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Vehicule identification from inductive loops application : Travel time estimation for a mixed population of cars and trucks


Abstract and Figures

This paper addresses the use of existing widespread Inductive Loops Detector (ILD) Network for realizing an estimation of individual travel time for a mixed population of cars and trucks. The aim is to provide traffic information to both users and traffic managers. The identification of vehicles is realized by comparing the destination inductive signature features with the origin inductive signature features using an identification method. In this paper, we propose to use three identification methods : a Bayesian based learning approach, a fuzzy logic method and the SVM method. These methods are evaluated on a real site. In order to increase the level of identification, several propositions are carried out and discussed.
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Vehicule identification from inductive loops
Application : travel time estimation for a mixed population of cars and
edric Le Bastard, David Guilbert, Antoine Delepoulle, Abderrahmane Boubezoul, Sio-Song Ieng
and Yide Wang
Abstract This paper addresses the use of existing
widespread Inductive Loops Detector (ILD) Network for re-
alizing an estimation of individual travel time for a mixed
population of cars and trucks. The aim is to provide traffic in-
formation to both users and traffic managers. The identification
of vehicles is realized by comparing the destination inductive
signature features with the origin inductive signature features
using an identification method. In this paper, we propose to
use three identification methods : a Bayesian based learning
approach, a fuzzy logic method and the SVM method. These
methods are evaluated on a real site. In order to increase the
level of identification, several propositions are carried out and
For some decades, people and goods flows have been
French government’s central preoccupation due to the prob-
lems related to the reduction of congestions, dangerous
driving or, more recently, pollution. Today, it is acquired
that environment-friendly solutions depend on good traffic
management on existing network. To effectively manage road
traffic, in real-time, data collection and information analysis
are essential. Thus, research in the traffic domain is interested
in the use of various powerful systems of detection: video,
Lidar [1], magnetometer [2],...
In spite of the realized advanced research on these systems,
the Inductive Loop Technology (ILT) still remains the sensor
the most largely installed in traffic network in many countries
such as France and the USA. This system is more discrete
and robust than cameras and it works in all weathers.
Moreover, it preserves the user’s privacy.
In the past, ILT allowed the estimation of volume, speed,
occupancy, presence and vehicle classification by the length.
In the nineties, new efficient electronic devices provide
signals, called ”electromagnetic signatures” sufficiently com-
plex to provide useful characteristics of vehicles. More
comprehensive information is thus available in real time.
This information is used to increase vehicle classification
robustness [3]. Recently, the vehicle signature has allowed,
firstly, to estimate the individual travel time [4], [5], [6]
and secondly to estimate the origin-destination matrices [7].
Some authors have focused on identification methods based
A part of this paper has been carry out during the internship of A.
Delepoulle. A. Delepoulle is student at INP of Grenoble.
C. Le Bastard and D. Guilbert are researchers in CETE de l’Ouest, France,
A. Boubezoul, S.-S. Ieng are researchers in the IFSTTAR, France
Y. Wang is professor in the IREENA Laboratory, Polytech’Nantes, France
on neural networks [6], [9], conventional distance measures
and spatio-temporal distance measures from signature data
[6]. Unlike individual reidentification, [8] proposes to use
the sequences of vehicle lengths derived from loop detectors
for matching platoons or groups of vehicles. In this paper,
we focus on the recognition of electromagnetic signatures of
individual vehicle to provide real-time information by using
three other methods: the Bayesian based learning approach,
the fuzzy logic method and the SVM method. The two
first methods, i.e. the Bayesian based learning approach and
the fuzzy logic method, have already been used in [4], [5]
to estimate the travel time of cars only. In this paper, we
propose to generalize this study by taking into account the
entire population of vehicules. Moreover, we also suggest
using one of the most powerful supervised machine learning
algorithms, the SVM algorithm. Then, we will analyse the
behavior of the used identification methods for three types
of population: cars, trucks and mixed population (car-truck).
The principle of vehicles recognition by loops is based
on the comparison of signature features collected on two
successive loops of a section. These recognition methods are
called in this paper ”reidentification methods”, associated
with ”electromagnetic loops” allow us to identify, and re-
identify vehicles and thus to anonymously carry out vehicle
tracking. Thus, the estimation of travel time can be achieved.
This study has been carried out from two databases where
the measurements were taken in Angers, France (Fig. 1).
Before starting the experiments, the clocks of the two used
systems (cameras and electromagnetic loop stations) were
synchronized with the clock of the acquisition computer.
