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Contrasting patterns in growth and survival of Central Valley fall run Chinook salmon related to hatchery and ocean conditions


Abstract and Figures

The objective of this study was to determine important ocean and hatchery covariates influencing early growth and survival of Central Valley fall run Chinook salmon. We used a dataset of recaptured coded wire tagged hatchery Chinook salmon to estimate early growth and cohort survival. Ocean conditions during the period of early ocean entry were based on output from a coupled physical-biogeochemical model configured for the broader California Current region. We built generalized additive and generalized linear models to describe growth and survival and used Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) model selection to determine which hatchery and ocean covariates related best to response variables. With regards to hatchery covariates, growth was best explained by release location, while survival was best explained by release weight and hatchery of origin. The ocean conditions included in the best models for both growth and survival included diatoms, predatory zooplankton, temperature, and currents. We observed the highest rates of salmon survival when in situ physical ocean conditions were indicative of relaxation events. For all four ocean covariates, the response curves illustrated opposite patterns between growth and survival models. This result implies that during periods of low survival, juvenile salmon were either 1) growing at a faster rate, or 2) growth appeared to increase because smaller fish had a higher mortality rate than larger fish. The first explanation would imply density-dependence, whereas the second explanation would imply size-selective mortality. These alternatives have implications on hatchery practices including salmon size at release and number of salmon in release groups.
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Contrasting patterns in growth and survival of Central
Valley fall run Chinook salmon related to hatchery
and ocean conditions
Megan C. Sabal &David D. Huff &Mark J. Henderson &
Jerome Fiechter &Jeffrey A. Harding &Sean A. Hayes
Received: 5 February 2016 /Accepted: 14 October 2016
#Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016
Abstract The objective of this study was to determine
important ocean and hatchery covariates influencing
early growth and survival of Central Valley fall run
Chinook salmon. We used a dataset of recaptured coded
wire tagged hatchery Chinook salmon to estimate early
growth and cohort survival. Ocean conditions during the
period of early ocean entry were based on output from a
coupled physical-biogeochemical model configured for
the broader California Current region. We built general-
ized additive and generalized linear models to describe
growth and survival and used Akaike Information
Criterion (AICc) model selection to determine which
hatchery and ocean covariates related best to response
variables. With regards to hatchery covariates, growth
was best explained by release location, while survival
was best explained by release weight and hatchery of
origin. The ocean conditions included in the best models
for both growth and survival included diatoms, preda-
tory zooplankton, temperature, and currents. We ob-
served the highest rates of salmon survival when in situ
physical ocean conditions were indicative of relaxation
events. For all four ocean covariates, the response
curves illustrated opposite patterns between growth
and survival models. This result implies that during
periods of low survival, juvenile salmon were either 1)
growing at a faster rate, or 2) growth appeared to in-
crease because smaller fish had a higher mortality rate
than larger fish. The first explanation would imply den-
sity-dependence, whereas the second explanation would
imply size-selective mortality. These alternatives have
Environ Biol Fish
DOI 10.1007/s10641-016-0536-3
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s10641-016-0536-3) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
M. C. Sabal :M. J. Henderson
Santa Cruz, Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and
Climate (CIMEC), University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
M. C. Sabal (*):M. J. Henderson :J. A. Harding
Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries
Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 110
Shaffer Road, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, USA
D. D. Huff
Point Adams Research Station, Northwest Fisheries Science
Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, PO
Box 155, Hammond, OR 97121, USA
J. Fiechter
Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz,
Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
S. A. Hayes
Northeast Fisheries Science Center, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA
02543, USA
M. J. Henderson
United States Geological Survey, California Cooperative Fish and
Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Fisheries Biology,
Humboldt State University, 1 Harpst Street, Arcata, CA 95521,
implications on hatchery practices including salmon size
at release and number of salmon in release groups.
Keywords Growth .Survival .Chinook salmon .
California .Size-selective mortality.Density-
Migratory species encounter a diversity of environments
across space and time, making it difficult to determine
which factors influence overall survival. Because en-
hancing and predicting survival is often a primary goal
of fishery and wildlife managers, environmental com-
plexity presents an enormous challenge for managing
migratory species (Martin et al. 2007). Successful con-
servation must recognize the spatial connections across
life histories to understand how factors that affect one
life stage can subsequently impact future life stages
(Heppell 1998;Klaassenetal.2014). Furthermore, a
mechanistic understanding of how individuals interact
with their environment can contribute to individual-
based models that typically incorporate more realistic
environmental conditions and population dynamics than
statistical models (McLane et al. 2011). Therefore, it is
important to examine effects of various factors across
life stages on individual-based biological responses.
Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) are born in
freshwater, migrate through streams and rivers to the
ocean, and spend 14 years dispersing in coastal waters
before returning to spawn in their natal rivers. They
experiencediverse environments and stressors over their
lifetime which cumulatively impact adult survival.
Previous studies have examined the influence of a vari-
ety of hatchery, river, and ocean conditions on salmon
survival such as trucking of smolts (Holsman et al.
2012), water temperature (Mueter et al. 2002), climate
(Martins et al. 2012; Sharma et al. 2013), predators
(Holsman et al. 2012), prey (Wells et al. 2012; Losee
et al. 2014), and migration timing (Scheuerell et al.
2009; Satterthwaite et al. 2014). However, the relative
importance of these and other factors is highly variable
and depends on the nature of the population under study
(Martins et al. 2012), the location of the study
(Quiñones et al. 2014), and the temporal and spatial
scale over which variables are measured (Sharma et al.
2013). For example, warm ocean temperatures during a
cohorts first year at sea have been associated with
increased survival of Alaskan salmon populations,
while cool ocean temperatures have been associated
with increased survival in more southern populations
(Mueter et al. 2002).
One consistently important factor influencing adult
survival is early ocean growth (Holtby et al. 1990;
Friedland et al. 2000; Beamish and Mahnken 2001;
Duffy and Beauchamp 2011). The first few months after
juvenile salmon enter the ocean is a time of high mor-
tality when salmon must avoid starvation and predation.
Hence, salmon must enter the ocean when prey is plen-
tiful to persist and grow to larger sizes and escape
predation by gape-limited predators (Satterthwaite
et al. 2014;Fiechteretal.2015). In California, strong
early season (Jan-Mar) upwelling is important to pre-
condition areas with nutrients that support nekton pro-
duction in the summer, which relates to positive marine
growth of juvenile salmon (Wells et al. 2008; Schroeder
et al. 2013; Fiechter et al. 2015; Wells et al. 2016).
Likewise, warm or cool ocean temperatures, depending
on the location and scale over which they are measured,
have also been related to salmon growth (Friedland et al.
2000; Martins et al. 2012; Agler et al. 2013). Similarly,
in the Pacific Northwest winter preconditioning and
early season upwelling have shown to influence salmon
survival, although relationships with spring upwelling
are variable (Nickelson 1986; Ryding and Skalski 1999;
Logerwell et al. 2003).
Our study examines early growth and cohort survival
of Central Valley fall run Chinook salmon
(O. tshawytscha). Due to Californias arid and variable
Mediterranean climate, freshwater stages of this popu-
lation are periodically exposed to elevated river temper-
atures and reduced river flows relative to Chinook salm-
on populations north of California. These potentially
more stressful freshwater migration conditions may alter
the relative importance of hatchery and ocean conditions
on survival. In addition, California coastal waters un-
dergo intense upwelling and relaxation events, but are
not influenced by large river plumes (De Robertis et al.
2005;Morganetal.2005; Burla et al. 2010)orproduc-
tive downwelling regions (Mueter et al. 2002) which are
important features in northern areas. In the Pacific
Northwest, large river outflows have been shown to
influence both nutrient inputs into the coastal ecosystem
(Davis et al. 2014) and retention of zooplankton on the
shelf (Banas et al. 2009). Therefore, we may expect to
see different dynamics influencing juvenile salmon
growth and survival relative to other regions.
Environ Biol Fish
Many Pacific salmon populations are heavily supple-
mented byhatcheryoperations, some of which use coded
wire tags (CWTs) to monitor harvest and adult survival.
CWTs are small pieces of wire inscribed with unique
codes which are injected into the snouts of juvenile
salmon. It is common to use CWT recoveries from adult
salmon to estimate cohort survival. This study uses CWT
recoveries from juvenile salmon during their first ocean
year, providing information about the specific growth
and ocean conditions salmon experienced during the
critical period of early ocean entry. These fine-scale data
were used to explore relationships with early growth and
survival to age 3. This information is particularly valu-
able because local oceanographic conditions are impor-
tant in driving salmon biological responses such as
growth and survival (Mueter et al. 2002;Sharmaetal.
2013), and because it may generate more mechanistic
hypotheses than broader scale correlations.
Our objective was to determine important factors
influencing early growth and survival to age 3 of
Central Valley fall run Chinook salmon. Specifically,
we fit a series of statistical models that included various
combinations of potential explanatory variables through
Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) model selection.
We further examined model response curves to identify
patterns that may signify mechanisms. Finally, we qual-
itatively compared covariates and model response
curves from our early growth model with our survival
model. Since previous studies suggest that early ocean
growth is important for overall salmon survival, we
expected similar covariates to be included in both
models with similar response curves. However, differ-
ences among covariates or response curves may provide
insights into other processes such as size-selective mor-
tality or density-dependence.
