change part is achieved (cf. Fig.6(b)), the
vehicle is now on the left lane, a decision to Maintain the
velocity is activated to distance the obstacle-vehicle 1 that is
overtaken (cf. Fig.6(a)). Simultaneously, while maintaining
the actual velocity, the TTC value calculated between the ego
vehicle and the obstacle-vehicle 2 initially present in the left
lane is dropping. At t=7.5s, the state Keep Lane ACC is
calculated to be the most suitable decision with the highest
EU for this configuration. At t=10.5sthe ego-vehicle is at
a convenient TTC value from the obstacle-vehicle 1 located
in the right lane and a Lane Change Right is performed as
(a) Decision 1: Lane Change Maneu-
(b) Decision 2: Maneuver Safety
Fig. 9. Results of TSLDN during emergency situations
it is the alternative with the highest EU.
In the second set of simulation Fig. 9 and 8(b), we have
selected a dangerous scenario that can occur in a highway
environment where the obstacle-vehicle 1 in front suddenly
brake, while the ego vehicle is trying to perform a lane
change maneuver. In this case, if the ego vehicle does not
react quickly, a collision can occur. This scenario tests the
decision-making algorithm during the lane change maneuver
where the inter-distance is the closest. At t=2.25s, the
obstacle-vehicle 1 in front brakes strongly which results in
the modification of the AIDP evolution shown in Fig. 8(b).
The SVDL network issues then a warning, through the most
suitable decision alternative Warning Be Careful in Fig. 9(b).
This is justified by the fact that the AIDP profile is still
inside the margin. At t=2.75s, the AIDP profile goes outside
the lowest safety margin, which results in the shift from the
state Warning Be Careful to the state Abort Maneuver. This
Decision2directly affects the EU (Fig. 9(a)) of the first level
decision node namely Decision1, since the abortion of the
lane change maneuver is achieved and the MDL assess again
the risk on the lanes and the decision to Keep Lane ACC is
activated to ensure that no collision occurs with the obstacle-
vehicle 1 and any new coming obstacle-vehicle.
In this paper, an overall multi-controller architecture
(MCA) for safe and flexible autonomous vehicle navigation
has been proposed. It is highlighted first the adaptation of
the previous work given in [10] [11] (control architecture
and used obstacle avoidance technique, initially dedicated
for cluttered environment) in order to cope with high-
way navigation constraints. Inside this MCA, an important
module corresponding to a Two-Sequential Level Decision
Network (TSLDN) has been proposed that corresponds to
the main contribution of the paper. This module is designed
to manage several highway maneuvers under uncertainties
(which are due mainly to perceptive and/or other vehicles
intention/actions lack of precision). The TSLDN is utilized
for: the driving situation assessment, decision-making and for
safety retrospection over the current maneuver risk. A dual-
safety criteria is proposed as a measure of risk to assess the
traffic situations and other traffic participants behaviors. It is
based on an Extended Time-To-Collision (ETTC) metric and
a specific Predicted Inter-Distance Profile (PIDP) during the
lane change maneuver that improves the safety of the ego-
vehicle maneuvers. Several simulation results show the good
performance of the overall proposed control architecture,
mainly in terms of efficiency to handle probabilistic decision-
making even for very risky scenarios. Future work will be
carried out to evaluate the overall proposed approach in real-
time experimentation, mainly in collaboration with the R&D
Department of Sherpa Engineering Company.
This work has been sponsored by Sherpa Engineering
and ANRT (Conventions Industrielles de Formation par
la Recherche). This work has been sponsored also by
the French government research program Investissements
d’avenir through the RobotEx Equipment of Excellence
(ANR-10-EQPX-44) and the IMobS3 Laboratory of Ex-
cellence (ANR-10-LABX-16-01), by the European Union
through the program Regional competitiveness and employ-
ment 2014-2020 (FEDER - AURA region) and by the AURA
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... This paper presents a single and multi-hypothesis evasive strategy to cope with any dynamic traffic situation. In the first place, an overall Probabilistic Multi-Controller Architecture (P-MCA) (initially motivated in [8] and developed in more details in [9]) is presented in Section 2 for safe automated driving under uncertainties in order to clarify some nomenclature used in this work. Then, it is proposed in Section 3 a multi-hypothesis evasive strategy able to cope with various traffic situation involving consecutive or simultaneous unexpected behavior. ...
