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The Emergence of Emerging Technologies

  • Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College

Abstract and Figures

What is discontinuous about the moment of radical technological change? Discontinuity typically does not lie in a radical advancement in technology itself; rather, it stems from a shift of an existing technical lineage to a new domain of application. Seeming revolutions such as wireless communication and the Internet did not stem from an isolated technical breakthrough; rather, their spectacular commercial impact was achieved when an existing technology was re-applied in a new application domain. The biological notion of speciation events, which form the basis for the theory of punctuated equilibrium, can reconcile the process of incremental technical change with the radical change associated with the shift of an existing technology to a new application domain. This concept can assist managers to cope with, and potentially exploit, such change processes.
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The Emergence of Emerging Technologies
Ron Adner
Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Daniel A. Levinthal
Wharton Business School
2000 Steinberg-Dietrich Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(Forthcoming, California Management Review)
September 2002
*INSEAD Fontainebleau, France **The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. We thank
the editors, three anonymous reviewers and Robert Gunther for their comments on a prior draft.
The Emergence of Emerging Technologies
Ron Adner and Daniel Levinthal
What is discontinuous about the moment of radical technological change? We suggest that the
discontinuity typically does not lie in a radical advancement in technology itself; rather, the
discontinuity stems from a shift of an existing technical lineage to a new domain of application.
Seeming revolutions such as wireless communication and the internet did not stem from an isolated
technical breakthrough. Rather, the spectacular commercial impact was achieved when an existing
technology was re-applied in a new application domain. We use the biological notion of speciation
events, which form the basis for the theory of punctuated equilibrium, to reconcile the process of
incremental change within a given line of technical development with the radical change associated
with the shift of an existing technology to a new application domain. We then use this lens to explore
how managers can cope with, and potentially exploit, such change processes.
Discussions of technology evolution have offered sharply contrasting perspectives of the
pace and mechanisms of technological change. On the one hand, we have arguments regarding the
gradual, incremental nature of technological change (Dosi, 1983; Basalla, 1988; Rosenbloom and
Cusumano, 1987). In contrast, others have offered the image of technological change as being
rapid, even discontinuous (Tushman and Anderson, 1986; D’Aveni, 1994). Indeed, the locus
classicus of evolutionary perspectives of technological change (Schumpeter, 1934) offers the
dramatic imagery of “waves of creative destruction”. How can these contrasting perspectives be
The theory of punctuated equilibrium (Gould and Eldridge, 1997), developed in the context
of evolutionary biology, provides a powerful framework to integrate ideas of gradual change in
underlying science with apparent discontinuities in the commercial application of technologies.2
Gould and Eldridge confronted a fossil record that seemed inconsistent with the gradualist
interpretation of Darwin’s ideas. Contrary to the expectation of an incremental process of descent
with modification, they identified periods in which there seemed to be bursts of evolutionary activity.
Their resolution of empirical evidence and Darwin’s Theory was to note the importance of
speciation events --- the separation of one evolving population from its antecedent population, which
in turn allows populations to follow different evolutionary paths.
There are two critical features of speciation. One is that it is genetically conservative ---that
is, speciation is not triggered by a transformation of the population. Second, the speciation event
1 The arguments in this paper draw on our previous research into the nature of technology evolution and
technology competition (Adner and Levinthal, 2000; 2001a; 2001b; Levinthal 1998; and Adner 2002).
2 Mokyr (1990) applied the notion of punctuated equilibria to the process of technical change. However, his
argument hinges on the presence of occasional, dramatic mutation events and not the notion of speciation
events that are critical in the underlying theory of punctuated equilibrium as developed by Gould and Eldrigde
(1977) and as applied to the process of technical change by Levinthal (1998).
allows the two populations to grow quite distinct as a result of their now different selection
What can this framework tell us about the evolution of new technologies? How can it help
resolve the discordant images of both gradual and radical technical change? In particular, how can it
help us identify those critical transition points when emerging technologies realize commercial
The analogue of speciation in technological development is the application of existing
technologies to a new domain of application. Technological discontinuities are generally not the
product of singular events in the development of the technology itself. As in the biological context,
the critical factor is often a speciation event, transplanting the existing technological know-how to a
new application domain where it evolves in new directions. The technological change associated
with the shift in domain can be quite minor; indeed, in some instances, there is no change in
While the speciation event is, in an immediate sense, technologically conservative, it may
have significant commercial impact. In the new application domain, the resources available and
selection forces present may result in rapid subsequent technical development. Consider these ideas
in the context of the development of wireless communication technology. Wireless communication
technology has, at many junctures, been heralded as revolutionary, including the introduction of
wireless telegraphy, radio broadcasting, and wireless telephony. However, beneath these seemingly
radical changes was a gradual technological evolution within a lineage in which dramatic changes
were initiated by the application of existing technology to new domains of application:
Laboratory device: Wireless communication technology started as a laboratory device
used by German physicist Heinrich Rudolph Hertz to test Maxwell’s theories on
electromagnetic waves. The critical functionality in this domain was the reliable
measurement of electromagnetic waves.
Wireless telegraphy: The development of wireless telegraphy was driven by the ability
of Marconi to generate financial backing for a corporation to pursue the commercial
application of electromagnetic waves to serve remote locations such as ships and
lighthouses for which wired telegraphy was not an alternative (Garrat, 1994). For this
second application domain of wireless telegraphy, a new functionality of distance was
required. Researchers focused on enhancing the power of transmitters and increasing
the sensitivity of receivers. The effort to develop superior receivers for wireless
telegraphy (and an effective repeater for wired telephony) ultimately led to the
development of the vacuum tube (Aitken, 1985).
Wireless telephony and broadcast radio: The vacuum tube provided the basis for a
continuous wave transmitter, a technology that allowed for the transmission of voices
and was readily applied in the new application domains of radiotelephony and
broadcasting. Wireless telephony was initially used for public safety purposes, such as
police and emergency services. Only in recent years has wireless technology penetrated
more mainstream, mass consumer markets. The application of the vacuum tube to
broadcast radio first emerged with ham (wireless telegraphy) operators and then was
rapidly refined by the already established corporate entities of Westinghouse, RCA, and
General Electric.
