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Social Networks and Incident Stroke Among Women With Suspected Myocardial Ischemia


Abstract and Figures

To describe the prospective relationship between social networks and nonfatal stroke events in a sample of women with suspected myocardial ischemia. Social networks are an independent predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, but their relationship with stroke events in at-risk populations is largely unknown. A total of 629 women (mean age = 59.6 +/- 11.6 years) were evaluated at baseline for cardiovascular disease risk factors as part of a protocol including coronary angiography; the subjects were followed over a median 5.9 years to track the incidence of cardiovascular events including stroke. Participants also completed the Social Network Index (SNI), measuring the presence/absence of 12 types of common social relationships. Stroke events occurred among 5.1% of the sample over follow-up. More isolated women were older and less educated, with higher rates of smoking and hypertension, and increased use of cardiovascular medications. Women with smaller social networks were also more likely to show elevations (scores of > or =10) on the Beck Depression Inventory (54% versus 41%, respectively; p = .003). Relative to women with higher SNI scores, Cox regression results indicated that more isolated women experienced strokes at greater than twice the rate of those with more social relationships after adjusting for covariates (hazard ratio = 2.7; 95% Confidence Interval = 1.1-6.7). Smaller social networks are a robust predictor of stroke in at-risk women, and the magnitude of the association rivals that of conventional risk factors.
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Social Networks and Incident Stroke Among Women With Suspected
Myocardial Ischemia
Objective: To describe the prospective relationship between social networks and nonfatal stroke events in a sample of women with
suspected myocardial ischemia. Social networks are an independent predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, but their
relationship with stroke events in at-risk populations is largely unknown. Method: A total of 629 women (mean age 59.6 11.6
years) were evaluated at baseline for cardiovascular disease risk factors as part of a protocol including coronary angiography; the
subjects were followed over a median 5.9 years to track the incidence of cardiovascular events including stroke. Participants also
completed the Social Network Index (SNI), measuring the presence/absence of 12 types of common social relationships. Results:
Stroke events occurred among 5.1% of the sample over follow-up. More isolated women were older and less educated, with higher
rates of smoking and hypertension, and increased use of cardiovascular medications. Women with smaller social networks were also
more likely to show elevations (scores of 10) on the Beck Depression Inventory (54% versus 41%, respectively; p.003).
Relative to women with higher SNI scores, Cox regression results indicated that more isolated women experienced strokes at greater
than twice the rate of those with more social relationships after adjusting for covariates (hazard ratio 2.7; 95% Confidence
Interval 1.1– 6.7). Conclusions: Smaller social networks are a robust predictor of stroke in at-risk women, and the
magnitude of the association rivals that of conventional risk factors. Key words: social networks, coronary artery disease, women,
prospective, stroke.
CAD coronary artery disease; SES socioeconomic status;
CVD cardiovascular disease; WISE Women’s Ischemia Syndrome
Evaluation; PCI percutaneous coronary intervention; CABG
coronary artery bypass graft; SNI Social Network Index; BDI
Beck Depression Inventory; HR hazard ratio.
Stroke is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the
US, trailing only coronary artery disease (CAD) as a spe-
cific cause of death (1–3). The burden of stroke is dispropor-
tionately carried by women, who account for 60% of total
stroke deaths (3). Known risk factors for the development and
prevention of stroke parallel those of CAD, including hyper-
tension, diabetes, smoking, obesity, and dyslipidemia, among
others (4 6). However, whereas the relationship between
CAD and psychosocial factors such as low socioeconomic
status (SES), depression, and social relationships is supported
by a large empirical literature (7–11), specific associations
between psychosocial factors and cerebrovascular disease
(CVD) incidence are comparatively rare (12–16).
This study prospectively examined the relationship be-
tween social networks and stroke over a median 5.9-year
follow-up interval among a clinical sample of women with
suspected myocardial ischemia. Women completed a measure
of social networks as part of a protocol including a coronary
angiogram and a CVD risk factor assessment.
Participant Recruitment and Entrance Criteria
Women were eligible for participation in the Women’s Ischemia Syndrome
Evaluation (WISE) study if they were 18 years and were referred for a
coronary angiogram to evaluate suspected myocardial ischemia (16). The
WISE study was designed to improve the understanding and diagnosis of
ischemic heart disease in women. Exclusion criteria included major comor-
bidity compromising follow-up, pregnancy, contraindication to provocative
diagnostic testing, cardiomyopathy, severe heart failure, recent myocardial
infarction or revascularization procedures, significant valvular or congenital
heart disease, and language barrier. Data for WISE were collected between
1996 and 2005. All participants provided written informed consent, and
Institutional Review Board approval was obtained for all participating sites.
Measurement of CAD and Clinical Outcome Events
Quantitative analysis of coronary angiograms was performed at the WISE
Angiographic Core Laboratory (Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode
Island) by investigators blinded to all other subject data (17). Luminal
diameter was measured at all stenoses and at nearby reference segments, using
an electronic cine projector-based “cross-hair” technique (Vanguard Instru-
ment Corporation, Melville, New York). A CAD severity score was also
developed by assigning increasing points to increasing percent stenosis (0 –19,
20 –49, 50 69, 70 89, 90–98, 99 –100), after adjusting for presence of
collaterals (filling of the occluded vessel or its distal branches anterograde or
retrograde via channels other than the original lumen). Lesion location was
From the Department of Psychiatry, VA San Diego Healthcare System
(T.R.), San Diego, California; Department of Psychiatry, (T.R.), University of
California, San Diego, California; Department of Psychology, (S.E.L.), San
Diego State University/University of California, San Diego, San Diego,
California; Department of Epidemiology, Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical
Psychology (M.B.O., B.D.J., C.M., S.F.K., S.E.R.), University of Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania; Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology, Uniformed
Services University of the Health Sciences (J.F., D.S.K.), Bethesda, MD;
Department of Medicine, (V.B.), University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, Alabama; Department of Medicine, (K.Y., D.S.S.), University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; Department of Medicine, (D.S.S.), North
Florida/South Georgia VA Healthcare System, Gainesville, Florida; Depart-
ment of Medicine, (C.E.C., L.J.S.), University of Arkansas for Medical
Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas; Department of Medicine, (V.V., S.P.),
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia; and Department of Medicine,
(C.N.B.M.), Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Thomas Rutledge, Psychol-
ogy Service 116B , VA San Diego Healthcare System, Medical Center, 3350
La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego, CA 92161. E-mail: Thomas.Rutledge@
All authors participated in the conceptual development and writing of this
manuscript. None of the authors have conflicts of interest with the contents of
this manuscript.
