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Abstract and Figures

We live in a time of highly accelerated extinction, which has the potential to mirror past mass extinction events. However, the rarity of these events and the restructuring of diversity that they cause complicate direct comparisons between the current extinction crisis and earlier mass extinctions. Among animals, turtles (Testudinata) are one of few groups which both have a sufficient fossil record and a sufficiently stable ecological importance to enable meaningful comparisons between the end Cretaceous mass extinction and the ongoing extinction event. In this paper we analyze the fossil record of turtles and recover three significant peaks in extinction rate. Two of these are in the Cretaceous, the second of these took place at the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition (K-Pg), reflecting the overall patterns previously reported for many other taxa. The third major extinction event started in the Pliocene and continues until now. This peak only affected terrestrial turtles and started much earlier in Eurasia and Africa lineages than elsewhere. This suggests that it may be linked to co-occurring hominins rather than having been caused by global climate change.
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Two major extinction events in the evolutionary history of turtles: one caused by a
meteorite, the other by hominins
Anieli G. Pereira1,2,3,*; Alexandre Antonelli1,2,4,5; Daniele Silvestro1,2,6,7,†; Søren Faurby1,2,†
Affiliations: 1Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg,
Box 461, SE 40530, Göteborg, Sweden; 2Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre, Box 461, SE
40530 Göteborg, Sweden; 3Department of Biology, FFCLRP, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão
Preto, São Paulo, Brazil; 4
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE, U.K.;
5Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, OX1 3RB Oxford,
U.K.; 6Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland; 7Swiss
Institute of Bioinformatics, Quartier Sorge, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Both authors contributed equally
emails: AGP:; AA:; DS:; SF:
*Correspondence: Anieli G. Pereira:
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We live in a time of highly accelerated extinction, which has the potential to mirror past
mass extinction events. However, the rarity of these events and the restructuring of
diversity that they cause complicate direct comparisons between the current extinction
crisis and earlier mass extinctions. Among animals, turtles (Testudinata) are one of few
groups which both have a sufficient fossil record and a sufficiently stable ecological
importance to enable meaningful comparisons between the end Cretaceous mass
extinction and the ongoing extinction event. In this paper we analyze the fossil record of
turtles and recover three significant peaks in extinction rate. Two of these are in the
Cretaceous, the second of these took place at the Cretaceous–Paleogene transition (K-
Pg), reflecting the overall patterns previously reported for many other taxa. The third
major extinction event started in the Pliocene and continues until now. This peak only
affected terrestrial turtles and started much earlier in Eurasia and Africa lineages than
elsewhere. This suggests that it may be linked to co-occurring hominins rather than
having been caused by global climate change.
Keywords: biodiversity crisis; extinction; hominins; K-Pg; mass extinction; PyRate;
Testudines; turtles.
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The ongoing biodiversity crisis is characterized by strong increases in extinction rates
observed across diverse taxa, including plants [1] and vertebrates [2-3]. Some researchers
have proposed that the magnitude of this increase is such that we currently live in a sixth
mass extinction [4-5], following the five mass extinction events known from the fossil
record [6-7]. Such a comparison is however difficult and indirect, because in most cases
the analytical framework and underlying data are substantially different between studies
focusing on recent versus ancient extinction events. Discussions on the potential sixth
mass extinction tend to focus on vertebrates, but vertebrate clades rarely have both a
sufficient fossil record, and a stable ecological importance extending back past the most
recent mass extinction (66 Ma) and comparisons between the anthropogenic elevated
extinction rate and paleontological mass extinctions are therefore difficult. For instance,
the mammalian fossil record is good but their ecological relevance increased drastically
following the end-Cretaceous extinction of non avian dinosaurs, effectively making
mammalian diversity before and after the K-Pg extinction incomparable. The ecological
niches of birds may on the other hand have been similar before and after the end-
Cretaceous extinction but their fossil record is scarce. One of the few exceptions to this
among vertebrates is turtles, a clade currently comprising c. 350 species distributed in all
continents except Antarctica, in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The long
evolutionary history of turtles, coupled with abundant fossils, allow for a direct
comparison between recent extinction dynamics and those of the Cretaceous–Paleogene
(K–Pg) boundary.
