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Tracking post-nesting movements of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) with sonic and radio telemetry on the southwest coast of Florida, USA


Abstract and Figures

Nine post-nesting loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) were tracked using sonic and radio telemetry. Tracking began immediately after the turtles left the beach and continued until contact was either lost or terminated. As sonic tags transmit continuously underwater, they were much more effective than the radio tags in determining the paths of the turtles. Radio tags transmit only at the surface and were useful in ascertaining submergence durations. For nine of the ten turtles tracked with sonic signals, the gross movement was away from the beach in a westerly direction. The tracking periods ranged from 3.35 to 8.25 h, while the straight-line movements ranged from 3.05 to 12.88 km, respectively. Sixty-seven percent of the submergence durations recorded were <3 min. This respiratory behavior suggests continuous swimming, and the paths of the turtles suggested directed movement offshore immediately after nesting. The gradual littoral slope and lack of nearshore structure in this part of the Gulf of Mexico could be contributing factors to the patterns of dispersal observed, as benthic structures provide resting and foraging habitat for loggerheads.
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D.S. Addison ÆJ.A. Gore ÆJ. Ryder ÆK. Worley
Tracking post-nesting movements of loggerhead turtles
Caretta caretta
) with sonic and radio telemetry
on the southwest coast of Florida, USA
Received: 8 November 2000 / Accepted: 16 August 2001 / Published online: 15 March 2002
ÓSpringer-Verlag 2002
Abstract Nine post-nesting loggerhead turtles (Caretta
caretta) were tracked using sonic and radio telemetry.
Tracking began immediately after the turtles left the
beach and continued until contact was either lost or ter-
minated. As sonic tags transmit continuously underwater,
they were much more effective than the radio tags in
determining the paths of the turtles. Radio tags transmit
only at the surface and were useful in ascertaining sub-
mergence durations. For nine of the ten turtles tracked
with sonic signals, the gross movement was away from the
beach in a westerly direction. The tracking periods ranged
from 3.35 to 8.25 h, while the straight-line movements
ranged from 3.05 to 12.88 km, respectively. Sixty-seven
percent of the submergence durations recorded were
<3 min. This respiratory behavior suggests continuous
swimming, and the paths of the turtles suggested directed
movement offshore immediately after nesting. The grad-
ual littoral slope and lack of nearshore structure in this
part of the Gulf of Mexico could be contributing factors
to the patterns of dispersal observed, as benthic structures
provide resting and foraging habitat for loggerheads.
Sea turtles regularly migrate long distances between
foraging grounds and specific nesting beaches (Mortimer
and Carr 1987; Bowen 1995; Papi et al. 1995; Bowen
et al. 1996; Renaud et al. 1996). This homing ability and
fidelity to a specific beach is also evident during the
nesting season, as gravid females may nest up to seven
times on the same beach (Addison 1996). When gravid
loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) were relocated con-
siderable distances from their nesting beaches, nearly all
returned to the same area (Murphy and Hopkins-Mur-
phy 1990; Papi et al. 1997). While these studies focused
on long-range navigation after displacement, the in-
ternesting movements of females within a season are less
well known. In studies of internesting movements of
green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill turtles
(Eretmochelys imbricata), neither species appeared to
range far from their nesting beaches (Mortimer and
Portier 1989; Starbird and Hillis 1992). Stoneburner
(1982) found that the internesting movements of log-
gerheads varied, with five individuals remaining inshore,
while two moved offshore, one in excess of 35 km. Ex-
tensive internesting movements have also been recorded
for leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea; Eckert 1993) and
Kemp’s ridley turtles (Lepidochelys kempi; Mendonca
and Pritchard 1986). While internesting movements are
likely influenced by the habitat needs of each species, the
proximity of suitable habitat to nesting beaches may
also affect the extent of such movements.
During the reproductive season, gravid female turtles
frequent coastal waters. On these occasions they can be
more vulnerable to boat strikes, harassment, entangle-
ment in commercial fishing gear, and chemical contam-
ination such as oil spills (Lutcavage et al. 1997). Data on
the extent of internesting movements, habitat dimen-
sions, and the ecological needs of turtles during the re-
productive season are essential to develop effective
conservation and management programs (Meylan 1995).
