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Actual safety performance of the Malaysian offshore oil platforms: Correlations between the leading and lagging indicators


Abstract and Figures

Introduction: This study establishes the correlations between performance of a set of key safety factors and the actual lagging performance of oil platforms in Malaysia, hence the relevance of the key safety factors in evaluating and predicting the safety performance of oil and gas platforms. The key factors are crucial components of a safety performance evaluation framework and each key safety factor corresponds to a list of underlying safety indicators. Method: In this study, participating industrial practitioners rated the compliance status of each indicator using a numbering system adapted from the traffic light system, based on the actual performance of 10 oil platforms in Malaysia. Safety scores of the platforms were calculated based on the ratings and compared with the actual lagging performance of the platforms. Safety scores of two platforms were compared with the facility status reports' findings of the respective platforms. Results: The platforms studied generally had good performance. Total recordable incident rates of the platforms were found to show significant negative correlations with management and work engagement on safety, compliance score for number of incident and near misses, personal safety, and management of change. Lost time injury rates, however, correlated negatively with hazard identification and risk assessment. The safety scores generally agreed with findings of the facility status reports with substandard process containment found as a contributor of hydrocarbon leaks. Conclusions: This study proves the criterion validity of the safety performance evaluation framework and demonstrates its usability for benchmarking and continuous improvement of safety practices on the Malaysian offshore oil and gas platforms. Practical applications: This study reveals the applicability of the framework and the potential of extending safety reporting beyond the few conventional lagging safety performance indicators used. The study also highlights the synergy between correlating safety factors to streamline safety management on offshore platforms.
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Actual safety performance of the Malaysian offshore oil platforms:
Correlations between the leading and lagging indicators
Daniel Kuok Ho Tang,
Siti Zawiah Md Dawal,
Ezutah Udoncy Olugu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering, Technology & Built Environment, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 4 J anuary 2018
Received in revised form 27 March 2018
Accepted 8 May 2018
Available online 19 May 2018
Introduction: This study establishes the correlations between performance of a set of key safety factors and the
actual lagging performance of oilplatforms in Malaysia, hence therelevance of the keysafety factors inevaluating
and predicting the safety performance of oil and gasplatforms. The key factors are crucial components of a safety
performance evaluation framework and each key safety factor corresponds to a list of underlying safety
indicators. Method: In this study, participating industrial practitioners rated the compliance status of each indica-
tor using a numbering system adapted from the trafc light system, based on the actual performance of 10 oil
platforms in Malaysia. Safety scores of the platforms were calculated based on the ratings and compared with
the actual lagging performance of the platforms. Safety scores of two platforms were compared with the facility
status reports' ndings of the respective platforms. Results: The platforms studied generally had good perfor-
mance. Total recordable incident rates of the platforms were found to show signicant negative correlations
with management and work engagement on safety, compliance score for number of incident and near misses,
personal safety, and management of change. Lost time injury rates, however, correlated negatively with hazard
identication and risk assessment. The safety scores generally agreed with ndings of the facility status reports
with substandard process containment found as a contributor of hydrocarbon leaks. Conclusions: This study
proves the criterion validity of the safety performance evaluation framework and demonstrates its usability for
benchmarking and continuous improvement of safety practices on the Malaysian offshore oil and gas platforms.
Practical applications: This study reveals the applicability of the framework and the potential of extending safety
reporting beyond the few conventional lagging safety performance indicators used. The study also highlights the
synergy between correlating safety factors to streamline safety management on offshore platforms.
© 2018 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Safety performance
Oil platforms
Near misses
1. Introduction
Safety performance measurement of offshore oil and gas platforms
in Malaysia is conventionally fragmented covering entities such as tech-
nical integrity, structural integrity, process safety, and occupational
safety (Hassan & Abu Husain, 2013). There is a lack of integrative
approach in the offshore platform safety performance measurement
by combining the major safety and health entities using both leading
and lagging indicators for proactive and reactive monitoring (Tang,
Leiliabadi, Olugu, & Md Dawal, 2017). An integrative safety performance
measurement provides indication of the healthof an offshore oil and
gas platform, which is crucial for timely actions or rectications should
the healthstatus fall below satisfactory level.
Nonetheless, it is of interest to know how a safety performance mea-
surement framework correlates with the actual performance. A safety
performance measurement framework that is predictive of actual per-
formance is desirable as it enables more effective accident prevention,
hence death and injury reduction (Martinovich, 2013). Such framework
relies on specic and relevant indicators measuring crucial safety facets
of offshore oil and gas platforms, hence the overall healthof the
platform. Generally, a healthysafety system is one with high compli-
ance to the safety performance targets or standards set. A healthy
system is commonly associated with lower incident rates, be it fatality,
injury, or near-miss (Shannon, Mayr, & Haines, 1997). Auditing the ef-
fectiveness of safety management is vital as higher accident rates are as-
sociated with higher safety management failings (Kawka & Kirchsteiger,
1999; Reason, 1997). Mearns, Whitaker, and Flin (2003) reported
connection between certain safety climate scales as well as prociency
in some safety management practices, and ofcial accident statistics.
This highlights that different safety practices and aspects exert varying
Journal of Safety Research 66 (2018) 919
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:,(D.K.H.Tang),, (S.Z. Md Dawal), (E.U. Olugu).
0022-4375/© 2018 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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inuence on incident occurrence. An understanding of the inuence
permits more effective safety management on the offshore installations.
Currently, there is no database in Malaysia to collect and share data
on safety performance of offshore oil and gas platforms beyond the com-
mon parameters such as fatality and injury rates, as well as hydrocarbon
leaks (Petronas, 2015). An integrative safety measurement that is well-
accepted may set the path for performance benchmarking and informa-
tion sharing. However, the success of performance benchmarking using
the same sets of safety indicators depends on transparency in reporting
and performance standards. Performance reporting has been collected
on a voluntary basis (Petronas, 2015) and it could be difcult to impose
performance reporting on all oil and gas companies in Malaysia due to
challenges in data collection, hence cost consideration. In addition,
target-setting for the performance indicators may present certain chal-
lenges as different platform operators have different priorities and levels
of safety management (Podgorski, 2015).
According to the United States Transportation Research Board
(2016), theoffshore industry is fragmented with diverse workforce hav-
ing different safety attitudes and practices. The industry consists of large
and small companies differing in their commitment of resources for
safety and safety culture. The complex relationship among operators,
contractors, and subcontractors on offshore oil and gas installations
complicate safety-related roles and responsibilities. This presents signif-
icant challenge for industry-wide goal-setting in the effort of perfor-
mance benchmarking. This study examines the potential use of a set
of safety factors for performance evaluation and reporting on offshore
oil and gasplatformsusing a safety performance evaluation framework,
without attempting to achieve industry-wide goal setting for safety per-
formance. It also depicts the correlationsbetween actual performance of
leading and lagging safety factors.
2. Literature review
Safety performance measurement forms a crucial component of the
safety management system. The safety management system is the fru-
ition of systemic approach in safety, which can be linked to the concept
of safety system or safety system engineering made popular by
Bertalanffy (1971),Johnson (1980),andHammer (1989) in the 1970s.
Safety system integrates safety management techniques and perceives
safety as comprising inter-related components whose respective per-
formance contribute to the overall systemic performance. This approach
does not single out any component as the sole determinant of safety
(Hammer, 1989). The list of components in the system is subject to con-
tinuous review, with substitution and addition of components based on
relevance, for instance focus was placed on technical personnel such as
control room operators and maintenance works in the late 1970s
(Bertalanffy, 1971) but shifted to other areas as knowledge related to
safety advanced. The safety system is therefore a dynamic system that
evolves and improves in light of new knowledge, technology, and
In the mid-1980s, after the Chernobyl accident, focus was placed on
safety culture due to several safety deciency of the Chernobyl power
plant such as ambiguous operating procedures, awed designs, and
safety features, breaching of safety rules by operating staff, lack of
competence, and pressures to meet production goals (Hammer, 1989).
