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Revitalizing fodder production: Challenges and opportunities



India supports approximately 20% of the global livestock population and 17.5% of the human population, all within a mere 2.3% of the world's land area. While the human population is increasing by 1.6% annually, the livestock population is growing at a rate of 0.66% per year. These escalating numbers are vying for limited land resources with respect to food and fodder production. Consequently, only 4% of the total cultivable land in the country is utilized for cultivated fodders. Currently, there is a significant deficit in green fodder (35.6%), dry crop leftovers (10.5%), and concentrate feed ingredients (44%). Expanding the land area for fodder cultivation ahead of food and commercial crop cultivation is a challenging task. Therefore, the absolute challenge is to utilize the limited available land judiciously to its maximum potential for fodder production, considering the increasing demand from both human and animal populations. This can be achieved by adopting appropriate cropping systems, integrating fodder crops into food and other cash crop-based rotations, cultivating fodder on degraded lands through agroforestry systems, and exploring alternative green fodder options. Cropping systems incorporating forage crops offer a promising solution to address the fodder scarcity by utilizing resources more efficiently.
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International Journal of Research in Agronomy 2024; 7(1): 208-217
E-ISSN: 2618-0618
P-ISSN: 2618-060X
© Agronomy
2024; 7(1): 208-217
Received: 10-11-2023
Accepted: 11-12-2023
P Dhamodharan
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of
Agronomy, Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
J Bhuvaneshwari
Assistant Professor, Department of
Agronomy, AC&RI, Killikulam,
Tamil Nadu, India
S Sowmiya
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of
Agronomy, Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
R Chinnadurai
4Senior Research Fellow, Cotton
Research Station, Veppanthattai,
Tamil Nadu, India
Corresponding Author:
P Dhamodharan
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of
Agronomy, Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Revitalizing fodder production: Challenges and
P Dhamodharan, J Bhuvaneshwari, S Sowmiya and R Chinnadurai
India supports approximately 20% of the global livestock population and 17.5% of the human population,
all within a mere 2.3% of the world's land area. While the human population is increasing by 1.6%
annually, the livestock population is growing at a rate of 0.66% per year. These escalating numbers are
vying for limited land resources with respect to food and fodder production. Consequently, only 4% of the
total cultivable land in the country is utilized for cultivated fodders. Currently, there is a significant deficit
in green fodder (35.6%), dry crop leftovers (10.5%), and concentrate feed ingredients (44%). Expanding
the land area for fodder cultivation ahead of food and commercial crop cultivation is a challenging task.
Therefore, the absolute challenge is to utilize the limited available land judiciously to its maximum
potential for fodder production, considering the increasing demand from both human and animal
populations. This can be achieved by adopting appropriate cropping systems, integrating fodder crops into
food and other cash crop-based rotations, cultivating fodder on degraded lands through agroforestry
systems, and exploring alternative green fodder options. Cropping systems incorporating forage crops offer
a promising solution to address the fodder scarcity by utilizing resources more efficiently.
Keywords: Fodder, cropping pattern, opportunities, livestock, feed supplements, hydroponics
Agriculture and livestock faming are deeply interrelated in the cultural, religious, and economic
ways of human society engaged with mixed farming and livestock rearing serving as important
source of rural people (Dagar, 2017) [19]. Livestock plays a multifaceted role by providing
draught power, supporting rural transportation, yielding manure, serving as a source of fuel, and
supplying milk and meat. Often, livestock stands as the primary source of monetary revenue for
subsistence farmers and acts as insurance against crop failure. The impact of livestock extends
beyond the agricultural sector, directly influencing the livelihoods and food security of billion
people globally and affecting the diet and health of many more (Downing et al., 2017; Hurst et
al., 2005) [23, 34]. Approximately 70% of farmers rely on the combined contributions of the
livestock and agriculture sector for their livelihoods (Ghosh et al., 2016) [27]. As of the 20th
Livestock Census in 2019 [1], India's total livestock population has reached 535.82 million,
marking 4.6% increase from the previous Census in 2012. Bovine population accounts for
302.82 million including cattle, buffalo, mithun, and yak. India having 57.3% of the global
buffalo population and 14.7% of the world's cattle population. According to 20th Livestock
Census (2019) [1], India has approximately 74.26 million sheep and 148.8 million goats.
India is the leading milk producer in the world; however, the animal productivity is
comparatively low at 1538 kg/year, while the global average is 2238 kg/year. This difference is
attributed to significant deficit in animal feed (Vijay et al., 2018) [83]. Addressing the challenges
of fodder and feed resource development is necessary for sustaining cattle husbandry in the
country. The increasing competition for cultivable land among various uses has rendered further
increases in the acreage of fodder crops seems to be impossible nowadays (Kumar, 2012;
Agrawal et al., 2012) [51]. Consequently, there is an urgent need to enhance the productivity of
cultivated fodder crops on the existing land to meet the growing demand for cattle fodder. In
addition, the utilization of non-arable land areas for pastures emerges as a viable option to
maintain a balance in meeting the rising demand for fodder (Dahiya & Kharb, 2003; Vijay et al.,
2018) [21, 83].
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Fig 1: Year wise demadd and supply of green and dry fodder in India (Source: IGFRI Vision. 2020)
Current status of fodder production in India
India currently faces a severe fodder crisis, attempting to meet
the demand for livestock feed amidst dwindling land resources.