This work was supported by Contracts N01-HV-68161, N01-HV-68162,
N01-HV-68163, N01-HV-68164 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institutes; GCRC Grant M01-RR00425 from the National Center for Research
Resources; and grants from the Gustavus and Louis Pfeiffer Research Foun-
dation, The Women’s Guild, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and the Ladies
Hospital Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, and QMED, Inc.
Received for publication May 25, 2007; revision received October 24, 2007.
DOI: 10.1097/PSY.0b013e3181656e09
282 Psychosomatic Medicine 70:282–287 (2008)
Copyright © 2008 by the American Psychosomatic Society
taken into account in the scoring, with more proximal lesions receiving higher
weighting (18).
Women were contacted at 6 weeks post baseline and annually thereafter
for a median of 5.9 years (25
percentile 2.5 years; 75
percentile 6.9
years) to track subsequent cardiovascular events. Follow-up consisted of a
scripted telephone interview by an experienced nurse or physician who
inquired about hospitalization, treatment, or occurrence of myocardial infarc-
tion, congestive heart failure, and stroke. In the event of death, a death
certificate was obtained and reviewed by a blinded WISE physician for
classifying the cause of death. Subtypes of stroke were not differentiated.
Cardiovascular Risk Factor Measurement
Major CVD risk factors in the WISE protocol included smoking (dichot-
omized as current versus former or never smokers), history of dyslipidemia,
history of diabetes, history of hypertension, and waist circumference. Risk
factors were assessed by physical examination (waist circumference), self-
report (smoking), and diagnosis and treatment history (dyslipidemia, diabetes,
hypertension). Women were also assessed for medications used for treatment
of CVD risk factors, including aspirin, lipid lowering medications (statin and
nonstatin agents), and cardiovascular medications (including angiotensin-
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, diuretics,
and vasodilators). For analytic purposes, the multiple lipid and hypertension
medications were simplified into a pair of dichotomous variables (i.e., sepa-
rate yes/no variables for using lipid and cardiovascular medications). Active
treatment in the latter categories was defined by use in the previous week.
Physical measurements of blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and choles-
terol were also collected, but the substitution of these measurements for
treatment history reports made no differences in event analyses. The partic-
ipants’ reported education history was dichotomously coded to indicate less
than high school graduate versus high school diploma or greater. Education is
a stable measure of SES (19). Women’s race was also coded dichotomously
(0 White, 1 non-White). Only 1.2% of the sample identified themselves
as other than African-American or White.
Psychosocial Measures
Participants’ baseline responses to the Social Network Index (SNI) (20)
were used to measure social networks. The SNI has been used to predict
inflammation in the Framingham and Third National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey cohorts (21,22), and total mortality outcomes in WISE
(23). The SNI collects information on 12 types of social relationships,
including friends, employment, neighbors, marriage partners, belonging to a
church, children, parents, in-laws, other relatives, class attendance (e.g.,
university), volunteer work, and group memberships. Scoring of the SNI
produces a measure of social network diversity based on the presence or
absence of each of the 12 relationship domains over a 2-week period, with
scores ranging from 0 to 12.
Participants also completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to
measure depression symptom severity (24). The BDI is a 21-item question-
naire that has been validated in many clinical populations and linked to poor
CAD outcomes (8).
Statistical Analyses
Descriptive statistics, ttests, and
statistics were used to make compar-
isons of more versus less isolated women on CVD risk factors (smoking
history, waist circumference, history of diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hyperten-
sion), demographic characteristics (age, ethnicity, education), angiographic
CAD severity score, and BDI scores. We sequentially built Cox regression
models to adjust for demographic factors, BDI scores, CVD risk factors, and
CAD severity scores. To correct for skewing, angiographic CAD severity
scores were log transformed before inclusion in the analyses.
We first computed hazard ratios (HRs) for social network scores in
continuous form, followed by a secondary analysis using the SNI in categor-
ical form using high and low scorers based on a median split (scores of 6
were above the median), wherein women with larger social networks served
as the reference category. We chose a dichotomous breakdown to maintain
acceptable sample sizes that would have been compromised with additional
groups. For a more detailed graphical display of the SNI-stroke relationship,
we also created quartile groups, corresponding to SNI scores in the ranges of
1 to 5, 6, 7 to 8, and 9 to 11 in this sample. In the hazard models, stroke-free
participants were censored at their last completed follow-up date. Model fit
and validation were assessed on a logistic model containing all covariates
using the goodness-of-fit test (Hosmer-Lemeshow
statistic) and the
Shrunken R
statistic. Assumptions of equal proportionality held for the Cox
Regression models.
Finally, because the initial analyses indicated that the SNI-stroke relation-
ship contained a nonlinear component, we also examined the SNI-stroke
relationship by completing Cox regression models with both linear and
nonlinear SNI components (including quadratic, cubic, exponential, power,
inverse, S-curve, and logarithmic transformations). All analyses were com-
pleted, using SPSS version 12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois), with the
criterion for statistical significance set at .05.