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On-going biodiversity loss is primarily linked to human activities, which led
researchers to propose a new geological epoch named the Anthropocene [4,8,9]. Previous
studies have pointed at Homo sapiens as responsible for these extinctions since the Late
Pleistocene [10-12], but it remains unclear if that is indeed the beginning of
anthropogenic influence on biodiversity. An increase in anthropogenic extinctions may in
fact have started already by the early hominins in the Late Pliocene and Early
Pleistocene, as suggested by a postulated causal relationship between increase in brain
size and increased extinction rate in large African carnivores ([13]). Hominins originated
in East Africa about four million years ago (Mya), later dispersing to Eurasia, during the
Late Pliocene or Early Pleistocene [14-15]. Based on anecdotal patterns in the fossil
record, recent extinction patterns of terrestrial tortoises appear to follow the hominin
route from their African origin to Eurasia during the Late Pliocene or Early Pleistocene
[16]. However, to the best of our knowledge, this pattern has not been formally tested.
This potential anthropogenic effect appears to have increased with time, and today, more
than half of extant turtle species are threatened with extinction [17-18].
In the K–Pg mass extinction, Earth experienced a significant loss in biodiversity
across all taxa. Among vertebrates, it caused the demise of all non-avian dinosaurs, in
addition to substantial extinctions in many other lineages, including mammals, birds,
lizards, teleost fish and insects [19-25]. Many studies suggest that the cause of the mass
extinction was the asteroid impact at Chicxulub [26-29], although other studies suggest
that sulfurous and toxic gases emitted by voluminous eruptions from the Deccan Traps
about 72–66 Mya may also have played a role [30-32].
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The global effect of the K–Pg mass extinction on turtles has been seldom
explored [33]. The event is often thought to have been of limited importance for the
clade, with few reported extinct families and genera [34-35], although many other
families went extinct soon after, during the early Paleocene [36-37]. Analyses based on
the fossil record [33,38,39] or on molecular phylogenies of extant taxa [40-41] have
failed to find signs of increased extinction globally. Some authors, however, found
evidence of local extinctions, e.g., in European species [42] and South American taxa,
which are thought to have lost half of their diversity [43].
In order to test whether the ongoing pace of extinction in turtles is comparable in
magnitude to the extinction they may have experienced at the K–Pg event, we analyzed a
comprehensive dataset comprising ancient and recent fossil data in a Bayesian analytical
framework to estimate the temporal dynamics of extinction rates.
We analyzed publicly available fossils of Testudinata the clade containing all extant
turtles as well as a number of extinct relatives since the Late Cretaceous (145 Mya).
Occurrences were obtained using the R package ‘paleobioDB’ [44] to access
paleontological data of the Paleobiology Database (PBDB,, in September
2021) at species level. We manually investigated all records to remove synonyms and
misspelling, to avoid overestimating species numbers. We excluded species with dubious
terminologies (e.g. ‘?’, sp., aff., cf.). All marine taxa were removed, since their extinction
dynamics and fossilization may have been governed by different processes compared
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with terrestrial taxa. We further removed all species from islands, because islands have a
short lifespan over geological time scales and generally lack any exposed area older than
a few million years. Since evolutionary processes and anthropogenic impact can be quite
different on islands compared to continents [45], inclusion of island species could
otherwise generate a false signal, with extinction dynamics in the last few million years
drastically different to earlier periods. We also excluded fossil occurrences with a high
temporal uncertainty, defined here as an age range greater than 15 Mya. The extant
species were classified according to The Reptile Database [46]. The final dataset included
82 extant (~22% of the living turtles) and 908 extinct species, represented by a total of
3,385 fossil occurrences of terrestrial and freshwater continental turtles since the
Cretaceous (145 Mya).
Rates through time analyses
We estimated macroevolutionary rates through time based on fossil occurrence data,
using a Bayesian framework implemented in PyRate [47]. Within PyRate, we jointly
estimated the origination and extinction times for each lineage based on a Poisson
process of preservation and origination, and extinction rates through time based on a
birth-death process of diversification. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analyses
were run for 50 million generations sampling every 5,000 generations. We used a
reversible jump MCMC algorithm to jointly estimate the number and timing of rate shifts
in origination and extinction rates and the rates between shifts. The analyses were
replicated on 20 datasets, in which the ages of all occurrences were resampled from their
stratigraphic range to account for dating uncertainties. Preservation rates were estimated
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as independent parameters within each geological epoch. We restricted the analyses of
extinction rates to the time frame encompassing the Cretaceous and the Cenozoic (145–
0.012 Mya). We excluded the Holocene, which is characterized by a significantly denser
sampling of fossil data compared to earlier periods, which could lead to biases. We
examined the stationarity of chain using the ‘coda’ R package [48], by calculating all
effective sample sizes (ESS) of the log-likelihood and other parameters. All ESS values
were higher than 200. We summarized the results after excluding the first 5M iterations
as burn-in and computing the posterior mean and 95% credible intervals of the extinction
rates through time. Significance of the rate shifts was calculated using the Bayes Factor
value (logBF).
