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Fungal community succession on decomposing leaf litter across five phylogenetically related tree species in a subtropical forest


Abstract and Figures

Fungi are an essential component of the ecosystem. They play an integral role in the decomposition of leaf litter and return nutrients to the ecosystem through nutrient cycling. They are considered as the “key players” in leaf litter decomposition, because of their ability to produce a wide range of extracellular enzymes. Time-related changes of fungal communities during leaf litter decomposition have been relatively well-investigated. However, it has not been established how the tree species, tree phylogeny, and leaf litter chemistry influence fungal communities during decomposition. Using direct observations and a culturing approach, this study compiles fungi found in freshly collected leaf litter from five phylogenetically related, native tree species in Taiwan: Celtis formosana (CF), Ficus ampelas (FA), Ficus septica (FS), Macaranga tanarius (MT), and Morus australis (MA). We investigated (i) the effects of tree species (including tree phylogeny) and leaf litter chemistry on fungal community succession, and (ii) specific patterns of fungal succession (including diversity and taxonomic community assembly) on decomposing leaf litter across the selected tree species. We hypothesized that host species and leaf litter chemistry significantly affect fungal community succession. A total of 1325 leaves (CF: 275, FA: 275, FS: 275, MT: 275 and MA: 225) were collected and 236 fungal taxa were recorded (CF: 48, FA: 46, FS: 64, MT: 42 and MA: 36). Tree species relationships had variable associations on the fungal communities, as even closely related tree species had strongly differing communities during decomposition. A high number of species were unique to a single tree species and may indicate ‘host-specificity’ to a particular leaf litter. The overlap of microfungal species in pair wise comparisons of tree species was low (7–16%), and only 1–2% of microfungal species were observed in leaves of all tree species. The percentage of occurrences of fungal communities using Hierarchical Cluster Analyses (HCA) showed that there were at least four succession stages in each tree species during decomposition. Fungal diversity increased at the beginning of each tree species leaf decay, reached peaks, and declined at the final stages. Overall, our findings demonstrate that tree species and leaf litter chemistry are important variables in determining fungal diversity and community composition in leaf litter. Referring to the establishment of fungal discoveries from this experimental design, two new families, two new genera, 40 new species and 56 new host records were reported. This study provides a host-fungus database for future studies on these hosts and increases the knowledge of fungal diversity in leaf litter.
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Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
Fungal community succession ondecomposing leaf litter acrossfive
phylogenetically related tree species inasubtropical forest
DanushkaS.Tennakoon1,2,3,4· Chang‑HsinKuo5· WitoonPurahong6· EleniGentekaki1,2· ChayakornPumas4·
ItthayakornPromputtha4,8· KevinD.Hyde1,2,3,4,7,8
Received: 20 March 2022 / Accepted: 1 July 2022 / Published online: 1 August 2022
© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to Mushroom Research Foundation 2022
Fungi are an essential component of the ecosystem. They play an integral role in the decomposition of leaf litter and return
nutrients to the ecosystem through nutrient cycling. They are considered as the “key players” in leaf litter decomposition,
because of their ability to produce a wide range of extracellular enzymes. Time-related changes of fungal communities during
leaf litter decomposition have been relatively well-investigated. However, it has not been established how the tree species,
tree phylogeny, and leaf litter chemistry influence fungal communities during decomposition. Using direct observations
and a culturing approach, this study compiles fungi found in freshly collected leaf litter from five phylogenetically related,
native tree species in Taiwan: Celtis formosana (CF), Ficus ampelas (FA), Ficus septica (FS), Macaranga tanarius (MT),
and Morus australis (MA). We investigated (i) the effects of tree species (including tree phylogeny) and leaf litter chemistry
on fungal community succession, and (ii) specific patterns of fungal succession (including diversity and taxonomic com-
munity assembly) on decomposing leaf litter across the selected tree species. We hypothesized that host species and leaf
litter chemistry significantly affect fungal community succession. A total of 1325 leaves (CF: 275, FA: 275, FS: 275, MT:
275 and MA: 225) were collected and 236 fungal taxa were recorded (CF: 48, FA: 46, FS: 64, MT: 42 and MA: 36). Tree
species relationships had variable associations on the fungal communities, as even closely related tree species had strongly
differing communities during decomposition. A high number of species were unique to a single tree species and may indicate
‘host-specificity’ to a particular leaf litter. The overlap of microfungal species in pair wise comparisons of tree species was
low (7–16%), and only 1–2% of microfungal species were observed in leaves of all tree species. The percentage of occur-
rences of fungal communities using Hierarchical Cluster Analyses (HCA) showed that there were at least four succession
stages in each tree species during decomposition. Fungal diversity increased at the beginning of each tree species leaf decay,
reached peaks, and declined at the final stages. Overall, our findings demonstrate that tree species and leaf litter chemistry
are important variables in determining fungal diversity and community composition in leaf litter. Referring to the establish-
ment of fungal discoveries from this experimental design, two new families, two new genera, 40 new species and 56 new
host records were reported. This study provides a host-fungus database for future studies on these hosts and increases the
knowledge of fungal diversity in leaf litter.
Keywords Fungal diversity· Ecology· Leaf litter decomposition· Percentage of occurrences· Taxonomy
Leaf litter is a vital component of forest ecosystems and
constitutes a major source of soil organic matter (Berg and
Laskowski 2006; Purahong etal. 2016; Osono 2017; Bani
etal. 2018; Tennakoon etal. 2021a). Fungal communities
are regarded as "key players" in leaf litter decomposition
as they produce a wide spectrum of extracellular enzymes
(Pointing etal. 2005; Promputtha etal. 2010; Purahong
etal. 2016; Tennakoon etal. 2021a). These enzymes aid
Handling Editor: Chayanard Phukhamsakda
* Kevin D. Hyde
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
74 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
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in the breakdown of the layers of leaf litter, particularly
lignocellulose (Berg and McClaugherty 2003; Promputtha
etal. 2010; Qu etal. 2019; Osono 2020; Tennakoon etal.
2021a). Many studies have looked at the fungal communities
that emerge during the breakdown of leaf litter. These have
revealed that fungal populations tend to alter both numeri-
cally and qualitatively during decomposition (Koide etal.
2005; Tang etal. 2005; Duong etal. 2008; Shirouzu etal.
2009; Voříšková and Baldrian 2013; Promputtha etal. 2017).
The time-related change of fungal species during decom-
position has been termed as “fungal succession” (Dix and
Webster 1995; Fryar 2002; Promputtha etal. 2017; Tenna-
koon etal. 2021a). Fungal succession on decomposing leaf
litter has previously been investigated in temperate (Cooke
and Rayner 1984; Pascoal etal. 2005; Kara etal. 2014;
Voříšková and Baldrian 2013; Purahong etal. 2016) and
tropical environments (Promputtha etal. 2002, 2017; Paulus
etal. 2006; Duong etal. 2008; Osono etal. 2020).
Several factors have an effect on the fungal succession
or composition of fungal communities in leaf litter (Dix
and Webster 1995; Photita etal. 2001; Promputtha etal.
2002; Duong etal. 2008; Purahong etal. 2016; Saitta etal.
2018; Angst etal. 2019). In particular, both biotic and abi-
otic variables influence the makeup of fungal communities
(Purahong etal. 2016; Saitta etal. 2018; Angst etal. 2019).
Knowing the variables that affect leaf litter fungal commu-
nities is especially important for understanding how eco-
systems function and their susceptibility to environmental
disturbances like climate change, biodiversity loss, and bio-
logical invasions (Glassman etal. 2018; Dossa etal. 2021).
Biotic factors, such as heterogeneity of tree species (tree spe-
cies effect), colonization priority effects, interspecific com-
petition or relationships between fungal species and inter-
kingdom relationships (i.e. bacteria and fungi), play vital
roles during leaf litter decomposition (Lodge and Cantrell
1995; Promputtha etal. 2002, 2017; Paulus etal. 2003;
Duong etal. 2008; Saitta etal. 2018; Angst etal. 2019).
Furthermore, the chemical content and physical quality of
leaves vary according to tree species and may have a signifi-
cant impact on the makeup of fungal communities (Kubar-
tová etal. 2009; Purahong etal. 2016; Huang etal. 2017).
Another important biotic factor is the priority effect of
fungal species during fungal succession. Most succession
investigations have identified comparable patterns of fungal
presence across the course of decomposition, namely early,
intermediate, and late colonizers (or alternative names: Pio-
neer, Mature and Impoverished communities) (Garrett 1963;
Hudson 1968; Tsui etal. 2000; Promputtha etal. 2002, 2017;
Tang etal. 2005). The general view is that early coloniz-
ers are non-cellulolytic and rely on easily available sugars,
therefore they dominate the early stages of decomposi-
tion. Fungi that degrade cellulose and other hydrolysable
plant polymers are prominent in the second stage, whereas
lignin-degraders are dominant in the later stages (Garrett
1963; Hudson 1968; Kjøller and Struwe 2002). Early colo-
nists impact subsequent community dynamics through either
interspecific competition or facilitating the growth of other
species (Voříšková and Baldrian 2013; Lin etal. 2015; Veen
etal. 2019). This is referred to as priority effect and is an
important biotic factor relating to the colonization of fun-
gal species in leaf litter (Boddy and Hiscox 2017). Specifi-
cally, it has been hypothesized that the priority effect may
be responsible for certain fungal species switching from
an endophytic to a saprotrophic lifestyle (Promputtha etal.
2007, 2010; Purahong and Hyde 2011). Fungal species that
are associated with living leaves have also been identified in
leaf litter (Hyde etal. 2007; Promputtha etal. 2007, 2010;
Purahong and Hyde 2011; Persoh etal. 2018). Phylogenetic
analyses showing that fungi isolated from living leaves and
decaying litter may indeed belong to the same taxa have
further strengthened this hypothesis (Promputtha etal. 2007,
2010; de Silva etal. 2019). For example, Promputtha etal.
(2007) found that isolates of Colletotrichum gloeospori-
oides, Fusarium oxysporum, Nectria haematococca, Phyl-
losticta mangiferae which are common plant endophytes,
exhibit significant sequence similarity and phylogenetic
affinity to their saprotrophic counterparts in Magnolia liliif-
era. In addition, Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae has been
recorded as both as endophyte and saprobe in Magnolia can-
dolii (de Silva etal. 2019).
During the succession process, interactions between fun-
gal species, such as interspecific competition, are determin-
ing factors as to whether fungi are successful in colonizing
and for how long they retain that territory (Jones and Hyde
2002; Boddy and Hiscox 2017). Early colonizers may pos-
sess adaptations for substrate colonization, but later colo-
nizers might be better suited for interspecific competition
and thus invasion of existing communities (McNaughton
and Wolf 1973; Boddy and Hiscox 2017). Some taxa may
also contribute to the excretion of compounds that directly
affect the growth and development of other fungal species
(Shearer 1995; Duong etal. 2008). For instance, metabolites
such as glycol, chlorohydrins and bromohydrin can affect
the development of fungal communities (Paulus etal. 2003;
Duong etal. 2008). Several studies have noted an increase
in bacterial species (i.e. Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and
Proteobacteria) during the early and later stages of leaf litter
decomposition, but the specific functions of bacterial-fungal
interactions throughout this process is unknown (Romaní
etal. 2006; Purahong etal. 2016; Zhao etal. 2020). In gen-
eral, bacterial and fungal communities may compete or
cooperate for the same substrates (Lynd etal. 2002; Johnston
etal. 2016; Purahong etal. 2016). Kirby (2005) revealed that
some bacterial species (i.e. Bradyzhorium, Burkholderia,
Streptomyces) contribute to the production of extra cellu-
lar degrading enzymes at the later stages of decomposition.
75Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
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Purahong etal. (2016) suggested that nitrogen-fixing bac-
teria contribute to increased availability of nitrogen in leaf
litter thus supporting other decomposers (i.e. fungi). High
throughput studies have revealed that lignocellulose decom-
posers (i.e. Clitocybe spp., Mycena spp.) co-exist with nitro-
gen-fixing bacterial OTUs (i.e. Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizo-
bium, Pseudomonas and Rhizobium) suggesting synergistic
interactions between the two communities (Purahong etal.
2016; Zhao etal. 2020).
Abiotic factors, such as leaf litter quality, temperature,
precipitation, seasonal fluctuations, soil properties, and vari-
ous plot-related parameters have a strong impact on leaf lit-
ter decomposition, because they change the circumstances
for decomposers to act and convert litter organic matter into
plant-friendly forms (Bothwell etal. 2014; Ge etal. 2017;
Osono 2017). The physical nature and biochemical compo-
sition of the leaves comprise the sole determinants of leaf
litter quality (Hou etal. 2005; Purahong etal. 2016; Osono
2017). Physical qualities of leaves, such as hardness, particle
size, and leaf surface features, can impact the accessibility of
litter to soil organisms, altering rates of colonization (Prom-
puttha etal, 2002; Duong etal. 2008; Berg 2014). Some of
the elements that determine the biochemical composition of
leaf litter and thus its quality include initial C or N content,
C/N ratio, soluble sugars, polyphenols, waxes, cellulose,
hemicellulose, and lignin content concentration. These ele-
ments contribute to nutrient mineralization and immobili-
zation dynamics, which may have an impact on microbial
decomposers (Tian etal. 1997; Cotrufo etal. 1998; Perez-
Harguindeguy etal. 2000; Hou etal. 2005; Purahong etal.
2014; Osono 2017; Tennakoon etal. 2021a).
Numerous informative studies have investigated the influ-
ence of biotic and abiotic factors on fungal communities
during leaf litter decay, however knowledge gaps remain.
Specifically, little is known about factors, such as tree spe-
cies effect, tree phylogeny and leaf litter chemistry. Some
studies have found positive relationships between tree
species heterogeneity and fungal diversity, but still more
experimental clarifications are needed (Saitta etal. 2018;
Angst etal. 2019). This study provides a compilation of
fungal communities during the decay of leaf litter from five
native host tree species. Celtis formosana (CF), Ficus ampe-
las (FA), F. septica (FS), Macaranga tanarius (MT) and
Morus australis (MA) were selected from relatively natural
forests in Taiwan and studied using direct observations cou-
pled with a culture-based approach. Specifically, we inves-
tigated (i) the relationship of tree species (including tree
phylogeny) and leaf litter chemistry on fungal community
succession and (ii) specific patterns of fungal succession
(including diversity and taxonomic community assembly)
on decomposing leaf litter across the five phylogenetically
related tree species in a subtropical forest. We hypothesized
that (i) tree species heterogeneity and leaf litter chemistry
are significantly related to fungal community succession,
(ii) tree species heterogeneity explains more of the observed
variation in fungal community composition rather than leaf
litter chemistry, and (iii) fungal community composition is
more similar in phylogenetically closely related tree species
rather than phylogenetically distant tree species.
Materials andmethods
Study site andhost species selection
The study site is located in the Alishan Mountain, Chi-
ayi, in the Southwestern part of Taiwan (23°27.582'N
120°36.285'E). The mean annual temperature is approxi-
mately 1824°C and 2502mm precipitation according to
weather observation data from central weather bureau (Chi-
ayi, Taiwan). Alishan Mountain has a rich biodiversity and
most parts are covered by various types of subtropical and
temperate forests (hardwood, coniferous and grassland) (Wu
etal. 2004; Chou and Tang 2016). These climatic conditions
account for the luxuriant vegetation and great diversity of
species in this area (1050 endemic plant species, 5700 fungi
species and 19,000 animal species) (Chou and Tang 2016).
