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Abstract and Figures

Spoofing detection is a challenging task in biometric systems, when differentiating illegitimate users from genuine ones. Although iris scans are far more inclusive than fingerprints, and also more precise for person authentication, iris recognition systems are vulnerable to spoofing via textured cosmetic contact lenses. Iris spoofing detection is also referred to as liveness detection (binary classification of fake and real images). In this work, we focus on a three-class detection problem: images with textured (colored) contact lenses, soft contact lenses, and no lenses. Our approach uses a convolutional network to build a deep image representation and an additional fully-connected single layer with softmax regression for classification. Experiments are conducted in comparison with a state-of-the-art approach (SOTA) on two public iris image databases for contact lens detection: 2013 Notre Dame and IIIT-Delhi. Our approach can achieve a 30% performance gain over SOTA on the former database (from 80% to 86%) and comparable results on the latter. Since IIIT-Delhi does not provide segmented iris images and, differently from SOTA, our approach does not segment the iris yet, we conclude that these are very promising results.
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An Approach to Iris Contact Lens Detection
based on Deep Image Representations
Pedro Silva, Eduardo Luz, Rafael Baeta, David Menotti
Computing Department
Federal University of Ouro Preto - UFOP
Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil, 35400-000
Email: {pedroh21.silva,eduluz,rafael.baeta,menottid}
Helio Pedrini, Alexandre Xavier Falc
Institute of Computing
University of Campinas - UNICAMP
Campinas, SP, Brazil, 13083-852
Email: {helio,afalcao}
Abstract—Spoofing detection is a challenging task in biometric
systems, when differentiating illegitimate users from genuine
ones. Although iris scans are far more inclusive than fingerprints,
and also more precise for person authentication, iris recognition
systems are vulnerable to spoofing via textured cosmetic contact
lenses. Iris spoofing detection is also referred to as liveness
detection (binary classification of fake and real images). In this
work, we focus on a three-class detection problem: images with
textured (colored) contact lenses, soft contact lenses, and no
lenses. Our approach uses a convolutional network to build a deep
image representation and an additional fully-connected single
layer with softmax regression for classification. Experiments are
conducted in comparison with a state-of-the-art approach (SOTA)
on two public iris image databases for contact lens detection: 2013
Notre Dame and IIIT-Delhi. Our approach can achieve a 30%
performance gain over SOTA on the former database (from 80%
to 86%) and comparable results on the latter. Since IIIT-Delhi
does not provide segmented iris images and, differently from
SOTA, our approach does not segment the iris yet, we conclude
that these are very promising results.
Keywords-Iris Biometrics; Contact Lens Detection; Deep
Learning; Convolutional Networks.
Biometric-based person identification systems have been
developed rapidly in the last two decades. Moreover, biometric
systems based on iris recognition have been deployed in
several applications, such as border-crossing control systems,
controlled environments, access to personal computers and
smart phones. Iris is considered as the most promising, reliable
and accurate biometric trait, providing rich texture that allows
high discrimination among subjects. Furthermore, iris is stable
along ageing of individuals [1].
The first functional iris recognition method was introduced
by Daugman in 1993 [1], whereas the first patent proposing
iris texture as biometric modality appeared in 1987 [2].
Thenceforward, several iris recognition approaches have been
proposed in the literature [3]–[5].
Due to the increasing use of iris as a source of biometric
information in the last decade, the possibility of attacks
to these systems has become more common [6]–[8]. These
attacks are usually referred in the literature to as iris spoofing
and several works for dealing with this problem have been
proposed [9]–[11]. Nonetheless, the definition of iris spoofing
detection may be confusing, where liveness and counterfeit
detection terms are used with different meanings and, in some
cases, interchangeably [12]. Several works in the literature
have addressed the problem of classifying an iris image as
real/live or as fake, in which a fake image is not a live one
(e.g., a printed image [6], [10], [13]). In addition, counterfeit
detection approaches have also been proposed in the past
years [14]–[19], in which counterfeit iris with printed color
contact lenses are considered fake images and iris images with
soft/clear or no lenses are considered real images.
Given that cosmetic contact lenses are becoming more
popular, the sort of attacks with textured contact lenses that
an iris biometric system may suffer varies in a wide range.
For instance, a person who has banned from a country or
geographical region and has been included in a watch list may
want to rejoin that region by using contact lenses to obfuscate
his/her textured irises avoiding to be identified. Similarly,
an individual may want to personify someone else by using
textured contact lens iris of an enrolled person [9]. Moreover,
transparent or prescript contact lenses used when acquiring iris
images have indeed shown to decrease the false acceptance
rate [15], [19] in iris recognition systems, demonstrating that
it is important to identify when soft/clear lenses are present.
Furthermore, the accuracy of textured contact lens detection
methods may be affected by contact lens patterns and also
sensor manufacturer as shown in [18].
In this context, we introduce the use of deep learning
techniques [20]. In the last few years, deep learning has
allowed promising and outstanding results for several and
important visual analysis tasks, such as face recognition [21]–
[24], pedestrian detection [25], character recognition [26],
[27], traffic sign classification [28], general object recognition
in large categorized databases [29], among others. Besides the
success in these areas, the use of deep representations for
spoofing detection on iris, face, and fingerprint images has
also been recently proposed [10], in which a simpler two-
class problem of detecting fake/spoof and real/live images is
The present paper addresses a more complex three-class
image detection problem, where iris images may appear with
textured (colored) contact lenses, soft contact lenses, and no
lenses. We propose a convolutional network to build deep
image representations, followed by a fully-connected single
layer with softmax regression for image classification. Our
approach is based on the work of Krizhevsky et al. [29], in
which the weights of all layers are learned by backpropagation.
In [30], the authors present two image databases to evaluate
methods on the three-class detection problem: the 2013 Notre
Dame Contact Lens Detection database (NDCL) and the IIIT-
Delhi Contact Lens Iris database (IIIT-D). Each database
contains images from two different sensors: LG4000 and
AD100 in the NDCL database, where images come with
iris location, and Cogent and Vista in the IIIT-D database,
where iris location is not available (i.e., more challenging).