Nonetheless, Rentch (1990) and Witt, Hellman, and Hilton (1994)
pointed out that safety culture is not the entirety of safety system but,
rather, an aspect of safety system and promulgated a more holistic
view of safety management with safety being an emergent property
subject to continuous improvement in lifecycle of an installation.
Safety management has been given multiple denitions. Gupta and
Edwards (2002) dened safety management as the management
process to ensure that risks are reduced to a level as low as reasonably
practicable via hazard identication, risk assessment and monitoring.
Cox and Tait (1991) interpreted it as the process whereby informed
decision are taken to meet safety criteriawhile HSE (2013) construed
it as an intervention mechanism to prevent accidents. From the deni-
tions, safety management aims to reduce risks, meet safety criteria, and
prevent accidents via management process adapted from business-like
approach. Typical elements of a management system consist of policy
setting, organizing, planning, and implementation, evaluation, and action
for improvement (ILO, 2001).
Performance monitoring and measurement ts into the evaluation
stage of a safety system where safety performance is continuously and
systematically monitored, measured and recorded, and procedures of
performance measurement is consistently reviewed (ILO, 2001).
Reliable performance monitoring necessitates adoption of relevant
safety indicators. Safety indicators have historically developed parallel
to advancement of safety approach from lagging indicators such as fatal-
ities and injuries rates, organizational indicators such as work arrange-
ment, operational indicators, to resilience based indicators (Reiman &
Pietikainen, 2012).
Safety indicators have also been categorized based on safety domains.
On an offshore installation, the major safety domains encompass process
and personal safety. Process safety stemmed from the occurrences of in-
dustrial major accidents (e.g., the Flixborough explosion [Kletz, 1999]
and the Seveso disaster resulting in dioxin leakage). Process safety man-
agement, therefore, aims to prevent, minimize, and control industrial
major accidents such as res and explosions, which cause not only inju-
ries and fatalities but property and environmental damage. Process
safety is frequently equated to asset integrity and both terms have
been used interchangeably (Lauder, 2012; Ratnayake, 2012). By deni-
tion, the latter covers the breadth of management of people, systems,
processes, and resources to minimize operational risks of an asset to
employees, the public, and the environment (Hassan & Khan, 2012). In
practice, asset integrity management on an offshore facility closely re-
sembles process safety focusing on the safety critical elements (SCEs),
which form crucial barriers of a system to prevent accidents and escala-
tion of the accidents once they occurred (Frens & Berg, 2014). The focus
is placed on the hard barriers of a system such as piping and instrumen-
tation as well as the corresponding design and operational parameter
(Vinnem, 1998).
The KP3 Asset Integrity Program by the HSE UK initiated in 2008
tracked the progress of participant oil and gas companies in indicators
related to maintenance and management of safety critical elements on
offshore facilities. Participating companies adopted a set of SCEs recom-
mended by the program and tracked compliance of the SCEs (HSE,
2008), usually via facility status reporting that captures the performances
of the SCEs (Frens & Berg, 2014). For comparison and benchmarking,
companies participating in the KP3 Asset Integrity Program report
hydrocarbon releases, verication non-compliance, and safety-critical
maintenance backlog to the HSE (HSE, 2009). HSE then tracked the
asset integrity performance of the participating companies based on the
few key indicators over a xed duration.
Personal safety, on the other hand, emphasizes the health, safety,
and wellbeing of individual employees via minimization of their expo-
sure to occupational risks (ILO, 2001). In the offshore context, personal
safety focuses on reducing workers' exposure to radiations, chemicals,
noise, vibration, extreme temperatures, and ergonomic hazards via
measures such as industrial hygiene monitoring, chemical health risk
assessment, job safety analysis, medical surveillance, safety awareness
program, and work arrangement to reduce fatigue and increase alert-
ness (Venkataraman, 2008). Personal safety also looks into competence
building and safety behavior promotion (Arezes & Miguel, 2008). The
reporting of personal safety performance in terms of number of injuries
or fatalities caused by slip and trip, falling from height, electrical expo-
sure, struck-by, caught between and burns, and so forth (IOGP, 2016)
is more common than process safety performance. Personal safety is
also reported to a signicantly larger extent than process safety in
corporate safety reporting.
Though conventionally managed separately, process and personal
safety are not mutually exclusive. Studies have pointed to their
10 D.K.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Safety Research 66 (2018) 919
inter-relations. Olsen, Naess, and Hoyland (2015) revealed that
work climate factors are negatively correlated with incidences of hydro-
carbon leakand can be usedto predict leaks of different severity. Bergh,
Ringstad, Leka, and Zwetsloot's (2014) also reported positive correla-
tion between psychological risk scores and incidences of hydrocarbon
leaks. Both safety domains ultimately aim to reduce fatality, injury
rates, and near-misses. They converge at the organizational level
where leadership and organizational culture serve as the driving force
of both safety domains (Guldenmund, 2000; Morrow, Koves, & Barnes,
In order to effectively capture the overall safety performance of an
offshoreplatform, it has been promulgated that themajor areas of safety
should be included with the use of both lagging and leading indicators
(Baker, 2007; CSB, 2012). Facility status reporting undermines soft
barriers and the leading aspects of safety management such as organiza-
tional factors, work arrangement, safety culture and documentation, as
well as personal safety. Personal safety reporting, however,overempha-
sizes the lagging performance such as injuries and fatalities without
examining the leading aspects that are often also the root causes of
major accidents, for instance incompetence and operational shortcuts
(Williams, Hamid, & Misnan, 2017).
As proactive and integrative safety monitoring has received much
attention in recent years, inclusion of leading safety factors in
performance reporting could present a greater opportunity for mutual
learning of best practices in offshore platform safety management
(CSB, 2012). This study tests the usability of a framework proposed
earlier (Tang et al., 2017) combining crucial aspects of personal and
process safety, using both leading and lagging indicators, in attempt to
shed a more holistic insight into how the leading and lagging aspects
of both safety domains are connected.
3. Method
3.1. Testing of safety performance measurement framework
This study tested the predictive ability of a safety performance
framework by drawing a correlation between the actual performance
of 10 offshore oil platforms and the evaluated safety performance of
the platforms using the framework proposed. The actual performance
centered around the number of fatality, fatal accident rate, total record-
able incident rate, lost time injury rate, and reported near-misses in
Fatality is dened as death, either immediate or within one year of
the date of injury, of an employee or a contractor's employee due to
work, while fatal accidents are accidents resulting in fatality. Total
recordable incidents encompass all fatalities, lost time injuries, illnesses,
and medical treatment cases occurring at work but do not include
rst-aid injury. Lost time injury results in inability of an employee to
continue work, hence a loss of productive work time. Near-misses, on
the other hand, are unintended occurrences that could potentially
harm human, the environment, and properties (IOGP, 2016; Petronas,
2015). Incident and injury rates are counted as occurrences per million
man-hours worked. In the case of total recordable incident rate for
instance, it is counted as number of total recordable cases per million
man-hours worked (HSE, 2015; IOGP, 2016; Petronas, 2015).
A questionnaire consisting of a list of 63 safety indicators grouped
under 14 safety indicators identied from a previous study by Tang
et al. (2017), as well as a section for actual performance reporting
with the parameters mentioned above were disseminated to the partic-
ipating industrial practitioners in three oil and gas companies in
Malaysia. The safety factors comprised: (1) Inspection and maintenance,
of indicators
Literature review
Consultation with health and safety practitioners
Grouping of indicators under relevant safety factors
70 survey items
Pilot study to validate and improve survey items
Adminstration of questionnaire
172 complete responses
Mean perceived importance ratings and perceived risk ratings of
safety indicators, hence the corresponding safety factor
Derivation of weight of safety indicators
Final list of
Final review of indicators reduced the number to 63
Form the basis of safety performance measurement framework for
offshore oil and gas platforms in Malaysia
Fig. 1. Development of indicators for offshore safety performance measurement (Tang et al., 2017).
