Daniel Senovilla-Hernández

Daniel Senovilla-Hernández
French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · MIGRINTER- OMM



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Graduated in Law and holding a PhD in Migration studies at the University of Comillas, Madrid, I apply a multidisciplinary approach combining legal analysis and social research at a comparative level. Since 2004 I am based in France at the research centre MIGRINTER (CNRS). I am currently in charge of the Observatory on the Migration of Minors (OMM: www.omm.hypotheses.org) and I am the main editor of the electronic journal “Children and young people on the move – Jeunes et Mineurs en Mobilité"


Publications (27)
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The aim of this contribution is to analyse a new category of migrants - unaccompanied minors - that emerged progressively within the European context during the 1990’s. Firstly, the paper examines the different terms and definitions existing on an international scale as well as the three elements defining this category: Minority of age, alien-ship,...
This article explores the evolution of unaccompanied minors’ (UMs’) decisions and migratory experiences after arrival in Italy through Libya. Until now, research has not longitudinally documented UMs’ decision-making processes and experiences during their migration in Europe. We draw on data collected within the ERC-ChildMove project, a multi-sited...
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This article explores unaccompanied adolescent minors’ (UAMs) experiences of deterrent practices at internal EU borders while being on the move. Previous studies have acknowledged the securitisation of external borders through gatekeeping and fencing practices; however, there is a recent and continued renationalisation of internal EU borders by the...
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La contribución presenta una investigación de campo multinacional llevada a cabo entre 2011 y 2012 que explora las condiciones de vida y las razones explicativas de la situación que viven los denominados 'menores extranjeros no acompañados' que se encuentran sin protección en diferentes Estados europeos (Bélgica, España, Francia e Italia). El artíc...


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