This need is particularly evident in South Florida, where
rapid urbanization places increasing stress on the marine
environment. Data on the direction and extent of post-
nesting movements would be useful to natural resource
managers and to permitting agencies in making deci-
sions that could affect nearshore areas frequented by sea
Marine Biology (2002) 141: 201–205
DOI 10.1007/s00227-002-0811-z
Communicated by W. Sammarco, Chauvin
D.S. Addison (&)ÆK. Worley
The Conservancy of Southwest Florida,
1450 Merrihue Drive, Naples, FL 34102, USA
J.A. Gore
Dept. of Environmental Science,
Columbus State Univ., 4225 Univ. Ave.,
Columbus, GA 34907, USA
J. Ryder
Rookery Bay Nat. Estuarine Research Reserve,
300 Tower Road, Naples, FL 34116, USA
turtles during the reproductive season. The objective of
this study was to track the early post-nesting movements
of loggerhead turtles between nesting events.
Materials and methods
This study was conducted from 1996 to 1998 during the loggerhead
turtle nesting seasons on Keewaydin Island, Florida (Fig. 1).
Nesting begins in May and continues through August in this re-
gion. No telemetry tags were applied to nesting females prior to
mid-June, thereby minimizing the probability of male turtles
damaging tags during copulation. As reproductively mature fe-
males have high fidelity to specific nesting beaches, only those
turtles that had been flipper-tagged earlier in the nesting season
were selected. This methodology increased the probability of
tracking a single turtle more than once and also improved the
chances of recovering telemetry tags.
Sonic tags (Sonotronics CHP-87-L) transmitted continuously
underwater using a series of pings unique to each tag. As specified
by the manufacturer, the range of the sonic transmitters was 1 km.
Radio tags (Telonics MOD-555 HP) were tuned to different
frequencies and were manufactured to have a range of 8 km. Radio
tags transmitted only when the turtle was at the surface. The sonic
tags were used for most of the tracking, while the radio tags served
to maintain long-range contact if the sonic signal was lost.
Floats for the radio tags were made from blocks of balsa wood,
each sanded into a rounded oblong shape to reduce drag. The floats
were 17 cm long with a maximum diameter of 27 cm. The radio
transmitter was inserted in a hole drilled in the base of the float.
Seven coats of fiberglass resin were then applied to each float fol-
lowed by three coats of antifouling paint. Floats were attached to a
75 cm long tether made by connecting two rubber shock absorbers
(‘‘snubbers’’; Atlantic and Gulf Fishing Supply, no. 2021-1). Radio
tags were attached to the carapace by drilling a hole in the poste-
rior-most post-marginal scute. A nylon tie-wrap was used as a
breakaway link between the tether and the carapace. Sonic tags
were attached with aluminum wire threaded through small holes at
each end of the tag and wrapped around the tag lengthwise.
Electrician’s tape was wrapped around the middle of the tag, thus
forming a loop at each end of the tag. Sonic tags were attached to
the opposite side of the carapace beneath the posterior-most post-
marginal scute. Two holes were drilled, and the tags attached with
nylon tie-wraps.
Before attaching any tags to the turtles, the carapace was
scrubbed with a brush and washed with betadyine. All the nylon
Fig. 1. Location of Keewaydin
Island, Florida
tie-wraps were threaded through pieces of surgical tubing and
wiped with Neosporin prior to insertion in the holes to prevent
infection. During the entire tagging process, the turtles were re-
strained in a portable plywood box held in place with 1.25 m
lengths of steel reinforcing rod pushed into the sand.
Prior to release, the location of the turtle was recorded with a
hand-held global positioning system (GPS; Garmin GPS 75).
Tracking began as soon as the turtle entered the water. An open
6.4 m boat with a tiller-mounted, four-stoke 35 horse power out-
board motor was used for tracking. The hand-held GPS was used
to determine the location of the boat relative to the turtle.
Two radio receivers (AVM Instruments, LA12-Q) were used for
radio telemetry. One was equipped with a hand-held, three-element
yagi antenna and used as a backup if contact was lost with the sonic
tag. The other radio receiver was deployed on the beach with a
seven-element yagi antenna. This receiver was monitored periodi-
cally at night beginning 9 days after a turtle was first tracked.
Compass headings were obtained from a compass mounted on the
Table 1. Caretta caretta.
Telemetry data for post-nesting
females from Keewaydin
Island, Florida (n.d. no data,
turtles tracked principally with
radio telemetry)
tag no.