We compare our approach with the state-of-the-art algorithm
(SOTA), also proposed in [30], by taking into account images
from each sensor and from different sensors.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we present
a brief review of relevant works directly related to contact
lens spoofing detection. In Section III, the databases used in
our experiments are described. The methodology proposed
to cope with spoofing detection is detailed in Section IV.
Experimental results are described and discussed in Section V.
Finally, conclusions and directions for future work are outlined
in Section VI.
In this section, we review some relevant works directly
related to the three-class iris image problem addressed in this
paper, that is, those that propose to classify iris images in
(color) textured contact lenses, soft (prescript or clear) contact
lenses and non lenses.
The first step of a recognition system is to capture the iris
images. Due to the difficulty in identifying the iris textures in
the color images, sensors have to operate under near infrared
(NIR) illumination. However, cosmetic contact lenses can
change the pattern of the iris and its presence could be very
difficult to detect on images taken under NIR illumination.
Such undesirable feature is used against iris recognition sys-
tems, which makes spoofing attacks with textured lenses easier
and also increases false negative matching even for prescript
lenses [15], [17], [31].
Lee et al. [32] propose a new method for detecting fake
iris based on the Purkinje image. To acquire the data, a
conventional USB camera is used with modified CCD sensor
and special illumination. To accomplish the experiments, the
dataset is built with 300 live irises and 15 fake ones. The
authors report a false accept rate (FAR) of 0.33% and false
reject rate (FRR) of 0.33% on the dataset, however, a more
robust evaluation, on a larger and diverse dataset, should be
considered to properly validate the method.
Wei et al. [14] present three methods for detecting textured
lenses: measurement of iris edge sharpness, application of iris-
texton for characterizing the visual primitives of iris textures,
and use of selected features based on co-occurrence matrix. To
perform experiments, two datasets are built using CASIA [33]
and BATH [34] datasets for live irises, whereas fake irises are
collected by the authors. The reported correct classification
rate (CCR) is up to 100% for experiments using co-occurrence
matrix features.
In [35], a method based on Local Binary Pattern (LBP)
encoding and Adaboost learning together with Gaussian kernel
density estimation achieves FAR of 0.67% and FRR of 2.64%
on discriminating fake iris texture from live iris. The method is
evaluated on CASIA-Iris-V3 [36] and ICE v1.0 [37] with the
addition of 600 custom fake iris images. Among the used 600
fake images, there are 20 different types of textured contact
In [16], it is proposed a contact lens detection algorithm
based on Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), weighted
LBP and Support Vector Machines (SVM). According to
the authors, the combination of SIFT and LBP improves
its variance of scale illumination and local affine distortion.
The authors claim that their method achieves state-of-the-art
performance in contact lens detection. They build a custom
dataset of 5000 fake iris images with 70 different types of
textured lens.
After Daugman [38] presented a method for allowing easy
detection of contact lens patterns, many other authors have
reported accuracy rates over 98% [14], [16], [35]. How-
ever, since the contact lens technology is under constant
development, robust detection has become more difficult [9].
Combined to this fact, some studies found in the literature
are favored by their methodology due to the use of datasets
containing contact lenses from a single manufacturer among
both training and test data [9], [14]. According to [18], in
more realistic scenarios, methods whose accuracy are close to
100% could decrease to below 60%.
To avoid this situation, two datasets are built in [18]
with textured contact lenses from three major manufacturers.
Multiple colors are selected for each manufacturer and some
lenses are also designed to correct astigmatism. Authors claim
that textured lens detection can drop dramatically when tested
on a manufacturer of lenses not seen in the training data
and when the iris sensor is different between training and
test data. An extension of this work is presented in [30],
where the datasets are well described and made available upon
request. Additionally, state-of-the-art results are reported by a
modified LBP feature extraction method and compared with 17
different classifiers. The databases are tested with techniques
available in the literature, such as textural features based on
co-occurrence matrix, weighted LBP approach, as well as
other techniques based on LBP and SVM. Finally, the authors
suggest that the development of a fully general approach to
textured lens detection is a problem that still requires attention.
In a recent work [19], a new contact lens detection method
based on binarized statistical image features reports accuracies
near to optimality for the NDCL database. However, in that
work, the authors deal with a two-problem classification, that
is, soft/clear lens iris images are considered the same class as
non lens iris images.
Fig. 1. Samples of images in the 2013 Notre Dame Contact Lens
Detection (NDCL) database. In the first and second columns, we show
images acquired with AD100 and LG4000 sensors, respectively. The first,
second and third rows present samples with textured/cosmetic contact lenses,
soft/clear/prescript contact lenses, and no contact lenses, respectively.
In this section, we describe the databases used in our
experiments. Both are publicly available upon request and
were specifically developed for evaluation of contact lens
iris detection in a three-class way [30]. We summarize the
main characteristics of each database in Table I and present
additional details in the following subsections. Note that all
images of these databases are grayscale with 640 ×480 pixels.
A. Notre Dame Contact Lens Database
The 2013 Notre Dame Contact Lens Detection (NDCLD’13
or simply NDCL) database consists of 5100 images [39]. All
640 × 480 pixel images of this database were acquired under
near-IR illumination using two types of cameras, LG4000
and IrisGuard AD100. This database is divided into two
subsets: LG4000 with 3000 images for training and 1200 for
verification; AD100 with 600 images for training and 300
for verification. These subsets are indeed used as primary
databases for intra-camera evaluation.
The entire database, i.e., the fusion of images acquired by
the LG4000 & AD100 cameras, is proposed as a multi-camera
training set of 3600 images and a verification (testing) set
of 1500 images. The images are equally divided into three
classes: (1) wearing cosmetic contact lenses, (2) wearing clear
soft contact lenses, and (3) wearing no contact lenses. Fig. 1
illustrates some samples of the NDCL and its cameras and
Fig. 2. Samples of images in the IIIT-Delhi Contact Lens Iris (IIIT). In the
first and second columns, we show images acquired with Cogent and Vista
sensors, respectively. The first, second and third rows present samples with
textured/cosmetic contact lenses, soft/clear/prescript contact lenses, and no
contact lenses, respectively.
