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Cell-type-specific metabolism in plants



Every plant organ contains tens of different cell types, each with a specialized function. These functions are intrinsically associated with specific metabolic flux distributions that permit the synthesis of the ATP, reducing equivalents and biosynthetic precursors demanded by the cell. Investigating such cell-type-specific metabolism is complicated by the mosaic of different cells within each tissue combined with the relative scarcity of certain types. However, techniques for the isolation of specific cells, their analysis in situ by microscopy, or modelling of their function in silico have permitted insight into cell-type-specific metabolism. In this review we present some of the methods used in the analysis of cell-type-specific metabolism before describing what we know about metabolism in several cell types that have been studied in depth; (1) leaf source and sink cells, (2) glandular trichomes which are capable of rapid synthesis of specialised metabolites, (3) guard cells that must accumulate large quantities of the osmolytes needed for stomatal opening, (4) cells of seeds involved in storage of reserves and (5) the mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of C4 plants that participate in a CO2 concentrating cycle. Metabolism is discussed in terms of its principal features, connection to cell function and what factors affect the flux distribution. Demand for precursors and energy, availability of substrates and suppression of deleterious processes are identified as key factors in shaping cell-type specific metabolism.
Cell-type-specific metabolism in plants
Danilo de Menezes Daloso
, Eva Gomes Morais
, Karen Fernanda Oliveira e Silva
Thomas Christopher Rhys Williams
Lab Plant, Departamento de Bioqu
ımica e Biologia Molecular, Universidade Federal do Cear
a, Fortaleza-CA 60451-970,
Brazil, and
Departamento de Bot^
anica, Instituto de Ci^
encias Biol
ogicas, Universidade de Bras
ılia, Asa Norte, Bras
ılia-DF 70910-900,
Received 14 December 2022; revised 20 March 2023; accepted 25 March 2023.
*For correspondence (e-mail
Every plant organ contains tens of different cell types, each with a specialized function. These functions are
intrinsically associated with specific metabolic flux distributions that permit the synthesis of the ATP, reduc-
ing equivalents and biosynthetic precursors demanded by the cell. Investigating such cell-type-specific
metabolism is complicated by the mosaic of different cells within each tissue combined with the relative
scarcity of certain types. However, techniques for the isolation of specific cells, their analysis in situ by
microscopy, or modeling of their function in silico have permitted insight into cell-type-specific metabolism.
In this review we present some of the methods used in the analysis of cell-type-specific metabolism before
describing what we know about metabolism in several cell types that have been studied in depth; (i) leaf
source and sink cells; (ii) glandular trichomes that are capable of rapid synthesis of specialized metabolites;
(iii) guard cells that must accumulate large quantities of the osmolytes needed for stomatal opening; (iv)
cells of seeds involved in storage of reserves; and (v) the mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of C4 plants
that participate in a CO
concentrating cycle. Metabolism is discussed in terms of its principal features, con-
nection to cell function and what factors affect the flux distribution. Demand for precursors and energy,
availability of substrates and suppression of deleterious processes are identified as key factors in shaping
cell-type-specific metabolism.
Keywords: cell-types, guard cellsglandular trichomesC4 photosynthesisreserve accumulation.
Multicellular plants are characterized by the presence of
tissues and organs containing a variety of different cell
types; for example, the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana
contains at least seven different types of cell in its leaf
veins (Kim et al., 2021) and 15 cell types in its roots (Brady
et al., 2007), and 56 cell types were identified over six
organs during construction of a single cell cis-regulatory
atlas for maize (Marand et al., 2021). These cell types per-
form myriad specialized functions, ranging from control-
ling gas exchange to storing the reserves that will be used
during germination and seedling growth, and from fixing
in the leaves to assimilating nitrogen in the roots.
The differences in function of these cells are inevitably
reflected in metabolism that is specific to each cell type.
However, many studies of plant metabolism obscure these
differences, as biomolecules are typically extracted from
entire organs for analysis. To circumvent this problem,
experimental methods including cell isolation and purifica-
tion, imaging techniques and computational modeling
have been developed that allow us to access information
on cell-type-specific metabolic fluxes. In this review we
describe some of the techniques developed for the study
of cell-type-specific metabolism, before detailing several
selected cases where we have information about how
metabolism differs in these cells, why such differences are
important for function, and what defines them at a cellular
and molecular level.
Studies of cell-type-specific metabolism are complicated
by the fact that the target cells are usually sparsely
Ó2023 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1
The Plant Journal (2023) doi: 10.1111/tpj.16214
distributed or present at low abundance. Different tech-
niques have been developed to allow sorting, isolation and
purification of different cell types, and modern bioimaging
technologies, together with the use of genetically encoded
biosensors, can provide precious information regarding
cell-type-specific metabolism in situ. Methods that involve
physical separation vary in their speed, yield and the purity
of the material produced. Thus, some methods may be
appropriate for analysis of slowly turning over macro-
molecules, but not for metabolites that are rapidly pro-
duced and consumed. In certain cases, complete purifica-
tion of a cell type may not be possible, and therefore
methods to assess the degree of enrichment and potential
presence of artifacts resulting from the purification proce-
dure are necessary and should be reported. In the follow-
ing sections, we discuss the most commonly used
strategies for visualization, isolation and metabolic analy-
sis of specific cell types.
Isolation and purification of specific cell types
Isolation of a small number of type-specific cells with lim-
ited contamination from surrounding tissue
In this section, we will briefly discuss some of the most
common methods used to isolate specific cell types, such
as production of plant cell suspension cultures, protoplast-
ing, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), laser-
assisted microdissection (LAM) and micromanipulation
systems (Liu et al., 2022; Misra et al., 2014). A plant cell
suspension culture is a population of undifferentiated cells
growing in a liquid medium. Despite its high biomass
yield, it is not advisable to use such material for study of
specific cell types as the undifferentiated state of the cells
means that their metabolism does not reflect a specific cell
type and their metabolome may not represent that of the
cells from which the culture is derived (Misra et al., 2014).
In contrast, plant protoplasts are cells devoid of cell wall
commonly obtained in high yields (around hundreds of
thousands of cells) by enzymatic digestion of differentiated
cells, meaning that they represent specific cell types.
Because plant tissues can contain many different specific
cell types, plant protoplasting may be subjected to contam-
ination with non-target cells (de Souza et al., 2020).
In this context, protoplasts from different cell types
can be sorted out and isolated by FACS, a specialized type
of flow cytometry that is capable of sorting cells based on
their size, granularity and fluorescence (Hu et al., 2016).
Isolation of specific cell types by FACS requires samples to
be in the form of a suspension of fluorescently labeled
cells, which must be circularly shaped in order to not dis-
turb the laminar flow (Dole
zel et al., 2007) Considering that
protoplasts are spherical, represent specific cell types and
can yield a great quantity of material, protoplasts are a
suitable plant-derived starting material for FACS. Metabo-
lite turnover, however, is extremely fast and prone to occur
due to the slightest perturbations, consequently even the
most careful sample isolation is likely to result in alter-
ations in the metabolome. Untargeted metabolic profiling
of five specific cell types in Arabidopsis roots has been
used to investigate how combining protoplasting and sort-
ing by FACS might interfere in the metabolome (Mous-
saieff et al., 2013). This study showed that 10% of the
robust masses were more abundant due to interference of
the isolation procedure, and these metabolites were there-
fore excluded from the dataset.
Nonetheless, some metabolome alterations on
account of the isolation process are intrinsic to the
method. For instance, cell wall invertase is a key enzyme in
sucrose metabolism (Nishanth et al., 2018), and metabo-
lites related to pathogen protection are secreted and
deposited in the extracellular space (de Souza et al., 2020).
Therefore, metabolic changes related to such physiological
processes are lost during protoplasting. Cell-wall-related
information can be recovered by LAM, which is a general
term referring to high spatial resolution techniques that
efficiently isolate single cells, or groups of cells, from a
solid tissue sample. Briefly, LAM requires samples to be
fixed, or even frozen, and embedded in paraffin or tissue-
freezing media and cut into thin microsections. Sample
microsections are then observed under a microscope to
visualize and target cells, which are microdissected using a
laser and retrieved (Day et al., 2005; Gross et al., 2015;Hu
et al., 2016). The number of cells extracted using LAM can
be adjusted in accordance with the analytical methods that
will be employed. Efficient and rapid target cell identifica-
tion depends not only on the capability of the operator or
software to recognizing the cells, but also depends on
sample preparation and on how the target cells are distrib-
uted in the tissue (Nelson et al., 2006). The ever-increasing
advances in computational technologies can result in faster
and more precise target cell identification.
Target isolation by LAM occurs by capture, excision or
by a combination of these methods (Day et al., 2005; Ohtsu
et al., 2007). In laser capture microdissection, a thin trans-
parent thermoplastic cap is placed over the sample and an
infrared laser melts only the capped region located over
target cells. As a result, only target cells adhere to the cap
and are removed from the tissue when the cap is lifted
(Day et al., 2005). In laser microdissection by excision, an
ultraviolet laser ablates the region surrounding target cells
and effectively separates them from the adjacent contami-
nating tissue (Datta et al., 2015). After the cutting, target
cells are retrieved by diverse strategies. If the sample stage
is inversely oriented, then after the cutting the target sam-
ple simply falls out into a collection vessel. In laser micro-
dissection and pressure catapulting, a defocused UV laser
propels the cut target cells upward into a collection vessel
containing whichever solution is required in the analysis
steps (Nelson et al., 2006).
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The LAM has great advantages for cell type metabo-
lism studies, including a below micrometer spatial resolu-
tion and the possibility of collecting tens of thousands of
cells in a few minutes to hours (Nelson et al., 2006). LAM
is thus a fast, accurate and versatile method that has been
applied to transcriptomics investigations of diverse cell
types, including trichomes (Olofsson et al., 2012), guard
cells (Simeoni et al., 2022), embryos (Florez-Rueda
et al., 2020), and specific cells from epidermal, mesophyll
and vascular tissues of leaves (Berkowitz et al., 2021).
Despite these advantages, LAM is not yet a widespread
specific cell type isolation procedure for metabolomics
studies because sample preparation steps can affect the
metabolome. For instance, some metabolites can be solu-
ble in the reagents used during sample fixation and
paraffin-embedding. Although cryosectioning is a viable
alternative for plant sample preparation for LAM, it may
also render identification of target cells more challenging
(Fang & Schneider, 2014; Nelson et al., 2006). Notwith-
standing this problem, LAM has been used for metabolic
analysis of trichomes (Qin et al., 2022), resin duct epithelial
cells (Turner et al., 2019), vascular bundles (Fang & Schnei-
der, 2014) and tissues of developing seeds (Schiebold
et al., 2011).