Potential hominin effect
Early hominin effects on extinction have been proposed for turtles, but not explicitly
tested [16]. An alternative trigger of major extinction events is global climate change,
which is tightly linked to large-scale changes in terrestrial systems [49-51]. Since climate
has changed considerably in the last few million years, with the onset of the temperature
fluctuations associated with Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles, it could be difficult to
discern between a hominin and a climatic cause. However, climatically driven extinctions
should be detected consistently across the world, whereas if early hominins were the
main drivers of extinctions, elevated extinction rates should only be detectable in species
that co-occurred with hominins. Since hominins did not occupy Oceania and the
Americas until about 50 and 15 thousand years ago, respectively [52-54], earlier
increases in extinction rates should be restricted to Eurasia and Africa. For turtles, we
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would also expect higher extinction of terrestrial species since the earliest evidence for
hominin utilization of freshwater food resources was about 2 Mya [55].
In order to test a potential hominin effect, the occurrences since the Oligocene
(33.9 Mya) were categorized into two groups, according to the occupation of hominins
before the Late Pleistocene: (i) Eurasia and Africa (with hominins); and (ii) Americas and
Oceania (without hominins). To do this, we first assigned all occurrence coordinates to
countries and continents occupied, using the ‘SpeciesGeoCoder’ R package [56]. We also
classified the taxa according to the environment occupied (see the number of occurrences
and species in table 1 and full details in Supporting information 1). Many of the species
were assigned to habitat based on taxonomy, for example with all tortoises and horned
tortoises (Testudinidae and Meiolaniidae) classified as terrestrial. For species without a
habitat classification or belonging to more generalist families, literature searches were
carried out at the level of genus or species. When no information about the species was
found, we adopted the type of site where the fossils of that species were found.
Table 1. Number of occurrences of each category and, in parentheses, the species number
in the Neogene or Pleistocene (the last 23 Ma).
Eurasia and
and Oceania
Freshwater Terrestrial Total
Extinct 468 (195) 344 (148) 367 (185) 445 (158) 812 (343)
Extant 257 (42) 252 (40) 331 (64) 178 (18) 509 (82)
Total 725 (237) 596 (188) 698 (249) 623 (176) 1321 (425)
The assignment of poorly known genera to habitat can be difficult, particularly in
families with ecological variation. We therefore compiled alternative datasets to
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investigate the robustness of results in the face of certain uncertain assignments. Details
of these datasets and the results can be found in the Supplementary File 1.
Our results reveal three statistically significant phases of increased extinction. The first
phase occurred at the first age of the Late Cretaceous: Berriasian, the second around the
Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) transition and the last one during the Pliocene (Fig. 1).
The first significant extinction rate increase was strongly supported (LogBF>6) to
have occurred in the Late Cretaceous (96-94 Mya), when rates are inferred to have
increased almost 3-fold (from 0.13 to 0.42 Mya-1 between 98 and 93 Ma). Extinction
rates increased again in the Late Cretaceous (LogBF>6), during the Maastrichtian age
(~72-70 Ma). This time the rates increased almost 5-fold (from 0.06 to 0.29 Mya-1
between 74 and 66 Ma).
The estimated net diversification rates confirm the results (Supplementary File 1).
The analyses pointed to three moments in the evolutionary history of turtles in which they
showed a negative net diversification rate (extinction higher than speciation). The first
two occurred also in the Late Cretaceous (the first between 97-87 Mya, reaching -0.23
Mya-1, and the second between 71-59 Mya, reaching -0.06 Mya-1). The last one was in
the Pliocene (4-2 Mya, reaching -0.12 Mya-1).
