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Heroin attenuates the negative consequences of cocaine in a runway model of self-administration


Abstract and Figures

It has been presumed that the combination of cocaine (COC)+heroin (HER) is more reinforcing than either of the two drugs alone, thus leading to their coadministration ("speedballing"). An alternative hypothesis is that HER serves to attenuate the undesired negative effects of COC. To test this notion, male Sprague-Dawley rats (n=31) were trained to run a straight alley for a daily intravenous (IV) injection of COC (1.0 mg/kg/injection) for 14 trials. Studies in our laboratory have shown that such animals begin to exhibit approach-avoidance behaviors ("retreats") stemming from concurrent positive and negative associations with the goal box (which, in turn, are the result of COC's immediate rewarding and subsequent dysphoric actions). Thus, retreats can be used as a reliable index of COC's anxiogenic side effects. Following 14 COC-reinforced trials, animals were split into three groups matched on mean retreat frequency. One group (n=11) received IV COC (1.0 mg/kg/injection) for seven additional trials; the remaining two groups (n=10 each) received an IV injection of COC mixed in a single solution with either a low dose (0.025 mg/kg/injection) or a high dose (0.1 mg/kg/injection) of HER. It was hypothesized that adding HER would attenuate the negative consequences of COC administration and thereby produce a reliable decrease in the occurrence of retreats. The resulting data were consistent with this hypothesis, suggesting that "speedballing" in human addicts may be motivated by a desire to reduce the negative impact of COC use.
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Heroin attenuates the negative consequences of cocaine in a
runway model of self-administration
Daniel Guzman, Aaron Ettenberg*
Behavioral Pharmacology Laboratory, Department of Psychology (9660), University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, United States
Received 3 May 2004; received in revised form 26 July 2004; accepted 4 August 2004
Available online 29 September 2004
It has been presumed that the combination of cocaine (COC)+heroin (HER) is more reinforcing than either of the two drugs alone, thus
leading to their coadministration (bspeedballingQ). An alternative hypothesis is that HER serves to attenuate the undesired negative effects of
COC. To test this notion, male Sprague–Dawley rats (n=31) were trained to run a straight alley for a daily intravenous (IV) injection of COC
(1.0 mg/kg/injection) for 14 trials. Studies in our laboratory have shown that such animals begin to exhibit approach–avoidance behaviors
(bretreatsQ) stemming from concurrent positive and negative associations with the goal box (which, in turn, are the result of COC’s immediate
rewarding and subsequent dysphoric actions). Thus, retreats can be used as a reliable index of COC’s anxiogenic side effects. Following 14
COC-reinforced trials, animals were split into three groups matched on mean retreat frequency. One group (n=11) received IV COC (1.0 mg/
kg/injection) for seven additional trials; the remaining two groups (n=10 each) received an IV injection of COC mixed in a single solution
with either a low dose (0.025 mg/kg/injection) or a high dose (0.1 mg/kg/injection) of HER. It was hypothesized that adding HER would
attenuate the negative consequences of COC administration and thereby produce a reliable decrease in the occurrence of retreats. The
resulting data were consistent with this hypothesis, suggesting that bspeedballingQin human addicts may be motivated by a desire to reduce
the negative impact of COC use.
D2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Speedball; Cocaine; Heroin; Drug self-administration; Operant behavior; Runway
1. Introduction
The simultaneous self-administration of opiates and
cocaine is commonly referred to as bspeedballing,Qa
behavior that epidemiological studies have confirmed as
being relatively widespread among drug users (Diaz et al.,
1994; Dolan et al., 1991; Malow et al., 1992; Shutz et al.,
1994; Siegal et al., 1994; Frank and Galea, 1996). Verbal
reports from polydrug users suggest that the combination of
opiates and cocaine produces higher levels of euphoria
compared to those achieved by using either drug alone
(Tutton and Crayton, 1993). In controlled clinical studies,
the administration of intravenous (IV) cocaine and morphine
combinations increased ratings of subjective feelings of
bhighQand blikingQcompared to either morphine or cocaine
alone (Foltin and Fischman, 1992; Walsh et al., 1996).
Similar findings have been reported by animal studies where
low doses of heroin or cocaine, which alone were unable to
sustain IV self-administration in rats, did so when combined
(Rowlett and Woolverton, 1997). These investigators also
reported that heroin shifted the cocaine reward dose–effect
curve to the left, indicating a heroin-modulated increase in
cocaine reinforcement. Cocaine/heroin combinations have
also been shown to produce higher break points than either
drug alone in rats working under progressive ratios
schedules (Ranaldi and Mann, 1998; Duvachelle et al.,
1998), again suggesting that the rewarding impact of the
combination exceeds that of the individual drugs.
An alternative or complimentary explanation for the
high prevalence of opiate and cocaine coadministration
0091-3057/$ - see front matter D2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 805 893 3682; fax: +1 805 893 4303.
E-mail address: (A. Ettenberg).
