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In this digital world, all the developing countries' growth has improved drastically with farmers' influence and innovative farming processes. Generally, the farming process includes ancient traditional methodologies for maintaining the crops' quality and yields. Their farming was developed and has given more profit only with the quality of the soil and the nutrition used on land. But the drawback is they were spending much time to get their yields from their land, and the nutrition level was not maintained at all times. Moreover, more space was used for farming, with huge manpower required to maintain the entire land. Most countries are moved to smart farming concepts with IoT platforms to optimize the time and techniques. In that hydroponic, the best innovative idea to produce more crops, vegetables, and fruits without soil. Rockwool is used for farming processes with water contaminants at regular intervals will provide huge productions as well as no need to wait for a long time for cultivation. This method was implemented in most of the countries that were doing smart farming with less manpower and low cost. The hydroponic farming methodology is implemented with IoT sensors for monitoring crop's status and health continuously. Once their nutrition level or water level has decreased, it will provide all at constant time intervals to the entire system effectively. A few years ago, hydroponic farming was horizontally implemented on smaller spaces for the regular water flow. But now a day it is implemented on a vertical surface to reduce the space, and water flow is only at the time of need. This technology is used to increase the productivity of the crops with a small space of land and less manpower. Perhaps the cost of the entire system has been taken into consideration by small-scale unit farmers; vertical hydro farming provides better results when compared with previous classical methods. This research paper has given the design and implementation of automated vertical hydro farming techniques with IoT platforms, and their analytics will be done using big data analytics.
Automatic robotic system design and development for vertical
hydroponic farming using IoT and big data analysis
Anurag Shrivastava
, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak
, R. Dilip
, Soumya Ranjan Samal
, Sandeep Rout
Shaikh Mohd Ashfaque
ECE, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology and Science, Indore, India
Faculty of Emerging Technology, Sri Sri University, Odisha, India
Dept. of Mechatronics Eng., Acharya Institute of Technology, India
Faculty of Telecommunications, Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
Faculty of Agriculture, Sri Sri University Cuttack, India
Department of Computer Engineering, Rizvi College of Engineering, India
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Article history:
Available online xxxx
Nutrient solution
Submarine motor
Plant growth light
In this digital world, all the developing countries’ growth has improved drastically with farmers’ influ-
ence and innovative farming processes. Generally, the farming process includes ancient traditional
methodologies for maintaining the crops’ quality and yields. Their farming was developed and has given
more profit only with the quality of the soil and the nutrition used on land. But the drawback is they were
spending much time to get their yields from their land, and the nutrition level was not maintained at all
times. Moreover, more space was used for farming, with huge manpower required to maintain the entire
land. Most countries are moved to smart farming concepts with IoT platforms to optimize the time and
techniques. In that hydroponic, the best innovative idea to produce more crops, vegetables, and fruits
without soil. Rockwool is used for farming processes with water contaminants at regular intervals will
provide huge productions as well as no need to wait for a long time for cultivation. This method was
implemented in most of the countries that were doing smart farming with less manpower and low cost.
The hydroponic farming methodology is implemented with IoT sensors for monitoring crop’s status and
health continuously. Once their nutrition level or water level has decreased, it will provide all at constant
time intervals to the entire system effectively. A few years ago, hydroponic farming was horizontally
implemented on smaller spaces for the regular water flow. But now a day it is implemented on a vertical
surface to reduce the space, and water flow is only at the time of need. This technology is used to increase
the productivity of the crops with a small space of land and less manpower. Perhaps the cost of the entire
system has been taken into consideration by small-scale unit farmers; vertical hydro farming provides
better results when compared with previous classical methods. This research paper has given the design
and implementation of automated vertical hydro farming techniques with IoT platforms, and their ana-
lytics will be done using big data analytics.
Ó2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience & Nanotechnology.
1. Introduction
India is a majorly Agri based economy with 70% of farmers in
rural houses depend primarily on agriculture, with 82% of farmers
being poor, due to which India is witnessing stark challenges and
losing its importance due to urbanization [1]. This research work
is transforming the farmer ‘s life using IoT-based Hydroponic ver-
tical Farm by eradicating the above-said problems. Hydroponic
farming proposes suitable weather-based recommendations for
farmers to improve their crop yields [2]. Vertical Hydroponic farm-
ing remembers preferences, reproductive history, and relevant
data about farmers and facilitates better access and efficient use
of reproductive crops without soil to achieve optimal soilless crops
and plants [3]. Hydroponics System has been developed to facili-
tate cultivation in small-scale environments and improve farming
2214-7853/Ó2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials,
Nanobioscience & Nanotechnology.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Shrivastava).
Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
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Please cite this article as: A. Shrivastava, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, R. Dilip et al., Automatic robotic system design and development for vertical hydroponic
farming using IoT and big data analysis, Materials Today: Proceedings,
quality using fewer soil methods. [4]. Hydroponic farming is for-
merly entrenched horizontally in this novel world, which takes
more space and human power for managing the whole farm [1].
