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Abstract and Figures

External load influences internal load in resistance training (RT). The purpose of the present study was to compare the total volume-load, perceptual and stress responses during three different RT protocols. Twelve resistance-trained men completed three different RT protocols with the back squat and bench press exercises: 1) power (POW) (5 sets of 6 repetitions at 50%1RM, 2-min of rest), 2) hypertrophy (HYP) (5 sets-to-failure at 75%1RM, 2-min of rest), and 3) strength (STR) (5 sets-to-failure at 90%1RM, 3-min of rest). Volume-load (kg × reps.), session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE), training impulse (TRIMP; reps. × sRPE), cortisol, immunoglobulin A (IgA), lactate, and creatine kinase (CK) were assessed before and/or after the sessions. HYP was the most demanding session in terms of volume-load (p < 0.001), TRIMP (p < 0.001), cortisol (p = 0.001), lactate (p < 0.001), and CK (p = 0.001). Despite POW exhibited a greater volume-load than STR (p = 0.016), the latter exhibiting a greater sRPE (p < 0.001), and a greater post-session CK (p = 0.05). However, the TRIMP of STR and POW were not statistically different (152 vs. 260 AU; p = 0.089). These specific responses could be meditated by the presence of muscular failure. When pooling all the sessions, significant correlations were revealed among external and internal stress markers (r = 0.35-0.80; p ≤ 0.05). The use of TRIMP could be recommended as a simple and valid monitoring tool which integrates into a single parameter the internal and the external loads of RT sessions.
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European Journal of Sport Science
ISSN: 1746-1391 (Print) 1536-7290 (Online) Journal homepage:
The interplay between internal and external load
parameters during different strength training
sessions in resistance-trained men
André S. Martorelli, Filipe D. de Lima, Amilton Vieira, James J. Tufano, Carlos
Ernesto, Daniel Boullosa & Martim Bottaro
To cite this article: André S. Martorelli, Filipe D. de Lima, Amilton Vieira, James J. Tufano, Carlos
Ernesto, Daniel Boullosa & Martim Bottaro (2020): The interplay between internal and external load
parameters during different strength training sessions in resistance-trained men, European Journal
of Sport Science, DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2020.1725646
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Accepted author version posted online: 03
Feb 2020.
Published online: 13 Feb 2020.
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The interplay between internal and external load parameters during
different strength training sessions in resistance-trained men
Federal Institute of Goiás IFG, Valparaíso, Brazil;
College of Health Sciences, University of Brasília UnB, Brasília,
College of Education and Health Sciences, University Center of Brasília UniCEUB, Brasília, Brazil;
College of
Physical Education, University of Brasília UnB, Brasília, Brazil.;
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles
University, Prague, Czech Republic;
Physical Education, Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil;
Faculty of Health
Sciences, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil &
Graduate Program in Movement Sciences, INISA, Federal University of
Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil
External load influences internal load in resistance training (RT). The purpose of the present study was to compare the total
volume-load, perceptual and stress responses during three different RT protocols. Twelve resistance-trained men completed
three different RT protocols with the back squat and bench press exercises: (1) power (POW) (5 sets of 6 repetitions at 50%
1RM, 2-min of rest), (2) hypertrophy (HYP) (5 sets-to-failure at 75%1RM, 2-min of rest), and (3) strength (STR) (5 sets-to-
failure at 90%1RM, 3-min of rest). Volume-load (kg × reps.), session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE), training impulse
(TRIMP; reps. × sRPE), cortisol, immunoglobulin A (IgA), lactate, and creatine kinase (CK) were assessed before and/or
after the sessions. HYP was the most demanding session in terms of volume-load (p< 0.001), TRIMP (p< 0.001),
cortisol (p= 0.001), lactate (p< 0.001), and CK (p= 0.001). Despite POW exhibited a greater volume-load than STR (p
= 0.016), the latter exhibiting a greater sRPE (p< 0.001), and a greater post-session CK (p= 0.05). However, the TRIMP
of STR and POW were not statistically different (152 vs. 260 AU; p= 0.089). These specific responses could be meditated
by the presence of muscular failure. When pooling all the sessions, significant correlations were revealed among external
and internal stress markers (r= 0.350.80; p0.05). The use of TRIMP could be recommended as a simple and valid
monitoring tool which integrates into a single parameter the internal and the external loads of RT sessions.
Keywords: Internal load, perceptual responses, resistance training, muscular strength, muscular power, muscle hypertrophy, repetitions-
.The hypertrophy session was the most demanding in terms of external and internal loads.
.There were significant correlations between external and internal load parameters in resistance-trained men performing
hypertrophy, power, and maximum strength training sessions.
.Training impulse (repetitions × session rating of perceived exertion) can be recommended for resistance training
monitoring as integrates both external and internal load parameters.
Resistance training (RT) is often used to develop
muscle strength and functional capacity, preserve
health, and improve athletic performance (Faigen-
baum et al., 2009). To optimise adaptations for
specific training goals, acute programming variables
such as exercise selection and order, training
volume and intensity, lifting velocity, and inter-set
rest intervals are manipulated (Scott, Duthie, Thorn-
ton, & Dascombe, 2016). Although changing such
© 2020 European College of Sport Science
Correspondence: Daniel Boullosa, Faculdade de Educação Física, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro,
Brasília, DF 70910-900, Brazil. E-mail:
European Journal of Sport Science, 2020
variables may seem simple at a first glance, complex-
ity arises as a change in one variable (e.g. rest inter-
vals) may result in an inadvertent, subsequent
change of other variables (e.g. lifting velocity and
training volume). Within this context, it is common
to manipulate the external load to achieve a desired
number of repetitions by prescribing a repetition
maximumload whereby the given load is lifted
until muscular failure. However, to add flexibility to
this approach, repetition-loading zones (i.e. a low
number of repetitions could be lifted with high
loads and vice versa), with or without the attainment
of muscular failure, can be used when looking for
specific adaptations.
Among many different possible-loading zones, a
low-repetition zone (e.g. choosing a load that can
be lifted <5 times, creating a 15 repetition
maximum [RM]), is traditionally used to develop
maximal muscular strength (STR), whereas a moder-
ate-repetition zone (8 to 12RM) is commonly used
for muscular hypertrophy (HYP) development.
Rather than prescribing maximal loads which are
related to a specific RM, submaximal loads or per-
centages (%) of RM loads can also be used to
promote specific adaptations. For example, perform-
ing few repetitions but with maximal velocity using
light to moderate loads (3050%1RM) is rec-
ommended for optimal muscular power (POW)
development (ACSM, 2009). However, paying atten-
tion solely to the external load and the repetition
loading zone might not be sufficient to quantify the
physiological stress associated with RT (Marston,
Peiffer, Newton, & Scott, 2017). For instance, a
high internal training load may be an indicator of
overreaching, overtraining or even injury (Meeusen
et al., 2013). Therefore, it would be important to
monitor, not only external load parameters, but also
internal load parameters during RT sessions for a
better understanding of acute and chronic
Internal load can be defined as the physiological
and psychological response of an individual during
exercise (Bourdon et al., 2017; Impellizzeri,
Marcora, & Coutts, 2019). The internal load has
been quantified via multitude of measures including
perceptual (e.g. session rating of perceived exertion
[sRPE]) (Day, McGuigan, Brice, & Foster, 2004;
Herman, Foster, Maher, Mikat, & Porcari, 2006),
metabolic (e.g. lactate), endocrine (e.g. cortisol
McGuigan, Egan, & Foster, 2004; Neves Sda
et al., 2009; Nunes et al., 2011), immune (e.g.
immunoglobulin A [IgA]) (Neves Sda et al., 2009;
Nunes et al., 2011; Rahimi, Qaderi, Faraji, & Bor-
oujerdi, 2010), and muscle damage (e.g. creatine
kinase [CK]) (Pareja-Blanco et al., 2017;Uchida
et al., 2009) markers. Of these, sRPE has arguably
become one of the most popular methods to quan-
tify the internal load during RT (Hiscock,
Dawson, & Peeling, 2015;Sweet,Foster,McGui-
gan, & Brice, 2004), probably due its simplicity.
