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To Please in a Pod: Employing an Anthropomorphic Agent-Interlocutor to Enhance Trust and User Experience in an Autonomous, Self-Driving Vehicle


Abstract and Figures

Recognising that one of the aims of conversation is to build, maintain and strengthen positive relationships with others, the study explores whether passengers in an autonomous vehicle display similar behaviour during transactions with an on-board conversational agent-interface; moreover, whether related attributes (e.g. trust) transcend to the vehicle itself. Employing a counterbalanced, within-subjects design, thirty-four participants were transported in a self-driving pod using an expansive testing arena. Participants undertook three journeys with an anthropomorphic agent-interlocutor (via Wizard-of-Oz), a voice-command interface, or a traditional touch-surface; each delivered equivalent task-related information. Results show that the agent-interlocutor was the most preferred interface, attracting the highest ratings of trust, and significantly enhancing the pleasure and sense of control over the journey experience, despite the inclusion of ‘trust challenges’ as part of the design. The findings can help support the design and development of in-vehicle agent-based voice interfaces to enhance trust and user experience in autonomous cars.
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To Please in a Pod: Employing an Anthropomorphic
Agent-Interlocutor to Enhance Trust and User Experience
in an Autonomous, Self-Driving Vehicle
David R. Large, Kyle Harrington,
Gary Burnett
Human Factors Research Group,
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, UK
{david.r.large; kyle.harrington; gary.burnett}
Jacob Luton, Peter Thomas,
Pete Bennett
Jaguar Land Rover Research
Coventry, UK;
{pthoma95; pbennet7}
Recognising that one of the aims of conversation is to build,
maintain and strengthen positive relationships with others,
the study explores whether passengers in an autonomous
vehicle display similar behaviour during transactions with an
on-board conversational agent-interface; moreover, whether
related attributes (e.g. trust) transcend to the vehicle itself.
Employing a counterbalanced, within-subjects design, thirty-
four participants were transported in a self-driving pod using
an expansive testing arena. Participants undertook three
journeys with an anthropomorphic agent-interlocutor (via
Wizard-of-Oz), a voice-command interface, or a traditional
touch-surface; each delivered equivalent task-related
information. Results show that the agent-interlocutor was the
most preferred interface, attracting the highest ratings of
trust, and significantly enhancing the pleasure and sense of
control over the journey experience, despite the inclusion of
‘trust challenges’ as part of the design. The findings can help
support the design and development of in-vehicle agent-
based voice interfaces to enhance trust and user experience
in autonomous cars.
Author Keywords
trust, user experience, conversational user interface,
anthropomorphism, autonomous driving, pod
CSS Concepts
Human-centered computing~Natural language
interfaces • Human-centered computing~User studies
Autonomous, self-driving vehicles are expected to
revolutionise everyday travel with anticipated benefits of
improved road safety, efficiency, comfort and mobility. First
experiences are likely to be in driverless ‘pods’ that operate
in contained, ‘geo-fenced’ environments (university
campuses, airports etc.) [1], with several examples already in
existence. Nevertheless, major concerns have been expressed
regarding the public’s willingness to adopt the technology
[2], in particular, relating to issues of trust and the overall
user experience [3, 4].
Trust and Driver Acceptance
Trust in technology is considered to be the extent to which
people believe that technology will perform effectively and
without a negative or injurious outcome [5]. Trust therefore
shapes an individual’s attitudes and ultimately determines
their behaviour, such as their intention to use the system [6,
7], the extent to which they rely upon the technology and
their operational strategies towards its use [8, 9]. Intertwined
with trust is the concept of acceptance. Acceptance has been
defined in the automotive domain as “the degree to which an
individual incorporates the system in his/her driving, or if
the system is not available, intends to use it” [10] (p.18). The
determinants of drivers’ trust and acceptance are thus
complex and interrelated, and derive from various factors,
including the individuals understanding of the system limits
and the context in which it is implemented [11].
Various theoretical models have been proposed to define and
evaluate acceptance (for example, the Technology
Acceptance Model, TAM) [11]. While these were originally
developed in the information technology domain, they have
been widely adapted for other contexts, such as driving, with
most models now incorporating additional factors. In the
context of autonomous driving, relevant factors include: the
degree to which users can predict and understand the
operation of the vehicle (system transparency) and the degree
of user perception on the performance of the vehicle or
technological component (technical competence) [12]. In
addition, factors such as reliability and dependability can
affect trust and acceptance in relation to automated vehicle
technologies: reliability is defined as the ability of a device
or system to perform a required function under stated
conditions for a specified period, whereas dependability
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refers to the frequency of automation breakdowns or errors
[13]. Errors (such as false alarms) can therefore have a
profound effect on users’ perception of reliability and
dependability. For example, a reduction in the occurrence of
errors notably increases drivers’ perception of the reliability
of the system and positively impacts trust development [14].
Privacy and security concerns have also been highlighted as
potential barriers to the trust and acceptance of autonomous
vehicles. Privacy is linked to the handling of personal data,
for example, ensuring that the user knows which data are
being collected and how they will be used [15], and typically
centres around two aspects: unauthorized access due to
security breaches or the lack of internal controls, and the risk
of secondary use, that is, the re-use of personal data for
unrelated purposes without the user’s consent [16]. In
contrast, security refers to the technical guarantees that
ensure measures against threat of intentional attack on
systems/software, and the legal requirements and good
practices with regard to privacy, are met [15].
A common ground in trust and acceptance research is that
human behaviour is not determined by objective factors, but
rather by the user’s subjective perceptions, based on their
individual attitudes, expectations and experience [7]. Thus,
even a well-designed system that evidently performs
effectively and without inflicting a negative or injurious
outcome, may not necessarily warrant a user’s trust or
acceptance. As such, we look for guidance to social
psychology (from which our understanding and
operationalisation of trust-in-technology originate). Here,
trust is defined as: “a psychological state comprising the
intention to accept vulnerability based upon positive
expectations of the intentions or behaviour of another” [17]
(p.395). In other words, trust is a belief by a person in the
integrity of another, and centres around human factors such
as benevolence and honesty [18]. In practice, this means that
humans calibrate trust in another by making attributions
based on personal qualities and characteristics, often
identified through speech and conversation.
Speech, Conversation and Talking Technology
Philosophical debates identify speech as one of the
quintessential marker of humanness [19]. It is the primary
means of social identification amongst humans, and
implicates more parts of the brain than any other function
[20]. Speech is peppered with salient, socially-relevant, cues,
above and beyond the lexical content, that humans quickly
become experts at extracting and comprehending based on
vocal characteristics such as pitch, cadence, speech rate and
volume: these are subsequently used to provide systematic
guidance for determining gender, personality and emotion-
specific actions, such as who to like and trust [21, 19].
