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DLSDN: Deep Learning for DDOS attack detection in Software Defined Networking


Abstract and Figures

Software defined networking is going to be an essential part of networking domain which moves the traditional networking domain to automation network. Data security is going to be an important factor in this new networking architecture. Paper aim to classify the traffic into normal and malicious classes based on features given in dataset by using various deep learning techniques. The classification of traffic into one of the classes after pre-processing of the dataset is done. We got accuracy score of 99.75% by applying Stacked Auto-Encoder Multi-layer Perceptron (SAE-MLP) which is explained in the paper. Thus, the purpose of network traffic classification using deep learning techniques was fulfilled.
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DLSDN: Deep Learning for DDOS attack detection
in Software Defined Networking
Nisha Ahuja
CSE Dept.
Bennett University
Greater Noida, India
Gaurav Singal
CSE Dept.
Bennett University
Greater Noida, India
Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay
CSE Dept.
Bennett University
Greater Noida, India
Abstract—Software defined networking is going to
be an essential part of networking domain which moves the
traditional networking domain to automation network. Data
security is going to be an important factor in this new networking
architecture. Paper aim to classify the traffic into normal and
malicious classes based on features given in dataset by using
various deep learning techniques. The classification of traffic into
one of the classes after pre-processing of the dataset is done. We
got accuracy score of 99.75% by applying Stacked Auto-Encoder
Multi-layer Perceptron (SAE-MLP) which is explained in the
paper. Thus, the purpose of network traffic classification using
deep learning techniques was fulfilled.
Index Terms—Software-Defined Networking (SDN),
Mininet Emulator, DDOS attack dataset, Deep Learning
The purpose of SDN is to centralize the network
architecture. Thus in opposite of traditional network, where
the two layers of control and data are tied together, in SDN
there is only one control plane (SDN controller) for all the
switches. Control plane perform routing of traffic and data
plane is responsible for simple forwarding of the data packets.
There are nine different attacks possible on SDN
namely Network Manipulation, Traffic Diversion, Side channel
attack, App manipulation, Denial of Service (DoS), ARP
Spoofing, API exploitation, Traffic sniffing and password
guessing. The attack we are dealing with here is Distributed
Denial-of-Service (DDoS) [1]. DDoS is an extended form of
DoS attack. DoS is cyber-attack in which the motto is to make
a machine unavailable for users by disrupting services of the
host and it is accomplished by flooding the target with requests
and overloading the system. In Distributed DoS (DDoS) the
requests are sent from many different sources which makes
stopping the attack impossible opposite to when one source is
attacking because one source can be blocked but many sources
are difficult to identify and block.
In this work, we have been provided with a cus-
tomized Software Defined Network (SDN) based dataset pro-
vided by In this dataset there are three different
types of attacks which has been done. The various attacks
which has been done are as follows:
Authors are motivated to work on this particular
attack because this is the devastating attack and still work
on this attack is continuing. So authors make an effort to
apply the Deep learning techniques against DDOS attack.
Machine learning techniques has already been applied by
various authors but Deep learning techniques are more efficient
and automatically detect the features which can be used to
detect the attack. The different attack classes which are present
in the dataset are
Spoofed TCP-SYN attack.
Spoofed UDP flooding attack.
Spoofed ICMP flooding attack.
The organization of the paper is as follows: Sec-
tion II discusses Related Work whereas Section III illustrates
the algorithm used, Section IV illustrates the Methodology
Used, Section V presents the Results and Section VI ends
with Conclusion.
Traffic classification is one of the most important
areas of network management. There are broadly three ap-
proaches for network traffic classification: port-based approach
that is simple and fast but can be easily manipulated and thus
not reliable; Deep packet inspection with good results but can
only be used for unencrypted traffic and in real world most of
data/traffic is encrypted and finally artificial-intelligence based
approach. Later is considered to be reliable and is the main
focus of our work for the rest of this paper. The choice of
the deep neural network (DNN) based model depends highly
on the dataset at hand. For an unencrypted network, traffic
features can be extracted automatically using a Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN).
Wang et al. [2] proposed HAST-IDS, that auto-
matically learns network traffic features using a CNN for
learning the spatial features, followed by LSTM layers to learn
temporal features. So, the paper used the combination of CNN
and LSTM to achieve good results. Because the features are
learned automatically, it has reduced the False Alarm Rate.