However, a consensus has not been reached regard-
ing which factors primarily affect the sRPE response
to RT. For example, Sweet et al. (2004) suggested
that sRPE is primarily affected by the external load
(%1RM), whereas Hiscock, Dawson, Clarke, and
Peeling (2018) recently reported that sRPE could
be more affected by volume-load (number of rep-
etitions × weight lifted [kg]). This apparent incon-
sistency might be explained by several factors. For
instance, a previous study (Pritchett, Green, Wick-
wire, & Kovacs, 2009) suggested that when sets of
repetitions are performed until failure, the total
volume is the main factor affecting the sRPE
training volume being completed when performing
repetitions to failure.
Moreover, sets involving repetitions to failure
could also lead to greater perceptual (Pritchett
et al., 2009), hormonal and metabolic responses,
thus muting power development (Pareja-Blanco
et al., 2017), and confirming the limitation of the
repetition maximumapproach. In this regard,
simultaneous examination of the relationships
between sRPE and other internal (e.g. lactate, cor-
tisol) and external (e.g. volume) load parameters
may help to better understand these differences
between RT sessions. However, the recent study
by Hiscock et al. (2018) did not find any relation-
ship between these parameters during HYP, STR
and POW sessions. This may be due in part
because this previous study (Hiscock et al., 2018)
was performed with male team sport athletes and
not only resistance-trained individuals. Given that
training background and status could be factors
influencing on the relationships between internal
and external load parameters (Impellizzeri et al.,
2019), further examination of these relationships
in only resistance-trained individuals are required.
This information may assist strength and condition-
ing professionals for better planning training pro-
grammes. Moreover, elucidation of the influence
of external load on different internal load markers
would help for better selecting efficient monitoring
tools for RT. Therefore, the purpose of this study
was to compare the effects of typical power
(POW), hypertrophy (HYP) and strength (STR)
RT sessions on various internal load-related par-
ameters in resistance-trained men, and to look for
the relationships between internal and external
load parameters.
2A. S. Martorelli et al.
Materials and methods
Study design
To compare the volume load, perceptual effort, and
physiological responses from RT sessions designed
for POW, HYP and STR, resistance-trained men vol-
unteered to participate in this study. Participants
attended to the laboratory eight days. The first visit
included bench press and back squat 1RM testing
in the Smith machine, and the second visit included
a re-test of every 1RM to confirm the previous
1RM determination (Brown & Weir, 2001). During
these visits, participants were also familiarised to the
experimental conditions of the study. In the 3rd,
5th, and 7th visits, volunteers performed POW,
HYP and STR protocols in a counterbalanced
order (see Figure 1). 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th
visits were separated by at least 72 h in order to
avoid residual fatigue from previous protocols. The
sRPE was assessed 30-min after each protocol. Pre-
and post-exercise blood samples were taken to
assess circulating levels of cortisol, IgA, and lactate.
Additionally, CK was measured pre- and post-24 h
after the 4th, 6th, and 8th visits.
Twelve men completed the study and their data
were used for further analyses (Table I). To be
included, volunteers must have been involved in a
structured strength training programme for at least
one year without interruption, and be able to
perform a 1RM with a load 1.5 and 1.0 times
their body mass in the Smith machine back squat
and bench press exercises, respectively. Participants
were excluded if they had any history of neuromus-
cular, metabolic, hormonal, or cardiovascular
disease, or if they were taking any medication that
could affect dependent variables. In addition, they
were excluded if they reported any physical impair-
ment on a clinical questionnaire. Participants were
informed about the design and experimental pro-
cedures of the study in addition to all possible
risks and signed and informed consent form. In
addition, they were instructed to maintain their
habitual dietary intake, not to drink or eat during
the experimental sessions, and to avoid any exercise
during all experimental timeframe. All procedures
were approved by the institutional review board of
the University of Brasilia (1.579.550) in accordance
with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Assessment of one-repetition maximum (1-RM)
To determine the individualised loads to be used
during the POW, HYP and STR sessions, participants
1RM were determined for the back squat and bench
press exercises, performed in a Smith machine
(Rotech Fitness Equipment, model RTGL 7100).
The bench press exercise was performed throughout
a full range of motion, while during the back squat, an
elastic band was attached to the Smith machine to
encourage consistent bar displacement (from to
90° of knee flexion) during all experimental
Figure 1. Experimental procedures.
Resistance training monitoring 3
procedures. 1RM tests were performed using a pro-
gressive trial and error procedure (Brown & Weir,
2001), consisting of: (1) A warm-up of 8 repetitions
at 50% of 1RM; (2) 3 repetitions at 70% 1RM; (3)
single repetitions with five minutes of rest between suc-
cessful attempts, aiming for approximately 85%
during the first attempt, and increasing the load by
2.510 kg in every attempt (Harman, 2000). A valid
1RM was considered when participants successfully
completed the targeted range of movement with a
correct technique as subjectively assessed by two eva-
luators. Volunteers were re-tested 72 h after to
confirm the 1RM load using the same procedures.
For back squat 1RM, the intra-class correlation
(ICC) was 0.99, typical error of measurement (TEM)
was 4.8 kg, and coefficient of variation (CV) was
3.2%. For bench press 1RM, the ICC was 0.97, the
TEM was 2.3 kg, and CV was 1.49% (Hopkins,
2000). The greatest 1RM was subsequently used to cal-
culate the training intensity zones for POW, HYP, and
STR sessions.
Resistance training protocols
RT sessions were mainly designed following ACMS
guidelines (ACSM, 2009) but with some adaptations
following our research team discussions and consid-
ering the training practices of participants. The ses-
sions included the back squat and bench press
exercises in the Smith machine, as these exercises
recruit major muscle groups of the lower and upper
limbs, and they are the most used in research and
RT programmes. The same order of exercises was
adopted in all training sessions (i.e. back squat
before bench press). The HYP session was composed
of 5 sets of repetitions to failure at 75% of 1RM, with
2-min of inter-set rest. The STR session was com-
posed of 5 sets of repetitions to failure at 90% of
1RM, with 3-min of inter-set rest. The POW
session was composed of 5 sets of 6 repetitions, at
50% of 1RM, with 2-min of inter-set rest. Partici-
pants were asked to perform the eccentric phase of
every repetition in all sessions for approximately 2
s. During HYP and STR protocols, the concentric
phase of every repetition was performed for approxi-
mately 2 s. During POW, the concentric phase of
every repetition was performed as fast as possible.
After each session, the total volume-load was calcu-
lated by multiplying the number of repetitions com-
pleted by the external load used (kg). All sessions
were completed under thermoneutral conditions
(i.e. 2124°C and <40% of relative humidity).
Blood markers
To measure cortisol and IgA responses, 5 mL blood
samples were collected pre- and immediately post-
exercise. The blood samples were taken from the
antecubital vein using standard venipuncture tech-
nique with a vacuum sealed kit. Samples were left
to sit undisturbed for 30-min at room temperature
and were then centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 8-min
for plasma separation. The serum cortisol samples
were then stored between 2°C and 8°C, and IgA
samples were stored at room temperature. The
blood samples were then analysed using chemilumi-
nescence for cortisol (CV of 7.6%, limit of detection
between 0.2075 μg/dL) and nephelometry for IgA
(CV of 17%, limit of detection of 25 mg/dL).
To measure blood lactate, the fingertip was pricked
with a lancet after local asepsis with alcohol (70°) and
dry cotton. Thereafter, 25 μL of blood were collected
from the fingertip using capillary tubes before and 3-
min following the exercise protocols. The samples
were deposited in Eppendorf tubes containing 50
μL of sodium fluoride (1%) and stored at 20°C
until further analyses via electroenzymatic methods
(resolution of 0.1 and linear range of 30.0 mMol/L)
(YSI lactate analyser, model 2300 Sport).