All images in the database are annotated with the following
information: an ID to the subject it belongs, eye (left and
right), the subject’s gender, race, the type of contact lenses
used, and the coordinates of pupil and iris. These coordinates
allow us to perform experiments considering perfect iris seg-
mentation. More specific details for this database can be found
in [39, Section II.B]
B. IIIT-D Contact Lens Iris Database
The Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT)-
Delhi Contact Lens Iris (IIIT-D CLI or simply IIIT) database
contains 6583 iris images of 101 subjects. For each individual:
(1) both left and right eyes were captured generating 202 iris
classes (different iris); (2) images were captured without lens
and with soft and textured lens - the three classes considered
here; (3) the textured lenses were captured by using variations
in iris sensors and lenses (colors and manufacturers). Images
in this database are illustrated in Fig. 2.
The used iris sensors are Cogent dual and VistaFA2E single.
Although this database offers a large variation of textured
contact lenses, the iris location information is not provided.
More specific details for this database can be found in [39,
Section II.A].
We only conducted experiments on this database using the entire eye
image. The perfect iris segmentation or annotation is planned as future work.
Database Sensor
# Training # Testing/Verification # Full
Text. Soft No Total Text. Soft No Total Text. Soft No Total
IrisGuard AD100 200 200 200 600 100 100 100 300 300 300 300 900
LG4000 iris camera 1000 1000 1000 3000 400 400 400 1200 1400 1400 1400 4200
Multi-camera 1200 1200 1200 3600 500 500 500 1500 1700 1700 1700 5100
Cogent Scanner 589 569 563 1721 613 574 600 1787 1202 1143 1163 3508
Vista Scanner 535 500 500 1535 530 510 500 1540 1065 1010 1000 3075
Multi-scanner 1124 1069 1063 3256 1143 1084 1100 3327 2267 2153 2163 6583
In this section, we present the proposed method for iris
contact lens detection based on deep image representations.
Initially, we briefly describe the structure of the deep learning
techniques used to build deep representations for the problem,
which involves a combination of convolutional network [40],
for deep image representations, and a fully-connected [41]
three-layered network for classification. Then, we detail the
methodology to choose the network topology and learn its
parameters, by using the domain-knowledge from the liter-
ature. The activation operations used here are the rectified
linear units (ReLU) [29], which have demonstrated to be
essential to learn deep representations. Based on gain control
mechanisms found in cortical neurons [42], the normalization
operation promotes competition among filter outputs such
that high and isolated responses are further emphasized [10].
Spatial pooling is a foundational operation in convolutional
networks [40] that aims at bringing translational invariance to
the features by aggregating activations from the same filter
in a given region. The order of these last two operations,
i.e., normalization and pooling, in a convolutional layer is an
open problem and is application dependent. As we expect to
achieve higher discrimination power with deep representations,
the convolutional network stacks several layers for final image
representation. All these operations and layers demand the
determination of several parameters. Instead of performing
random search on the hyperparameter space [24], [43] or even
applying some specific search algorithm [44], we preferred
to empirically analyze a set of parameters at a time to build
the final network structure (topology), and to learn the filter
weights by backpropagation. The idea of learning the network
architecture by using random weights [10], [24], [43], [44]
certainly deserves more attention and we will leave this
approach for a future work. The idea here is to first evaluate
how far one can go with the domain-knowledge from previous
works for object classification [29], in CIFAR-10 database
and spoofing [10], to establish a preliminary topology network
and explore its parameters according to the perception of
the problem. These steps are explained in Section IV-A and
employed in Section V.
The final layer of the convolutional network outputs a
deep image representation. For classification, we use a fully-
connected three-layered network [41]. We discard the use
of unshared local layers, since the literature [10] has shown
that they are inappropriate to problems in which the object
structure is irrelevant. The last network contains only three
neurons (one for each class) and classification is performed
by softmax regression. Then, the weights of each layer in
both networks are learned by the well-known backpropagation
The framework described above appears in CUDA-convnet
library implemented in C++ / CUDA by Krizhevky
. It is
important to highlight that such networks are a longstanding
approach, but it has recently enabled significant advances in
computer vision and pattern recognition fields, due to the
availability of more data and processing power, as well as
a better understanding of the learning process [21], [29], [44].
A. Methodology
The development of a network architecture for the three-
class detection problem, involving textured, soft, and no
contact lens images, starts from the Spoofnet a network
specially developed to address the two-class detection problem
of fake and live images [10]. From this network, we determine
the range of the parameter values to evaluate and understand
their influence on the performance of the contact lens detection
method. These parameters are related to four groups: (i) the
training methodology; (ii) the network architecture; (iii) the
input image size; (iv) the database annotation. These groups
are described in more details next.
Training methodology: We follow the training methodol-
ogy established in [29] and described in
. An initial learning
rate (LR) must be chosen. It is set to 10
in [29] and to
in [10]. We analyze both values.
Given an initial number of epochs, we develop the following
steps in order to train a network: (1) train 100% of epochs in
three out of four batches of the training data, using the fourth
one as a validation set; (2) train more 40% of epochs in all
four batches with the same learning rate; (3) train more 10% of
epochs in all training batches by decreasing the LR by a factor
of 10; (4) finally, train more 10% of epochs in all training
batches by decreasing the LR again by a factor of 10. In [29],
this initial number is set to 100, whereas in [10], it is set to 200.
The authors in [10] argue that this parameter is both data and
problem dependent. Then, here, besides evaluating 100 and
200 for the initial number of epochs, we propose to evaluate
higher numbers while overfitting is not achieved. After those
steps, we compute the accuracy of the trained network using
the verification data.
Network architecture: Once the training methodology
parameters are defined, we focus on the network topology
definition. In the specification of the network architecture,
one can use several layer and operation details
, although
here we evaluate: the number of convolutional layers of the
networks: {1, 2, 3}, that is, networks with one, two, or three
convolutional layers the number of fully-connected layers
is fixed in only one layer per class in order to reduce the
number of possibilities to be evaluated; the use or not of
normalization operation on top of each layer is also evaluated;
the number of filters in each layer is also evaluated com-
bination of {16, 32, 64} filters are evaluated for one, two and
three layers. The window sizes of the convolutional, pooling
and normalization operations are kept identical to the ones of
Input image dimension: After finding the best network
architecture, we investigate the influence of the input image
size. We evaluate different image sizes, i.e., 64×64, 128×128
and 256 ×256 pixels, given that for lower values than 64×64,
the contact lens details are not visible, whereas for higher
values than 512×512, oversampling is performed and memory
issues arise. To obtain images with the proposed dimensions,
we resize them.
