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Comparing Acute Bouts of Sagittal Plane Progression Foam Rolling vs. Frontal Plane Progression Foam Rolling


Abstract and Figures

Many strength and conditioning professionals have included the use of foam rolling devices within a warm-up routine prior to competition and/or training. Multiple studies have investigated foam rolling in regards to performance, flexibility, and rehabilitation; however, additional research is necessary in supporting the topic. Furthermore, as multiple foam rolling progressions exist, researching differences that may result from each is required. To investigate differences in foam rolling progressions, 16 athletically trained males underwent a two-condition, within-subjects protocol comparing the differences of two common foam rolling progressions in regards to performance testing. The two conditions included a foam rolling progression targeting the mediolateral axis of the body (FRml) and foam rolling progression targeting the anteroposterior axis (FRap). Each was administered in adjunct with a full body dynamic warm-up. Following each rolling progression, subjects performed NFL combine drills, flexibility, and subjective scaling measures. The data demonstrated that FRml was effective at improving flexibility (P ≤ 0.05) when compared to FRap. No other differences existed between progressions.
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Exercise and Sports Science, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida;
Miami Dolphins, Strength and
Conditioning, Davie, Florida; and
Kinesiology, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky
Peacock, CA, Krein, DD, Antonio, J, Sanders, GJ, Silver, TA,
and Colas, M. Comparing acute bouts of sagittal plane
progression foam rolling vs. frontal plane progression foam
rolling. J Strength Cond Res 29(8): 2310–2315, 2015—Many
strength and conditioning professionals have included the use
of foam rolling devices within a warm-up routine prior to both
training and competition. Multiple studies have investigated
foam rolling in regards to performance, flexibility, and rehabili-
tation; however, additional research is necessary in supporting
the topic. Furthermore, as multiple foam rolling progressions
exist, researching differences that may result from each is
required. To investigate differences in foam rolling progres-
sions, 16 athletically trained males underwent a 2-condition
within-subjects protocol comparing the differences of 2 com-
mon foam rolling progressions in regards to performance test-
ing. The 2 conditions included a foam rolling progression
targeting the mediolateral axis of the body (FRml) and foam
rolling progression targeting the anteroposterior axis (FRap).
Each was administered in adjunct with a full-body dynamic
warm-up. After each rolling progression, subjects performed
National Football League combine drills, flexibility, and subjec-
tive scaling measures. The data demonstrated that FRml was
effective at improving flexibility (p#0.05) when compared with
FRap. No other differences existed between progressions.
KEY WORDS warm-up routines, strength and conditioning
The performance-based philosophies of strength
and conditioning have been widely investigated
and researched. Particularly, warm-up technique
research has emerged as a current topic of interest
within the strength and conditioning community
(6,16,18,25,30,32,33,37). These warm-up techniques include
but are not limited to static, dynamic, mobility, and foam
rolling. Many of these techniques individually, as well as in
conjunction with one another, have been researched in re-
gards to differences in muscular performance, flexibility, and
subjective scaling (6,16,18,25,30,32,33,37,38). As investiga-
tions advanced, strength and conditioning professionals have
gained scientific-based warm-up technique research and
options for achieving optimal athletic performance.
Previous foam rolling research including myofascial release
techniques has explored rolling progressions as a rehabilitation
cooldown technique. Multiple studies have reported these
techniques as resulting in different physiological changes
including vascular plasticity, soft tissue restoration, recovery,
myogenic dilation, endothelial dilation, motor recruitment,
and nitric oxide availability may be taking place (1–
3,13,21,24,29,31,36). Recently, strength and conditioning
research has explored foam rolling as a prehabilitation warm-
up technique, which may elicit the aforementioned physiolog-
ical changes and/or myofascial release before performance and
range of motion (ROM) testing (25,26,31). Although research
has investigated localized and full-body rolling, there is a lack
of research comparing common foam rolling progressions.
Foam rolling has demonstrated effects on performance
with no unanimity, and it is uncertain whether different
commonly used rolling progressions will promote differ-
ences in performance. Strength and conditioning programs
typically implement a specific foam rolling progression;
however, it is common to see different rolling progressions
between strength and conditioning professionals and/or
sports. A commonly used foam rolling progression within
the strength field includes large musculature along the
mediolateral axis of the body. This rolling progression
incorporates spine, medial gluteal, hamstring, calf, and the
quadriceps regions to stimulate physiological processes such
as increased blood flow and nitric oxide stimulation (29).
Another commonly used progression involves rolling inser-
tion sites and deep fascia tissue along the anteroposterior
axis of the body. This rolling progression incorporates lat,
Address correspondence to Corey A. Peacock,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2015 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
midaxial, hip, iliotibial, calf, and the adductor regions to
stimulate motor recruitment and pain alleviation (13,36).
The purpose of this study was to compare and investigate
the aforementioned foam rolling progressions and the acute
differences in performance they may elicit. This will be
determined by a testing battery including National Football
League (NFL) combine drills, flexibility testing, and subjec-
tive scaling. It was hypothesized that different rolling pro-
gressions acutely impact performance variables differently as
a result of physiological stimulations.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
A counterbalanced, crossover, within-subjects design com-
paring 2 separate experimental conditions, including medio-
lateral foam rolling (FRml) and anteroposterior foam rolling
(FRap), was used to investigate the problem. The FRml
condition tested acute performance effects of foam rolling
along the mediolateral axis (sagittal plane) of the body,
whereas the FRap condition tested the acute performance
effects of foam rolling along the anteroposterior axis (frontal
plane) of the body (FRap). The performance effects included
post–foam rolling performance drills targeting power, explo-
sion, agility, muscular strength, and flexibility.