When formed as conversation (“any interactive spoken
exchange between two or more people”), speech serves
many purposes, which can be broadly categorised as either
transactional (task-based) or social (interactional) [22].
Although these may overlap within natural conversation
[23], transactional conversations pursue a practical goal,
whereas the more social features of conversation aim to
build, maintain and strengthen positive relationships with the
other interlocutor(s) [24, 25]. Social conversation therefore
includes aspects such as greetings and small talk that can
help develop common ground [26], trust and rapport between
interlocutors [23].
A common proposition in HCI is that humans appear to lack
the wherewithal to overcome instinctive behaviours, and
interact with a talking computer in a similar manner to
talking to another human, demonstrating humanlike
behaviours and making similar attributions [19]. For
example, different digital ‘personalities’, created by varying
the vocal characteristics and language content of spoken
language interfaces, have been shown to influence trust,
performance, learning and even consumers’ buying habits
during research studies [19]. Similar effects have been noted
in the automotive domain, with participants recognising
unique ‘personalities’ associated with different voices
employed to deliver navigational instructions, even though
the content remained the same: this influenced their attitudes
towards the navigational device, including how much they
liked it, their preferences for use, and the level of trust that
they associated with it [27]. In social robotics, conversational
interaction has been highlighted as an important factor in
ensuring long-term rapport building and use [28]. The
accommodation of social conversations therefore appears to
be a critical factor in developing trust in a social agent [29].
Attributing human motivations, characteristics or behaviour
to inanimate objects, such as talking technology (as observed
in the aforementioned examples) and building expectations
on the basis of this is evidence of anthropomorphism [30].
Although the term has been used pejoratively in science
when novelty features (such as a human face) have been
added to non-human entities, anthropomorphism is not
simply the titivation of artefacts with superficial human
features and characteristics, but rather the process of
inductive inference whereby people are inspired to believe
(at some level) that the artefact has capacity for rational
thought (agency) and conscious feeling (experience) [31].
This is typically inspired by peoples’ experience of these
features and characteristics (voice, social behaviour etc.) in
Indeed, passengers of an autonomous vehicle that was
anthropomorphised (given a human name, gender and voice)
rated their vehicle as having more humanlike cognitive
capacities than those who occupied a vehicle with the same
autonomous features but without the associated
anthropomorphic cues [32]. Participants in the study also
reported trusting their vehicle more, were more relaxed in an
accident, and blamed their vehicle and related entities less
for an accident caused by another driver [32]. In addition,
increases in the level of trust in automation were noted
following the addition of anthropomorphic features (voice
and gender) to an existing audio-visual Human-Machine
Interface (HMI) during conditionally-automated driving
[33]. In this simulator-based study, the speech interface
explained what the vehicle was intending to do during
handovers. The value of using anthropomorphism to improve
system transparency (that is, what the vehicle is doing and
why) was also highlighted by Miglani, Diels, and Terken
[34] who predicted associated increases in the level of trust.
Other authors, notably Eriksson and Stanton [35] have
postulated the importance of employing a conversational
agent HMI (their so-called “chatty co-pilot”) drawing upon
the aviation literature as an effective and natural means of
providing calibrated trust to human users of a conditionally-
automated vehicle. The suggestion here is that the chatty co-
pilot encourages appropriate levels of trust relevant to the
system capability and reliability, thereby ensuring the system
is used (appropriately) and complacency effects are
Study Aims and Scope
Evidently, there is considerable research exploring the use of
human characteristics especially conversational speech
within automotive HMIs to leverage human qualities and
capabilities and embody these within the technology. This
has been inspired to a large extent by the recent proliferation
and popularity of personal devices like Amazon Echo and
Google Home. While the research has generally revealed
positive effects associated with talking technology during
simulated driving (to enhance the subjective evaluation of
the vehicle, and improve users’ behaviour and performance),
this study is the first to investigate how an
anthropomorphised agent-interlocutor employing natural,
conversational language could influence trust and the user
experience in a genuinely autonomous ‘pod’ vehicle. It
builds on the work of Antrobus et al. [36], who explored the
use of a natural language interface to improve the trust and
acceptance of an autonomous taxi in a driving simulator. It
is worth highlighting at the outset that this is not an
evaluation of technology that has been deliberately designed
to hold emotional intelligence or influence users’ emotions.
Instead, it is a controlled experiment motivated by the
psychological construct of anthropomorphism, which is
subsequently used as a theoretical basis to interpret the
observed behaviour. The study therefore aims to expose
natural, instinctive behaviours and opinions that were
motivated by the presence of a voice, and the interaction style
it affords, and it is therefore also highly relevant to current
trends and research interest in conversational user interfaces.
Use-Case and Script Development
Prior to undertaking the driving study itself, a series of focus
groups were conducted to determine the content and delivery
of the ‘anthropomorphic agent’ dialogue, and to explore any
concerns that people may have when using such an interface
in an autonomous vehicle. In light of the findings from the
focus groups, and in consideration of the limitations of the
experimental setup, we decided to focus on three use-cases:
entertainment (news, sporting headlines, music etc.),
office/scheduling (managing and creating to-do lists,
calendars and emails) and system notifications (requests for
vehicle diagnostics etc.). For each of these use-cases, we
devised a variety of predetermined opening gambits and
responses in order to form the basis of the anthropomorphic
agent’s conversational exchanges, and the style with which
to deliver these.
A representative sample of experienced drivers were
recruited to take part (n=34), comprising 17 male and 17
female participants. Ages ranged from 2158 years with a
mean age of 40, driving experience from 3.540 years with
a mean of 20.6 years, and self-reported annual mileage from
6,000 to 60,000 with a mean of 15,691. All participants were
employees of Jaguar Land Rover (primarily from non-
technical roles, i.e. administrative/support).
The study was conducted in the Urban Development Lab
(UDL) indoor testing environment in Coventry using a
driverless pod supplied by the RDM Group (Figure 1). The
pod operated fully-autonomously throughout the study. The
area was presented as an urban scenario, with shop fronts etc.
projected onto timber constructions and perimeter screens to
emulate commercial premises etc. The layout enabled
multiple routes to be followed. During the study, participants
were recorded using a GoPro camera for subsequent
analysis, as well as a second camera for immediate streaming
and observation. A small booth on the edge of the testing area
Figure 1. Arena view of pod and testing environment
Figure 2. Touchscreen main menu
housed a professional actor, who delivered the
anthropomorphic agent dialogue in real time, for example in
response to conversation initiated by participants, using a
Wizard-of-Oz approach [37]. Participants were told that they
were interacting with a prototype highly-capable,
conversational interface; they were not aware that they were
conversing with another human. In addition, a Microsoft
Surface touch-screen tablet with a bespoke PowerPoint
presentation was installed in the vehicle, although this was
not used with the conversational user interface.
