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Micronutrients and their diverse role in agricultural crops: advances and future prospective



In plant sciences, the prodigious significance of micronutrient is unavoidable since plant relies primarily on micronutrient as it has profound influence on array of plant activities. Although micronutrients are abundantly present in the soil but plants usually acquire them in relatively trace amounts; hence, regarded as tracer element. B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn are such micronutrients required in minute amounts by plants but inexorably play an eminent role in plant growth and development. Plant metabolism, nutrient regulation, reproductive growth, chlorophyll synthesis, production of carbohydrates, fruit and seed development, etc., are such effective functions performed by micronutrients. These tracer elements when present at adequate level, elevate the healthy growth in plant physiological, biochemical and metabolic characteristics while their deficiency promotes abnormal growth in plants. Prevalence of micronutrient deficiency has become more common in recent years and the rate of their reduction has further been increased by the perpetual demands of modern crop cultivars, high soil erosion, etc. On the basis of present existing condition, it is not difficult to conclude that, the regular increment of micronutrient deficiency will be mostly responsible for the remarkable degradation in substantiality of agricultural crops somewhere in near future and so that this issue has now been the subject of intensified research among the breeder, ingenuities and expertise of science. These micronutrients can also be proven toxic when present at accelerated concentrations and such toxicity level endangers the plant growth. Taking this into consideration, the current review unfolds the phenomenal participation of micronutrients in plant sciences and gives a brief overview of the current understanding of main features concerning several micronutrient acquisitions in agricultural crop plants.
Micronutrients and their diverse role in agricultural crops:
advances and future prospective
Durgesh Kumar Tripathi
Shweta Singh
Swati Singh
Sanjay Mishra
D. K. Chauhan
N. K. Dubey
Received: 3 October 2014 / Revised: 16 February 2015 / Accepted: 23 May 2015 / Published online: 2 July 2015
Franciszek Go
´rski Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krako
´w 2015
Abstract In plant sciences, the prodigious significance of
micronutrient is unavoidable since plant relies primarily on
micronutrient as it has profound influence on array of plant
activities. Although micronutrients are abundantly present
in the soil but plants usually acquire them in relatively
trace amounts; hence, regarded as tracer element. B, Cu,
Fe, Mn, Zn are such micronutrients required in minute
amounts by plants but inexorably play an eminent role in
plant growth and development. Plant metabolism, nutrient
regulation, reproductive growth, chlorophyll synthesis,
production of carbohydrates, fruit and seed development,
etc., are such effective functions performed by micronu-
trients. These tracer elements when present at adequate
level, elevate the healthy growth in plant physiological,
biochemical and metabolic characteristics while their
deficiency promotes abnormal growth in plants. Prevalence
of micronutrient deficiency has become more common in
recent years and the rate of their reduction has further been
increased by the perpetual demands of modern crop culti-
vars, high soil erosion, etc. On the basis of present existing
condition, it is not difficult to conclude that, the regular
increment of micronutrient deficiency will be mostly
responsible for the remarkable degradation in substantiality
of agricultural crops somewhere in near future and so that
this issue has now been the subject of intensified research
among the breeder, ingenuities and expertise of science.
These micronutrients can also be proven toxic when pre-
sent at accelerated concentrations and such toxicity level
endangers the plant growth. Taking this into consideration,
the current review unfolds the phenomenal participation of
micronutrients in plant sciences and gives a brief overview
of the current understanding of main features concerning
several micronutrient acquisitions in agricultural crop
Keywords Micronutrients Agriculture Deficiency
Toxicity Food security
In the last few decades being widely cited, the term food
security has raised the major concern worldwide, among
the scientists, researchers, agronomists and policy makers.
Owing to anticipated changes in climatic conditions and
the perpetually looming anthropogenic activities, recent
years have witnessed much focus on food security and now
the countries from all over the world are continually paying
much more attention towards the security of food and thus
working under the common mission of global food security
(FAOUNS 2000; Devereux and Maxwell 2001; CFS 2005;
Clay 2002; Fresco 2009; Floros et al. 2010). Further, in the
wake of accumulated evidence, it becomes increasingly
important to broach here that food security is not only
meant for securing the quantity of food which was con-
sumed by global population but is also concerned with
quality and variety of food (Maxwell 1996; Hamm and
Bellows 2003; Faye et al. 2011; Chappell et al. 2013).
Communicated by A. K. Kononowicz.
&Durgesh Kumar Tripathi
&D. K. Chauhan
Center of Advanced Study in Botany, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi 221 005, India
D. D. Pant Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory,
Department of Botany, University of Allahabad,
Allahabad 211 002, India
Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:139
DOI 10.1007/s11738-015-1870-3
Nutritional insecurity, due to alarming micronutrient defi-
ciencies has substantially contributed to the global burden
of disease resulting in devastating health consequences as
the people face extreme hunger, which later results into life
threatening illness popularly known malnutrition or
undernutrition (Flores and Gillespie 2001; Pinstrup-An-
dersen and Rosegrant 2001; Barrett 2002; Thompson et al.
2012). Some recent reports on micronutrient status clearly
suggested that every year more than 10 million people die
due to the vulnerable effects of micronutrients while
micronutrient deficiency also reduces the immunological
capacity of plant and animals that enable them to resist
against several chronic diseases (Flores and Gillespie 2001;
Pinstrup-Andersen and Rosegrant 2001; Barrett 2002;
Thompson et al. 2012). Conventionally, from last many
years, nutrition safety issue has been taken as the most
significant realm of health professionals but still more
focus is required to meet the food security challenges
(Parnell et al. 2001; Floros et al. 2010; Chappell and
LaValle 2011). It is reported that agri-food chain has
always played a vital role to provide the sufficient nutrients
either to plants or to human beings (Soil Association 2000;
Thrupp 2000; Heaton 2001; Williams 2002; Maathuis and
Diatloff 2013); therefore, agri-food interaction is also
another venture for the food scientists. With agriculture
being the prime source of nutrition in India, several gov-
ernment policies in this respect has been introduced to
draw full attention towards higher agricultural yield and
also to understand the food security goals, including
nutrition security and its importance in plant and human
life (Ha
¨nsch and Mendel 2009; White and Brown 2010;
Marschner 2012).
From the above discussion, an integrated solution for
securing sufficient and healthy food for all could prefer-
entially be drawn as a sustainable opportunity to reduce
hidden hunger because micronutrient plays an important
role in plant growth, their development and more specifi-
cally it also involved in multitudinous metabolic processes
(Singh et al. 2011; Marschner 2012; Tripathi et al. 2012a,
b,c;2014a,b; Kumar et al. 2014a,b). Mineral nutrients
protect the plants from various hurdles and maximally
perform irreplaceable role during the entire life cycle of
plants (Singh et al. 2011; Tripathi et al. 2012a,b,c; Kumar
et al. 2015; Liang et al. 2013; Tripathi et al. 2014a,b).