The author has used Darpa and ISCX-12 dataset to validate
Vinaykumar et. al. [3] proposed yet another method
for using CNN and LSTM layers for network intrusion de-
tection. Their work models network traffic as a time-series,
in a predefined time range. Although their work was based
on NSL-KDD dataset, we found that our dataset , after the
required pre-processing becomes similar to that dataset and
978-0-7381-3160-3/21/$31.00 c
2021 IEEE
hence a similar procedure can be applied. The method is very
similar to sentiment classification or time series classification
with CNN-LSTM. Although the model complexity is high,
and training is very slow we have included this model in our
study for theoretical purposes.
Niyaz et. al. [4] advocated the use of stacked autoen-
coder (SAE) for dimensionality reduction for a dataset similar
to ours with statistical and count features. The reduced features
can then be fed to an MLP or some machine learning models
of low complexity for final classification.
Phang et. al. [5] gives a novel method for DDoS
attack identification along with mitigation. The method first
identifies different protocols in the traffic. For each protocol
data, a unique Linear support vector classifier (SVC) first
classify flow entries from OpenFlow switches. In the case that
a flow’s position is located between two margin lines in the
Linear SVC representation, inference from a Self-organizing
map (SOM) is used to make a final decision.
Abdul et. al. [6] gives a SDN architecture which is a
cloud based architecture. The architecture has large number of
controllers, multiple switches and a monitoring cloud server
which increase the reliability. The architecture includes three
User checking phase.
Controller Selection Phase.
User and Controller interaction phase.
In this model, the traffic flows from user is analyzed by
considering the following features and policies i.e. Alert,
Quarantine, Block, Discard and Move. The algorithm can
detect and prevent flow table attack, control plane attack and
Byzantine attacks.
In this section we describe the deep learning algo-
rithms used for detecting the DDOS attack.
Convolution neural network: In neural network CNN [7]
is the famous model for image classification. But a
variant of it, CNN-1D is applicable for text data as it is
successfully applied to recommender system and various
natural language processing tasks in which it give good
performance. The important advantage of this algorithm
is its ability to automatically detect the important features
without any human intervention. The block diagram of
CNN-1D is shown in figure 1 below which shows the
architecture of CNN when 1-D data is presented. Figure
1 shows the architecture of Convolution Neural Network
when applied to one dimensional data. When it is applied
to one dimensional data the variant of Convolution 2D is
used, other layers remain the same.
Recurrent Neural Network is best for time series data [8]
where current state depends on previous states. As the
name suggests the network is recurrent and there is a
single layer which works as many layers as shown below
X (t) means input at time t
Fig. 1. CNN-1D Architecture [2]
Fig. 2. RNN Architecture [9]
O (t) means output at time t
S(t) means state at time t
W means Weight (Constant)
Figure 2 represents the RNN representation where the
output at any time is a function of present npt and
previous output. As the network gets deeper for RNN
vanishing gradient problem (gradient¡1) arises where the
model learns negligible, thus model isn’t able to reach its
optimal state or exploding gradient problem (gradient¿1)
arises which is vice versa, thus model is going far from
its optimal state.
Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM): LSTM [10] is a
special case of RNN. RNN [11] are used when the
gap between the past information and place where the
information is needed is small. But as the gap increases,
RNN cannot work. But LSTM do not have any such
disadvantage. LSTM are used to solve the problem of
long term dependency. The problem of RNN has been
solved by the LSTM architecture. LSTM architecture has
been discussed as a combination of input gate layer and
tanh layer which decides what information we are going
to get from the cell state and what new information we
can add to the cell state respectively. Figure 3 represents
the LSTM cell which overcome the RNN shortcoming.
CNN-LSTM: LSTM are the special case of RNN for
solving long range dependency. LSTM is used for long
range sequence prediction and CNN is used for feature
extraction. This combination makes them suitable for var-
ious task including natural language processing problems
where CNNs are used as feature extractors and LSTMs
on audio and textual input data. Figure 4 shows the
architecture of CNN-LSTM [13] used in our work.
684 2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence 2021)
Fig. 3. LSTM Architecture [12]
Fig. 4. CNN-LSTM Architecture
SVC-SOM: Most of the supervised deep learning algo-
rithms tend to have high model complexity, this results
in larger time for convergence of the models. A faster
and efficient method will aid in the intrusion detection
process. In the method followed we use Linear SVCs
along with an unsupervised deep learning method called
Self Organizing Map [7](SOM) .There is a unique SVC
for each protocol type present in the data. As the dataset
consists of three protocols TCP, UDP and ICMP, there
are three linear SVCs in the model.