Our analyses at a global geographic scale revealed an increase in the global higher
posterior density of extinction rates in the Pliocene (Supplementary Figure 1). However,
after dividing the dataset geographically (continental areas with long-term hominin
presence vs without hominins) and by environment (freshwater vs terrestrial), we
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detected that this rate increase was markedly higher in terrestrial turtles of Eurasia and
Africa (Fig. 1B). The results were consistent across the different classifications of turtle
ecology (for alternative datasets results see Supplementary File 1). Extinction rates of
terrestrial turtles were found to have increased in this group almost 5-fold during the
Pliocene (between 6 and 3 Mya the rates increased from 0.13 to 0.60 Mya-1), with strong
support (logBF > 2). Since the Pliocene, terrestrial extinction rates have been higher than
the freshwater ones, reaching the Pleistocene almost 3-fold higher. The extinction rates in
this group were so remarkable that their diversification rates have been negative since the
Pliocene (reaching the mean rate of -0.4 Myr-1 at the end of the Pliocene), even though
the 95% credible intervals show some uncertainty around the exact timing and magnitude
of the events. Concurrently, freshwater turtles from Eurasia and Africa suffered an
increase of lesser magnitude in the extinction rates (from 0.19 to 0.21 Myr-1 between 5 to
3 Ma, logBF > 2). Diversification rates in this group were negative during the last half of
the Pliocene (4-2 Mya, reaching -0.04 Myr-1). A strongly supported increase in extinction
rates was also found in the American and Oceanian terrestrial turtles, although it occurred
later than in the turtles from Eurasia and Africa, reaching a peak only about 1.1 Ma (from
0.30 to 0.57 Mya-1, logBF > 6). However we note that due to the age uncertainty around
the fossil occurrence data, the analysis setup did not allow rate shifts to occur more
recently than 1 Ma. Thus the timing of this shift may be overestimated and actually fall
within the last 1 Mya. Increasing rates of extinction in this group were accompanied by
even greater increases in speciation rates (from 0.26 to 0.70 Myr-1 at 2 Ma, logBF > 6).
Even with higher extinction rates, diversification rates never reached negative values,
contrariwise they grew from 0.03 Myr-1 (~3 Ma), reaching 0.33 Myr
-1 (~1.8 Ma). In
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contrast, the freshwater group in the Americas and Oceania displayed almost constant
rates of extinction in the last 10 Myr (~0.22 Myr-1) (Fig. 1).
Our results suggest that while turtles perhaps were not as affected as other clades
for the K-Pg event, they did experience a phase of increased extinction. In this regard, we
note that the dating of many fossils has uncertainties of several million years, so while
our inferred increase spans several million years, we cannot rule out that many
extinctions were in fact concentrated in a near instantaneous event at the K-Pg transition.
Yet, our results are in line with other studies showing that several turtle lineages survived
the K-Pg event [34,35,57-59] and suggesting an extended phase of diversity decline after
the K-Pg [43].
In more recent times, we recovered a 4-fold rate increase restricted to Eurasia and
Africa terrestrial turtles starting about 5 Ma, while terrestrial turtles for other regions
presented an increase a few million years later. In freshwater groups, the increase in the
rate of extinction affected only Eurasia and Africa species. The freshwater group in the
Americas and Oceania showed almost constant rates of extinction in the last 10 million
years. Since many records are only dated to the Pleistocene, it is possible that the
elevated extinction rate outside Eurasia and Africa is from the Late Pleistocene and
associated with the arrival of humans. At least some of the extinct species with accurately
estimated last appearance dates, like Hesperotestudo wilsoni, are known to have survived
as far as into the early Holocene [16]. According to our experimental design, if any major
extrinsic event is assumed to be a main driver of extinction rather than intrinsic (e.g.,
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ecological) factors, our results point towards a hominin cause of extinctions rather than
global climate change.
Rhodin et al. (2015) [16] noted that 106 known species, most of which were
terrestrial tortoises, have gone extinct since the Pleistocene. Our results, although aligned
with these findings, suggest that the most likely cause of the second extinction event in
turtles is co-occurring hominins, in line with previous findings on mammalian carnivores
[13]. Recent observations revealing the ability of modern chimpanzees to hunt and kill
tortoises [60], support the hypothesis that hominin ancestors would have had similar
skills. Hunting of freshwater species may on the other hand have been more difficult. The
earliest evidence of consumption of freshwater food resources is only 2 Ma [55] while the
earliest evidence of stone tool use is 3.3 Ma [61].