Sixteen athletically trained adult males (age: 21.9 62.0 years;
height: 177.7 66.7 cm; weight: 78.0 69.3 kg; body fat: 10.8 6
2.2%) ranging from 19 to 24 agreed to participate in the study.
The athletes were asked to maintain a normal diet and to avoid
physical activity 24 hours before testing. Before experimenta-
tion, health history data were collected from each athlete to
avoid medical contraindications for physical activity. Athletes
both read and signed informed consent documentation after
the procedures were explained. After obtaining written
informed consent, trained research personnel measured each
athlete for physical demographics including height, weight,
and body composition. Height and weight were measured
using a standard stadiometer and balance beam scale (Health
O Meter, Chicago, IL, USA). Body composition was calculated
using the 7-site Jackson Pollock body fat equation measured
from the thigh, abdomen, suprailiac, midaxillary, chest, triceps,
and subscapular skinfold sites (4,20). The Nova Southeastern
University Institutional Review Board approved the human
subjects study.
On completion of the physical measurements, the athletes
participated in 2 experimental counterbalanced condition
trials (FRml and FRap). A washout period of 7 days existed
between each. Each trial began with a total-body foam
rolling session specific to each designated condition. The
rolling sessions used a conventional foam roller (High
Density Molded Foam Roller—6 312 inch Round; Perform
Better, Cranston, RI, USA), as it has been documented pre-
viously effective in covering adequate surface area (9,31).
For the FRml condition (Figure 1), athletes were instructed
through a foam rolling session at an application rate of 5 rolls
per 30 seconds targeting the inferior spine region (erector
spinae, multifidus), the medial gluteal region (gluteus maxi-
mus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus), the hamstring region
(semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris), the pos-
terior calf region (gastrocnemius, soleus), the pectoral region
(pectoralis major, pectoralis minor), and the quadriceps region
(rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis). During
the experimental condition FRap (Figure 2), athletes were also
instructed through a foam rolling progression at an application
rate of 5 rolls per 30 seconds targeting the lat region (superior
latissimus dorsi, teres major), the midaxial region (external
abdominal obliques, inferior latissimus dorsi), the hip region
(piriformis, sartorius, gluteus medius), the iliotibial band region
(tensor fasciae latae), the lateral calf region (peroneals), and
the adductor region (longus, brevis). Foam rolling was com-
pleted bilaterally during progressions when necessary. After
the foam rolling sessions, both conditions included the same
generalized dynamic warm-up targeting full-body musculature
and joint mobility. The warm-up included techniques of
shoulder joint mobility, hip mobility, knee mobility, and scap-
ular mobility. Each was instructed for 20 repetitions. After the
mobility techniques, the athletes were guided through a series
of frontal, sagittal, and transverse dynamic techniques includ-
ing high knees, butt kickers, lunging, log jumps, thoracic rota-
tions, and clapping push-up techniques. Each was instructed
to cover a total of 20 m in planar displacement or 20 repeti-
tions. After each conditional warm-up routine, the athletes
were tested in a series of performance drills similar to the
NFL combine. These tests included the vertical jump, broad
jump, shuttle run, and bench press. Other tests included sub-
jective scaling and the sit-and-reach testing. Tests of nonfati-
guing performance (sit-and-reach, vertical jump, broad jump)
were tested first, followed by tests of agility (shuttle run) and
maximum strength (bench press) (4). Subjective scaling was
obtained at the duration of each conditional testing period.
Acute Performance Testing Series: National Football League
Combine Drills, Other Measures
Vertical Jump. The NFL combine uses the vertical jump as
a measure of lower-body power and explosion. The athletes
performed the vertical jump using a commercial vertec device
(Sports Imports, Columbus, OH, USA). After using the stack
of adjustable horizontal vanes to determine the flat-footed
standing reach, the stack of vanes was raised to an estimated
height so that the athletes were capable of reaching the lowest
set of vanes but incapable of reaching the highest vane. After
the athletes generated power and jumped as high as possible
vertically, the difference between standing reach and vertical
reach was computed. The highest vertical difference trial was
used as the vertical jump measurement (8,10,15,22,26,39).
Broad Jump. Also known as the standing long jump, the NFL
combine uses the broad jump as another test of an athlete’s
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2015 | 2311
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
power, explosion, and strength. The athletes began each
testing trial with both feet behind a designated starting line
while maintaining an athletic balanced stance. Once in place,
the athletes performed a countermovement followed by an
explosive jump for maximum distance. A countermovement
is allowed to demonstrate true power performance (11,28).
The test differs from the vertical jump as the jump also tests
horizontal displacement and balance as landing under con-
trol is crucial. The best of the 3 trials was recorded as the
athletes broad jump distance.
