Deborah L. Lutz

Deborah L. Lutz
Katholische Hochschule Freiburg

PhD (Social Sciences)


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I am a disability studies researcher and lecturer focusing on research with people with disabilities, support and funding arrangements for people with intellectual disabilities, communication support for people with complex disabilities, inclusive education in disability studies and ethnographic research methods.
Additional affiliations
November 2019 - August 2023
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
  • PostDoc Position
April 2018 - July 2023
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart
  • Lecturer
  • Undergraduate courses: Introduction to Disability Studies, Introduction to qualitative social research
February 2016 - July 2016
UNSW Sydney
  • Academic Tutor
  • Undergraduate course: Qualitative Social Research
August 2014 - March 2019
Social Policy Research Centre
Field of study
  • Disability Studies/ Social Policy
February 2010 - April 2011
The University of Sydney
Field of study
  • Special Education
August 2006 - September 2009
Cooperative State University Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany
Field of study
  • Social Work


Publications (42)
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Accessible summaryThis article is about university researchers and support workers working together when people with disabilities need support with communication to take part in research. This is one way to help people with disabilities to do this.We talk about a project we did to help explain six different ways of working together to help people w...
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Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Assistenzbeziehung im Kontext der Teilhabe am Assistenzprozess für Menschen mit sogenannter geistiger Behinderung. Er verwendet ethnographische Daten aus einer Studie, die das relationale Erleben von Assistenzbeziehungen unter Einflussnahme des persönlichen Budgets in Australien und Deutschland untersuchte. Zwei...
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Despite ongoing advancement of inclusive research methodologies that allow people with disabilities to control, create and take ownership of the research process, the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities who use little or no verbal speech to communicate are underrepresented in research studies. A method with potential to facilitate...
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Support organised through a personal budget aims to promote people's choices in how they arrange their support. Participation in choices of people who use little or no verbal speech to express themselves requires that support workers use personalised communication. This article explores how support workers use personalised communication to prioriti...
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Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Assistenzbeziehung im Kontext der Teilhabe am Assistenzprozess für Menschen mit sogenannter geistiger Behinderung. Er verwendet ethnographische Daten aus einer Studie, die das relationale Erleben von Assistenzbeziehungen unter Einflussnahme des persönlichen Budgets in Australien und Deutschland u...
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This chapter discusses some findings from a study about support relationships for adults with intellectual disabilities using personal budgets in Germany and Australia. The study aimed to explore how these relationships were influenced by the way support was organised through personal budgets. The chapter presents five sub-themes of how the pairs b...
Im Rahmen der BMBF-Förderrichtlinie zur „Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte für inklusive Bildung“ hat das dazugehörige Metavorhaben unter anderem die Frage bearbeitet, inwieweit die in den Expertisen zum Stand der Qualifizierung des pädagogischen Personals (Döbert & Weishaupt, 2013) benannten Desiderata und Handlungsempfehlungen in nation...
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Inklusion ist als Thema aus dem deutschen Bildungssystem nicht mehr wegzudenken und trotzdem stellt sie weiterhin eine Herausforderung auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen dar. Die Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte ist dabei neben der Bereitstellung adäquater Rahmenbedingungen als ein besonders wichtiges Handlungsfeld zu betrachten. Die Bände der...
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Inklusion ist als Thema aus dem deutschen Bildungssystem nicht mehr wegzudenken und trotzdem stellt sie weiterhin eine Herausforderung auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen dar. Die Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte ist dabei neben der Bereitstellung adäquater Rahmenbedingungen als ein besonders wichtiges Handlungsfeld zu betrachten. Die Bände der...
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Inklusion ist als Thema aus dem deutschen Bildungssystem nicht mehr wegzudenken und trotzdem stellt sie weiterhin eine Herausforderung auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen dar. Die Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte ist dabei neben der Bereitstellung adäquater Rahmenbedingungen als ein besonders wichtiges Handlungsfeld zu betrachten. Die Bände der...
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Inklusion ist als Thema aus dem deutschen Bildungssystem nicht mehr wegzudenken und trotzdem stellt sie weiterhin eine Herausforderung auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen dar. Die Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte ist dabei neben der Bereitstellung adäquater Rahmenbedingungen als ein besonders wichtiges Handlungsfeld zu betrachten. Die Bände der...
Conference Paper
