Conference PaperPDF Available

Implementing a new Computer Science Curriculum for middle school in Israel

  • Ministry of Education, Israel


As part of a national strategic plan recently established by the Ministry of Education in Israel to strengthen science and technology education, an innovative Computer Science (CS) curriculum for middle school was developed. One main goal of the new curriculum is to expose students at an early stage of education to the fundamentals of CS and computational thinking, and to encourage students to study CS in the future. We present the curriculum and its initial implementation, focusing on issues of teachers' professional development.
Implementing a New Computer Science Curriculum
for Middle School in Israel
Iris Zur Bargury
Ministry of Education
Tel-Aviv, Israel, and
Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Bruria Haberman
Holon Institute of Technology, and
Davidson Institute of Science Education
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel
Orna Muller
Software Engineering Dept., and
Teaching & General Studies Depts.
Ort Braude College of Engineering
Karmiel, Israel
Doron Zohar
Open University of Israel
Ministry of Education
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Avi Cohen
Ministry of Education
Inspector-In-Chief, Computer Science
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Dalit Levy
Zefat Academic College, and
Kibbuzim College of Education
Tel Aviv, Israel
Reuven Hotoveli
Afeka - Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Abstract as part of a national strategic plan recently established
by the Ministry of Education in Israel to strengthen science and
technology education, an innovative Computer Science (CS)
curriculum for middle school was developed. One main goal of
the new curriculum is to expose students at an early stage of
education to the fundamentals of CS and computational thinking,
and to encourage students to study CS in the future. We present
the curriculum and its initial implementation, focusing on issues
of teachers' professional development.
Keywords- algorithmic thinking, computational thinking,
computer science, curriculum, middle school, education, teachers'
professional development
Aiming to increase the number of high-school students who
choose to major in science and technology, the Israeli Ministry
of Education launched the Science and Technology Excellence
program (STEP) in 2011 to increase the number of high-
school students who choose to major in science and
technology. This unique program is part of the overall
strategic plan to strengthen science and technology K-12
education in Israel
. Currently, less than ten percent of Israeli
high-school graduates major in both science and technology.
Raising this low percentage may improve the readiness and
preparation of potential candidates for academic studies in
science and engineering, and eventually influence their
becoming part of the high-tech industry.
The main goals of the STEP are therefore to expose
middle-school students to the fundamentals of science and
technology in order to encourage them to choose a major in
these areas in high school, and to develop a sense of
leadership in science and technology during their high-school
studies. The new middle school STEP curriculum, which
precedes the existing high-school curriculum in science and
technology, creates a continual and comprehensive six-year
science and technology curriculum for highly capable
students. It includes extra hours of Mathematics, Natural
Sciences (Chemistry, Biology, and Physics) and Computer
Science (CS) combined with Robotics.
The Israeli CS curriculum for high school is well known
internationally [7]; however, until recently, in typical Israeli
middle schools the students studied computer literacy, except
for a few short-term educational initiatives practiced on a local
basis for learning CS. The need to rethink computing
education on a national level complies with the current
national effort to adapt the education system to the twenty-first
The education authority’s decision to include CS in the
middle-school’s new STEP was based on the premise that
learning CS in middle school would promote early acquisition
of computational thinking, which in turn, would enhance
students' scientific thinking and technological literacy. The
guiding principle for the new CS curriculum has therefore
been to focus on developing thinking skills rather than
programming skills, and to expose students to various
development environments using an inquiry-based approach,
and utilizing learning-through-enjoyment pedagogical
methods that can increase young students' motivation.
The curriculum consists of both mandatory and elective
modules: a. Introduction to CS, which provides the basis for
the entire program, and emphasizes the fundamentals of
algorithmic thinking; b. the spreadsheet, with an emphasis on
its usage for scientific inquiry; its inclusion in the CS
curriculum bridges the gap between the CS middle school
curriculum and other parts of the six-year STEP; c. Selection
between Introduction to Robotics, which exposes students to
engineering concepts and problems, and Basic Internet
Programming; d. The last module is devoted to developing a
small programming project from scratch.
The above modular program has been designed by a
professional committee established by the Israeli Ministry of
Education. The authors of this paper are all members of that
committee. From 2011 to the present, the first two modules
have been implemented in 183 pilot schools, concomitantly
with the initiation of professional development activities under
the supervision of the first author.
The next sections of this paper elaborate on the principles
and constraints that guided the committee in designing the
curriculum. The first section presents the rationale for teaching
computing at the K-12 level, and lists the programs currently
taught in Israel. Thereafter, the new CS curriculum for middle
school is described, and finally, implementation issues are
discussed, focusing on teachers’ professional development.