The initial prototype of the technology that entered each new domain, whether it was Hertz’s
laboratory equipment, Marconni’s early wireless, or broadcast radio, was readily derived from the
existing state of knowledge. The shifts in application domains, however, were significant
breakpoints in the technology’s development because they signaled a shift in selection criteria --- a
shift in the critical functionality by which the technology would be evaluated. In addition, the shifts
radically changed the resources available to support the development of the technology. Contrast
Hertz’s assembly of components laying about the laboratory he took over in Karlsruhe, Germany
with Marconni’s ability to generate financial backing for a corporation to pursue the commercial
application of electromagnetic waves as an alternative to wired telegraphy (Garratt, 1994) and the
commitment of resources by the already established corporate entities of Westinghouse, RCA3, and
General Electric to its refinement.
Yes, wireless communication technology has undergone extraordinary change in the hundred
years since Hertz’s experiments. However, the dramatic breakthroughs that set the technology on a
new course were as much discoveries of new domains of application, as advances in the underlying
technology. These “speciation” events were, of course, made possible by wonderfully creative
development efforts that commanded tremendous amounts of time and financial resources.4
However, these efforts were supported within the existing application domains. Broadcast radio
and wireless telephony could not have been possible in the absence of continuous wave transmitters,
but the impetus to develop that technology and the resources to do so came from efforts to enhance
3 The name Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is potentially confusing in this context. RCA was founded by
General Electric, AT&T, and United Fruit (joined latter by Westinghouse) in order to pool their patents in the
pursuit of wireless telegraphy (Aitken, 1985). RCA was not founded in anticipation of broadcast radio and
indeed the emergence of broadcast radio shortly after the founding of RCA caused considerable conflicts among
the parent companies.
4 Indeed, more generally the role of intentionality and choice in technology development clearly distinguishes it
from processes of biological change. We apply the biological framework to understand the nature of the
selection environment acting on possible technologies and, in particular, the niche structure of the resource
space, but we are not assuming a process of blind variation generation. Indeed, we assume, and argue that
actors should try to anticipate the structure of the possible selection environments in which they can develop a
given technological initiative.
the distance and clarity of wireless telegraphy and AT&T’s interest in developing an effective
repeater for long-distance, wired phone service.
Thus, a technology undergoes a process of evolutionary development within a given domain
of application. At some juncture, that technology, or possibly set of technologies, maybe applied to
a new domain of application. The technological shift necessitated by this event is modest. Just as
biological speciation is not a genetic revolution the DNA of the organism doesn’t suddenly mutate
technological speciation is not usually the result of a sudden technological revolution. The
revolution is in the shift of application domain. The distinct selection criteria and new resources
available in the new application domain can result in a technology quite distinct from its technological
lineage. Framing technology evolution in terms of speciation leads us to differentiate between a
technology’s technical development and a technology’s market application. This distinction is
useful in understanding broad patterns of technological change, and leads to specific strategic
implications for technology management.
Insert Figure 1 here
Certainly, not all emerging technologies exhibit this pattern. Some development efforts take
place in the context of research laboratories and have no commercial precursor prior to their initial,
dramatic commercial applications. Examples of such innovation include genetic engineering,
automated DNA sequencing, and chemical based photography. Our purpose is not to claim that all
innovation follows the incremental path we are detailing here. However, we would argue that the
pattern of speciation that we characterize here is far more common than is widely realized. Indeed,
many emerging technologies that are viewed as having appeared dramatically and rapidly in their
mainstream markets, such as xerography (Dessauer, 1971), home video recording (Rosenbloom
and Freeze, 1985), and the Internet (Berners-Lee, 1999), actually have a long pre-history of
technical development occurring in relative small and peripheral market segments.
Lineage Development: Selection Criteria and Resource Abundance
Given the speciation event, why might we observe a radically divergent technology emerge
and why might this lead to a rapid pace of technological change? Within our framework, the nature
and pace of technological change are driven by two elements of the selection process. One is a
process of adaptation. The technology becomes adapted to the particular needs of the new niche
that it is exploiting. The second element corresponds to the resource abundance of the niche. As a
result, the mode of development is influenced by the particular features of the niche, while the pace
of development is driven by the resources that this niche is able to provide.
A technology naturally adapts to the niche to which it is being applied (Basalla, 1988). This
adaptation reflects the distinctive needs of the niche regarding functionality. The new application
domain may value particular elements of functionality that were largely irrelevant to the prior domain
to which the technology was applied. In the disk drive industry, we see that the attributes of size,
weight, and power requirements become relevant in the new niche of portable computers
(Christensen and Rosenbloom, 1995). These same attributes had had little relevance for
manufacturers of desktop machines.
Needs should be viewed both in terms of the relative importance of various attributes, such
as different price/performance tradeoffs among potential consumers, but also the minimal threshold
of functionality for a technology to be viable in a given application domain (Adner and Levinthal,
2001). Thus, for example, a horse-less carriage that is likely to breakdown after a quarter of a mile
is a novelty, not a substitute for a horse.
The other class of factors is the resources available to sustain the innovative activity.5 While
a new application domain may have a distinct set of selection criteria, if the resources in this niche
are quite limited then we should not expect to observe the rapid development of new technological
forms. It is the combination of distinct selection criteria and the availability of substantial resources
to support innovative efforts associated with the new application domain that results in a speciation
event with dramatic consequences for subsequent technological development. The pace of
development becomes much more rapid if the technology is able to satisfy the needs of not only the
possibly peripheral niche to which it may have first entered but, as it develops in functionality or cost
is reduced, the technology is able to penetrate larger, more mainstream niches. A key to this
transition is the degree to which resources (scientific, managerial, organizational, complementary
capabilities) that were of value in one market niche can be leveraged in the new market niche. In this
regard, consider the market journey of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technologies, from strictly
5 In this sense, the framework relates to the important work on the population ecology of organizations (Hannan
and Freeman, 1989). Hannan and Freeman, and a now long line of significant subsequent research (Carroll and
Hannan (2000) provide a recent summary of this area), highlight the role of the selection environment in
determining the demography of organizational populations. In particular, the early work of Hannan and Freeman
(1984) and subsequent work on resource partitioning (Carroll, 1985) demonstrate the importance of the niche
structure of the resource environment, most explicitly through the concept of carrying capacity. While sharing
this common footing, our work differs from ecological analysis in two fundamental ways. First, where population
ecology examines organizational forms, our work explores the evolution of technological forms, which can both
cross and coexist within organizational boundaries. Second, whereas population ecology assumes that
organizational forms are fixed relative to their environments, we examine the ways in which technological forms
change within and across distinct selection environments and resource spaces.
