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The Role of Visual-Spatial Abilities in Dyslexia: Age Differences in Children’s Reading?

Frontiers in Psychology
  • Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, IRCCS, Rome, Italy

Abstract and Figures

Reading is a highly complex process in which integrative neurocognitive functions are required. Visual-spatial abilities play a pivotal role because of the multi-faceted visual sensory processing involved in reading. Several studies show that children with developmental dyslexia (DD) fail to develop effective visual strategies and that some reading difficulties are linked to visual-spatial deficits. However, the relationship between visual-spatial skills and reading abilities is still a controversial issue. Crucially, the role that age plays has not been investigated in depth in this population, and it is still not clear if visual-spatial abilities differ across educational stages in DD. The aim of the present study was to investigate visual-spatial abilities in children with DD and in age-matched normal readers (NR) according to different educational stages: in children attending primary school and in children and adolescents attending secondary school. Moreover, in order to verify whether visual-spatial measures could predict reading performance, a regression analysis has been performed in younger and older children. The results showed that younger children with DD performed significantly worse than NR in a mental rotation task, a more-local visual-spatial task, a more-global visual-perceptual task and a visual-motor integration task. However, older children with DD showed deficits in the more-global visual-perceptual task, in a mental rotation task and in a visual attention task. In younger children, the regression analysis documented that reading abilities are predicted by the visual-motor integration task, while in older children only the more-global visual-perceptual task predicted reading performances. Present findings showed that visual-spatial deficits in children with DD were age-dependent and that visual-spatial abilities engaged in reading varied across different educational stages. In order to better understand their potential role in affecting reading, a comprehensive description and a multi-componential evaluation of visual-spatial abilities is needed with children with DD.
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fpsyg-07-01997 December 19, 2016 Time: 12:27 # 1
published: 21 December 2016
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01997
Edited by:
Ann Dowker,
University of Oxford, UK
Reviewed by:
Angela Jocelyn Fawcett,
Swansea University, UK
Rod Nicolson,
University of Sheffield, UK
Deny Menghini
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Developmental Psychology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 29 April 2016
Accepted: 08 December 2016
Published: 21 December 2016
Giovagnoli G, Vicari S, Tomassetti S
and Menghini D (2016) The Role
of Visual-Spatial Abilities in Dyslexia:
Age Differences in Children’s
Reading? Front. Psychol. 7:1997.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01997
The Role of Visual-Spatial Abilities in
Dyslexia: Age Differences in
Children’s Reading?
Giulia Giovagnoli1,2 , Stefano Vicari1, Serena Tomassetti1and Deny Menghini1*
1Department of Neuroscience, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, IRCCS, Rome, Italy, 2Department of Human Studies,
LUMSA University, Rome, Italy
Reading is a highly complex process in which integrative neurocognitive functions
are required. Visual-spatial abilities play a pivotal role because of the multi-faceted
visual sensory processing involved in reading. Several studies show that children with
developmental dyslexia (DD) fail to develop effective visual strategies and that some
reading difficulties are linked to visual-spatial deficits. However, the relationship between
visual-spatial skills and reading abilities is still a controversial issue. Crucially, the role that
age plays has not been investigated in depth in this population, and it is still not clear
if visual-spatial abilities differ across educational stages in DD. The aim of the present
study was to investigate visual-spatial abilities in children with DD and in age-matched
normal readers (NR) according to different educational stages: in children attending
primary school and in children and adolescents attending secondary school. Moreover,
in order to verify whether visual-spatial measures could predict reading performance,
a regression analysis has been performed in younger and older children. The results
showed that younger children with DD performed significantly worse than NR in a mental
rotation task, a more-local visual-spatial task, a more-global visual-perceptual task and
a visual-motor integration task. However, older children with DD showed deficits in the
more-global visual-perceptual task, in a mental rotation task and in a visual attention
task. In younger children, the regression analysis documented that reading abilities are
predicted by the visual-motor integration task, while in older children only the more-
global visual-perceptual task predicted reading performances. Present findings showed
that visual-spatial deficits in children with DD were age-dependent and that visual-spatial
abilities engaged in reading varied across different educational stages. In order to better
understand their potential role in affecting reading, a comprehensive description and a
multi-componential evaluation of visual-spatial abilities is needed with children with DD.
Keywords: learning disabilities, reading deficits, visual-spatial deficits, developmental disabilities
Developmental dyslexia (DD) is a specific learning disorder characterized by persistent difficulties
in learning how to read accurately, fluently, and in reading comprehension caused by multiple
genetic and environmental risk factors, as well as their interplay (Peterson and Pennington, 2015).
The reading deficit should be sufficiently severe as to interfere with academic and occupational
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Giovagnoli et al. Visual-Spatial Abilities in Children with Developmental Dyslexia
performances or with activities of daily living and it cannot
be strictly due to intellectual disabilities, sensory disorders or
inadequate educational instruction for it to be considered DD
(American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). The ability to
read entails the ability to transform written symbols, namely
letters, into their corresponding sound and, then, to integrate
these sounds onto one single word.
Developmental dyslexia is commonly described as a language-
based disorder, in which the phonological domain is often
compromised (Swan and Goswami, 1997;Snowling, 2000;Ramus
et al., 2003;Shaywitz and Shaywitz, 2005; for a review Peterson
and Pennington, 2012). However, several studies demonstrated
that reading is a complex cognitive process, in which not only
phonological skills, but also auditory sensory processes, memory
abilities, attention processes, automatization and visual-spatial
skills are involved (Nicolson and Fawcett, 1990;Pennington,
2006;Menghini et al., 2010b).
More specifically, visual-spatial processes have been
documented to play a crucial role in reading and a number
of studies reported a relationship between visual-spatial deficits
and DD (Felmingham and Jakobson, 1995;Talcott et al., 1998,
2000;Vidyasagar and Pammer, 2010;Stein, 2014;Gori and
Facoetti, 2015). However, contrasting results have been found
in investigating visual-spatial abilities in DD. Behavioral studies
demonstrated visual-spatial deficits in individuals with DD as
they were shown to be impaired in different motion perception
tasks (Menghini et al., 2010b;Boets et al., 2011;Gori et al.,
2014, 2015), visual recognition tasks (Geiger et al., 2008) or
in mental rotation tasks (Rüsseler et al., 2005). Consistently,
a study by Winner et al. (2001) showed that adults and high
school or undergraduate students with DD did not perform as
successfully as control group in mental rotation, visual memory,
spatial word problems and visual logical matrices regardless
of attentional problems. Nevertheless, others studies failed to
find similar deficits (Corballis et al., 1985;Del Giudice et al.,
2000;Ramus et al., 2003;White et al., 2006). For example, in
a study investigating the role of sensorimotor impairments in
DD, no difference between motion coherence and visual stress
has been found between aged-school children with DD and
controls matched on gender, age and non-verbal IQ (White
et al., 2006). A study carried out on high school students
(von Károlyi et al., 2003) reported better performances in
participants with DD with respect to normal readers (NR) in a
specific visual-spatial task, such as rapid and accurate holistic
A crucial aspect for disentangling inconsistencies in the
existing literature on visual-spatial abilities in DD could be
the understanding of age-related changes in visual-spatial
abilities and their relationship with reading. Indeed, the visual-
spatial processing required changes for reading depends on the
developmental reading phase (Hautus et al., 2003). Reading in
children begins with the perception of letters and the analysis
of their conventional phonetic value (Luria, 1966). To identify
words, a child must first be able to recognize individual letters and
perceive their ordering in space (Vernon, 1957). This is followed
by a complex process: matching a symbol with a sound, putting
them together and decoding symbols in order to construct
or derive meaning. As reading skills develop, the analysis of
individual letters is transformed into the direct recognition of
words by sight (Luria, 1966;Ehri, 1987;Kuhn et al., 2006). Indeed,
as children improve their reading skills, they start to recognize
some words as a whole by their characteristic shape. In this
expert stage of reading many processes are automatic, freeing
up cognitive resources so that the readers possess semantic and
syntactic information that enables them to form expectations
about upcoming words in text and can reflect on meaning
(Goodman, 1970). Fluent and automatic reading is thought to
be achieved at the end of primary school (Schwanenflugel et al.,
During primary school, a child will often devote a significant
amount of mental capacity to the process of decoding, thus
allowing the child to improve their decoding skills with the
ultimate goal of developing the automatic process, as it is for
most skilled readers with most text they encounter. As the skill of
decoding improves and the more automatic it becomes, the more
the child has mental capacity to devote to comprehension.