... The Probabilistic Multi-Controller Architecture (P-MCA) shown in Fig. 1 has been proposed around several interconnected and complementary modules (detailed in previous work for some of them [8]) to plan/control and to assess and manage the risks of automated driving system in dynamic and uncertain environments. It aims at decomposing the overall complex task into a multitude of sub-tasks to achieve. ...
... Once the perceptive and route planning features are defined, an appropriate decision-making strategy for safe navigation has to be adopted. The decision-making relies on a data-driven approach and is modeled as a sequencing of decisions that an autonomous vehicle should take by the means of a Sequential Decision Networks for Maneuver Selection and Verification (SDN-MSV) (block 2c in Fig. 1, initiated in [8]). It utilizes multiple complementary metrics (block 2a and 2b in Fig. 1) to assess and verify the overall surrounding environment by evaluating the collision risk with all observed vehicles. ...
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Driving is a complex task gathering strategic decision-making, maneuver handling and controlling of the vehicle while accounting for external factors, traffic rules and hazard. The purpose of researchers in this field is to develop the necessary autonomous system able to: Assess the risk in the surrounding environment; Take appropriate decision in nominal driving situation; Execute the decided maneuver; Verify the safety and coherence of the executed maneuver and plan evasive maneuvers if required. This paper focuses its attention on this latter task and propose a multi-hypothesis evasive strategy able to cope with any dangerous traffic situation involving single or multi-risk configurations happening simultaneously or at different moments. It is based on the combination of a Bayesian decision network that calculates discrete evasive action maneuver based on defined situational criteria, an exhaustive evasive trajectory generation that considers multi-hypothesis kinematic and dynamic configuration and a multi-criteria optimization (based on evolutionary algorithm, the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES)) that is dedicated for the control part related to the advised collision-free evasive maneuver under constraints. Several simulations show the good performance of the overall proposed evasive strategy and its ability to handle various situations.KeywordsAutonomous drivingBayesian decision-makingEvasive maneuverMulti-hypothesis trajectory generationMulti-riskEvolutionary optimization
... This latter is mandatory since every traffic situation is almost unique and a quick response is needed to deal with any emergency situation. This paper is focused on risk assessment, decision-making and evasive maneuver generation but also on the design of the P-MCA, initially motivated in [35] and presented in section II). The P-MCA in its final version is composed of several complementary and adequately interconnected modules, and it shows the full pipeline from risk assessment, path planning to decision-making and control of automated driving vehicles, and this in nominal as well as in emergency navigation situations. ...
... The use of this kind of set-points [36] is justified by the need to enhance the flexibility of the vehicle's movement, allowing to act in several possible manners (e.g., change instantaneously the current set-point location according to the task to achieve) while maintaining a high level of safety. Details on the aforementioned elementary controllers are out of the scope of this paper and has been detailed in our previous work [35]. ...
... This large use is mainly motivated for its simplicity and low-cost computational time, while staying very efficient to characterize the risk of collision. In order to palliate to the limitations of the classical definition of the TTC, it has been proposed in previous work [35] to use an E-TTC metric [3]. This E-TTC addresses the problem from a planar perspective, where vehicles movements are considered in a two-dimensional plane. ...
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Automated Driving System (ADS) requires a high fidelity decision-making strategy to palliate to uncertain environment and changing dynamics of other road users. Considering the uniqueness of each traffic situation, the task of modeling every use-case is nearly impossible. One solution is to verify the safety of the decided/planned maneuvers during the vehicle’s navigation. This will give ability to the system to re-plan and evade any dangerous situation. The main focus of this work relies on guaranteeing safety of the ADS in sudden hazardous and risky situation. In this aim, an evasive strategy is proposed as a part of an overall Probabilistic Multi-Controller Architecture (P-MCA) designed for safe automated driving under uncertainties. This P-MCA is composed of several complementary interconnected modules, and addresses thus the full pipeline from risk assessment, path planning to decision-making and control for an ADS. The evasive strategy relies on two identified steps. The first step is performed through the decision-making framework, where a Sequential Decision Networks for Maneuver Selection and Verification (SDN-MSV) calculates a discrete evasive action maneuver based on defined situational criteria. The second step consists in computing the corresponding low-level control. It is based on the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) that allows the ego-vehicle to pursue the advised collision-free evasive maneuver to avert an accident and to guarantee the vehicle’s safety at any time. The reliability and the flexibility of the overall proposed P-MCA and its elementary components have been validated in simulated traffic conditions, with various driving scenarios, and in real-time.