11D.K.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Safety Research 66 (2018) 919
(2) Emergency management, (3) Management and work engagement,
(4) Number of incidents and near misses, (5) Personal safety, (6) Contrac-
tors' safety, (7) Management of change, (8) Operation and operating pro-
cedures, (9) Competence, (10) Hazard identication and risk assessment,
(11) Plant design, (12) Instrumentation and alarm, (13) Documentation,
and (14) Start-ups and shutdown. A summary of earlier indicators
development is shown in Fig. 1.
The industrial practitioners were involved in collection of safety
performance data for safety reporting and were best-suited to provide
data for the questionnaire. The respondents were requested to indicate
the compliance status of each of the safety indicator using a numbering
system modied from the trafc light system of the HSE (2008) in its
Asset Integrity Key Program, where red indicates non-compliance,
amber indicates isolated failure or incomplete system, and green
indicates compliance. In the numbering system, 3was assigned for
compliance, 2for isolated failure or incomplete system, and 1for
non-compliance. To account for indicators without data, 0was
assigned. The compliance status was determined based on comparison
of the indicators' performance against the respective performance tar-
gets or standards. The study participants needed to extract the existing
performance data of the platforms from multiple sources and interpret
the data based on the format of this safety measurement framework.
The score of an indicator was obtained by multiplying the compli-
ance status of the indicator with its corresponding weight identied in
a previous study (Tang et al., 2017). To compute the score of a safety
factor, the score obtained for each indicator categorizedunder the safety
factor was summed up, as shown in the mathematical expression
Score of safety factor;j¼n
i¼1WijCij ð1Þ
indicator under safety factor j
, Compliance status of i
indicator under safety factor j
Taking a safety factor (i.e., inspection and maintenance (Table 1)for
instance), there are four indicators categorized under the safety factor
with weights derived from a survey conducted in a previous study
(Tang et al., 2017)asshowninTable 1. One part of the survey required
the respondents to rate their perceived importance of the indicators on
a scale of 1 to 5, which represents increasing degree of perceived impor-
tance. The other part required the respondents to rate their perceived
risk due to failure of observing the indicators, also on a 1-to-5 scale of
increasing risk. The weights of the respective indicators were subse-
quently calculated by multiplying the mean perceived importance rat-
ings and the mean perceived risk ratings of the respective indicators.
The score of this safety factor is the sum of scores of the underlying in-
dicators calculated as shown in Eq. (1).
Total safety score of a platform is the sum of scores of all 14 safety
factors as expressed below:
Total safety score of platform;a¼14
i¼1SFia ð2Þ
safety factor for platform a
The total safety score of a platform corresponds positively to its
safety performance. The higher the score, the higher the safety perfor-
mance is. Descriptive statistics including range, means, standard
deviation, and variance were calculated for each factor to give an over-
view of how the performance of each safety factor varied among the
platforms. Correlation between the scores of safety factors and the
actual performance of the offshore oil and gas platforms was analyzed
using Pearson correlation (IBM, 2014). Fig. 2 provides an overview of
the safety performance measurement framework.
3.2. Validation of safety performance measurement framework
The safety performance measurement framework was validated
against the facility status reports of safety critical elements (SCE) groups
of two offshore oil platforms located on the shallow water of Miri,
Malaysia. Facility status reporting of oil and gas platform using the SCE
was promulgated by HSE's Key Programme 3 (KP3) to ensure platform
operators manage risk related to structure, plant, and equipment effec-
tively in the prevention of major accidents and report performance of
SCE in standardized format, thus facilitating sharing of best practices
and benchmarking (HSE, 2008).
Table 2
Score demarcation of safety factors.
Safety factor Maximum
Inspection and maintenance 114.3 76.2 38.1 0
Emergency management 92.3 61.5 30.8 0
Management and work engagement
120.9 80.6 40.3 0
Number of incidents and near misses 255.8 170.6 85.3 0
Personal safety 225.8 150.5 75.3 0
Contractors' safety 52.4 35.0 17.5 0
Management of change 160.7 107.1 53.6 0
Operation and operating procedures 280.8 187.2 93.6 0
Competence 94.4 62.9 31.5 0
Hazard identication and risk assessment 88.7 59.1 29.6 0
Plant design 83.1 55.4 27.7 0
Instrumentation and alarm 121.7 81.1 40.6 0
Documentation 68.6 45.7 22.9 0
Start-ups and shutdown 71.0 47.3 23.7 0
Total 1,830.4 1,220.3 610.1 0
status of each
the 14 safety
scores of
scores of
safety factors
Calculate total
safety score of
a plaorm
Fig. 2. Safety performance measurement.
Table 1
Indicators related to inspection and maintenance.
Safety factor: inspection and maintenance
Indicators Weight
Number of safety critical plant/equipment that performs within
specication when inspected
Number of maintenance actions identied that are completed to the
specied timescale
Number of hours of critical maintenance backlog 9.143
Number of all hydrocarbon leaks 9.637
12 D.K.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Safety Research 66 (2018) 919
SCE, according to the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations
2005 of the UK, is dened as parts of an installation or plant that play a
crucial role in prevention or minimization of impacts of major accidents
(HSE, 2006). Failure of SCE could therefore escalate into the occurrence
of major accidents. Facility status reporting is part of safety performance
measurement currently practiced on offshore oil and gas platforms and
bear much resemblance to the proposed framework, particularly in
indicating the compliance status of each SCE. The reporting system
employs the trafc light method recommended by the HSE with red
indicating non-compliance, amber indicating isolated failure or incom-
plete system, and green indicating compliance (Frens & Berg, 2014).
Both SCE and non-SCE are monitored in facility status reporting.
Safety scores obtained from the proposed framework are compared
against the ndings of facility status reports of two oil platforms in
Malaysia to examine how close the ndings from both instruments
are in terms of the platform safety performance.
4. Results
Table 2 shows the maximum possible score for each safety factor, as-
suming all indicators of each safety factor have a status of compliance.
The middle score represents the score of a safety factor if all its indica-
tors assume a deviated status that can be interpreted as isolated failure,
or incomplete system. The low score of a safety factor is the sum of
scores of the underlying indicators with all having a status of non-
compliance. Minimum score is only possible when no indicators are
available for each of the safety factor, which indicates that a system to
evaluate safety performance is not in place or no indicators comparable
to the framework were used on the platforms.
All scores of safety factors calculated using the framework proposed
(Table 3) fall between the maximum and middle scores (Table 2)of
the respective safety factors with most of the scores above the mid-line
of the range, except the scores of start-ups and shutdown for two
Pla orm Safety Scores
Inspecon and Maintenance Emergency Management
Management and Work Engagement Number of Incidents and Near Misses
Personal Safety Contractors' Safety
Management of Change Operaon and Operang Procedures
Competence Hazard Idenficaon & Risk Assessment
Plant Design Instrumentaon & Alarm
Documentaon Start-ups and Shutdown
Fig. 3. Platform safety scores for year 2016.
Table 3
Safety factor scores of offshore oil and gas platforms for year 2016.
Safety factor Platform
Inspection and maintenance 104.7 104.7 104.7 104.7 95.0 94.7 114.3 114.3 85.5 114.3
Emergency management 92.3 92.3 82.3 82.3 92.3 82.3 81.6 81.6 81.6 92.3
Management and work engagement 101.3 120.9 120.9 120.9 110.5 91.5 100.7 101.3 100.7 100.8
Number of incidents and near misses 197.5 246.1 236.8 236.8 246.5 227.0 236.3 255.8 226.6 236.4
Personal safety 198.5 225.8 216.6 216.6 225.8 188.6 207.7 216.6 198.7 216.8
Contractors' safety 52.4 52.4 52.4 52.4 52.4 43.5 43.9 52.4 52.4 43.5
Management of change 137.9 160.7 160.7 160.7 153.2 150.5 151.8 160.7 144.3 153.2
Operation and operating procedure s 252.1 280.8 280.8 280.8 280.8 271.0 251.8 241.2 261.5 260.1
Competence 84.1 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4 84.2 94.4 84.2
Hazard identication and risk assessment 88.7 88.7 88.7 88.7 88.7 88.7 88.7 58.8 88.7 88.7
Plant design 83.1 83.1 83.1 83.1 83.1 83.1 75.2 83.1 72.5 75.2
Instrumentation and alarm 121.7 121.7 121.7 121.7 121.7 110.6 121.7 110.6 91.7 121.7
Documentation 68.6 68.6 68.6 68.6 68.6 68.6 68.6 68.6 68.6 68.6
Start-ups and shutdown 48.1 71.0 59.6 71.0 48.1 59.6 59.6 71.0 71.0 59.6
Total score 1,630.8 1,811.1 1,771.1 1,782.5 1,761.0 1,653.8 1,696.1 1,700.1 1,638.2 1,715.1
13D.K.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Safety Research 66 (2018) 919
platforms (Platforms 1 and 5) just slightly above the middle score. Score
of inspection and maintenance of Platform 9 was the lowest of all
platforms surveyed, though still above the middle score of 76.2. Platform
2 had the highest safety score of 1,811 followed by Platform 4 and
Platform 5 (Table 3). Platform 1 had the lowest safety score, though it
was still signicantly higher than the middle score (refer Table 2).