Minerals nutrients that are found in the soil, water, air and
plants were classified previously by imminent plant sci-
entists on the basis of their utility and requirement
(Marschner 2012; Sperotto et al. 2014). They discriminate
it in two different classes, i.e., macronutrients and
micronutrients, further micronutrients are those nutrients
which are required by plant in lesser amount whilst
macronutrients is needed in relatively larger amount to
complete the life cycle of plants (Tripathi et al. 2011,
2012a,b,c,2014a,b;2015; Chauhan et al. 2011; Singh
et al. 2011; Marschner 2012).
Owing to its increased necessity in intensive cropping
system for attaining higher yield productivity, in recent
years, micronutrients gained profound significance (Dell
et al. 2006; Liu et al. 2015). Moreover, regarding the
importance and the role of micronutrients in crop produc-
tion, promising changes have been found in modern sce-
nario of agriculture that also deals with the level of
micronutrients in the main staple food crops as well as diets
of humans and animals.
Micronutrients i.e. boron (B), copper (Cu), chlorine (Cl),
iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo)
are regarded as essential plant nutrients taken up and
consumed by the plants in relatively lesser amount. These
micronutrients play an eminent role in plant growth,
development and plant metabolism. However, their defi-
ciencies may induce several diseases in plants and later,
can reduce the quality as well as quantity of food. Thus
investigation related to the role of micronutrients in plants
has resulted in breathtaking curiosity and is a matter of a
huge significance among the researchers. It has been well
documented that micronutrients play multifarious roles and
their adequate supply increases the growth and yield of
plants, thereby protecting the plants from adverse effects of
various biotic and abiotic stresses (Fig. 1). Therefore, in
this current review, we have summarized the overall ben-
efits and significance of some micronutrients in plants.
Boron (B)
Soil basically serves as the unique/prime source of trace
elements for vascular plants (Fig. 2). Among them, boron
has been recognized as one of the most essential, ubiqui-
tously distributed microelements of group III of the long
form of periodic table. Boron show marked difference from
the other members of its group because it is a highly
electronegative element and exhibits intermediary proper-
ties between metals and non-metals (Bolan
˜os et al. 2004;
´guez et al. 2010). Though its average con-
centration inside the soil solution is 10 ppm, but the most
preferable range for which plants encounter neither defi-
ciency nor toxicity is very low i.e., 0.3–1 ppm (Lee and
Aronoff 1967; Shelp 1993; Blevins and Lukaszewski
1998). Though boron has ubiquitous distribution in nature,
the important role of boron in making proper growth and
productivity is still not well known. Plant acquires boron
(B) basically in the form of undissociated/uncharged boric
acid (H
BO) that tends to form borate ester by reacting
with apiose residues of two rhamnogalacturonan II (RGII)
molecules and the resulting RGII borate dimers further
show the cross-linking with pectins of the cell wall thereby
139 Page 2 of 14 Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:139
initiating the formation of three-dimentional pectic net-
work and thus, maintaining structural integrity of the cell
wall (Kobayashi et al. 1996; Camacho-Cristo
´bal et al.
2008; Beato et al. 2011).
Firstly, Warington (1923) recognized boron (B), as the
essential microelement and also established its importance
in improving the optimal growth of plant cell. In the
beginning of the twentieth century, the necessity of boron
was first considered and as the time passed boron has been
declared as the critically essential micronutrient by a
number of investigators. It has also been well documented
that smaller concentration of boron could facilitate the
proper growth and development of the higher plant and
their deficiency would lead to the impairment of metabolic
and physiological processes (Nable et al. 1997; Blevins and
Lukaszewski 1998; Bolan
˜os et al. 2004;Reid2007;
´bal et al. 2008).
In addition to playing incredible role in the biosynthesis
of cell wall and lignifications, boron is also involved sig-
nificantly in a variety of physiological and biological pro-
cesses such as tissue differentiation, vegetative growth,
phenolic metabolism, and membrane integrity, etc.
(Table 1). Apart from this, the bioavailability of boron is
also necessary for nitrogen fixation and nitrate assimilation
´bal and Gonza
´lez-Fontes 1999; Matas
et al. 2009; Reguera et al. 2010; Beato et al. 2010), for
oxidative stress (Pfeffer et al. 1998; Kobayashi et al. 2004)
and root development (Dugger 1973; Martı
´n-Rejano et al.
2011). However, its presence beyond the permissible limit
hampers plant growth and crop productivity worldwide
(Stangoulis and Reid 2002; Reid et al. 2004). Boron is an
essential micronutrient required by the plant for proper
growth and development (Miwa et al. 2007) and its defi-
ciency would impose several inimical effects on plants,
such as yellowing of the leaf tips, chlorosis and necrotic
spot, stunted growth, and inhibition of root and shoot
length, greenish-grey spots on fruits (Table 1) (Nable et al.
1997). Therefore, from the above studies and recent find-
ings it can be well said that boron is the sole element and it
has been proved beneficial for the proper growth and
development of plant only if it is absorbed and accumu-
lated in required amount (Table 1).
Copper (Cu)
The magnificent role of copper (Cu) in the plant world makes
it a unique element. Being a transition element, it occupies
place in 11th group of periodic table with atomic number of
29 and atomic mass of 63.5. It is considered to be a very
Fig. 1 Response of
micronutrients in different
abiotic and biotic stresses
Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:139 Page 3 of 14 139
important element for every life being present on the earth
due to its several characteristics. Plant growth is highly
dependent on the availability of Cu as it plays pivotal role in
regulating multiple biochemical reactions in plants (Table 2).
Arnon and Stout (1939) declared Cu as an important nutrient
for plants in their experiments with tomato.
Being the stable cofactor of various enzymes and pro-
teins, Cu plays an indispensable role in regulating several
metabolic and physiological processes of plants (Rehm and
Schmitt 2002). Cu actively takes part in many physiolog-
ical processes in plants as it is present in the form of oxi-
dized Cu (II) and reduced Cu (I) states in histidine and
cysteine or methionine, respectively (Yruela 2005; Grata
et al. 2005; Pilon et al. 2006; Burkhead et al. 2009a,b). It
participates in oxidation-reduction reaction as an electron
carrier in chloroplasts and mitochondria as well as in
oxidative stress response (Raven et al. 1999; Yruela 2005;
˜o et al. 2005; Pilon et al. 2006; Kra
¨mer and Clemens
2006; Puig et al. 2007; Yruela 2009).
The other effective functions of Cu in the plant world at
cellular level can be enlisted as follows:
Significantly contributes in cell wall metabolism and
signal pathway of transcription,
Cu actively participates in oxidative phosphorylation
and iron mobilization,
Cu plays important role in the biogenesis of molybde-
num cofactor and protein trafficking machinery.