Hominins may have experienced an ecological transition to a more carnivorous
lifestyle about 2 Ma, and tortoises probably were part of their diet [9,62-64]. Even though
hominins likely did not consume a large proportion of meat before this time point, a
higher hominin population density could have the same or worse effect than a smaller
population of hyper-carnivores. Therefore, hyper-carnivores are not necessarily the most
important carnivores in a system. Strict carnivores normally occur in much lower
densities than omnivores [65]. For instance, in some contemporary systems, bears may be
the most important carnivores, even though only a small of their calory intake is from
meat [66].
Our results can be interpreted as supporting the findings of Smith et al. (2018)
[67] that the recent biodiversity crisis is fundamentally different from earlier extinction
events in terms of the types of organisms affected. The large number of invasive and
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exotic turtle species introduced around the world and their long lifespans may disguise
the impact of the extinction that this group has been suffering ([68]). However, more than
half of all extant turtle species are threatened, and the order contains the highest number
of threatened species among all vertebrates [17,68]. The main threats identified include
over-exploitation for food and pets, often illegally, as well as the destruction of their
natural habitats and accelerating climate change [17,68,69]. As one of the oldest and most
distinctive groups among the amniotes, and one which survived the K–Pg transition and
other major events for more than 300 Mya of evolution, further extinctions in this group
would constitute an irreparable loss.
While the focus of this paper is on extinctions occurring earlier then the
Anthropocene as strictly defined [69,70], our finding that human ancestors probably led
to a decline in turtle diversity millions of years ago further highlights the magnitude of
the extinction crisis for this group and highlights how far back in time a negative hominin
influence on biodiversity extends. We therefore hope that our work may stimulate efforts
to conserve the remaining species in the group. It is still debatable whether the current
extinction rate is high enough to declare a sixth mass extinction, but if we do not act now
as a society, we risk reaching a point where this doubt will disappear.
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We thank Walter Joyce and Serjoscha Evers for advice, and Rhian Smith for linguistic
AGP was funded by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal - CAPES
(88881.170106/2018-01). AA acknowledges financial support from the Swedish
Research Council (2019-05191) and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. DS received
funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (PCEFP3_187012; FN-1749) and
from the Swedish Research Council (VR: 2019-04739). SF is supported by the Swedish
Research Council (# ).
All input data are available in a Zenodo repository [doi:
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Figure 1: Extinction rates for turtles. The lines and shaded areas show mean posterior
rates and 95% credible intervals, respectively, inferred from 20 replicated analyses. The
white and gray squares represent geological epochs. a) above: Global extinction rates for
turtles from the Lower Cretaceous to the Miocene, bellow: representatives of some extant
and extinct lineages of Testudinata; b–c) Extinction rates for terrestrial (red) and
freshwater (blue) species from the Early Miocene to the Pleistocene: b) species that co-
occurred with hominins (Eurasia and Africa); c) species that did not co-occur with
hominins until very recently in geological time (the Americas and Oceania).
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To understand the current biodiversity crisis, it is crucial to determine how humans have affected biodiversity in the past. However, the extent of human involvement in species extinctions from the Late Pleistocene onward remains contentious. Here, we apply Bayesian models to the fossil record to estimate how mammalian extinction rates have changed over the past 126,000 years, inferring specific times of rate increases. We specifically test the hypothesis of human-caused extinctions by using posterior predictive methods. We find that human population size is able to predict past extinctions with 96% accuracy. Predictors based on past climate, in contrast, perform no better than expected by chance, suggesting that climate had a negligible impact on global mammal extinctions. Based on current trends, we predict for the near future a rate escalation of unprecedented magnitude. Our results provide a comprehensive assessment of the human impact on past and predicted future extinctions of mammals.