To measure serum CK, the fingertip was pricked with
a lancet after local asepsis with alcohol (70°) and a dry
cotton. Thereafter, 32 μLofbloodweretakenfromthe
fingertip using a heparinised capillary tube pre- and 24
h post-exercise. A portable CK analyser (Reflotron
Table I. Physical characteristics and training status of participants (n= 12)
Variables Mean ± SD
Age (years) 24.17 ± 4.43
Body mass (kg) 82.05 ± 6.43
Height (cm) 177.08 ± 3.34
Resistance training experience (years) 6.21 ± 3.79
1RM back squat (kg) 156.83 ± 21.31
Relative 1RM back squat (kg/kg 100) 190.90 ± 18.68
1RM bench press (kg) 116.67 ± 14.28
Relative 1RM bench press (kg/kg 100) 142.37 ± 15.75
Note: 1RM: one-repetition maximum, all exercises performed on a Smith machine.
4A. S. Martorelli et al.
Analyser, Roche, Switzerland) with a linearity of
measurement of 1400 U/L and precision of 0.2%, was
used to analyse the samples (Horder et al., 1991).
Session rate of perceived exertion (sRPE) and training
impulse (TRIMP)
To assess the sRPE of POW, HYP and STR sessions,
standard instructions and procedures were explained
to participants during the familiarisation session (Day
et al., 2004; Vieira et al., 2014). Participants rated
their perceived exertion of the entire RT session 30-
min following every session, answering the question
How hard was your workout?(Day et al., 2004;
Foster et al., 2001; McGuigan & Foster, 2004;
Singh, Foster, Tod, & McGuigan, 2007; Sweet
et al., 2004; Vieira et al., 2014). Numbers from 0 to
10 were used to quantify the perceived intensity of
the entire workout session, indicating how hard
they perceived their exertion (Foster et al., 2001;
McGuigan et al., 2004). Training impulse
(TRIMP), a measure of the training load (volume ×
intensity) of each session, was calculated multiplying
the number of repetitions completed by the sRPE
(McGuigan, 2017).
Statistical analyses
The descriptive data were expressed as mean ± stan-
dard deviation. Data normality was verified by the
ShapiroWilk test. To assess the effects of POW,
HYP and STR on volume load, sRPE and TRIMP,
a one-way repeated measure analysis of variance
(ANOVA) tests was applied. Cortisol, IgA, and CK
were analysed using a two-way (session × moment)
repeated measures ANOVA. For all ANOVA tests,
a Bonferroni post hoc correction was performed if
any interaction was found. Effect size analysis for
ANOVA was also performed through the calculation
pwith known thresholds. Additionally, Hedgesg
was also calculated for effect size analyses because of
the low sample size. A two-tailed Pearson product
moment correlation coefficient (r) was used for
looking for relationships between external and
internal load parameters. In addition, a post hoc
power calculation was performed for dependent vari-
ables revealing 0.99 in all cases. All analyses were
performed in SPSS (version 17.0) and α= 0.05 was
Pre- to post-changes in selected parameters are pre-
sented in Figure 2(AG).
There was a main effect for protocol on volume-
load (F= 54.806; p< 0.001;
p= 0.833). The
volume-load performed in HYP was 125.8% greater
than STR (p= 0.001) and 57.1% greater than POW
(p< 0.001). Additionally, volume-load in STR was
43% lesser than POW (p= 0.016).
There was a main effect for protocol on sRPE (F=
33.312; p< 0.001;
p= 0.752). The sRPE in HYP
was 77.1% greater than POW (p< 0.001). Also, the
sRPE in STR was 55.9% greater than POW (p<
0.001). There was no difference in sRPE between
HYP and STR (p= 0.125).
There was a main effect for protocol on TRIMP (F
= 29.946; p< 0.001;
p= 0.731). The TRIMP in
HYP was 80.0% greater than POW (p= 0.005) and
207.5% greater than STR (p< 0.001). There was
no difference in TRIMP between POW and STR
(p= 0.089).
There was a main effect for protocol (F= 8.015; p
= 0.002;
p= 0.422) and for time (F= 12.008; p=
p= 0.522) on serum cortisol, in addition to
a protocoltime interaction (F= 16.499; p< 0.001;
p= 0.600). Serum cortisol increased 91% after
HYP (p= 0.001; Hedgesg = 1.785) but did not
change after STR (p= 0.194; Hedgesg = 0.438) or
POW (p= 0.176; Hedgesg = 0.352). Additionally,
the cortisol after HYP was 60% greater than after
POW (p= 0.001), and 46% greater than after STR
(p= 0.009).
There was a main effect for time (F= 42.532; p<
p= 0.795) on IgA, but no main effect for pro-
tocol (F= 0.136; p= 0.874;
p= 0.012), or proto-
coltime interaction (F= 0.684; p= 0.515;
0.059). IgA increased 11% after HYP (p< 0.001;
Hedgesg = 0.351), 7% after POW (p= 0.019;
Hedgesg = 0.231), and 9% after STR (p= 0.002;
Hedgesg = 0.280). There were no differences
between conditions before (p> 0.05) or after the
exercise protocols (p> 0.05).
There was a main effect for time (F=27.656; p<
p= 0.959), protocol (F= 14.674; p<0.001;
p= 0.471), and a timeprotocol interaction for blood
lactate (F=27.293; p<0.001;
p= 0.623). Blood
lactate increased (p< 0.05) after HYP (Hedgesg=
4.601), POW (Hedgesg = 3.598) and STR (Hedgesg
= 2.571). Additionally, the increase of blood lactate
after HYP was 266% greater than POW (p<0.001)
and 104% greater than STR (p= 0.010).
There was a main effect for time (F= 12.858; p=
p= 0.682) on CK. However, there was not
a main effect for protocol (F= 1.310; p= 0.306;
= 0.179) or a protocoltime interaction (F= 3.487;
p= 0.064;
p= 0.368). Serum CK was elevated
224% 24 h post HYP (p= 0.001; Hedgesg = 0.776)
and 78% post STR protocol (p= 0.050; Hedgesg
= 0.1.074), but no significant increase after POW
Resistance training monitoring 5
was found (p= 0.453; Hedgesg = 0.095). CK was
79% greater in HYP compared with POW 24 h
post-exercise (p= 0.039).
When pooling all the sessions, significant corre-
lations were revealed among internal and external
load parameters. The coefficients of correlation (r)
and the pvalues are presented in Table II.
The purpose of this study was to compare different
variables related to internal and external training
loads in response to different RT sessions in resist-
ance-trained men. The main findings of this study
were: (1) HYP resulted in a greater external
volume-load, which likely initiated the greater
Figure 2. Volume load (2A), session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE) (2B), training impulse (2C), cortisol (2D), immunoglobulin A (IgA)
(2E), lactate (2F), and creatine kinase (CK) (2G) obtained for hypertrophy (HYP), power (POW) and strength (STR) protocols, expressed as
mean and SD. a = significantly different from POW; b = significantly different from STR; c = significantly different from Pre; d = significantly
greater than POW increase; e =significantly greater than STR increase. p< .05.
6A. S. Martorelli et al.
increases in internal training load indices (sRPE,
serum cortisol, blood lactate, and CK) and
TRIMP; (2) POW induced the lowest internal
responses in most parameters compared to HYP
and STR, despite POW resulting in a greater external
volume-load than STR; (3) A number of correlations
were revealed between external and internal work-
load parameters when pooling data from the three
RT sessions. These findings indicate that external
training load indices such as volume-load do not
directly correspond to internal stress, especially
when repetitions are not performed to muscular
failure. In this regard, the use of TRIMP, which inte-
grates both internal and external load parameters
(reps. × RPE), would provide a simple and valid
monitoring tool for RT practitioners.