As mentioned earlier, Cu acts as a cofactor of enzymes
and plays significant role in respiration, photosynthesis,
lignifications, phenol metabolism, protein synthesis, regu-
lation of auxins, etc. (Table 2). Some of these Cu-enzymes
are cytochrome oxidase, Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu/
ZnSOD), laccase, ascorbate oxidase, amino oxidase,
polyphenol oxidase and plastocyanin (Yruela 2005; Ravet
et al. 2011; Rout et al. 2013). Plastocyanin, being the most
abundant copper protein promotes electron transport in the
thylakoid lumen of chloroplasts (Yruela 2005; Abdel-
Fig. 2 Adequate level of micronutrients in plants and their diverse response under deficiency and toxicity (Epstein and Bloom 2005; Marschner
139 Page 4 of 14 Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:139
Table 1 Integrated response of agricultural crops towards the bioavailability, deficiency and toxicity of certain essential micronutrients influencing its probable sustainability
Microelement boron (B) in
variable concentration
Symbol and the form of
absorption by plants
Concentration in plant Response of agricultural crops towards variable
concentration of boron in soil solution
Boron (in adequate
(B) H
(Boric acid) 0.3–1 ppm
3–100 lgg
dry weight
Boron (B) plays an indispensable role in
Biosynthesis of cell wall and lignifications
Tissue differentiation
Phenolic metabolism
Vegetative and reproductive growth
Membrane integrity
Nitrogen fixation and nitrate assimilation
Reguera et al. (2010), Cristo
´bal et al. (1999),
Matas et al. (2009), Beato et al. (2010)
Boron-deficiency Less than 0.3 ppm and
0.14 mg kg
Boron deficiency in soil results in
Stunted growth
Inhibition of cell expansion
Cracking or rotting of fruits
Wilted or curled leaves
Water soaked petiole
Silva and Uchida (2000), Dear and Weir (2004)
Boron-toxicity Above 0.3–1 ppm and
3–100 lgg
dry weight
Higher concentration of boron in plants would
lead to
Yellowing of the leaf tips and distorted shoot
Chlorotic and necrotic patches in the margin/
older leaves spots on fruits
Nable et al. (1997), Stangoulis and Reid (2002),
Reid et al. (2004), Nable et al. (1997)
Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:139 Page 5 of 14 139
Table 2 Cumulative response of agricultural crops towards variable concentration of certain essential micronutrients
Presence of
Symbol and the form of absorption by
plants and concentration
Concentration in
Response of agricultural crops towards variable concentration
of Zinc and Copper in soil solution
Adequate amount
of Zinc
(Zn) and Zn
15–20 mg Zn kg
Regulates the biological membranes
Zinc finger regulates transcription directly through effects on DNA/RNA binding
Regulation of chromatin structure
RNA metabolism and protein–protein interactions
Antioxidative defence enzymes
Sinclair and Kra
¨mer (2012), Rengel
(2004), Ha
¨nsch and Mendel
(2009), Broadley et al. (2007)
Deficiency of Zn Below 15 mg Zn
Impaired stem elongation in tomato
Root apex necrosis (‘dieback’)
Interveinal chlorosis (‘mottled leaf’)
Development of reddish-brown or bronze ‘bronzing’
Internode shortening (‘rosetting’)
Epinasty, inward curling of leaf lamina
‘Goblet’ leaves) and reductions in leaf size (little leaf)
Tsonev et al. (2012), Alloway
(2004a,b), Disante et al. (2010),
Skoog (1940)
Toxicity level of
Above 20 mg Zn
Reduced yields and stunted growth
Leafy vegetable crops are sensitive to Zn toxicity
Soybean and rice has been recognized as Zn sensitivity
crops in which Zn toxicity instigate genetic variation
Phototoxic concentrations of Zn
Increase lipoxygenase activity
Lipid peroxidation
Enhancing antioxidative activity in plants
Hafeez et al. (2013), Boawn and
Rasmussen (1971); Chaney,
(1993); Weckx and Clijsters
Adequate amount
of copper
(Cu) and Cu
DW Cell wall metabolism
Electron transport in chloroplast, mitochondria etc.
Oxidative phosphorylation and iron mobilization
Biogenesis of molybdenum cofactor
Nitrogen assimilation, abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis
Raven et al. (1999), Yruela (2005),
˜o et al. (2005), Pilon et al.
(2006), Kra
¨mer and Clemens
(2006), Puig et al. (2007), Yruela
et al. (2009)
Deficiency of Cu Below 5 lgg
Improper growth rate and distortion or whitening (chlorosis) of young leaves
Decrease in cell wall formation lignification in several tissues and curling of leaf
Damages apical meristem, fruit formation, pollen development, the fruit and seed
production, wood production
Inhibits embryo development, seed viability and plant development
Marschner (1995), Epstein and
Bloom (2005), Ruiter (1969),
¨pper et al. (2003), Yruela
(2005), Burkhead et al. (2009a,b)
Toxicity of Cu Above 20 lgg
DW or higher
Chlorosis and necrosis, stunting, and inhibition of root and shoot growth
Inhibit enzyme activity and protein function, which later produces highly toxic
hydroxyl radicals leading to oxidative damage of plant cell
˜o et al. (2005), Vinit-Dunand
et al. (2002), Ku
¨pper et al.
(2003), Yruela et al. (2009)
139 Page 6 of 14 Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:139
Ghany and Pilon 2008). Apart from this, some copper
proteins that are localized in cytoplasm, stroma of
chloroplast, peroxisomes and other plant organelles act as
the most effective scavenger of reactive oxygen species
(Yamasaki et al. 2008; Montes et al. 2014). Furthermore,
Rehm and Schmitt (2002) suggested the unique role of Cu
in optimal seed production and chlorophyll formation
which is necessary for optimal enzyme activity, whereas
Bernal et al. (2006) explained the prominent role in thy-
lakoid grana stacking. Additionally, Cu plays important
part in nitrogen assimilation, abscisic acid (ABA) biosyn-
thesis. It was also confirmed by Kuper et al. (2004) that Cu
ion provisionally occupies the site for Mo lodging in the
bound molybdopterin substrate (Burkhead et al. 2009a,b).
Copper (Cu) levels in plants have been reported as
2–50 lgg
DW (ppm) considering 6 lgg
to be suit-
able for shoots (Epstein and Bloom 2005). Cu level below
DW in vegetative tissues shows its deficiency
while above 20 lgg
DW, toxicity level of Cu has also
been noticed (Marschner 1995; Burkhead et al. 2009a,b).
Below 5 lgg
of Cu level, several effects of deficiency
can be noticed such as improper growth rate, distortion or
whitening (chlorosis) of young leaves, decrease in cell wall
formation and lignification in several tissues. It causes
curling of leaf margins, damages apical meristem and
badly hampers fruit formation, pollen development, the
fruit and seed production, wood production and inhibits
embryo development, seed viability and plant development
(Ruiter 1969; Marschner 1995;Ku
¨pper et al. 2003; Epstein
and Bloom 2005; Yruela 2005; Burkhead et al. 2009a,b).
Copper (Cu) level above 20 lgg
DW or higher is
proven to be toxic for plant growth and development as it
causes inhibition of root and shoot growth, stunting,
chlorosis and necrosis (Yruela 2005; Hossain et al. 2012).
By binding to sulfhydryl groups in proteins, they inhibit
enzyme activity and protein function which later produces
highly toxic hydroxyl radicals leading to oxidative damage
of plant cell (Yruela 2005; Hossain et al. 2012). Hence
from the above it could be well documented that for the
healthy growth and development of plants, proper acqui-
sition, assimilation and regulation of Cu should be main-
tained in different cells and organelles (Yruela 2005). This
can only be possible by detailed investigation and
advanced study of application of copper in plants to
explore the still hidden facts (Table 2).