Many cognitive factors are involved in the process of learning
how to read. During the earlier educational stages, children
examine written words by a sequential decoding, in which
attention to individual letter-sound associations, phonological
awareness such as blending and segmentation, verbal working
memory, and local visual analysis are specially required. In the
following educational stages, with repeated exposure to words,
the functioning of the phonological working memory becomes
automated and children reach automatic recognition of the
words, as a whole visual stimulus, and a strong activation of
long-term memory stores is now required in order to support
the reading (Nicolson and Fawcett, 1990;Pennington, 2006;
Menghini et al., 2010a,b;Ruffino et al., 2014;Gori and Facoetti,
From a neurobiological point of view, different brain networks
are involved in these different phases. According to Pugh et al.
(2001), the dorsal brain circuits is at first engaged and performs
the analytic processing necessary for learning to integrate
orthographic with phonological and lexical–semantic features
of words. Gradually, the ventral circuit attends to the reading
process, in the word form system, underlying fluency in word
recognition. A distinction between a ventral-lexical pathway and
a dorsal-sublexical pathway has been confirmed also in several
functional and structural studies (Pugh et al., 2000;Jobard
et al., 2003;Borowsky et al., 2006, 2007;Steinbrink et al., 2008;
Friederici et al., 2009).
Among the cognitive factors involved in reading, the present
study aimed at better clarifying specific contribution of visual-
spatial abilities in affecting reading skills of children with DD
at different educational stages. In DD, reading deficits related
to visual-spatial processing could be associated more in the
first educational years to deficits in local analysis required
for exploring letters and words, while a deficit in the global
perceptual processing could affect more the following years when
words should be analyzed for their global shapes. Difficulties
in global perceptual processes could similarly affect the first
educational stages since high-frequency words could be analyzed
even in the first stages as a whole stimulus.
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Giovagnoli et al. Visual-Spatial Abilities in Children with Developmental Dyslexia
In order to explore the relationship between reading and
visual-spatial abilities at different educational stages, participants
were divided into two subgroups (younger and older) depending
on whether they attended primary or secondary school. If the
first educational stage involves both the analytic process for
reading a new word and the more global process for recognizing
already met words, while the next educational stage mainly needs
more global process for reading already met words, then the
contribution of visual-spatial deficits in reading of children with
DD should vary across reading stages.
Our predictions were the following: first, we should observe
that younger children with DD show poor performances in
visual-spatial tasks elaborated by both dorsal and ventral
pathway, while older children with DD show poor performances
in more global visual perceptual tasks mainly processed by ventral
pathway. Second, if different visual-spatial abilities are involved
in reading process according to different educational stages, then
reading performances should be predicted by distinct visual-
spatial measures. Particularly, we should observe that reading
in younger children is primarily predicted by both dorsal and
ventral visual-spatial abilities while in older children by more
ventral visual-spatial abilities.
Sixty right-handed children with DD (M/F =33/27; mean
age ±standard deviation =11.4 ±1.9, range =8.4–17.6)
and sixty-five NR (M/F =37/28; mean age ±standard
deviation =11.9 ±1.8, range =8.1–15.7) participated in
the study. Participants were recruited also for previous studies
(Menghini et al., 2011;Varvara et al., 2014). The clinical
diagnosis of DD was made on the basis of the DSM-IV criteria
(American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000) and national
recommendations (Consensus Conference, 2007). Children with
DD showed reading speed or accuracy level at least 2 standard
deviations below the mean of their chronological age. Speed (in
seconds) and errors were measured using the age-standardized
“Battery for the evaluation of Developmental Dyslexia and
Dysorthographia” (Sartori et al., 2007). NR performed within
1 standard deviation from the mean in reading tasks (speed
and accuracy) and were matched to the children with DD for
chronological age and cognitive abilities (see Table 1). Criteria for
inclusion in the study were the following: a normal or corrected
to normal visual acuity; and no other significant co-morbidity,
like attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The
diagnosis of ADHD in the group with DD and in the control
group was assessed on the basis of the ADHD rating scale
for parents (Conners, 2000), as well as a clinical examination
according to DSM-IV criteria. Afterward, we split participants
into two subgroups based on different education stages and
in accordance with previous studies using a similar cut-off
(Biancarosa and Snow, 2006;Wexler et al., 2012).
The first subgroup included children with DD and NR
attending the primary school, with a chronological age under
11 years old (younger) (respectively, N=28 and N=22). Since
TABLE 1 | Chronological age, cognitive and reading measures of younger
and older subgroups of children.
Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Age (years) 9.78 (0.74) 10.09 (1.04)
CPM (percentile) 54.8 (26.4) 55.77 (25.4)
Word reading
Speed (z-score) 2.5 (2.76) 0.52 (0.72)
Accuracy (z-score) 2.9 (2.11) 0.22 (0.45)
Word Inefficiency Index 237.5 (129.6) 92.63 (23.6)
Non-word reading
Speed (z-score) 1.73 (1.89) 0.11 (0.84)
Accuracy (z-score) 2.47 (1.29) 0.18 (0.68)
Non-word Inefficiency Index 186.6 (89.8) 82.8 (25.33)
Age (years) 12.86 (1.36) 12.89 (1.27)
CPM (percentile) 71.59 (21.85) 67.28 (25.52)
Word reading
Speed (z-score) 3.90 (3.23) 0.43 (0.58)
Accuracy (z-score) 4.13 (3.41) 0.04 (0.61)
Word Inefficiency Index 155.68 (73.69) 63.53 (15.79)
Non-word reading
Speed (z-score) 3.24 (2.06) 0.43 (0.84)
Accuracy (z-score) 2.65 (2.17) 0.31 (0.56)
Non-word Inefficiency Index 136.9 (59.83) 50.74 (14.47)
DD, Developmental Dyslexia; NR, Normal Readers; SD, Standard Deviation; CPM,
Colored Progressive Matrices.
at the end of primary school fluent and automatic reading is
generally expected to be achieved (Schwanenflugel et al., 2006),
the second subgroups included children and adolescents with DD
and NR in the secondary school, with a chronological age equal
or above 11 years old (older) (respectively, N=32 and N=43).