Study system
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Rivers support the largest
salmon populations in California, and Central Valley fall
run Chinook salmon are the most numerous contributing
race. Five hatcheries supplement fall run Chinook salm-
on populations producing over 32 million smolts per
year; differences in rearing practices among hatcheries
produce smolts that differ in release size, timing, and
location within the watershed (Huber and Carlson 2015).
Approximately 25 % of hatchery released juvenile salm-
on are implanted with unique CWTs which identify
salmon released in a given group and the characteristics
of each release group. CWT release and recapture data
are stored in the Regional Mark Identification System
(RMIS, (Nandor et al. 2010). Fall run
Chinook salmon juveniles enter the ocean at the Golden
Gate Bridge from AprilJune and encounter ocean con-
ditions driven by upwelling and relaxation events which
have distinct physical ocean characteristics and dictate
productivity and food availability (Pringle and Dever
2009). Chinook salmon disperse along the coastal ocean
rim for 14 years, and return to rivers as adults to spawn
in the fall. Adult salmon with CWTs are recovered from
commercial and recreational fisheries, spawning ground
surveys, and hatchery returns.
Data collection
To investigate salmon early growth, we utilized tag
recoveries of CWT juvenile fall run Chinook salmon.
Juvenile salmon during their first ocean year were sam-
pled from NOAA Fisheries salmon ocean surveys from
1999 to 2012 (excluding 20062009), and were recov-
ered from Pigeon Point, CA to Astoria, OR (Fig. 1).
Cruise dates varied across years, but surveys were either
conducted in the summer (mid-June to mid-August) or
in the fall (mid-September to late-October) with three of
the ten years completing both summer and fall cruises
(Table 1). Salmon were captured using a surface trawl
(264 Nordic Rope Trawl) that samples the upper 20 m of
the water column for ~30 min tows (Harding et al.
2011). Biological data including weight, length, and a
DNA sample were taken for all salmon, and these fish
were brought back to the laboratory where salmon miss-
ing their adipose fins were electronically scanned for a
CWT, and if present, the tag was extracted and read.
Of the coded wire tagged, age 1 Central Valley fall
run Chinook salmon recovered in the juvenile salmon
trawl surveys, 171 had sufficient data to estimate
growth. We excluded fish that had less than 10 days
between release and recapture because they would not
have had sufficient time to exhibit differential growth
due to exogenous conditions, and salmon from CWT
groups that were released over a range of dates spanning
greater than 5 days. Salmon age was determined by
Environ Biol Fish
subtracting the brood year, as provided from RMIS,
from the recapture year. Early growth was calculated
for each fish as the difference in recapture weight (g)
from the ocean survey and mean release weight (g) from
the CWT release group. Because growth is estimated by
subtracting a group mean from an individual measure-
ment, there is the potential to over or under estimate
growth if a salmon was released above or below the
119 ° W120° W121° W122° W123° W124° W125° W126° W
46° N
45° N
44° N
43° N
42° N
41° N
40° N
39° N
38° N
37° N
Coleman FH
Feather FH
Nimbus FH
Mokelumne FH
Merced FH
013026065 Kilometers
Battle Creek
Sacramento River
Feather River
American River
Mokelumne River
Merced River
San Joaquin River
Recapture locations
Release locations
Fish hatcheries
Pigeon Point, CA
Astoria, OR
Fig. 1 Locations of juvenile salmon coded wire tag group releases (yellow circles), recoveries of salmon in their first ocean year on NOAA
ocean surveys (red circles), and fish hatcheries (blue triangles)
Environ Biol Fish
mean release weight. Our measure of early growth in-
cludes growth that occurred during river emigration, in
the estuary, and in the coastal ocean.
Of juvenile salmon recovered with CWTs from the ocean
surveys, 45 unique CWT release groups were represent-
ed between 1999 and 2010 from a dataset of 98 salmon.
Again, we excluded salmon from CWT groups that were
released over a range of dates spanning greater than
5 days. More recent years of recaptured juvenile salmon
(20112012) did not have sufficient adult recaptures
from subsequent years to estimate survival. We estimated
survival to age 3 for each CWT release group using tag
recoveries from multiple life stages from RMIS in a
Virtual Population Cohort Analysis (VPA) (Magnusson
and Hilborn 2003). For each CWT release group, we
determined the total number of salmon released and the
total number and dates of adult fish (age 1+) recovered
from the RMIS database (Supplementary Table 1). The
range of number of fish per release group was 15,770 to
396,000 (mean: 124,200). To estimate survival rates, we
followed the methods of Magnusson and Hilborn (2003)
and estimated the number of individuals from a release
group that survived to age 3 (N
Where C
is the number offish recovered atage a and
is the adult survival rate at age a. As with Magnusson
and Hilborn, we assume that the adult survival rates
were constant (s
and relatively minor components of the smolt-to-adult
survival rate. The survival rate to age 3 for each release
group was then estimated by dividing N
by the number
of individuals released.
It is important to note that survival was estimated for
each release group based only on recoveries of adult
tagged fish (age 1+), not those recaptured in the juvenile
ocean survey (Supplementary Table 1). We then used
the survival rate estimated for the release group as the
response for the individual fish recovered in the juvenile
survey (Table 2). As a result, if more than one fish from
a single release group was recaptured in the juvenile
survey they would have the same survival response.
Explanatory variables
We collected data on hatchery and ocean conditions that
we hypothesized could affect salmon growth and survival
(Table 2). Hatchery conditions were taken from the RMIS
database for each CWT release group. We considered
release date, release weight (g), release location, and
hatchery of origin as potential important hatchery factors.
The first two variables were treated as continuous and last
two as categorical. Release location was described as the
distance upstream (km) from the Golden Gate Bridge, and
was calculated using linear referencing tools in ArcGIS
10.2. Locations that were less than 10 km apart were
grouped together at a middle distance value, combining
17 release locations into 10 distance groups (35, 50, 70,
105, 126, 143, 167, 183, 215, 525 km). We treated release
location as a categorical variable because locations may
have multiple attributes that uniquely affect juvenile salm-
on; however, we were also able to visually assess trends
related to distance upstream from the Golden Gate Bridge
by defining the categories by distance.
To determine early ocean conditions likely encoun-
tered by individual salmon, we estimated where, and
over which dates, salmon traveled in the coastal ocean.
We estimated ocean entry dates following the methods
from Fisher et al. (2014) with the exception that instead
of using a constant mean value, we predicted river
migration rate using a linear mixed-effects model and
AICc model selection using CWT juvenile salmon
recaptured between May 15th and June 16th from
NOAA San Francisco Bay trawl surveys over 10 years
Tabl e 1 Dates of NOAA salmon ocean surveys where juvenile
Chinook salmon with CWTs were recovered
Cruise Year Dates
IW9901 1999 8/38/9
IW9902 1999 10/2010/22
IW0001 2000 6/206/30
IW0101 2001 7/248/5
IW0201 2002 6/196/27
IW0202 2002 9/179/26
IW0301 2003 7/87/14
FR0401 2004 7/267/30
CA0501 2005 10/510/13
FR1001 2010 6/307/13
FR1101 2011 6/297/15
FR1102 2011 9/79/16
OS1201 2012 6/116/25
Environ Biol Fish
(n= 121). We considered four fixed variables (mean
release weight (g), release date, distance released up-
stream, and May river flow), included release year and
release location as random effects, and did not allow
correlated variables (> 0.7) to occur in the same model
(Dormann et al. 2012). We excluded fish where the
linear mixed-effects model estimated negative down-
stream migration rates (3 % of all growth data, 2 % of
all survival data). These covariates come from the RMIS
database, therefore ocean entry dates were estimated for
each CWT release group.
To determine ocean travel routes for each salmon, we
used ArcGIS cost distance and cost path tools to generate
least-cost routes for juvenile salmon traveling from the
Golden Gate Bridge to recapture locations. Based on
previous research (Hassrick et al. 2016), we assumed
salmon prefer depths less than 200 m in generating the
least-cost routes. We extracted points along these routes
every 10 km. For each salmon, we assigned a sequence
of dates from ocean entry to recovery at each point along
its travel route and assumed a constant rate of travel.
From these specific locations and dates, we extracted
oceanographic data from a coupled physical-
biogeochemical model for the broader California
Current region (Fiechter et al. 2014), including concur-
rent water temperature (°C), eastward and northward
currents (m/s), predatory zooplankton (e.g., krill)
), and diatoms (mmol/m
). The physical model
is an implementation of the Regional Ocean Modeling
System (ROMS) (Shchepetkin and McWilliams 2005;
Haidvogel et al. 2008) and the biogeochemical model is
based on the NEMURO model (Kishi et al. 2007)witha
spatial resolution of 10 km. We chose to use a physical-
biogeochemical model instead of empirical data because
cloud cover along coastal waters was common generat-
ing many missing values in satellite datasets, we wanted
values for zooplankton which are not available via satel-
lite, and the ROMS and NEMURO models have been
shown to correspond well with empirical oceanographic
and biological data (Centurioni et al. 2008; Ivanov et al.