Iron (Fe)
Besides silicon, oxygen, and aluminium, iron (Fe) is typi-
cally regarded as the fourth most abundant and virtually
essential microelement on the earth crust. It belongs to the
4th period and group VIII of the long form of periodic table
with atomic number 26 and atomic weight of 55.845 which
intervene a variety of cellular processes (Puig et al. 2005).
Iron is an indispensable microelement and required by
plant in a tracer amount for their optimal growth and
productivity (Curie and Briat 2003). Gris (1843) firstly
recognized it as an essential micronutrient for plant growth
and also establishes its relative significance in eliminating
the adverse effect of chlorosis in plants (Table 3). Because
of low soil solubility its bioavailability to plants cell in
inorganic form is limited (Chatterjee et al. 2006). Fe-ac-
quisition in plant occurs by two efficient strategies called
Strategy I and Strategy II that operates in different phylo-
genic groups (Romheld and Marschner 1986; Romheld
1987; Ma and Nomoto 1996; Curie and Briat 2003; Sch-
midt 2003;Ma2005; Donnini et al. 2010). Although vas-
cular plant requires relatively a lower concentration of
micronutrient for their optimum development, but its
slighter deficiency (moderate decrease in micronutrient
content) and toxicity (modest increase in micronutrient
content) would lead to the impairment of several physio-
logical and metabolic processes and thus, poses great
constraint to overall crop productivity (Robinson et al.
1999; Schmidt 2003;Ma2005; Donnini et al. 2010).
Iron is found to be localized inside the different cel-
lular compartments such as chloroplasts, mitochondria,
and vacuoles (Jeong and Guerinot 2009; Adamski et al.
2012;Viganietal.2013). It also acts as a redox cofactor
in a variety of plant cellular metabolism (Puig et al.
2005). Iron (Fe) is an unavoidable and one of the most
prominent constituent of a number of proteins and
enzymes that plays important roles in key metabolic
processes, including cellular respiration, oxygen trans-
port, lipid metabolism, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
cycle, gene regulation, synthesis of metabolic intermedi-
ates, and DNA biosynthesis as well as making it essential
for photosynthesis and chlorophyll biosynthesis (Jeong
and Connolly 2009; Adamski et al. 2012). To organize the
range of physiological and metabolic function in a con-
vectional manner and to minimize nutritional disorder
both the abundance and deficiency of micronutrients
should be maintained properly. Therefore, to conquer the
ill effects imposed by iron deficiency, plants are equipped
with an efficient and promising tolerance strategies that
make their survival possible in such stressful conditions
and such adapted mechanism of plants facilitates the
controlled uptake of iron, the process termed as iron
homeostasis (Marschner et al. 1986; Jeong and Guerinot
2009; Ramirez et al. 2009;Wangetal.2012). However,
homeostasis of this metal is essential for plant growth and
development, because in several studies it has been
demonstrated that it seems to be harmful when present in
both excessive and limiting amounts (Sharma 2007;
Adamskietal.2012;Wangetal.2012). The main and one
Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:139 Page 7 of 14 139
of the most visually appeared characteristics features of
iron deficiency is chlorosis in young leaves, which is
caused by decreased chlorophyll biosynthesis (Sharma
2007;Wangetal.2012). Several reports have shown that,
those structural component that permit iron to act as an
efficient catalyst and cofactor in cellular redox reactions,
also have tendency to make it a potent toxin on similar
structural chemical properties, when it is up taken by
plants in excess of cellular needs, and as a consequence
lead to overproduction of toxic oxygen radicals (Olaleye
et al. 2009; Gill and Tuteja 2010;Sharmaetal.2012).
Moreover, elevated iron concentrations lead to enhanced
oxidative stress and the excessive production of highly
reactive and toxic oxygen species (ROS) (Robello et al.
ROS are extremely destructive in nature because they
seriously pose a threat to a variety of cellular components,
including lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids,
thus due to their destructive activity leading to express
diverse morphological, biochemical, and physiological
alterations (Fang et al. 2001; Gill and Tuteja 2010; Sharma
et al. 2012). In the case of excess iron, one of the ways to
limit progressive oxidative damage is to stop the uncon-
trolled oxidation caused by antioxidant enzymes. Super-
oxide dismutase (SOD) plays a protective role against the
damaging effects of ROS that requires Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn
as metal cofactors and is present in various cellular com-
partments, and is involved in the detoxification of O
and O
(Sinha and Saxena 2006; Sharma et al. 2012).
In addition to SOD, CAT and peroxidases have been
revealed to participate in this protective mechanism (Costa
et al. 2005; Sharma et al. 2012). Accelerated concentration
of iron affects the uptake and accumulation of other min-
eral nutrients such as calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg),
potassium (K), phosphorus (P), and of iron itself (Zhang
et al. 1999). Hence from the above mentioned fact and
recent findings, it can be well said that the role of iron in
plant metabolism is indispensible and hence efforts should
be made to abolish iron (Fe) stress (deficiency or toxicity)
for avoiding several nutritional disorders.
Manganese (Mn)
Manganese (Mn), after iron (Fe) is being recognized as one
of the most essential and ubiquitously distributed
microelement on the earth crust belonging to the group VII
of the extended form of periodic table (Kluwer et al. 2010).
In nature, it occurs in a variety of oxidation states 0, II, III,
IV, VI but the most preferable range in biological system is
II, III and IV (Hebbern et al. 2009). Bioavailability of
manganese in nature is basically affected by the redox
condition and pH level of the soil (Marschner 1995;
Table 3 List of certain essential micronutrients whose variable distribution in nature directly or indirectly influences the sustainability of agricultural crops
Microelement (in
Symbol and the
form of availability
to plants
in plants
Probable response of agricultural crops References
Manganese (in
(Mn) and Mn
10–100 lgg
Manganese plays a pivotal role in biosynthesis of ATP acyl lipids, proteins and fatty acids. Besides, it
also participates in RuBP carboxylase reactions, oxidation-reduction process of photosynthesis,
photolysis of water at PSII of photosynthesis. Bioactivation of enzymes
Pfeffer et al. (1986), Ness and
Woolhouse (1980), Houtz et al.
Less than
10–100 lgg
Deficiency symptoms: Interveinal chlorosis, in young tissue, appearance of greenish-grey specks at the
lower base of monocots, development of brown necrotic spots on the cotyledons of legume plants,
premature leaf fall, white–grey spots of leaf and delayed maturity
Schulte and Kelling (1999)
Manganese toxicity Above
10–100 lgg
Toxicity symptoms: Higher concentration of Mn interferes with absorption and utilization of other
mineral elements; it also affects the energy metabolism, decreases photosynthetic rates and also causes
oxidative stress
Demirevska-Kepova et al. (2004),
Clark (1982), Fecht-Christoffers
et al. (2003)
Iron (in adequate
(Fe) and Fe–S–Fe,
heme, nonheme,
50–150 lgg
Iron plays a pivotal role in biosynthesis of chlorophyll, bioactivation of certain enzymes Being a part of
protein ferodoxin, Fe is required in sulphate and nitrate reduction, also associated with protein
Schulte and Kelling (1999),
Chatterjee et al. (2006)
Iron (Fe) deficiency Less than
50–100 lgg
Deficiency symptoms: Interveinal chlorosis in young leaves, caused by decreased chlorophyll synthesis,
retarded/stunted growth and reduced activity of hill reaction
Goos et al. (2004), Nikolic and
Kastori (2000)
Iron (Fe) toxicity Above
50–100 lgg
Toxicity symptoms: Growth inhibition, reduced chlorophyll synthesis, inhibition of photosynthesis Chatterjee et al. (2006)
139 Page 8 of 14 Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:139
Porter et al. 2004; Millaleo et al. 2010a,b). Though its
concentration inside the soil solution is relatively large but
plant acquires only a small fraction of it for their optimum
growth and development (Kluwer et al. 2010).
