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Peopling time, spatial occupation and demography of Late Pleistocene–Holocene human population from Patagonia

  • Universidad Nacional de La Plata Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo

Abstract and Figures

The settlement of Patagonia has been the subject of extensive research, although key questions about the timing of arrival of the first humans and the subsequent patterns of dispersal and demographic changes within the region remain largely unresolved. In this study we evaluated the most probable date for the initial peopling of Patagonia and explored the temporal and spatial changes in population size along Late Pleistocene–Holocene by using robust statistical methods for the analysis of radiocarbon dates and molecular data. We suggest that the first humans probably arrived to Patagonia around 17,000–14,000 years BP, a few thousands of years earlier than generally stated. Within the region, the populations experienced a sustained and slow growth until the transition Pleistocene–Holocene, when the population size started to increase, with a remarkable acceleration after 7000–5000 years BP and reaching its maximum at 1000 years BP. The spatial occupation was not homogeneous across the region though, changing from a more intense continental occupation to a coastal occupation in the Late Holocene. This pattern of peopling and population expansion, obtained here on the basis of a rigorous and comprehensive quantitative approach, will allow the future evaluation of formal models about the ecological and cultural processes that drove the evolution of the human populations from Patagonia.
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Peopling time, spatial occupation and demography of Late
PleistoceneeHolocene human population from Patagonia
S. Ivan Perez
, María B
arbara Postillone
, Diego Rindel
, Diego Gobbo
Paula N. Gonzalez
, Valeria Bernal
on Antropología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (UNLP), 122 and 60, La Plata, Argentina
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientícas y T
ecnicas (CONICET), Argentina
Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Antropol
ogicas, Centro de Estudios Biom
edicos, Biotecnol
ogicos, Ambientales y de Diagn
ostico (CEBBAD),
Universidad Maim
onides, Hidalgo 775, Ciudad Aut
onoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (INAPL), 3 de Febrero 1378, Ciudad Aut
onoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
on Arqueología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (UNLP). Paseo del Bosque S/N, La Plata, Argentina
article info
Article history:
Available online 10 June 2016
Radiocarbon dates
Molecular data
Spatial and temporal statistics
Bayesian estimation
The settlement of Patagonia has been the subject of extensive research, although key questions about the
timing of arrival of the rst humans and the subsequent patterns of dispersal and demographic changes
within the region remain largely unresolved. In this study we evaluated the most probable date for the
initial peopling of Patagonia and explored the temporal and spatial changes in population size along Late
PleistoceneeHolocene by using robust statistical methods for the analysis of radiocarbon dates and
molecular data. We suggest that the rst humans probably arrived to Patagonia around 17,000
e14,000 years BP, a few thousands of years earlier than generally stated. Within the region, the pop-
ulations experienced a sustained and slow growth until the transition PleistoceneeHolocene, when the
population size started to increase, with a remarkable acceleration after 7000e5000 years BP and
reaching its maximum at 1000 years BP. The spatial occupation was not homogeneous across the region
though, changing from a more intense continental occupation to a coastal occupation in the Late Ho-
locene. This pattern of peopling and population expansion, obtained here on the basis of a rigorous and
comprehensive quantitative approach, will allow the future evaluation of formal models about the
ecological and cultural processes that drove the evolution of the human populations from Patagonia.
©2016 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Patagonia was the last continental region of the world to be
colonized by modern humans. The archaeological evidence most
widely accepted suggests that they spread into the region from the
Northwest of South America by around 14,000 years ago, probably
following the Pacic coast and reaching southern Patagonia ca.
13,000 years ago (Miotti and Salemme, 2003; Steele and Politis,
2009; Prates et al., 2013). There is increasing genetic data, from
modern and ancient mtDNA and Y chromosome, supporting that
the early populations that inhabited the region descended from
Asian groups. This evidence also points out that early populations
probably gave rise to Late Holocene and historic populations, sug-
gesting a local biological evolution of Patagonian groups (Moraga
et al., 2000; Garcıa-Bour et al., 2004; Goebel et al., 2008; Perego
et al., 2010; Bodner et al., 2012; de Saint Pierre et al., 2012a). The
spatial pattern of early human occupations in Patagonia seemed to
have occurred almost simultaneously along the Atlantic and Pacic
coasts, while the Andean foothills were colonized much later
(Borrero, 1994e1995; Miotti and Salemme, 2003; Prates et al.,
2013). Previous studies also postulate that human populations
were small and stable along Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene,
and that an increase in the occupation density only occurred during
the Late Holocene, particularly during the last 1000 to 500 years BP
(Martínez et al., 2013; Barberena et al., 2015; Zubimendi et al.,
2015). It has also been postulated that in some areas of Patagonia
population density decreased during the Middle Holocene
*Corresponding author. Divisi
on Antropología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y
Museo (UNLP), 122 and 60, La Plata, Argentina.
E-mail addresses: (S.I. Perez), mbpostillone@gmail.
com (M.B. Postillone), (D. Rindel), dgobbo@fcnym.unlp. (D. Gobbo), (P.N. Gonzalez), bernal.valeria@gmail.
com (V. Bernal).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Quaternary International
journal homepage:
1040-6182/©2016 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Quaternary International 425 (2016) 214e223
(Barrientos and Perez, 2005; Neme and Gil, 2008; Salemme and
Miotti, 2008). In spite of these apparent agreements, the timing
and process of peopling as well as demographic changes in Pata-
gonia have been the focus of intense debate for the last decades
(Kelly, 2003; Goebel et al., 2008; Salemme and Miotti, 2008;
Dillehay, 2009; Steele and Politis, 2009; M
endez et al., 2015).
In order to address these issues, signicant effort has been
devoted to obtain extensive databases of radiocarbon dates, while
the conceptual and methodological approaches to analyze them
have received less attention. In this sense, the pattern of dates is
usually taken as a direct evidence of the initial peopling and de-
mographic dynamic of the Patagonian populations. However, these
assumptions are at least arguable. First, it has long been accepted
that the archaeological record is incomplete and longtime gaps may
exist between the oldest known archaeological evidence and the
initial peopling (Marshall, 1990; Saltr
e et al., 2015; Villavicencio
et al., 2015). Therefore, the earliest dated site cannot be assumed
as the evidence of the rst peopling in a given region. Additionally,
it is widely recognized that the taphonomic processes, sample size
and sampling strategies of radiocarbon dates can generate biases in
the estimations of the spatial occupation and demographic dy-
namics of hunter-gatherer groups (Williams, 2012; Timpson et al.,
2015; Torng, 2015). Given that these conceptual and methodo-
logical problems have not been taken into account in previous
studies, the temporal and spatial processes of Patagonian peopling
are far from being well described and understood.
In this study, we estimate the most probable time for the earliest
peopling of Patagonia and explore the temporal changes in popula-
tion size along Late PleistoceneeHolocene by using robust statistical
methods for the analysisof radiocarbon dates. Wealso investigate the
temporal changesin the spatial occupation and population densityof
the region. In addition, we obtained independent estimations of the
earliest peopling and posterior demographic changes using molec-
ular data. Here we study the peopling time, spatial occupation (or
geographic distribution) and demography together because they are
part of the same process of colonization and posterior population
dynamic in a region (Drummond et al., 2005; Avise, 2009; Lemey
et al., 2009). To investigate the time and temporal dynamic of
peopling we assembled a comprehensive dataset of radiocarbon
dates of archaeological sites from thesouthern cone of South America
and analyzed them by means of time series and stratigraphic statis-
tics (Marshall, 1990; Surovell and Brantingham, 2007; Williams,
2012; Shennan et al., 2013; Saltr
eetal.,2015). The spatial occupa-
tion of the region was explored using the distribution of the fre-
quency of radiocarbon dates employing spatial statistical analyses
(Legendre and Legendre, 1998). The molecular-based estimations of
the earliest time of Patagonian peopling and the posterior de-
mographic changes were performed using modern and ancient
mtDNA data and Bayesian methods (Drummond et al., 2005; Ho and
Shapiro, 2011; Perez et al., 2016).
