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Dysregulation of immune response in patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China



Background: In December 2019, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan and rapidly spread throughout China. Methods: Demographic and clinical data of all confirmed cases with COVID-19 on admission at Tongji Hospital from January 10 to February 12, 2020, were collected and analyzed. The data of laboratory examinations, including peripheral lymphocyte subsets, were analyzed and compared between severe and non-severe patients. Results: Of the 452 patients with COVID-19 recruited, 286 were diagnosed as severe infection. The median age was 58 years and 235 were male. The most common symptoms were fever, shortness of breath, expectoration, fatigue, dry cough and myalgia. Severe cases tend to have lower lymphocytes counts, higher leukocytes counts and neutrophil-lymphocyte-ratio (NLR), as well as lower percentages of monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Most of severe cases demonstrated elevated levels of infection-related biomarkers and inflammatory cytokines. The number of T cells significantly decreased, and more hampered in severe cases. Both helper T cells and suppressor T cells in patients with COVID-19 were below normal levels, and lower level of helper T cells in severe group. The percentage of naïve helper T cells increased and memory helper T cells decreased in severe cases. Patients with COVID-19 also have lower level of regulatory T cells, and more obviously damaged in severe cases. Conclusions: The novel coronavirus might mainly act on lymphocytes, especially T lymphocytes. Surveillance of NLR and lymphocyte subsets is helpful in the early screening of critical illness, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.
762 • CID 2020:71 (1 August) • Qin etal
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Received 20 February 2020; editorial decision 4 March 2020; accepted 6 March 2020; published
online March 12, 2020.
aC. Q.and L.Z.contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence: D.-S. Tian, Department of Neurology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical
College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, P.R. China (tiands@ or
Clinical Infectious Diseases® 2020;71(15):762–8
© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society
of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail:
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa248
Dysregulation of Immune Response in Patients With
Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan,China
Chuan Qin,1,a Luoqi Zhou,1,a Ziwei Hu,1 Shuoqi Zhang,2 Sheng Yang,1 YuTao MD,3 Cuihong Xie,4 Ke Ma,5 Ke Shang,1 Wei Wang,1 and Dai-Shi Tian1
1Department of Neurology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 2Department of Radiology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical
College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 3Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University
of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 4Department of Emergency Medicine, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, and
5Department of Infectious Diseases, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Background. In December 2019, coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan and rapidly spread throughout China.
Methods. Demographic and clinical data of all conrmed cases with COVID-19 on admission at Tongji Hospital from 10
January to 12 February 2020 were collected and analyzed. e data on laboratory examinations, including peripheral lymphocyte
subsets, were analyzed and compared between patients with severe and nonsevere infection.
Results. Of the 452 patients with COVID-19 recruited, 286 were diagnosed as having severe infection. e median age was
58years and 235 were male. e most common symptoms were fever, shortness of breath, expectoration, fatigue, dry cough, and my-
algia. Severe cases tend to have lower lymphocyte counts, higher leukocyte counts and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), as well
as lower percentages of monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Most severe cases demonstrated elevated levels of infection-related
biomarkers and inammatory cytokines. e number of T cells signicantly decreased, and were more impaired in severe cases.
Both helper T () cells and suppressor T cells in patients with COVID-19 were below normal levels, with lower levels of  cells in
the severe group. e percentage of naive  cells increased and memory  cells decreased in severe cases. Patients with COVID-19
also have lower levels of regulatory T cells, which are more obviously decreased in severe cases.
Conclusions. e novel coronavirus might mainly act on lymphocytes, especially T lymphocytes. Surveillance of NLR and lym-
phocyte subsets is helpful in the early screening of critical illness, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19.
Keywords. lymphocyte subsets; T lymphocyte; immune response; COVID-19.
The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coro-
navirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which first emerged in Wuhan in
December 2019, has rapidly spread throughout China in the
past 2 months [1, 2]. Considering the ongoing outbreak in
China and fast worldwide spread of SARS-Cov-2 caused co-
ronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), it has led to the declaration of
a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the
World Health Organization (WHO) on 30 January 2020 [3].
As of 16 February 2020, a total of 58 182 laboratory-confirmed
cases have been identified in China (primarily in Wuhan),
with 1696 fatal cases, according to the data from Chinese gov-
ernment official reports [2].
It has been reported that COVID-19 was more likely to occur in
older men with comorbidities [1, 4, 5], who have weaker immune
functions. As a new type of highly contagious disease in human,
the pathophysiology of unusually high pathogenicity for COVID-
19 has not yet been completely understood. Several studies have
shown that increased amounts of proinammatory cytokines in
serum were associated with pulmonary inammation and ex-
tensive lung damage in SARS [6] and middle east respiratory
syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection [7], and recently
in COVID-19 [1]. However, little is known about lymphocyte
subsets and the immune response of patients with COVID-19.
is retrospective, single-center study aimed to analyze the
expression of infection-related biomarkers, inammatory cyto-
kines, and lymphocyte subsets by ow cytometry in laboratory-
conrmed cases, and compare the dierence between severe
cases and nonseverecases.
Study Design and Participants
We retrospectively recruited a total of 452 patients with
COVID-19 from 10 January to 12 February 2020 at Tongji
Hospital, the largest comprehensive medical treatment center
of central China and “the specific hospital for the treatment of
severe patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan” designated by the
government. The study was performed in accordance with
Tongji Hospital Ethics Committee (Institutional Review Board
ID: TJ-C20200121). Written informed consent was waived by
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Dysregulation of Immunity in COVID-19 • CID 2020:71 (1 August) • 763
the Ethics Commission of the designated hospital for emerging
infectious disease.
e severity of COVID-19 was judged according to the Fih
Revised Trial Version of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
Diagnosis and Treatment Guidance [8]. ose who met the fol-
lowing criteria were dened as having severe-type infection: (1)
respiratory distress with a respiratory rate over 30 breaths per
minute, (2) oxygen saturation ≤93% in the resting state, and (3)
arterial blood oxygen partial pressure (PaO2) /oxygen concen-
tration (FiO2) ≤300mm Hg.