Shuttle Run. Also known as the 18.3-m proagility test and the
5-10-5 cone drill, the NFL combine uses the shuttle run as
a test of lateral quickness and explosiveness. An athlete’s
ability to produce greater power and balance will ultimately
lead to better agility results (35). The athletes began the
shuttle run in a 3-point stance. They then exploded 4.6 m
(5 yards) to a line right of the center line. Once contact was
made, the athletes then exploded to a line 9.1 m to the left
(10 yards) and made contact with his left hand. They then
pivoted and exploded another 4.6 m (5 yards) through the
center line. The best trial time was recorded as shuttle run
result (14,39).
Bench Press. The NFL combine uses the bench press rep-out
test of 103 kg (225 pounds). This test is not only used to
Figure 1. FRml rolling progression includes in the following order: (A) inferior spine region, (B) medial gluteal region, (C) hamstring region, (D) posterior calf
region, (E) pectoral region, and (F) the quadriceps region.
Figure 2. FRap rolling progression includes in the following order: (A) lat region, (B) midaxial region, (C) hip region, (D) iliotibial band region, (E) lateral calf
region, and (F) the adductor region.
Foam Rolling Progressions Comparison
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
assess strength but also to assess muscular endurance.
Multiple methods of bench press testing have been used
for research purposes (7,19,23), so this particular testing
series used an indirect 1 repetition maximum (RM) bench
press procedure. This also used both strength and endur-
ance, as a maximum rep-out was also used, but at 90% of
the estimated 1RM. The Adam’s equation [kg/(12(0.02 3
number of repetitions))] was calculated to determine an indi-
rect 1-RM bench press value for each athlete (17).
Sit-and-Reach. Using a sit-and-reach box (Baseline Evaluation
Instruments, White Plains, NY, USA) and standard protocol,
the athletes were tested for lower trunk and flexibility testing.
While seated, the athletes placed their feet 30 cm apart,
while contacting the standard box. The athletes leaned
forward slowly reaching as far as possible while keeping
their hands adjacent with one another. The best trial was
recorded to the nearest 0.05 cm (33).
Ratings of Perceived Exertion and Preference. Athletes were
asked to indicate their undifferentiated rating of perceived
exertion (RPE) using a validated Borg scale at the duration
of each condition (5,27,34). The athletes also indicated
which foam rolling condition they preferred between FRml
and FRap. Preferences of condition have been used as a mea-
sure of potential motivation, in this case, a possible motiva-
tion to include foam rolling into individual workouts (5).
Statistical Analyses
Mean and measures of variability (i.e., SD) were computed
for all variables studied. After the Shapiro-Wilk normality
assessment, an analysis of variance was used with post hoc
t-test analyses to evaluate mean differences in performance
measurements (sit-and-reach [cm], vertical jump [cm], broad
jump [cm], shuttle run [sec], and indirect 1RM bench press
[kg]). A t-test was also utilized to evaluate differences in RPE
between conditions (FRml vs. FRap). All statistical analyses
were performed using SPSS for Windows (version 20.0;
SPSS, Inc., Evanston, IL, USA).
All performance variables and comparisons are given in
Table 1. There was a significant difference in sit-and-reach
performance following the FRml condition (FRml, 36.3 6
5.9 cm; FRap, 34.4 66.1 cm; p= 0.003). There were no
significant differences between experimental conditions for
the vertical jump (FRml, 70.7 610.2 cm; FRap, 68.4 69.3
cm; p= 0.129), broad jump (FRml, 240.2 623.4 cm; FRap,
239.7 626.3 cm; p= 0.814), shuttle run (FRml, 4.8 60.2
seconds; FRap, 4.8 60.2 seconds; p= 0.149), and bench
press (FRml, 107.8 622.6 kg; FRap, 113.4 635.6 kg; p=
0.244). A trend toward significance was observed for RPE at
the duration of each experimental condition (FRml, 12.1 6
1.7; FRap, 13.5 62.6; p= 0.064). It is worth noting that
when preference was reported following the experimental
conditions, 8 athletes preferred FRml compared with FRap,
whereas 8 athletes preferred FRap compared with FRml.
The current research is unique as it was the first study to
compare differences in performance as a result of foam
rolling techniques and progressions. The FRml foam rolling
progression examined the acute effects of foam rolling passes
along the mediolateral axis of the body. Commonly, strength
and conditioning professionals have recognized this pro-
gression to stimulate blood flow and nitric oxide release to
the targeted muscular system (29). The FRap foam rolling
progression examined the acute effects of foam rolling passes
along the anteroposterior axis of the body. Strength and
conditioning professionals have used this progression to
stimulate neural factors such as recruitment and pain toler-
ance (1,2,13,24,36). Along the same lines, professionals have
suggested that FRap may also improve lymphatic function-
ing; however, this is yet to be researched. It was hypothe-
sized that different rolling progressions acutely impact
performance variables differently (FRml vs. FRap). Results
obtained during this study suggest that FRml has the poten-
tial to improve sit-and-reach testing ability when compared
with FRap; however, no other
performance or subjective scal-
ing improvements existed. This
evidence has recently been sug-
gested, as studies have exhibited
improved sit-and-reach scores as
a result of direct application of
the foam rolling device on the
hamstrings muscle group (37).