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 79 (2004) 317 324
might be that the combination ameliorates the aversive
side effects of one or both of the two drugs involved. For
example, Foltin and Fischman (1992) found that human
bspeedballQusers reported less undesired sedation com-
pared to when the opiate was administered alone. In
chronic cocaine users, the addition of an opiate may serve
to reduce the well-documented negative after-effects of
cocaine (Washton and Gold, 1984; Anthon et al., 1989;
Cox et al., 1986; Spotts and Shontz, 1984). In animals,
cocaine has similarly been shown to have negative and
anxiogenic properties (Rogerio and Takahashi, 1992;
Simon et al., 1994; Yang et al., 1992). In our laboratory,
rats trained to run a straight alley once a day for IV
cocaine were observed to develop an ambivalence about
entering the goal box that was behaviorally similar to that
observed in hungry rats approaching a goal box asso-
ciated with food+shock (Ettenberg and Geist, 1991; Geist
and Ettenberg, 1997). These animals approach the goal
box, stop at the entry/threshold, and retreat back toward
the start box in an bapproach–avoidanceQpattern (e.g., see
Miller, 1994), which is thought to represent concurrent
positive (reward) and negative (anxiety) associations with
the goal box where cocaine had been administered on
previous trials. This notion was substantiated by the
observation that approach–avoidance conflict (reflected by
the development of retreats) can be dose-dependently
attenuated by pretreatment with the anxiolytic agent,
diazepam—an effect later replicated in an emotional
strain of mice (Geist and Ettenberg, 1997; David et al.,
The current study was devised to test the hypothesis that
the negative anxiogenic state associated with cocaine may
serve to motivate some cocaine users to add heroin as a
means of self-medication (i.e., negative reinforcement). As
the peak positive experience with cocaine wanes and is
followed by growing anxiety or cravings, the delayed onset
of heroin’s actions may serve to curtail the aversive
experience. This notion, that cocaine produces an initial
positive state, followed temporally by a negative or aversive
state, is consistent with the opponent-process theory of drug
action (Koob et al., 1997; Solomon and Corbit, 1974). It is
hypothesized that it is this latter negative or aversive effect
that may motivate cocaine users to self-medicate by
simultaneously administering cocaine and heroin. In the
operant runway, we would therefore operationally predict
that the number of approach–avoidance bretreatsQwould
decrease in cocaine+heroin-reinforced animals compared to
those running the alley for cocaine alone.
2. Methods
2.1. Subjects
Thirty-one male albino Sprague–Dawley rats (weighing
340–470 g at the time of surgery) were obtained from
Charles River Laboratories and served as subjects. Each
animal was individually housed in metal wire cages
located in a temperature-controlled (23 8C), 12-h light–
dark vivarium environment (lights on at 0700 h). Animals
were provided ad libitum access to food (Purina Rat
Chow) and water throughout the experiment. The
animals’ care and all experimental procedures were
reviewed and approved by the University of California
at Santa Barbara’s Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee for compliance with the National Institutes of
Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory
2.2. Surgery
Each animal was surgically implanted with a chronic
silastic jugular catheter under deep isoflurane-induced
anesthesia (4% for induction and 1.5–2.5% maintenance
continuously) administered via inhalation. Rats were also
injected with atropine (0.04 mg/kg, i.m.) to prevent
respiratory congestion and flunixin meglumine (FluMe-
glumine) (2.0 mg/kg, s.c.) as a general nonopiate
analgesic. One end of the catheter was inserted into the
jugular vein, while the other end was passed subcuta-
neously to the animal’s back where it was fused to a
threaded cannula (Item 313G; Plastics One) that exited
through an opening (3 mm diameter) made using a
biopsy punch. The cannula was cemented to a 2-cm
square of surgical Mersilene mesh that was laid flat on
the animal’s back and secured in place. In between drug
treatments, a cap (Item 313DC; Plastics One) was
inserted into guide cannula to prevent infection. Immedi-
ately following surgery, all animals were given the
antibiotic ticarcillin disodium and clavulanata potassium
(Timentin) (50 mg/0.25 ml) through the catheter to
prevent infection, followed by an injection of heparin
(1000 IU/0.1 ml) to maintain catheter patency. Beginning
the day after surgery and maintained daily throughout the
remainder of the experiment, each subject was injected
with Timentin (20 mg/0.1 ml, i.v.) followed by heparin
(1000 IU/0.1 ml, i.v.), upon completion of runway
testing. Drug reinforcement training did not begin until
at least 7 days postsurgery. Twice during the experiment,
animals were injected with a low dose of methohexital
dosium (Brevital) (0.1 mg/kg, i.v.) to confirm catheter
patency. Brevital is a fast-acting barbiturate that causes
immediate sedation in animals.
2.3. Runway apparatus
All trials were conducted in four identical wooden
straight arm runways (measuring 155 cm long15 cm
wide40 cm high). Attached to one end of each runway
was a start box (242540 cm) with a goal box of the
same dimensions attached to the opposite end. The
runway floor consisted of small-diameter steel rods
D. Guzman, A. Ettenberg / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 79 (2004) 317–324318
arranged in parallel (1.2 cm apart) along the entire
runway, including start and goal boxes. Suspended in
parallel (3 cm apart) above and along the length of the
runway apparatus were two long bar magnets. These
magnets were aligned in such a manner as to repel a pot
magnet attached to the underside of a flow-through
swivel assembly that was positioned between the two
magnetic rails. Thus, the rails provided a track along
which the swivel could float with extremely low friction.
As a subject traversed the alley, it pulled behind and
above it the swivel assembly that connected the animal to
the drug delivery apparatus and permitted freedom of
movement within the alley (for a more complete
description of the runway apparatus, see Geist and
Ettenberg, 1990).
Imbedded in the walls along the length of the runway
were 13 pairs of infrared photodetector-emitters whose
output was fed into a Windows-based personal computer
and thereby identified the animals’ position in the
apparatus at all times during each trial. The first photo-
detector–emitter pair was located within the start box and
the final pair was located within the goal box. The
remaining 11 photodetector emitters were set equally
spaced along the walls of the alley. A sliding door allowed
access from the start box to the runway. Five seconds after
the animal was placed into the start box, the door was
automatically dropped and the trial initiated. The animals
were then free to travel the length of the alley to the goal
box. Upon goal box entry, a sliding door was automati-
cally raised from below the floor to prevent retracing and
an IV injection was automatically initiated.
2.4. Procedure
2.4.1. Cocaine self-administration
The first phase of the experiment consisted of cocaine
hydrochloride (cocaine) self-administration training for all
animals. Each animal was connected to the swivel drug
delivery system by threading a male internal cannula
(Item 313I; Plastics One) into the external cannula
mounted on the animal’s back. The internal cannula
was connected via PE 20 tubing to a 10-ml syringe
containing a solution of (1.0 mg/kg/0.1 ml) cocaine
mixed in physiological saline (0.9%). The syringe was
placed in a Razel pump set to infuse at a rate of 0.1 ml
over a 4-s period. Once the animal was connected to the
swivel, it was placed in the start box of one of the four
runways (each animal was tested in the same runway for
the entire experiment). After 5 s, the start door dropped
and the trial was initiated. Subjects were permitted up to
15 min to traverse the runway and enter the goal box.