military applications, to geoscience and surveying applications, to trucking fleet management, to the
current penetration attempts in private automobiles.6
Creative Destruction --- the New Displacing the Old
“Creative destruction” occurs when the technology that emerges from the speciation event is
ultimately able to successfully invade other niches, possibly including the original domain of
application. For example, the 3.5-inch computer disk drives that were initially developed for the
niche of portable computers ultimately became viable for the mainstream desktop market
(Christensen and Rosenbloom, 1995). Radial tires were initially developed in the distinct niche of
high-performance sports cars (Sull, Tedlow and Rosenbloom, 1997; Foster, 1986) that valued the
high-performance of the radial tires. The resources made available from the success of radials in this
niche lead to increased efficiency in the production process. That reduction in cost, in conjunction
with a different attribute of radials --- their greater longevity relative to bias-ply tires --- allowed
radial tires to penetrate the mainstream niches of replacement tires and ultimately the original
equipment market of automobile manufacturers.
This successful “invasion” of the mainstream niche is the dramatic event on which
commentators tend to focus. However, that dramatic invasion is the outcome of a substantial period
of development in a relatively isolated niche. Prior to any lineage development, there is little
possibility that the new technological form can out-compete the refined version of an established
technology in its primary domain of application. As Rosenberg (1976) argues in his analysis of the
6 We note that resource availability is a function not only of actual penetration of larger markets, but also of
actors’ expectations of this penetration. For example, the US Congress’s 1994 decision to open the Internet to
commercial transactions released a wave of resources in the expectation that the internet would penetrate a
number of large, new application domains.
development of the machine tool industry, even those technologies that ultimately became widely
diffused general purpose technologies initially focused on the needs of a particular application
What permits the new technology to have some basis of viability is the existence of niches,
or peripheral elements of existing niches, that exhibit a somewhat different set of selection criteria.
Such peripheral niches may also serve as safe havens for technologies whose primary application
domains have been invaded. For instance, the teletype endured even with the full development of
telephone technology, because it had the attribute of providing a written record that was valuable in
business transactions, as well as allowing for asynchronous communication. Its demise awaited the
development of an alternative form of written networked communication --- improved facsimile
technology and the development of large scale computer networks. A final component in the
persistence of a technology in a given domain of application are various forms of switching costs.
These may be costs incurred by individual actors, or more tellingly, costs associated with network
externalities (Arthur, 1989; David, 1985).
New Combinations and New Application Domains
In our discussion of speciation, we have highlighted a particular form of recombination ---
the combination of an existing technology with a new context. Clearly, other sorts of recombination
occur as well. The development of the CAT scanner for medical imaging, for example, illustrates the
linking of two formerly disparate technologies. CAT scanning (Trajtenberg, 1990) drew upon X-
ray technology, which was already applied in the medical imaging domain, and computer technology,
which had been applied to data processing (see Figure 2). Of course, to make these new
combination effective in the context of medical imagining, computer science work on appropriate
imaging algorithms had to be developed as well as significant design changes in X-ray machinery to
allow for rotation and multiple scans.
Cases in which literally “off the shelf” technology can be applied to a new context are likely
to be rare. However, even in an example such as the CAT scanner, it is important to note that the
tremendous performance improvements and cost reductions in computer processing power that
made the CAT scanner possible occurred for reasons quite apart from any possible technological
opportunity of medical imaging. Note also that the expenditures that supported these advances
dwarf the relatively modest expense of developing imaging algorithms or data storage systems that
were specialized to the medical imaging niche (Trajtenberg, 1990).
Insert Figure 2 here
The notion of new combinations has been put forward most famously in the context of the
study of technical change by Schumpeter (1934). Schumpeter (1934: 66) posed the notion of
innovation as “carrying out new combinations”, where a new combination could take on one of five
different forms: (1) a new good, (2) new method of production, (3) new geographic market, (4)
new source of supply, (5) new organization of an industry.
A critical issue from our perspective is whether the new form, or combination, competes for
resources against the antecedent forms from which it was derived or whether it derives resources
from other niches in the environment. The former case may generate a process of creative
destruction whereby the new form substitutes for the prior form in that same application domain.
However, we suggest that new combinations are more likely to find their initial home in a new
application domain or in the peripheral realm of the existing niche.7 It is this property of not initially
competing in the niche space of the antecedent form that defines the property of speciation.
Thus, we are highlighting a particular type of Schumpeterian ‘combination” --- the
introduction of an existing technology into a new application domain, in contrast to the usual focus on
new to the world products or processes. Many of these creative recombinations produce new
forms that prove unviable in the market place. Witness the many variants of pen-based computing
and personal digit assistants (PDAs) that have been commercial failures (McGahan, Vadasz, and
Yoffie, 1997). Yet, unlike biological processes, technological evolution is not restricted to
processes of random variation and environmental selection. Agents of technical change can actively
monitor for hopeful new variants. Our encouragement for such Schumpeterian entrepreneurs
looking at existing emerging technologies is to pay particular attention to market niches that will
accept the technologies in their present form. Deploying emerging technologies in these early
markets can be a means of both realizing profits in the near term and providing valuable feedback
regarding the demand for possible attributes of technical functionality to support and guide their
further development.
Patterns of Technology Evolution
7 When speciation takes the form of occupying a wholly distinct niche it is referred to as allopatric speciation
(Mayr, 1963). More typically speciation involves the exploitation of the periphery of an existing niche (Bush,
At least initially, commercial discontinuities in wireless communication took the form of
providing communication services where none existed before rather than new technology for existing
services. A new technology will be viable if it out-competes existing technologies on some
performance criteria, whether an element of functionality or cost and thereby achieve a relative
advantage. It is unlikely that a new technology will initially dominate an established technology in its
primary domain of application.
For example, early wireless communications technology, despite high cost and poorer sound
quality, outperformed the more refined wired systems for mobility and flexibility. This allowed it to
build an initial niche in military and police communications where mobility was valued enough to
outweigh the other weaknesses.
In most cases, the early domains of application are ones that not only value the distinctive
functionalit y, but also ones that can tolerate relatively crude forms of the new technology. For
example, while minimally invasive surgery techniques were applied in ninety-five percent of
gallbladder procedures (a relatively simple surgical procedure) within two years of their introduction,
it took years of further development before the technologies were applied in heart surgeries.