In addition to LAM, micromanipulation systems also
allow study of specific cell types with minimal contamina-
tion. These systems comprise microcapillaries with an
aperture of a few micrometers coupled to a micromanipu-
lator, which either captures specific cells in a solution, col-
lects content from inside the cells or infuses cells with
working solutions. For instance, micromanipulation can be
used to isolate living cells from Arabidopsis female game-
tophytes (Englhart et al., 2017), to collect the inside content
of trichomes and other epidermal cell types (Ebert
et al., 2010), or to infuse stomatal cavity with working solu-
tions to investigate stomatal closure (Guzel Deger
et al., 2015). Micromanipulation systems are more easily
applied in cases where cells of interest are found in the sur-
face of the tissue, for example, trichomes and guard cells.
In cases where the target cells are embedded in a tissue, it
is necessary to first liberate such cells in a solution. In the
isolation of living two-cell Arabidopsis proembryos, seeds
were first treated with enzymatic solution to degrade cell
wall from the seed coat and facilitate the later dissection
with the aid of the microneedles (Zhou et al., 2019). Micro-
manipulation has the advantage of isolating living cells;
however, it presents a low throughput and requires highly
skilled operators to not only avoid unintentionally piercing
the cells but also to perform isolation in short enough time
for metabolic studies (Ebert et al., 2010; Hu et al., 2016).
Trichome isolation
Trichomes are uni- or multicellular structures found as
extensions of the plant epidermis (Wang et al., 2021), and
can be removed from frozen tissues with the aid of instru-
ments such as precooled fine-scaled forceps (Ebert
et al., 2010), razor blades (Roka et al., 2018), brushes
(Balcke et al., 2017), bead-beaters (Johnson et al., 2017), or
by simply hand agitating a tube containing frozen tissue
and fine powdered dry ice (Rodziewicz et al., 2019). In this
latter study, cannabis flowers were snap-frozen in liquid
nitrogen and transferred to a falcon tube with dry ice.
Then, the tube was capped with a 140-lm nylon mesh and
hand shaken into a cooled beaker. The fast mechanical agi-
tation in dry ice detaches trichomes from the tissue while
maintaining them in a cold environment, and the mesh
facilitates removal of the leaf-contaminating tissue. A tri-
chome isolation method well suited for metabolic studies
consists of using a frozen brush to scrape off trichomes
from the leaf surface into a container with liquid nitrogen
(Balcke et al., 2014). This technique snap freezes only the
trichome, while the rest of the leaf continues flexible. A fur-
ther filtration step through a nylon mesh can also increase
purity of the sample. The trichome isolation methods
described above are efficient, fast and simple to perform.
However, they do not consider that a tissue can simulta-
neously present different types of trichomes. In this sce-
nario, isolation by micromanipulation is a more suitable
method for studying a specific type of trichome (Livingston
et al., 2020). Optimized protocols can produce sufficient
quantities of trichomes for analysis of gene expression
(Zager & Lange, 2018), profiling of primary and secondary
metabolites, and even analysis of
C incorporation follow-
ing labeling experiments (Balcke et al., 2017).
Guard cell isolation
Guard cells are specialized cell types that delimit the sto-
matal pore. These cells are mainly found in the leaf epider-
mis, but in certain species they can also be found in stems
and/or reproductive structures. Guard cell metabolism has
mainly been studied using three different starting materials
(Figure 1): isolated epidermal peels, guard cell enriched
epidermal fragments and guard cell protoplasts (GCPs;
Yao et al., 2018).
Epidermal peels can be obtained using instruments
such as sharp tweezers, forceps, liquid medical adhesive
or adhesive tape (Geilfus et al., 2018; Zimmerli et al., 2012).
Isolated epidermal peels are an excellent material for mon-
itoring stomatal movements as microscope image quality
is not reduced by the presence of mesophyll cells (MCs;
Zhu, Jeon, et al., 2016). However, these peels also contain
viable trichomes and pavement cells; an additional cell
lysis procedure can be used to improve purity, making
guard cell enriched epidermal peels suitable for further
analysis. Methods of cell lysis for improving purity include
use of cellulotytic enzymes, such as Macerozyme R-10, Cel-
lulase R-10 and Cellulysin, and physical methods such as
sonication. It is not possible to obtain epidermal peels
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from all species, and the analyses that can be performed
will depend on how much material can readily be isolated.
Epidermal fragments are obtained by homogenizing
leaves in a waring blender followed by extensive washing
to produce clean fragment samples (Kopka et al., 1997;
Kruse et al., 1989). The blending process breaks MCs, tri-
chomes, vascular tissue and pavement cells, while most
guard cells remain viable in the epidermal fragments
(Antunes et al., 2017). The increased sample yield com-
pared with epidermal peels enables mass spectrometry
(MS)-based metabolomics analysis and even isotope label-
ing experiments (Daloso, Antunes, et al., 2015; Misra
et al., 2015). Moreover, because non-target cells are found
lysed and non-functional, epidermal fragments are also
found to be more pure in comparison to epidermal peels.
Due to the prolonged and vigorous extraction processes
fragments are generally first prepared, and the guard cells
are then subjected to a new condition (light, dark, exoge-
nous application of abscisic acid, etc.), which will be the
objective of the study.
The GCPs represent the purest material available for
investigation of guard cell metabolism. Methods for GCP
isolation typically yield samples with purity above 98%,
though this comes at the cost of low yield and long prepa-
ration time (Pandey et al., 2002). Such a high degree of
purity makes GCPs well suited to omics analysis (Zhu,
Jeon, et al., 2016). Moreover, GCPs display signal
responses that are usually observed in guard cells in
planta, and thus can be used for signal perception and
transduction studies (Fan et al., 2004).
Seed embryo isolation
Seed embryonic cells are embedded into layers of parental
tissue, making embryo isolation potentially even more
challenging than the isolation of epidermal cells, especially
in small sized seeds. After seed collection, embryos can be
isolated by dissection, enzymatic digestion, grinding or a
combination of these methods. Embryo dissection in
siliques is usually performed with a pair tungsten or fine
glass needles coupled to a micromanipulation system
under a microscope. Glass microcapillaries are used to col-
lect and transfer isolated embryos to another well contain-
ing a washing solution (Kao & Nodine, 2020; Zhou
et al., 2019). Dissection of seed embryonic cells in bigger
seeds should consider the use of the appropriate size
apparatus. Bulk rupture methods can be more efficient
regarding embryo collection (Kao & Nodine, 2020). Isolated
seeds can be directly placed into an enzyme solution con-
taining cellulolytic enzymes. Enzyme digestion breaks
down the cell wall of the seed coat cells facilitating later
stages of seed hand dissection (Zhou et al., 2019) or grind-
ing steps (Zhao et al., 2020) and separation of the embryo
from the embryo sac. Extensive washing using microcapil-
laries is essential to remove endosperm and seed coat
Analysis of purity and viability of cell preparations
Purity is generally assessed by microscopy and involves
the quantification of target cells compared with contami-
nant cells. For instance, tobacco guard cell enriched
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the commonly used methods for guard cells isolation and cell viability analysis.
(a) Isolated epidermal peels (IEPs) are obtained by peeling off epidermis using tweezers or adhesive tape.
(b) Guard cell enriched epidermal fragments (GCEFs) are obtained by blending and filtrating leaves.
(c) IEP are converted to guard cell enriched epidermal peels (GCEPs) either by sonication or by a weak enzymatic digestion. Note that in GCEPs obtained by
weak enzymatic digestion, outlines from pavement cells are not seen as a result from cell wall digestion by cellulolytic enzymes.
(d) Guard cell protoplasts (GCPs) are obtained by submitting GCEFs/GCEPs to strong enzymatic solution. Fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and neutral red are only
capable of staining viable and functional cells.
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epidermal fragments display about 98% guard cell purity
(Antunes et al., 2017; Daloso, Antunes, et al., 2015; Kopka
et al., 1997; Kruse et al., 1989), while protocols for GCPs
usually range between 98% and 99.5% in purity (Zhu, Jeon,
et al., 2016). Purity can also be assessed by analyzing the
expression of cell-specific marker genes (Leonhardt
et al., 2004) that are highly expressed in a specific cell type,
and usually have low expression in other cell types (Qiu
et al., 2021). For instance, NtRbcS-T1 and NtMALD1 are
specifically expressed in tobacco glandular trichomes
(GTs) and can therefore be used as markers (Pottier
et al., 2020). In the same way, guard cell purity in a sample
can be analyzed by expression of At1g22690 and AtMYB60
(Galbiati et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2008). The use of marker
genes to identify specific leaf cell types has received signif-
icant attention and has been reviewed in depth (Liu
et al., 2022).
Cell viability is usually assessed with the aid of fluo-
rescent probes such as fluorescein diacetate (FDA), propi-
dium iodide (PI) and neutral red (Figure 1). FDA hydrolysis
in the cytosol of viable cells results in emission of green
fluorescence (Huang et al., 1986). PI emits red fluorescence
but can only penetrate dead cells. Finally, neutral red,
which also emits red fluorescence, accumulates in the vac-
uole of viable cells (Timmers et al., 1995). The combination
of these probes can therefore indicate the relative propor-
tions of living and dead cells. For example, the FDAPI
combination showed that the blending process to extract
guard cell enriched epidermal fragments results in viable
guard cells while mesophyll, epidermal and trichomes are
predominantly non-viable (Antunes et al., 2017; Daloso,
Antunes, et al., 2015).
Methods for studying cell-type-specific metabolism
Mass spectrometry (MS)
Following cell separation, metabolism can be investigated
using transcriptomics and proteomics; however, tech-
niques for analysis of the metabolome of specific cell types
have also been developed. Whilst nuclear magnetic reso-
nance (NMR) spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction can be
employed, MS, coupled to capillary (CE), gas (GC) or liquid
(LC) chromatography, is the most used, due to its high sen-
sitivity (Misra et al., 2014). Adaptations of well-established
protocols (Lisec et al., 2006) have enabled metabolomics
analysis of protoplasts (Robaina-Est
evez et al., 2017) or iso-
lated guard cells via GCMS (Daloso, Antunes, et al., 2015).
Similarly, GCMS and/or LCMS have also been used to
perform metabolomics analysis in guard cell preparations
(Geng et al., 2016; Jin et al., 2013; Misra et al., 2015; Zhu
et al., 2020; Zhu & Assmann, 2017), seed embryos
(Schwender & Ohlrogge, 2002), epidermal bladder cells
(Barkla & Vera-Estrella, 2015), trichomes (Livingston
et al., 2020) and other cell types (Misra et al., 2014). High-
sensitivity MS and methods for separation and
identification of metabolites in complex biological samples
have also created the possibility of single-cell metabolo-
mics, though these techniques offer the additional chal-
lenge of harvesting sufficient cells to meet the sensitivity
threshold of the analytical platform (Guo et al., 2021).
Given that plant metabolism is spatially more com-
plex than that of animals and microorganisms (Sweetlove
& Fernie, 2013), the resolution of metabolomics can be fur-
ther improved by the use of in situ MS imaging
approaches. In MS imaging, the ionization method that
should be used depends on the dimensions and properties
of the targeted samples as the spatial resolution of the ion-
ization method will determine the pixel dimension. The
most common ionization methods include matrix-assisted
laser deionization (MALDI; 1100 lm resolution), second-
ary ion MS (0.11lm resolution) and desorption electro-
spray ionization (approx. 200 lm resolution; Dong
et al., 2016). Each pixel will be analyzed for the intensity of
each metabolite fragment identified in the mass spectra,
and the data used to produce a map showing the localiza-
tion and accumulation of each metabolite (Yin et al., 2022).