A total of 936 women were enrolled in WISE. From this
group, 297 subjects were enrolled before the initiation of the
psychosocial battery that included the SNI and BDI. An ad-
ditional 10 women were removed due to an absence of fol-
low-up data, leaving a total of 629 participants available for
analysis. Thirty-one nonfatal and one fatal stroke events (5.1%
of sample) were reported over a median 5.9 years of follow-
up. Women categorized by SNI scores differed systematically
(Table 1). Women with lower SNI scores were significantly
older, had lower education levels, and were in poorer health as
documented by CVD risk factors. More isolated women also
had higher rates of depression with 57% versus 43% reporting
BDI scores of 10 (p.003). Stroke occurred among 4.4%
(17/290) of women without SNI data, and these women did
not differ significantly from those with SNI scores on any risk
factor listed in Table 1 (data not shown).
Medications were commonly prescribed for CVD risk fac-
tor management. A total of 46.4% reported using one or more
cardiovascular medications, and usage rates were higher
among more socially isolated women (56.7% versus 42%; p
.008). There were no differences between SNI groups on rates
of aspirin use or use of lipid-lowering medications.
Social Networks and Stroke Events
Before covariate adjustment, the presence of each addi-
tional relationship on the SNI was associated with a 23%
decrease in stroke risk (HR 0.77; 95% Confidence Interval
(CI) 0.62– 0.94). Church membership and “other friend-
ships” (comprised of friends not linked to SNI item catego-
ries) had the strongest inverse relationships to stroke among
the specific relationship domains measured by the SNI (un-
adjusted RR 0.44, 0.45; 95% CI 0.22– 0.91, 0.21– 0.98,
respectively. Nonchurch members and those without other
friendships served as the reference categories). None of the
individual SNI items was a reliable predictor of stroke after
covariate adjustment. After adjusting for age, education, eth-
nicity, and BDI scores, SNI scores continued to predict stroke
events (HR 0.78; 95% CI 0.63– 0.97). However, this
relationship was no longer significant after adjusting for CVD
risk factors and CAD severity scores (HR 0.82; 95% CI
283Psychosomatic Medicine 70:282–287 (2008)
As summarized in Table 2, after including demographic
variables, BDI scores, CVD risk factors, and CAD severity
scores, the relationship between social networks and stroke
was more stable using a dichotomized version of the SNI
scores. In the latter model, more isolated women experienced
strokes at more than twice the rate (HR 2.7; 95% CI
1.1– 6.5) of those with higher SNI scores. In the final model,
smoking history (HR 3.0; 95% CI 1.2–7.5 for current
versus former or never smokers, respectively) and CAD se-
verity scores (HR 2.1; 95% CI 1.2–3.9) were the only
factors other than SNI scores to predict stroke events. There
was no evidence of a lack of fit in the regression models. The
Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic was nonsignificant (p.80),
indicating good fit, and the population R
estimate derived
from the Shrunken R
statistic (0.11) differed only slightly
from that observed in the final model including all covariates
Figure 1 provides a possible explanation for the weaker
linear versus categorical findings, suggesting that the relation-
ship between social network scores and stroke contained a
nonlinear component. Subsequent Cox regression results,
however, in which we tested linear and nonlinear models
Figure 1. Stroke rates (%) across Social Network Index (SNI) quartiles
(quartile values 0 –5, 6, 7–8, and 8). Group 1 represents the socially
isolated women.
TABLE 1. Mean Standard Deviation Values (Unless Otherwise Indicated) and Stroke Risk Factors Among Women Categorized by Social
Network Index (SNI) Scores (n629)
Low SNI (n188)
High SNI (n441) p
Age 60.8 10.9 56.6 11.2 .001
Race (% non-White) 19.1 14.5 .12
Percent completing high school 70.2 87.8 .001
Beck Depression Inventory 12.4 9.3 9.6 7.5 .001
Coronary artery disease severity score 14.9 13.5 12.5 11.9 .04
History of hypertension (%) 64.2 53.3 .04
History of diabetes (%) 28.2 20.1 .06
History of dyslipidemia (%) 56.7 50.6 .26
Smoking history (%)
Never smoker 34 54.1 .001
Former smoker 42 29.5 .01
Current smoker 23.9 16.4 .05
Waist circumference (inches) 37.7 7.7 35.4 6.5 .001
Cardiovascular disease medications (%)
56.7 42.0 .008
Aspirin (%) 61.1 58.5 .72
Lipid-lowering medications (%) 35.6 29.3 .41
Stroke events (n(%)) 16 (8.5%) 16 (3.6%) .006
Group differences evaluated with tests of means (t tests) and categories (
Low SNI scores consisted of women with a scale score of 6.
Includes use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, diuretics, and vasodilators.
TABLE 2. Cox Regression Model Describing the Relationship Between Social Networks And Incident Stroke (n629)
Dependent Variable: Total Stroke Events HR Estimate for Low Versus
High SNI Scorers
95% CI
95% CI
Unadjusted SNI association 2.5 1.3 5.1
SNI—adjusted for demographics
2.3 1.1 4.7
Adjusted for demographics and CAD risk factors
2.7 1.1 6.5
HR hazard ratio; SNI Social Network Index; CI confidence interval; CAD coronary artery disease.
Includes age, education history, ethnicity, and Beck Depression Inventory scores.
Includes diabetes, smoking, dyslipidemia and hypertension histories, waist-circumference, and CAD severity score.
T. RUTLEDGE et al.
284 Psychosomatic Medicine 70:282–287 (2008)
using a variety of nonlinear SNI transformations, failed to
support this hypothesis, indicating that none of the quadratic,
cubic, exponential, power, inverse, S-curve, or logarithmic
transformations added to the model after controlling for the
linear SNI effect.