Other studies have also demon-
strated self-myofascial release
and direct application foam roll-
ing to enhance ROM and flexi-
bility in the hip, knee, and
lumbar joints (12,25,32,33). This
may be physiologically in part
TABLE 1. Acute performance testing series: NFL combine drills, other measures.*
Performance test FRml FRap
Sit-and-reach (cm) 36.3 65.9 34.4 66.1
Vertical jump (cm) 70.7 610.2 68.4 69.3
Standing long jump (cm) 240.2 623.4 239.7 626.3
18.3-m proagility (s) 4.8 60.2 4.8 60.2
Indirect 1RM bench press (kg) 107.8 622.6 113.4 635.6
RPE (6–20) 12.1 61.7 13.5 62.6
*NFL = National Football League; RPE = rating of perceived exertion.
Denotes significant improvement in performance test (p#0.05) (mean 6SD).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2015 | 2313
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
because of the dilation response of the direct application of
the foam roller to the hamstring muscle. FRml showed an
improved sit-and-reach value as the progression included
direct hamstring application. No direct application of the
foam rolling device with the hamstring groups existed during
FRap and may have contributed to sit-and-reach testing
Conflicting data on the effects of foam rolling as it relates to
physical performance testing have recently been reported
(18,31). Healy et al. (18), along with other studies, have dem-
onstrated no evident foam rolling warm-up effects as it applies
to performance testing. Other research by Peacock et al. (31)
has demonstrated foam rolling effects in performance testing
when combined with a dynamic warm-up (31). The purpose
of this study was not to investigate performance improve-
ments but rather to investigate the differences in performance
as a result of 2 different rolling progressions. Aside from flex-
ibility testing, there were no additional differences in testing
variables including measures of power, strength, agility, and
subjective scaling. These results suggest both FRap and FRml
demonstrating to performance effects in regards to NFL com-
bine drills and preference.
Although this was the first study to measure the acute
performance effects of different foam rolling progressions, it
is not without limitations. With any maximum-effort phys-
ical performance study, there is no real control group it may
create an unnecessary risk of injury for subjects. It is worth
noting that no athletes were injured during the performance
variable testing. Further testing is currently underway
examining the relationship between football specific strength
and conditioning movements and foam rolling progressions.
This may prove beneficial to not only improve performance
testing but also on-field abilities.
Foam rolling may elicit physiological adaptations beneficial
for performance, ROM, and recovery. Although conflicting
research exists, there have been many positive effects as
a result of foam rolling warm-up and cooldown techniques.
Based primarily on this study, we suggest direct foam rolling
application on the targeted musculature for isolated testing,
as this may prove beneficial. Because there were no differ-
ences within our athletic population in regards to NFL
combine drills and subjective measures, we suggest using
a progression of choice. With the many benefits associated, it
is reasonable to incorporate foam rolling into any prehabi-
litation and/or rehabilitation strength and conditioning
program, as both progressions may be equally beneficial.
Our results demonstrated that athlete preference exists
between foam rolling progressions, and preference could then
be considered when programming a warm-up. Furthermore,
motivating an athlete to properly warm-up with a foam roller
device may increase if they have a preference and choice (5).
Further research is necessary as foam rolling is a topic of
interest within the strength and conditioning field.
The authors take this opportunity to acknowledge the
important supporting role of our performance colleagues
Robert Fioritto and Kyle Von Carlowitz of Elite Sports
Performance, Mentor, OH, for their advanced knowledge in
prehabiliation and performance battery testing.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2015 | 2315
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... Foam rolling is a method in which the target muscle is rolled and compressed (19). It has been shown that foam rolling may improve ROM, abate pain, accelerate the recovery period, and enhance performance (20). ...
... It takes around 20 minutes to finish and just requires a few basic tools (34). The first part takes 8 minutes, the second one 6 minutes, and the last part two minutes (19). Before starting the study, the subjects were informed about the procedure of warm-up in the 11 + method, and also, a tutorial video and a Persian guideline for the exercises were provided. ...
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Background: Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is the most prevalent disease of the knee. The purpose of this study was to compare the acute effects of various warm-up methods on several performance measures and pain intensity in athletes with and without PFPS. Methods: This clinical trial study included 18 to 24-year-old professional female athletes with or without PFPS. Both groups performed warm-up protocols, including general stretching, foam rolling, and Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) 11+ warm-up exercises in three test sessions simultaneously. The data collection procedure was implemented on three separate days in one week. Pain intensity was measured using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Countermovement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) to measure the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) and Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) were examined before and after each session. Results: No significant difference was observed between the effect of different warm-ups in groups with and without PFPS regarding the use of the SSC (P = 0.185), while there were significant differences in the effect of various warm-up protocols on LESS (P < 0.001) and pain scores (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Using the foam roller as a warm-up method can decrease the pain intensity in athletes with PFPS but may increase their LESS score. In addition, there was no difference in the effect of various warm-up methods on the SSC between athletes with and without PFPS. Finally, it seems that foam rolling should be used with more caution as a part of warming up in athletes with PFPS.
... Fascia rolls have been shown to be effective in reducing back pain and increasing mobility [17,18]. Current studies indicate positive effects of fascia training on the reduction of inflammation and endothelium functioning [19,20]. ...