A very important aspect, that also affects the input image
size, is data augmentation. It is strongly recommended to
reduce overfitting. In Krizhevsky’s framework [29], given an
input image, it is possible to define a window size such that
five image patches are cropped out from the original image.
We define the border in pixels to be cropped out from the
image. For instance, for a 64 × 64 input image, we consider
the cropped image (a window) with 56×56 pixels at its center
and we also slide this central window of 4 pixels horizontally
and vertically to get cropped images from the four corners of
the original image. We also apply reflections on each of the
five images such that this procedure on each original image
ends up to 10 training images. Here, we propose to evaluate
crop border values of {2, 4, 6, 8} for 64×64, {4, 8, 12, 16} for
128×128, and {8, 16, 24, 32} for 256 ×256 image sizes. Note
that the crop border values respect a proportion regarding the
image size.
Database annotation: As previously mentioned in Sec-
tion III, the NDCL database (with images from the AD100 and
LG4000 sensors) come with annotations for the pupil and iris
locations, i.e., the x and y coordinates and the ratio, allowing
a perfect iris segmentation or, in our case, only a perfect iris
location, since we use squared region crops. For these datasets,
through these annotations, we consider to use the iris image
region plus a percentage of the background and define the
following value: 0% (without), 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%, in
order to evaluate the importance of background addition.
Fig. 3. Spoofnet - initial network topology used here. Source: [10].
In this section, we present the experiments performed in
this work. We start by evaluating the groups of parameters
established in the previous section to study their behavior
and to obtain a performing network topology for contact lens
detection called CLDnet (see Fig. 4). Then, we compare the
effectiveness of our proposed approach with state-of-the-art
results in different scenarios.
A. Parameter Evaluation
As established in Section IV-B, we have to first evaluate
parameters in order to analyze their influence in the effective-
ness of the proposed method and also design a robust network
topology. These experiments were conducted separately only
on NDCL database, namely AD100 and LG4000 sensors, since
the iris location is available.
As initial network topology, we consider the one used
in [10], i.e., Spoofnet. Its configurations are illustrated in Fig 3.
We also consider image size of 128 × 128 and crop border of
8 pixels (indeed, input images are 112 × 112 pixels) values
used in Spoofnet. Furthermore, 10% of background addition
was selected, before cropping for generating the initial input
images. The 10% value was decided through visual inspection
on the images and verifying that this amount suffices to include
the contact lens borders in the cropped iris image.
The first evaluation is on the training methodology. We
verified that, for initial learning rate of 10
, the framework
caught/crashed in early iterations/epochs. This probably oc-
curred because the learning rate was too aggressive. Then, for
all remaining experiments, an initial learning rate of 10
used. We start the initial number of epochs in 100, however,
we also tested 200, 300 and 400 epochs. When 400 epochs
were evaluated, we observed that the learning process was
overfitting in the validation batch of the training set, then we
decide to take 300 as the initial number of epochs, since the
learning process was still achieving generalization. Therefore,
this is defined as our evaluation protocol for the remaining
Then, we evaluate the network architecture parameters.
We evaluate some configurations by varying the number of
layers and the number of filters in each layer. The results in
correct classification rate (CCR) are shown in Table II.
Sensor N. Filters CCR N. Filters CCR
16 72.33 16-16-16 73.67
32 68.67 16-16-32 76.00
64 70.00 16-16-64 77.00
16-16 75.67 16-32-16 72.33
16-32 75.00 16-32-32 76.33
16-64 74.67 16-32-64 71.00
32-32 76.00 32-32-16 75.00
32-64 76.00 32-32-64 79.67
16 79.50 16-16-16 77.59
32 77.34 16-16-32 83.34
64 80.84 16-16-64 81.17
16-16 84.34 16-32-16 82.92
16-32 84.82 16-32-32 81.75
16-64 84.17 16-32-64 76.92
32-32 85.59 32-32-16 81.34
32-64 85.00 32-32-64 83.75
Note that the use of three convolution layers does not
increase significantly the method effectiveness and the network
using a single layer does not present promising results. The
best result for the AD100 sensor (79.67%) is obtained using
a three layers of convolutions, while only two layers yielded
the best result for LG4000 sensor (85.59%). For our CLDnet,
we kept the configuration of two layers using 32 and 64 filters
for the first and second layers, respectively, since the results
seemed more stable for both sensors of the NDCL database.
We also evaluate whether or not to use the normalization
operation, but the results demonstrated that the method ef-
fectiveness is insensitive to this operation in the contact lens
detection problem. Thus, this operation was removed from the
Finally, we evaluate the input image size and database
annotations parameters simultaneously. The results of these
experiments are shown in Table III. By observing these results,
we can conclude that, in general, the results achieved by the
larger input image size, i.e., 256 × 256 pixels, correspond
to the worst CCRs for both sensors, AD100 and LG4000.
Additionally, on average, the results reported when using input
image dimensions of 64×64 and 128 ×128 pixels are slightly
Fig. 4. CLDnet - network for Contact Lens Detection proposed here.
similar. As the image size might be a constraint in some
applications, we prefer the smallest one for image input in
our CLDnet. Moreover, the best results presented in Table III
are obtained by networks with 64 × 64 pixel images as input,
4 pixels for crop border, and 10% of background addition,
such that the final designed CLDnet shown in Fig. 4. Despite
that fact, there is no strong claim to be stated for crop border
and background addition parameters. That is, the results vary
significantly when analyzing these two parameters.
B. Results
In this section, we compare the results obtained with our
method against the state-of-the-art (SOTA) results in [30].