Similarly, early pen-based computing could be used for structured forms and signature capture but
not for tasks that required handwriting recognition.
This general pattern of industry development from a small niche to an ever broader set of
niches through a series of speciation events has been observed in numerous settings. The history of
the video recorder, which characterizes the transition from a peripheral niche to the mass consumer
market, is illustrated in Figure 4. The technology was initially introduced for the distinct niche of
broadcasters. As the manufacturing process was refined and the product design simplified, it was
possible to penetrate a new niche of industrial and commercial users (Rosenbloom and Cusumano,
1987). Finally, this development continued to the point that the product was able to penetrate the
mass consumer electronic market. It is important to note that, at each point in its development,
video recording technology was commercially viable and profitable within the niche in which it was
Insert Figure 3 here
In ecological terms, we might think of this as the artifact shifting from a specialist to a
generalist. Video recorder development, which previously drew resources from the narrow niche of
television broadcasters, could now draw on the mass consumer market to fund further advance. In
some cases, the technology never goes beyond the initial peripheral market, but remains an isolated
“island of application”. Gallium arsenide, for example, was heralded as a replacement for silicon in
semiconductors in the early 1980s based on the superior speed that it provided. However, the
technology has proved commercially viable only in the context of supercomputer applications and
communications devices (Wiegner, 1988). Recently, the demand for gallium arsenide has increased.
In line with our arguments, this new demand is coming from the application domain of
communication devices, not mainstream computing applications (Ristelhueber, 1993).
Implications for Firm Strategy
How can managers use this process of technological speciation to their advantage?
Biological speciation often occurs through external events that separate one population from another.
However, once managers understand the process of technological speciation, they can actively look
for ways to move the speciation process forward. Our recommendations do not eliminate the
uncertainty inherent in emerging technologies, but provide important insights for managers to cope
with and even exploit this uncertainty:
Focus on the intersection of markets and applications: Technology speciation
distinguishes between a technology’s technical development and a technology’s
market application. Because of the belief that technological revolutions usually occur in
the lab, managers sometimes undervalue the importance of applications. Some writers
have focused on the impact of technological milestones on the rate of progress of
development (Sahal, 1985). We are suggesting that, while these “supply side”
considerations are important, it is critical to consider constraints and thresholds on the
demand side as well. The leap to new application domains affects the attributes of the
technology that are developed as well as the resources available for its development.
The implication is that there are probably many technological developments that could
take off, in the proper application domain.
Managers need to focus attention on the issue of potential application domains. There
may be a variety of technologies that are sitting in the laboratory that would begin to
emerge if transplanted into the right application domains. Discussions of the management
of emerging technologies emphasize long-term vision and patient investment as the key
to developing nascent technologies to the point that they can have a real impact on the
existing technological order. These discussions pay little attention to the market contexts
in which innovations are exploited and the impact these market interactions may have on
exploration activity. The wireless communications revolution came as a result of
recognizing the potential applications of technology. Which technologies in your labs
might have a similar potential if they were moved to the right domain?
Focus on selecting market contexts for a technology, rather than selecting
technologies for a fixed market context: The question should be: Where can I find
an application domain in which this fledgling technology will thrive? There are many
examples of novel products based on relatively crude technologies which serve
intermediate markets while biding their time to enter the ‘mainstream’ market: solar
powered calculators were proving grounds for solar cells; digital watches and
calculators were platforms for early liquid crystal displays; inventory management
systems and simple signature capture devices were predecessors of pen based
computing. Even in these technologies, which have to date only partially fulfilled initial
expectations, firms such as Sanyo, Sharp, and Casio were able to introduce profitable
products into the market that allowed them to learn about and refine the technology.
Contrast the experience of those firms with companies that kept development in-house
until such time as they felt they could address their mainstream customers rather than
focusing on a small target segment to refine the technology. For example, ARCO’s
investments in solar energy power stations and Apple’s investments in the Newton pen
based computer were prematurely transplanted to the mainstream market in which they
were unprepared to thrive. Similarly, early success in speech recognition technologies
has been found not by those firms targeting the mass market of Language User Interface
(LUI), the holy grail that would free computer users from their keyboards, but rather in
the focused niches such as telephonic applications (e.g. directory assistance) and
medical and legal dictation, which were characterized by very well defined vocabulary
sets and by users’ high willingness to pay.
Understand market heterogeneity: While increasing attention has been paid to the
influence of market feedback on technology management (Abernathy, 1978; Von
Hippel, 1988; Leonard Barton, 1995; Christensen, 1997; Moore, 1995), the
implications of the possible diversity of feedback on development strategies remain
relatively unexplored. Exploiting market opportunities at early stages of technology
development requires closer consideration of market heterogeneity. Different
consumers have different requirements for purchasing products and use different criteria
when evaluating their options. Different facets of the commercial market have different
thresholds of viability. These differences may be differences in magnitude, such as the
level of script recognition required of pen-based computers for inventory management
versus word processing applications; or they may be differences in kind, such as the
relative importance of price and performance of computers for space science application
versus home use.
An initiative that fails in one market subset may still be highly successful in another. For
example, the first users of the xerographic process were specialty printers who used it to
make offset masters. Early machines required a 14-step process to make a single copy,
which prevented them from penetrating many markets. The requirements of specialty
printers were sufficiently low however, and their complementary skills sufficiently high,
that they were able to derive benefits from the product despite the cumbersome
technology. Further, because of their understanding of the printing process, these
specialty printers aided Haloid (later renamed Xerox) in expanding the market for
xerography to other printing sub-fields, such as microfilm printing, that ultimately led to
the corporate mainstream (Dessauer, 1971; Pell, 1998).
Expand your selection criteria: While introducing greater experimentation, the
company also needs to diversify the selection criteria it uses to evaluate initiatives.
Because firms do not have the same internal diversity as the broad market, they cannot
match the richness of the market selection environment in their own internal selection
processes. The internal selection environment of an organization, which is governed by a
hierarchical structure, cannot reflect the diversity of selection criteria of the independent
consumers that compose the market. This is why companies often tend to overlook
potential opportunities for applications of technology. Viewing the market as an
amalgamation of independent selection environments, the challenge is not to accurately
determine the needs of the market, but rather to recognize the variety of evaluation
criteria being applied in the market’s component segments.