A. Rational and Motivation
Computer science provides the knowledge and skills
foundation for contemporary technological advances:
"Maintaining our ability to meet present and future challenges
requires us to acknowledge CS as a core element of all STEM
(science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
initiatives" ([11], pp. 15). Learning CS enhances
computational thinking and may contribute to a better
understanding of other subjects as well [12]. Strengthening the
status of CS as a full-fledged and self-contained subject in the
educational system is most important [11]. However, the
increasing complexity of the field led to an unfavorable
external image [3] and posed new challenges in motivating
students to pursue CS as a career choice or a course of study in
which to major [11]. “Despite many years of our trying to
broaden our image, computing is still widely perceived as a
programmer’s field… Many outsiders wonder whether CS
departments will eventually disappear as the technology
evolves and other fields take over as the main contributors of
new computing technology” [3, pp. 336].
To address this problem on a national as well as a global
level, Cohen and Haberman (2007) suggested that CS be
presented as a language of technology, which describes
structures, processes, relationships, and communications.
Computer science serves as a platform for problem solving,
knowledge representation, and formalization of processes, as
well as for understanding technology and for performing
technology-related processes [1]. CS should be taught to
youngsters as one of five basic languages: a mother-tongue, an
elective international foreign language, a language of science
(mathematics), a language of art and body, and a language of
technology (computer science), each of which is used to
express themes and ideas or feelings associated with specific
domains and contexts. “Long-term study of these five
languages, along with intelligent practice while elaborating on
utilizing communication skills, is highly useful for successful
functioning on personal, national, and global levels” [2, pp.
B. K-12 Computing Curricula in Israel
During the last few decades, various computing curricula have
been taught in Israeli schools as an elective subject, ranging
from computer literacy, up to computing fluency, usually
learned at elementary and middle school as part of other
subjects. This includes CS for high school in the academic
track [7] and software engineering for high school in the high-
technological track [9]. The curricula evolved over the years
according to changes and development of the field. Pre-service
and in-service teacher training courses were created to provide
teachers with technical and pedagogical knowledge [7,10].
Many research papers were published regarding the
implementation of these curricula using various pedagogical
approaches and students’ conceptualization of CS concepts
and their problem-solving performance (for example, see a
review in [11], pp. 29-51).
The CS curriculum for high school introduces CS
concepts and problem-solving methods independently of
specific computers and programming languages, along with
their practical implementation in actual programming
languages [7]. The program consists of five modules (90 hours
each): (a) Fundamentals of CS 1 and 2, which introduce
algorithmic problem-solving (two modules, 180 hours in
total); (b) Software Design, which focuses on abstract data
types and object-oriented programming; (c) A Second
Paradigm - alternatives to this module are logic programming,
functional programming, computer organization and assembly
language, computer graphics, information systems, and
stateless programming; and (d) CS Theory: Computational
The programming languages chosen for teaching
fundamentals and software design have changed over the
years and currently are Object Oriented (JAVA or C#).
The Software Engineering program: During the last two
decades, a Software Engineering (SE) program especially
designed for high-school level has been in operation in Israel
[8]. The program consists of (a) an elective topic in natural
sciences/introduction to technology sciences, (b) Computer
Science, and (c) an elective and advanced topic in CS.
The program has scientific foundations and can be viewed
as an extension of the CS program. The main goals of the
program are (1) to introduce students to knowledge
representation, system-level perspective and formalization of
processes, and (2) to promote students’ creativity, and enable
them to construct an integrative knowledge of CS topics. The
specialized topics that schools can choose from are as follows:
Operating Systems, XML Web Services, Computer Graphics,
Expert Systems, and Design & Programming of Information
Management Systems. The students' final assignment is to
develop a comprehensive software project related to the elected
specialized topic.
The new CS program for middle school is part of the STEP,
based on an overall strategic plan to strengthen science and
technology K-12 education in Israel [13]. The program (180
hours: 60 hours a year, two hours a week) is intended for
students from the seventh to the ninth grades. With regard to
the high-school curriculum, a six-year sequence of the
curriculum is created. The main goal is to impart knowledge
and skills required for a person in the twenty-first century. It is
not aimed at training students to be programmers or computer
scientists, but rather to introduce students to logical and
algorithmic thinking and to expose them to different
development environments at an early stage. A somewhat
similar approach has been recently suggested by the American
Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA) in their Level
I model curriculum for K-12 Computer Science, in the parts
that discuss K5-K8 [5].