Tables IV, V and VI present CCRs for no (N), textured
(T) and soft (S) contact lens classes and the overall (O)
CCR when analyzing intra, inter, and multi-sensor evaluations,
respectively. These results are analyzed as follows.
It is important to note that for the experiments run in the
sensors of the IIIT-D database, we use the same network,
CLDnet, however, we had to adjust the initial learning rate to
, because 10
was not sufficient for effective learning.
All the remainder parameters and procedures were maintained
as the sensors of the NDCL database.
1) Intra-sensor evaluation: It is possible to observe that
the proposed method outperformed SOTA for AD100 &
LG4000 sensors in the NDCL database, in which iris loca-
tion is available, therefore, establishing new SOTA results.
A marginal improvement is observed for the AD100 sensor
images, however, for the LG4000 sensor, the CCR raises from
approximately 80% to 86%, an improvement of 30%. We can
Input image size & Crop borders
Background 64 × 64 128 × 128 256 × 256
addition (%) 2 4 6 8 4 8 12 16 8 16 24 32
0 74.67 73.67 71.00 71.00 74.00 78.00 70.67 70.00 70.33 70.67 71.33 63.33
10 74.67 78.33 74.00 73.33 73.33 76.00 72.67 65.33 71.33 73.67 68.00 62.33
20 71.33 76.67 76.00 67.33 69.67 75.33 76.33 68.00 71.33 71.00 73.00 68.33
30 69.00 70.00 72.67 75.00 68.33 72.33 73.00 75.33 67.33 70.00 72.00 67.00
40 66.33 69.67 72.67 69.67 73.33 71.67 71.00 68.33 66.67 69.67 75.67 68.33
0 82.50 81.92 82.75 82.08 84.25 83.83 84.17 82.08 77.25 76.50 76.00 77.00
10 83.25 86.00 84.25 82.75 84.58 84.58 85.25 82.92 72.25 75.58 76.25 75.08
20 81.25 82.83 84.08 80.58 84.75 84.83 85.58 84.33 72.17 74.92 75.83 73.58
30 82.00 81.92 82.50 80.00 83.42 82.83 84.33 84.42 71.08 70.42 74.50 71.33
40 80.25 81.42 81.50 82.08 82.17 82.92 84.92 82.67 68.00 70.58 72.08 71.08
also see comparable results to SOTA for the Cogent & Vista
sensor images in the IIIT-D database. In this case, iris location
is not provided and the entire eye image was used as input to
our method. Nonetheless, our method achieves higher results
than the second best performing methods reported in [30].
The results on the IIIT-D database can be better understood,
when we consider that SOTA counts with an iris segmentation
AD100 LG4000 Cogent Vista
Ours SOTA Ours SOTA Ours SOTA 2nd Ours SOTA 2nd
N 73.00 81.00 84.50 76.21 35.50 66.83 59.73 60.80 76.21 49.49
T 97.00 100.00 99.75 91.62 73.00 94.91 91.87 55.88 91.62 99.42
S 65.00 52.00 73.75 67.52 98.21 56.66 52.84 98.30 67.52 59.32
O 78.33 77.67 86.00 80.04 69.05 73.01 68.57 72.08 80.04 69.84
2) Inter-sensor evaluation: Again, our method achieved
new SOTA results in this scenario for the NDCL database,
improving the CCR in 18% and 15%. In one sense, this
result highlights how robust deep representations can be when
learning features directly from the data. In contrast, disastrous
results for the IIIT-D database were achieved due to the
absence of iris location a feature that comes with SOTA.
Train AD100 LG4000 Cogent Vista
Test LG4000 AD100 Vista Cogent
N 75.00 62.25 80.00 74.00 6.00 62.10 48.67 65.99
T 94.00 88.50 97.00 93.00 89.61 92.95 38.15 80.81
S 65.00 29.50 49.00 17.00 45.47 75.44 42.25 48.31
O 78.00 60.08 75.33 61.33 45.51 77.79 43.08 65.29
3) Multi-sensor evaluation: Finally, we observe that the
CCRs obtained by our method outperforms the SOTA results
in almost 10% in the multi-sensor scenario for the NDCL
database and, even though the iris location is not provided (for
the IIIT database), a comparable performance is achieved.
N 77.40 72.60 47.55 62.14
T 99.60 97.00 61.07 94.74
S 71.40 50.00 97.99 61.63
O 82.80 73.20 69.28 72.96
C. Architecture learning and processing times
In our experiments, we used six PCs with 32GB RAM, Intel
Core i7 CPUs, and NVIDIA GPUs (Tesla K40 with 12GB
or GTX GeForce Titan Black with 6GB). The framework
(CUDA-convnet) clearly relied on GPUs and the processing
time of the different GPUs was not significant. The training
time taken by the convolutional networks is highly dependent
on the input image size, number of layers, and other parame-
ters. For image sizes 256 × 256, 128 × 128, and 64 × 64, the
average training time was less than 172, 49, and 11 minutes,
respectively, for the LG4000 sensor the one with the highest
number of training samples.
Although we did not measure the classification time of a
single sample, our approach is quite suitable for real-world
applications. Indeed, there is an optimized framework, Jetpacs
iOS Deep Belief image recognition framework [45], that
implements the convolutional network architecture described
in [29], which can classify a 256 × 256 image in one among
1k categories in less than 300ms on an iPhone 5S. That
architecture is significantly larger and more complex than
the ones that we propose here. Our architectures comprise
fewer operations and layers, and use lower resolution images,
64 × 64 pixels. Therefore, contact lens detection systems with
architectures developed by using [45] should be suitable for
real-world applications.
In this paper, we proposed the use of deep image represen-
tations, by means of learning weights in convolutional network
followed by a classification network, for the iris contact lens
detection problem. The conducted experiments validate our
method, which could achieve a 30% performance gain over
the state-of-the-art approach, SOTA, on the NDCL database
and comparable results on the IIIT-D database. In NDCL,
iris location is available, which allows to create deep image
representations of regions of interest with mostly iris pixels.
