Dedy Hartama

Dedy Hartama
STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar · Teknik Informatika

Magister Komputer


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Skills and Expertise


Publications (103)
Academic expertise is a subject of study taught at the university level to assist students in completing their thesis writing, thereby enabling them to successfully complete their graduate studies. The chosen academic specialization aligns with the vision and mission of each program and can have a positive impact on the university. Students' chosen...
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STIKOM Tunas Bangsa is one of the best private universities in the city of Pematangsiantar. With so many universities in the city of Pematangsiantar, it certainly creates competition in attracting prospective new students. In order to maintain the number of students each year, universities must know what factors are the main drivers for prospective...
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This study has problems such as the absence of the use of the K-means clustering algorithm for data on positive COVID-19 cases in the Indonesian province. The purpose of this study is to apply the K-means clustering method in finding the closest distance to produce the lowest and highest clusters of data on positive COVID-19 cases in the Indonesian...
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This study explains the benefits of data analysis by visualization of Big data inoptimizing cases of the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The data used is the COVID-19 Indonesia time series data from the Kaggle website. In this study, the author used tableau tools to analyze data based on worksheets of covid-19 distribution maps, COVID-19 statistic...
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Practical learning is a method of learning in which students conduct experiments directly by applying the theories they have learned and proving what they have learned in order to better understand what they have learned. The success rate of students towards practical learning is one of the factors that can improve the quality of higher education a...
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Analysis of a prediction (forecasting) is very important in a study, so that research becomes more precise and directed (Wanto and Windarto, 2017). As is the case in predicting the level of Link Aja's balance sales. This research is expected to be useful for an agency as one of the study materials in business development. A system to predict the le...
Penggunaan internet ini sejalan dengan penggunaannya di dunia yang terus meningkat, berdasarkan hasil survey pada Januari 2021 dari total populasi 7.83 billion jiwa, sebanyak 66.6% atau 5.22 billion jiwa menggunakan smartphone, kemudian 59.5% atau sebanyak 4.66 billion menggunakan internet dan sebanyak 4.20 billion atau 53.6% sebagai pengguna aktif...
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Garbage is unwanted material after the end of a process. Good waste management can create a clean environment and avoid various diseases. understanding of waste management to this day is still widely ignored by the community, many people forget the function of trash cans and prefer to litter. Not only in the community and in the school environment,...
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Algoritma C4.5 merupakan algoritma untuk melakukan klasifikasi, sekelompok dan bersifat prediktif. Perhitungan algoritma C4.5 RapidMiner menghasilkan hasil yang sama sesuai dengan pohon keputusan pada kasus keberhasilan pembelajaran daring. Perhitungan manual menggunakan RapidMiner menghasilkan 23 rule keberhasilan pembelajaran daring, Pohon keputu...
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In carrying out promotions, it is also necessary to pay for the manufacture of brochures, banners and other promotional media to provide information to prospective students and attract prospective students to register. Determining the location of the promotion is one of the success factors in promotional activities. In this study, the Artificial Ne...
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Pengelolaan sampah telah menjadi permasalahan dibanyak negara. Pengelolaan sampah menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi terciptanya lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat. Sampah yang dibiarkan terlalu lama menumpuk dan pengambilan sampah yang tidak teratur menjadi masalah yang sering terjadi. Khususnya di DPRD Kota Pematangsiantar permasalahan sam...
The aim of the study was to predict the factors causing the decline in rice yields. By knowing the factors of declining rice yields, business owners can further evaluate the causes of declining rice yields and then look for solutions on how to overcome them. The method used in this study is the C4.5 Algorithm, the source of the data used is primary...
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One of the functions of this research is to obtain the latest information regarding the level of accuracy and death rates due to the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the tasks of planning a response to a pandemic is to access data related to the number of deaths due to Covid-19. The research that the author is carrying out will predict the death rate due...
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Data ijazah merupakan suatu data yang tergolong sangat penting pada sebuah instansi sekolah. Keamanan data tersebut sangat diperlukan untuk menjaga kerahasiaan data dimana pada data ijazah terdapat nomor ijazah yang merupakan satu-satunya bukti surat tamat belajar di sekolah, guna menghindari terjadinya pencurian maupun manipulasi data tersebut mak...