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Background: The origin of turtles and crocodiles and their easily recognized body forms dates to the Triassic and Jurassic. Despite their long-term success, extant species diversity is low, and endangerment is extremely high compared to other terrestrial vertebrate groups, with ~ 65% of ~ 25 crocodilian and ~ 360 turtle species now threatened by exploitation and habitat loss. Here, we combine available molecular and morphological evidence with statistical and machine learning algorithms to present a phylogenetically informed, comprehensive assessment of diversification, threat status, and evolutionary distinctiveness of all extant species. Results: In contrast to other terrestrial vertebrates and their own diversity in the fossil record, the recent extant lineages of turtles and crocodilians have not experienced any global mass extinctions or lineage-wide shifts in diversification rate or body-size evolution over time. We predict threat statuses for 114 as-yet unassessed or data-deficient species and identify a concentration of threatened turtles and crocodilians in South and Southeast Asia, western Africa, and the eastern Amazon. We find that unlike other terrestrial vertebrate groups, extinction risk increases with evolutionary distinctiveness: a disproportionate amount of phylogenetic diversity is concentrated in evolutionarily isolated, at-risk taxa, particularly those with small geographic ranges. Our findings highlight the important role of geographic determinants of extinction risk, particularly those resulting from anthropogenic habitat-disturbance, which affect species across body sizes and ecologies. Conclusions: Extant turtles and crocodilians maintain unique, conserved morphologies which make them globally recognizable. Many species are threatened due to exploitation and global change. We use taxonomically complete, dated molecular phylogenies and various approaches to produce a comprehensive assessment of threat status and evolutionary distinctiveness of both groups. Neither group exhibits significant overall shifts in diversification rate or body-size evolution, or any signature of global mass extinctions in recent, extant lineages. However, the most evolutionarily distinct species tend to be the most threatened, and species richness and extinction risk are centered in areas of high anthropogenic disturbance, particularly South and Southeast Asia. Range size is the strongest predictor of threat, and a disproportionate amount of evolutionary diversity is at risk of imminent extinction.
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Significance We present a quantitative test of end-Cretaceous extinction scenarios and how these would have affected dinosaur habitats. Combining climate and ecological modeling tools, we demonstrate a substantial detrimental effect on dinosaur habitats caused by an impact winter scenario triggered by the Chicxulub asteroid. We were not able to obtain such an extinction state with several modeling scenarios of Deccan volcanism. We further show that the concomitant prolonged eruption of the Deccan traps might have acted as an ameliorating agent, buffering the negative effects on climate and global ecosystems that the asteroid impact produced at the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary.
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Turtles are key components of modern vertebrate faunas and their diversity and distributions are likely to be affected by anthropogenic climate change. However, there is limited baseline data on turtle taxonomic richness through time or assessment of their past responses to global environmental change. We used the extensive Triassic–Palaeogene (252–223 Ma) fossil record of terrestrial and freshwater turtles to investigate diversity patterns, finding substantial variation in richness through time and between continents. Globally, turtle richness was low from their Triassic origin until the Late Jurassic. There is strong evidence for high richness in the earliest Cretaceous of Europe, becoming especially high following the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum and declining in all continents by the end‐Cretaceous. At the K–Pg boundary, South American richness levels changed little while North American richness increased, becoming very high during the earliest Palaeogene (Danian). Informative data are lacking elsewhere for this time period. However, the Selandian–Thanetian interval, approximately 5 myr after the K–Pg mass extinction, shows low turtle richness in Asia, Europe and South America, suggesting that the occurrence of exceptional turtle richness in the post‐extinction Paleocene fauna of North America is not globally representative. Richness decreased over the Eocene–Oligocene boundary in North America but increased to its greatest known level for Europe, implying very different responses to dramatic climatic shifts. Time series regressions suggest number of formations sampled and palaeotemperature are the primary influencers of face‐value richness counts, but additional factors not tested here may also be involved.
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The estimation of origination and extinction rates and their temporal variation is central to understanding diversity patterns and the evolutionary history of clades. The fossil record provides the only direct evidence of extinction and biodiversity changes through time and has long been used to infer the dynamics of diversity changes in deep time. The software PyRate implements a Bayesian framework to analyze fossil occurrence data to estimate the rates of preservation, origination, and extinction while incorporating several sources of uncertainty. Building upon this framework, we present a suite of methodological advances including more complex and realistic models of preservation and the first likelihood-based test to compare the fit across different models. Further, we develop a new reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate origination and extinction rates and their temporal variation, which provides more reliable results and includes an explicit estimation of the number and temporal placement of statistically significant rate changes. Finally, we implement a new C++ library that speeds up the analyses by orders of magnitude, therefore facilitating the application of the PyRate methods to large data sets. We demonstrate the new functionalities through extensive simulations and with the analysis of a large data set of Cenozoic marine mammals. We compare our analytical framework against two widely used alternative methods to infer origination and extinction rates, revealing that PyRate decisively outperforms them across a range of simulated data sets. Our analyses indicate that explicit statistical model testing, which is often neglected in fossil-based macroevolutionary analyses, is crucial to obtain accurate and robust results.