This becomes a problem in the IIIT-D database, where neither
iris segmentation nor location is available. SOTA performs
iris segmentation, but our approach is not prepared yet to
preprocess images and segment/locate the iris. We intend to
add this feature in future work and also to evaluate deep
learning techniques in which the architecture of the network
is first learned by using filters with random weights. Once
the architecture is learned, the weights can be improved by
Effective comprehension and exploitation of representations
built through deep learning techniques, such as the convolu-
tional networks, are still open problems in the literature. We
also plan to put more effort on this subject to clarify such
We thank UFOP, Brazilian National Research Council
CNPq (Grants 307010/2014-7, 302970/2014-2, 479070/2013-
0, 307113/2012-4), S
ao Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP,
(Grants 2011/22749-8 and 2013/04172-0). D. Menotti thanks
NVIDIA for donating two GeForce GTX Titan Black with
6GB each.
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... This has encouraged many researchers to incorporate deep learning in the PAD problem. Instead of using handcrafted features, rely on a deep network or CNN to learn features that discriminate between bona-fide and attack face [1,2,29,85,86,[91][92][93] or iris [3,4,94,95] or both [5,98]. Some proposed to use hybrid features that combine information from both handcrafted and deeply-learnt features. ...
... Although several previous studies use CNN for PAD, they either used custom-designed networks, e.g. Spoofnet [95,98], or used pre-trained CNN to extract features that are later classified with conventional classification algorithms such as SVM. In this paper, we propose to train deeper CNNs for the direct classification of bona-fide and PA images. ...
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Biometric presentation attack detection (PAD) is gaining increasing attention. Users of mobile devices find it more convenient to unlock their smart applications with finger, face, or iris recognition instead of passwords. In this study, the authors survey the approaches presented in the recent literature to detect face and iris presentation attacks. Specifically, they investigate the effectiveness of fine-tuning very deep convolutional neural networks to the task of face and iris antispoofing. They compare two different fine-tuning approaches on six publicly available benchmark datasets. Results show the effectiveness of these deep models in learning discriminative features that can tell apart real from fake biometric images with a very low error rate. Cross-dataset evaluation on face PAD showed better generalisation than state-of-the-art. They also performed cross-dataset testing on iris PAD datasets in terms of equal error rate, which was not reported in the literature before. Additionally, they propose the use of a single deep network trained to detect both face and iris attacks. They have not noticed accuracy degradation compared to networks trained for only one biometric separately. Finally, they analysed the learned features by the network, in correlation with the image frequency components, to justify its prediction decision.
Biometrics involves the analysis and statistical assessment of unique physical and behavioural characteristics of an individual. It finds application in areas like identification, access control, and surveillance. In security systems, biometric-based recognition is replacing conventional methods. Iris recognition (IR) has gained prominence in contemporary biometric technology deployed across various devices for security purposes. Recent advancements in deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), computer vision, and access to extensive training data have significantly enhanced the performance of IR systems over the last decade. A presentation attack refers to a scenario where an impostor generates fake biometric data to deceive the system. This study introduces an effective strategy to enhance the precision of detecting iris presentation attacks and reviews the evolution of CNN techniques from 2015 to 2022. The proposed solution is a Dual-Channel Convolutional Neural Network Presentation Attack Detector (DC-CNNPAD), designed to improve the accuracy of real iris detection. An experiment is conducted on the LivDet-2015 dataset to evaluate the model’s effectiveness in identifying artefacts. The results obtained from the detection model on the sample dataset demonstrate highly favourable outcomes, and on LivDet-2015, the TDR is 98.70%.
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Presentation attacks that make the biometric systems vulnerable has become a growing concern in recent years keeping in view its widespread applications in the field of banking, medical, security systems etc. For instance, textured contact lenses, high-quality printouts and fabricated synthetic materials spoof the iris texture and fingerprints that lead to increase in false rejection. Till now, extensive work has been done on global features. However, this paper proposed local features with invariance properties. Thus, the paper proposes detection of spoofing attacks in which local features are extracted for micro-textural analysis with properties of invariance to scale, rotation and translation. The features are encoded using Lehmer code and transformed into histograms that act as feature descriptors for classification. The top 4 features are selected using Friedman test. Experiments are simulated on iris spoofing databases: IIITD-Contact Lens, IIITD-Iris Spoofing, Clarkson-2015, Warsaw-2015and fingerprint spoofing databases: LivDet-2013 and LivDet-2015. Results have been validated through intra-sensor, inter-sensor, cross-sensor and cross-material. In case of IIITD-CLI, an EER of 1.36% and an ACER of 1.45% is obtained. For IIS, 0.94% of EER and 1.61% of ACER is observed. For Clarkson database, 0.79% of EER and 2.10% of ACER is obtained. An ACER of 0.57% is obtained for LivDet-2013 and 0.47% for LivDet-2015.
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Despite the promising results achieved by deep iris presentation attack detection (PAD) in dataset-specific scenarios, the advanced approach remains vulnerable to novel attacks. Real-world attacks evolve over time. Typically, fine-tuning and retraining from scratch are employed to incrementally learn new attacks. However, fine-tuning degrades performance on old attacks, i.e., catastrophic forgetting. Retraining on all data is unavailable due to data privacy. To address these issues, we are the first to propose a lifelong iris PAD to incrementally learn new attacks without storing old data. Our approach utilizes a prompt pool to preserve attack-independent and attack-shared knowledge, wherein learnable prompts aid in prediction by the pre-trained Vision Transformer (ViT). Furthermore, adaptive attention masks for sequential new attacks are applied to pre-trained ViT. Consequently, our method improves plasticity while preserving stability. Extensive experiments are performed on our building dataset combing IITD and CASIA to evaluate iris PAD in incremental learning. Our proposed method obtains competitive performance over state-of-the-art Iris PAD schemes.
Iris recognition technology has attracted an increasing interest in the last decades in which we have witnessed a migration from research laboratories to real-world applications. The deployment of this technology raises questions about the main vulnerabilities and security threats related to these systems. Among these threats, presentation attacks stand out as some of the most relevant and studied. Presentation attacks can be defined as the presentation of human characteristics or artifacts directly to the capture device of a biometric system trying to interfere with its normal operation. In the case of the iris, these attacks include the use of real irises as well as artifacts with different levels of sophistication such as photographs or videos. This chapter introduces iris Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) methods that have been developed to reduce the risk posed by presentation attacks. First, we summarize the most popular types of attacks including the main challenges to address. Second, we present a taxonomy of PAD methods as a brief introduction to this very active research area. Finally, we discuss the integration of these methods into iris recognition systems according to the most important scenarios of practical application.