Figure 12 shows the SOM plotted for the TCP data of
our dataset. The color bar shows the mean inter neuron
distance where the higher value indicate a homogenous
cluster and lower values indicate the less homogenous
cluster. At first the Linear SVCs classify the flow entries
from OpenFlow switches. The Linear Support Vector
Fig. 5. SAE [14]
Classifier learns a linear decision boundary accompa-
nied by two margin lines equidistant from the decision
boundary, to classify points from two classes. However,
depending upon the separating hyperplane and the width
of the margin learned by the SVC, some data points
may lie within the two margins. These data points can
be misclassified as the region is allowed to encompass
points from both the classes. So for the data points lying
within the two margin, called suspicious points, inference
from SOM is used for the final classification. SOM is
an unsupervised deep learning technique. It is similar to
clustering algorithms popular in data mining literature,
although the method employed is very different. The
clusters learned by the SOM also depend upon the neigh-
boring clusters(neurons) in the map . This neighborhood
is determined by the initial radius set for the SOM ,which
decays over time. The training process should be stopped
when changes made in the map start becoming minimal
or insignificant. There are deeper details relating to the
various hyperparameters employed. In our method we
have used multiple SOMs along with multiple SVCs for
the classification. This resulted in better results at an
expense of greater time for learning. When we tried with
three different SOMs along with three different SVCs for
each protocol, we found that the later method yields more
accurate results at the cost of a greater training time.
SAE-MLP: Stacked autoencoder comprised of number
of autoencoders tied together where the output of one
autoencoder is fed to the input of other and a SoftMax
classifier is later used which is used for feature extraction.
Figure 5 shows the autoencoder [15] in working stage
where it first encode the input and later use decoder to
decode which is a compressed representation of input. An
autoencoder can be think of as a neural network but the
difference between the neural network and autoencoder
is that autoencoder comprised of two parts Encoder and
Decoder resulting in compressed representation of data
than the original one. An autoencoder is an autoencoder
where there is a term of sparsity penalty associated with
autoencoder during training. Sparse autoencoder gener-
ally result in better learning of the model as compared
to autoencoder. Sparse Autoencoder [9] is used in hybrid
with MLP because Multi Layer Perceptron has the curse
of dimensionality and SAE is good for dimensionality
reduction. The only thing that is different is we used
two different optimizers, sgd for the first 10 epochs and
2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence 2021) 685
Fig. 6. Block diagram of methodology followed.
Adam for next 150 epochs, this reduced the training
time considerably. SGD worked with a higher learning
rate while Adam worked with default initial learning
rate. Thus, with a hybrid of SAE-MLP [16] the curse
of dimensionality from MLP was lifted and it performed
considerably better.
In this section, the method which has been followed
in the paper is discussed. Figure 6 below shows the method-
ology which has been followed to achieve the results. We also
show the step by step procedure of methodology.
1) Data Pre-Processing: The dataset is given to us by
leading India Project Mentor and consists of 22 features
and available in the Mendeley data repository given
in footer 1and are mostly statistical features. In our
dataset, there are three different protocols in the traffic
flows TCP, UDP and ICMP. The label denotes whether
the traffic is attack or normal. The dataset consists of
features defining the source and destination along with
providing information about the bytes, packets, duration
of transfer, speed of transfer etc. Pre-processing involves
removing the redundant entries in the dataset, the redun-
dant entries were the ones with packet rate or byte per
flow or packet per flow as zero because no data exchange
is taking place and thus those entries were dropped.
Next step was identifying the type of the variables i.e.
whether the variable is categorical or numerical and
then encoding the categorical variables. Here, categorical
variables were source, destination, switch and protocol.
All the categorical variables [12] were encoded by using
one- hot-encoding. Then we tried to find the correlation
of the input features with the output features and the
accuracy of various machine learning classifiers and
deep neural networks by heatmap plot and correlation
techniques. The data column was found to be redundant
while all other features held importance, thus the date
feature was dropped. Lastly normalization [17] of the
Fig. 7. Confusion Matrix [11]
numeric features was performed and the pre-processing
was done.