Date tracked Hours
Linear distance
traveled (km)
Total distance
traveled (km)
Extent of
meander (km)
(km h
PPQ707 26 Jun 1996 4.85 n.d.n.d n.d n.d
KYT076 11 Jun 1997 5.38 n.d n.d n.d n.d
KYT003 20 Jun 1997 6.13 9.10 12.00 2.90 2.0
1 Jul 1997 3.05 3.35 3.95 0.60 1.3
12 Jul 1997 6.87 7.09 10.36 3.27 1.5
KYT071 22 Jun 1997 5.00 7.35 11.12 3.77 2.2
PPQ704 24 Jun 1997 6.40 9.18 10.40 1.22 1.6
KYT081 26 Jun 1997 6.65 8.18 11.93 3.75 1.8
6 Jul 1997 6.37 7.05 7.82 0.77 1.2
QQN220 27 Jun 1997 6.27 12.88 13.77 0.89 2.2
QQE502 18 Jun 1998 8.25 10.77 13.06 2.29 1.6
QQE415 25 Jun 1998 8.17 11.30 12.78 1.49 1.6
Mean 6.12 8.62 10.72 2.09 1.7
SD 1.43 2.62 2.92 1.25 0.34
Fig. 2. Caretta caretta. Routes of post-nesting loggerheads tracked
with sonic telemetry, Keewaydin Island, Florida
antenna pole. A Sonotronics directional hydrophone and receiver
(USR5 W) were used for sonic tracking. The hydrophone was
mounted on one end of a 2 m length of 5 cm PVC pipe. To obtain
headings, a magnetic compass was mounted on the opposite end of
the PVC pipe. Per the manufacturers’ specifications, the radio
transmitters’ possessive range was about 8 km, while sonic pings
could be detected for up to 1 km. These specifications were verified
in field tests prior to deployment. After release, contact with the
turtles was maintained continuously with the hydrophone. The boat
was allowed to drift until the sonic signal faded noticeably. A
compass heading was recorded, and the boat operated at idle speed
until the signal began to strengthen. The motor was then shut down,
the boat allowed to drift or, at times, was anchored, and the process
repeated. This protocol was used to reduce disturbance by main-
taining maximum distance from the turtle. Periodically, the boat
was operated until it was well seaward of the turtle to determine if its
presence had any noticeable influence on the direction of movement.
Invariably, the turtle passed the boat and continued moving out to
sea. When conditions permitted, the boat either drifted or was an-
chored as long as the sonic signal remained audible. The radio re-
ceiver operated continuously to detect radio pulses. When signals
were received, the antenna was swung through an arc to attempt to
obtain a compass heading. Radio and sonic tags were removed from
turtles found nesting after 25 July of each year.
Nine female loggerhead turtles were tracked during this
study (Table 1). Of these, seven were tracked once, while
two others were tracked twice and three times, respec-
tively. The paths of the turtles were determined princi-
pally with sonic telemetry (Fig. 2). Sonic contact with
turtles PPQ707 and KYT076 was lost early in each
tracking episode. The routes of these turtles could not be
accurately determined using radio telemetry alone, so
only the points of last contact are shown in Fig. 2. Only
one turtle was detected with the land-based receiver. On
1 July 1997, a storm forced termination of tracking
KYT003 after 3 h. At that time, she was 4 km offshore.
Later that afternoon, a very weak radio signal was de-
tected on the Keewaydin Island beach on a bearing of
270°. This suggests that she was still within 8 km of land
and, like the other turtles that were tracked for longer
periods, had continued moving offshore.
When tracking newly tagged turtles, the radio re-
ceiver was occasionally set to different frequencies to
detect radio signals from previously tagged turtles. None
were detected, nor were any sonic signals detected from
turtles other than the turtle being tracked. The only
evidence that turtles were in the area after the initial
tracking terminated came from a fisher who returned a
radio transmitter found adrift on 17 July 1997. It was
encountered ca. 24 km offshore of the northern end of
Keewaydin Island. The turtle (KYT084) was tracked on
27 June until she had traveled approximately 13 km
offshore. She nested again on Keewaydin Island on 18
July 1997.
