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Exploiting the Relationship between Software Dependencies and Coordination through Visualization


Abstract and Figures

Large software development projects require management of dependencies by managers and developers to ensure the smooth coordination of work. Based on theoretical predictions and empirical observations (ours and from others) that dependencies between software components create dependencies between the developers implementing those components, we created Ariadne, a visualization tool designed as a plug-in for Eclipse. Ariadne aims to explore this socio-technical relationship by translating technical dependencies into dependencies among software developers presented in a social network graph. Here, we describe a revised visualization that preserves the ease of identifying connections found in social network graphs but also facilitates efficient identification of dependency information needed to coordinate developers' work. We have evaluated the visualization using multiple inspection methods appropriate for visual interfaces. The results of our evaluation indicate significant improvements over the graph-based approach and suggest important avenues for future work.
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Exploiting the Relationship between Software
Dependencies and Coordination through Visualization
Cleidson de Souza1,2
Erik Trainer1
Stephen Quirk1
David Redmiles1
1Donald Bren School of Information and Computer
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA, USA – 92667
2Departamento de Informática
Universidade Federal do Pa
Belém, PA, Brazil – 66075, {etrainer, squirk, redmiles}
Large software development projects require management of
dependencies by managers and developers to ensure the smooth
coordination of work. Based on theoretical predictions and
empirical observations (ours and from others) that dependencies
between software components create dependencies between the
developers implementing those components, we created Ariadne,
a visualization tool designed as a plug-in for Eclipse. Ariadne
aims to explore this socio-technical relationship by translating
technical dependencies into dependencies among software
developers presented in a social network graph. Here, we describe
a revised visualization that preserves the ease of identifying
connections found in social network graphs but also facilitates
efficient identification of dependency information needed to
coordinate developers’ work. We have evaluated the visualization
using multiple inspection methods appropriate for visual
interfaces. The results of our evaluation indicate significant
improvements over the graph-based approach and suggest
important avenues for future work.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
D.2.2 [Software Engineering]: Design Tools and Techniques
user interfaces. H.5.3 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]:
Group and Organization Interfaces collaborative computing,
computer-supported cooperative work; H.1.2 [Models and
Principles]: User/Machine Systems human factors, human
information processing.
General Terms: Design, Human Factors.
Keywords: Collaborative software development; socio-
technical dependencies; visualization; awareness; coordination.
It has been long recognized that breakdowns in communication
and coordination efforts constitute a major problem in
collaborative software development [5]. One of the reasons for
these problems is the large number of dependencies among
activities in the software development process and the
dependencies among different software artifacts. To overcome
this problem, the field of software engineering has developed
tools, approaches, and principles to deal with dependencies.
Configuration management and issue-tracking systems are
examples of such tools, while the adoption of software
development processes [14] exemplifies an organizational
approach. One of the most important and influential principles
used to manage dependencies is Parnas’ information hiding [24].
According to this principle, software modules should be both
“open (for extension and adaptation) and closed (to avoid
modifications that affect clients)” [20]. Information hiding aims to
decrease the dependency (or coupling) between two modules so
that changes to one do not impact the other.
This relationship between software dependencies and the
coordination of the work holds even when modular decomposition
is applied, i.e., software developers who are supposed to work
independently because of the usage of software interfaces, still
need to communicate and coordinate to guarantee a smooth flow
of work [11]. Despite this acknowledged relationship between
dependencies and communication and coordination needs [4,24],
this relationship has not been explored to facilitate software
development activities. In fact, software development is a strong
candidate for exploring this relationship since (i) dependencies
among software components can be automatically identified, and
(ii) software is malleable, i.e., their dependencies, if so desired,
can be more or less easily changed, and consequently the
coordination effort of those developing it. Ariadne, the tool
described in this p aper, was created with the aim of reducing this
gap and exploring this socio-technical relationship to support
software d evelopers’ daily activities. The contribution of this
paper is the presentation of Ariadne. Initially, Ariadne used a
traditional graph-based visualization approach, but our attempts to
visualize the complete set of this information proved to be
unmanageable for large software projects due to the number of
connections and variability of the graph layout. Therefore, we
designed and evaluated a new visualization using multiple
inspection methods. The results of this evaluation indicate
significant improvements over the traditional graph-based
approach and suggest important avenues for future work.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In the following
section we review previous research efforts into the socio-
technical relationship between software dependencies and
coordination of software development. Then, in section 3 we
briefly present Ariadne and its approach for analyzing
dependencies in software development projects. After that, we
present our revised visualization method. Section 5 and 6 present
the results of the evaluations that we have performed of the
visualization. We conclude in section 7 and present avenues for
future work.
2.1 Software Dependencies
Software engineers have long recognized the need to deal with
dependencies between software components. For example,
dependency analysis techniques have focused on programs [13,
25], component-based systems [30], and software architectures
[28]. Minimizing dependencies facilitates several tasks in
software development. For instance, program dependencies are
used to improv e software testing, maintenance, parallelization,
computer security, and code optimization [25]. Component
dependency analysis is crucial to effective maintenance,
evolution, testing, debugging, and management of component-
based systems [30]. In addition, architectural dependency analysis
techniques can be used to support architectural reuse, change
impact analysis, regression testing, and software understanding.