2. Material and methods
2.1. Radiocarbon and molecular data
We assembled a dataset of 1785 radiocarbon dates from
different bioarchaeological and archaeological sites from South
Buenos Aires and Mendoza to Tierra del Fuego (between 36 and 55
degree of South Latitude; Fig. 1;Table A.1;Borrero and Franco,
2000; Gil, 2006; Salemme and Miotti, 2008; Tessone and Belardi,
2010; Boschín and Andrade, 2011; Morello et al., 2012; Fern
et al., 2013; Martínez et al., 2013; Prates et al., 2013; San Rom
2013; Gil et al., 2014; Pallo and Ozan, 2014; Barberena et al.,
2015; Ber
on, 2015; Campbell and Quiroz, 2015; García Guraieb
et al., 2015; Martínez et al., 2015; Zubimendi et al., 2015; Perez
et al., 2016). Sites from neighbor areas such as Southern Cuyo and
South Pampa were also included because they have been previously
discussed together with Patagonian sites in studies that address the
peopling of this region. The nal dataset was generated after
eliminating dates of the same site that overlapped in the informed
standard deviation, including in the dataset the dates with the
narrower standard deviation. In this way, we avoid possible biases
related to the intensity of excavation in the same archaeological site
or the quantity of economic resources invested for investigating
specic periods of greatest interest (e.g. the early peopling of the
region). All dates were calibrated using the Calib 7.0 software and
the SHCal13 Southern Hemisphere Calibration Curve (Stuiver et al.,
Modern and ancient human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) se-
quences were downloaded of the GenBank database and of previ-
ous publications (Table A.2;Ginther et al., 1993; Moraga et al.,
2000; Garcıa-Bour et al., 2004; Perego et al., 2009; Bobillo et al.,
2010; Moraga et al., 2010; Catelli et al., 2011; Bodner et al., 2012;
de Saint Pierre et al., 2012a, 2012b; de la Fuente et al., 2015). We
analyzed sequences from descendants of aboriginal populations
carrying mtDNA variants (haplotypes) with high frequencies and/or
mainly restricted to populations from the extreme south of South
Fig. 1. Distribution of studied archaeological sites (red points), current coastline (black
line) and the estimated coastlines at 11,500 Cal BP (green line) and 17,000 Cal BP (blue
line). The coastlines are drawn following Prates and collaborators (2013). (For inter-
pretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)
S.I. Perez et al. / Quaternary International 425 (2016) 214e223 215
America. The 295 studied sequences comprise 1016 base pair (bp)
corresponding to the mtDNA control region (rCRS positions
approximately between 16,024 and 576) and were aligned with
MAFFT v7.012b, using the default setting (Katoh and Standley,
2013). Sequences from cosmopolitan populations and haplotypes
with high frequency outside Patagonia were not included in the
2.2. Radiocarbon based analyses
2.2.1. Time of the earliest peopling
If the initial peopling of Patagonia was by very small and highly
mobile groups of hunter-gatherers, it is likely that their archaeo-
logical record would be sparse and the chances of being discovered
very low (Borrero, 1989e1990, 2009). With an incomplete archae-
ological record, the oldest radiocarbon date in a region is typically
posterior to the actual time of the rst arrival of human groups into
the region. In that case, the estimation of the timing of initial
peopling should incorporate the uncertainties imposed by the
characteristics of the formation process of the archaeological re-
cord. This can be achieved by adding condence intervals to the end
of the range of strata with evidence of occupation. Here, we applied
the frequentist method of Condence Intervals on Stratigraphic
Range implemented in PAST 3.09 (Hammer et al., 2001; Hammer
and Harper, 2006), based in the methods proposed by Strauss and
Sadler (1989) and Marshall (1990). To estimate the condence in-
tervals for the temporal depth of the archaeological record in a
given area this method takes into account the dates of the rst and
last occupied strata, and the total number of strata with evidence of
occupation. The method assumes that the deposition of archaeo-
logical remains follows a random (Poisson) distribution, where the
earliest events have a lower probability of deposition (Hammer and
Harper, 2006). The earliest evidence of occupation was established
alternatively in 13,000 and 14,000 years, using the most robust and
conservative evidence of radiocarbon dates for the southern cone of
South America (Steele and Politis, 2009). The estimation of the
stratigraphic sequence of Patagonia was based on caves with well-
established sequences and reliable radiocarbon dates (e.g. Piedra
Museo, Fell, CCP7 caves; Emperaire et al., 1963; Miotti, 1996; de
Nigris, 2004; Marchionni, 2013). These sites have between 10 and
20 strata; therefore, the estimations were made using a range of
strata values to assess the effect of the number of strata used on the
estimations of the condence intervals.
The methods of Strauss and Sadler (1989) and Marshall (1990)
have been criticized because they do not incorporate the un-
certainties associated with the radiometric dates and assume that
the likelihood of nding evidence of occupation is the same along
the true range. However, it is well known that this probability in-
creases as the region is occupied and varies in relation to changing
taphonomic conditions (Villavicencio et al., 2015). To formally
incorporate these factors in our estimations, we also infer the time
of the initial peopling of Patagonia employing one method imple-
mented by Saltr
e and collaborators (2015) provides a 95% con-
dence band around the estimated time of peopling. This method,
called Gaussian-resampled inverse-weighted method (GRIWM),
deals with non-random deposition of archaeological remains by
progressively up-weighting the gap sizes the closer they are to the
time of the initial peopling (Bradshaw et al., 2012). This estimation
was then compared to the results obtained with the methods of
Strauss and Sadler (1989) and Marshall (1997) implemented by
e et al. (2015). These estimations were obtained in the R soft-
ware (R Development Core Team., 2015). We used as input the
twenty two earliest dates (>13,000 Cal BP) for the archaeological
sites Arroyo Seco 2, Pilauco, Cerro Tres Tetas, Cueva Lago Sofıa1,
Monte Verde Component II, Tres Arroyos, Cueva del Medio,
Chinchihuapi, Los Toldos, and Piedra Museo AEP-1 (Table A.1).
Alternatively, we employed fteen less controversial radiocarbon
dates between 11,900 and 11,000 C14 BP (13,700 and 12,900 Cal BP;
Steele and Politis, 2009) from the following sites: Tres Arroyos,
Cueva del Medio, Pilauco, Cerro La China-Sitio 2, Cerro Tres Tetas,
Arroyo Seco 2, Cueva Lago Sofıa 1, Monte Verde Component II.