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Data nilai siswa merupakan suatu data penting bagi pihak departemen, maupun pada pihak sekolah karena perlu untuk melihat bagaimana perkembangan nilai siswa-siswi di SMK GKPS 1 Raya dikemudian hari. Data nilai siswa pun semakin bertambah bila semakin tahun berganti tahun, dan data tersebut dapat memberi informasi yang berguna bila diolah dengan bai...
Strategi melawan pandemi dengan pembatasan sosial memaksa semua institusi pendidikan menerapkan pembelajaran daring. Pembelajaran daring yang awalnya sebagai strategi menjadi kontroversi karena singkatnya proses adaptasi. Perubahan mendadak dari pembelajaran tatap muka ke pembelajaran daring pada skala besar menyebabkan respon di masyarakat. Tujuan...
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) merupakan suatu bentuk penaksiran kemampuan kognitif seseorang. Selama ini penentuan kelas siswa di Bimbel Mora College Pematangsiantar masih mengikuti jurusan apa yang mereka ambil, tanpa melihat kecerdasan nilai IQ siswa. Penentuan kelas siswa berdasarkan nilai kecerdasan IQ siswa penting dilakukan untuk mempermudah tim...
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Virus corona bisa menyebabkan gangguan ringan pada sistem pernapasan, infeksi paru-paru yang berat, hingga kematian. Penyebaran virus Covid-19 menyebar dengan cepat di berbagai daerah khususnya di Sumatera Utara sehingga tidak memungkinkan untuk melaksanakan aktivitas seperti biasanya. Penyebaran Covid-19 di Sumatera Utara perlu dikelompokkan untuk...
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Dengan semakin pesatnya perkembangan zaman, tingkat kriminalitas juga semakin tinggi, seperti pencurian, perampokan, pemerkosaan dan lain lain, untuk kasus curanmor di Indonesia sangat tinggi, oleh karena itu maka penulis membuat sebuah penelitian terkait Pengamanan Sepeda Motor dengan menggunakan e-KTP dimana penelitian ini adalah sistem kendali d...
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Tomat merupakan salah satu jenis buah yang sangat digemari oleh masyarakat umum, karena buah tomat memiliki komposisi zat yang cukup lengkap serta banyak mengandung vitamin A, C, E juga kalium, kalsium dan garam. Namun dibalik banyaknya manfaat serta kegunaan buah tomat terdapat beberapa masalah ataupun kendala yang sering terjadi di dalam proses p...
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Almond milk is a plant-based milk drink made from almonds. Almond juice has a paler color and a thicker texture than regular milk. As for the benefits of almond milk in the world of health, namely to increase breast milk production, prevent high blood pressure, strengthen immunity, protect bone health, maintain baby's heart health, prevent free rad...
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Bank is a business entity that collects funds from the public in the form of savings and distributes them to the public in the form of credit. PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Solider has a data system that can only be known by certain parties. Data security is one of the most important things to consider in maintaining the confidentiality of important...
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House chores that people do is still using human power, one of which is taking care of the yard in terms of cutting grass, which still uses simple tools such as knives or grass shears so that it is enough to spend energy and time. Technology is very appropriate in helping the community's workload, for example, an Arduino based lawn mower robot that...
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This study aims to create an arduino- based tool to determine the freshness of red chillies using the TCS230 color sensor to facilitate chilli traders, supermarkets and markets in choosing good and bad quality based on the color of chili. Fresh chili will be red while the bad ones are usually dull red, slightly brownish and yellowish. TCS230 conver...
Dimasa pandemi yang belum diketahui kapan berakhirnya berdampak pada seluru aspek kehidupan manusia. Dampak ini juga dirasakan oleh generasi muda yang saat ini sedang melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan. Di Pematangsiantar kegiatan belajar mengajar masih dilaksanakan secara online yang memaksa tenaga pengajar dan siswa harus menguasai teknologi khusus...
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Exams are one way to measure the level of students' ability to participate in learning. One type of exam given to students is the essay type. This study focuses on making automatic assessments for essay-type exams using cosine similarity. This method has several stages such as folding Case, tokenizing, filtering, stemming, analyzing, weighing of wo...
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Evacuation is characterized by rapid movement of people in unsafe locations or disaster sites to safer locations. The traffic management strategy for commonly used evacuations is the use of Shoulder-Lane, contraflowing traffic and gradual evacuation. Contra-flow has been commonly used in traffic management by changing traffic lanes during peak hour...