The challenge is compounded by irregular fodder supply during
summer and drought, leading to supply chain gaps. Recent
estimates indicate an 11.24% deficit in green fodder, a 23.4%
shortage in dry fodder, and a 29% deficit in concentrates. To
address this, experts recommend dedicating 14-17% of land for
fodder cultivation. Presently, 8.4 million hectares (about 4% of
the gross cropped area) are allocated to fodder cultivation. India
experiences a significant imbalance in fodder production
influenced by factors such as cattle type, climate,
socioeconomics, and crop patterns. Livestock, particularly cattle
and buffalo, predominantly rely on cultivated fodder,
supplemented with gathered grasses. Sorghum and Egyptian
clover contribute 54% to total fodder during Kharif and Rabi
seasons. Various grasses and legumes are cultivated, with
farmers resorting to tree-top fodder during scarcity. The area for
permanent pastures is diminishing, impacting pasture
productivity. Crop residues are expected to contribute 54% to
fodder, while rangelands and cultivated fodder crops will
provide 18% and 28%, respectively. Examining forage supply
across states reveals disparities. States like Uttar Pradesh face a
50% green fodder shortage, while Gujarat shows a surplus.
Similarly, dry fodder shortages are observed in states like
Assam, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu, with surplus production in
others. These variations highlight challenges in ensuring
consistent fodder availability for livestock nationally. Livestock
feed, primarily sourced from coarse grains, relies significantly
on four key cereals-corn, barley, sorghum, and bajra-
contributing to nearly 44% of total cereals. Of these, maize
constitutes about three-fourths, while barley makes up 15%.
Sorghum and millets account for around 11%, with India
producing less than 3% of the global production, approximately
30 million tonnes annually. While coarse grains in affluent
nations are mainly used as cattle feed, in India, their primary
application is for direct consumption, especially in rural areas.
Various millet varieties, such as Kodo, finger millet, little millet,
foxtail millet, barnyard millet, proso millet, and savan millet, are
crucial for fodder, emphasizing the role of dietary grains in
ensuring animal productivity. The surge in livestock population
is evident in India, with the cattle population increasing by
0.84% from 190 million in 2010 to 192 million in 2020, and
buffalo numbers reaching 109.85 million. Goats have seen a
9.1% increase, totaling 148 million. This growth puts stress on
limited land resources needed for green fodder production,
posing challenges in ensuring adequate nutrition for animals.
Fodder crops, essential for animal feed in forms like hay, silage,
and forage, cover 8.3 million acres in India. Sorghum and
berseem constitute 54% of the total cultivated fodder area.
However, this 8.3 million hectares pales in comparison to the 48
million hectares dedicated to rice cultivation alone in India. The
future perspective involves addressing the research gap in
neglected crops to meet the escalating demands of the growing
livestock population.
Fig 2: Year wise green and dry fodder deficit (Source: IGFRI vision
In India, fodder production faces challenges due to diminishing
land resources and diverse factors such as climate, cropping
patterns, and socioeconomic conditions. The deficit in green,
dry, and concentrate fodder is currently at 11.24%, 23.4%, and
29%, respectively. Experts recommend allocating 14-17% of
land for fodder cultivation to address the shortage. Currently,
fodder is cultivated on 8.4 million hectares, nearly 4% of the
gross cropped area. The cultivation of sorghum and Egyptian
clover in the Kharif and Rabi seasons contributes to 54% of the
total cultivated fodder area. Additionally, various grasses and
legumes are grown, such as hybrid Napier, guinea grass, para
grass, velvet bean, and stylo. The livestock population in India
has increased, putting further pressure on fodder resources. The
area dedicated to permanent pastures and grazing land is 10.34
million hectares, gradually decreasing over time, leading to
declining pasture productivity due to overgrazing. The projected
demand for green and dry feed by 2050 is 1012 and 631 million
tons, respectively, creating an anticipated deficit of 18.4% in
green fodder and 13.2% in dry fodder. To bridge this gap, the
supply of green forage must increase at a rate of 1.69% per
annum. Despite government policies, there is a lack of research
studies evaluating the on-ground situation. Fodder in India
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primarily comes from crop residues, cultivated fodder, and
community resources. Challenges include diverse forage crops,
non-commercial nature of fodder, and transport cost
Assessment of dry fodder availability
The assessment of dry fodder availability and requirement in
India is based on various factors such as major utilizable crops,
harvest index, production, and utilization patterns for each state.
The analysis includes crop residues from cereals, pulses, and
oilseeds, along with dry forages from sources like forests,
wasteland, fallow land, and cultivated fields post-harvest.
Small States and Union Territories: Except for Andaman
and Nicobar, there is an overall deficit of 59.1%, with Delhi
having the highest deficit of 100%. Primary sources include
forests and kitchen/horticultural/top feed/farm waste, but
overall demand and supply are low.
North East Zone: There is an overall surplus of 14.0% of
dry fodder, with forests being the major source.
East Zone (Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal):
Faces a deficit of 43.9%, with food grains crop residue as
the primary source. Except for Odisha, all other states are in
West Zone (Gujarat, Rajasthan, Goa, Maharashtra):
There is a deficit of 43.5%, with food grains crop residue,
forests, and other sources being the primary contributors.
Except for Goa, all other states are in deficit.
Central Zone (Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar
Pradesh): Chhattisgarh (9.8%) and Madhya Pradesh (0.8%)
are surplus in dry fodder, while Uttar Pradesh (30.4%) is
deficit, resulting in an overall deficit of 16.4%. Food grains
crop residue is a major source.
Hill Zone (H.P., J & K, Uttarakhand): There is an overall
surplus of 55.9%, but practical deficit due to challenging
terrains. Major sources include forests, pastureland, and
food grains.