MALDI-MS imaging has been successfully used to identify
the localizations of alkaloids and other metabolites in idio-
blasts, laticifer structures, and different cells from leaves,
stems, flower and rhizomes (H
olscher et al., 2009;Li
et al., 2014; Yamamoto et al., 2016; Yamamoto et al., 2019).
Fluorescent probes
Recent advances in spectroscopy and the use of probes
and genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors allow in
vivo analysis of metabolism at the cell-type level. Different
sensors have been created to investigate the spatialtem-
poral dynamics of different metabolites (e.g. sucrose, cit-
rate), dinucleotides [NAD(P)(H)] and ATP, amongst others
(De Col et al., 2017; Kroll et al., 2021; Smith et al., 2021).
These approaches have also been used to understand local
and systemic propagation of calcium (Ca) and reactive oxy-
gen species waves throughout the plant (Fichman & Mit-
tler, 2020; Grenzi et al., 2021; Resentini et al., 2021). Most
of these biosensors are used via microscopy and can even
be targeted to a specific subcellular localization during
plant transformation. Therefore, these approaches offer
great potential for investigation of not only cell-type-
specific metabolism but also metabolic and ionic dynamics
within organelles of different cell types (Schwarzlader &
Zurbriggen, 2021).
Isotope labeling experiments
Experiments where isolated cells, organs or tissues are
incubated with substrates containing stable isotopes, such
C and
N, followed by quantification of incorporation
of label into metabolic intermediates by MS or NMR spec-
troscopy can be used to identify active metabolic pro-
cesses (Silva et al., 2016) or new pathways (Schwender
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et al., 2004). These methods have been applied to guard
cell enriched epidermal fragments (Daloso, Antunes,
et al., 2015), tomato trichomes (Balcke et al., 2017), and the
M and BS cells of the C4 plant maize (Arrivault et al., 2017;
Medeiros et al., 2022) amongst others. Radioisotopes may
also be used as labels, taking advantage of highly sensitive
methods for their detection in cell types that can often only
be isolated in relatively low abundance such as trichomes
(Johnson et al., 2017). For certain systems, carefully
designed labeling experiments may allow quantification of
metabolic fluxes. In these metabolic flux analysis (MFA)
experiments, a computational model is used to simulate
label distribution within a metabolic network; free flux
parameters within the model are then iteratively adjusted
to maximize agreement between the simulated label distri-
bution and that measured experimentally (Kruger & Rat-
cliffe, 2021). MFA has been used successfully to quantify
fluxes during seed reserve accumulation in Brassica napus,
A. thaliana, sunflower and soybean embryos (Allen &
Young, 2013; Alonso et al., 2007; Lonien & Schwen-
der, 2009; Schwender et al., 2006). Whilst this method pro-
vides robust quantification of fluxes, the number of types
of tissue to which it can be applied is relatively limited due
to the need for metabolic, and typically isotopic, steady
state. Advances in analytical techniques and the use of
cell-specific marker proteins may allow MFA to be used to
quantify fluxes in additional cell types (Rossi et al., 2017).
In silico modeling
Cell-type-specific metabolic models can be used to
investigate the particularities of each cell type that composes
a plant, and how they respond to changes in the surround-
ing micro- and macro-environments (Marshall-Colon
et al., 2017). Flux balance analysis (FBA) simulations using
plant stochiometric metabolic models, especially those cre-
ated at the genome-scale level, can provide detailed predic-
tions of cell-type-specific metabolic flux with greater spatial
resolution than experimental metabolomics approaches
(Clark et al., 2020; Moreira, Lima, et al., 2019; Shi & Schwen-
der, 2016). For this reason, different models have been cre-
ated to understand the metabolic fluxes of particular cell
types, such as MCs (the predominant cell type in leaf
models), guard cells, embryos, trichomes and seedlings
(Arnold & Nikoloski, 2014; Cheung et al., 2014; Christopher
et al., 2019; Johnson et al., 2017; Moreira, Shaw, et al., 2019;
evez et al., 2017; Schwender et al., 2006;Sham-
eer et al., 2018; Shameer et al., 2019; Shameer et al., 2020;
Tan & Cheung, 2020;T
opfer et al., 2020). These models may
incorporate information from single-cell transcriptomics
analysis, which are often more readily available than meta-
bolic data. Cell-type-specific models can then be incorpo-
rated into multi-scale models (Broddrick et al., 2022;Chew
et al., 2016; Smith et al., 2019), contributing to better under-
stand the functioning and plasticity of the plant system, with
clear implications for systems-based breeding and metabolic
engineering (Amthor et al., 2019; Zhu, Lynch, et al., 2016).
Because these models are underdetermined, they produce
predictions of metabolic network function under different
conditions, making FBA and MFA complementary
The methods described above have provided detailed
information regarding the metabolism of a wide range of
different cell types. In the following sections we focus on
several contrasting cell types and discuss the factors that
contribute to the establishment of their metabolic pheno-
types, including the influence of substrate supply, demand
for biosynthetic precursors and cofactors, and the need to
avoid deleterious processes.
Source and sink cells
A defining characteristic of multicellular plants is the pres-
ence of both source cells, which are net exporters of
photoassimilates, and sink cells, which are net importers
(Fettke & Fernie, 2015). Whilst there are many different
types of source and sink cells in a single plant, and indeed
within every organ, here we focus on the MCs of fully
developed leaves as an example of a source cell type and
compare their metabolism principally with sink leaves (Fig-
ure 2). In addition to providing a point of contrast, the dif-
ferences in metabolism between source and sink cells are
relevant for plant growth. Whilst one might think that
source cells are the most important determinants of plant
growth rate, given that they are responsible for the distri-
bution of photoassimilates to the entire plant, it seems
likely that source and sink tissues co-limit plant growth
(Burnett et al., 2016; Fernie et al., 2020; Jonik et al., 2012).
It is therefore important to understand the particularities of
both cell types to obtain information that may be used to
engineer plants with increased growth and yield. Indeed, a
recent systems-based metabolic engineering study has
modified up to 20 genes in both source and sink tissues of
tomato, resulting in plants with up to 23% increased fruit
yield (Vallarino et al., 2020). Although similar increases in
fruit yield have been achieved by single gene transforma-
tion (Nunes-Nesi et al., 2005), this study highlights the
need to considering manipulating both source and sink
cells to improve the capacity to produce, export and trans-
port carbon and nitrogen to the harvested organ (Vallarino
et al., 2020). Studies of this nature are important in break-
ing down the paradigm that improved yield is mainly (or
solely) obtained by improving either the photosynthetic
capacity of source cells or the capacity of sink cells to
import sugars and/or synthesize starch (Sonnewald &
Fernie, 2018).
Source cells have the highest photosynthetic capacity
amongst the cells of a plant, whilst sink organs are
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characterized by high activity of catabolic enzymes and
high expression of sugar transporters that favor the import
of sugars (K
uhn & Grof, 2010) (Figure 2). Source and sink
leaves also differ in the manner in which they use sucrose,
with glycolytic fluxes toward the tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
cycle and associated pathways higher in sink than in
source leaves (Dethloff et al., 2017). Sink and source cells
not only differ in their capacity to produce and import/
export sugars, but also on how they degrade and use
(respire) them (Farrar, 1985; Gordon et al., 1985; Ho, 1988;
Walker & Ho, 1977). For example, higher
C-enrichment in
phenylalanine and shikimate was observed in sink than in
source leaves of
C-sucrose-fed Arabidopsis plants (Fig-
ure 2; Dethloff et al., 2017). This is consistent with the
higher concentrations of secondary metabolites found in
sink leaves (Gobbo-Neto et al., 2017). The metabolism of
malate and the pathways associated with the TCA cycle
also seem to be regulated differently in sink and source
cells (Centeno et al., 2011). Sink leaves had higher
enrichment in metabolites of, or associated with, the TCA
cycle, including glutamate and glutamine, than source
leaves of
C-sucrose-fed Arabidopsis plants (Dethloff
et al., 2017). This is in close agreement with
experiments MFA showing that photosynthetic fluxes are
barely directed toward the synthesis of TCA cycle-
associated metabolites in source leaves (Abadie
et al., 2017; Gauthier et al., 2010; Ma et al., 2014; Szecowka
et al., 2013; Tcherkez et al., 2005). This is because the TCA
cycle of source leaves is negatively regulated by light at
the transcriptional and post-translational levels; TCA cycle
genes are downregulated in the light (Eprintsev, Fedorin,
Karabutova, & Igamberdiev, 2016; Eprintsev, Fedorin,
Sazonova, & Igamberdiev, 2016; Igamberdiev et al., 2014),
pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is inhibited by phosphory-
lation (Tovar-M
endez et al., 2003), and succinate dehydro-
genase (SDH) and fumarase are deactivated by
thioredoxin-mediated redox regulation (Daloso, M
et al., 2015). Indeed, positional
C-labeling analysis indi-
cates that the fluxes from glycolysis and phosphoenolpyr-
uvate carboxylase (PEPc) toward glutamate are restricted
by thioredoxin (TRX) o1 in Arabidopsis rosettes, which are
mostly composed of source leaves (Lima et al., 2021). It
remains unclear, however, whether these regulatory mech-
anisms are also restricting TCA cycle activity in sink leaves.
Alternatively, the differential regulation of the TCA cycle
between sink and source cells may be due to differential
substrate availability.
Beyond carbon and nitrogen metabolism, lipid metab-
olism has also been extensively studied in sink cells, given
their potential for biofuel production. Key regulators for
the synthesis of fatty acids and triacylglycerols, for the sta-
bility of lipid droplets and for the degradation of lipids
through b-oxidation have been revealed and genetically
manipulated to improve oil content in sink or source cells
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the metabolic fluxes in sink and source Arabidopsis leaves.
Thicker arrows indicate metabolic reactions with higher fluxes. Source leaves are characterized by their higher photosynthetic capacity, indicated by the thicker
arrows in the CalvinBenson cycle (CBC) and sucrose synthesis, which is preferentially used for either starch synthesis in the source leaf or exported to sink tis-
C-labeling kinetic analysis indicates that the fluxes derived from RuBisCO-mediated CO
assimilation is marginally used for the synthesis of metabolites
associated to the TCA cycle (Ma et al., 2014; Szecowka et al., 2013). This is associated with the light-inhibition of respiratory metabolism mediated by transcrip-
tional and posttranslational mechanisms (for review, see Fonseca-Pereira et al., 2021). By contrast, the
C-enrichment in metabolites of, or associated with, the
TCA cycle are higher in sink than source leaves when fed with
C-sucrose (Dethloff et al., 2017). These findings collectively suggest that the fluxes throughout
the TCA cycle and Glu/Gln pathway are higher in sink than source leaves. Higher
C-enrichment in shikimate and Phe was also observed in sink leaves fed with
C-sucrose, when compared with source leaves (Dethloff et al., 2017), in agreement with the higher accumulation of secondary metabolites in these leaves.
