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Advancing 21st Century Competencies in Japan

  • Global Incubation x Fostering Talents (GiFT)


The report contributes to understanding of the advancement of the notion of 21st century competencies in Japan. The word 21st century competencies has become buzzword in education field, however, traditionally the notion of 21st century competencies has been already installed in the centre of educational vision in Japan, at least 19th century.
Advancing 21st Century
Competencies in Japan
By Daisuke Kimura and Madoka Tatsuno, Global Incubation x Fostering Talents (GiFT)
Advancing 21st Century Competencies
in Japan
February 2017
Case Study Authors:
Daisuke Kimura and Madoka Tatsuno, Global Incubation x Fostering Talents (GiFT)
Asia Society is the leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and
strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders, and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global
context. Founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd, Asia Society today is a global institution—with
offices throughout the United States and Asia—that fulfills its educational mandate through a wide range
of cross-disciplinary programming. Across the fields of arts, business, culture, education, and policy, the
Society provides insight, generates ideas, and promotes collaboration to address present challenges and create
a shared future.
e Center for Global Education at Asia Society brings together leaders and institutions from around
the world to tackle one of the most critical education challenges today: how to educate all students for
employability and citizenship in a global era. Our mission is to develop global competence in students,
young leaders, and educators as the foundation for understanding between people in the Asia Pacific region
and throughout the world. We accomplish this by working with educators, school districts, parents, and
communities to ensure that they have the tools and support they need to globalize learning and prepare
young people for our global future.
is paper is one of five case studies that accompany the Asia Society report entitled “Advancing 21st Century
Competencies in East Asian Education Systems” by Professor Kai-ming Cheng from the University of Hong
Kong. Professor Cheng assembled and led an international team of researchers who developed the case study
reports on each country. We are grateful for the contributions of Kai-ming Cheng and Liz Jackson from
the University of Hong Kong; Wing-on Lee from e Open University of Hong Kong; Daisuke Kimura
and Madoka Tatsuno from Global Incubation x Fostering Talents (GiFT) in Japan; Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan,
Elizabeth Koh, David Hung, Melvin Chan, and Pamela Onishi from the National Institute of Education at
Nanyang Technological University in Singapore; Hyo-Jeong Kim and Jeongmin Eom from the Asia-Pacific
Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) in South Korea; and Hsiao-Lan Sharon
Chen and Hsuan-Yi Huang from the National Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan.
At Asia Society, Alexis Menten directed the conception, development, and publication of the paper, in
collaboration with the authors. We wish to thank Asia Society Senior Advisor Vivien Stewart for her invaluable
guidance throughout the development of this paper.
is paper was informed by teams participating in Asia Society’s Global Cities Education Network 21st
century competencies working group, including Hiroshima, Japan; Seoul, South Korea; and Singapore.
Several Asia Society staff contributed to the development and support of this paper and the 21st century
competencies working group, including Tony Jackson, Alexis Menten, Jessica Kehayes, Heather Loewecke,
Heather Singmaster, and Apoorvaa Joshi.
We thank the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for its support of the development, publication, and
dissemination of this paper.
Preamble ...............................................................................................................1
Chapter 1: General Background—Understanding the Reality ....................... 2–6
1-1. Concepts ................................................................................................. 2
Table 1: Transition of Education Reforms in 20 Years ............................ 3
1-2. Definition of Terminology ...................................................................... 3
(1) Definition of “Competencies”(能力資質) ................................ 4
(2) Personal Values(価値観) ..............................................................4
1-3. 21st Century Competencies Framework .................................................. 4
Chapter 2: e School System in Japan and Its Transition ........................... 7–11
2-1. General Structure of Schooling ................................................................ 7
(1) School age ......................................................................................... 7
(2) Class Size, Number of Schoolchildren, Staff, and Teachers ................ 7
2-2. Changing Contexts ................................................................................. 9
(1) Role of Schools and Teachers ............................................................. 9
Chapter 3: Education Reforms Relate to the Advancement of
21st Century Competencies ......................................................................... 12–18
3-1. Revision of the Course of Study for Better Implementation of
21st Century Competencies ................................................................... 12
3-2. Reform of National-level University Entrance Examination ................. 13
(1) Background of the Reform of the National Center for
University Entrance Exams .............................................................14
3-3. e Government’s Funding and Support for Developing
21st Century Competencies–related Policies ......................................... 17
3-4. Local Governments’ Funding and Support for the Promotion
of Competencies .................................................................................... 17
Case Study: Autonomous Action by Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan .......18
Chapter 4: Learning Experiences Expected in Future Classrooms
and Case Studies ........................................................................................... 19–28
4-1. General Structure of Schooling .............................................................. 19
(1) Recommendation of “Active Learning” in Classrooms ......................19
(2) Integrated Studies’ Role in the Advancement of
21st Century Competencies ............................................................. 19
(3) School Events Including Club Activities Encourage
Students’ Learning ........................................................................... 19
4-2. Case Studies ........................................................................................... 19
(1) Case 1. Global Citizenship Subject by Ageo Higashi Junior
High School in Saitama Prefecture (in-school activity) .................... 19
(2) Case 2. OECD Tohoku School Program (outside-school activity) ....... 22
(3) Case 3. GiFT’s Global Citizenship Education Program
“Diversity Voyage” (outside of jurisdiction) ...................................... 25
Chapter 5: Issues and Challenges ................................................................. 29–32
5-1. Active Learning as a “Buzzword” in the Education Sector in Japan ........ 29
5-2. Strong Need for Development of Teachers’ Competencies .................... 29
(1) Fundamental Reform of School Management System ...................... 32
Chapter 6: Conclusions and Suggested Proposals ....................................... 33–34
(1) Possible Advocacy .................................................................................. 33
References .....................................................................................................35–37
Historically, the notion of 21st century competencies has been embedded in the principles and objectives of
education, especially in the affective domain. A current education concept called “Zest for Life,” which first
appeared in 1998, aimed for holistic development of students academically, morally, and physically (Chi-Toku-
Tai ) with the illustration of competencies at the system level. In addition, the government of Japan
has been discussing enculturation, contextualization, and elaboration of 21st century competencies through
implementation of a new Course of Study (Curriculum Guidelines) and the reform of national-level university
entrance exams.
is paper aims to illustrate how the concept of 21st century competencies is mainstreamed into the curriculum
and schools, by looking at the changes from the central government’s perspective. Chapter 1 provides an overview
of 21st century competencies and historical commonalities, Chapter 2 highlights the reality that surrounds
schools and teachers, Chapter 3 focuses on institutional reforms that support the advancement of 21st century
competencies, Chapter 4 introduces some current school case studies, Chapter 5 elaborates challenges and issues
for the advancement of the policy, and Chapter 6 concludes the argument with possible recommendations.
Chapter 1:
General Background—Understanding the Reality
Japan has recently started its discussion on the implementation and practices of norms of 21st century compe-
tencies that will be gradually mainstreamed within the education system. It should be noted that the concept of
21st century competencies and parts of competencies are already in the current Japanese education systems core
concept “Zest for Life” and in addition—as in other Asian economies—those competencies, particularly social
and emotional skills, were embedded in history, at least in the 19th century Imperial Rescript on Education.
Japans core educational concept is “Zest for Life,” which first appeared in 1998. e principle is based on
principles of the traditional holistic approach “Chi-Toku-Tai” (academic prowess, moral, physical, and mental
health). Zest for Life is a goal of the current education system, and its values and concepts are embedded in the
revised Basic Act on Education (2006). us, the framework of 21st century competencies aims to achieve the
goals—i.e., 21st century competencies—under the umbrella of Zest for Life.
Chart 1: General Principles of Zest for Life
Source: MEXT
With regard to the education reform discussion, one of the focuses is how the 21st century competencies should be
implemented into practice. e goals of education under the Basic Act on Education show its vision of education,
but in reality schools and the curriculum do not show remarkable progress to foster competencies-based education.
Chart 2: Transition of Education Reform
Table 1. Transition of Education Reforms in 20 Years
e Panel on Educational Objectives, Contents and Evaluation, which is a preparatory discussion group within
the Ministry of Education (MEXT), has summarized these terminologies related to 21st century competencies
for their further integration into curriculum guidelines. Competencies contain quality and abilities, and these
terminologies work as the basis for the advancement of competencies-based education in Japan.