North Zone: Punjab and Haryana have a surplus of 31.7%,
with food grains crop residue as the major source.
South Zone (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka,
Kerala, Tamil Nadu): Faces an overall deficit of 27.00%,
with food grains crop residue as the primary source. Except
for Kerala, all other states are in deficit.
All India Basis: There is an overall deficit of 23.4% in dry
fodder availability. The total availability is 326.4 million
tons against a requirement of 426.1 million tons. Major
sources include food grains, followed by forests and other
sources like groundnut and sugarcane.
Green Fodder Availability Estimates
Estimates were based on resources like forage crops, grasses
from forests, pastures, grazing lands, and cultivable wastelands.
Green fodder availability was estimated considering
cultivated areas, cropping intensity, productivity, etc.
Results showed that among Union Territories (UTs) and
Delhi, all UTs were in deficit, with an overall deficit of
76.20%. Chandigarh had the highest deficit of 97.9%.
In the North East Zone, there was an overall deficit of
23.1%. Some states like Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh
had surplus green fodder, while Tripura, Sikkim, and
Meghalaya faced deficits.
The Hill Zone (H.P., J & K, Uttrakhand) had an overall
deficit of 24.9%. Himachal Pradesh was surplus, but J&K
and Uttrakhand faced deficits.
In the North Zone, Punjab and Haryana were surplus, with
an overall surplus of 133.05%. These states had well-
developed dairies and high levels of technology adoption.
The West Zone had an overall deficit of 6.3%, with Gujarat
and Maharashtra being surplus while Rajasthan and Goa
were in deficit.
In the Central Zone, Chhattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh faced
deficits, while Madhya Pradesh was surplus, with an overall
deficit of 4.8%.
The East Zone had an overall deficit of 41.2%, with
Jharkhand having the maximum deficit of 67.7%. There was
a need for new technologies and increased allocation of
areas for forage.
On an all India basis, there was an overall deficit of 11.24%
in green fodder availability.
Total green fodder availability was 734.2 million tonnes
against a requirement of 827.19 million tonnes.
Major sources of green fodder in India were cultivated land,
followed by pasture land and forests.
Challenges of fodder production
1. Increasing livestock population: India's livestock population
has increased from 512.06 million in 2012 to 535.82 million in
2019, marking a 4.6% growth with an annual rate of 0.66%. This
growth is accompanied by a shift in composition, with a 6%
decrease in indigenous cattle and a 26.9% increase in
exotic/crossbred cattle. Poultry numbers have risen significantly
to 851.81 million, attributed to a 46.8% increase in backyard
poultry birds. Buffaloes increased to 109.85 million, goats to
148.88 million, and sheep to 74.26 million. Uttar Pradesh leads
in livestock with 67.8 million. This surge puts additional
pressure on limited land resources for green fodder, posing a
significant challenge in effective management and productivity
Table 1: Livestock population in India
Table 1. Livestock population in India
S. No
(in millions)
(in millions)
Present ranking
in the world
Total Bovine
(including Mithun
and Yak)
2. Resource constraints: In India, limited land and water
resources, comprising only 2.4% of the world's land and 4% of
freshwater, face challenges in fodder production. Constraints
include threats from animals, pests, diseases, low prices, poor-
quality seeds, and insufficient high-quality seeds. Successful
fodder cultivation demands fertile land, quality water, increased
fertilization, and proper management. Frequent harvesting leads
to substantial expenses, and the scarcity of timely inputs, along
with limited cultivable land, hinders fodder yield improvement.
Inefficient preservation and storage techniques elevate the risk
of wastage, discouraging substantial investments in fodder
production (Dagar, 2017; Biemond et al., 2012; Meena et al.,
2018; FAO, 2011) [19, 14, 55].
3. Climate change on fodder production: Climate change in
recent decades has adversely affected the production and quality
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of fodder crops for livestock. The International Plant Protection
Convention (IPPC) reports a global average surface temperature
increase of 0.3 °C to 4.8 °C over the 20th century. This change
presents significant challenges to fodder production, impacting
both quantity and quality. Even slight variations in
environmental conditions, especially temperature, substantially
affect the dry matter (DM) content and nutritive value of fodder.
Rising temperatures, heatwaves, and increased extreme weather
events induce heat stress in plants. Altered precipitation patterns
and heightened drought frequency associated with climate
change lead to reduced fodder yields and poor forage quality.
Shifts in climate patterns disrupt traditional growing seasons for
fodder crops, affecting established agricultural practices and
causing shortages and nutritional imbalances during critical
times for livestock. Climate change also fosters favorable
conditions for the proliferation of pests and diseases, resulting in
reduced yields and quality. Changes in temperature and
precipitation patterns impact nutrient availability and soil
structure, influencing fodder crop growth. Intense storms,
floods, or cyclones linked to climate change cause physical
damage to crops, disrupting agricultural practices and leading to
direct losses in fodder production. Adapting to these challenges
necessitates sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural
practices, including the development and promotion of climate-
resistant fodder varieties, improved water management, and the
adoption of conservation and sustainable land management
practices. Policymakers should also focus on supporting farmers
in mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change on
fodder production.
Fig. 3. Possible impact of climate change on fodder production.