Often times, new initiatives, even with positive feedback from the market, do not take
hold and develop within established firms. A common factor in such episodes is the fact
that the initiatives do not have great saliency within the operating unit in which they are
based. Management may tend to find the initiative to be a distraction from their primary
efforts. Initiatives in emerging markets are handicapped in two ways. First, they do not
fall within the existing strategic context and, as a result, do not present obvious pursuits
for the firm (Burgelman, 1991). Second, they often target markets of insufficient
magnitude to attract the attention of the larger organization. Therefore, in contrast to the
usual problem in experimentation of signal to noise ratios, we suggest that many business
initiatives suffer from a problem of signal-to-baseline. Existing business activities form
the baseline. If the current and near-term expectations of performance of the new
initiative are modest relative to this baseline, then the scarce resource of managerial
attention, as well as more conventional resources such as capital, will tend not to be
allocated to them.
The most basic managerial tool to modulate the signal to baseline ratio is organizational
structure. Not surprising, firms that have sustained high levels of innovation throughout
their history, such as Hewlett-Packard and Johnson & Johnson, have long-standing
commitments to narrow charters for their operating units. Even though many new
initiatives for these companies emerge from existing operating units, these initiatives
typically are ultimately pursued in the context of a new, dedicated operating unit.
Be careful where you look for market insights: Because of the diversity of markets,
the lessons managers take away about the potential applications of new technology may,
in large part, depend upon where they look. As companies “probe and learn” about
markets, what they learn may be directly related to where they probe (Morone, 1993).
Generalizing market signals from a given niche to the broader market can lead to
dangerous distortions in expectations, which can lead to overly pessimistic assessments
of opportunities (e.g., hard disk manufacturers like Seagate and Quantum, by relying on
the early assessments of desktop computer users, missed enormous opportunities in
small, light, but low capacity disk drives (Christensen, 1997); similarly, incumbent
telecommunication equipment providers like Lucent and Siemens followed their lead
users and chose to limit their early involvement in packet based switching equipment).
Such false generalizations may also lead to overly optimistic assessments of
opportunities (e.g., satellite based mobile telephony operators like Iridium and
Globalstar who extrapolated the preferences of a small set of globe-trotting executives
to the broader market). Learning and adaptation are feedback-driven processes
(March and Simon, 1958; Nelson and Winter, 1982); as a result, decisions regarding
the sources of feedback have significant implications for learning and directing change.
Learn by doing: Engage in exploration through exploitation. By engaging the market,
firms not only sell product and create revenues, they also gain information on market
size, preferences and requirements. Flexibility in market focus allows for a broad set of
alternative bases of market support, customer feedback, production experience, and
accompanying these, the increased capacity to learn and improve in subsequent
development attempts. Learning requires action. Arguably, in mature markets, firms can
learn about market preferences by observing consumer responses to other firms’
products. However, for emerging technologies that offer new functionalities and
functionality bundles, understanding consumer preferences strictly on the basis of this
kind of vicarious learning is less effective.
Mainstreaming niche technologies: Given the pattern of evolution shown in Figure 3,
managers can look for opportunities to accelerate this evolution. One approach is to
target niches whose qualitative selection criteria overlap with the mass market’s but
whose absolute requirements are more accommodating along some dimension.
Selecting early niches on the basis of such preference overlap allows firms to transfer
experience acquired in the incubating niche to other market segments. Such overlap
characterized the early evolution of the United State’s semiconductor industry for whom
the early requirements of government sponsors, particularly the Department of Defense,
for smaller, lighter, and more reliable digital integrated circuits mapped well onto the
selection criteria employed in the emerging market for industrial computers and,
ultimately (in step with lower prices) to the mass market that was created by the
microprocessor. In Europe, by contrast, semiconductor firms were initially focused on
consumer electronics markets (stereos, televisions, and automobiles) and, to this end,
pursued analog integrated circuit technology which proved much more difficult to port to
other niches. Indeed, as the applicability of digital integrated circuits has expanded,
analog circuits have been displaced even from their home niches (Malerba, 1985).
In evaluating technology opportunities, managers can examine whether there are
relatively small technological changes or complementary technologies that will open the
technology to a whole new level of development, such as Web browsers that opened up
the latent opportunity of the already existing Internet protocols (Berners-Lee, 1999).
Indeed, just as Marconni’s reapplication of Hertz’s discoveries to wireless telegraphic
communication unleashed a wave of resources which served to accelerate the evolution
of wireless radio technology, the introduction of internet technology to the mass market
fueled a simultaneous boom in investment and innovation which would have been
impossible had the internet remained in the exclusive domain of government labs and
research institutions.
Clearly, the market feedback based approach suggested here raises important questions as
to the relationship between the sequencing of expenditures and the timing of feedback. An
investment process based on feedback is implicitly making assumptions about the level of initial
commitments relative to subsequent commitments and about the speed of feedback relative to the
pace at which these commitments must be made. To the extent that there are large fixed investments
that must be made prior to the realization of any market feedback, then the process suggested here
is not appropriate.
A further organizational challenge is raised by attempting a feedback-based approach to
technology management in the face of multiple application domains. In a heterogeneous demand
environment market rejection signals are not definitive an innovation that is rejected in one
application domain may nonetheless find acceptance in another domain; an innovation that is
rejected at a certain state of development may find acceptance after further refinement. The open-
ended nature of this feedback can make abandoning projects quite difficult. Exploiting the inherent
flexibility of a sequential development process, however, requires that firms be able to exit
opportunity paths in a timely and efficient manner. Adopting efficient resource (re)allocation
processes is thus a critical component to implementing a feedback based approach.
Given these boundary conditions, one is left with the empirical question as to how
constraining the boundaries are. The development histories of such disparate innovations as
xerography (Dessauer, 1971; Pell, 1998), video recording (Rosenbloom and Freeze, 1985,
machine tools (Rosenberg, 1976), electric power utility (Hughes, 1983), speech recognition
technology (Forrester, 2000), and internet telephony (Mines and Delhagen, 1998) provide evidence
that development through sequential entry into markets is not an uncommon mode of technology
While technologies may require a significant incubation period, the investments required
during the incubation stage are rather modest; the large scale investments associated with
technology ventures are related to scaling up for mass production and establishing distribution and
support systems (Rosenberg, 1976). The costs associated with mass production are indeed high,
but that does not negate the possibility and benefit of engaging intermediate markets before
committing to the pursuit of the mass market. The example of Sony, which produced its first
Betamax machines at a U-Matic plant which was producing video tape machines targeted at
corporate and institutional users, suggests that that even production capacity can be built
incrementally in parallel with activity in intermediate markets (Lyons, 1976).