Dependence relationships in software engineering have also been
studied under the name traceability. In this case, instead of
focusing on the source code or the software architecture, the focus
is on dependency relationships between artifacts. Software
traceability is defined as “the ability to relate artifacts created
during the development of a software system to describe the
system from different perspectives and levels of abstraction with
each other, the stakeholders that have contributed to the creation
of the artifacts, and the rationale that explains the form of the
artifacts” [27]. In a survey of the area, Spanoudakis and Zisman
[27] identified seven possible types of relationships between
software artifacts, dependence being one of them. The existence
of a dependence link between the requirements and the analysis,
and later to a design document that implements this requirement,
is, seen as something positive or beneficial, because it indicates
that this particular requirement has been addressed by the
software being implemented. Furthermore, some authors argue
that dependencies between requirements can support software
reuse: if similar requirements are identified when the stated
requirements are compared with existing requirements, then this
indicates a possible reusable component [6].
2.2 Software Dependencies and Coordination
Parnas was one the first researchers to recognize the relationship
between software dependencies and coordination. More than 30
years ago, he suggested that by reducing dependencies at the
artifact level, it is possible to reduce developers’ dependencies on
one another, creating a managerial advantage [18, 24]. Nowadays,
this is a well-known argument among researchers and
practitioners that can be found in textbooks [16,p.241].
Conversely, but also supporting this relationship between
dependencies and coordination, Conway [4] postulated that the
structure of a software system would reflect the communication
needs of the people performing the work. MacCormack and
colleagues [21] exemplify Conway’s argument when they
compare commercial and open-source software development.
Because software developers were collocated in the commercial
project, it was easier to build tight connections between software
components, therefore producing a software system more coupled
compared to the similar open-source project with distributed
developers. In short, while Parnas argues that dependencies shape
the coordination and communication activities performed by
software developers, Conway argues the converse, that
dependencies reflect these coordination and communication
activities. That is, technical dependencies between components
create a need for communication and coordination between
developers, and similarly, dependencies between the development
tasks are reflected in the product dependencies.
2.3 Empirical Studies
Both Parnas’ and Conway’s arguments have been validated by
several different empirical studies. In 1988 for example, Curtis et
al. [5] discussed, among other things, how the system architecture
affected the communication required among project personnel and
at the same time he recognized that “occasionally, the partitioning
[of components to reduce dependencies between components] was
based not only on the logical connectivity among components, but
also on the social connectivity among the staff” [5, pg. 1280].
Herbsleb and Grinter [18] discuss the influence of the software
architecture in the coordination of distributed software
development. They argue that “the more cleanly separated the
modules, the more likely the organization can successfully
develop them at different sites”, because this will remove the
communication required among the different sites.
Sosa and colleagues [26] found a strong correlation between
dependent components in a software system and the frequency of
communication among the team members dealing with these
components. Based on this result, they suggest that technical
dependencies can be used to predict communication frequency
among team members. Similarly, ethnographic studies [11, 17]
suggest that technical dependencies among pieces of code create
“social dependencies” among software developers. That is, given
two dependent pieces of code, the developers responsible for
developing those pieces need to interact and coordinate in order to
guarantee the smooth flow of work.
TESNA is a tool developed by Amrit and colleagues [39] that
identifies Socio-Technical Structure Clashes (STSCs), instances
where the social network of the d evelopment team does not match
technical dependencies in the system architecture. The tool
calculates the team’s current social network from chat data rather
than from code in a CM repository. It also does not provide
technical dependency information at the same resolution (i.e. the
artifact level) as Ariadne.
Finally, Cataldo and colleagues [3] used these ideas to develop a
way of computing coordination requirements, i.e., who needs to
coordinate with whom in order to accomplish a unit of
development work. Valleto and colleagues [29] compare not the
tasks, but the structure of the software organization itself with the
structure of the software product (its dependencies).
2.4 Research Approach
These different empirical studies only confirm a unsurprising
correlation: software engineers developing dependent pieces of
code are more likely to engage in communication and
coordination activities than developers working in unrelated
pieces of code1. What is surprising, however, is that such an
obvious relationship has not yet been leveraged as mu ch as
possible to facilitate software development activities, especially
because software systems allow the automatic identification of
their dependencies. Ariadne, the tool presented in this paper, aims
to support this kind of leverage.
Several ethnographic studies also suggest that software developers
in their daily work acknowledge this socio-technical relationship
and, indeed, make use of it to get their work done. In that regard,
Ariadne aims to facilitate this software developers’ invisible work.
We acknowledge that Ariadne will not replace software
developers’ approaches, it will complement them. Ariadne then is
especially useful for software developers involved in large
software development efforts who fail to make use of the
relationship b etween coordination and technical dependencies. It
is important to emphasize that Ariadne was inspired by examples
of these situations identified in our studies [7-11] of large
software projects. Ariadne is described in the following section.
3.1 Features
Ariadne is implemented as a Java plug-in to the popular Eclipse
IDE. As such, Ariadne is integrated as its own Perspective (called
“Social Graph”) and makes use of several of the services it
provides. Initially, the plug-in uses Eclipse’s SearchEngine APIs
to extract dependencies from Java projects’ source-code. These
dependencies represent a static call-graph (i.e. before runtime).
This graph is annotated with authorship information when
Ariadne connects to the configuration management repository
associated with a project and retrieves this information for each
artifact selected for analysis. Finally, Ariadne calculates the
sociogram for the project using the matrix multiplication method
described in section 3.2.