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(Yang et al., 2022). However, whilst the spatial characteriza-
tion of lipids in sink cells, especially in seeds, has been
investigated by isolating embryos or using magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) analysis, information on lipid metab-
olism in isolated source cells is less abundant. The
possibility of producing biodiesel from C4 leaves (Luo
et al., 2022; Zale et al., 2016) creates a demand to under-
stand the spatial resolution and regulation of lipid metabo-
lism in photosynthetic cells. For instance, histochemical
and MS-based lipidomics analysis have revealed the
dynamic of lipid droplet degradation in guard cells and
their role in stomatal opening (McLachlan et al., 2016).
These and other approaches typically used in seeds can
then be applied to improve our understanding of the regu-
lation of lipid metabolism in source cells.
Glandular trichomes
The GTs are epidermal structures present in about 30% of
vascular plants that are specialized in the production of
secondary metabolites (Huchelmann et al., 2017). GTs are
generally multi-cellular and formed from apical, stalk and
basal cells, and the metabolites they produce may accumu-
late intra- or extracellularly. For example, in trichomes that
accumulate volatile compounds these may be stored in
subcuticular spaces, as occurs in peppermint, or between
the secretory cells as in tomato (Schuurink & Tissier, 2020).
The metabolites accumulated in GTs typically have anti-
herbivory activity, making GTs an important part of plant
defenses against biotic stress, but they also produce com-
pounds with pharmaceutical applications such as the anti-
malarial artemisinin that accumulates in the GTs of
Artemisia annua (Chen et al., 2021), meaning that their
metabolism has also been studied with a view to genetic
engineering (Huchelmann et al., 2017).
The GTs are capable of high rates of secondary
metabolite production with the secretory cells of pepper-
mint peltate GTs able to fill the subcuticular cavity with
monoterpene essential oil in a single day (Turner
et al., 2000). Cell purification experiments have indicated
that the biosynthetic process, from sugars to secondary
metabolites, is entirely contained within the cells of the
GTs themselves (McCaskill et al., 1992), meaning that these
rates of production are largely due to their specialized
metabolism. Flux balance analysis of a stoichiometric
model of mint (Johnson et al., 2017) predicted a high rate
of ATP recycling and production of reduced ferredoxin;
large amounts of ATP are required for monoterpene pre-
cursor synthesis and reduced ferredoxin is required for
reductive enzymes of the methylerythritol 4-phosphate
(MEP) pathway, the plastidic route for terpene precursor
production, which is highly active in these cells. Radio-
labeling experiments performed on GTs isolated using
beat-beating also provide evidence for fermentation in
these cells as the ATP synthase inhibitor oligomycin
impacts terpene production when they are incubated with
moderate concentrations of sucrose but not high concen-
trations, and alcohol dehydrogenase activity and tran-
scripts can also be detected. It may be that the waxy
cuticle of the GTs and high activity of oxygen-consuming
cytochrome p450 enzymes results in low internal oxygen
and the need to use fermentation to maintain ATP synthe-
sis (Johnson et al., 2017).
A metanalysis of metabolic fluxes suggests similar
flux distributions in the GTs of different species (Figure 3),
including the presence of fermentation and ferredoxin
reduction by NADPH (Zager & Lange, 2018). Sugar uptake
in the form of sucrose is highly important, as even when
the secretory cells have photosynthetic activity these cells
are carbon sinks as demonstrated by
C-labeling experi-
ments and high expression of sucrose-degrading enzymes
in tomato GTs isolated by cryo-brushing (Balcke
et al., 2017). Light energy absorbed by GTs with photosyn-
thetic capacity is therefore likely important in the genera-
tion of ATP and NADPH for biosynthetic processes as well
as the refixation of CO
released by respiration (Balcke
et al., 2017). Indeed, tobacco GTs express a specific form
of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase
(RubisCO) small subunit that has a relatively high turnover
but low CO
affinity, and which may therefore be suited to
the high-CO
concentration conditions of GTs (Laterre
et al., 2017). Further study is required though as this small
subunit isoform is not present in some species where
refixation of CO
released by respiration is known to occur,
such as B. napus (Brand & Tissier, 2022). Interestingly, epi-
thelial duct cells isolated from loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)
needles using LAM that produce diterpenes, sesquiter-
penes and monoterpenes as part of their oleoresin appear
to have a similar metabolism to cells of GTs of herbaceous
species, showing high MEP pathway activity, ATP synthe-
sis, heterotrophic regeneration of ferredoxin and fermenta-
tion (Turner et al., 2019). Thus, despite their distant
evolutionary relationship, the cells of both species have a
similar flux distribution imposed by their specialization in
the production and secretion of terpenes.
High levels of expression of enzymes involved in sec-
ondary metabolite synthesis appear to be a defining char-
acteristic of the secretory cells of GTs and a determinant of
their specialized metabolism. There is generally a strong
correlation between the class of metabolite synthesized
and the abundance of transcripts coding for enzymes that
produce this class (Aziz et al., 2005; Zager & Lange, 2018),
and transcript abundance may also point to which pathway
is used for metabolite production (Jin et al., 2014). This pat-
tern may also extend beyond a single pathway. Cannabis
produces a complex mixture of cannabinoids, monoter-
penes and sesquiterpenes in the capitate-stalked GTs of
female plants during flowering. Cannabinoids, in particular,
require GPP from the MEP pathway as well as olivetonic
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acid from the polyketide pathway; for all these metabolites
strong correlations between their abundance and the abun-
dance of transcripts coding for enzymes in the relevant bio-
synthetic pathways were detected (Zager et al., 2019). GTs
may also show highly specialized gene expression patterns
with more than 90% of metabolism-associated transcripts
coding for enzymes involved in bitter acid and prenylflava-
noid biosynthesis in hop for example (Zager & Lange, 2018).
Secondary metabolism withdraws intermediates from pri-
mary metabolic pathways, and enzymes involved in the
production of these precursors are also strongly expressed
in GTs. For example, enzymes such as ATP-citrate lyase,
which produces the cytosolic acetyl-CoA needed for the
mevalonic acid pathway, and plastidic isoforms of glyco-
lytic enzymes involved in production of pyruvate and GAP
for the MEP pathway are enriched in tomato GTs (Balcke
et al., 2017). Transcription factors that drive high expres-
sion of enzymes involved in both primary and secondary
metabolism in GTs have been identified. Many of these,
however, also have effects on trichome development mak-
ing separating their direct roles in enzyme expression from
indirect developmental effects challenging (Brand & Tis-
sier, 2022). Gene duplication also appears to be important
as it permits the evolution of enzyme isoforms associated
with the specialized metabolism of GT cells (Brand & Tis-
sier, 2022). For example, type II isoforms of DXS, the first
enzyme of the MEP pathway, tend to be associated with
isoprene-producing tissues. Similarly, the ferredoxin iso-
form identified in heterotrophic mint GTs has a different
redox potential to the isoform involved in photosynthetic
electron transport that allows it to receive electrons from
NADPH (Johnson et al., 2017).
Figure 3. Metabolic fluxes observed in glandular trichomes (GTs) producing terpenes.
In this example, based on a model proposed for tomato type VI GTs (Balcke et al., 2017), IPP/DMAPP are produced via the plastidic methylerythritol 4-phosphate
(MEP) pathway from pyruvate and triose-phosphate as well as via the cytosolic MVA pathway using acetyl-CoA produced by ATP-citrate lyase. In addition to gly-
colysis, pyruvate is also produced by a plastidic NADP-malic enzyme. Terpene precursor production results in release of CO
that can be refixed via CalvinBen-
son cycle activity. Despite this photosynthetic activity, metabolism depends on the uptake of sugars. Ethanolic fermentation has been detected in GTs (Zager &
Lange, 2018) and is also represented here.
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There is also evidence for interaction between path-
ways of secondary metabolism in GTs. Tomato type VI
GTs produce both flavonoids and volatile terpenes;
mutants lacking chalcone synthase, an enzyme necessary
for flavonoid synthesis, not only lack anthocyanins but are
also affected in terpene production (Kang et al., 2014). Ter-
pene synthesis is reduced to 10% of normal with downre-
gulation of transcripts coding for enzymes necessary for
their synthesis specifically in the type VI GTs of plants lack-
ing the CH1 gene (Sugimoto et al., 2022). The mechanism
of co-regulation of these pathways is unclear, but appears
unlikely to be due to accumulation of a specific metabolic
precursor as lack of other enzymes in the same pathway
has a similar affect.
The specialized metabolism of GT cells is also depen-
dent on the trichomes having a structure that allows for
the release or accumulation of compounds such as ter-
penes. Generally, capitate GTs, which have a stalk that is
longer than half the head height, exude resinous sub-
stances, whilst peltate GTs, which have a large head and
unicellular or bicellular stalk, accumulate volatile com-
pounds in intercellular or subcuticular cavities (Huchel-
mann et al., 2017; Tissier et al., 2017). For example, volatile
secondary metabolites are stored in a cavity in tomato type
IV GTs (intercellular), cannabis GTs and mint peltate GTs
(subcuticular), which allows these substances to accumu-
late to high levels without potentially negative effects on
cell physiology. It seems likely that both the active secre-
tory pathway as well as membrane transporter proteins
are important in exporting volatile compounds to these
cavities (Tissier et al., 2017).
Guard cells
Guard cells are specialized cells found in the leaf epidermis
surrounding the stomatal pore, an aperture in the leaf epi-
dermis that allows the entrance of CO
for photosynthesis
and the efflux of water vapor through transpiration.
Growth and stress tolerance are therefore actively regu-
lated by stomatal movements (Lawson, 2009). Changes in
guard cell metabolism ultimately control the opening and
closure of the stomatal pore. Whilst stomatal opening is
induced by the accumulation of osmolytes within guard
cells, their efflux or consumption causes the stomatal pore
to close. The homeostasis of ions and metabolites in guard
cells, mediated by their transport and turnover, is thus key
in regulating the rate of stomatal movements. This process
is highly dynamic, responding to different endogenous
and environmental signals, in which MCs and subsidiary
cells act as important sources of metabolites for guard
cells (Figure 4) (Fl
utsch & Santelia, 2021; Wang
et al., 2019). A guard cell is therefore a highly responsive
cell, acting as a hub for sensing environmental signals and
memorizing stress conditions (Auler et al., 2022). Investiga-
tions of guard cell metabolism have mainly focussed on
how these cells respond to environmental conditions, such
as CO
, dark, light, phytohormones and stress (Daloso,
Antunes, et al., 2015; Daloso, Williams, et al., 2016; Fran-
zisky et al., 2021; Freire et al., 2021; Geng et al., 2017;
Hedrich & Marten, 1993; Jin et al., 2013; Medeiros
et al., 2018; Misra et al., 2015; Outlaw & Lowry, 1977; Tal-
bott & Zeiger, 1996; Zhu et al., 2020). These studies have
been carried out using epidermal peels, guard cell
enriched epidermal fragments and protoplasts. Several
unique characteristics of guard cell metabolism (Figure 4)
have been revealed thanks to these and other guard cell
metabolic studies.