Fig. 3 shows the performance of the platforms studied in terms of
their total safety scores. Referring to Table 4, number of incident and
near misses had the largest range of variation with a variance of 249.0,
followed by operation and operating procedures with a variance of
218.5. All the platforms had uniform score for documentation indicating
that documentation is generally an established practice, hence full
compliance. Spreads of scores for plant design and contractors' safety
from the respective means were low, as indicated by the variances
and standard deviations in Table 4.
Actual performance of offshore oil and gas platforms is commonly
captured in lagging indicators, particularly in terms of fatality and inju-
ries (Morrow et al., 2014).Table 5 shows the actual lagging performance
of the platforms. There was no fatality reported on all the platforms in
2016. Platforms 1, 6, and 9 reported a total recordable incident rate of
more than two, higher than the other platforms. Platform 8 recorded
the highest lost time injury rate, while Platform 1 had the highest
reported near-misses.
Table 6 shows correlation analysis between scores of the safety
factors and the actual lagging performance of the platforms. Total
recordable incident rate signicantly and negatively correlated with
management and work engagement (MWE), number of incidents and
near misses, personal safety, and management of change. Lost time
injury rate demonstrated signicant negative correlation with the
scores of operation and operating procedures, hazard identication
and risk assessment, as well as instrumentation and alarm. Nearmisses,
however, negatively correlated with number of incident and near mis-
ses, personal safety, management of change, hazard identication and
risk assessment, as well as start-ups and shutdown. Signicant positive
correlation can be observed between near misses and total recordable
incident rate.
Correlations between the safetyfactors based on Pearson correlation
are also demonstrated in the dendrogram below (Fig. 4). Increasing
horizontal distance from the left to the right shows increasing dissimilar-
ity between the clusters. The dendrogram depicts the correlations in a
pairwise manner with the closer pairs of safety factors and clusters of
safety factors being merged successively in an agglomerative manner
where the clusters are paired in a bottomup approach with more
related elements or clusters more closely paired. The rescaled distance
represents the degree of dissimilarity (Liu, Zhu, Qiu, & Chen, 2012).
Facility status report of Platform 2 for year 2016 showed compliance
for all groups of safety critical elements (SCE) except process contain-
ment with a deviated status due to isolated failure in meeting the
performance target (Table 7). Each SCE group consists of a list of SCE
that represent the barriers to prevent and contain accidents likely to
occur on offshore platforms (Jager, 2013). Structural integrity, for
instance, consists of subsea structures, topside/surface structures,
heavy lift cranes and mechanical handling, ballast systems, mooring
systems, and drilling systems (Table 8). Performance goal was set for
each SCE as indicated in Table 9 and was evaluated based on the under-
lying functional criteria. There are two types of performance goals
(i.e., design performance standards and operations performance
standards). Design performance standards specify the design features,
capacity, or loads of the safety critical elements, while operational
performance standards specify the operational envelops, conditions,
and efciency the elements are expected to demonstrate (Jager,
2013). As the platforms studied have been in operation, operational
performance standards are the major concerns.
Facility status report of Platform 2 (Table 7) shows good agreement
with the results of the safety performance framework proposed
(Table 3). Based on the framework, all the safety scores of Platform 2
achieved the status of full compliance except inspection and mainte-
nance, and number of incidents and near misses. Under the category
of inspection and maintenance, the indicator that was rated deviated
was the number of all hydrocarbon leaks, which correlates with the
nding of its facility status report on processcontainment. Facility status
of Platform 3 shows deviation for process contaminant, shutdown sys-
tems, and emergency response.
5. Discussion
The safety performance evaluation framework presents an integra-
tive approach in measuring the safety performance of offshore oil and
gas platform based on the 14 safety factors identied in a previous
study (Tang et al., 2017). The number of indicators under each safety fac-
tor varies, hence the maximum score for each safety factor. All the plat-
forms had scores closer to the side of the maximum score (Table 2)
with Platform 2 topping the list (refer to Table 3 for the platforms' safety
scores), indicating that the platforms were generally well managed.
Table 4 shows higher variation, hence variance of number of inci-
dents and near misses, as well as operation and operating procedures
among the platforms. The former was attributed primarily to difference
in number of incidents and near misses caused by contractors or visi-
tors, during start-ups and shutdown, and where operational shortcuts
were identied. The latter was due to missing indicators under the
Table 5
Actual safety data of offshore oil and gas platforms for year 2016.
Indicator Platform
Fatality 0000000000
Fatal incident rate 0000000000
Total recordable incident rate 2.43 1.21 1.69 1.71 1.75 2.26 1.88 1.84 2.37 1.92
Lost time injury rate 0.38 0.22 0.21 0.35 0.19 0.47 0.25 1.07 0.55 0.33
Reported near-misses 13 5877108296
Table 4
Descriptive statistics of safety factor scores.
Safety factor Range Mean Standard
Inspection and maintenance 28.8 103.7 9.6 92.1
Emergency management 10.7 86.1 5.3 28.5
Management and work engagement 29.4 106.9 10.6 112.8
Number of incidents and near misses 58.3 234.6 15.8 249.0
Personal safety 37.2 211.2 12.4 153.8
Contractors' safety 8.97 49.8 4.3 18.2
Management of change 22.8 153.4 7.8 60.9
Operation and operating procedures 39.6 266.1 14.8 218.5
Competence 10.3 91.3 4.9 24.3
Hazard identication and risk assessment 29.9 85.7 9.5 89.3
Plant design 10.6 80.4 4.3 18.7
Instrumentation and alarm 29.9 116.5 9.8 96.7
Documentation 0.0 68.6 0.0 0.0
Start-ups and shutdown 22.8 61.8 9.0 81.1
14 D.K.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Safety Research 66 (2018) 919
safety factor in few platforms. Thecompliance statusfor number of inci-
dents and near misses wasin agreement with the actual lagging perfor-
mance of the platforms, which were based on fatalities, injuries, and
near misses. Higher total recordable incident rate and near misses of
Platform 1 were conrmed by its lowest score in this category among
the platforms (refer to Tables 3 and 5). The same was observed for Plat-
forms 6 and 9. This demonstrates that the score of number of incidents
and near misses in the framework should inversely correlate with the
actual number of injuries and near misses reported where a higher
score indicates higher compliance. As the score of number of incidents
and near misses were dependent on the actual number of injuries and
near misses, a higher compliance score indicates lower number of inju-
ries and near misses. The correlation is captured by Pearson correlation
showing signicant negative correlation between number of incidents
and near misses, and total recordable incident rate as well as number
of reported near misses (Table 6).
