Deny Setiawan

Deny Setiawan
State University of Malang | UM · Department of Biology



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Deny Setiawan currently works at the Department of Biology, State University of Malang. Deny does research in Genetics, Educational Media and Learning Sources in Biology. Their current project is 'Remap Coople' and 'Multiple Intelligences'.


Publications (59)
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Abstract. The increasing ozone layer depletion due to exposure to high environmental pollutants may contribute to the high probability of cells being exposed to UV radiation, causing various cellular responses, such as genomic instability. This study aimed to determine the effect of UV on the frequency of crossing over in a cross between the wild-t...
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Technological developments in various fields are the key to progress in the digital era. The utilization of technology-based learning media in education makes learning more interactive and supports independent learning. This study aims to develop and test the practicality and effectiveness of storyline-based nervous system e-comics media to support...
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The lack of introduction and habituation to using interactive media in learning can cause students to have low technological literacy. Virtual reality technology can help us learn the law of inheritance of traits. This research aims to develop learning media using virtual reality technology that is valid, practical, and effective in improving stude...
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The existence of a teacher-producer college must have an effect on surrounding schools. Assessment literacy is needed by teachers through authentic assessment to optimize learning in the classroom. The problem of partners related to assessment literacy is in compiling assessments of the planning stage and implementation of learning that is still in...
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Pisang merupakan komoditas unggul Indonesia dan tidak dipengaruhi oleh musim. Kecamatan Tirtoyudo adalah salah satu sentra produksi terbesar dari Kabupaten Malang. Pisang umumnya hanya dimanfaatkan daging buahnya saja untuk menghasilkan berbagai olahan pangan dan dijadikan sebagai oleh-oleh khas daerah. Selain dijual dalam bentuk segar, sebagian pi...
Conference Paper
Analytical thinking skills are skills that students must master in the 21st century. Analytical thinking skills can help students problem-solve and develop higher-order skills. However, the facts show that high school students in Indonesia have weak analytical thinking skills because the learning process in the classroom does not support the develo...
Conference Paper
In the twenty-first century, technology has improved to the point that digital information resources more varied. Students must develop information literacy skills to solve problems effectively and efficiently. Information literacy skills can be enhanced using of many learning models, one of which is RICOSRE. The RICOSRE learning model is comprised...
Conference Paper
Decision-making skills play an essential role in 21st-century life. However, facts show that high school pupils in Indonesia have weak decision-making skills because the learning process in the classroom fails to support the development of higher-order thinking skills. The online platform-based RICOSRE is one of the learning models that can increas...
Conference Paper
Technological advances in industry 4.0 allow automation in almost all fields. Digital-based learning materials also offer a new platform for developing multiaccess identification tools and techniques that can help address some of the challenges in the field of botany. The Plant Diversity course as one of the subjects in the field of botany, is curr...
Conference Paper
Digital literacy is considered a crucial skill in the current pandemic conditions and enhances lifelong learning competencies. The change in learning patterns from face-to-face to online-based learning causes digital literacy as a basis that students must master. Digital literacy can develop if students are accustomed to using technology in educati...
Conference Paper
One of the critical skills that students must possess in the twenty-first century is problem solving. Problem-solving skills can be enhanced by using problem solving-based learning, namely RICOSRE. The RICOSRE learning model is composed of the following steps: (1) Reading, (2) Identifying the Problem, (3) Constructing the Solution, (4) Solving the...
Conference Paper
Students must prepare themselves to be successful individuals in the twenty-first century by learning various skills and knowledge. Scientific reasoning is one of the required skills and must be acquired in the twenty-first century. Scientific reasoning skills can be enhanced by the use of a problem-based learning model, specifically RICOSRE. The p...
Applying HOTS and the need for effective and efficient evaluation facilities for teachers is urgent for Malang schools. This study aimed to determine the results of HOTS training and online-based evaluation in Malang. This community service aims to find out the results of HOTS training and online-based evaluation for teachers in Malang. The trainin...
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Abstrak. Penelitian dan Pengembangan dilakukan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa Media Cell Thru Augmented Reality yang multirepresentatif pada matakuliah Biologi Sel yang valid dan praktis. Model ADDIE digunakan dalam pengembangan produk yang disusun. Tahap Analisis, Desain, Pengembangan dan Evaluasi dilakukan dengan lengkap, namun tahap Penerapan...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the implementation of education in Indonesia to be carried out online. Some lessons that require practice, such as Biology, experience obstacles. The solution that has been carried out is by conducting independent experiments, but this cannot facilitate practicum on submicroscopic materials such as cells. The availi...