ReformYear Brief Description
Zest for Life (Living) and
“Yutori” education
1996 First appeared in the 15th Central Council for Education report
“Priorities and Prospects for a Lifelong Learning Society”
- Qualities and the ability to identify a problem, to learn, think, make
judgments, and act independently, and to be imbued with a rich
sense of humanity (self-control, cooperation with others, spirit that
feels emotion, and physical health)
“Yutori” education (reducing classroom hours) expected to achieve
learning shift
Revision of the Couse of Study1998 Announcement of Zest for Life and Yutori as central concept
Commencement of the Course
of Study
2002– Implementation of Yutori and Zest for Life into curriculum
- Reduction of approximately 30% of learning contents
- Start of five-day school week
- Implementation of “Integrated Studies” into curriculum
Revision of the Course of
2008– Enforcement of Zest for Life and retreat from “Yutori” education
- Expansion of math and science education
- Prioritization of language activities including foreign language in
higher years of primary school
- Reduction of Integrated Studies unit of classes
Second Basic Plan for
Promotion of Education
Institutional support to advance autonomy, cooperation, and creation
with four policy directions and eight missions
- Developing social competencies for survival
- Developing human resources for a brighter future
- Establishing learning safety nets
- Establishing vibrant communities based on bonds, nurturing people
who build society
Revision of the Basic Act on
2006 Enforcement of “Zest for life” concept with three components into
the Act
- Attainment of wide-ranging knowledge and culture
- Cultivation of a rich sensitivity and sense of morality
- Development of physical health
Proposal of 21st century
competencies by NIER
2013 21st century competencies in Japanese context
- Basic literacy
- Thinking ability
- Practical ability to act for the world
Discussion on new Course
of Study
2014 The then Minister for Education Mr. Shimomura oversaw a revision
to the Course of Study to enhance students’ qualities and abilities
- Concept, pedagogies, and evaluation of the competencies-based
- Revision of existing subjects toward competencies-based education
in globalizing society
(1) Definition of “Competencies(能力資質)
Research by the National Institute for Educational Policy Research (NIER) introduced “competencies”
as “holistic qualities and abilities that include not only knowledge but skills and attitudes.
e second paragraph of Article 5 of the Basic Act on Education (revised) describes the objectives of
compulsory education as “the form of compulsory education, shall be to cultivate the foundations for an
independent life within society while developing the abilities of each individual, and to foster the basic
qualities necessary for those who form our state and society.” e term “quality” shall include ability,
attitude, and personal character.
(2) Personal Values(価値観)
Personal values (morals) are described as one of three pillars of Japanese education (i.e., Chi-iku: cognitive
development, Toku-iku: morals/virtue, Tai-iku: physical development). us, Japan has been conducting
moral education since the establishment of its origin in 1873 (Educational System Ordinance, Gaku Sei).
Morality is described in Chapter 3 of the Course of Study (2008): the goal of moral education is “students
morality, including moral mentality, judgment, engagement, and attitude, by all the education activities
in school.”
e Course of Study defines four types of morality to deal with in classroom instruction:
(i) About the self; people are independent, they do what they can do themselves and live moderately
(ii) About relationships with others; people know the importance of courtesy and communicate honestly
with other people
(iii) About relationships with nature and sublime things; people are moved by the magnificence and
wonder of nature, and feel the importance of nature and living things
(iv) About groups and society; people keep promises, follow rules, and have a sense of public duty
e Panel on Educational Objectives, Contents and Evaluation has introduced a framework for the qualities
and abilities that should be developed in school education. e summary will be a benchmark of the Central
Council for Education’s discussion toward the revision of the next Course of Study (curriculum guidelines).
NIER has introduced a tentative framework of 21st century competencies with a Japanese interpretation, under
the current education concept “Zest for Life.
Although its framework might be revised or developed, the NIER’s framework of 21st century competencies is
a basis for the advancement of competencies-based education.
ere are three domains within the proposed framework.
Chart 3: Framework of Japan’s 21st Century Competencies Proposed by NIER
(i) Basic literacy:
- Literacy, numeracy, and information/communication technology literacy (and manners and morals
for ICT)
(ii) inking ability:
- Finding and solving problems, creativity, critical thinking, logical thinking, metacognition, and
adaptive learning skills
(iii) Practical ability to act for the world:
- Independence and autonomous action (self-understanding and self- responsibility, promotion of
health, decision-making skills, and life-planning skills)
- Relationship building (collaboration and responsibility, sensitivity/expression, establishing good
relationships with others)
- Responsibility for building a sustainable future (responsibility, rights, and work, understanding of
society, culture, and the natural environment, application of language and information, application
of knowledge and technology, and problem-finding and problem-solving skills)
ese domains are interrelated. Basic literacy, which is a foundation of learning, supports thinking ability and
practical ability to act for the world. It directs and guides students “where to go.” inking abilities, as generic
skills, enable students to think and to deepen how to use the knowledge. e practical ability to act for the world
plays a significant role to develop personal attributes and to form values.
e Panel has reviewed and analysed possible frameworks and competencies, and has concluded with
proposals for the advancement of 21st century competencies, requesting:
(a) Further research and consideration of a framework of qualities and abilities from other countries,
and also the 21st century competencies framework proposed by the National Institute for
Educational Policy Research (NIER). e qualities and abilities should include (i) independence and
autonomous action, (ii) relationship-building ability, (iii) problem-solving skills, (iv) the ability to
utilize information technology, (v) the quality/ability to live with globalization, and (iv) the practical
ability to act for a sustainable society and so on
(b) Consideration of the interrelation among (i) generic skills such as logical thinking and problem
solving, communication skills, and metacognition, (ii) essential points of view of each subject (e.g.,
what history is, how science works), and (iii) specific knowledge or skills of each subject
(c) Improvement of learning evaluation; evaluation should be covered not only “to know (acquisition of
knowledge)” but also “what we can do with the knowledge”
(d) Revision of each school’s education objectives and curriculum, in order for the school to put the
qualities and abilities (competencies) into practice
Chapter 2:
The School System in Japan and Its Transition
Before focusing on the policy mainstreaming of 21st century competencies, we shall look at the changes
of the school environment. ere are a number of changing contexts, such as demography and social/
economic shifts, that affect the role of schools and teachers in society.
(1) School age
In Japan, compulsory education is nine years, which consist of six years of primary education and three
years of secondary education under the School Education Act. Practically, the education system in
Japan is called the “6-3-3” school year system because 98.5% of students go to high schools (including
part-time and specialized training colleges)1 or technology colleges. ere are exceptions for students
who go to a five-year specialized training college or a technology college.
Chart 4: School Education System in Japan
Source: MEXT
(2) Class Size, Number of Schoolchildren, Staff, and Teachers
The number of junior high school students has decreased nearly 24% since 1995 (with nearly a 30%
decrease in high school students), and schools declined nearly 7% in junior high schools and 10%
in high schools. Almost 76% of classrooms consist of 26–40 students in junior high school. The
number of full-time teachers and staff has declined in 20 years, reflecting the decline in the number
of students.
1 MEXT (2010), “School Basic Survey.
Graphs 1 and 2: Number of Junior High Schools and High Schools and Number of Students, 1995–2015
Source: MEXT and National Statistics Bureau, Government of Japan
Graphs 3 and 4: Number of junior high school and high school Teachers and Staff, 1995–2015
Source: MEXT and National Statistics Bureau, Government of Japan
e decline in the number of young people, the aging society, the shrinking economy, globalization, singularity
(artificial intelligence), and the economic crisis have changed Japanese society. Manufacturing, industrialization,
and automation drove Japans “economic miracle” in the 1950s–1970s, and more recently social and economic
development has been driven by information/communication technology. Society has changed rapidly.
e impacts of social changes affect education; public needs and changing contexts drive the pressure for
educational reform. e role of schools has expanded to career development, protection of students’ safety, and
communication with parents and other stakeholders. In addition, the central government’s initiative has required
schools and teachers to learn new pedagogies and learning concepts; for example, Education for Sustainable
Development, “Active Learning (Interactive Classroom),” and “Career Education.” Furthermore, the policies of
boards of education at the prefectural level are closely collaborating with local government policies. Some local
governments, suffering from a shrinking economy and “brain drain” to larger cities, request collaboration with
schools for the prevention of brain drain under the name of “local revitalization.
(1) Role of Schools and Teachers
(i) Role of School
e roles of schools are changing. e government of Japan, seeing its changing needs from society (and
families), adds higher expectations to schools, and the public voices are reflected in school education.