Lowering CS contents from high school to middle school
will enable excellent students from the academic track to
complete the high-school curriculum a year earlier, during the
eleventh grade. That will allow such a student to be exposed
(if interested) during the twelfth grade to one of the
specialized areas in the SE program taught in the technological
track, and to develop a software project.
The first module constitutes the core of the whole program.
Its main goal is to expose the students to the fundamentals of
computational thinking and programming. The subjects include
serial execution, variables, conditions, loops, counters,
accumulators, messaging, and event handling. Since this is the
first year the students study CS at school, it was important to
choose a suitable programming environment that will:
Expose the students to algorithmic problems and their
solutions and enhance algorithmic thinking.
Enable students to implement various control
Make programming enjoyable, interactive, easy to use,
and graphically appealing.
Be translated to different natural languages.
Be free of charge (if possible).
Scratch ( was the chosen environment.
Other alternatives that exist worldwide include Logo-based
environments, Alice (,Greenfoot
(, and more recently
Bootstrap, “a standards-based curriculum for middle and high-
school students, which teaches them to program their own
videogames using purely algebraic and geometric concepts”
The second year begins with introducing the students to
using a spreadsheet for scientific research (second module).
Teaching a spreadsheet is required for the mathematics and
physics curricula. Hence, its inclusion in the CS curriculum
helps to create a bridge between the curriculum in middle
school and the general six-year STEP. The tools to be taught
include representation of graphs, using mathematical and
statistical functions, and wise use of conditionals.
The third module is elective and its guidelines are as
It is based on the knowledge taught during the first
No new control structures are introduced
Students are exposed to new kinds of algorithmic
problems and new technologies.
It was decided that in the second year the main subject will be
Introduction to Robotics, focusing on algorithmic problem
solving and not (just) on the mechanical and electrical aspects.
Students receive a ready-to-program robot and can add to it
various sensors and download their software. The goals of
adding robotics to CS curricula are to (1) combine logical
thinking with engineering thinking, (2) expose students to
other technological areas, and (3) stimulate the students to be
independent learners. The module contains the following
topics: controllers, actuators, sensors, electrical energy and
mechanical energy, energy transformations, motors, an open-
loop control, and a closed-loop control. Students in the
program can compete in FLL competitions
Since the Introduction to Robotics module is budget
dependent (which might be a problem) and because those
teachers without an engineering or electrical engineering
background were reluctant to teach this program, the authors
decided to suggest an alternative module that is less
engineering oriented and free of charge. In order to create
more continuity between the middle-school and the high-
school curricula, it was decided to suggest teaching Basic
Internet Programming by focusing on client-side
programming as an introduction to stateless programming
(taught in an elective module in high school). The module
focuses on HTML5 and JavaScript; the students practice
conditionals and loops.
The fourth module, which is taught during the third year of
study, is devoted to developing a programming project
including writing a project proposal, modeling a problem,
designing a solution, and implementing it. The teachers can
choose the development environment for their students. The
programming project helps students internalize the use of
algorithms for solving problems and prepares them for further
studies in high school.
The program has been implemented in stages for the past
two years. At the first stage 30 schools were selected to
participate in a pilot program, most of which are located in the
periphery of the country in order to promote a segment of the
population that is less accessible to educational resources.
Twenty-seven of them (709 students) continued to the next
stage the following year.
At the second stage 183 middle-schools (5696 students)
participated in the program. In each school, the students that
were chosen for the program excelled in their age group. At the
third stage about 100 additional schools are planned to join the
program the following year (2013). The total number of
teachers who teach the CS program this year is 172.
Teachers constitute the cornerstone of any curriculum
[4,8,11]. Successful implementation of a new curriculum
greatly depends on the pedagogical and content knowledge of
the teachers as well as their satisfaction from the ongoing
training and the support offered by the curriculum’s initiators.
Prior to the development of the curriculum presented here, no
formal CS program was available for middle schools in Israel.
Accordingly, recruiting and retraining teachers for the new
program has been challenging but rewarding.
A. Preliminary criteria for approving teachers to teach the
CS program
Initially, the Ministry of Education in Israel decided that the
new STE curricula will only be taught by experienced and
professional teachers. The rationale behind this decision is that
qualified teachers should exhibit the following general
qualities: (a) possess at least a Bachelor's degree in CS or
engineering and a teaching certificate, and (b) have experience
(of at least 3 years) in teaching the CS program at the highest
level and in successfully preparing students for the high-school
matriculation exam.
Since the criteria plan was restrictive, its implementation
produced a shortage of qualified teachers. Academic retraining
courses for prospective teachers with professional hi-tech
experience were established to alleviate teacher shortages.