2.2.2. Spatial distribution of radiocarbon dates
The spatial distribution and density of calibrated dates along
time was explored using geographic distribution maps. The sites
were geo-referenced using the Gauss Krueger projection
(Argentina), Sash 3 Datum: WGS84. We divided the dataset in pe-
riods of 2000 years and superimposed a grid of 100 100kmof
size on the maps of distribution of radiocarbon dates (Fig. 1 and
Fig. A.1). To select the size of the cells we considered that they were
not too large, resulting in excessive loss of localized information, or
too small to generate articial spatial discontinuities in the distri-
bution of sites. The frequency of sites by period was recorded for
each cell and then plotted against the mean geographical position
of the cells. To obtain a continuous distribution of frequency values
across the entire region, we estimated the frequency of dates for
each pixel on a map of Patagonia by interpolating the observations
available in neighbor areas of the mean position of each cell using
the inverse distance-weighting approach (Legendre, 1993;
Legendre and Legendre, 1998). We set the search circlearound
each pixel using a maximum of 12 neighbor cells and a minimum of
nine neighbor cells to be included in each interpolation value. For
each pixel, an estimated value () was assigned by using the
weighted mean of the neighbor observations within the search
circle; ¼Pw
, where y
is an observed value in the circle and w
is the inverse of the distance between the observed value and the
frequency to be estimated. This interpolation plot method gener-
ates a more robust and smooth estimation of site distribution and
has been widely applied in ecology (Legendre, 1993). The method
assumes that the estimated frequency for the pixels is likely to
resemble the frequencies of the cells of the same local area, and that
the differences in the frequency of sites among cells are in an in-
verse proportion to the distance between them.
For each period, we also estimated the distribution of distances
from each site to the sea coast dpast and present coastlinedas
Euclidean distances considering a variable search radius. All the
analyses were performed in the Quantum GIS v2.8.5 software (QGIS
Development Team, 2015).
2.2.3. Temporal distribution of radiocarbon dates
To explore the pattern of temporal changes in the occupation of
Patagonia we employed time distribution graphs (Surovell and
Brantingham, 2007; Williams, 2012; Shennan et al., 2013). Specif-
ically, the calibrated dates were graphed using histograms to
generate curves of densities of occupation throughout time, which
indirectly allowed us to explore temporal changes in human
demography. The radiocarbon dates were data binnedinto 400
year intervals to reduce the effect of sampling bias. We considered
the impact of type of archeological site, a taphonomic factor that
might have an effect on the density curves of radiocarbon dates, by
estimating the temporal distribution of open air, rockshelter and
cave sites. We also corrected the number of dates at each time in-
terval tby dividing the observed number of dates in each interval
by the empirically derived expectations suggested by Surovell et al.
(2009; S2009), where the expected nt ¼5.726442 10
(t þ2176.4)
. The distribution of temporal frequencies of
radiocarbon dates was smoothed by the common and simple n-
point centered moving average, with a nvalue of ve (Hammer and
Harper, 2006).
S.I. Perez et al. / Quaternary International 425 (2016) 214e223216
Finally, to test if the trend observed in the distribution of
radiocarbon dates was positive and signicant we applied the
non-parametric ManneKendall test (Gilbert, 1987). The S statistic
was calculated by summing over all pairs of values,
sgn ðxj xiÞ. The sign of the S value is informative
of the sign of the trend. The signicance of S was established using
the Z statistic. The statistical analyses were performed in PAST v.
3.09 (Hammer et al., 2001) and R software 3.0.3 (R Development
Core Team., 2015).
2.3. Molecular-based analyses
2.3.1. Time of coalescence and demographic inference
The molecular sequences were used to estimate the time of
coalescence of haplotype mtDNA lineages and demographic tra-
jectories of human populations from Patagonia employing Bayesian
methods (Drummond et al., 2005, 2006). We estimated genealog-
ical trees with time of divergence by haplotypes using the method
developed by Drummond et al. (2006). We employed a relaxed
molecular clock model, which allows substitution rates to vary
across lineages according to an uncorrelated lognormal distribution
(Drummond et al., 2006), and set the tree priors as a Yule Process.
The Bayesian Skyline Plot method (BSP; Drummond et al., 2005)
was used to estimate changes in population size along Late Pleis-
tocene and Holocene. This method uses the coalescent theory to
relate the shape of a molecular genealogy to the demographic dy-
namic of the populations in the past (Drummond et al., 2005; Ho
and Shapiro, 2011).
We generated the genealogical tree and the Skyline Plot using
the Bayesian approach implemented in BEAST 1.6.1 (Drummond
and Rambaut, 2007), which uses a Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) sampling procedure to estimate the genealogy, coales-
cence time and the population size das well as its credibility
intervalsdthrough time from the molecular sequences
(Drummond et al., 2005, 2006). The MCMC simulations were set in
50, 000, 000 generations and a sample frequency of 5000 (Rambaut
and Drummond, 2007). The BSP analyses and genealogical esti-
mations were performed assuming a HKY model of mtDNA
sequence evolution and rates of substitutions by site by year of
2.4E-7 and 3.02E-7 (s/s/y; Santos et al., 2005; Endicott and Ho,
2008; de Saint Pierre et al., 2012a, 2012b; Perez et al., 2016). We
employed Tracer v1.5 (Rambaut and Drummond, 2007) to evaluate
convergence in the MCMC simulations and to generate the BSP plot.
The genealogies were explored with the software FigTree v.1.4.
3. Results
3.1. Time of the earliest peopling
Based on radiocarbon dates and Condence Intervals on Strati-
graphic Range analyses, we suggest that the most probable time
(i.e. the 95% condence interval) for the earlier peopling of Pata-
gonia was between 16,000 and 13,000 years ago or between 18,000
and 14,000 years ago, considering a minimum age of either 13,000
or 14,000 Cal BP, respectively, and 14 or 16 strata (Fig. 2). The most
ancient value increase or decrease according to the amount of
archaeological strata considered in the analysis (Fig. 2). The results
obtained with the Saltr
e et al. (2015) approach also suggest an
initial peopling between 18,000 and 14,000 Cal BP (Table 1). This
time exceeds the previous evidence based on the rst occurrence of
archaeologically well-supported dates, around 14,000 and
13,000 years ago (Steele and Politis, 2009; Prates et al., 2013).
Cal BP
First date: 14,000 cal BP
10 12 14 16 18 20
95% conf
Cal BP
10 12 14 16 18 20
95% con
First date: 13,000 cal BP
Fig. 2. Estimated age for the rst peopling of Patagonia based on Condence Intervals on Stratigraphic Range method. The upper panel shows the estimations based on an ancient
age of 14,000 Cal BP, while the lower panel displays the results obtained for the most accepted date of 13,000 Cal BP (Steele and Politis, 2009). The most probable age was estimated
considering a range of strata values between 10 and 20.
S.I. Perez et al. / Quaternary International 425 (2016) 214e223 217
Interestingly, our earlier estimation based on radiocarbon dates
is within the range of results obtained with molecular data
(Table 2). In Table 2 we show the Time of the Most Recent Common
Ancestor of the lineages B2l, C1b13, D1g and D4h3a5, that previous
studies suggest were originated within Patagonia (Bodner et al.,
2012; de Saint Pierre et al., 2012a). Because there is no agreement
about the most adequate substitution rate, we compared the ages
obtained with two different rates [2.4E-7 (Santos et al., 2005) and
3.02E-7 (Endicott and Ho, 2008) s/s/y]. Taking the substitution rate
from Santos et al. (2005) we obtained the most ancient ages of
17,266 and 15,632 years for C1b13 and D1g, respectively. The
haplotypes B2l and D4h3a5 display younger ages, of 13,674 and
10,852 years, respectively. The estimations using the Endicott and
Ho (2008) rates were in average 3000 younger (Table 2). There-
fore, these results suggest that the region was peopled between
17,000 and 14,500 years ago, considering the probable time interval
of the earliest lineage divergence within the region (the C1b13
3.2. Pattern of spatial occupation
Fig. 3 displays the temporal changes in the density of radio-
carbon dates, as indirect evidence of human occupation, using
articial intervals of 2000 years. The patterns of spatial occupation
along time do not show simple latitudinal or longitudinal
trends. During the period 16,000e14,000 years, the sites were
concentrated in the Pacic coast, considering the unique evidence
of sites in the Monte Verde locality. In the next period,
14,000e12,000 years ago, additionally to the Pacic occupation, the
Atlantic coast displays evidence of occupation, particularly in
Southeast Pampa, Northeast of Santa Cruz and in both sides of the
Magellan strait (Fig. 3). During the next periods (between 12,000
and 8000 years) the interior of the continent began to be peopled,
being the rst evidence found in Northwest Patagonia and the
Central Plain in Santa Cruz. Between 8000 and 4000 years ago, the
human population started to occupy the southernmost part of
Andean mountains and the density of occupation in Tierra del
Fuego increased. In the last 4000 years all the Atlantic coast was
occupied and the density of sites increased signicantly across
Patagonia. Only the Central Plain of Chubut, the Central Pampa and
the Somuncur
a Plain in Río Negro show low density of sites during
all periods.