In jurisdictions, the common schools’ role in compulsory education is used to provide education based
on the laws and the course of study, and traditionally schools give students guidance such as career
guidance, club activity (sports, culture, and others), and school events (cultural festivals, athletic
meets, excursions, school trips). However, schools’ roles are becoming wider as the governments see
public needs for schools to expect more holistic development of individual students. For example,
currently school education and its activities extensively cover many fields—e.g., mental and welfare
support, student guidance out of school, special-needs education, and communication with parents
and stakeholders (community and society).
ose public needs have been embedded in school education, under the direction of the government of
Japan, which has increased schools’ duties and tasks, resulting in an increase of teachers’ working hours.
Chart 5: Shift of Roles of Schools
Source: Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, Cabinet Office, 2015
(ii) Teachers Becoming Busier
e more the roles of school in society have expanded, the more teachers’ duties and responsibilities
become broader. Teachers used to engage mainly in classroom preparation, evaluation, school events,
and club activities, which are the substance of education. However, nowadays, teachers are not only
teachers but also administrative staff.
Teachers become busier and busier, and teachers’ roles are expected to be widespread, by reflecting
social needs. According to the survey by MEXT, teachers’ overtime work has increased to 42 hours
(for full-time teachers) a month in 2006, compared with 8 hours in 1966. According to the research
by OECD Teaching and Learning in Primary and Upper Secondary Education 2013, average working
hours in Japan are 53.9 hours per week, 15 hours more than the average of TALIS countries. Teachers in
Japan spent more time in school management, administrative work, and extracurricular activities than
teachers in other countries. e research conducted by MEXT (2006) shows similar results in school.
In comparison with the past research in 1966, in 2006, teachers spent 5.4 hours in student guidance,
2.8 hours in club activities, 1.4 hours in administrative tasks, and 0.3 hours in training, resulting in 6.4
hours of overtime working hours per week.
Chart 6: Teachers’ Working Hours Comparison
Source: OECD,
Teaching and Learning in Primary and Upper Secondary Education 2013
e government has been tackling the improvement of school administration and the development of
teacher quality and ability, providing guidelines and their related policies at the central and regional
government levels. Various models have been proposed, including the involvement of school social
workers and school counselors, and the improvement of the ICT infrastructure so that teachers can
focus on their primary responsibility; nevertheless, there seem to be no drastic changes in schools.
Graphs 3 and 4 indicate a decline of administrative staff and expansion of schools’ roles. is results
in teachers’ engagement in school management. Graph 5 shows tasks that burden teachers; those are
mainly from activities outside the classroom.
Graph 5: Tasks That Burden Teachers
Source: MEXT, Survey on Teachers’ Busyness, 2006
ere is also an increase of teachers’ mental illness sick leave. e average number of teachers’ mental
illness sick leave in 2004–2008 was 4,561, and 5,235 in 2009–2013. is implies that teachers feel
burdened by their overtime working hours and pressure from work. is is a psychological issue; the
number of overtime hours does not always matter, but the teachers’ feeling that they are too “busy”
matters for their motivation.
Chapter 3:
Education Reforms Relate to the Advancement of
21st Century Competencies
e government has gone through various education reforms (jurisdiction, course of study, and action plans)
for decades, but school-level education does not seem to have significantly changed, particularly in high
school education. One of the possible reasons is the university entrance exams. erefore, the government of
Japan now tries to revise the university entrance system, together with revision of the course of study, which
might accelerate the shift to competencies-based education.
In Japans case, the central government proposes concepts, general objectives, and the direction of education.
Regional governments and boards of education take part in the implementation of the concepts through
supplementary policy direction. Schools work closely with boards of education to bring those into a classroom.
First, revision of the Course of Study shall be the first action toward the advancement of competencies-based
education. e Central Council for Education’s report (August 2015) announced the general concept of the
new Course of Study. Minister for Education Mr. Hase (2016) announced three points of major Course of
Study revision.
Chart 7: Overview of the new Course of Study (tentative)
Source: MEXT, 2015
(1) e new Course of Study aims to pursue both knowledge and thinking abilities (there will be no return
to two extreme arguments: Yutori—reduction of classroom hours, or intense classroom hours).
(2) e new Course of Study aims to foster specific abilities through school education (introduction of
competencies). In order to advance the competencies, the new Course of Study pursues the improvement
of learning process quality and pedagogies as well as retaining quantities of knowledge. “Active learning
(interactive classroom to make student an active learner)” shall be a tool for maximizing knowledge to
develop competencies
ree points of active learning: interactive, proactive, and deep learning.
(3) Revise existing subjects and establish new subjects under the direction of the new Course of Study.
(English education in public primary schools)
e revision of the Course of Study will be the key driver for competencies-based education at the system level.
e existing concept of Zest for Life already includes specific competencies in each subject, and the new Course
of Study will put more priority on the development of competencies that 21st century society needs. e major
change is that all subjects function on a cross-curricular basis to foster competencies. e ambitious guidelines
envision how the acquired knowledge is understood and put into practice, through inquiring what happened,
why it happened, and how the things impact real society so that students can relate the subject study to their life.
It should be noted that implementation of the new Course of Study should be accompanied by development of
teachers’ competencies through training.
Second, the government of Japan started discussing the reform of the university entrance examination for a
smooth bridge from high school to the university and enforcement of the development of students’ qualities
and abilities (competencies). It reflects social changes and the current situation (e.g., a learning shift from “to
know” to “to do with,” and the rising importance of non-cognitive skills from various sectors). erefore, “active
learning” is introduced to maximize student learning ability and to develop personal qualities.
Despite the central government’s policies and the Course of Study’s stress on the importance of the learning
shift, high school education shows less progress in classrooms. One of the reasons is the national-level university
entrance exams. High schools should focus on university entry, and the exams do not require “depth” of
knowledge but mainly “quantity” of knowledge.
is stands as a huge obstacle for high schools, particularly in university-track high schools. According to
the National Statistics Bureau, 56.5% of students go to a university or junior college, hence high schools
had to focus on the university entrance exams. Benesse’s Survey on School Education (2010) shows there
were few changes in classroom teaching styles from those found in its previous research in 2002. Despite
that the concept of Zest for Life and its tools (such as Integrated Studies) were introduced in 1998 and that
proactive participating classrooms were recommended by the central/local level, classrooms remain traditional,
“to know”–based learning environments.
Japan is one of the best performers in international tests such as PISA and TIMSS (Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Study), demonstrating the highest standard in scores and learning ability. However,
students are not confident themselves; 72.5% of high school students feel they are “not useful,” 52.5% of them
are “satisfied with their life,” and 55.7% of them perceive that they have “decent abilities.” e survey indicates
lower self-esteem in comparison with the United States, China, and the Republic of Korea and lower motivation
to learn. Education would have room to foster their competencies such as self-confidence, openness, and
autonomy. is is not because of education, but reflecting society. However, these facts should be considered:
many students have less confidence in their capability and less motivation to learn.
e Reform Action Plan to Articulate High Schools and Universities announced its proposal for the reform
of university entrance exams in the report “Integrated Reforms in High School and University Education
and University Entrance Examination Aimed at Realizing a High School and University Articulation System
Appropriate for a New Era” (December 2014). “Prospective University Entrant Scholastic Abilities Evaluation
Test” is an alternative proposed examination that will take place from 2019 onward. e exams put more
priority on examining students’ thinking ability, expression, and reasoning; hence the test shall include a written
questionnaire. A computer-based testing system is proposed so that students can have more chances to challenge.
(1) Background of the Reform of the National Center for University Entrance Exams
ere are a total of 1,125 universities and junior colleges in Japan, and nearly 75% of those use the once-
a-year National Center Test for University Admissions (known as the “Center Test”) for their first-round
admission process. e objective of the exam is “to assess the level of fundamental academic achievement
attained by the applicant at the high school stage,”2 and the exam itself has been reviewed and developed
according to social changes.
Since the entrance exam is a “gateway” to university entrance, it has been strongly influential on both high
schools and students for its preparation. e test is conducted with multiple-choice questions to “ensure high
quality of tests by excluding too difficult and ambiguous items,” to assess students’ academic performance
equally, and to “promote individuality and diversification of the admissions systems by universities, through
the integration of the test and respective university examinations.” erefore, the exams assess students’
cognitive skills based on simplified questions so that the results reflect students’ level of knowledge. e
exam is effective for universities to assess applicants’ academic knowledge, and at the same time it reduces
universities’ burden of administrative tasks for admissions.
