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High resolution observations of chromospheric network


Abstract and Figures

There is an increasing evidence that primary driver of solar variability, on time scales of days up to the solar activity cycle length, is the evolution of magnetic field present on the solar surface. In this paper we investigate the correlation between the photospheric structures and emerging magnetic elements by means of high spectral resolution images containing network cells. We present the preliminary results derived from the analysis of observations carried out in the spectral lines Ca II 854.3 nm, Fe I 709.0 nm and Fe II 722.4 nm with the 2-D Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer IBIS installed at the DST - Dunn Solar Telescope, Sacramento Peak (NM).
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Mem. S.A.It. Vol. 76, 973
SAIt 2005 Memorie della
High resolution observations
of chromospheric network
S. Giordano, F. Berrilli, and D. Del Moro
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Roma ”Tor Vergata” Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1,
00133 Roma, Italy
Abstract. There is an increasing evidence that primary driver of solar variability, on time
scales of days up to the solar activity cycle length, is the evolution of magnetic field present
on the solar surface. In this paper we investigate the correlation between the photospheric
structures and emerging magnetic elements by means of high spectral resolution images
containing network cells. We present the preliminary results derived from the analysis of
observations carried out in the spectral lines Ca II 854.3 nm, Fe I 709.0 nm and Fe II 722.4
nm with the 2-D Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer IBIS installed at the DST -
Dunn Solar Telescope, Sacramento Peak (NM).
1. Introduction
Solar surface shows a wide variety of magnetic
structures, ranging from the largest sunspots
(tens of Mm across) down to the 100 km
scale magnetic elements, the smallest observ-
able forms of magnetic flux in the photosphere.
The arrangement and evolution of magnetic
elements emerging on the solar surface are
strongly influenced by the spatial and temporal
behaviour of photospheric convective flows. In
quiet areas magnetic field concentrations ap-
pear as single bright points, whose dynamics
is determined by granular flows. These bright
points are passively advected towards the bor-
ders of supergranular cells, where they gather
and produce the magnetic network, a useful
proxy for supergranules. This network is con-
sidered a key component for solar radiance re-
construction and energy transport towards the
upper solar atmosphere. In order to investigate
Send oprint requests to: S. Giordano
the interaction between the photospheric ve-
locity field and emerging magnetic elements,
observations with high spectral and temporal
resolution and with a spatial scale of about 100
km on the solar surface are necessary.
We present a 3-D reconstruction of the pho-
tospheric velocity field of a quiet region cen-
tered on a large scale (30 Mm) structure of
magnetic network and an analysis of the pho-
tospheric plasma dynamical properties below a
cluster of magnetic structures.
2. Observations and data analysis
The data set contains observations of a
roundish network cell collected by the IBIS
2-D spectrometer on October, 16 2003 (from
14:24 UT to 17:32 UT) in the spectral lines
Ca II 854.2 nm, Fe I 709.0 nm and Fe II
722.4 nm. The temporal interval between suc-
cessive images was 300 ms. Each monochro-
matic image was acquired with 25 ms expo-
974 Giordano et al.: High resolution observations of chromospheric network
Fig. 1. Upper left panel: Fe I 722.4 nm line core field; upper central panel: Fe I 722.4 nm Doppler velocity
field; upper right panel: Fe II 722.4 nm width field; central left panel: Fe I 709.0 nm line core field; central
panel: Fe I 709.0 nm Doppler velocity field; central right panel: Fe II 709.0 nm width field; lower left panel:
Ca II wing intensity image; lower central panel: Fe I 709.0 nm continuum image; lower right panel: Fe II
722.4 nm continuum image. Minor ticks correspond to 1”, major ticks to 5”.
Fig. 2. Average continuum (left panel) and Doppler velocity (central panel) images with superimposed the
tracked granule displacements represented as black arrows. The granules were tracked by applying the TST
to the first half hour of each time series; right panel: mean divergence image extracted from the horizontal
velocity field.
sure time by a CCD detector, whose pixel
scale was 0.17”pixel1. Each image was cor-
rected for CCD non linearity eects, dark cur-
rent, gain table and blue shift (Reardon et al.
2003). The vertical velocity fields were com-
puted for the Fe I and Fe II lines by means of
a Doppler shift evaluated, pixel by pixel, us-
ing a Gaussian fit of the line profile. The line
Giordano et al.: High resolution observations of chromospheric network 975
Fig. 3. Mean Doppler and Ca II images averaged over 1 hour. The rebinned pixels are shown as a
superimposed grid. The crosses mark the selected magnetic region.