2009; Santora et al. 2013). Values from all points within a
travel route were averaged for each fish.
Data analysis
Growth analysis
We used a generalized additive model (GAM) to deter-
mine how variables describing the oceanic and release
conditions were related to the early growth of juvenile
salmon. Although we considered using more traditional
growth models (e.g., von Bertalanffy), we chose to use a
GAM because it was a better fit to these short-term early
life history growth patterns. The growth dataset
consisted of 171 recovered juvenile salmon that repre-
sented 78 CWT releases from 1999 to 2012. Potential
explanatory variables included in the GAM were: hatch-
ery of origin, release location, mean release weight,
release date, ocean temperature, predatory zooplankton,
diatoms, and simultaneously smoothed eastward and
northward currents (m/s). Prior to fitting the model, we
examined the relationship between the different vari-
ables to reduce redundancy due to variables that were
related or collinear. Hatchery and release location were
related to each other because hatcheries had specific
Tabl e 2 Description of covariates for growth (G) and survival (S) models of Central Valley juvenile Chinook salmon
Covariate Level Units Source Models
Recapture weight
Individual grams NOAA cruise G
Survival CWT group proportion of individuals
surviving to age 3
Pred zooplankton Individual mmol/m
Diatoms Individual mmol/m
Currents Individual m/s ROMS G, S
Temperature Individual °C ROMS G, S
Mean release weight
CWT group grams RMIS G, S
Hatchery of origin CWT group - RMIS S
Release location CWT group km upstream from
Golden Gate Bridge
Recapture weight mean release weight = growth
Environ Biol Fish
locations where they released fish. Thus, during model
selection we excluded any models that contained both
hatchery and release location. Likewise, release date
was collinear with release location because hatcheries
farther upstream released fish earlier than downstream
hatcheries. In this case, we only retained release location
as a candidate variable because we were more interested
in the potential connection of time spent in freshwater
on growth. We did not include any interactions in the
model because we had no a priori hypotheses regarding
how different explanatory variables may interact.
Because our primary goal was to examine the effect of
the environment on fish growth, we needed to control for
the duration an individual was at large prior to recapture.
To do this, we used a separate GAM to predict salmon
growth given the number of days between release and
recapture (days at large). We then included the predic-
tions from this model as an offset in the full model
containing the explanatory variables. In other words,
we were testing the hypothesis that the ocean conditions
and release variables could help explain if fish grew more
or less than expected for a given duration at large. We
used the predicted growth as an offset, rather than simply
using days at large as an offset, because there was a non-
linear relationship between days at large and growth.
We tested all possible combinations of the explana-
tory variables (96 possible models) and compared
models using Akaikes Information Criterion corrected
for small sample size (AICc; Burnham and Anderson
2002). We used the dredgefunction in the MuMIn
package in R (Barton 2015), and averaged the models
with ΔAICc values <2. Model diagnostics, such as the
QQ plot and residual plots, were used to assess normal-
ity and homogeneity of variance. To examine how well
the model fit the data we used k-fold cross-validation, in
which we split the data into equal-sized parts and then
iteratively used part of the data to fit the model and a
different part to test it (Hastie et al. 2009). K-fold cross-
validation is a valuable tool to assess the predicative
capabilities of a given model when challenged with a
new dataset. This is an iterative process, thus, we re-
peated each k-fold cross validation process 500 times
and examined the distribution of the r
for the test data
set based on the calibration model.
Survival analysis
We examined variables influencing survival to age 3
with a dataset of 98 recovered juvenile salmon, which
represented 45 CWT release groups from 1999 to 2010.
Cohort survival was estimated for each CWT group
using recoveries from the RMIS database. We described
the relationship of survival to age 3 to hatchery and
ocean variables with a generalized linear model
(GLM). We fit the models using a beta error distribution
in the R package betaregbecause our survival esti-
mates were a proportional response (Ferrari and Cribari-
Neto 2004). Prior to selecting the fixed effects, we used
the fully parameterized model to select the most appro-
priate link function. The cauchit link with no bias re-
duction was overwhelmingly supported as the best link
function based on AICc.
We considered the same suite of potential explanato-
ry variables as the growth model, and tested all possible
model combinations (360 possible models). The surviv-
al dataset had a smaller sample size (n= 98) than the
growth dataset (n= 171) without years 2011 and 2012.
As with the growth data set, each hatchery primarily
released fish at one location; therefore, we restricted the
model from including both variables at the same time.
Release date was again excluded because it was collin-
ear with release location. We built a full model, tested all
possible model combinations, selected the top models
with ΔAICc value <2, and averaged those top models.
We performed cross validation as described above.
Growth analysis
In our dataset, growth ranged from 0.58 to 213 g from
salmon who were at large from 31 to 169 days from
release to recapture. Ocean sea surface temperatures
ranged from 9.89 to 12.27 °C, eastward currents ranged
from 0.02 to 0.04 m/s, and northward currents ranged
from 0.08 to 0.03 m/s. Diatom densities ranged from
0.25 to 1.27 mmol/m
and predatory zooplankton
ranged from 0.14 to 0.36 mmol/m
(Table 3). The juve-
nile salmon were released from CWT groups with mean
release weights ranging from 3 to 19.2 g from locations
that ranged from 35 to 528 km upstream from the
Golden Gate Bridge. The top model for predicting
downstream migration rate, which was then used to
estimate ocean entry date and specific locations and
dates to extract ROMS data for individual salmon, in-
cluded mean release weight, release date, and random
effects with a normal error distribution (conditional
Environ Biol Fish
= 0.93, k = 6, df = 6, AICc = 696.5, deviance = 683.8,
weight of evidence = 0.86).
Model selection for the growth model resulted in two
top models with ΔAICc values less than two (Table 4).
The averaged top model included the variables, preda-
tory zooplankton, currents, temperature, release loca-
tion, and diatoms, and had a median cross-validated
adjusted R
value of 0.81. Model response curves illus-
trate the shape of the nonlinear relationship between
early growth and individual variables over the range of
the selected covariate while keeping all other covariates
constant at average values. We also plot the cross-
validation model predictions to illustrate factor variance
(Fig. 2). When all of the cross-validation lines (gray) fall
close to the top model line (black) and exhibit the same
pattern, this indicates more certainty in that covariates
contribution to explaining patterns in growth or surviv-
al. We observed decreased juvenile salmon growth as
the concentration of diatoms increased (Fig. 2a).
However, some of the cross-validation lines show hor-
izontal (no effect) or a U-shaped parabolic relationship,
indicating considerable uncertainty in the relationship
between diatom density and growth. The model re-
sponse curve for predatory zooplankton indicated a
parabolic relationship with lowest predicted growth
values occurring at middle predatory zooplankton den-
sity with higher predicted values at high and low densi-
ties (Fig. 2b). Temperature was negatively related to
growth (Fig. 2c). We display the relationship between
growth and two directions of currents simultaneously.
Growth was highest with southwest flowing currents
(Fig. 2d). Growth was greatest in fish released at loca-
tions nearest to the Golden Gate Bridge (Fig. 3).
Survival analysis
In our dataset, survival to age 3 ranged from 0.0058 to
0.0563. Ocean sea surface temperatures ranged from
9.89 to 12.25 °C, eastward currents ranged from 0.01
to 0.04 m/s, and northward currents ranged from 0.08
to 0.03 m/s. Diatom densities ranged from 0.25 to
1.27 mmol/m
and predatory zooplankton ranged from
0.14 to 0.34 mmol/m
(Table 5). The juvenile salmon
were released from CWT groups with mean release
weights ranging from 4.3 to 19.2 g from locations that
ranged from 35 to 528 km upstream from the Golden
Gate Bridge.
AICc model selection resulted in three top models
with ΔAICc values less than two (Table 6). The aver-
aged top model included the variables, predatory zoo-
plankton, diatoms, currents, temperature, hatchery of
origin, and mean release weight, and had a median
cross-validated adjusted R
value of 0.75. Model re-
sponse curves indicated opposite relationships between
survival and growth models. Diatom biomass was pos-
itively related to survival (Fig. 4a). For predatory zoo-
plankton, survival peaked at middle zooplankton densi-
ty with much lower survival estimated at high and low
densities (Fig. 4b). Temperature showed a positive as-
sociation with survival although there is a wide margin
Tabl e 3 Physical and biological covariate summary statistics for early growth dataset of Central Valley juvenile Chinook salmon from
19992012 (excluding 20062009)
Covariate Mean SD Minimum Median Maximum
Temperature (°C) 11.08 0.70 9.89 11.38 12.27
Eastward current (m/s) 0.01 0.02 -0.02 0.01 0.04
Northward current (m/s) -0.02 0.02 -0.08 -0.02 0.03
Diatoms (mmol/m
) 0.66 0.22 0.25 0.69 1.27
Pred zooplankton (mmol/m
) 0.25 0.06 0.14 0.22 0.36
Tabl e 4 Top models for early growth from AICc model selection of Central Valley juvenile Chinook salmon from 19992012 (excluding
Top growth models AICc weight ΔAICc LogLik df Deviance explained
Pred zooplankton + Currents + Temperature + Release location + Diatoms 1418 0.52 0 -684 21 47.1 %
Pred zooplankton + Currents + Temperature + Release location 1419 0.29 1.19 -688 19 44.6 %
Environ Biol Fish
of uncertainty and some cross-validation lines indicated
a horizontal (no effect) or negative relationship (Fig. 4c).