This study is among the first to demonstrate a prospective
relationship between social relationships and the risk of stroke
in a clinical sample of women with suspected CAD. These results
are consistent with previous studies using the SNI and other
social network measures to describe the size of an individual’s
social circle and frequency of social contact, which have
described that those reporting impoverished social relation-
ships have an elevated risk for a variety of health events. For
example, multiple population studies support an association
between smaller social networks and all-cause and CVD mor-
tality (25–28). Reduced social contacts may, at least in part,
explain the well-established relationship between low socio-
economic status and health (29). Finally, social isolation is
closely associated with depression, an established predictor of
CVD incidence and progression (7,30,31).
To our knowledge, the relationship between social relation-
ships and stroke has been investigated in four previous studies,
with mixed results. Vogt and colleagues (16) reported social
network effects on a 15-year incidence of mortality and spe-
cific disease incidence, including stroke. They described
strong social network associations with mortality, but in-
creases in stroke risk only among young participants (age
range 30 44 years), suggesting that the impact of social
networks may be greater in the aftermath of disease onset. No
gender-specific analyses for stroke were presented. In a study
of 15,000 patients with symptoms consistent with acute
myocardial infarction (32), the authors reported on relation-
ships between living alone and short-term (30-day and 1-year)
mortality and stroke events. After covariate adjustment, no
relationships between living alone and mortality or stroke
were present. Tomaka and colleagues (15) reported cross-
sectional associations between social network and support
measures and disease including stroke, observing stroke rela-
tionships with self-reported loneliness and family support.
Most recently, a study of workplace stress also showed that
social support was a predictor of subsequent stroke and myo-
cardial infarction events, relationships that also held among
women (14).
Combined with the current results, the above findings
suggest both promise and ongoing challenges for future re-
search in this area. The study of social relationships remains
limited by a multiplicity of terminology and measurement
approaches that makes it difficult to compare findings across
investigations that already vary substantially in demographic
and clinical characteristics. Social relationships are also highly
dynamic, although few or no health studies assess these char-
acteristics repeatedly over time, and are likely a consequence
of health status changes (15,16) as well as possible cause. Our
exploratory findings of single items from the SNI also sug-
gested that the study of specific relationship subtypes beyond
the standard marital status or living alone categories might
also be fruitful in future research.
There are multiple behavioral and pathophysiological path-
ways by which social networks may affect CVD risk. Protec-
tive effects of social contacts may be due to the tangible
support provided by others, emotional benefits of social rela-
tionships, by promoting physical activity (e.g., going to
church, work, or a friend’s place) or a combination of these
and other pathways. Poor social connectedness is further as-
sociated with increased sympathetic nervous system reactivity
to stress, heightened neurohormonal activation (e.g., elevated
cortisol levels) and compromised immune function, which
may increase susceptibility to infections and inflammation
(20 –22,33,34). There is currently no evidence to suggest that
the mechanisms potentially linking social networks to in-
creased stroke risk differ from those proposed to explain
previously observed relationships with mortality or CAD;
however, we do not believe any research has specifically
addressed this point.
The WISE protocol includes a number of methodological
features that improve the reliability of the social networks-
stroke relationship reported here. The baseline examination
included a thorough measurement of standard risk factors for
CVD and psychosocial factors, use of CVD risk factor med-
ications known to affect prognosis, and a coronary angiogram
as a standardized measure of CAD severity. As a result of
these design components, we were able to evaluate the pre-
dictive value of social relationships after adjusting for a num-
ber of important risk factors. In our analyses, the risk factor
profiles of women with smaller social networks were consis-
tently worse across demographic variables and CVD risk
factors. Adjusting for these risk factors, however, accounted
only partially for the observed SNI-stroke relationship. Our
observations concerning a nonlinear trend in the relationship
between SNI scores and stroke is in contrast to previous social
network reports (25,27), including previous WISE data de-
scribing SNI relationships with mortality (23), which reported
robust linear associations. Although it is possible that the
present findings are capturing relationship elements unique to
the WISE sample or methodology, the more probable expla-
nation is that the distribution of stroke events was unstable due
to the small sample. The fact that SNI scores continued to
predict stroke events despite these inconsistencies reinforces
the potential importance of the relationship, but the need for
confirmatory research from additional studies is clear.
Study Limitations
Despite the study assets, the relationship between social
networks and stroke in the WISE population is observational,
and should not be misconstrued as implying a causal associ-
ation. The measurement protocol does not include assessments
of other speculated mechanisms linking psychosocial factors
and CVD (e.g., neurohormonal activity, autonomic dysfunc-
tion, atrial fibrillation, medication and/or treatment adher-
ence). Stroke is a broad diagnostic category, assuming several
285Psychosomatic Medicine 70:282–287 (2008)
specific diagnoses with differing etiologies that we were un-
able to differentiate. Stroke events occurred at a low rate in the
WISE sample, and the recording of CVD events was primarily
based on standardized clinical interviews rather than hospital
record documentation. Although we have no evidence to sug-
gest that our interview method was differentially biased by
women with lower versus higher SNI scores, the combination
of this documentation method with the small number of stroke
events encourages caution. The WISE sample had a low rate
of angiographically significant CAD, as substantiated by rates
of obstructive coronary stenoses (50% occlusion) present in
the angiograms of 40% of participants (14), but carried a
heavy disease burden as substantiated by the high rates of
CVD risk factors and use of risk factor medications. Due to
these characteristics, caution must be drawn in extrapolating
the current findings to dissimilar populations including men,
older-age samples, and asymptomatic or healthy women,
among others. We measured social relationships only at base-
line, whereas the size of women’s social networks probably
changed in multiple ways over nearly 6 years of follow-up.
There is no universal definition of small social network val-
ues; we grouped women according to a median and quartile
distribution of SNI scores that is unlikely to replicate perfectly
in other cohorts.