Manganese plays a pivotal role not only in variety of
metabolic process but is also involved directly or indirectly
in stress tolerant mechanism of higher plants by serving as
the cofactor of various antioxidative enzymes (Burnell
1988). Furthermore, the role of manganese (Mn) in pho-
tosynthesis is indispensable as it participate in photolysis of
water at photosystem II that provides electrons needed for
the onset of electron transport system (Millaleo et al.
Kenneth (2012) significantly demonstrated the efficient
role of manganese during oxygen evolution step of pho-
tosynthesis. Further it has well documented that manganese
is significantly involved in the biosynthesis of ATP, acyl
lipids, proteins and fatty acids besides, it also participate
in RuBP carboxylase reactions (Ness and Woolhouse
1980; Pfeffer et al. 1986; Houtz et al. 1988; Millaleo et al.
Being the structural constituent of photosynthetic pro-
teins and enzyme it is predominantly involved in the
bioactivation of approximately 35 crucial enzymes of
plants, such as: Mn-SOD, Mn-CAT, phosphoenol pyruvate
carboxy kinase and pyruvate carboxylase (Burnell 1988;
Ducic and Polle 2005). Biogenesis of chlorophyll, amino
acid (tyrosine) and several other secondary metabolites
such as flavenoids and liginin are another eminent role of
manganese in plants (Lidon et al. 2004). Millaleo et al.
(2010a,b) signifies the profitable role of manganese and
also ascribed their distribution, accumulation and resistant
mechanism inside the plant when its concentration inside
the soil solution exceeds the permissible limit, it becomes
severely toxic to plant cell, thereby limiting its growth and
yield productivity worldwide.
Excessive-limed soil or the soil rich in organic matter
(above 6.0 %) with high pH level (more than 6.5) are
primarily responsible for the prevalence of manganese
deficiency (Reichman 2002; Demirevska-Kepova et al.
2004; Millaleo et al. 2010a,b). But the uptake and accu-
mulation of manganese inside the plant shows adverse
relation with the available iron content of soil (Demir-
evska-Kepova et al. 2004; Millaleo et al. 2010a,2010b). As
a trace element it’s over expression led the generation of
highly reactive oxygen species (ROS) particularly OH
ultimately triggers oxidative injuries inside the plant
(Demirevska-Kepova et al. 2004; Millaleo et al. 2010a,b).
Likewise, the appearance of interveinal chlorosis, brown
necrotic spots, premature leaf fall, white and gray spots of
leaf and delayed maturity is another characteristic deficiency
symptom of Mn resulting from its limited supply inside the
plant. Therefore, its proper optimization inside the plant is
necessary to further lessen the exogenous demand of fertil-
izers. Although the potentially significant physiological and
biological role of manganese is well elucidated from the
above studies however, further investigation is still needed
with the insight of improving gross productivity and main-
taining the human/plant nutrient status on a global scale.
Zinc (Zn)
The essentiality of zinc (Zn) as a micronutrient in plant is
phenomenal, bearing atomic number 30, Zn is another
transition element and observed as the 23rd most copious
element on earth with five stable isotopes (Broadley et al.
2007). Zn
has distinct characteristics of Lewis acid and
also considered to be the redox-stable due to completely
filled d-shell orbitals by electron unlike in Fe
and Cu
(Barak and Helmke 1993; Auld 2001; Broadley et al. 2007;
Sinclair and Kra
¨mer 2012; Hafeez et al. 2013). Broadley
et al. (2007) mentioned that idea of importance of Zn in
plants was originated for the first time when its significance
was shown by Maze
´(1915) in maize and barley and dwarf
sunflower by Sommer and Lipman (1926). Interestingly,
Zn plays eminent role by being a structural constituent or
regulatory co-factor for different enzymes and proteins. At
organism level, the significant role of ‘zinc finger’ as a
structural motif is worth mentioning as it regulates tran-
scription (Klug 1999; Englbrecht et al. 2004; Broadley
et al. 2007). The optimal crop growth is generally main-
tained by intake of Zn in its divalent form. Henceforth,
performing several important functions in different plants
which can be enumerated as:
Regulation of carbonic anhydrase for fixation to
carbohydrates in plants (Carbon dioxide ?reactive
bicarbonate species).
Promotion of the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein,
auxin, pollen formation (Marschner 1995) etc.
Governs biological membranes and performs defence
mechanism against harmful pathogens.
Presence of Zn in SOD and CAT as a cofactor, protects
plant from oxidative stress.
The fundamental attribute of Zn is being the component
of all the six enzyme classes’ ?oxidoreductases,
transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, ligases.
Additionally, Zn being participatory in the structure of
Rubisco, activates several biochemical reactions in the
photosynthetic metabolism (Brown et al. 1993; Alloway
2004a,b; Tsonko and Lidon 2012). In the thylakoid
lamellae, Zn inhibits the production of high toxic hydroxyl
radicals in Haber–Weiss reactions due to its high affinity
with cysteine and histidine (Cakmak 2000; Alloway 2004a,b;
Brennan 2005; Disante et al. 2010; Tsonko and Lidon 2012).
Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:139 Page 9 of 14 139
Furthermore, Alscher et al. (1997) and later Cakmak
(2000) confirmed the savior role of Zn against oxidative
stress by being involved in multiple antioxidative enzymes
such as ABX and glutathione reductase. The availability of
water to plant has also been noticed to be affected by Zn
´and Poschenrieder 1990; Kasim 2007; Disante
et al. 2010; Tsonko and Lidon 2012). Pahlsson (1989) and
Coleman (1992) suggested formation of complexes of Zn
with DNA and RNA. The tryptophan synthesis and active
role in signal transduction are also some of the valuable
functions of Zn reported so far (Brown et al. 1993; Alloway
2004a,b; Lin et al. 2005;Ha
¨nsch and Mendel 2009).
Nonetheless, prominent participation of Zn in regulation of
membranes by combining with phospholipids and sul-
phydryl groups of membrane proteins is also equally
important to be known.
The sufficient Zn concentration required for proper
growth of plant is estimated to be 15–20 mg Zn kg
as mentioned by Marschner (1995). Deficiency of Zn has
been reported below this level in several research works.
For instance, Skoog (1940) observed the disturbances in
stem elongation in tomato.
Several other symptoms and responses of plants towards
Zn deficiency are as follows:
Necrosis at root apex and inward curling of leaf lamina,
Mottled leaf due to inter veinal chlorosis,
Bronzing and internodes shortening as well as size
reductions in leaf.