The currents contour plot illustrated that survival was
greatest with primarily northward flowing currents
which were slightly westward (Fig. 4d). As for hatchery
effects, mean release weight showed a strong positive
relationship with survival, and Feather and Coleman
hatcheries produced the greatest survival, followed by
Nimbus, Mokelumne, and Merced hatcheries respec-
tively (Fig. 5).
Our results indicate that both release conditions at the
hatchery and early ocean conditions influence growth
and cohort survival of Central Valley fall run Chinook
salmon. We built two separate models for growth and
survival with the expectation that similar covariates
would be important because of the strong evidence that
early growth is a critical component of adult survival
(Holtby et al. 1990; Friedland et al. 2000; Beamish and
Mahnken 2001; Duffy and Beauchamp 2011). Hatchery
effects varied between survival and growth models, with
release location included in the growth model, and
0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
Diatoms (mmol/m
Growth (g)
0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Predatory zooplankton (mmol/m
Growth (g)
10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0
Temperature (°C)
Growth (g)
−0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Eastward current
Northward current (m/s)
Fig. 2 Growth across the range of adiatoms (mmol/m
), b
predatory zooplankton (mmol/m
), ctemperature (°C), and d
currents (m/s) while keeping all other model covariates constant
at average values. Solid black lines represent the mean and
individual k-fold runs were also plotted (light gray lines)toillus-
trate variability. Rug plots along the horizontal axis of plots a-c
indicate the distribution of data points. dCurrents, blue colors
represent the highest modeled growth and dark pink the lowest
35 50 105 183 215 525
Km released upstream
of the Golden Gate Brid
Growth (g)
Fig. 3 Growth values from the top model across release location
categories while keeping all other model covariates constant at
average values. Release location categories with sample sizes less
than five are not plotted
Environ Biol Fish
release weight and hatchery of origin included in the
survival model. The same four ocean variables (currents,
temperature, diatoms, and predatory zooplankton) were
included in both models; however, covariate relation-
ships were opposed in the growth and survival models.
Two non-mutually exclusive hypotheses that may
explain the opposing patterns between growth and sur-
vival model responses are size-selective mortality and
density-dependence mechanisms (Miller et al. 2013).
Under conditions in which survival is low, smaller fish
may die at a greater rate than larger fish. Thus apparent
high growth conditions could result from demographic
shifts in size rather than actual growth differences.
Evidence for size-selective mortality has been observed
during early ocean entry for juvenile salmon in
California (Woodson et al. 2013), the Pacific
Northwest (Claiborne et al. 2011), and Alaska (Moss
et al. 2005). Likely predators include piscivorous birds
in the estuary and ocean (Anderson et al. 2004;Adrean
et al. 2012; Tucker et al. 2016), predatory fish (Emmett
et al. 2006; Emmett and Krutzikowsky 2008), and ma-
rine mammals (Yurk and Trites 2000; Kvitrud et al.
2005). Predation pressure can also vary with respect to
oceanographic conditions (Emmett et al. 2006)making
an assessment of the overall extent of predation impacts
on juvenile salmon populations difficult.
The density-dependence hypothesis would argue that
under conditions in which survival is high, salmon may
occur at higher densities, and intraspecific competition
may lead to reductions in growth. Density-dependence
may be important for salmon during freshwater life
stages (Jonsson et al. 1998), but has been difficult to
document in the ocean. In Alaska, density-dependence
in the ocean has been observed to impact salmon growth
and survival in multiple species (Ruggerone et al. 2003;
Beamish et al. 2008; Martinson et al. 2008; Agler et al.
2013), although signals were much weaker for Chinook
salmon in the Puget Sound, WA (Greene and Beechie
2004). Furthermore, juvenile salmon catches in Alaska
are 10100 times higher than standardized catches in
central California, potentially making conspecific
density-dependence more likely in northern areas
(Fisher et al. 2007). In the California Current, there has
been little work evaluating density dependence, al-
though the potential exists as resource limitation has
been documented for juvenile salmon in the ocean
(Daly et al. 2009). Miller et al. (2013) found Columbia
River juvenile Chinook salmon growth to be negatively
related to juvenile salmon abundance; however, they did
not find further support for density-dependence. There
is potential for density-dependence to impact salmon in
the ocean especially when populations are robust or
habitat is restricted (Greene and Beechie 2004).
Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that size-
selective mortality and density-dependence hypotheses
are not mutually exclusive, and may interact if larger
salmon out-compete smaller individuals at high densi-
ties (Reinhardt et al. 2001).
Tabl e 5 Physical and biological covariate summary statistics for cohort survival dataset of Central Valley juvenile Chinook salmon from
19992010 (excluding 20062009)
Covariate Mean SD Minimum Median Maximum
Temperature (°C) 11.08 0.70 9.89 11.38 12.27
Eastward current (m/s) 0.01 0.02 -0.02 0.01 0.04
Northward current (m/s) -0.02 0.02 -0.08 -0.02 0.03
Diatoms (mmol/m
) 0.66 0.22 0.25 0.69 1.27
Pred zooplankton (mmol/m
) 0.25 0.06 0.14 0.22 0.36
Tabl e 6 Topmodels for cohort survival from AICc model selectionof Central Valley juvenile Chinook salmon from 19992010 (excluding
Top survival models AICc weight ΔAICc LogLik df Psuedo R
Pred zooplankton + Diatoms + Release weight + Hatchery + Currents -679 0.375 0 354 13 0.36
Pred zooplankton + Diatoms + Release weight + Hatchery + Temperature -678 0.269 0.66 353 12 0.35
Pred zooplankton + Diatoms + Release weight + Hatchery + Currents + Temperature -677 0.154 1.79 355 14 0.36
Environ Biol Fish
Productivity and food
The diatoms and predatory zooplankton covariates were
chosen to represent productivity and food at two differ-
ent trophic levels. Diatoms are food for predatory zoo-
plankton such as krill which may be an important com-
ponent of juvenile salmon diets. We expected increasing
productivity, represented by diatoms, and increasing
food resources, represented by predatory zooplankton,
to be positively related to increased juvenile salmon
growth and survival.
Our model results indicated survival increased with
diatoms, as hypothesized, but the relationship with zoo-
plankton was more complex. Our model indicated a
parabolic relationship between survival and predatory
zooplankton in which the highest survival occurred at
moderate zooplankton concentration. Previous studies
have shown that measures of productivity and food
correlate with increased salmon survival, and discuss
mechanisms falling into two categories: (1) via an in-
crease in growth which allows salmon to avoid
0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
Diatoms (mmol/m3)
0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Predatory zooplankton (mmol/m3)
10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0
Temperature (°C)
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03
Eastward current (m/s)
Northward current (m/s)
Fig. 4 Modeled survival values across the range of adiatoms
), bpredatory zooplankton (mmol/m
), ctemperature
(°C), and dcurrents (m/s) while keeping all other model covariates
constant at average values. Individual k-fold runs were also plotted
(light gray lines) to illustrate variability. Rug plots along the
horizontal axis of plots a-c indicate the distribution of data points.
dCurrents, blue colors represent the highest modeled survival and
dark pink the lowest
Mean release wei
Fig. 5 Modeled survival values across the range of release weight
values while keeping all other covariates constant for each hatch-
ery category. The plotted range for mean release weight for each
line represents the observed release weights in our survival dataset
Environ Biol Fish
starvation and escape gape-limited predators, and (2) via
indirect interactions between forage, salmon, and pred-
ators that mediate juvenile salmon losses due to preda-
tion (Willette et al. 2001; Emmett and Sampson 2007;
Wells et al. 2012;Dalyetal.2013). Therefore, there is
the potential for complex bottom-up and top-down
mechanisms to explain relationships between produc-
tivity and salmon survival. The relationship we ob-
served between survival and diatoms was consistent
with previous studies. However, the parabolic pattern
observed between predatory zooplankton and survival
deviates, and may be explained by either foraging effi-
ciency relative to prey density or predator aggregations.
Many species of zooplankton use schooling behavior as
an anti-predator tactic, and foraging on high densities
may be less efficient for visual feeders like salmon,
while at low densities salmon may have reduced en-
counter probabilities (Hamner and Hamner 2000;
Goldbogen et al. 2011; Crook and Davoren 2014). In
this case, foraging behavior may impact survival via
growth. Also, predators and competitors may aggregate
to areas with abundant food (Ainley et al. 2009; Santora
et al. 2011; Santora et al. 2012), which may increase the
risk for salmon predation or create a competitive disad-
vantage that reduces salmon feeding and growth
(DeCesare et al. 2009). For example, common murres
(Uria aalge) may aggregate at frontal features where
there is abundant forage where they may compete with
juvenile salmon for zooplankton and/or directly prey on
salmon, both which may negatively affect salmon
growth and survival (Ainley et al. 2009). Alternatively,
although not consistent with our results, abundant for-
age may serve as alternative prey and dampen juvenile
salmon losses due to predation (Cooney et al. 2001;
Willette et al. 2001; Emmett and Sampson 2007). At
low forage abundances, juvenile salmon may be forced
to venture further to feed into habitats where they are
more likely to be predated upon (Cooney et al. 2001;
Willette et al. 2001).