With the rapid development of the Mobile Internet and the Industrial Internet of Things, a variety of applications put forward an urgent demand for user and device identity recognition. Digital identity with hidden characteristics is essential for both individual users and physical devices. With the assistance of multimodalities as well as fusion strategies, identity recognition can be more reliable and robust. In this survey, we turn to investigate the concepts and limitations of unimodal identity recognition, the motivation, and advantages of multimodal identity recognition, and summarize the recognition technologies and applications via feature level, match score level, decision level, and rank level data fusion strategies. Additionally, we also discuss the security concerns and future research orientations of learning-based identity recognition, which enables researchers to achieve a better understanding of the current status of this field and select future research directions. This survey summarizes and expands the fusion processing technologies and methods for multi-source and multimodality data, and provides theoretical support for their applications in complicated scenarios. In addition, it enables researchers to achieve a better understanding of the current research status of this field and select proper future research directions.
Multimodal biometric systems are widely applied in many real-world applications because of its ability to accommodate variety of great limitations of unimodal biometric systems, including sensitivity to noise, population coverage, intra-class variability, nonuniversality, and vulnerability to spoofing. during this paper, an efficient and real-time multimodal biometric system is proposed supported building deep learning representations for images of both the correct and left irises of someone, and fusing the results obtained employing a ranking-level fusion method. The trained deep learning system proposed is named IrisConvNet whose architecture relies on a mix of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Softmax classifier to extract discriminative features from the input image with none domain knowledge where the input image represents the localized iris region and so classify it into one amongst N classes. during this work, a discriminative CNN training scheme supported a mixture of back-propagation algorithm and mini-batch AdaGrad optimization method is proposed for weights updating and learning rate adaptation, respectively. additionally, other training strategies (e.g., dropout method, data augmentation) also are proposed so as to gauge different CNN architectures. The performance of the proposed system is tested on three public datasets collected under different conditions: SDUMLA-HMT, CASIA-IrisV3 Interval and IITD iris database
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The use of the iris and periocular region as biometric traits has been extensively investigated, mainly due to the singularity of the iris features and the use of the periocular region when the image resolution is not sufficient to extract iris information. In addition to providing information about an individual’s identity, features extracted from these traits can also be explored to obtain other information such as the individual’s gender, the influence of drug use, the use of contact lenses, spoofing, among others. This work presents a survey of the databases created for ocular recognition, detailing their protocols and how their images were acquired. We also describe and discuss the most popular ocular recognition competitions (contests), highlighting the submitted algorithms that achieved the best results using only iris trait and also fusing iris and periocular region information. Finally, we describe some relevant works applying deep learning techniques to ocular recognition and point out new challenges and future directions. Considering that there are a large number of ocular databases, and each one is usually designed for a specific problem, we believe this survey can provide a broad overview of the challenges in ocular biometrics.
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Obfuscating an iris recognition system through forged iris samples has been a major security threat in iris-based authentication. Therefore, a detection mechanism is essential that may explicitly discriminate between the live iris and forged (attack) patterns. The majority of existing methods analyze the eye image as a whole to find discriminatory features for fake and real iris. However, many attacks do not alter the entire eye image, instead merely the iris region is affected. It infers that the iris embodies the region of interest (RoI) for an exhaustive search towards identifying forged iris patterns. This paper introduces a novel framework that locates RoI using the YOLO approach and performs selective image enhancement to enrich the core textural details. The YOLO approach tightly bounds the iris region without any pattern loss, where the textural analysis through local and global descriptors is expected to be efficacious. Afterward, various handcrafted and CNN based methods are employed to extract the discriminative textural features from the RoI. Later, the best-k features are identified through the Friedman test as the optimal feature set and combined using score-level fusion. Further, the proposed approach is assessed on six different iris databases using predefined intra-dataset, cross-dataset, and combined-dataset validation protocols. The experimental outcomes exhibit that the proposed method results in significant error reduction with the state of the arts.
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In spite of the prominence and robustness of iris recognition systems, iris images acquisition using heterogeneous cameras/sensors, is the prime concern in deploying them for wide-scale applications. The textural qualities of iris samples (images) captured through distinct sensors substantially differ due to the differences in illumination and the underlying hardware that yields intra-class variation within the iris dataset. This paper examines three miscellaneous configurations of convolution and residual blocks to improve cross-domain iris recognition. Further, the finest architecture amongst three is identified by the Friedman test, where the statistical differences in proposed architectures are identified based on the outcomes of Nemeny and Bonferroni-Dunn tests. The quantitative performances of these architectures are perceived on several experiments simulated on two iris datasets; ND-CrossSensor-Iris-2013 and ND-iris-0405. The finest model is referred to as “Collaborative Convolutional Residual Network (CCRNet)” and is further examined on several experiments prepared in similar and cross-domains. Results depict that least two error rates reported by CCRNet are 1.06% and 1.21% that enhances the benchmark for the state of the arts. This is due to fast convergence and rapid weights updation achieved from convolution and residual connections, respectively. It helps in recognizing the micro-patterns existing within the iris region and results in better feature discrimination among large numbers of iris subjects.
Conference Paper
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Despite decades of research on automatic license plate recognition (ALPR), optical character recognition (OCR) still leaves room for improvement in this context, given that a single OCR miss is enough to miss the entire plate. We propose an OCR approach based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for feature extraction. The architecture of our CNN is chosen from thousands of random possibilities and its filter weights are set at random and normalized to zero mean and unit norm. By training linear support vector machines (SVMs) on the resulting CNN features, we can achieve recognition rates of over 98% for digits and 96% for letters, something that neither SVMs operating on image pixels nor CNNs trained via back-propagation can achieve. The results are obtained in a dataset that has 182 samples per digit and 28 per letter, and suggest the use of random CNNs as a promising alternative approach to ALPR systems.