Fig 3: Possible impact of climate change on fodder production
4. Unavailability of quality seed of improved varieties
The availability of good-quality seeds or planting material is a
significant limitation contributing to the reduced area and
production of forage crops (Parihar, 2010) [64]. Productivity and
seed availability are crucial considerations, since forage crops
are primarily perennial and cultivated by vegetative propagation
for enhanced vegetative potential, resulting in low seed
productivity (Vijay et al., 2018) [83]. Indeterminate growth,
uneven maturity, seed shattering, ill filled seeds, seed dormancy,
and climatic factors such as photoperiod, thermos-period, and
humidity, among others, are considered physiological limitations
for fodder seed production. Weather extremes represent a
climatic constraint, while factors like low density of ear-bearing
tillers, susceptible to lodging, poor harvest index, lack of seed
production technology fall under management factors for fodder
seed production. The absence of an exclusive forage seed market
further adds to these challenges, collectively limiting the
availability of quality seeds for fodder crops (Vijay et al., 2013)
Opportunities in fodder production
The livestock sector is a crucial component of Indian
agriculture, contributing around 28.63% to the total value of
output and accounting for approximately 4.19% of the country's
GDP in the fiscal year 201819. India has experienced
substantial growth in milk production over the past few decades,
becoming the world's largest milk producer, with 187.7 million
tonnes produced in 201819. This surge in milk production is
mainly attributed to the increase in the cattle population. Despite
this growth, the productivity of Indian livestock, particularly in
terms of milk yield, remains low compared to major milk-
producing countries. The average milk yield per lactation for
cattle in India is approximately 1538 kg, significantly lower than
the global average of 2238 kg and the European average of 4250
kg. This indicates a 31% lower productivity globally and a 63%
lower productivity compared to Europe. One of the primary
reasons for this low productivity is malnutrition or under-
nutrition among livestock, stemming from a significant gap
between the demand and supply of feed and fodder in the
country. The shortage of green fodder, especially during the
summer months, forces farmers to rely disproportionately on
concentrate supplements to maintain milk production.
Forages are recognized as the most nutritious and cost-effective
feed for dairy animals. Green fodder, in particular, is crucial for
animal health and sustainable milk production. It provides
essential vitamins, minerals, and energy, enhancing digestion
and reducing the overall cost of milk production. Forages are
also significantly more economical, being 514 times cheaper as
a source of key feed ingredients like digestible crude protein and
total digestible nutrients compared to concentrates. There is a
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substantial opportunity for improvement in the livestock sector
through increased fodder production in India. Growing fodder
crops, especially in combination with legumes, has the potential
to enhance palatability and digestibility, contributing to
improved animal health and productivity. Addressing the gap
between demand and supply of green fodder can play a pivotal
role in boosting the overall productivity of the livestock sector in
the country.
The way forward
Strategies to augment the supply of green fodder encompass
several approaches:
1. Expanding Cultivated Fodder Crops: Increasing the
acreage alloted to cultivated fodder crops.
2. Enhancing Productivity: Adopting improved cultivation
technologies to boost the productivity of existing fodder
crops. Promoting innovative farming practices. Facilitating
access to high-quality seeds and planting material for fodder
3. Integrating Fodder Crops in Cropping Systems:
Including fodder crops in crop rotations to optimize land
4. Utilizing Marginal Lands: Exploring the cultivation of
fodder crops on marginal lands.
5. Hydroponic Fodder Production: Embracing hydroponic
techniques for efficient and controlled fodder cultivation.
6. Exploring Alternative Fodder Sources: Investigating
alternative fodder sources such as Azolla.
7. Optimizing Crop Residues: Efficiently utilizing crop
residues, such as rice and wheat straw, to overcome
shortages in dry fodder.
Despite these strategies, the potential for further expanding
cultivated fodder areas is constrained by demographic pressure
on land resources especially due to food crops. As a result, a
balance between food and fodder production becomes essential,
emphasizing the need for sustainable and resource-efficient
practices in agriculture.
Increasing Fodder Productivity
Implementing Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)
practices is crucial for sustaining soil fertility and achieving
higher forage crop productivity. Prioritizing nutrient
management in fodder-based cropping systems, especially
for nutrient-demanding Poaceae family crops, is essential
(Palsaniya and Ahlawat, 2009) [66].
Crop + livestock integrated farming systems have proven
successful in improving fodder productivity, emphasizing
the need for holistic approaches to enhance overall system
productivity (Antil & Raj, 2020; Babu et al., 2020; Yadav et
al., 2007) [6, 8, 85].
Enhancing Availability of Good-Quality Seed
The shortage of quality seeds for forage crops in India is a
significant constraint.
Only 25%30% of the required quantity of quality seeds is
available for cultivated fodders, and this figure drops to less
than 10% for rangeland grasses and legumes.
Strategies include developing superior varieties of forage
crops characterized by high yield and quality, creating
awareness about the importance of using high-quality seeds,
increasing seed replacement rates, establishing an efficient
seed chain, and improving the seed chain network (Thomas
& Thomas, 2019) [82].
Specific measures involve promoting seed production
through a participatory approach, enhancing marketing
facilities, utilizing forest waste lands for seed production,
and applying innovative research methods (Palsaniya et al.,
2010; Vijay et al., 2018) [83, 62].
Seed Quality Control in Forage Crops
Seed quality is a critical factor influencing forage crop
productivity, and effective seed quality control is necessary.
Quality seeds exhibit genetic purity, physical purity, high
germination percentage, vigor, and freedom from weed
seeds, inert matter, and seed-borne pests and diseases (Elias,
2006) [25].
Seed health is crucial, and seed quality control involves
checks, certification, and adherence to official regulations,
ensuring genetic purity, freedom from contaminants, and
disease-free status (Bradbeer, 2013) [16].
Encouraging private sector involvement in fodder seed
production and implementing standardized seed quality
control measures are vital to address existing challenges in
perennial grasses and legumes (Rahman & Cho, 2016) [71].