Previous studies have proposed that the sRPE
response to RT is primarily affected by exercise
load (%1RM) or volume (Hiscock et al., 2015,
2018; McCaulley et al., 2009; McLean, Coutts,
Kelly, McGuigan, & Cormack, 2010; Pritchett
et al., 2009; Sweet et al., 2004), but our findings
suggest that sRPE may be more influenced by the
presence of concentric muscular failure. Although
HYP exhibited a greater external and physiological
stress, HYP and STR resulted in similar sRPE
responses. Additionally, POW resulted in a greater
volume-load than STR, but resulted in a lower
sRPE. Together, these findings indicate that per-
forming repetitions to muscular failure, as in HYP
and STR, likely dictates an athletes perception of
effort to a larger degree than the total amount of
mechanical work completed.
In non-failure protocols, the external load seems
to affect the perceptual response due to a combi-
nation of acute neuromuscular adaptations
(Hiscock et al., 2015; Sweet et al., 2004).
However, in protocols performed until failure, the
volume-load is probably the primary factor affecting
the perceptual response due to an elevated metabolic
stress (Pritchett et al., 2009). It is important to note
that sRPE have been commonly proposed as a
method to quantify the internal load due its relation-
ship with hormonal and physiological responses
(Hiscock et al., 2015; Singh et al., 2007; Sweet
et al., 2004). However, in the present study, HYP
and STR induced to similar responses despite a
different volume-load, hormonal and metabolic
responses. This finding may be in agreement with a
previous study (Vasquez et al., 2013) in which no
differences were found for RPE (6-20 Borgs scale)
in protocols until failure performed at different
intensities. This might suggest that solely the sRPE
response may be not a reasonable method to quantify
the internal load during resistance exercise when rep-
etitions to failure are performed. Meanwhile, a
noticeable outcome is that only four participants
reported a sRPE of 10 in HYP [=3] and STR [=1]
sessions, therefore, suggesting that failure is not
necessarily related to maximal sRPE. Meanwhile,
differences in motivation, personality or other
factors among participants may not be excluded
despite all of them were encouraged during all ses-
sions. Therefore, further studies should consider
differences between perceptual scales with different
psychological constructs.
To overcome the limitations of sRPE in RT moni-
toring, TRIMP (reps. × sRPE) (McGuigan, 2017)
could represent an appropriate alternative as integrates
into a single parameters both external (i.e. repetitions)
and internal (i.e. sRPE) load parameters, therefore
lowering the bias of sRPE when used in RT with or
without muscular failure. For instance, the observed
significant differences in volume-load and sRPE
between STR and POW (see Figure 2), became non
significant when comparing the TRIMP of these ses-
sions. This would mean that TRIMP scores should
be contextualised with consideration of its
Table II. Matrix of correlations between internal and external load parameters when pooling all sessions (n= 36)
r(p) Repetitions Volume sRPE TRIMP ΔLactate ΔCortisol ΔIgA ΔCK
Repetitions 1 0.80 (<0.001) n.s. 0.67 (<0.001) n.s. 0.35 (0.03) n.s. n.s.
Volume 0.80 (<0.001) 1 n.s. 0.73 (<0.001) 0.55 (<0.001) 0.59 (<0.001) 0.33 (0.05) n.s.
sRPE n.s. n.s. 1 0.58 (<0.001) 0.37 (0.02) n.s. n.s. n.s.
TRIMP 0.67 (<0.001) 0.73 (<0.001) 0.58 (<0.001) 1 0.54 (<0.001) 0.33 (0.04) n.s. n.s.
ΔLactate n.s. 0.55 (<0.001) 0.37 (0.02) 0.54 (<0.001) 1 0.39 (0.02) 0.38 (0.02) 0.48
ΔCortisol 0.35 (0.03) 0.59 (<0.001) n.s. 0.33 (0.04) 0.39 (0.02) 1 n.s. 0.40
ΔIgA n.s. 0.33 (0.05) n.s. n.s. 0.38 (0.02) n.s. 1 n.s.
ΔCK n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 0.48 (<0.001) 0.40 (0.01) n.s. 1
Notes: n.s. = non significant; sRPE = session rating of perceived exertion; TRIMP = training impulse (repetitions × RPE); ΔLactate = %
pre- to post-changes of lactate; ΔCortisol = % pre- to post-changes of cortisol; ΔIgA = % pre- to post-changes of immunoglobulin A; ΔCK = %
pre- to post-changes of creatine kinase.
Resistance training monitoring 7
components (reps. × sRPE) and other measures (e.g.
bar velocity) which may help to better understand
the acute and chronic training adaptations, as occurs
in other exercises and sports. Future studies are war-
ranted comparing different RT sessions over different
periodisation models to verify the validity of this
simple and practical monitoring tool.
Previous studies have proposed that circulating levels
of serum cortisol are dependent primarily on volume
load (Crewther, Cronin, Keogh, & Cook, 2008), and
our study also showed that the protocol with the great-
est volume load (HYP) increased cortisol. Such exer-
cise-induced increases in cortisol seem to be induced
by resistanceexercise protocols withelevated metabolic
demand (Kraemer & Ratamess, 2005; Leite et al.,
2011). Our results seem to support this notion, since
HYP also resulted in greater post-exercise lactate
levels compared to STR and POW. Cortisol has tra-
ditionallybeen considered a catabolic agent responding
to exercise with elevated stress compound (Kraemer &
Ratamess, 2005). However, it should be noticed that
cortisol is also accompanied by increases in growth
hormone release, which may induce to greater training
adaptations (Hayes, Bickerstaff, & Baker, 2010;Hen-
selmans & Schoenfeld, 2014; Kraemer & Ratamess,
2005). In fact, the cortisol release induced by a resist-
ance exercise was positively related to hypertrophy in
type II fibres in a previous study (West and Phillips,
2012). Our cortisol results are in accordance with pre-
vious studies that showed greater rises in circulating
levels of serum cortisol and blood lactate after HYP
protocols compared to STR or POW (Crewther
et al., 2008; McCaulley et al., 2009; Nunes et al.,
Interesting, IgA responded similarly to all resist-
ance exercise protocols. Previous studies have pro-
posed that high-intensity exercises might induce
immunosuppression and increase the susceptibility
of upper respiratory infection (MacKinnon &
Jenkins, 1993; Moreira, Arsati, de Oliveira Lima-
Arsati, Simões, & de Araújo, 2011). However, the
response of IgA to a resistance exercise session
seems to be quite controversial (MacKinnon &
Jenkins, 1993; Neves Sda et al., 2009; Nunes et al.,
2011; Rahimi et al., 2010). Similarly to the present
study, Nunes et al. (2011) showed no differences in
IgA concentration in response to three different
resistance exercise protocol in resistance-trained
individuals. It may indicate that trained individuals
show less variation in IgA and other inflammatory
markers (Trochimiak & Hubner-Wozniak, 2012). It
could be then hypothesised that IgA is not a feasible
measure in resistance-trained individuals.
Another finding was that both HYP and STR
induced a greater CK release 24 h post-exercise
(HYP greater than STR), while POW did not induce
any change. This absence of CK changes in POW cor-
roborates with studies that reported greater CK release
following repetitions to failure compared with non-
failure protocols (Pareja-Blanco et al., 2017). This
result also suggests that POW did not induce any
muscle damage. Interestingly, HYP induced a greater
CK release than STR despite lower intensity load
(75% vs. 90%1RM). It could be speculated that CK
release is likely more associated with greater volume
load than the intensity load. Further studies are
needed to appropriately elucidate the volume depen-
dency of CK release after different RT sessions.
One novel finding of the current study was the
number of significant correlations of moderate
strength, identified among external and internal load
parameters (see Table II). This is contrary to the pre-
vious study by Hiscock et al. (2018)whodidnotfind
correlations between selected parameters. The discre-
pancy with this previous study Hiscock et al. (2018)
could be explained by two reasons. First, the use of
different parameters as Hiscock et al. (2018)onlyeval-
uated the relationship between sRPE with a number of
mechanical (i.e. power, velocity) and hormonal (i.e.
testosterone and cortisol) variables, while in the
current study we verified the relationships between
several external (i.e. repetitions, volume) and internal
load parameters, including perceptual (i.e. sRPE),
metabolic (i.e. lactate), hormonal (i.e. cortisol),
immune (i.e. IgA) and muscle damage (i.e. CK)
markers. Second, while in the study by Hiscock et al.