Chart 8: Structure of the National Center Test and University Entrance
Source: National Center for University Entrance Exams
2 National Center for University Entrance Examinations, “Annual Report 2015,” retrieved from its official website, http://www.dnc
Graph 6: Transition of Higher Education Institutes That Use the National Center Test and University Entrance Rate
Source: MEXT, National Statistics Bureau, Government of Japan, School Basic Survey
Meanwhile, 56.5% of high school graduates enrolled in universities in 2015, whereas it was 36.3%
in 1990. is is partly because entry to universities is getting easier for students: e number of high
school students has declined nearly 30% from 4,724,945 (1995) to 3,319,114 (2015), but the number
of universities and their capacity have remained stable (1,169 universities and colleges in 1995, and
1,125 in 2015, a decline of 3%). is caused the number of universities to face a shortage of their quota,
resulting in changing the university’s role in society (to reeducate students as remedial and/or to provide
vocational training rather than higher academic skills and research ability) and making their business
hard to maintain.
In general, students go through one of the admission processes: (1) university entrance exams, (2)
principals’ recommendation process, and/or (3) AO (Admissions Office) entrance examination. e
National Center Test is often or sometimes combined with these exams as the first stage of the admissions
process. e AO entrance exam helps each university to select suitable candidates whose capacities and
achievements meet the university’s admission policy. It is based on an overall evaluation of applicants
personal achievements, goals, and academic performance, which is usually conducted with essays,
interviews, and the National Center Test (mostly by national universities). e recommendation process
is a selection process whereby a university selects a certain number of students who are recommended by
school principals. ese are often held earlier than the National Center Test in January.
e admissions process has made university admissions diversified. One positive side is that it enabled
students to have further learning opportunities regardless of their academic performance. On the other
hand, a negative aspect is that universities now accept students who do not have the motivation to learn
and/or have an insufficient level of performance and competencies—i.e., less competition has made it
much easier than in the past for students to go to universities. According to the survey by MEXT, 56.2%
of students go through general university entrance examinations, 34.8% of students go through the
recommendation process, and 8.5% take AO entrance exams, in comparison with the FY2000 survey
(65.8%, 31.7%, and 1.4%, respectively).
Charts 9 and 10: Change of University Admissions Process from 2000 to 2012
Source: MEXT (2014)
However, universities still accept the National Center Test as one of their selection processes even in AO
entrance exams because universities are struggling with students particularly from AO entrance exams
because of their lack of academic performance (Riches, 2010). Students who enter universities through
the AO exam or the recommendation process might face difficulty in catching up with the lectures in
higher education. Graph 7 illustrates the changes in students’ study time; it shows a significant drop
for students whose deviation value (academic performance as normally examined through standardized
tests) is around 50–55 (average to upper).4 Many students at this level go to universities or colleges, thus
universities need tests to examine students’ basic academic skills.
Graph 7: Change in Students’ Study Hours Outside School, 1990–2006
Source: Benesse (2006), “The 4th Survey on School Education”
3 Central Council for Education, MEXT (2014), Integrated Reforms in High School and University Education and University Entrance
Examination Aimed at Realising a High School and University Articulation System Appropriate for a New Era.
4 For students whose standard deviation value is higher than 55, study time remains the same. is is partly because those students
study at “Juku,” which focuses primarily on preparation for university exams.
is makes high schools remain focused on traditional classroom teaching (preparation for multiple-
choice tests). erefore, the current central government conducted a review to reform the fundamentals
of university admissions that enable universities to evaluate potential students and enable high schools to
advance competencies-based education.
In order to accelerate the learning shift toward developing personal qualities and abilities, the central
government has provided support both at the policy level and at the financial level. Local governments also
have budget and policy support for schools; the following are examples of financial support.
(1) MEXT has budgeted support for teachers’ salaries, to support teachers’ recruitment. Each prefecture
recruits teachers in public education, except for high schools attached to national universities. e
total budget is 1,527 trillion yen, which enabled an increase of 190 new teachers who specialize in
science, English, and PE in primary schools, and teachers who engage in the promotion of “active
learning” and pedagogical research. In addition to that, the budget enabled an increase of 80 staff
members and teachers for the enforcement of school management functions.
(2) Teachers’ training and pedagogical research: e total budget is 124 million yen, and a total of 1,169
million yen to support the National Center for Teachers’ Development’s expanded functions.
(i) Career and Professional Education: e total budget is 537 million yen, to promote career and
professional education. It includes competencies such as future planning, entrepreneurship,
and autonomous action.
(ii) Global competencies in primary and secondary education: e total budget is 22,001
million yen, to enforce English education, and support for the internationalization of
selected high schools.
(iii) Collaboration with international organizations and promotion of Education for Sustainable
Development (ESD): e total budget is 708 million yen, to collaborate with UNESCO and
with United Nations University, and for the development of the International Baccalaureate
DP in Japanese.
In addition to MEXT’s budget, each prefectural board of education and local governments individually
secured a budget to promote learning innovation from tradition. Especially, local revitalization, which is
one of the core visions of the current administration, would accelerate interactive, experiential learning
opportunities at the regional level. A collaboration among local governments, universities, local companies,
and non-profit organizations started working closely with schools in the region. Some of the programs are
project-based learning like Hiroshima Innovation School, and collaborative ESD programs for fostering
proactive and autonomous students by the Board of Education in Okayama City.
Case Study: Autonomous Action by Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan
Hiroshima Board of Education (Hiroshima is a member of the Global Cities Education Network) has a new learning
challenge under the framework of Japan’s education concept and beyond the concept, Hiroshima Action Plan for
Learning Innovation.
Hiroshima Board of Education has set the framework for the “Hiroshima Action Plan for Learning Innovation,” in
support of OECD, which is to promote learning innovation aimed at fostering individuals who have a high ethical
standard with pride at having grown up in Hiroshima, and who can create new values through co-creation with
people living in the world. The Plan stipulates its own concept of 21st century competencies in order to create a
learning environment at the prefectural level by 2018.
The framework of 21st century competencies in Hiroshima categorizes four components: (1) knowledge, (2) skills,
e.g., critical thinking, communication, (3) motivation, attitudes, resilience, and (4) values and ethics, e.g., empathy
and self-awareness. There are four steps to promote its action plans.
(a) Seminars for Key Educators
- Providing learning-innovation training for key teachers
- Training 10 times a year at 60 primary, junior high, and high schools
(b) Hiroshima Innovative School (supported by Innovation School Network, OECD, and East-West Center in Hawaii)
- Three-year project to implement project-based learning for 60 high school students regionwide
- Collaboration with students from Hawaii and Cebu, the Philippines, for the project
- Objectives: to develop new education programs to foster proactive, cooperative, and moral education
Four pillars of the project:
- All School Conference (every three months): All participants join to have workshops for development
- Area School Conference (once a month): 10–15 student group from 13 high schools engage in a
community revitalization project.
- Global Schools Conference: Program in Hawaii, together with students in Hawaii, to engage in
collaborative activities
- Global and Local (Glocal) Schools Conference: All students gather in Hiroshima to share their project outcome.
There are three types of evaluation methods: rubric assessment, real-time video reflection, and project-based
learning using the digital platform “Classi.”
(c) Flexible School: a learning place for working students and people who missed the compulsory education
- Offers various learning experiences (career design, experiential learning, vocational training, professional
ethics, etc.)
- Individual care (counseling, career consultation)
- Flexible curriculum to meet the needs of students
(d) Global Leader School: To educate global leaders who can contribute to building a
sustainable society
creating a more
peaceful and developed world
- 360 students from junior high school to high school: 50 from each year in junior high school, 70 (20
students are from overseas) from each year in high school
- Project-based learning with international institutions
- Experiential learning in the community
- International Baccalaureate–based curriculum
- Boarding school with diverse cultural backgrounds
- Under the national education policy and the Course of Study
- Cooperation with multiple sectors (NGOs, UN, corporations, local authorities, and so on)
The Action Plan also expects to involve parents for cultivating a 21st century competencies–based learning environment.