Contrary to our original hypothesis, we observed that
the relationships between growth and productivity were
the opposite of those observed for survival. Generally,
growth declined as diatom density increased, however
some cross-validation lines showed no effect or a u-
shaped parabolic relationship. The sizeable variability
in cross-validation lines indicates uncertainty in diatoms
explaining patterns in growth. This is also evident in that
diatoms were not included in the second best model
(Table 4). The important, consistent pattern is the model
always predicts high growth at low diatom densities. We
observed the highest growth at low and high densities of
zooplankton. In the current literature, we failed to find
an ecological mechanism that explains this u-shaped
relationship between growth and zooplankton abun-
dance, and negative relationship between growth and
diatom density. It is possible that our modeled outputs of
productivity could have missed zooplankton patchiness
clouding patterns at low densities. However, as we
previously discussed, our apparent estimate of growth
may be affected byfactors influencing survival of small-
er fish, such as size-selective mortality or intraspecific
competition through density-dependence.
Limitations in the ROMS-NEMURO model are
worth noting. Because the ROMS solution was not for-
mally constrained by observations (i.e., data assimila-
tion) during the model run, spatial and temporal mis-
matches between actual and simulated physical fields
(e.g., ocean currents and temperatures) are bound to
occur, which will translate to similar discrepancies in
the biological fields (e.g., diatom and krill concentra-
tions). However, Santora et al. (2013) found reasonable
spatial and temporal agreement between observed krill
abundances (from acoustic and trawl surveys) and sim-
ulated large zooplankton concentrations from a coupled
physical-biological model similar to the one used here.
Because the predatory zooplankton component of
NEMURO was parameterized to represent krill in a
broad sense, the model captures more accurately the
spatial distribution and temporal variability associated
with Euphausia pacifica, the most abundant species off
of Central California. Hence, simulated krill
concentrations may miss some of the characteristics
associated with the less numerous, nearshore species,
Thyanoessa spinifera, which could in turn impact
predicted salmon growth during periods when
T. sp i n i fera is an important prey item. Both krill species
occur in salmon diets, and Wells et al. (2012) have
shown T. spinifera to correlate with increased salmon
body condition (Wells et al. 2012). While it is difficult to
assess the exact impact of these potential discrepancies
on the model results, earlier studies have demonstrated
that the coupled ROMS-NEMURO model is capable of
reproducing the temperature, diatom and krill conditions
that modulate juvenile salmon growth off of central
California (Fiechter et al. 2015). Hence, the relationships
identified here for growth and survival are generally
expected to hold over the same spatial (> 10 km) and
temporal (> days) scales. However, these relationships
Environ Biol Fish
may differ (or at least not hold as strongly) under condi-
tions when salmon growth is significantly influenced by
coastal dynamics and biological responses occurring at
spatiotemporal scales not adequately represented by the
model (e.g., krill diel vertical migration or patchiness
associated with sub-mesoscale frontal dynamics).
Physical Ocean conditions
Ocean currents are tied to ocean productivity via wind-
driven, offshore Ekman transport that causes deep, cold,
nutrient-rich water to be upwelled to the surface near the
coast (Pringle and Dever 2009). In the summer, the
California Current coastal waters typically alternate be-
tween phases of upwelling and relaxation. During relax-
ation events, winds weaken and currents shift to along-
shore and northward while temperatures increase
(Melton et al. 2009). Upwelling conditions are impor-
tant to pre-condition areas for productivity (Vander
Woud e et al. 2006; Thompson et al. 2012); however,
we expect a period with many relaxation events to
benefit salmon growth and survival. Warmer in situ
temperatures associated with relaxation events may in-
crease growth (Beckman et al. 2004), and weaker,
alongshore currents may promote retention of prey
(Wing et al. 1998; Vander Woude et al. 2006; Wilson
et al. 2008) and reduce the energetic cost for salmon to
swim against advection offshore. Therefore, increased
growth and survival of juvenile salmon should be more
strongly correlated with frequent relaxation events, rath-
er than periods of prolonged, active upwelling.
Although coastal upwelling and relaxation events also
occur in the Pacific Northwest, the Columbia River
interacts with upwelling dynamics to increase retention
of upwelled waters along the coast (Banas et al. 2009)
and subsequent productivity and zooplankton (Peterson
et al. 1979), which potentially explains why Pacific
Northwest studies show positive trends of winter pre-
conditioning with salmon survival (Logerwell et al.
2003), but relationships with in situ upwelling are var-
iable (Nickelson 1986). Contrastingly, in California
there is not the influence of a large river plume, and
strong upwelling has been shown to increase advection
of productivity off the shelf (Jacox et al. 2016). Since
retention of productivity on the shelf where salmon
reside is important for salmon growth and survival, the
absence of a large river plume may explain why we
observe distinct dynamics in coastal California com-
pared to more northerly regions.
Physical environmental covariates that best ex-
plained growth and survival were water temperature
and surface currents. Model response curves indicated
greatest survival during northward currents and a posi-
tive relationship with temperature, which correspond
with relaxation events when weakened winds allow for
alongshore, northward transport of warm water.
Although, temperature exhibited the most uncertainty
in explaining survival patterns as evident in widely
spread cross-validation lines (Fig. 4c) and that it was
included only in the second and third top models
(Table 6). These survival patterns with respect to phys-
ical ocean conditions are consistent with our expectation
that relaxation events are important for juvenile salmon.
Previous studies indicated increased salmon growth and
survival in years with strong early season upwelling
(Schroeder et al. 2013), and cool water temperatures
(Mueter et al. 2002; Wells et al. 2008). These studies
examined physical ocean conditions at broad spatial and
temporal scales (averages over 100 s to 1000s of km and
multiple months), whereas other studies that examined
finer scales failed to find a strong influence of upwell-
ing on salmon survival (Scheuerell et al. 2009;
Holsman et al. 2012). Therefore, it is possible that
years with strong early upwelling and cool tempera-
tures pre-condition regions for high productivity, but
on finer spatial and temporal scales, relaxation events
are important.
Opposing our original hypothesis and our findings
relative to survival, the growth model indicated greatest
growth in active upwelling conditions. We saw greatest
growth during southwest flowing currents and a nega-
tive relationship with temperature. There is an expected
time lag of weeks to months between upwelling and
bottom-up processes that produce food for salmon
(Croll et al. 2005;Thompsonetal.2012). Therefore,
we would not expect abundant prey to be available in
active upwelled waters, unless they were transported
from a different area or concentrated in eddies or up-
welling shadows adjacent to upwelling centers (Santora
et al. 2012). Furthermore, areas of persistent, strong
upwelling are expected to have reduced productivity
due to physical processes that advect nutrients offshore
or below the euphotic zone (Jacox et al. 2016). Once
again, our two models offered contradictory results:
conditions related to high growth correspond to
those with low survival, indicating that this pattern
may be influenced by size-selective mortality or
Environ Biol Fish
Hatchery release effects
The influence of hatchery of origin and release location
differed between growth and survival models. For release
location, fish released at locations lower in the river had
more growth than fish released at locations higher in the
river. Salmon released farther downstream likely spent
less time in the river between release and recapture, and
reached the ocean more quickly than salmon released
farther upstream in the watershed. There is ample evi-
dence for large growth potential in the ocean (Atcheson
2010; Duffy and Beauchamp 2011; Woodson et al.
2013), and due to the great reduction of floodplain habitat
in the Sacramento and San Joaquin watersheds
(Opperman 2012), there may be less growth opportuni-
ties for juvenile salmon in the freshwater environment
than there was historically (Sommer et al. 2001). Also,
salmon that reach the ocean more quickly might have
more energy reserves to help them actively find prey in
the marine environment. Alternatively, our measure of
growth may still be confounded, which, following our
previous logic, might suggest salmon released further
downstream have experienced more size-selective mor-
tality or density-dependence. However, since release lo-
cation was not an important covariate in the survival
model, we speculate this is a less compelling hypothesis.
Mean release weight was positively correlated with
survival which is consistent with previous studies (Irvine
et al. 2013; Zeug and Cavallo 2013; Satterthwaite et al.
2014). Larger salmon may be less susceptible to preda-
tion or starvation in both freshwater (Sogard 1997)and
marine environments (Moss et al. 2005; Claiborne et al.
2011; Woodson et al. 2013). Our results also indicated
that survival was greatest among fish produced at the
Feather River Fish Hatchery. The hatchery primarily
releases large smolts, which they transport and release
close to San Francisco Bay, potentially avoiding high in-
river mortality (Buchanan et al. 2013)(Table7). Among
the remaining hatcheries, we saw a latitudinal gradient
with more northerly hatcheries exhibiting greater surviv-
al. The Merced River Hatchery is the most southerly
hatchery in our study, and salmon produced there must
travel down the San Joaquin River to reach the sea. The
San Joaquin River was designated one of the nations
most endangered rivers in 2014 due to degraded habitat
(Saiki et al. 1992; Baker et al. 1995) and excessive water
diversion (Newman and Brandes 2010) which may con-
tribute to the low survival estimates.