Upon goal box entry, the goal door closed and, 3 s later,
the IV drug reinforcer (1.0 mg/kg/injection) was deliv-
ered. The animal remained in the goal box for 5 min
postinjection after which it was removed and returned to
its home cage.
Each subject was tested in the runway one trial per
day for 14 consecutive days. During each trial, the
number and location of approach–avoidance bretreatsQ
were counted by computer. A bretreatQwas defined as a
stop in forward movement, a turn, and retreat back
towards the start box. The pivot point in the runway, or
where the animal began to traverse back towards the start
box, was identified as the blocationQof each retreat. As
reviewed in the Introduction, bretreatsQhave been shown to
occur when goal box events have mixed positive+negative
attributes (Geist and Ettenberg, 1997). Start latencies, the
time to leave the start box and enter the alley, were also
recorded for each animal on each trial. Goal times were not
recorded since our own previous work has shown them to be
confounded by and highly correlated with retreat behaviors
(e.g., Ettenberg and Geist, 1991). That is, subjects that
bretreatQin the runway necessarily take longer to enter the
goal box.
2.4.2. Speedball (cocaine+heroin) trials
After 14 days/trials of cocaine self-administration, the
subjects were each assigned to one of three groups. The
groups were matched for mean number of retreats during
the 14-day training period to ensure comparable baseline
conditions. A cocaine (n=11) group (COC) was tested in
the same manner as already described for seven additional
trials, each culminating in an IV injection of cocaine (1.0
mg/kg). One cocaine+heroin (n=10) group received an IV
injection of cocaine (1.0 mg/kg)+low-dose (0.025 mg/kg)
diacetylmorphine (heroin) reinforcement upon goal box
entry [COC+HER (L)]. A final cocaine+heroin (n=10)
group received the IV cocaine reinforcer (1.0 mg/
kg)+high-dose (0.1 mg/kg) heroin [COC+HER (H)].
Doses of heroin were chosen based on previous work
from our laboratory showing that rats given an IV
injection of 0.025 mg/kg heroin did not produce reliable
conditioned place preferences, while a dose of 0.1 mg/kg
resulted in a robust and significant preference for the
drug-paired side (Walker and Ettenberg, 2001). Retreat
and start latencies data were collected during each trial
over eight consecutive days.
3. Results
Custom software using data from the infrared photo-
detector-emitter cells that line the alley provided a pictorial
representation of each subject’s behavior during each trial.
Fig. 1 provides a spatio-temporal record of a representative
cocaine-reinforced animal and a cocaine+heroin (high dose)
animal on the final trial (21). The abscissa represents real
time during a single trial, while the ordinate represents the
rat’s location in the runway with location 1 being just
outside the start box door and location 11 just outside the
goal box. Note that both rats moved toward and away from
the goal box several times (represented as bpeaksQin the
D. Guzman, A. Ettenberg / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 79 (2004) 317–324 319
chart) before finally entering the goal box. The number of
peaks in the graph yields retreat frequency and their value
on the ordinate scale represents retreat location in the alley.
The cocaine-only animal made 11 such retreats and took 9.8
min to enter the goal box, while the bspeedballQsubject
made fewer retreats and hence entered the goal box sooner
(i.e., after 3.3 min).
Fig. 2 depicts the mean (+S.E.M.) retreat frequencies of
the three treatment groups during weeks 1, 2, and 3. Note
that while the figure shows the data for each group during
weeks 1 and 2, all animals (n= 31) received cocaine-only
treatment during that time and were not assigned to one of
the three groups [i.e., COC, COC+HER (L), or COC+HER
(H)] until completion of trial 14. Hence, all bars are
represented by the same shade during weeks 1 and 2 (left
panel of Fig. 2). A two-factor mixed analysis of variance
(ANOVA) (GroupWeek) on the data depicted in Fig. 2
confirmed the following reliable results: a main effect for
Week [ F(2,56)=15.72, pb0.01; reflecting the increase in
overall retreat frequency over trials]; a significant Group-
Week interaction [ F(4,56)=3.21, pb0.05]; no group
differences were observed. During the final week of testing,
the addition of heroin to the cocaine solution prevented the
further increase in retreat behavior that occurred in the
cocaine-only subjects. The right panel of Fig. 2 (speedball
trials) clearly shows that retreat frequency continued to rise
in the COC group (GroupWeek interaction) but held at
week 2 levels in the COC+HER (L) and the COC+HER (H)
groups. Although the occasional rat did not exhibit a retreat
on a given trial, all subjects were included in the data
Fig. 3 depicts the mean (+S.E.M.) group retreat
frequency per trial at each location within the alley during
week 3 of testing. A two-factor ANOVA (GroupLocation)
computed on these data revealed a reliable main effect for
Group [ F(2,18)=7.268, pb0.01], a reliable main effect for
retreat Location [ F(8,144)=22.22, pb0.001], and a reliable
(GroupLocation) interaction [ F(16,144)=3.63, pb0.001].
Thus, while retreats tended to occur predominately just
outside the goal box entry for all groups (main effect for
Location), the tendency to emit such retreats was greatest in
the COC group (main effect for Group), whose subjects’
relatively greater propensity to retreat increased with
proximity to the goal box (GroupLocation interaction).
Start latencies did not differ between groups during the
final week of testing. A one-way between-group ANOVA
computed on the mean start latencies of the three groups
Fig. 2. Mean (+S.E.M.) retreat frequency for each of the three groups
during weeks 1, 2, and 3 of the study. Note that all groups were treated
identically during the first 2 weeks of the study (left panel) when all
subjects ran for cocaine only. During this phase of the experiment, retreats
increased equivalently in all three groups. During week 3 (trials 15–21;
right panel), the continued increase in retreats that was observed in the COC
animals was prevented by the addition of heroin.