... In addition to physical therapy as standard care procedure, a randomized group of alloHCT patients completed a daily fascia-training program using fascia rolls. In general, fascia training is feasible to improve back flexibilty and to reduce back pain [17][18][19][20]. However, to our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the feasibility and its potential effects of special fascia training in patients undergoing alloHCT. ...
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Purpose Patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (alloHCT) spend many weeks of treatment in an isolated environment with little room for exercise. Feasibility of a daily-performed, unassisted fascia-training program and its effects on back and foot pain, back flexibility, and quality of life were investigated. Methods Eighteen patients receiving alloHCT were randomized to an intervention (IG: n = 9; 60.7 ± 9.2 years) or control group (CG: n = 9; 54.0 ± 15.5 years) and assessed from 1 week before to 3 weeks after transplantation (t0–t3). CG received standard care physical therapy, IG performed additionally fascia training for the back and feet twice daily. Back and foot pain, back flexibility, muscle tone, and quality of life were assessed for both IG and CG at baseline and three timepoints after alloHCT. Results Fascia-training program was well accepted. No increase in hematoma formation was observed. IG reported a trend towards reduction in back pain from pre- to post-intervention ( p = .074), whereas CG showed a slight increase in back pain at t3 ( p = .257). IG also improved back flexibility (− 1.79 ± 5.5 cm; p = .397) while CG declined (+ 2.71 ± 5.6 cm; p = .167). No differences between groups were found for muscle tone and no significant improvements in quality of life were reported at t3. Conclusion Unassisted fascia training is feasible and safe for patients undergoing alloHCT. This pilot study suggests that fascia training has the potential to improve back flexibility and reduce back pain, and might be a valuable component for physical therapy in patients receiving alloHCT.
... Peacock et al. investigated the effects of foam rolling along two different axes of the body in conjunction with a dynamic warmup on male volunteers. Foam rolling along the mediolateral axis increased sit and reach scores substantially more than rolling along the anteroposterior axis 26 . Foam rolling's effects on knee flexion range of motion (ROM) and quadriceps neuromuscular activation were studied by MacDonald et al. ...
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Pain in the lower back is a major concern in today’s era due to prolonged sitting in two-wheeler riders, mainly due to hamstring tightness. It also creates physical disability and impairment in activities of daily living. The study aimed to compare the efficacy of muscle energy technique (MET) and self-myofascial release (SMFR) using the foam roller on hamstring flexibility, dynamic balance, and physical disability amongst two-wheeler riders with chronic low back pain (LBP). Participants were randomized into two intervention groups, MET and SMFR using the envelope method, with each group having 20 participants. Hamstring flexibility and range of motion for knee extension and the lower back were assessed using the active knee extension test (AKE-L and AKE-R) and sit and reach test (SRT), while the dynamic balance was assessed by the star excursion balance test (SEBT) and physical disability by Roland‐Morris Disability Questionnaire, (RMDQ). Measurements were taken at baseline and after 4 weeks of intervention. This study demonstrated that both SMFR using a foam roller and MET are effective in enhancing hamstring muscle flexibility, (SRT—F(1, 38) = 299.5, p < 0.001; AKE-R—F(1, 38) = 99.53, p < 0.001; AKE-L—F(1, 38) = 89.67, p < 0.001). Additionally, these techniques significantly improved dynamic balance in various directions, including anterior (ANT), anteromedial (AMED), medial (MED), posteromedial (PMED), posterior (POST), posterolateral (PLAT), lateral (LAT), and anterolateral (ALAT) directions (p < 0.01). Furthermore, there was a significant reduction in physical disability (RMDQ—F(1, 38) = 1307, p < 0.001), among two-wheeler riders suffering from chronic LBP. Compared to MET, SMFR using foam rollers was found to be more effective in enhancing hamstring flexibility, improving balance, and decreasing disability level on the RMDQ after 4 weeks.
... Estudos realizados em indivíduos saudáveis evidenciaram que a aplicação da ALMF, promoveu benefícios no desempenho do exercício com melhora da amplitude de movimento das articulações do quadril e do joelho com redução do estresse articular, além da redução da dor muscular (BUSHELL; DAWSON;WEBSTER, 2015;PEACOCK, C. A. et al., 2015). ...
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As técnicas de manipulação miofascial podem gerar diversas respostas bioquímicas no corpo humano, com repercussões no estado emocional, devido ao sistema miofascial ser ricamente inervado por interoceptores que quando estimulados são capazes de ativar áreas cerebrais podendo beneficiar a saúde física e emocional. Desse modo, o objetivo do presente estudo, foi analisar os efeitos da auto liberação miofascial na qualidade de vida de prestadores de serviços gerais. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa e análise descritiva, com a utilização do questionário de Dor de McGill e o Short-Form Health Survey 36, além de um protocolo de auto liberação miofascial associada a exercícios realizados duas vezes por semana com um total de 10 sessões, aplicados em 14 prestadores de serviços gerais. Os resultados principais da pesquisa evidenciaram uma boa dimensão da qualidade de vida dos participantes, principalmente uma boa dimensão na capacidade física dos participantes, o que chamou a atenção sobre a importância de uma avaliação sobre os aspectos que envolvem a capacidade física e emocional dos trabalhadores. Por conseguinte, a pesquisa reforça a ideia de inserir cada vez mais práticas terapêuticas dentro das organizações para reduzir os impactos negativos gerados pelo trabalho repetitivo em trabalhadores do setor de serviços gerais, sendo um modelo a ser inserido para outras categorias de profissionais.