The following Fig. 1 denotes the existing hydroponic cultivation
2. Related works
India is an agricultural country, but it is overwhelmed by prac-
tical problems such as low-quality seeds, manures, fertilizers, bio-
cides, irrigation, and a lack of implementation methods [5].In
order to extend the scope of agriculture development, new innova-
tive Hi-Tech production systems are needed. To overcome this
problem along with water availability, nutrition level maintenance,
workforce, and soil irrigation system, a new innovative approach is
used, which is highlighted currently is ‘‘Hydroponics” [6]. Hydro-
ponic farming is the soilless farming technique, formerly well-
established horizontally which takes ample space for growing
plants, and it is not fully automatic that is the main reason for
the small-scale land people were not using hydroponics. A crop
growth rate is affected by the usage of a large human source.
Therefore, it is enhanced vertically, which will reduce the space
requirement with a fully automated platform using IoT, Big Data
Analysis [7]. Pipelines were fixed for continuous water flow to
the Hydroponic plants to grow well to solve water issues. It has a
lot of challenges and difficulties in farming, even though normal
peoples can grow plants in their homes with a low-cost setup.
The whole system will be managed automatically using microcon-
trollers that are too compactable and best for analyzing the nutri-
ent level. Hydroponic is helping the efficient use of fertilizers &
water, as well as it increases high productivity and better crop
quality [2]; also, it has good control of climate and pest factors,
which provides high competitiveness and economic incomes to
the former.An automatic robotic system has been implemented
for vertical hydroponic farming with an IoT framework. This verti-
cal hydroponic system is used to reduce the usage of water up to
70% as sustainable energy and will be used to minimize the land
without soil crop productions. These system requirements are dif-
ferent from existing hydroponics in using nutrients, sensors, Rock-
wool, plant growth light, submarine motor, supporting materials,
and mineral fertilizers [8]. The P.V.C. pipes are vertically connected
to make a platform for growing plants. The seed of the plants is
kept in Rockwool which helps to stable the plant and soak to the
water for seeds. The submarine motor supplies the nutrient solu-
tion water to each plant according to their needs on the entire
setup. The whole system is automatically managed using micro-
controllers Arduino and Raspberry-pi also; it is analyzed using data
analysis and android applications. The communication between
the analysis systems will be done by 4G LTE (Module) [9]. The
automated system provides input of temperature sensor, pH & E.
C. sensor and various sensors which are helping to make the deci-
sion and control the major factor which affects the crop yield [10].
Vertical hydroponic systems are the new innovation in agricul-
ture and are used to provide sustainability for small-scale farmers
with an eco-friendly environment. Smart farming also helps the
farmers to do all the works with less manpower or automated
based on their requirements. Because of these techniques, econom-
ically, they will be improved and technically grown with smart city
concepts.Normally in soil cultivation, a huge amount of water con-
sumption is there, but in this hydroponics, only 1/10th 1/5th of
the water is utilized by the farmers [11-13]. All necessary nutrients
are providing to hydroponic plants through the nutrient solution,
which will the presence. Moreover researchers are proposing var-
ious protocols in the field of healthcare[14-19] and vehicle com-
munication[20-26] to protect the information exchanged among
various devices to devices.
Of fertilizer and salts dissolved in water. Measurements have
taken like pH level, temperature, and electrical conductivity (E.C.)
from nutrient solution using an automated system and analysis
system again replacing the solution whenever necessary. The food
which is produced by this method is the most sustainable model
rather than the classical models available for agriculture. Thus, it
is not only a solution for problematic soils, but it also helps to
improve the quality and quantity of agricultural produce [27,28].
Some researchers are proposed various techniques [29-38] for
image disease detections and dealing with IoT devices for extract-
ing the data.
3. Proposed system architecture
Implementation of a Robotic, automatic system for vertical
hydroponic farming has initiated with a proposed model. When
sustainable energy concepts are most required in agriculture, the
sources like water, soil, nutrition, and land have to be taken as
the main factor in these hydroponic systems. Vertical farming’s
main goal is to produce more crops and plants with fewer water
resources. In this approach, water and other sources are used
i = only when it is required by the plants. So minimum number
Fig. 1. Hydroponic Farming Systems.
A. Shrivastava, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, R. Dilip et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
of natural resources are used to keep maintain sustainability in the
agriculture field. In the initial step, we make a vertical stand with a
couple of PVC pipes, where some pipe stands vertically help of sup-
port; for every vertical pipe, we make the hole of 5 cm at a 30 -
degree angle. Each standpipe has been fixed with a solenoid valve
on top. These valves helping to control water drops, and Rockwool
is used to soak the drop of water that is coming from the nutrients
tank through the pipeline.
For the monitoring automatically these systems we have fixed
pH sensor, Temperature sensor, Electrical Conductivity sensor,
Water flow sensor on the water tank, this sensor is helping to read
all the input value from water in which EC sensor if finding the
quality of nutrients and pH sensor maturing the level of pH present
in water. The normal pH level of water is 7; if the nutrients present
in water, then the level of pH is decreasing up to 5–6. Plants need
limited water and fertilizer; for limitation of water, we are measur-
ing the flow of the water and control it with solenoid valves. The
ultrasonic sensor is used to find the growth of the plants continu-
ously by measuring the heights. Entire details will be sent as noti-
fications to the centralized android mobile app and will be
compiled from smart devices effectively.