Experimental Design
To ensure a thorough investigation, three interfaces were
evaluated in a counterbalanced, within-subjects design:
touchscreen, voice command and the anthropomorphic agent
interlocutor. The voice command condition was included to
explore whether any observed differences were as a result of
the communication modality (voice versus touch) or due to
the ‘anthropomorphic’ nature of the speech interface. Each
interface provided equivalent task-related information
relevant to the use-case under examination at set intervals
throughout each drive, although the scope to engage in
further interactions naturally differed between interfaces.
A touchscreen interface was installed in the centre of the pod.
Participants were able to interact with this using a bespoke
PowerPoint presentation navigable via embedded
hyperlinks, to appear as a fully-functioning, interactive HMI.
Voice Command (‘AutoCab’)
Participants were required to interact using specific voice
commands relevant to each use-case. System responses were
delivered in real-time by the actor using a Wizard-of-Oz
approach. However, the actor was restricted in the range of
responses available, and was instructed only to respond to
correctly formatted commands (as would be expected in
commercially-available voice-command technology). To aid
participants, the range of usable commands was provided as
a static, visual prompt on the touchscreen, which also
remained present during this drive.
Anthropomorphic Agent-Interlocutor (‘UltraCab’)
Participants were able to interact with the anthropomorphic
agent using free-flowing, conversational language. System
responses were conversational in nature, based on the script
informed by the focus groups, and also included more
personable qualities (use of the first-person pronoun,
participant’s name, politeness etc.) in line with findings from
both the focus groups and previous work [38, 32]. Responses
were composed and delivered in real-time by the actor using
the Wizard-of-Oz approach.
Following an initial briefing and the collection of
demographic and background data (including
anthropomorphic tendency [39]), participants completed
three drives, with each drive relating exclusively to a
different HMI. Each drive lasted approximately eight
minutes and followed one of three different routes (HMIs
and route-selection were counterbalanced between
participants). To explore issues of reliability, participants
were presented with a ‘trust challenge’ towards the end of
each journey, inspired by the methodology employed by
Antrobus, et al. [36]. For example, the pod abruptly stropped,
claiming to have detected a pedestrian in the road ahead, and
informed the participant that the journey would resume once
the pedestrian had moved; in practice, the roadway ahead
was clear. Security and privacy ‘challenges’ were also
apparent throughout each journey in the form of requests to
access participants’ personal email accounts and diaries etc.
Following each drive, participants completed the trust-in-
automation rating scale [5]. To measure the user (affective)
experience, they completed the Self-Assessment Manikin
(SAM) [40]. The SAM is a non-verbal, pictorial assessment
technique that operationalises user experience through the
constructs of pleasure, arousal and dominance (Figure 3).
Finally, participants rated the perceived anthropomorphism
of each interface [41].
After experiencing journeys with all three HMIs, participants
were invited to undertake a fourth drive using the HMI of
their choice (later interpreted as an objective indication of
preference): no ‘trust challenges’ were present during this
free-choice drive. In addition, participants ranked the three
HMIs in terms of their overall preference. Finally, a
structured, post-study interview was conducted to elucidate
participants’ ratings. Each trial lasted approximately 1½
hours, including briefing and debriefing.
A repeated-measures ANOVA with post-hoc pairwise
comparisons was conducted for each measure, unless
otherwise stated. Post-study interviews were transcribed and
analysed in a systematic qualitative interpretation using
inductive thematic analysis [42]. In addition, conversational
exchanges with UltraCab were transcribed and analysed,
although this is reported elsewhere (see: [43] for details).
Figure 3. Self-Assessment Manikin [43], showing Pleasure
(top), Arousal and Dominance scales (bottom)
Responses to Jian et al.’s [5] trust in automation scale
indicated significant differences in the level of Trust that
participants placed in the different HMIs (Figure 4) (F(2,66)
= 11.80, p < .001, ηp2 = .26). Pairwise comparisons revealed
that the trust placed in the anthropomorphic agent (mean:
67.1) was significantly higher than trust placed in the voice
command (mean: 63.2, p = .041) and touchscreen interfaces
(mean: 54.9, p < .001). Significant differences were also
observed between the voice command and touchscreen (p =
Self-Assessment Manikin: Pleasure
There were statistically significant differences between all
three conditions for ratings of Pleasure (F(3,66) = 33.3, p <
.001, ηp2 = .50) (Figure 5). Pairwise comparisons revealed
that mean ratings for Pleasure were highest (most positive
affect) in response to the anthropomorphic agent (mean: 4.5),
compared to the voice command (mean: 3.8, p = .009) and
touchscreen interfaces (mean: 2.5, p < .001). Significant
differences were also observed between the voice command
and touchscreen (p < .001).
Self-Assessment Manikin: Arousal
There were also significant differences associated with the
level of Arousal (F(2,66) = 9.96, p < .001, ηp2 = .23). The
touchscreen notably attracted the highest ratings (mean: 3.6),
which were significantly higher than the voice command
(mean: 3.0, p = .005) and the anthropomorphic agent (mean:
2.6, p = .001). Differences between the voice command and
anthropomorphic agent were not significant (p = .07) (Figure
Figure 5. Ratings of Pleasure [43]
Figure 6. Ratings of Arousal [43]
Figure 7. Ratings of Dominance [43]
Touchscreen Voice
Command Anthropomorphic
Touchscreen Voice
Command Anthropomorphic
Touchscreen Voice
Command Anthropomorphic
Touchscreen Voice
Command Anthropomorphic
Self-Assessment Manikin: Dominance
Statistically significant differences were observed for ratings
of Dominance (F(2,66) = 12.7, p < .001, ηp2 = .28). While the
voice command and anthropomorphic agent were
comparable (with mean ratings of 3.4 and 3.3, respectively),
these both attracted significantly higher ratings of
Dominance than for the touchscreen (mean: 2.4, p < .001 and
p = .001, respectively) (Figure 7).
Perceived Anthropomorphism of the Interfaces
Statistically significant differences were also noted for the
Perceived Anthropomorphism of the interfaces (F(3,66) =
56.2, p < .001, ηp2 = .63), with the anthropomorphic agent
rated significantly higher than both the touchscreen and
voice command interfaces (mean ratings: 91.4, 77.9 and
57.6, respectively, all p < .001) (Figure 8).
Given the ability to choose, thirty participants (88%) chose
the anthropomorphic agent to accompany them during their
final, ‘free-choice’ drive. In addition, rankings indicated a
strong preference for voice interfaces in general, and the
anthropomorphic agent in particular. A pairwise rank
analysis was conducted. This confirmed a clear overall
preference for the anthropomorphic agent (Figure 9).