Ariadne let users set artifacts to include in the dependency
analysis under its “Element Includes” View in Eclipse. This view
displays all artifacts for projects in the workspace currently linked
to CM repositories. It lays out the artifacts for each project as a
tree. That is, artifacts composed of other artifacts are displayed
hierarchically. Toggleable checkboxes next to each artifact allow
the user to selectively include only elements of interest. Once the
user is satisfied with the artifacts he has selected, he can run the
analysis by clicking the sociogram generator icon from the
The current implementation can present technical and socio-
technical dependency visualization at three different levels of
abstraction, based on the programming language’s hierarchy (e.g.
packages, classes, methods in Java). Essentially, information is
aggregated at each hierarchy level also to, potentially, average the
different results provided by diverse call-graph extractors [23].
For instance, class dependencies are displayed as the aggregation
of method dependencies (i.e., the call-graph).
3.2 Generating Social Dependencies from
Technical Dependencies
Our approach for generating social dependencies from technical
dependencies has been described in details elsewhere [9],
1Note that, as other researchers [22] have pointed out, this
relationship is not unique to software engineering.
therefore, we will only briefly describe our approach here. In
Ariadne, dependencies are represented as static call-graphs. A call
graph “summarizes the dynamic invocation relationships between
procedures. The nodes of the call graph are the procedures in the
program. An edg e (pl, p2) exists if procedure pl can call
procedure p2 from some call site within pl. Hence, each edge may
be thought of as representing some call site in the program” [2]. A
call graph, then, reveals the potential dynamic structure of a
software system, although it can be derived using static analysis
techniques. We then populate the call-graph with ‘social
information,’ (in this case authorship information) to create an
intermediate structure called a ‘social call-graph’ [11]. Social call-
graphs are similar to ownership architectures [1], but they are
built automatically.
The information from call-graphs and social call-graphs can be
used to generate a sociogram, a graphical representation of a set of
items, vertices, or nodes, connected to one another via links or
edges [31]. For our purposes, this sociogram describes the
dependencies between software developers through the code they
write. Software developers can use these sociograms to find two
important pieces of information: who they depend on and who
depends on their work. As our previous work [9-11] illustrate, this
situation is not uncommon in large software projects.
We can represent both graphs as matrices, where entries represent
the strength of a connection between code and code, or developer
and the code he authored, respectively. To infer the sociogram, we
multiply the matrix produced from the social call-graph by the
matrix produced from the call-graph to produce an author by code
matrix, describing which code authors depend on [3]. Next, we
multiply the result by the transpose of the social-call graph matrix
to obtain an author by author matrix, representing the
dependencies between authors (as a result of their code
3.3 Architecture
Ariadne was initially implemented to analyze only Java projects
and extract information from CVS repositories. We re-designed it
to be general to support various source languages, configuration
management (CM) systems, and visualizations. By default,
Ariadne has no knowledge of the source language to be analyzed
or the type o f CM repository where the source-code is stored.
Ariadne’s architecture allows multiple dependency generators,
CM tools, and visualizations may be installed at the same time.
We leverage Eclipse’s features to use the user’s context in Eclipse
to determine which code generator and CM subsystem is used to
extract the relevant information to Ariadne.
This is achieved through the usage of a layered architecture with a
Visualization layer on top of a CM and Dependencies APIs.
Below this API, programming language and CM “plug-ins” can
be found. The configuration management and dependency
management API is used to isolate the programming language and
configuration management tools from the visualizations provided
by Ariadne. Through this approach, independent developers can
contribute new functionality (configuration management tools and
programming languages) to Ariadne, while reusing previous
visualizations. And, at the same time, it is possible to easily
design new visualizations to already supported programming
languages and CM tools. In fact, this paper describes a new
evaluation that we designed and evaluate to represent socio-
technical dependencies.
3.4 Subsystems
Ariadne is divided into three main subsystems: program
dependency, configuration management, and visualization. In this
section we explain each.
3.4.1 Program Dependency Analysis
Ariadne has been designed to represent th e relationship between
programming language elements by using the composite design
pattern [15]. This pattern allows us to represent part-whole
hierarchies as well as treat individual and composite objects in the
same way. Being able to represent hierarchies in different
programming languages facilitates making Ariadne independent
of programming language. Ariadne’s API uses the concepts of
Nodes and Edges to model any graph and programming language
so that Nodes can represent program elements (such as methods,
attributes, classes, and packages in Java) and Edges represent
dependency relationships between these elements.
Using the program dependency part of our API, we h ave
implemented a code dependency infrastructure that analyzes Java
source code and Eclipse’s manifest and “plugin.xml” files.
3.4.2 Configuration Management
Ariadne models CM repositories in a generic way that allow
views of a project’s data at one or many points in time, regardless
of the CM system used. This module is integrated with the
dependency generator module so that it is possible to find
dependency information for any element being versioned. Ariadne
uses this information to query the code dependency generator
module for any language elements in the region.
Currently, we have CVS and SVN extractors that are used to
automatically connect to a project’s CVS or SVN repositories
(using Eclipse’s Team API) and extract CVS o r SVN annotations
(change and authorship information). The extraction results are
parsed into Ariadne and used to create social call-graphs and,
ultimately, sociograms.
3.4.3 Visualization
Ariadne's visualization subsystem allows developers to explore
dependency information and authorship information. Ariadne's
default visualization is a simple directed graph with nodes
representing authors and edges representing dependencies
between authors. Alternatively, the developer may implement his
visualization of choice that may be a line-oriented approach as
in the SeeSoft project [12] , treemaps, or however else he chooses
to visualize dependencies.