Fig. 1. Two representative spatio-temporal records from different rats: one
running for IV cocaine (1.0 mg/kg/injection) and a second rat running for
an IV bspeedballQcombination (1.0 mg/kg/injection cocaine+0.1 mg/kg/
injection heroin) on the final day of testing (trial 21). The graphs depict the
location of the rat in the runway ( y-axis) expressed as a function of time (x-
axis) within the trial. Location 1 corresponds to a location just outside the
start box, while location 11 is just outside the goal box. The slope of the
curve indicates running speed with more gentle slopes representing slower
running. In these examples, the subjects ran quickly down the alley, stopped
(typically just outside the goal box entry), and ran quickly all the way back
to the start box. Note that the cocaine subject made 11 such retreats before
finally entering the goal box just after 9.8 min into the trial, while the
bspeedballQ-reinforced rat made only five such retreats before entering the
goal box 3.3 min into the trial.
D. Guzman, A. Ettenberg / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 79 (2004) 317–324320
confirmed that all three groups approached the goal (i.e., left
the start box) with equivalent intensity [F(2,28)=1.88,
4. Discussion
Human users describing the effects of cocaine often
report that the initial positive euphoria is followed by an
aversive state of anxiety and strong craving (Washton and
Gold, 1984; Anthon et al., 1989; Cox et al., 1986; Spotts
and Shontz, 1984). It was therefore hypothesized that this
late-onset aversive state motivates some cocaine users to
administer cocaine and heroin simultaneously such that
the addition of heroin serves as a negative reinforcer by
taking the bedgeQoff of the cocaine or reducing the
bcrashQfollowing cocaine use (Foltin and Fischman,
1992). An animal runway model of cocaine self-admin-
istration previously established in our laboratory has been
shown to be sensitive to cocaine’s dual-opponent pro-
cesses and thus provides an appropriate model to test this
hypothesis (Ettenberg and Geist, 1991; Geist and Etten-
berg, 1997). The current study confirmed the develop-
ment of approach–avoidance retreat behaviors in rats
approaching a goal box previously associated with IV
cocaine presentation (see Figs. 1–3). Hence, the subjects
exhibited ambivalence about entering a location putatively
associated with both positive and negative aspects of
cocaine action. Furthermore, as predicted by conflict
theory (e.g., Miller, 1994), the location of these retreats
was not spread randomly within the alley but rather was
clustered outside the bchoiceQpoint, at the entry of the
goal box (see Figs. 1 and 3).
The primary finding in this research was that adding
heroin to a cocaine reinforcer prevented further increases in
retreat behaviors during the last seven trials of the experi-
ment. As shown in Fig. 2, the cocaine-reinforced animals
made increasingly more retreats than either of the two
cocaine+heroin groups. Based on these findings, we con-
clude that the addition of heroin to the cocaine solution
prevented the further increase in ambivalence about entering
the goal box observed in the cocaine-only animals. Note that
the drug reinforcers are presented on a single trial per day
after the completion of the operant runway response. Hence,
the observed changes in retreat frequency over trials and the
differences between groups cannot be attributed to direct
motoric or other effects of the drugs since animals are
undrugged at the time of testing. The precise means by which
the opiate produced the changes in cocaine-induced retreat
behaviors remains unclear. The current results could have
been due to either an increase in the approach component of
the runway behavior (e.g., additive or synergistic positive
effects of cocaine and heroin relative to cocaine alone), or a
decrease of the avoidance component of the behavior (e.g.,
heroin-induced decreases in the negative effects of cocaine),
or both. Indeed, human users have reported both these
positive and negative reinforcing actions as motivating
factors for the combined use of opiates and cocaine (Foltin
and Fischman, 1992; Tutton and Crayton, 1993).
We had expected to observe a dose–response effect of
heroin based on our previous work with IV heroin in the
conditioned place preference test (Walker and Ettenberg,
2001). In fact, both the blowQand the bhighQdoses of heroin
produced comparable effects on cocaine-induced bretreats.Q
While it is unclear precisely why there was no dose–
response effect, these data might suggest that heroin’s
actions in this study were due to processes other than reward
(e.g., anxiolytic effects) since the two doses differed
substantially in their ability to produce conditioned place
preferences. Additionally, our results demonstrated that the
subjects’ motivation to approach the goal box (i.e., to leave
the start box) were the same for all three groups. Only the
bretreatQbehaviors differed across conditions. This again
suggests that heroin may have altered the ambivalence or
conflict exhibited by the cocaine-experienced rats, and not
brewardQper se.
Fig. 3. The figure depicts the daily group mean (+S.E.M.) frequency of retreats (pivot points) during the last week of testing (trials 15–21) for each location in
the runway. The location of each retreat is represented on the x-axis, with position 3 corresponding to a point just outside the start box, and position 11
corresponding to a point just outside the goal box. Retreat frequency dramatically increased in all groups with proximity to the goal box.
D. Guzman, A. Ettenberg / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 79 (2004) 317–324 321
Preclinical investigations up to this point have focused
on the benhanced reward hypothesis,Qalthough evidence
for an increase in reinforcement by heroin/cocaine combi-
nations compared to cocaine or heroin alone has been
somewhat inconsistent. For example, Mello et al. (1995)
reported that self-administration response patterns for
heroin and cocaine combinations in rhesus monkeys were
similar to response patterns for either cocaine or heroin
alone, suggesting that the reinforcing effects of speedball
administration were not different from the reinforcing
effects of either drug alone. Comparable results were found
in a study by Mattox et al. (1997). In contrast, Rowlett and
Woolverton (1997) and David et al. (2001b) reported a
leftward shift in the self-administration dose–response
function for IV cocaine when heroin was added, indicating
a heroin-induced potentiation of the reinforcing effects of
cocaine in primates and mice. Furthermore, in the Rowlett
and Woolverton (1997) experiment, it was also found that
low doses of heroin or cocaine that alone failed to
maintain self-administration behavior did so when tested
in combination—a finding later replicated by Duvachelle
et al. (1998) in rats. Further evidence to support the notion
of synergistic or additive rewarding effects of stimulant/
opiate combinations has come from experiments using the
conditioned place preference paradigm. For example,
Brown et al. (1990) found that doses of buprenorphine, a
partial A-receptor agonist, and doses of cocaine that were
individually unable to induce preferences for drug-paired
environments did so when given together. Bilsky et al.