During stomatal opening, guard cells accumulate
potassium (K
) and its counterions chloride (Cl
), nitrate
) and malate. The uptake of potassium through spe-
cific channels is a consequence of membrane hyperpolari-
zation through the action of H
-ATPases, which in turn
demand large quantities of ATP. Starch is an important
substrate for ATP production and malate synthesis during
stomatal opening, and its metabolism in guard cells there-
fore shows certain particularities (Figure 4). For example,
starch from Arabidopsis guard cells is degraded in the first
hours of light (Antunes et al., 2017;Fl
utsch et al., 2020;
Horrer et al., 2016), likely as mechanism to support the
energetic and osmotic demands of the stomatal opening
process (Santelia & Lunn, 2017). In contrast, starch synthe-
sis is nearly linear in the light and degradation is linear
during the night in MCs (Martins et al., 2013). Sucrose also
plays a role in stomatal opening (Daloso, Anjos, & Fer-
nie, 2016); increasing sucrose hydrolysis in guard cells
through expression of acid invertase in potato or sucrose
synthase (SuSy) in tobacco increased stomatal opening
(Antunes et al., 2012; Daloso, Williams, et al., 2016), whilst
decreases in SuSy2 expression in tobacco guard cells
reduced the rate of stomatal opening (Freire et al., 2021).
C-labeling experiments performed using epidermal frag-
ments suggest that sucrose breakdown contributes to
energy and organic acid counterion production (Daloso,
Antunes, et al., 2015). Sucrose in guard cells may be
derived from photosynthesis and starch, and can form a
sucrose futile cycle (SFC; Robaina-Est
evez et al., 2017).
However, the transcriptomes of these cells are also
enriched in membrane sucrose transporters (Daloso,
Anjos, & Fernie, 2016), and knockdown of the SUT1 trans-
porter resulted in decreased stomatal opening, indicating
that at least part of guard cell sucrose is taken up from the
apoplast (Figure 4; Antunes et al., 2017).
Guard cells are photosynthetically active (Lawson
et al., 2003), and photosynthesis could therefore potentially
contribute to energy or osmolyte production. Whilst car-
bon fixation via the CalvinBenson cycle can be detected
together with that catalyzed by PEPc (Daloso, Antunes,
et al., 2015; Gotow et al., 1988), it remains unclear how
much fixation via RuBisCO contributes to carbon balance
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and osmolyte accumulation (Lawson, 2009). Photosyn-
thetic electron transport appears to make an important
contribution to production of the ATP and reducing equiva-
lents needed for osmolyte accumulation (Suetsugu
et al., 2014).
Despite their photosynthetic nature, guard cells also
present several characteristics of sink cells (Daloso,
Antunes, et al., 2015;Fl
utsch et al., 2022; Hite et al., 1993),
as compared with MCs they have higher fluxes toward the
TCA cycle and glutamate/glutamine metabolic pathways
(Lima et al., 2021). It is therefore not clear whether guard
cell metabolism more closely resembles that of sink or
source cells. Furthermore, guard cells from C3 plants have
high expression of genes associated with C4 metabolism
(Daloso, Anjos, & Fernie, 2016), higher assimilation of CO
mediated by PEPc (Daloso et al., 2017; Robaina-Est
et al., 2017) and high CO
assimilation in the dark (Gotow
et al., 1988; Lima et al., 2021), resembling C4 and CAM.
Several subcellular particularities are also observed such
as the formation of a SFC in the cytosol and greater trans-
port of CO
from the chloroplast to the cytosol and of
malate from the cytosol to the chloroplasts(Robaina-
evez et al., 2017). A four-phase flux balance analysis of
guard cells reinforced the flexibility of their metabolism,
highlighting how different pathways may operate as a
function of light intensity and sucrose supply as well as
the energetic equivalence of Cl
and malate as K
ions (Tan & Cheung, 2020).
Given the important role of guard cells for the regula-
tion of photosynthesis and transpiration, a full understand-
ing of guard cell metabolism may aid obtaining plants with
improved water use efficiency through metabolic engineer-
ing (Lawson & Vialet-Chabrand, 2018). However, the lack
of a protocol to isolate these cells from frozen leaves
makes it harder to understand the dynamics of guard cell
metabolism in planta. Separation could theoretically be
done by LAM, but an enormous amount of guard cells
would be required for metabolomic analysis. The
Figure 4. Schematic representation of the metabolic fluxes in guard cells during light- or dark-induced stomatal opening/closure conditions.
Thicker arrows indicate metabolic processes with high fluxes in each condition. Guard cells are characterized by having characteristics of both sink and source
cells, but with limited CO
assimilation capacity mediated by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO). Thus, these cells seem to import
sucrose and other sugars during both stomatal opening and closure conditions (for review, see Fl
utsch & Santelia, 2021). During the dark-to-light transition (left
figure), starch and sucrose are degraded likely to meet the energetic and osmotic demand for stomatal opening, in which a close connection between carbohy-
drates, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle activity and Gln metabolism has been observed in different studies (for review, see Lima et al., 2018). Modeling and
labeling analyses suggest that guard cells have high phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) activity (Robaina-Est
evez et al., 2017), including in the dark
(Gotow et al., 1988), as indicated by the thick arrows between PEP and OAA in both figures. In contrast to the light, it has been hypothesized that stomatal clo-
sure conditions (e.g. dark, high CO
) would favor gluconeogenesis toward starch synthesis rather than glycolysis, as indicated by the reverse arrow from PEP to
hexoses. However, the speed of stomatal closure cannot be solely explained by the activation of gluconeogenesis. The efflux of organic osmolytes (e.g. malate)
from the symplast to the apoplast of guard cells seem thus required to enable a rapid stomatal closure (Hedrich & Marten, 1993; Raschke & Dittrich, 1977). Fur-
ther evidence has shown that Glu can induce stomatal closure, but the mechanism behind such a result remains to be identified.
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establishment of a protocol for separating MCs and guard
cells from the same frozen leaf material assumes therefore
a paramount importance to improve our understanding of
guard cell metabolism.
Seeds and embryos
Seeds contain significant quantities of reserves that are
used for maintenance and growth of the embryo during
germination and the seedling phase. Following histodiffer-
entiation of the embryo, these substances, including carbo-
hydrates, lipids and proteins, accumulate in reserve tissues
of the cotyledons or endosperm during seed maturation.
The cells of these tissues therefore exhibit specialized flux
distributions associated with the production of precursors,
their assembly into reserves and the generation of the ATP
and reducing equivalents needed for these processes. In
addition to the demands resulting from reserve accumula-
tion, metabolism is also affected by substrate availability,
whether organic compounds supplied by the mother plant
or through gas exchange, the photosynthetic capacity of
the embryo and even shape, size and space available for
its growth (Muller-Landau, 2010).
Flux distribution in these cells varies with reserve
composition and has been extensively studied using MFA.
Oilseeds are generally characterized by high fluxes through
glycolysis and plastidic pyruvate dehydrogenase to pro-
duce acetyl-CoA for fatty acid synthesis (Figure 5), with
malic enzyme supplementing pyruvate production (Allen
et al., 2009; Schwender et al., 2006; Sweetlove et al., 2013).
On the other hand, metabolism in the endosperm of bar-
ley, which is about 60% starch, 8% protein and 7% lipid by
mass, is mainly directed toward the production of starch
from imported sugars with energy generated through TCA
cycle activity and oxidative phosphorylation (Rolletschek
et al., 2015).
The flux distribution is also determined by which sub-
strates are available, which in turn is a consequence of
supply by the endosperm or maternal tissue. In soybean
cotyledons, for example, carbon from glutamine and
asparagine are fed into the TCA cycle, with part of the car-
bon then withdrawn for the synthesis of other amino acids
or fatty acids (Allen et al., 2009). Substrate supply not only
affects flux distribution but also the reserves that are accu-
mulated; as the ratio of carbon to nitrogen fed to soybean
embryos increases the concentration of protein decreases
from 47% to 14% of dry mass but with no change in
embryo growth rate (Allen & Young, 2013). Sophisticated
MRI techniques are now beginning to be used to probe
endosperm metabolism, which has an important effect on
substrate supply to the embryo in B. napus and other spe-
cies (Rolletschek, Mayer, et al., 2021).
The space that the embryo has available for growth
also affects reserve accumulation and hence metabolism;
B. napus embryos grown in vitro accumulate more starch,
which is less energy dense, as their size is less constrained
than embryos developing in planta within a seed coat, and
mechanical restriction appears to induce a switch from
embryo growth to maturation (Borisjuk et al., 2013; Roll-
etschek, Muszynska, & Borisjuk, 2021).
Depending on the species, significant quantities of
light may reach the embryo, meaning that photosynthesis
can potentially contribute to carbon and energy balance
during reserve accumulation. In A. thaliana,Glycine max
and B. napus, lipid storage, and consequently seed yield,
is greatly affected by light (Li et al., 2006; Ruuska
et al., 2004). The cells of cotyledons accumulating oil
release CO
as part of the plastidic pyruvate dehydroge-
nase reaction that produces acetyl-CoA for fatty acid syn-
thesis. In green embryos this CO
can be refixed by
RuBisCO operating without the Calvin cycle, and this
RuBisCO bypass has been detected in B. napus (Schwen-
der et al., 2004), soybean (Allen et al., 2009) and Arabidop-
sis (Lonien & Schwender, 2009). CO
refixation in these
cotyledon cells results in increased carbon conversion effi-
ciency into fatty acids when compared with heterotrophic
oilseed cotyledons such as those of sunflower (Alonso
et al., 2007). Light energy is not only used for CO
with the ATP and NADPH produced by chloroplast electron
transport also used for reserve synthesis, reducing the
need for flux through the TCA cycle (Allen et al., 2009;
Lonien & Schwender, 2009; Schwender et al., 2006).
Embryos of different species will receive different
amounts of light as a result of plant morphology and
growth conditions, and the amount of light reaching the
embryos is likely to affect flux through the RuBisCO bypass
(Borisjuk et al., 2013) with greater flux in B. napus, where
pods are directly exposed to sun, compared with soybean
where pods are below the leaf canopy (Allen et al., 2009;
Lonien & Schwender, 2009). Even within a single embryo,
cells in different cotyledons may receive different quanti-
ties of light and hence exhibit different metabolic fluxes. In
B. napus embryos, one cotyledon is folded over the other
and the resulting shading produces differences in metabo-
lism; cells of the outer cotyledon and the hypocotyl/radicle
axis have greater photosynthetic activity, in contrast to
those of the inner cotyledon that grows essentially hetero-
trophically (Borisjuk et al., 2013). Alterations in flux
between the cotyledons reflect the embryo’s adjustment to
ATP/NADPH production, which is related to the level of
light exposure.