Our focus for this paper was to deviate from the default graph-
based visualization Ariadne provides, choosing instead to
implement and subsequently evaluate a new one. As such, we
extended the visualization subsystem with a new visualization. It
is important to note that, unlike the default visualization, our new
visualization does not run within Eclipse. It exists instead as a
standalone Java application, intended to occupy the user’s whole
screen. We give an overview of the visualization in the next
Our new visualization takes a graph-based approach to visualizing
a reduction of the dependency information collected by the tool.
We implemented it using Prefuse, a Java-based visualization
toolkit (http:/// In the past, we represented
complete socio-technical dependency information as a series of
three edges connecting a dependent author to the author they
depend upon through the code units authored by each (see Figure
1). Our attempts to visualize the complete set of this information
proved to be unmanageable for large software projects due to the
number of connections and variability of the graph layout.
Recognizing the challenges of displaying all three elements of the
socio-technical relationship, we removed one of the relationships
(see Figure 2) reducing the number of connections needed to be
displayed, but still allowing a consistent layout of the dependency
information. The rationale for eliminating the C1 to C2
relationship has to do with the scenarios of usage that we
identified for Ariadne in our previous work [9-11] which
emphasize the work authors must undertake in order to determine
the code and other developers that impact their own code.
The visualization interface allows users to easily reveal
information about the technical dependency information, meaning
no information is lost. The layout of this reduced dependency
graph keeps important graph characteristics and benefits from a
consistent layout that helps highlight information required to
reason about coordination needs.
To take advantage of available screen real estate, Ariadne lays out
dependency information in a type of table-based fashion placing
the most numerous data items along the longest screen dimension.
Called code units occupy the x-axis and authors occupy the y-
axis, with both ordered alphabetically by default. Users can
reorder the axes based upon queries against all the data and its
associated meta-data. We draw connections from a dependent
author to the code unit they are dependent upon and back to the
author responsible for that code unit (Figure 3) and repeat for each
set of socio-technical dependency information in the project (the
connections explained in the previous paragraph, also see section
3.2). The color of each line (or dependency) denotes the
directionality of the dependency and shares its color with the
originating (dependent) author. For example, if A1 is blue, a blue
line connecting A1 to C2 to A2 denotes an outbound dependency
from A1's code (C1, not shown) to A2's code (C2, shown). The
opacity of each line color denotes how many duplicate technical
dependencies exist between two authors.
Figure 1. Old
conceptual socio-
Figure 2. New
conceptual socio-
Figure 3. New
Viewing dependency information using this hybrid table- and
graph-based approach offers pattern recognition capabilities, easy
filtering, and comparisons. An unfiltered overview of the
dependency information allows us to show the state of
dependencies for an entire project at once (Figure 4). From this
perspective it is possible to recognize patterns in the way
developers call other developers code, prominent code modules,
and prominent authors even for a specific area of the code.
V0.26 V0.28 V0.29
2003 2002
Figure 4. An overview of the socio-technical dependencies in
the open-source Java project “Tyrant.”
Filtering the overview by artifact reveals connections only from
authors using that artifact (Figure 5). Managers and developers
can focus on artifacts at different granularities that may be
undergoing many changes in order to determine developers'
progress. Focusing on an artifact may allow managers and
developers to locate other developers affecting or affected by
changes to that artifact.
Figure 5. Filtering the overview to show socio-technical
dependencies for the artifact “mikera.tyrant.Scripts.”
Using an additive approach, we can compare the calls on code
units made by one author with those made by another author. The
user can click on authors' names to reveal only their dependency
information (Figure 6). Ariadne's visualization technique
preserves the ease of identifying connections between authors
found in simple social network graphs o f developers. Looking at
only the y-axis, users can readily determine the inbound and
outbound connections between a project's developers. The
presence of a color corresponding to an author's name indicates an
outbound dependency, while the presence of other authors' colors
indicates an inbound socio-technical dependency from those other
authors. While Ariadne's visualization makes a significant
departure from a more traditional graph-based approach, it does
not eliminate the advantages of that method of data display.
Figure 6. Filtering the overview to show two autho rs’ socio-
technical dependencies.
In order to assess the presentation, usability, and ease of learning
of Ariadne’s new visualization, we have evaluated it using Tufte’s
principles of information visualization [36, 37], the Heuristic
Evaluation [34], and the Cognitive Walkthrough [38]. First, we
analyzed it against principles of good information visualization to
understand how well the visualization presents its intended
information to the user for optimum understanding and analysis.
Second we checked the interface against well-established usability
principles with Nielsen’s Heuristic Evaluation. Third, we
evaluated the interface with the Cognitive Walkthrough, a method
that is particularly good at focusing on the user’s role, a priori
assumptions, and what they can accomplish with and without
With each inspection method, we evaluated the tool with the help
of at least two other of our colleagues who varied from session to
session. For the most part, they had no experience using the new
visualization. This unfamiliarity helped us to identify problematic
assumptions about users’ expectations and perceptions of the tool.
In short, it helped to broaden the collective experience and
expertise brought to bear on the evaluation.
5.1 Principles of Information Visualization
In this section we analyze Ariadne’s visualization in terms of
information visualization principles and explain how it meets or
fails to meet each. A description of each principle can be found in
[37]. For the sake of space, we only describe our analysis.
5.1.1 Comparisons
We have shown the comparisons that the new visualization
affords in the following table:
Table 1. Comparisons afforded by the visualization and how
to recognize them.
