Demelsa Benito Sánchez

Demelsa Benito Sánchez
University of Deusto | DEUSTO · Faculty of Law



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Additional affiliations
November 2012 - September 2013
Universidad de Salamanca
  • Research Associate
November 2011 - October 2012
September 2009 - October 2011
Universidad de Salamanca
  • Lecturer of Criminal Law


Publications (16)
This chapter aims to study the legal value (Rechtsgut) of free market competition as a possible legal value worthy of protection under criminal law. In this regard, two key issues arise: the concept of competition in itself and adherence to two fundamental principles of criminal law (the principles of exclusive protection of legal values and minima...
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Throughout the 2020-21 academic year, and collecting the good work and research and training experience of all University of Deusto faculties, we have worked on two guides for incorporating a gender perspective in teaching and research. The guide is the result of a collective learning process, in which we have also shared and exchanged with and fr...
Este trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio del bien jurídico de la libre competencia en el mercado como posible bien jurídico digno de tutela penal. Al respecto se plantean dos problemas esenciales: el propio concepto de competencia y el respeto a los principios legitimadores del Derecho penal (principio de exclusiva protección de bienes jurídicos y...
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Corruption has been in the agenda of the European Union for decades due to its devastating effects on the political and economic systems of the EU Member States, and on the European Union itself. Therefore, with the aim of combating corruption, the European Union has adopted a wide list of legal instruments since the middle of the nineties that Mem...
La trata de menores es un fenómeno mundial que vulnera los derechos humanos de las víctimas. Para combatirlo, diversas organizaciones internacionales y regionales han adoptado instrumentos jurídicos vinculantes que imponen a los Estados determinadas obligaciones. Este trabajo analiza la forma en la que estos instrumentos han abordado el fenómeno, c...
La aparicion de una corrupcion transnacional ligada al fenomeno globalizador ha llevado a la comunidad internacional a adoptar una serie de documentos vinculantes para luchar contra ella. El instrumento que marca un antes y un despues es el Convenio de lucha contra la corrupcion de agentes publicos extranjeros en las transacciones comerciales inter...
La regulación del delito de corrupción en las transacciones comerciales en el Derecho español deriva del compromiso adquirido al ratificar diversos convenios internacionales en esta materia. Ante la falta de cumplimiento de algunos de estos compromisos, el legislador español ha previsto diversas modificaciones en la última ley de reforma del código...
At present, there is a lack of high-quality comparative data on crime trends. This fact inevitably hampers the adoption of evidence-based policies. Several initiatives have already been launched by the European Union in the past years, underlying the necessity of gathering reliable data on crime in addition to using such data for developing Europea...


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