Methods for Developing Planting Material in Perennial
Traditional methods of producing planting material like
rooted slips for perennial grasses such as Bajra Napier
Hybrid (BN Hybrid) are costly and labor-intensive.
High-density nursery techniques, involving growing seeds
in a nursery before transplanting into the field, offer benefits
like reduced labor, lower costs, and efficient production of
rooted slips for grass varieties like BN Hybrid (Vijay et al.,
2018) [83].
Methods like slant basal cutting and single-budded tray
nurseries are employed for quick production of rooted slips
and seedlings, respectively, offering practical and cost-
effective alternatives.
Fodder Crops in Cropping Systems
Diversifying traditional rice-wheat cropping systems by
integrating fodder crops on a rotational basis addresses
challenges of soil health degradation and year-round green
fodder availability.
Sudan grass is recommended for high biomass production in
summer and rainy seasons, while berseem, multi-cut oats,
and dual-purpose barley are suitable for subsequent rabi
Napier grass, known for quick re-growth after cutting,
serves as a perennial option, and the choice of crops
depends on regional conditions and composition of crop +
livestock integrated farming systems (Banjara et al., 2021)
Fodder Production from Marginal Lands
Utilizing degraded and marginal lands through agroforestry
systems presents an opportunity to meet fuelwood and
fodder demands in India.
Agroforestry practices involving stress-tolerant tree species,
shrubs, and grasses can be successful in challenging
conditions, aiding in sand stabilization and fodder
Approximately 29 million hectares of open forests can be
used for growing fodder on partially shaded terrain,
contributing to year-round fodder availability (Dagar &
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Minhas, 2016; Parmar & Misra, 2020) [20, 65].
Alternate Sources of Fodder Production (Azolla)
Azolla, an aquatic fern forming a symbiotic association with
blue-green algae, is recognized for its high nutritional value,
serving as a protein-rich supplement for various livestock.
With high protein content, low lignin, and minimal
carbohydrates and oil, Azolla offers a sustainable and
economical feed substitute, contributing to increased milk
yield and improved weight in livestock (Jain et al., 2019;
Katole et al., 2017) [38, 44].
Overcoming the Dry Fodder Shortage
Roughages like hay and straw, particularly from rice and
wheat residues, fulfill a significant portion of the dry fodder
demand in India.
Addressing the challenges of low-quality feedstuffs, the
'complete feed system' is introduced, involving a balanced
mixture of all dietary elements to provide a nutritionally
sufficient diet, improving livestock health and productivity.
Hydroponic fodder production
Hydroponics is an innovative method for cultivating fodder,
offering several advantages over traditional methods. This soil-
less technique involves growing plants in a controlled
environment, typically a greenhouse or polyhouse, using a
water- or nutrient-rich solution. Hydroponic fodder production
addresses various challenges associated with conventional
cultivation, providing a sustainable and efficient alternative.
Hydroponic fodder is grown in a controlled environment without
soil. Seeds are germinated and grown in trays using a water- or
nutrient-rich solution for about 6-8 days. Various cereals
(barley, oat, wheat, sorghum, maize) and legumes (alfalfa,
cowpea) are successfully cultivated. Essential inputs include
seeds, water, sunlight, and supplementary nutrients. Hydroponic
systems require a smaller land area compared to traditional
farming. Green fodder is ready for consumption in a short
period, typically around 7 days. Hydroponic fodder appears as a
dense mat of 2030 cm tall green plants, including roots and
seeds. Traditional agricultural methods demand substantial water
usage for fodder production. Controlled Environment (CE)
hydroponic fodder production is gaining attention for its water-
saving benefits. Water consumption is significantly reduced in
hydroponics, with CE systems using only 2-3 liters to produce
1.0 kg of green fodder. The cost of seeds constitutes a significant
portion of the overall expense in hydroponic fodder production,
accounting for around 90%. Despite higher seed costs, the
benefits of enhanced palatability, digestibility, and nutrition
make hydroponic fodder an attractive option. Hydroponic fodder
is considered more palatable, digestible, and nutritious compared
to traditionally grown fodder. Animals fed with hydroponic
fodder may experience additional health benefits.
Hydroponic fodder, especially in Controlled Environment
systems, addresses water scarcity concerns by using water more
efficiently. As a feed supplement, it is recommended to provide
510 kg of fresh hydroponic fodder per cow per day.
Hydroponically grown crops exhibit faster growthup to 50%
fasterand yield higher quantities of better-quality fodder. This
method of fodder production is considered eco-friendly and
helps alleviate pressure on land, cope with water scarcity, and
mitigate the impact of irregular rainfall and frequent droughts on
traditional fodder crops. Hydroponics is being increasingly
adopted in many countries to produce green fodder for cattle,
poultry, and other livestock in response to agricultural
challenges. There are various hydroponic systems, and they can
be broadly categorized into open and closed systems. In open
systems, the nutrient solution or water is not recycled, while in
closed systems, excess water is recycled. Open hydroponic
systems, where the nutrient solution or water is not recycled, are
not considered practical due to water and nutrient wastage.
Hydroponic fodder grown in closed systems eliminates the need
for fertilizers and chemicals, making it a sustainable solution for
livestock production.
There are six main hydroponic techniques based on the
solution/water feeding methods:
Nutrient Film System (NFS)
Deep Water Culture System (DWCS)
Aeroponics System (AS)
Ebb and Flow System (EFS)
Wick System (WS)
Drip Hydroponic System (DHS)
A. Standard Technique
1. Advantages: This involves spraying a nutrient solution at
intervals and draining excess water back for recycling.