Teachers having a background as high-tech professionals were
assumed to have an additional advantage of encouraging
students to study sciences, especially computer science.
B. Difficulties in assigning teachers
Shortly before the school year began, it became clear that
assigning qualified teachers is problematic for the following
reasons: (a) Qualified CS teachers who previously taught high-
school students felt uncomfortable and even refused to teach
middle-school students since:
The emotional needs of the younger students were
unclear to them;
Teaching skills at the middle-school level seemed
foreign to these teachers;
Different physical locations of the middle-school and
the high school complicated their work day
Middle-school computer labs have a limited number of
computers compared with high-school labs.
The teachers needed to prepare lesson plans and
teaching materials for the new program.
(b) The Ministry of Education had to assign tenured teachers
to the program, even though they were not qualified for it.
(c) In schools that had not established a computer-related
program and thus had no qualified CS teachers, it was difficult
to find qualified teachers in the surrounding area, or to find
a suitable teacher who would agree to come on-site and teach
only two hours a week.
These kinds of difficulties were also encountered with Math
teachers, but mostly in CS and Physics, since it was the first
time those subjects were taught at middle school.
C. Reducing the criteria for qualified teachers
Owing to the difficulties in finding qualified teachers who
could teach the program, it was decided to relax the criteria for
accepting teachers, and to develop training courses for
them. Teachers who did not meet the original requirements
were permitted to teach the program provided that they agreed
to participate in a suitable course. Relaxing the professional
criteria resulted in accepting to the program less qualified
teachers, for example, CS teachers who had previously taught
only the lower levels in high school, qualified and experienced
science/electronics teachers who had some CS education but
who had not taught CS so far, students who were in their last
year of academic CSED studies, and Computer Literacy
In implementing the program, several difficulties were
Experienced high-school teachers were able to cope
with the challenge of teaching excellent students but
were not accustomed to teaching younger students.
New teachers faced typical difficulties of entering
the education system.
New teachers and teachers with no CS background
often taught at the technical-applicative level and did
not focus on the program's algorithmic requirements.
D. Training Courses
Teachers are obligated to participate in a training program
that was designed to provide them with pedagogical tools for
enhancing their students' algorithmic thinking. The training
consists of several courses, each of which is related to a
specific module of the program. Additional course in Java and
C# extends teachers knowledge in order to give them an idea
of what direction the students are heading to in high school.
Each course lasts approximately 3 months. The courses are
taught both in a computer lab and in an online environment to
ease the teachers burden. There are three or four lectures per
course and coursework is assigned weekly via a website.
E. Teachers' Support System
Reducing criteria implied that teachers constitute a
heterogeneous group, with different backgrounds and
knowledge. In addition, the fact that the teachers are
physically scattered throughout the country made it difficult to
support teachers and to arrange face-to-face (F2F) meetings.
Therefore, there was an urgent need to create a supporting
system that could overcome these constraints. In the
beginning, the Ministry of Education program coordinators
communicated with the teachers mainly through emails and
phone conversations; therefore, a forum designed for the
teachers in the program was established. The forum is mostly
used for interacting with the program’s coordinators. In
addition, a blog was established in order to manage the
distribution of instructional materials, either those developed
by professionals or materials developed by teachers in the
training courses that were found appropriate for distribution to
other teachers.
F. Preliminary Evaluation
The program will be evaluated at two levels. One is by
administering a nationwide exam aimed at assessing the
students’ understanding of the material taught. The first exam
was administered at the end of the first year of the program
and a preliminary evaluation of it is described in [13]. The
second evaluation is planned to take place at the end of this
year. The other level concerns the teachers.
Teachers completed a Likert-type questionnaire
assessing their perception of the program (1 (strongly
disagree) - 5 (strongly agree)). The questions evaluated the
extent of students' internalization of programming structures
and algorithmic thinking in their teachers' eyes (Table 1), and
teachers' sources of support, and their general satisfaction with
the program (Table 2). Sixty teachers completed the
questionnaire; fifty of them taught the program to 7th grade
classes for the first time, whereas the other ten teachers taught
the program for the second year, in both the 7th and 8th
grades. In addition to the questionnaire, personal
conversations with teachers were conducted.
The Statements:
1st year
2st year
The program is interesting
The program promotes students'
algorithmic thinking
Students master conditional statements
Students master loop statements
The Algorithmic module contributed to
students' algorithmic thinking
The Robotics module contributed to
students' algorithmic thinking
I was assisted by:
1st year
2st year
Colleagues who teach the program
Other teachers
The program's blog
The teachers' forum
The program's supervisors
The materials developed for the program
Comments regarding the training:
F2F meetings may be given up
I've developed additional materials based
on examples I've seen in the course.