A previous study by Tang et al. (2017) demonstrated that MWE on
safety, number of incidents and near misses, contractors' safety, man-
agement of change, plant operations and operating procedures, plant
design, personal safety, as well as hazard identication and risk assess-
ment were more connected than the other safety factors via perceived
importance of the safety indicators rated in a survey among oil and
gas safety professionals in Malaysia. Correlation analysis in Table 6
shows that MWE was signicantly positively correlated with personal
safety, contractors' safety, management of change (also see Fig. 4), and
plant operations and operating procedures, in line with the previous
ndings. Personal safety in this study correlated signicantly with
MWE on safety, number of incidents and near misses as well as manage-
ment of change, while contractors' safety correlated signicantly with
MWE on safety (Fig. 4,Table 6), conrming the previous clustering
(Tang et al., 2017). Table 6 also reveals new correlations such as that
between inspection and maintenance, and competence, as well as
between inspection and maintenance, and instrumentation and alarm,
which were not identied in previous study (Tang et al., 2017). MWE
is a facet of safety culture related to leadership and commitment. Few
meta-analyses studies (Beus, Payne, Bergman, & Arthur Jr., 2010;
Christian, Bradley, Wallace, & Burke, 2009) demonstrated that safety
culture correlated with accidents and injuries, as well as employee's
self-reported safety behaviors. Morrow et al. (2014) demonstrated
that higher management commitment led to lower human perfor-
mance error rate. These studies have invariably pointed to correlations
between safety culture and safety performance.
Signicant positive correlation between total recordable incident
rate and near misses conrms the accident triangle where higher num-
ber of near misses leads to higher number of recordable incidents in-
cluding injuries and fatality (Williamsen, 2003). Based on the accident
triangle, near misses are always more than recordable injuries though
different ratios between the two had been reported (Bellamy, 2015).
The same is shown in Table 5. It is established that better safety culture
leads to better safety performance, particularly accident and injury rates
(Feng, Teo, Ling, & Low, 2014; Morrow et al., 2014). MWE in this study,
being a measure of safety culture, was shown to signicantly and posi-
tively correlate with total recordable incident rate. Mearns et al. (2003)
reported a signicant association between management commitment
and accident rate, which supports the correlation between MWE and
incident rate.
Both total recordable incident rate and near misses were inversely
correlated to personal safety score. Personal safety encompasses noise
exposure, cases of occupational diseases and occupational poisoning,
fatigue,overtime, extended shifts, andchemical exposure. Fatigue,over-
time, and extended shifts are aspects of psychosocial risks. Bergh et al.
(2014) demonstrated that psychosocial risks including work schedule,
workload, and work pace correlated with number of hydrocarbon
leaks on platforms. Fatigue was linked to extended work hours, night
shifts, and rotating shifts (IPIECA-OGP, 2012), and was shown to
negatively impact human performance leading to higher risks, hence
Table 6
Correlations between safety factor scores and actual platform lagging performance.
Ins Emer MWE Incident Personal Con Change Ops Com HIRA Design Inst Startup TRIR LTIR NM
Ins 1 0.082 0.072 0.259 0.370 −0.285 0.384 −0.422 −0.531 −0.389 0.065 0.619 0.031 0.368 0.124 −0.437
Emer 0.082 1 0.133 −0.169 0.385 0.081 −0.220 0.173 −0.344 0.293 0.161 0.476 −0.499 −0.192 −0.421 0.087
MWE 0.072 0.133 1 0.333 0.726 0.605 0.624 0.685 0.380 0.188 0.397 0.447 0.241 −0.766 −0.437 −0.278
Incident 0.259 −0.169 0.333 1 0.697 0.062 0.845 0.175 0.210 −0.473 0.094 0.063 0.466 −0.730 0.208 −0.926
Personal 0.370 0.385 0.726 0.697 1 0.381 0.692 0.360 0.033 −0.153 0.237 0.513 0.125 −0.861 −0.221 −0.693
Con −0.285 0.081 0.605 0.062 0.381 1 0.137 0.231 0.054 −0.218 0.414 −0.102 0.175 −0.219 0.132 −0.117
Change 0.384 −0.220 0.624 0.845 0.692 0.137 1 0.391 0.248 −0.331 0.364 0.323 0.515 −0.849 0.047 −0.796
Ops −0.422 0.173 0.685 0.175 0.360 0.231 0.391 1 0.698 0.592 0.363 0.274 −0.007 −0.499 −0.672 0.059
Com −0.531 −0.344 0.380 0.210 0.033 0.054 0.248 0.698 1 0.507 −0.002 −0.107 0.178 −0.298 −0.501 0.112
HIRA −0.389 0.293 0.188 −0.473 −0.153 −0.218 −0.331 0.592 0.507 1 −0.215 0.211 −0.356 0.063 −0.895 0.654
Design 0.065 0.161 0.397 0.094 0.237 0.414 0.364 0.363 −0.002 −0.215 1 0.469 −0.173 −0.338 0.020 −0.069
Inst 0.619 0.476 0.447 0.063 0.513 −0.102 0.323 0.274 −0.107 0.211 0.469 1 −0.438 −0.526 −0.543 −0.044
Startup 0.031 −0.499 0.241 0.466 0.125 0.175 0.515 −0.007 0.178 −0.356 −0.173 −0.438 1 −0.331 0.438 −0.572
TRIR −0.368 −0.192 −0.766 −0.730 −0.861 −0.219 −0.849 −0.499 −0.298 0.063 −0.338 −0.526 −0.331 1 0.290 0.676
LTIR 0.124 −0.421 −0.437 0.208 −0.221 0.132 0.047 −0.672 −0.501 −0.895 0.020 −0.543 0.438 0.170 1 −0.413
NM −0.437 0.087 −0.278 −0.926 −0.693 −0.117 −0.796 0.059 0.112 0.654 −0.069 −0.044 −0.572 0.676 −0.413 1
Ins: Inspection and maintenance
Emer: Emergency management
MWE: Management and work engagement
Incident: Number of incidents and near misses
Personal: Personal safety
Con: Contractors' safety
Change: Management of change
Ops: Operation and operating procedures
Com: Competence
HIRA: Hazard identication and risk assessment
Design: Plant design
Inst: Instrumentation and alarm
Startup: Start-ups and shutdown
TRIR: Total Recordable Incident Rate
LTIR: Lost Time Injury Rate
NM: Near misses
: Correlation is signicant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed)
: Correlation is signicant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed).
15D.K.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Safety Research 66 (2018) 919
injuries and near misses. Parkes (2010) reported that increased injury
rates of offshore day work were related to circadian disruption as a result
of night work and rollovershift patterns involving shift change usually
from nights to days in the middle of an offshore tour. Such shift pattern
adversely affected sleep, performance, and alertness. Nonetheless,
Parkes (2010) also highlighted that shift extension from 8 h to 12 h did
not cause signicant negative impact on performance or health, in an on-
shore setting. Demographically, Reiner, Gerberich, Ryan, and Mandel
(2016) reported increased risk of machinery-related injury among
Fig. 4. Dendrogram of safety factors based on Pearson correlations.
Table 8
Example of safety critical elements.
SCE group Safety critical element
Structural integrity Subsea structures
Topside/surface structures
Heavy lift cranes and mechanical handling
Ballast systems
Mooring systems
Drilling systems
Process containment Pressure vessels
Heat exchangers
Rotating equipment
Piping systems
Relief system
Well containment
Fired heaters
Gas tight oor/walls
Tanker loading
Helicopter refuel
Wireline equip
Oil-in-water control
Shutdown system Emergency shutdown and depressurization systems
Depressurization systems
High-integrity pressure protection systems
Operational well isolation
Pipelines isolation valves
Process emergency shutdown valves
Drilling well control
Utility air
Table 7
Compliance of SCE groups in facility status report of platforms 2 and 3.
SCE groups Platform 2 Platform 3
Remark Compliance
Structure integrity Green Compliant Green Compliant
Process containment Amber Deviated
Amber Deviated
Ignition control system Green Compliant Green Compliant
Detection systems Green Compliant Green Compliant
Protection systems Green Compliant Green Compliant
Shutdown systems Green Compliant Amber Deviated
Emergency response Green Compliant Amber Deviated
Life saving systems Green Compliant Green Compliant
Non-SCE items Green Compliant Amber Compliant
Competency deviation Green Compliant Green Compliant
Standards Green Compliant Green Compliant
Due to isolated failure. However, the performance sti ll falls within acceptable zone below
the corresponding performance target.
16 D.K.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Safety Research 66 (2018) 919
male workers, workers of greater age, workers with a history of injury,
and increased work hours in the U.S. agricultural sector.