The information stored on different areas of measurements
was the electromagnetic signatures and video. Then, a data
processing is performed to combine the electromagnetic
signatures with video information. The characteristics of this
site are shown in Table I. It is worth noting that the distance
between the two areas is short but the difficulty of the vehicle
individual identification lies in the number of vehicles that
does not pass through the two instrumented areas. Fig. 2
shows the histogram of speed in km/hfor both populations:
cars and trucks. Fig. 2 shows that trucks have a lower average
speed than cars. Moreover, we note that the speed distribution
of trucks is less spread. These speed distributions will allow
us to establish the parameters of time windows which will
Distance between the 2 areas 560 m
Speed control 70 km/h
Non-instrumented inputs 1
Non-instrumented outputs 1
Origin Destination
Number of lanes 2 2
Number of cars 1844 2881
Number of trucks 210 237
Number of vehicles passing through the 2 areas
Number of cars 1538
Number of trucks 206
Observations Short distance, uncongested
Fig. 1. Site: urban freeway. Fig. 2. Distribution with regards to speed.
be used with the identification methods presented in section
A. data
In these experiments, the license plate recognition is
necessary and is carried out manually. An operator views
the video and identifies all the vehicles which passed over
the instrumented areas. Different fields are observed and
collected including the license plate, the vehicle type (car,
truck, van, ...), the timestamp, the file name containing the
signature associated with this vehicle. After this analysis, a
database is obtained with vehicles that have been in one or
two instrumented areas.
In these experiments, various characteristics are also mea-
sured from the Inductive Loops Detector (ILD) such as
sensor number, signature, timestamp. The ILD measures the
electromagnetic signature. This is a measurement of the
variation of the deformation of the magnetic field during
the passage of a vehicle on an electromagnetic loop. For
this study, the sampling frequency of ILD is 500 Hz. Fig. 3
presents the electromagnetic signatures of a car (signature
with one maximum) and a truck (signature with several
maxima). In the first approach, we can see a large difference
between these two signatures. In the studies presented in
[6], [10], [9], in order to compare the two signals of the
same vehicle passing over two different loop areas, various
Fig. 3. Example of car and truck signatures.
preprocessings were made. In this study, we have carried out
two preprocessings. Firstly, the speed of the vehicle could be
different between the two loop areas. Indeed, for example,
the first area can be composed of a lightly congestioned
flow whereas the second is composed of a non-congestioned
flow. Thus, to bypass this problem, the signal is normalized
to 96 points on the abscissa, and this is for each speed.
Secondly, the signal amplitude depends on the vehicle’s
type. Especially, it depends on the metal mass height of
the vehicle with regards to the sensor, and it also depends
on the vehicle’s position on the loop. Since the aim is to
compare the two signals coming from the same vehicle
but on two different sensors far away from each other, the
trajectories will be different and, therefore, their amplitude
too. To bypass this problem, each signal was normalized in
amplitude. Indeed, we have chosen to normalize the signature
maximum at the value 5000. Finally, in order to eliminate
the electronic noise of the signal, only values above a certain
threshold were recorded.
In this paper, each signature is re-sampled at 96 points,
whatever the vehicle type is (cars or trucks). This value
was chosen in order to conserve the maximum information
(especially for trucks), but also to keep a certain computa-
tional speed. We think that some extracted features should
be easier to use than the signature because they should give
a shorter summary. The choice of reliable features is not
really straightforward. [11] has already investigated some
properties of four features which are extracted from both
raw and normalized signatures. As in [4], [5], 206 features
are calculated from the signatures: 96 values associated
with the signature, 47 frequency variables coming from the
Fourier transform and 63 called ”global variables”’ which
are obtained by calculation. Among the features we are
interested in, there are for example : the so-called shape
parameter (SP) [11], the kurtosis, the mean, the median,
the Standard deviation, Normalized signature Fourier Trans-
form (FT) features among others. Thus, each signature is
characterized by 206 features, which present many data.
There are certainly redundancies. This also leads to great
calculation burden. Our goal is to select a few features among
the hundred collected. As in [5], we use the classical PCA
method in order to analyse the correlation between features
and to select independent features that contribute to the
most part of signature information. The goal is to select
the variables the most representative and the least correlated.
Unlike in [4], [5], in this paper, the database is composed
of cars and other vehicles (trucks, bus,...) . This analysis is
used to select the variables the most relevant for each type
of population. Three types of population have been analysed
: cars (Class 1 in the French norm [12]), other vehicles
(composed mainly of trucks and called in the following
”trucks”, Class 2 to 10 in the French norm [12]) and car-
truck population (Class 1 to 10).
In this analysis, each feature of vehicle is also important.