This study demonstrates an association between social net-
works and incident stroke in a cohort of women with sus-
pected CAD. Over a median 5.9 years of follow-up, more
isolated women experienced a stroke rate greater than twice
the rate of those with larger social networks. These findings
add to an already broad literature demonstrating associations
between smaller social networks and an increased risk of
all-cause and CVD mortality (27,28). Although social isola-
tion is a recognized problem in the aftermath of stroke (35),
these findings suggest that social relationships may also be
important to women at the stages of primary and secondary
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... Furthermore, membership in a religious group with health beliefs (27) and social network status, characterized by the quality and quantity of personal and community relationships, can influence health behaviors and outcomes(25), e.g., smaller social networks and a lack of social support are associated with an increased incidence of stroke and myocardial infarction, a higher prevalence of dementia (28)(29), and an increased risk of poststroke depression and death (30). An increased risk of stroke due to poor SNI has also been observed in women with myocardial ischemia (31). Comprehending the social connections of individuals and their impact on health risks and outcomes could offer important perspectives for modeling human health and identifying potential treatment options. ...
... Furthermore, results of a metaanalysis showed that depression was positively associated with the risk of stroke in adults(45), and that the risk of a first stroke associated with depression was tripled even after adjusting for confounders (48). At the same time, studies have shown that social networks have an important role in neurological disorders, with positive effects on acute stroke care and stroke rehabilitation (49)(50), and that smaller social networks are strong predictors of stroke in women at high risk (31). Tomaka et al. found a correlation between social networks and support measures and stroke, and they noted a relationship between stroke and self-reported loneliness and family support(51). ...
... Our findings are similar to previous studies that have used the SNI and other social network metrics to describe the size of an individual's socialization and the frequency of social contacts. Thus, SNI scores can serve as an important predictor of stroke events (31). Poor self-reported Psychological Health status predisposes to mental illness, the expected risk of psychologically unhealthy days increased over time, and participants with mental illness were more likely to have a stroke (35,55). ...
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Background: Life's Essential 8 (LE8) is a cardiovascular health (CVH) model but does not take into account mental health, an important cardiovascular risk factor, so we constructed Life's Crucial 12 (LC12), a comprehensive cardiovascular care model that takes CVH into account, based on LE8, and hypothesized that it would be a more reliable index of CVH, despite the additional information needed to calculate LC12. Objective: To construct an integrated cardiovascular care model LC12 based on LE8 that can take Psychological Health into account, and to report the association between LC12 and stroke. Design: Population-based, cross-sectional study. Setting: Various locations in the United States. Participants: This study was a cross-sectional study based on data from the 2005-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which included 4,478 U.S. adults (≥ 20 years old). Method: The composite cardiovascular care model LC12 with scores (range 0-100) defining low (0-49), medium (50-79) and high (80-100) CVH. Determination of stroke status was obtained by questionnaire. Associations were assessed using multivariate logistic regression models and restricted cubic spline models. Result: Among 4,478 participants, there were 2252 female and 2226 male participants (53.136% and 46.864%, respectively), and 250 participants (5.583%) were diagnosed with stroke. The mean values of LC12, Psychological Health, Health behaviors, and Health factors scores for participants with stroke were 68.953, 52.775, and 55.451, respectively, which were lower than those of Non-Stroke participants. After fully adjusting for confounders, the ORs for the LC 12, Psychological Health, Health Behaviors, and Health Factors moderate and high groups were 0.431 (0.226,0.822), 0.212 (0.060,0.755), 0.536 (0.297, 0.967), 0.357 (0.178,0.713), 0.759 (0.552, 1.043), 0.334 (0.179, 0.623), 0.565 (0.406, 0.786), 0.533 (0.286, 0.994), which were significantly associated with the risk of stroke (P-trend < 0.05) and there was a linear trend between subgroups with different scores (P-value < 0.001). However, no nonlinear dose relationship was observed (P-Nonlinearity > 0.05). Limitation: Because estimates are based on single measures, fluctuations over time could not be determined. Conclusion: These findings suggest that Psychological Health is important in CVH. CVH status assessed by LC12 (Psychological Health, Health behaviors, Health factors) was significantly associated with the risk of developing stroke. When LC12 scores are maintained at high levels, it is beneficial to decrease the risk of stroke.
... Having a larger and positive SN could also moderate disease risk by reducing certain negative health behaviors such as smoking, by directly or indirectly improving immune system responses, by offering socioeconomic benefits, and by providing greater social support to reduce emotional distress. 8 Although previous reports have found that cigarette smoking and physical activity are in the pathway of SNs and coronary heart disease (CHD), 6 it is uncertain whether other factors strongly associated with CVD are in the pathway, such as having better control of risk factors such as hypertension 9 and diabetes, 10 and low depressive symptoms. 11 These key risk factors for CVD may be better managed among those who are better connected and may be the reason for connectedness lowering the risk of CVD. ...
... To our knowledge, studies have only evaluated the association of social isolation and HF and found that greater isolation increased the risk of HF. 26,33 The associations between SNs and stroke among women was explained by greater social support from greater SNs. 8 Lower coronary artery disease risk by greater SN score was partially explained by income, but authors noted that the mediating effect was unlikely due to monetary gifts from networks but greater overall socioeconomic status, which potentially increases skills, access to treatments, knowledge, and support. 34 Smoking was a mediator in the The 10-year unadjusted cumulative incidence among women with high social networks was 6.6% (95% CI, 5.6%-7.8%). ...