Chronological age, cognitive abilities, and measures of reading
abilities of subgroups are reported in Table 1. In both the younger
and the older subgroups, participants with DD did not differ
from NR in chronological age (younger DD vs. younger NR:
t(48)= 1.25, p=0.22; older DD vs. older NR: t(73)= 0.86,
p=0.93) and in cognitive abilities, as measured by Colored
Progressive Matrices (CPM; Raven, 2010): younger DD vs.
younger NR: t(48)=0.22, p=0.98; older DD vs. older NR:
t(73)=0.79, p=0.43.
Children with DD were tested at the Children’s Hospital
Bambino Gesù (Rome, Italy) while NR were evaluated
individually in their school. Children were evaluated in
two sessions on different days with each session lasting
approximately 1 h and a half. Cognitive abilities and reading
abilities were assessed in the first session while the remaining
tasks were administered in the other sessions, in a pseudorandom
way. A description of the tests is provided below.
Ethics Statement
Before testing children, we obtained informed consent from all
participants and their families, and the agreement by the local
ethical committee (Protocol Number 486LB). Informed consent
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Giovagnoli et al. Visual-Spatial Abilities in Children with Developmental Dyslexia
was given by the parents as well as the children. All children
and families were informed through an information sheet, read
to participant’s parents prior to asking their consent, with a
copy handed to them to take home, and a separate sheet on
which to record consent. Information about the project was
explicitly written on the consent form, either in bullet points
or as extended text. The name and signature of the person
who took the participants through the consent procedure was
recorded. The privacy of participants was guaranteed according
to the data protection law. The study involved children with
developmental reading disorder. Informed consent was given
by parents and children. Children and families could withdraw
their participation at any time in the study. Test administrators
received intensive and specific training. Children were assessed
in an encouraging and child-oriented manner.
Design and Materials
Measures obtained by the participants in each task were
transformed into z-scores to perform statistical analyses. The
mean and the standard deviation were based on normative data
of the tasks, except for SRT and STICK, in which the normative
data were not available, and the mean and standard deviation of
NR were used.
Cognitive Abilities
General intelligence was evaluated by CPM (Raven, 2010) and the
scores were expressed in percentiles.
Reading Abilities
Speed and accuracy of reading were assessed using two subtests
from the “Battery for the evaluation of Developmental Dyslexia
and Dysorthography” (Sartori et al., 2007). In the first subtest,
participants had to read aloud 4 lists of 28 concrete and abstract,
high or low frequency words (length from 4 to 8 letters). In
the second task children had to read three lists of 16 non-
words (length from 5 to 9 letters). Speed (in seconds) and errors
(each incorrect word or non-word was calculated as one error)
were computed for each task and standardized using mean and
standard deviation according to the class. An inefficiency reading
index was devised to take into account both reading speed and
accuracy and was separately computed for words and non-words.
Each index was calculated as follows: the ratio between word or
non-word reading speed (in seconds) and accuracy rate (number
of correct words or non-words by the total number of words or
non-words). Mean and standard deviation of word and non-word
inefficiency index were included in Table 1.
Visual-Spatial Tasks
The visual-spatial perception abilities were evaluated using the
subtests 2 and 4 from the Visual Perception Test (VPT; Hammill
et al., 1994). VPT2, Visual Perception Test-subtest 2 is a
visual-spatial ability task designed to investigate perceptual and
discrimination capacities in the visual domain. Participants were
asked to match one figure to another from a multiple-choice
display consisting of an array of vertically arranged figures. In
each of the 25 items, the wrong alternatives differed from the
target due to minor changes in orientation or spatial relations
between constitutive elements. VPT4, Visual Perception Test-
subtest 4, measures the ability to distinguish an object from the
background or from surrounding objects. Children were asked
to identify the parts that one complex figure was made of. In
more detail, participants were required to do a visual-object
recognition, identifying two or more figures among other line
drawings in a confusing context or within overlapping images.
Visual-spatial imagery and mental rotation abilities were
evaluated using the Spatial Rotation Test (SRT; Vicari et al., 2006)
and the Stick (STICK; Carlesimo et al., 2001). In each trial of SRT,
children had to mentally rotate geometric figures to find the target
among five alternatives drawn on a sheet of paper. In each trial of
STICK, participants were presented with a line drawing of an L-
or an S-shaped stick with a full or an empty circle at the two ends.
They had to indicate which of four similarly shaped sticks, rotated
from 45 to 270on a horizontal plane, would match the stimulus
stick after appropriate mental rotation based on the respective
location of the full and the empty circles.
Selective visual-spatial attention was assessed using a subtest
of the Test of Everyday Attention for Children (Map Mission,
MAP; Manly et al., 2002). In this subtest, participants were
presented with a color-printed A3-laminated city map, with
eighty targets representing restaurants (i.e., small knife and
fork symbols) randomly distributed across the map. Distracting
symbols of the same size, such as supermarket trolleys, cups,
or cars, were also present. Participants used a pen to circle as
many targets as possible in 1 min. The performance score was
calculated by the number of target symbols correctly marked by
the participants.
Integration of visual input and motor output was measured
using the Visual Motor Integration Test (VMI; Beery and
Buktenica, 2000). Children were asked to copy geometric shapes
on a sheet of paper. Overall scores were given by a qualitative
evaluation of drawings, according to specific criteria.
For demonstrative purpose, means, standard deviation and
raw score ranges for each visual-spatial measure were included
in Table 2.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using z-scores (see Design
and Materials). In order to investigate if there were any
differences in performing visual-spatial tasks according to
educational stages, a MANOVA analysis was performed with
Group (DD vs. NR) and Subgroup (younger vs. older) as
between-subject factors and Task (STICK vs. MAP vs. SRT vs.
VPT2 vs. VPT4 vs. VMI) as within-subject factors.
Pairwise comparisons between each group were analyzed
through LSD post hoc tests.
To determine whether reading abilities were predicted by
visual-spatial measures, a stepwise regression analysis in each
subgroup (younger and older), with children with DD and NR
as a whole group, was performed.
Two different regression analyses were computed with the
inefficiency reading index (for words and non-words, separately)
as dependent variable and all the visual-spatial measures (MAP,
SRT, STICK, VPT2, VPT4, and VMI) as independent variable.
For each analysis, the statistical criterion for entry was a
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Giovagnoli et al. Visual-Spatial Abilities in Children with Developmental Dyslexia
TABLE 2 | Raw score range, mean, and standard deviation for each
visual-spatial measure of younger and older subgroups of children.