2) Apply Machine Learning classifiers: In this step we
apply various Deep learning classifiers which have been
discussed in section 3. The dataset is trained on a
particular model and then it is tested on the unseen data.
3) Evaluation :In this step the applied models were evalu-
ated using metrics of accuracy, precision, recall, F-score,
False positive rate and false negative rate.
Accuracy= tp+tn/tp+tn+fp+fn
Precision= tp/tp+fp
Recall= tp/tp+fn
Here, tp- true positives tn- true negatives fp– false
positives fn– false negatives
These values are derived from something known as
confusion matrix shown in figure 7, which gives a
comparison of the true labels to labels predicted by
the model. True negative is the count of values, which
are actually not positive and also predicted to be not
positive. False negative is the count of values which are
predicted to be not positive but actually positive. False
positive is the count of values which are predicted to be
positive but actually not positive.
Thus, accuracy is the number of correctly predicted
values divided by total number of predictions. Posi-
tive precision is number of correctly predicted positive
values from the total number of values predicted as
positive. Negative precision is number of correctly pre-
dicted negative values from the total number of values
predicted as negative. Positive recall is total number
of correctly predicted positive values over total actual
positive values. Negative recall is total number correctly
predicted negative predictions over total actual negative
values. F1-score is the harmonic mean [14] of precision
686 2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence 2021)
Model Acc NPrec APrec NRecall ARecall NFScore AFScore FPR FNR
CNN 0.9874 0.9875 0.9873 0.9890 0.9855 0.9883 0.9864 0.0144 0.0109
LSTM 0.9560 0.9620 0.9490 0.9564 0.9556 0.9592 0.9523 0.0443 0.0435
CNN-LSTM 0.9948 0.9943 0.9955 0.9966 0.9926 0.9954 0.9940 0.0073 0.0033
SVC-SOM 0.9545 0.9671 0.9375 0.9540 0.9551 0.9605 0.9462 0.0448 0.0459
SAE-MLP 0.9975 0.9996 0.9969 0.9977 0.9994 0.9987 0.9982 0.0005 0.0022
Fig. 8. CNN-LSTM Classification loss
Fig. 9. CNN-LSTM classification accuracy
and recall. False positive rate is count of actual false
positive values over number of predicted positive values.
False negative rate is the count of actual false negatives
over number of predicted negatives. Accuracy, precision,
Recall and F1-score is to be maximized while false
positive rate and false negative rate is to be minimized
for optimization.
4) Hyperparameter Tuning: After the evaluation of the
dataset is done further improvements can be done by
means of hyper-parameter tuning. Various hyperparam-
eters which has been used included are the number of
layers, the number of epoch, the regularization parameter
which when tuned give optimized results.
Fig. 10. SAE-MLP classification accuracy
Fig. 11. SAE Reconstruction loss
In this section we show the result obtained in terms
of the accuracy achieved when applying a classification algo-
Figure 8, 9 shows the CNN-LSTM Classification
loss and accuracy vs number of epoch. Figure 10, 11 shows the
SAE Reconstruction accuracy and loss vs number of epoch.
Lesser the loss higher is the reconstruction accuracy. Table 1
shows the accuracy of different classification algorithms with
the highest classification accuracy of 99.75% with SAE-MLP
algorithm. Figure 13 shows the classifications models accuracy
comparison chart.
2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence 2021) 687
Fig. 12. SOM for TCP data
Fig. 13. Comparison of classification models
We have done traffic classification of Software de-
fined network traffic which was given to us by Leading
India. We have used various deep learning techniques for
classifying the traffic into normal or malicious classes. Out of
which Stacked Auto-Encoder-MLP achieved highest accuracy
of 99.75%.
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688 2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence 2021)
... The KDD Cup 99 dataset is used for testing, and the results demonstrate efficient DDoS attack detection and mitigation [23]. The goal of this paper is to use a variety of deep learning algorithms to categorize the traffic into normal and harmful classes based on features extracted from the dataset [24]. The authors of this study [25] have created a novel deep learning architecture called the Cybernet model, concentrating on 1D CNN and LSTM architectures. ...