While on exposure of leaf with elevated level of Zn i.e.
above 0.2 mg g
dry matter, multiple abnormal func-
tioning in plant can be observed. This toxicity level gives
rise to deterioration of leaf tissue and at the same time
decline the productivity of plant by making their growth
stagnant. Sensitivity towards toxic Zn concentration has
also been noticed in Soya bean and Rice. Boawn and
Rasmussen (1971) and Chaney (1993) took chance to show
the effect of Zn toxicity in leafy vegetable crops as they
tend to accumulate high concentration of Zn noticed in
spinach and beet. Therefore, it can be interpreted that,
although Zn is toxic at excess level, it is an indispensable
component of thousands of proteins in plants. Hence,
adequate supply of Zn is one of the prime-most demands
for plants growth and development which can be reached
by detail research work on understanding the concept of
application, acquisition and assimilation of Zinc in plants.
Conclusion and future outlook
Micronutrients, though required in relatively tracer amount
(at \100 mg kg
dry weight) by plants, play a virtually
significant role in a variety of cellular and metabolic
processes such as, gene regulation, hormone perception,
energy metabolism and signal transductions etc. Based on
their precise requirement in higher plants, boron (B),
chloride (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn),
molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) are typically
classified under essential micronutrients. Each organism
requires an adequate supply of these micro elements which
subsequently requires a complete metal homeostasis net-
working including their uptake and accumulation inside the
plant, mobilization, storage and intracellular trafficking etc.
¨nsch and Mendel 2009). Insufficient supply or low
phyto-availability of these elements would result in limited
crop productivity worldwide. Therefore, plants require an
requisite and constant supply of these micronutrients
throughout their entire growth phase for optimal produc-
tivity. But, the over expanding human population and
mindless exploitation of natural repositories makes it dif-
ficult for the plants to ensure their adequate supply for
future reference and therefore, causing impulsive challenge
for the expertise of science. Recently, it has been well
elucidated that approximately 2/3 of the world’s population
is being suffering from the risk of nutrient-deficiency
(White and Broadley 2009; Stein 2010). However, the
marked deficiency of mineral nutrient could be reduced by
the judicious exogenous supply of mineral fertilizers or by
the cultivation genotypically modified crops (GM crops)
with higher metal concentrations. In addition, crop hus-
bandry, breeding or genetic manipulation could also be
recognized as one of the most efficient, recent and reliable
technique of improving mineral status of soil (White and
Broadley 2009). For sure, these above mentioned approa-
ches can definitely create new horizon in the field of
micronutrient application in plant and crop sciences, but in
order to achieve greater successful results, more advanced
and scientific research works on this deep topic are nec-
essarily required.
Author contribution statement DKT, SS, SS, DKC, SM
and NKD designed the manuscript, DKT, SS, SS and DKC
wrote the manuscript.
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... Increasing the output of cauliflower requires a balanced application of fertilizers containing macro and micro nutrients (Kannan et al. 2016). Because they are involved in photosynthesis, phenolics, tannin generation and allocation, plant meristematic development, chlorophyll synthesis, and photosynthesis, micronutrients are classified as necessary critical components for plant growth and development (Tripathi et al. 2015). Iron (Fe) is one of the micronutrients that is crucial for the synthesis of chlorophyll in plant cells. ...
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Successive field experiments were carried out during 2018-19 and 2019-20 to implicate the effect of blended application of mineral NPK and FYM with NIs on micronutrient availability in cauliflower. Eight treatments comprised of NPK sources and NIs were incorporated with three replications in a randomized block design (RBD). Results showed that treatment of RDF [N, P and K (125:76:72 kg ha-1)] + neem cake (20 g kg-1 soil) + FYM (25 t ha-1) significantly escalated the micronutrients content (Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu) in plants with a maximum (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) in leaf (172.9, 77.3, 62.4 and 46.5 ppm), curd (185.4, 88.1, 61.3 and 48.4 ppm) and root (146.3, 58.8, 36.5 and 37.3 ppm), respectively, results were comparable with CaC 2 treatment. Significant increases in micronutrient concentration were observed during 2019-20 over 2018-19. Besides neem cake, melia based treatment@ 20 g kg-1 soil showed a significant improvement on soil available micronutrients (19.2, 9.5, 3.58, 4.25 mg kg-1) content over other melia and pomegranate based treatments. Additionally, melia based treatment significantly increased the plant's micronutrient content and thus proved itself a better choice for farmers practice. Regarding soil, neem based treatment @ 20 g kg-1 soil again clinched maximum micronutrient (Fe, Mn and Cu) content (21.7, 11.5 and 4.35 mg kg-1), respectively, however, Zn content was found to be higher under CaC 2 treatment (3.68 mg kg-1). Therefore, two years of open research trials identified the general recommended application of NPK+ FYM supplemented with neem cake and melia as notable and vigorous treatments for growing cauliflower under mid hills of North Western Himalayan region.
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Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans , is a major potato disease globally, leading to significant economic losses of $6.7 billion. To address this issue, we evaluated the antifungal activity of ZnO and CuO nanoparticles (NPs) against P. infestans for the first time in laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Nanoparticles were synthesized via a chemical precipitation method and characterized using various techniques. The XRD results revealed that the synthesized ZnO nanoparticles had a pure hexagonal wurtzite crystalline structure, whereas the CuO NPs had a monoclinic crystalline structure. TEM images confirmed the synthesis of quasi-spherical nanoparticles with an average size of 11.5 nm for ZnO NPs and 24.5 nm for CuO NPs. The UV–Vis Spectral Report showed peaks corresponding to ZnO NPs at 364 nm and 252 nm for CuO NPs.In an in vitro study, both ZnO and CuO NPs significantly ( p < 0.05) inhibited the radial growth of P. infestans at all tested concentrations compared to the untreated control. The highest inhibitory effect of 100% was observed with ZnO and CuO NPs at 30 mg/L. A lower inhibition of 60.4% was observed with 10 mg/L CuO NPs. Under greenhouse conditions, 100 mg/L ZnO NPs was the most effective treatment for controlling potato late blight, with an efficacy of 71%. CuO NPs at 100 mg/L followed closely, with an efficacy of 69%. Based on these results, ZnO and CuO NPs are recommended as promising eco-friendly fungicides for the management and control of potato late blight after further research. Graphical abstract
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This study substituted sodium molybdate dehydrate (Na2MoO4.2H2O) in MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) with molybdenum trioxide nanoparticles (MoO3NPs) to evaluate their impact on the morphogenesis, growth, absorption of metal-mineral elements and the activity of antioxidant enzymes of chrysanthemum. The results indicated that 100% callus formation was observed when 1-month-old leaf explants were cultured on medium supplemented with MoO3NPs and Na2MoO4.2H2O in basic MS medium, while leaf explants cultured on MS medium without Na2MoO4.2H2O did not induce callus induction. In addition, the treatment with 223.5 µL/L MoO3NPs resulted in the highest shoot regeneration (33.33%), with 1 shoot per explant, and shoot height (1.14 cm), and fresh weight (1.21 g) compared to those in others and control treatments. Meanwhile, 1-month-old stem node (1 cm) explants cultured on medium supplemented with 149 µL/L MoO3NPs recorded 100% shoot regeneration and the highest number of shoots larger than 2 cm (5 shoots/stem node), shoot height (3.23 cm) and fresh weight (1.87 g) of the shoot cluster after 30 days of culture. During the regeneration stage, the activity of antioxidant enzymes in 149 µg/L MoO3NPs treatment was better than the control (+) treatment (except for SOD) and all the other treatments. Similar results were also observed during the shoot multiplication phase, where either the lack or surplus of Mo in the culture medium also caused the decline of SOD, CAT, and APX enzymes activity. Besides, at the concentration of 6.4 µg/L MoO3NPs in the culture media, nutrients are absorbed more efficiently and rapidly by explants. These findings suggest that substituting ion salt in the culture medium with MoO3NPs led to enhanced absorption, providing a micro-mineral source for plants to support biosynthesis and essential functions. The chrysanthemum plantlets exhibited enhanced rooting and growth when treated with 149 µg/L MoO3NPs, particularly during the rooting stage after 15 days of culture.