Suppose there will be less than water with the thresh hold level,
then automatically the water pump will start, and it will fill the
required level of water in the tank, and this message will send to
the owner. At the same face temperature of the water is very
important for small plants, so we measure temperature using the
sensor. Rainwater harvesting tank used to store huge amount of
water while raining and it will be used to do cycling process. The
recycling water unit helps to get wastage / extra water from the
entire system and recycling to the next round process to avoid
delay. Water flow is always in the entire system, but the nutrition
levels have to be maintained with the help of a nutrition tank. The
following Fig. 2 explains the architecture of the proposed vertical
hydroponic system.
4. Design and Working model
Vertical hydroponic farming is implemented because of the
growth of the plant without soil and less water. Their implementa-
tion describes the framing of pipe, maintaining, and auto refilling
of the water cycle. It also monitors the plant nutrient and pH
whether it is correct or not. It determines the air circulation and
lighting then controlled with the temperature.
4.1. Structure
The plants need a light effect compulsory for growth. So that we
are proving plants grow lights which will provide chloroplasts
absorb energy. Some plants need more sunlight to grow but all
plants need at least a little and plants to take in carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere. These Plants grow light fixed at top of the
vertical frame at an angle of 30-degree down. The following
Fig. 3 describes the structure of vertical hydroponic system and
its model.
4.2. Structure of vertical hydroponic system frame
A standard 4 PVC pipes with 2 in. and 3-inch outer diameter
frame is constructed vertically for the initial set up. Then for easy
in sizing of all pipes in the same structure this material has chosen.
More over metal/plastic/wood are not suitable for agriculture sys-
tem, due to its size and manufacturing materials. It is not carrying
water effectively when compared with PVC pipes. If the size of the
pipes is same in nature, then only flow of water will not affect the
growth of the plants. The plan is to fix four 2-inch pipes as a tower
with 4.5 in. on centre. This length can be varied according the
usage of the number of plants to be cultivated. The spaces between
the pipes are increased/decreased will decide the growth height of
the plants. The bottom structure frame also constructed on the
same way with the height of 4 feet and 2 in. pipes in the length.
It has two level structures like top and bottom with pipes and
the height of the plants are decided by the gap between these
structures. There is water tank, nutrition tank and other units also
initialized for the hydroponic process. A motor is used to make
water flow from bottom to top using pipes along with nutrition.
On the top of the frame, light sources are also used to provide light-
ing effects for the growth of the plants when sun light is not avail-
able during night times. These light sources provide enough heat or
temperature to the plants for continue their work at every time.
4.3. Recycling
The pipes are cutter with 30–45 degree inclined with the
requirement of the users but for the monitoring purposes trails
have taken for consideration. On this inclined structure Rockwool
is fixed at certain level and now it is ready for farming. When water
comes to this system Rockwool observed some amount of water
and the remaining will go to the next one due to vertical struc-
Fig. 2. Proposed Architecture of Vertical Hydroponic System.
A. Shrivastava, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, R. Dilip et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
tureof the system. This approach will be worked on all the pipes in
a same way to reduce the water usage and decreases the time for
cultivation. Instead of 6
rises reducing overall water flow, the rise
is slightly more efficient to the pump. The submarine motor is used
to pump the water from the bottom and recycling it whenever
required by the system. The following are the work done by the
vertical hydroponic system to increase the productivity of the
crops and yields of the small-scale farmers.
1. Automated system with IoT framework
2. Monitoring of water flow & water level
3. Measuring nutrient of water
4. Temperature and moisture monitoring
5. Water recycling & Growth of the plants
Fig. 3. Working Structure and Model Diagram.
Fig. 4. Water Consumption.
Fig. 5. Cyclic Process of Water Consumption.
Fig. 6. Flow chart of Vertical hydroponic system.
A. Shrivastava, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, R. Dilip et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
The following Figs. 4 and 5 explains the water consumption
model and shows the recycling process of vertical hydroponic
4.4. Working flow chart
Initially the rainwater harvesting tank and water tank level
have to be checked with two categories like Upper Level (UL) and
Lower Level (LL). Solenoid valve has to be connected with Arduino
microcontroller and make a serial connection of motor for pump-
ing water into the plants through the pipes. Similarly, all sensors
such as temperature, pH, Electrical Connectivity (EC), Ultrasonic,
and moisture have to be connected and ready for initialization.
The sensor values take reading and send to the microcontroller
then it will decide according to the threshold value set by the farm-
ers. If it reached the level then water flows to the plants for a cer-
tain time and it will close automatically. Nutrition’s are
suppliedfrom the tank parallel. Finally, all the values are sending
to a centralized mobile app and server for further analytics process.
The following Fig. 5 denotes the flow chart for vertical hydroponic
system and their conditions.
Flow of Water levels and its conditions
1. When condition LL UL, reveals No Action
2. Then F LL, Solenoid valve opened for certain time
3. If F UL, then Valve Close
where F Flow of Water LL = Lower Level, UL = Upper level
The above conditions are used in a vertical hydroponic system
for providing water to the plants at regular intervals. The decision
of solenoid valve open function and how much time it will be
opened has been decided by the microcontroller unit based on
the programming written on that. From those three conditions
were used if the water level reached is less than the upper level
then no action in the valve section but the water flow is less than
the low level immediately valve is opened for a certain time. The
third condition is if water flows greater than the upper limit then
the valve will be closed automatically.