How to locate in visualization
Brightness of dependency
Depended upon code
Many dependencies intersecting
Depended upon
Many dependencies – not in the
developer’s color – incoming to
developer name
Amount of code called
Many dependencies in developer’s
by developer
color spanning artifacts
Authors calling same
Dependencies in multiple colors
passing through same artifacts
The intensity of a dependency refers to the amount of calls one
developer is making to another’s code, which may indicate a
significant need to coordinate work as intensity increases [11]. A
module is more depended upon than another if developers are
making more calls to it. A heavily depended upon code module
may alert developers or managers to code re-use opportunities.
Heavily depended upon code and authors, as well as the amount
of code called by developers, can allow users to gauge code
integration. The identification of developers calling the same
artifacts can be useful for developers seeking help using those
5.1.2 Causality, Mechanism, Structure, Explanation
First, the information presented in the visualization answers the
question about why two developers may need to coordinate their
work. The depend ency line is the main indicator. It answers the
“why” by highlighting the code module responsible for the social
dependency. Second, developers and managers may be able to
uncover why the project is slipping behind schedule. The absence
of dependencies, or indications of weak dependencies (from the
intensity), may indicate that developers have failed to integrate
code before a deadline, for example.
5.1.3 Multivariate Analysis
The new visualization presents a number of dimensions from
which to reason. The first is the intensity of the dependency,
which as discussed earlier, may play a role in assessing the
integration status of code. Second, the visualization presents
called code along the horizontal axis and authors on the vertical
axis. The visualization also uses color to distinguish authors from
each other. The number of different colors also indicates the
number of developers. Granularity is used by the visualization to
help users distinguish between artifacts of varying resolutions.
5.1.4 Integration of Evidence
Ariadne’s visualization uses text to convey code module names as
well as developer names. In addition, images alongside each code
module indicate its granularity. It is important to note that these
correspond to the same images used by the Eclipse IDE to
represent the granularity of the source-code construct (e.g.
packages, classes, and methods). Graphic lines represent socio-
technical dependencies.
5.1.5 Documentation
In its current state, the visualization clearly indicates that it
displays socio-technical relationships for the name of the project
under analysis. It is not so clear, however, that the data comes
from a CM repository, nor that it comes from one point in time.
Additionally, the visualization assumes that no gatekeeper
controls check-ins. If a gatekeeper does in fact control check-ins,
as in some open-source projects, users of the visualization will
mistake code authored by others as code checked in by a
5.1.6 Content
The important content in Ariadne’s visualization are the socio-
technical dependencies. Since these dependencies are the source
of the communication breakdowns we observed in the data
collected from our field studies [9-11], they are the necessary
component in the visualization. As such, the tool dedicates the
majority of the available screen space to the visualization of these
5.2 Heuristic Evaluation
In addition to evaluating our new visualization as a visualization,
we evaluated it as a user interface as well. As in section 5.1, we
describe how our interface meets or fails to meet each usability
heuristic. A complete description of each heuristic can be found
[34]. Below, we just present the results of our evaluation.
5.2.1 Visibility of System Status
In general, we found that the visualization needs improvement
with regards to reporting system status. For example, once the
user loads a project dependency graph to analyze, there is no
progress reporting bar alerting the user how much load time is
left. This problem is compounded by the fact that large graphs can
take several minutes to load. The user may in fact believe that an
error has occurred and give up waiting for the tool to finish.
Similarly, redrawing dependencies after the user has filtered data
can be unnecessarily slow at times. Last, when hovering over
dependencies to see more information, the visualization does not
always highlight the dependency the user expected until after
some delay.
While there are delays in the feedback presented to the user, the
feedback itself is obvious. Generally, the user will manipulate the
interface by filtering data to display only dependencies, code, or
authors of interest. When the interface responds, the difference in
the look of the interface is clear. Many items on the screen that
were there before will not be there. For example, bright colors
will fade into the black background, creating a stark contrast
between the filtered out data and the data left on the screen.
5.2.2 Match Between System and Real World
Ariadne displays the name of the project, the code modules in the
project, and the CM login names of the developers in the project.
However, managers may not know the CM login names of their
developers or the names of fine-grained code modules. The latter
can be mitigated by filtering the visualization to see the code at a
higher abstraction, such as packages in Java.
Since the tool is intended to be used in conjunction with Eclipse,
we have reused Eclipse’s icons for cod e granularity to more
completely describe the code granularity of the artifacts as they
appear on the horizontal axis.
5.2.3 User Control and Freedom
In its current state, the visualization does not support undo or re-
do. We believe that because the visualization is exploratory and
the user never really “manipulates” data rather he just changes
the view these functions are not critical in the interim. The user
can always clear a filter. But at the same time, as he performs
many filtering operations, it may become difficult to remember
the whole chain of filters he has applied. It also might be
beneficial to give the user the freedom to rearrange data on the
axes into a configuration he desires, and then save this
configuration for future use. As we collect more data on the usage
of the visualization and user preferences, we may add these
5.2.4 Consistency and Standards
The only major inconsistency we found is how the visualization
responds to filtering by typing and filtering by clicking the desired
artifact, author, or dependency. When it detects a filter by click,
the visualization highlights the results and all other elements fade
to grey against the black background. However, when the tool
detects a filter by typing, it highlights the dependency results but
fails to fade out the names of the other labels (code and authors).
This is clearly inconsistent behavior and may lead the user to
believe he has not applied the filter correctly.