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Exposure to chromium (Cr) on farmlands drastically restricts the growth and productivity of cereal crops, including wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Utilizing micronutrients, the seed-priming strategy is crucial to preventing the adverse consequences of Cr-stress. Nevertheless, additional investigation needs to be conducted to figure out whether Cu-priming remedies are beneficial for wheat experiencing Cr-stress. The objective of this study was to ascertain the contribution of Cu-treated seed priming in the mitigation of detrimental impacts of Cr-stress on wheat germination, growth, and production. Two wheat cultivars, Dilkash-20 and Subhani-21, were subjected to seed priming treatments (0 mg/L, 0.1 mg/L, and 1.0 mg/L) of Cu under Cr-stress levels (200 mg/kg) in two successive experiments, respectively, petri-dish and soil-filled pot experiments. The Cu-priming significantly enhanced the wheat seed germination, plant growth, and grain yield under Cr-stress. Cu priming improved enzyme activities such as glutathione peroxidase (14.60, 16.30%), superoxide dismutase (62.55, 115.21%), peroxidase, catalase (78.39, 80.23%), ascorbate peroxidase(17.72, 20.32%), and key primary and secondary metabolites such as proline (54.19, 81.27%), glycine betaine (40.13, 79.39%), total soluble proteins (47.92, 51.58%), phenolics (40.05, 18.61%), and flavonoids (56.90, 113.46%), respectively, of Dilkash-20 and Subhani-21 under Cr-stress. The outcome of our investigation underscored the efficacy of Cu-priming treatments (0.1 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L) in Cr-stress circumstances to augment wheat germination, growth, and grain yield.
Adaptable and nutritious crops are essential for agricultural sustainability to meet nutritional needs and improve human health. Because it affects global food production and fertilizer consumption, research on micro- and macronutrient use efficiency is important for crop improvement. Nutrients (micro- and macronutrients) use efficiency specifies the quantity of plant yield in terms of grains or biomass produced per unit of augmented nutrients. How effectively plants utilize nutrients to produce biomass and/or grain depends on a complex interplay of environmental and plant-intrinsic factors. As a result, improving the micro- and macronutrient components in plant systems is necessary by increasing nutrient use efficiency (NUE). The advancement of molecular and genetic techniques leads to a better understanding of NUE that further helps in developing more nutrient-efficient varieties. To understand the molecular genetic basis of NUE efforts is underway, but much remains unknown. Improved, efficient, and precise techniques are expanding our understanding of plant nutrition by allowing us to dissect molecular and genetic components that contribute to NUE-related processes. In this chapter, we are discussing some basic concepts related to nutrient acquisition and utilization efficiencies and review current knowledge on key genes regulating these processes in different plant species.
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Both phosphorus (P) and boron (B) can interact with each other due to their similar properties and P can hinder the uptake of boron by plants. In this study, the effect of P and B concentrations on the growth of rice, sunflower, and maize plants grown under greenhouse conditions in an environment that would induce boron toxicity was investigated. To create a toxic environment , 40 mg kg −1 B was applied to rice plants, and 30 and 25 mg kg −1 B were applied to sunflower and maize plants, respectively. To alleviate the toxicity, 500 mg kg −1 P was added to the respective pots. The results of the study showed that B application reduced the fresh and dry weight of all plant species, while significant increases were observed with the addition of P. Among the applied P sources, TSP was found to be more effective than H 3 PO 4 in terms of fresh and dry weight of maize plants. Plant-B concentrations increased with B application but were significantly reduced by the applied P sources, with no difference observed among the P sources. Plant-P concentrations, which decreased with B applications, increased as a result of P applications. In particular, H 3 PO 4 was found to be more effective than TSP in terms of plant-P concentration, especially in sunflower and maize plants. This study determined that P fertilization can be beneficial in reducing the damage caused by boron toxicity, which is a stress factor that severely limits agricultural production in regions with arid and semi-arid climates. ARTICLE HISTORY
The present study was conducted to assess the impact of foliar application of plant growth regulators (IAA and GA3) and trace elements (ZnSO4 and boric acid) on shoot and root length and nodulation efficiency in Lentil (Lens culinaris). Results indicated that significantly (p≤ 0.05) higher shoot and root length, nodule numbers plant-1 (77.0±1.93 cm, 25.0±1.10 cm and 31.0±1.82, respectively) were recorded with foliar application of IAA @50 ppm concentration followed by IAA @ 25 ppm as compared to IAA@100ppm and control treatment at fruiting stage of lentil. Similar trends have been seen with the application of GA3. At fruiting stage of lentil, significant (p≤ 0.05) enhanced shoot length (21.35%), root length (11.76%) and nodule number plant-1 (180%) was observed with the foliar application of GA3 @50ppm over the control treatment of lentil. Present study demonstrated that shoot and root length, nodule numbers plant-1 was markedly reduced at higher concentration. In the case of zinc sulphate and boric acid, significantly (p≤ 0.05) higher shoot and root length, nodulation efficiency was recorded with zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) @ 50 ppm and boric acid @ 50 ppm in contrast to ZnSO4 @100 ppm and control treatment. Current study reported first time, results indicate that impact of plant growth regulators, and trace elements on nodulation and growth in lentil are totally concentration-dependent. Further, research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms and the optimum application concentrations for an improved crop performance under field conditions.
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For billions of people worldwide, enhancing the quantity and quality of paddy production stands as an essential goal. Rice, being a primary grain consumed in Asia, demands efficient farming techniques to ensure both sufficient yields and high-quality crops. Detecting diseases in rice crops is crucial to prevent financial losses and maintain food quality. Traditional methods in the agricultural industry often fall short in accurately identifying and addressing these issues. However, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) offers a promising avenue due to its superior accuracy and speed in evaluation. Nutrient deficiencies significantly impact paddy growth, causing issues like insufficient potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Identifying these deficiencies in paddy leaves, especially during the mid-growth stage, poses a considerable challenge. In response to these obstacles, a novel approach is proposed in this study—a deep learning model. The methodology involves gathering input images from a Kaggle dataset, followed by image augmentation. Pre-processing the images involves using the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) model, while the extraction of features utilizes the GLCM model. Subsequently, a hybrid convolutional neural network (HCNN) is employed to classify nutrient-deficient paddy leaves. The simulation is conducted on the MATLAB platform, and various statistical metrics are employed to assess overall performance. The results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed HCNN model, achieving an accuracy of 97.5%, sensitivity of 96%, and specificity of 98.2%. These outcomes surpass the efficacy of existing methods, showcasing the potential of this AI-driven approach in revolutionizing disease detection and nutrient deficiency identification in paddy farming.