5. Result and discussion
The above vertical hydroponic system design was implemented
through the experimental setup in smaller areas like home, and the
Fig. 7. Water released from solenoid valve.
Fig. 8. Water levels in different pipes at various trials.
Fig. 9. Vertical Hydroponic system performance.
Fig. 10. Change of water flow in pipes at various trials.
A. Shrivastava, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, R. Dilip et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
results were taken for analytics. There are a total of 4 pipes, a sub-
marine motor, a nutrition tank, and Rockwool for plants have con-
sidered for the cultivation process, and this setup was developed in
normal room temperature mode then continuously monitored for
30 days. Different outputs have been taken and stored in the
mobile android app then all the data has taken for analytics.When
the motor is ready to start running, all the sensors are connected in
a microcontroller unit, checking the threshold levels of all types of
equipment. There is no water supply to the plant unit immediately
after the solenoid valve is opened, and the water supply will auto-
matically go to the pipes. Continuous water supply from the motor
through the pipes and their levels has been taken for analytics. The
following Fig. 6 describes the time taken for releasing the water
levels to the pipes from the water tank.
After releasing the water from the motor, it will reach the pipes
at a different time and will be passed through the plants. Already
plants are dipped in Rockwool on the pipe vertically. Required
water is taken by the plants and the remaining will be going to
the next unit. The remaining wastewater will be directly going to
the water tank and used for the recycling process. So, in this
method water usage will be maintained continuously. The follow-
ing Fig. 7 denotes the water level in pipes at different trails. On
each trail, the level of water released from the motor is the same
but reaching the plant is varied. It depends on the nutrition level
and water required by the plants.
The entire system is controlled and monitored by IoT sensors
effectively at all endpoints and the performance of the units is
measured by important factors like time taken to complete the
process and the output given by the system. It depends on the
trails taken by the user and the output given by the system. The
following Fig. 8 explains in detail the percentage of output to the
user from the different trails on various pipes.
The vertical hydroponic system is differing from the horizontal
system mainly on usage of water and time taken to reach the plant.
As the levels of water released from the motor then will reach pipe
in a vertical system, various water level is been running on the
pipes due to vertical structure. The water flow is changed fre-
quently on pipes due to the nutrition tank and Rockwool grasping
capacity. The following Fig. 9 describes the changes in water flow
through pipes at different trials.
There are 4 pipes in a vertical structure system time taken for
water flow changes is not the same in all the pipes. This is due
to the plant growth and their nutrition grabbed capacity on the
pipes. For that various water flow is there in each pipe based on
the need of the plants at differenttime intervals. Though various
water levels on the pipes the plant growth will not affect because
growth will be monitored by the ultrasonic sensor through the IoT
framework. The following Fig. 10 denotes the time taken for
change of water flow on the pipes at various intervals.Fig. 11.
The entire vertical hydroponic system is controlled and moni-
tored by an android mobile app with a smart device then the
results will be stored in databases for analytics. Finally, from the
results lot of data has been taken and given to the small-scale
farmers. This would be very informative and easy to increase their
productivity at all seasons. The main factors taken for considera-
tion are the height of the plant, the width of the leaf, and the num-
ber of leaves produced by the system. While checking the results
smart hydroponic system gives a better result when compared
with a normal system. The height, width, and numbers of leaves
are more in a smart system. Because in normal system monitoring
are not done but water flow and nutrition percentage were given
continuously. In a smart system only when the plant is required
water or nutrition then only it was given. The following table 1
provides the details of the plant for the continuous 30 days moni-
toring on the smaller area home.
6. Conclusion
This paper would reduce the cost of farming and land for creat-
ing a smart farm and also recycling water consumption is the pres-
tigious method of farming with Big Data Analytics. IoT platform
Fig. 11. Time taken for changes in water flow at various pipes.
Table 1
First month plant growth level.
PlantDetails SmartVerticalHydroponicSystem NormalVerticalHydroponicSystem
1 Pipe 2 Pipe 3 Pipe 4 Pipe 1 Pipe 2 Pipe 3 Pipe 4 Pipe
Height of thePlant(cm) 12.1 11.9 12.2 12.1 10.9 9.8 11.0 10.6
Width of theleaf(cm) 5.5 5.6 5.4 5.5 4.7 4.2 3.9 2.8
Leafsproduced 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9
A. Shrivastava, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, R. Dilip et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
helps the small-scale farmers identifying the levels of the water
and other contaminantscontinuously and monitored with the cen-
tralized server through the android mobile app. If the water level
decreases or no water in the system will be intimated to the owner
of the farm immediately. There are so many sensors that are used
to check the flow and quality of the water for the growth of the
plants. Their height is monitored at every change that occurred
in plants and notified for results. Big data analytics is used for
farmers to decide for what crops, vegetables, and fruits will be cul-
tivated based on the seasons such as winter and summer. Most
cost-effective system for small-scale farmers and will be used
inside the home also. Especially women are getting developed both
technically and economically while using this system.