The distribution of distances to the sea shows that during the
early peopling almost all sites were closer than 150 km to either the
Atlantic or Pacic sea (Atlantic and Pacic; Fig. A.2). During the Late
Pleistocene and Early Holocene (12,000e8000 years BP) the sites
were homogeneously distributed between 0 and 350 km from the
sea. After 8000 years BP and during the Middle and Late Holocene
the sites were concentrated in the coast, between 20 or 30 km to
the sea (Fig. A.2).
3.3. Demographic changes
The ManneKendall test shows that the positive trend observed
in the distribution of radiocarbon dates for all types of sites is sig-
nicant (Cave: S ¼
505, P <0.0001; Rockshelter: S ¼582,
P<0.0001; Open air: S ¼648, P <0.0001). Fig. 4 displays the
demographic reconstruction based on calibrated radiocarbon dates
for the different types of sites using data uncorrected and the S2009
correction for taphonomic bias. The curve estimated using cave
dates displays an increase in population size between 14,000 and
12,500 years ago, then no changes in population size are observed
until 4000 years ago, when a steady increase occurs (Fig. 4). Un-
corrected rockshelter and open air sites only display an increase in
population size around 4000 years ago. However, the use of the
correction method proposed by Surovell et al. (2009; S2009) results
in a curve more similar to that obtained with the cave data (Fig. 4).
Interestingly, this correction generates more sudden uctuations in
the frequency of sites than the uncorrected data, as can be seen, for
instance, around 10,200 and 3500 years BP. Such uctuations are
probably related to sampling bias of radiocarbon dates (Perez et al.,
The Bayesian Skyline plot (BSP) based on molecular data shows
that the human population from Patagonia had a female effective
population size of ca. 1200 individuals during the Late Pleistocene,
16,000 years ago, and it increased slowly between 12,500 and
6000 years ago, being this change more noticeable after
7000e500 0 years ago (Fig. 5). The population reached an estimated
female effective population size of 10,500 individuals ca.
2500 years ago. Then, it continued growing until reaching a size of
20,000 individuals ca. 500 years ago. The condence intervals
generated by the BSP progressively increase from 350 to 7000 in-
dividuals by 16,000 years BP to 7000e70,000 individuals by 500
years ago (Fig. 5).
4. Discussion
In this work we present an analysis of an extensive dataset of
published radiocarbon dates from recently excavated archaeolog-
ical sites and mtDNA sequences of modern and ancient aboriginal
populations from Patagonia, southern South America. To the best of
our knowledge, this is the rst study that comprehensively explores
the time of peopling, the spatial occupation and changes in human
demography in Patagonia. These problems have been mainly
addressed using radiocarbon dates only at regional scales (Martínez
et al., 2013), or datasets restricted to Late Pleistocene and Early
Table 1
Estimated interval for the earlier Patagonian peopling based on the approaches of Strauss and Sadler (1989), Marshall (1997) and GRIWM (Bradshaw et al., 2012), using the
most conservative and the more controversial radiocarbon dates (Steele and Politis, 2009).
Method Dates >13,000 Cal BP Dates >11,000 and <12,000 C14 BP
Calibrated younger age Calibrated oldest age Calibrated younger age Calibrated oldest age
Strauss-Sadler 16,289 16,795 13,658 13,880
Marshall 16,283 18,433 13,657 14,471
Griwm 17,031 17,044 14,036 14,042
Table 2
Coalescence ages of the mtDNA variants (haplotypes) with high frequencies and/or
mainly restricted to populations from the extreme south of South America. The ages
were calculated using two different mutation rates, Endicott and Ho (2008; 1) and
Santos et al. (2005; 2).
Mutational rates
Haplotypes 0.302 s/s/y
0.24 s/s/y
B2l 10,872 13,674
C1b13 14,522 17,266
D1g 12,120 15,632
D4h3a5 7848 10,852
S.I. Perez et al. / Quaternary International 425 (2016) 214e223218
Fig. 3. Spatial patterns of the frequency of sites in Patagonia. The map of the density of
sites was created for eight temporal intervals using interpolating methods with the
inverse distance-weighting approach.
0 5000 10000 15000
0 5000 10000 15000
Standarized Frequency
Cal BP
0 5000 10000 15000
Open air
Standarized Frequency
Standarized Frequency
Fig. 4. Demographic reconstructions based on calibrated radiocarbon dates of caves,
rocksettlers and open air sites. For the last two types of sites, the estimations using
corrected data for taphonomic bias with the method of Surovell et al. (2009; S2009)
are also shown.
S.I. Perez et al. / Quaternary International 425 (2016) 214e223 219
Holocene periods (Miotti and Salemme, 2003; Steele and Politis,
2009; Prates et al., 2013).
The condence intervals obtained for the earliest and strongly
supported radiocarbon dates, as well as the estimation of the time
of the most recent common ancestor of the mtDNA lineages specic
of Patagonia, suggest that the initial peopling of the region occurred
between 17,000 and 14,000 years ago. Previous analyses of mito-
chondrial lineages exclusively distributed in southern South
America (Bodner et al., 2012;de Saint Pierre et al., 2012a) agree
with our results. Particularly, these studies show that some hap-
lotypes such as B2l, C1b13 and D1g dwhich present large variation,
have high frequencies in current populations, are observed in
ancient DNA and are mainly restricted to populations from the
extreme south of South Americadhave a range of ages between
19,000 and 14,000 years ago, when the substitution rates employed
in our work are used, or are even much older when considering the
substitution rate suggested by Soares et al. (2009). We estimate
similar ages employing a more comprehensive dataset of se-
quences, showing that these estimations are very robust. Interest-
ingly, this estimation agrees with the controversial dates of the
archaeological site Monte Verde (Chile), whose Component II has
calibrated dates between 18,500 and 14,500 Cal BP (Dillehay et al.,
2015), as well as with Piedra Museo and Pilauco with dates around
15,000 Cal BP (Miotti et al., 1999; Pino et al., 2013). However, our
results cannot be interpreted as evidence supporting theveracity of
the earliest radiocarbon dates from those archaeological sites.
Our estimations of the earliest peopling event are outside of the
values presented by most archaeological studies. Particularly, Steele
and Politis (2009) suggest, based on samples with strong anthropic
evidence (hearth charcoal and cut-marked bone), that human
populations were in the southern cone of South America at or soon
after 13,000 Cal BP. They suggest that this is the time of funding of
a persistent and demographically viable hunter-gatherer popula-
tion(Steele and Politis, 2009). However, the evidence analyzed
here suggest that the human population of Patagonia was experi-
encing a demographic growth by that time, remaining then rela-
tively stable until the end of the Middle Holocene (Figs. 4 and 5).