... The decision-making of long-endurance safe and stable navigation for vision robots in complex environments is still in the preliminary stage of research [1][2][3][4][5][6], particularly in environments with severe changing lighting and weather. With the rapid development of deep learning, it has been widely used in navigation, intelligent decision-making, and engineering diagnosis [7,8]. ...
... The decision-making of long-endurance safe and stable navigation for vision robots in complex environments is still in the preliminary stage of research [1][2][3][4][5][6], particularly in environments with severe changing lighting and weather. With the rapid development of deep learning, it has been widely used in navigation, intelligent decision-making, and engineering diagnosis [7,8]. ...
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Existing deep reinforcement learning-based mobile robot navigation relies largely on single-modal visual perception to perform local-scale navigation. However, multimodal visual fusion-based global navigation is still under technical exploration. Visual navigation necessitates that agents drive safely in structured, changing, and even unpredictable environments; otherwise, inappropriate operations may result in mission failure and even irreversible damage to life and property. We propose a recurrent deduction deep learning model (RDDRL) for multimodal vision-robot navigation to address these issues. We incorporate a recurrent reasoning mechanism (RRM) into the reinforcement learning model, which allows the agent to store memory, predict the future, and aid in policy learning. Specifically, the RRM first stores current observations and states by learning a parameterized environment model and then predicts future transitions. The RRM then performs a self-assessment on the predicted behavior and perceives the consequences of the current policy, producing a more reliable decision-making process. Furthermore, to obtain global-scale behavioral decision-making, information from scene recognition, semantic segmentation, and pose estimation are fused and used as partial observations of the RDDRL. A large number of simulated experiments based on CARLA scenarios, as well as test results in real-world scenarios, show that RDDRL outperforms state-of-the-art RL methods in terms of driving stability and safety. The results show that by training the agent, the collision rate in the global decision-making of the unmanned vehicle decreases from 0.2 % in the training state to 0.0 % in the test state.
... To avoid the inaccuracy entailed by linearization, another line of research work has recourse to a several learning-based prediction approaches. Hidden Markov models, artificial neural networks and Bayesian networks have been largely adopted to predict driving behaviors and uncertain events [56,129,149]. ...
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Huge advancements have been witnessed recently in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs). In particular, a special focus has been dedicated to ensure the safe and reliable operation of Intelligent Vehicles (IVs). This issue is very challenging due to the considerable environmental uncertainties impacting IVs. Besides, the sophisticated architectures of modern IVs have brought new complications and uncertainty sources, such as failures, communication latencies, etc. This Ph.D thesis aims to provide guaranteed navigation strategies i.e., approaches that consider all potential uncertainty states. To meet this goal, the interval analysis is employed. The principle part of this Ph.D contribution concerns the IV architectures and control aspects. First, a reliable reachability scheme is proposed to present strong safety guarantees for a flexible Navigation Strategy based on Sequential Waypoint Reaching (NSbSWR). The risk management proposed for the NSbSWR reveals the vehicle reachable space, while explicitly considering different uncertainties in modelling and/or perception, etc. The reachability analysis is proceeded via an interval Taylor series expansion method. It uses also the system historical features to improve accuracy of the navigation system reachable space. Once a collision risk is detected, the risk management acts on the control parameters to master the critical situation. Then, this thesis tackles the establishment of risk management solutions for a car-following scenario, which is performed by an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system. Instead of an uncertain probabilistic prediction of threats, the suggested solution has resorted to an interval-based conjoint modeling/data-driven characterization of uncertainties. Hence, a novel extension of the Time-To-Collision (TTC) indicator is introduced to carry out the inroad risk assessment with a comprehensive consideration of uncertainties and material constraints. This extension of TTC is improved later by combining the interval-based computation with a stochastic approach for optimality purposes. The second part of this thesis contributions addresses the tight link between the high-level control aspect and hardware one of IVs. To enhance the risk management robustness to the IV material constraints, relevant techniques to quantify intervals of the inter/intra-vehicular communication latencies are presented. These techniques may avoid any inappropriate and slow reactions of the IV risk management to the in-road threats. Even more, an interval-based extension is proposed for the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) diagnosis method to overcome impacts of failures on IVs. The interval-based PCA is integrated into an ACC architecture to provide a fault-aware risk management level. The sensitivity to faults is increased and the system is monitored in respect to the uncertainty worst cases. The mutuality between the interval-based diagnosis and uncertainty handling approaches enabled to simultaneously detect failures and master all uncertainties. Finally, all the interval-based solutions suggested in this thesis have been validated through extensive simulation work and experiments.