(1992) found similar results with methadone/cocaine
combinations—a result that may account for the high
incidence of cocaine use within methadone-treated pop-
ulations (Hartell et al., 1996; Grella et al., 1997). Addi-
tionally, Masukawa et al. (1993) found that morphine
combined with either cocaine or amphetamine induced
greater place preferences than that produced by either
stimulant alone.
The notion of a synergistic action between cocaine and
heroin on perceived drug reward is also consistent with the
results of preliminary neurochemical studies. There is
mounting evidence to suggest that the reinforcing effects
of both cocaine and heroin, like many other drugs of abuse,
are believed to be in part mediated by elevations in
extracellular dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens
(for review, see Leshner and Koob, 1999). While cocaine
appears to increase dopamine levels by inhibiting its
reuptake by the dopamine transporter (DAT) in the NAcc,
heroin seems to induce dopamine release by binding directly
on opiate receptors in the ventral tegmental area, resulting in
a disinhibition of dopamine neurons (Giros et al., 1996;
Johnson and North, 1992). Based on the putative role of
dopamine in drug reinforcement, Hemby et al. (1999)
hypothesized that the increased euphoric effects of cocaine
and heroin reported by speedball users may involve
dopamine levels in the NAcc. These investigators used in
vivo microdialysis to compare dopamine levels in the
nucleus accumbens following either an IV injection of
cocaine alone, heroin alone, or their combination in rats.
While cocaine produced a 300% elevation in dopamine
levels above baseline, heroin only raised levels 70% above
baseline. However, the combined administration of cocaine
plus heroin raised dopamine levels 1000% above baseline,
indicating a synergistic interaction. Nearly identical results
were later reported in a study using intraperitoneal injections
of heroin and cocaine and their combination in rats
(Gerasimov and Dewey, 1999). The increased dopamine
levels found in the NAc in these investigations may be the
mechanism by which enhanced reinforcement, often
reported by human speedball users, is mediated (Tutton
and Crayton, 1993).
While preclinical evidence for the enhanced reward
hypothesis is increasing, there are also data suggesting
that opiates may act to reduce the negative side effects of
cocaine administration in human drug users (Foltin and
Fischman, 1992; Walsh et al., 1996). Indeed, dual actions
(i.e., positive and negative effects) of cocaine are well
established in both the animal and human literature
(Washton and Gold, 1984; Anthon et al., 1989; Cox et
al., 1986; Spotts and Shontz, 1984; Rogerio and
Takahashi, 1992; Simon et al., 1994; Yang et al., 1992;
Geist and Ettenberg, 1997; David et al., 2001a). In our
own laboratory, we have further shown that these dual
effects follow a temporal sequence consistent with the
opponent-process theory of drug action (Koob et al.,
1997; Solomon and Corbit, 1974). For example, we have
shown that while the immediate effects of IV cocaine are
positive and hence able to establish conditioned place
preferences, cocaine–place pairings that occur 15 min post
IV injection result in learned avoidance of the conditioned
environment (Ettenberg et al., 1999; Knackstedt et al.,
2002). These results suggest that while the immediate
consequences of cocaine administration are positive, the
effects present 15 min postinjection are negative. These
results are consistent with recent cocaine and heroin
pharmacokinetic findings. For example, Booze et al.
(1997) reported a distribution half-life (t
)ofb1 min
for IV cocaine (1.0 mg/kg) in rats, while (t
) was found
to be 13 min. Thus, while the initial positive effects of
cocaine (i.e., those producing conditioned place prefer-
ences) are associated with high levels of plasma cocaine,
the aversive effects (i.e., those producing conditioned
place aversions) are associated with dropping levels of
cocaine. In this context, the presence of heroin in a
speedball preparation may act to curtail the aversive
experience. Heroin has been reported to be rapidly
absorbed into the brain and then converted to morphine
very quickly upon reaching the brain (Inturrisi et al.,
1983; Oldendorf, 1978). Morphine, which is well estab-
lished to have anxiolytic actions (Motta and Brandao,
1993; Rex et al., 1998), has in turn been found to have an
elimination half-life (t
) of 25.3 min following IV
administration in rats (Dahlstrom and Paalzow, 1978).
D. Guzman, A. Ettenberg / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 79 (2004) 317–324322
Hence, at a point in time when cocaine’s negative
properties have been demonstrated to alter behavior (i.e.,
15 min post IV injection), morphine levels remain high
and hence able to counteract the aversive cocaine crash.
In summary, the present study was able to replicate our
previous findings showing that rats trained to traverse an
alley for IV cocaine reinforcement come to exhibit
increased levels of an approach–avoidance behavior as
trials proceed (Ettenberg and Geist, 1991; Geist and
Ettenberg, 1997). In the current study, the ambivalence
about entering a cocaine-associated goal box continued to
rise throughout the 3 weeks of daily runway testing. In
contrast, the addition of heroin to the self-administered
cocaine solution (speedball) truncated the further develop-
ment of retreat behaviors in the runway. These data are
consistent with the hypothesis that the net affective
response to cocaine is improved (i.e., less negative) when
heroin is added. As such, these results confirm the self-
report data provided by human bspeedballQusers in the
clinical literature (Tutton and Crayton, 1993; Foltin and
Fischman, 1992; Walsh et al., 1996).
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... Ultimately, that polydrug use was greater among the heroin-use group and that post-release use of multiple drugs was associated with increased odds of using heroin means that many who reported using a high-risk drug like heroin following their release were also possibly using other drugs contemporaneously with heroin, increasing risk further. Opioids, when coused with stimulants or benzodiazepines, can significantly increase the likelihood of overdose and adverse events (88)(89)(90)(91). ...