Post-Study Interviews: Thematic Analysis
The following six themes emerged during the analysis of the
post-study interview transcripts. These are presented and
discussed below.
1. System Transparency and Building Mental Models
2. Challenging Trust
3. Privacy and Security
4. On the Edge of the Uncanny Valley
5. Natural and Easy to Use
6. The Personable Touch
System Transparency and Building Mental Models. Many
participants stated that they felt more in control of the
interaction with the anthropomorphic agent (“Much
preferred [UltraCab], it made you feel in control” P23),
though it was also noted that the feelings of control did not
necessarily transcend to the vehicle itself one participant
mentioned that they were unable to stop the vehicle by asking
UltraCab, for example (this was in fact true for all
interfaces). Those participants who felt more in control with
the touchscreen or voice command interface commented that
they understood how these operated (i.e. were able to quickly
form an accurate mental model).
“I think once I’d figured out the touch screen a bit
more I felt a bit more in control of that.” P20
Conversely, difficulty in forming a coherent mental model
for the anthropomorphic agent (for example, how it arrived
at each decision or formulated each response) was seen as a
limiting factor by those participants who were more critical
of this particular HMI. This is likely to be influenced by
factors such as system transparency, which was also
mentioned by some, and already highlighted as a potential
barrier to trust and technology acceptance [11].
Challenging Trust. Trust was frequently mentioned during
the post-study interviews, particularly in relation to the trust
challenges. Although several participants recognised the
need to develop trust over time (“I think trust is gained by
experience, so the more it happens the more trust is built up”
P27), the anthropomorphic agent appeared to attract
inherently higher levels of initial trust, from the outset, even
despite the erroneous declaration:
“I trust it, I trusted [UltraCab] from the first go
round to be honest, it told me why it stopped” P21
As part of the experimental design, all HMIs provided the
same explanation following the stoppages. It is therefore
possible that participants were more reassured by the agent’s
explanation because they felt that they could question it to
gain clarification (given the dubious nature of the stoppage)
though there was little evidence within the conversational
exchanges (also transcribed see: [43]) that any participants
actually sought further explanation or clarification. An
alternate explanation is that an element of trust that had been
established through the social aspects of the conversation
[22]. Indeed, some participants felt that the agent exclusively
warranted blame (in that it had contravened their shared
Touchscreen Voice
Command Anthropomorphic
Touchscreen Voice
Command Anthropomorphic
Rank Order Score
trust) even though all HMIs were equally culpable: similar
accusations were notably not directed at the other HMIs:
“…that made me not trust it [UltraCab], because I
was getting an error message that didn’t relate to
the conditions, and it made it feel less reliable… It
felt like this isn’t working properly.” P30
“[UltraCab] was the most frustrating probably
because your eyes were telling you something and
the system was telling you another.” P20
Nevertheless, some participants were more forgiving of the
technology generally (‘better safe than sorry’), irrespective
of the manner in which information was delivered:
“[other automotive systems] tend to pick up things
that are not there, so sometimes you have to take
them with not 100% accuracy…I’d rather it do
that than run over a cat or a dog or something I
can’t see” P21
Privacy and Security. Similar to the findings of the earlier
focus group, many participants expressed concerns about the
privacy and security of their personal information. These
included concerns about financial information, targeted
advertising, knowledge of their home address and potential
security breaches made by the autonomous vehicle:
interestingly, such concerns were targeted mostly at the
anthropomorphic agent, suggesting perhaps that participants
felt it knew them better, given the conversational exchanges
that had taken place. Participants also indicated that they
would be reticent about sharing their personal information
(through conversation) had they been travelling in a
communal vehicle, compared to had it been their own
personal transport:
“I have one concern and that’s for sure, and that’s
the security aspects of it.” P19
“What’s not clear to me is when you go in, what’s
it got access to.” P30
Even so, privacy and security of information were not
necessarily seen as barriers, although participants indicated
that they would have remained in control of which data they
shared (and how they shared it):
“I would have programmed in things, like my
emails…I would have programmed in my
reminders and it will remind me of those things,
but I’ll still be very much in control of them.” P27
Participants therefore tended to concur that they viewed the
role of UltraCab was as an assistant, meaning it could
conduct tasks on their behalf. This suggests that participants
wanted to maintain agency and responsibility over decision-
making (and the sanctity of their data), but delegate routine
task execution to the agent.
On the Edge of the Uncanny Valley. Several participants
expressed concerns associated with the anthropomorphic
agent attempting to deceive them into believing it was a
human, when it was not; moreover, this had a negative effect
on users’ perception of the development of trust:
“I think anything it did deliberately to build my
trust would have the opposite effect. An attempt to
pretend to be anything other than what it is, i.e.
trying to be more human, is not necessarily a good
thing in my view.” P32
This raises potential concerns associated with the agent being
viewed as too human the so-called uncanny valley effect.
This can result in a sense of eeriness and suspicion due to a
perceptual tension arising from mismatched stimuli and
causing incongruence between users’ expectations of a
system and its actual capabilities [44]. This has already been
recognised as an area of concern associated with intelligent
conversational agents, with researchers proposing potential
language-based solutions [45, 46].
Natural and Easy to Use. Several participants recognised the
benefits of using natural language as an interaction
mechanism, commenting that it was quick and intuitive, and
that they did not need to learn a new HMI or technique:
“The conversation was better, I think because
often you can’t remember how you’re supposed to
say a command…I could interact just by talking, it
felt a lot more natural seemed to work well.” P26
The benefits of using verbal interactions more generally (i.e.
including the command-based interface) were also
“I thought the voice command was very good, it’s
much easier to interact and find information that
you’d need whilst staying aware of what’s going
on around you.” P19
Nevertheless, some participants felt that conversational
interactions with UltraCab required more effort. This may
reflect the fact that using spoken conversation inspired
participants to actively engage in the co-creation of common
ground, trust and rapport (as they would with another human
conversational partner) rather than just the transactional
(functional) aspects required by the interaction. Conversely,
a single button press on the touchscreen, for example, was
quick and easy and required no emotional attachment or
commitment. Even so, participants generally agreed that the
anthropomorphic agent provided the most ‘natural’
interaction. In particular, being able to express the same
information in different ways, and the ability to build and
maintain common ground and mutual understanding within
the interaction (so that this could be referenced in later
interactions) were actually seen as most useful; again, this
reflects common practices employed during human-human
conversation [26].
The Personable Touch. Participants frequently commented
on the ‘personable’ aspects of the anthropomorphic agent (“I
think it brought together a slightly personal touch, without
sounding too automated.” P30), and recognised that these
were inspired by the use of conversational dialogue,
specifically mentioning the use of social etiquette
(politeness, apology, etc.). Comments suggest that
participants believed this enhanced the perception of the
agent as being ‘friendly’, ‘helpful’ and ‘intelligent’.