Therefore, the apparent discrepancies between the ages suggested
by recent archaeological studies and the estimations obtained here
can be solved if we consider that the interval between our earliest
dates and the rst population growth dthe time of peopling sup-
ported by Steele and Politis (2009)dwas probably the time of the
initial spreading of humans in a previously empty area (Borrero,
1994e1995), where the chances of nding archaeological remains
are very low.
After 13,000 Cal BP, radiocarbon dates and molecular data sug-
gest that Patagonia was stably occupied by a human population that
grew slowly. Radiocarbon dates for cave sites show this pattern
more clearly. The radiocarbon distributions of the rockshelter and
open air sites after taphonomic correction suggest a similar pattern.
However, some peaks and valleys observed in the open air and
rockshelter distributions of radiocarbon dates should be inter-
preted with caution, specically the peak around 12,500 Cal BP in
the rockshelter distribution and the peak around 7500 Cal BP in the
open air data (Fig. 4), because they can be the result of over-
correction of the S2009 formulae (Williams, 2013). Even consid-
ering the limitations of the different datasets and corrections, the
results for the population changes along Late Pleistocene and Early
Holocene are generally concordant. Our results also show that
although the population grew constantly along the Holocene, the
largest population increase began after 7000e5000 Cal BP, reach-
ing the maximum size at 1000 Cal BP (Figs. 4 and 5). For the Late
Holocene we estimated a population density between 5 and 20
individuals/100 km2, which represents a 30 fold increase compared
to the density calculated for the Late Pleistocene. Importantly, this
trend can be observed in molecular, and also in the S2009 corrected
and uncorrected radiocarbon data, indicating that the pattern of
population growth during the Late Holocene is not a result of
taphonomic effects or other biases. The rapid increase in the pop-
ulation of Patagonia can be seen more clearly in radiocarbon data.
Along with the demographic changes that took place during the
Late Holocene, there was an increasing use of landscapes previously
empty, suggesting that this was a period of intensication in the
human occupation and use of resources, i.e., the effective occupa-
tion phase described in previous studies (Borrero, 1989e1990,
1994e1995). During this time of rapid population growth, the hu-
man settlements were increasingly concentrated in the coast of the
sea, between zero and 30 km (Fig. 3 and Fig. A.2). This spatial
pattern strongly contrasts with the spatial distribution of sites
during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene, when a high
Years BP
0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000
Female Effective Population Size
Fig. 5. BSP reconstruction of the human demographic curve based on modern and ancient mtDNA control region. The analysis was performed using the sequences from de-
scendants of aboriginal populations of Patagonia having mtDNA variants (haplotypes) with high frequencies and/or mainly restricted to the extreme south of South America.
S.I. Perez et al. / Quaternary International 425 (2016) 214e223220
frequency of sites was found at distances between 50 and 150 km
from the coast of the sea. Such distance to the coast suggests that
human groups were not occupying the coast intensively. Whether
these patterns are related to real population processes or are the
result of supra-regional taphonomic factors related to changes in
the level of the sea is a problem that requires future investigations.
Moreover, some regions in the interior of the continent, as the
Northeast of Santa Cruz and the North of Neuqu
en and South of
Mendoza, have little evidence of human occupation during the
Middle Holocene. The nding that the population size of Patagonia
increased constantly along the from Early to Late Holocene sup-
ports the hypothesis that the lack of evidence of occupation in such
areas could be related to local depopulation and human mobiliza-
tion to other places rather than population extinction (Salemme
and Miotti, 2008).
Other areas, by contrast, remained empty during the elapsed
time since the initial peopling. This is the case for the South of Rio
Negro, the central area of Chubut and the center-south of La Pampa
(Fig. 3). The lack of radiocarbon dates in those areas could be the
result of either the lack of research or the scarcity of resources for
sustaining higher population densities. The latter option is the most
probable given that these areas have been as studied as others with
high frequency of dates (Miotti et al., 2009; Ber
on, 2015), and the
fact that they are characterized by a limited availability of fresh-
water. Particularly, the distribution of archaeological sites along the
Late PleistoceneeHolocene shows that almost all sites are at less
than 100 km close to the nearest river, being between 60% and 80%
of sites at a shorter distance than 10 km to a permanent river
(Figs. A.3 and A.4). Therefore, a strong dependence between the
pattern of human occupation and the distribution of freshwater
resources is observed in Patagonia.
The pattern of changes in population size and spatial dispersion
since the initial peopling can be interpreted in light of the general
patterns of association between population density and subsistence
strategies of hunter-gatherers. Zoo-archaeological evidence sug-
gests that the early spread of humans in southern South America
was supported by the relatively high availability of large and mega-
fauna, mainly species of Lama and Rhea, but also Hippidion and
Mylodon (Borrero, 2009; Pires et al., 2016). The initial changes in
population size could be related to the demographic growth of the
largest survival large-herbivore, the guanaco (Pires et al., 2016).
Pires and collaborators (2016) show that ca. 8000 Cal BP, after the
megafaunal extinction, populations of guanacos (Lama guanicoe)
grew fast, suggesting that the density of the humans dits main
predatordwas coupled with the guanaco demography. In this way,
numerous evidence shows that guanaco was the main prey of
Patagonian hunter-gatherers (Mengoni Go~
nalons, 1999; Miotti and
Salemme, 1999; Pires et al., 2016). Moreover, the steepest growth
during the Late Holocene period appears to be also related to the
intensication in the occupation and use of resources along almost
all the coast of Pampa and Patagonia.
The increase in population density (beyond a packing threshold
of 9.1 individuals/100 km2) among contemporary hunter-gatherers
is only observed when intensication strategies are developed,
varying according to the effective temperature and the availability
of aquatic resources (Binford, 2001; Johnson, 2014). It is remarkable
that the packing threshold of 9.1 individuals/100 km2 was probably
over-passed in Patagonia during the Late Holocene. Isotopic and
zoo-archaeological evidence show that the Late Holocene is char-
acterized by a process of diversication in the subsistence strate-
gies and diet intensication, including the incorporation of small
animals and vegetables in Northwest Patagonia and South Cuyo (Gil
et al., 2011; Gord
on et al., 2016), the incorporation of a large di-
versity of aquatic resources along the coast (mollusks, shes and
pinnipeds; Zangrando, 2009; Stoessel and Martínez, 2014) and new
labour investment in food processing (Stoessel and Martínez, 2014).
Particularly, an increase in the consumption of marine resources is
simultaneously found between 7500 and 6000 Cal BP in different
areas of the Atlantic coast, such as North of Chubut and Santa Cruz
provinces, Río Negro and Tierra del Fuego (G
omez Otero, 2006;
Zangrando, 2009; Favier Dubois and Scartascini, 2012; Zubimendi
et al., 2015). It is worth noting that close dates were obtained
here for the beginning of the demographic increase in Patagonia.
The population growth in the Middle and Late Holocene is also
associated with changes in technology. Particularly, this period is
characterized by the development of new technologies for
obtaining (e.g. bow and arrow) and processing food (e.g. pottery
and mortars; Politis et al., 2001; Stoessel and Martínez, 2014). The
processes of intensication in the use of resources and technolog-
ical change may have begun during the Middle Holocene (ca.