I would recommend my colleagues to join
the training course.
According to Table 1, the teachers were highly satisfied
with their students’ learning outcomes. According to Table 2,
the blog and the program materials are the teachers’ most
appreciated support tools. Despite the differences between the
original program design and the actual situation, providing
virtual support tools in addition to F2F meetings, established
during the pilot stages, show that teachers were satisfied with
the course plan and that their ability to use remote supporting
tools is increasing. Teachers need fewer F2F meetings, and are
able to study through consulting and by using virtual support
tools. Apparently collaboration tools contributed mainly to
retrieving more instructional materials and less to maintaining
ongoing communication among the teachers themselves.
Additional information gathered from personal
conversations and documentation of the difficulties
encountered indicated that there was a great diversity of
teachers' content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. In
addition, teachers' perceptions of the goals of the program and
its feasibility in teaching middle-school students differed. For
example, teachers expressed significantly different perceptions
regarding the need for an informal, game-like learning
approach, compared with the desire to move CS contents from
high school to middle school.
The Science and Technology Excellence program for middle
school, which includes the new CS program described here, is
an educational initiative that aims at motivating and
encouraging highly capable young students to choose science
and technology studies in high school and academia. It is
based on the assumption that early exposure to science and
technology is a critical factor in attracting youngsters to these
fields and in adequately preparing them as well as sowing the
seeds for the development of the next generation of scientists
and engineers.
The program is based on expanding the scope of math and
science studies, beyond what most middle and high-school
students learn today, and to new areas of science and
technology that young students are not usually exposed to in
the traditional and existing curricula. Computer Science
integrated with Robotics was chosen as one of the main
scientific-technological areas to be included in the program.
Until recently, no official CS curriculum by the Israeli
Ministry of Education has been tailored to the needs and
capabilities of seventh to ninth graders, which also takes into
consideration the background and expertise of most middle-
school teachers.
Lowering CS content levels from high school to middle
school will enable excellent students from the academic track
to complete the high-school curriculum a year earlier and
during the last year of study to get a taste of the SE curriculum
in the technological track, and to develop a software project.
The aspiration to recreate for outstanding students a sequence
of six-year high-level studying of computer science
necessitated the construction and operation of a formal
curriculum for the lower grades. The new program emphasizes
the gradually building of basic concepts and principles in
computer science, the development of logical reasoning and
computational-algorithmic thinking, coping with the cognitive
challenges of problem solving, exposure to the processes of
software project development and the development of
students' creativity skills. Achieving these goals is fostered by
familiarizing the young students with several learning
environments where these concepts and principles can be
identified and elaborated.
The cornerstone of implementing a new educational idea or
a program lies in the teachers; therefore, at this stage of
implementing the program, we focused on in-service training
and on evaluating the process that the teachers underwent and
their feelings and attitudes at the end of one or two years of
It was realized that the original plan of setting high criteria
standards for approving teachers to teach the program was
unrealistic; this resulted in reducing the professional criteria of
acceptance to the program and the training courses; still, the
formation of an array of courses and support tools during the
first two years of implementation evidently helped those
teachers with different backgrounds.
The information gathered in the preliminary assessment
indicated that teachers' content knowledge and pedagogical
knowledge were very diverse, as were their perceptions of the
goals of the program and its feasibility in teaching middle-
school students. They reflected on their satisfaction with their
students' achievements and the available supporting tools.
Noteworthy are the improved attitudes of those teachers who
taught the program the second time regarding the program’s
potential to teach problem solving and to develop algorithmic
thinking among young students.
A main conclusion to be deduced from this preliminary
study is that building a properly tailored training courses for a
heterogeneous group of teachers, as well as diverse supporting
tools and suitable guidance, mostly on the web, contributes to
the professional development of teachers and enables bridging
the pedagogical and content gap between the desired and the
actual availability of qualified teachers.
Future work will further examine the relationship
between teachers' backgrounds and how they deal with the
program's instruction, and the effect of teaching the entire 3-
year middle-school program on teachers' perceptions of the
program and its implementation. In addition, students'
achievements will be evaluated as well as the percentage of
students who choose to study computer science in high school.
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[9] Haberman, B., & Cohen, A. (2007), A high-school programme in
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... As global discussions of a shared vision for CS curricula only began in 2012, it is understandable that there was an initial delay in published research until 2017, there was see a large spike. The 2012 outlier (Zur Bargury et al., 2012) can be explained by the fact the article provides only a very simple analysis of teachers' responses to two Likert-type questions and personal conversations surrounding the CS curriculum in Israel. While nine of the articles were published after the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak, all the research was conducted prior to the outbreak. ...