Our findings suggest that both oceanic and hatchery
release conditions influence juvenile salmon early
growth and survival. Interestingly, all four ocean covar-
iates included in both growth and survival models
showed opposite patterns. One possible mechanism to
explain this result is size-selective mortality. Under con-
ditions when survival is low, smaller fish may die at a
greater rate than larger fish, and apparent high growth
may actually result from demographic shifts in size.
Size-selective mortality has previously been document-
ed in Central Valley fall run Chinook salmon (Woodson
et al. 2013). If juvenile salmon size influences survival,
managers may be tempted to increase the size at which
they release juvenile salmon. However, increased
growth in hatcheries could have unintended conse-
quences. Selection of large sizes and fast growth rates
in hatcheries could result in domestication and alteration
of other behaviors such as reduced predation defenses
(Alvarez et al. 2003), increased metabolism, thus, great-
er fitness cost in the wild where food is less available
(Metcalfe et al. 2003), and increased aggression towards
wild salmon (Weber and Fausch 2005). Additionally,
growth in the hatchery can affect maturation rate, with
too much growth resulting in an increase of precocious
Tabl e 7 Range of Central Valley juvenile Chinook salmon CWT group release attributes by hatchery from 19992010 (excluding 20062009)
Hatchery Release dates Release locations Mean release
(km upstream) weight (g)
Coleman FH Apr 7 - May 24 48528 3.010.0
Feather FH Apr 25 - Jun 8 35126 4.29.1
Merced FH Apr 18 - May 25 105167 4.319.2
Mokelumne FH Apr 20 - Jun 7 104143 7.113.3
Nimbus FH May 4 - Jun 18 48215 6.88.7
Environ Biol Fish
salmon returning years earlier than normal (Larsen et al.
2006), and in steelhead (O. mykiss) populations can
increase the incidence of residualism with a host of
ecological effects (Berejikian et al. 2012). Perhaps a
promising conservation strategy would be to increase
available floodplain or estuarine habitat within a hetero-
geneous landscape to increase growth potential of juve-
nile salmon of both origins before they enter the ocean
(Magnusson and Hilborn 2003).
Another potential mechanism to explain the oppos-
ing patterns between growth and survival covariates is
density-dependence. Under conditions when survival is
high, salmon may occur at higher densities, and intra-
specific competition may cause reduced growth. No
studies have documented density-dependence in
California salmon populations in the ocean, although
this is a research area that deserves further examination.
Density-dependence has been observed in northern
salmon populations, creating concerns about the density
of salmon and the time interval of hatchery releases
(Beamish et al. 2008). Competition resulting from un-
natural crowding and other artifacts of hatchery produc-
tion may suppress growth and lower survival, and re-
leasing many salmon at once may also amplify density-
dependence effects. Hatchery and natural juvenile salm-
on exhibit spatial, temporal, and trophic overlap during
early marine residency, setting the stage for potential
competition (Daly et al. 2011).
Across geographic regions, unique local conditions
are important to that stocks survival (Sharma et al.
2013). The effect of ocean conditions on juvenile salm-
on growth and survival appear to be sensitive to the
scale at which measurements are taken. Unique to this
study, we examined ocean conditions at spatial and
temporal scales of 10 km resolution specific to individ-
ual fish migration routes and dates in the ocean. In our
study, warmer ocean temperatures appeared to enhance
salmon survival. This result contradicts other studies
conducted at larger basin scales (Mueter et al. 2002;
Wells et al. 2008; Schroeder et al. 2013), and deviate
from regional patterns where the Pacific Northwest
shows a negative relationship with SST (Mueter et al.
2002; Sharma et al. 2013). We also saw a signal of
relaxation events being important for survival, while
most previous studies fail to observe a consistent pattern
with upwelling (Nickelson 1986;Scheuerelletal.2009;
Sharma et al. 2013). This may be because the influence
of upwelling on biological productivity is reliant on
intermittent relaxation events and it is difficult to select
an appropriate metric for analyses that captures this
dynamic. It is possible that within broader climatic
regimes, finer-scale relationships are important for un-
derstanding salmon population dynamics because they
relate more closely to specific mechanisms affecting
salmon responses. A mechanistic understanding of
salmon ecology is important for building life cycle and
individual-based models which can arguably perform
better than statistical models to understand salmon pop-
ulation dynamics, predict changes under future condi-
tions, and assess conservation strategies. This paper
explores the importance and relationships of various
oceanic and hatchery release conditions on salmon
growth and survival. It also lays a foundation for many
future hypothesis-driven studies to ultimately under-
stand mechanisms that affect salmon responses at vari-
ous life stages to incorporate into a holistic understand-
Acknowledgments The authors thank B. Wells for scientific
insight, B. Lehman for extracting tags, the NW Fisheries Science
Center and Fisheries and Ocean Canada for sharing data on tagged
juvenile salmon, and Northwest Marine Technology for reading
coded wire tags. This project would not have been possible with-
out the efforts from current and past members of the salmon
ecology team and crews of the vessels AR4 Jensen, Bell Shimada,
Cassandra Anne, David Starr Jordan, Frosti, Irenes Way, Long
Fin, Ocean Starr, Shana Rae, and Whitsel. Comments from four
reviewers were valuable and greatly improved the quality of this
manuscript. Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, and the collection procedures were
conducted under IACUC guideli nes.
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Environ Biol Fish
... Two studies measured salmon responses to oceanographic and community characteristics directly. Sabal et al. (2016) related juvenile catch data to hatchery release information and oceanographic conditions for Central Valley fall Chinook. They found that the best ocean predictors of both growth and survival included diatoms, predatory zooplankton, temperature and currents. ...
... Consistent with these results, Wells et al. (2016) published a conceptual model supported by an individual-based-model of the bottom-up drivers of central Californian Chinook salmon growth and survival during the early marine stage. Wells et al. (2016) further link the relaxation conditions identified by Sabal et al. (2016) with the strength and location of the North Pacific High pressure system in winter. ...
... Furthermore, salmon foraging decisions could be context-dependent, as they balance tradeoffs between predation risk and energetic needs -both of which may be influenced by the environment (Hunsicker et al. 2011, Ahrens et al. 2012. These local seascape processes that influence salmon at the feeding-event scale can also have population-level consequences via survival (Woodson & Litvin 2015, Sabal et al. 2016. ...
... Broad processes affect overall nutrient input and productivity annually, while local processes modify the distribution of that productivity and are thus more important for species interactions. Salmon foraging decisions related to seascape processes could subsequently affect salmon survival via growth (Fiechter et al. 2015, Sabal et al. 2016, Henderson et al. 2019. Specific relationships between the environment and salmon foraging ecology will enable ad vances to modeling approaches, which can inform management strategies for improving resilience. ...
Full-text available
Juvenile salmon Oncorhynchus spp. experience variable mortality rates during their first few months in the ocean and high growth during this period is critical to minimize size-selective predation. Examining links between the physical environment and foraging ecology is important to understand mechanisms that drive growth. These mechanisms are complex and include interactions among the physical environment, forage availability, bioenergetics, and salmon foraging behavior. Our objectives were to explore how seascape features (biological and physical) influence juvenile Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha foraging at annual and feeding-event scales in the California Current Ecosystem. We demonstrate that forage abundance was the most influential determinant of mean salmon stomach fullness at the annual scale, while at the feeding-event scale, fullness increased with greater cumulative upwelling during the 10 days prior and at closer distances to thermal fronts. Upwelling promotes nutrient enrichment and productivity, while fronts concentrate organisms likely resulting in available prey to salmon and increased stomach fullness. Salmon were also more likely to consume krill when there was high prior upwelling and switched to non-krill invertebrates (i.e., amphipods, decapods, copepods) in weaker upwelling conditions. As salmon size increased from 72 mm to 250 mm, salmon were more likely to consume fish, equal amounts of krill, and fewer non-krill invertebrates. Broad seascape processes determined overall prey availability and fullness in a given year, while fine- and meso- scale processes influenced local accessibility of prey to individual salmon. Therefore, processes occurring at multiple scales will influence how marine organisms respond to changing environments.
... However, patterns in early marine size and survival do not necessarily match. Inconsistent patterns in growth and early ocean survival (e.g., [228]) have been attributed to higher size-selective mortality in years with lower survival [222,229,230], or alternatively, higher energetic demands in a warmer ocean that ultimately lead to mortality despite better growth conditions [231,232]. ...
Full-text available
As we confront novel environmental challenges, a full understanding of the physical and biological processes that govern species responses to climate change will help maintain biodiversity and support conservation measures that are more robust to irreducible uncertainty. However, climate impacts are so complex, and the literature on salmon and trout is so vast that researchers and decision makers scramble to make sense of it all. Therefore, we conducted a systematic literature review of climate impacts on salmon and anadromous trout as a resource for stakeholders, managers, and researchers. We reviewed studies published from 2010 to 2021 that address climate impacts on these fish and organized them in a database of 1169 physical and 1853 biological papers. Papers are labeled with keywords across eight categories related to subject matter and study methods. We compared the literature by biological process and life stage and used these comparisons to assess strengths and weaknesses. We then summarized expected phenotypic and genetic responses and management actions by life stage. Overall, we found the largest research gaps related to species interactions, behavioral responses, and effects that carry over across life stages. With this collection of the literature, we can better apply scarce conservation resources, fill knowledge gaps, and make informed decisions that do not ignore uncertainty.