This presentation focuses on a PhD study (Lutz, 2020) about support work relationships (Assistenzbeziehungen), the relationships between budget holders (Budgethalter) with intellectual disabilities and their support workers (Assistenten). It explored how budget holders with intellectual disabilities and their support workers experience their relati...
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Deborah Luise Lutz explores support work relationships, the relationships between people with intellectual disabilities in receipt of a personal budget and their support workers. Through the methodology of Institutional Ethnography, she specifically investigates how personal budget policies that organize support work in Germany and Australia influe...
In this chapter, I draw on IE as a qualitative methodology and social theory developed by the Canadian feminist sociologist Dorothy Smith during the 1980s (e.g. Griffith & Smith, 2014; Smith, 1987, 1990a, 1990b, 1992, 1996, 2005, 2006). IE influenced the epistemological foundation of this study in that it offered a lens, through which I critically...
In this chapter, I build the conceptual approach to analyse the support work relationship. I draw on care, EoC and disability studies literature to build a conceptual understanding of the support work relationship and its position within the social policy context of support work organised through PBs. I use this approach as an ontological understan...
Chapter 5 is the first of two chapters that focus on the ethnographic descriptions of the budget holders with intellectual disabilities and their support workers within the specific context of support work. The descriptive accounts of the people and their environments in this chapter and in Chapter 6 present the diversity and particularity of the t...
This chapter discusses how the findings added to an understanding of the experiences of support work relationships within the ruling relations. It does not address how the empirical investigation in both countries added to an understanding of support work relationships based on the literature used in this book. This will be discussed in Chapter 9.
In this chapter, I close the book by exploring the contribution of this study, the new understandings of support work relationships. I discuss the contribution of the empirical findings to the conceptual approach to support work relationships, the application of IE in Germany and Australia, the methodological limitations of the study, further resea...
This chapter presents the analysis of how the ten pairs experienced their relationships within the ruling relations. It is the last findings chapter of this book and builds on the contextual knowledge about support work relationships in Chapter 4 and the ethnographic descriptions of the ten relationships in Chapter 5 and 6.
This chapter presents the ethnographic descriptions of the five support work relationships in Germany. The ethnographic fieldwork in Germany happened after I completed the ethnographic fieldwork in Australia. It started in August 2016 and finished in January 2017.
This book is about support work relationships – the relationships between persons with intellectual disabilities using a personal budget (PB) and their support workers. This introductory chapter sets the scene for this book. It starts by explaining the rationale for the study which includes the researcher’s personal motivation to undertake a study...
This chapter presents the empirical findings from the first fieldwork stage in 2015. This stage included five interviews with service professionals in Germany and five interviews with service professionals in Australia (see Table 1 in Chapter 3). By speaking to these service professionals and analysing our conversations, I identified themes about s...
Many countries have introduced personal budgets for people with intellectual disabilities. A personal budget is a sum of money that allows people with intellectual disabilities to purchase their own support work. Support workers are people who assist budget holders to organise and do activities, such as household tasks and social activities in the...
Conference Paper
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Ziel dieses Vortrags ist es, ein besseres Verständnis über das Beziehungserleben von Menschen mit sogenannter „geistiger Behinderung“, die ein persönliches Budget (PB) erhalten, und deren Assistenten*innen in Deutschland und Australien herzustellen. Mit Hilfe der qualitativen Methodologie der Institutionellen Ethnographie (IE), bei der die ‚everyda...
Background: Individualized funding of disability support services has implications for people’s choices about when to share their home. This paper examines how people with disabilities made choices about who to live with and the factors influencing these choices. Methods: This paper discusses data from interviews with 30 people with mostly intellec...
Conference Paper
Background In many neoliberal welfare states, people with intellectual disabilities can take up a personal budget to purchase support work (also known as personal assistance). A support worker usually assists the person with intellectual disabilities in their home (and local community) in managing independent living tasks. This paper deals with the...
Conference Paper
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Background Some people with intellectual disabilities take up a personal budget to purchase support work for managing independent living tasks in their home. Support workers often spend time in the private space of the person with intellectual disabilities due to this work arrangement. If the home environment of one person becomes the place of work...
Closure of the remaining institutions where some people with intellectual disabilities live is increasingly urgent following the Australian Government commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the National Disability Strategy, and the full National Disability Insurance Scheme. How can the transformative...


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