The experiment was conducted during the rainy season
(July–September 2018). Five phylogenetically related host
species were selected as follows (Fig.1): two host species
were congeners of Ficus; one belongs to the same family as
Ficus (i.e. Moraceae), but is a different genus (i.e. Morus
australis); one host species belongs to a different family (i.e.
Cannabaceae), but is in the same order; and one belongs to
a different order (Fig.1). Leaf litter samples were collected
from Ficus ampelas, F. septica, Morus australis, Celtis
formosana and Macaranga tanarius (Figs.1, 2). All host
species were growing in the same altitude at a considerable
distance from each other. Five replicates (five trees per each
host) were selected.
Litterbag design andsampling
Initially, 125 senescent leaves were collected from each
host species (Total number of leaves = 125 × 5 replicates × 5
hosts = 3125 leaves). Selected senescent leaves had just
fallen, and were yellow-green with a fresh abscission scar.
Of them, five leaves from each tree were randomly col-
lected and represented day 0 of the experiment (Initial col-
lection, day 0 = 5 × 5 replicates × 5 hosts = 125 leaves). The
rest 120 leaves put in nylon mesh bags (size = 25 × 34cm
with 2mm pores/ 10 leaves per bag) (Total number of
bags = (120 ÷ 10) × 5 replicates × 5 hosts = 300 bags). The
prepared nylon mesh bags were placed under each tree
species. Leaves were collected at 11 time points. At each
sampling time point, five leaves were randomly collected
76 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
from the placed nylon mesh bags beneath each tree species
at days 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56 and 63 (late decom-
position stage) (Number of collected leaves per day = 5 × 5
replicates × 5 hosts = 125 leaves). After 63days, leaves were
highly skeletonized comprising vascular tissue with attached
remnants of non-vascular tissue. Therefore, samples were
not collected after 63days. Collected samples were placed
in separate plastic bags in the forest and taken back to the
laboratory. Samples collected on day 0 were examined for
the presence of fungi on the day of collection. All other
samples were incubated in the laboratory in separate plastic
Fig. 1 Experimental design and selected host species
Fig. 2 a, b. Experimental sites
(Alishan Mountain, Taiwan). c.
Ficus ampelas. d. Ficus septica.
e. Morus australis. f. Celtis for-
mosana. g. Macaranga tanarius
77Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
boxes containing tissue paper moistened with sterile distilled
water for five days.
Morphological studies andisolation
The incubated leaves were observed periodically for up to
a week using the AXIOSKOP 2 PLUS compound micro-
scope for the presence of microfungi. Fruiting structures
were mounted in water, agitated gently and observed using
the microscope and photographed with an AXIOCAM
506 COLOR digital camera fitted to the microscope. For
ascomycetes and coelomycetes, free hand sections of the
fruiting body structures were mounted in water on slides
for microscopic studies and photomicrography. For hypho-
mycetes, fungal structures were picked and added to water
on a slide using a needle. Permanent slides were preserved
in lactoglycerol and sealed by applying nail-polish around
the margins of the cover slip. All measurements were made
with ZEN2 (blue edition) and the images used for figures
were processed with Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended ver-
sion 10.0 software (Adobe Systems, USA). Single spore
isolation was carried out following the spore suspension
method described in Chomnunti etal. (2014). Germinated
spores were individually transferred to potato dextrose agar
(PDA) plates and grown at room temperature (20–26°C) in
the daylight.
Species identification, preservation, DNA extraction
andPCR amplification
The aim of the fungal observation was to identify the fungal
communities occurring on leaf litter at the time of collection
using culture based approches. The collected fungal species
were subjected to morphological and molecular analysis as
previously described by Tennakoon etal. (2019a, b, 2020,
2021b). DNA was extracted directly from fruiting bodies
using the DNA extraction kit E.Z.N.A. ® Forensic DNA kit
(Omega Bio-Tek) and from mycelium using the E.Z.N.A
Fungal DNA Mini Kit (Omega Bio-Tek) following the
manufacturer’s instructions. The DNA extracts were kept at
4°C until DNA amplification and maintained at -20°C for
long-term storage. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were
performed as described in Tennakoon etal. (2021b). Her-
barium specimens were prepared by drying a section of the
leaf on which fungal colonies occurred with silica gel. Type
specimens of new taxa were deposited at the Mae Fah Luang
University herbarium (MFLU) and National Chiayi Univer-
sity Herbarium (NCYU). Living cultures were deposited at
Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection (MFLUCC)
and National Chiayi University Culture Collection (NCY-
UCC). The taxonomy-related results have been published by
Tennakoon etal. (2019a, b, 2020, 2021b) and are used for
comparison here. Leaf litter chemistry (total N, C, lignin,
C/N ratio and lignin/N ratio) was analyzed in the Central
Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University,
Thailand. Total C and N content were determined by flash
combustion of micro-samples (5mg) by a CN-elemental
analyzer (Flash EA2000 Thermo). Lignin contents were
analyzed using the method described by Gessner (2005).
C/N and lignin/N ratios for each litter type were calculated.
Statistical analysis
The results of this study are presented in terms of the per-
centage occurrence (POC) of fungi. Fungal taxa with an
overall occurrence equal to or higher than 10% are regarded
as common species.
Fungal species diversity was measured using the Shan-
non diversity index (Shannon and Weaver 1949) and species
richness. Shannon diversity index was calculated by the fol-
lowing formula.
where Pi is the proportion of ith species (number of leaves
which ith fungal species collected in a day / total number
of leaves which fungal species collected in a day). Species
richness was the number of fungal species in each host spe-
cies leaf. Fungal diversity patterns were examined using R
Project for Statistical Computing version 4.0.2 supported
by CRAN (R Core Team, 2017). Diversity succession was
grouped based on the average percentage occurrences of
fungal communities using Hierarchical Cluster Analyses
(HCA) and carried out with h cluster function of R using
Average distance. Venn diagram was generated by the Inter-
actiVenn web-based tool (Heberle etal. 2015). To visualize
fungal community succession and community composition
in different tree species, we performed non-metric multidi-
mensional scaling (NMDS) and cluster analysis based on
the relative abundance data and Bray–Curtis distance meas-
ure using PAST software (Hammer etal. 2001). Degrees
of separation of fungal community composition (R) within
selected tree species were analysed using analysis of similar-
ity (ANOSIM) in PAST software based on the relative abun-
dance data and Bray–Curtis distance measure (R = 0–0.24,
no separation to barely separated; R⩾0.25–0.75, separation
with different degrees of overlap; R > 0.75–1, well separated
to complete separation; significant P-values (P < 0.05) are
based on 9999 permutations and Bonferroni corrections
were applied in all cases. To analyse the effect of tree
species, tree family, phylogeny, leaf litter chemistry, and
Percentage of occurrence
=Number of leaves which fungus was detected
Total number of leaf samples examined
Shannon index
Piln P
78 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
time, NMDS was performed based on abundance data and
Bray–Curtis distance measure using the function metaMDS
in the “vegan package” with default settings (Oksanen etal.
2013). Goodness-of-fit statistics (r2) were calculated for dif-
ferent factors fit to the NMDS coordination with P values
based on 999 permutations (Oksanen etal. 2013). Variance
partitioning analysis was performed using the varpart func-
tion in the vegan package in R to take into account the influ-
ence of tree species heterogeneity, leaf litter chemistry, and
time on overall fungal community composition (Oksanen
etal. 2013). The graph of overlap between fungal commu-
nities occurring on pairs of tree species was made using
Microsoft Excel (2010).
Fungal species diversity andoccurrence
A total of 1325 leaves (CF: 275, FA: 275, FS: 275, MT: 275
and MA: 225) were collected and 236 fungal taxa recorded
(CF: 48, FA: 46, FS: 64, MT: 42 and MA: 36). One hun-
dred and fifteen taxa (CF: 27, FA: 27, FS: 28, MT: 19 and
MA: 14) were isolated into culture and identified to species
level, using both morphology and phylogeny (Tennakoon
etal. 2019a, b, 2020, 2021b). The percentage occurrences
of fungal species and the Shannon diversity index (H) for
each host species are presented in Tables16. The time
for fungal communities to reach the peak of species diver-
sity was 28days for Ficus ampelas (H = 2.89), F. septica
(H = 3.33), Macaranga tanarius (H = 3.17) and Morus aus-
tralis (H = 2.82), but 35days for Celtis formosana (H = 3.27)
(Table1). For each host species, the Shannon diversity index
ranged from 0.5 to 2.01 at the beginning of decomposition,
but the index steadily increased and reached the peak of
about 2.83.3 at 2835days (Table1). After that, fungal
diversity and the total number of fungal species started to
decline. The average diversity of fungi on each host species
in the experimental period ranged between 1.51 and 2.61,
viz. Celtis formosana (H = 2.38), Ficus ampelas (H = 2.27),
F. septica (H = 2.61), Macaranga tanarius (H = 2.28) and
Morus australis (H = 1.52). Species richness also increased
from the start of decomposition (110 taxa), reaching a max-
imum at middle stages (2535 taxa) and steadily declined
in the final stages (515 taxa) (Fig.3). All identified species
belonged to Ascomycota. No Basidiomycota species were
observed during the decomposition process in this experi-
ment. The NMDS analysis indicated that the fungal com-
munity composition was significantly different among the
selected tree species (Fig.4).
Fungal community composition inFicus ampelas
A total of 275 Ficus ampelas leaves were examined dur-
ing the decay process and the percentage occurrences were
calculated (Table2). On day 63, leaves were highly skel-
etonized comprising vascular tissues with attached rem-
nants of non-vascular tissues. Fourty-six fungal taxa were
recorded and 27 species were successfully isolated into cul-
tures and identified to species level (Tennakoon etal. 2019a,
b, 2020, 2021b). This included a new genus (Longihyalos-
pora), nine new species (Acrocalymma ampeli, Cercophora
fici, Colletotrichum fici, Longihyalospora ampeli, Micro-
peltis fici, M. ficinae, Neoanthostomella fici, Neofusicoccum
moracearum and Phaeosphaeria ampeli) (Tennakoon etal.
2019a,b, 2020, 2021b) and eleven new host records (Beltra-
nia rhombica, Ceramothyrium longivolcaniforme, Coniella
quercicola, Diaporthe limonicola, D. pseudophoenicicola,
Discosia querci, Lasiodiplodia thailandica, Pseudopestalo-
tiopsis camelliae-sinensis, Torula fici, Wiesneriomyces lau-
rinus and Yunnanomyces pandanicola) (Tennakoon etal.
2019b, 2020, 2021b). An additional 21 species were identi-
fied to genus level, and belonged to Aspergillus, Backusella,
Table 1 Shannon Diversity Index (H) in each host species leaves dur-
ing succession process
Days Shannon Diversity Index (H)
0 0.53 2.11 1.56 1.55 1.27
3 1.63 2.41 2.11 2.05 1.55
7 1.99 2.44 2.68 2.23 1.37
14 2.55 2.33 2.77 2.43 1.88
21 2.81 2.39 3.03 2.88 2.81
28 3.17 2.89 3.33 3.17 2.82
35 3.27 2.36 3.32 2.72 2.74
42 3.09 2.09 2.89 2.48 2.23
49 2.53 2.18 2.37 2.05 0.00
56 2.63 2.25 2.30 1.92 0.00
63 2.03 1.50 2.37 1.66 0.00
Average 2.38 2.27 2.61 2.28 1.52
Fig. 3 Fungal species richness (mean ± SE) variation with decompo-
sition process of selected host species leaves
79Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Fig. 4 Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis of fungal community composition in selected tree species
80 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Cylindrocladium, Fusarium, Mortierella, Mycosphaerella,
Penicillium, Periconia, Phoma, Phyllosticta, Rhizopus,
Volutella and Zygosporium (Table2). Five taxa were uniden-
tified Ascomycete species (due to lack of morphology data).
Table 2 Percentage occurrence
of fungal species which
occurred on Ficus ampelas
leaves during succession
Species/days 0 3 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
Acrocalymma ampeli 0 0 72 92 80 48 80 24 8 0 0
Aspergillus sp. 1 0 0 0 0 8 20 4 4 4 0 0
Aspergillus sp. 2 0 12 12 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4
Aspergillus sp. 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 12 16 0
Asteridiella sp. 20 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Backusella sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 20 8
Beltrania rhombica 0 0 0 56 48 76 20 4 0 0 0
Ceramothyrium longivolcaniforme 888028120000000
Cercophora fici 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 16 28
Colletotrichum fici 20402080000000
Coniella quercicola 0 0 0 16 8 20 4 0 0 0 0
Cylindrocladium sp. 1 0 12 20 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cylindrocladium sp. 2 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Diaporthe limonicola 100 96 96 60 20 20 24 4 20 0 0
Diaporthe pseudophoenicicola 0 0 0 0 4 52 68 4 0 0 0
Discosia querci 204420204840000
Fusarium sp. 3 0 12 8 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 32
Fusarium sp. 4 0 0 0 0 0 16 12 20 0 20 0
Lasiodiplodia thailandica 0 00003280000
Longihyalospora ampeli 100 96 76 20 36 4 0 0 0 0 0
Micropeltis fici 100 100 92 60 40 8 0 0 0 0 0
Micropeltis ficinae 20681200000000
Mortierella sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 20 4 32
Mycosphaerella sp. 0 00004040000
Neoanthostomella fici 20 20 96 92 88 60 0 20 20 0 0
Neofusicoccum moracearum 0 0 0 4 20 64 60 20 0 0 0
Penicillium sp. 1 0 20 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 20
Penicillium sp. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 16 4
Periconia sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0 28 12 0 0 0 0
Phaeosphaeria ampeli 04024120400000
Phoma sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0 32 8 0 0 0 0
Phoma sp. 2 0 0 0 0 16 20 8 0 0 0 0
Phyllosticta sp. 24 4000400000
Pseudopestalotiopsis camelliae-sinensis 0 0 0 0 20 64 40 20 20 20 0
Rhizopus stolonifer 2412000000000
Torula fici 0 20 40 0 4 56 20 4 20 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 1 0 0 0 0 0 20 4 0 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 2 0 0 0 4 16 4 0 0 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 20 4
Unidentified Ascomycete 4 0 0 0 0 20 4 0 0 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 5 0 0 0 0 8 20 8 0 0 0 0
Volutella sp.1 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 0 0 0 0
Wiesneriomyces laurinus 0 0 0 0 4 40 20 20 20 0 0
Yunnanomyces pandanicola 0 0 20 32 36 8 0 0 0 20 0
Zygosporium sp. 1 0 0 20 0 0 20 8 0 0 20 0
Zygosporium sp. 2 0 0 0 20 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
81Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
The most dominant species (POC > 10%) on Ficus ampe-
las leaves were Diaporthe limonicola (40%), followed by
Neoanthostomella fici (37.82%), Acrocalymma ampeli
(36.73%), Micropeltis fici (36.36%), Longihyalospora ampeli
(30.18%), Ceramothyrium longivolcaniforme (18.91%), Bel-
trania rhombica (18.55%), Pseudopestalotiopsis camelliae-
sinensis (16.73%), Neofusicoccum moracearum (15.27%),
Torula fici (14.91%), Diaporthe pseudophoenicicola
(11.64%), Discosia brasiliensis (10.91%) and Yunnanomyces
pandanicola (10.55%) (Fig.5).