Raw score DD NR
Range Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
MAP 0–80 31.32 (8.27) 33.59 (7.55)
SRT 0–27 17.82 (5.71) 20.18 (3.59)
STICK 0–10 6.25 (1.97) 7.23 (2.36)
VPT2 0–25 20.11 (4.01) 22.36 (2.95)
VPT4 0–18 13.11 (2.42) 15 (1.38)
VMI 0–27 16.32 (2.54) 20.73 (3.61)
MAP 0–80 42.25 (9.48) 49.19 (9.77)
SRT 0–27 21.03 (3.14) 22.47 (2.59)
STICK 0–10 8 (1.95) 8.21 (2.01)
VPT2 0–25 22.22 (3.53) 23.33 (1.94)
VPT4 0–18 13.84 (3.31) 15.53 (2.04)
VMI 0–27 19.78 (3.05) 21.37 (2.96)
DD, Developmental Dyslexia; SD, Standard Deviation; MAP, Map Mission; SRT,
Spatial Rotation Test; STICK, Stick Test; VPT2, Visual Perception Test-subtest 2;
VPT4, Visual Perception Test-subtest 4; VMI, Visual Motor Integration Task.
probability of p0.05, with the criterion for subsequent removal
probability of p0.1. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered as
statistically significant.
Differences in Visual-Spatial Abilities
between DD and NR According to
Educational Stages
Results of the MANOVA (Group ×Task ×Subgroup) showed a
significant effect of Group (F(1,121)=25.31, p<0.00001), with
higher scores for NR than for children with DD, a significant
effect of Task (F(5,605)=28.63, p<0.0001) and a significant effect
of Subgroup (F(1,121)=10.87, p=0.001). The Group ×Task
effect and the Group ×Subgroup effect were found non-
significant (respectively, F(5,605)=1.98, p=0.08; F(1,121 )=0.68,
p=0.41), while the effect Subgroup ×Task resulted statistically
significant (F(5,605)=7.66, p<0.00001). A significant effect
Group ×Task ×Subgroup was also found (F(5,605)=3.01,
Post hoc analysis revealed that the younger subgroup of
children with DD performed significantly worse than younger
NR in SRT (p=0.0032), in both visual perception tasks
(VPT2 p=0.040 and VPT4 p=0.017) and in VMI
(p=0.000004). No significant difference was found between
younger children with DD and NR in MAP (p=0.86) and STICK
However, older subgroup of children with DD performed
significantly worse than older NR in MAP (p=0.002), SRT
(p=0.029), and VPT4 (p=0.0022). No significant difference
was found between older children with DD and NR in STICK
(p=0.64), VPT2 (p=0.17), and VMI (p=0.07).
FIGURE 1 | Effect Group ×Task ×Subgroup of the MANOVA with
means and standard errors of each visual-spatial measure in younger
(A) and older (B) subgroups of children. DD, Developmental Dyslexia; NR,
Normal Readers; MAP, Map Mission; SRT, Spatial Rotation Test; STICK, Stick
Test; VPT2, Visual Perception Test-subtest 2; VPT4, Visual Perception
Test-subtest 4; VMI, Visual Motor Integration Task. indicates p<0.05.
Figure 1 showed the effect Group ×Task ×Subgroup and
Panel A reports means and standard errors of each visual-
spatial task in younger subgroups of children with DD and NR,
while Panel B reports those of each visual-spatial task in older
subgroups of children with DD and NR.
Post hoc analysis revealed that older children with DD
performed significantly better than younger children with
DD in SRT (p=0.00001), VPT2 (p=0.04), and STICK
(p=0.0005), while no differences have been detected between
younger children with DD and older children with DD in VPT4
(p=0.56), VMI (p=0.056), MAP (p=0.61). Conversely,
older NR scored significantly higher than younger NR in
SRT (p=0.002) and MAP (p=0.01). In VMI, older NR
performed significantly worse than younger NR (p=0.004).
No differences were found between older NR and younger
NR in VPT4 (p=0.46), VPT2 (p=0.34), and STICK
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Giovagnoli et al. Visual-Spatial Abilities in Children with Developmental Dyslexia
FIGURE 2 | Regression graph for word and non-word inefficiency
index in younger (A) and older (B) subgroups of children. VPT4, Visual
Perception Test-subtest 4; VMI, Visual Motor Integration Task.
Predictors of Reading Abilities in
Younger and Older Participants
In order to verify whether visual-spatial measures could be
potential predictors of reading abilities, a regression analysis was
separately performed for younger and older children. A stepwise
method, in which the word and non-word inefficiency index was
entered as the dependent variable and visual-spatial measures as
the independent variables, was applied. In younger participants,
results showed that VMI significantly predict word and non-word
inefficiency reading index accounted, respectively, for 16.3%
(F(1,48)=9.36, p=0.004) and for 15.0% (F(1,48)=8.44,
p=0.006) of the variance. Figure 2A illustrates the relation
between word and non-word inefficiency index and VMI in
younger children. In older participants, VPT4 was found as a
significant predictor of word and non-word inefficiency reading
index. In detail, VPT4 accounted for the 14.6% of the variance
(F(1,73)=12.43, p=0.001) of word inefficiency reading index
and for the 12.5% (F(1,73)=10.46, p=0.002) of non-word
inefficiency reading index. Figure 2B illustrates the relation
between word and non-word inefficiency index and VPT4 in
older children. Table 3 illustrates detailed results of the regression
The main aim of the present study was to investigate differences
in visual-spatial abilities in children with DD compared to age-
matched NR in two different educational stages. Regression
analyses were also performed to verify whether different visual-
spatial abilities are involved in reading process according to
different educational stages.
Results revealed that younger children with DD performed
significantly worse than NR in a mental rotation task (SRT),
a more-local visual-spatial task (VPT2), a more-global visual-
perceptual task (VPT4) and a visual-motor integration task
(VMI). Our findings are similar to those found in the study
by Rüsseler et al. (2005), where younger children with DD,
compared to NR, were impaired in solving three mental rotation
tasks and the Embedded Figures Test, a test assessing the
ability to detect hidden figures in complex patterns comparable
to our VPT4. However, in another study (Del Giudice et al.,
2000) investigating visual-spatial cognition and memory in 43
children (aged 8–9 years) with reading impairments, participants
with DD did not differ from children that received a diagnosis
of DD and then recovered reading deficits at 1-year follow-
up (control group) in the visual-spatial task adopted. Since
children without any history of reading disability were included
as a control group in our study, we clearly differentiated
visual-spatial processes of children with DD from those of
NR with respect to the study by Del Giudice et al. (2000),
in which the control group comprised children had recovered
reading deficits. Therefore, we believe our results are more
informative regarding the contribution of visual-spatial abilities
in DD.
Moreover, our results documented deficits in several visual-
spatial abilities in the younger subgroup with DD, as shown by
different tasks (i.e., SRT, VPT2, VPT4, and VMI), that could
contribute to negatively affect reading skills in children with
DD at the first educational stage. Many studies investigated
the relationship between VMI and the quality of handwriting
(see, for example, Karlsdottir and Stefansson, 2002;Kaiser
et al., 2009). Since dysgraphia is known to be associated with
DD, low scores in VMI in our younger participants might
reflect poorer skills and/or less experience in handwriting.
Further studies are needed to better investigate the relationship
between visual-motor integration difficulties, poor handwriting
and reading disorders at different educational stages. However,
deficits found in VPT2 and in VMI were not documented in
the older subgroup with DD, which, in turn, showed deficits in
the more-global visual-perceptual task (VPT4), in the mental
rotation task (SRT) and in the visual attention task (MAP).