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Evacuation is characterized by rapid movement of people in unsafe locations or disaster sites to safer locations. The traffic management strategy for commonly used evacuations is the use of Shoulder-Lane, contra flowing traffic and gradual evacuation. Contra flowhas been commonly used in traffic management by changing traffic lanes during peak hour...
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The purpose of the study was to classify the factors causing the decline in student achievement during the pandemic using the C4.5 datamining method. Sources of research data were obtained by conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires to 7th semester students of the 2020-2021 school year information system study program. Attributes that...
The purpose of this research is to build a decision support system that can be used by schools in the selection of scholarship recipients, which requires completion, as decision support with multicriteria is the VIKOR method. The basic concept of the VIKOR method is to determine the ranking of the existing samples. This study aims to apply the VIKO...
The research objective was to obtain a model of rules in classifying the level of customer satisfaction at Indiis Cafe Pematangsiantar. By knowing the level of customer satisfaction, the owner of Indiis Cafe can improve the service if it is not good and further improve the service when the level of satisfaction is good. This study measures the leve...
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Negara-negara di dunia memiliki bahasa tersendiri. Bahasa yang paling dominan digunakan adalah Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, Bahasa Inggris merupakan Bahasa Internasional. Bahasa internasional adalah bahasa yang digunakan agar dapat berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang di dunia. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang menerapkan Bahasa Inggris se...
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Electricity is one of the vital needs of humanity. Without electricity, it is certain that the wheels of the economy will not be able to run properly. So that electricity customers are increasingly increasing, as they increase the needs and population of the community. Therefore this study aims to determine the development of the number of electric...
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- At the beginning of March Indonesia was entering the corona outbreak virus (COVID) Every day the case of Covid-19 distribution in Indonesia continued to increase. the community is issued to conduct social distance to cut the distribution of COVID-19 distribution distributed in various regions. In Indonesia, therefore, the data that has been accom...
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- In this increasingly developed and advanced era, information technology is increasingly needed in human life. It can be seen from the current COVID-19 pandemic, information technology is increasingly needed in carrying out human activities at home. In the scope of learning, learning activities are shifted to online or online learning. Many studen...
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- Crime is now a concern and concern for the community, especially those in the Pematangsiantar Region. Acts of crime that often occur are murder, theft, drugs, rape. With the rampant crime in Pematangsiantar City, it is necessary to group each region using the K-Means algorithm. The data source in this study is a collection of various documents of...
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This study aims to control energy consumption at idle time or outside working hours in office buildings both government and private so that there is not waste in the use of energy. To control the use of energy, an energy smart control system is developed by applying Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Internet of Thing (IoT) technology in order to re...
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Product is the one of thing which more important in the business especially for the retail industry. Ramayana is the one exact place for selling retail products such as clothing, shoes, or slipper. On 2012-2018, the number of sales of products in Ramayana experience curve up and down. That thing can cause profit and lose for Ramayana, to avoid that...
Siantar Utara District Office is one of the sub-districts in the Pematangsiantar city, North Sumatra Province. Through this sub-district office, residents can take care of various forms of licensing. At the subdistrict office also routinely held awards to employees which are held every three months which were previously counted on the excel applica...
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Mining age and technology have led to the emergence of an innovation that can help facilitate human activities, especially for parents in controlling and looking after babies. By implementing a sound monitoring system in the baby room based on the Arduino Atmega 328 microcontroller which functions to detect noise. Data from the voice sensor is proc...
The North Siantar Health Center's Puskesmas is a health sector engaged in public health sciences, at the Office of the North Siantar Sub-District of Pematangsiantar City conducted research with the Nutritional research variables under five months of age. attacked by various diseases ranging from external diseases and internal diseases. Artificial N...
This research aims to provide input for the government so that it can immediately tackle water pollution given the many adverse effects that lurk in various aspects of life. The method used in this study researchers used the method of K-means clustering datamining algorithm. The data used in this study are the number of villages according to the ty...
Electricity has now become something that is very much needed in daily life, every household has used PLN electricity lighting sources. However, there are also some regions in Indonesia that have not been able to enjoy good and even electric lighting. The data source used from the Indonesian Statistics Agency website is the Percentage of Household...