(2018) participants were team sport athletes with
experience on RT, our participants were resistance-
trained men. This is important since Impellizzeri
et al. (2019) have recently pointed out that the training
background of participant is important when looking
for relationships between external and internal load
parameters. Therefore, future studies should consider
these aspects when analysing these relationships in
different RT sessions. Furthermore, when looking at
the found relationships (see Table II), it is interesting
to note that the modified TRIMP for RT as proposed
by McGuigan (2017), which integrates an external
(i.e. repetitions) and an internal (i.e. sRPE) load par-
ameter, could be confirmed as valid and practical par-
ameter for RT monitoring.
The current study has several strengths and limit-
ations. The measurement of physiological blood
markers is strengths. However, we did not control
dehydration therefore further studies should verify
how these markers could be affected by hydration
status and plasma volume (PV) shifts. However, bio-
chemical analyses were not corrected for PV shifts in
the current study because of the expected low levels
of dehydration after the current protocols under ther-
moneutral conditions, and to reflect the actual
exposure of the target tissues to the hormones and
8A. S. Martorelli et al.
metabolites. Using failure and non-failure protocols
may itself affect physiological and perceptual
responses in a different manner thus this could be
considered a limitation. In addition, the absence of
mechanical parameters (e.g. bar velocity) is a limit-
ation that should be addressed in further studies,
with comparison of RT sessions without failure but
with different effort levels and velocity loss. Another
limitation is that we used a Smith machine for
better standardisation of conditions and because
most participants used it for the squat exercise.
Finally, it may be considered that POW is not a
typical session for power development, while training
prescription following RM evaluations are not so
appropriate as other approaches (e.g. velocity-based
training). Further studies should verify these
responses in other exercises with different training
loads and other RT sessions designs.
In summary, resistance exercise protocols using
different repetition loading zones (POW, HYP and
STR) induced dissimilar perceptual, physiological
and metabolic responses. HYP induced greater phys-
iological and perceptual responses, which seems to be
associated with greater volume-load performed until
failure. Additionally, STR induced similar perceptual
stress compared with HYP despite a lower physio-
logical stress. POW induced lower perceptual and
physiological stress, which is probably related to the
lower intensity load and to not perform sets until
failure. Thus, resistance-trained men showed
greater physiological stress and perceptual changes
after sets completed until failure. Therefore, it is
important for strength and conditioning professionals
to recognise the interplay between external load, total
volume load, performing repetitions to failure, and
internal stress, as it may be advantageous to alternate
between HYP, STR, and POW throughout a training
cycle in order to decrease internal stress without low-
ering volume-load. In this context, the use of TRIMP
(reps. × RPE) would provide relevant information for
RT monitoring as integrates into a single parameter
both external and internal loads.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was supported by Laboratórios Sabin
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10 A. S. Martorelli et al.
... Another important aspect frequently sought by researchers and coaches concerns the interplay between internal and external load parameters (19). In this sense, Marston, et al. (18) observed that the session density was able to discriminate sessions with characteristics for the development of strength versus hypertrophy. ...
... From this, the authors proposed that this external load metric would provide an accurate representation of the interplay between the work performed and the acute internal responses (18). Notwithstanding, the implementation of more frequent rest intervals can modify the acute changes, even in response to two protocols with similar intensity and volume (11,19). Therefore, it remains to be determined how the inclusion of more frequent intervals and shorter total rest might affect the interplay between internal and external load parameters. ...
Full-text available
We compared neuromuscular, metabolic, and perceptual responses between different resistance training configurations in young women. In a counterbalanced randomized order, 13 young women performed the following protocols in separate sessions (sets x repetitions): traditional (TRAD): 5x10, 90-s of rest interval between sets; more frequent and shorter total rest (FSR): 10x5, 30-s of rest interval between sets. The sessions were composed of leg press exercise with the same intensity. Force (maximum voluntary isometric contraction [MVIC]) and metabolic (lactate concentration) responses were measured pre- and post-resistance training sessions. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was measured after each set. The internal training load was calculated using the session-RPE method. There was a significant reduction in the MVIC only after TRAD configuration (Effect size [ES] = 0.36). The lactate concentration increased in both conditions but was higher after TRAD (ES = 2.81) than FSR (ES = 1.23). The RPE has progressively increased in both configurations. On the other hand, the internal training load was lower in the FSR configuration. From our findings, we suggest that more frequent and shorter total rest is an effective strategy for maintaining the ability to produce force, generating less metabolic stress and lower perceived internal load in young women.
... Another important aspect frequently sought by researchers and coaches concerns the interplay between internal and external load parameters (19). In this sense, Marston, et al. (18) observed that the session density was able to discriminate sessions with characteristics for the development of strength versus hypertrophy. ...
... From this, the authors proposed that this external load metric would provide an accurate representation of the interplay between the work performed and the acute internal responses (18). Notwithstanding, the implementation of more frequent rest intervals can modify the acute changes, even in response to two protocols with similar intensity and volume (11,19). Therefore, it remains to be determined how the inclusion of more frequent intervals and shorter total rest might affect the interplay between internal and external load parameters. ...
Full-text available
We compared neuromuscular, metabolic, and perceptual responses between different resistance training configurations in young women. In a counterbalanced randomized order, 13 young women performed the following protocols in separate sessions (sets x repetitions): traditional (TRAD): 5x10, 90-s of rest interval between sets; more frequent and shorter total rest (FSR): 10x5, 30-s of rest interval between sets. The sessions were composed of leg press exercise with the same intensity. Force (maximum voluntary isometric contraction [MVIC]) and metabolic (lactate concentration) responses were measured pre- and post-resistance training sessions. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was measured after each set. The internal training load was calculated using the session-RPE method. There was a significant reduction in the MVIC only after TRAD configuration (Effect size [ES] = 0.36). The lactate concentration increased in both conditions but was higher after TRAD (ES = 2.81) than FSR (ES = 1.23). The RPE has progressively increased in both configurations. On the other hand, the internal training load was lower in the FSR configuration. From our findings, we suggest that more frequent and shorter total rest is an effective strategy for maintaining the ability to produce force, generating less metabolic stress and lower perceived internal load in young women.
... It is possible that the difference is related to various resistance levels of the study participants to the proposed stressful stimuli. One of the justified reasons for the difference between the results found in these studies is the use of excessive training loads before the start of the specialized basic training stage (Martorelli et al., 2021;Sun & Wang, 2022). ...
... Identified differences between the growth of body circumference measurements of athletes depend primarily on the features of the load regime. Using various machine and free weight exercises is only an additional factor affecting the performance of athletes (Barnes et al., 2019;Becker et al., 2021;Martorelli et al., 2021). The variability of combining certain load regimes with machine and free weight exercises in order to achieve the maximum adaptation effect is of secondary importance. ...
Full-text available
Purpose. To evaluate the changes in circumference sizes of bodybuilders using machine and free weight exercises in conditions of different load regimes at the stage of specialized basic training. Methods. 64 bodybuilders aged 20±1.2 years were divided into 4 study groups. The stage of specialized basic training lasted 12 weeks. Group 1 and 2 participants used free weight and machine exercises in conditions of medium-intensity training load (Rа=0.58). Group 3 and 4 athletes performed the same exercises in conditions of high-intensity training load (Ra=0.71). The changes in circumference measurements (shoulder, hip and shin) were recorded every 30 days. Non-parametric methods of mathematical statistics were used in the study. The results. Using free weight exercises in the regime of high-intensity loads (Rа=0.71) contributed to the greatest increase in the body circumference (by 4.9%) compared to the initial data. The smallest increase in the controlled indicators (by 1.8%) was found in athletes using machine exercises in the regime of medium-intensity loads (Ra=0.58). Performing free weight exercises in different load regimes led to more than double increase in the body circumference measurements. The dependence of the controlled indicators dynamics on the load regimes was observed when using machine exercises. The dynamics of body circumference depends on the features of the training load regimes but not on the type of exercises. Conclusions. At the stage of specialized basic training in bodybuilding, the use of high-intensity training loads (Ra=0.71) was the main factor that affected the accelerated increase in body circumference of athletes. Combination of machine strength exercises with high-intensity loads allowed achieving the most pronounced adaptive changes.