Data Collection
Data including demographic data, medical history, symptoms,
signs, and laboratory findings were collected from patients’ med-
ical records. Laboratory results included blood routine, lym-
phocyte subsets, infection-related biomarkers, inflammatory
cytokines, immunoglobulins, and complement proteins. The total
number of lymphocytes in peripheral blood was counted by he-
mocytometer. Lymphocyte subset percentage were analyzed with
a FA CSCanto flow cytometer(BD, Franklin Lakes, USA) for those
patients with COVID-19 on admission [9]. The absolute numbers
of different lymphocyte subsets were calculated by multiplying the
percentages with total lymphocyte count. Phorbol 12-Myristate
13-Acetate (PMA)/ionomycin-stimulated lymphocyte function
assay was performed as described previously [10]. The percent-
ages of interferon-γ (IFN-γ)–positive cells in different cell subsets
were defined as the active parts of these immune cells. The data
were reviewed by a trained team of physicians in Tongji Hospital.
Real-time Reverse Transcriptase–Polymerase Chain ReactionAssay
A confirmed COVID-19 case was defined as positive for real-time
reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay
for nasal and pharyngeal swab specimens according to the WHO
guidance. On receipt of the samples, viral RNA extraction was
performed using a magnetic viral RNA/DNA extraction kit on a
PAN9600 Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction System (Tianlong,
Xi’an, China), according to the manufacturer’s instructions, fol-
lowed by PCR screening for the presence of specific 2019-nCoV
with a commercial kit (Tianlong, Xi’an, China) in a volume of
25μL PCR mixture containing 17.5μL reaction solution, 1.5μL
probes, 1.5 μL thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase, and
5 μL nucleic acid. Conditions for the amplifications include re-
verse transcription at 50°C for 30 minutes, predenaturation at
95°C for 10 minutes, followed by 5 cycles of 94°C for 15 seconds,
50°C for 30 seconds and 72°C for 30 seconds, and 40 cycles of 94°C
for 10 seconds and 58°C for 30 seconds for fluorescence detection.
Acycle threshold value (Ct value) ≤37 was defined as a positive
test, which was based on the recommendation by the National
Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention (China).
Statistical Analysis
We describe the categorical variables as frequency rates and per-
centages and continuous variables as means and SDs, medians
and interquartile ranges (IQRs). Independent-group t tests were
used for the comparison of means for continuous variables that
were normally distributed; conversely, the Mann-Whitney U
test was used for continuous variables not normally distrib-
uted. Proportions for categorical variables were compared using
the χ
2 test. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 20.0 soft-
ware (SPSS, Inc). Two-sided P values of less than .05 were con-
sidered statistically significant.
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients With COVID-19
By 12 February 2020, 452 consecutive patients with COVID-
19 on admission to hospitalization at Tongji Hospital were
recruited in this study, 286 (63.3%) of whom were clinically
diagnosed as having severe infection. Demographic and clinical
characteristics of the 452 patients with COVID-19 was shown
in Table 1.In total, the median age was 58years (IQR, 47–67;
range, 22–95years) and 235 (52.0%) were men. Compared with
patients with nonsevere infection, patients with severe infection
were significantly older (median age, 61 [IQR, 51–69] years vs
53 [IQR, 41–62] years; P < .001). The proportion of men in
the severe group (54.2% men) were not significantly different
from the nonsevere group. Of the 452 patients with COVID-
19, 201 (44.0%) patients had chronic diseases (ie, hyperten-
sion, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and a
higher percentage in the severe cases (146 [51.0%]) than in the
mild cases (55 [33.1%]). And those patients with severe infec-
tion were significantly more likely to have concomitant hyper-
tension and cardiovascular diseases (36.7% vs 18.1%; P < .001;
and 8.4% vs 1.8%; P = .004; respectively). The most common
symptoms were fever (92.6%), shortness of breath (50.8%), ex-
pectoration (41.4%), fatigue (46.4%), dry cough (33.3%), and
myalgia (21.4%). Moreover, patients with severe infection were
significantly more likely to have shortness of breath and fatigue
(58.4% vs 39.2%; P < .001; and 51.4% vs 39.2%; P = .014; re-
spectively) than patients with nonsevere infection.