The tracking data indicated that the initial post-
nesting movements were generally offshore (Fig. 2). The
extent of meandering of individual turtles varied and is
reflected in the difference between the straight-line dis-
tance and total distance traveled (Table 1). In nine of the
ten turtles tracked with sonic signals, the rates of gross
movement ranged from 1.2 to 2.2 km h
(Table 1).
The periods during which radio signals were received
were typically too brief to obtain bearings for the turtles,
thus sonic telemetry was clearly the more useful means
of tracking. Had the turtles remained in shallow, inshore
waters, where transmissions might have been for longer
durations, the radio transmitters would have been more
useful in determining compass headings. Offshore their
utility was limited to monitoring submergence durations.
The rates of movement recorded (1.2–2.2 km h
were within the 1–3 km h
documented by Hopkins and
Murphy (1980) for post-nesting loggerheads in South
Carolina. Of the 439 submergence durations recorded,
67% were for <3 min, which suggests that swimming
was continuous (Schmid 2000). The direction of the
swimming was typically away from the beach. These
data suggest that loggerhead turtles in Southwest Flor-
ida disperse offshore immediately after nesting. The lit-
toral shelf in this region of the Gulf of Mexico slopes
gradually. The bottom is sandy with scattered structure,
which is of low relief. Typically, depth does not exceed
12 m until a distance of about 24–32 km offshore. Hard-
bottom features such as limestone rock outcroppings,
which provide suitable resting and foraging habitat for
loggerheads, are present in deeper waters offshore
(Continental Shelf Associates 1986). These features
could be contributing factors to their dispersal offshore.
Stoneburner (1982) indicated that the loggerheads
tracked in the Georgia Bight did not move randomly,
but moved directly to areas with natural or artificial
The determination of the full extent to which logger-
head turtles disperse offshore was beyond the scope of
this project. Flipper tagging studies (Dodd 1988; Limpus
et al. 1992) have demonstrated fidelity to nesting and
foraging areas. This behavior suggests that loggerheads
may use the same areas between nesting events within a
season and between nesting seasons. Future refinements
in the accuracy of satellite telemetry will allow re-
searchers to gain insight into the movements and habitat
preferences of sea turtles during internesting periods.
Acknowledgements The authors sincerely thank the following in-
dividuals for their assistance with transmitter attachment and
tracking: K. Addison, A. Andrews, A. Berg, E. Bugbee, K. Croak,
M. Ebenroth, C. Granger, T. Grazia, M. Henig, K. Nelson, J.
Opdyke, M. Polzar, H. Ross, N. Ryan, D. Soles, and S. Steele. The
authors also thank S. Bortone and J. Schmid for their reviews of
the manuscript. We also wish to thank three anonymous reviewers
for their contributions.
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... Over half (54%) of marine turtle acoustic studies identified movement patterns, including displacement, rate of movement (Supplementary Table 1), movements between habitats, and the drivers that influence those movements (Supplementary Table 3). Additionally, Addison et al. (2002) utilized active tracking to explore the movement patterns of post-nesting females up to 12 km offshore. An advantage of active telemetry is that location points can be taken as often as desired as an individual is followed, allowing researchers to discern even small variations in movement paths (MacDonald et al., 2013;Crear et al., 2017). ...
... This topic is important to understanding exposure to certain threats, such as boating and fishing, as well as energetics associated with diving and depth usage (Southwood et al., 2003(Southwood et al., , 2006Blumenthal et al., 2009b;McClellan and Read, 2009). Since radio signals do not transmit well through water, the addition of radio transmitters to the acoustic transmitter can provide information of how often a turtle surfaces, and for how long (Addison et al., 2002;Schmid et al., 2002). Depth sensors can also be easily incorporated into the acoustic transmitter to provide timed depth information (Gitschlag, 1996;Blumenthal et al., 2009b). ...
... Additionally, further studies analyzing predation and storm response could inform survivorship rates. Acoustic arrays placed offshore of known nesting beaches could provide insight into the movement patterns of internesting females (Addison et al., 2002). While only 10% of current acoustic telemetry studies analyzed the spatial overlap of marine turtles with threats, this approach can be expanded upon to further conduct threat assessments of chemical spills, pollution (e.g., plastic, light, noise) and a variety of human activities (e.g., boating, snorkeling, fishing) (Hamann et al., 2010;Sequeira et al., 2019). ...