The purpose of this research is that the results of the utilization of fish resources in producing marine fisheries by fishermen can be good using the K-Means clustring method. Data was obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and assisted using RapidMiner software. Data used from 2013-2017 consisted of 21 Provinces. With these data can be...
The purpose of this research is to classify the improvement of student learning systems using the C4.5 datamining method. The source of the research data was obtained from the education section of STKOM Tunas Bangsa through interviews and questionnaires to semester 5 students (160 students) in the 2019-2020 academic year study program. The attribut...
In the current era of globalization, developments in various fields of business are accelerating. Both in the culinary field and other fields. One of the most sought after business developments is in the field of counters or credit sales. UD.Selamat Selular was founded in 2010, which only has a small shop with no employees to date which has more th...
The objective of the study is to classify informal employment in non-agricultural sectors. Data sources are obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The data used is the proportion of employment for informal non-agricultural sectors (2015-2018), consisting of 34 Provinces in Indonesia. The Method used to solve the problem is datamining te...
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This study proposes an application of Data Mining in determining patterns of Interest of high school Graduates to attend AMIK Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar and the dominant factors which affect the interest of high school graduates. The data was picked up from the application forms completed by those enrolled in the AMIK . In this study, algorithm C...
The more advanced science and technology from various disciplines, currently rainfall can be predicted by carrying out various empirical approaches, one of which is by using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). This study aims to apply ANN with backpropogation algorithm in predicting rainfall. The research data used is BPS data of the transfer city. T...
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Graduating on time is one element of higher education accreditation assessment. In the Strata 1 level, students are declared to graduate on time if they can complete their studies <= eight semesters or four years. BAN-PT sets a timely graduation standard of >= 50%. If the standard is not met, it will reduce the value of accreditation. These problem...
Companies engaged in the chemical industry really need Human Resources (HR) who have knowledge in the field of chemical industry engineering terms in order to achieve the company's main goals, but due to the chemical industry engineering terms that use foreign languages is essentially difficult to understand not a few of the general public who have...
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One way the government determines the level of welfare of farmers is to look at the development of the farmers' exchange rate index. Farmer exchange rate index (NTP) is useful in determining, measuring the ability to exchange products sold by farmers with products needed by farmers in household production and consumption. This study produced an est...
Students' understanding of teaching and learning is determined by academic performance and lecturers who give teachings to students. Among them is the education of programming languages. Programming language is one of the main subjects at AMIK Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar. Many students buy programs in the final project so that students have diffic...
This study aims to determine student interest in entrepreneurship and make entrepreneurship as one of the student activity organizations on campus outside the compulsory subject to create opportunities for a work in the form of innovative ideas. The parameters used in determining student interest in entrepreneurship are social prestige, personal ch...
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This research aims to classify in determining student satisfaction with teaching methods at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa. Data obtained from the results of the 2015 and 2016 semester student questionnaires were odd, with a sample of 80 students. Attributes used are 4, namely communication (C1), Building learning atmosphere (C2), Assessment of students (C3)...
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Class matrix is a scheduling of teaching a subject in accordance with the current curriculum. The problems that are often faced at the beginning of each semester are the intersection between one schedule and another. During this time the main cause was the increase in the number of students who always soared up each year which was inversely proport...
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Arrears of tuition will be a problem of the operational costs of private universities. In contrast to PTN (State Universities) which are assisted by the government while PTS (Private Universities) rely on tuition to carry out their activities. In carrying out the lecture process STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Students must carry out their obligations to pay t...
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At this time, the advancement technology of computer science and telecommunications are developed highly and progressing rapidly. Data security is very important to maintain the important data content of the parties that can harm by destroying important data from the data owner. By improving data security, using a combination of algorithms, it can...
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The use of the Three-Pass Protocol method in exchanging secret text messages is one effective method because the two interested parties do not need to use a single key to open the message sent. But there is a possibility that the message cannot be described because the cipher used is not suitable. The purpose of this study is to show whether the Af...
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Life expectancy is the average number of years of life that is still lived by someone who has reached a certain age. Life Expectancy is a tool to evaluate government performance in improving the welfare of the population in general and improving health status in particular. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the life expectancy of the world p...
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This study aims to classify the level of understanding of students at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa. Data obtained from the results of even semester semester student questionnaires, with data samples of 165 students. The attributes used are 5, namely communication (C1), learning atmosphere (C2), learning media (C3), appearance (C4) and teaching methods (C5)....