The features have been normalized (mean = 0 and standard
deviation = 1). In order to keep the most significant infor-
mation in the original data, we have selected 11 features
for cars, 9 features for trucks and 12 features for the mixed
population (cars and trucks). In the latter case, the database is
composed of 90% of cars and 10% of trucks. For cars, three
of these features are derived from the sampled signal (42nd,
56th and 90th signature components) , five are derived from
the Fourier transform (the real part of the 9th component, the
imaginary part of the 4th, 5t h and 6th components and the
module of the third component) and three global temporal
features are also identified: interval inside which all the
values are greater than the maximum value divided by 2,
standard deviation and skewness. For trucks, five features
are obtained from the Fourier transform (the real part of
the 1st and 2nd components, the imaginary part of the 2nd
and 3rd components and the module of the 3rd component).
In addition, four global features are selected (the secondary
maximum, the root mean square, the left root mean square
and the skewness). For the mixed population, twelve features
have been retained. Three features come from the sampled
signal (42nd ,43rd ,44th components of the signature), eight
features are derived from the Fourier transform (the real part
of the 2nd , 3rd and 7th components, the imaginary part of the
2nd , 3rd and 4th components, module of the 2nd component
and the quadratic sum of the eight first modules of the
Fourier transform component. There is also a time feature
which is the sum of the right part of the signature divided
by the sum overall. This subsection allows us to reduce
the feature number by PCA. We have established the most
prelevant features which are used afterward. Thus, each
vehicle is characterized by a vector xof pfeatures as follows
x= (x1,x2,...,xp)T.
In the ILD based vehicle reidentification problem, a down-
stream signature feature vector xdis compared to a set
of upstream vehicle feature vectors xu,iwith i= (1,..,n)
to find a feature vector pair from one single vehicle. An
additive noise n(t)is assumed to represent the measurement
uncertainties. Then, the upstream and downstream signals
can be written as xu,i=xi+nuand xd=x+nd. Errors
between the two feature vectors close to zero signify that
two signatures should likely correspond to the same vehicle.
The aim is to find a feature vector pair that minimizes the
error. In the paper, we propose to use three methods to solve
the problem: the Bayesian based learning approach, a fuzzy
logic method and the SVM method.
Note that in practice, vehicle signatures vary from different
detection stations. Indeed, the vehicle speed, the vehicle
position, the measured maximum amplitude and the signature
can be different for two ILD.
B. Bayesian based learning approach
In this approach, we assume that nis the noise vector in
which all the elements are uncorrelated and Gaussian with
zero mean. The covariance matrix of noise vector is then Σ.
The purpose is to find the best vector possible from a set
of upstream vectors to match a downstream vector [5]. We
can see this problem as the maximization of the probability
of xu,iknowing xd. According to Bayes’ theorem, we have
P(xu,i|xd) = P(xd|xu,i)P(xu,i)/P(xd). We deduce that the
only term P(xd|xu,i)P(xu,i)is to be maximized because P(xd)
is a constant normalization and it is not involved in the
decision. To solve this problem, [5] defines the so-called
discriminant function as :
gxd(xu,i) = 1
2(xdxu,i)TΣ1(xdxu,i) + ln (P(xu,i))
2(ln (|Σ|) + ln (2π)) (1)
The term 1
2(ln (|Σ|) + ln (2π)) is identical for all xu,i, and
we assume in this paper that the upstream candidate vehicles
are considered equiprobable, so equation (1) becomes:
gxd(xu,i) = 1
Thus, the goal is to look for the maximum of the cost
function (eq. 2). A learning phase is carried out thanks to
a set of signature pairs and it consists in estimating the
covariance matrix Σ.
C. Fuzzy logic approach
All vehicles do not pass over the loops in the same
location. Thus, the magnitude and the signature are sub-
stantially different. To take into account the uncertainties
and inaccuracies of data, we propose to use a fuzzy logic
method to re-identify the vehicles. Unlike to the Bayesian
based learning approach, this method does not make any
assumption on the noise. However, we need to introduce the
fuzzy sets. Like [5], we use a trapezoid function; for each jth
component xu,i,jof the ith upstream features vector, a fuzzy
set Ei,jis defined as follows :
fE,i,j(xk) =
0 si xk/[akαk,bk+αk],
1 si xk[ak,bk],
αksi xk]akαk,ak[,
αksi xk]bk,bk+αk[.
with xk=xd,kxu,i,kwhere xd,kand xu,i,krepresent the
kth element of vectors xdand xu,irespectively, k[1,p];
ak=mkp1×σk,bk=mk+p1×σkand αk=p2×σk. The
parameters mkand σk, respectively the mean and the standard
deviation, are obtained by using a supervised learning phase.