5.2.5 Error Prevention
The tool does not display error messages in its current state. The
only place an error message would be useful is when the interface
loads the project dependency graph. Because the visualization can
take awhile to load, the u ser may not know whether there was an
error loading the graph, or whether it has not yet completed
loading. Ideally, an appropriate error message should not only tell
the user that the graph is malformed, but what about the graph is
5.2.6 Recognition Rather than Recall
The most critical problem we found in this area is that it is not
obvious to the user that he can click on a cod e or author to filter
on only that object. We believe that a status bar could update
when the user hovers over filter-enabled toggleable labels, for
instance, to communicate what can b e done with that object.
Another option would be to have the mouse cursor change shape
to indicate that the object is clickable.
5.2.7 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use
The closest thing to a shortcut as of now is dynamic single-
character filtering with complex SQL-like queries. As the user
enters each character into the filter text box, the visualization
actively searches for matches and displays them. An avenue for
future work, as mentioned earlier in section 5.2.3, is to allow the
user to save configurations, including layout and filters, to speed
up interactions with the tool.
5.2.8 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design
As discussed in 5.2.4, the filters p rovided by Ariadne do an
excellent job of pruning information not of importance to the user.
However, the inconsistency in the behavior of the filters results in
clearly readable labels of no interest to the user. As a result, they
should not be displayed.
5.2.9 Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover
from Errors
The only errors we identified occurred when the visualization
loaded a malformed graph file. As mentioned in section 5.2.5, the
visualization should clearly indicate the malformed section(s) of
the graph and provide a solution, such as re-running the
dependency analysis plug-in, or notifying the user of errors and
showing a subset of the information that the visualization
managed to parse correctly. In this case, the visualization should
notify users that they are only viewing part of the project.
5.2.10 Help and Documentation
While there is no documentation for the tool yet, it is definitely
part of our future work. We are aware that the visualization takes
some learning before one can be proficient with it. In the
documentation we plan to cover how to select dependencies,
perform filtering, explain the concept of dependency intensity,
and show how to trace social dependencies from one author to
another through the code.
5.3 Cognitive Walkthrough
For the second part of our interface inspection, we employed the
Cognitive Walkthrough. In short, the Cognitive Walkthrough
involves specifying tasks that users will attempt to accomplish
with an interface and then analyzing the ease with which users can
perform those tasks. Evaluators perform the analysis by asking a
set of four questions at each step to uncover usability and learning
issues. A complete description of the process and the questions
asked at each step can be found in [38].
We constructed our tasks based on the d ata we collected during
our field studies. We translated our observations into four
scenarios that describe typical coordination problems in large
software development projects with code being reused by
different teams. These scenarios share a common theme: the usage
of dependency information to facilitate software development
tasks. They are described in d etails elsewhere [9], so in this
section, we briefly describe each scenario and the problems with
the interface we subsequently found.
5.3.1 Managers’ Lack of Awareness of Evolving
Social Dependencies
The goal in this scenario is for the manager of a software
development team to find out whether or not a set of people have
started to call each other’s code. We have observed this need
especially in both collocated and distributed teams. Briefly, the
series of steps for accomplishing this goal are:
1. Select the project to analyze
2. Find the involved developers
3. Determine the presence/absence of connections
between the developers
The first problem we noted was that, on first load of the interface,
the action to select a project of interest is not obviously available.
Instead, the immediately available actions on the interface are
form and text boxes on the bottom for filtering and options to
rescale the interface. The “Select Project...” button is hidden in
the top left corner of the interface.
If users are able to find the correct button to open a project, we
noticed that they might be confused about which files to open.
The dialog filters out all files without the “.graph” extension, but
as we realized, users might in fact be looking for files of type
Once the manager loads the correct file, there is no indication of
progress for the load. Because loading a whole project can take
some time, a manager might think that the program has crashed
and, as a result, may close the window. There is also no error
reporting in the case of an error while parsing the project file.
Next, we noticed some potential problems with finding involved
developers. When managers go to find developers of interest on
the vertical axis, we have made the assumption that the manager
knows the developers’ CM login names. This may be true or not,
depending on the manager’s involvement with his team. When
looking for dependencies originating from the developers of
interest, there is a chance that colors may not be distinguishable
enough from each other. This will make matching authors to their
dependencies almost impossible without filtering the data.
When determining the presence or absence of connections
between developers, managers may find it difficult to tell which
connections begin or terminate at the developer of interest.
However, we mitigate this problem by always displaying
incoming and outgoing dependencies, marked by individual
colors, in the same order from author to author. This way,
managers can easily tell when the incoming or outgoing
dependencies for each author begin and end. Managers can also
selectively view only developers of interest when determining
integration status by clicking the name of each developer.
However, it is not clear that developer names are clickable (see
section 5.2.6).
5.3.2 Developer’s Lack of Awareness of Evolving
Code Dependencies
In this scenario, the developer wants to find out when others begin
exercising his code, because he wants to make sure he will have
enough time to fix his code in case an integration problem occurs.