... Поглиблене вивчення компенсаторних реакцій організму спортсменів, які займаються бодібілдингом, дозволило дослідникам деталізовано вивчити закономірності зміни нейро-гуморальних механізмів у відповідь на стресовий подразник залежно від інтенсивності, обсягу, спрямованості навантажень та етапу підготовки, рівня їх тренованості [8,9] В той же час, одним із дискусійних питань, які розглядаються в сучасному бодібілдингу, є ефективність використання тренувальних вправ на тренажерах та з вільною вагою обтяження [10,11]. Однак в доступній нам науковій літературі представлені досить суперечливі результати експериментальних досліджень, які суттєво відрізняються один від одного не лише за структурою програм занять, але й тенденцією до позитивних змін морфофункціональних показників спортсменів та особливостей адаптаційних змін в їх організмі [12][13][14]. В свою чергу, досліджень щодо ефективності поєднання різних за інтенсивністю та обсягом режимів навантаження та комплексів вправ на тренажерах чи з вільною вагою обтяження для визначення найбільш пріоритетного симбіозу подібних чинників системи підготовки в бодібілдингу не проводилось. ...
... Відповідних характер розвитку показників максимальної м'язової сили пов'язаний з максимальним залученням великої кількості рухомих одиниць саме в м'язах, які протидіють зовнішньому опору та покращують міжм'язову та внутрішньо-м'язову координацію на тлі виражених процесів гіпертрофії [6,7,9]. В умовах виконання вправ з вільною вагою обтяження, разом з основними м'язовими групами приймають активну участь і м'язи-стабілізатори, що потребує значного енергозабезпечення та створення умов до передчасного виснаження організму, розвитку втоми та в подальшому можливого прояву недостатнього розвитку адаптаційних змін в організмі бодібілдерів, що і призводить до менш помітних зрушень зростання силових можливостей [1,6,8,13]. Висновок 1. Отримані результати свідчать про те, використання в процесі тренувальної діяльності в бодібілдингу переважно силових вправ на тренажерах, особливо в умовах навантажень високої інтенсивності (R a =0,71) на тлі малого обсягу роботи, сприяє найбільшому розвитку максимальної м'язової сили спортсменів, порівняно з даними виявленими під час контрольного тестування досліджуваних показників у вправах з вільною вагою обтяження не залежно від режимів навантаження. ...
The purpose of the work was to study the peculiarities of changes in the indicators of the development of maximum muscle strength in bodybuilders under the conditions of using a complex of exercises on simulators and with free weight load against the background of load modes of different intensity. Materials and methods. 64 bodybuilders aged 20 ± 1.2 years participated in the study. To solve the set purpose, 4 research groups were formed. The duration of the pedagogical experiment was 12 weeks. During the pedagogical experiment, the representatives of the surveyed groups used a set of exercises with free weight load and on simulators against the background of load modes of different intensity. The dynamics of the maximum muscle strength indicators (on the example of the deltoid, biceps and triceps muscles of the shoulder) of athletes in the given conditions of muscle activity was determined in the process of control testing. Results and discussion. It was established that in the course of 12 weeks, in the athletes of groups 1 and 3, who used sets of exercises with free weight load, an increase in strength capabilities under the conditions of moderate intensity loads by 14.8% and 18.7% during high intensity power loads compared to initial data, was observed. It was revealed that among the representatives of groups 2 and 4, who in the course of the pedagogical experiment used a set of exercises on simulators during training, the indicators of the development of the maximum muscle strength of the controlled muscle groups on average show an increase in parameters by 16.5% against the background of the loads of the average intensity (Ra=0.58) and 20.7% – of high intensity loads (Ra=0.71) compared to the results fixed at the beginning of the study. It was investigated that even under the conditions of using a set of exercises with free weight load, but during the mode of high intensity loads, the development of maximum muscle strength of athletes is 2.2% higher, compared to the results recorded during moderate intensity loads on simulators for the same period of time. Conclusion. The use of predominantly strength exercises on simulators in the process of training activities in bodybuilding, especially in conditions of high intensity loads (Ra=0.71) against the background of a small amount of work, contributes to the greatest development of the maximum muscle strength of athletes, compared to the data revealed during control testing of the studied indicators in exercises with free weight load, regardless of the load modes
... The present loading protocols were selected because they represented typical volumes, intensities, and rest period lengths used during power, maximal strength, and hypertrophic types of resistance exercises. In addition, similar protocols have been used regularly in previous studies in resistance-trained men and those with no systematic resistance exercise background (e.g., 11,30,31,32,37,41,48). The loading exercise was back squat in the Smith machine with the lowest knee angle of approximately 80°. ...
Abstract Kotikangas, J, Walker, S, Peltonen, H, and Häkkinen, K. Time course of neuromuscular fatigue during different resistance exercise loadings in power athletes, strength athletes, and nonathletes. J Strength Cond Res 38(7): 1231–1242, 2024—Training background may affect the progression of fatigue and neuromuscular strategies to compensate for fatigue during resistance exercises. Thus, our aim was to examine how training background affects the time course of neuromuscular fatigue in response to different resistance exercises. Power athletes (PA, n = 8), strength athletes (SA, n = 8), and nonathletes (NA, n = 7) performed hypertrophic loading (HL, 5 × 10 × 10RM), maximal strength loadings (MSL, 7 × 3 × 3RM) and power loadings (PL, 7 × 6 × 50% of 1 repetition maximum) in back squat. Average power (AP), average velocity (VEL), surface electromyography (sEMG) amplitude (sEMGRMS), and sEMG mean power frequency (sEMGMPF) were measured within all loading sets. During PL, greater decreases in AP occurred from the beginning of SET1 to SET7 and in VEL to both SET4 and SET7 in NA compared with SA (p < 0.01, g > 1.84). During HL, there were various significant group × repetition interactions in AP within and between sets (p < 0.05, ηp2 > 0.307), but post hoc tests did not indicate significant differences between the groups (p > 0.05, g = 0.01–0.93). During MSL and HL, significant within-set and between-set decreases occurred in AP (p < 0.001, ηp2 > 0.701) and VEL (p < 0.001, ηp2 > 0.748) concurrently with increases in sEMGRMS (p < 0.01, ηp2 > 0.323) and decreases in sEMGMPF (p < 0.01, ηp2 > 0.242) in all groups. In conclusion, SA showed fatigue resistance by maintaining higher AP and VEL throughout PL. During HL, PA tended to have the greatest initial fatigue response in AP, but between-group comparisons were nonsignificant despite large effect sizes (g > 0.8). The differences in the progression of neuromuscular fatigue may be related to differing neural activation strategies between the groups, but further research confirmation is required.
... This is an informative finding given set volumes employed in practice likely vary widely across individuals. Additionally, although a wide range of relative loads may induce muscle hypertrophy (Refalo et al., 2021), we employed 8-12-RM loads to reduce perceived discomfort, neuromuscular fatigue, and muscle damage (A. S. Martorelli et al., 2021;Pareja-Blanco, Rodriguez-Rosell, et al., 2020;Pareja-Blanco et al., 2019;Rodriguez-Rosell et al., 2018), and improve individual RIR accuracy (Zourdos et al., 2021). Whether similar muscle hypertrophy would be observed between FAIL and RIR if lower loads (>15-RM) were employed is unclear, as performing RT with closer proximities-to-failure may be more important for simulating muscle hypertrophy when lower versus higher loads are lifted (Lasevicius et al., 2019). ...