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Citation: Raza, M.S.; Sheikh, M.N.A.; Hwang, I.-S.; Ab-Rahman, M.S. Feature-Selection-Based DDoS Attack Detection Using AI Algorithms. Telecom 2024, 5, 333-346. https:// Abstract: SDN has the ability to transform network design by providing increased versatility and effective regulation. Its programmable centralized controller gives network administration employees more authority, allowing for more seamless supervision. However, centralization makes it vulnerable to a variety of attack vectors, with distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks posing a serious concern. Feature selection-based Machine Learning (ML) techniques are more effective than traditional signature-based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) at identifying new threats in the context of defending against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. In this study, NGBoost is compared with four additional machine learning (ML) algorithms: convolutional neural network (CNN), Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Decision Tree, and Random Forest, in order to assess the effectiveness of DDoS detection on the CICDDoS2019 dataset. It focuses on important measures such as F1 score, recall, accuracy, and precision. We have examined NeTBIOS, a layer-7 attack, and SYN, a layer-4 attack, in our paper. Our investigation shows that Natural Gradient Boosting and Convolutional Neural Networks, in particular, show promise with tabular data categorization. In conclusion, we go through specific study results on protecting against attacks using DDoS. These experimental findings offer a framework for making decisions.
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Software Defined network (SDN), as a new network architecture, is the direction of future network development. By decoupling the control plane and data plane of the network, the control and management of network resources can be improved. However, SDN centralized controllers become the target of malicious attacks, prone to the risk of single point of failure, of which DDoS attacks are the main attack behavior. Through extensive literature investigation, this paper systematically reviews the latest progress of DDoS attack detection in SDN environment. Firstly, the SDN architecture and corresponding DDoS attacks are described, and the commonly used data sets and evaluation indicators are summarized. Secondly, the data preprocessing technology is summarized, and the data dimensionality reduction technology is introduced in detail. Then, at the level of detection technology, it focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of detection algorithms based on statistical analysis, machine learning and deep learning. Finally, the challenges of current research are analyzed, and the future development direction is forecasted. In order to provide reference for future research and development, at the same time, it is of great significance to improve the safety of SDN products in the future.
... In [35], they conducted traffic classification on Software-Defined Network (SDN) traffic provided by Leading India. They employed diverse DL approaches to categorize the traffic into either normal or malicious classes. ...
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As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various industries, the significance of robust software architecture in AI-enabled systems becomes paramount. This research abstract presents a comprehensive review aimed at exploring and elucidating the pivotal role of software architecture within AI-infused systems. The abstract begins by outlining the current landscape of AI integration into diverse domains and underscores the critical need for sophisticated software architectures to accommodate the complexities inherent in AI systems. Drawing upon a synthesis of existing literature and case studies, this research identifies key challenges, including scalability, flexibility, adaptability, and security, that confront architects in designing and implementing AI-powered software systems. Furthermore, this abstract delves into the emergent paradigms, methodologies, and best practices in software architecture tailored specifically for AI systems. It outlines a proposed framework that amalgamates established architectural principles with AI-specific considerations, aiming to guide architects in designing resilient, scalable, and efficient AI-integrated software systems. The abstract concludes by emphasizing the necessity of continual adaptation and evolution in software architecture to meet the evolving demands and advancements in AI technology. This research sets the stage for further in-depth exploration, providing a foundational understanding of the symbiotic relationship between software architecture and AI systems, fostering innovation and progress in this rapidly evolving field.
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A machine learning based Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack detection system, implemented in a virtual SDN environment testbed, has been presented in this paper. This system identifies whether any incoming traffic in a network is a DDoS type or not. To implement this approach, we applied AdaBoosting with decision stump as a weak classifier to train our model on a private network dataset in SDN environment. Our model showed up to 93% detection accuracy with a low false-positive rate. We have also tested and compared our model’s accuracy with different machine learning algorithms and presented the result.
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Software Defined Networking (SDN) has many advantages over a traditional network. The great advantage of SDN is that the network control is physically separated from forwarding devices. SDN can solve many security issues of a legacy network. Nevertheless, SDN has many security vulnerabilities. The biggest issue of SDN vulnerabilities is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The DDoS attack on SDN becomes an important problem, and varieties of methods had been applied for detection and mitigation purposes. The objectives of this paper are to propose a detection method of DDoS attacks by using SDN based technique that will disturb the legitimate user's activities at the minimum and to propose Advanced Support Vector Machine (ASVM) technique as an enhancement of existing Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to detect DDoS attacks. ASVM technique is a multiclass classification method consisting of three classes. In this paper, we can successfully detect two types of flooding-based DDoS attacks. Our detection technique can reduce the training time as well as the testing time by using two key features, namely, the volumetric and the asymmetric features. We evaluate the results by measuring a false alarm rate, a detection rate, and accuracy. The detection accuracy of our detection technique is approximately 97% with the fastest training time and testing time.