2. Disadvantages: Energy-intensive, but effective for certain
B. Wick System
1. Advantages: Simple and requires no energy for water
2. Disadvantages: May not be suitable for large-scale
C. Deep Water Culture System
1. Advantages: Simple and less energy-intensive.
2. Disadvantages: Requires a large volume of water and is
susceptible to water-borne diseases.
D. Nutrient Film System (NFS)
1. Advantages: Growing trays are positioned at a slope for
drainage and recirculation.
2. Disadvantages: The slope needs to be optimized; water-
saving potential.
E. Controlled Environment Fodder Production (CEFP):
1. Advantages: Innovative approaches for water-saving.
2. Disadvantages: Requires further research to minimize the
risk of molds and waterborne diseases, crucial for fodder
For hydroponic fodder production, the Nutrient Film System
(NFS) is considered promising. Studies on green wheat fodder in
NFS have reported that the highest yield can be achieved with
trays sloped at a specific angle, such as 6.5%. The water-saving
potential in Controlled Environment Fodder Production (CEFP)
is an area that requires additional research to minimize the risk
of molds and waterborne diseases, which are critical factors in
fodder production. Choosing the right hydroponic system
depends on the specific goals, resources, and constraints of the
farm or facility. Each system has its own set of trade-offs, and
optimizing for factors like water efficiency, energy use, and
disease control is essential for successful hydroponic fodder
International Journal of Research in Agronomy
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The production of livestock relies heavily on a consistent and
healthy supply of fodder. However, during the summer season,
there is often a shortage in the supply of fodder. This can be
achieved through strategies such as adopting suitable cropping
systems that integrate forage crops, incorporating fodder crops
into existing food and cash crop rotations, utilizing degraded
lands for fodder production via agroforestry systems, and
exploring alternative green fodder options. These approaches
aim to optimize land use, striking a balance between food and
fodder production to meet the rising demands of both human and
animal populations. To address this challenge, alternative
methods like hydroponic fodder production can be considered.
Hydroponic fodder systems offer a viable solution, requiring
only a fraction of the water used in conventional agriculture
while providing high-quality feed for livestock.
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... (Roy et al. 2019). According to some reports, devoting 14-17% of land for fodder cultivation will be ideal to fulfil the current fodder deficit (Dhamodharan et al. 2024;Choudhary and Sharma 2023). Although, at present, fodder is being cultivated on 8.40 million hectares (Mha), which is only 4% of the gross cropped area (Meena et al. 2018). ...
The use of biochar has been widely recommended to improve crop productivity, carbon (C) sequestration, and soil quality in a variety of agro-ecosystems. However, the impacts of biochar and chemical fertilizers on soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions in fodder production systems are inadequately investigated. We evaluated the effects of combining reduced recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) with invasive weeds biochar as soil amendment on SOC fractions, oat (Avena sativa L.) yield and carbon management index (CMI). To compare the effects of biochar on SOC fractions, fodder production, and CMI, ten treatments (Control, 100% RDF, 75% RDF, and three dosages (2.5, 5.0, and 10 tha-1) of Parthenium hysterophorus L. biochar (PB) and Lantana camara L. biochar (LB), and 10 tha-1 PB/LB alone) were used. Application of biochar 10 tha-1 with 75% RDF significantly improved TOC (~ 34–44%), WBOC (~ 21–23%), POC (~ 40–44%), SMBC (~ 4.89–4.98%) and mean SI (~ 40–54%), CMI (~ 17–28%), and ultimately C build up (~ 43–56%) as compared to RDF, whereas HWSC and KMnO4-C were significantly higher in LB and PB at 5 tha-1 with 75% RDF, respectively. Green and dry fodder yields of oat were also remarkably improved with biochar application, but at par with RDF. The application of PB and LB as soil amendment with 75% RDF provides novel avenues for C sequestration, counteracting climate change, and improving soil quality via increasing TOC and its fractions, resulting in higher productivity. At the same time, it also provides an economical feasible approach to invasive weed control.