5000e400 0 Cal BP) in Northwest Patagonia and South Cuyo, where
domesticated plants were also incorporated (Fernandez,
1988e1990; Gil et al., 2006). In South Pampa and the Central
coast of Patagonia, the process of intensication probably occurred
after 3000 Cal BP (Martínez, 1999; Favier Dubois et al., 2009). In
other areas, as in the coast of North Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego,
the process may have begun much later, after 1000 Cal BP
(Zangrando, 2009; Stoessel and Martínez, 2014). These results
suggest that the processes of population growth and intensication
in the use of resources were not homogeneous and simultaneous
across Patagonia. Moreover, the archaeological evidence for the
later Late Holocene sites is consistent with a reduction in resi-
dential mobility and the development of logistic mobility strategies
ni, 2010; Martínez, 2008e2009).
5. Conclusions
In sum, this study provides a well-supported pattern of the
peopling and demographic evolution of aboriginal populations of
Patagonia, which suggests that the colonization and posterior de-
mographic expansion occurred earlier than generally postulated.
Our results indicate a scenario in which Patagonia was peopled by
small groups that arrived to the region between 17,000 and
14,000 Cal BP. At a regional scale, these populations experienced a
sustained and slow growth until 7000e5000 Cal BP, when a rapid
demographic expansion took place reaching its maximum at
1000 Cal BP. However, this process was not spatially homogeneous.
The initial peopling followed the Atlantic and Pacic coasts, while
the interior was more intensively occupied along the Pleistoce-
neeHolocene transition and the Early Holocene. By the Middle
Holocene, this trend started to be reversed and the occupation of
the coast increased remarkably, while other areas remained unin-
habited until the Late Holocene. The pattern outlined here, ob-
tained on the basis of rigorous quantitative approaches, will allow
the future evaluation of formal models about the ecological and
cultural processes that drove the evolution of the human pop-
ulations from Patagonia.
This work was supported by grants from FONCyT (Din
poblacional humana y variaci
on en el nicho ecol
ogico en el Nor-
oeste de Patagonia durante el Holoceno.PICT 2014/2017e2134),
amica poblacional humana y cambios en el nicho
ogico en el Noroeste de Patagonia durante el Holoceno. PIP 729-
2015e2017) and Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Ecología y
on de las poblaciones humanas del Noroeste de Patagonia
(Pcia. del Neuqu
en) durante el Holoceno.UNLP. 2016e2019).
S.I. Perez et al. / Quaternary International 425 (2016) 214e223 221
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S.I. Perez et al. / Quaternary International 425 (2016) 214e223 223
... Espacialmente, la evidencia indica niveles de violencia más elevados en el sector centro-sur (13,2%) respecto del sector norte (6,9%). A pesar de que esta diferencia no es estadísticamente significativa, la tendencia está en consonancia con los patrones demográficos derivados de otras líneas (i.e., análisis moleculares, radiocarbónicos y bioarqueológicos), que se retoman más adelante (Della Negra et al. 2014;Gordón et al. 2019aGordón et al. , 2019bPérez et al. 2016). En términos diacrónicos, se observa un incremento en los niveles de violencia hacia los 2.000 años AP y no se registran lesiones en el registro bioarqueológico postcontacto, aunque sí indicadores indirectos de conflicto, tales como espadas y casquetes metálicos con marcas de corte. ...
... AP, pero el aumento marcado se habría dado, después del 4.000-5.000 años AP, con un pico hacia el 1.000 AP (Gordón et al. 2019a;Pérez et al. 2016). Es interesante notar que el segundo período considerado en este trabajo (ca. ...
... Los resultados obtenidos sobre la distribución y consumo de la Araucaria resultan sugestivos ya que ésta fue la única planta que mostró elevados valores de selectividad, aunque detectada isotópicamente en individuos procedentes del centro-oeste de la provincia del Neuquén. Existen numerosas menciones sobre la importancia de este recurso para la organización social y la vida de los grupos, tanto en términos nutricionales y medicinales como económicos (Aguirre y Pérez, 2016;Cortés et al. 2019;dos Reis et al. 2014;Musters, [1869Musters, [ -1870 1997, entre otros). Estas características convierten a la Araucaria en un recurso altamente defendible, un factor recurrentemente mencionado en la literatura específica sobre las variaciones en los patrones de conflicto (Mattison et al. 2016;Read y LeBlanc, 2003;Torres-Rouff y Costa Junqueira, 2006). ...
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En este trabajo se analizan frecuencias de lesiones traumáticas en individuos procedentes de la provincia de Neuquén (N=37) correspondientes a distintos momentos del Holoceno (i.e., transición Holoceno medio-tardío, Holoceno tardío y momentos postcontacto). Asimismo, se analizan muestras de cráneos del área alojadas en diversas instituciones del mismo período (N=45). Los resultados indican niveles de violencia interpersonal desde comienzos de la secuencia temporal analizada que aumentan conforme se verifica un incremento demográfico (hacia los 2.000 años AP), particularmente en el área con mayor densidad poblacional estimada (i.e., centro-sur de Neuquén). Asimismo, se destaca la evidencia de violencia indirecta para momentos postcontacto con la sociedad colonial. En una escala espacial más amplia, se detecta que los niveles de conflicto en el NO de la Patagonia fueron mayores que aquellos registrados para el NE de la región. Para explicar la variación observada se propone la existencia de relaciones causales entre niveles de conflicto con factores demográficos y ecológicos. Finalmente, los resultados son interpretados a la luz de líneas de evidencia complementarias. Las relaciones de conflicto en el área no habrían sido disruptivas para los sistemas socioculturales hasta los últimos 200 años, momento en el que se llevaron a cabo campañas militares por parte del nuevo Estado Nacional.
... However, these reconstructions are challenging because multiple intrinsic (e.g., patterns of mortality, fertility, and morbidity) and extrinsic (e.g., postdepositional and temporal processes) factors may interfere between the living population and the demographic proxy used, making difficult the inference of past human population dynamics (Chamberlain, 2006;Cobos et al., 2022;French et al., 2021;Schmidt et al., 2021;Waldron, 1994). In this context, the exploration of the past demographic dynamics based on a variety of independent lines of evidence may contribute to the assessment of the possible factors that generate bias and assess the robustness of the inferences made (Chamberlain, 2006;Cobos, 2022;Bocquet-Appel & Masset,1982;Perez, Postillone, et al., 2016;Surovell & Brantingham, 2007;Williams, 2012). ...
... The demographic history of human populations from Northwest Patagonia and centralsouth Chile is an interesting study case, mainly because it was the northernmost area from last region of the world that was peopled by humans and previous works displayed disparate results (Borrero,1994(Borrero, -1995Briones & Lanata, 2002;Steele & Politis, 2009). First, demographic studies in Northwest Patagonia have analyzed archaeological evidence, such as radiocarbon dates and frequency of lithic artifacts, as indicator of relative human density (e.g., Barberena et al., 2015;Gil et al., 2014;Gord on et al., 2019;Llano et al., 2020;Méndez et al., 2015;Perez et al., 2017;Perez, Postillone, et al., 2016). Fluctuations in the archaeological signal are related to proportional changes in population size and distribution over time under the assumption that a larger number of individuals will leave a stronger archaeological signal than that corresponding to those periods in which the number of individuals is smaller (Arieta Baizabal, 2020;Chamberlain, 2006;Surovell & Brantingham, 2007;Williams, 2012). ...
... More recently, molecular markers such as mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have also gained ground in demographic studies of Northwest Patagonia and central-south Chile Bodner et al., 2012;Cobos, 2022;de Saint Pierre et al., 2012;Perez et al., 2017;Perez, Postillone, et al., 2016). The mtDNA contains historical-genealogical information that allows the application of molecular clock estimates and coalescent analyses to obtain reliable estimates of changes in population size over time at diverse spatial scales (Drummond et al., 2005;Ho & Shapiro, 2011;Tajima, 1983Tajima, , 1989Templeton et al., 1992). ...