7. Future scope
To implement the vertical frame for hydroponic farming the
water level consumption would be recycling [39] and it has to
enhance the duration of the plant growth. The components used
for farming are very cheap when compared with the existing sys-
tem. In the future, it would be the best crop system for farming
with less manpower and planting area also. The detailed analysis
would be stored as big data using IoT and it would be analyzed
based on various analytic methods. The entire system is used only
for small-scale farmers and it was implemented in smaller land
areas. The futuristic process will be collected the data from huge
land areas and the analytics will be taken for a variety of crops,
vegetables, and fruits. Recycling of water will create a new impact
in the future and it would be distributed to the neighbouring sys-
tem also. Predictive analysis also will be taken with the existing
system and will tell the nutrition level to the farmers in the future
for the development of their farm in a cost-effective manner
[10,40]. To provide IoT framework for automated robotic systems
routing protocols and several algorithms are used to carry the plan
data to the entire world using any recent technologies. It also used
to provide good life time to the IoT Framework. Life time of the IoT
framework has to be decided by its energy aware routing tech-
niques because huge volume of data have carried out for analytics
on real time applications.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Anurag Shrivastava: Conceptualization, Data curation. Chin-
maya Kumar Nayak: Formal analysis, Funding acquisition. R.
Dilip: Investigation, Methodology, Project administration. Soumya
Ranjan Samal: Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation. San-
deep Rout: Visualization. Shaikh Mohd Ashfaque: Writing - orig-
inal draft, Writing - review & editing.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
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... The second group of articles takes a detailed look into precision agriculture (Bendre et al. 2016; Sabarina and Priya 2015; Keswani et al. 2020;Failed 2015b;Melgar-García, et al. 2022;Wang and Mu 2022). And, the third one discusses smart farming methods (Liu 2021;Roukh et al. 2020;Li and Niu 2020;Osinga et al. 2022;Shrivastava et al. 2023). In Section 4.3.1, the selected agriculture articles are reviewed and then compared in Section 4.4.2. ...
... The method that they used was a mixed approach to conduct their study and they mainly focused on four perspectives, namely the elements changing the initiated drivers, distinguishing big data methods, the maturity status of technology, and the stakeholder's view. The authors in Shrivastava et al. (2023) adopted smart farming concepts, such as hydroponics with IoT platforms by eliminating the need for soil and optimizing resources. This vertical hydroponic system, aided by IoT sensors, allows continuous monitoring of crop health and supply of nutrients and water, resulting in increased productivity and reduced costs. ...
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Big data involves processing vast amounts of data using advanced techniques. Its potential is harnessed for predictive analytics, a sophisticated branch that anticipates unknown future events by discerning patterns observed in historical data. Various techniques obtained from modeling, data mining, statistics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are employed to analyze available history to extract discriminative patterns for predictors. This study aims to analyze the main research approaches on Big Data Predictive Analytics (BDPA) based on very up-to-date published articles from 2014 to 2023. In this article, we fully concentrate on predictive analytics using big data mining techniques, where we perform a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) by reviewing 109 articles. Based on the application and content of current studies, we introduce taxonomy including seven major categories of industrial, e-commerce, smart healthcare, smart agriculture, smart city, Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), and weather. The benefits and weaknesses of each approach, potentially important changes, and open issues, in addition to future paths, are discussed. The compiled SLR not only extends on BDPA’s strengths, open issues, and future works but also detects the need for optimizing the insufficient metrics in big data applications, such as timeliness, accuracy, and scalability, which would enable organizations to apply big data to shift from retrospective analytics to prospective predictive if fulfilled.
... This eventually enhances economic efficiency while simultaneously minimizing resource inputs and environmental consequences [29][30][31]. Farmers will be empowered to make data-driven decisions based on events [32] at different stages of production, such as extreme weather, changing rainfall patterns, and the spread of pests and diseases, through optimized resource usage [33,34] by utilizing robotics, automated control systems, and artificial intelligence methods [35], as well as integrating agricultural research and information to optimize the productivity and efficacy of the agriculture industry [36,37]. Thus, farmers do not need to rely on manual labor for tasks such as planting, weeding, and harvesting, which enhances worker safety by minimizing exposure to hazardous conditions [38]. ...
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The visionary paradigm of Agriculture 5.0 integrates Industry 4.0 principles into agricultural practices. Our scoping review explores the landscape of Agriculture 5.0, emphasizing the pivotal role of Explainable AI (XAI) in shaping this domain. Guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Scoping Review, we rigorously analyzed 84 articles published from 2018 to September 2023. Our findings highlight XAI’s potential within Agriculture 5.0, recognizing its influence on intelligent farming. We propose a conceptual framework for integrating XAI, emphasizing its impact on model transparency and user trust. Despite transformative applications, existing literature often lacks XAI discussions. Our objective is to bridge this gap and provide a reference for academics, practitioners, policymakers, and educators in the field of smart agriculture that is both environmentally friendly and technologically advanced. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-02-024 Full Text: PDF
... Implementing smart systems in agriculture can help farmers maximize their agricultural output (Rustan et al. 2021). This method can reduce the cost of agriculture and the land required to create smart farming (Shrivastava et al. 2021). Smart farming technology can save human resources, effort, time, and costs because cultivation activities can be monitored and controlled remotely. ...