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This study examined the influence of resistance training (RT) proximity-to-failure, determined by repeti- tions-in-reserve (RIR), on quadriceps hypertrophy and neuromuscular fatigue. Resistance-trained males (n = 12) and females (n = 6) completed an 8-week intervention involving two RT sessions per week. Lower limbs were randomised to perform the leg press and leg extension exercises either to i) momentary muscular failure (FAIL), or ii) a perceived 2-RIR and 1-RIR, respectively (RIR). Muscle thickness of the quadriceps [rectus femoris (RF) and vastus lateralis (VL)] and acute neuromuscular fatigue (i.e., repetition and lifting velocity loss) were assessed. Data was analysed with Bayesian linear mixed-effect models. Increases in quadriceps thickness (average of RF and VL) from pre- to post-intervention were similar for FAIL [0.181 cm (HDI: 0.119 to 0.243)] and RIR [0.182 cm (HDI: 0.115 to 0.247)]. Between-protocol differences in RF thickness slightly favoured RIR [−0.036 cm (HDI: −0.113 to 0.047)], but VL thickness slightly favoured FAIL [0.033 cm (HDI: −0.046 to 0.116)]. Mean volume was similar across the RT intervention between FAIL and RIR. Lifting velocity and repetition loss were consistently greater for FAIL versus RIR, with the magnitude of difference influenced by the exercise and the stage of the RT intervention.
This study investigated the effects of different resistance training (RT) volumes quantified by weekly sets at high intensity (load and effort) on dynamic strength adaptations and psychophysiological responses in trained individuals. Twenty-four athletes were randomly allocated to three groups that performed 3 (3S, n = 8), 6 (6S, n = 8), and 9 (9S, n = 8) weekly sets, respectively, three times a week on the barbell back squat and bench press during an 8-week period. While all groups showcased strength gains (p < 0.05), post hoc comparisons revealed that 6S and 9S elicited greater strength adaptations than 3S in barbell back squat (p = 0.027 and p = 0.004, respectively) and bench press (p = 0.001 and p = 0.044, respectively). There were no differences between 6S and 9S conditions for back squat (p = 0.999) and bench press (p = 0.378). Although a time effect was observed for Session-RPE (p = 0.014) and Total Quality Recovery scale (p = 0.020), psychophysiological responses were similar among groups. Our findings suggest that performing 6 and 9 weekly sets at high intensities led to greater strength gains compared to 3 weekly sets in strength-trained individuals, despite similar psychophysiological responses.
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Мета статті – виконати порівняльний аналіз особливостей впливу різних варіантів поєднання величини навантаження та комплексів тренувальних вправ на тренажерах чи з вільною вагою обтяження на динаміку показників складу тіла бодібілдерів. Методи. Із 64 спортсменів сформовано чотири дослідні групи по 16 осіб у кожній. Учасники протягом 12 тижнів використовували різні варіанти поєднання величини навантаження й комплексів вправ на тренажерах чи з вільною вагою обтяження. Показники складу тіла визначали методом біоімпедансометрії. Величину показників зовнішнього подразника визначали методом інтегральної оцінки навантаження. Результати. Використання короткочасних (до 15 с) навантажень високої інтенсивності (Ra=0,70–0,72) в поєднанні з вправами на тренажерах сприяє найбільшому підвищенню на 7,0 % активної маси тіла спортсменів третьої групи. Відповідні зміни майже вдвічі перевищують показники, виявлені під час застосування більш тривалих навантажень (45–60 с) із середньою інтенсивністю (Ra=0,58–0,65) в умовах використання вправ із вільною вагою обтяження (перша група). У спортсменів першої групи, які застосовували вправи з вільною вагою обтяження та навантаження середньої інтенсивності, рівень жирової маси зменшився на 4,2 % за період експерименту. У представників третьої та четвертої груп, які використовували навантаження високої інтенсивності, незалежно від комплексу тренувальних вправ – рівень жирової маси тіла не змінився. Висновки. Навантаження високої інтенсивності (Ra=0,70–72) в комбінації з комплексом вправ на тренажерах сприяє найбільшому зростанню показників активної, сухої клітинної й безжирової маси тіла. Застосування навантажень середньої інтенсивності (Ra=0,65–67) в комбінації з комплексом вправ із вільною вагою обтяження суттєво впливає на зниження рівня жирової маси.
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Common estimates of external training intensity for resistance exercise do not incorporate inter-set recovery duration, and might not reflect the overall demands of training. This study aimed to assess novel metrics of exercise density (ED) during resistance exercise, and how these related to a physiological marker of internal training intensity as well as traditional measures of external training intensity and volume. Thirteen males and seven females performed two bouts of resistance exercise focused on developing strength (5 sets of 5 repetitions with 5-repetition maximum; 180 s recovery) and hypertrophy (3 sets of 10 repetitions with 10-repetition maximum; 60 s recovery). Blood lactate concentration was measured to quantify internal training intensity. Specific metrics of external volume (mechanical work, volume load and total repetitions) and intensity (average weight lifted and ED) were calculated. Despite lower average weights and no difference in mechanical work or volume load, blood lactate was greater following hypertrophy compared with the strength condition. This finding was consistent with higher measures of ED in the hypertrophy compared with the strength condition. Greater ED during hypertrophy resistance exercise, along with the significant association with changes in blood lactate, indicates that ED metrics are reflective of the sessional intensity for resistance exercise.
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Monitoring the load placed on athletes in both training and competition has become a very hot topic in sport science. Both scientists and coaches routinely monitor training loads using multidisciplinary approaches, and the pursuit of the best method- ologies to capture and interpret data has produced an exponential increase in empirical and applied research. Indeed, the eld has developed with such speed in recent years that it has given rise to industries aimed at developing new and novel paradigms to allow us to precisely quantify the internal and external loads placed on athletes and to help protect them from injury and ill health. In February 2016, a conference on “Monitoring Athlete Training Loads—The Hows and the Whys” was convened in Doha, Qatar, which brought together experts from around the world to share their applied research and contemporary prac- tices in this rapidly growing eld and also to investigate where it may branch to in the future. This consensus statement brings together the key ndings and recommendations from this conference in a shared conceptual framework for use by coaches, sport-science and -medicine staff, and other related professionals who have an interest in monitoring athlete training loads and serves to provide an outline on what athlete-load monitoring is and how it is being applied in research and practice, why load monitoring is important and what the underlying rationale and prospective goals of monitoring are, and where athlete-load monitoring is heading in the future.
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This study examined the influence of differing volume load and intensity (%1 repetition maximum[%1RM]) resistance exercise workouts on session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE) countermovement jump (CMJ) performance and endocrine responses. Twelve participants performed a workout comprising four exercises (bench press, back squat, deadlift and prone bench pull) in randomised order as either power (POW); 3 sets × 6 repetitions at 45%1RM × 3 min inter-set rest, strength (ST); 3 sets × 3 repetitions at 90%1RM × 3 min inter-set rest, or hypertrophy (HYP); 3 sets × 10 repetitions at 70%1RM × 1 min inter-set rest in a randomised-crossover design. CMJ performance and endocrine responses were measured immediately pre-, post-, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h post-exercise. POW sRPE (3.0 ± 1.0) was lower than ST (4.5 ± 1.0) (P = 0.01), and both were lower than HYP (8.5 ± 1.0) (P = 0.01). Duration of CMJ decrement was longer (P ≤ 0.05) for HYP (72 h) compared to POW (12 h) and ST (24 h). Testosterone concentration was greater (P ≤ 0.05) immediately post-exercise in HYP compared to POW and ST. In conclusion, less inter-set rest, greater volume load and intensity (%1RM) may increase sRPE, duration of CMJ performance decrement and testosterone responses in resistance exercise.