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While widely applied in fisheries science, acoustic telemetry remains an underutilized method in the field of marine turtle biotelemetry. However, with the ability to provide fine-scale spatial data (tens to hundreds of meters, depending on array setup and receiver range) at a low cost, acoustic telemetry presents an important tool for obtaining key information on marine turtle ecology. We present a comprehensive and systematic review acknowledging how acoustic telemetry has been used to advance the field of marine turtle ecology and conservation. We identify the extent of current studies and discuss common and novel research approaches while addressing specific limitations of acoustic telemetry. Forty-eight studies were reviewed, representing six of the seven marine turtle species and all life stages, with most individuals identified as juveniles (45%) and hatchlings (36%). Most studies (83%) focused on the spatial distribution of marine turtles, including estimating home ranges, investigating drivers of habitat use, and identifying horizontal movement patterns and vertical space use. Additionally, acoustic telemetry has been used to study hatchling dispersal and marine turtle exposure and response to threats, as well as to monitor physiological parameters. We identified that acoustic telemetry directly or indirectly informs 60% of the top questions and research priorities related to marine turtles identified by experts in the field. With an increase in acoustic telemetry receiver networks and collaborations across taxa, the applicability of acoustic telemetry is growing, not only for marine turtles but for a wide array of marine species. Although there are limitations that need to be considered at a site/project-level, acoustic telemetry is an important, low-cost technology able to address key questions related to marine turtle ecology that can aid in their conservation, and therefore should be considered by researchers as they develop their projects.
... No Specific nesting sites were included in this report. 192 ...
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This Region comprises 48 parties, amongst countries and territories (Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, French Atlantic & Channel coasts, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Monserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Saba (Dutch West Indies), Saint Barthélemy, Saint Vincent & The Grenadines, Saint Eustach, Saint Maarten, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre & Miquelon, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, United Kingdom [U.K.], the United States [U.S.], U.S. Virgin Islands, Venezuela). The present report includes a total of 19 parties (39.5%, Belize, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Curacao, France Atlantic, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Martinique, Mexico, St. Bartholome, St. Eustach, St. Lucia, St. Martin, St. Pierre et Miquelon, UK-Ireland, the U.S., and Venezuela). It demands a large and constant effort to bring together the detailed information from all the parties, and although there are still several parties to include in this document, as it stands it is intended to provide panorama of the complete information on the reproductive ecology and status for sea turtle populations in the North Atlantic.
... The post-marginal scutes were chosen as the attachment site to minimize the instrument's hydrodynamic impact on the turtle and to ensure eventual detachment by natural outgrowth should we fail to recapture the turtle for device-recovery (van Dam and Diez, 1996). Attachment of transmitters by drilling holes through the post marginal scutes of turtles is routinely employed by turtle researchers (see Mendonca 1983;van Dam and Diez, 1996;Addison et al 2002;Seminoff et al. 2002;Doody et al., 2009) and our methods have been adapted from these studies. Location of transmitters has been shown to not interfere with flipper movements of turtles (Seminoff et al. 2002;Doody et al., 2009). ...
... Hurricanes and tropical storms can drastically alter the morphology of barrier islands and frontal beaches, which often act as the first line of defense for the estuaries and mainland behind them. Keewaydin Island is part of the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (RBNERR) and serves as nesting ground for many endangered sea turtles and shore birds (Addison et al., 2002). The southern end of this 11.2 km long barrier island is undergoing rapid progradation with sediment brought in by longshore currents from further north. ...
... Most of our knowledge regarding sea turtles is connected with nesting females and their incubating eggs since they are the most accessible and easily observed life stages. However, with increasing technology of time-depth recorders (TDR), radio, sonic and satellite telemetry additional knowledge is being gained regarding dive behavior, habitat utilization, and foraging and nesting migrations (Addison et al., 2002;Coles and Musick, 2000;Dellinger and Freitas, 2000;Hickerson and Peccini, 2000). ...
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Historic nesting data, spatial nesting patterns and incubation temperatures of the loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, were examined to determine the impacts of the exotic Australian pine, Casuarina equisetifolia, on Keewaydin Island, Florida. Thirteen years of historic data were compiled to compare hatching success, clutch size and incubation duration before and after Australian pine removal. Temperature data loggers were used to record nest incubation temperatures among areas where Australian pines are present, pines removed, and native vegetation. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to compare emergence densities between areas where fallen pines were removed and natural areas without fallen pines. The results of the study indicate that removing the pines was successful in restoring nesting beach habitat without affecting hatching success, clutch size, incubation duration or incubation temperatures. Incubation temperatures indicate that Keewaydin Island is producing 1:1 and male-biased sex ratios, which may balance the female-biased nests produced on the southeast coast of Florida.