This was observed among collocated developers, but especially
among distributed ones. We assume that the developer knows the
name of the code of interest and may or may not know the
developers who are calling the code. The steps involved are:
1. Select the granularity of the code of interest
2. Select the target code if the calling developers are not
known and associate resulting dependencies with calling
developers OR filter by cod e and developer if the
calling developers are known and associate resulting
dependencies with calling developers
3. Determine the recency of the dependencies
In step 2, if the developer does not know the names of the
developers calling his code, he can either click on the code of
interest or perform a search and filter. If he chooses the former, he
will get good feedback because the interface will highlight
connections through the code of interest and fade out the other
connections. If no dependencies show up, then no one has started
to call that code. In the case that the developer decides to search
with the filter box, however, we discovered that it is impossible to
tell if the dependency doesn’t show up because the code does not
exist, or because it has not yet been called by anyone. A status
message should either indicate, “Code not found” or
“Dependencies not found.”
If the developer knows the name of the developers that should be
calling his code, h e can instead perform a filter on both code and
authors. We have noted the problems with filtering by code, and
they are the same for filtering by developer. However, not
knowing whether a developer exists is likely to be less worrisome,
at least compared to the problem with code, because there will
generally be significantly fewer developers than code.
We have not yet implemented the ability to determine recency of
the connections. One idea is to change the coloring semantics. The
developer could theoretically define or choose a predefined
coloring scheme based on a date parameter.
5.3.3 Developers Finding the “Right” Developer
The goal of the d eveloper in this situation is to find the actual
implementer of a specified interface instead of its dummy
implementation. This is necessary because, in the organization
that we studied [11], the software architect designs the interfaces
and provides dummy implementations for all of them. However, a
different software developer will be responsible for the actual
implementation of these interfaces. Furthermore, we observed that
developers were often not aware of who was consuming or
providing services to their code. As in the previous scenario, we
assume the developer knows the name of the interface of interest.
The required steps are:
1. Select the granularity of the code of interest
2. Select the code of interest
3. Associate calls to the code with developers
4. Hover over each dependency to determine the calling
We covered the problems associated with steps 1-3 in the previous
One problem we uncovered in the last step is that the action for
hovering over a dependency is not obviously visible on the
interface. When the user hovers over a dependency, it highlights
in green and pops up a tooltip that displays the calling code (in
this case the implementation of the interface). Since there is no
indication that one can hover over a dependency, the user will not
know it is possible until he actually does it. However, we expect
that users will move their mouse over the visualization as they
analyze the data. As soon as they perform this action, the
feedback should be clear, and the user should gain insight into the
meaning of the hover and highlight. While the green highlight
may be the same color as an author on the vertical axis, the user
should recognize the color of the dependency before it was
highlighted, and associate it with the correct developer.
5.3.4 Developers Finding “Similar” Developers
The developer’s goal in this scenario is to find other developers
who are calling the same code units in order to request h elp and
divide up work among each oth er. This situation was identified
because of the size of the organization studied and the
organization-wide software reuse program adopted, which
prescribed that software components should be reused as much as
possible in the entire organization. That meant that, in some
occasions, different software developers were reusing the same
code and facing the same problems without being aware of
each other. In this case, the assumptions are the same as in the last
scenario. The steps are:
1. Select the granularity of the code of interest
2. Select the code of interest
3. Associate calls to the code with developers
4. Factor out developers who are not the user
Again, the problems with steps 1-3 have been covered in previous
sections. We did not uncover any additional problems with this
Our evaluation has given us insight into aspects of the
visualization that need improvement. In short, as designers, we
need to make better use of color as a visual indicator to users of
the visualization. In addition, our evaluations suggest that the tool
should provide better feedback to users in the form of status
indicators. In spite of these problems, however, we believe the
new visualization provides a strong foundation of actionable
dependency information from which developers and managers can
better coordinate their work efforts. On top of this foundation, we
can sufficiently address the concerns we have uncovered in our
The major improvement we need to make to the visualization is
its color-picking algorithm. In order to support tasks with the tool,
the new visualization relies on the user’s ability to use color to
identify developers and dependencies of interest as well as make
comparisons and find patterns. We have identified two major
issues subsumed under color usage. The first is the visualization’s
ability to choose colors that are distinguishable enough as the
number of developers increases. One approach is to use color
design guidelines [32]. Such guidelines wo rk to mitigate visual
problems related to poor color selection. They are typically based
on past experiences and best practices, not unlike, the information
visualization principles we have explored as part of our
evaluation. Another approach would be to let users define and
tune their own colors, or color palettes, through the use of a color
Our second issue of concern related to color is the visualization’s
inability to support colorblind users. A significant number of the
population views color differently from the norm. Seemingly
identifiable colors to a normal color viewer can appear
unidentifiable to people with color blindness. In addition to
relying on good color use guidelines, a promising approach is to
use algorithms to modify colors so they are suitable for colorblind
users as described in [33, 35].
In addition to color selection, our inspections have also indicated
the need to clearly convey status information. For example, we
have learned from the heuristic evaluation and the cognitive
walkthrough that the visualization does not convey progress when
loading graph data. Moreover, actions such as clicking
developers or artifacts to filter the information presented are not
obviously available. While as designers we have become familiar
with the visualization’s behavior, we cannot expect the same from
We believe the visualization we have presented in this paper
strongly facilitates understanding and reasoning about
dependencies between source-code artifacts, and as a result, the
developers implementing those artifacts. The new visualization
provides consistent layouts for analysis and the ability to display
many dependencies along the longest screen dimension. A high-
level overview of the project can reveal patterns in code usage and
integration. Depending on the type of user (developer or manager)
and his coordination needs, the user can filter against known code
modules or developers to reveal fine-grained information of
interest. While future work certainly suggests improvements in
the areas of color selection and status indication, we believe these
problems are incidental to our method for visualization. In other
words, the evaluations we have conducted have not suggested a
need to change the fundamental ways in which we visualize
dependencies. Rather, the evaluations suggest additions to the
visualization that can improve usability.