... Hydroponics applications have drawn significant attention recently based on several benefits, including water efficiency (Corrado et al., 2021), nutrient control (Yang and Kim, 2020), space optimization (Peiro et al., 2020), continuous production (Magwaza et al., 2020), improved crop quality (Shrivastava et al., 2023), and local food production (Gentry, 2019). Compared with traditional agriculture, hydroponic-based cultivation recycled the nutrient liquid to re-water the crop. ...
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Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) germination is sensitive to environmental conditions. Recently, hydrogel has received increased attention as an alternative media to soil for seed germination. Compared to soil seeding, hydrogel-aided germination provides more controlled seeding environments. However, there are still challenges preventing hydrogel-aided seed germination from being widely used in industry production or academic studies, such as hydrogel formulation variations, seeding operation standardization, and germination evaluation. In this study, we tested how the combination of multiple environmental conditions affect lettuce seed germination time, which is measured as the time needed for the first pair of leaves to appear (leaf emergence) or, alternatively, the third leaf to appear (leaf development). We found that germination time and success rate of two lettuce varieties (Iceberg A and Butter Crunch) showed different sensitivities to pH, Hoagland formulations and concentrations, light intensity, and hydrogel content. We have conducted statistical analysis on the correlation between germination time and these environmental conditions.
... In the same way, this system can maintain the nutrient concentration of the irrigation tank by adding more nutrient solution if EC levels fall below the ideal range or by adding more water if EC exceeds the ideal range. The algorithms for deciding and calculating the pump-on duration are discussed in the following section [9,[11][12]. ...
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In hydroponics, the growth of plants is primarily dependent on the precise configuration of the nutrient solution supplied to them. Continuous monitoring and control of the nutrients in the hydroponic tank is essential to maintain optimal growth requirements at all times. Manual monitoring and control of the system is inefficient, as it requires human intervention and can lead to errors and variations in the nutrients supplied. This study presents a system to automatically track pH, current nutrient, and water level in the tank and supply the exact amount of pH solution, nutrient solution, and water whenever needed. The proposed system, when integrated with IoT technology, can help achieve better control over the farm and higher productivity with a reduced amount of manual labor.
Hydroponics, an innovative method of cultivating plants without soil, has gained significant attention as a promising solution for sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture. This abstract explores the concept of hydroponics as a means to shape a greener future. Traditional farming practices often rely on vast amounts of arable land, excessive water usage, and harmful chemical fertilisers, resulting in environmental degradation. In contrast, hydroponics offers an alternative approach by utilising nutrient-rich water solutions to provide plants with essential elements for growth. By eliminating the need for soil, hydroponics reduces water consumption by up to 90% and minimises the risk of soil erosion and nutrient runoff. The controlled environment in hydroponic systems enables precise management of temperature, light, and nutrient levels, resulting in accelerated plant growth and higher yields than traditional farming methods. Hydroponics allows for year-round cultivation, allowing growing crops in regions with unfavourable climates or limited arable land. The eco-friendly nature of hydroponics extends beyond water conservation and efficient land use. This method also eliminates the need for chemical pesticides, as the controlled environment reduces the risk of pests and diseases. Closely monitoring nutrient solutions in hydroponic systems enables targeted application, reducing fertiliser waste and minimising the release of harmful substances into the environment. Hydroponics has found applications in various settings, ranging from small-scale indoor gardens to large-scale commercial operations. Its versatility makes it suitable for urban agriculture, where limited space and contaminated soil pose significant challenges. Hydroponics can be integrated into vertical farming systems, maximising land utilisation and reducing transportation costs associated with long-distance food distribution. Hydroponics presents a promising path toward an eco-friendly future in agriculture. Its resource-efficient nature, reduced reliance on chemicals, and adaptability to diverse environments make it an attractive option for sustainable food production. As further research and technological advancements continue to enhance the efficiency and affordability of hydroponic systems, their widespread adoption can transform the agricultural landscape, contributing to a greener and more sustainable planet.
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This review article conducts an in-depth analysis of the role of next-generation technologies in soilless vegetable production, highlighting their groundbreaking potential to revolutionize yield, efficiency, and sustainability. These technologies, such as AI-driven monitoring systems and precision farming methods, offer unparalleled accuracy in monitoring critical variables such as nutrient concentrations and pH levels. However, the paper also addresses the multifaceted challenges that hinder the widespread adoption of these technologies. The high initial investment costs pose a significant barrier, particularly for small-and medium-scale farmers, thereby risking the creation of a technological divide in the industry. Additionally, the technical complexity of these systems demands specialized expertise, potentially exacerbating knowledge gaps among farmers. Other considerations are scrutinized, including data privacy concerns and potential job displacement due to automation. Regulatory challenges, such as international trade regulations and policy frameworks, are discussed, as they may need revision to accommodate these new technologies. The paper concludes by emphasizing that while these sustainable technologies offer transformative benefits, their potential for broad adoption is constrained by a complex interplay of financial, technical, regulatory, and social factors.