... However, the evidence regarding improvements in strength from myofascial release is ambiguous. On the one hand, there is evidence of strength improvement between 4% and 7% from the use of FR combined with a dynamic warmup [28]; on the other hand, different authors who have used FR and evaluated strength have found minimal improvements that are not statistically significant [33,39]. This could be due to the populations evaluated and the combination or not of the myofascial self-release method with other types of intervention. ...
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Sport is a science of constant reinvention that is always searching for strategies to improve performance. Objective: This study seeks to compare the effects of myofascial release with Findings-Oriented Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT) combined with Foam Roller (FR), versus FR by itself, on the physical performance of university athletes. A randomized controlled study was conducted with a total of twenty-nine university athletes, measuring Range of Motion (ROM), jump height and flight time, strength and dynamic flexibility using Goniometer pro, CMJ protocol in OptoGait, 1 Repetition Maximum (1RM) and Mean Propulsive Velocity (MPV) and the Sit and Reach (V) test, correspondingly. This study was registered at prior to the initial measurement of the participants under the code NCT05347303. Through a univariate analysis, together with an analysis of independent groups with ANOVA and an analysis of covariance, it was evidenced that OMT combined with FR generated more and better effects in all the evaluated ROM, jump height and flight time, RM and VMP tests. Finally, it was found that OMT combined with FR is better when it is desired to improve ROM, muscle power, strength and flexibility, while FR alone only improves dynamic flexibility.
... Considering the responses to the given intervention, the increase in the ROM may be related to various factors such as thixotropic properties and the degree to which the nerve root is activated. Previous research also confirmed that increased arterial blood flow induced by the practice of foam roller may enhance physiological mechanisms during physical exercise (Boguszewski, Falkowska, Adamczyk & Białoszewski, 2017;Peacock et al., 2015). ...
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We aimed to examine the differences in knee strength, range of motion, and fatigue characteristics during high vs. low-speed isokinetic testing following FR practice on hamstring muscles and changes in the ROM on the knee extension and parameters during isokinetic fatigue testing. In total, 35 participants (20 men, 15 women) were recruited in this study. Of these 35 participants, 20 (12 men, 8 women) randomly underwent FR practice and the other 15 received no treatment (NFR). Pre-to-posttest body composition and high (180 o /sec) and low (60 o /sec) speed neuromuscular performance were performed with 24-h intervals. Follow-up screening showed significant decreases in knee extension and flexion parameters in the NFR group. Posttest percent knee extension and flexion torque deficit during fatigue testing protocol was significantly higher, while knee extension torque and ROM parameters were found significantly lower in the NFR group. FR group showed higher mean absolute torque and ROM values and lower percent knee extension and flexion torque deficit during fatigue resistance testing compared to baseline screenings. Positive significant correlations occurred between the ROM and knee extension (r=0.61) and flexion (r=0.52) peak torque and Hcon:Qcon (r=0.385) parameters during posttest screenings. The results of the current study suggest that the practice of high vs. low-speed isokinetic testing following foam rolling practice on hamstring muscles after strenuous exercise increased ROM without a decrease in peak and mean extension and flexion moments and helps to enhance an accelerated recovery.
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Foam roller exercises are frequently used in training, especially during the warm-up phase. The aim of this study is to examine the acute effects of foam roller exercises performed only on the calf, quadriceps or gluteus maximus muscles on vertical jump performance and the time-course changes of these effects. In this study, 23 males participated voluntarily. The study was carried out using the crossover experimental design. In this study, the participants performed foam roller exercises on the calf, quadriceps, and gluteus maximus muscles on separate days. Foam roller exercises were performed in 3 sets and each set lasted 30 seconds. 30 seconds of rest was given to participants between the sets. Vertical jump performance was determined by measuring flight time using the Bosco Mat. The vertical jump test was performed before, immediately after (0.min), and at the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th minutes after the foam roller exercises. The countermovement jump test protocol was performed to determine the vertical jump performance of the participants. Statistical analyzes were carried out to compare the jump heights of the participants by using the two-way analysis of variance in repeated measurements. As a result of the statistical analysis, no significant difference was found in the effects of group, time, and group×time (p>0.05). In this study, it was concluded that 3 sets of 30-second foam roller exercises applied to different muscle groups did not affect the vertical jump performance.
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Recent developments in the strength and conditioning field have shown the incorporation of foam rolling self-myofascial release in adjunct with a dynamic warm-up. This is thought to improve overall training performance; however, minimal research exists supporting this theory. Therefore, determining if an acute bout of foam rolling self-myofascial release in addition to a dynamic warm-up could influence performance is of importance. In order to do so, eleven athletically trained male subjects participated in a two condition, counterbalanced, crossover within-subjects study comparing two particular warm-up routines. The two warm-up routines compared were a total-body dynamic warm-up (DYN) and a total-body dynamic warm-up in adjunct with a self-myofascial release, total-body foam rolling session (SMR). Following each warm-up condition, subjects performed tests of flexibility, power, agility, strength, and speed. Paired samples T-tests were utilized to determine if there were any significant differences in test results between conditions (DYN vs. SMR). The data indicated that SMR was effective at improving power, agility, strength, and speed when compared to DYN (P ≤ 0.024). A warm-up routine consisting of both a dynamic warm-up and a self-myofascial release, total-body foam rolling session resulted in overall improvements in athletic performance testing.
