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Javanese Script Recognition based on Metric, Eccentricity and Local Binary Pattern

Javanese Script Recognition based on Metric,
Eccentricity and Local Binary Pattern
Ajib Susanto
Department of Informatics Engineering
Dian Nuswantoro University
Semarang, Indonesia
Ibnu Utomo Wahyu Mulyono
Department of Informatics Engineering
Dian Nuswantoro University
Semarang, Indonesia
Christy Atika Sari
Department of Informatics Engineering
Dian Nuswantoro University
Semarang, Indonesia
Eko Hari Rachmawanto
Department of Informatics Engineering
Dian Nuswantoro University
Semarang, Indonesia
De Rosal Ignatius Moses Setiadi
Department of Informatics Engineering
Dian Nuswantoro University
Semarang, Indonesia
Abstract—Handwriting recognition is one of the most
interesting researches in computer vision. Some previous
research has developed and implemented Javanese script
recognition in digital fonts and handwritten, but handwriting
recognition is still not optimal. The contribution to this research
is to improve the recognition accuracy in handwritten Javanese
scripts. The proposed method is to combine metric feature
extraction, eccentricity, and local binary pattern (LBP) which is
further classified with k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). Several
preprocessing stages are carried out so that the features are
extracted optimally. After testing the proposed method
succeeded in improving recognition performance with 92.5%
accuracy, 92.5% recall, and 100% precision on 200 training
data and 40 testing data.
Keywords—OCR, Object Recognition, Classification,
Javanese Script, LBP
Research on object recognition in images is very
interesting on the topic of computer vision. Various methods
are proposed to perform object recognition, such as machine
learning or deep learning to perform object classification[1].
In certain objects, there is not much training data so that it can
be used for deep learning training processes, for example on
Javanese script data. Javanese Script is Javanese regional
writing in Indonesia that is increasingly unpopular due to the
development of the era, so it is rarely used. However, the
Javanese Script needs to be learned. With the help of
computers, learning about Javanese Script will be easier to do,
so further research is needed to improve the accuracy of
recognition in Javanese Script.
Some research, such as [2]–[6] has developed the Javanese
Script recognition method and has even carried out a
translation process such as research [7]–[9]. In carrying out
recognition, classification is one of the most widely used
methods, in which several steps need to be considered, from
the process of data collection, pre-processing, feature
extraction, training, testing, and evaluation. Where each stage
has an important role. It should be noted that a good image
input will facilitate each classification process to produce
good accuracy. But if the preprocessing and feature extraction
processes are not suitable, the classifier will find it difficult to
classify so that it produces non-optimal accuracy.
After the data is collected, several preprocessing stages are
carried out on object recognition. Because the object used in
this research is a handwritten Javanese script, it is necessary
to do some enhancements to get the features of the
handwritten object. Handwriting should be a simple object
because there are not many components there, so there is no
need for a combination of features such as color, texture, and
shape for recognition. Logically, a script does not need color
and texture features, but the shape and pattern features have
more influence on its recognition so that at the end of the pre-
processing, a grayscale or binary image is generally produced.
So it is necessary to carry out various processes that can
produce images that are clean from noise so that objects can
be seen more clearly and features can be extracted properly.
Feature extraction will also be better if it is only done in the
region of interest (ROI) so that the recognition results obtained
are more appropriate.
Bounding box crop is one method to get ROI or important
parts of an image that has been developed in various studies
such as detecting license plates. [10], to visual aesthetic
enhancement [11]–[13]. By using a bounding box, only the
ROI area will be taken, so that the extracted feature will be
centered on the object to be recognized. In this way, you will
get better recognition accuracy, one of the simplest methods
using functions such as regionprops in Matlab.