The effects of light on seed metabolism are not lim-
ited to those with green embryos. For example, in silico
modeling of the endosperm and embryos of barley (Hor-
deum vulgare) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) revealed an
adjustment in metabolic flux due to light-induced changes
in solute uptake. In the green pericarp that surrounds these
tissues there were changes in photosynthetic and TCA
cycle fluxes that allowed refixation of CO
released by the
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endosperm and guaranteed greater efficiency in the con-
version of carbon into seed reserves (Rolletschek
et al., 2015).
Another factor that shapes metabolism in cells of seed
tissues is oxygen balance, as there is a need for external
oxygen to ensure aerobic respiration (Borisjuk & Roll-
etschek, 2009; Rolletschek et al., 2002). Low capacity for
oxygen diffusion can cause hypoxia, which in turn results
in reduced ATP production as oxygen is the terminal elec-
tron acceptor in the mitochondrial electron transport chain,
ultimately decreasing ATP availability and resulting in
shifts in metabolism (Greenway & Jane, 2003; Klok et al.,
2002), including activation of fermentation and reduced
TCA cycle flux as predicted by flux balance analysis of bar-
ley embryos (Grafahrend-belau et al., 2009).
Oxygen supply to the inner part of the seed therefore
has great influence over the quantity and size of seeds
(Kuang et al., 1998), and seed structure and architecture
are relevant for understanding the metabolic processes
that occur during its development. Computerized tomogra-
phy has been used to evaluate the development of B.
napus seeds, seeking to understand the impact of empty
spaces that are found in the seed (Verboven et al., 2013).
The testa and hypocotyl showed several empty spaces,
while the cotyledons revealed small and poorly intercon-
nected spaces. It is likely that the size and interconnectivity
of these empty spaces are the main determinants of gas
exchange potential, which itself affects the local respiratory
activity within a developing seed, and allow high gas
exchange rates both in the seed coat and along the axial
direction of the hypocotyl (Verboven et al., 2013).
To understand the importance of oxygen availability
or restriction in seed and embryo development, and how
this can cause changes in metabolic patterns, it is essential
to elucidate the role of nitric oxide (NO) in oxygen signal-
ing. NO is a gaseous free radical that responds to the pres-
ence of molecular oxygen and is thought to mediate
important functions such as low oxygen detection,
Figure 5. The principal metabolic fluxes observed in cotyledon cells of green embryos accumulating fatty acids based on a model for soybean (Allen
et al., 2009).
released during acetyl-CoA production is refixed by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) acting without a complete CalvinBenson
cycle (Schwender et al., 2004). In addition to sucrose, carbon also enters metabolism as glutamine, which can be converted to 2-oxoglutarate and used for ana-
pleurotic replenishment of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. TCA cycle intermediates are also withdrawn synthesis of amino acids or fatty acids via malic
enzyme; for clarity, fluxes to amino acids are not shown.
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respiratory control, ATP availability and seed storage activ-
ity (Rolletschek et al., 2005). The availability of oxygen con-
trols the concentration of NO and, in turn, NO regulates
the consumption availability of oxygen in the seed. This
oxygen self-regulating mechanism prevents seed anoxia
and indicates a key role for NO in regulating storage activ-
ity, which can be observed in the form of changes in
steady-state metabolite concentrations and biosynthetic
fluxes under NO treatment (Benamar et al., 2008; Linder-
mayr et al., 2005; Neill et al., 2003).
C4 metabolism
C4 photosynthesis is present in about 3% of vascular
plants, and is particularly common in those growing in hot
and dry regions with abundant light. This type of photo-
synthesis depends on the operation of a carboxylation-
decarboxylation cycle distributed between leaf MCs and
bundle sheath cells (BSCs). C4 photosynthesis is thought
to have evolved independently at least 61 times
(Sage, 2016), likely because the C4 cycle repurposes
enzymes that are present in all plants (Aubry et al., 2011)
together with the significant advantages that C4 metabo-
lism offers in certain environmental conditions. Firstly, the
C4 cycle results in elevated concentrations of CO
in the
BSCs, which results in suppression of photorespiration
and increased rates of carbon fixation by RubisCO. Whilst
variable between species and conditions,
experiments in maize suggested photorespiratory flux was
5% of the rate of carboxylation, five times less than
expected for a C3 plant (Arrivault et al., 2017). The effective
pumping of CO
from mesophyll to bundle sheath also
tends to decrease leaf intercellular CO
which in turn favors the diffusion of CO
into the leaf; C4
plants can therefore maintain high rates of photosynthesis
with low stomatal conductance resulting in increased
water use efficiency (Way et al., 2014). These characteris-
tics are particularly advantageous in hot environments,
which favor photorespiration, with limited water and nitro-
gen availability and abundant light energy needed to drive
the C4 cycle (Schluter & Weber, 2020). Today, grasses in
savannahs such as the Brazilian Cerrado senso stricto are
predominately C4, and differences in the abundance of C3
and C4 species can even be detected between closely
located open savannah and gallery forests (Amaral
et al., 2021).
The C4 cycle is associated with specific metabolic phe-
notypes in the MCs and BSCs. Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)
is carboxylated by PEPc in the mesophyll using bicarbon-
ate produced by carbonic anhydrase to produce the C4
organic acid oxaloacetate (Figure 6). Oxaloacetate is con-
verted to malate or aspartate, which move to the BSC via
plasmodesmata. C4 organic acids are decarboxylated to
release CO
in the BSCs that can then be fixed via the Cal-
vin cycle and a three-carbon molecule (pyruvate or alanine)
that will be returned to the MC where it can be converted
back to PEP to complete the cycle (Schluter & Weber, 2020).
Three different C4 pathways are typically identified, which
are named after the enzyme responsible for catalyzing
decarboxylation (plastidic NADP-ME, mitochondrial NAD-
ME and cytosolic PEPCK), but which also vary in the mole-
cules that move between the MCs and BSCs and cofactor
consumption and synthesis in the two cell types (Wang
et al., 2014). Whilst for some time it was thought that each
C4 species used only a specific C4 subtype, it now appears
that different decarboxylation pathways may operate
simultaneously, to varying extents, within the same spe-
cies (Pick et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2014). Moreover, the flux
through each subtype pathway may vary based on envi-
ronmental conditions, such as light intensity (Medeiros
et al., 2022) or developmental stage (Pick et al., 2011).
Other metabolite exchanges between MCs and BSCs
are also important in C4 photosynthesis. Plants that pre-
dominantly use an NADP-ME C4 cycle such as maize, sug-
arcane and sorghum tend to exhibit low abundance of BSC
PSII (Meierhoff & Westhoff, 1993). NADPH is produced in
BSCs by NADP-ME itself but can also be produced in BSCs
using triose-phosphate imported from MCs via NADPH-
dependent GA3PDH, with the 3PGA produced being
returned to the MCs and recycled (Arrivault et al., 2017).
This cycle also appears important in proton balancing
between the cell types (Shaw & Maurice Cheung, 2019).
Exchange of the metabolites involved in these cycles
requires concentration gradients between the cell types to
drive diffusion, and metabolite profiling of BSCs and MCs
of maize obtained by leaf homogenization followed by fil-
tration at low temperature have confirmed the presence of
such gradients for malate, triose-phosphate and 3PGA
(Arrivault et al., 2017). The need to establish concentration
gradients may contribute to the simultaneous operation of
C4 subtype pathways; as rates of diffusion depend on the
size of a concentration gradient, multiple pathways would
reduce the need to maintain high concentrations of a sin-
gle metabolite (Wang et al., 2014). Other metabolic pro-
cesses show at least some degree of restriction to one of
the cell types; transient starch production in mature maize
leaves occurs in the BSCs (Weise et al., 2011) whilst nitrate
assimilation occurs in the MCs (Kopriva, 2011). Mecha-
nisms are also required to avoid leakage of carbon from
the C4 cycle into other processes; for example, elevated
organic acid concentrations in BSCs could potentially
result in carbon leaking into the TCA cycle. Although it is
not clear how this occurs,
C-labeling experiments in
maize indicate that such leakage is minimal (Arrivault
et al., 2017).
Due to the physiological advantages of C4 photosyn-
thesis under hot and dry conditions, the potential for its
introduction into C3 crops such as rice has been exten-
sively evaluated (Ermakova et al., 2020). As such, we now
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have detailed information regarding the metabolism of
MCs and BSCs, as well as the anatomical and gene expres-
sion patterns that are necessary to establish a functioning
C4 cycle.
As might be expected given its complexity, C4 photo-
synthesis does not appear to have evolved in a single step.
Analysis of C3-C4 intermediate species, which are often
phylogenetically close to C4 species (Schluter &
Weber, 2020), indicates expression of glycine decarboxyl-
ase almost exclusively in BSCs as a likely first step in C4
evolution (Borghi et al., 2022). Glycine decarboxylation,
releasing CO
, in BSCs is sufficient to reduce the CO
pensation point in C3-C4 intermediate species relative to
C3 species, but also requires establishment of metabolite
shuttles between the MCs and BSCs to balance nitrogen
and reduce equivalent metabolism. Metabolite profiling of
nine species from the Flaveria genus indicates high con-
centrations of serine in BSCs that could drive its diffusion
to the MCs (Borghi et al., 2022), and it could be that further
shuttles involving malate, aspartate, pyruvate and alanine
proposed in C3-C4 intermediate species represent the basis
for evolution of a full C4 cycle (Mallmann et al., 2014).
Clear patterns of transcript abundance are observed in
the BSCs and MCs of C4 species, with transcripts for Calvin
cycle, decarboxylation and photorespiratory enzymes
preferentially expressed in the BSCs, and those for PEPC,
PPDK and CA in the MCs (Schluter & Weber, 2020). As part
of efforts to produce a C4 rice, promoter elements that
drive specific expression in these cell types have been
identified (Ermakova et al., 2020). Gene duplication
appears to be important for C4 evolution as the additional
copies of genes may acquire specific functions associated
with MC or BSC metabolism, such as the C4 specific iso-
forms of PEPC (Chollet et al., 1996), or even affect leaf ana-
tomical traits such as vein spacing (Huang et al., 2021). C3
Flaveria species have a BSC specific and a ubiquitous iso-
form of the GLDP protein, one of the subunits of glycine
decarboxylase; in C4 species of the same genus the ubiqui-
tous form is a pseudogene leaving these plants with only
the BSC isoform that could participate in a photorespira-
tory pump (Schulze et al., 2013). A whole-genome duplica-
tion event also appears to have enabled the evolution of
C4 in Gynandropsis gynandra (Huang et al., 2021).
Differences in chloroplast development and function
between MCs and BSCs, and when compared with C3 spe-
cies, are also a key feature of C4 metabolism, with chloro-
plasts much more abundant in BSCs. Indeed, this is a
significant barrier to C4 engineering as the plastids nor-
mally present in the BSCs of rice could not support
the photosynthetic activity necessary for a C4 cycle.