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The purpose of the study was: 1) to determine the intensity of an indoor cycling session; 2) to know the correlation between the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scales (Borg and OMNI) and % heart rate reserve (%HRR) with categories; and 3) to evaluate the validity of RPE scales (Borg and OMNI) with respect to the heart rate (HR) and %HRR. A total of fifty-three subjects, 25 males and 28 females (ages: 28.79 ± 6.04 years; body height: 1.71 ± 0.09 m; body mass: 69.59 ± 13.69 kg) were recruited from a private fitness club. All subjects performed the same predesigned indoor cycling session with a total duration of 50 minutes. During the experimental trial, the HR was recorded every 5 s. The Borg 6-20 RPE and OMNI 0-10 scales were used to assess perceived exertion in each phase. The average HR in the cardiovascular phase was 152.24 ± 14.11 b•min-1, the %HRR was 80.62 ± 7.10; and the overall RPE (Borg and OMNI scales) was 14.94 ± 1.11 and 7.18 ± 0.79 points, respectively. The correlation between an average HR and %HRR with Borg and OMNI scales was lower than r = 0.4 (p < 0.05). The correlation value between the Borg and the OMNI RPE scales was r = 0.82 (p < 0.001). It can be concluded that indoor cycling elicits effort of high intensity which could be inappropriate for some participants. The Borg and OMNI scales showed a low validity to quantify the intensity performed in indoor cycling sessions. It indicates the necessity to control the intensity of effort with other instruments to improve efficacy and decrease the risk of overload in this activity.
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Foam rollers are used to mimic myofascial release techniques and have been used by therapists, athletes, and the general public alike to increase range of motion (ROM) and alleviate pressure points. The roller-massager was designed to serve a similar purpose but is a more portable device that uses the upper body rather than body mass to provide the rolling force. OBJECTIVES/PURPOSE: A roller massager was used in this study to examine the acute effects on lower extremity ROM and subsequent muscle length performance. Seven male and ten female volunteers took part in 4 trials of hamstrings roller-massager rolling (1 set - 5 seconds, 1 set - 10 seconds, 2 sets - 5 seconds, and 2 sets - 10 seconds) at a constant pressure (13 kgs) and a constant rate (120 bpm). A group of 9 participants (three male, six female) also performed a control testing session with no rolling intervention. A sit and reach test for ROM, along with a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force and muscle activation of the hamstrings were measured before and after each session of rolling. A main effect for testing time (p<0.0001) illustrated that the use of the roller-massager resulted in a 4.3% increase in ROM. There was a trend (p=0.069) for 10s of rolling duration to increase ROM more than 5s rolling duration. There were no significant changes in MVC force or MVC EMG activity after the rolling intervention. The use of the roller-massager had no significant effect on muscle strength, and can provide statistically significant increases in ROM, particularly when used for a longer duration.
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The aim of this study was to compare the effects of static versus dynamic stretching on explosive performances and repeated sprint ability (RSA) following a 24-h delay. Sixteen young male soccer players performed 15-min of static stretching (SS), dynamic stretching (DS), or a no stretch control condition (CC) 24-h before performing explosive performances and RSA tests. This was a within-subject repeated measures study with SS, DS, and CC being counterbalanced. Stretching protocols included 2 sets of 7-min 30-sec (2 repetitions of 30-sec with 15-sec passive recovery) for five muscle-groups (quadriceps, hamstring, calves, adductors, and hip flexors). 24-h later (without any kind of stretching in warm up), players were tested for 30-m sprint test (with 10- and 20-m lap-times), 5 jump-test (5JT), and RSA test. Significant differences were observed between CC, SS and DS with 5JT (F=9.99, p<0.00, ES=0.40), 10m sprint time (F=46.52, p<0.00, ES=0.76), 20m sprint time (F=18.44, p<0.000, ES=0.55) and 30m sprint time (F=34.25, p<0.000, ES=0.70). The significantly better performance (p<0.05) was observed after DS as compared to CC and SS in 5JT, and sprint times for 10m, 20m and 30m. In contrast, significantly worse performance (p<0.05) was observed after SS as compared to CC in 5JT, and sprint times for 10m, 20m and 30m. With RSA, no significant difference was observed between different stretching protocols in total time (F=1.55, p>0.05), average time (F=1.53, p>0.05), and fastest time (F=2.30, p>0.05), except for the decline index (F=3.54, p<0.04, ES=0.19). Therefore, SS of the lower limbs and hip muscles had a negative effect on explosive performances up to 24-h post-stretching with no major effects on RSA. Conversely, DS of the same muscle groups are highly recommended 24-h before performing sprint and long-jump performances. In conclusion, the positive effects of DS on explosive performances seem to persist for 24-h.