Post hoc comparison between younger and older children with
DD showed that the younger subgroup with DD obtained
significantly lower scores than the older subgroup in VPT2,
STICK and SRT while no difference emerged in VPT4, MAP,
and VMI.
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Giovagnoli et al. Visual-Spatial Abilities in Children with Developmental Dyslexia
TABLE 3 | Results of stepwise regression analyses in younger and older participants.
Word Inefficiency Index Non-word Inefficiency Index
βt p βt p
MAP 0.027 0.197 0.844 0.006 0.043 0.966
SRT 0.032 0.232 0.818 0.018 0.131 0.896
STICK 0.009 0.060 0.953 0.015 0.104 0.918
VPT2 0.077 0.538 0.593 0.066 0.457 0.650
VPT4 0.103 0.766 0.448 0.074 0.541 0.591
VMI 0.404 3.060 0.0040.387 2.907 0.006
MAP 0.209 1.881 0.064 0.171 1.508 0.136
SRT 0.047 0.401 0.689 0.061 0.518 0.606
STICK 0.027 0.242 0.809 0.026 0.235 0.815
VPT2 0.033 0.282 0.779 0.052 0.443 0.659
VPT4 0.381 3.526 0.0010.354 3.235 0.002
VMI 0.137 1.247 0.216 0.110 0.985 0.328
MAP, Map Mission; SRT, Spatial Rotation Test; STICK, Stick Test; VPT2, Visual Perception Test-subtest 2; VPT4, Visual Perception Test-subtest 4; VMI, Visual Motor
Integration Task. indicates p <0.01.
Results from previous studies using rotation tasks in children
with DD aged, similarly to our older subgroup, between 11–
13 years (Corballis et al., 1985) and 10–12 years (Wang and
Yang, 2011) failed to find differences between DD and NR.
A possible explanation for this discrepant result from our study
could be found in the characteristics of the tasks to evaluate
mental rotation. Indeed, when the rotation tasks were presented
as computer games, no deficits were found in participants with
DD (Corballis et al., 1985;Wang and Yang, 2011) while when
it was used a paper and pencil task, more similar to the one
adopted in our study, a deficit in mental rotation abilities was
found in students with DD (Winner et al., 2001). Concerning
the present findings on visual attention in older children with
DD, deficits have been repetitively described in literature using
psychophysical experiments. Specifically, results evidenced in
DD reduced visual-attention span in task requiring to process
multiple elements in parallel (Bosse and Valdois, 2003;Bosse
et al., 2007;Bosse and Valdois, 2009;Lobier et al., 2014;Lobier
and Valdois, 2015). This visual processing deficit has been
interpreted as strictly connected to the reading impairment due
to the limitation of the ability of the visual-attention window to
spread over a whole word, and then to identify words with fast
and parallel procedures. As regards to VMI task, in the older
subgroup with DD, our results are consistent with those reported
by Goldstand et al. (2005), that failed to find differences in visual
processing between NR and children with DD.
The regression analyses of our study documented that in
younger participants, independently of the group (children with
DD or NR), VMI significantly predicted word and non-word
inefficiency reading index. However, in older participants, the
only significant predictor of word and non-word inefficiency
reading index was VPT4. VMI is a task designed to investigate
visual perceptive abilities and the ability to use visual information
to guide motor behavior, referred to as visual-motor integration,
and it substantially includes a wide range of abilities as visual-
spatial perceptive abilities, fine motor abilities and motor
planning. The visual-spatial perceptive abilities required by VMI
include both the analysis of the spatial location, orientation
and the visual-object recognition to perceive the global form
of the figure. A possible interpretation of the regression results
concerning VMI measures and reading deficits is that during
the first educational stage, more complex and extensive visual-
spatial abilities could be required for reading. Neuroanatomically,
when children are in the first educational stage, there is a strict
connection between the dorsal and ventral stream, and the
angular and supramarginal gyri seem to help the ventral regions
to focus on individual letters in order to identify them and their
order (Stein, 2014).
On the other hand, in our older children only the visual-
perceptual task VPT4 significantly predicted reading measures.
To solve VPT4, the form recognition of the figure is required,
regardless of changes in the surrounding environment and
the primary involvement of the ventral stream is expected
(Hebart and Hesselmann, 2012). Even if speculatively, we could
hypothesize that in this later educational stage the contribution
of visual-spatial abilities to reading relates to a more global
perception strategy to analyze the shape of the word. Indeed,
as the children grow-up, they become more expert in reading
and apply a whole recognition strategy to identify a word.
Accordingly, the ventral word form area (VWFA), located in the
fusiform gyrus, seemed to play an important role in whole word
recognition and in the form analysis of the words (Stein, 2014),
as identified by a number of neuroimaging studies (Cohen et al.,
2000, 2002;Dehaene and Cohen, 2011). When the more expert-
reader has improved the lexicon, the VWFA rapidly recognizes
the whole strings and allocates to it the meaning (Stein, 2014).
Our results could contribute to clarify the relationship
between reading and a number of visual-spatial abilities at
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Giovagnoli et al. Visual-Spatial Abilities in Children with Developmental Dyslexia
different educational stages in DD, indicating that in the
first educational stage more complex and extensive visual-
spatial deficits could interfere in exploring letters and words
while in the next educational stage more-global perceptual
deficits could hinder the reading process of children with
Studies failing to find visual-spatial deficits in children or
adults with DD did not include children at different educational
stages and tended to investigate only single aspects of the visual-
spatial domain (Corballis et al., 1985;Del Giudice et al., 2000;
White et al., 2006;Wang and Yang, 2011). However, our results
stress the importance of considering different visual-spatial
domains and different educational stages to better understanding
the relationship between reading and visual-spatial abilities in
A limitation of the study is that only cross-sectional
comparisons were performed. In order to examine the change
of the relationship between visual-spatial abilities and reading
acquisition in DD a more developmental study design, including
either cross sectional analysis or longitudinal data, should be
developed in future. Moreover, caution should be taken in
generalizing our results to other languages with a reduced
orthographic-phonological correspondence. Indeed, in languages
with less transparent orthography, reading processes could
require a different contribution of local and global visual-spatial
abilities at different educational stages. Further studies are needed
in order to extend present results to other languages.
Reading is a complex cognitive process, in which not only
phonological skills, but memory, attention, automatization and
visual-spatial skills are involved. The present study focused on
the contribution of visual-spatial abilities at different educational
stages in affecting reading. Further studies are needed in order
to consider the role of the different underlying neurocognitive
deficits in DD at different developmental stages.
DM, GG, and ST developed the study concept and all authors
designed the study. GG, ST performed the data collection and the
data analysis under the supervision of DM and SV. GG and ST
drafted the paper and DM and SV provided critical interpretation
of the results and revisions. All authors read and approved the
final version to be submitted.