The percentage occurrences of fungal communities using
Hierarchical Cluster Analyses (HCA), showed presence of
at least four distinct communities during succession: Stage
I (day 03), Stage II (day 721), Stage III (day 2835) and
Stage IV (day 4263) (Fig.5). In Stage I (07days) the
species number was low with low percentage occurrences.
The dominant species at this stage were Ceramothyrium
longivolcaniforme, Diaporthe limonicola, Longihyalos-
pora ampeli, Micropeltis fici and M. ficinae. The dominant
species of Stage II (721days) were Acrocalymma ampeli,
Beltrania rhombica, Diaporthe limonicola, Longihyalospora
ampeli, Micropeltis fici, Neoanthostomella fici and Yunnano-
myces pandanicola. The highest species diversity was noted
during Stage III (2835days) and the dominant species
were Acrocalymma ampeli, Beltrania rhombica, Diaporthe
limonicola, D. pseudophoenicicola, Mycosphaerella sp.,
Neoanthostomella fici, Neofusicoccum moracearum, Pseu-
dopestalotiopsis camelliae-sinensis, Torula fici and Wiesne-
riomyces laurinus. In Stage IV (42–63days), the species
diversity and number of species declined. The community
was dominated by only a few species with relatively high
percentage occurrence. Dominant species were Cercophora
fici, Fusarium sp. 4, Mortierella sp., Neoanthostomella fici,
Penicillium sp. 1, Pseudopestalotiopsis camelliae-sinensis
and Wiesneriomyces laurinus.
The highest species diversity as indicated by Shannon
diversity index was at day 28 (H = 2.89) and lowest at day 63
(H = 1.50). The average diversity of fungi on Ficus ampelas
leaves during the experimental period was 2.27. The species
diversity changes during the experimental period are shown
in Table1.
Fungal community composition inFicus septica
A total of 275 Ficus septica leaves were examined during the
decay process and the percentage occurrences were calcu-
lated (Table3). On day 63, leaves were highly skeletonized
comprising vascular tissues with attached remnants of non-
vascular tissues. Sixty-four species were recorded and 28
species were successfully isolated into cultures and identi-
fied to species level. These include a new family (Cylin-
drihyalosporaceae), a new genus (Cylindrihyalospora), 16
new species (Bertiella fici, Colletotrichum fici-septicae,
Conidiocarpus fici-septicae, Coniella fici, Cylindrihyalo-
spora fici, Diaporthe fici-septicae, Diplodia fici-septicae,
Discosia ficeae, Leptodiscella sexualis, Microthyrium fici-
septicae, Muyocopron ficina, Mycoleptodiscus alishanense,
Neophyllachora fici, Ophioceras ficina, Pseudocercospora
fici-septicae and Stictis fici) and twelve new host records
(Arthrinium malaysianum, Conidiocarpus betle, Lasiodip-
lodia thailandica, L. theobromae, Neopestalotiopsis phangn-
gaensis, Parawiesneriomyces chiayiense, Periconia alis-
hanica, Pestalotiopsis portugallica, Robillarda roystoneae,
Sirastachys castanedae, Stachybotrys microspore and Torula
fici) (Tennakoon etal. 2021b). Another 27 species were
identified to genus level, which comprised Acremonium,
Appendiculella, Arthrinium, Aspergillus, Camarographium,
Colletotrichum, Cylindrocladium, Fusarium, Mucor, Peni-
cillium, Phoma, Phyllosticta, Pleurostoma, Pseudocercos-
pora, Rhizopus, Syncephalastrum and Torula (Table3). Two
species were identified as Botryosphaeriaceae species and
three species as coelomycete species. Four taxa were uni-
dentified Ascomycetes (due to lack of morphology data).
The dominant species (POC > 10%) on Ficus septica
leaves were Coniella fici (36.36%), followed by Colle-
totrichum fici-septicae (36%), Lasiodiplodia thailandica
(35.27%), Diaporthe fici-septicae (29.45%), Diplodia fici-
septicae (28.36%), Conidiocarpus fici-septicae (22.18%),
Leptodiscella sexualis (22.18%), Sirastachys castanedae
(21.82%), Conidiocarpus betle (21.81%), Neophyllachora
fici (20%), Ophioceras ficina (20%), Lasiodiplodia theo-
bromae (17.09%), Bertiella fici (16.36%), Pestalotiopsis
portugallica (16%), Parawiesneriomyces chiayiense (16%),
Arthrinium malaysianum (15.63%), Microthyrium fici-sep-
ticae (14.54%), Muyocopron ficina (14.18%), Stachybotrys
microspora (13.82%), Aspergillus sp. (13.45%), Cylindrihy-
alospora fici (12.73%) and Robillarda roystoneae (12.73%)
The percentage occurrences of fungal communities using
Hierarchical Cluster Analyses (HCA), showed presence of
at least four distinct communities during succession: Stage
I (day 07), Stage II (day 1421), Stage III (day 3542) and
Stage IV (day 4963) (Fig.6). During Stage I (Day 07),
fungal communities comprised low species number with
low percentage occurrence. The dominant species at this
stage were Appendiculella sp., Colletotrichum fici-septicae,
Conidiocarpus betle, C. fici-septicae, Cylindrocladium sp.
1, Microthyrium fici-septicae, Mycoleptodiscus alishan-
ense, Neophyllachora fici, Phyllosticta sp., Rhizopus sp.
and Stachybotrys microspora (Fig.6). The dominant species
of Stage II (1421days) were Colletotrichum fici-septicae,
Conidiocarpus betle, C. fici-septicae, Coniella fici, Cylindri-
hyalospora fici, Diaporthe fici-septicae, Diplodia fici-septi-
cae, Discosia ficeae, Leptodiscella sexualis, Lasiodiplodia
thailandica, Muyocopron ficina, Pseudocercospora fici-sep-
ticae and Torula fici (Fig.6). The highest species diversity
82 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Fig. 5 Heat-map of microbial community composition in Ficus ampelas leaves with cluster analysis. The color intensity shows the percentage of
occurrence (POC), referring to color key at the top
83Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Table 3 Percentage occurrence
of fungal species which
occurred on Ficus septica leaves
during succession process
Species/days 0 3 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
Acremonium sp. 0 0 0 12 24 16 4 0 0 0 0
Appendiculella sp. 32 16 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arthrinium malaysianum 0 0 4 4 12 48 48 24 28 4 0
Arthrinium sp. 1 0 0 0 0 12 20 4 0 0 0 0
Aspergillus brasiliensis 0 4 0 0 16 28 32 40 4 4 20
Aspergillus sp. 1 0 0 0 0 8 16 20 0 0 0 20
Aspergillus sp. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 20 4
Aspergillus sp. 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 16 16 4 0
Bertiella fici 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 60 40 20 20
Botryosphaeriaceae sp. 1 0 0 0 0 8 20 4 0 0 0 0
Botryosphaeriaceae sp. 2 0 0 4 0 0 8 16 0 0 0 0
Camarographium sp. 0 0 0 16 24 8 4 0 0 0 0
Coelomycete sp. 1 0 0 12 0 4 12 4 0 0 0 0
Coelomycete sp. 2 0 0 0 0 16 12 4 0 0 0 0
Coelomycete sp. 3 0 0 16 0 16 12 20 0 0 0 0
Colletotrichum fici-septicae 0 96 80 76 84 52 8 0 0 0 0
Colletotrichum sp. 1 0 0 4 16 20 20 0 0 0 0 0
Conidiocarpus betle 0 8 56 40 52 40 40 4 0 0 0
Conidiocarpus fici-septicae 0 100 68 56 16 0 4 0 0 0 0
Coniella fici (sexual) 0 0 4 96 24 16 4 0 0 0 0
Coniella fici (asexual) 0 0 4 80 20 24 4 0 0 0 0
Cylindrihyalospora fici 0 0 0 4 44 52 32 8 0 0 0
Cylindrocladium sp. 1 0 16 16 8 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
Diaporthe fici-septicae 0 0 4 40 80 68 64 52 12 4 0
Diplodia fici-septicae 0 0 0 40 72 72 76 44 8 0 0
Discosia ficeae 0 0 0 4 40 20 8 0 0 0 0
Fusarium sp. 1 0 0 16 0 0 8 0 4 20 20 20
Fusarium sp. 2 0 0 0 0 0 20 8 0 0 0 40
Lasiodiplodia thailandica 0 0 28 72 76 52 56 56 8 20 20
Lasiodiplodia theobromae 0 0 0 4 20 8 36 4 56 60 0
Leptodiscella sexualis 0 4 20 92 64 40 20 4 0 0 0
Microthyrium fici-septicae 0 56 64 20 12 4 4 0 0 0 0
Mucor sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 24 20 20
Mucor sp. 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 20 28 0 0
Muyocopron ficina 0 0 0 56 52 28 12 4 0 0 4
Mycoleptodiscus alishanense 4052800400000
Neopestalotiopsis phangngaensis 0 0 0 0 0 20 12 0 0 0 0
Neophyllachora fici 88 88 24 12 0 0 8 0 0 0 0
Ophioceras ficina 0 0 0 4 24 64 68 40 0 20 0
Parawiesneriomyces chiayiense 0 0 0 0 0 4 16 4 52 40 60
Penicillium sp. 1 0 0 20 0 0 4 4 0 0 40 4
Periconia alishanica 0 0 0 0 4 8 68 20 0 0 0
Pestalotiopsis portugallica 0 0 0 0 20 52 64 40 0 0 0
Phoma sp. 1 0 20 0 8 4 4 20 4 0 0 0
Phoma sp. 2 0 0 0 20 4 8 4 0 0 0 0
Phyllosticta sp. 24 20 20 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0
Pleurostoma sp. 0 0 0 0 0 4 20 4 0 0 0
Pseudocercospora fici-septicae 0 0 20 48 20 4 0 4 0 0 0
Pseudocercospora sp. 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 20 0 4 0 0
Rhizopus sp. 1 24 20 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Rhizopus sp. 2 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
84 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
was present during Stage III (3542days) and dominant
species were Arthrinium malaysianum, Aspergillus sp.,
Bertiella fici, Colletotrichum fici-septicae, Conidiocarpus
betle, Coniella fici, Cylindrihyalospora fici, Diaporthe fici-
septicae, Diplodia fici-septicae, Lasiodiplodia thailandica,
L. theobromae, Leptodiscella sexualis, Muyocopron ficina,
Ophioceras ficina, Periconia alishanica, Pestalotiopsis
portugallica, Robillarda roystoneae, Sirastachys castane-
dae, Stachybotrys microspora and Stictis fici (Fig.6). At
Stage IV (4963days), the species diversity and number of
species declined. The community was dominated by only
a few species with relatively high percentage occurrence.
Dominant species were Arthrinium malaysianum, Bertiella
fici, Fusarium sp., Lasiodiplodia thailandica, L. theobromae,
Mucor sp., Parawiesneriomyces chiayiense, Penicillium sp.
and Syncephalastrum sp. (Fig.6).
Shannon diversity indices showed that the species diver-
sity was highest at day 28 (H = 3.33) and lowest at day 0
(H = 1.56) (Table1). The average diversity of fungi on Ficus
septica leaves in the experimental period was 2.61. The
species diversity change during the experimental period is
shown in Table1.
Fungal community composition inCeltis formosana
A total of 275 Celtis formosana leaves were examined
during the decay process and the percentage occurrences
were calculated (Table4). On day 63, leaves were highly
skeletonized comprising vascular tissues with attached
remnants of non-vascular tissues. Fourty-eight fungal taxa
were recorded and 27 species were successfully isolated
into culture and identified up to species level. These include
eight new species (Arxiella celtidis, Colletotrichum celtidis,
Diaporthe celtidis, Discosia celtidis, Memnoniella celtidis,
Muyocopron celtidis, Periconia celtidis and Pseudoneottios-
pora cannabina) and 19 new host records (Arthrinium hydei,
Bartalinia robillardoides, Coniella quercicola, Dematiocla-
dium celtidicola, Diaporthe millettiae, Dimorphiseta acuta,
Dinemasporium parastrigosum, Lasiodiplodia theobromae,
Muyocopron dipterocarpi, M. lithocarpi, Neopestalotiopsis
asiatica, Ophioceras chiangdaoense, Pestalotiopsis dra-
caena, P. papuana, P. trachycarpicola, Phyllosticta capi-
talensis, Pseudorobillarda phragmitis, Sirastachys pan-
danicola, Strigula multiformis) (Tennakoon etal. 2021b).
Another 15 taxa were identified to genus level and belong
to Appendiculella, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Cylindrocla-
dium, Fusarium, Idriella, Mucor, Phoma and Zygosporium
(Table4). Two taxa were unidentified Ascomycete species
(due to lack of morphology data) and another two were
The dominant species (POC > 10%) on Celtis formosana
leaves were Muyocopron celtidis (37.82%), followed by
Strigula multiformis (37.45%) Arxiella celtidis (34.91%),
Coniella quercicola (33.45%), Pestalotiopsis dracaenea
(24%), Sirastachys pandanicola (23.64%), Dimorphiseta
acuta (22.91%), Discosia celtidis (21.09%), Muyocopron
dipterocarpi (17.09%), Memnoniella celtidis (16.73%),
Lasiodiplodia theobromae (16.36%), Phyllosticta capital-
ensis (16.36%), Periconia celtidis (16%), Dinemasporium
parastrigosum (15.27%), Pestalotiopsis trachycarpicola
(15.27%), Diaporthe millettiae (14.91%), Coniella querci-
cola (14.91%), Bartalinia robillardoides (14.55%), Dema-
tiocladium celtidicola (14.18%), Pseudorobillarda phragmi-
tis (14.18%), Pestalotiopsis papuana (13.45%), Diaporthe
celtidis (12.73%) and Arthrinium hydei (10.18%) (Fig.7).