This study reveals that lost-time injury rate was negatively corre-
lated with the scores of operation and operating procedures, hazard
identication and risk assessment, as well as instrumentation and
alarm. While lost-time injury is a subset of total recordable incidents,
correlation between these two entities in this study is not sufciently
signicant. A relatively weaker negative correlation was also shown
between lost-time injury and competence, which often relates to train-
ing and experience (HSE, 2017). McVittie, Vi, and Eng (2009) reported
that density of trained supervisor in the Canadian construction sector
was negatively correlated with lost-time injury rate. The inverse rela-
tion between injury rates and level of experience was also highlighted
in a study among seafarers and rig workers in the Western Australia off-
shore oil and gas industry (Martinovich, 2013). Though no established
correlation was reported between lost-time injury and operating
procedures, hazard identication and risk assessment has been identi-
ed as a crucial element of occupational injury and illness prevention
program (Liu et al., 2010). Studies on the effect of various safety factors
on injury rates, including lost time injury, and near misses focus primar-
ily on organizational and workplace factors such as workforce empower-
ment, delegation of safety activities, and top management commitment
(Shannon et al., 1997). It would also be of interest to look at how other
safety factors, as identied in this framework, affect injury rates and
near misses particularly in the offshore sector.
Results of the framework were also compared against results of
facility status reporting (Table 7), which is currently practiced on the
platforms of an established oil and gas company. A major difference
between the framework and the facility status report is that the latter
are oriented towards hard barriers on the platforms comprising struc-
tures, equipment, vessel, physical system, and so forth (Table 8). The
framework on the other hand, monitors both hard and soft barriers
using both lagging and leading indicators covering multiple facets
such as organizational, resilience-based, and personal (Tang et al.,
2017). Soft barriers (i.e., competency deviation and standards) are also
included in facility status report but to a lesser extent than the frame-
work proposed. Signicant agreement is shown between results of the
framework and facility status report. Platform 2 had the highest safety
score, which was also reected by the compliance of all the SCE groups
except process containment (Table 7). Deviation in process contain-
ment was in fact captured by the framework via the indicator of
number of all hydrocarbon leaksunder the safety factor inspection
and maintenancewhich had a deviatedstatus.
Similarly for Platform 3, deviation of process containment in the
facility status report is associated with deviated state for number of
all hydrocarbon leaks. In addition, Platform 3 also registered a deviated
state for shutdown system and emergency response in the facility status
report due to isolated failure of certain hardware related to the two sys-
tems. The ndings correspond to deviation in the number of elements
of emergency procedure that fail to function to performance standard
under the safety factor of emergency management, as well as deviation
in the number of deferred start-ups & unplanned shutdownunder the
safety factor of start-ups and shutdown, in the framework. Isolated
failures in the hardware might have contributed to increased failure of
emergency procedure to meet performance standard as well as higher
deferred start-ups and unplanned shutdown.
Sub-standard performance of number of all hydrocarbon leaks was a
common problem in most of the platform studied. Hydrocarbon leaks
is a major risk to accidents on offshore platform, hence a crucial safety
performance indicator (Olsen et al., 2015). Based on a review by Sklet
(2006), hydrocarbon leaks were mainly caused by operational error
during routine production, maintenance-related latent failure, dissem-
bling of hydrocarbon system for maintenance, technical/physical
failures, process upsets, and design related failures. These factors were
largely captured by the safety factors used in the framework. The effect
of process upsets and hydrocarbon system integrity on hydrocarbon
leaks was also demonstrated by the facility status report (Table 7)show-
ing isolated failure of process containment. Nonetheless, the facility status
report, as mentioned, is hardware-oriented and the performance stan-
dards set are in relation to the functional criteria of the hardware, such
as re water pumps under the protection system (Table 9). Unlike facility
status reporting, the framework proposed unites various crucial aspects of
safety in determining the overall safety performance of a platform.
The study is limited in the number of platforms that were tested
using the safety framework. The reason is that the evaluation process
was elaborate where the study participants needed to gather the infor-
mation related to compliance of the indicators from multiple sources.
Integrating the information into a single framework presented a
tremendous challenge because safety performance monitoring in the
offshore sector was fragmented into personal, process, and asset while
the use of leading indicators monitoring documentation, organizational
factors, and competence especially is limited. Facility status reports of
platforms are not readily accessible and securing a full report even
from one single platform presents a great challenge due to corporate
considerations and legal process.
6. Conclusion
The ndings of the framework provide important insight into
understanding recordable incidents, injuries, and near misses on the
platforms and show satisfactory agreement with the facility status
report, indicating the applicability of the framework for safety perfor-
mance measurement of the Malaysian offshore oil and gas platforms.
Grouping the safety indicators into 14 major safety factors and
employing a scoring system of the safety factors enable performance
comparison between the Malaysian offshore oil and gas platforms,
thus, contributing to benchmarking and continuous improvement. The
framework also enables correlations between the safety factors to be
Table 9
Example of operational performance standard.
Protection system
SCE Fire water pumps
SCE goal Provision of adequate water to extinguish or contain, hence reduce impact of re.
Functional criteria Minimum assurance task Assurance
1Eachre pump shall operate as per its design specications Test performance of re pump as per design pump
curve to ensure delivery of largest rewater demand
Firewater discharge pressure
Firewater ow rate
2Eachre pump shall be activated by initiation signals and run
withoutinterruptioninthespanofadened emergency
Each re pump shall be activated by pressing:
Local panel pushbutton
Fire & Gas panel pushbutton
Fire main pressure switch
A testing plan should be in place for equal testing of all
start signals above.
Fire pump starts on demand Y/N
17D.K.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Safety Research 66 (2018) 919
captured and improves understanding on how the factors inuence
actual lagging performance of the platforms.Future study can therefore
focus on continuous improvement of the framework as safety practices
on the offshore platforms evolve and improve. Investigation on the
correlation of the safety factorsand their effects on lagging performance
of the platforms can also be a potential area of study.
7. Practical application
The study shows that the framework proposed has the ability to
change the current safety reporting practice for offshore platforms by
utilizing a wider range of leading and lagging indicators covering process
and personal safety to provide a more well-rounded representation of
platforms' safety status. It puts forth a scoring system that enables perfor-
mance comparison while enabling masking of sensitive information
where necessary. The study also reveals important correlations between
safety factors that contributes to better understanding of the synergy
between the safety factors, hence more efcient safety management.
The authors wish to acknowledge the participating industrial practi-
tioners who had voluntarily rendered great effort to provide safety
performance data of offshore oil platforms in the format required.
Conict of interest
The study was not subject to the funding of any grant. No association
had been made between the data used and any oil and gas companies.
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Daniel Tang Kuok Ho is a PhD student under the Department of Mechanical Engineering
in the Faculty of Engineering of University of Malaya, Malaysia. He is also a lecturer of
Curtin University Malaysia. His research interest includes health and safety management,
offshore safety, and sustainability.
Siti Zawiah Md Dawal is an associate professor under the Department of Mechanical
Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia. She has over
160 publications. Her area of expertise cover s work design, ergonomics, and exible
manufacturing systems.
Ezutah Udoncy Olugu is currently engaged as an assistant professor in the Faculty of
Engineering, Technology & Built Environment, UCSI University, Malaysia. Dr. Olugu's
research interest includes green manufacturing, sustainable production, green supply
chain management, reverse logistics, and totalquality management.
19D.K.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Safety Research 66 (2018) 919
... Significantly improves asset operational efficiency and reliability through real-time monitoring and diagnosis, preventing potential catastrophic accidents and ensuring equipment safety and production stability. Qian et al. [58] Improved fault diagnosis of the FCCU Real-time expert system based on wavelet transform and fuzzy ART neural network ...
... More specifically, Tang et al. [58] proposed an integrated safety performance assessment framework, where each key safety factor corresponded to a list of basic safety factor indicators. Practitioners rated these indicators based on compliance, validating the standards of the safety performance evaluation framework and demonstrating the usability of 33 indicators, providing benchmarks and continuous improvement bases for the safety practices of Malaysian offshore oil and gas platforms. ...