... The current study aims to identify the foraging habitats selected by females from another western Florida loggerhead assemblage, Keewaydin Island. The only previous tracking study for this assemblage occurred from 1996-1998 using sonic and radio telemetry(Addison et al. 2002). Post-nesting females were tracked from the beach moving offshore, with the longest tracking duration under nine hours.Satellite tagging allows for much longer tracking times to include arrival to distant foraging grounds. ...
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A twenty year mark-recapture dataset from the loggerhead nesting beach on Keewaydin Island, off the southwest coast of Florida, was analyzed using a two-state open robust design model in Program MARK to provide insight into recent nesting declines in the state. A total of 2,292 encounters representing 841 individual tag IDs were used for this analysis. Survival was estimated at 0.73 (95% CI 0.69-0.76), and there was no evidence from remigration rate or clutch frequency to suggest the composition of the nesting assemblage had changed over time. The mark-recapture analysis was supplemented with a satellite tracking component to identify the offshore foraging areas utilized by Keewaydin nesters. Eleven nesting females were outfitted with platform terminal transmitters, which transmitted for 42 to 300+ days including inter-nesting intervals and subsequent migration to foraging grounds. Site fidelity tests and kernel density home range analyses were used to describe foraging habitats. Females foraging in the eastern Gulf of Mexico were within the recent 64 m bottom longline fishery restriction. Areas identified as important habitats during the remigration interval should be used to inform managers in creating targeted management strategies to aid population recovery without the use of broad fishery closures.
... The dissimilarity in predation rates between Boca Raton and Naples may reflect differences between the east and west coast of Florida waters and/or different predator assemblages and movement patterns. West coast waters, while shallow for greater distances, lack much bottom structure where predators are likely to congregate; it is scattered, rare, and of low relief (Addison et al., 2002). Florida's southeast coast waters have a rapidly sloping shelf and become deep relatively quickly. ...
Few studies document mortality rates for hatchling seaturtles during their migration away from the nesting beach. Our study quantified and compared nearshore predation rates on Loggerhead Seaturtle hatchlings (Caretta caretta) at three locations in southern Florida. Hatchlings were followed by observers in kayaks during the first 15 min of the migration away from the beach. The overall observed predation level (4.6% of 240 turtles) is similar to a published estimate (5%) from a natural high density Florida nesting beach, and much lower than recorded at a hatchery site (34%). Predation rates were higher on Florida's southeast coast than the southwest coast. Predation on the southeast coast increased toward the end of the hatching season (August/September), but not on the west coast. We attribute differences in the predation rates to several potentially related factors including hatchling orientation, water depth and bottom structures (reef), coast-specific fish assemblages, fish movement patterns, and water clarity. We conclude that nearshore hatchling mortality rates, while low during the relatively brief swim to deeper water, may be sufficient to select for rapid dispersal away from Florida's shallow nearshore waters. If hatchlings remain in nearshore waters, predation levels may become high, as we observed when misoriented hatchlings failed to quickly distance themselves to deeper waters farther from shore.
... While previous research on sea turtle movements has dealt primarily with adult reproductive migrations (e.g., Balazs and Ellis 2000;Cheng 2000;Addison et al. 2002), juvenile movements in neritic developmental habitats are less understood. To date, home ranges have been studied for the green turtle (Mendonca 1983;Brill et al. 1995;Seminoff et al. 2002), the hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata; van Dam and Diez 1998;Houghton et al. 2003), the loggerhead (Caretta caretta; Renaud and Carpenter 1994), and the Kemp's Ridley (Lepidochelys kempii; Schmid et al. 2003). ...