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The increasing food scarcity necessitates sustainable agriculture achieved through automation to meet the growing demand. Integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is crucial in enhancing food production across various agricultural domains, encompassing irrigation, soil moisture monitoring, fertilizer optimization and control, early-stage pest and crop disease management, and energy conservation. Wireless application protocols such as ZigBee, WiFi, SigFox, and LoRaWAN are commonly employed to collect real-time data for monitoring purposes. Embracing advanced technology is imperative to ensure efficient annual production. Therefore, this study emphasizes a comprehensive, future-oriented approach, delving into IoT-WSNs, wireless network protocols, and their applications in agriculture since 2019. It thoroughly discusses the overview of IoT and WSNs, encompassing their architectures and summarization of network protocols. Furthermore, the study addresses recent issues and challenges related to IoT-WSNs and proposes mitigation strategies. It provides clear recommendations for the future, emphasizing the integration of advanced technology aiming to contribute to the future development of smart agriculture systems.
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The concept of wireless body area network (WBAN) is conquered the medical field while considering hospitals, patients, doctors to exchange crucial health data for efficient medical services. Health data includes personal medical information of patients, quality of life, reproductive outcomes, and behavioral information. While transferring health data for medical treatment/review, it is essential to provide proper security during device-to-device communication among WBAN players. Researchers have suggested different health data transmission mechanisms to achieve security, but these schemes are weak against various security attacks, such as modification, session key disclosure, impersonation, replay, man-in-the-middle, and stolen smart card, making crucial information in a susceptible situation specifically for patients. Further, they require high computational resources during WBAN communications. In this paper, we propose a secure and lightweight health authentication and key agreement protocol using low-cost operations. To confirm the robustness of the proposed mechanism, we do security analysis against various security attacks. Based on the computational analysis, the proposed protocol comparatively takes less execution cost, computation time, and power consumption. Moreover, LAKA requires around 57% less communication overhead and 15% less storage cost.
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The extremely vibrant, scattered, and non–transparent nature of cloud computing formulate trust management a significant challenge. According to scholars the trust and security are the two issues that are in the topmost obstacles for adopting cloud computing. Also, SLA (Service Level Agreement) alone is not necessary to build trust between cloud because of vague and unpredictable clauses. Getting feedback from the consumers is the best way to know the trustworthiness of the cloud services, which will help them improve in the future. Several researchers have stated the necessity of building a robust management system and suggested many ideas to manage trust based on consumers' feedback. This paper has reviewed various reputation-based trust management systems, including trust management in cloud computing, peer-to-peer system, and Adhoc system.
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In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved as a research field that transforms human lifestyle from traditional to sophisticated. In IoT, the network plays a crucial role in collecting data from sensors and moving to the sink. Increasing the network lifetime is a challenging task in IoT, which is connected to devices that are limited by resource. Clustering is one of the effective methods of increasing the network lifetime. However, improper cluster head (CH) selection easily drains the energy early in network nodes. With the aim to overcome the issue, this paper proposes the Type-2 Fuzzy Logic-based Particle Swarm Optimization (T2FL-PSO) algorithm to select the optimal CH to extend the network lifetime. The T2FL is highly useful in providing the accurate solution in uncertain network environments. Hence, T2FL is applied on the network parameters, residual energy, and the distance between sensor node and base station to determine the fitness value. Later, virtual clusters are formed on the basis of distance between sensor node and CH and between node and base station. To validate the performance of the proposed T2FL-PSO algorithm, extensive simulations are carried out using MATLAB 2019a. Furthermore, the proposed T2FL-PSO algorithm is compared with Particle Swarm Optimization Clustering (PSO-C) and Particle Swarm Optimization Wang Zhang (PSO-WZ). The result confirms that the proposed T2FL-PSO increases the network lifetime by 10%–15% and the packet transmission ratio by 10%. Compared with similar algorithms, the proposed T2FL-PSO also causes a higher increase of network lifetime.
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The development of green spaces in urban areas is rapidly on the rise as more people are keen to maintain a clean and green atmosphere around where they live and work. Also, the link between the physical world and the internet has been a driving force in enhancing people's quality of life which has resulted in the most recent and rising technologies, collectively referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). The adoption of vertical gardens (VG) and/or vertical farms (VF) can be beneficial for maintaining a sustainable environment, as well as for expanding food security in an urban context around the world with limited land space. IoT technologies have the potential to be key enablers in the accelerated adoption of VG. In this study, we investigate the critical parameters for automating sustainable vertical gardening systems by using the IoT concept in smart cities towards smart living. This involves collection and review of data from 30 peer-reviewed publications published between 2004 and 2018, including real-world VG implementations. The key criteria considered include: (i) crop/plant type, (ii) VG topology (size), (iii) sensing data, (iv) used hardware (sensors, actuators, etc.), (v) power supplies, (vi) velocity or frequency of data collection, (vii) data storage method, (viii) communication technologies, (ix) data analysis methods/algorithm, (x) other used strategies, and (xi) countries that implemented VGs. The data were subsequently analyzed to obtain a detailed understanding of using IoT in VGs. The results of the analysis revealed that most of the studies used 6-20 tiers (40%) when implementing VGs, and the most popular crop was lettuce (28.6%). The sensors used were commonly connected to AC power and battery (each 44.4%), while only a small proportion of VGs used solar power (11.1%). The majority of IoT sensors used were to measure room temperature (22.5%), light intensity (21.1%), humidity level (14%) and soil nutrition (7%). The frequency of data collection by these sensors was between 1 and 3 minutes (42.8%). The frequently used data transmission technology was Zigbee and Wi-Fi (42.8%) for collecting sensor data from VGs. We also found that, using the server database, remote data management platform and cloud were the most popular data storage methods (each 25%). After data collection, many studies used threshold-based algorithms (50%) for the decision making, and the soil-based (42%) and hydroponic (38%) were the most popular plant cultivation technologies. The use of recycled and reused water (30%), solar power (20%) and controlled indoor environment, without sun or soil (20%) are some of the other essential considerations in VGs. Furthermore, it was found that the most significant focus on automation of VGs incorporating IoT were in USA (41.2%) and China (23.5%). The impact of vertical cultivation walls on human well-being was discussed. In addition to this, eight international patents on VGs have been analyzed to acquire an implementation understanding of autonomous control or using IoT in vertical gardens.