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Resistance exercise is difficult to quantify owing to its inherent complexity with numerous training variables contributing to the training dose (type of exercise, load lifted, training volume, inter-set rest periods, and repetition velocity). In addition, the intensity of resistance training is often inadequately determined as the relative load lifted (% 1-repetition maximum), which does not account for the effects of inter-set recovery periods, repetition velocity, or the number of repetitions performed in each set at a given load. Methods to calculate the volume load associated with resistance training, as well as the perceived intensity of individual sets and entire training sessions have been shown to provide useful information regarding the actual training stimulus. In addition, questionnaires to subjectively assess how athletes are coping with the stressors of training and portable technologies to quantify performance variables such as concentric velocity may also be valuable. However, while several methods have been proposed to quantify resistance training, there is not yet a consensus regarding how these methods can be best implemented and integrated to complement each other. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to provide practical information for strength coaches to highlight effective methods to assess resistance training, and how they can be integrated into a comprehensive monitoring program.
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Objective. To compare resistance bouts performed to failure atlow (60% 1RM) and high (90% 1RM) workloads for acute rate of perceived exertion (RPE) (per exercise), session RPE (S-RPE) (30 min post), HR (per exercise) and total work (per session, and per exercise).Background. RPE is a convenient method for quantifying intensityin aerobic exercise. However, RPE has recently been extended to exercise modalities dominated by anaerobic pathways such as resistance training (RT). Method. Subjects (N=12) were assessed using an exercise-specific1 repetition maximum (1RM) for 6 exercises. On separate days in a counterbalanced order, subjects performed 3 sets of each exercise to volitional failure at a low intensity (LI) and a high intensity (HI) with 2 minutes rest between sets and exercises. At the end of each set, subjects estimated acute RPE for that set using a 10-point numerical scale. Thirty minutes after the end of the exercise session subjects estimated their S-RPE for the entire workout. HR, total work, and acute RPE were compared (HI v. LI) using repeated measures ANOVA.Results. A paired samples t-test showed LI was significantly higher(p=0.039) than HI for session RPE (LI=8.8±0.8, HI=6.3±1.2) andtotal work (LI=17461±4419, HI=8659±2256) (p=0.043). Per exercise,total work and acute RPE were significantly greater (p=0.01) for LI for all exercises. Peak HR was significantly higher per exercise during LI for leg press (p=0.041), bench press (p=0.031), lat pull-down (p=0.037) and shoulder press (p=0.046).
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Objective. The Session Rating of Perceived Extertion (RPE) is a method of measuring exercise intensity that may be useful for the quantitative assessment of exercise training programmes. However, there are inadequate data regarding the validity and reliability of the Session RPE method. This study was designed to evaluate both the validity and reliability of the Session RPE method in comparison to objective measures (%HRpeak, %HRreserve and %VO2peak) of exercise intensity. Methods. Fourteen healthy volunteers (7 male, 7 female) performed 6 randomly ordered 30-minute constant-load exercise bouts at 3 different intensities, with each intensity being repeated. Oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) were measured throughout each exercise bout and normalised to maximal values obtained during a preliminary maximal exercise test. Thirty minutes following the conclusion of each exercise bout, the subject rated the global intensity of the bout using a modification of the Category Ratio (CR) (0 - 10) RPE scale. This rating was compared to the mean value of objectively measured exercise intensity across the duration of the bout. Results. There were significant non-linear relationships between Session RPE and %VO2peak (R2 = 0.76), %HRpeak (R2 = 0.74) and %HRreserve (R2 = 0.71). There were no significant differences between test and retest values of %VO2peak, %HRpeak, %HRreserve and Session RPE during the easy (47 v. 47%, 65 v. 66%, 47 v. 48% and 2.0 v. 1.9), moderate (69 v. 70%, 83 v. 84%, 74 v. 75%, and 4.2 v. 4.3) and hard (81 v. 81%, 94 v. 94%, 91 v. 91% and 7.3 v. 7.4) exercise bouts. Correlations between repeated bouts for %VO2peak (r = 0.98), %HRpeak (r = 0.98), %HRreserve (r = 0.98) and Session RPE (r = 0.88) were significant and strong. Conclusions. The results support the validity and reliability of the Session RPE method of monitoring exercise intensity, although as might be predicted for a subjective method the Session RPE was less precise than the objective measures of exercise training intensity. South African Journal of Sports Medicine Vol. 18 (1) 2006: pp. 14-17
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This study examined the influence of intensity (%1RM), tonnage (sets x repetitions x load), rate of fatigue (percentage decrement in repetitions from set-to-set), work rate (total tonnage per unit of time), rest interval (time between sets), time under load, and session duration on session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE: Borg CR-10 scale). Here, participants performed a standardised lifting session of five exercises (bench press, leg press, lat pulldown, leg curl and triceps pushdown) as either: A) 3 sets x 8 repetitions x 3 min recovery at 70% 1RM; B) 3 sets x 14 repetitions x 3 min recovery at 40% 1RM; C) 3 sets x MNR (maximum number of repetitions) x 1 min recovery at 70% 1RM; D) 3 sets x MNR x 3 min recovery at 70% 1RM; E) 3 sets x MNR x 1 min recovery at 40% 1RM; or F) 3 sets x MNR x 3 min recovery at 40% 1RM. The sRPE for session A (4 ± 1) was significantly higher than session B (2.5 ± 1), despite matched tonnage. Protocols involving MNR showed no significant difference in sRPE. Work rate was the only variable to significantly relate with sRPE (r = 0.45). Additionally, sRPE at 15 min post-exercise (5 ± 2) was not different to 30 min post-exercise (5 ± 2). In resistance training with matched tonnage and rest duration between sets, sRPE increases with intensity. In sets to volitional failure, sRPE is likely to be similar, regardless of intensity or rest duration between sets.
Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes equips readers with the tools needed for collecting analysing and interpreting data. This information enables the adjustment of training programmes to help clients achieve optimal preparation and performance. The content highlights elements that can be monitored including body stress biochemical markers and hormonal response. It discusses the reliability of modern methods such as wearable technology and questionnaires. Readers are also introduced to guidelines approaches challenges and solutions for athlete monitoring for individual and team sports as well as suggestions for integrating monitoring with coaching.
Exercise is a stressor that induces various psychophysiological responses, which mediate cellular adaptations in many organ systems. To maximize this adaptive response, coaches and scientists need to control the stress applied to the athlete at the individual level. To achieve this, precise control and manipulation of the training load are required. In 2003, the authors introduced a theoretical framework to define and conceptualize the measurable constructs of the training process. They described training load as having 2 measurable components: internal and external load. The aim of this commentary is to extend, clarify, and refine both the theoretical framework and the definitions of internal and external training load to avoid misinterpretation of this concept.
This study compared the time course of recovery following two resistance exercise protocols differing in the number of repetitions per set with regard to the maximum possible (to failure) number. Ten men performed three sets of 6 versus 12 repetitions with their 70% 1RM (3 × 6 [12] versus 3 × 12 [12]) in the bench press (BP) and squat (SQ) exercises. Mechanical [CMJ height, velocity against the 1 m s(-1) load (V1 -load)], biochemical [testosterone, cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin, insulin-like growth factor-1, creatine kinase (CK)] and heart rate variability (HRV) and complexity (HRC) were assessed pre-, postexercise (Post) and at 6, 24 and 48 h-Post. Compared with 3 × 6 [12], the 3 × 12 [12] protocol resulted in significantly: higher repetition velocity loss within each set (BP: 65% versus 26%; SQ: 44% versus 20%); reduced V1 -load until 24 h-Post (BP) and 6 h-Post (SQ); decreased CMJ height up to 48 h-Post; greater increases in cortisol (Post), prolactin (Post, 48 h-Post) and CK (48 h-Post); and reductions in HRV and HRC at Post. This study shows that the mechanical, neuroendocrine and autonomic cardiovascular response is markedly different when manipulating the number of repetitions per set. Halving the number of repetitions in relation to the maximum number that can be completed serves to minimize fatigue and speed up recovery following resistance training.