Nowadays, Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are capable of realizing extraordinary and complicated tasks. Notwithstanding these amazing achievements, several challenges arise, one of them is the ability of the autonomous car to perceive its environment in order to properly evaluate the situation with regards to the road environment. Part of this situation evaluation is the knowledge about ego-localization. In the broadest sense, ego-localization is a meaningful concept that can be related to different problematics. However, one interpretation of ego-localization consists of the knowledge of three key components: the road on which the vehicle is traveling (Road Level Localization (RLL)), the ego-lane position (Ego-Lane Level Localization (ELL)), and the lane on which the vehicle is traveling (LLL). Therefore, a reliable ego-localization system has to fulfill the localization’s requirement of each of these components.The objective of this Ph.D. work is to propose a unified, generalized and modular localization system architecture that tackles every aspect of the localization system. In addition that, a focus is given on opensource map OpenSteetMap (OSM) to demonstrate that even a low-cost map can be used to obtain an accurate localization. To do so, an end-to-end framework composed of several interconnected components is presented. This framework is responsible of providing a localization solution on a digital map by developing a robust map-matching algorithm. Furthermore, it permits the localization of the ego-vehicle with respect to ego-lane by proposing a top-down approach that exploits the priors of the map in order to detect the lane marking. Finally, it determines the lane on which the vehicle is traveling by introducing a modular framework that handles the ambiguities in the lane-level localization. The reliability and the flexibility of the overall proposed architecture and its elementary components have been intensively validated, first, individually using different dataset, and secondly, as a whole solution using a collected dataset in the region of Clermont-Ferrand.
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Ways to estimate the time-to-collision are explored. In the context of traffic simulation models, classical lane-based notions of vehicle location are relaxed and new, fast, and efficient algorithms are examined. With trajectory conflicts being the main focus, computational procedures are explored which use a two-dimensional coordinate system to track the vehicle trajectories and assess conflicts. Vector-based kinematic variables are used to support the calculations. Algorithms based on boxes, circles, and ellipses are considered. Their performance is evaluated in the context of computational complexity and solution time. Results from these analyses suggest promise for effective and efficient analyses. A combined computation process is found to be very effective.
This paper describes the design of a fully automated driving algorithm for automated driving in complex urban scenarios and motorways with a satisfactory safety level. The proposed algorithm consists of the following three steps: surround recognition, motion planning, and vehicle control. The surround recognition system consists of three main modules: object classification, vehicle/non-vehicle tracking and dynamic drivable area determination. All system modules utilize information from potentially commercializable sensors such as vision sensors, radars, lidar and vehicle sensors. The objective of the motion planning module is to derive an optimal trajectory as a function of time and the surround recognition results. A dynamic drivable area is represented as a complete driving corridor that leads to the destination while making sure all objects are outside the left or right corridor bounds. In the case of moving objects such as other traffic participants, their behaviors are anticipated within the dynamic drivable area. The optimal trajectory planning uses the dynamic drivable area as a safety constraint and computes a trajectory in which the vehicle stays in its safe bounds considering the driver?s pattern and characteristics based on predicted risk potential. The developed algorithm has been evaluated by computer simulation and vehicle tests on urban roads and motorways.