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Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) disproportionately affects Black adults. Greater social networks (SNs), or social connectedness, may lower the risk of CVD events. This study determined the association of SNs and incident CVD and tested mediation by depressive symptoms, hypertension control, and diabetes control. Methods and Results We used the Social Network Index at exam 1 (2000–2004) to develop a continuous standardized SN score and binary categories (high versus low) among participants in the Jackson Heart Study (n=4686; mean age, 54.8 years). Surveillance of coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart failure events occurred after exam 1 (2005 for HF) until 2016. Using Cox proportional hazards regression, we estimated the association of SNs and CVD events by sex and tested the mediation of depressive symptoms, hypertension control, and diabetes control. Models adjusted for age, education, health behaviors, CVD comorbidities, and depressive symptoms. Among women, the SN score was associated with a lower hazard of stroke, coronary heart disease, and heart failure after full adjustment (hazard ratio [HR], 0.78 [95% CI, 0.64–0.95]; HR, 0.79 [95% CI, 0.71–0.88]; and HR, 0.78 [95% CI, 0.66–0.92], respectively). SN scores were also associated with a lower hazard of coronary heart disease in men (HR, 0.84 [95% CI, 0.75–0.94]) after full adjustment. High versus low SNs were associated with a lower hazard of coronary heart disease and heart failure among women after full adjustment. There was no evidence of mediation by depressive symptoms, diabetes control, and hypertension control. Conclusions Higher SNs may lower the risk of CVD events, especially in women.
... A felnőttkori szociális izoláció és a magány a krónikus stressz közös forrásai és egészséges (nem szívbeteg) személyeknél másfélszeres rizikót jelentenek az iszkémiás szívbetegség kialakulására, valamint a halálozásra (Everson & Lewis, 2005;Kamiya et al., 2010;Norekval et al., 2010). A társas támogatás alacsony szintje és a társas izoláció emeli a depresszió, a magas vérnyomás és az elhízás valószínűségét, ezáltal növelve a szív-és érrendszeri megbetegedések előfordulását is (Kamiya et al., 2010;Ramsay et al., 2008;Rosengren et al., 2004;Rutledge et al., 2008;Uchino, 2006). ...
... Notably, there is a distinct female predominance in depression prevalence [18], and associations between pre-existing depressive disorder as well as other psychiatric comorbidities with short-and long-term post-stroke outcomes [19,20] have been noted earlier, thus identifying another important area in need for interdisciplinary preventative strategies. Finally, previous studies found an association between living alone, risk of stroke [21] as well as a delayed presentation with symptoms of stroke [22]. This issue is even more complex when taking into account that women more often than men present with atypical clinical symptoms and signs [23] as well as with stroke mimics [24], which may impede straightforward diagnosis and treatment. ...
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While the sexually dimorphic character of ischemic stroke has been acknowledged along several dimensions, age-specific sex disparities regarding pre-stroke characteristics in particular have received comparatively little attention. This study aimed to identify age-dependent associations between sex and risk factors, premorbidity, and living situation in patients with ischemic stroke to foster the continuing development of dedicated preventative strategies. In a retrospective single-center study, data of patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) admitted to the Department of Neurology, University Hospital Mannheim, Germany, between June 2004–June 2020 were included; AIS frequency, vascular risk factors, premorbidity, living situation, and stroke etiology were analyzed across sexes and different age spectra. From a total of 11,003 patients included in the study, 44.1% were female. Women aged >70–≤90 years showed a pronounced increase in stroke frequency, lived alone significantly more frequently, and had a significantly higher degree of pre-stroke disability than men; however, only hypertension and atrial fibrillation were more prevalent in women in this age segment. The seventh and eighth decades are a critical time in which the pre-stroke risk profile changes resulting in an increase in stroke morbidity in women. This emphasizes the relevance of and need for an approach to stroke prevention that is both targeted and integrative.
... For instance, objective social isolation and perceived loneliness influence mood and emotion, stresscoping abilities, and cardiovascular function, contributing to premature mortality Cacioppo, Hughes, Waite, Hawkley, & Thisted, 2006;Cacioppo & Cacioppo, 2012;Cacioppo, Grippo, London, Goossens, & Cacioppo, 2015;Kiecolt-Glaser, Gouin, & Hantsoo, 2010;Norman, Hawkley, Ball, Berntson, & Cacioppo, 2013;Steptoe, Shankar, Demakakos, & Wardle, 2013). Humans who report smaller social networks or lower levels of social integration display not only dysfunction associated with cardiovascular disease, but also increased symptoms of depression, compared to those who are more socially integrated (Eng, Rimm, Fitzmaurice, & Kawachi, 2002;Kop et al., 2005;Rutledge et al., 2008). Loneliness and negative social interactions in humans also influence behavioral and cognitive processes, biasing attention and memory toward negative social and emotional information, facilitating larger interpersonal distances with others, and leading to self-centered and selfpreservation behaviors -all of which harm further social interactions (Cacioppo et al., 2016;Cacioppo & Cacioppo, 2012;Layden, Cacioppo & Cacioppo, 2018). ...
Social isolation influences depression- and anxiety-related disorders and altered cardiac function. Oxytocin may mediate these conditions through interactions with social behavior, emotion, and cardiovascular function, via central and/or peripheral mechanisms. The present study investigated the influence of oxytocin antagonism using L-368,899, a selective oxytocin receptor antagonist that crosses the blood-brain barrier, on depression- and anxiety-related behaviors and heart rate in prairie voles. This rodent species has translational value for investigating interactions of social stress, behavior, cardiac responses, and oxytocin function. Adult female prairie voles were socially isolated or co-housed with a sibling for 4 weeks. A subset of animals in each housing condition was subjected to 4 sessions of acute L-368,899 (20 mg/kg, ip) or saline administration followed by a depression- or anxiety-related behavioral assessment. A subset of co-housed animals was evaluated for cardiac function following acute administration of L-368,899 (20 mg/kg, ip) and during behavioral assessments. Social isolation (vs. co-housing) increased depression- and anxiety-related behaviors. In isolated animals, L-368,899 (vs. vehicle) did not influence anxiety-related behaviors but exacerbated depression-related behaviors. In co-housed animals, L-368,899 exacerbated depression-related behaviors and increased heart rate at baseline and during behavioral tests. Social isolation produces emotion-related behaviors in prairie voles; central and/or peripheral oxytocin antagonism exacerbates these behavioral signs. Oxytocin antagonism induces depression-relevant behaviors and increases basal and stressor-reactive heart rate in co-housed prairie voles, similar to the consequences of social isolation demonstrated in this model. These results provide translational value for humans who experience behavioral and cardiac consequences of loneliness or social stress.