Blood Cell Counts, Infection-Related Biomarkers, Inflammatory Cytokines,
Immunoglobulins, and Complement Proteins in Patients With COVID-19
Table2 presents the laboratory findings in patients with COVID-
19. Among 452 patients who underwent laboratory examinations
on admission, most of them tended to have lymphopenia, higher
infection-related biomarkers (ie, procalcitonin, erythrocyte sedi-
mentation rate, serum ferritin, and C-reactive protein), and sev-
eral elevated inflammatory cytokines (ie, tumor necrosis factor
[TNF-α], interleukin [IL]-2R and IL-6), and there were numerous
differences in blood cell counts and infection-related biomarkers
between the severe group and the nonsevere group. Severe cases
had higher leukocyte (5.6 vs 4.9 × 109; P < .001) and neutrophil
(4.3 vs 3.2 × 109; P < .001) counts, lower lymphocytes counts (0.8 vs
1.0 × 109; P < .001), a higher neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR;
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764 • CID 2020:71 (1 August) • Qin etal
5.5 vs 3.2; P < .001), as well as lower percentages of monocytes (6.6
vs 8.4 %; P < .001), eosinophils (0.0 vs 0.2%; P < .001), and basophils
(0.1 vs 0.2%; P = .015). Compared with the nonsevere group, most
of severe cases demonstrated elevated levels of infection-related
biomarkers, including procalcitonin (0.1 vs 0.05ng/mL; P < .001),
serum ferritin (800.4 vs 523.7ng/mL; P < .001), and C-reactive pro-
tein (57.9 vs 33.2mg/L; P < .001). Several inflammatory cytokines
were also elevated in severe cases compared with the nonsevere
cases, including IL-2R (757.0 vs 663.5 U/mL; P = .001), IL-6 (25.2
vs 13.3 pg/mL; P < .001), IL-8 (18.4 vs 13.7 pg/mL; P < .001),
IL-10 (6.6 vs 5.0 pg/mL; P < .001), and TNF-α (8.7 vs 8.4 pg/mL;
P = .037). Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, and IgM) and complement
proteins (C3 and C4) in patients with COVID-19 were within the
normal range. There were no significant differences in the levels of
IgA, IgG, and complement proteins C3 or C4 between the mild and
severe groups, while IgM was slightly decreased in severecases.
Lymphocyte Subset Analysis in Patients With COVID-19
Lymphocyte subsets were analyzed in 44 patients with COVID-
19 on admission (Table3). The total number of B cells, T cells,
and natural killer (NK) cells were significantly decreased in pa-
tients with COVID-19 (852.9/μL), which was more evident in
the severe cases (743.6 vs 1020.1/μL; P = .032) compared with
the nonsevere group. The mean values of the 3 main subsets of
lymphocytes were generally decreased in patients with COVID-
19, as T cells and NK cells were below normal levels and B cells
were within the lower level of normal range. T cells were shown
to be more affected by SARS-CoV-2 as T-cell count was nearly
half the lower reference limit, and tended to be more impaired
in severe cases (461.6 vs 663.8/μL; P = .027) when compared
with the nonseveregroup.
e function of CD4+, CD8+ T cells, and NK cells, as indi-
cated by PMA/ionomycin-stimulated IFN-γ–positive cells in
Table 1. Demographic and Baseline Characteristics of Patients With COVID-19
All Patients (N = 452) Nonsevere (n = 166) Severe (n = 286) P
Age, median (IQR), range, y 58 (47–67), 22–95 53 (41.25–62), 22–92 61 (51–69), 26–95 <.001
Sex .242
Male 235 (52.0) 80 (48.2) 155 (54.2)
Female 217 (48.0) 86 (51.8) 131 (45.8)
Smoking 7 (1.5) 4 (2.4) 3 (1.0) .267
Chronic medical illness
Any 201 (44.0) 55 (33.1) 146 (51.0) <.001
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 12 (2.6) 3 (1.8) 9 (3.1) .548
Hypertension 135 (29.5) 30 (18.1) 105 (36.7) <.001
Cardiovascular disease 27 (5.9) 3 (1.8) 24 (8.4) .004
Cerebrovascular disease 11 (2.4) 3 (1.8) 8 (2.8) .753
Chronic liver disease 6 (1.3) 3 (1.8) 3 (1.0) .674
Diabetes 75 (16.4) 22 (13.3) 53 (18.5) .152
Tuberculosis 9 (19.7) 2 (1.2) 7 (2.4) .496
Malignant tumor 14 (3.1) 4 (2.4) 10 (3.5) .587
Chronic kidney disease 10 (2.2) 4 (2.4) 6 (2.1) 1.000
Signs and symptoms
Fever 423 (92.6) 152 (91.6) 271 (94.8) .232
Dry cough 152 (33.3) 56 (33.7) 96 (33.6) 1.000
Expectoration 189 (41.4) 68 (41.0) 121 (42.3) .843
Hemoptysis 12 (2.6) 2 (1.2) 10 (3.5) .225
Shortness of breath 232 (50.8) 65 (39.2) 167 (58.4) <.001
Myalgia 98 (21.4) 32 (19.3) 66 (23.1) .407
Confusion 3 (0.7) 0 (0.0) 3 (1.0) .301
Headache 52 (11.4) 13 (7.8) 39 (13.6) .068
Dizziness 37 (8.1) 9 (5.4) 28 (9.8) . 112
Fatigue 212 (46.4) 65 (39.2) 147 (51.4) . 014
Rhinorrhea 8 (1.8) 2 (1.2) 6 (2.1) .716
Pharyngalgia 22 (4.8) 10 (6.0) 12 (4.2) .376
Anorexia 96 (21.0) 30 (18.1) 66 (23.1) .234
Nausea and vomiting 42 (9.2) 10 (6.0) 32 (11.2) .092
Diarrhea 122 (26.7) 44 (26.5) 78 (27.3) .913
Abdominal pain 23 (5.0) 4 (2.4) 19 (6.6) .073
Data are median (IQR), n (%), in which N is the total number of patients with available data. P values comparing severe and nonsevere cases are derived from χ
2 test, Fisher’ exact test,
or Mann-Whitney U test.
Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus 2019; IQR, interquartile range.