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Proposed is an automated monitoring system for hydroponics vertical farming. This project aims to design and develop an automated system to monitor and maintain the level of nutrition solution for the vertical farming process. The monitoring condition includes Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH value, the liquid level as well as the water temperature of the nutrient solution stored in the rectangular PVC. Instead of using soil as the growing medium, the project used hydroponics method to grow the leafy vegetables, Bok Choy. The data monitored will be sent and processed by Arduino Mega microcontroller and upload to Ubidots Cloud using the ESP8266 NodeMCU. The system also provides control function to maintain the nutrient level and amount of solution flows into each layer of vegetables. It is expected that the implemented system would reduce the water and electrical consumption and allows the growth of the plant to be supervised from time to time without having a person to look after.
Health care information has great potential for improving the health care system and also providing fast and accurate outcomes for patients, predicting disease outbreaks, gaining valuable information for prediction in future, preventing such diseases, reducing healthcare costs, and improving overall health. In any case, deciding the genuine utilization of information while saving the patient's identity protection is an overwhelming task. Regardless of the amount of medical data it can help advance clinical science and it is essential to the accomplishment of all medicinal services associations, at the end information security is vital. To guarantee safe and solid information security and cloud-based conditions, It is critical to consider the constraints of existing arrangements and systems for the social insurance of information security and assurance. Here we talk about the security and privacy challenges of high-quality important data as it is used mainly by the healthcare structure and similar industry to examine how privacy and security issues occur when there is a large amount of healthcare information to protect from all possible threats. We will discuss ways that these can be addressed. The main focus will be on recently analyzed and optimized methods based on anonymity and encryption, and we will compare their strengths and limitations, and this chapter closes at last the privacy and security recommendations for best practices for privacy of preprocessing healthcare data.
Human population is projected to reach 9.7 billion in 2050 and strike 11.2 billion by 2100. Residence shift from countryside to cities will occur and the human population resides in the cities is envisaged to rise from 55% to 68%. Vertical farming was proposed to address food insecurity caused by overcrowded population and farmland shortages. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of vertical farming in the Asia Pacific is forecasted to grow at 22.1% with a market size reaching USD 2,101.0 million by 2024. Malaysian government encourages the implementation of vertical farming as the production of major agricultural commodities has contracted by 3.4% from 2015 to 2017. However, high energy consumption is one of the shortcomings of a vertical farm as the estimated annual energy consumption for each square meter of growing area is 3500 kW h. Thus, this paper proposes an optimized building geometry modeling integrated with energy yield estimation tool to evaluate the potential of integrating green energy into urban agriculture. This research examines the load demand in the vertical farming systems and develops solar/hybrid/storage for vertical farming system with energy yield, performance ratio, economics and environmental assessments. Preliminary resources assessment by analyzing the solar radiation of the sites was carried out at stage 1. At stage 2, load consumption was calculated, and specifications of the system were justified. Stage 3 included the development of solar PV system for the vertical farms, the economic evaluation in the context of net present cost (NPC), levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and investigation of the environmental impact. Grid-connected and standalone solar PV systems were developed for comparative studies. The estimated daily energy consumption for vertical farms in Selangor and Kuching was 430.116 kW h and 1002.024 kW h. Energy generated by grid-connected solar PV systems supported 11.6% and 8.35% of the load consumption in Selangor and Sarawak. The performance ratios of grid-connected solar PV systems in both selected sites were 82.22% and 82.56%. The finding proved that proposed work has significantly reduced the dependency of the utility grid. Additionally, the LCOE with solar PV integration vertical farming system appeared to be lower than the LCOE of the grid and lower CO2 emission. This paper serves as a reference guide to the vertical farming stakeholders, national policy-decision makers and non-profit organizations who planned for similar initiatives especially those within the tropical climate regions.
Blockchain is now one of the world's fast-growing and most critical innovations. Many assume blockchain is about cryptocurrencies or bitcoin, but we can claim that it goes far further than that. It is a technology that generates unchangeable and distributed data records exchanged by individuals in network database systems and record digital events so that they cannot be changed or remembered before they reach their destinations. Most companies have in recent times used blockchain to reinvent their technology. Many of the prominent industries include finance, real estate, health, the Internet, insurance, and much more. Healthcare is one of those industries which takes blockchain very quickly. This chapter will address the blockchain impact on the healthcare and biomedical industry for security and privacy purpose.