The pattern of exploration through exploitation is borne out time and again in the evolution of
technology. At times it is a matter of deliberate strategy, in which firms actively direct development
through intermediate markets in their quest to reach their target market. This was the case in the
development of video technology, where a market for home video was suggested in 1956, twenty
years before a video machine was successfully introduced to the home market (Rosenbloom and
Cusumano, 1987). At other times, the market niche which propels an innovation to success
emerges through a relatively undirected stream of market experiments, such as Dupont’s discovery
of ballistic applications for Kevlar after failed initial attempts at serving tire and airframe
manufacturers (Rosenbloom and Hounshell, 1992).
Managerial interest in emerging technologies hinges on the promise these technologies hold
for their mature states. However, the path to technological maturity holds great uncertainty. As a
result, a primary challenge in managing technological emergence is how to structure development
activities before the full character of the technology and of its market relevance is established
The challenge of identifying applications in the early stage is driven not only by the limitations
in technology performance, but also by the fact that attention focused on a search for market
application is attention diverted from immediate development. Therefore, firms have incentives to
develop technologies in-house rather than attempt to exploit their possibilities in an elusive market.
This is, in a sense, the reverse of the more common criticism leveled at managers that a lack of
research focus is attributed to concern with the short term over the long term (Dertouzos, Lester,
and Solow, 1989). Early on, the market search process is likely to lead to blind alleys and, because
‘negative knowledge’ is not highly regarded, the outcomes of such search are not seen as being of
high value. As such, in the case of emerging technologies, short-term results are easier to show for
research and development activity than for market activity.
New technologies, like new genetic species, undergo periods of evolution and revolution.
They involve technological development and the transfer of the technology to new domains of
application. Beneath the revolutionary emergence of new technologies is often a process of shifting
application domains and rapid subsequent growth in the new domain. By understanding this
process, managers can better use it to their advantage.
Figure 1: Speciation in the Development of Technology
Shift in application domain
Lineage development
• Distinct selection
• Distinct resource
Possible “invasion” of the
original niche or other niches
Antecedent application domain
Figure 2: Technological Convergence in CAT Scanning
Technology A
X-Ray Technology Technology B
Computer Technology
Application domain
Application domain
Medical Imaging
Data Processing
Convergent Technology
CAT Scanning
Figure 3: Technology Evolution and Penetration
of Application Domains by Video Recorders
Video Recording Technology
Application domain
Application domain
Application domain
Industrial and Commercial
Mass Consumer Market
Product/Price Improvements
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... Previous research efforts to understand technological discontinuity have focused on identifying emerging technologies and analyzing patterns of technological emergence. Among these endeavors, technological speciation has been highlighted as a critical concept (Adner & Levinthal 2002;Carignani et al. 2019;Levinthal 1998;Moehrle & Caferoglu 2019), addressing the adaptation of existing technologies to new application domains spurred by emerging needs (Adner & Levinthal 2002;Levinthal 1998). This concept suggests that new technologies do not emerge in an abrupt manner; instead, they evolve through a continuous adaptive process to fulfill new needs, underlining the importance of various attempts and failures within this process. ...
... Previous research efforts to understand technological discontinuity have focused on identifying emerging technologies and analyzing patterns of technological emergence. Among these endeavors, technological speciation has been highlighted as a critical concept (Adner & Levinthal 2002;Carignani et al. 2019;Levinthal 1998;Moehrle & Caferoglu 2019), addressing the adaptation of existing technologies to new application domains spurred by emerging needs (Adner & Levinthal 2002;Levinthal 1998). This concept suggests that new technologies do not emerge in an abrupt manner; instead, they evolve through a continuous adaptive process to fulfill new needs, underlining the importance of various attempts and failures within this process. ...
... To explore technological discontinuity through the lens of technological speciation, numerous studies have undertaken case analyses focusing on specific technologies (Adner & Levinthal 2002;Carignani et al. 2019;Cattani 2006;Garnsey et al. 2008;Levinthal 1998;Mokyr 1990). These analyses provide in-depth insights into the adaptive process by which technologies evolve, considering the multifaceted factors influencing technology emergence. ...
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Technological speciation is a crucial concept for understanding the emergence of new technologies and describes the adaptation of existing technologies adapt to novel application domains in response to emerging needs. Prior research has primarily utilized case-centered qualitative approaches. While some quantitative studies have been conducted, they have not fully captured the complexity of technological speciation, with the methodologies used for observation also falling short. This study aims to enhance previous discussions by rigorously validating the process of technological speciation, focusing on Levinthal (1998) through empirical evidence, and uncovering the managerial strategic implications observable in the speciation process of emerging technologies. This study emphasizes products as intermediaries between markets and technologies, developing indicators based on the similarity between antecedent and descendant technologies, considering the path dependency of technology, and applying these to real product data. It hypothesizes that significant changes at the inception of these indicators mark the beginning of technological speciation. Analysis reveals that new technologies emerge through an adaptive process, systematically addressing needs through trial and error, with shifts in needs serving as the catalyst. This aligns with detailed discussions in existing qualitative studies on the technological speciation process. This study proposes an analytical method for examining technological speciation by exploring the interaction between markets and technologies from an evolutionary perspective, using product data as a mediator. Additionally, the study highlights the importance for companies aiming to enter new markets of accurately identifying new needs, exploring adjacent technologies, and adopting iterative, small-scale productization strategies to navigate the adaptation process effectively. JEL : O32, O33
... Scholars who study modalities have focused on how existing technologies yield new ones. From this perspective, new technologies emerge from a synthesis of existing knowledge, which may produce variations under certain conditions, leading to new morphologies and even to new species of technology (Adner & Levinthal, 2002;Cattani, 2006;Fleming & Sorenson, 2001, 2004Kodama, 1992;Levinthal, 1998;Schillebeeckx, Lin, George, & Alnuaimi, 2021). The research that has focused on trajectories, on the other hand, has mapped the evolutionary processes by which new technologies come into existence and change over time. ...