... and Lishinski et al. (2016) who respectively reported 18% and 47% of articles explicitly described their research questions. Of the four articles that did not provide research questions(Alfayez & Lambert, 2019;Duncan et al., 2017;Pears et al., 2017;Zur Bargury et al., 2012), all but ZurBargury et al. (2012) provided a general aim for their research. ZurBargury et al. (2012) focused mainly on describing the Israel CS curriculum, with only a small section devoted to the evaluation of CS training courses. ...
... and Lishinski et al. (2016) who respectively reported 18% and 47% of articles explicitly described their research questions. Of the four articles that did not provide research questions(Alfayez & Lambert, 2019;Duncan et al., 2017;Pears et al., 2017;Zur Bargury et al., 2012), all but ZurBargury et al. (2012) provided a general aim for their research. ZurBargury et al. (2012) focused mainly on describing the Israel CS curriculum, with only a small section devoted to the evaluation of CS training courses. ...
Full-text available
For over a decade, we have seen a global shift toward preparing students for the predicted labor market and society through the introduction of digital technology curricula. This scoping review uncovered 26 studies published between 2012 and 2022 that examined empirical research on K–12 or pre-service teachers’ experiences with Digital Technologies curricula. Most of the research involved primary school teachers (n = 20), focused on teachers’ experiences with Professional Learning and Development (n = 13), and adopted a mixed methods methodological approach (62%) utilizing a questionnaire data collection instrument (n = 18). Methodological trends and areas for improvement were uncovered and analyzed to aid future research that can be used to support teachers’ implementation of Digital Technologies curricula.
... Computer science studies started in middle schools in Israel in 2011 under the umbrella of the "Scientific-Technological Reserve" leadership program. This program was ready before 2011 [27], however, the schools had difficulties assimilating it. Since computer science is the language of technology, it was included in this program alongside the reinforcement of mathematics and physics. ...
... In 2015, recognizing that we were a technological society, and that computer science was the language of technology, the decision was made to enrich 4th through 6th grade students with computer science studies. These grades were chosen because younger students are still coping with mother-tongue acquisition and basic mathematics [27]. The subject committee developed a program, Computer Science and Robotics [20], that implemented algorithms using the Scratch programming language and robots. ...
... The list of studies is too long to include the entirety within this paper, therefore we only mention a few of them here. [2,15,16,17,24,25,26,27]. One important study shows that school computer education studies pave the way to higher education [1]. ...
... Over the last decade, computer science (CS) and computational thinking (CT) education has increased its presence within schools internationally. As both CS and CT have become requirements within school systems globally (e.g., New Zealand [3], England [4], Israel [1], United States [8]), CT has been identified as a means to integrate computing into disciplinary subjects to both provide a greater number of students with computing skills as well as to enhance disciplinary learning [13,14,19,30]. As careers increasingly include elements of computing and motivations for CT integration expand to focus on how students can use computing to express their creativity, advocate for a more just and equitable world, and develop a more innovative society [25,27], CT is becoming increasingly important in education. ...
... Two data sources are reported upon within the present work: (1) an open-ended questionnaire and (2) follow-up interviews with district leaders. We collected these data at the close of the three-year project. ...
Technical Report
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Over the last three years, we have worked in a research practice partnership (RPP) between a research non-profit and three school districts to establish system-wide K-12 pathways that support equitable participation in computational thinking (CT) that is consistent across classrooms, cumulative from year to year, and competency-based. Reflecting on the work done over the last three years, we have identified tensions related to ambition and specificity within our RPP and the development, implementation, and spread of inclusive computing pathways. Ambitions can waver between grandiose upheaval in curriculum and classes and the identification of CT solely in what is already happening. While it is relatively easy to adopt and spread programs that propose modest change, these programs are not necessarily worth an investment nor do they produce CT skills in alignment with the district's overall vision. Similarly, the specificity in which computational thinking is operationalized can teeter between prescriptive lesson plans and broadly-stated curricular standards. Vague initiatives are difficult to implement, but teachers are also resistant to overly prescriptive programs. In this paper, we explore these tensions balancing ambition and specificity using examples from our partner districts. Drawing on our experiences co-designing the inclusive computing pathways as well as interviews with and open-ended questionnaire responses from our district partners, we discuss implications related to these issues and the ongoing tensions around ambition and specificity that need to be considered and overcome in order to meet the national call to develop more inclusive computing pathways for schools and districts.