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Table 2. Laboratory Findings of Patients With COVID-19
Laboratory Findings Normal Range All Patients (N = 452) Nonsevere (n = 166) Severe (n = 286) P
Blood routine
Leucocytes, ×109/L 3.5–9.5 5.3 (3.9–7.5) 4.9 (3.7–6.1) 5.6 (4.3–8.4) <.001
Neutrophils, ×109/L 1.8–6.3 3.9 (2.6–5.8) 3.2 (2.1–4.4) 4.3 (2.9–7.0) <.001
Neutrophil percentage, % 40.0–75.0 74.3 (64.3–83.9) 67.5 (57.8–75.8) 77.6 (68.9–86.5) <.001
Lymphocytes, ×109/L 1.1–3.2 0.9 (0.6–1.2) 1.0 (0.7–1.3) 0.8 (0.6–1.1) <.001
Lymphocyte percentage, % 20.0–50.0 17.5 (10.7–25.1) 21.4 (15.3–32.5) 14.1(8.8–21.4) <.001
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio 4.2 (2.5–7.7) 3.2 (1.8–4.9) 5.5 (3.3–10.0) <.001
Monocytes, ×109/L 0.1–0.6 0.4 (0.3–0.5) 0.4 (0.3–0.5) 0.4 (0.3–0.5) .395
Monocyte percentage, % 3.0–10.0 7.1 (4.9–9.6) 8.4 (6.5–10.8) 6.6 (4.3–8.8) <.001
Eosinophils, ×109/L 0.02–0.52 0.0 (0.0–0.0) 0.0 (0.0–0.0) 0.0 (0.0–0.0) <.001
Eosinophil percentage, % 0.4–8.0 0.0 (0.0–0.4) 0.2 (0.0–0.7) 0.0 (0.0–0.2) <.001
Basophils, ×109/L 0.00–0.10 0.0 (0.0–0.0) 0.0 (0.0–0.0) 0.0 (0.0–0.0) .747
Basophil percentage, % 0.0–1.0 0.1 (0.1–0.2) 0.2 (0.0–0.3) 0.1 (0.0–0.2) .015
Infection-related biomarkers
Procalcitonin, ng/mL 0.0–0.05 0.1 (0.0–0.2) 0.05 (0.03–0.09) 0.1 (0.0–0.2) <.001
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, mm/h 0.0–15.0 31.5 (17.0–58.0) 28.0 (14.0–50.0) 34.0 (19.0–60.0) .123
Serum ferritin, ng/mL 15.0–150.0 662.4 (380.9–1311.9) 523.7 (299.1–840.4) 800.4 (452.9–1451.6) <.001
C-reactive protein, mg/L 0.0–1.0 44.1 (15.5–93.5) 33.2 (8.2–59.7) 57.9 (20.9–103.2) <.001
Inflammatory cytokines
Tumor necrosis factor-α, pg/mL 0.0–8.1 8.6 (6.9–10.9) 8.4 (6.9–10.4) 8.7 (7.1–11.6) .037
Interleukin-1β, pg/mL 0.0–5.0 5.0 (5.0–5.0) 5.0 (5.0–5.0) 5.0 (5.0–5.0) .962
Interleukin-2R, U/mL 223.0–710.0 714.5 (514.5–1040.3) 663.5 (473.3–862.8) 757.0 (528.5–1136.3) .001
Interleukin-6, pg/mL 0.0–7.0 21.0 (6.1–47.2) 13.3 (3.9–41.1) 25.2 (9.5–54.5) <.0 01
Interleukin-8, pg/mL 0.0–62.0 16.7 (10.2–27.0) 13.7 (8.9–21.0) 18.4 (11.3–28.4) <.001
Interleukin-10, pg/mL 0.0–9.1 5.4 (5.0–9.7) 5.0 (5.0–7.0) 6.6 (5.0–11.3) <.001
Immunoglobulin A, g/L 0.82–4.53 2.21 (1.65–2.79) 2.14 (1.66–2.71) 2.26 (1.57–2.89) .285
Immunoglobulin G, g/L 7.51–15.60 11.75 (9.70–13.60) 11.85 (10.13–13.40) 11.7 (9.53–13.8) .551
Immunoglobulin M, g/L 0.46–3.04 0.95 (0.70–1.31) 1.02 (0.77–1.37) 0.90 (0.69–1.28) .033
Complement proteins
C3, g/L 0.65–1.39 0.88 (0.77–1.00) 0.88 (0.77–1.00) 0.89 (0.77–1.00) .942
C4, g/L 0.16–0.38 0.26 (0.20–0.31) 0.26 (0.20–0.31) 0.26 (0.20–0.31) .851
Data are median (IQR). P values comparing severe and nonsevere cases are derived from χ
2 test, Fisher’ exact test, or Mann-Whitney U test.
Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus 2019; IQR, interquartile range.
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766 • CID 2020:71 (1 August) • Qin etal
these 3 subsets, was within the normal range. No signicant dif-
ferences were found between severe cases and nonseverecases.
We further analyzed dierent subsets of T cells. Both
helper T () cells (CD3+, CD4+) and suppressor T cells
(CD3+, CD8+) in patients with COVID-19 were below
normal levels, and the decline in  cells was more pro-
nounced in severe cases (285.1 vs 420.5/μL; P = .027). Asim-
ilar tendency was also shown in the decline in suppressor
T cells, although there was no statistical dierence between
mild and severe cases (P = .197). e  and suppressor T
ratio (/Ts) remained in the normal range, and showed no
dierence between the 2 subgroups. e percentage of naive
 cells (CD3+, CD4+, CD45RA+) increased (44.5 vs 35.0 %;
P = .035) and memory  cells (CD3+, CD4+, CD45RO+)
decreased (55.5 vs 65.0 %; P = .035) in severe cases when
compared with nonsevere cases. CD28-positive cytotoxic sup-
pressor T cells (CD3+, CD8+, CD28+) percentage decreased
in severe cases (54.5 vs 67.0 %; P = .035), while no signicant
dierence was found in activated T cells (CD3+, HLA-DR+)
and activated suppressor T cells (CD3+, CD8+, HLA-DR+).