Moreover, these qualities were seen to reinforce trust,
comfort and even companionship:
“I trusted it more…when it prompted questions
and was a bit friendlier in its answers…I instantly
felt more comfortable.” P34
“you could ask questions, also felt less lonely,
because you’re in there by yourself, you could
relax” P23
“I think he is helpful and makes the journey
pleasant, so it doesn’t feel so, like you are in a
machine. So it feels more intelligent, you can trust
it.” P31
Similar observations have also been made during studies in
social robotics, in which people spoke openly about personal
matters with a conversational robot, using it as an emotional
outlet that reduced feelings of loneliness [47].
The study explored the efficacy of using an anthropomorphic
agent employing conversational language to engender trust
and enhance the user experience in an autonomous, self-
driving ‘pod’ vehicle. The approach was motivated by our
understanding of the role of conversation in human-human
interactions, which is used in part to build trust and maintain
and strengthen a positive relationship with the other
interlocutor(s) [24, 25]. Overall, results show that the
anthropomorphic agent-interlocutor was the most preferred
interface. It invited the highest ratings of trust, and
significantly increased the pleasure and sense of dominance
(or control) over the journey experience. Ratings associated
with arousal were contrary to initial expectations,
suggesting (on face value at least) that both the touchscreen
and voice command interface were more ‘exciting and
‘engaging’ than the anthropomorphic agent. Nevertheless,
while the pleasure and dominance scales have distinct
positive and negative valences ‘happy’ versus ‘sad’, and
‘under control’ versus ‘in control’, the semantic anchors
utilised by the SAM [40] arousal scale lack unique
associations. For example, the first picture (rating 1) shows
an individual who is very calm (Figure 3). As such, this could
be interpreted as ‘relaxed, but bored or even lazymay be
equally applied. In contrast, the last picture (rating 6) shows
an individual who is literally ‘bursting’ with arousal. Thus,
interpretations associated with a 6-rating could include
extreme emotional states of excitation and euphoria, but
this could equally be interpreted as severe rage, agitation or
anger. It is therefore feasible that the low ratings associated
with the agent suggest a positive result in that participants
were more relaxed when interacting using conversation, and
conversely, that participants were highly agitated when
interacting with the touchscreen. This is important in a
driving-related context, particular if drivers may be required
to take control of the vehicle at some point.
As expected, participants associated higher levels of
anthropomorphism with the agent. Indeed, the personable
aspects were a strong feature of the post-study interview,
with participants positively reinforcing elements such as the
use of social etiquette (politeness, apology, etc.). Participants
also commented that they found the free-flowing
conversational nature of the agent (as opposed to the strict
voice-command approach) to be more ‘natural’, enabling
them to simply say what they wanted, rather than having to
interact in a predefined or command-based manner. It was
also commented that using conversational exchanges made
the interaction friendlier and more pleasant, and that the
anthropomorphic agent could therefore potentially provide
companionship on longer journeys which may otherwise feel
isolating. Nevertheless, some participants notably
commented that interacting with the natural language
interface required more effort this is thought to be due to
the perceived additional effort to engage with elaborative,
contextual social talk (to build common ground, trust and
rapport) that is seen in human conversation [22, 23].
The significantly higher reported levels of trust associated
with the anthropomorphic agent are likely to be a factor of
the perceived humanness, or anthropomorphism, as also
observed by Waytz et al. [32]. It is suggested that this helped
to overcome potential reliability issues, such as the ‘trust
challenges, explored as part of the experiment.
Nevertheless, it is also worth noting that these challenges
attracted concerns about ‘deception’ more generally, and this
was relevant for all interfaces. While this is perhaps
unsurprising, given the nature of the perturbation, it is
interesting to note that this generally had less of an impact
on trust when using the anthropomorphic agent, suggesting
that people are more likely to accept such fallibility from an
entity that they perceive to be more humanlike there was
even evidence of participants blaming the agent.
Deception was also mentioned in the context of the
anthropomorphic agent pretending to be human or appearing
too humanlike this was implicit in the design of the HMI
and its loquacious style of interaction, and is an interesting
irony, given the Wizard-of-Oz methodology employed here,
whereby a human was actually impersonating the
technology. However, it is also a word of warning to
designers of conversational user interfaces that care must be
taken to ensure that these do not descend into the ‘uncanny
valley’ [44, 45], as this can result in deleterious effects on
human perception and performance, and encourage
inappropriate assertions of trust and reliance.
A potential criticism associated with the anthropomorphic
agent (raised by several participants) was a lack of system
transparency for example, understanding how it arrived at
each decision, calculated risk or formulated responses. This
difficulty in establishing a coherent mental model for this
HMI may have contributed to feelings of being out of control
by these participants (although, the agent notably attracted
the highest ratings of control/dominance overall). Many
participants also expressed concerns about the privacy and
security of their personal information. These included
concerns about financial information, targeted advertising,
knowledge of their home address, and potential security
breaches (or ‘hacking’) of the autonomous vehicle.
Participants also indicated that they would be less willing to
share information with the vehicle when undertaking a
journey shared with other passengers. Even so, participants
expressed a strong desire that the system learned their
preferences, for example their tastes in music, and performed
the functions of a personal organiser, thereby improving the
overall user experience. Overall, participants were therefore
not entirely unwilling to share information with the
autonomous vehicle (to achieve this goal), although they did
indicate that they would feel much more comfortable doing
so if they had greater knowledge of how their data was being
collected and used. This has clear implications for trust.
Although the study revealed positive benefits associated with
using an anthropomorphic agent-interlocutor to support
passengers in an autonomous pod (compared to a
touchscreen and voice-command interface), care should be
taken when generalising from the findings. For example,
while the pod did indeed operate autonomously, the
experience was rather restrained, in that the pod travelled
very slowly (at a fast walking pace), braking could be abrupt,
and the physical design of the vehicle restricted participants’
vision. In addition, the overall journey experience was
limited (there were no other vehicles present, for example)
and participants could exert no control over the pod they
could not modify the route or stop the vehicle: this could
potentially have influenced their subjective ratings of the
experience indeed, some participants indicated that their
ratings of trust may have been different had the pod travelled
more quickly and in the presence of other traffic.