Background: Corrections-involved adults with a history of opioid use disorder are at elevated risk of opioid overdose following release from correctional settings. Increased opioid prescribing restrictions and monitoring during a time when heroin is becoming cheaper and ubiquitous means that adults who misused prescription opioids prior to incarceration may be reentering communities at greater risk for heroin exposure and use. Objectives: Determine risk factors of post-release heroin use among a sample of adults who participated in corrections-based drug treatment in Kentucky released between 2012 and 2017. Methods: Survey data obtained as part of an ongoing evaluation of corrections-based drug treatment were examined. Results: The final sample (N = 1,563) was majority male (80.9%). Nearly 11.0% reported past-year heroin use following their release. Depressive symptoms, polydrug use, and urban proximity were more common among participants reporting post-release heroin use. Heroin use 30 days prior to incarceration was associated with a 432.1% increase in odds of heroin use subsequent to incarceration. Post-release suicidal ideation increased odds of heroin use by 154.2%, whereas reporting satisfaction from social interactions decreased odds of use by nearly 60%. Post-release use of cocaine and diverted buprenorphine were associated with increased likelihood of heroin use during this time period, increasing odds by 469.1% and 265.9%, respectively. Residing in Central Appalachia subsequent to incarceration was associated with decreased likelihood of use. Conclusions: In this sample, post-release heroin use was associated with concerning features, such as polydrug use, lack of social satisfaction, and suicidal ideation. These features can serve as clear targets for clinical intervention.
... For instance, high anxiety phenotypes predict increased cocaine self-administration in rats [36], and anxiolytic drugs can reduce cocaine self-administration [37]. Conversely, chronic cocaine exposure itself also increases anxiety phenotypes [38][39][40][41][42]. In any event, the ability of reduced G9a activity to attenuate both cocaine seeking and anxiety-like behavior suggests that reductions in G9a in NAcSh could be therapeutic for co-morbid cocaine addiction and anxiety. ...
Comorbid neuropsychiatric disorders such as addiction and anxiety could involve common underlying mechanisms. One potential mechanism involves epigenetic regulation of histone 3 dimethylation at lysine 9 residues (H3K9me2) by the histone dimethyltransferase G9a. Here we provide evidence that local AAV-RNAi-mediated knockdown of G9a expression in nucleus accumbens shell (NAcSh) of male rats reduces both addictive-related and anxiety-related behaviors. Specifically, G9a knockdown reduces sensitivity to low dose cocaine reinforcement when cocaine is freely available (fixed ratio schedule). Similarly, G9a knockdown reduces motivation for cocaine under higher effort demands (progressive ratio schedule). Following several weeks of forced abstinence, G9a knockdown attenuates extinction responding and reinstatement triggered by either cocaine-priming injections or footshock stress. This decrease in addictive behavior is associated with a long-term reduction in anxiety-like behavior as measured by the elevated plus maze (EPM). G9a knockdown also reduces basal anxiety-like behavior in EPM and marble burying tests in drug-naïve rats. These results complement our previous work showing that increased G9a expression in NAcSh enhances addictive-related and anxiety-related behaviors, indicating that G9a bi-directionally controls these responses. These results also suggest that regulation of G9a-influenced gene expression could be a common epigenetic mechanism for co-morbid anxiety and psychostimulant addiction.
... The use of stimulants and opiates at the same time, or "speed/snowballing", can increase overdose risks, and in the UK heroin and crack-cocaine are common drug combination among PWID (Public Health England, 2015a; Turning Point). Co-use of heroin and cocaine, commonly used interchangeably to compensate for depressant or stimulant withdrawal, (Guzman & Ettenberg, 2004;Leri, Bruneau, & Stewart, 2003) may also cause an individual to be more at risk to opioid overdose (Fiala et al., 1998;Zhang et al., 1998) and can cause unpredictable respiratory depression if the stimulant effects mask the delayed effects of opioid overdose (Cattelle, 2015;Newcombe, 2007;Treatment4addiction, 2016). Currently being prescribed treatment for drug addiction was protective for self-reported overdose in our study, as this population was less likely to report overdose compared to those who had previously been prescribed treatment. ...
Background Overdose is a major cause of death among PWID, and for opioid overdoses naloxone administration can reduce harm. However, globally there is limited national level data on the extent of non-fatal overdose and naloxone uptake. The first national level data on the extent of self-reported overdose and self-reported receipt of naloxone among UK PWID, providing a baseline to monitor the impact of the recent policy change regarding naloxone availability, is presented. Methods Data on self-reported overdose and receipt of naloxone during the preceding year for 2013–2014 from a national survey of PWID was analysed. Participants who reported injecting during the preceding year were included. Results Participants (3850) were predominantly male (75%); mean age was 36 years. The most commonly injected drugs were: heroin (91%), crack (45%) and amphetamine (29%). 15% (591) reported overdosing during the preceding year. There were no differences in the proportion reporting overdose by age or gender, but overdose was more common among those who: injected multiple drugs; recently ceased addiction treatment; injected with used needles/syringes; ever had transactional sex; had used a sexual health clinic or emergency department and lived in Wales or Northern Ireland. Among those reporting an overdose during the preceding year, a third reported two to four overdoses and 7.5% five or more overdoses; half reported receiving naloxone. Those reporting naloxone receipt in the preceding year were more likely to: live in Wales or Northern Ireland; ever received used needles/syringes; ever been imprisoned; and less likely to have injected two drug types. Conclusion These data provide a baseline for monitoring the impact of the 2015 UK policy change to improve take-home naloxone access. Interventions tackling overdose should promote naloxone awareness and access, and target those who; are poly-drug injectors, have ceased treatment, share needles/syringes and whose drug use links to sexual activity.
... ome drug users administer a combination of popular addictive substances possibly to intensify rewarding effects, experience a unique effect or attenuate side effects (Leri, Bruneau, & Stewart, 2003a;Guzman & Ettenberg, 2004). Such "polydrug use" may increase mortality rate (Uemura, Sorimachi, Yashik, & Yoshida, 2003) and complicate the treatment process. ...