This paper addresses the challenging issue of determining the most suitable control strategy (planning–decision–action and their interactions), for autonomous navigation of vehicles which must deal with different environments contexts (e.g., cluttered or not, dynamic or not, etc.). The paper's main proposals are decomposed into two main parts: Firstly, the proposition of reliable and flexible components to perform short and long-term planning: at beginning, a generic and safe path planning-based on Parallel Elliptic Limit-Cycle (PELC) and its multi-criteria optimization (PELC∗) have been proposed to perform either reactive or cognitive navigation. Afterward, it is proposed to suitably sequence several PELC/PELC∗ in order to obtain an optimal g lobal path-based on PELC (gPELC∗). Secondly, this paper proposes an overall Hybrid (reactive/cognitive) multi-controller architecture for autonomous navigation using PELC∗ and gPELC∗. This architecture has been designed in order to use a uniform set-points convention and a common control law to perform several sub-tasks (e.g., obstacle avoidance, target reaching/tracking, path following, etc.). A multitude of simulations and a real experiment have been performed in order to confirm the potentialities of the overall proposed methodology.
Vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems allow vehicles to share state information with one another to improve safety and efficiency of transportation networks. One of the key applications of such a system is in the prediction and avoidance of collisions between vehicles. If a method to do this is to succeed it must be robust to measurement uncertainty and to loss of communication links. The method should also be general enough that it does not rely on constraints on vehicle motion for the accuracy of its predictions. It should work for all interactions between vehicles and not just a select subset. This paper presents a method to calculate Time to Collision for unconstrained vehicle motion. This metric is gated using a novel technique based on relative vehicle motion that we call “looming”. Finally, these ideas are integrated into a probabilistic framework that accounts for uncertainty in vehicle state and loss of vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Together this work represents a new way of considering vehicle collision estimation. These algorithms are validated on data collected from real world vehicle trials.
This paper presents a complete framework for reactive and flexible autonomous vehicle navigation. A human driver reactively guides a vehicle to the final destination while performing a smooth trajectory and respecting the road boundaries. The objective of this paper is to achieve similar behavior in an unmanned ground vehicle to reach a static or dynamic target location. This is achieved by using a flexible control law based on a novel definition of control variables and Lyapunov synthesis. Furthermore, a target assignment strategy to enable vehicle navigation through successive waypoints in the environment is presented. An elementary waypoint selection method is also presented to perform safe and smooth trajectories. The asymptotic stability of the proposed control strategy is proved. In addition, an accurate estimation of the maximum error boundary, according to the controller parameters, is given. With this indicator, the vehicle navigation will be safe within a certain boundaries. Simulations and experiments are performed in different cases to demonstrate the flexibility, reliability and efficiency of the control strategy. Our proposal is compared with different navigation methods from the literature such as those based on trajectory following.
Conference Paper
Reactive navigation in very cluttered environment while insuring maximum safety and task efficiency is a challenging subject. This paper proposes online and adaptive elliptic trajectories to perform smooth and safe mobile robot navigation. These trajectories use limit-cycle principle already applied in the literature but with the difference that the applied limit-cycles are now elliptic (not circular) and are more generic and flexible to perform navigation in environments with different kinds of obstacles shape. The set points given to the robot are generated while following reactive obstacle avoidance algorithm embedded in a multi-controller architecture (Obstacle avoidance and Attraction to the target controllers). This algorithm uses specific reference frame which gives accurate indication of robot situation. The robot knows thus if it must avoid the obstacle in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction and prevent robot from local minima, dead ends and oscillations. The stability of the proposed bottom-up control architecture is proved according to Lyapunov synthesis. Simulations and experiments in different environments are performed to demonstrate the efficiency and the reliability of the proposed control architecture.
In order to improve vehicle safety, a interaction phase between primary and secondary safety systems has been defined. These systems use information provided by the primary safety systems to achieve both the primary and the secondary systems’ objectives. It is essential to discriminate whether a collision is avoidable or not and to calculate the time available before the crash happens. This paper shows a method that improves on other simplified methods to calculate the time-to-collision (TTC) to provide a more accurate result that could be used in a collision avoidance system.