In this study, we compare the patterns of demographic changes in populations from Northwest Patagonia and central‐south Chile throughout the Late Pleistocene–Holocene obtained from absolute dates with those resulting from molecular genealogies. We have found that temporal distributions of frequencies of absolute dates constitute a more sensitive demographic indicator than molecular data to make inferences at small spatial scales in the region. Moreover, even though the latter has proven to be very informative about old demographic processes, it represents a less reliable source of information for more recent ones.
... Asimismo, una gran parte de la porción central del área de estudio también presenta valores de distribución potencial bajos o moderados, tanto en el sur como en el norte de Patagonia. Estos resultados concuerdan con lo observado en otros trabajos (Pérez et al., 2016) y subraya la escasa productividad de los sectores intermedios alejados de los cursos de agua. En este sentido, los valores más elevados de distribución potencial se ubican en sectores peri-cordilleranos, ricos en fuentes de agua y con elevada productividad primaria. ...
... Sin embargo, es en la porción norte de Patagonia donde las ocupaciones ecuestres se diferencian en mayor medida de ocupaciones previas. En este sentido, espacios como la porción central del norte de Patagonia no muestran hasta el Holoceno tardío importantes evidencias de ocupación humana (ver figura 3 en Pérez et al., 2016) pero sí durante el período ecuestre. Esto posiblemente obedece a dos razones, en primer lugar, lo adecuado de las mesetas altas intermedias en términos de transitabilidad, calidad de pasturas y disponibilidad de agua, y por otro la influencia del asentamiento de Carmen de Patagones (1779), en la desembocadura del río Negro. ...
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Introduction of horses in indigenous populations of Patagonia: routes of entry, ecological context and changes in patterns of mobility and subsistence at historical moments. The introduction of the horse in Patagonia changed the life of local populations on multiple levels. In particular, the subsistence and mobility of hunter-gatherer groups were highly impacted. Some relevant factors that influenced this process were: the time of adoption of this species, the spatial vectors of dispersion, certain climatic factors, the evaluation of costs and benefits associated with adoption of horses regarding their nutritional requirements and ecology, and the nutritional yield of horse meat. In this paper we explore the impact that the adoption of horses would have had on Patagonian populations through the study of historical sources and the comparative analysis of the nutritional yield of meat horse with respect to the prey traditionally exploited by hunter-gatherer groups (i.e., guanaco). Likewise, we study the nutritional requirements of the species and the use of species distribution models to investigate the areas in Patagonia that could support horse populations. The results indicate different dispersion axes and adoption times in different areas of Patagonia. Likewise, we propose that differences in nutritional yield between horses and traditional prey may partly explain the rapid incorporation of this resource as a staple for Patagonian populations. Finally, we point out that the mobility patterns of human populations show some adaptation to the ecological requirements of horses.
... As regards human demography, estimations have been made for the South-Central Andes-including the southern Puna-and two areas of Patagonia-north-west and south, including the interior steppe-based on radiocarbon dates and mitochondrial DNA as proxies of changes in population size and absolute population size, respectively [80,81]. Both lines of evidence suggest earlier population growth in the South-Central Andes as compared to Patagonian areas, resulting in a much higher population density by the Late Holocene. ...
... Similarly to the Puna, the archaeological record of Middle Holocene Patagonia is also sparse. Some Patagonian areas have little evidence of human occupation during this time, suggesting local population decrease and change of settlement areas [80]. As in the Puna, it has been proposed that during drier periods, areas with water, faunal resources, firewood and shelter availability, such as lower basins, would have been privileged for settlement (e.g. ...
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In this paper, we argue for the inclusion of archaeology in discussions about how humans have contributed to and dealt with climate change, especially in the long term. We suggest Niche Construction Theory as a suitable framework to that end. In order to take into account both human and environmental variability, we also advocate for a situated perspective that includes the Global South as a source of knowledge production, and the Neotropics as a relevant case study to consider. To illustrate this, we review the mid-Holocene Hypsithermal period in the southern Puna and continental Patagonia, both in southern South America, by assessing the challenges posed by this climate period and the archaeological signatures of the time from a Niche Construction Theory perspective. Finally, we emphasize the importance of these considerations for policymaking. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Climate change adaptation needs a science of culture’.
... Esta baja cantidad de trabajos contrasta con la mayor frecuencia de estudios recientes en el noroeste de Neuquén, donde se cuenta con más sitios excavados −tanto a cielo abierto como en cuevas y aleros− con largas secuencias ocupacionales y, entre otras evidencias registradas, se destaca la presencia de entierros humanos y arte rupestre (Hajduk et al. 2011;Barberena et al. 2015;Perez et al., 2016;Bernal et al. 2017). Sobre la base de estos antecedentes disímiles, se ha considerado hasta el momento que el noreste de Neuquén presentó una baja o nula frecuencia de ocupación humana durante el Holoceno o que constituyó una región de tránsito durante el Holoceno tardío final (Della Negra 1998;Hajduk et al. 2011; B a r b e r e n a 2 0 1 3 ; Bernal et al. 2017). ...
... Estos se distribuyen en forma heterogénea, ya que la mayor cantidad se concentra en el Bajo del Añelo. En términos espaciales, se observa una distribución puntual −o discontinua− en estrecha asociación con el agua, patrón generalizado en Patagonia (Perez et al. 2016). Así, se destaca la escasa frecuencia de hallazgos aislados, mientras que la mayor parte del material analizado se concentra formando sitios arqueológicos claramente delimitados en cercanías de ríos, arroyos y aguadas de carácter permanente o estacional (Figura 1). ...
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El noreste del Neuquén, en particular la región ocupada por la Sierra del Auca Mahuida y áreas aledañas, presenta una escasa frecuencia de estudios arqueológicos. El objetivo general de este trabajo es estimar la intensidad y características de la ocupación humana en esta región a lo largo del Holoceno. Nuestros resultados, producto de cuatro campañas y el trabajo de laboratorio, indican que hay importantes diferencias entre las áreas que conforman la región de estudio en función del registro arqueológico recuperado. La mayor frecuencia de ocupación se observa en el Bajo del Añelo, mientras que la Sierra Auca Mahuida y la cuenca superior del río Colorado presentan una menor intensidad de ocupación. Las diferencias espaciales en la evidencia arqueológica y la frecuencia de sitios, sumada a la variabilidad ambiental observada, sugieren un uso estacional y complementario de los espacios altos de la Sierra y los bajos de la cuenca del río Colorado y el Bajo del Añelo. En este sentido, la disponibilidad de agua, las bajas temperaturas invernales y la variación estacional en la disponibilidad del guanaco probablemente tuvieron una gran influencia en la dinámica inferida para las poblaciones humanas prehistóricas de la región de estudio.
... Limitados por entornos con escasos recursos, como los desiertos circundantes, los grandes ríos de la Patagonia cobran importancia para la vida (Borrero 2005;Prates et al. 2019). Los grupos humanos han habitado esta región desde hace miles de años, aunque se intensificó en los últimos 1500 (Barberena et al. 2015;Perez et al. 2016). El aumento demográfico complejizó las relaciones intergrupales modificando la naturaleza de las redes sociales, tendientes en algunos casos al conflicto y en otros a intercambios pacíficos (Otero et al. 2023). ...