Fig. 4. Average Doppler velocity in the magnetic pixels vs time (grey dash-dotted line). Average Doppler
velocity in the reference ensemble (black continuuous line) and average Doppler velocity ±1 standard de-
viation (black dotted line).
core and width fields were obtained by the am-
plitude and width, respectively, of the same
Gaussian function. We apply the TST proce-
dure (Del Moro 2004) on the continuum im-
age series and on both the Fe II 722.4 nm and
Fe I 709.0 nm velocity field series in order
to retrieve the horizontal velocity field at dif-
ferent depths of the solar atmosphere. In fact,
the major contribution to these Doppler fields
comes from the two layers at about 140 km
and 70 km above the photospheric surface, for
the 722.4 nm and 709.0 nm lines respectively.
For each time series the TST produced two
976 Giordano et al.: High resolution observations of chromospheric network
horizontal velocity fields, associated with the
first and second 30 minutes of the series. In
Fig. 2 the outputs of the TST are presented.
The arrows representing the tracked granules
displacements seem to gather on the borders
of the supergranule, with the notable excep-
tion of the extended cluster of bright structures
in the low part of the field. This behaviour
is confirmed by the mean divergence image,
extracted from the horizontal velocity field,
which shows that the bright magnetic area is
not a region of convergence. This seems to sug-
gest that granules on the edge of the supergran-
ule are in some way dierent from the gran-
ules in the centre. In order to study the evo-
lution of the downflows below the bright clus-
ter on the low part of the field, we rebinned
Ca II and Doppler images to a suitable scale
and then calculated the mean Doppler veloc-
ity for the pixel forming this cluster, selected
from the Ca II images. The rebinned pixels
are shown as superimposed grid. The pixels
composing the selected magnetic regions are
shown with white crosses superimposed on the
mean Doppler velocity and Ca II images aver-
aged over 1 hour. In Fig. 4 the plot of the
mean Doppler velocity (grey dash-dotted line)
of the cluster pixels against time is reported.
The downflows constituting the magnetic clus-
ter have mean Doppler velocity value of 100
ms1. In order to evaluate the significance of
theis value, a statistical analysis of the distri-
bution of the Doppler mean values of similar
clusters has been performed. In particular we
compare this value with the Doppler mean val-
ues of 250 similar cluster, made up of 32 pix-
els randomly disposed on a 8 ×8 sub matrix
randomly placed on the image. For each im-
age we calculated the mean Doppler velocity
value and its standard deviation on this ensem-
ble (continuous and dotted black lines in Fig.
3, respectively). The average mean Doppler ve-
locity value is << V>s>t13 ms1and the av-
erage standard deviation value is << δV>s>t
15 ms1.
Berrilli, F., Del Moro, D., Giordano, S., &
Pietropaolo, E. 2005, Adv. Space Res., sub-
Reardon, K., & Cavallini, F. 2003, Mem. SAIt.,
74, 815
Del Moro, D. 2004, A&A 428, 107
We describe the techniques used to characterize the components of the IBIS instrument in the laboratory in order to determine the operational performance of the completed instrument. In particular, we have measured the surface and coating irregularities of the two Fabry-Perot interferometers at the heart of IBIS. From this we construct a theoretical transmission profile for the instrument and relate that to the accuracy that can be obtained in measurements of the Sun.
  • D Del Moro
Del Moro, D. 2004, A&A 428, 107
  • F Berrilli
  • Del Moro
  • D Giordano
  • S Pietropaolo
Berrilli, F., Del Moro, D., Giordano, S., & Pietropaolo, E. 2005, Adv. Space Res., sub- mitted Reardon, K., & Cavallini, F. 2003, Mem. SAIt., 74, 815
  • F Berrilli
  • Del Moro
  • D Giordano
  • S Pietropaolo
  • E Reardon
  • K Cavallini
Berrilli, F., Del Moro, D., Giordano, S., & Pietropaolo, E. 2005, Adv. Space Res., submitted Reardon, K., & Cavallini, F. 2003, Mem. SAIt., 74, 815
  • F Berrilli
  • D Del Moro
  • S Giordano
  • E Pietropaolo
Berrilli, F., Del Moro, D., Giordano, S., & Pietropaolo, E. 2005, Adv. Space Res., submitted
  • K Reardon
  • F Cavallini
Reardon, K., & Cavallini, F. 2003, Mem. SAIt., 74, 815