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Many animals, including sea turtles, alter their movements and home range in relation to the particular type and quality of the habitat occupied. When sufficient resources are available, individuals may develop affinities to specific areas for activities, such as foraging and (or) resting. In the case of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas L.), after a number of years in the open ocean, juveniles recruit to shallow-water developmental habitats where they occupy distinct home ranges as they feed and grow to maturity.Our goal was to study the habitat use and home range movements of juvenile green turtles along a shallow, worm-rock reef tract in Palm Beach, Florida. Six turtles, measuring from 27.9 to 48.1cm in straight carapace length and from 7.2 to 12.6kg in mass, were tracked via ultrasonic telemetry from August to November 2003. Upon capture, each turtle’s esophagus was flushed via lavage to determine recently ingested foods. In addition, four turtles were recaptured and fitted with a time-depth recorder to study dive patterns. Home range areas measured with 100% minimum convex polygon and 95% fixed kernel estimators varied from 0.69 to 5.05km2 (mean=2.38±1.78km2) and 0.73 to 4.89km2 (mean=2.09±1.80km2), respectively. Home ranges and core areas of turtles were largely restricted to the reef tract itself, and showed considerable overlap between food and shelter sites. The mean number of dives during daylight hours (0600–1800hours) was 84±5.0 dives, while the mean during night hours (1800–0600hours) was 39±3.0 dives. Dives during the day were shallower (mean=3.20±1.26m) than dives at night (mean=5.59±0.09m). All six turtles were found to have a mixed diet of similar macroalgae and sponge fragments. Our results reveal that juvenile green turtles occupy stable home ranges along the nearshore worm-rock reefs of Southeast Florida, during the summer and fall. Determining which habitats are used by green turtles will assist conservation managers in their global effort to protect this endangered species.
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Three mark-recapture records of gravid (n = 1) and post-nesting (n = 2) loggerhead sea turtles, tagged in other USA states, stranding on the Texas Gulf of Mexico coast.
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Hawksbill turtles move between nesting colonies and feeding grounds, but in most cases it is not known which reproductive populations occupy a particular feeding habitat. In this study, genetic markers derived from mitochondrial DNA sequences are used to estimate the contribution of Caribbean nesting colonies to a feeding ground at Mona Island, Puerto Rico $(n = 41)$. Maximum likelihood analysis indicates that this feeding population is not composed primarily of turtles from the neighboring nesting colony (also on Mona Island), but is drawn from nesting populations throughout the Caribbean region. A sampled nesting colony in the southern hemisphere (Bahia, Brazil) did not contribute, at detectable levels, to the Mona Island feeding ground. From this evidence, we concluded that hawksbill turtles recruitment to feeding grounds over a scale of hundreds of kilometres, but not over the scale of 7000 km that separate Mona Island from Bahia, Brazil. These data indicate that a hawskbill turtle harvest on feeding grounds will reduce nesting populations throughout the Caribbean region.
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Near Rancho Nuevo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, most turtles, on returning to the sea, made relatively slow and seemingly random movements for 1-2 days, after which they exhibited rapid, directed longshore movement, travelling at least 10km N or S of the nesting beach with indications that some may be travelling much farther.-from Authors
Female green turtles (Chelonia mydas) were tagged while nesting on the 32 cove-head beaches distributed in four clusters along the leeward shoreline of Ascension Island. The turtles showed high nesting site fidelity, returning to the same beach cluster during at least 70% of consecutive observed renesting emergences. Stronger site fidelity to beach clusters and also to points within the boundaries of a beach was more evident in emergences separated by less than 7 d (assumed to be repeated attempts to lay one clutch of eggs) than in nestings separated by longer time intervals, involving separate egg clutches. These differences correlate with predictable patterns of behavior observed in females, the movements of which were visually tracked during their internesting intervals. After successful oviposition, most of the tracked females traveled to a shallow area off the northwest coast of the island. Those that did not lay eggs remained in the vicinity of the beach just abandoned, traveling back and forth in nearshore waters until daylight when they moved into deeper water. The rates, patterns and periodicities of travel by Ascension turtles in their internesting habitat after successful and aborted nestings are compared with those of internesting female turtles at other breeding grounds; possible explanations for observed differences are discussed.
Feeding-ground captures of green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtles tagged while nesting at eastern Australian rookeries over a 21-year period are summarised. These turtles which nest in the Great Barrier Reef region range widely throughout the Arafura and Coral seas. The tag recoveries include many from turtles that live in neighbouring countries and migrate to breed in Australia. The breeding female shows a high fidelity to her home feeding ground as well as to her nesting beach. Most recaptures of the green turtles occurred during hunting for food by indigenous people while most recaptures of loggerhead turtles were incidental captures in commercial fishing activities. Migratory behaviour, imprinting and navigation are discussed.