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This study aims to search for factors causing lazy students at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa. Data obtained from student questionnaire results with a sample of 20 students. The attributes used are 4, namely body condition (A1), lack of learning motivation (A2), lecturer influence (A3) and environment (A4). The method used in the study is ELECTRE II. From the...
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This study aims to determine the recipient lecturers of the service to the internal community at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa. The data were obtained from the archive of the Institute for Research and Service to the Tunas Bangsa STIKOM Community in 2017 and conducted interviews with the Chairperson of the Institute. The alternatives used are 6, namely Situa...
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This study aims to classify the quality of customer service at Bank BTN Pematangsiantar Branch. Data is obtained from the results of the customer questionnaire of Bank BTN Pematangsiantar Branch. Attributes used are 7, namely Age (C1), Job (C2), Old to Customer (C3), Tangiable (C4), Reliability (C5), Assurance (C6), Responsivenenss (C7). Motede use...
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The Institute for Research and Community Service is a forum for lecturers at every university/institution to develop their knowledge according to their respective disciplines through research fields. This study aims to determine the recipient of the best research grant at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar. Research data comes from relevant agenci...
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The rapid development of technology has made the game as one of the popular entertainment media ranging from children to adults. Endless Runner games can be interpreted into two things, namely player characters that cannot stop or the game track that continues to run. The Perlin Noise algorithm will generate a Track Generator that continues to run...
The International Public Lecture took place in collaboration with AMIK and STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar, during February 11st, 2019, in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra, Indonesia. It was a collaborative effort between Tunas Bangsa Higher Institution, Indonesian Mathematical Society (INDOMS), Ikatan Profesi Komputer dan Informatika Indonesia...
Research in the field of disaster management is done by utilizing information and communication technology. Where disaster management is discussed is about evacuation planning issues. The evacuation stage is a very crucial stage in the disaster evacuation process. There have been many methods and algorithms submitted for the evacuation planning pro...
The International Public Lecture took place in collaboration with AMIK and STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar, during February 11st, 2019, in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra, Indonesia. It was a collaborative effort between Tunas Bangsa Higher Institution, Indonesian Mathematical Society (INDOMS), Ikatan Profesi Komputer dan Informatika Indonesia...
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Research in the field of disaster management is done by utilizing information and communication technology. Where disaster management is discussed is about evacuation planning issues. The evacuation stage is a very crucial stage in the disaster evacuation process. There have been many methods and algorithms submitted for the evacuation planning pro...
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Clustering a set of objects into homogeneous classes is a fundamental operation in data mining. Categorical data clustering based on rough set theory has been an active research area in the field of machine learning. However, pure rough set theory is not well suited for analyzing noisy information systems. In this paper, an alternative technique fo...
This study aims to utilize Clushtering Algorithm in grouping the number of people who have health complaints with the K-means algorithm in Indonesia. The source of this research data was collected based on the documents of the provincial population which had health complaints produced by the National Statistics Agency. The data used in this study a...
English is one of the important components in realizing a quality college and being an international language means the language that will be used when conducting conversations between countries or nations. To realize a quality college, STIKOM Tunas Bangsa began to impose an increase in learning English. However, this was found to be an obstacle, n...
This research explains the benefits of data analysis by visualizing Big data in performing optimization in the academic management environment. The data used is academic information system database that related with student status. In this study the authors use Tableau tools to perform data analysis based on the number of students worksheet, studen...
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Keeping the data intact without changing becomes an important factor in a communication, the data itself has many forms such as text data, audio data, image data and for secure every form data an algorithm Base64 are needed, Base64 algorithm is used as data format to transmit data due to the result of base64 itself, but Base64 algorithm is not safe...
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The library procurement materials is one of the technical services activities in a library as an effort to provide information needed by librarians. in doing the calculation of the procurement book (stock) of in library Universitas Malikussaleh still not automated and computerized and common error occurred on the the given amount of procurement the...
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Searching is a common process performed by many computer users, Raita algorithm is one algorithm that can be used to match and find information in accordance with the patterns entered. Raita algorithm applied to the file search application using java programming language and the results obtained from the testing process of the file search quickly a...