Local governments actively initiate regional collaboration. For example, local high schools that are subsidized
by MEXT’s “Global High School” initiative promote global education and competencies in cooperation with
multiple stakeholders, including local government. e local government’s policy, the university’s intellectual
resources, and private-sector experience are values of the local community, and the resources are supplementary
to high school education. For instance, high school students can experience joint research, intern, and volunteer
services as well as deepen understanding of their hometown. In doing so, students can learn about their local
cities, raise social-contribution awareness, and experience real business.
Chapter 4:
Learning Experiences Expected in Future Classrooms
and Case Studies
Since the first appearance of the Zest for Life concept, Japans education policy and curriculum guidelines
have enforced learning in a lifelong learning society. e introduction of 21st century competencies will be a
mainstream part of school education, together with the traditional values of education. ere are changes in
classroom activities.
(1) Recommendation of “Active Learning” in Classrooms
e central government now recommends “active learning” in classrooms, which aims at making each
student an “active” learner. is is expected to maximize students’ academic performance through a proactive
attitude in learning. Active learning will be a key tool for the advancement of student competencies.
(2) Integrated Studies’ Role in the Advancement of 21st Century Competencies
Integrated Studies is an interdisciplinary study that deals with society, family, global issues, the environment,
local communities, and so on. e cross-curricular studies are expected to enable students to put their
subject study into practice, and to contribute to bringing about a shift from teaching to learning. rough
experiential learning and peer-to-peer learning, Integrated Studies plays a role in the formation of personal
values, and the development of communication skills and problem-solving skills as such.
(3) School Events Including Club Activities Encourage Students’ Learning
Special activities such as school events, club activities, and school trips are traditional ways of Japan’s holistic
education, embedded in part of the official curriculum. Children learn emotional stability, values, love of
their hometown, and social skills to live in harmony. Before the introduction of active learning, school
teachers already conducted various learning methods in class. ose classroom activities include experiential
learning and peer-to-peer learning, self-directed learning, and so on.
For the case studies of 21st century competencies’ development outside the classroom, I shall describe cases
from Ageo Higashi Junior High School (in class), OECD Tohoku School (outside school), and Global
Incubation x Fostering Talents’ (GiFT) education programs (outside jurisdiction).
(1) Case 1. Global Citizenship Subject by Ageo Higashi Junior High School in Saitama Prefecture
(in-school activity)
Ageo City Higashi Junior High School was selected as a research and development school by MEXT, and in
2015 established a new subject called “Global Citizenship.” is school has conducted the one-hour subject
every week (35 hours per year).
Objective: e program aims at cultivating an active actor
in sustainable society, by fostering each student’s social-
participation awareness and developing the student’s
personal qualities and abilities as a global citizen.
Expected Student Growth
(i) A student who participates in society with their
own opinions and a set of arguments
(ii) A student who can live together with diverse
cultures, customs, and mindsets
(iii) A student who can find problems and can think
with multidimensional perspectives
(iv) A student who can think critically, and who can autonomously explore and express his or
her opinions
(v) A citizen who can collaborate with others for the betterment of society
Pedagogies and Concept
Unlike in traditional classroom teaching, teachers focus on facilitation rather than teaching. Teachers select
topics to go over in the classroom and conduct various workshops, group work, reflection, and individual
research work so that students can learn by themselves. Teachers also learn from their facilitation experiences
and from students.
Structure of the Subject
e Global Citizenship subject covers various fields: community development, school development, the
environment, gender, peace and conflicts, human rights, education, refugees, poverty, and international
cooperation. e topics covered include:
(a) ink about our society—20 years later (first semester)
is session is designed to describe society 20 years from now. Students will imagine their ideal
future and the ideal society.
(b) Students’ General Assembly (first semester)
is session is designed to foster their
participation in school management. Each student
expresses his or her voice for the betterment of
school activities.
(c) ink about refugee issues (first semester)
Students will experience and learn from refugee
role-play. It enables students to feel global issues
closer to their lives.
(d) Research work
Students form small groups, and each group chooses a topic to research such as international
cooperation, the environment, energy, or the economy. Each research group engages in group
research and presents the output at the end of the school year.
(e) Guest speeches
In cooperation with the non-profit sector and other organizations, the school invites guest
speakers to visit the school to present their professional work and real situations in overseas
(f) Institutional visits
Students visit NGOs, the Ministry, and social
enterprises as a process of group research work.
Each group organizes the visit on their own, and
interviews professionals.
(g) Teachers’ training
Teachers have a training session every month,
to reflect on their facilitation experiences and to
exchange feedback. Sessions are generally based on
peer-to-peer learning, and sometimes professionals are invited to have special training.
Outcome of the Subject
School-conducted questionnaires survey the changes in students’ mindset. e first survey was in April
(beginning of the school year), and July (end of the first semester). ere were slight increases in “It is
important to learn about the world” and “It is important that schools should collaborate with communities
and society.”
With regards to students’ self-esteem and social-participation awareness, Ageo Higashi Junior High School
students show a higher rate than the average of Japanese youth attitude research. For example, in their
responses to the statements “I think I am valuable in society,” “I believe I can contribute to change society,
and “I am concerned about the future,” Ageo Higashi Junior High School students show slightly better
results than the average of Japan.
Graphs 8 and 9: First Changes of Students’ Awareness toward Society
Graphs 10, 11, and 12: Self-esteem of Junior High School Students in Comparison with Existing Research
Data: Japan Youth Research Institute, “Research Report on Junior and High-School Students’
Life and Attitude, 2009,” and Ageo Higashi Junior High School
roughout the observation, students’ social and citizenship awareness saw some behavioral changes:
watching news broadcasts, reading newspapers (and becoming interested in global issues and world news),
relating global issues to their lives, and so on. is happens to teachers as well. Teachers were also challenged
to organize the new attempts, and gradually became confident and excited to have the class. rough
the periodical surveys, most of the teachers were at first confused, and felt difficulty and concern, but
gradually changed to “relieved,” “fun,” and “excited.” Together with the positive changes, teachers’ global
awareness and behavior made progress. Comments from teachers imply that their attitude shifted from
“teaching to learning.” ey became aware of global issues, related social issues in the classroom, listened to
students’ voices and learned from them, learned new teaching pedagogies, and experienced excitement to
seek questions with no correct answer.
(2) Case 2. OECD Tohoku School Program (outside-school activity)
On the occasion of the official visit of the Secretary-General of OECD, Mr. Angel Gurria offered OECD’s
commitment to the recovery of Tohoku (northern) region from the Great East Japan Earthquake. In
cooperation with MEXT and Fukushima University, OECD Tohoku School was established to support the
education recovery of the region.
Objectives and Expected Growth
OECD Tohoku School is an “educational project to foster a workforce that can lead the local recovery
from the Great East Japan Earthquake.” e objectives of the project are recovery from the disaster,
and more importantly, “opening a new way for the future.” is program aims not only at fostering key
players for recovery but also at forming an “unprecedented inter-regional network” to create a bridge to
education reform.
rough the two-and-a-half-year project, students are expected to develop “capabilities for driving
innovation, leadership, creativity, planning, critical and constructive thinking, getting things done,
negotiation, cooperation” and global competencies.
Pedagogies and Concept
is project is project-based learning. One hundred students from junior high schools and high schools
in disaster areas in Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate prefectures gather for the preparatory intensive training
sessions, and work together for their mission to produce an event in Paris to showcase the wonders of the
Tohoku region to the world.
e trainings are a competencies-based education program, focusing on development of students’
competencies mentioned above. e project consists of various types of experiential learning: workshops,
art workshop, dialogue, interview, research project, and so on.
e project consists of five intensive training schools, regional
schools, thematic group activities, and the event in Paris.
ere are also associated events and attendance at the OECD
Forum (representatives participated).
(i) Intensive Schools
Intensive schools started with the project mission “In
2014 from Paris to the World, appeal to the Wonders
of Tohoku.” e sessions’ contents are lectures,
presentations, discussion sessions, thematic workshops,
research, charity events, and events organizing.
(ii) Regional Schools
Regional schools are held twice a month, as
extracurricular activities. e aim is to plan, and to practice their recovery plans.
(iii) ematic Activities
Students are divided into several groups to organize the Paris event. Each student belongs to
a group: scenario group, public-private-academic partnership group, public relations group,
documentary group.
(iv) WA—e Rebirth of Tohoku in Paris
is is the goal of the project. Students go through
five intensive trainings and regional schools, thematic
group activities, and related activities for the success of
the event.
(v) Related Events and Activities
ere are related activities and events that students
join—e.g., fundraising event, preliminary visit to Paris,
open rehearsal, and an invitation to the OECD Forum
in 2014 to deliver speeches and presentations.