... The reasons for poor marine survival of Chinook are likely multiple, with mechanisms proposed in the last decade alone including:growth(Claiborne et al., 2011;Duffy & Beauchamp, 2011;Graham et al., 2019;Howard, Murphy, Wilson, Moss, & Farley, 2016;Lewis et al., 2015;Losee et al., 2014;MacFarlane, 2010;Miller et al., 2014;Ohlberger et al., 2018;Orsi, 2013;Schindler et al., 2013;Tomaro et al., 2012); hatchery practices(Chamberlin et al., 2011;Sabal et al., 2016;Tomaro, 2010); predation(Chasco et al., 2017;Friedman et al., 2019;Miller et al., 2013;Seitz et al., 2019); competition(Cunningham et al., 2018;Miller et al., 2013); by-catch mortality in fisheries(Cunningham et al., 2018); and ocean conditions(Dorner et al., 2017;Murphy et al., 2017;Ruff et al., 2017;Sharma et al., 2013).Delayed mortality, the theory that greater dam passage results in poorer survival of Snake River Spring Chinook relative to mid-Columbia Chinook populations after smolts migrate past the dams(Budy et al., 2002; Independent Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB), 2007;Schaller & Petrosky, 2007;Schaller et al., 1999), is specific to the Columbia River Basin. The theory still plays an important role inColumbia River salmon management (McCann et al., 2019, pp. ...
Full-text available
We collated smolt-to-adult return rate (SAR) data for Chinook salmon from all available regions of the Pacific coast of North America to examine the large-scale patterns of salmon survival. For consistency, our analyses primarily used coded wire tag-based (CWT) SAR estimates. Survival collapsed over the past half century by roughly a factor of three to ca. 1% for many regions. Within the Columbia River, the SARs of Snake River populations, often singled out as exemplars of poor survival, are unexceptional and in fact higher than estimates reported from many other regions of the west coast lacking dams. Given the seemingly congruent decline in SARs to similar levels, the notion that contemporary survival is driven primarily by broader oceanic factors rather than local factors should be considered. Ambitious Columbia River rebuilding targets may be unachievable because other regions with nearly pristine freshwater conditions, such as SE Alaska and northern BC, also largely fail to reach these levels. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag-based SAR estimates available for Columbia River Basin populations are generally consistent with CWT findings; however, PIT tag-based SARs are not adjusted for harvest which compromises their intended use because harvest rates are large and variable. More attention is needed on how SARs should be quantified and how rebuilding targets are defined. We call for a systematic review by funding agencies to assess consistency and comparability of the SAR data generated and to further assess the implications of survival falling to similar levels in most regions of the west coast.
... The proximate cause of the 2007-2009 salmon stock collapse has been attributed to poor ocean conditions and food availability in the ocean after emigration (Lindley et al. 2009;Wells et al. 2016). Ocean conditions off the Californian coast are highly variable, with wind patterns driving the intensity and timing of coastal upwelling, influencing food production and survival of young salmon during ocean entry (Mantua et al. 1997;Satterthwaite et al. 2014;Sabal et al. 2016;Wells et al. 2016). Hatchery-produced smolts entering the ocean in 2005 and 2006 experienced weakly upwelled ocean conditions with variable timing of the spring transition (Lindley et al. 2009), which led to elevated ocean mortality and decline in hatchery contributions and stock abundance on the Feather River in 2008 (Huber and Carlson 2015). ...
Full-text available
Fall-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from the Sacramento–San Joaquin River system form the backbone of California’s salmon fishery and are heavily subsidized through hatchery production. Identifying temporal trends in the relative contribution of hatchery- versus wild-spawned salmon is vital for assessing the status and resiliency of wild salmon populations. Here, we reconstructed the proportion of hatchery fish on natural spawning grounds in the Feather River, a major tributary to the Sacramento River, using strontium isotope (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr) ratios of otoliths collected during carcass surveys from 2002 to 2010. Our results show that prior to the 2007–2008 salmon stock collapse, 55%–67% of in-river spawners were of hatchery origin; however, hatchery contributions increased drastically (89%) in 2010 following the collapse. Data from a recent hatchery marking program corroborate our results, showing that hatchery fish continued to dominate (∼90%) in 2011–2012. Though the rebound in abundance of salmon in the Feather River suggests recovery of the stock postcollapse, our otolith chemistry data document a persistent decline of wild spawners, likely leading to the erosion of locally adapted Feather River salmon populations.
... data). Warm ocean conditions, thin salmon, and higher-than-usual marine bird densities are evidence that the above-average size of the Chinook salmon in 2015 may have resulted from size-selective predation (Claiborne et al. 2011, Miller et al. 2013, Sabal et al. 2016. ...
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In the northern California Current, Columbia River Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha that return as adults in spring are primarily hatchery-produced, though they include natural-origin fish listed under the US Endangered Species Act. Anomalously warm ocean conditions persisted in the California Current during 2015 (>2.5°C above normal) through the winter period when fish prey resources of juvenile salmon develop and during spring as salmon enter the ocean. The biomass of ichthyoplankton in winter 2015 was the 4th highest of our 18 yr time-series (1998−2015), predicting good food conditions for salmon and high adult salmon returns several years later. The larval composition of 2015 ichthyoplankton included abnormally large amounts of the warm-water taxa northern anchovy Engraulis mordax and rockfish Sebastes spp. When the composition of ichthyoplankton is dominated by warm-water taxa in winter, we would predict poor returns of salmon. May diets of juvenile Chinook salmon collected in coastal waters reflected high proportions of juvenile rockfish, no evidence of northern anchovy, and most closely resembled those of other warm years. June diets also reflected a warm prey community being consumed, predicting poor returns of salmon. Chinook salmon had high percentages of empty stomachs and were small and thin in 2015, with fish weighing 17.6% less than the same-length fish in a cold year (2008). Lower condition of juvenile Chinook salmon related to decreased returns of adult salmon. Overall, all but one biological predictor (biomass of prey) suggests that the prospects for the 2015 ocean-entry smolts were not favorable for survival.
Variation in life history traits within and across species is known to reflect adaptations to different environmental drivers through a diversity of mechanisms. Trait variation can also help buffer species and populations against extinction in fluctuating environments and against anthropogenic disturbances. Here, we examine the distribution and drivers of Ocean‐type Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) juvenile migratory life histories. We defined alternative migratory strategies according to whether individuals reared in the stream (natal rearing) or left shortly after hatching to rear elsewhere (non‐natal rearing). We then evaluated the frequency of migratory strategies across 16 populations with time series extending up to 25 years and evaluated the environmental variables that influenced variation in migration strategy. We found bimodal migration patterns and abrupt transitions in migrant sizes across all populations, supporting the widespread nature of alternative migratory strategies. Additionally, we found that the amount of freshwater rearing habitat available to juveniles, relative juvenile density and spring flow patterns significantly influenced the overall migration pattern for populations. Smaller streams and higher conspecific densities generally produced more non‐natal rearing migrants and larger streams and lower conspecific densities producing more natal rearing migrants. Our results shed light on previously unexplored patterns of juvenile migratory strategies and encourage broader consideration for how current conservation actions perform at protecting juvenile migratory diversity.
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There has been great progress during the past two decades in the understanding of the ocean ecology of Pacific salmon and their response to climate-induced changes in their ocean environment. This book is a comprehensive summary and interpretation of the research published on the ocean ecology of six species of Pacific salmon (Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon, and Cherry Salmon), steelhead, and coastal Cutthroat Trout by researchers in Canada, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the United States. The book includes a summary of standard Pacific salmon research techniques in the ocean, and relevant new information on the life history in fresh water. Each chapter is authored by well-known researchers from Pacific salmon-producing countries. The chapters for each species report on the recent knowledge of the marine life histories, including abundances, stock-specific distributions and migrations, feeding behavior, trophic interactions, growth, survival, and enhancement activities. The book provides up-to-date scientific information on the ocean life of Pacific salmon as well as discussions about future research needs. It will be an invaluable source of information and a standard reference for scientists, teachers, students, and anyone interested in Pacific salmon.
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The Central Valley fall-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) is the dominant population complex supporting the California and Southern Oregon commercial salmon fishery. The stock is largely dominated by hatchery production and has shown high variability in adult returns, suggesting that hatchery practices are critical to the long-term sustainability of the fishery. We compiled information from numerous sources to synthesize trends in the number, location, size, and timing of fall-run Chinook salmon released from the five Central Valley hatcheries between 1946 and 2012. Approximately 2 billion fish were released during this period, nearly half of which were released from the single federally operated hatchery. Juveniles have been planted off-site in the estuary with increasing frequency since the early 1980s, particularly by state-operated hatcheries. Approximately 78% of all releases occurred between January and June, including ~25% in April and ~20% in May. Release timing and size trends differed among hatcheries,and were correlated. For example, the Coleman and Nimbus hatcheries tended to release small fish (<5 g, on average) early in the year, while the Feather, Mokelumne, and Merced hatcheries tended to release larger fish (>10 g, on average) later in the year. Moreover, sizes-at-release (by month) have increased since the 1980s, leading to the emergence of a new life-history type that now comprises nearly all of the estuary releases: springtime releases of large ocean-ready “advanced smolts.” We collapsed release timing and size data into a single index of life-history diversity and our results indicate a reduction in juvenile life-history diversity, with decreased variability in release number, timing, and size through time. Together, these results indicate a reduction in the diversity of life-history types represented in the fall-run Chinook salmon hatchery releases, which may be a factor that contributes to the decreased stability of the Central Valley fall-run Chinook salmon stock complex.