The parameters p1and p2are determined in order to find the
best results. According to [5], the best result is obtained when
the trapezoid becomes a triangle for ak=bk(p1=0). The
discriminant function is defined by Fi(Xd) = p
When the original signature is identical to that destination,
the discriminant function tends to the number of input
variables, such as p=11 for cars. A value that tends to p, the
number of input variables, reflects a great similarity between
the upstream and downstream signatures.
D. Support Vector Machine
The SVM algorithm was introduced by V. Vapnik [13],
this method is considered as the most powerful supervised
machine learning algorithm. This algorithm often achieves
superior classification performance compared to other learn-
ing algorithms in many domains and it is also fairly in-
sensitive to high dimensionality. The SVM algorithm is
based on the structured risk minimization principle. In this
section, we propose to use this method to re-identify the
vehicles. The studied problem can be seen as a binary
classification problem: re-identification of vehicles or not.
For the formalism of SVM, let us define the vector viof
size (p,1)as vi=xdxu,i, with ithe number of candidates
and pthe number of features. Let A= (v1,u1),...,(vk,uk)
composed of kpairs with viRpbe the training set. In
this notation, the label uicorresponds to the identification or
non-identification of the vehicle.
In the case of linear separable data the basic idea of
SVM is to find a hyper plane f(v) = hw,vi+bwhich
separates positive uk= +1 and negatives uk=1 training
examples and maximizes the margin ( 2
kwk) between sam-
ples and the hyperplane. Thus we can find the hyperplane
by minimizing kwksubject to the following constraints:
uk(hw,vki+b)1k. The prediction class of the vector:
f(v) = sign
kukhvk,vi+b, where αand bare the
solutions of the dual problem. In the case where the data are
nonlinearly separable, Vapnik proposes to map training data
in higher dimensional space Hby the function ϕ(.)through
dot products h.,.i, i.e. on functions of the form K(v1,v2) =
hϕ(v1),ϕ(v2)i. The prediction class of the vector: f(v) =
kukK(vk,v) + b.
In this study, we have used C-SVM of the library LIBSVM
[14]. Afterwards, only the kernel ”RBF” (Radial Basis func-
tion) is presented. Indeed, tests have been carried out with the
linear kernel, RBF kernel and polynomial kernel. From these
tests, the best results were obtained by the RBF kernel. Thus,
several hyper-parameters are to estimate (C and γ) for C-SVM
with ”RBF” Kernel. The generic form of the ”RBF” Kernel is
K(x,y) = exp(γkxyk2). In order to use the SVM method
in the re-identification problem, we have taken into account
the distance between the sample and the hyperplane. The re-
identified couple will be the couple whose distance between
the hyperplane and the sample is maximum in the class of
label ”reidentified”.
In this section, we propose to test the different identifica-
tion algorithms presented in the previous section. Firstly, the
Methods cars trucks Mixed
Bayes 70 % 89.3 % 69.6 %
Fuzzy 68 % 81 % 51.6 %
SVM 64.1 % 87.3 % 62.2 %
algorithms are compared on an ideal database. It contains
only signature pairs, so every destination has an origin and
vice versa. In this case, the removal of disruption has been
achieved thanks to the videos. The disruptive signatures are
the signatures coming from vehicles which are not passed
through the two instrumented areas. Secondly, the methods
are assessed on a database which is composed of signature
pairs and also disruptive signatures. Two criteria are used to
evaluate the performance, the identification rate (IR) and the
representation rate (RR) defined as follows:
IR =N umber o f correct pairs proposed
Tot al number o f cou ples pro posed (4)
RR =Number o f correct pairs pro posed
Tot al number o f cou ples id ent i f ied by vid eo (5)
To assess the methods, the entire database which is composed
of zvehicles is separated in a training-validation set (T-V )
and a test set (T). In this paper, the first set (T-V ) includes
z/3 vehicles.
A. Study of the ideal database
To analyse the methods, the IR has been chosen (in this
case, the IR and the RR represent the same magnitude).
1) Performance with cross-validation method: Firstly, we
use the cross-validation method to determine which one
provides the best results. The cross-validation is a statistical
method which allows us to evaluate and to compare learning
algorithms [15]. The basic form of cross-validation used in
this paper is the k-fold cross-validation. This method is used
on the training-validation set (T-V ). For this study, kis chosen
equal to 5. Knowing that the number of trucks is very low,
we used the cross-validation method on the whole ideal base
divided by k=5 segments. For SVM classifier with RBF
kernel, the two hyper-parameters Cand γare to set. These
parameters were estimated by cross validation for the three
population types (cars, trucks and mixed). Table II shows that
for this ideal base the Bayesian approach obtains the best
results, generally followed by SVM and the fuzzy approach.