... Among these are social media usage , nonstandard forms of employment such as the rise of the gig economy (Tran & Sokas, 2017), and the increase in global migration ; C. R. Victor et al., 2012;Wu & Penning, 2015). Loneliness constitutes a severe problem for modern societies since it has been associated with an increased risk of developing physical and mental health problems (Jessen, Pallesen, Kriegbaum, & Kristiansen, 2018;Lee et al., 2019;Rutledge et al., 2008;Thurston & Kubzansky, 2009) and can exacerbate existing vulnerabilities (Tsur, Stein, Levin, Siegel, & Solomon, 2019). Awareness for these problems has grown with improved health communication, particularly via social media (McClellan, Ali, Mutter, Kroutil, & Landwehr, 2017). ...
Stress is a construct that may be nearly universally understood, discussed at length among scientists and in casual conversation. Stressors, which produce a state of stress in the body, can take many forms, including being psychological in nature. The stress response is an adaptive reaction of the brain and body, which is necessary for proper energy utilization and behavioral responses to ensure that our survival is not threatened. However, stress can also be maladaptive for many reasons. This chapter addresses both adaptive and maladaptive constructs relevant to stress and stress-related processes in the central and peripheral nervous systems that influence cardiovascular function. Two examples of psychological stress—emotional stress and social stress—are discussed in the context of interactions between stress and the cardiovascular system. Several mechanisms underlying the associations of stress, psychological states, and cardiovascular dysfunction are addressed, including specific evidence from research with animal models of stress. The chapter concludes with recommendations for advancing our understanding of the interactions among stress, psychology, and the cardiovascular system.
Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) disproportionately affects African American adults. Greater social networks (SN), or social connectedness, may lower the risk of CVD events. Objective: Determine the association of SN and incident CVD and test mediation by depressive symptoms, hypertension control and diabetes control. Methods: We used the Social Network Index (SNI) at exam 1 (2000-2004) to develop a continuous standardized SN score and binary categories (high vs. low) among participants in the Jackson Heart Study (n=5252, mean age=54.8 years). Surveillance of coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, and heart failure (HF) events occurred after exam 1 (2005 for HF) until 2016. Using Cox proportional hazards regression, we estimated the association of SN and CVD events by sex and tested the mediation of depressive symptoms, hypertension control and diabetes control. Models adjusted for age, education, health behaviors, and CVD co-morbidities. Results: Among women, the SN score was associated with a lower risk of CHD and HF after full adjustment (HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.68, 0.89 and HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.63, 0.95, respectively), but the association with stroke attenuated after adjustment for co-morbidities (HR 95% CI 0.88 95% CI 0.67, 1.14). SN scores were also associated with CHD in men (HR 0.84, 95% CI 0.70, 0.99) after full adjustment. High vs. low SN was associated with CHD in men and women, but not after adjustment for co-morbidities. There was no evidence of mediation by depressive symptoms, diabetes control, and hypertension control. Conclusion: Higher SN may lower the risk of CVD events, especially in women.
Background Interpersonal relationships are frequently subject to challenges and changes following the onset of aphasia and have strong ties with psychosocial and health outcomes. In order to be able to effectively support people with aphasia, a greater understanding of how challenges and changes evolve over time is needed. Aims The current research sought to understand the lived experience of interpersonal relationships for people with aphasia through longitudinal enquiry over the first year following the onset of stroke. Methods and Procedures Seven participants with aphasia (6 male, 1 female) with aphasia ranging from mild to severe were recruited through inpatient rehabilitation units. Four were married and three lived alone. They were interviewed on four occasions beginning around the time of their discharge home and lasting for around one year following their return home. Researchers adopted a constructivist grounded theory approach and data were transcribed, coded and analysed using a constant comparative method. Outcomes and Results This research provides novel insights into the progression of interpersonal relationships over time following the onset of aphasia. Early on, participants retreated into a core group of close others characterised as their ‘inner circle’. During early stages, inner circle relationships were subject to challenges and changes as people learned to live with aphasia. As they felt ready, people with aphasia began to reconnect with friends. This process was often mediated by spouses and in the early phases of recovery was limited and challenging. Reconnection with friends brought with it varying degrees of connectedness, however for those without strong inner circle relationships, marked isolation occurred at all points throughout the year following discharge. Conclusions Relationships are frequently impacted by the presence of aphasia and are subject to changes and challenges. This research highlights phases which people with aphasia may move through as they adjust to their new social worlds. These findings have clear implications for the development and timing of interventions and emphasise the need to support those most at risk.
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Introduction Social support is a key protective factor in the psychological adjustment of individuals to traumatic events. However, since March 2020, extant research has revealed evidence of increased loneliness, social isolation, and disconnection, likely due to COVID-19 pandemic-related recommendations that restricted day-to-day contact with others. Methods In this investigation, we applied a case-control design to test the direct impacts of the pandemic on social support in United States adults recovering from a significant injury caused by PTSD-qualifying, traumatic events (e.g., motor vehicle crashes, violence, etc.). We compared individuals who experienced trauma during the pandemic, the “cases” recruited and evaluated between December 2020 to April 2022, to trauma-exposed “controls,” recruited and evaluated pre-pandemic, from August 2018 through March 9, 2020 (prior to changes in public health recommendations in the region). Cohorts were matched on key demographics (age, sex, education, race/ethnicity, income) and injury severity variables. We tested to see if there were differences in reported social support over the first 5 months of adjustment, considering variable operationalizations of social support from social network size to social constraints in disclosure. Next, we tested to see if the protective role of social support in psychological adjustment to trauma was moderated by cohort status to determine if the impacts of the pandemic extended to changes in the process of adjustment. Results The results of our analyses suggested that there were no significant cohort differences, meaning that whether prior to or during the pandemic, individuals reported similar levels of social support that were generally protective, and similar levels of psychological symptoms. However, there was some evidence of moderation by cohort status when examining the process of adjustment. Specifically, when examining symptoms of post-traumatic stress over time, individuals adjusting to traumatic events during COVID-19 received less benefit from social support. Discussion Although negative mental health implications of the pandemic are increasingly evident, it has not been clear how the pandemic impacted normative psychological adjustment processes. These results are one of the first direct tests of the impact of COVID-19 on longitudinal adjustment to trauma and suggest some minimal impacts.