Chart 11: Schedule of OECD Tohoku School
e project set its KPI (Key Performance Indicators) of the OECD Tohoku School, from self-evaluation of
its growth. e results are as follows.
Chart 12: KPI of OECD Tohoku School
Source: OECD Tohoku School Report, 2014
rough the two-and-a-half-year project, 100 students’ self-evaluation showed its growth in each
indicator. All of the indices show significant development: curiosity, ideas, teamwork, management skills,
problem-solving skills, communication skills, skills that involve people, empowerment skills, and global
communication skills. Most of the students’ beginning self-evaluation was lower around levels 1–2, and it
grew up to levels 3.5–4.5 at the end of the project.
e growth factor analysis conducted by organizers indicates interaction with students from different regions
(71% average), interaction with students of different ages (56% average), and discussions and activities
about the region’s future (54% average) in each level. is project succeeded in proving that interactive
learning has strong impacts on students’ competencies and their self-confidence.
Graph 13: Growth Factor Analysis of OECD Tohoku School
Source: OECD Tohoku School Report, 2014
(3) Case 3. GiFT’s Global Citizenship Education Program “Diversity Voyage” (outside of jurisdiction)
GiFT has been engaging in the promotion of global citizenship (in other words, global awareness) with
the cooperation of MEXT and MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in Japan, providing in-house, outside-
school training as well as training programs outside Japan. e objective of GiFT’s program is to nurture
the citizens who participate in the society by taking responsibility for their actions, and to foster citizens
who can create new values with diversity (people with diversified backgrounds).
Its programs are organized for developing participants’ competencies, values, and attributes mainly related
to personal values and the affective domain such as self-understanding, collaboration with others, social
responsibility, understanding of the social, cultural, and natural environment, problem-finding and
problem-solving skills, and so on.
GiFT’s training structure is based on four key elements to foster global citizenship:
(i) Grounding: Understanding and accepting self
(ii) Connecting: Understanding others with empathy
(iii) Co-creating: Co-creating for the collaboration
(iv) Participation: Participating/contributing to society for a better future
Chart 13: GiFT’s Global Citizenship Promotion Processes
By processing through those four competency fields, GiFT aims to promote students to become able to
work together with diverse people, to accept and respect each other, to act and behave as a member of global
society, and finally to create new values with active participation in the society.
GiFT Diversity Voyage Program (Collaboration with Universities or High Schools)
e “Diversity Voyage” program is an experiential learning and participatory educational program designed
for the promotion of global citizenship awareness. e program is a short-term (9–10 days) intensive
program, which takes place in one of the South East Asian countries. It targets students who have no or few
experiences in overseas countries, with the aims of:
(a) To encourage students to challenge themselves in an overseas country in the future
(b) To raise awareness of being a “global citizen” through interaction/dialogue with local students
(c) To mobilize students toward social participation/contribution
Overview of the Program
During the program, participants engage in a project with local students and present possible solutions or
proposals at the end of the program. e project assignments are given by a partner organization (generally
a social entrepreneur working on the social issues in the community), and the assignments are based on
the real issues and challenges that the entrepreneur is actually tackling. Japanese students will work with
local students and the partner organization for the entire 9–10 days, make on-site visits to communities
to have dialogue with local people, listen to their voices and analyze the situation, and discuss the possible
proposals to present as a gift to the local community. However, the program does not only focus on project
output. e goal of the program is their learning and the development of their competencies related to the
awareness of global citizenship through the project work.
The entire program is organized and conducted by professional facilitator(s), initiating deep
dialogue to maximize people’s empathy and facilitating project design and reflection from their
daily learning experiences.
Pedagogies and Learning Concept
GiFT’s training programs are organized with various learning approaches—e.g., experiential learning,
self-directed learning, peer-to-peer learning, coaching, and service learning. e Diversity Voyage
program structure is based on a combination of project-based learning and “personal story” dialogue-
based learning. rough sharing personal stories (success, failure, tough times, and stories of how
they faced the challenges), students will get inspired by others, and understand individual values with
empathy, which leads to deepen their learning and create mutual trust, as well as impact personal values.
It is the belief that heart-to-heart interaction affects the formation of personal values, the development of
personal attributes, and human behavior, as researched by OECD, “Skills for Social Progress—e Power
of Social and Emotional Skills” (2015).
Structure of the Program
Diversity Voyage is organized with various stakeholders:
(i) GiFT diversity facilitators (bilingual facilitators who create a participatory, experiential learning
environment and deal with diversity among individuals)
(ii) Japanese students (approximately 20 students)
(iii) Local students (approximately 10–20 students)
(iv) e local community
(v) Social entrepreneur working for the local community
Chart 14: Structure and Concept of Diversity Voyage
Program contents are designed with these components.
(a) Connecting: for Building Mutual Trust
Students from Japan and the destination country are divided into several groups, each working
on the real project that the social entrepreneur is engaged with. Participants first listen to
individual personal stories to understand and accept others, and listen to the social entrepreneur
and local people’s stories and the background of their challenges and issues.
(b) Understand the Background of the Project
Second, students learn the background of the project. Listening to the social entrepreneur’s story,
they understand why he or she is working on the development of the community. en students
have a dialogue with local stakeholders and beneficiaries to understand the system and the reality.
(c) Group Work (Co-creation with Others)
e main component of the program is teamwork. Students will engage in discussion and
dialogue among themselves and with others, working together to conduct research and listening
to the local community. Participants will present a “gift”—sometimes possible solutions and
sometimes things they learned from the community—at the end of the program.
(d) Reflection from Experiences
Students will reflect on their learning and feelings at the end of the day so that they have a sense
of responsibility for the community’s issues and challenges, and to face themselves. e reflection
plays an important role for students to realize the values of social participation/contribution.
Outcome of the Program
Since its commencement, Diversity Voyage programs have had approximately 300 participants from six
countries. Participants’ experience and learning vary in each country, thus cannot be easily evaluated.
Nevertheless, according to the students’ self-assessment, their competencies have progressed by the end of
the program.
GiFT’s global citizenship self-assessment consists of four components with 24 questions to assess individual
growth: understanding self, understanding others, collaboration (co-creation), and awareness of social
participation or contribution. Each pillar consists of personal attributes and values that are expected for the
citizen who creates value for society. is assessment covers Japans 21st century competencies, especially
the category of “practical ability to act for the world.” For example, the assessment covers “independence
and autonomous action” (self-understanding, self-responsibility, judgment), “relationship building”
(collaboration, expression, sensitivity, establishing good relationships with others), and “responsibility
for building a sustainable future” (understanding of society, rights, culture, and natural environment,
application of knowledge, and problem-finding and problem-solving skills).
Graph 14 shows the change in students’ self-evaluation. All of the pillars show growth both in Japanese
students and in overseas students. ere is a tendency for self-understanding to be lower than the other
components in both sets of participants. Japanese students have less confidence in co-creation (collaboration)
with others and their mindset toward social participation (contribution). At the end of the program, most
of the students showed growth in all pillars, and the level of self-awareness was the same. Japanese students
demonstrated remarkable growth in self-understanding and social participation. In particular, Japanese
students became confident to “work with multinational teams,” to “communicate with others with language
and other means,” and to be able to be “aware of the relation between self and the society (world)” and “to
draw the image of a global citizen.”
Graph 14: Changes in Participants’ Four Pillars of Competencies
(Left: Japanese students, Right: overseas students)
Source: GiFT’s Diversity Voyage Participants’ Self-assessment
is program successfully showed that non-formal education can contribute to motivating students to
become proactive, and to gain self-confidence regardless of their country of origin. Although it should be
thoroughly researched, there are indications that participants of the Diversity Voyage program proactively
engage in various activities and further their social contribution, such as study abroad, organizing student
events, volunteering, establishing student organizations, going back to the community for further
volunteer activities.
Chapter 5:
Issues and Challenges
is paper has followed how future education in Japan is formed with the concept relevant to 21st century
competencies from the system level into the classroom. e combination of a revision of the Course of Study
and national-level university entrance exam reform would accelerate to advance competencies-based education
for building a better future. However, there are concerns and challenges to be seriously considered: a balance
among academic performance, thinking ability, and creation of personal quality.