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As a branch of artificial intelligence (AI), expert systems are well-known for interpreting and deducing solutions to problems based on the rules contained within a knowledge base. Over the past decade, the application of expert systems in the industrial sector has matured significantly, permeating both upstream and downstream segments of the supply chain. Unlike traditional methods in industry, the approach using expert systems leverages the knowledge within domain experts, simulating the decision-making process of experts through rules and inference engines, rather than solely relying on the intuition of manual operators or engineers. In this study, the recent progress in the industrial application of expert systems were reviewed, including (1) the fundamental concepts of expert systems (e.g. the components of expert systems, expert systems based on different reasoning mechanisms, and the developmental history of expert systems) were briefly introduced; (2) the advantages and limitations of expert systems were discussed; (3) a series of detailed examinations for the expert system application in areas such as risk assessment, decision analysis, industrial classification, and fault diagnosis were elucidated in this study; (4) The challenges currently faced by expert systems and their future development prospects were discussed. This study not only reviewed the application of expert systems in the industrial field but also revealed how these systems drive automated decision support, reduce dependence on manual experience, and enhance operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, the study highlighted future development directions. Overall, the research emphasized the importance of effectively integrating expert systems in industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing, providing valuable insights for practitioners and researchers.
... The index scores can be linked to different risk levels, such as high, medium, and low risks, using the fuzzy expert system [14]. The fuzzy expert system produces safety scores that are comparable to those of a safety professional [54]. ...
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has gained much popularity in various sectors and has found applications in multiple areas, including occupational health and safety (OHS) risk management of the high-risk construction, mining, and oil and gas sectors. OHS risk management centers on identifying, assessing and controlling occupational risks systematically to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths. This review presents the advances in AI applications for OHS risk management in these sectors and synthesizes their barriers for better application prospects. In the construction sector, AI can be employed in building information modeling during the design stage to identify and deal with the hazards of building models. AI can be deployed in construction sites through computer vision, sensor networks, knowledge-based systems, and machine learning to capture real-time site conditions, analyze the videos or pictures captured, and provide feedback to workers for appropriate responses. A similar setup involving the same components is also used for managing the OHS risks of surface or underground mining, particularly for monitoring the 242 environmental conditions, detecting the presence of hazardous gases, and identifying hazards in locations that are remote and difficult to assess. Sensors can be attached to personal protective equipment and watches and the signals transmitted via Bluetooth to permit data collection for analysis and response by AI. In the oil and gas sector, sensors are extensively used to collect process safety data from wells, pipelines, valves, etc. for analytical and predictive Al. Al, especially, machine learning is used to create personalized training for workers based on their learning pace and characteristics. However, the major barriers identified are high cost, lack of support and skilled employees, ethical issues, and the uncertainty of AI.
... Such practices change the organizational psychology from using lagging indicators for introspection, learning and prevention purposes, towards exercising record-keeping for performance demonstration purposes only, which in turn triggers the manipulation of recording and generation of spurious accident events reporting (Xu et al., 2021). In contrast to measuring safety in/of the past (using lagging indicators), there is a range of proactive safety metrics used to measure current safety status in a timely manner (e.g., safety culture, safety risk analysis, leading indicators, safety climate) (Elsebaei et al., 2020;Tang et al., 2018) -amongst which leading indicators are commonly contrasted with lagging indicators (cf. Alruqi & Hallowell, 2019;Xu et al., 2021). ...
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Introduction: Leading indicators represent an invaluable tool that offer organizations the capability to: track health and safety performance, not just failures and accidents; measure effectiveness of safety efforts adopted; and focus on undesired precursors, rather than undesired occurred events. Despite these palpable advantages associated with their adoption, leading indicator's definition, application, and function are mostly ambiguous and inconsistent within literature. Therefore, this study systematically reviews pertinent literature to identify the constructs of leading indicators and generates guidance for leading indicator implementation (as a conceptual model). Method: The overarching epistemological design adopted interpretivism and critical realism philosophical stances together with inductive reasoning to analyze 80 articles retrieved from the Scopus database, plus 13 more publications supplemented by the snowballing technique. Analysis of the safety discourse within literature (as secondary data) was undertaken in two stages, namely: (1) a cross-componential analysis identified the main features of leading indicators in comparison to lagging indicators; and (2) content analysis revealed prominent constructs of leading indicators. Results and conclusion: Analysis results identify that the definition, types, and development methods represent the main constructs for understanding the concept of leading indicators. The study identifies that ambiguity around the definition and function of leading indicators is due to the lack of differentiation of its types, namely passive leading indicators and active leading indicators. Practical application: As a practical contribution, the conceptual model, which introduces continuous learning through a perpetual loop of development and application of leading indicators, will help adopters create a knowledge repository of leading indicators and to continuously learn and improve their safety and safety performance. Specifically, the work clarifies their difference in terms of the timeframe passive leading indicators and active leading indicators take to measure different safety aspects, the functions they serve, the target they measure and their stage of development.
Marine high-end equipment reflects a country’s comprehensive national strength. The safety assessment of it is very important to avoid accident either from human or facility factors. Attribute structure and assessment approach are two key points in the safety assessment of marine high-end equipment. In this paper, we construct a hierarchical attribute structure based on literature review and text mining of reports and news. The hierarchical attribute structure includes human, equipment, environment and management level. The correlations among these attributes are analyzed. The assessment standards of attributes are described in details. Different evaluation grades associated with attributes are transformed to a unified one by the given rules. As for the assessment approach, the evidential reasoning approach is applied for uncertain information fusion. Group analytical hierarchical process is used to generate attribute weights from a group of experts, where process aggregation method and result aggregation method are combined in a comprehensive way. The importance of expert is computed by the uncertainty measure of expert’s subjective judgment. A drilling platform is finally assessed by the proposed attribute structure and assessment approach to illustrate the effectiveness of the assessment framework.
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Health, safety, and environment (HSE) are critical aspects of any industry, particularly in high-risk environments, such as the oil and gas industry. Continuous accident reports indicate the requirement for the effective implementation of safety rules, regulations, and practices. This systematic literature review examines the relationship between safety communication and safety commitment in high-risk workplaces, specifically focusing on the oil and gas industry. The review comprises 1,439 articles from 2004 to 2023, retrieved from the Scopus and Web of Science databases following the PRISMA comprehensive guidelines. This study considers safety communication, communication climate, and communication satisfaction to evaluate their influence on safety commitment under occupational health and safety. This study identifies safety commitment issues and their underlying factors, discussing measures for preventing and reducing accidents and incidents and highlighting preventive measures for future research. It also signifies the variables influencing accident and incident rates. The research underscores the importance of communication dimensions and the need for workers to possess adequate skills, knowledge, and attitudes regarding occupational safety and health procedures. Moreover, the study contributes to the industrial and academic domains by improving organizational safety commitment, promoting a safety culture, and developing effective communication strategies. Furthermore, practitioners may benefit from this comprehensive overview in developing, evaluating, and enhancing occupational safety.
This chapter examines the human–machine tasks of inspecting, checking, and auditing, to provide insights that can guide work design, equipment design, and job aid development. It discusses the knowledge to inspecting, checking, and auditing of human factors/ergonomics aspects of human–machine systems. The chapter provides a detailed review and worked example of human factors/ergonomics audit programs. Ergonomics/human factors, however, are no longer confined to operating in a project mode. Human factors as a discipline cover a wide range of topics from workbench height to function allocation in automated systems. The human factors auditor, having chosen an unbiased sampling scheme and collected data on the correct issues, is perhaps in an excellent position to assist in such management decisions. Inspecting, checking, and auditing are interesting, as they all have human factors design aspects but can all be applied to both the processes being audited and to the auditing process itself.