In addition, although all three interfaces delivered the same
task-related information for each of the use-cases, the
anthropomorphic agent arguably offered greater
interactivity, in that participants were able to engage in
conversational dialogue to seek further clarification, request
music tracks etc. While this is in fact a particular benefit of
employing this type of HMI over the more constrained and
task-oriented experiences offered by traditional touchscreen
or voice command systems, the number of interactions and
information exchanged during the study may therefore have
differed between conditions, and this could have affected
comparative ratings. Nevertheless, the decision and
propensity to engage further with the agent was at the behest
of each participant. As a consequence, individual differences
(age, gender, personality etc.) and cultural differences may
have influenced their propensity to engage; these factors
could be explored in future works. In addition, recruiting a
broader range of participants (i.e. not limited to employees
of Jaguar Land Rover) would be beneficial in future work,
although this was a restriction imposed during the current
Finally, although the agent’s responses were guided by a
script that incorporated appropriate language and phrasing
(informed by the focus groups and previous studies), no
restrictions were placed in terms of how much elaboration
was possible. Moreover, our ‘wizard’ was instructed to
respond to all enquiries, avoiding clinical, out-of-domain
responses, such as, “Sorry. I don't understand”. As such, the
interface exceeded current state-of-the-art agent-
interlocutors (such as Alexa, Siri and Google Home), which
promise much through their implied humanness, but fall
short of the reflexive and adaptive interactivity that occurs in
most human-human conversation [48]. However, this was an
important part of the experimental design to ensure that the
results support the long-term development of human-agent
interaction, rather than simply commenting on current
limitations of the technology; even so, it may have
discombobulated some participants.
While other scholars have explored the effects of using a
speech-based interface during simulated driving, this is the
first study to consider the impact of using an
anthropomorphic agent (employing conversational speech)
on the development of trust and the overall user experience
in a fully-autonomous pod vehicle. Based on the results, we
can conclude that using an anthropomorphic agent with two-
way conversational interactions increases users’ perceived
trust and pleasure; moreover, passengers felt more in control
of the journey experience when accompanied by the agent. It
was also evident that using anthropomorphism in the design
of the agent created a more ‘forgiving’ experience (compared
to other, more traditional interfaces), in which passengers
were apparently more willing to accept reliability and
dependability indiscretions, such as those revealed by the
trust challenges. Nevertheless, issues of security and privacy
remained, particularly where the agent appeared to hold or
have access to personal, and even intimate knowledge about
the passenger. Although the approach is inspired by aspects
of human-human interpersonal relationships and results
support the fact that participants imbued the agent with
similar, humanlike qualities and capabilities the study also
reveals potential challenges facing designers of ‘intelligent’
conversational user interfaces, such as system transparency
and the development of an appropriate mental model,
particularly where users perceived the agent’s humanlike
qualities to be approaching perfection. This suggests that
future work should focus on tailoring the experience to
engender appropriate human-likeness, and thereby avoid the
perils of the uncanny valley [45]. Results of the study can
also inform the design, and ultimate uptake and acceptance
of autonomous, self-driving ‘pod’ vehicles more generally.
The research was conducted in collaboration with Jaguar
Land Rover, and we would like to thank them for their advice
and support. We are also indebted to our wizard, Pablo (as
ever), without whom the study would not have been possible.
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... If we-phrases contribute to a stronger ingroup perception, this could buffer algorithm aversion since Fraune, Šabanović, and Smith, 2020 found that ingroup robots are preferred over outgroup humans. Furthermore, the use of self-referential pronouns increases the anthropomorphism of voice agents (Seeger et al., 2021;Vanderlyn et al., 2021;Large et al., 2019) or cars (Aggarwal and McGill, 2007), the likability of voice agents (Vanderlyn et al., 2021), and the competence perception of robots (Dautzenberg et al., 2021). ...
... our expectations of a higher perceived anthropomorphism for social communication considering prior research showing that social robot interactions (Fraune, Oisted, et al., 2020), self-disclosure (Jolley, 2019;Audet and Everall, 2010), content intimacy (Cai et al., 2022;Seeger et al., 2021;Catania et al., 2020), and personal pronouns (Vanderlyn et al., 2021;Seeger et al., 2021;Large et al., 2019;Aggarwal and McGill, 2007) increase anthropomorphism. Despite different levels of anthropomorphism, subjects did accept the robot's recommendation equally often in both communication styles. ...
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This German study (N = 317) tests social communication (i.e., self-disclosure, content intimacy, relational continuity units, we-phrases) as a potential compensation strategy for algorithm aversion. Therefore, we explore the acceptance of a robot as an advisor in non-moral, somewhat moral, and very moral decision situations and compare the influence of two verbal communication styles of the robot (functional vs. social). Subjects followed the robot's recommendation similarly often for both communication styles (functional vs. social), but more often in the non-moral decision situation than in the moral decision situations. Subjects perceived the robot as more human and more moral during social communication than during functional communication but similarly trustworthy, likable, and intelligent for both communication styles. In moral decision situations, subjects ascribed more anthropomorphism and morality but less trust, likability, and intelligence to the robot compared to the non-moral decision situation. Subjects perceive the robot as more moral in social communication. This unexpectedly led to subjects following the robot's recommendation less often. No other mediation effects were found. From this we conclude, that the verbal communication style alone has a rather small influence on the robot's acceptance as an advisor for moral decision-making and does not reduce algorithm aversion. Potential reasons for this (e.g., multimodality, no visual changes), as well as implications (e.g., avoidance of self-disclosure in human-robot interaction) and limitations (e.g., video interaction) of this study, are discussed.
... An intelligent agent (IA) is an agent that functions intelligently and provides effective and appropriate feedback to users in real-time interactions. IAs have been found to promote user experience , enhance user performance (Larsson, 2016;Maciej & Vollrath, 2009;Nass et al., 2005), and facilitate user trust and acceptance (Koo et al., 2015;Large et al., 2019) in a variety of contexts and use cases. IAs provide great benefits in safety-critical contexts, such as driving, to operate proactively by actively monitoring the environment and alerting drivers timely and effectively (Wang, Hock, et al., 2022). ...
... The results also revealed that conversational speech style plays a vital role in creating an association of greater anthropomorphism in the agent, which was reflected by higher scores on scales of anthropomorphism, animacy, and likability, and lower scores on the annoyance scale. This finding is consistent with previous research that agents with natural conversations had increased anthropomorphism (Large et al., 2019). ...
... Trust research has been dominated by experimental approaches based on participants being confronted with automation scenarios in laboratory environments (e.g. Large et al. 2019;Tenhundfeld et al. 2019;Verberne, Ham, and Midden 2012) and being asked to self-assess trust through questionnaires (e.g. Gold et al. 2015;Mackay et al. 2020;Sato et al. 2019). ...
... To enable the adoption of AVs and automated driving, public trust is a crucial concept that needs to be understood (Parasuraman and Miller 2004;Wintersberger and Riener 2016). Trust concerning AVs has mainly been researched through decontextualised laboratory-like experiments (Large et al. 2019;Tenhundfeld et al. 2019;Verberne, Ham, and Midden 2012). Participants are brought into an unfamiliar environment and asked to self-assess trust before, during and or after experiencing technology in situations created by the researchers (e.g. ...