Patients with COVID-19 presented lower levels of regulatory
T cells (CD3+, CD4+, CD25+, CD127low+), which was par-
ticularly obvious in severe cases (3.7 vs 4.5/μL; P = .040). e
decline in naive (CD45RA+, CD3+, CD4+, CD25+, CD127lo
w+) and induced regulatory T cells (CD45RO+, CD3+, CD4+
, CD25+, CD127low+) had a more obvious trend in the severe
group, although there was no signicant dierence.
We report here a dysregulated immune system in a cohort of
452 patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in Wuhan,
China. Increases in NLR and T lymphopenia—in particular, a
decrease in CD4+ T cells—were common among patients with
COVID-19, and more evident in the severe cases, but there was
no significant change in the number of CD8+ cells and B cells.
Based on these data, we suggest that COVID-19 might damage
lymphocytes, especially T lymphocytes, and the immune system
is impaired during the period of disease.
Table 3. Lymphocyte Subset Analysis in Patients With COVID-19
Normal Range
All Patients
(N = 44)
(n = 17) Severe (n = 27) P
Lymphocyte subsets
T cells + B cells + NK cells/μL1100.0–3200.0 852.9 (412.0) 1020.1 (396.5) 743.6 (384.4) .032
T cells + B cells + NK cells, % 95.0–105.0 98.9 (1.0) 99.2 (0.6) 98.6 (1.2) .103
B cells (CD3− CD19+)/μL90.0–560.0 179.7 (143.1) 196.1 (144.9) 169.0 (140.9) .559
B cells (CD3− CD19+), % 5.0–18.0 20.5 (10.9) 18.5 (8.1) 21.8 (12.2) .353
T cells (CD3+ CD19−)/μL955.0–2860.0 541.5 (292.7) 663.8 (291.3) 461.6 (264.7) .027
T cells (CD3+ CD19−), % 50.0–84.0 61.3 (10.1) 63.4 (8.5) 60.0 (10.8) .283
NK cells (CD3−/CD16+ CD56+)/μL150.0–1100.0 131.7 (83.1) 160.2 (90.8) 113.0 (71.8) .072
NK cells (CD3−/CD16+ CD56+), % 7.0–40.0 17.0 (10.1) 17.2 (10.1) 16.9 (10.1) .926
Lymphocyte function
IFN-γ+ CD4+ T cells/Th, % 14.54–36.96 21.2 (12.2) 22.6 (10.2) 20.2 (13.3) .557
IFN-γ+ CD8+ T cells/Ts, % 34.93–87.95 48.6 (13.7) 46.9 (11.6) 49.7 (14.8) .541
IFN-γ+ NK cells/NK, % 61.2–92.65 68.0 (14.7) 66.7 (19.3) 68.8 (10.5) .677
T-cell subsets
Th cells (CD3+ CD4+)/μL550.0–1440.0 338.6 (196.3) 420.5 (207.8) 285.1 (168.0) .027
Th cells (CD3+ CD4+), % 27.0–51.0 38.3 (8.1) 39.8 (7.5) 37.2 (8.4) .314
Ts cells (CD3+ CD8+)/μL320.0–1250.0 173.4 (115.2) 201.9 (107.1) 154.7 (116.5) .197
Ts cells (CD3+ CD8+), % 15.0–44.0 19.6 (8.1) 19.5 (6.2) 19.7 (9.2) .930
Th/Ts 0.71–2.78 2.4 (1.2) 2.2 (0.6) 2.5 (1.5) .415
Naive Th cells (CD3+ CD4+ CD45RA+)/Th, % 29.41–55.41 40.7 (13.3) 35.0 (13.0) 44.5 (12.2) .035
Memory Th cells (CD3+ CD4+ CD45RO+)/Th % 44.44–68.94 59.3 (13.3) 65.0 (13.0) 55.5 (12.2) .035
CD28 + Th cells (CD3+ CD4+ CD28+)/Th, % 84.11–100.00 90.0 (14.0) 91.2 (12.7) 90.6 (14.7) .911
CD28 + Ts cells (CD3+ CD8+ CD28+)/Ts, % 48.04–77.14 59.6 (17.7) 67.0 (16.0) 54.5 (16.9) .035
Activated T cells (CD3+ HLA-DR+)/μL9.04–25.62 15.0 (5.8) 14.4 (5.2) 15.4 (6.2) .636
Activated Ts cells (CD3+ CD8+ HLA-DR+)/Ts, % 20.73–60.23 39.8 (10.7) 36.3 (10.7) 42.2 (10.1) .109
Regulatory T cells (CD3+ CD4+ CD25+ CD127low+)/μL5.36–6.30 4.1 (1.2) 4.5 (.9) 3.7 (1.3) .040
Naive regulatory T cells (CD45RA+ CD3+ CD4+ CD25
+ CD127low+)/μL
2.07–4.55 1.0 (0.5) 1.1 (0.5) 0.9 (0.5) .502
Induced regulatory T cells (CD45RO+ CD3+ CD4+ CD2
5+ CD127low+)/μL
1.44–2.76 3.1 (1.1) 3.5 (0.8) 1.8 (1.2) .064
Data are mean (SD). P values comparing severe and nonsevere cases are derived from t test or Mann-Whitney U test.
Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus 2019; IFN-γ, interferon-γ; NK, natural killer; Th, helper T; Ts, suppressor T.
Downloaded from by guest on 06 May 2021
Dysregulation of Immunity in COVID-19 • CID 2020:71 (1 August) • 767
In the cohort, we observed that 44.0% of patients had at least
1 underlying disorder (ie, hypertension, diabetes, chronic ob-
structive pulmonary disease), and a higher percentage of hy-
pertension and cardiovascular disease in the severe cases than
in the mild cases, which is consistent with reports [1, 11] that
suggested that COVID-19 is more likely to infect elderly men
with chronic comorbidities due to weaker immune functions.