As discussed earlier, because handwriting does not require
sharing a complex combination of features for recognition. So
to recognize patterns from handwriting features such as
metric, eccentricity [6], and local binary pattern (LBP)[14]
possible be a good feature to recognize. On research Sari et.
al. [6], Hand-written Javanese script has been recognized with
an accuracy of 87.5%. While the research conducted by
Partiningsih et. al.[14] can recognize handwriting ownership
with an accuracy of up to 96.67%. Both of these studies use
K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) as the classifier. From the
literature that has been described, this research proposes a
Javanese Script handwriting recognition method with a
combination of metric, eccentricity, and LBP features based
on the KNN classifier which aims to improve the performance
of object recognition of Javanese Script characters.
Several studies were to investigate beyond that Javanese
script of which is research Herwanto et. al. [2], in his research,
a feature extraction technique based on zones is proposed.
Initially, an image is preprocessed using several processes
such as grayscaling, thresholding, noise removal, crop edge,
and resizing. Next is the process of dividing the zone on the
image to get its feature extraction.
2021 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)
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Another research using Tesseract to recognize Javanese
script in android applications was proposed by Abdul Robby
et. al.[4]. In his research, he used a total of 5880 Javanese
script characters written by hand or in digital fonts. In this
research, the dataset is divided into 6 data sets, wherein one of
the most commonly used sets, namely “ha na ca ra ka”, has
the best accuracy is up to 92.62% for digital fonts, but the best
accuracy in handwriting is only around 61.25%.
Zhangrila [5], proposed the $P algorithm to recognize
Javanese Script. In his research, digital fonts were used as
training data, to recognize handwriting written on the touch
screen of an Android smartphone. This method can produce
up to 80.65% accuracy to recognize the Javanese script “ha na
ca ra ka”. In his research, he also compared Latin alphabet
recognition with an accuracy of 94.91%. This shows that there
is a different accuracy because the Javanese script is more
Another more detailed research was carried out by Sari[6], in her research, it is proposed to extract form features,
namely metric and eccentricity and K-Nearest Neighbor
(KNN) to recognize Javanese script. For the features to be
extracted properly, several preprocessing stages were carried
out such as manually cropping the image, converting to a
binary image with thresholding, filter media to reduce image
noise, converting to a negative image, and dilation process to
strengthen the Javanese script character. The recognition
results are quite high, namely 87.5% of 40 testing data and 200
Javanese script handwritten image training data. Seeing the
relatively small amount of data, the data concluded that the
accuracy produced was relatively very good.
Contrast enhancement, LBP feature, and KNN classifier
proposed by Partiningsih[14] to recognize handwriting
possession. The handwritten image is subjected to several
preprocessing such as RGB to Grayscale conversion and the
addition of 1% contrast. Furthermore, the LBP feature is
extracted with a cell size of 128 pixels. The recognition
accuracy reached 96.67% for 3 classes with 300 training data
and 60 testing data.
From some of the research above, it can be seen that in
research [2] the zoning process still needs to be identified
further, research [4] and [5], just implement the algorithm.
While on [6] and [14] The proposed method can still be
optimized. This research proposes a combination of feature
extraction metrics, eccentricity, and LBP with a KNN
In this research, a metric and eccentricity feature
extraction method with a KNN classifier is proposed to
perform recognition. To optimize the results, a bounding box
crop function is used. The proposed method consists of several
main stages, namely data collection, preprocessing, feature
extraction, training, testing, and evaluation, which are
described in detail in Fig. 1.
A. Data Collection
The dataset used in this research is the same as the research
[6]. There are 240 images, which are divided into 20 classes,
namely, ha na ca ra ka da ta sa wa la pa dha ja ya nya, sample
data can be seen in Fig. 2. All images are images with the
extension png, with a size of 200×120 pixels. The image is a
scanned handwritten Javanese script.
Fig. 1. Proposed Method
Fig. 2. Sample image dataset
B. Preprocessing and Feature Extraction
Preprocessing performed on an image is carried out with
two kinds of treatment as depicted in Fig. 1. The RGB input
image is converted to grayscale, then two different processes
are carried out for two feature extractions. To extract the
metric and eccentricity features, conversion is done to a binary
image, complement image, median filter, and image dilation.