... Speciation has its roots in biology and refers to "the separation of one evolving population from its antecedent population, which in turn allows populations to follow different evolutionary paths" (Adner & Levinthal, 2002: 51). By analogy, new technologies come into being as a result of existing technological knowledge being transplanted to a new application domain, where it evolves in new directions (Adner & Levinthal, 2002). For example, Cattani (2006) has documented how Corning's knowledge and experience in the production of glass fibers for medical and military applications enabled it to identify opportunities in the seemingly unrelated domain of electronics. ...
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Drawing on complexity theory, we investigate the structuring processes and underlying mechanisms underpinning the emergence of a new technology. Empirically, we track the emergence of blockchain technology by examining international patents issued between 2009 and 2020. Our results indicate that technology emergence follows an evolutionary trajectory that progresses from disordered to structured interactions among the technological elements, culminating in the formation of a technological core that acts as a pole of attraction for further interactions and delineates boundaries within the technological domain. Technology structuring is fueled by what we term “technology fitness” and “self-reinforcing” mechanisms that progressively transform primitive structures into more complex, self-organized configurations. Our study offers a novel framework of technology emergence, highlighting how dispersed bits of technological knowledge gradually aggregate into complex structures that define the specific trajectory of a particular domain.
... Milleaet al. (2005) however highlight the market dimension of ETs by stating that "a technology is still emerging when it is not yet a must have". With the various definition attached to ETs, one significant agreement among scholars in its definition is the fact that ETs are characterized by their novelty, growth, coherence and conceptual autonomy, salient impact, anduncertainty based on the fact that ETs possess the potential to create new markets and also transform existing ones (Adner and Levinthal, 2002;. Bailey et al. (2022) perception of emerging technologies isbased on the fact that ETs is not just "emerging" because it is new, but also because its impacts and uses are still evolving and have not yet been grounded into well-defined patterns. ...
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Emerging technologies are regarded as one of the most successful technological innovations and are also often viewed as breakthrough innovation that possess the potential to create a new industry or transform an existing industry. This paper put into focus emerging technologies to enhance optimization in the process industries. The paper highlighted emerging technologies and process optimization concepts where both were defined. Types of process optimization of topological optimization defined as the physical nature of a particular design and parametric optimization defined as the operation of variables of a specific process or piece of equipment were also explained. In this review, emerging technologies and optimization was highlighted. Relationship with emerging technology as a multi-agent optimization system, mitigating uncertainty in processing industries were also highlighted where experimentation, ethical concerns and continuous Improvement were discussed on briefly under mitigating uncertainty in processing industries..Conclusively emerging technologies is a valuable tool for processing industries. It can also be regarded as one of the most successful technological innovation.
... Speciation, the introduction and use of a technology in a different application domain (Astley, 1985;Cattani, 2006;Levinthal, 1998), is a fairly common pattern in technology development and commercialization (Adner and Levinthal, 2002). It leads through path dependence (David, 2007;Sydow et al., 2009), to knowledge innovation and capability recombination for which projects by their very nature serve as ad hoc milieus (Brady and Davies, 2004;Davies and Brady, 2000;Grabher, 2004;Gruber et al., 2012;Hobday, 1998Hobday, , 2000Lavie, 2006;Lobo and Whyte, 2017). ...
Sociotechnical transitions are mostly seen in the literature as processes where actors and technologies in small niches peripheral to an organizational field, accumulate momentum, scale up, aggregate, and eventually bring about large-scale regime change. Foundational examples include the British transition from sailing ships to steamships and the American transition from traditional factories to mass production. Herein lies a paradox, transitions concern large scale system change for example transition to electric cars or renewable energy, but large-scale options for technological change driven by incumbents have received less attention in transitions research. This is an important opportunity for transition research to draw on the literature of project management research on large-scale projects. We bridge transitions research and project management research by exploring speciation and aggregation from both perspectives. We illustrate how this bridge may be instantiated drawing on published research and interviews on six megaprojects that have been instrumental in the digital transformation of UK construction: (i) the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, (ii) Heathrow Terminal 5, (iii) London Olympics, (iv) Crossrail, (v) Thames Tideway and (vi) High Speed Two. The speciation of digital technology seeds the process of aggregation and UK industry transition which is driven by incumbents at the organizational field core and ripples outward to its periphery. This is a reverse process to the one mostly considered in transition research where change initiates in small niches peripheral to an organizational field and propagates until it eventually brings about large-scale change to its core.
... The increasing importance of technology in meeting people's needs has brought about significant changes in various aspects of individuals' lives [1]- [5]. One of the domains that has been greatly influenced is the entertainment industry, where technology has played a crucial role in delivering innovative and satisfying experiences [6]- [8]. ...
... The flexible services offer ways to catalyse the transition. The first implementation of services connects the technology development to the market applications and early use cases (Adner and Levinthal, 2002). In the best case, there is no need for a physical infrastructure to launch the initial services. ...
Purpose Connecting autonomous drones to ground operations and services is a prerequisite for the adoption of scalable and sustainable drone services in the built environment. Despite the rapid advance in the field of autonomous drones, the development of ground infrastructure has received less attention. Contemporary airport design offers potential solutions for the infrastructure serving autonomous drone services. To that end, this paper aims to construct a framework for connecting air and ground operations for autonomous drone services. Furthermore, the paper defines the minimum facilities needed to support unmanned aerial vehicles for autonomous logistics and the collection of aerial data. Design/methodology/approach The paper reviews the state-of-the-art in airport design literature as the basis for analysing the guidelines of manned aviation applicable to the development of ground infrastructure for autonomous drone services. Socio-technical system analysis was used for identifying the service needs of drones. Findings The key findings are functional modularity based on the principles of airport design applies to micro-airports and modular service functions can be connected efficiently with an autonomous ground handling system in a sustainable manner addressing the concerns on maintenance, reliability and lifecycle. Research limitations/implications As the study was limited to the airport design literature findings, the evolution of solutions may provide features supporting deviating approaches. The role of autonomy and cloud-based service processes are quintessentially different from the conventional airport design and are likely to impact real-life solutions as the area of future research. Practical implications The findings of this study provided a framework for establishing the connection between the airside and the landside for the operations of autonomous aerial services. The lack of such framework and ground infrastructure has hindered the large-scale adoption and easy-to-use solutions for sustainable logistics and aerial data collection for decision-making in the built environment. Social implications The evolution of future autonomous aerial services should be accessible to all users, “democratising” the use of drones. The data collected by drones should comply with the privacy-preserving use of the data. The proposed ground infrastructure can contribute to offloading, storing and handling aerial data to support drone services’ acceptability. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the paper describes the first design framework for creating a design concept for a modular and autonomous micro-airport system for unmanned aviation based on the applied functions of full-size conventional airports.