Moreover, it can be noted that whatever the method, there is a
performance difference depending on the population. Indeed,
the IR is higher for trucks, followed by the IR for cars and
for the mixed population. The differences of performance
between the populations can be explained, on one hand by
the data size in each population, and on the other hand by
the features used for each population type.
2) Performance on test set : in this case, the first set (T-
V) including z/3 vehicles is used for the training and the test
set (T) is used to assess the methods. In this assessment,
without time window with time window
Methods cars trucks Mixed cars trucks Mixed
Real 100 % 100 % 100 % 98.6 % 99.6 % 99.5 %
Bayes 38.8 % 71.7 % 41.4 % 93.5 % 98.6 % 82.4 %
Fuzzy 36.7 % 69.6 % 17 % 92.1 % 97.8 % 81.2 %
SVM 27.9 % 79.7 % 33.6 % 88.2 % 95.7 % 83 %
Fig. 4. Histogram of candidate number for cars and trucks after time
we use the same framework presented in [5], [7]. Thus,
we use a time window which consists of searching an
origin signature belonging to the time window. The time
window positionning is calculated with the traffic parameters
shown in table I. We use a rectangular window centered on
the mean value 60km/h, with half-width of 20km/h. The
rectangular window parameters are limiting factors because
some origin signatures are not inevitably in the time window
as shown in table III. Indeed, the line Real in Table III shows
the theoretical maximum performance with the used time
window. This window allows us to reduce on one hand the
computational burden and on the other hand the number of
Table III shows the IR for the three methods with and
without the time window. Firstly, the time window allows
us to reduce the candidate number. Thus, the IR increases
strongly. The car average candidate number is about 8.6
whereas the truck average candidate number is about 1.7
as shown in Fig. 4. For trucks, 47.8 % identifications are
made only by the time window. When the time window
is used, the performance obtained by the mixed population
is less than that obtained by the two other populations.
Thus, in the remainder of the study, we will not use the
mixed population but only the two populations cars and
trucks separately. In practice, the classification ”truck-car”
is already operational on the French ILD which allows us to
process the data separately. Moreover, table III shows that for
this database the Bayesian approach is better, followed by the
Fuzzy approach and then SVM. Furthermore, table III also
shows that the rates obtained by trucks is higher than that
obtained by cars. One reason to explain these results is that
the car candidate number is higher than the truck candidate
Methods Bayes Fuzzy SVM una
Ref 91.3 % 90.6 % 98.5 % 98.5 %
(98.6%) (97.8 %) (95.7 %) (94.9 %)
OwMuD 97.8 % 97.8 % 99.2 % 99.2 %
(98.4%) (97.8 %) (95.7 %) (94.9 %)
Threshold 98.4 % 99.2 % 99.1 % 99.1 %
(89.1%) (89.9 %) (84.1 %) (80.4 %)
Methods Bayes Fuzzy SVM una
Ref 47.6 % 46.8 % 66 % 73.6 %
(92.3%) (90.7 %) (87.3 %) (84.3 %)
OwMuD 82.6 % 79.9 % 84.1 % 90 %
(89.2%) (87 %) (83.2 %) (78.3 %)
Threshold 69 % 66.3 % 70.5 % 78.2 %
(85.9 %) (85.6 %) (85.8 %) (80.1 %)
B. Study of the disturbed database
To reduce the error rate, we propose to compare three post-
processings. This study aims to evaluate the performance of
methods in order to select the most effective approach.
Firstly, we use the algorithms to match one unique origin for
each destination. During the signature matching process, it is
possible that two (or more) destination vehicles correspond
to the same origin vehicle. To alleviate this problem, we
firstly propose to search the origin vehicles mentioned several
times in the matching process. Then, for each origin, only
pairs in which the cost function is maximum are retained.
All other pairs with the same origin vehicle are eliminated.
This method is called in this paper ”OwMuD”.
Secondly, we propose to use several methods in parallel in
order to take into account the proposed pairs by each method.
Unlike a majority vote, the unanmous vote does not need an
odd number of methods. However, this type of framework
is only interesting if each method has a different behavior.
In the paper, the method using the unanimous vote will be
called ”una”.
Finally, we also use a threshold on the cost function of each
method in order to distinguish a maximum of false pairs.