The percentage occurrences of fungal communities using
Hierarchical Cluster Analyses (HCA), showed presence of
at least four distinct communities during succession: Stage
I (day 07), Stage II (day 714), Stage III (day 2142)
and Stage IV (day 4963) (Fig.7). The Stage I (07days)
communities were low in species number and had a low
percentage occurrence. The dominant species at this stage
Table 3 (continued) Species/days 0 3 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
Robillarda roystoneae 0 0 0 0 8 44 48 40 0 0 0
Sirastachys castanedae 0 0 0 20 4 64 96 56 0 0 0
Stachybotrys microspora 0 0 40 0 4 32 52 20 4 0 0
Stictis fici 0 0 0 0 8 20 36 8 0 0 0
Syncephalastrum sp. 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 20 0 20
Syncephalastrum sp. 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 20 0 20 20
Torula fici 0 020404000000
Torula sp. 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 20 0 4 0 0
Torula sp. 2 0 0 0 0 8 20 4 0 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 20 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 20 0 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 20 4 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 4 0 0 12 0 0 4 4 20 4 0 20
85Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Fig. 6 Heat-map of microbial community composition in Ficus septica leaves with cluster analysis. The color intensity shows the percentage of
occurrence (POC), referring to color key at the top
86 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Table 4 Percentage occurrence
of fungal species which
occurred on Celtis formosana
leaves during succession
Species/days 0 3 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
Appendiculella sp. 24 16 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arthrinium hydei 0 0 0 0 12 40 40 20 0 0 0
Arxiella celtidis 0 0 40 52 76 88 80 48 0 0 0
Neopestalotiopsis asiatica 0 0 20 12 4 0 0 0 20 20 20
Aspergillus sp. 1 0 0 0 0 8 20 4 0 0 0 0
Aspergillus sp. 2 0 0 0 0 4 12 24 0 0 0 0
Bartalinia robillardoides 0 0 0 0 12 44 24 60 0 20 0
Cladosporium sp. 1 0 0 0 0 20 16 0 0 0 0 20
Coelomycete sp. 1 0 0 0 0 4 8 16 4 0 0 0
Coelomycete sp. 2 0 0 0 0 4 8 20 0 0 0 0
Colletotrichum celtidis 0 32 20 12 0 8 16 4 0 0 0
Coniella quercicola asexual 0 0 0 40 64 64 96 72 32 0 0
Coniella quercicola sexual 0 0 0 100 32 28 4 0 0 0 0
Cylindrocladium sp. 1 0 20 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dematiocladium celtidicola 0 0 0 0 0 20 76 60 0 0 0
Diaporthe celtidis 0 56 20 12 0 8 40 4 0 0 0
Diaporthe millettiae 0 0 0 44 20 56 40 4 0 0 0
Dimorphiseta acuta 0 0 0 20 44 60 72 56 0 0 0
Dinemasporium parastrigosum 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 40 52 20 40
Discosia celtidis 0 0 0 0 40 52 60 40 20 20 0
Fusarium sp. 1 0 0 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 20 20
Fusarium sp. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 20 0 0 0
Idriella sp. 1 0 0 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lasiodiplodia theobromae 0 0 0 0 4 12 48 36 40 20 20
Memnoniella celtidis 0 0 0 0 0 8 20 36 60 20 40
Mucor racemosus 0 0 0 0 0 4 12 20 0 20 0
Mucor sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 20
Mucor sp. 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
Muyocopron celtidis 0 0 0 0 40 64 96 80 84 32 20
Muyocopron dipterocarpi 0 0 0 0 4 52 20 40 32 40 0
Muyocopron lithocarpi 0 0 0 0 8 36 20 8 0 0 0
Ophioceras chiangdaoense 0004020000000
Periconia celtidis 0 0 0 0 0 16 20 60 40 40 0
Pestalotiopsis dracaenea 0 0 0 68 40 56 60 20 20 0 0
Pestalotiopsis papuana 0 0 0 0 20 28 40 20 20 20 0
Pestalotiopsis trachycarpicola 0 0 0 40 20 24 24 40 20 0 0
Phoma sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 20 4 0 0 0
Phoma sp. 2 0 0 0 0 0 20 16 0 0 0 0
Phyllosticta capitalensis 0 60 40 48 20 8 4 0 0 0 0
Pseudoneottiospora cannabina 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 40 20 0
Pseudorobillarda phragmitis 0 0 4 36 36 20 40 20 0 0 0
Sirastachys pandanicola 0 0 0 0 84 60 56 40 20 0 0
Strigula multiformis 80 80 88 56 20 28 20 20 20 0 0
Trichoderma sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 20 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 1 0 0 0 0 0 20 16 0 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 2 0 0 0 0 4 4 8 16 0 0 0
Zygosporium sp. 1 0 0 0 0 4 8 16 20 0 0 0
Zygosporium sp. 2 0 0 0 4 12 20 16 20 0 0 0
87Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Fig. 7 Heat-map of microbial community composition in Celtis formosana leaves with cluster analysis. The color intensity shows the percentage
of occurrence (POC), referring to color key at the top
88 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
were Appendiculella sp., Arxiella celtidis, Aspergillus sp.,
Colletotrichum celtidis, Cylindrocladium sp. 1, Diaporthe
celtidis, Phyllosticta capitalensis and Strigula multiformis
(Fig.7). The dominant species of Stage II (714days) were
Arxiella celtidis, Coniella quercicola, Diaporthe millettiae,
Dimorphiseta acuta, Fusarium sp. 1, Ophioceras chiang-
daoense, Pestalotiopsis dracaenea, P. trachycarpicola,
Phyllosticta capitalensis, Pseudorobillarda phragmitis and
Strigula multiformis (Fig.7). The highest species diversity
was present during Stage III (2142days), dominant spe-
cies were Arthrinium hydei, Arxiella celtidis, Bartalinia
robillardoides, Coniella quercicola, Dematiocladium celti-
dicola, Diaporthe millettiae, Dimorphiseta acuta, Discosia
celtidis, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Muyocopron celtidis,
M. dipterocarpi, M. lithocarpi, Periconia celtidis, Pestalo-
tiopsis dracaenea, Pestalotiopsis papuana, Pestalotiopsis
trachycarpicola, Pseudorobillarda phragmitis, Sirastachys
pandanicola and Strigula multiformis (Fig.7). In Stage IV
(4963days), the species diversity and number of species
declined. The community was dominated by a few species
with relatively high percentage occurrence. Dominant spe-
cies were Aspergillus sp., Dinemasporium parastrigosum,
Discosia celtidis, Fusarium sp., Lasiodiplodia theobromae,
Memnoniella celtidis, Muyocopron celtidis, Muyocopron
dipterocarpi, Periconia celtidis and Pseudoneottiospora
cannabina (Fig.7).
Shannon diversity indices showed that the species diver-
sity was highest at day 35 (H = 3.27) and lowest at day 0
(H = 0.53). The average diversity of fungi on Celtis for-
mosana leaves in the experimental period was 2.38. The
species diversity change during the experimental period is
shown in Table1.
Fungal community composition inMorus australis
A total of 225 Morus australis leaves were examined during
the decay process and the percentage occurrences are listed
in Table5. On day 49, leaves were highly skeletonized com-
prising vascular tissues with attached remnants of non-vas-
cular tissues. Thirty-six fungal species were recorded and 14
species were successfully isolated into cultures and identi-
fied to species level. These include six new species (Arthrin-
ium mori, Memnoniella alishanensis, M. mori, Periconia
alishanica, Phaeodothis mori, Pseudopithomyces mori) and
11 new host records (Alternaria burnsii, Arthrinium para-
phaeospermum, A. rasikravindrae, Cladosporium tenuissi-
mum, Gilmaniella bambusae, Pestalotiopsis formosana, P.
neolitseae, P. parva, Pseudopithomyces sacchari, Pseudoro-
billarda phragmitis, Spegazzinia musae) (Tennakoon etal.
2020, 2021b). Another 15 species were identified to genus
level and belong to Appendiculella, Aspergillus, Cercos-
pora, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Mucor, Neopestalotiopsis,
Penicillium, Rhizopus and Syncephalastrum (Table5). Two
taxa were unidentified Ascomycetes (due to lack of morphol-
ogy data).
The dominant species (POC > 10%) of Morus australis
leaves were Arthrinium mori (42.22%), followed by Pestalo-
tiopsis formosana (36.89%), Spegazzinia musae (28.89%),
Phaeodothis mori (26.67%), Pseudopithomyces mori
(18.67%), Gilmaniella bambusae (17.33%), Pestalotiopsis
neolitseae (14.67%), P. parva (13.33%), Memnoniella mori
(12.89%) and Alternaria burnsii (11.56%) (Fig.8).
The percentage occurrences of fungal communities using
Hierarchical Cluster Analyses (HCA) showed presence of
at least four distinct communities during succession: Stage
I (day 07), Stage II (day 714), Stage III (day 2142) and
Stage IV (day 4249) (Fig.8). The Stage I (07days), fungal
communities were low in number and had a low percentage
occurrence. The dominant species at this stage were Alter-
naria burnsii, Appendiculella sp., Cercospora sp., Pestalo-
tiopsis formosana, P. parva and Pseudopithomyces mori
(Fig.8). The dominant species of Stage II (Day 14) were
Arthrinium mori, Cercospora sp., Fusarium sp., Pestalo-
tiopsis formosana, Phaeodothis mori and Spegazzinia
musae (Fig.8). The highest species diversity was present
during Stage III (2142days) and dominant species were
Arthrinium mori, A. paraphaeospermum, A. rasikravindrae,
Cladosporium sp. 1, C. tenuissimum, Fusarium sp. 1, Gilm-
aniella sp., Memnoniella mori, Penicillium sp., Pestalotiop-
sis formosana, P. neolitseae, P. parva, Phaeodothis mori,
Pseudopithomyces mori, Pseudorobillarda phragmitis and
Spegazzinia musae (Fig.8). In Stage IV (Day 49), the spe-
cies diversity and number of species declined. The commu-
nity was dominated by a few species with relatively high per-
centage occurrence. The dominant species were Arthrinium
mori (Fig.8).
Shannon diversity indices showed that the species diver-
sity was highest at day 28 (H = 2.82) and lowest at day 0
(H = 1.27) (Fig. 4). The average of diversity of fungi on
Morus australis leaves in the experimental period was 1.52.
The species diversity change during the experimental period
is shown in Table1.
Fungal community composition inMacaranga
A total of 275 Macaranga tanarius leaves were examined
during the decay process and the percentage occurrences
were calculated (Table6). On day 63, leaves were highly
skeletonized comprising vascular tissues with attached
remnants of non-vascular tissues. Fourty-two fungal spe-
cies were recorded and 19 species were successfully iso-
lated into cultures and identified to species level. These
include one new family (Oblongihyalosporaceae), two new
genera (Neodictyosporium and Oblongihyalospora), eight
89Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
new species (Diaporthosporella macarangae, Leptospora
macarangae, Oblongihyalospora macarange, Parawiesne-
riomyces chiayiense, Periconia alishanica, Memnoniella
alishanensis, Neodictyosporium macarangae and Nigros-
pora macarangae) and eleven new host records (Alter-
naria burnsii, A. pseudoeichhorniae, Arthrinium sacchari,
Cladosporium tenuissimum, Dictyocheirospora garethjo-
nesii, Hermatomyces biconisporus, Memnoniella echi-
nata, Periconia byssoides, P. celtidis, Pseudopithomyces
chartarum and Stachybotrys aloeticola) (Tennakoon etal.
2021b). Another 17 species were identified to genus level
and belong to Aspergillus, Asteridiella, Cladosporium,
Hermatomyces, Idriella, Meliola, Penicillium, Phoma and
Phyllosticta (Table6). Six taxa were unidentified Ascomy-
cetes (due to lack of morphology data).
The dominant species (POC > 10%) of Macaranga
tanarius leaves were Diaporthosporella macarangae
(77.45%), followed by Leptospora macarangae (33.09%),
Periconia byssoides (30.18%), Pseudopithomyces char-
tarum (29.46%), Stachybotrys aloeticola (22.18%), Peri-
conia alishanica (17.82%), Penicillium sp. 1 (17.09%),
Alternaria pseudoeichhorniae (14.91%), Aspergillus sp. 1
(12.73%), Alternaria burnsii (12.36%), Memnoniella alis-
hanensis (11.64%), Hermatomyces biconisporus (11.27%),
Table 5 Percentage occurrence
of fungal species which
occurred on Morus australis
leaves during succession
Species/days 0 3 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
Alternaria burnsii 32 24 20 8 0 0 20 0 0 0 0
Appendiculella sp. 32 24 16 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arthrinium mori 0 0 0 56 72 56 76 64 56 0 0
Arthrinium paraphaeospermum 000852440000
Arthrinium rasikravindrae 0 0 0 0 16 32 20 0 0 0 0
Aspergillus sp. 1 0 0 0 0 4 4 20 0 0 0 0
Aspergillus sp. 2 0 0 0 8 24 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cercospora sp. 1 0 0 20 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cladosporium sp. 1 0 0 0 0 4 8 20 20 0 0 0
Cladosporium sp. 2 0 0 0 4 24 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cladosporium tenuissimum 0000281600000
Fusarium sp. 1 0 0 0 0 16 16 16 0 0 0 0
Fusarium sp. 2 0 0 0 20 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gilmaniella bambusae 0 0 0 0 56 20 20 60 0 0 0
Memnoniella alishanensis 000082000000
Memnoniella mori 0 0 0 4 52 40 20 0 0 0 0
Mucor sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 20 0 0 0
Mucor sp. 2 0 0 0 4 8 20 0 0 0 0 0
Neopestalotiopsis sp. 2 0 0 0 4 8 4 20 0 0 0 0
Penicillium sp. 1 0 0 0 4 8 20 20 20 0 0 0
Penicillium sp. 2 0 0 0 4 0 12 20 0 0 0 0
Periconia alishanica 000402040000
Pestalotiopsis formosana 60 44 36 20 64 80 28 0 0 0 0
Pestalotiopsis neolitseae 0 0 0 0 44 40 28 20 0 0 0
Pestalotiopsis parva 0 20 0 0 48 32 20 0 0 0 0
Phaeodothis mori 0 0 4 12 36 76 84 28 0 0 0
Pseudopithomyces mori 24 40 4 0 16 48 32 4 0 0 0
Pseudopithomyces sacchari 000042040000
Pseudorobillarda phragmitis 0004442040000
Rhizopus sp. 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 20 0 0 0
Spegazzinia musae 0 0 0 12 20 64 84 80 0 0 0
Syncephalastrum sp. 000040020000
Trichoderma harzianum 0000042020000
Trichoderma reesei 000000200000
Unidentified Ascomycete 1 0 0 0 0 20 4 0 0 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 2 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0
90 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Fig. 8 Heat-map of microbial community composition in Morus australis leaves with cluster analysis. The color intensity shows the percentage
of occurrence (POC), referring to color key at the top
91Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Meliola sp. 1 (11.27%), Parawiesneriomyces chiayiense
(11.27%) and Neodictyosporium macarangae (10.91%)
The percentage occurrences of fungal communities using
Hierarchical Cluster Analyses (HCA) showed presence of
at least four distinct communities during succession: Stage
I (day 03), Stage II (day 714), Stage III (day 2142) and
Stage IV (day 5663) (Fig.9). The Stage I (03days) fun-
gal communities were low in species number and had a
low percentage occurrence. The dominant species at this
stage were Diaporthosporella macarangae, Meliola spp.