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India has the largest livestock population in the world. T India has the largest livestock population in the world. T India has the largest livestock population in the world. T India has the largest livestock population in the world. T India has the largest livestock population in the world. To meet the pr o meet the pr o meet the pr o meet the pr o meet the present and futur esent and futur esent and futur esent and futur esent and future demands e demands e demands e demands e demands of the growing human population certain new strategies are to be adapted to meet the input of the growing human population certain new strategies are to be adapted to meet the input of the growing human population certain new strategies are to be adapted to meet the input of the growing human population certain new strategies are to be adapted to meet the input of the growing human population certain new strategies are to be adapted to meet the input requirements for production of livestock and their by products. Though India stands first in the requirements for production of livestock and their by products. Though India stands first in the requirements for production of livestock and their by products. Though India stands first in the requirements for production of livestock and their by products. Though India stands first in the requirements for production of livestock and their by products. Though India stands first in the world in terms of milk production and bovine population, average production still needs to be world in terms of milk production and bovine population, average production still needs to be world in terms of milk production and bovine population, average production still needs to be world in terms of milk production and bovine population, average production still needs to be world in terms of milk production and bovine population, average production still needs to be improved; this may be due to low plane of nutrition due to insufficient availability of good quality improved; this may be due to low plane of nutrition due to insufficient availability of good quality improved; this may be due to low plane of nutrition due to insufficient availability of good quality improved; this may be due to low plane of nutrition due to insufficient availability of good quality improved; this may be due to low plane of nutrition due to insufficient availability of good quality fodder/feed. This has led to find alternate sources of good quality unconventional feed/fodder for fodder/feed. This has led to find alternate sources of good quality unconventional feed/fodder for fodder/feed. This has led to find alternate sources of good quality unconventional feed/fodder for fodder/feed. This has led to find alternate sources of good quality unconventional feed/fodder for fodder/feed. This has led to find alternate sources of good quality unconventional feed/fodder for efficient livestock production. The search for alternatives to concentrates/fodder/feed to different efficient livestock production. The search for alternatives to concentrates/fodder/feed to different efficient livestock production. The search for alternatives to concentrates/fodder/feed to different efficient livestock production. The search for alternatives to concentrates/fodder/feed to different efficient livestock production. The search for alternatives to concentrates/fodder/feed to different species of animals, a wonderful plant called azolla, which holds the promise of providing a sustainable species of animals, a wonderful plant called azolla, which holds the promise of providing a sustainable species of animals, a wonderful plant called azolla, which holds the promise of providing a sustainable species of animals, a wonderful plant called azolla, which holds the promise of providing a sustainable species of animals, a wonderful plant called azolla, which holds the promise of providing a sustainable feed for livestock. Since azolla contains most of the nutrients which are required for all classes of feed for livestock. Since azolla contains most of the nutrients which are required for all classes of feed for livestock. Since azolla contains most of the nutrients which are required for all classes of feed for livestock. Since azolla contains most of the nutrients which are required for all classes of feed for livestock. Since azolla contains most of the nutrients which are required for all classes of livestock including poultry and fish. The azolla can be fed to these animals without any adverse livestock including poultry and fish. The azolla can be fed to these animals without any adverse livestock including poultry and fish. The azolla can be fed to these animals without any adverse livestock including poultry and fish. The azolla can be fed to these animals without any adverse livestock including poultry and fish. The azolla can be fed to these animals without any adverse effects. V effects. V effects. V
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Background and aim: Poor palatability, low bulk density, and low nutritive value restrict the utilization of the crop residues as animal feeds. Altering the physical characteristics of feed by blending the roughage and concentrates in the form of complete feed improves the nutrient use efficiency and reduces the feed wastage, feed cost, and labor cost. The study aims to determine suitable processing methods (mash, pellet, or block forms) for efficient utilization of sorghum stover-based complete rations vis-a-vis conventional feeding methods in sheep. Materials and methods: The sorghum stover was incorporated in complete rations with roughage to concentrate ratio of 50:50 proportion in a growth trial of 120 days. The feed ingredients were chaffed, ground in a hammer mill, passed through expander-extruder, and compressed by feed block machine to prepare chop, mash, pellet, and block form of rations, respectively. Twenty-four male intact growing Nellore×Deccani cross lambs (3.5±0.5 months age, 14.50±0.41 kg (mean ± SD) at the start of the experiment) were divided into four experimental groups of six animals each in a complete randomized design. The experimental rations were randomly allotted to each group and evaluated for their intake, nutrient utilization, and growth performance. Results: The sheep fed on pellet-based ration consumed a higher (p<0.05) quantity of dry matter. The digestibility coefficients of organic matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber were higher (p<0.05) in processed rations (mash, pellet, or block). Further, the nitrogen balance (g/d) was higher (p<0.05) in the mash, pellet, and block form of rations, compared to chopped ration. The processing method did not influence calcium or phosphorous balance parameters, except for their urinary losses, which showed an increasing trend (p=0.07). The ram lambs fed with pelleted ration showed higher (p<0.05) weight gain than mash, block, or chaff forms. The efficiency of feed utilization in gaining one kg body weight was higher (p<0.05) in lambs fed a pelleted diet. Feeding pelletized ration was more economical to gain one kg body weight. The bulk density was highest for block-based ration followed by pellet, mash, and conventional rations, and the carrying capacity of truck was highest with the least transport cost in block-form of rations. Conclusion: Physical processing (mash, pellet, and block) of sorghum stover-based complete rations increased the nutrient utilization and growth performance of sheep compared to conventional chopped form. Pelleting the mash with expander-extruder procedure was found to be more profitable. Nevertheless, the cost economics revealed blocks as more preferable forms for transporting the complete rations to larger distances.
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This review paper aims at an in-depth analysis of the challenges, opportunities, and status of fodder production in India. A comprehensive review of available literature and various reports by govt. as well as non govt. organizations have been done as part of the methodology for preparing the manuscript. India caters to approximately 20% of the world's livestock population and about 17.5% of the human population on just 2.3% of the world's land area. The human population is increasing at a pace of 1.6% per annum, while the livestock population is increasing at a rate of 0.66% per year. Theses increasing human and animal populations are fighting tooth and nail for land resources for food and fodder production, respectively. As a result, cultivated fodders occupy only 4% of the entire cultivable land in the country. Presently, the country faces a net shortfall of 35.6% green fodder, 10.5% dry crop leftovers, and 44% concentrate feed ingredients. The option for increasing land area under fodder cultivation is very limited. Hence, it is big challenge in front of us to utilize the available meagre land wisely with its fullest potential to produce the fodders for the animals. Which could be achieved by adopting suitable cropping systems, incorporation of fodder crops in food and other cash crop-based cropping systems on rotational basis, production of fodder on degraded lands by adopting fodder-based agro forestry systems and exploring other options of green fodder like azolla. The cropping system with forage crops provides a potential alternative to overcome the fodder problem as it utilizes the resources more efficiently.