Since the official appearance of “active learning,” schools and teachers have given increasing attention to the
new learning methodologies. Some of them are confused, concerned, or excited, or have refused to mainstream
the new methodologies into the classroom. A rising concern is that active learning might be an objective of the
classroom, but in fact, active learning should be “tools” for variation and the enhancement of student active
engagement. In addition, the term “active learning” could be new to teachers but in reality, teachers and schools
have organized “active” learning in their “traditional” classroom activities (i.e., special activities, integrated
studies, and extracurricular activities).
Active learning itself may encourage students to learn proactively, but it is important that learning should always
be accompanied by sufficient knowledge and thinking ability. Kariya (2002) stressed that student-centered
education does not always bring about a positive outcome in academic performance, stressing that some
experimental outcomes are not always applicable to the whole society. Loveless (1998) analyzed the failure of
progressive education reform in California. California “profoundly” changed “traditional” teaching to “holistic”
teaching, and it resulted in the lowest performance in the 1994 National Assessment of Education Progress.
e reform regarded “instruction focused on specific objectives, assignments featuring drill and practice, and
expecting student mastery” as presumably bad. We should bear in mind that thorough research shall be needed
before implementing “active learning” in schools, analyzing how it is effective to whom, what is effective to
motivate students to learn, and how best we can maximize students’ academic performance. Active learning
could be discouraging students to learn and making students more “passive,” unless their knowledge and
thinking ability are sufficient. ere are no “one-size-fits-all” policy and practices.
Second, in order to achieve the ambitious vision, the development of school capability and teachers’ competencies
is essential. In the latest statement by the Minister for Education, Mr. Hase, he announced that education in Japan
would pursue both higher academic performance as well as depth of learning. MEXT has tried to implement
active learning in the classroom for deeper learning and for the development of students’ competencies, which
also depends on teachers’ capabilities.
e objectives of an “active” interactive classroom are to mobilize students to be proactive learners, not making
students “passive” by applying a fixed set of patterns. As previously mentioned, active learning does not always
work well in the classroom, and the creation of a proactive atmosphere depends on teachers’ competencies.
erefore, teachers should be competent enough to conduct and apply active learning pedagogies.
Teachers should be familiar with the curriculum design as well as the classroom design and evaluation, and
teachers should consider how they can best conduct lectures with traditional methods and learning. We must
recognize that the traditional-style classroom has already proved that Japanese students have the highest standards
of academic ability and thinking ability, which teachers should be proud of.
ere was a period of change in classroom teaching between 2002 and 2010. It was the period when Integrated
Studies became an official subject, which generally requires an “active”-style classroom. Despite the expectation
of MEXT, drastic changes in teaching methodologies did not happen.
Graph 15: Changes in Classroom Teaching, 2002–2010
(Junior High School)
Source: 5th Basic Survey on School Education (2010) data extracted from junior high school survey,
Benesse Educational Research and Development Institute
Recent research conducted by Benesse (2015) shows that active learning is already embedded in the classroom
at the primary and junior high school level. Additionally, those classes practicing active-style learning perform
generally better than those not practicing it (except for mathematics in primary and junior high schools, and
science in junior high schools).
Question: In your classroom, did you organize agenda/goal setting, discussion and summary,
presentations among students?
Primary School Junior High School
Graphs 16 and 17: Relation between the Proactive Classroom and Average Percentage of Correct Answers
Source: Benesse (2015), “Survey on Learning Conditions and Academic Performance”
MEXT’s research shows that 48.9% of primary schools and 45.7% of junior high schools conduct active learning
in the classroom; meanwhile, high school results vary depending on the course.
High School Level
Graphs 18, 19, and 20: Rate of Schools Adopting Active Learning in Primary, Junior High, and High Schools
Source: MEXT
is result does not imply that active learning was completely successful in making students active and it
does not always mean that all teachers are familiar with the concept, pedagogies, and evaluation, hence the
development of teachers’ skills and qualities matters for further integration.
(1) Fundamental Reform of School Management System
Lastly, reform of school management will be the key driver for the advancement of 21st century competencies
and the mainstreaming of the new Course of Study. Teachers have become busier than before, as previously
mentioned; and the roles of school are changing. According to the Cabinet Office report, on teachers’ time
spent having external training, each school’s average working hours per week was 1,144 hours 36 minutes
(school size of 20 teachers) in 2006, which is 120 hours more than in 1966. Teachers’ time spent for
training declined by 70% from 1966. is tendency may hinder the development of teachers’ competencies
and the advancement of competencies-based education.
MEXT distributed “the guideline of school management improvement” in 2015, in order for teachers to
have more focus on classroom teaching–related tasks. However, it is doubtful if the guideline works and is
feasible. One of the reasons that teachers are busier is MEXT’s and the regional boards of education’s reform
plan and policies, and their research and surveys. Various surveys, including MEXT’s survey, suggest that
teachers feel burdened by the referrals and inquiries from the government and from research institutes. e
more that teachers’ and schools’ roles expand, the greater their responsibilities and the more accountability
is needed.
e guideline suggests the use of ICT tools for smooth and faster administration; however, the budget to
install ICT devices and software is limited, the government has strict security policies that cause a restriction
of technology (it is reasonable that schools deal with sensitive personal information), and more importantly,
teachers do not have sufficient time to learn new technology due to their hectic schedules. Additionally,
the current government administration and documentation management are paper-based according to the
regulations under the central and local governments.
e government should seriously consider and put more priority on the school management system and
teachers’ busyness. Schools will need more administrative staff (administrative staff has decreased 25% in
junior high schools and 28% in high schools). I strongly believe that those small, tiny improvements will
contribute to the effectiveness of the working environment, governance, and work-style (revision of the
decision-making process).
Chapter 6:
Conclusions and Suggested Proposals
In summary, this paper explored the transition of recent education reforms, from the beginning concept “Zest
for Life” to the new Course of Study, and its policies and institutional supports to advance a learning shift to
the 21st century. Zest for Life has been the central concept for education in Japan, a visionary ahead of current
competencies discussion at the global level. e growth of competencies, particularly in the affective domain,
has been a central objective for centuries, as in other East Asian countries.
Currently, the Central Council for Education has been discussing a new Course of Study, which is expected
to become competencies-based education curriculum guidelines. e government of Japan is determined to
bring learning innovation to pursue higher academic performance as well as to envision fostering students with
desirable qualities and abilities. Active learning is expected to accelerate the learning shift into classrooms.
Since the implementation of Zest for Life and its subordinate goals (maturity of intelligence, physical strength,
and ethics, with development of competencies therein) were introduced, Japan was confronted with challenges
for its mainstreaming. ere have been gradual changes seen in primary and junior high schools, although there
has been no significant progress seen in 20 years, especially in high schools. Additionally, Japans international
academic performance dropped, the economy stagnated, and a steep decline in population made Japan review
its previous education reform.
In order to tackle the situation, the government of Japan decided to reform the national-level university entrance
exams (from multiple-choice to inquiry-based questions) and to smooth the connection from high schools
to universities so that schools can put a new Course of Study into practice to shift their learning style into
competencies-based learning.
is paper mainly highlighted teachers’ hectic schedule. e roles of schools have expanded, and teachers
responsibilities have also expanded; a decline in administrative staff automatically forced teachers into school
management and lost their opportunities for competencies development. e situation may bring concerns
of failure of the learning shift. Active learning in reality is to make students proactive learners, but if teachers
do not have opportunities to master the learning, teachers are unintentionally creating “passive learners” by
applying a fixed set of patterns through active learning classes.
Public needs and local needs are supporting the learning shift; growth of competencies will contribute to local
and regional society. Schools have easier access to various stakeholders for the provision of learning opportunities.
(1) Possible Advocacy
roughout the research, there are some possible proposals to be discussed for the better advancement of
the 21st century competencies framework.
(i) Review the framework of 21st century competencies (practical ability to act for the world).
(a) e current proposed 21st century competencies tend to focus on employability (and skill sets),
but should pay more attention to personal attributes and the formation of personal values. As
Cummings (2014) indicated, Japans education policy is strongly influenced by the conservative
ruling party, and it is reasonable that the framework puts emphasis on employability and its
background context to “survive” in a changing, globalizing, and uncertain world. However, we
also have to think about students’ freedom of choice, not only fostering students to contribute to
Japanese society but at the same time we have the responsibility to cultivate global citizens to “act
for the sustainable world.” erefore, the 21st century competencies should be broadly discussed
on the basis of global public benefit.