In terms of laboratory tests, we noted that most of the in-
fected patients presented with lymphopenia and elevated levels of
infection-related biomarkers, More interestingly, a higher number
of neutrophils and a lower number of lymphocytes (ie, the in-
crease in NLR) were found in the severe group with COVID-19
compared with the mild group. NLR, a well-known marker of sys-
temic inammation and infection, has been studied as a predictor
of bacterial infection, included pneumonia [12–14]. e increase
in NLR in our study, consistent with the ndings from Wang etal
[11] that several patients with COVID-19 had an increased neu-
trophil count and a decreased lymphocyte count during the severe
phase, indicated the potential critical condition and serious dis-
turbance of internal environment in those severe infectedcases.
Higher serum levels of proinammatory cytokines (TNF-α,
IL-1, and IL-6) and chemokines (IL-8) were found in patients
with severe COVID-19 compared with individuals with mild di-
sease, similar to the results in SARS and MERS [6, 15]. Cytokines
and chemokines have been thought to play an important role in
immunity and immunopathology during viral infections [15,
16]. Although there is no direct evidence for the involvement of
proinammatory cytokines and chemokines in lung pathology
during COVID-19, the changes in laboratory parameters, in-
cluding elevated serum cytokine, chemokine levels, and increased
NLR in infected patients, were correlated with the severity of
the disease and adverse outcome, suggesting a possible role for
hyperinammatory responses in COVID-19 pathogenesis.
Virus-induced direct cytopathic eects and viral evasion of
host immune responses are believed to play major roles in di-
sease severity [15, 16]. Arapid and well-coordinated innate im-
mune response is the rst line of defense against viral infections;
however, when the immune response is dysregulated, it will re-
sult in excessive inammation, and even cause death [17]. In
our study, we demonstrated pronounced lymphopenia and low
counts of CD3+ cells and CD4+ cells in COVID-19 cases. e
dierentiation of naive CD4+ T cells into eector and memory
subsets is one of the most fundamental facets of T-cell–medi-
ated immunity [18]. And the balance between the naive and
memory CD4+ T cells is crucial for maintaining an ecient im-
mune response. Our results of lymphocyte subsets with higher
naive CD4+ T-cell subpopulations and smaller percentages of
memory cells and a higher naive-to-memory CD4+ T-cell ratio
in severe cases indicated that the immune system in the severe
infection subgroup was impaired more severely. In addition, the
decrease in regulatory T cells, especially induced regulatory T
cells, which have a key role in restraining allergic inammation
at mucosal surfaces, was demonstrated in those infected pa-
tients, especially in the severe group. Furthermore, a similar
tendency was also present in naive regulatory T cells, which un-
derlie the control of systemic and tissue-specic autoimmunity.
It has been shown that T cells, especially CD4+ and CD8+ T
cells, play an important role in weakening or dampening over-
active innate immune responses during viral infection [17],
although regulatory T cells, a subset of  cells, play a crucial
role in negatively regulating the activation, proliferation, and
eector functions of a wide range of immune cells for the main-
tenance of self-tolerance and immune homeostasis [19, 20].
Given the higher expression of proinammatory cytokines and
chemokines in patients with COVID-19, especially in the severe
cases, the consumption of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and the de-
crease in regulatory T cells, presented in our study might result
in aggravated inammatory responses and the production of a
cytokine storm, and worsen damaged tissue. Although not con-
clusive, correlative evidence from those patients with severe in-
fection with a lower number of lymphocytes suggested a role for
dysregulated immune responses in COVID-19 pathogenesis.
ere were several limitations to our study that might cause
some potential bias. First, it was a retrospective, single-center,
small-sample study of patients admitted to the hospital; stand-
ardized data for a larger cohort would be better to assess the tem-
poral change in immune response aer infection with COVID-19.
Second, co-infection with bacteria or superinfection might af-
fect the results of the immune response in those patients with
COVID-19. Most of them presented with an increase in NLR and
procalcitonin, which was more evident in severe cases, and indi-
cated potential bacterial coinfection due to a dysregulated immune
system. Despite that, our study demonstrated several novel nd-
ings on dysregulated immune response in patients with COVID-
19 that SARS-CoV-2 might mainly act on lymphocytes, especially
T lymphocytes, induce a cytokine storm in the body, and generate
a series of immune responses to damage the corresponding organs;
thus, surveillance of NLR and lymphocyte subsets is helpful in the
early screening of critical illness and diagnosis and treatment of
Potential conicts of interest. e authors: No reported conicts of
interest. All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
Potential Conicts of Interest.
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Downloaded from by guest on 06 May 2021
... As the rarest granulocytes, BAS can induce Th2 cell differentiation, and their depletion leads to greater susceptibility to infection [18]. Several studies have indicated a decrease in BAS in patients with COVID-19 [16,[19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27], and lower BAS counts may predict poorer patient outcomes [25]. However, previous studies have mainly focused on patients with common and severe manifestations of COVID-19 and have not evaluated the role of hematological parameters in mild and asymptomatic patients. ...
... BAS are involved in the pathogenesis of viral infections [23,[31][32][33][34]. Several studies have shown that the BAS count or percentage in patients with COVID-19 is significantly reduced compared to controls [16,20,22,23,35], and this trend extends to patients with severe COVID-19 when compared to those with mild or moderate COVID-19 [25][26][27]. Patients with COVID-19 show a tendency toward basopenia, suggesting that BAS plays a protective role against SARS-CoV-2 infection [18]. Rodriguez et al. found that BAS can promote an immunoglobulin (Ig) G response against SARS-CoV-2 because of its ability to secrete interleukin (IL)-4 [36]. ...