... One method of PD for expanding K-12 CS education was deployed and studied in the Science and Technology Excellence Program (STEP) in Israel [17]. As a program originally implemented to increase the number of students pursuing STEM fields in higher education, one of STEP's main focuses is on middle school CS curriculum for students, specifically computational thinking concepts and algorithms. ...
... These goals mentioned, in order, is as follows: 1) core concepts of computational thinking and programming in Scratch, a block-based programming language known for its interactivity and ease of use, 2) methods and tools of scientific research in STEM, 3) an elective area of study focusing on previous concepts taught, and 4) a final programming project of the students' choice. As emphasized by authors of this research, with this program came the difficulty of finding qualified teachers who could teach CS at the middle school level [17]. In order to address this issue, STEP implements an elaborate training program to provide new teachers with pedagogical tools for their classrooms. ...
... Within this context, programming education can be regarded as a valuable means to acquire computational thinking skills (Lye & Koh, 2014;Oluk, Korkmaz & Oluk, 2018). Moreover, numerous countries have begun incorporating computer programming further into their educational curricula, aiming to enhance students' computational thinking abilities (Bargury et al., 2012;Jones et al., 2014;Kalelioğlu & Gülbahar, 2014). ...
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This study investigated the effects of 3D model building activities with block codes on students' spatial thinking and computational thinking skills. The study group consists of 5th grade students in a secondary school in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. For the study, a pretest-posttest control group was utilized within the experimental design. A total of 66 students participated, 23 in the experimental group and 43 in the control group. While the activities prepared on the Tinkercad platform were applied in the experimental group, the courses were taught using the traditional teaching method in the control group. The study covers a period of three-weeks in the course information technologies and software. The study used the computational thinking levels scale and spatial thinking test scales as data collection instruments. The data was analyzed using both descriptive statistics and independent samples t-tests. Based on the study findings, there were no significant differences observed in the levels of computational thinking skills levels and spatial thinking test scores between the experimental and control groups.
... CS is not incorporated as a stand-alone subject at primary school. At secondary school in 2012, they introduced a new CS programme for the Junior Cycle in schools (Zur Bargury, et al., 2012, October). However, at Senior Cycle, Israel has offered an optional CS subject for the past five decades, where it has maintained and developed its current curriculum since 1998, but it has been an optional subject since the mid-1970s (Gal-Ezer, Beeri, Harel, & Yehudai, 1995. ...
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This paper brings together the history of Computer Science Education in Ireland. It aims to plot Ireland's road-map leading to the implementation of formal Computer Science Education in schools. This road map starts with the first notions of introducing secondary school children to computing in the 1970s up to the roll out of a nationwide Computer Science curriculum in secondary school at the Senior Cycle level in 2018. This story is only available in disparate publications and reports, and piecing together the entire story is often difficult especially if you are from another jurisdiction and unfamiliar with the Irish education system. This paper collates the available literature as well as the authors local knowledge of the process, into one usable form that may be of interest locally and of value to other jurisdictions that are beginning their planning of national or regional curricula. This paper describes the development and the current situation of the formal curricula and standards in Computer Science at second level. The current landscape of Computing Education at primary level, which is currently in the planning stages in Ireland, will also be described. Additionally, an investigation into the current landscape of Computing Education in schools in the international jurisdictions that directly influenced the Irish roll out takes place, to evaluate their progress and summarize any lessons learned that might provide insights for Ireland going forward
... In non-European countries (e.g. Israel, USA, Australia, New Zealand), elements of computer science have been introduced into the basic school curricula [5,18]. More relevant for this paper is research by Bollin et al.: they introduced a way to analyse and compare curricula, education standards and competency models, by using a graph-based representation form and several graph-theoretical metrics [40]. ...
Algorithmic Thinking (AT) is at the core of Computational Thinking (CT). A number of initiatives target CT, few of them focus on AT and even less deal with Graph Algorithmic Thinking (GAT) with younger learners. This paper reports on tangibles’ design for GAT, appealing to different senses so as to engage learners actively. It presents a field study with GAT tangibles and 14–15 years old high-school learners, divided into two groups: one group used tangibles, the other used traditional means, namely, paper and pencils. The study results show that tangibles were more engaging than in the traditional GAT setting, and differences among groups are statistically significant. The paper concludes by discussing the study results and advancing suggestions for future interventions related to engagingly teaching GAT.