Conference Paper
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Textured contact lenses cause severe problems for iris biometric systems because they can be used to alter the appearance of iris texture in order to deliberately increase the false positive and, especially, false negative match rates. Many texture analysis based techniques have been proposed for detecting the presence of cosmetic contact lenses. However, it has been shown recently that the generalization capability of the existing approaches is not sufficient because they have been developed for detecting specific lens texture patterns and evaluated only on those same lens types seen during development phase. This scenario does not apply in unpredictable practical applications because unseen lens patterns will be definitely experienced in operation. In this paper, we address this issue by studying the effect of different iris image preprocessing techniques and introducing a novel approach formore generalized cosmetic contact lens detection using binarized statistical image features (BSIF).Our extensive experimental analysis on benchmark datasets shows that the BSIF description extracted from preprocessed Cartesian iris texture images yields to promising generalization capabilities across unseen texture patterns and different iris sensors with mean equal error rate of 0.14%and 0.88%, respectively. The findings support the intuition that the textural differences between genuine iris texture and fake ones are best described by preserving the regular structure of different printing signatures without transforming the iris images into polar coordinate system.
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Humans are natural face recognition experts, far out-performing current automated face recognition algorithms, especially in naturalistic, “in the wild” settings. However, a striking feature of human face recognition is that we are dramatically better at recognizing highly familiar faces, presumably because we can leverage large amounts of past experience with the appearance of an individual to aid future recognition. Meanwhile, the analogous situation in automated face recognition, where a large number of training examples of an individual are available, has been largely underexplored, in spite of the increasing relevance of this setting in the age of social media. Inspired by these observations, we propose to explicitly learn enhanced face representations on a per-individual basis, and we present two methods enabling this approach. By learning and operating within person-specific representations, we are able to significantly outperform the previous state-of-the-art on PubFig83, a challenging benchmark for familiar face recognition in the wild, using a novel method for learning representations in deep visual hierarchies. We suggest that such person-specific representations aid recognition by introducing an intermediate form of regularization to the problem.
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Vulnerability of iris recognition systems remains a challenge due to diverse presentation attacks that fail to assure the reliability when adopting these systems in real-life scenarios. In this paper, we present an in-depth analysis of presentation attacks on iris recognition systems especially focusing on the photo print attacks and the electronic display (or screen) attack. To this extent, we introduce a new relatively large scale visible spectrum iris artefact database comprised of 3300 iris normal and artefact samples that are captured by simulating five different attacks on iris recognition system. We also propose a novel presentation attack detection (PAD) scheme based on multiscale binarized statistical image features and linear support vector machines. Extensive experiments are carried out on four different publicly available iris artefact databases that have revealed the outstanding performance of the proposed PAD scheme when benchmarked with various well-established state-of-the-art schemes.
Conference Paper
We trained a large, deep convolutional neural network to classify the 1.2 million high-resolution images in the ImageNet LSVRC-2010 contest into the 1000 dif- ferent classes. On the test data, we achieved top-1 and top-5 error rates of 37.5% and 17.0% which is considerably better than the previous state-of-the-art. The neural network, which has 60 million parameters and 650,000 neurons, consists of five convolutional layers, some of which are followed by max-pooling layers, and three fully-connected layers with a final 1000-way softmax. To make training faster, we used non-saturating neurons and a very efficient GPU implemen- tation of the convolution operation. To reduce overfitting in the fully-connected layers we employed a recently-developed regularization method called dropout that proved to be very effective. We also entered a variant of this model in the ILSVRC-2012 competition and achieved a winning top-5 test error rate of 15.3%, compared to 26.2% achieved by the second-best entry
Iris images contain rich texture information for reliable personal identification. However, forged iris patterns may be used to spoof iris recognition systems. This paper proposes an iris anti-spoofing approach based on the texture discrimination between genuine and fake iris images. Four texture analysis methods include gray level co-occurrence matrix, statistical distribution of iris texture primitives, local binary patterns (LBP) and weighted-LBP are used for iris liveness detection. And a fake iris image database is constructed for performance evaluation of iris liveness detection methods. Fake iris images are captured from artificial eyeballs, textured contact lens and iris patterns printed on a paper, or synthesised from textured contact lens patterns. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed texture analysis methods for iris liveness detection. And the learned statistical texture features based on weighted-LBP can achieve 99accuracy in classification of genuine and fake iris images.
Conference Paper
Human iris contains rich textural information which serves as the key information for biometric identifications. It is very unique and one of the most accurate biometric modalities. However, spoofing techniques can be used to obfuscate or impersonate identities and increase the risk of false acceptance or false rejection. This paper revisits iris recognition with spoofing attacks and analyzes their effect on the recognition performance. Specifically, print attack with contact lens variations is used as the spoofing mechanism. It is observed that print attack and contact lens, individually and in conjunction, can significantly change the inter-personal and intra-personal distributions and thereby increase the possibility to deceive the iris recognition systems. The paper also presents the IIITD iris spoofing database, which contains over 4800 iris images pertaining to over 100 individuals with variations due to contact lens, sensor, and print attack. Finally, the paper also shows that cost effective descriptor approaches may help in counter-measuring spooking attacks.
Despite significant recent advances in the field of face recognition, implementing face verification and recognition efficiently at scale presents serious challenges to current approaches. In this paper we present a system, called FaceNet, that directly learns a mapping from face images to a compact Euclidean space where distances directly correspond to a measure of face similarity. Once this space has been produced, tasks such as face recognition, verification and clustering can be easily implemented using standard techniques with FaceNet embeddings as feature vectors. Our method uses a deep convolutional network trained to directly optimize the embedding itself, rather than an intermediate bottleneck layer as in previous deep learning approaches. To train, we use triplets of roughly aligned matching / non-matching face patches generated using a novel online triplet mining method. The benefit of our approach is much greater representational efficiency: we achieve state-of-the-art face recognition performance using only 128-bytes per face. On the widely used Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset, our system achieves a new record accuracy of 99.63%. On YouTube Faces DB it achieves 95.12%. Our system cuts the error rate in comparison to the best published result by 30% on both datasets.