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Flexibility is associated with arterial distensibility. Many individuals involved in sport, exercise and/or fitness perform self-myofascial release (SMR) using a foam roller, which restores muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and/or soft-tissue extensibility. However, the effect of SMR on arterial stiffness and vascular endothelial function using a foam roller is unknown. The present study investigates the acute effect of SMR using a foam roller on arterial stiffness and vascular endothelial function. Ten healthy young adults performed SMR and control (CON) trials on separate days in a randomized controlled crossover fashion. Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity, blood pressure, heart rate and plasma nitric oxide concentration were measured before and 30 min after both SMR and CON trials. The participants performed SMR of the adductor, hamstrings, quadriceps, iliotibial band and trapezius. Pressure was self-adjusted during myofascial release by applying body weight to the roller and using the hands and feet to offset weight as required. The roller was placed under the target tissue area and the body was moved back and forth across the roller. In the CON trial, SMR was not performed. The brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity significantly decreased (from 1202 ± 105 to 1074 ± 110 cm/s) and the plasma nitric oxide concentration significantly increased (from 20.4 ± 6.9 to 34.4 ± 17.2 μmol/L) after SMR using a foam roller (both P < 0.05), but neither significantly differed after CON trials. These results indicate that SMR using a foam roller reduces arterial stiffness and improves vascular endothelial function.
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The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of warm-up strategies on countermovement jump performance. Twenty-nine male college football players (age: 19.4 ± 1.1 years; body height: 179.0 ± 5.1 cm; body mass: 73.1 ± 8.0 kg; % body fat: 11.1 ± 2.7) from the Tuzla University underwent a control (no warm-up) and different warm-up conditions: 1. general warm-up; 2. general warm-up with dynamic stretching; 3. general warm-up, dynamic stretching and passive stretching; 4. passive static stretching; 5. passive static stretching and general warm-up; and, 6. passive static stretching, general warm-up and dynamic stretching. Countermovement jump performance was measured after each intervention or control. Results from one way repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant difference on warm-up strategies at F (4.07, 113.86) = 69.56, p < 0.001, eta squared = 0.72. Bonferonni post hoc revealed that a general warm-up and a general warm-up with dynamic stretching posted the greatest gains among all interventions. On the other hand, no warm-up and passive static stretching displayed the least results in countermovement jump performance. In conclusion, countermovement jump performance preceded by a general warm-up or a general warm-up with dynamic stretching posted superior gains in countermovement jump performance.
Background: There is evidence that the presence of a friend increases physical activity behavior in school-aged children (≥ 8 years old) and in young adolescents. Little is known about the developmental trajectory of the effects of peer influences on children's physical activity. Therefore, we sought to test the effect of the presence versus absence of a friend on physical activity in young children (≤ 6 years old). Methods: Physical activity was assessed, via accelerometery, in 3- to 6-year-old children, during 2 social conditions: alone and in the presence of a friend. During each condition, children were taken to a gymnasium and had free access to physical and sedentary activities for 30 minutes. In one condition children were tested alone (solo play), whereas in the other they were tested in the presence of a friend who had access to the same activities. Results: Children exhibited 54% greater (P < .02) average accelerometer counts during the friend condition (mean = 2629, SD = 1080 or 5.7 METs) than during the solo play condition (mean = 1707, SD = 1009 or 4.5 METs). Conclusions: The presence of a friend contributes to increased physical activity behavior in young children.
In the last decade self myofascial release (SMR) has become an increasingly common modality to supplement traditional methods of massage, so a masseuse is not necessary. However, there is limited clinical data demonstrating the efficacy or mechanism of this treatment on athletic performance .The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of myofascial rollers before athletic tests can enhance performance. Twenty-six (13 men and 13 women) healthy college aged individuals (21.56±2.04 years, 23.97±3.98 body mass index (BMI), 20.57±12.21 percent body fat) were recruited. The study design was a randomized, crossover design in which subject performed a series of planking exercises or foam rolling exercises then performed a series of athletic performance tests (vertical jump height and power, isometric force, and agility.) Fatigue, soreness, and exertion were also measured. A 2 x 2 (Trial x Gender) ANOVA with repeated measures and appropriate post-hoc was used to analyze the data. There were no significant differences between foam rolling and planking for all four of the athletic tests. However, there was a significant difference between genders on all of the athletic tests (p ≤ 0.001). As expected there were significant increases from pre to post during both trials for fatigue, soreness, and exertion (p ≤ 0.01). Post-exercise fatigue after foam rolling was significantly less than after the subjects performed planking (p ≤ 0.05). The reduced feeling of fatigue may allow participants to extend acute workout time and volume, which can lead to chronic performance enhancements. However, foam rolling had no affect on performance.
This study was done to determine the accuracy of 7 equations for predicting a 1-RM from repetitions to fatigue for the bench press, squat, and deadlift. Subjects, 67 untrained college students (40 M, 27 F) who were enrolled in weight training classes, participated in four 45-min practice sessions to learn proper lifting technique and determine the amount of weight to lift for the 1-RM test. All correlation coefficients between predicted and achieved 1-RM lifts were high (r > 0.95). For the bench press, however, the average differences between achieved and predicted weights were significantly different from zero in all but 2 equations. For the squat, the average difference was significantly different from zero in all but 1 equation. All equations significantly underestimated the deadlift despite high correlations. (C) 1997 National Strength and Conditioning Association