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Results Among women who were married or cohabiting with a male partner (n=187), marital stress was associated with a 2.9-fold (95% confidence interval (CI), 1.3-6.5) increased risk of recurrent events after adjustment for age, estrogen status, education level, smoking, diagnosis at index event, diabetes mellitus, systolic blood pressure, smok- ing, triglyceride level, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, and left ventricular dys- function. Among working women (n=200), work stress did not significantly predict recurrent coronary events (hazard ratio, 1.6; 95% CI, 0.8-3.3).
The relationship between social and community ties and mortality was assessed using the 1965 Human Population Laboratory survey of a random sample of 6928 adults in Alameda County, California and a subsequent nine-year mortaNty follow-up. The findings show that people who lacked social and community ties were more likely to die in the follow-up period than those with more extensive contacts. The age-Adjusted relative risks for those most isoiated when compared to those with the most social contacts were 2.3 for men and 2.8 for women. The association between social ties and mortality was found to be independent of self-reported physical health status at the time of the 1965 survey, year of death, socioeconomic status, and health practices such as smoking, alcoholic beverage consumption, obesity, physical actIvity, and utilization of preventive health services as well as a cumulative Index of health practices.
The relationship between social and community ties and mortality was assessed using the 1965 Human Population Laboratory survey of a random sample of 6928 adults in Alameda County, California and a subsequent nine-year mortality follow-up. The findings show that people who lacked social and community ties were more likely to die in the follow-up period than those with more extensive contacts. The age-adjusted relative risks for those most Isolated when compared to those with the most social contacts were 2.3 for men and 2.8 for women. The association between social ties and mortality was found to be independent of self-reported physical health status at the time of the 1965 survey, year of death, socioeconomic status, and health practices such as smoking, alcoholic beverage consumption, obesity, physical activity, and utilization of preventive health services as well as a cumulative index of health practices.
Background— Stroke is an important outcome after acute myocardial infarction. Studies that have examined this relationship have largely excluded older patients, even though half of stroke admissions occur among patients 75 years of age and older. Methods and Results— Among 111 023 medicare patients discharged with a principal diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction during an 8-month period in 1994 to 1995, we identified hospital admissions for ischemic stroke within 6 months of discharge. The rate of admission was 2.5% within 6 months. Independent predictors of ischemic stroke were age ≥75 years, black race, no aspirin at discharge, frailty, prior stroke, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, hypertension, and history of peripheral vascular disease. To identify individuals at increased risk for stroke, a risk stratification score was constructed from identified factors. The 6-month stroke admission rate for patients with a score of 4 or higher (≈20% of the total sample) was ≈4%. Conclusions— The risk of stroke after myocardial infarction is substantial, with about 1 in 40 patients suffering an ischemic stroke within 6 months of discharge. Simple clinical factors can predict the risk of stroke and, based on these factors, we identified 20% of older patients who have a 1 in 25 chance of being hospitalized for a stroke within 6 months of discharge.
Background - Stroke is an important outcome after acute myocardial infarction. Studies that have examined this relationship have largely excluded older patients, even though half of stroke admissions occur among patients 75 years of age and older. Methods and Results - Among 111 023 medicare patients discharged with a principal diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction during an 8-month period in 1994 to 1995, we identified hospital admissions for ischemic stroke within 6 months of discharge. The rate of admission was 2.5% within 6 months. Independent predictors of ischemic stroke were age ≥75 years, black race, no aspirin at discharge, frailty, prior stroke, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, hypertension, and history of peripheral vascular disease. To identify individuals at increased risk for stroke, a risk stratification score was constructed from identified factors. The 6-month stroke admission rate for patients with a score of 4 or higher (≈20% of the total sample) was ≈4%. Conclusions - The risk of stroke after myocardial infarction is substantial, with about 1 in 40 patients suffering an ischemic stroke within 6 months of discharge. Simple clinical factors can predict the risk of stroke and, based on these factors, we identified 20% of older patients who have a 1 in 25 chance of being hospitalized for a stroke within 6 months of discharge.
Objective: To examine the hypothesis that diverse ties to friends, family, work, and community are associated with increased host resistance to infection. Design: After reporting the extent of participation in 12 types of social ties (eg, spouse, parent, friend, workmate, member of social group), subjects were given nasal drops containing 1 of 2 rhinoviruses and monitored for the development of a common cold. Setting: Quarantine. Participants: A total of 276 healthy volunteers, aged 18 to 55 years, neither seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus nor pregnant. Outcome measures: Colds (illness in the presence of a verified infection), mucus production, mucociliary clearance function, and amount of viral replication. Results: In response to both viruses, those with more types of social ties were less susceptible to common colds, produced less mucus, were more effective in ciliary clearance of their nasal passages, and shed less virus. These relationships were unaltered by statistical controls for prechallenge virus-specific antibody, virus type, age, sex, season, body mass index, education, and race. Susceptibility to colds decreased in a dose-response manner with increased diversity of the social network. There was an adjusted relative risk of 4.2 comparing persons with fewest (1 to 3) to those with most (6 or more) types of social ties. Although smoking, poor sleep quality, alcohol abstinence, low dietary intake of vitamin C, elevated catecholamine levels, and being introverted were all associated with greater susceptibility to colds, they could only partially account for the relation between social network diversity and incidence of colds. Conclusions: More diverse social networks were associated with greater resistance to upper respiratory illness.