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Desktop mendeley application is actually an application intended to facilitate the creation of citations and a list of libraries commonly used by the authors, so the authors will be pressed error in making the bibliography and facilitate in obtaining the writings to be cited. In addition to creating scientific papers, this application can also be u...
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This research proposes a decision support system in determining graduation thesis trial using AHP and TOPSIS method. The AHP method weighted the criteria to generate values for each criterion, in which the value of each criterion was used to obtain a ranking of some alternatives with TOPSIS. The criteria used for the assessment are 5 chapters (C1),...
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The development of technology is very fast, especially in the field of Internet technology that at any time experiencing significant changes, The development also supported by the ability of human resources, Keylogger is a tool that most developed because this application is very rarely recognized a malicious program by antivirus, keylogger will re...
Conference Paper
Clustering a set of objects into homogeneous classes is a fundamental operation in data mining. Categorical data clustering based on rough set theory has been an active research area in the field of machine learning. However, pure rough set theory is not well suited for analyzing noisy information systems. In this paper, an alternative technique fo...
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Prediction required by decision makers to anticipate future planning. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Backpropagation is one of method. This method however still has weakness, for long training time. This is a reason to improve a method to accelerate the training. One of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Backpropagation method is a resilient method....
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One type of artificial neural network is a backpropagation, This algorithm trained with the network architecture used during the training as well as providing the correct output to insert a similar but not the same with the architecture in use at training.The selection of appropriate parameters also affects the outcome, value of learning rate is on...
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Backpropagation is a good artificial neural network algorithm used to predict, one of which is to predict the rate of Consumer Price Index (CPI) based on the foodstuff sector. While conjugate gradient fletcher reeves is a suitable optimization method when juxtaposed with backpropagation method, because this method can shorten iteration without redu...
Conference Paper
This article introduces the smart urban planning in the mitigation of natural disasters in urban areas in Indonesia especially North Sumatera. A smart city is a city-based social development, capital, citizen participation, transportation and information technology, natural resources and quality of life. Frequency and socio-economic impacts of natu...
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Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is often used to solve forecasting cases. As in this study. The artificial neural network used is with backpropagation algorithm. The study focused on cases concerning overcrowding forecasting based District in Simalungun in Indonesia in 2010-2015. The data source comes from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Simalu...
Conference Paper
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Talk about the lifestyle that is now growing, it also affects the appearance of mobile phones that are owned by everyone that is more complete mobile accessories and create attractive appearance. Along with the time mobile phone accessories business is also experiencing a fairly rapid development, not even just a store product that sells mobile pho...
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Ayam bukanlah makanan yang asing bagi penduduk Indonesia. Makanan tersebut sangat mudah dijumpai dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari. Namun tingkat konsumsi daging ayam di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah dibandingkan dengan Negara tetangga. Penelitian ini membahas tentang Penerapan Datamining Pada Populasi Daging Ayam Ras Pedaging di Indonesia...
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This study proposes a framework for the utilization of IT resources in the face of natural disasters with the concept of Smart City in urban areas, which often face the earthquake, particularly in the city of North Sumatra and Aceh. Smart City is a city that integrates social development, capital, civic participation, and transportation with the us...
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Various efforts have been made by the school to improve student achievement in an effort to achieve national education standards. One way is by doing tutoring for each student, but the results are not so satisfactory. This is due to the particular school education department did not fully understand each student's ability to master a subject in the...
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Determining the best Prospective Husband is one way to find out the criteria for what is needed in determining the best future husband in marriage. A prospective husband should fulfill certain criteria to be declared eligible. Penelitihan aims to classify and predict worthy and not worthy husband for declared to be the best husband in the marriage...
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Customer satisfaction in the sales of refill drinking water is an important thing. Given refill drinking water sales increasing in each region. Today, people prefer to refill water consumption due to save time and cost. Increased sales of refill drinking water is also a result of difficult to get clean water for consumption. Sales of good drinking...
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Predicate Student success in college is the main thing that was the template for a student during their study. Student data continues to increase from year to year is a testament to develop Data Mining. A large number of students will be processed to determine based on any criteria Students deserve the title of his success with several attributes s...
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Having teachers, faculty professional staff is a requirement for schools to implement quality education process, as well as vocational Maria Goretti Pematangsiantar. To that end, the school has always encouraged an increase in the professionalism of teachers by monitoring the work of teachers in implementing their duties so as to achieve the standa...


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