To get the metric features, the area and perimeter values
obtained from the regionprops function are used. The
eccentricity feature can be directly generated by the
Image input
RGB to grayscale
Convert to
binary image
Median Filter
LBP feature
Metric and
Eccentricity feature
KNN Training
KNN Testing
2021 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)
regionprops function. LBP feature extraction is done by
increasing contrast with the imadjust function. Next is the
calculation of the LBP feature with a cell size of 64.
C. Classification and Evaluation
Classification is carried out using KNN, which is carried
out by training and testing processes. Prada training process
used 200 images, while the testing process used 40 images.
Evaluation is done by measuring accuracy, recall, and
Following the proposed method, each handwritten image
of the Javanese script is read and converted to grayscale. The
conversion process is carried out so that the computation
becomes simpler. This is also because the LBP feature
extraction is performed on grayscale images, while the metric
and eccentricity feature on binary images. To obtain the metric
and eccentricity features, the grayscale image is converted into
a binary image as presented in Fig. 3. How to convert
grayscale to a binary image using im2bw function with
parameter 0.9. Furthermore, the binary image is converted to
a negative image, the goal is that the background is black and
the object is white. The median filter is carried out with the
medfilt2 function, its function is to reduce noise. Image noise
needs to be reduced so that the metric and eccentricity
measurements are more accurate. The last step before feature
extraction is to dilate objects with a size of 3×3 pixels.
The metric and eccentricity features are extracted by
utilizing the regionprops function with the area, perimeter, and
eccentricity properties. The feature metric is calculated by Eq.
1. While the eccentricity feature can directly use the
regionprops function property
Fig. 3. Sample preprocessing to get metric and eccentricity features
Fig. 4. Illustration of LBP calculation by dividing the grayscale image into
64×64 cell sizes
LBP feature extraction was performed on grayscale
images with 64×64 cell sizes as illustrated in Fig. 4. After the
LBP, metric, and eccentricity features have been extracted, the
extraction results can then be measured using a confusion
matrix to get accuracy, precision, and recall which can be
calculated with Eq. 2, Eq. 3, and Eq. 4. Detailed image
recognition results are presented in Table 1.
Where TP is true positive, FP is false positive, TN is a true
negative, and FP is a false positive.
Ha 2 0 0 0
Na 2 0 0 0
Ca 2 0 0 0
Ra 2 0 0 0
Ka 2 0 0 0
Da 2 0 0 0
Ta 1 0 0 1
Sa 2 0 0 0
Wa 1 0 0 1
La 2 0 0 0
Ma 1 0 0 1
Ga 2 0 0 0
Ba 2 0 0 0
Tha 2 0 0 0
Nga 2 0 0 0
Pa 2 0 0 0
Dha 2 0 0 0
Ja 2 0 0 0
Ya 2 0 0 0
Nya 2 0 0 0
Sum 37 0 0 3
Fig. 5. Sample of recognition error on one of the Javanese Script characters
Grayscale Image
Binary Image
Negative Image
After median filter
After dilation
2021 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)
Method Accuracy Recall Precision
Sari et. al. [6] 87.5% 87.5% 100%
Partiningsih et. al. [14] 90.0% 90.0% 100%
Proposed Method 92.5% 92.5% 100%
Based on the recognition results presented in Table 1, an
accuracy value of 92.5% can be calculated for accuracy and
recall, while the precision is 100%. It should be noted that the
recognition results presented in Table 1 are the best accuracy
results with a value of K=3. Several errors occur in writing
that are quite similar when viewed visually by humans, for
example in the character "ta" it is detected as the character
"ha" (see Fig. 5), this is possible due to the quality of
handwriting which tends to be poor and inconsistent. Writing
the character “ta” should have a sharper angle in one of the
sections as shown in Fig. 2. This shows that this method
actually has a very good performance, due to recognition
errors due to poor writing quality, and this is also normal and
can happen to humans.
Furthermore, this research was also tested by doing a
comparison with previous research by replicating the same
method and dataset, which used 200 training data and 40
testing data where the results presented were the best K values.