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In recent years, the sustainability of rice-wheat cropping system in Indo-Gangetic Plains is facing many problems in various fronts viz., agricultural, ecological, environmental and economical. Therefore, to ensure long-term sustainability, the rice-wheat cropping system needs to be diversified. The present study was conducted to identify alternative cropping system for Indo-Gangetic Plains region of India by diversifying and intensifying current rice-wheat cropping system. Ten treatments (rice-wheat =control, rice-wheat-green gram, rice-potato-green gram, rice-wheat-cowpea fodder, rice-potato-cowpea fodder, rice-berseem fodder-maize fodder, rice-berseem fodder-cowpea fodder, rice-mustard-sudan grass fodder, rice-mustard-cowpea fodder and rice-cabbage-cowpea fodder) were compared consecutively two years in randomized block design with three replications. Diversification of rice-wheat cropping system with rice-potato-green gram resulted increase in system productivity (142.35%), gross returns (99.57%), net returns (130.34%), profitability (130.96%), relative production efficiency (142.53%), relative economic efficiency (130.79 %) and labor employment (55.73%). Inclusion of legume crops in cropping sequences was found better in improving the soil quality parameters. Our results revealed the significance of diversification and intensification of rice-wheat cropping system under irrigated ecosystem of IGP as it enhanced system productivity, profitability and soil health.
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Rice–wheat cropping system plays a vital role in ensuring food security of India. However, the long-term sustainability of the system is often questioned due to several problems associated with it. Diversification of the rice–wheat cropping system with suitable crops could be a possible solution. Thus, a field experiment consisting of ten rice-based cropping sequences was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, for two consecutive years to study the effects of crop diversification on rice performance. The effect of crop diversification on rice was found to be significant only during the second year of experimentation. Results showed that rice–berseem–cowpea fodder followed by rice–potato–green gram sequence recorded highest growth, yield, nutrients uptake, protein yield, carbohydrates yield, economics and energetics of rice. Rice–berseem–cowpea fodder sequence recorded significantly higher number of panicle m−2 (16%), grain yield (13.9%), straw yield (13.6%), total N, P, K uptake (17.2, 21.7, 17%, respectively), protein yield (14.6%) and carbohydrate equivalent yield (13.9%) over rice–wheat cropping sequence. In addition to above, rice–berseem–cowpea fodder sequence also proved significantly superior to rice–wheat cropping sequence and recorded higher gross returns (13.9%), net returns (46.6%), net energy (15.9%), energy productivity (13.8%) and energy intensity (13.9%). Rice–berseem–cowpea fodder and rice–potato–green gram were found the most suitable cropping sequence to diversify rice–wheat cropping system in the Indo-Gangetic plain for better performance of rice.
An experiment was conducted at Anand during rainy (kharif) season of 2004 and 2005 to study the effect of in- tegrated N management on yield and quality of multi-cut forage sorghum (Sorghum sudanense L.). Application of 75 kg N through urea + 25 kg Nlha through farmyard manure (FYM) recorded significantly higher green-forage, dry-matter and crude-protein yields than other treatments, except application of 75 kg N through urea + 25 kg Nlha through castor cake. The increase was 11 .I - 18.6% in dry-matter yield and 19.4 - 20.0% in crude-protein yield over application of 100 kg Nlha through urea. Application of 50 kg N through FYM + 50 kg Nlha through castor cake was significantly inferior in forage production and was poor in quality as evident from low crude-protein yield and higher neutral detergent fibre (NDF) content. The maximum green-forage, dry-matter and crude-protein yields of forage sorghum were recorded under Azotobacter + Azospirillum inoculation compared with their individual in- oculation or no inoculation of biofertilizer, but the effect on green-forage yield was non-significant.. The maximum NDF content was recorded under no biofertilizer treatment, which was significantly higker than other treatments except Azospirillum inoculation. The application of 75 kg N through urea + 25 kg Nlha through castor cake along with Azospirillum inoculation was found superior in forage quality and recorded maximum crude-protein yield.
Livestock is the sub-sector of agriculture which plays an important role in nutritional security, particularly of small and marginal farmers. But productivity of our animals is much less than global average due to many reasons, feed and fodder deficiency being the major one. Considering the feed shortage and unavailability of land for fodder cultivation, it is the need of the hour to adopt innovative methods in fodder cultivation both in production and preservation of fodder. Improved methods in fodder production can be considered under four aspects which includes: seed technology, system approach, hi-tech farming and adopting mechanisation in fodder production. Improved methods in preservation includes; technological interventions in hay and silage like additives for quality hay and silage, preserving as haylage, balage and making dehydrated products like pellets and cubes.
The adverse effects of irrigation with treated and untreated wastewater include health risks due to pathogens, salts, nutrients, and toxic elements that contaminate the food chain and the environment. However, the areas especially those affl icted by water scarcity can afford for recycling and reuse of wastewater in tree plantations as an effective and sustainable strategy. This is associated with high water, nutrient, and pollutant (metal) assimilation capacity of tree plantations. In woody species, wood, bark, and roots form important sinks for biologically available metals. Since these tissues are slow to enter the decomposition cycle, accumulated metals remain immobilized for considerably longer periods. Urban plantations and green areas along with nonedible crops like aromatic grasses and fl oriculture crops further offer many economic, social, recreational, and biodiversity conservation benefi ts. Nevertheless, as a caution, it is stated that the deep-rooted perennials have the ability, but are not guaranteed, to profl igate wastewater disposal under all the soil and climatic conditions. Therefore, the regulatory mechanisms must be evoked to control loading rates for safe disposal of wastewater and protection of groundwater from being contaminated.