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Se presenta el análisis bioarqueológico de los restos óseos humanos procedentes de un sitio en la margen sur del valle superior del río Negro, Patagonia Argentina. El registro fue producto de un hallazgo fortuito y los restos fueron obtenidos mediante un rescate arqueológico. Se realizó un modelo 3D del sitio mediante fotogrametría. El sitio se emplaza en el perfil de un cañadón, con evidencias de derrumbes recientes. Está constituido por un entierro primario simple, posiblemente en chenque, con material cultural asociado. Sólo permanecían in situ elementos óseos correspondientes al esqueleto axial, una clavícula, dos metacarpianos y los peronés. Las estimaciones de la edad y el sexo sugieren que se trata de un individuo adulto joven femenino, y un fechado radiocarbónico indicó una antigüedad de 594 años AP (± 26). En la columna vertebral se registraron una serie de anomalías, una de ellas de baja frecuencia, identificada como hendidura sagital. La evaluación tafonómica del esqueleto indicó baja representación ósea, abundantes fracturas y diversas alteraciones de la superficie cortical que, en conjunto con el análisis depositacional, permitió interpretar que esta preservación regular habría sido resultado de la exhumación natural y parcial de los restos y, consecuentemente, de su exposición a los procesos y agentes bioestratinómicos propios del contexto geoambiental y depositacional del sitio. Para el valle superior del río Negro se trata del primer conjunto de restos excavados por un equipo de investigación científica, lo que contrasta con lo esperado para una región con altos niveles de ocupación humana actual.
... The long human occupation in the central southern region of Chile was initiated in the Early Archaic Period with sites located in the Andean Cordillera dating to around 12,000 and 6,500 cal BP on the coast (Campbell and Quiroz 2015) although earlier dates have been set for the broader region (e.g., Perez et al. 2016). The Ceramic Period is subdivided into the Early Ceramic Period, defined by the Pitr� en Cultural Complex (AD 350-1000), and the Late Ceramic Period, characterized by the El Vergel Cultural Complex (AD 1000-1550) (Ad� an and Mera 2011;Ad� an et al. 2016;Aldunate 2005;Bahamondes et al. 2014;Campbell 2011Campbell , 2014Campbell and Quiroz 2015;Mera and Munita 2021;Sanchez 1997, 2005). ...
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The Arenal 1 site in central southern Chile is renowned for its chicken DNA evidence suggesting pre-Columbian contacts with Polynesia. Debates around the chronology of the site and the lack of additional evidence supporting contact, gave origin to a new archaeological excavation focusing on refining the site's chronology and recovering further archaeological materials. The results appear to reconfirm a pre-Columbian date for this site; however, our findings did not produce any evidence of contact with Polynesia. Instead, clear evidence of South American interregional interaction was detected with the territory of Neuqu� en, Argentina. ARTICLE HISTORY
... The Mann-Whitney test was used to assess statistical differences in size (gross weight) between initial Late Holocene and final Late Holocene projectile point assemblages. Moreover, the Summed Calibrated Probability Density method (SCPD) of the 154 radiocarbon dates from the Late Holocene (Supplementary material, Dataset 1) was used to assess the relationship between the increase in human demography and the adoption of the bow-delivered projectiles (see Pérez et al., 2016). After that, the Monte-Carlo Probability Distribution method (see Shennan et al., 2013;Timpson et al., 2014) was used to compare the Summed Calibrated Probability Density (SCPD) of radiocarbon dates with a simulated null model expectation (Crema et al., 2016). ...
... Patagonian steppes were inhabited by hunter-gatherers for more than 13,000 years until the European arrival in the late sixteenth century. Archaeological data show that past human populations were well-adapted to extreme environments through subsistence strategies based on specialized hunting-fishing technologies, mixed diets (with a significant consumption of guanaco -Lama guanicoe-), low demography, long-network interactions and flexible land-use patterns (e.g., Barberena et al., 2015;Borrero et al., 2009;Franco et al., 2018;Garcia Guraieb et al., 2015;Méndez et al., 2014;Pérez et al., 2016;San Roman et al., 2016;Scheinsohn, 2018). ...
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This work aims discussing the contribution of environmental and technological factors in rock art painting preservation, based on a 3-year experimental program and two archaeological cases from Patagonia (South America). Concerning technological factors, microscopic information of experimental and archaeological contexts indicate that fine-grained pigments have a better preservation potential than coarse-grained ones, likely related to the high binder adsorption capacity of silty and clay size particles, resulting in a strong pigment agglutination and substrate adherence. Mechanical entrapment/translocation of such small particles into the substrate further contributes to preservation. The experiment also evidences that blood-bearing paints present preservation advantages over fat/water-based ones, probably due to clotting and drying processes which agglutinate pigments and seal rock voids, avoiding binder migration. In contrast, experimental gypsum- and, to a lesser extent, charcoal-based paints show a rapid and significant deterioration, particularly in the temperate and humid context. The low archaeological expectancy derived from these results is supported by the scarce and/or ambiguous regional representation of these black pigments in ancient Patagonian paintings. Among natural factors, water-related processes (i.e., rainfall, snow, freezing and water infiltration) play a decisive role in the physicochemical paint degradation, also favoring bioactivity. Raman spectroscopy of neoformed white crystals in experimental paints may evidence, in a short term, a first stage of the profuse biomineralizations archaeologically observed, associated with lichens, fungus, and endolithic organisms. Finally, sheep rubbing and wind abrasion are proposed as the main agents affecting vertical frequencies and integrity of archaeological motifs at the cave and open-air contexts, respectively, whereas differences related to cardinal insolation likely impact in frequencies, motif color and weathering stages at the open-air site too.
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The goal of this paper is to assess the variation in the proportional contribution of diverse resources to the diet of human populations from northwest Patagonia (Argentina) throughout the Middle-Late Holocene. Particularly, we assessed the variation among three geographic areas and two periods. We first estimated the expected proportions of terrestrial animals and plants and aquatic resources for each area according to the Binford’s frames of references approach. A Bayesian mixing method was then applied to calculate the proportion of plants and animals in the diets from stable isotopes (δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N) of human bone collagen. The isotope values suggest that the composition of diets differed spatially and temporally. Diets of South Mendoza were mainly composed of terrestrial animals (Rhea-Lama and rodents) with a greater incorporation of C3 plants towards the later Late Holocene; in North Neuquén, Rhea and Lama represent a proportion of 0.84 of the diet consumed; and finally, the sample of Center Neuquén is the only one with high values of Araucaria in the diet. The isotopic values obtained for the three studied areas did not fit to the expectations of Binford’s model, North Neuquén being the area that departs most from the predicted proportions of terrestrial animals and plants and aquatic organisms in the diet. These findings open up new questions about the local conditions that influenced regional variation in the diet of prehistoric hunter-gatherers.
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This work presents the results obtained from mitochondrial DNA study of Kawésqar skeletal samples from Englefield island, Cueva de la Cruz, Captain Aracena island and Canal Maule-1; and living individuals of Kawésqar group. The results show a great similarity between the mitochondrial DNA sequences of both living individuals and the old samples. The comparison with other published sequences for south American aboriginal populations confirms the results and strongly suggests that there is a maternal kinship between the samples and the current Kawésqar.
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In this paper, the role of central plateaus -dated at ca. 3500 AP- in the peopling of the southern end of America that started at around ca. 13000 AP, is discussed. A revision and updating of the archaeological and paleoclimatic evidences and their absolute chronologies were made. To Mid Holocene, the space that we defined as the periphery of central plateaus -Atlantic coast, Colorado, Limay and Chubut rivers- was conformed. During Late Holocene, the inland sites were characterized by a progresively increase in the density of archaeological remains, with dense occupations towards upper levels or the final settlement stage on the Plateaus. An inland Norpatagonia peopling model is proposed, based on which of the peripheral population loci could provoke exploratory and migratory movements, and paleoenvironmental and social explanations are considered.