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Combined use of an opioid with a psychostimulant is popular among drug abusers. Such "polydrug use" may increase drug effects or attenuate adverse effects of either drug alone. We proposed that a combination of methamphetamine (meth) and morphine may change physical opioid withdrawal symptoms. Adult male rats were chronically injected with cumulative subcutaneous (s.c.) doses of morphine, meth or a combination of both drugs within five days. On day six, a challenge dose of the same drug was injected. Two hours later, precipitated withdrawal symptoms were scored within 30 minutes after naloxone (1mg/kg, i.p.) injection. Both frequency and incidence of jumping significantly increased in combined treated animals (P<0.05). The sole emergent symptom in combined treated animals was digging which we consider as another escaping behavior in addition to jumping. Our findings imply that combined use of meth and morphine may exacerbate averseness of morphine withdrawal which may cause more intense opioid dependence.
... Using the runway method and priming stimulation, the reward and motivational effects of ICSS behavior can be differentiated. The operant runway procedure has been successfully used to study the motivational properties of a wide variety of reinforcers, including food (21), water (22), and sex (23), and intravenous heroin (24), amphetamine (25), nicotine (26), and cocaine (27). These reports indicate that the operant running speed indicates the animal's motivation. ...
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Motivation is a process that continuously changes behavior to achieve a goal and can be conceptualized as a series of steps relating to that process. Intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) behavior is considered to consist of reward and motivational effects. Moreover, priming stimulation of ICSS behavior is known to promote motivational effects. Using the runway method and priming stimulation, rewards and motivational effects of ICSS behavior can be differentiated. We investigated whether the runway method and priming stimulation of ICSS behavior could be used to evaluate motivational effects of a drug. In the ICSS runway model, running speed was considered as a reference of motivational effect. An assessment of pharmacological drugs known to influence motivational states was also undertaken. Using our experimental methods, prominent changes were observed in running speed when animals were administered methamphetamine and nicotine. Based on our results, we conclude that the runway method may be useful for the evaluation of substances that affect motivation. This review introduces 4 types of neuronal processes involved in motivation, reward mechanisms, outlines evaluation methods, and describes motivational properties of psychoactive drugs.
Co-use of non-medical opioids (NMO) and methamphetamine is increasing. So too is the use of the psychoactive botanical “kratom,” including among people with NMO and methamphetamine use histories. We assessed characteristics associated with respondent groups who reported lifetime methamphetamine and/or kratom use within a nationally representative US sample using 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health data from respondents reporting lifetime NMO use (diverted prescription opioids, heroin). Weighted prevalence estimates for demographic, mental health, and substance use outcomes were determined. Logistic regression examined associations between group membership and outcomes. Among this sample of respondents with lifetime NMO use, 67.6% (95% CI = 65.6–69.4%) reported only NMO use; 4.6% (3.9–5.4%) reported NMO+Kratom; 24.7% (22.7–26.7%) reported NMO+Methamphetamine; and 3.2% (2.5–3.9%) reported NMO+Methamphetamine+Kratom. Compared to those in the NMO-only group, the NMO+Kratom group was more likely to report past-year serious mental illness (SMI; OR = 2.27), suicidality (OR = 1.89), and past-month psychological distress (OR = 1.88). The NMO+Methamphetamine+Kratom group was more likely to report past-year SMI (OR = 2.65), past-month psychological distress (OR = 2.06), and unmet mental health needs (OR = 2.03); increased odds for drug injection, opioid withdrawal, and perceived treatment need also emerged. Risk factors were observed for all groups but were greatest among those reporting use of all three substances.
Speedball (heroin + cocaine) is a prevalent drug combination among intravenous drug users. Although its use is generally discussed to be a function of changes in the rewarding effects of either or both drugs, changes in the aversive effects of either drug may also be impacted (weakened) by the combination. To address this latter possibility and its potential role in the use of speedball, the present studies examined the interaction of cocaine and heroin in taste avoidance conditioning. In Experiment 1, male Sprague-Dawley rats were given access to a novel saccharin solution and then injected with either vehicle or heroin (3.2 mg/kg, IP) followed immediately by various doses of cocaine (10, 18 or 32 mg/kg, SC). At the two lowest doses of cocaine, only animals injected with the drug combination (H + C) displayed a taste avoidance relative to control subjects (taste avoidance was induced with both the combination and the high dose of cocaine). At no dose did animals injected with the combination of heroin and cocaine drink less than animals injected with cocaine alone. In Experiment 2, male Sprague-Dawley rats were similarly treated but injected with vehicle or cocaine (10 mg/kg) followed by injections of various doses of heroin (1.8, 3.2, 5.6 or 10 mg/kg). At the three highest doses of heroin, only animals injected with the drug combination (C + H) displayed significant avoidance relative to control subjects (no avoidance was evident with the combination of cocaine and the low dose of heroin). At no dose did animals injected with the combination of cocaine and heroin drink less than animals injected with heroin alone. Together, these results suggest that the aversive effects of heroin and cocaine are not attenuated by co-administration by cocaine and heroin, respectively. The importance of this for the use of speedball was discussed.
Simultaneous administration of psychostimulants and opioids is a major drug abuse problem worldwide. The combination of psychostimulants and opioids produces more serious effects than either drug alone and is responsible for numerous deaths. In recent years, owing to its increased use, methamphetamine (METH), a psychostimulant, has become a popular choice for use in combination with opioids, especially heroin. However, little is known about the neurotoxicity of METH/heroin combination. The aims of this study were to evaluate whether METH/heroin combination was more neurotoxic than either drug alone and analyze the possible neurotoxic mechanisms using rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells. Our data showed that METH/heroin combination exhibited a significant decrease in cell viability than either drug alone, and the coefficient of drug interaction (CDI) indicated that the combination appeared to produce synergistic effects. Further studies showed that METH/heroin combination induced apoptosis and decreased the mitochondrial potential significantly, compared to either drug alone. This was demonstrated by a significant decrease in the expression of Bcl-2 and an increase in expression of Bax, accompanied by increase in the activities of caspase-3 and caspase-9. These results suggest that the combination of METH and heroin is more neurotoxic than either drug alone, and it induces apoptosis via the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway.