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Barley is an economically important plant cultivated primarily for animal feed and in the brewing industry for the production of barley malt. Climate changes and an increase in grain demand result in a constant need to improve the volume and stability of cereal species yields and better use the potential of cultivars. In cereal production, an important aspect is the use of microelements, especially by foliar spraying. Microelements, as components or enzyme activators, play a significant role in plant growth and metabolic processes occurring in the cell. As a consequence, their availability is a factor determining plant development. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of foliar fertilization with selected microelements on the yield of two-row malting barley cultivars. In 2019–2021, a two-factor field experiment with barley was conducted in south-eastern Poland. The experimental factors were three spring barley cultivars (Baryłka, KWS Irina, and RGT Planet) of the brewing type and four single-component micronutrient fertilizers containing copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn). The foliar application of microelements resulted in improvements in selected elements of the yield structure and an increase in grain yield, and the effect depended on the fertilization applied. The highest grain yield was obtained from plots where fertilizer with Mo or Zn was used. Barley plants sprayed with Mo fertilizer developed the longest spikes and were characterized by the highest number of productive tillers per plant. The foliar application of Zn resulted in the formation of the highest number of spikes per unit area and grain uniformity. The RGT Planet cultivar was characterized by higher values of the measured parameters compared to Baryłka and KWS Irina.
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This chapter provides an in-depth review of recent and projected trends in global food insecurity and malnutrition. It explores causes and consequences. In addition to a detailed review of the health costs of malnutrition (e.g. compromised physical growth, reduced cognitive function, increased vulnerability to infectious disease), the chapter includes discussion of the economic costs of malnutrition. The chapter concludes with a review of factors that are likely to contribute to malnutrition in the future. These challenges are related to climate change and increased demand for biofuel, and include, inter alia, structural shifts in food and agricultural systems, transboundary movement of disease and widespread land degradation.
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After “natural” phytotoxicity from Al or Mn in strongly acidic soil, Zn phytotoxicity is the most extensive microelement phytotoxicity, far more important than Cu, Ni, Co, Cd, or other metals. Zn has been extensively dispersed, and has reached phytotoxic concentrations in many soils due to anthropic contamination from many sources (fertilizers, pesticides, manures, sewage sludges, smelters, incinerators, mines, galvanized products). As soil pH falls, Zn solubility and uptake increase and potential for phytotoxicity increases. When plant leaves reach about 300–1000 mg Zn/kg DW (typical phytotoxic level is 500 mg/kg DW in diagnostic leaves), yield is reduced. At least in acidic soils, phytotoxicity is indicated by Zn-induced Fe-deficiency-chlorosis.
Iron toxicity is a major nutrient disorder affecting rice production of wetland rice in the irrigated and rainfed ecosystem in West Africa sub-region. Little attention has been paid to evaluating nutrient contents of rice cultivars grown on such soils and their relationship to the iron toxicity scores, grain yield and dry matter yields. A pot experiment was conducted on two potentially Fe-toxic soils (Aeric Fluvaquent and Aeric Tropaquept). The experiment was a 2 x 2 x 4 factorial experiment with three replicates in arranged in a randomized fashion. The factors were two soil types, two rice cultivars (ITA 212) and tolerant (Suakoko 8) and four Fe 2+ levels (control, 1000, 3000 and 4000 mg L-1). The result showed that for both susceptible cultivar (ITA 212) and the relatively tolerant (Suakoko 8) cultivar, little or no differences were observed in their elemental composition with regards to micro and macro-nutrients. For the susceptible cultivar, results showed that none of the tissue nutrients significantly relates to iron toxicity scores (ITS), grain yield and dry matter yield on both soil types. However, for the tolerant cultivar, ITS was observed to be significantly related to tissue K and P contents on the two soil types respectively. Tissue Ca and Mg were observed to be significantly related to the dry matter yield (DMY) on Aeric Tropquept. It could be concluded that for these rice cultivars grown on two potentially Fe-toxic soils, different tissue nutrients may trigger the manifestation of bronzing or yellowing symptoms of rice cultivars.
An understanding of the mineral nutrition of plants is of fundamental importance in both basic and applied plant sciences. The Second Edition of this book retains the aim of the first in presenting the principles of mineral nutrition in the light of current advances. This volume retains the structure of the first edition, being divided into two parts: Nutritional Physiology and Soil-Plant Relationships. In Part I, more emphasis has been placed on root-shoot interactions, stress physiology, water relations, and functions of micronutrients. In view of the worldwide increasing interest in plant-soil interactions, Part II has been considerably altered and extended, particularly on the effects of external and interal factors on root growth and chapter 15 on the root-soil interface. The second edition will be invaluable to both advanced students and researchers.
Four years have passed since the symposium, Boron 97, The International Symposium on Boron in Soils and Plant. At this meeting, Nable et al. (1997) reviewed in detail the topic of B toxicity and concluded that, “although of considerable agronomic importance, our understanding of B toxicity is rather fragmented and limited”. This statement still holds true today, despite some modest advances over the intervening period. On the physiological side the focus has been on improving our understanding of how B enters cells and the physical and biological processes that determine its distribution around plants. This work has proceeded largely independently of the continuing efforts to identify B-tolerance in germplasm. The application of marker-assisted selection for B-tolerance traits has greatly accelerated this process, especially in relation to cereals. Yet, despite the importance of B in plant productivity, research into B toxicity has not entered the mainstream of molecular biology. Rather, the major progress over the past four years since Boron 97 has consisted of a genuine effort to understand the physiological complexities of this abiotic stress, and to find ways of sustaining crop yields on these problem soils through the use of B-tolerant cultivars.
The essential micronutrient zinc occurs in plants either as a free ion, or as a complex with a variety of low molecular weight compounds. Zinc may also be incorporated as a component of proteins and other macromolecules. As a component of proteins, zinc acts as a functional, structural, or regulatory cofactor of a large number of enzymes. Many of the physiological perturbations resulting from zinc deficiency are associated with the disruption of normal enzyme activity, thus zinc-deficiency induced inhibition of photosynthesis is coincident with a decrease in activity of key photosynthetic enzymes. Zinc deficiency also increases membrane leakiness by inhibiting the activity of enzymes involved in the detoxification of membrane damaging oxygen radicles. Recent evidence suggests that zinc plays a key role in stabilizing RNA and DNA structure, in maintaining the activity of DNA synthesizing enzymes and controlling the activity of RNA degrading enzymes. Thus, zinc may play a role in controlling gene expression. Though our understanding of the function of zinc has increased greatly in the last thirty years, there are still many aspects of zinc metabolism that remain controversial. In the following review we summarize the current knowledge of the physiology of zinc and illustrate areas in which our knowledge remains incomplete.