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This paper investigates elements of trust in autonomous vehicles (AVs). We contextualise autonomous vehicles as part of people's everyday settings to extend previous understandings of trust and explore trust in autonomous vehicles in concrete social contexts. We conducted online co-creation workshops with 22 participants, using design probes to explore trust and AVs in relation to people's everyday lives. Using a socio-technical perspective, we show how trust and acceptance depend not only on the underlying AV technology but also – if not more so – on human-to-human relationships and real-life social circumstances. We argue that when investigating issues of trust and automation, the scope of analysis needs to be broadened to include a more complex socio-technical set of (human and non-human) agents, to extend from momentary human-computer interactions to a wider timescale, and be situated in concrete spaces, social networks, and situations.
The application and use cases for conversational agents (CAs) are versatile. Smart speakers such as Alexa and Google Home are used in smart home environments, digital agents are integrated into car systems and chatbots are increasingly used in customer service processes. However, human–computer interaction researchers identify and investigate a wide-ranging variety of aspects impeding the usage of CAs by end-users. In general, impediments differ depending on use case contexts, user group characteristics and the CA’s technological infrastructure. Hence, it is difficult and often ambiguous for designers and developers to generate an appropriate awareness about aspects impeding CA usage. We address this problem, by conducting a systematic review of 65 publications surveying impeding aspects of the usage of CAs.
Conference Paper
In mid-2023, we performed an experiment in autonomous buses in Stockholm, Sweden, to evaluate the role that social robots might have in such settings, and their effects on passengers' feeling of safety and security, given the absence of human drivers or clerks. To address the situations that may occur in autonomous public transit (APT), we compared an embodied agent to a disembodied agent. In this video publication, we showcase some of the things that worked with the interactions we created, and some problematic issues that we had not anticipated.
To improve the interaction between drivers and the in‐vehicle information system (IVIS), various intelligent agents, such as robot agents, virtual agents, and voice‐only agents, have been integrated into vehicles. However, it is not yet clear which type of in‐vehicle agent is best suited to the driving context. This study aims to investigate the effect of in‐vehicle agent embodiment on drivers' perceived usability and cognitive workload. In a within‐subject simulated driving experiment, 22 participants interacted with three different in‐vehicle agents (smartphone agent, robot agent, and virtual agent). Functional near‐infrared spectroscopy and electrocardiogram (ECG) were used to record prefrontal cortex activation and electrical changes associated with cardiac activity during simulated driving, respectively. The results show that the smartphone agent had the lowest perceived usability scores, oxygenated hemoglobin concentration variation (ΔHbO), and maximum ECG signal variation compared to baseline. There were no statistical differences in cognitive workload, perceived usability scores, brain area activation, and ECG signals between the robot agent and the virtual agent. The research findings demonstrate the positive effects of the anthropomorphic appearance of in‐vehicle agents on perceived usability and contribute to improving the design of in‐vehicle intelligent agents.
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The latest advances in car automation present new challenges in vehicle–driver interactions. Indeed, acceptance and adoption of high levels of automation (when full control of the driving task is given to the automated system) are conditioned by human factors such as user trust. In this work, we study the impact of anthropomorphic design on user trust in the context of a highly automated car. A virtual assistant was designed using two levels of anthropomorphic design: “voice-only” and “voice with visual appearance”. The visual appearance was a three-dimensional model, integrated as a hologram in the cockpit of a driving simulator. In a driving simulator study, we compared the three interfaces: two versions of the virtual assistant interface and the baseline interface with no anthropomorphic attributes. We measured trust versus perceived anthropomorphism. We also studied the evolution of trust throughout a range of driving scenarios. We finally analyzed participants’ reaction time to takeover request events. We found a significant correlation between perceived anthropomorphism and trust. However, the three interfaces tested did not significantly differentiate in terms of perceived anthropomorphism while trust converged over time across all our measurements. Finally, we found that the anthropomorphic assistant positively impacts reaction time for one takeover request scenario. We discuss methodological issues and implication for design and further research.
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Onboard virtual assistants with the ability to converse with users are gaining favour in supporting effective human-machine interaction to meet safe standards of operation in automated vehicles (AVs). Previous studies have highlighted the need to communicate situation information to effectively support the transfer of control and responsibility of the driving task. This study explores ‘interaction types’ used for this complex human-machine transaction, by analysing how situation information is conveyed and reciprocated during a transfer of control scenario. Two human drivers alternated control in a bespoke, dual controlled driving simulator with the transfer of control being entirely reliant on verbal communication. Handover dialogues were coded based on speech-act classifications, and a cluster analysis was conducted. Four interaction types were identified for both virtual assistants (i.e., agent handing over control) - Supervisor, Information Desk, Interrogator and Converser, and drivers (i.e., agent taking control) - Coordinator, Perceiver, Inquirer and Silent Receiver. Each interaction type provides a framework of characteristics that can be used to define driver requirements and implemented in the design of future virtual assistants to support the driver in maintaining and rebuilding timely situation awareness, whilst ensuring a positive user experience. This study also provides additional insight into the role of dialogue turns and takeover time and provides recommendations for future virtual assistant designs in AVs.
Conference Paper
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This paper draws from literature and our experiences over five years conducting Wizard-of-Oz (WoZ) studies with natural language, conversational interfaces (CUIs) in the automotive domain. These studies have revealed positive effects of using in-vehicle CUIs on issues such as: cognitive demand/workload, passive task-related fatigue, trust, acceptance and environmental engagement. A nascent set of human-centred design guidelines that have emerged is presented. These are based on the analysis of users’ behaviour and the positive benefits observed, and aim to make interactions with an in-vehicle agent interlocutor safe, effective, engaging and enjoyable, while conforming with users’ expectations. The guidelines can be used to inform the design of future in-vehicle CUIs or applied experimentally using WoZ methodology, and will be evaluated and refined in ongoing work.
Conference Paper
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A simulator study explored the use of a natural language interface (NLI) to improve the trust and acceptance of level 4/5 connected/autonomous vehicles. Twenty-three participants undertook three journeys, each lasting approximately 7 minutes. Journeys were framed as different ‘Taxi of the future’ scenarios, with the vehicle, serving as both the taxi and driver/assistant, transporting participants autonomously to a predefined destination. Participants were provided with one of two different interfaces (‘traditional visual’ and a NLI), designed to maximise passenger comfort, provide locally informed information and resolve journey-related problems encountered on route. The traditional interface communicated information visually using a touchscreen, whereas the NLI interacted with passengers using ‘natural’ spoken language. Interactions were limited to one type of interface for each journey, with experiences counterbalanced. For the purpose of the study, the NLI was created using a Wizard-of-Oz technique using an actor to mimic the natural language system. Given free-choice to select their preferred interface during the third drive, twenty participants chose the NLI. Subjective acceptance ratings revealed that participants considered the NLI as significantly more useful, also assigning significantly higher ratings of satisfaction and confidence compared to its traditional, visual counterpart. However, trust ratings were largely equivalent for both interfaces. Overall, results show that the NLI was preferred over traditional visual interfaces in an automated driving environment, supporting its use it future autonomous vehicles. Further work could explore how to adapt the linguistic interactions of natural language systems to also foster increased trust amongst users.