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This study aims to explore the influences of the unplugged CS activities in developing problem solving skills of preschool children. activities were used as an instructional package. The participants were 11 children (4-5 aged) enrolled in a public pre-school. Activity assessment form and clinical interviews were used to understand children’s problem solving processes. In order to determine the problem solving performances, the tasks were divided into the meaningful sub-tasks with regard to problem steps of Nance’ problem solving model. The results indicated that CS unplugged activities positively influenced students’ understanding and planning performances more than doing and evaluation skills. Preschool children developmental characteristics and the nature of the problems somewhat hampered the development of their performances in doing and evaluation steps. It is hoped that the study may provide insights for the efforts on enhancing preschool children’s problem solving processes.
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Various aspects of computational thinking, which builds on the power and limits of computing processes, whether they are executed by a human or by a machine, are discussed. Computational methods and models are helping to solve problems, design systems, and understand human behavior, by drawing on concepts fundamental to computer science (CS). Computational thinking (CT) is using abstraction and decomposition when attacking a large complex task or designing a large complex systems. CT is the way of thinking in terms of prevention, protection, and recovery from worst-case scenarios through redundancy, damage containment, and error correction. CT is using heuristic reasoning to discover a solution and using massive amount of data to speed up computation. CT is a futuristic vision to guide computer science educators, researchers, and practitioners to change society's image of the computer science field.
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We describe a comprehensive three-year programme in Software Engineering (SE) for high-schools which has been operated in Israel for the last two decades. The aim of the programme is to expose young students to computing, and to motivate them to continue their academic studies in that field. The programme has evolved over the years in accordance with the changes in the discipline of computing. It introduces students to scientific methods, principles of design, implementation of computer systems. Currently it consists of a three-phase modular structure: (a) natural sciences, (b) computer science, (c) advanced specialized topics in computing. During the third year, students are required to develop as a final assignment a comprehensive software project, namely a computer system in a specific, specialized domain.
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The authors served on a committee that designed a high-school curriculum in computer science and has been supervising the preparation of a comprehensive study program based on it. The new program is intended for the Israeli high-school system, has been formally approved by the Ministry of Education, and is expected to fully replace the old one in the near future. The program emphasizes the foundations of algorithmics, and teaches programming as a way to get the computer to carry out an algorithm. The purpose of this paper is to describe the program's curriculum and syllabi in detail.
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In this paper, we report on the research and recommendations of the CSTA (Computer Science Teachers Association) Teacher Certification Task Force, addressing the crisis in computer science teacher preparation and certification. This paper will address the importance of computer science as a scientific discipline, and provide a brief discussion of the relevant research and current existing certification models Primarily, however, this paper focuses on the Task Force's recommended models for teacher preparation and certification in computer science.
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The increasingly dynamic technological world, which recently has encouraged globalization in many domains, poses new educational challenges regarding preparing individuals to become well-educated and benefi cial citizens who are capable of simultaneously functioning on personal, national, and global levels. One main goal of an educational system is to promote an environment in which youngsters can acquire and develop their ability to communicate meaningfully with others. We suggest that youngsters acquire fi ve basic languages as tools for communication: a mother tongue, an elective international foreign language, a language of science, a language of art and body, and a language of technology, each of which is used to express themes and ideas or feelings associated with specifi c domains and contexts. We believe that long-term study of these languages, along with intelligent practice and utilizing communication skills, is highly useful for citizens to function successfully on personal, national, and global levels.
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We show that algorithmic thinking is a key ability in informatics that can be developed independently from learning programming. For this purpose we use problems that are not easy to solve but have an easily understandable problem definition. A proper visualization of these problems can help to understand the basic concepts connected with algorithms: correctness, termi- nation, efficiency, determinism, parallelism, etc. The presented examples were used by the author in a pre-university course, they may also be used in secondary schools to help understanding some concepts of computer science.
Israel's Ministry of Education has launched a unique program to enhance science - technology education. It is a six year program for grades seven through twelve. The program introduces a new curriculum in computer science for junior-high school students. The computer science curriculum focuses on developing computational thinking. The purpose of this paper is to describe that curriculum and the preliminary evaluation of students' achievements.
Copyright © 2009 by the authors and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, NY 10121-0701. Permission to make digital or hard copies of portions of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Abstracting with credit is permitted.
Conference Paper
The nearly three dozen core technologies of computing sit in a simple framework defined by great principles and by computing practices. The great principles are of two kinds, mechanics and design. Computing mechanics comprises computation, communication, coordination, recollection, and automation. Design principles address concerns for complexity, resilience, performance, evolvability, and security. Practices comprise programming, systems, modeling, innovating, and applying. This framework opens many new possibilities for teaching computer science, including new approaches to programming. The new CS curriculum at the Naval Postgraduate School is based on the framework presented here.