Each method calculates the cost for each pair. The higher
the cost is, the higher the probability will be of validity of
the pair. The decision threshold is calculated on the training
database. The introduction of these thresholds implies a
compromise between the IR and the RR. As mentionned in
section IV-A.2, we use the same time window. Tables IV
and V show the IR (and the RR into brackets) for cars and
trucks in four cases : reference, OwMuD, threshold and una.
The reference case is only composed of the time window.
Therefore, the performance of this situation represents the
reference to evaluate the proposed post-processings. The
threshold is chosen such that 90 % of RR on the training
base is retained.
For the reference case, the IR for trucks are especially
Fig. 5. Estimation of individual travel time for cars and trucks.
high for both SVM and vote unanimously. Moreover, the
RR shows that almost all pairs are predicted for trucks.
The car RR is slightly lower than the trucks RR. If we
compare the methods with one another, SVM provides the
best performance. For the reference case, the good rates of
trucks are partly produced by a small number of perturbation
in this population. In comparison with the reference case,
a strong improvement of IR and a slight decrease of RR
are obtained by the OwMuD case for cars. For trucks, the
performance is substantially the same between the reference
and OwMuD configurations. The only observation is the
increase of IR for the methods only. The filter allows us
to cancel a large number of couples containing disruptions.
However, some true pairs are also rejected. The threshold
solution allows us to obtain better IR in comparison with
the reference case. However, a compromise must be found
between the IR and RR which is difficult to make (especially
to choose the threshold values). Tables IV and V show that
the best results are obtained by the OwMuD solution with a
unanimous vote.
C. Estimation of travel time
This section presents an estimation of individual travel
time of cars and trucks. The solution used is the OwMuD
solution with a unanimous vote whose performance is pre-
sented in the previous section. Figure 5 shows travel times
observed and estimated for cars and trucks with regards to
the elapsed time for 15 minutes. Figure 5 shows that there
is a perfect matching between the travel times observed and
estimated for trucks on a elapsed time of 15 minutes. Note
that the IR obtained is about 99 % for the test database. For
the cars, the IR is about 90 %. Thus, some estimated travel
times do not match to the observed travel times and some
observed travel times are not estimated. The estimation error
mean is less than 1 second for the 54 minutes of experiments
for both population types.
This paper is dealing with the use of existing widespread
ILD Network in order to realize an estimation of individual
travel time for a mixed population of cars and trucks. The
identification of the vehicles is realized by the comparison of
destination inductive signature features with the origin induc-
tive signature features by an identification method. Firstly,
we choose the most significant features for three population
types : cars, trucks and mixed population. Then, we propose
to use three identification methods : the Bayesian based
learning approach, the fuzzy logic method and the SVM
method. To avoid mismatching vehicles, several propositions
are made such as the unanmous vote, the use of threshold
on the cost function (or distance sample-hyperplane) and the
use of a filter which allows us to remove the estimated pairs
having an origin for multiple destinations. To estimate the
individual travel time, we have choosen the OwMuD solution
with a unanimous vote. In this case, the travel time estimation
average error is less than 1 second for cars and trucks.
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... Yan et al. [30] used network flow technology to build a system model to predict freight car travel time, and proposed a simulation-based evaluation method model. Le et al. [31] used an Inductive Loop Detector (ILD) network to estimate travel time, using Bayesian-based learning methods, fuzzy logic methods, and SVM methods to identify freight cars. ...
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Due to the restriction of traffic management measure in large cities, large heavy-haul trucks can only travel on the circuits and expressways around the city, which often causes congestion in these areas. It is necessary to study the travel speed prediction of trucks on the urban ring road and provide special information services for trucks. Based on the data generated by the trucks driving on the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing, an optimized GRU algorithm is proposed to predict the travel speed of trucks driving on urban express roads under non-recurrent congested conditions. Firstly, a GPS map-matching algorithm that can simultaneously meet the accuracy and efficiency requirements of matching is proposed. Then, the trucks data traveling on the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing is extracted from the original data. Aiming at getting rid of the abnormal data in GPS data, the screening and processing rules of abnormal data are made, and then the traffic speed sequence is extracted. Aiming at the problem that the commonly used weight optimization algorithm SGD cannot adaptively adjust the learning rate, Adam, Adadelta, and Rmsprop are used to optimize the weights in the GRU model in this paper. Considering the four scenarios including workday, weekend, rainy, and accident, the accuracies of the proposed methods are verified.
... Qian et al. 17 achieved multi-dimensional (time, space, vehicle model) traffic volume prediction based on highway toll data and the online analytical mining (OLAM) method. Bastard et al. 18 used the existing widespread inductive loop detector (ILD) network for realizing an estimation of individual travel time for a mixed population of cars and trucks. ...