(b) Previous discussions always considered “globalization” and acting for the world, but the current
framework does not explicitly clarify “global competencies.” “Global competencies” shall be
desirable competencies and would need further discussion, whether they should stand as a pillar
or constituent of the 21st century competencies framework such as “global citizenship” stated in
the transversal competencies proposed by UNESCO.
(c) As Abiko (2014) suggests, the Central Council for Education should discuss “values” and the
formation of personal values. e concept of ESD as such plays a role for the formation of
personal values but it is within the category of “practical ability to act for the world.” ESD and
global citizenship can stand up on the higher level of the discussed competencies; it contributes
to control personal behavior and to develop competencies such as self-restriction and judgment.
(ii) Provide policy-level support for teachers’ development: increase the number of teachers going to
postgraduate-level training; recruit teachers who have sufficient expertise in other sectors with flexible
promotion and salary scales.
(iii) Have more autonomy for local government to implement their education policies in order to best
advance 21st century competencies at the school level.
ere are research opportunities to look in depth at the advancement of 21st century competencies in cities—
e.g., the difference between the expected competencies in big cities and in local (rural) cities; statistical analyses
of schools from 47 prefectures to see how 21st century competencies are received and understood; panel analyses
of the effectiveness of traditional classrooms and active learning in terms of self-confidence, a proactive attitude,
and academic performance; and comparison of the effectiveness of competencies-based education in low and
high achievers.
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... This is particularly evident in several Asian countries or regionsnotably China, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. There has been a significant body of literature produced by Asian researchers that describes how twenty-first century competencies are 'recontextualised' into educational policies, translated into comprehensive plans for implementation, and taught in schools and classrooms in various Asian contexts (e.g., Chen and Huang, 2017;Cheng 2017;Kim and Eom 2017;Kimura and Tatsuno 2017;Lin and Zheng, 2021;Tan and Choo et al 2017;Tan and Koh et al;Wei et al 2020). However, researchers have seldom questioned the basic assumptions underpinning the competency discourse and the ways of recontextualising and translating twenty-first century competencies into the curriculum. ...
... Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has been promoting 21 st Century learning and skills-based education [1]. In 2018, MEXT introduced the Period for Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Study for inquiry-based learning. ...
... Demikian pula halnya di negara-negara rumpun Asia seperti Jepang dimana kerangka pendidikan abad 21 telah mulai diperkenalkan sejak tahun 1998 dalam konsep yang disebut "Zest for Life" dan didasarkan pada prinsip tradisional Chi-Toku-Tai (kecakapan akademis, moral, fisik, dan kesehatan mental) (Kimura & Tatsuno, 2017), dan di China dimana konsepsi perubahan paradigma pendidikan nasional China menurut Law (2011), telah berubah dari Comprehensive subjectspecific curricula (kecheng) menuju prescriptive "teaching plans" (jiaoxue dagang) dan dilanjutkan menuju experimental" curriculum standards (shiyan gao) dengan basis pendidikan abad 21. ...
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Buku ini ditulis dengan tujuan menambah literatur mengenai pentingnya keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi di abad 21 yang penuh dengan persaingan dan kompleksitas. Sasaran utama dari penulisan buku ini adalah para guru maupun calon guru, peneliti, maupun akademisi yang berkecimpung dalam kajian pendidikan abad 21 dan pembelajaran berpikir tingkat tinggi. Lahirnya buku ini berawal dari hasil kajian penulis tentang sejumlah dokumen yang menjabarkan tentang konsep pendidikan abad 21. Sejumlah buku seperti Partnership of 21st century skills (P21), enGauge of 21st century skills, Assesment and Teaching 21st century skills, National Education Technology Standards dan Assement and Teaching 21st Century Skills menjadi dasar dikembangkannya buku ini. Tidak lupa pula penulis mengkaji bagaimana posisi pendidikan abad 21 di Indonesia yang sebagian besar tertuang dalam dokumen BSNP tahun 2010 tentang pendidikan abad 21 di Indonesia. Hasil kajian inilah yang kemudian menjadi bahan renungan bagi penulis untuk merumuskan kembali tentang bagaimana mengaplikasikan temu¬an dari sejumlah dokumen tersebut ke dalam satu rancangan pendidikan abad 21 di Indonesia dan pengimplementasiannya dalam bentuk model pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran yang diimplementasikan ini disebut model Stimulasi Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi (Stim-HOTs). Guna menambah khasanah literasi tentang kajian berpikir tingkat tinggi, penulis juga melakukan kajian sistematis tentang berbagai bentuk taksonomi berpikir baik pada aspek level of knowledge, berpikir kritis, berpikir kreatif, maupun pemecahan masalah. Hasil kajian ini menunjukan terdapat 21 bentuk taksonomi berpikir tingkat tinggi. Penulis menyadari bahwa kajian dalam buku ini belumlah sempurna. Oleh karena itu, masukan, saran, dan kritik sangat diharapkan guna penyepurnaan isi buku ini ke depannya. Kepada semua pihak yang membantu dan memungkinkan diterbitkannya buku ini, penulis ucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga.Akhir kata, semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua pembaca.
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Japan's school education system is highly structured and focused on academic excellence. Japanese education emphasises discipline, hard work, and respect for authority. The 12-year school education comprises elementary education of six years, lower secondary and upper secondary education of three years each. The ‘Zest for Life' is the most remarkable reform in Japanese school education, representing its ambition and commitment. Japanese curriculum aims to develop students' personalities to the fullest by striving to build a healthy human mind and body, love for truth, respect for individuals, the value of work, and a deep sense of responsibility and a spirit of independence as the builders of a peaceful country and society. Schooling in Japan is stressful (with a high suicide rate among students). High school and university entrance are highly competitive and based on academic performance and entrance examinations. Many students also attend private “cram schools” or ‘juku' to supplement their education and improve their chances of success.
The shift of focus by all government institutions to recognizing the importance of STEM/STEAM learning connected with STEM area innovation after the release of the Science & Technology Basic Plan of 2016 represents a historic change. Accordingly, the New Course of Study, of which the development and implementation started in 2017, required a significant period of time to set down a new learning system for STEM/STEAM learning in accordance with the focus on twenty-first century skills and toward the goal of ushering in “Society 5.0.” This short chapter examines the status of research on Japanese pre-service and in-service science teachers’ preparation in STEM/STEAM learning. In one of the exemplary pre-service STEM/STEAM models, the graduate school of research on STEM/STEAM learning at Shizuoka University was set up mainly by aligning the Next Generation Science Standards learning model of the United States with Japanese contexts. At Shizuoka STEM Academy, funded by the Government of Japan, many challenging STEM learning contexts have been developed with university students that reflect pre-service STEM/STEAM education realities. All these trials are still starting points, however; within a few years, similar programs will expand to all the education systems of Japan.
The study aimed to measure the effect of digital pedagogical skills of mathematics teachers and their awareness on student learning performance. The cross-sectional survey design was used among 462 mathematics teachers in Nepal. Structural equation modeling and machine learning were the main statistical techniques used in the study. The findings indicate that teachers’ digital pedagogical skills were significantly low in internet surfing, using communication tools, subject-related applications, and the development of audiovisual instructional materials. Internet surfing skills and collaboration tools are significant predictors of policy and ethical digital awareness.
The History of Modern Japanese Education is the first analysis in any Western language of the creation of the Japanese national school system based primarily on Japanese-language documents, a major step forward in the scholarship on this important subject. So fresh and thorough, it is likely to be the definitive resource on the topic of the Japanese national school system for many decades to come.
A variety of perspectives exist on the evaluation of Japan’s educational reform of 2002, which has evolved since the 1980s. However, thus far, little attention has been paid to the emerging influence of civil society on educational policies and practices. This paper shows that the origin of the current educational reforms can be traced to reports prepared by various neo‐liberal/conservative business leaders and politicians. Further, it shows their privatization and decentralization principles happen to coincide with the increasing interest of progressive citizens’ groups and educators. Their impact on the Japanese education system remains latent, especially as more scepticism grows towards progressivism as a philosophy behind the current educational reform. However, the expanding civil society and new progressive education movements in Japan are trends worth exploring in the context of globalization at the grass‐roots level.
Designing Classes beyond "competency-based" classes (Competency-Base wo koeru jugyou zukuri)
  • T Abiko
Abiko, T. (2014) Designing Classes beyond "competency-based" classes (Competency-Base wo koeru jugyou zukuri). Tosyo Bunkasha.