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Frontiers in Psychology | 9December 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 1997
... Tests used to assess motor skills Alamargot et al., 2020 First name-surname production Alphabet production Bellocchi et al., 2017 Developmental Test of Visual Perception -2 (DTVP-2) Brookes et al., 2010 Balance test Bucci et al., 2013 Platform for postural stability Caldani et al., 2022 HTC Vive system Cheng-Lai et al., 2013 Chinese Handwriting Assessment Tool (CHAT) Bruininks-Oseretsky test of motor proficiency -2nd edition (BOT-2) Bender Gestalt test -2nd edition Fawcett et al., 2001 Static and dynamic cerebellar tests Giovagnoli et al., 2016 Visual corrected for small sample sizes (AICc) was employed for this selection process. Results indicated that the best models were two: the one without moderators (AICc: 140.9), and the one with grade level as moderator (AICc: 141.19). ...
... Furthermore, since dyslexia has been associated with hyperactivity and inattention factors (see e.g., Rochelle et al., 2009), we conducted a second analysis. Specifically, we selected the studies involving a clinical sample with pure dyslexia (i.e., Bellocchi et al., 2017;Brookes et al., 2010;Bucci et al., 2013;Fawcett et al., 2001;Giovagnoli et al., 2016;Jeffries & Everatt, 2004;Marchand-Krynski et al., 2017;Meng et al., 2019;Razuk & Barela, 2014;Sumner et al., 2014;van de Walle de Ghelcke et al., 2021;Wu & Hwang, 2022;Yang & Hong-Yan, 2011). Notably, even after this selection, our results retained their significance (p < .001; ...
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In recent decades, the connections between academic skills, such as reading, writing, and calculation, and motor skills/capacities have received increasing attention. Many studies provided evidence for motor difficulties in children and adolescents with dyslexia and the need for a meta-analysis appeared meaningful. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis using PsycINFO, Pubmed, and SportDiscus as scientific databases. A total of 572 studies were analyzed following several stringent inclusion criteria. We included 23 peer-reviewed studies in the final analysis. Our results showed that children and adolescents with dyslexia displayed significant different performances in multiple motor tasks. The differences in motor skills and capacities between children and adolescents with dyslexia and controls persisted also when the type of motor task was considered as moderator in the analysis. These findings were in accordance with the literature that supports a close connection between reading disabilities and difficulties in motor skills/capacities.
... When deciding whether rotated letters are normal or mirror-reversed, subjects mentally rotate the letters into their canonical orientation, as with other visual stimuli, and then add a further step: flipping the letter along their vertical axis onto the canonical orientation (Cooper and Shepard, 1973;Corballis and McLaren, 1984;Corballis, 1988;Hamm et al., 2004). The importance of visual-spatial skills for reading acquisition is highlighted by the fact that dyslexic children are impaired in the mental rotation of letters, objects, and pictures (Rüsseler et al., 2005;Giovagnoli et al., 2016). However, to our knowledge, only one previous study, performed with second-and fourth-graders from Germany, used letters in mental-rotation studies aimed at comparing the performance of male and female schoolchildren (Neuburger et al., 2011). ...
... Several previous findings show that visual-spatial abilities play a pivotal role in reading acquisition (Rüsseler et al., 2005;Giovagnoli et al., 2016). For instance, in early readers, the failure to inhibit the natural perceptual tendency to mirror generalization impairs the formation of adequate sound-letter correspondences and impedes fluent reading (for review, see Dehaene et al., 2015). ...
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Gender differences in spatial abilities favor males in both childhood and adulthood. During early development, this discrepancy can be attributed, among other things, to the influence of an early testosterone surge in boys, societal stereotypes, and expectations about gender. In the present work, we created a spatial task (including letter rotation and letter mirroring) which used letters as stimuli and evaluated the performance of school-aged children (6–10 years old). During this age period, children are being taught literacy skills which rely on the reorganization of cortical networks and the breakdown of mirror generalization. We divided our sample (N = 142, 73 females) into two age groups: 1st–2nd (literacy acquisition; N = 70, 33 females) and 3rd–5th (literacy consolidation; N = 72, 40 females) graders. While boys performed significantly better in letter rotation in the older group, girls’ performance remained substandard in both groups. This pattern is reversed for the mirror task, with older girls outperforming their younger counterparts and boys having similar performance in the two groups. Since the age period of our sample is not associated with large variations in the levels of reproductive steroids, we propose that the similarity of performance between younger and older girls in mental rotation of letters could be associated with society’s traditional attitudes and expectations on the relationship between visual–spatial skills and gender. As for the mirror task, while only girls had a significant difference between the two age groups, boys did show an improvement, as expected for the inhibition of mirror generalization for letters during reading acquisition.
... El aprendizaje de la lectura es un proceso que se realiza a lo largo de la primera etapa de la escolarización y consta de diversas fases en las que participan procesos y mecanismos neurológicos, perceptivos, cognitivos y emocionales, que, dependiendo del momento, juegan un papel más esencial o más secundario en la adquisición de la velocidad, precisión y comprensión lectoras (Castejón, González-Pumariega y Cuetos, 2015; Suárez-Coalla, García de Castro y Cuetos, 2013). Estos procesos dependen no solamente de elementos propios de la secuencia evolutiva y de maduración de los niños, sino también de otros aspectos de tipo social, como por ejemplo, el nivel socioeconómico y cultural de padres y familia, el sistema ortográfico del idioma (Castejón, González-Pumariega y Cuetos, 2011), y los procesos de atención (Rajaram y Lakshminarayanan, 2013), pero también de los procesos visuales (Giovagnoli, Vicari, Tomassetti y Menghini, 2016;Santi, Francis, Currie y Wang, 2015). ...
... Otro aspecto que debe tenerse en cuenta es que las habilidades y capacidades visuales necesarias para la visión van más allá de las tres evaluadas aquí. Así por ejemplo, hay que tener una percepción visual ajustada que permita reconocer e identificar las grafías de forma correcta como en el caso de inversiones de letras parecidas como la "b" y la "d" problema éste característico de los casos de dislexia (Giovagnoli et al., 2016). Estudios recientes sugieren que esta dificultad podría venir determinada por una limitación fisiológica, al existir una asimetría entre los ojos en la densidad de las células retinianas que captan la imagen (Le Floch y Ropars, 2017). ...
... Kibby et al. (2015) and locally Borg (2017) demonstrated that reading difficulties correlate to the performance on VPPS; however, this correlation investigation was only available for TD participants. Giovagnoli et al. (2016) reported that visual-spatial skills predicted word and nonword reading performance in TD children with developmental dyslexia. Fidler et al. (2005) identified a correlation between word identification and VPPS in DS, thus suggesting that the participants' age and VPPS influence word identification performance. ...
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The performance of children and young adults with Down syndrome (DS) on reading subskills and nonword reading was investigated. The performance of the participants with DS ( N = 42) was compared to that of typically developing ( N = 36) peers matched on fluid intelligence abilities. The study accounted for the different depths in orthography presented by the two languages. The independent samples t ‐test, Mann–Whitney U ‐test, ANCOVA and correlation analysis were used to analyse the data. This study identified that the participants with DS had several strengths, such as nonword reading, visual discrimination (VD) and phonological awareness. Verbal short‐term memory, visual perceptual processing skills other than VD and rhyming skills were identified as weaker in DS compared with the control group. Results call for educators to expose readers with DS to a phonological approach to reading while accommodating difficulties in VSTM.