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In order to meet the fine demand of different travelers, a multi-dimensional prediction method of travel time is proposed combining the toll collection data and meteorological data of highway. First, a logical model of multi-dimensional database is designed including vehicles’ dimension, meteorological dimension, and time dimension. Second, aiming at integration of the toll collection data and meteorological data, a matching method is presented within the space and time scale. Then, the multi-dimensional database is constructed. Next, an autoregressive moving average with exogenous input model is constructed using the travel time series and traffic flow series. The maximum likelihood estimation method is used to solve the parameters of the autoregressive moving average with exogenous input model. Considering the complexity and solving difficulty of the maximum likelihood equation, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize the solution process. Finally, the toll collection data of two road links on Shenyang–Haikou expressway (G15) and the corresponding meteorological monitoring data are used to validate the algorithm. The results show that the prediction accuracy of the particle swarm optimization–autoregressive moving average with exogenous input model under normal and special conditions can be accepted and the absolute percentage error of road section between two neighboring toll stations is reduced by almost 5% after optimization.
... In [20]- [22], Ieng et al. selected the best features in order to improve real-time results; their re-identification rate was recorded at about 87.5%; in all, only 9 features were selected. In [23], three identification methods were compared, and vehicle type was taken into account: the re-identification rates obtained were approx. 99% and 90% for trucks and cars, respectively. ...
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A robust blind deconvolution algorithm is proposed to cancel the sensor averaging effect caused by its wide detection area. The purpose herein is to retrieve features of the “real” signal that have been distorted by the averaging effect. The algorithm is applied to the case of an Inductive Loop Detector. To perform the proposed algorithm, speed estimation is required. Vehicle reidentification rate from both raw signals and estimated “real” signals is compared. The sensor transfer function is calculated once from a learning phase; the estimated “real” signal is then computed in real time for the re-identification of each vehicle.
... From the vehicle signature, numerous features can be calculated. Different algorithms using different set of features are presented in [8,9,10,11]. In [8], the classical principal component analysis method is applied to identify the most representative features. ...
Conference Paper
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Traffic congestion has led to research on how to use the existing infrastructure more efficiently. The experimental platform SAROT was constructed to allow traffic analysis but also to test new algorithms for traffic modeling and management. Origin-Destination (OD) Matrix is one of the most important traffic information for Intelligent Traffic System. By using the experimental platform SAROT, we want to test algorithms for OD Matrix. To obtain OD matrix, we need to get useful and accurate data by tracking vehicles. Two approaches for tracking vehicles by using Inductive Loop Detector (ILD) are used. Both approaches are computed on real traffic data set and compared. We use threshold decision to improve the correct matching rate for tracking vehicles. We propose a new methodology by associating two algorithms for increasing the correct matching rate. The new methodology was used to perform target OD matrix.
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Road traffic is at the heart of concerns for society due to issues of spatial development, mobility, the fight for better road safety or, more recently, environmentally friendly considerations. Observation and knowledge of travel patterns can partly help to answer these concerns. The development of a way to measure individual journeys can be achieved using vehicle tracking. To be able to anonymously track vehicles, magnetic sensors are chosen rather than the main traffic sensors. After a preliminary study of the physical properties of both the inductive loop and magnetometer, three steps in the monitoring process (detection, pre-processing and re-identification) are developed. Firstly, a state machine is provided to improve vehicle detection using a magnetometer. Then, two new pre-processing steps are available. The first concerns the use of a novel method of blind deconvolution for the "inductive loop" sensor. The second concerns the selection of characterizing variables by principal component analysis. Subsequently, the SVM method is adapted for the re-identification of vehicles. A unanimous voting process on either fuzzy logic, a Bayesian approach or similarity measurement is offered and compared in relation to the use of a decision threshold. A new independent predictor of traffic modelling is available to evaluate this reidentification. Finally, all the suggestions are evaluated during different experiments with the goal of obtaining individual travel time measurements or estimates of the origin – destination matrix.
In this chapter we consider bounds on the rate of uniform convergence. We consider upper bounds (there exist lower bounds as well (Vapnik and Chervonenkis, 1974); however, they are not as important for controlling the learning processes as the upper bounds).
In the history of research of the learning problem one can extract four periods that can be characterized by four bright events: (i) Constructing the first learning machines, (ii) constructing the fundamentals of the theory, (iii) constructing neural networks, (iv) constructing the alternatives to neural networks.