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Cocaine has been shown to produce both initial rewarding and delayed anxiogenic effects. Although the neurobiology of cocaine's rewarding effects has been well studied, the mechanisms underlying its anxiogenic effects remain unclear. We used two behavioral assays to study these opposing actions of cocaine: a runway self-administration test and a modified place conditioning test. In the runway, the positive and negative effects of cocaine are reflected in the frequency of approach-avoidance conflict that animals develop about entering a goal box associated with cocaine delivery. In the place conditioning test, animals develop preferences for environments paired with the immediate/rewarding effects of cocaine, but avoid environments paired with the drug's delayed/anxiogenic actions. In the present study, these two behavioral assays were used to examine the role of norepinephrine (NE) transmission within the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), each of which has been implicated in drug-withdrawal-induced anxiety and stress-induced response reinstatement. Rats experienced 15 single daily cocaine-reinforced (1.0 mg/kg, i.v.) runway trials 10 min after intracranial injection of the β1 and β2 NE receptor antagonists betaxolol and ICI 118551 or vehicle into the CeA or BNST. NE antagonism of either region dose dependently reduced approach-avoidance conflict behavior compared with that observed in vehicle-treated controls. In addition, NE antagonism selectively interfered with the expression of conditioned place aversions while leaving intact cocaine-induced place preferences. These data suggest a role for NE signaling within the BNST and the CeA in the anxiogenic actions of cocaine.
Studies of sexual behavior are particularly suitable for analyses of behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms of motivation. Epidemiological studies have shown that sexual desire disorders are common,particularly in women. Psychological treatments for such disorders are time consuming, and the outcome is uncertain. Therefore, it is very likely that many individual would prefer a reliable pharmacological treatment without side effects. The systemic development of such treatment requires undoubtedly a good preclinical model. On the other hand, the valid and reliable model of rodent sexuality would be of great utility to study the behavioral and neurobiological basis of sexual motivation, due to similarities in basic neural and behavioral mechanisms controlling sexual desire in humans and rodents. In light of this, the present review focuses on the various preclinical screening models and methodologies used to evaluate and screen the compounds likely to affect the various aspects of sexual behavior in female rodents.
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Increased activity of dopamine-containing neurons in the ventral tegmental area is necessary for the reinforcing effects of opioids and other abused drugs. Intracellular recordings from these cells in slices of rat brain in vitro showed that opioids do not affect the principal (dopamine-containing) neurons but hyperpolarize secondary (GABA- containing) interneurons. Experiments with agonists and antagonists selective for opioid receptor subtypes indicated that the hyperpolarization of secondary cells involved the mu-receptor. Most principal cells showed spontaneous bicuculline-sensitive synaptic potentials when the extracellular potassium concentration was increased from 2.5 to 6.5 or 10.5 mM; these were prevented by TTX and assumed to result from action potentials arising in slightly depolarized local interneurons. The frequency of these synaptic potentials, but not their amplitudes, was reduced by opioids selective for mu-receptors. It is concluded that hyperpolarization of the interneurons by opioids reduces the spontaneous GABA-mediated synaptic input to the dopamine cells. In vivo, this would lead to excitation of the dopamine cells by disinhibition, which would be expected to contribute to the positive reinforcement seen with mu-receptor agonists such as morphine and heroin.
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Compared the characteristics of drug users according to their drug of choice. 144 male drug abusers admitted to a 30-day Veterans Administration inpatient drug treatment program were categorized into 3 drug preference subgroups: opioid users, cocaine users, and speedball (injection of a mixture of opioid and cocaine) users. Speedball users showed a greater degree of psychopathology. However, cocaine users were more likely to abort a 30-day inpatient drug treatment program as compared with opioid and speedball users. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
A simple low-cost swivel-carriage device is described which permits animals to freely traverse a straight alley for intravenous drug reinforcement with virtually no “pulling” force exerted on its cannula implant.
Conducted a telephone survey of 500 helpline callers (mean age 30 yrs) that demonstrated addictive patterns of use and serious adverse effects in 306 intranasal, 103 free base, and 91 intravenous cocaine users. 85% of the Ss were White, 75% were employed, and 40% earned over $25,000 annually. The Ss had an average of 14.1 yrs of education. 48% were daily users. The average caller reported 12 of a possible 21 questionnaire items for adverse psychological effects and 11 of 22 for adverse physical effects. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The principles of conflict behavior—rather than its experimental production—are considered here. A theoretical analysis in terms of approach and avoidance situations is followed by a thorough consideration of experimental evidence testing deductions from the theory. Bibliography. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
New insights into our understanding of drug abuse and addiction have revealed that the desire to use drugs and the process of addiction depend on effects on brain function. Drugs of abuse have been hypothesized to produce their rewarding effects by neuropharmacological actions on a common brain reward circuit called the extended amygdala. The extended amygdala involves the mesolimbic dopamine system and specific subregions of the basal forebrain, such as the shell of the nucleus accumbens, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and the central nucleus of the amygdala. The psychomotor stimulants cocaine and amphetamine activate the mesolimbic dopamine system; opiates activate opioid peptide receptors within and independent of the mesolimbic dopamine system. Sedative hypnotics alter multiple neurotransmitter systems in this circuitry, including: 1) gamma aminobutyric acid; 2) dopamine; 3) serotonin; 4) glutamate; and 5) opioid peptides. Nicotine and tetrahydrocannabinol both activate mesolimbic dopamine function and possibly opioid peptide systems in this circuitry. Repeated and prolonged drug abuse leads to compulsive use, and the mechanism for this transition involves, at the behavioral level, a progressive dysregulation of brain reward circuitry and a recruitment of brain stress systems such as corticotropin-releasing factor. The molecular mechanisms of signal transduction in these systems are a likely target for residual changes in that they convey allostatic changes in reward set point, which lead to vulnerability to relapse.