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In Eastern Boundary Current systems, wind-driven upwelling drives nutrient-rich water to the ocean surface, making these regions among the most productive on Earth. Regulation of productivity by changing wind and/or nutrient conditions can dramatically impact ecosystem functioning, though the mechanisms are not well understood beyond broad-scale relationships. Here, we explore bottom-up controls during the California Current System (CCS) upwelling season by quantifying the dependence of phytoplankton biomass (as indicated by satellite chlorophyll estimates) on two key environmental parameters: subsurface nitrate concentration and surface wind stress. In general, moderate winds and high nitrate concentrations yield maximal biomass near shore, while offshore biomass is positively correlated with subsurface nitrate concentration. However, due to nonlinear interactions between the influences of wind and nitrate, bottom-up control of phytoplankton cannot be described by either one alone, nor by a combined metric such as nitrate flux. We quantify optimal environmental conditions for phytoplankton, defined as the wind/nitrate space that maximizes chlorophyll concentration, and present a framework for evaluating ecosystem change relative to environmental drivers. The utility of this framework is demonstrated by (i) elucidating anomalous CCS responses in 1998–1999, 2002, and 2005, and (ii) providing a basis for assessing potential biological impacts of projected climate change.
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We review the suite of biophysical factors in the Northeast Pacific Ocean basin and California Current shelf ecosystem that directly or indirectly relate to central California Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha growth and survival upon ocean entry, a critical life-history period for this population. Our synthesis provides a framework for integrating ecosystem process studies with empirical hypothesis testing to benefit fisheries management. Our hypothesis includes seasonality (phenology) as a key element of early salmon growth and survival. The strength and location of the North Pacific High (NPH) pressure system in winter influences salmon growth and survival via 'bottom-up' productivity and retention of key prey (euphausiid crustaceans and juvenile rockfishes Sebastes spp.) in nearshore habitats prior to and during salmon emigration to sea in spring. Prey retention, which is associated with increased consumption of krill and juvenile rockfishes, and is positively correlated with juvenile salmon body condition and ocean survival, appears to set cohort strength and return rates. We examined these mechanistic relationships by reviewing the results of a biophysical model coupled to an individual-based model for salmon. Our review results in a final hypothesis stating that early salmon growth and survival are positively related to intensity of early season upwelling, and associated (forage) nekton production and retention on the shelf during spring and summer.
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Extreme variability in abundance of California salmon populations is often ascribed to ocean conditions, yet relatively little is known about their marine life history. To investigate which ocean conditions influence their distribution and abundance, we surveyed juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) within the California Current (central California [37°300N) to Newport, Oregon (44°000N]) for a 2-week period over three summers (2010–2012). At each station, we measured chlorophyll-a as an indicator of primary productivity, acoustic-based metrics of zooplankton density as an indicator of potential prey availability and physical characteristics such as bottom depth, temperature and salinity. We also measured fork lengths and collected genetic samples from each salmon that was caught. Genetic stock identification revealed that the majority of juvenile salmon were from the Central Valley and the Klamath Basin (91–98%). We constructed generalized logistic-linear negative binomial hurdle models and chose the best model(s) using Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) to determine which covariates influenced the salmon presence and, at locations where salmon were present, determined the variables that influenced their abundance. The probability of salmon presence was highest in shallower waters with a high chlorophyll-a concentration and close to an individual’s natal river. Catch abundance was primarily influenced by year, mean fork length and proximity to natal rivers. At the scale of sampling stations, presence and abundance were not related to acoustic indices of zooplankton density. In the weeks to months after ocean entry, California’s juvenile Chinook salmon population appears to be primarily constrained to coastal waters near natal river outlets.
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Selection of prey that are small and in poor body condition is a widespread phenomenon in terrestrial predator-prey systems and may benefit prey populations by removing substandard individuals. Similar selection is widely assumed to operate in aquatic systems. Indeed, size-selective predation is a longstanding and central tenet of aquatic food web theory. However it is not known if aquatic predators select prey based on their condition or state, compared to their size. Surprisingly, no comparable information is available for marine systems because it is exceedingly difficult to make direct observations in this realm. Thus the role of body condition in regulating susceptibility to predation remains a black box in the marine environment. Here we have exploited an ideal model system to evaluate selective predation on pelagic marine fish: comparing characteristics (fork length, mass corrected for fork length) of fresh, whole, intact juvenile Pacific salmon delivered by a seabird to its single nestling with salmon collected concurrently in coastal trawl surveys. Three species of juvenile salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) are consumed by provisioning Rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata); an abundant, colonial, pursuit-diving seabird. Samples were collected from multiple colonies and fisheries surveys in coastal British Columbia in 2 years. As predicted, auklets preyed on small individuals in poor condition and consistently selected them at levels higher than their relative availability. This is the first study to provide direct evidence for both size- and condition-selective predation on marine fish in the wild. We anticipate that our results will be a starting point in evaluating how selective predation may structure or influence marine fish populations and bridges a fundamental incongruity between ecological theory and application; although 'bigger is better' is considered a fundamental tenet of marine food webs, marine predators are often assumed to consume indiscriminately.
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The coastal Pacific Ocean off northern and central California encompasses the strongest seasonal upwelling zone in the California Current ecosystem. Headlands and bays here generate complex circulation features and confer unusual oceanographic complexity. We sampled the coastal epipelagic fish community of this region with a surface trawl in the summer and fall of 2000-05 to assess patterns of spatial and temporal community structure. Fifty-three species of fish were captured in 218 hauls at 34 fixed stations, with clupeiform species dominating. To examine spatial patterns, samples were grouped by location relative to a prominent headland at Point Reyes and the resulting two regions, north coast and Gulf of the Farallones, were plotted by using nonmetric multidimensional scaling. Seasonal and interannual patterns were also examined, and representative species were identified for each distinct community. Seven oceanographic variables measured concurrently with trawling were plotted by principal components analysis and tested for correlation with biotic patterns. We found significant differences in community structure by region, year, and season, but no interaction among main effects. Significant differences in oceanographic conditions mirrored the biotic patterns, and a match between biotic and hydrographic structure was detected. Dissimilarity between assemblages was mostly the result of differences in abundance and frequency of occurrence of about twelve common species. Community patterns were best described by a subset of hydrographic variables, including water depth, distance from shore, and any one of several correlated variables associated with upwelling intensity. Rather than discrete communities with clear borders and distinct member species, we found gradients in community structure and identified stations with similar fish communities by region and by proximity to features such as the San Francisco Bay.
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The match-mismatch hypothesis suggests there is an optimal window for organisms to undergo key life cycle events. Here, we test the importance of match-mismatch dynamics in the timing of salmon arrival to the ocean, relative to ecosystem phenology, for the ocean survival rates of hatchery-origin fall run Chinook salmon originating from California’s Central Valley. Specifi- cally, we considered tag recovery data for releases of coded-wire tagged fish released into the San Francisco Estuary during the years 1978 to 2010. We determined a time lag for each release relative to the local spring transition date (initiation of net upwelling). Additionally, we obtained information on fish condition and size at release, the number of fish released corresponding to distinct tag codes, and yearly stock-specific harvest rate estimates. We used generalized linear models, generalized additive models, and cross-validation to identify the best-supported models for the effects of release timing and other covariates on age-3 ocean fishery recovery rates, a proxy of ocean survival rates. Release time is a useful predictor of within-year variation in survival rates, above and beyond the effects of size at release, presence of disease, and the use of net pens, and the lag relative to spring transition was a slightly better predictor than year-day. The optimal release timing appeared to occur around the end of May, and the optimal time lag appeared to be approximately 70 to 115 d after the spring transition date. However, timing is only one of many factors that affected within- and among-year variation in survival.
Aspects of the behavior of pelagic euphausiids are reviewed, emphasizing the behavioral biology of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). Euphausia superba makes an abrupt behavioral transition after the last larval molt from an individualistic, planktonic lifestyle to that of a highly social, nektonic juvenile. Then and throughout the rest of its life, most aspects of krill behavior are expressed within the context of highly organized, polarized schools. A krill school is an integrated whole that displays properties greater than the sum of its parts. Emergent attributes of the aggregate evolve in response to a suite of positive and negative selective factors that act on entire schools as well as individuals. We evaluate the individual advantages and disadvantages of living within large schools of conspecific euphausiids primarily for foraging, antipredator behavior, and epidemiology. We review the history of research on krill behavior, comment on the current state of knowledge, and suggest new avenues for future investigations.