The results of the comparison of the proposed methods are
presented in Table 2. Based on the comparative results
presented in Table 2, it appears that the proposed method has
succeeded in obtaining higher accuracy and recall than
previous research. The combination of the three features is
proven to improve recognition performance.
This research proposes a recognition method that
combines several extraction features, namely metric,
eccentricity, and LBP. Classification is done with the KNN
classifier on the Javanese script handwritten image. Based on
the experimental results, the proposed method can improve
recognition performance which is 92.5% accuracy. These
results can be better than the previous two methods, i.e. 87.5%
and 90.0%. This proves that handwriting recognition is
suitable for using shape and pattern features. For further
research, feature extraction can be combined with deep
learning methods such as deep neural networks or combine
feature extraction with convolution neural networks to
improve recognition performance. In addition, it can also be
tested on datasets with more records and the number of
Authors are grateful for the support for research funding
in 2021 provided by the Ministry of Research and Technology
/ National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia with
number 6/061031/PG/SP2H/JT/2021.
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2021 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)
... Some examples of the eccentricity ratio include (1) circle = 0, (2) line = infinity, (3) ellipse = between 1 and 0, and (4) parabola = 1. It means that if geographical data related to a user are similar to a line, its eccentricity rate is infinity [45][46][47]. Figure 2 indicates some examples of geographical data related to different users. Furthermore, attention mechanisms can be used to address the cold-start problem in POI recommendation systems, where new or infrequent users have limited or no data available for training. ...
... Some examples of the eccentricity ratio include (1) circle = 0, (2) line = infinity, (3) ellipse = between 1 and 0, and (4) parabola = 1. It means that if geographical data related to a user are similar to a line, its eccentricity rate is infinity [45][46][47]. Figure 2 indicates some examples of geographical data related to different users. for three users, (B) trying to find the best shape that its border completely fitted with the trajectory, and (C) a fitted shape for each user's trajectory. ...
... The performance of seven structures is investigated over both datasets Yelp and Gowalla with respect to the number K from the suggested POIs by the utmost offer value. We demonstrate the performance of POI systems only when k ∈ {5, 10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45, 50}, since a larger value of k is commonly ignored. ...
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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in developing next point-of-interest (POI) recommendation systems in both industry and academia. However, current POI recommendation strategies suffer from the lack of sufficient mixing of details of the features related to individual users and their corresponding contexts. To overcome this issue, we propose a deep learning model based on an attention mechanism in this study. The suggested technique employs an attention mechanism that focuses on the pattern’s friendship, which is responsible for concentrating on the relevant features related to individual users. To compute context-aware similarities among diverse users, our model employs six features of each user as inputs, including user ID, hour, month, day, minute, and second of visiting time, which explore the influences of both spatial and temporal features for the users. In addition, we incorporate geographical information into our attention mechanism by creating an eccentricity score. Specifically, we map the trajectory of each user to a shape, such as a circle, triangle, or rectangle, each of which has a different eccentricity value. This attention-based mechanism is evaluated on two widely used datasets, and experimental outcomes prove a noteworthy improvement of our model over the state-of-the-art strategies for POI recommendation.
... Several studies to digitize Javanese script have been carried out, such as in the [16]- [19]. Previous research [17] proposed a recognition method with a machine learning approach with a KNN classifier and feature extraction roundness and eccentricity. ...
... An accuracy of 87.5% is achieved by this method. In further research [19], A similar method was developed and then another feature extraction was added, namely the Local Binary Pattern (LBP). The test results show an increase of 5%, to 92.5% with the same dataset. ...
... When taking handwritten objects, several things occur in the form of different writing, the thickness of the writing, and things that are sometimes taken for granted, namely contrast. Research [19], has developed research [17], by enriching the extraction feature so that the classifier can more easily recognize the form of writing written by different people. This study develops the method proposed method [17], [19] by adding an adaptive threshold [21] to improve the results of the binarization process so that objects are clearer in handwriting with different contrast and thickness of writing. ...
... Research on Javanese script recognition in digital images has been carried out. Some of the latest research are [1], [8]- [13], [15], [16], [23]. From some of these studies, several studies use machine learning (ML) such as [1], [8], [10]- [12], [15], [16], [23], and others use deep learning (DL) [9], [13], [22], [24]. ...