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Problem-solving skills are advantageous when resolving complicated and multidimensional challenges. Problem-solving skills can be developed through active learning models that engage students in the learning process. One active learning model is RICOSRE. The main focus of RICOSRE is problem-solving activities in (1) reading; (2) identifying the pro...
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Currently, education is experiencing problems in learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic, that is, online learning. Online learning is closely related to the Digital Literacy possessed by students. This study aims to determine the level of digital literacy through the availability of learning media in biology subjects at SMAN 9 Malang. This research...
Technological literacy is very necessary in a learning, one of which is biology learning. This is because biology is an abstract material, so media that can visualize it are needed with the help of technological literacy. The purpose of this research was to describe students' difficulties in biology material, biology learning methods, and students'...
The problem in education during the Covid-19 pandemic was that learning activities were carried out online or through limited face-to-face meetings. This study aims to determine the need for technology-based learning media in biology subjects to improve the quality of learning during the pandemic. This research is descriptive qualitative research w...
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This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Indonesian forest honeybee conservation e-module on students' environmental literacy skills in natural resource management courses. This study uses a one-group pretest and posttest design. The sample in this study was 22 students of natural resource management class who were selected using the pur...
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Digital literacy is one of the 21st century skills required by individuals to compete in the globalization era. This study aimed to reveal 1) the effect of the RICOSRE learning model on students’ digital literacy and 2) the potential of the RICOSRE learning model to enhance students’ digital literacy. A mixed-method embedded design was employed in...
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A paradigm shift in learning activity during this pandemic era occurred from face-to-face learning into an online learning, but teachers had to follow the basic principle of accountable assessment persistenly. The Covid-19 pandemic era is a precise momentum to optimalize an authentic assessment through a workshop to develop the biology teacher’s pr...
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The 21st century education has become the primary focus of the development of higher order thinking skills, such as scientific argumentation skills. The facts show that high school students from Malang, Indonesia have poor scientific argumentation performance. The implementation of innovative learning models is key to improving students’ scientific...
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Scientific literacy concentrates on applying scientific knowledge in dealing with everyday life in the 21st century. The demands of the 21st century urge the development of scientific literacy through a series of learning activities. This study aimed to investigate: (1) the effectiveness of RICOSRE and guided-inquiry learning in promoting students’...
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Science process skills are the basic skills of science that can be taught through scientific work-focused learning. This study’s main purpose was to investigate the effects of RICOSRE, Problem Based Learning (PBL), and conventional learning models on students’ science process skills based on gender differences. This study consisted of 80 male and 9...
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Scientific literacy is one of the 21st century skills that need to be developed in students. Scientific literacy skills can be improved through the implementation of applicable learning models. This study aimed to investigate the effects of RICOSRE, Problem Based Learning (PBL), and conventional learning models on male and female students’ scientif...
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This research aimed to determine the effect of reciprocal teaching learning model on thinking skills in secondary schools. This research is a meta-analysis with six articles that meet the criteria as a sample. The inclusion criteria in this study are the ability to think which consist of the ability to think critically and the ability to think c...
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Scientific argument is an ability that involves scientific reasoning that is used to draw conclusions and use critical thinking skills to write a statement based on facts. This study aims to analyze the ability of biology students' scientific argumentation in animal diversity courses. The research subjects consisted of 56 undergraduate students in...
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Keterampilan berkomunikasi yang efektif baik secara oral maupun tertulis merupakan salah satu kompetensi dalam menghadapi kehidupan di abad ke-21. Berdasarkan pengalaman membina matakuliah Pengembangan Profesi Guru, ditemukan mahasiswa kurang terampil dalam berkomunikasi, baik secara oral maupun tertulis. Pembelajaran berbasis berbasis masalah deng...
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Keterampilan metakognitif dan minat baca akan dapat diberdayakan melalui model pembelajaran yang sesuai. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) peningkatan minat baca dan keterampilan metakognitif melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Remap Think Pair Share, dan 2) hubungan antara minat baca terhadap keterampilan metakognitif pada pembelajaran Bio...
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Higher-order thinking skills including science process skills are the foundation to achieve better cognitive learning outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between the science process skills and cognitive achievement of 171 high school students from Malang and Singosari, Indonesia. The research data were gathered from the pretes...