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The upcoming fifth generation (5G) mobile technology, which includes advanced communication features, is posing new challenges on cybersecurity defense systems. Although innovative approaches have evolved in the last few years, 5G will make existing intrusion detection and defense procedures become obsolete in case they are not adapted accordingly. In this sense, this article proposes a novel 5G-oriented cyberdefense architecture to identify cyberthreats in 5G mobile networks efficient and quickly enough. For this, our architecture uses deep learning techniques to analyze network traffic by extracting features from network flows. Moreover, our proposal allows adapting, automatically, the configuration of the cyberdefense architecture in order to manage traffic fluctuation, aiming both to optimize the computing resources needed in each particular moment and to fine tune the behavior and performance of analysis and detection processes. Experiments using a well-known botnet dataset depict how a neural network model reaches a sufficient classification accuracy in our anomaly detection system. Extended experiments using diverse deep learning solutions analyze and determine their suitability and performance for different network traffic loads. The experimental results show how our architecture can selfadapt the anomaly detection system based on the volume of network flows gathered from 5G subscribers’ User Equipments (UE) in real-time and optimizing the resource consumption.
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The development of an anomaly-based intrusion detection system (IDS) is a primary research direction in the field of intrusion detection. An IDS learns normal and anomalous behavior by analyzing network traffic and can detect unknown and new attacks. However, the performance of an IDS is highly dependent on feature design, and designing a feature set that can accurately characterize network traffic is still an ongoing research issue. Anomaly-based IDSs also have the problem of a high false alarm rate (FAR), which seriously restricts their practical applications. In this paper, we propose a novel IDS called the hierarchical spatial-temporal features-based intrusion detection system (HAST-IDS), which first learns the low-level spatial features of network traffic using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and then learns high-level temporal features using long short-term memory (LSTM) networks. The entire process of feature learning is completed by the deep neural networks automatically; no feature engineering techniques are required. The automatically learned traffic features effectively reduce the FAR. The standard DARPA1998 and ISCX2012 datasets are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. The experimental results show that the HAST-IDS outperforms other published approaches in terms of accuracy, detection rate and FAR, which successfully demonstrates its effectiveness in both feature learning and FAR reduction.
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a next generation network that provides the hypermedia services as data, voice and video to users. Due to high level requirements for IMS services, new kinds of network attacks are endlessly emerging. Thus, it is of paramount importance to protect the networks from attacks. Consequently, the Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are quickly becoming a popular requirement in building a network security infrastructure. Securing service and signalization is a vital feature in the IMS network. Signaling is generally based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) which offers numerous challenges regarding security which causes issues in IMS network. This work presents a study of SIP protocol and discovers the critical security vulnerabilities in the course of registration phase. We focused on DDoS attacks on IMS server using SIP particularly with REGISTER message and proposed a scheme based on multi agent systems for intrusion detection which takes the advantage of the distributed paradigm to implement an efficient distributed system, as well as the integration of existing techniques, i.e., the well-known IDS SNORT.
In this Modern era, Software Defined Network (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), and cloud computing participating of Fifth Generation (5G) network emergence. This paper presents a robust security scheme to provide fortification against major threats along with user privacy in 5G network, two additional entities are introduced. For mobile users, initial authentication is provided at access points by an inventive Highly Secured Authentication and Handover Mechanism (HSAOHM) scheme. Which minimize handover latency without loss of user privacy. Then the authorized user packets are arrived at dispatcher in which a novel Tree Based Switch Assignment (TBSA) algorithm is incorporated. TBSA mitigates the flow table overloading attack by assigning packets to underloaded switches. In controller, DDoS attack is detected with the assist of entropy analysis. Then the suspicious packets are redirected to scrubbing Virtual Network Function (sVNF) in cloud. In sVNF, suspicious packets are classified into normal packets and malicious packets by using Hybrid Fuzzy with Artificial Neural Network (HF-ANN) classifier based on packet features. Normal packets are allowed to access applications whereas malicious packets are dropped at sVNF. Extensive simulation shows security improvement in 5G network in terms of handover latency, holding time, switch failure rate, detection accuracy, and delay.