Figure 6. The principal metabolic fluxes observed in the mesophyll cells (MCs) and bundle sheath cells (BSCs) of mature leaves of a C4 plant.
Carboxylation occurs in the MCs through phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) activity with the malate produced from OAA moving to the BSCs through
plasmodesmata where it is decarboxylated by NADP-ME in the chloroplast. Released CO
is fixed by the CalvinBenson cycle resulting in sucrose and starch
synthesis. Pyruvate returns to the MCs and is converted to PEP to complete the cycle. For clarity, only the NADP-ME pathway of decarboxylation is shown, and
additional substrate cycles discussed in the text are omitted.
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A proto-Kranz anatomy, which involves increased organ-
elle volume, and abundance of RubisCO in chloroplasts
and GDC in mitochondria appears a likely step in C4 evolu-
tion (Sage et al., 2014), and can be recreated in the vascu-
lar sheath cells of rice through expression of golden-like 2
transcription factors (Wang et al., 2017). As mentioned,
PSII abundance in the BSCs of C4 species that mainly use
NADP-ME for decarboxylation is low, and this is typically
associated with the presence of few grana stacks (Meierh-
off & Westhoff, 1993) and greater cyclic electron flow nec-
essary for ATP generation (Dal’Molin et al., 2010).
Cell-specific enzyme expression is necessary but not
sufficient for C4 to function, as leaf anatomy also plays a
crucial role, with almost all C4 species having Kranz anat-
omy (Borghi et al., 2022). Firstly, C4 species typically have
minimal spacing between leaf veins, with each vein sepa-
rated by only four cells, whilst in C3 species this number
can be as high as 20 (Langdale, 2011). This organization is
necessary for operation of the C4 cycle between the two
cell types. BSCs and MCs are also connected by extensive
plasmodesmata that permit rapid metabolite exchange;
comparison of C3 and C4 species revealed the presence of
up to nine times more plasmodesmata for each MC-BSC
interface in C4 plants (Danila et al., 2016). The C4 cycle
therefore requires a combination of a cell-specific pattern
enzyme expression, together with developmental pro-
cesses that result in the correct spacing and connection of
cells and the activation of chloroplast development in the
Advances in isolation protocols and analytical techniques
have generated significant insight into metabolism in spe-
cific cell types. Ultimately no single technique is appropri-
ate for all cell types, but between LAM and FACs a wide
range of cell types can be isolated, and MS-based analyti-
cal platforms are now sensitive to probe the metabolism of
cells isolated in this manner. Evaluation and reporting of
cell purity and potential artifacts caused by isolation is
highly important.
Different cell types in plants are associated with major
differences in the distribution of metabolic flux. The in-
depth studies of cell-type-specific metabolism carried out
so far indicate that metabolic differences may have multi-
ple causes that are often found in combination. Firstly,
cells may be specialized in the production of certain mole-
cules, demanding flux through specific metabolic pro-
cesses as occurs during fatty acid biosynthesis in B. napus
embryos or terpene synthesis in the GTs of mint. Synthesis
of such compounds, and their assembly into macromole-
cules, also requires ATP and reducing equivalents, and
their production will also shape the distribution of meta-
bolic flux.
Metabolism may also differ between cell types due to
the substrates available to them. The clearest example of
this is the difference between source and sink cells; metab-
olism in one dominated by CO
fixation and direct use of
light as an energy source, whilst in the other mitochondrial
respiration is typically required to meet demands for ATP
and NADPH. Subtler, but no less important, differences
may arise from the set of substrates that can be trans-
ported into the cell or released from internal reserves, as
occurs during a daynight cycle in guard cells, in embryo
cells receiving substrate from surrounding tissues, or the
availability of oxygen that will affect the extent to which
oxidative phosphorylation may function.
Cell-type-specific metabolism may also be necessary
to suppress potentially deleterious processes. One of the
consequences of the C4 photosynthetic cycle, for example,
is suppression of photorespiration, whilst the restriction of
production of certain secondary metabolites to specialized
cell types and the accumulation of these metabolites in
specialized structures avoids potential autotoxicity and
finely regulates the growth-stress tolerance trade-off.
The flexibility of photosynthesis is also made clear by
the metabolic phenotypes of specific cell types; whilst
CalvinBenson cycle function resulting in net CO
and driven by predominantly linear electron transport is
present in the mesophyll of mature C3 leaves, these pro-
cesses can fulfill different roles in other metabolic con-
texts. For example, refixation of CO
occurs in green
embryos and photosynthetic GTs without true CalvinBen-
son cycle operation, whilst the ATP and reducing power
generated by photosynthesis in these cells is needed for
other biosynthetic processes.
Further technical advances, including the develop-
ment of methods for cell isolation, techniques for in vivo
imaging, increased sensitivity of analytical methods and in
silico modeling, will allow us to obtain more detailed infor-
mation on cell-type-specific metabolism that both
increases our understanding of plant metabolic physiology
and reveals new opportunities for metabolic engineering.
DMD and TCRW thank the National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development (CNPq, grants 404817/2021-1 and
305288/2020) for financial support. DMD thanks the National Insti-
tute of Science and Technology in Plant Physiology under Stress
Conditions (INCT Plant Stress Physiology grant 406455/2022-8)
for financial support. TCRW thanks the Fundac
ao de Apoio de Pes-
quisa do Distrito Federal (FAPDF, grant 00193-00001067/2021-48)
for financial support. The authors also thank the research fellow-
ships granted by CNPq to DMD and TCRW, and the scholarship
granted by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evalua-
tion of Graduate Education (CAPES-Brazil) to EGM.
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Ó2023 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
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... COT differed 4% and 1% respectively (Silva et al. 2021). Metabolic fluxes in plant cells and organs are significantly affected by alterations in substrate input and biomass output (Junker et al. 2007;Allen and Young 2013), and the metabolic network in seedlings therefore operates differently to other plant organs to convert the carbon skeletons released from reserve breakdown into the precursors for new biomass (Daloso et al. 2023). These differences are reflected in the distinct patterns of seedling gene expression, for example the expression of genes encoding glyoxylate cycle enzymes in soybean and Arabidopsis (Eastmond et al. 2000;Gonzalez and Vodkin 2007). ...
Seedlings depend upon seed reserves for the prevision of carbon skeletons for growth and energy production. Post-germinative growth of soybean is therefore marked by the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids and the interconversion of the products of these catabolic processes. Here, we refined a method for 13C isotope labelling of heterotrophic soybean seedlings and used it to probe metabolism during this critical phase of plant development. We anticipated that 13C labelling would reveal differences in metabolism between the cotyledons (COT) and hypocotyl-root axis (HRA). Feeding with U-13C glucose followed by analysis of isotope incorporation indicated uptake and metabolism of this labelled precursor by both COT and HRA. Fractional enrichments were generally greater in the HRA reflecting the catabolism of unlabelled reserves of lipids and proteins in COT. Mass isotopomer distributions confirmed operation of the TCA cycle and glycolysis along with hexose-phosphate cycling in both organs, whilst amino acid synthesis was limited, as expected, given the significant protein reserves. COT differed from HRA in TCA cycle citrate and anapleurotic metabolism. Experiments with 13C glycine indicated that glycine decarboxylase and serine hydroxymethyltransferase enzymes may function in heterotrophic tissues as well as in photorespiration. Labelling of the majority of metabolites was constant over time, suggesting that the experimental system could be used for metabolic flux analysis. Overall stable isotope labelling provided significant insight into metabolism of soybean seedlings and could be used to investigate seedling metabolism in other genotypes or species.
... The net effect of this is that each cell type has a distinct pattern of fluxes through its metabolic network that facilitates the supply of metabolite precursors in appropriate ratios for different modes of growth, such as cell division versus expansion , and to meet differing energy demands. At the metabolic level, this is best understood in certain cell types in leaves, for example, the assortment of specific enzymes between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells to facilitate the C 4 cycle of carbon fixation (Daloso et al., 2023). ...
The root is a well‐studied example of cell specialisation, yet little is known about the metabolism that supports the transport functions and growth of different root cell types. To address this, we used computational modelling to study metabolism in the elongation zone of a maize lateral root. A functional‐structural model captured the cell‐anatomical features of the root and modelled how they changed as the root elongated. From these data, we derived constraints for a flux balance analysis model that predicted metabolic fluxes of the 11 concentric rings of cells in the root. We discovered a distinct metabolic flux pattern in the cortical cell rings, endodermis and pericycle (but absent in the epidermis) that involved a high rate of glycolysis and production of the fermentation end‐products lactate and ethanol. This aerobic fermentation was confirmed experimentally by metabolite analysis. The use of fermentation in the model was not obligatory but was the most efficient way to meet the specific demands for energy, reducing power and carbon skeletons of expanding cells. Cytosolic acidification was avoided in the fermentative mode due to the substantial consumption of protons by lipid synthesis. These results expand our understanding of fermentative metabolism beyond that of hypoxic niches and suggest that fermentation could play an important role in the metabolism of aerobic tissues.
... Spatial metabolomics has enabled profiling of a single soybean root nodule inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum 10 . Mass spectrometry imaging can resolve spatial distribution and quantification of targeted plant metabolites at as high as single-cell resolution 54,55 . ...
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Plants are in contact with diverse pathogens and microorganisms. Intense investigation over the last 30 years has resulted in the identification of multiple immune receptors in model and crop species as well as signaling overlap in surface-localized and intracellular immune receptors. However, scientists still have a limited understanding of how plants respond to diverse pathogens with spatial and cellular resolution. Recent advancements in single-cell, single-nucleus and spatial technologies can now be applied to plant – pathogen interactions. Here, we outline the current state of these technologies and highlight outstanding biological questions that can be addressed in the future.
In this study, an innovative approach is presented in the field of engineered plant living materials (EPLMs), leveraging a sophisticated interplay between synthetic biology and engineering. We detail a 3D bioprinting technique for the precise spatial patterning and genetic transformation of the tobacco BY-2 cell line within custom-engineered granular hydrogel scaffolds. Our methodology involves the integration of biocompatible hydrogel microparticles (HMPs) primed for 3D bioprinting with Agrobacterium tumefaciens capable of plant cell transfection, serving as the backbone for the simultaneous growth and transformation of tobacco BY-2 cells. This system facilitates the concurrent growth and genetic modification of tobacco BY-2 cells within our specially designed scaffolds. These scaffolds enable the cells to develop into predefined patterns while remaining conducive to the uptake of exogenous DNA. We showcase the versatility of this technology by fabricating EPLMs with unique structural and functional properties, exemplified by EPLMs exhibiting distinct pigmentation patterns. These patterns are achieved through the integration of the betalain biosynthetic pathway into tobacco BY-2 cells. Overall, our study represents a groundbreaking shift in the convergence of materials science and plant synthetic biology, offering promising avenues for the evolution of sustainable, adaptive, and responsive living material systems.