... Given that WM impacts functions involving multifaceted visual sensory processing, such as reading letters and words, this may suggest that individuals with dyslexia experience abnormal development of visual representation, recognition and recall of words and letters. Therefore, automatic reading fluency is not achieved, rendering sematic impairment (Giovagnoli et al., 2016). In line with this hypothesis, more recent findings of Shiran and Breznitz (2011) and Lotfi et al. (2020) have emphasized the relationship between a larger VWM capacity and reading skill improvement among dyslexic individuals, suggesting the pivotal role these processes have in impacting these individuals' performance. ...
Some researchers suggest that deficits in attention and working memory influence the development of dyslexia, whereas others propose that these deficits are more likely due to reduced global processing speed. The current study aimed to investigate behavioral performance in children with dyslexia compared to typically developing controls on two tasks: a visual oddball task for attention and an n-back task for working memory. We measured P300 event-related potentials (ERP) amplitude and latency for both tasks. Our results demonstrated reduced behavioral accuracy and P300 amplitude for the children with dyslexia compared to their typically developing peers in both the n-back and visual oddball tasks. We also found no differences in response time or P300 latency between these groups on either task. These findings support the idea that children with dyslexia experience deficits in cognitive processes related to working memory and attention, but do not exhibit decreased global processing speed on these tasks.
... Many cognitive and linguistic factors are involved in the process of learning how to read. During the earlier educational stages, children examine written words by sequential decoding, in which attention to individual letter-sound associations, formed phonological awareness such as blending and segmentation, verbal working memory, and local visual analysis are specially required (Giovagnoli et al., 2016). With improving their reading skills, children start to recognize the characteristic shape of some words as a whole. ...
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Background and aims Developmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Developmental Dyslexia (DD) are reported to have more visual problems, oral language difficulties, and diminished reading skills in addition to their different diagnostic features. Moreover, these conditions also have increased internal noise and probably an impaired ability of external noise filtering. The aim of the present study was to compare the reading performance of these groups in the presence of external visual noise which disrupts the automatic reading processes through the degradation of letters. Methods Sixty-four children and adolescents in four groups, ASD, ADHD, DD, and TD, participated in the study. Two types of stimuli were used – unrelated words and pseudowords. The noise was generated by exchanging a fixed number of pixels between the black symbols and the white background distorting the letters. The task of the participants was to read aloud the words or pseudowords. The reading time for a single letter string, word or pseudoword, was calculated, and the proportion of errors was assessed in order to describe the reading performance. Results The results obtained showed that the reading of unrelated words and pseudowords differs in the separate groups of participants and is affected differently by the added visual noise. In the no-noise condition, the group with TD had the shortest time for reading words and short pseudowords, followed by the group with ASD, while their reading of long pseudowords was slightly slower than that of the ASD group. The noise increase evoked variations in the reading of groups with ASD and ADHD, which differed from the no-noise condition and the control group with TD. The lowest proportion of errors was observed in readers with TD. The reading performance of the DD group was the worst at all noise levels, with the most prolonged reading time and the highest proportion of errors. At the highest noise level, the participants from all groups read the words and pseudowords with similar reading speed and accuracy. Conclusions In reading words and pseudowords, the ASD, ADHD, and DD groups show difficulties specific for each disorder revealed in a prolonged reading time and a higher proportion of errors. The dissimilarity in reading abilities of the groups with different development is most evident when the accuracy and reading speed are linked together. Implications The use of noise that degrades the letter structure in the present study allowed us to separate the groups with ASD, ADHD, and DD and disclose specifics in the reading process of each disorder. Error type analysis may provide a basis to improve the educational strategies by appropriately structuring the learning process of children with TD, ASD, ADHD, and DD.
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This systematic review aimed to examine the possible implication of visual-perceptual, visuo-attentional and oculomotor processing in the reading deficits frequently experienced by children with Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), as previously shown in dyslexia. Using PRISMA methodological guidelines, we examined 49 studies; most of these reported visual-processing deficits in this population, raising the importance of directly studying the visuo-perceptual and visuo-attentional processes and eye-movement control involved in the learning-to-read process in NF1. The discussion provides a reflection for a better understanding of how visual-processing skills interact with reading deficits in NF1, as well as new avenues for their screening and care.
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Based on 378 studies, 541 independent samples, and over 34,000 participants, the current meta-analysis aimed to explore the associations between cognition and reading difficulties (RD). Results showed that compared with age-matched typically developing (TD) peers, RD showed deficits across processing speed, short-term memory, attention, working memory, inhibition, switching, visuospatial skills, and updating (gs = −.72 to −.48), with more individual differences on inhibition, processing speed, switching, attention, visuospatial skills, and short-term memory (ln SDR = .03 to .17). The cognitive deficits among those with RD were more severe with age, with lower reading and IQ scores, and on verbal cognitive tasks. Individual differences in cognitive skills among those with RD were larger with age, as well as on comprehensive/nonverbal IQ identification or reading comprehension identification. Comorbidity did not affect the cognitive profile of RD strongly. Meta-analytic structural equation modeling showed phonological processing and language comprehension explained over 70% of the variance between RD and TD across cognitive skills, yet executive function and visuospatial skills contributed uniquely to RD. These findings highlight a domain-specific cognitive path to RD. That is, cognitive deficits may lead to insufficient language development, causing RD indirectly. However, the association between cognitive deficits and RD is not unidirectional or static. Across development, insufficient accumulation of language skills among those with RD also affects cognitive development, especially in the verbal domain. Without high-quality, sustained instruction, mutual associations between cognitive deficits and RD, forming a vicious circle, may be one major reason for persistent reading struggles among individuals with RD.
Dyslexia (reading disorder) is one of the most common learning disabilities, affecting about 20% of Iranian children. The current treatments are expensive and should be performed with school homework, resulting in children's demotivation. Game-inspired designs (GBIs) like gamification and serious games are widely used to increase users' participation in monotonous tasks. However, there are no appropriate tools based on them for Iranian dyslexic children. This study examines gamification and serious game approaches efficacy in improving dyslexic children’s motivation aged 6 to 8 to complete cognitive rehabilitation interventions like phonological awareness. After studying existing interventions, we selected one of the common clinic interventions. Based on it, two games with serious games and gamification approaches were developed, and then eight experts evaluated them using a questionnaire designed by Nielsen's heuristics evaluation. The initial tests with experts showed the potential application of the games as therapeutic tools for dyslexic children to improve their learning process, especially difficulties in recognizing letters. Also, they can increase dyslexic children’s motivation, significantly using the least negative feedback and much positive feedback effectively encourages them. After rigorous evaluation with potential users, the GBIs can be used with minimum cost and time accessible to all outside non-clinical settings.
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Developmental dyslexia (DD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder (about 10% of children across cultures) characterized by severe difficulties in learning to read. According to the dominant view, DD is considered a phonological processing impairment that might be linked to a cross-modal, letter-to-speech sound integration deficit. However, new theories-supported by consistent data-suggest that mild deficits in low-level visual and auditory processing can lead to DD. This evidence supports the probabilistic and multifactorial approach for DD. Among others, an interesting visual deficit that is often associated with DD is excessive visual crowding. Crowding is defined as difficulty in the ability to recognize objects when surrounded by similar items. Crowding, typically observed in peripheral vision, could be modulated by attentional processes. The direct consequence of stronger crowding on reading is the inability to recognize letters when they are surrounded by other letters. This problem directly translates to reading at a slower speed and being more prone to making errors while reading. Our aim is to review the literature supporting the important role of crowding in DD. Moreover, we are interested in proposing new possible studies in order to clarify whether the observed excessive crowding could be a cause rather than an effect of DD. Finally, we also suggest possible remediation and even prevention programs that could be based on reducing the crowding in children with or at risk for DD without involving any phonological or orthographic training. © 2015 ARVO.