... Some of the latest research are [1], [8]- [13], [15], [16], [23]. From some of these studies, several studies use machine learning (ML) such as [1], [8], [10]- [12], [15], [16], [23], and others use deep learning (DL) [9], [13], [22], [24]. ML has relatively lighter computations than DL, but the accuracy performance of DL methods is generally better than ML methods. ...
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Handwriting recognition in Javanese script is not widely developed with deep learning (DL). Previous DL and machine learning (ML) research is generally limited to basic characters (Carakan) only. This study proposes a deep learning model using a custom-built convolutional neural network to improve recognition accuracy performance and reduce computational costs. The main features of handwritten objects are textures, edges, lines, and shapes, so convolution layers are not designed in large numbers. This research maximizes optimization of other layers such as pooling, activation function, fully connected layer, optimizer, and parameter settings such as dropout and learning rate. There are eleven main layers used in the proposed custom convolutional neural network (CNN) model, namely four convolution layers+activation function, four pooling layers, two fully connected layers, and a softmax classifier. Based on the test results on the Javanese script handwritten image dataset with 120 classes consisting of 20 basic character classes and 100 compound character classes, the resulting accuracy is 97.29%.
... Next we will focus on feature extraction and classification methods Several classification methods used in previous studies are k-NN [3], [4], neural networks [4]- [7], CNN [7]- [9], and SVM [10]. And several feature extraction in handwritten Javanese letter are zoning [11], ICZ-ZCZ [12]- [14], LBP [10], [15], [16], and HOG [17], [18]. Budhi [9]. ...
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Indonesia consists of various regional tribes, where each tribe has cultural diversity and some even have their own regional letters, like Javanese tribe has Javanese characters. Javanese letters consist of 20 basic letters called Nglegena script. Subject about Javanese language is delivered to elementary student until now aims to preserve Indonesian culture especially the Javanese. In this study, we present two feature extraction methods are Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Profile Projection (PP). Neural Network (NN) chosen as classifiers for classifying 20 javanese letters Nglegena. Some digital image processing processes are carried out, are image inversion, dilation, denoising and skeletoning. The Javanese script dataset is taken from the Kaggle database with the name Aksara Jawa: Aksara Jawa Custom Dataset, consists of 2154 train images and 480 test images. The experiment were carried out in two models, Projection Profile Histogram - Neural Network (PPH-NN) and Local Binary Pattern Histogram - Neural Network (LBPH-NN). The experiment show that both feature extraction methods have very good performance, 99.98% PPH-NN and 89.6% LBPH-NN on average.
... Susanto's following research added metrics and eccentricity features. The addition of these two features increased the accuracy of kNN classifier to 92.5% [31]. In another research, Susanto et al. [32] use median filter and thresholding as preprocessing and HOG features. ...
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The handwriting produced by each person is unique, so each person has a different stroke, even though they write the same letter. Handwritten Javanese is an exciting topic to study, in addition to scientific purposes and preserving Indonesian culture. The Javanese character image dataset is aksara Jawa: aksara Jawa custom dataset from the Kaggle database consists of 2,154 train data and 480 evaluation data. This research proposed to analyze the impact of some preprocessing methods in recognizing handwritten Javanese characters. The preprocessing methods are dilation, skeletonization, and noise reduction. The first process is segmentation for region of interest (ROI) extraction, then various preprocessing is used, and finally, the recognition step neural network (NN) to measure the effectiveness of the preprocessing method. The experiment shows that all preprocessing methods (dilation, skeletonization, and noise reduction) give excellent results, especially on the black background color, reaching 98% accuracy. Other experimental findings show that in any preprocessing combination, the black background accuracy is better than the white one.