This paper described Ariadne, a plug-in for Eclipse, that translates
technical dependencies in source-code to social dependencies
between developers implementing that code. This work has been
motivated by our own empirical studies, and complemented by
studies and theoretical predictions from other researchers. All
these studies suggested scenarios, and as a result, developers’
tasks used as a basis for the evaluation presented here. Unsatisfied
with our previous graph-based method of visualizing
dependencies, we have contributed a revised visualization. We
have evaluated this visualization with inspection methods
appropriate for both v isualizations and user interfaces. The results
of our evaluation support our claim that the visualization can be
used to support the tasks derived from our empirical studies.
Moreover, the evaluation methods we have adapted to Ariadne
and documented in this paper not only serve our own research
interests, but provide a basis for other researchers evaluating
visual software tools as well.
As part of our future work, we plan to address the problems with
respect to color and status uncovered by our evaluation here. After
that, we plan to test the tool with end users to further assess its
utility and usability.
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... It may not always be feasible to completely remove such dependencies because such dependencies may have occurred due to external factors, such as legal or policy limitations, accessibility and capabilities of a platform; however, designing a system with as few of them to the extent possible can be achievable. In software, if so desired, their dependencies can be more or less easily changed [66]. For this, dependencies and their sources can be identified and categorised into, for instance, mandatory and optional dependencies, or positive (required) and negative (forbidden) dependencies [67], and based on this classification the development team can determine what to allow or to prevent during the design and development phases. ...
... For this, dependencies and their sources can be identified and categorised into, for instance, mandatory and optional dependencies, or positive (required) and negative (forbidden) dependencies [67], and based on this classification the development team can determine what to allow or to prevent during the design and development phases. While doing so, it is suggested to decrease the dependency (or coupling) between two components so that changes to one do not impact the other [66]. ...
A password manager stores and handles users’ passwords from different services. This relieves the users from constantly remembering and recalling many different login credentials. However, because of the poor usability and limited user experience of password managers, users find it difficult to perform basic actions, such as a safe login. Unavoidably, the password manager holds the login credentials of many online services; as a result, it becomes a desired target for online attacks. This results in compromised security, which users often consider as an inevitable condition that must be accepted. Many studies analysed the usability and security of various password managers. Their research findings, though important, are rather incomprehensible to designers of password managers, because they are limited to particular properties or specific applications and they, often, are contradictory. Hence, we focus on investigating properties and features that can elevate the usability, security, and trustworthiness of password managers, aiming at providing practical, simple, and useful guidelines for building a useable password manager. We performed a systematic literature review, in which we selected thirty-two articles with coherent outcomes associated with usability and security. From these outcomes, we deduced and present meaningful suggestions for realising a useable, secure and trustworthy password manager.
... Ref. [20] reported some results from surveys by the Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption Institute. 30% of respondents are using distributed Agile, 40% use local Agile development, and about 85% of them have distributed teams. ...
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Traceability of software artefacts has been recognised as an important factor for supporting various activities in the software system development process. In general, the objective of traceability is to improve the quality of software systems. More specifically, traceability information can be used to support the analysis of implications and integration of changes that occur software systems; the maintenance and evolution of software systems; the reuse of software system components by identifying and comparing requirements of new and existing systems; the testing of software system components; and system inspection, by indicating alternatives and compromises made during development. Traceability enables system acceptance by allowing users to better understand the system and contributes to clear and consistent system documentation. Over the last few years, the software and system engineering communities have developed a large number of approaches and techniques to address various aspects of traceability. Research into software traceability has been mainly concerned with the study and definition of different types of traceability relations; support for the generation of traceability relations; development of architectures, tools, and environments for the representation and maintenance of traceability relations; and empirical investigations into organisational practices regarding the establishment and deployment of traceability relations in the software development life cycle. However, despite its importance and the work resulted from numerous years of research, empirical studies of traceability needs and practices in industrial organisations have indicated that traceability support is not always satisfactory. As a result, traceability is rarely established in existing industrial settings. In this article, we present a roadmap of research and practices related to software traceability and identify issues that are still open for further research. Our roadmap is organised according to the main topics that have been the focus of software traceability research.
This book contains several hundred displays of complex data. Suggestions and examples are given for methods of enhancing dimensionality and density for portrayal of information. The first chapter outlines methods of moving away from single dimensional layout. Through the use of multi-dimensional images, greater clarity can be achieved and amount of information displayed increased. The following chapters cover the use of micro-macro design to illustrate detail, the layering of information and colour. The final chapter covers the display of space and time data. Examples used to illustrate the techniques covered include maps, the manuscripts of Galileo, timetables, dance movement notations, aerial photographs, electrocardiograms and computer visualisations. -R.C.Medler
As color is more widely used to carry visual information in the multimedia content, ability to perceive color plays a crucial role in getting visual information. Regardless of color vision variations, one should have visual information equally. This paper proposes the adaptation technique for color vision variations in the MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA). DIA is performed respectively for severe color vision deficiency (dichromats) and for mild color vision deficiency (anomalous trichromats), according to the description of user characteristics about color vision variations. Adapted images are tested by simulation program for color vision variations so as to recognize the appearance of the adapted images in the color deficient vision. Experimental result shows that proposed adaptation technique works well in the MPEG-21 framework.