and Phyllosticta sp. (Fig.9). The dominant species of Stage
II (714days) were Alternaria burnsii, Diaporthosporella
macarangae, Leptospora macarangae, Memnoniella
Table 6 Percentage occurrence
of fungal species which
occurred on Macaranga
tanarius leaves during
succession process
Species/days 0 3 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
Alternaria burnsii 0 4 36 32 40 16 4 0 0 4 0
Alternaria pseudoeichhorniae 0 0 0 24 44 64 4 4 24 0 0
Arthrinium sacchari 0 0 0 0 36 32 24 8 0 0 0
Aspergillus sp. 1 4 4 0 12 20 36 28 24 12 0 0
Aspergillus sp. 2 0 0 16 4 4 16 0 0 0 0 0
Asteridiella sp. 0 8 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cladosporium sp. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 20 24 20 20
Cladosporium sp. 3 0 0 0 0 0 16 32 36 0 4 16
Cladosporium tenuissimum 0 0 0 0 4 16 20 0 0 0 0
Diaporthosporella macarangae 0 76 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 60 16
Dictyocheirospora garethjonesii 0 0 0 28 36 24 4 0 0 0 0
Hermatomyces biconisporus 0 0 0 0 40 44 24 16 0 0 0
Hermatomyces sp. 0 0 0 0 16 8 8 4 0 0 0
Idriella sp. 1 0 16 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
Idriella sp. 2 0 0 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Leptospora macarangae 0 0 0 48 40 76 64 84 52 0 0
Meliola sp. 1 36 32 8 0 0 4 0 4 20 20 0
Meliola sp. 2 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Meliola sp. 3 16 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
Memnoniella alishanensis 0 0 48 40 20 16 4 0 0 0 0
Memnoniella echinata 0 0 0 0 36 20 0 0 0 0 0
Neodictyosporium macarangae 0 0 0 4 8 44 32 32 0 0 0
Nigrospora macarangae 0 0 0 4 0 20 28 20 20 0 0
Oblongihyalospora macarange 0 0 28 20 4 16 0 0 0 0 0
Parawiesneriomyces chiayiense 0 0 0 0 0 8 44 40 28 4 0
Penicillium sp. 1 0 28 40 0 16 16 0 20 0 28 40
Penicillium sp. 2 0 0 32 0 0 28 4 0 0 28 16
Periconia alishanica 0 0 0 4 20 52 60 60 0 0 0
Periconia byssoides 0 0 20 52 56 52 60 56 36 0 0
Periconia celtidis 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 4 0 0 0
Phoma sp. 1 0 0 0 16 8 20 0 0 0 0 0
Phoma sp. 2 0 0 0 0 8 20 20 20 0 0 0
Phoma sp. 3 0 0 0 0 4 32 0 0 0 0 0
Phyllosticta sp. 28 44 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pseudopithomyces chartarum 0 36 52 80 8 32 4 40 44 28 0
Stachybotrys aloeticola 0 0 0 8 64 56 68 44 4 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 1 0 20 36 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 2 0 0 32 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 3 0 0 0 0 36 20 0 0 0 0 0
Unidentified Ascomycete 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0
Unidentified hypomycetes sp. 1 4 4 0 36 4 0 0 0 0 20 0
Zygosporium sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 16 0 0 0 4
92 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Fig. 9 Heat-map of microbial community composition in Macaranga tanarius leaves with cluster analysis. The color intensity shows the per-
centage of occurrence (POC), referring to color key at the top
93Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
alishanensis, Oblongihyalospora macarange, Penicillium
sp. 1, Periconia byssoides and Pseudopithomyces chartarum
(Fig.9). The highest species diversity was present during
Stage III (2142days), dominant species were Alternaria
pseudoeichhorniae, Arthrinium sacchari, Aspergillus sp. 1,
Cladosporium spp., Diaporthosporella macarangae, Her-
matomyces biconisporus, Leptospora macarangae, Neodic-
tyosporium macarangae, Nigrospora macarangae, Parawi-
esneriomyces chiayiense, Periconia alishanica, P. byssoides,
P. celtidis, Phoma sp. 2, Pseudopithomyces chartarum and
Stachybotrys aloeticola (Fig.9). In Stage IV (5663days),
the species diversity and number of species declined. The
community was dominated by a few species with relatively
high percentage occurrence. Dominant species were Clad-
osporium spp., Diaporthosporella macarangae, Leptospora
macarangae, Parawiesneriomyces chiayiense, Penicillium
sp. 1, Periconia alishanica, P. byssoides, Pseudopithomyces
chartarum and Stachybotrys aloeticola (Fig.9).
Shannon diversity indices showed that the species diver-
sity was highest at day 28 (H = 3.17) and lowest at day 0
(H = 1.55). The average of diversity of fungi on Macaranga
tanarius leaves in the experimental period was 2.28. The
species diversity changes during the experimental period
are shown in Table1.
Trophic modes oftaxa infungal communities
The fungi identified in this succession study were classi-
fied by trophic modes using the fungal traits ver. 1.2 online
database (https:// docs. google. com/ sprea dshee ts/d/ 1cxIm
edit# gid= 33668 129) (Põlme etal. 2020). Eight trophic
modes were observed, viz. foliar epiphytes, endophytes,
lichenized spp., litter saprotrophs, plant pathogens, soil sap-
rotrophs, sooty molds and unspecified saprotrophs (Fig.10).
Most identified fungi were litter saprotrophs (61.1%) and
this trophic mode was recorded throughout the decompo-
sition process. Other trophic modes were soil saprotrophs
(14.4%), plant pathogens (10.4%), foliar endophytes (3.9%),
sooty molds (1.7%), foliar epiphytes (1.3%) and lichenized
species (0.8%). Fungal species with many trophic modes
(e.g. Colletotrichum spp., Pestalotiopsis spp.) were enumer-
ated in each one.
Host phylogeny andfungal composition
The findings of degree of separation (R value) of fun-
gal community composition within selected tree species
is shown in Fig.11. Statistically, a high R value implies
a strong variation in fungal composition between the
selected host species, whereas a low R value indicates a
minor difference in fungal composition. Accoding to the
results, highest R value recorded in between Celtis for-
mosana and Macaranga tanarius (R = 0.88, P < 0.001),
while lowest R value recorded in between Ficus septica
and Morus australis (R = 0.62, P < 0.001). However,
host phylogeny weakly correlated with fungal composi-
tion during the decomposition process (Fig.11). Even
Fig. 10 (a) Summary of
recorded fungal communities
and (b) fungal trophic modes
(M + P = Morphology and
94 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
phylogenetically closely related tree species have higher
R value, than phylogenetically distant host species. For
example, phylogenetically close Ficus ampelas and F. sep-
tica (same genus) has high R value (R = 0.78, P < 0.001)
than phylogenetically distant Ficus septica and Celtis for-
mosana (R = 0.65, P < 0.001). Ficus ampelas and F. sep-
tica R value is much higher than Ficus septica and Morus
australis (R = 0.62, P < 0.001) as well. In aaddition, the
percentage of overlapping species in other tree species
pairs also indicates that host phylogeny is associated to a
lesser degree with fungal diversity in this study (Fig.12).
For example, FA is more phylogenetically close to MA
(members of the same family), than to either CF (different
family) or MT (different order). However, the number of
overlapping species between FA-MA is less than FA-CF
and FA-MT (Fig.12). In general, the expectation would
be that the number of overlapping species between phylo-
genetically close tree species should be higher than those
that are more phylogenetically distant. Another example is
that FS is phylogenetically closer to MA than CF and MT,
but result indicates that there are high number of overlap
species in FS-CF and FS-MT than FS-MA (Fig.12).
Therefore, based on our results we conclude that host phy-
logeny has a lower association with fungal composition
than expected.
Leaf litter chemistry
Total N content differed among tree species during decom-
position, but it increased in all hosts as decomposition pro-
gressed (Fig.13). The highest initial total N content was
recorded in Morus australis (2.11%) and Celtis formosana
(1.73%). The initial total N contents of the other three host
species (Ficus ampelas, F. septica and Macaranga tanarius)
varied between 1.19 and 1.27% (Fig.13). Total N content
and fungal composition of leaf litter were significantly cor-
related (r2 = 0.61, P = 0.001, Fig.14). In contrast, the total
C content of all leaf litter decreased with decomposition
(Fig.13), and there was a significant correlation with fungal
composition according to the goodness-of-fit-statistics (r2)
analysis (r2 = 0.40, P = 0.001, Fig.14). The highest initial
total C was observed in Macaranga tanarius (49.58%) leaf
litter and the lowest in Morus australis (37.86%).
As a result of N enrichment, the C/N ratio decreased in
the leaves of all host species overtime (Fig.13). The highest
initial C/N ratio was revealed in Macaranga tanarius (38.94)
leaf litter and lowest in Morus australis (17.94). The initial
C/N ratio of the other three host species (Ficus ampelas,
F. septica and Celtis formosana) varied between values of
22.8732.75 (Fig.13). The C/N ratio and fungal compo-
sition of leaf litter were significantly correlated (r2 = 0.54,
P = 0.001, Fig.14). Lignin content also significantly corre-
sponded with fungal composition (P = 0.001, r2 = 0.25), but
it was much lower when compared to Lignin: N (r2 = 0.47,
P = 0.001) ratios. It is worthy to note that lignin content
increased with decomposition time and accumulated in the
final stages of decay (Fig.13).
Fig. 11 Degree of separation of
fungal community composition
within selected tree species
Fig. 12 Overlap between fungal communities occurring on pairs of
tree species
95Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Host species heterogeneity, leaf litter chemistry
andsampling timesshape fungal community
Variation partitioning analysis of factors demonstrated that
host species heterogeneity (31%) and leaf litter chemistry
(24%) accounted for the large variation in fungal community
composition in the five hosts. Sampling time explained a
smaller proportion of variance (5%) (Fig.14). Goodness-
of-fit-statistics (r2) also revealed significant correlations
between fungal composition and host species heterogene-
ity (r2 = 0.65, P = 0.001). However, this was considerably
lower when comparing host phylogeny (r2 = 0.21, P = 0.001)
and host families (r2 = 0.11, P = 0.001). Both variation
Fig. 13 Leaf litter chemistry variations of the selected host species during the decomposition. a Total nitrogen content (N%), b Total carbon
content (C%), c C: N ratio, d Lignin: N ratio and e Lignin content
Fig. 14 Variation partitioning analysis of factors explaining the
fungal community composition of five tree species (left) and good-
ness-of-fit statistics (r2) for factors fitted to the non-metric multidi-
mensional scaling (NMDS) ordination of the fungal community com-
position (right)
96 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
partitioning and goodness-of-fit-statistics indicate that leaf
litter chemistry is significantly correlated to fungal com-
munity composition (Fig.14). In particular, total N shows
the strongest correlation (r2 = 0.61, P = 0.001), while lignin
content shows a much lower correlation with fungal com-
position (r2 = 0.25, P = 0.001). The significant correlation
of host species can be due to leaf litter quality, either physi-
cal or chemical characteristics of the particular tree spe-
cies leaves. These include leaf toughness, particle size, leaf
surface properties (physical characteristics) and initial C or
N content, C/N ratio, soluble sugars, polyphenols, waxes,
cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin content (chemical char-
acteristics) are subjected to leaf litter quality of the tree
species and ultimately on fungal communities (Promputtha
etal. 2002; Bothwell etal. 2014; Purahong etal. 2016; Ge
etal. 2017; Osono 2017; Zhao etal. 2020).
This study revealed high fungal species diversity on leaf
litter of five host tree species. The objectives of this study
were to investigate (i) the effects of tree species relationships
(including tree phylogeny) and leaf litter chemistry with fun-
gal community succession and (ii) specific patterns of fungal
succession (including diversity and taxonomic composition
of the fungal community) on decomposing leaf litter across
the five phylogenetically related tree species in a subtropi-
cal forest in Taiwan. The results support the hypothesis that
tree species heterogeneity and leaf litter chemistry signifi-
cantly correlated with the fungal communities during decay.
Our second hypothesis (leaf litter chemistry explains less
variation in fungal community composition as compared
with tree species heterogeneity) was supported by the data,
because leaf litter chemistry strongly associated with the
fungal composition, but this is less when compared with the
tree species effect (Fig.14). The third hypothesis (phyloge-
netically closely related tree species rather than phyloge-
netically distinct tree species share more fungal community
composition) is not supported here, because even the phylo-
genetically closely related tree species (Ficus ampelas and
F. septica, same genus) comprise almost totally different
fungal communities (R = 0.78, P < 0.001). Fungal taxa on
tree species from different families (Ficus septica and Celtis
formosana) were less different (R = 0.65, P < 0.001) as com-
pared to tree species of the same genus (Fig.11). This is fur-
ther confirmed by low R-value within different orders than
the same genus tree species. For instance, Ficus septica and
Macaranga tanarius have low R (R = 0.76, P < 0.001) val-
ues than Ficus ampelas and F. septica (R = 0.78, P < 0.001)
Where did thefungi onleaf litter comefrom? / Are
they prior endophytes?
The role of plant endophytes during the decomposition
process has been investigated for almost two decades. The
potential of leaf endophytes becoming early colonizers
in leaf litter has been discussed previously (Hyde 2001;
Osono 2002, Yanna etal. 2002, Promputtha etal. 2007,
2010; Hyde and Soytong 2008; de Silva etal. 2019; Hyde
etal. 2020). An experimental study on Magnolia liliifera
leaves illustrated that some endophytic fungi (e.g. Colle-
totrichum, Diaporthe, Fusarium, and Phyllosticta) switch
to the saprotrophic lifestyle (Promputtha etal. 2007). This
finding was further supported from the detection of similar
degrading enzymes in endophytic species and their sapro-
bic counterparts (Promputtha etal. 2010). The endophytes
activate these degrading enzymes once the leaf senesces
(Promputtha etal. 2010). Several other endophytes that
are morphologically and phylogenetically similar to sap-
robes have been discovered including Colletotrichum gloe-
osporioides, Colletotrichum sp. 2, Corynespora cassiicola,
Fusarium sp., Phyllosticta sp., Leptosphaeria sp. and Dia-
porthe species. De Silva etal. (2019) revealed that Lasi-
odiplodia pseudotheobromae occurred as an endophyte
and also a saprobe in Magnolia candolii (Magnoliaceae).
This suggests that leaf senescence modifies the ecological
niche for true endophytes and allows the development of
organisms that are usually better adapted to saprotrophic
life (Andrews and Hirano 1991; Promputtha etal. 2007,
2010). This would account for the differences in fungal
species in different hosts and also account for host-speci-
ficity of saprobes.
Some species found in this study are endophytes in
previous studies and according to the fungal traits ver.
1.2 database (Põlme etal. 2020). For instance, Barta-
linia robillardoides has been recorded as an endophyte in
leaves of Aegle marmelos in India (Gangadevi and Muthu-
mary 2008). The endophytic life modes of Pestalotiopsis
neolitseae (Magnolia garrettii), P. parva (Macaranga
peltata) and Phyllosticta capitalensis (Anacardium sp.,
Comocladia sp., Mangifera sp., Anthurium sp., Cinnamo-
mum sp.) have also been observed (Wikee etal. 2013;
Reddy etal. 2016; de Silva etal. 2021). If indeed sap-
robes initially have an endophytic lifestyle, then it is more
likely that they will have developed a relationship with the
host and become host-specific (Andrews and Hirano 1991;
Promputtha etal. 2007, 2010; de Silva etal. 2019; Cheth-
ana etal. 2021). Therefore, this can account for the vast
fungal numbers in host species (Fröhlich and Hyde 1999;
Wang etal. 2008; Doilom etal. 2017). This is further
confirmed in this study, where a large number of fungal
species occurred uniquely on one tree species (Fig.15).
Therefore, it would be interesting to isolate endophytes
97Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
from fresh leaves of the same host species and compare
them with the recorded saprobic species herein.
Global fungal diversity: istheratio ofsix species
offungi toone plant species (6:1) realistic?