Conference Paper
This paper is dealing with the use of existing widespread Inductive Loops Detector (ILD) Network in the travel time measurement in order to provide traffic information to both users and traffic managers. A method combined with the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a Bayesian based learning approach is presented to develop a travel time measurement system. Each vehicle signature is tracked through the French widespread ILD Network. When a signature is identified the travel time is measured. A dataset obtained from ILD of a (more than 3600 meters long) motorway section is applied to validate the approach. The result demonstrates that the proposed approach is capable to measure the travel time with a good accuracy despite the lack of information in the motorway exits and insertions.
A new vehicle re-identification algorithm for two consecutive detector stations on a freeway, whereby a vehicle measurement made at the down-stream detector station is matched with the vehicle's corresponding measurement at the upstream station, is presented in this paper. The method is illustrated using effective vehicle length measured at dual-loop speed traps, but it is transferable to other detectors capable of extracting a vehicle signature (such as video image processing). This approach is significant because no one has attempted to use the existing detector infrastructure to match vehicle measurements between detector stations. The algorithm should improve freeway surveillance via travel time measurement, which is simply the difference between the known arrival times at the two stations for a matched vehicle. The re-identification algorithm is tolerant to noise; instead of finding the 'best match' for each vehicle, it finds all possible matches and then looks for sequences of vehicles from the possible matches. Even with noisy loop detector data, the sequence detection eliminates most of the possible-but-incorrect matches while the true matches remain. The new methodology will be used to examine the applications and benefits of travel-time data on real-world traffic, without the expensive costs of installing new detectors. Ordinarily, a travel-time measurement system would have to be fully deployed before the benefits can be quantified.
Setting of the learning problem consistency of learning processes bounds on the rate of convergence of learning processes controlling the generalization ability of learning processes constructing learning algorithms what is important in learning theory?.
One of the fundamental requirements for facilitating implementation of any advanced transportation management and information system (ATMIS) is the development of a real-time traffic surveillance system able to produce reliable and accurate traffic performance measures. This study presents a new framework for anonymous vehicle tracking capable of tracing individual vehicles by the vehicle features. The core part of the proposed vehicle tracking method is a vehicle reidentification algorithm for signalized intersections based on inductive vehicle signatures. The new vehicle reidentification system consists of two major components: search space reduction and probabilistic pattern recognition. Not only real-time intersection performance but also intersection origin-destination information can be obtained as the algorithm's basic output. A systematic simulation investigation was conducted of the performance and feasibility of anonymous vehicle tracking on signalized arterials using the Paramics simulation model. Extensive research experience with vehicle reidentification techniques on single roadway segments was the basis for investigating the performance that could be obtained from tracking individual vehicles across multiple detector stations. The findings of this study serve as a logical and necessary precursor to possible field implementations of vehicle reidentification techniques. The proposed anonymous vehicle tracking methodology with existing traffic surveillance infrastructure would be an invaluable tool for operating agencies in support of ATMIS strategies for congestion monitoring, adaptive traffic control, system evaluation, and provision of real-time traveler information.
LIBSVM is a library for support vector machines (SVM). Its goal is to help users to easily use SVM as a tool. In this document, we present all its imple-mentation details. For the use of LIBSVM, the README file included in the package and the LIBSVM FAQ provide the information.
A practical system is described for the real-time estimation of travel time across an arterial segment with multiple intersections. The system relies on matching vehicle signatures from wireless sensors. The sensors provide a noisy magnetic signature of a vehicle and the precise time when it crosses the sensors. A match (re-identification) of signatures at two locations gives the corresponding travel time of the vehicle. The travel times for all matched vehicles yield the travel time distribution. Matching results can be processed to provide other important arterial performance measures including capacity, volume/capacity ratio, queue lengths, and number of vehicles in the link. The matching algorithm is based on a statistical model of the signatures. The statistical model itself is estimated from the data, and does not require measurement of ‘ground truth’. The procedure does not require measurements of signal settings; in fact, signal settings can be inferred from the matched vehicle results. The procedure is tested on a 1.5 km (0.9 mile)-long segment of San Pablo Avenue in Albany, CA, under different traffic conditions. The segment is divided into three links: one link spans four intersections, and two links each span one intersection.
Very recent research efforts started investigating the possibilities of more ‘intelligent’ usage of Inductive Loop Detectors (ILD), to possibly derive ‘wide-area’/‘section-related’ measures from their outputs, as opposed to the limited conventional point measurements. This research attempts to improve the accuracy of vehicle re-identification at successive loop detector stations through improving the distance measures for pattern nearness in the pattern matching process. Vehicle inductance-signature data, collected by a California team of researchers, were further analysed at the University of Toronto. Several new techniques including neural networks, new distance measures and waveform warping-reduction processes were investigated to match the vehicle signature waveforms showing potential for significant accuracy improvement compared to features reported in the literature.