Purpose This paper aims to map the evolution of hydrogen-based technologies (HBTs) by examining the patenting activity associated to these technlogies from 1930 to 2020. In doing so, the study provides a novel perspective on the development of HBTs and offers implications for managers and policymakers. Design/methodology/approach We collected patent data at the level of patent families (PFs). Our sample includes 317,089 PFs related to hydrogen production and 62,496 PFs to hydrogen storage. We examined PF data to delineate the state of the art and major technical advancements of HBTs. Findings Our analysis provides evidence of an increasing patenting activity in the area of HBTs, hence suggesting relatively high levels of expectations on the economic potential of these technologies. US and Japan hold the largest proportion of PFs related to HBTs (about 60%), while European applicants hold the highest proportion of highly cited PFs (about 60%). While firms represent the applicant with the highest share of PFs, our analysis reveals that firms holding HBT PFs are primarily from the chemical sector. Research limitations/implications While our analysis is limited to examining patent data which capture some aspects of the innovation activity around HBTs (namelly, patented inventions), our study enriches existing literature by performinng a patent analysis on a much larger sample of data when compared to previous studies. Practical implications Two main implications emerge from our study. Firstly, there seems to be an urgent need to support the emergence of a dominant design so as to facilitate the consolidation and diffusion of the HBTs, hence the transition to a more sustainable energy production. Secondly, the majority of HBT PFs are held by a small number of countries. This, in turn, suggests opportunities to develop cross-country cooperation (e.g. international agreements, research and technology offices) to support the development and adoption of HBTs globally. Social implications Considering the results obtained in this study, from a social point of view, the attention that organizations have paid to hydrogen related technologies is evident. This suggests that the development HBTs can function as a social enabler for a sustianable energy transition. Originality/value Extant research has focused on the individual components of the hydrogen chain. As a result, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the progress made in the area of HBTs. To address this gap, this study examined HBTs by focusing on both production and storage technologies since their initial developments, hence adopting an observation period of about 70 years.
Emerging technologies are distinct in that they stimulate the creation of automated and intelligent businesses at a quick pace. Business processes are being reimagined and reinvented by these companies. When blockchain was initially introduced to the world in 2008, it was touted as the next great digital revolution. This chapter seeks to offer an overview of blockchain technology by defining it and explaining how it works. However, because blockchain technology is still in its infancy, nothing is known about how this new technology may be used to practical applications. As a result, the chapter highlights its distinct characteristics that set it apart from other technologies. Despite government intervention and an environment that promotes entrepreneurship, MSMEs, which have long been the backbone of any economy, continue to face the same difficulties that small businesses face. This chapter demonstrates how blockchain may assist in resolving these challenges in the hopes of spurring greater research and development in the field of blockchain, particularly in the context of MSMEs.
We believe that punctuational change dominates the history of life: evolution is concentrated in very rapid events of speciation (geologically instantaneous, even if tolerably continuous in ecological time). Most species, during their geological history, either do not change in any appreciable way, or else they fluctuate mildly in morphology, with no apparent direction. Phyletic gradualism is very rare and too slow, in any case, to produce the major events of evolution. Evolutionary trends are not the product of slow, directional transformation within lineages; they represent the differential success of certain species within a clade—speciation may be random with respect to the direction of a trend (Wright's rule). As an a priori bias, phyletic gradualism has precluded any fair assessment of evolutionary tempos and modes. It could not be refuted by empirical catalogues constructed in its light because it excluded contrary information as the artificial result of an imperfect fossil record. With the model of punctuated equilibria, an unbiased distribution of evolutionary tempos can be established by treating stasis as data and by recording the pattern of change for all species in an assemblage. This distribution of tempos can lead to strong inferences about modes. If, as we predict, the punctuational tempo is prevalent, then speciation—not phyletic evolution—must be the dominant mode of evolution. We argue that virtually none of the examples brought forward to refute our model can stand as support for phyletic gradualism; many are so weak and ambiguous that they only reflect the persistent bias for gradualism still deeply embedded in paleontological thought. Of the few stronger cases, we concentrate on Gingerich's data for Hyopsodus and argue that it provides an excellent example of species selection under our model. We then review the data of several studies that have supported our model since we published it five years ago. The record of human evolution seems to provide a particularly good example: no gradualism has been detected within any hominid taxon, and many are long-ranging; the trend to larger brains arises from differential success of essentially static taxa. The data of molecular genetics support our assumption that large genetic changes often accompany the process of speciation. Phyletic gradualism was an a priori assertion from the start—it was never “seen” in the rocks; it expressed the cultural and political biases of 19th century liberalism. Huxley advised Darwin to eschew it as an “unnecessary difficulty.” We think that it has now become an empirical fallacy. A punctuational view of change may have wide validity at all levels of evolutionary processes. At the very least, it deserves consideration as an alternate way of interpreting the history of life.
The procedures and the nature of “technologies” are suggested to be broadly similar to those which characterize “science”. In particular, there appear to be “technological paradigms” (or research programmes) performing a similar role to “scientific paradigms” (or research programmes). The model tries to account for both continuous changes and discontinuities in technological innovation. Continuous changes are often related to progress along a technological trajectory defined by a technological paradigm, while discontinuities are associated with the emergence of a new paradigm. One-directional explanations of the innovative process, and in particular those assuming “the market” as the prime mover, are inadequate to explain the emergence of new technological paradigms. The origin of the latter stems from the interplay between scientific advances, economic factors, institutional variables, and unsolved difficulties on established technological paths. The model tries to establish a sufficiently general framework which accounts for all these factors and to define the process of selection of new technological paradigms among a greater set of notionally possible ones.
This article examines a significant example of "technological pioneering"-the development of an emerging technology in pursuit of future comercial opportunity. In this case, the pioneer's efforts resulted in the birth of a major industry, the manufacture of vidéocassette recorders for the mass consumer market. The authors compare the actions of six firms that were pioneers in the development of this technology-two in the U.S. and four in Japan. Three firms-all Japanese-emerged in the late 1970s as the big winners in the growth of this new industry. However, this is not another case in which international differences in "competitiveness" were decisive. The real success story lies in the management practices of three pioneers, who just happened to be Japanese.