... Our current study revealed a lower BAS score in patients with mild disease than in asymptomatic carriers. This trend aligns with previous studies, indicating that the lower the BAS count, the more severe the disease [27,37]. A possible mechanism may involve the reduced expression of the prostaglandin D2 receptor, known as CRTH2, on the surface of BAS [18]. ...
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Background Omicron variants are currently the predominant circulating lineage worldwide and most cases are mild or asymptomatic. The Omicron variant is characterized by high transmissibility and immune evasion. Early identification of Omicron cases in clinical settings is crucial for controlling its spread. Previous studies have indicated that changes in hematological parameters can be used to predict the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, the role of hematological parameters in non-severe and asymptomatic cases remains unknown. This study aimed to investigate the role of hematological parameters in non-severe and asymptomatic Omicron variant infections. Methods Hematological parameters and results were analyzed and compared in symptomatic (n = 356) and asymptomatic (n = 171) groups respectively, and between these two groups with positive COVID-19 tests. The utility of hematological parameters for predicting positive COVID-19 tests was analyzed using receiver operating characteristic curves. Results Individuals with non-severe cases exhibited decreased levels of platelets, lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes (%), eosinophils (%), and basophils (%), while exhibiting elevated counts of monocytes, neutrophils (%), monocytes (%), neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and C-reactive protein (CRP) when compared to suspected cases or asymptomatic carriers. In asymptomatic patients, positive carriers had lower leukocyte, neutrophil, and lymphocyte counts but higher monocyte, monocyte (%), PLR, and CRP levels than negative carriers. Basophil counts combined with lymphocytes or the PLR demonstrated a more significant predictive value in screening non-severe cases earlier compared to other parameters. The combined assessment of the monocyte (%) and the PLR had the highest area under the curve for diagnosing asymptomatic carriers. Conclusions Circulating basophils, alone or in combination with other hematological parameters, may be used as efficient biomarkers for early screening of non-severe Omicron cases.
... IL-6 is one of the most critical cytokines in inflammatory syndrome, causing pathological changes after SARS-CoV-2 infection (26). Elevated IL-6 levels can induce ADH secretion by directly stimulating the hypothalamus and inducing alveolar basement membrane damage and pulmonary hypoxia (27). Second, after SARS-CoV-2 infection, activated immune cells (mainly T and B lymphocytes) and released proinflammatory cytokines stimulate immune cells to release stored ADH (28). ...
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Purpose Chest computed tomography (CT) is used to determine the severity of COVID-19 pneumonia, and pneumonia is associated with hyponatremia. This study aims to explore the predictive value of the semi-quantitative CT visual score for hyponatremia in patients with COVID-19 to provide a reference for clinical practice. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 343 patients with RT-PCR confirmed COVID-19, all patients underwent CT, and the severity of lung lesions was scored by radiologists using the semi-quantitative CT visual score. The risk factors of hyponatremia in COVID-19 patients were analyzed and combined with laboratory tests. The thyroid function changes caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection and their interaction with hyponatremia were also analyzed. Results In patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, the total severity score (TSS) of hyponatremia was higher [M(range), 3.5(2.5–5.5) vs 3.0(2.0–4.5) scores, P=0.001], implying that patients with hyponatremia had more severe lung lesions. The risk factors of hyponatremia in the multivariate regression model included age, vomiting, neutrophils, platelet, and total severity score. SARS-CoV-2 infection impacted thyroid function, and patients with hyponatremia showed a lower free triiodothyronine (3.1 ± 0.9 vs 3.7 ± 0.9, P=0.001) and thyroid stimulating hormone level [1.4(0.8–2.4) vs 2.2(1.2–3.4), P=0.038]. Conclusion Semi-quantitative CT score can be used as a risk factor for hyponatremia in patients with COVID-19. There is a weak positive correlation between serum sodium and free triiodothyronine in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
... Post-COVID complications are often observed in patients severely affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection and disease. Changes in various hematological parameters, particularly lymphopenia, and an elevated NLR value, are indicators of the systemic inflammatory response and have been used as predictors of severe viral or microbial infection and disease in patients, including COVID-19 and other coronaviruses [41][42][43][44]. Significant lymphopenia accompanied by neutrophilia was also observed in experimental animal models for SARS [45], MERS [46] and SARS-CoV-2 [47]. ...
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COVID-associated coagulopathy seemly plays a key role in post-acute sequelae of SARS- CoV-2 infection. However, the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms are poorly understood, largely due to the lack of suitable animal models that recapitulate key clinical and pathological symptoms. Here, we fully characterized AC70 line of human ACE2 transgenic (AC70 hACE2 Tg) mice for SARS-CoV-2 infection. We noted that this model is highly permissive to SARS-CoV-2 with values of 50% lethal dose and infectious dose as ~ 3 and ~ 0.5 TCID 50 of SARS-CoV-2, respectively. Mice infected with 10 ⁵ TCID 50 of SARS-CoV-2 rapidly succumbed to infection with 100% mortality within 5 days. Lung and brain were the prime tissues harboring high viral titers, accompanied by histopathology. However, viral RNA and inflammatory mediators could be detectable in other organs, suggesting the nature of a systemic infection. Lethal challenge of AC70 hACE2 Tg mice caused acute onset of leukopenia, lymphopenia, along with an increased neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR). Importantly, infected animals recapitulated key features of COVID-19-associated coagulopathy. SARS-CoV-2 could induce the release of circulating neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), along with activated platelet/endothelium marker. Immunohistochemical staining with anti-platelet factor-4 (PF4) antibody revealed profound platelet aggregates especially within blocked veins of the lungs. We showed that acute SARS-CoV-2 infection triggered a hypercoagulable state coexisting with ill-regulated fibrinolysis. Finally, we highlighted the potential role of Annexin A2 (ANXA2) in fibrinolytic failure. ANXA2 is a calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding protein that forms a heterotertrameric complexes localized at the extracellular membranes with two S100A10 small molecules acting as a co-receptor for tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA), tightly involved in cell surface fibrinolysis. Thus, our results revealing elevated IgG type anti-ANXA2 antibody production, downregulated de novo ANXA2/S100A10 synthesis, and reduced ANXA2/S100A10 association in infected mice, this protein might serve as druggable targets for development of antithrombotic and/or anti-fibrinolytic agents to attenuate pathogenesis of COVID-19.