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Drivers of contemporary vehicles are now able to relinquish control of the driving task to the vehicle, essentially allowing the driver to be completely hands and feet free. However, changes to legislation taking effect in 2016 will require the driver to be able to override the automated driving systems or switch them off completely. Initially, this functionality is likely to be limited to certain areas, such as motorways. This creates a situation where the driver is expected to take control of the vehicle after being removed from the driving control-loop for extended periods of time, which places high demand on coordination between driver and automation. Resuming control after being removed from the control-loop have proven difficult in domains where automation is prevalent, such as aviation. Therefore the authors propose the Gricean Maxims of Successful Conversation as a means to identify, and mitigate flaws in Human-Automation-Interaction. As automated driving systems have yet to penetrate the market to a sufficient level to apply the Maxims, the authors applied the Maxims to two accidents in aviation. By applying the Maxims to the case studies from a Human-AutomationInteraction perspective, the authors were able to identify lacking feedback in different components of the pilot interface. By applying this knowledge to the driving domain, the authors argue that the Maxims could be used as a means to bridge the gulf of evaluation, by allowing the automation to act like a chatty co-driver, thereby increasing system transparency and reducing the effects of being out-of-the-loop.
Interactions with speech interfaces are growing, helped by the advent of intelligent personal assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. This software is utilised in hardware such as smart home devices (e.g. Amazon Echo and Google Home), smartphones and vehicles. Given the unprecedented level of spoken interactions with machines, it is important we understand what is considered appropriate, desirable and attractive computer speech. Previous research has suggested that the overuse of humanlike voices in limited-communication devices can induce uncanny valley effects—a perceptual tension arising from mismatched stimuli causing incongruence between users’ expectations of a system and its actual capabilities. This chapter explores the possibility of verbal uncanny valley effects in computer speech by utilising the interpersonal linguistic strategies of politeness, relational work and vague language. This work highlights that using these strategies can create perceptual tension and negative experiences due to the conflicting stimuli of computer speech and ‘humanlike’ language. This tension can be somewhat moderated with more humanlike than robotic voices, though not alleviated completely. Considerations for the design of computer speech and subsequent future research directions are discussed.
Discourse analysis is a term that has come to have different interpretations for scholars working in different disciplines. For a sociolinguist, it is concerned mainly with the structure of social interaction manifested in conversation; for a psycholinguist, it is primarily concerned with the nature of comprehension of short written texts; for the computational linguist, it is concerned with producing operational models of text-understanding within highly limited contexts. In this textbook, first published in 1983, the authors provide an extensive overview of the many and diverse approaches to the study of discourse, but base their own approach centrally on the discipline which, to varying degrees, is common to them all - linguistics. Using a methodology which has much in common with descriptive linguistics, they offer a lucid and wide-ranging account of how forms of language are used in communication. Their principal concern is to examine how any language produced by man, whether spoken or written, is used to communicate for a purpose in a context.
Conference Paper
The use of speech has been popularised as a human-vehicle interface in the automotive domain. While this is most often associated with alleviating concerns of driver distraction and cognitive load, the study explores whether the presence of ‘conversation’ could, in and of itself, engender trust in the technology. Thirty-four participants were transported in a fully-autonomous, self-driving ‘pod’ vehicle, accompanied by a natural-language, conversational interface ('UltraCab'), which was delivered using Wizard-of-Oz methodology. Emergent, trust-related themes were identified from the conversation that took place between participants and UltraCab, posing the question of whether participants sought an emotional connection with the vehicle, or whether conversation remained primarily functional. Implications for trust and the design of ‘conversational’ interfaces are discussed.
Automation is often problematic because people fail to rely upon it appropriately. Because people respond to technology socially, trust influences reliance on automation. In particular, trust guides reliance when complexity and unanticipated situations make a complete understanding of the automation impractical. This review considers trust from the organizational, sociological, interpersonal, psychological, and neurological perspectives. It considers how the context, automation characteristics, and cognitive processes affect the appropriateness of trust. The context in which the automation is used influences automation performance and provides a goal-oriented perspective to assess automation characteristics along a dimension of attributional abstraction. These characteristics can influence trust through analytic, analogical, and affective processes. The challenges of extrapolating the concept of trust in people to trust in automation are discussed. A conceptual model integrates research regarding trust in automation and describes the dynamics of trust, the role of context, and the influence of display characteristics. Actual or potential applications of this research include improved designs of systems that require people to manage imperfect automation. Copyright © 2004, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.
Conference Paper
Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) are becoming ubiquitously available, being embedded both into everyday mobility via smartphones, and into the life of the home via ‘assistant’ devices. Yet, exactly how users of such devices practically thread that use into their everyday social interactions remains underexplored. By collecting and studying audio data from month-long deployments of the Amazon Echo in participants’ homes—informed by ethnomethodology and conversation analysis—our study documents the methodical practices of VUI users, and how that use is accomplished in the complex social life of the home. Data we present shows how the device is made accountable to and embedded into conversational settings like family dinners where various simultaneous activities are being achieved. We discuss how the VUI is finely coordinated with the sequential organisation of talk. Finally, we locate implications for the accountability of VUI interaction, request and response design, and raise conceptual challenges to the notion of designing ‘conversational’ interfaces.
Conference Paper
Conditionally Automated Driving (CAD) functions need to be carefully examined regarding related driver attitudes such as trust and usability to increase their acceptance among future system users. By adding speech output to an existing audio-visual Human-Machine Interface (HMI), the level of trust in automation was suspected to be increased due to semantic information and the application of anthropomorphic features such as voice and gender. To test this assumption, N = 17 drivers completed two simulator drives, once with (‘Speech + generic’) and once without additional speech output (‘Generic’). Having interacted with the automated system in different scenarios (i.e., letting the system execute a maneuver vs. taking over control from the vehicle), drivers completed comparative questionnaires on trust, anthropomorphism and usability. The applied questionnaire on trust in automation was structured after theoretical implications and derived from previous research on trust in automation. Results showed that the ‘Speech + generic’ system was rated as superior for all three attitude measures compared to the ‘Generic’ system. Furthermore, the present study describes a first approach on comprehensively examining trust in vehicle automation. We brought forth evidence that speech output is highly relevant in order to improve driver attitudes that affect acceptance of automated systems.