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Most people can name a mammal or bird that has become extinct in recent centuries, but few can name a recently extinct plant. We present a comprehensive, global analysis of modern extinction in plants. Almost 600 species have become extinct, at a higher rate than background extinction, but almost as many have been erroneously declared extinct and then been rediscovered. Reports of extinction on islands, in the tropics and of shrubs, trees or species with narrow ranges are least likely to be refuted by rediscovery. Plant extinctions endanger other organisms, ecosystems and human well-being, and must be understood for effective conservation planning.
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Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), one of humankinds' closest living relatives, are known to hunt and consume the meat of various animal taxa. Although some researchers have presented indirect evidence that chimpanzees may also prey on tortoises, until now, direct observations of this behaviour did not exist. Here, we provide systematic descriptions of the first observations of chimpanzee predation on tortoises (Kinixys erosa). We made these unprecedented observations on newly habituated chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) of the Rekambo community, living in the Loango National Park, Gabon. The behaviour qualified as customary, that is occurring in most or all adult males, involved a distinct smashing technique, and resulted frequently in food sharing with other group members. our observations shed new light on the hitherto little understood percussive technology of chimpanzees, and expand our current knowledge on chimpanzees' dietary and predatory repertoires with respect to reptiles. We also report a case of food storage and discuss it in the context of future-oriented cognition. Our findings suggest the need for more nuanced interpretations of chimpanzees' cognitive skills in combination with an in-depth understanding of their unique socio-ecological niches. they further emphasize the importance of nonhuman primate field observations to inform theories of hominin evolution.
Significance Biodiversity is unevenly distributed across the tree of life. Understanding the factors that led to this unevenness can illuminate how macroevolutionary processes have interacted with changing global environments to shape patterns of biodiversity. By developing a comprehensive phylogeny for extant turtles and analyzing the diversification dynamics of the group, we show that species-level diversity is strongly associated with historical climate shifts. Our findings indicate that newly exposed continental margins created during a period of cooling and drying are important evolutionary cradles for turtle speciation, explain why turtle biodiversity is orders of magnitude more depauperate than the remaining major lineages of amniotes, and reconcile the seemingly contradictory insights that fossils and extant species suggest into a single picture of evolutionary diversification.
An impact with a dash of volcanism Around the time of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction that wiped out dinosaurs, there was both a bolide impact and a large amount of volcanism. Hull et al. ran several temperature simulations based on different volcanic outgassing scenarios and compared them with temperature records across the extinction event. The best model fits to the data required most outgassing to occur before the impact. When combined with other lines of evidence, these models support an impact-driven extinction. However, volcanic gases may have played a role in shaping the rise of different species after the extinction event. Science , this issue p. 266
Defaunation in the Anthropocene has created a need to focus limited conservation resources on geographically explicit areas with high conservation significance. Priority conservation areas are often defined as those with high biodiversity – hotspots. While these conservation areas are critical to securing global biodiversity, prevailing approaches for their delineation are often qualitative. Here, we demonstrate the benefits of a clade-specific approach that improves conservation. We use the distinct, imperiled clade of turtles (tortoises and freshwater turtles) to delineate biogeographical regions and characterize their comparative levels of biodiversity and conservation values. We produce a quantitative, revisable map of 63 global turtle regions and identify several turtle regions, mostly in the Indomalayan turtle realm, that are high-priority conservation regions. While our high-priority turtle regions include those previously reported in the literature as turtle hotspots, we also describe a new priority conservation region in Southeast Asia (Yangtze-Huang He-Xi Yiang) which has both high species and endemism richness. Although not considered a high or intermediate conservation priority, our analyses delineated another previously unidentified turtle hotspot – the Kalahari Basin-Rift Valley. Additionally, we identify several turtle regions, largely in Central America, with intermediate conservation priority. Our results reveal that many turtle hotspots represent complex biogeographical areas with high inter-regional β-diversity, and several of these turtle hotspots occur in transition zones with high biogeographical complexity. In these cases, inter-regional conservation efforts will be necessary to ensure turtle biodiversity conservation.