Global fungal diversity and estimated number of fungal
species has always been controversial, as mycologists have
used various estimation criteria over time (Hawksworth
1991, 2001; Rossman 1994; Cannon 1997; Hawksworth
and Lücking 2017). For example, Hawksworth (1991) pro-
posed a ratio of about six fungal taxa per plant and provided
an estimate of 1.5 million fungal species. Various subse-
quent estimates followed, viz. 1 million (Rossman 1994),
9.9 million (Cannon 1997), 0.5 million (May 2000), 0.5–9.9
(Hawksworth 2001), 3.5–5.1 million (O’Brien etal. 2005)
and 5.1 million (Blackwell 2011). Hawksworth and Lücking
(2017) reassessed global fungal diversity upwards to 2.2–3.8
million species, taking into account cryptic species, ratio of
hosts to fungal species, unexplored niches, high throughput
sequencing surveys and the rates and patterns at which new
species are being described.
The ratio of 6:1 is still being debated, since most plants
harbor considerably more (higher than six) possibly host-
specific fungal species (Fröhlich and Hyde 1999; Wang etal.
2008; Doilom etal. 2017; Mapook etal. 2020; Tennakoon
etal. 2021b). Fröhlich and Hyde (1999) examined the fungi
of three individual palms of Licuala sp. in Brunei Darus-
salam and three individual palms of Licuala ramsayi in Aus-
tralia. The results revealed an average of 55 and 111 taxa per
plant, respectively and there were few species overlapping
between the two communities. This case clearly showcases
a high fungal diversity within a host and specificity reach-
ing host genus level. These findings suggested that a ratio
of 26:1 or even 33:1 would be more appropriate at least for
palm species in the tropics. Wang etal. (2008) conducted an
experimental study to check whether fungi are host-specific
or generalists by using five Ficus species (F. altissima, F.
virens, F. benjamina, F. fistulosa and F. semicordata) in
Thailand. The study revealed more than 24 fungal species
in each plant with few overlapping species (> 10 species),
even though they belonged to the same genus. Paulus etal.
(2006) studied the fungal species on leaf litter of Crypto-
carya mackinnoniana, Elaeocarpus angustifolius, Ficus
pleurocarpa, F. destruens, Opisthiolepis heterophylla, and
Darlingia ferruginea using direct observation of fruiting
bodies and particle filtration. A significant amount of fun-
gal diversity was revealed, with 185 species discovered from
direct observation of leaves and 419 morphotypes discov-
ered from particle filtration, respectively. The microfungal
assemblages of the tree species were distinct with 60% of
the taxa recorded only on a single host and just around 3% of
taxa shared by all tree species. Fungal diversity surveys on
single host species have also revealed more than six species,
viz. Promputtha etal. (2002) on Manglietia garrettii (22 fun-
gal species), Doilom etal. (2017) on Tectona grandis (188
fungal species), Thambugala etal. (2017) on Tamarix (24
fungal species), Phukhamsakda etal. (2020) on Clematis (88
fungal species) and Mapook etal. (2020) on Chromolaena
odorata (77 fungal species).
In this study, we also identified a considerable number
of fungal species from each tree host, viz. Celtis formosana
(48), Ficus ampelas (46), Ficus septica (64), Macaranga
tanarius (42) and Morus australis (36). The overlap of
microfungal species in pair wise comparisons of tree species
was low (7–16%), and only 1–2% of microfungal species
were observed in leaves of all tree species (Fig.15). Nev-
ertheless, the actual fungal diversity of above host species
could be much higher, if fungi were collected from other
parts of the host as well (i.e. woody litter). The results from
this study suggest that fungi appear to be host-specific, but
this needs further clarifications with additional collecting.
Therefore, the previous studies and current study results sug-
gest that the ratio of 6:1 is an underestimate and needs to be
updated (Hyde etal. 2020).
Inclusive effect oftree species heterogeneity
onfungal community composition
The quality of leaf litter (i.e. C/N ratio, lignin and cellulose
concentration, soluble sugars, polyphenols, leaf toughness,
particle size, and leaf surface properties) across tree species
varies. Consequently, this variability dictates utilization of
Fig. 15 Venn diagram analysis of fungal communities in five host
species during their decomposition process
98 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
these substrates and may influence composition and abun-
dance of leaf litter fungal communities (Promputtha etal.
2002; Bothwell etal. 2014; Purahong etal. 2016; Ge etal.
2017; Osono 2017). In recent years, numerous studies have
quantified how different tree species harbor distinct fungal
communities (Promputtha etal. 2002, 2017; Tang etal.
2005; Paulus etal. 2006; Duong etal. 2008; Voříšková and
Baldrian 2013; Gil-Martínez etal. 2021). These findings
have revealed the importance of interspecific variation of
tree species in shaping fungal communities. However, in
some previous experimental studies, the significance of tree
species heterogeneity has been confounded by climate and
soil variation due to large geographic separation (Purahong
etal. 2016). Therefore, our study focused on tree species
from the same geographic region and forest (similar climatic
conditions in the experiment area), which circumvented the
effect of the above-mentioned environmental factors and
showcased tree species influence more clearly.
This study brings new knowledge concerning the influ-
ence of tree species heterogeneity on fungal species diver-
sity during the decomposition process. Totally 1325 leaves
(CF: 275, FA: 275, FS: 275, MT: 275 and MA: 225) were
collected and 236 fungal species recorded (CF: 48, FA: 46,
FS: 64, MT: 42 and MA: 36). A total of 115 fungal species
(CF: 27, FA: 27, FS: 28, MT: 19 and MA: 14) were success-
fully isolated into culture and identified to species (Fig.15,
Tennakoon etal. 2019a, b, 2020, 2021b). The recorded taxa
occurring on more than two tree hosts are commonly inhab-
ited in soil, for instance Aspergillus spp., Cladosporium spp.,
Fusarium spp., Mucor spp. and Penicillium spp. (Fig.15).
In addition, several shared species belong to large and taxo-
nomically complex genera (i.e. Alternaria spp. and Phoma
spp.). The large number of fungal species, which occurred
uniquely on one tree host, indicates ‘host-specificity’ on
a particular leaf litter (Zhou and Hyde 2001; Hyde etal.
2020). However, future studies are needed to clarify the host
range of these fungi. Some recorded fungal species are new
to science (two new families, two new genera and 40 new
species) (Fig.10).
Successional patterns offungal species
Fungal communities in leaf litter change over time showing
successional patterns and are divided into early, middle and
late decomposers (i.e. Pioneer, Mature and Impoverished
communities) (Garrett 1963; Hudson 1968; Frankland 1998;
Tsui etal. 2000; Jones and Hyde 2002; Promputtha etal.
2002, 2017; Tang etal. 2005; Paulus etal. 2006). In gen-
eral, early colonizers are composed of a large number of
different species occurring at low frequency with no obvious
dominant species. Dix and Webster (1995) suggested that
fungal diversity is rich, and the number of “individuals” are
highest during the earliest stages of colonization, followed
by a period of stability. Middle fungal communities consist
of fewer species with a high-level of occurrence, while dur-
ing the late stage of decomposition, fungal diversity begins
to decline and is dominated by few species with a high level
of occurrences (Dix and Webster 1995; Promputtha etal.
2002, 2017). Then fungal diversity and total numbers of spe-
cies begin to decline.
Our findings also agreed with previous studies in showing
a higher number of fungal species with a low percentage of
occurrences during the early stages, high fungal diversity
in the middle stages, while fungal diversity declines in the
later stages (Promputtha etal. 2002, 2017; Tang etal. 2005;
Paulus etal. 2006). The percentage occurrences of fungal
communities using Hierarchical Cluster Analyses (HCA),
showed that there were at least four succession stages in
each tree species. The fungal community composition was
distinct at each stage of succession. In the initial community
stage (Days 0–3 or 0–7), fungal communities were low in
number and had a low percentage occurrence. In the initial
stages, mostly foliicolous epiphytic species were dominant
acting as “early colonizers” in each tree species (i.e. Appen-
diculella sp., Ceramothyrium longivolcaniforme, Longihya-
lospora ampeli, Meliola spp., Micropeltis fici, M. ficinae,
Mycoleptodiscus alishanense, Neophyllachora fici, Zeloas-
perisporiales sp.). Many previous studies have also empha-
sized that epiphytes can colonize as “primary saprobes”
because their growth depends on soluble carbohydrate-rich
senescent leaves (Hudson 1968; Osono etal. 2004; Osono
2006). Some epiphytic species may have already colonized
leaves even before they fall (i.e. Strigula multiformis). Some
fungi may change their endophytic lifestyles to a sapro-
trophic strategy in the initial succession stages (i.e. Bar-
talinia robillardoides, Pestalotiopsis neolitseae, P. parva,
Phyllosticta capitalensis) (Gangadevi and Muthumary 2008;
Wikee etal. 2013; Reddy etal. 2016; de Silva etal. 2021).
As decomposition progressed at 721days, fungal diversity
and species occurrence gradually increased and reached the
peak at 2835days (Fig.3). After that, fungal diversity and
the total number of fungal communities started to decline in
the final stages (days 4263).
The dynamics ofleaf litter chemistry
During leaf litter decomposition, nutrients are typically
released in three phases: (i) an initial phase where leach-
ing and nutrient release dominate; (ii) a net immobilization
(i.e. net accumulation) phase, and (iii) a net release phase,
where the nutrient mass decreases (Dutta and Agrawal
2001; Goya etal. 2008; Seta etal. 2016; Mutshekwa etal.
2020). The leaf litter nutrient release patterns of of differ-
ent plant species are diverse and related to quality, season,
99Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
and environmental factors (Semwal etal. 2003; Goya etal.
2008). In general, N concentration in leaf litter increases
through decomposition and as a result of N enrichment, the
C/N ratio decreased (Mutshekwa etal. 2020; Zhang etal.
2020). Nitrogen concentration in the leaf litter of nitrogen-
fixing tree species was higher than non-nitrogen fixing tree
species (Semwal etal. 2003; Zhou etal. 2018; Bohara etal.
2020; Zhuang etal. 2020). For example, the nitrogen fixing
genus alder (Alnus) has great actual concentrations of N (fre-
quently above 3%) than pine needle litter (frequently under
0.4%) (Berg and McClaugherty, 2003; Krishna and Mohan,
2017). In the present study, the total N concentration of the
leaf litter of all host species increased as decomposition pro-
gressed (Fig.13). The rapid increases of total N concentra-
tion observed may be attributed to its immobilization by
microbes and loss of carbon. In particular, fungal activities
have been reported to be a major source of increased N in
leaf litter (Kim etal. 2003; Bargali etal. 2006, 2015; Arslan
etal. 2010). In general, fungal mycelia contain 3–5% N on a
dry mass basis, which they can translocate from organic and
mineral soil layers during decomposition (Kim etal. 2003).
Numerous authors have proposed that N increase should be
linked to the greater abundance of fungal biomass in leaf
litter and ultimately to the decomposition process (Goya
etal. 2008; Subedi and Bhatta 2010; Voříšková etal. 2011;
Chomel etal. 2016; Angst etal. 2019). In contrast, the C/N
ratio decreased due to the loss of C with the decomposi-
tion time (Fig.13). Based on goodness-of-fit statistics (r2)
analysis, total N content, total C content and C/N ratio were
significantly correlated with the fungal composition in leaf
litter (Fig.14). Total N content was the main significant fac-
tor for the fungal composition (P = 0.001, r2 = 0.61).
The lignin concentrations in leaf litter vary widely (Koide
etal. 2005; Osono etal. 2009; Ma etal. 2020). In particu-
lar, differences between plant species are likely related to
differences in lignin structure (Rahman etal. 2013). For
instance, deciduous plant species comprise fluctuating pro-
portions of syringyl and guaiacyl forms of lignin, while
conifers generally have guaiacyl lignin (Esperschutz etal.
2013). The lignin content of plant material has been stated
as an important controlling factor in leaf litter decomposi-
tion and ultimately fungal community composition (Krishna
and Mohan 2017). Fungal communities play a central role in
leaf litter decomposition since they are primary decompos-
ers of lignin (Osono etal. 2009). In general, fungal succes-
sion in leaf litter occurs as loss of soluble components in
the initial stage, followed by holocellulose decomposition
in the second stage, and finally, lignin becomes a dominant
component in the final stages (Promputtha etal. 2002, 2017;
Tennakoon etal. 2021a). Mostly, basidiomycetes act on sub-
strates as the “lignin decomposers” in the final stages of
decay (Krishna and Mohan 2017; Tennakoon etal. 2021a).
In this study, initial lignin content was higher in the leaf litter
of Macaranga tanarius (29.83%), Ficus ampelas (26.06%)
and Celtis formosana (19.92%), but comparatively less in
F. septica (6.84%) and Morus australis (5.55%). According
to the goodness-of-fit statistics (r2) analysis in this study,
there was a significant correlation between fungal commu-
nity composition and lignin content (P = 0.001, r2 = 0.25).
High lignin accumulation was observed in the final stages of
decomposition than initial stages in all tree species (Fig.13).
This study reveals that the leaf litter dwelling fungal com-
munities in the selected tree species are widely diverse and
vary in species composition. Consequently, we infer that tree
species heterogeneity constitutes a major factor responsible
for fungal community composition during decomposition.
More than 35 species (CF: 48, FA: 46, FS: 64, MT: 42 and
MA: 36) were recorded on each host species and nearly 18
species (CF: 27, FA: 28, FS: 40, MT: 21 and MA: 18) were
unique to each host species. These unique species may indi-
cate ‘host-specificity’ to a particular tree species leaf litter.
This may be due to the fact that some saprobes, initially have
an endophytic lifestyle and are much more likely to be host-
specific. This is because they may have developed ways in
which to deal with the hosts defence mechanisms and may
well have evolved with the hosts (Chethana etal. 2021).
Therefore, it would be interesting to isolate endophytes from
fresh leaves of the selected host species (Celtis formosana,
Ficus ampelas, F. septica, Macaranga tanarius and Morus
australis) and compare their similarities with the recorded
saprobic species. Due to the high number of unique fungal
communities in each tree species, we believe that the ratio
of 6:1 (six species of fungi to one plant species) would be
much higher and require revision upwards in future studies.
We also found that leaf litter chemistry (i.e. total N con-
tent, C content, C/N ratio, Lignin content, Lignin/N ratio)
has a significant effect on leaf litter fungal composition,
but not as much as tree species heterogeneity. In contrast
to tree species heterogeneity and leaf litter chemistry, host
phylogeny had a smaller influence on composition of fungal
functional groups. The percentage of occurrences of fungal
communities using Hierarchical Cluster Analyses (HCA)
showed that there were at least four succession stages in each
tree species and fungal community composition was distinct
at each stage of succession. These findings provide insight
into a host-fungus database for future studies and increase
knowledge of fungal diversity, as well as novel fungal dis-
coveries, viz. two new families (Cylindrohyalosporaceae and
Oblongohyalosporaceae), two new genera (Longihyalospora
and Neodictyosporium), 40 new species and 56 new host
records (Tennakoon etal. 2019a, b, 2020, 2021b).
100 Fungal Diversity (2022) 115:73–103
1 3
Acknowledgements The Department of Plant Medicine, National
Chiayi University (NCYU) is thanked to provide facilities for DNA
molecular experiment. The authors would like to thank T.K. Goh,
Gareth Jones and Derek Peršoh for their valuable suggestions and help.