The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle is an important metabolic pathway to underpin stomatal movements, given that respiration is thought to be the main energy source for guard cell (GC) metabolism. However, it is still unclear how the metabolic fluxes throughout the TCA cycle and associated pathways are regulated in GCs. Here we used a 13C-positional isotopomer approach and performed a multi-species/cell-types analysis based on previous 13C-labelling studies carried out using Arabidopsis rosettes, maize leaves, Arabidopsis source and sink leaves, and isolated GCs from Arabidopsis and tobacco. We aimed to compare flux modes through the TCA cycle and associated pathways in GCs and leaves, which are mostly composed by mesophyll cells (MCs). Mesophyll cells showed high 13C-enrichment into alanine and aspartate following provision of 13CO2, whilst GCs and sink MCs showed high 13C-incorporation into glutamate/glutamine following provision of 13C-sucrose. Only GCs showed high 13C-enrichment in the carbon 1 atom of glutamine, which is derived from phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc)-mediated CO2 assimilation. The PEPc-mediated 13C-incorporation into malate was similar between GCs and MCs, but GCs had higher 13C-enrichment and accumulation of fumarate than MCs. The metabolic fluxes throughout the TCA cycle of illuminated GCs resemble those of sink MCs, but with different contribution from PEPc, glycolysis and the TCA cycle to glutamate/glutamine synthesis. We further demonstrate that transamination reactions catalysed by alanine and aspartate amino transferases may support non-cyclic TCA flux modes in illuminated MCs.
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Abstract Characterizing photosynthetic productivity is necessary to understand the ecological contributions and biotechnology potential of plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. Light capture efficiency and photophysiology have long been characterized by measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence dynamics. However, these investigations typically do not consider the metabolic network downstream of light harvesting. In contrast, genome‐scale metabolic models capture species‐specific metabolic capabilities but have yet to incorporate the rapid regulation of the light harvesting apparatus. Here we combine chlorophyll fluorescence parameters defining photosynthetic and non‐photosynthetic yield of absorbed light energy with a metabolic model of the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. This integration increases the model predictive accuracy regarding growth rate, intracellular oxygen production and consumption, and metabolic pathway usage. Through the quantification of Excess Electron Transport (EET), we uncover the sequential activation of non‐radiative energy dissipation processes, cross compartment electron shuttling, and non‐photochemical quenching as the rapid photoacclimation strategy in P. tricornutum. Interestingly, the photon absorption thresholds that trigger the transition between these mechanisms were consistent at low and high incident photon fluxes. We use this understanding to explore engineering strategies for rerouting cellular resources and excess light energy toward bioproducts in silico. Overall, we present a methodology for incorporating a common, informative data type into computational models of light‐driven metabolism and show its utilization within the design‐build‐test‐learn cycle for engineering of photosynthetic organisms.
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Background The metabolic engineering of high-biomass crops for lipid production in their vegetative biomass has recently been proposed as a strategy to elevate energy density and lipid yields for biodiesel production. Energycane and sugarcane are highly polyploid, interspecific hybrids between Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum that differ in the amount of ancestral contribution to their genomes. This results in greater biomass yield and persistence in energycane, which makes it the preferred target crop for biofuel production. Results Here, we report on the hyperaccumulation of triacylglycerol (TAG) in energycane following the overexpression of the lipogenic factors Diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1-2 ( DGAT 1-2) and Oleosin 1 ( OLE 1) in combination with RNAi suppression of SUGAR-DEPENDENT 1 ( SDP 1) and Trigalactosyl diacylglycerol 1 ( TGD 1). TAG accumulated up to 1.52% of leaf dry weight (DW,) a rate that was 30-fold that of non-modified energycane, in addition to almost doubling the total fatty acid content in leaves to 4.42% of its DW. Pearson’s correlation analysis showed that the accumulation of TAG had the highest correlation with the expression level of ZmDGAT 1-2, followed by the level of RNAi suppression for SDP 1. Conclusions This is the first report on the metabolic engineering of energycane and demonstrates that this resilient, high-biomass crop is an excellent target for the further optimization of the production of lipids from vegetative tissues.
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Trichomes, which are classified as glandular or non-glandular, are hair-like epidermal structures that are present on aerial parts of most plant species. Glandular secretory trichomes (GSTs) have the capacity to secrete and store specialized metabolites, which are widely used as natural pesticides, food additives, fragrance ingredients or pharmaceuticals. Isolating individual trichomes is an essential way for identifying trichome-specific gene functions and discovering novel metabolites. However, the isolation of trichomes is difficult and time-consuming. Here, we report a method to isolate the GSTs from leaf epidermis dispense with fixation using laser capture microdissection (LCM). In this study, 150 GSTs were captured efficiently from Artemisia annua leaves and enriched for artemisinin measurement. UPLC analysis of microdissected samples indicated specific accumulation of secondary metabolites could be detected from a small number of GSTs. In addition, qRT-PCR revealed that the GST-specific structural genes involved in artemisinin biosynthesis pathway were highly expressed in GSTs. Taken together, we developed an efficient method to collect comparatively pure GSTs from unfixed leaved, so that the metabolites were relatively obtained intact. This method can be implemented in metabolomics research of purely specific plant cell populations and has the potential to discover novel secondary metabolites.
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The recent and continuous improvement in single‐cell RNA sequencing (scRNA‐seq) technology has led to its emergence as an efficient experimental approach in plant research. However, compared with single‐cell research in animals and humans, the application of scRNA‐seq in plant research is limited by several challenges, including cell separation, cell type annotation, cellular function analysis, and cell–cell communication networks. In addition, the unavailability of corresponding reliable and stable analysis methods and standards has resulted in the relative decentralization of plant single‐cell research. Considering these shortcomings, this review summarizes the research progress in plant leaf using scRNA‐seq. In addition, it describes the corresponding feasible analytical methods and associated difficulties and problems encountered in the current research. In the end, we provide a speculative overview of the development of plant single‐cell transcriptome research in the future.
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C4 photosynthesis allows faster photosynthetic rates and higher water and nitrogen use efficiency than C3 photosynthesis, but at the cost of lower quantum yield due to the energy requirement of its biochemical carbon concentration mechanism. It has also been suspected that its operation may be impaired in low irradiance. To investigate fluxes under moderate and low irradiance, maize (Zea mays) was grown at 550 µmol photons m−2 s-l and 13CO2 pulse-labelling was performed at growth irradiance or several hours after transfer to 160 µmol photons m−2 s−1. Analysis by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry provided information about pool size and labelling kinetics for 32 metabolites and allowed estimation of flux at many steps in C4 photosynthesis. The results highlighted several sources of inefficiency in low light. These included excess flux at phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, restriction of decarboxylation by NADP-malic enzyme, and a shift to increased CO2 incorporation into aspartate, less effective use of metabolite pools to drive intercellular shuttles, and higher relative and absolute rates of photorespiration. The latter provides evidence for a lower bundle sheath CO2 concentration in low irradiance, implying that operation of the CO2 concentration mechanism is impaired in this condition. The analyses also revealed rapid exchange of carbon between the Calvin-Benson cycle and the CO2-concentration shuttle, which allows rapid adjustment of the balance between CO2 concentration and assimilation, and accumulation of large amounts of photorespiratory intermediates in low light that provides a major carbon reservoir to build up C4 metabolite pools when irradiance increases.
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The capacity to perceive and memorise adverse environmental conditions is pivotal for the survival of any biological system. Despite being sessile, plants do it with maestri. Plants can rapidly respond to changes in environmental cues and memorise stress conditions, as a consequence of their modularity and the presence of highly complex cell types, such as the guard cells. These cells integrate endogenous and environmental signals to regulate the opening of the stomatal pore, mainly found at leaf epidermis. Whilst the stomatal opening enables the influx of CO2 for photosynthesis, stomatal closure is important to reduce water loss during drought stress. Guard cell is thus crucial for the perception of environmental signals and a master regulator of water use efficiency (WUE). Furthermore, recent results indicate that guard cell gene expression precedes those observed in mesophyll cells when plants are subjected to drought and that guard cell is an important hub for stress memory. Here, we highlight these recent findings and provide an updated overview regarding the intrinsic complexity of guard cell structure and the signalling networks related to the perception and response to different environmental signals. We explored recently published guard cell transcriptomics data from plants under drought and discussed their implication for plant stress acclimation and metabolic engineer toward plant drought tolerance improvement. We further highlight the possible interplay among the mechanisms that regulate stress memory and stomatal speediness and how they can be used to improve WUE and/or stress tolerance in plants.
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Plants produce and accumulate triacylglycerol (TAG) in their seeds as an energy reservoir to support the processes of seed germination and seedling development. Plant seed oils are vital not only for human diets but also as renewable feedstock for industrial uses. TAG biosynthesis consists of two major steps: de novo fatty acid biosynthesis in the plastids and TAG assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum. The latest advances in unraveling transcriptional regulation have shed light on the molecular mechanisms of plant oil biosynthesis. This review summarizes the recent progress in understanding the regulatory mechanisms of well-characterized and newly discovered transcription factors and other types of regulators that control plant fatty acid biosynthesis. The emerging picture shows that plant oil biosynthesis responds to developmental and environmental cues that stimulate a network of interacting transcriptional activators and repressors, which, in turn, fine-tune the spatiotemporal regulation of the pathway genes.
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The modulation of stomatal activity is a relevant trait in grapes, as it defines the isohydric/anysohydric behavior of different cultivars and directly affects water-use efficiency and drought resistance of vineyards. The grape transcription factor VvMYB60 has been proposed as a transcriptional regulator of stomatal responses based on its ectopic expression in heterologous systems. Here, we directly addressed the cellular specificity of VvMYB60 expression in grape leaves by integrating independent approaches, including the qPCR analysis of purified stomata and the transient expression of a VvMYB60 promoter: GFP fusion. We also investigated changes in the VvMYB60 expression in different rootstocks in response to declining water availability. Our results indicate that VvMYB60 is specifically expressed in guard cells and that its expression tightly correlates with the level of stomatal conductance (gs) of the grape leaf. As a whole, these findings highlight the relevance of the VvMYB60 regulatory network in mediating stomatal activity in grapes.
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The pathway of starch synthesis in guard cells (GCs), despite the crucial role starch plays in stomatal movements, is not well understood. Here, we characterized starch dynamics in GCs of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking enzymes of the Phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI)-Phosphoglucose mutase (PGM)-ADP-Glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) starch synthesis pathway in leaf mesophyll chloroplasts or sugar transporters at the plastid membrane, such as Glucose-6-phosphate/Phosphate Translocators (GPTs), which are active in heterotrophic tissues. We demonstrate that GCs have metabolic features of both photoautotrophic and heterotrophic cells. GCs make starch using different carbon precursors depending on the time of day, which can originate both from GC photosynthesis and/or sugars imported from the leaf mesophyll. Furthermore, we unravel the major enzymes involved in GC starch synthesis and demonstrate that they act in a temporal manner according to the fluctuations of stomatal aperture, which is unique for GCs. Our work substantially enhances our knowledge on GC starch metabolism and uncovers targets for manipulating GC starch dynamics to improve stomatal behaviour, directly affecting plant productivity.