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Dyslexia is more than just difficulty with translating letters into sounds. Many dyslexics have problems with clearly seeing letters and their order. These difficulties may be caused by abnormal development of their visual “magnocellular” (M) nerve cells; these mediate the ability to rapidly identify letters and their order because they control visual guidance of attention and of eye fixations. Evidence for M cell impairment has been demonstrated at all levels of the visual system: in the retina, in the lateral geniculate nucleus, in the primary visual cortex and throughout the dorsal visuomotor “where” pathway forward from the visual cortex to the posterior parietal and prefrontal cortices. This abnormality destabilises visual perception; hence, its severity in individuals correlates with their reading deficit. Treatments that facilitate M function, such as viewing text through yellow or blue filters, can greatly increase reading progress in children with visual reading problems. M weakness may be caused by genetic vulnerability, which can disturb orderly migration of cortical neurones during development or possibly reduce uptake of omega-3 fatty acids, which are usually obtained from fish oils in the diet. For example, M cell membranes require replenishment of the omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid to maintain their rapid responses. Hence, supplementing some dyslexics’ diets with DHA can greatly improve their M function and their reading.
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The visual attention (VA) span deficit hypothesis of developmental dyslexia posits that impaired multiple element processing can be responsible for poor reading outcomes. In VA span impaired dyslexic children, poor performance on letter report tasks is associated with reduced parietal activations for multiple letter processing. While this hints towards a non-specific, attention-based dysfunction, it is still unclear whether reduced parietal activity generalizes to other types of stimuli. Furthermore, putative links between reduced parietal activity and reduced ventral occipito-temporal (vOT) in dyslexia have yet to be explored. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we measured brain activity in 12 VA span impaired dyslexic adults and 12 adult skilled readers while they carried out a categorization task on single or multiple alphanumeric or non-alphanumeric characters. While healthy readers activated parietal areas more strongly for multiple than single element processing (right-sided for alphanumeric and bilateral for non-alphanumeric), similar stronger multiple element right parietal activations were absent for dyslexic participants. Contrasts between skilled and dyslexic readers revealed significantly reduced right superior parietal lobule (SPL) activity for dyslexic readers regardless of stimuli type. Using a priori anatomically defined regions of interest, we showed that neural activity was reduced for dyslexic participants in both SPL and vOT bilaterally. Finally, we used multiple regressions to test whether SPL activity was related to vOT activity in each group. In the left hemisphere, SPL activity covaried with vOT activity for both normal and dyslexic readers. In contrast, in the right hemisphere, SPL activity covaried with vOT activity only for dyslexic readers. These results bring critical support to the VA interpretation of the VA Span deficit. In addition, they offer a new insight on how deficits in automatic vOT based word recognition could arise in developmental dyslexia.
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Although developmental dyslexia (DD) is frequently associate with a phonological deficit, the underlying neurobiological cause remains undetermined. Recently, a new model, called “temporal sampling framework” (TSF), provided an innovative prospect in the DD study. TSF suggests that deficits in syllabic perception at a specific temporal frequencies are the critical basis for the poor reading performance in DD. This approach was presented as a possible neurobiological substrate of the phonological deficit of DD but the TSF can also easily be applied to the visual modality deficits. The deficit in the magnocellular-dorsal (M-D) pathway - often found in individuals with DD - fits well with a temporal oscillatory deficit specifically related to this visual pathway. This study investigated the visual M-D and parvocellular-ventral (P-V) pathways in dyslexic and in chronological age and IQ-matched normally reading children by measuring temporal (frequency doubling illusion) and static stimuli sensitivity, respectively. A specific deficit in M-D temporal oscillation was found. Importantly, the M-D deficit was selectively shown in poor phonological decoders. M-D deficit appears to be frequent because 75% of poor pseudo-word readers were at least 1 SD below the mean of the controls. Finally, a replication study by using a new group of poor phonological decoders and reading level controls suggested a crucial role of M-D deficit in DD. These results showed that a M-D deficit might impair the sub-lexical mechanisms that are critical for reading development. The possible link between these findings and TSF is discussed.
The first steps in the process of reading a printed word belong to the domain of visual object perception. They culminate in a representation of letter strings as an ordered set of abstract letter identities, a representation known as the Visual Word Form (VWF). Brain lesions in patients with pure alexia and functional imaging data suggest that the VWF is subtended by a restricted patch of left‐hemispheric fusiform cortex, which is reproducibly activated during reading. In order to determine whether the operation of this Visual Word Form Area (VWFA) depends exclusively on the visual features of stimuli, or is influenced by language‐dependent parameters, brain activations induced by words, consonant strings and chequerboards were compared in normal subjects using functional MRI (fMRI). Stimuli were presented in the left or right visual hemifield. The VWFA was identified in both a blocked‐design experiment and an event‐related experiment as a left‐hemispheric inferotemporal area showing a stronger activation to alphabetic strings than to chequerboards, and invariant for the spatial location of stimuli. In both experiments, stronger activations of the VWFA to words than to strings of consonants were observed. Considering that the VWFA is equally activated by real words and by readable pseudowords, this result demonstrates that the VWFA is initially plastic and becomes attuned to the orthographic regularities that constrain letter combination during the acquisition of literacy. Additionally, the use of split‐field stimulation shed some light on the cerebral bases of the classical right visual field (RVF) advantage in reading. A left occipital extrastriate area was found to be activated by RVF letter strings more than by chequerboards, while no symmetrical region was observed in the right hemisphere. Moreover, activations in the precuneus and the left thalamus were observed when subjects were reading RVF versus left visual field (LVF) words, and are likely to reflect the attentional component of the RVF advantage.
Developmental dyslexia (DD) is a heritable neurodevelopmental reading disorder that could arise from auditory, visual, and cross-modal integration deficits. A deletion in intron 2 of the DCDC2 gene (hereafter DCDC2d) increases the risk for DD and related phenotypes. In this study, first we report that illusory visual motion perception—specifically processed by the magnocellular-dorsal (M-D) stream—is impaired in children with DD compared with age-matched and reading-level controls. Second, we test for the specificity of the DCDC2d effects on the M-D stream. Children with DD and DCDC2d need significantly more contrast to process illusory motion relative to their counterpart without DCDC2d and to age-matched and reading-level controls. Irrespective of the genetic variant, children with DD perform normally in the parvocellular-ventral task. Finally, we find that DCDC2d is associated with the illusory motion perception also in adult normal readers, showing that the M-D deficit is a potential neurobiological risk factor of DD rather than a simple effect of reading disorder. Our findings demonstrate, for the first time, that a specific neurocognitive dysfunction tapping the M-D stream is linked with a well-defined genetic susceptibility.