This research work was partially supported by Chiang Mai University
and K.D. Hyde thanks Chiang Mai University where he was a Visiting
Professor. He also thanks the Thailand Research Fund for the Grant No.
RDG613001, entitled “Impact of Climate Change on Fungal Diver-
sity and Biogeography in the Greater Mekong Subregion”. Danushka
Tennakoon thanks Nimali I. de Silva, T.K Goh, Derek Peršoh, Eric
McKenzie, Anuruddha Karunarathna and Milan Samarakoon for their
valuable suggestions and help. The authors would like to thank Mush-
room Research Foundation (MRF), Chiang Rai Province, Thailand for
providing research financial support and Postgraduate Scholarship.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that there is no conflict of in-
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Authors and Aliations
DanushkaS.Tennakoon1,2,3,4· Chang‑HsinKuo5· WitoonPurahong6· EleniGentekaki1,2· ChayakornPumas4·
ItthayakornPromputtha4,8· KevinD.Hyde1,2,3,4,7,8
1 Center ofExcellence inFungal Research, Mae Fah Luang
University, ChiangRai57100, Thailand
2 School ofScience, Mae Fah Luang University,
ChiangRai57100, Thailand
3 Research Center ofMicrobial Diversity andSustainable
Utilization, Chiang Mai University, ChiangMai50200,
4 Department ofBiology, Faculty ofScience, Chiang Mai
University, ChiangMai50200, Thailand
5 Department ofPlant Medicine, National Chiayi University,
300 Syuefu Road, ChiayiCity60004, Taiwan
6 Department ofSoil Ecology, UFZ-Helmholtz Centre
forEnvironmental Research, Theodor-Lieser-Str. 4,
06120Halle(Saale), Germany
7 Innovative Institute forPlant Health, Zhongkai University
ofAgriculture andEngineering, Haizhu District,
Guangzhou510225, People’sRepublicofChina
8 Environmental Science Research Center, Faculty ofScience,
Chiang Mai University, ChiangMai50200, Thailand
... Furthermore, Kirschsteiniothelia species appear to not have host specificity, as from our results, the same species were found associated with different hosts: K. xishuangbannaensis, previously reported from dead branches of Hevea brasiliensis , was recorded from Microcos paniculata (MFLUCC 23-0273) and Dipterocarpus alatus (MFLUCC 23-0274); K. paniculata was isolated from Microcos paniculata (MFLUCC 23-0271) and Dalbergia cana (MFLUCC 23-0272). In this regard, the host-specificity or host-recurrence of saprobic fungi has been discussed over the last two decades (Hooper et al. 2000;Zhou and Hyde 2001;Santana et al. 2005;Kodsueb et al. 2008;Tennakoon et al. 2022). However, saprotrophs seem to be less host-specific when compared with other trophic modes (Zhou and Hyde 2001). ...
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Kirschsteiniothelia (Kirschsteiniotheliales, Pleosporomycetidae) includes 39 saprobic species recorded from dead or decaying wood in terrestrial and freshwater habitats. This study focuses on exploring Kirschsteiniothelia diversity in woody litter in Thailand. Wood samples were collected from forest areas in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai Provinces in Thailand and examined for fungal fructifications. Fungal isolates were obtained and their morphological and sequence data were characterised. Micromorphology associated with multilocus phylogeny of ITS, LSU and SSU sequence data identified three isolates as novel species (Kirschsteiniothelia inthanonensis, K. saprophytica and K. zizyphifolii) besides new host records for K. tectonae and K. xishuangbannaensis. The placement of the new taxa and records are supported by morphological illustrations, descriptions and molecular phylogenies and the implications of these findings are discussed. Our findings provide information for understanding Kirschsteiniothelia diversity and ecology.
... BLASTn analyses showed their 99% homology with Pseudopithomyces mori strain MFLUCC 18-1630 (GenBank No. MW183777 and MW063153, respectively). Phylogenetic analyses of the concatenated sequences confirmed the clustering with P. mori strain MFLUCC 18-1630 (Tennakoon et al. 2022). The pathogenicity was tested on 10 healthy citrus leaves, which were slightly injured with a sterile scalpel, Simona Marianna Sanzani ...
... Tropical forest ecosystems harbour more microfungi due to their changing microhabitats and substrata with varied decay stages thus have been influential towards resulting in diverse saprobes from tropical forest ecosystems (Zhou and Hyde 2001;Parungao et al. 2002). Subsequent isolations and elucidating fungi related to specific hosts undoubtedly contribute towards predicting host preference and current fungal numbers and their diversity (Zhou and Hyde 2001;Tennakoon et al. 2022). In contrast, focused collections of fungal niches in understudied forest ecosystems and substrates like decaying leaf litter will aid towards elucidating and describing novel fungal taxa and their different morphs (Hyde 2022). ...
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Studying the taxonomy, diversity and host preference of leaf litter inhabiting microfungi contributes towards elucidating hidden taxa, their host affinities and recovering novel life modes dwelling inside forest ecosystems. Leaf litter-inhabiting microfungi also play a crucial role in forest ecosystems through decomposition and nutrient recycling. This study resulted in the introduction of saprobic Didymellaceae microfungi from Doi Tung Forest Reserve, Chiang Rai, northern Thailand. Fungal isolates were characterised based on morphology and molecular phylogeny of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS, LSU) and protein-coding genes (tub2, rpb2). Allophoma tropica and Remotididymella ageratinae are recorded from dead leaves of Nayariophyton zizyphifolium (Malvaceae), and Didymella coffeae-arabicae from Dalbergia cultrata and Afzelia xylocarpa (Fabaceae). This study also reports the sexual morph of Allophoma tropica and Didymella coffeae-arabicae and provides molecular evidence for the first reports of sexual morphs from Thailand.
... Because firstly, any alterations in species and chemical composition of litters with increasing stand age would certainly affect the community structure, composition, and decomposing ability of the early decomposers. A substantial proportion of them are converted from endophytic or phyllospheric microbes, and evolutionarily adapt to the chemical characteristics of given hosts (Tennakoon et al., 2022). For instance, the relative abundances of Alternaria, Trichothecium, Curtobacterium and Pantoea in early decomposed litter from 20 ~ 43-year plantations that were positively related to lignindegrading enzymes (Fig. 6B), were significantly higher than those from 10-year plantation (Fig. 3). ...
... Changes in fungi also corresponded with changes in the water and nutrient concentrations of litter samples. These changes generally support the results of past studies (e.g., [41]) where litter collected in mid-stages of litter decomposition, such as upper thatch in this study, typically have high species richness. ...
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Dead plant biomass from foundation plant species is fundamental for the survival of coastal salt marshes because dead biomass aids in the vertical accretion of the ecosystem. Fungi regulate the decomposition of dead biomass, and thus play an essential role for marsh survival. Despite their importance, little is known about the compositional and functional changes of fungal communities in plant matter throughout senescence and litter decomposition. Here, we analyzed how fungal communities and their functionality change in the foundation plant species Spartina patens, which builds vast amounts of dead plant biomass (thatch) on the soil surface. We analyzed the chemical and fungal properties of live biomass, standing dead biomass (dead biomass shortly after senescence), upper thatch (top layer of litter on the soil surface), and lower thatch (bottom layer of litter on the soil surface) during September and November of 2021. We found that the chemical and fungal properties of different S. patens biomass types followed a predictable litter decomposition pattern. Notably, live biomass, standing dead biomass, upper thatch, and lower thatch all hosted unique fungal communities and litter chemistry. Functional groups present in live biomass (pathogens, epiphytes, and mycoparasites) were lost during senescence and later replaced by diverse saprotrophs. The abundance of lignocellulose saprotrophs increased throughout decomposition, with the highest abundance occurring in lower thatch. These results suggest a predictable succession of fungal communities through the senescence and decomposition of the foundation species S. patens. Our study highlights the diversity of fungal communities in a disappearing foundation species.
... The results showed a significant positive correlation between inorganic and organic substances, implying that an increase in inorganic nutrient content would have an inhibitory effect on the decomposition rate of leaf litter, resulting in an inability to release nutrients rapidly. Tannins and total phenols, as organic components of leaf litter that are difficult to decompose, were positively correlated because tannins are highly aggregated compounds in total phenols, so total phenol content accumulates with increasing tannins [51]. Total nitrogen was highly significantly negatively correlated with carbon/nitrogen ratio. ...
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Background: Leaf litter is the products of metabolism during the growth and development of plantation, and it is also an important component of nutrient cycling in plantation ecosystems. However, leaf litter chemistry and its effects on soil microorganisms in different ages, as well as the interactions between chemical components in leaf litter have been rarely reported. Based on this, this paper took Zanthoxylum planispinum var. dintanensis (hereafter Z. planispinum) plantations of 5-7, 10-12, 20-22, and 28-32 years old as the objects. By using one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and redundancy analysis, we investigated leaf litter chemistry and its effects on soil microorganisms in different ages, and to reveal internal correlation of various chemical components in leaf litter, which can provide a scientific basis for the regulation of soil microbial activity in plantations. Results: The variation of organic carbon with plantation age was more stable compared to total nitrogen and phosphorus of leaf litter. Nitrogen resorption was stronger than phosphorus resorption efficiency in Z. planispinum, and resorption efficiencies of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus for different ages were lower than the global average. Total nitrogen was highly significantly positively correlated with lignin, and total potassium was significantly positively correlated with tannin, suggesting the increase of inorganic substances in leaf litter would promote the accumulation of secondary metabolites. The leaf litter chemical traits explained up to 72% of soil microorganisms, where lignin was positively correlated with fungi and negatively correlated with bacteria, indicating that fungi are able to decompose lower quality litter and can break down complex and stable organic compounds more rapidly than bacteria. The nutrient elements carbon and nitrogen in the leaf litter and their interrelationship also have a great impact on soil microorganisms, because carbon is not only the element that provides energy, but also the element with the largest content in the microbiota. Conclusions: The sustained increase in inorganic nutrients of leaf litter did not favor the decomposition of secondary metabolites, but rather inhibited the degradation of leaf litter. The significant positive effect of the leaf litter chemistry on soil microorganisms indicates the important role of leaf litter in promoting nutrient cycling in Z. planispinum plantations.
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Monocotyledons are one of the important groups of flowering plants that include approximately 60,000 species with economically important crops including coconut (Cocos nuciferanucifera), pineapple (Ananas comosus comosus), and rice (Oryza sativa sativa). Studies on these hosts are mainly focused on pathogenic fungi; only a f ew saprobic species have been reported. This study investigated the saprobic ascomycetes associated with coconut, pineapple, and rice in southern China and northern Thailand. Approximately 200 specimens were collected, and 100 fungal strains were isolated and identified to 77 species based on phylogenetic approaches and morphological characteristics. Among the 77 species, 29, 38, and 12 were found on coconut, pineapple, and rice, respectively, distributed in Dothideomycetes (41), Eurotiomycetes (one), and S ordariomycetes (35). Pseudomycoleptodiscus , Pseudosaprodesmium Pseudosetoseptoria, Pseudostriatosphaeria and Pseudoteichospora are introduced as new genera and Anthostomella cocois, Apiospora ananas, Chromolaenicola ananasi, Epicoccum yunnanensis, Exserohi lum ananas, Hypoxylon cocois, Lasiodiplodia ananasi, Muyocopron chiangraiense, Myrmecridium yunnanense, Occultitheca ananasi, Periconia chiangraiensis, Placidiopsis ananasi, Pseudomycoleptodiscus ananas, Pseudosaprodesmium cocois, Pseudosetoseptoria oryzae, Pseudostriatosphaeria chiangraiensis, Pseudoteichospora thailandensis, Savoryella chiangraiensis, Savoryella cocois, and Tetraploa oryzae are introduced as novel species. In addition, 51 species are reported as new hosts or geographical records, and six species are reported as new collections. Pseudopithomyces pandanicola and P. palmicola are synonymized under P. chartarum, P. diversisporus synonymized under P. atro olivaceus based on phylogenetic analyses and morphological characteristics. Moreover, comprehensive checklists of fungi associated with coconut, pineapple, and rice are also provided.
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Phyllosticta is a cosmopolitan group of fungi found on various host plants, occurring as pathogens, endophytes and saprobes. Diseases caused by Phyllosticta commonly include leaf and fruit spots that can affect economically important plants. The genus is characterized mainly by aseptate and hyaline conidia and ascospores. Its conidia are surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath, with a single mucoid apical appendage while ascospores exhibit a mucoid cap at both ends. Given that many Phyllosticta taxa are cryptic and share similar morphologies, it is arduous to depict taxonomically relevant characters solely on the basis of morphological or ecological features. Coupled with morphological description, multi-locus phylogenetic analyses of species comprising complexes are used to broadly describe this genus and understand species boundaries. Despite several published taxonomic revisions and enumerations of Phyllosticta species, there is still considerable confusion when identifying these taxa. Herein, we establish three new host records for P. capitalensis, and one new geographical record for P. musaechinensis in Thailand, and one new host and geographical record for P. citribrasiliensis in Russia. We provide an updated phylogenetic tree based on several gene markers: ITS, LSU, ACT, GAPDH, RPB2, and TEF-1α. This includes all Phyllosticta species for which sequence data is available. Six individual Phyllosticta species complexes are accepted. In addition, we synonymize P. ericarum with P. citribrasiliensis.
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During the continuous investigation into inconspicuous xylarialean species in northern Thailand, two amphisphaeria-like taxa were found in samples collected between July and October 2022. Both taxa have solitary, immersed ascomata with a two-layered peridium and unitunicate asci that are morphologically similar to Amphisphaeria species. Macro–micro morphological comparisons with related taxa and multigene phylogenetic analyses based on combined internal transcribed spacer (ITS), partial 28S large subunit rDNA (LSU), partial RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2), and partial β-tubulin (tub2) sequences revealed that the two taxa are novel to science. Amphisphaeria chiangmaiensis sp. nov. is distinguished from known taxa by having larger ascomata, a J- apical ring in Melzer’s reagent, and hyaline ascospores. Amphisphaeria hydei sp. nov. differs from its sister taxa in having larger ascomata, a longer ostiolar canal, and longer asci. Morphological descriptions, illustrations, and phylogenetic analyses of two novel taxa are provided herein.
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Fungi have evolved diverse strategies to acquire nutrients as endophytes, saprobes, symbionts, or pathogens. Appressoria have been intensively studied due to their importance in attaching and breaching the host surface. These specialized infection structures have evolved into various morpho-types: proto-appressoria, hyaline appressoria, melanized (dark) appressoria, and compound appressoria. In this review, we discuss the differences in the formation, differentiation, and function of appressoria among fungi with diverse life strategies. Using DNA sequence information, LSU, 5.8S, SSU and rpb2 gene fragments, we reconstructed the ancestral states for appressorial types in the main phyla of fungi and fungus-like organisms and found that the hyaline appressoria was the most ancestral form. Our analysis estimated proto-appressoria diversification during the Mesozoic period (92–239 million years ago), however, its origin remains inconclusive. Our data suggest that these hyaline appressoria diversified into melanized or compound appressoria, with evidence of adaptive radiation.