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Inclusive in the engineering factors of growth of the economy of any country is the construction industry, of which Malaysia as a nation is not left out. In spite of its significant contribution, the industry is known to be an accident-prone consequent upon the dangerous activities taking place at the construction stage. However, occupational accidents of diverse categories do take place on the construction sites resulting in fatal and non-fatal injuries. This study was embarked upon by giving consideration to thirty fatal cases of accident that occurred in Malaysia during a period of fourteen months (September, 2015-October, 2016), with the reports extracted from the database of Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) in Malaysia. The research was aimed at discovering the types (categories) of fatal accident on the construction sites, with attention also given to the causes of the accidents. In achieving this, thirty cases were descriptively analysed, and availing a revelation of falls from height as the leading category of accident, and electrocution as the second, while the causative factors were discovered to be lack of compliance of workers to safe work procedures and nonchalant attitude towards harnessing themselves with personal protective equipment (PPE). Consequent upon the discovery through analysis, and an effort to avert subsequent accidents in order to save lives of construction workers it is recommended that the management should enforce the compliance of workers to safe work procedures and the compulsory use of PPE during operations, while the DOSH should embark on warding round the construction sites for inspection and giving a sanction to contractors failing to enforce compliance with safety regulations.
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Occupational safety and health management systems (OSH MSs) have been implemented in numerous enterprises worldwide since the mid-1980s. While stakeholders still have expectations on better prevention of occupational injuries and diseases, and on improving the working conditions, it suggest that new approaches are now needed to ensure OSH MS effectiveness, including development of new methods that would facilitate measurement of OHS MS operational status aimed at the genuine improvement of OSH management practices. A review of literature on leading pro-active safety performance indicators (PPIs) provided a rationale for a concept to elaborate a relatively small number of key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring OSH MS operational performance. As a basis for this process an initial set of 109 PPIs was developed, composed of 20 sub-sets assigned respectively to individual OSH MS components. Next, for the selection of KPIs the method of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was employed. The ranking and prioritization of leading performance indicators was made in relation to a set of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) criteria.
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In today's competitive market asset integrity is a main concern to all enterprises especially for asset intensive offshore industries. For this purposes, the study was focussed to identify measureable asset integrity performance indicators, find the trend and gap of asset integrity practices within the industries and application to determine assets' integrity performance for offshore floating facilities. The study first discusses the general asset integrity management followed by requirements for performance indicators and its significance to offshore industries. Literature review revealed that the performance of asset integrity has not reached satisfactory level as the repeated incidents occur one after another in the offshore industry. As a result, the organisation requires a comprehensive set of appropriate indicators' scheme and quantification technique such as a hierarchical framework which link to the organisation's ultimate strategic goal for ensuring asset integrity. This framework uses analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to quantify the risk information through the standardisation of weight indicators and the aggregation. A study to quantify the condition of assets of five offshore floating facilities through leading and lagging indicators in hierarchical structure was conducted. The estimated index values determine the condition of the asset based on the performance risk index scale. Finally, the study concluded that the indicator system can provide a comprehensive view on portfolio of offshore asset health status, lead to the further consideration and trends monitoring for decision-making processes.
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Operational integrity management of industrial assets is concerned with systematically and completely reviewing, analysing and developing or sustaining the ability of assets' operations. Breaches of assets' integrity occur when conflicting interests, such as financial, environmental and societal milieus, are incorrectly weighed against each other. In order to attain sustainable asset performance, it is vital to compute the different weights given to the factors governing operational integrity. In this context, it is vital to realise a correct balance between the conflicting interests of employees and the institutionalised interests derived from sustainable asset operations. This manuscript illustrates a study focusing on operational integrity, which has been carried out in collaboration with a leading gas processing and distribution company located in Norway. Also, the manuscript illustrates how to model asset integrity management processes in general and compute operational integrity preference weights complying with 'triple bottom line' using the analytic hierarchy process.
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How do nuclear power plant workers, within a single national culture, perceive safety culture within their organizations? What is the relationship between safety culture and other indicators of safety? Is the construct of safety culture useful for predicting future plant performance? These questions were addressed in the current study using a survey administered to a sample of personnel at 97% of the nuclear power plants in the United States, resulting in 2876 responses from 63 nuclear power plant sites. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed a multi-factor structure to the safety culture survey. For each nuclear power plant, the mean score for the total survey results and the factor means were correlated with organization-level performance indicators both concurrently and one year following the survey administration. Correlations suggested meaningful, statistically significant relationships between safety culture, as measured by the survey, and multiple nuclear power plant performance indicators. This study presents a unique look at safety culture across the United States nuclear power industry and takes a critical step toward establishing that safety culture is empirically related to safety performance.
In Malaysia, oil and gas industry is a major contributor to the economy. Offshore plants pose a number of operational hazards. It is important to monitor the operational hazards by using relevant safety indicators for proactive prevention of accidents in the plants. This research aims to identify the most pertinent safety indicators for offshore oil and gas plants. The study is conducted using a questionnaire consisting of safety indicators for offshore operation identified from literature review and consultation with industrial experts. The respondents were required to rate the importance of indicators and the probability of incidents occurring due to failure to observe the indicators. The study shows that emergency management, start-ups and shut down system as well as documentation have the highest importance in safety performance of offshore operation. Incidents or errors are more likely to occur if indicators with higher importance are not observed. The study contributes to understanding and development of the most pertinent health and safety indicators for offshore oil and gas plants. Further study can investigate relation of the indicators to the actual safety performance of offshore oil and gas plants.
Objective: High agricultural injury related mortality and morbidity rates persist. This study addressed a knowledge gap regarding large machinery-related injury magnitude, consequences, and risk factors. Methods: From randomly selected Midwestern agricultural operations in 1999 and 2001, 7420 eligible households participated. Demographic, exposure, and injury data collected for four 6-month periods used a computer-assisted telephone interview. An a priori causal model enabled survey development, data analysis, and interpretation. Directed acyclic graphs, developed from this model, facilitated potential confounder identification for specific exposures in multivariate analyses. Results: The injury rate was 12.82 events per 1000 persons per year. Increased risk was associated with male gender, increasing age, state of residence, history of prior injury, and increasing hours worked per week. Conclusions: Large machinery-related agricultural injuries can result in significant consequences. Associated increased injury risks require further investigation and targeting of relevant interventions.
Hydrocarbon leaks have a major accident potential in the oil and gas industry. Over the years the oil and gas industry in Norway has worked hard to find means to prevent hydrocarbon leaks and is today able to report significant progress. In this context, the exploration of accidents in light of human error linked to underlying factors related to the organisation, design and management of work, also called psychosocial risk factors, has been established as a major priority. The objective of this study was to explore to what extent a psychosocial risk indicator obtained from survey data shows a significant relationship with hydrocarbon leaks on Norwegian oil and gas producing platforms and whether it can be used as a proactive indicator for the prevention of such leaks. The context is a major oil and gas company in Norway where the number of hydrocarbon leaks at offshore installations in the period from 2010 to 2011 was considered. This study also explored whether technical factors such as installation age, weight and number of leakage sources have an impact on the number of hydrocarbon leaks at offshore installations. Regression analysis results showed that only the psychosocial risk indicator significantly accounted for variation in hydrocarbon leaks. Only partial support was found for the relationship between technical factors and hydrocarbon leaks on the basis of correlation analysis. The paper offers recommendations for the development of more robust indicator models to prevent hydrocarbon leaks in the oil and gas industry.
Smaller severity more frequent accidents can provide information about the direct and underlying causes of bigger severity more catastrophic accidents but only if looking within the same hazard category. Use is made of a database of around 23,000 Dutch serious reportable accidents 1998–2009 that have been analysed in Storybuilder™ in 36 hazard specific bow-ties using a management-task-safety barrier model of failure causation. The data are first developed as hazard specific accident triangles to show differences in lethality. Then comparisons of fatal and non-fatal accident causes are carried out, showing commonality in causes. The same is done for two case studies of catastrophic accidents – the Amercentrale power station scaffold collapse in the Netherlands and the major chemical accident at the Buncefield oil storage depot in the UK. Results indicate that, provided accidents from different hazard bow-ties are not mixed together, small severity more frequent accidents can be used to consider the causation and hence prevention of the bigger severity rarer accidents. This leads to the conclusion that the analysis of occupational accidents can help in addressing major ones providing it is restricted to the same hazard type, contradicting the view that personal and process safety are totally unrelated.