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Creative thinking skills are one of the skills that are urgently needed in the 21 st century. Creative thinking skills do not appear suddenly, but require facilitators to empower them, one of which is the application of learning models that have the potential to enhance creative thinking skills. This study aimed to examine the effect of RICOSRE on...
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Scientific argumentation skills are the 21st century skills that should be empowered in biology learning because these skills are essential for the students to understand, reason, analyze, and solve a problem. This correlational study was conducted to examine the extent to which students' science argumentation skills were correlated with their cogn...
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Critical thinking is one of the 21 st-century skills that need to be promoted in learners. Students' critical thinking can be facilitated through the implementation of an appropriate learning model. This study aimed to investigate the effect of RICOSRE learning model on students' critical thinking skills. This study involved 99 students from Public...
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Life-based learning (LBL) offers new sight to conduct an effective way to engage with the 21st century education. As a pioneer of innovative learning university, Universitas Negeri Malang has been developing a new curriculum named Curriculum 2018 which is underpinned by life-based learning approach. This paper is a preliminary attempt to examine th...
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Technological advances has positive impact on learning. It has been proved by a lot of technology-based media that can be easily found, including the evaluation tool. The process of measuring students' cognitive and retention on LOTS questions requires a lot of time to correct them. So that online evaluation with Quizizz is expected to be able to o...
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The aims of this study are to know the cognitive study outcomes through the use of Instagram media. This study used Pre-Experimental Design method with One-Shot Experimental Case Study. The population of this research was college Biology students of State University of Malang. The sample is Instagram access respondents. Quantitative data were obtai...
Technology-based learning needs to be done immediately in order to carry out more interested in learning and fostering student motivation. Furthermore, learning should be done byeach student characteristics.One of which is multiple intelligences based learning. Through the application of multiple intelligence assisted technology based learning, it...
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Hasil belajar akan lebih meningkat secara signifikan jika pembelajaran dilakukan sesuai dengan kecerdasan yang dimiliki peserta didik. Oleh sebab itu, pemilihan model pembelajaran sebaiknya perlu mempertimbangkan kecerdasan siswa. Hingga saat ini, pendekatan kooperatif sering digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas, termasuk pada pendidikan...
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Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui sebaran kecerdasan majemuk pada mahasiswa PBIO IBU angkatan 2016 dan 2017. Analisis dilakukan terhadap seluruh mahasiswa program studi biologi di angkatan 2016 dan 2017. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran kecerdasan majemuk mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi angkatan 2016 dan 2017, sehingga da...
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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kebutuhan buku ajar taksonomi tumbuhan berbasis pendekatan konstruktivisme. Analisis kebutuhan yang dilakukan berdasarkan model pengembangan 4D pada tahap pendefinisian (define). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran angket. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2017 di Program Studi Pend...
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At the higher education level, metacognitive skills need to be empowered at the higher education, level for example in Genetics course. Empowering metacognitive skills could also affect learning outcomes. One of several attemps that could be used to empower those abilities was Problem Based Learning (PBL) model integrated with concept mapping and l...
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Based on interviews and observations, the metacognitive skills of the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Lamboya are still low. This is because the thinking skills have not been empowered in school. Need effort to overcome this, one way that is implementation of learning model study of Group Investigation (GI). The purpose of applying the Group...
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Thinking skills already begun to be applied and developed to improve students ready to compete in the 21st Century. One of thinking skills needed to be developed are metacognitive skills. Empowerment metacognitive skills can be done by reflective learning. Reflective learning activities that could accommodate the concept, reflection, and the ques...
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ABSTRAK Kesadaran atau minat untuk membaca masih belum tumbuh dengan baik pada siswa di Indonesia. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil-hasil penelitian bahwa ketercapaian membaca siswa Indonesia masih di bawah rata-rata negara yang disurvei. Rendahnya minat baca pada umumnya diikuti oleh rendahnya hasil belajar, kemampuan metakognitif (baik kesadaran mau...
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Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara berkembang dengan minat baca siswa yang masih rendah. Sebagai akibat dari minat baca yang rendah, kemampuan berpikir siswa umumnya menjadi kurang diberdayakan. Salah satu indikatornya adalah keterampilan metakognitif siswa yang rendah, termasuk pada mata pelajaran biologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeta...
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Dalam pembelajaran, tidak semua masalah yang dihadapi oleh siswa dapat disampaikan. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sarana yang diperlukan untuk memfasilitasi siswa dalam menyampaikan masalah yang dihadapinya sekaligus mampu melakukan penilaian sendiri terhadap kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh siswa pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Salah satu car...


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