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Many Javanese manuscripts in Indonesia are stored in museums and libraries. Most of these manuscripts were written using local scripts that are rarely used in everyday life, and hence a software application that can help and improve the reading of these manuscripts is valuable. An essential step in automatic manuscript image transliteration is post-processing, which involves editing and concatenating syllables into words. The main problem of post-processing is that there exists no symbol for space between words in a sentence, which is called the scriptio-continua problem. This paper proposes methods based on the backtracking algorithm to solve the scriptio continua in the post-processing step of Javanese manuscript image transliteration. The proposed methods use a depth-first search in seeking relevant candidate words to determine whether to merge a new syllable or not. The results of the proposed methods to concatenate 17,687 syllables from the Hamong Tani book using a dictionary containing 49,801 words are found to be satisfactory in terms of computation and accuracy. The accuracy of the implemented greedy and brute-force methods is both 81.64%. However, the greedy-based method is more efficient and has a better performance than the brute-force method.
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Recognising characters from text have been a popular topic in the computer vision area. The application can benefit to many problems in the world. For example: recognising text in documents, classifying the text or scripts of documents, plate recognition, etc. Many researchers have been developed the methods for recognising characters in by using Optical Character Recognition methods. Although text recognition problem using Optical Character Recognition has been more or less solved, most of the Optical Character Recognition problem explored is belong to Latin alphabet texts. Meanwhile, there are several languages have non-Latin scripts as the written text. Recognising a non-Latin script is quite challenging as the contour and shape of the text are relatively different with a Latin script text. This research aims to collect datasets for OCR in Javanese characters. A total of 5880 characters were collected and trained with several methods with Tesseract OCR tools. The models then be implemented to a mobile phone (Android based). The highest accuracy (97,50%) achieved by the model was achieved by combining single boundary box for the whole parts of the character and the separate boundary boxes in main body and sandangan parts.
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The Javanese language has millions of speakers, making it one of the most widely-used languages in Indonesia and in the world at large. While the Javanese language still thrives in daily conversation, the number of users of Javanese script, the traditional script of the language, decreases every day. Many applications have been built to increase awareness and educate the public in the Javanese script, some of them using on stroke detection or image recognition to translate Javanese script for the user. $P stroke recognition was invented by Radu-Daniel Vatavu and friends in 2012 and has been tested to a high accuracy level in the detection of Latin alphabet characters and in sign detection. With the assumption that Javanese script can be recognized better, we evaluated the $P algorithm in detecting Javanese script using Cross-Validation and Micro- and Macro-average evaluation measure rule. A touchscreen Android-based application was built using Unity Engine.
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We study the problem of photo cropping, which aims to find a cropping window of an input image to preserve as much as possible its important parts while being aesthetically pleasant. Seeking a deep learning-based solution, we design a neural network that has two branches for attention box prediction (ABP) and aesthetics assessment (AA), respectively. Given the input image, the ABP network predicts an attention bounding box as an initial minimum cropping window, around which a set of cropping candidates are generated with little loss of important information. Then, the AA network is employed to select the final cropping window with the best aesthetic quality among the candidates. The two sub-networks are designed to share the same full-image convolutional feature map, and thus are computationally efficient. By leveraging attention prediction and aesthetics assessment, the cropping model produces high-quality cropping results, even with the limited availability of training data for photo cropping. The experimental results on benchmark datasets clearly validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. In addition, our approach runs at 5 fps, outperforming most previous solutions.
The detection of text in an image and identification of its language are important tasks in optical character recognition. Such tasks are challenging, particularly in natural scene images. Previous studies have been conducted with a focus on convolutional neural networks for script identification. In other studies, fully convolutional networks (FCNs) have been used for model enhancement and not as classifiers. In this study, we use FCNs for both model enhancement and classification. The proposed methodology improves the Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector by adding new FCN branches for script identification. Moreover, whereas most end-to-end (e2e) methods train the text detection and script identification models separately, we propose two e2e methods for jointly training the models, namely, multi-channel mask (MCM) and multi-channel segmentation (MCS). The results show that the performance of an MCM is similar to that of other state-of-the-art methods, whereas MCS outperforms existing methods with recall values of 54.34% and 81.13%, when using the ICDAR MLT 2017 and MLe2e datasets, respectively.