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This article provides descriptions and illustrations of microfungi associated with the leaf litter of Celtis formosana, Ficus ampelas, F. septica, Macaranga tanarius and Morus australis collected from Taiwan. These host species are native to the island and Celtis formosana is an endemic tree species. The study revealed 95 species, consisting of two new families (Cylindrohyalosporaceae and Oblongohyalosporaceae), three new genera (Cylindrohyalospora, Neodictyosporium and Oblongohyalospora), 41 new species and 54 new host records. The newly described species are Acrocalymma ampeli (Acrocalymmaceae), Arthrinium mori (Apiosporaceae), Arxiella celtidis (Muyocopronaceae), Bertiella fici (Melanommataceae), Cercophora fici (Lasiosphaeriaceae), Colletotrichum celtidis, C. fici, C. fici-septicae (Glomerellaceae), Conidiocarpus fici-septicae (Capnodiaceae), Coniella fici (Schizoparmaceae), Cylindrohyalospora fici (Cylindrohyalosporaceae), Diaporthe celtidis, D. fici-septicae (Diaporthaceae), Diaporthosporella macarangae (Diaporthosporellaceae), Diplodia fici-septicae (Botryosphaeriaceae), Discosia celtidis, D. fici (Sporocadaceae), Leptodiscella sexualis (Muyocopronaceae), Leptospora macarangae (Phaeosphaeriaceae), Memnoniella alishanensis, M. celtidis, M. mori (Stachybotryaceae), Micropeltis fici, M. ficina (Micropeltidaceae), Microthyrium fici-septicae (Microthyriaceae), Muyocopron celtidis, M. ficinum, Mycoleptodiscus alishanensis (Muyocopronaceae), Neoanthostomella fici (Xylariales genera incertae sedis), Neodictyosporium macarangae (Sordariales genera incertae sedis), Neofusicoccum moracearum (Botryosphaeriaceae), Neophyllachora fici (Phyllachoraceae), Nigrospora macarangae (Apiosporaceae), Oblongohyalospora macarangae (Oblongohyalosporaceae), Ophioceras ficinum (Ophioceraceae), Parawiesneriomyces chiayiensis (Wiesneriomycetaceae), Periconia alishanica, P. celtidis (Periconiaceae), Pseudocercospora fici-septicae (Mycosphaerellaceae), Pseudoneottiospora cannabacearum (Chaetosphaeriaceae) and Pseudopithomyces mori (Didymosphaeriaceae). The new host records are Alternaria burnsii, A. pseudoeichhorniae (Pleosporaceae), Arthrinium hydei, A. malaysianum, A. paraphaeospermum, A. rasikravindrae, A. sacchari (Apiosporaceae), Bartalinia robillardoides (Sporocadaceae), Beltrania rhombica (Beltraniaceae), Cladosporium tenuissimum (Cladosporiaceae), Coniella quercicola (Schizoparmaceae), Dematiocladium celtidicola (Nectriaceae), Diaporthe limonicola, D. millettiae, D. pseudophoenicicola (Diaporthaceae), Dictyocheirospora garethjonesii (Dictyosporiaceae), Dimorphiseta acuta (Stachybotryaceae), Dinemasporium parastrigosum (Chaetosphaeriaceae), Discosia querci (Sporocadaceae), Fitzroyomyces cyperacearum (Stictidaceae), Gilmaniella bambusae (Ascomycota genera incertae sedis), Hermatomyces biconisporus (Hermatomycetaceae), Lasiodiplodia thailandica, L. theobromae (Botryosphaeriaceae), Memnoniella echinata (Stachybotryaceae), Muyocopron dipterocarpi, M. lithocarpi (Muyocopronaceae), Neopestalotiopsis asiatica, N. phangngaensis (Sporocadaceae), Ophioceras chiangdaoense (Ophioceraceae), Periconia byssoides (Periconiaceae), Pestalotiopsis dracaenea, P. formosana, P. neolitseae, P. papuana, P. parva, P. portugallica, P. trachycarpicola (Sporocadaceae), Phragmocapnias betle (Capnodiaceae), Phyllosticta capitalensis (Phyllostictaceae), Pseudopestalotiopsis camelliae-sinensis (Sporocadaceae), Pseudopithomyces chartarum, P. sacchari (Didymosphaeriaceae), Pseudorobillarda phragmitis (Pseudorobillardaceae), Robillarda roystoneae (Sporocadaceae), Sirastachys castanedae, S. pandanicola (Stachybotryaceae), Spegazzinia musae (Didymosphaeriaceae), Stachybotrys aloeticola, S. microspora (Stachybotryaceae), Strigula multiformis (Strigulaceae), Torula fici (Torulaceae), Wiesneriomyces laurinus (Wiesneriomycetaceae) and Yunnanomyces pandanicola (Sympoventuriaceae). The taxonomic placement of most taxa discussed in this study is based on morphological observation of specimens, coupled with multi-locus phylogenetic analyses of sequence data. In addition, this study provides a host-fungus database for future studies and increases knowledge of fungal diversity, as well as new fungal discoveries from the island.
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Leaf litter decomposition plays a vital role in the nutrient budget of forest ecosystems. Fungal communities colonising leaf litter are "key players" in decomposition and nutrient recycling, because of their ability to produce a wide range of extracellular enzymes that facilitate breakdown of leaf litter. Fungal colonization of decomposing leaf litter is a sequential process during which fungal communities tend to change both quantitatively and qualitatively. Most previous studies on fungal succession have taken synecological approaches, recording fungal species assemblages at different stages of decomposition in various plant species. This paper brings together various studies on leaf litter decomposition, fungal succession of leaf litter including study methods, succession stages, controlling factors, limitations and future perspectives. We discuss high throughput methods as emerging complementary approaches to better understand species diversity and community dynamics. We propose the importance of current approaches combining morphological and molecular data in fungal succession studies. Nevertheless, there are still opportunities for further breakthroughs in this area as few research groups have applied these techniques to fungal succession experiments.
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Endophytic fungi are internal inhabitants of plant tissues that do not apparently cause harm to the host. Ecologically they provide a number of benefits to the plants by decreasing herbivory, increasing drought and disease resistance and enhancing the growth of plants. Endophytes have emerged as an exciting research topic as they have the potential to provide numerous metabolites with different biological activities. This study is focused on taxonomic novelties and new host or geographical records of endophytic fungi associated with Magnolia candolli collected from Yunnan Province, China and M. garrettii from Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. Magnolia plants are economically important and used in furniture, ornamental plants in gardens, temple trees, flowers for decorations and valuable medicine in China. In this study, 56 fungal endophytic isolates were obtained from Magnolia species, of which 54 belong to ascomycetes and two to basidiomycetes. The 56 endophytic fungal isolates were identified in 31 taxa that are distributed in eight orders, ten families, 13 genera, including eight new species (Colletotrichum chiangmaiense, C. xishuangbannaense, Coprinellus magnolia, Diaporthe chinensis, Epicoccum endophyticum, Letendraea magnoliae, Nigrospora magnoliae and Pestalotiopsis endophytica) and 23 new host and or geographical records. The results indicate that members of Sordariomycetes are dominant groups of endophytic fungi in Magnolia candolli and M. garrettii. Considering the total fungal endophytic isolates from Magnolia candolli and M. garrettii, Sordariomycetes comprises the the highest number of isolates of 82%, following Dothideomycetes 14% and Agaricomycetes 4%. Detailed morphological descriptions, micrographs and phylogenetic analyses are provided to show the placement of the novel taxa
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Fungi decompose woody debris, an important carbon pool in forests. Fungal community structure is expected to vary according to the wood species, habitats and extent of abiotic disturbance, which have consequences for carbon cycling in tropical forests. Here we examined theeffects of fungal diversity and composition on woody debris decomposition rates and sought potential mechanisms to explain an observed lack of difference in decomposition rates across a disturbance gradient in a tropical montane rainforest in Xishuangbanna, SW China. We measured wood specific gravity (WSG) loss from 280 logs of Litsea cubeba and Castanopsis mekongensis over 3 years and monitored fungal communities from 418 samples using next-generation sequencing after 0, 18 and 36 months field exposure. Wood species and termite presence determined changes in fungal diversity through time. Overall there was a peak in fungal diversity at 18 mo, suggesting an initial period of colonization followed by a period of increasingly competitive interactions leading to decreased diversity. Litsea logs, which had relatively low initial WSG and thinner bark, harbored higher fungal diversity. Shared fungal OTUs between wood species peaked at 18 mo (∼50%). However, fungal diversity was not a significant predictor of WSG loss. An effect of habitat on fungal community composition suggests that functional replacement might explain similar decay rates across the disturbance gradient. In addition, the proportions of saprotroph and white-rot fungi increased until 36 mo regardless of wood species. Termite presence reduced WSG loss, but the effect was mediated via the abundance of soft rot fungi. Our results suggest that changes in functional traits, rather than fungal species diversity itself may better explain variation in WSG loss. Future studies should investigate roles of fungal functional traits and rot types, particularly those of Ascomycete fungi, whose roles in wood decay are still poorly characterized.
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The cryptic lifestyle of most fungi necessitates molecular identiication of the guild in environmental studies. Over the past decades, rapid development and afordability of molecular tools have tremendously improved insights of the fungal diversity in all ecosystems and habitats. Yet, in spite of the progress of molecular methods, knowledge about functional properties of the fungal taxa is vague and interpretation of environmental studies in an ecologically meaningful manner remains challenging. In order to facilitate functional assignments and ecological interpretation of environmental studies we introduce a user friendly traits and character database FungalTraits operating at genus and species hypothesis levels. Combining the information from previous eforts such as FUNGuild and FunFun together with involvement of expert knowledge, we reannotated 10,210 and 151 fungal and Stramenopila genera, respectively. This resulted in a stand-alone spreadsheet dataset covering 17 lifestyle related traits of fungal and Stramenopila genera, designed for rapid functional assignments of environmental studies. In order to assign the trait states to fungal species hypotheses, the scientiic community of experts manually categorised and assigned available trait information to 697,413 fungal ITS sequences. On the basis of those sequences we were able to summarise trait and host information into 92,623 fungal species hypotheses at 1% dissimilarity threshold.
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The diversity and geographic pattern of ligninolytic fungi were investigated within the distribution range of an evergreen tree, Castanopsis sieboldii (Fagaceae), in Japan. Fungal isolates obtained from 18 sites in subtropical and temperate regions in Japan were classified into 50 operational taxonomic units in Ascomycota and Basidiomycota according to the base sequence of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region. Ordination by nonmetric multidimensional scaling showed the separation of fungal compositions between the study sites which was significantly related to the latitude, longitude, and mean annual temperature (MAT) of the study sites. We applied variation partitioning to separate the magnitude of the climatic, spatial, and leaf property factors and found the roles of MAT and spatial factors in structuring fungal assemblages, suggesting the importance of both niche processes and such non-niche processes as priority effect and dispersal limitation. The bleached area on leaf litter was greater at sites with higher MAT and precipitation located at lower latitudes and at sites where some major ligninolytic fungi occurred at greater relative frequencies, indicating that not only the climatic conditions but also the biogeographic patterns of distribution of ligninolytic fungi influence the decomposition of lignin in leaf litter.
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The study of litter decomposition was often tightly linked to some hot topics such as global carbon balance and climate change, but the knowledge of microbes involved in litter decomposition remains limited especially in freshwater lake wetlands. An in situ experiment (278 d) was carried out to study the decomposition processes of two typical wetland plants—Carex cinerascens and Triarrhena lutarioriparia. The litter decay rate, extracellular enzyme, and microbial community composition were all observed. The decomposition rate of C. cinerascens was faster than T. lutarioriparia. Higher contents of TOC, TN, and TP conferred higher decomposition rate to C. cinerascens, as well as the higher activities of all tested enzymes and the lower content of lignin. The alpha diversity of bacterial and fungal communities changed separately over time, but their copy numbers of the rRNA gene (qPCR) increased collectively in both litters. Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Basidiomycota were common in the primary stage (0–37 d) of decay in both litters, while Alphaproteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Nitrospirae, and Montagnulaceae were prevailing in the later stage (212–278 d). T. lutarioriparia also had higher proportions of Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Firmicutes in the later stage. Pleosporales and Hypocreales were predominant during the whole decay processes of both litters. Our results showed that the microbial community composition was mainly regulated by litter stoichiometry (hemicellulose, lignin, and AFDM), thereby reflecting the niches differentiation caused by resource partitioning on litter decomposition. This work helps to the understanding of the microbial community involved in litter decomposition in wetland ecosystems.
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Microbes play an important role in decomposition of macrophytes in shallow lakes, and the process can be greatly affected by bacteria-fungi interactions in response to material composition and environmental conditions. In this study, microbes involved in the decomposition of leaf litter from three macrophyte species, Zizania latifolia, Hydrilla verticillata and Nymphoides peltata, were analysed at temperatures of 5, 15 and 25 °C. Results indicate that the decomposition rate was affected by temperature. Bacterial alpha diversity increased significantly along the time, while both temperature and plant species had a significant impact on the bacterial community, and plant type was shown to be the most important driving factor for the fungal community. The cosmopolitan bacterial taxa affiliated with Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Deltaproteobacteria, Firmicutes and Spirochaetes were key species in the investigated ecological networks, demonstrating significant co-occurrence or co-exclusion relationships with Basidiomycota and Ascomycota, according to different macrophyte species. This study indicates that bacteria involved in the decomposition of macrophyte leaf litter are more sensitive to temperature variance, and that fungi have a higher specificity to the composition of plant materials. The nutrient content of Hydrilla verticillata promoted a positive bacteria-fungi interaction, thereby accelerating the decomposition and re-circulation of leaf litter.
Soil biodiversity loss due to pollution may affect ecosystem services negatively. This environmental problem may be solved by phytoremediation, which is an effective strategy to manage and remediate contaminated areas. During this remediation process, the establishment of plant communities may improve soil fungal community structure and, in particular, may favour mycorrhizal symbiotic associations. As a consequence, afforestation of degraded lands will have different outcomes on fungal diversity and functionality, which will depend on the selected tree and shrub species. We analysed soil fungal diversity and functional guilds by high-throughput sequencing of environmental DNA in a trace element contaminated area, part of a large scale phytoremediation project running for 20 years. We selected five habitats for comparison purposes: three under the canopy of selected tree species (wild olive, white poplar and stone pine), adjacent treeless areas (grassland) and non-remediated areas (bare soil). Soil fungal diversity and richness seemed to be enhanced by phytoremediation. White poplar soil had the highest diversity and richness compared to wild olive and stone pine. Fungal communities were especially different between stone pine, with soils rich in organic C and high C:N ratio, and grassland soils. We identified 9,428 fungal OTUs from which 1,283 were assigned to a unique functional guild; the most abundant belonging to saprotrophic, plant pathogenic and ectomycorrhizal functional guilds. Ectomycorrhizal fungi were more abundant in soils under ectomycorrhizal host trees. Saprotrophs were abundant in grassland and wild olive soils, while plant pathogens were abundant in non-remediated soils. The remediation of soils (clean-up and amendment addition) allowed the natural establishment of grassland habitats throughout the study area, increasing fungal diversity, richness, taxonomy and functionality, when compared to non-remediated soils. Tree afforestation allowed the establishment of a forest type community bringing a further recruitment of fungal taxa, mainly the ectomycorrhizal fungal guild. Afforestation with different tree species showed species-specific effects on soil N, organic C, Ca and C:N ratio which led to increased spatial heterogeneity in areas with potential to recruit a wider diversity of fungi.