... Despite the fact that most of the cases have mild clinical features and a good prognosis, It can result in acute respiratory syndrome and even death. To date no effective therapy for COVID-19 disease has been proposed 11,12 . Therefore, it is important to highlight the markers monitoring the progression of disease thus categorizing the patients and devising management protocols accordingly 6,7 . ...
... Notably, pyroptosis, a highly inflammatory form of cell death induced in both infected and uninfected cells, appears to contribute significantly to the intense inflammatory responses observed globally in COVID-19 patients. 9,[17][18][19][20] Our research, along with others,' indicates that the T cell compartment is disproportionately affected compared to B or NK cells, [21][22][23][24] underscoring the pivotal role of T cell subsets in COVID-19 pathogenesis. Additionally, reductions in circulating NKT cells, as demonstrated by our study and others, 25 have been associated with severe COVID-19 disease and unfavorable outcomes. ...
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Background The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) immune response is crucial for disease management, although diminishing immunity raises the possibility of reinfection. Methods We examined the immunological response to SARS‐CoV‐2 in a cohort of convalescent COVID‐19 patients in matched samples collected at 1 and 6−8 months after infection. The peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from enrolled study participants and flow cytometry analysis was done to assess the lymphocyte subsets of naive, effector, central memory, and effector memory CD4+ or CD8+ T cells in COVID‐19 patients at 1 and 6−8 months after infection. Immunophenotypic characterization of immune cell subsets was performed on individuals who were followed longitudinally for 1 month (n = 44) and 6−8 months (n = 25) after recovery from COVID infection. Results We observed that CD4 +T cells in hospitalized SARS‐CoV‐2 patients tended to decrease, whereas CD8+ T cells steadily recovered after 1 month, while there was a sustained increase in the population of effector T cells and effector memory T cells. Furthermore, COVID‐19 patients showed persistently low B cells and a small increase in the NK cell population. Conclusion Our findings show that T cell responses were maintained at 6−8 months after infection. This opens new pathways for further research into the long‐term effects in COVID‐19 immunopathogenesis.
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Reduced lymphocyte counts in peripheral blood are one of the most common observations in acute phases of viral infections. Although many studies have already examined the impact of immune (dys)regulation during SARS-CoV-2 infection, there are still uncertainties about the long-term consequences for lymphocyte homeostasis. Furthermore, as persistent cellular aberrations have been described following other viral infections, patients with “Post-COVID-19 Condition” (PCC) may present similarly. In order to investigate cellular changes in the adaptive immune system, we performed a retrospective analysis of flow cytometric data from lymphocyte subpopulations in 106 patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who received medical care at our institution. The patients were divided into three groups according to the follow-up date; laboratory analyses of COVID-19 patients were compared with 28 unexposed healthy controls. Regarding B lymphocyte subsets, levels of IgA + CD27+, IgG + CD27+, IgM + CD27− and switched B cells were significantly reduced at the last follow-up compared to unexposed healthy controls (UHC). Of the 106 COVID-19 patients, 56 were clinically classified as featuring PCC. Significant differences between PCC and COVID-19 convalescents compared to UHC were observed in T helper cells and class-switched B cells. However, we did not detect specific or long-lasting immune cellular changes in PCC compared to the non-post-COVID-19 condition.
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Objective: Pro-resolving molecules, including the peptide Angiotensin-(1-7) [Ang-(1-7)], have potential adjunctive therapy for infections. Here we evaluate the actions of Ang-(1-7) in betacoronavirus infection in mice. Methods: C57BL/6 mice were infected intranasally with the murine betacoronavirus MHV-3 and K18-hACE2 mice were infected with SARS-CoV-2. Mice were treated with Ang-(1-7) (30 μg/mouse, i.p.) at 24-, 36-, and 48-hours post-infection (hpi) or at 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 h. For lethality evaluation, one additional dose of Ang-(1-7) was given at 120 hpi. At 3- and 5-days post- infection (dpi) blood cell, inflammatory mediators, viral loads, and lung histopathology were evaluated. Results: Ang-(1-7) rescued lymphopenia in MHV-infected mice, and decreased airways leukocyte infiltration and lung damage at 3- and 5-dpi. The levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and virus titers in lung and plasma were decreased by Ang-(1-7) during MHV infection. Ang-(1-7) improved lung function and increased survival rates in MHV-infected mice. Notably, Ang-(1-7) treatment during SARS-CoV-2 infection restored blood lymphocytes to baseline, decreased weight loss, virus titters and levels of inflammatory cytokines, resulting in improvement of pulmonary damage and clinical scores. Conclusion: Ang-(1-7) protected mice from lung damage and death during betacoronavirus infections by modulating inflammation, hematological parameters and enhancing viral clearance.
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Background: The ongoing outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China has led to the declaration of Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization. Methods: All 2019-nCoV infected patients reported to Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention up to 26 January 2020 were included for analysis. Disease and death incidence were compared between demographic groups and baseline conditions. Case fatality rates (CFRs) and the basic reproductive number R0 was estimated with a transmission model. Results: As of 26 January 2020, a total of 8866 patients including 4021 (45.35%) laboratory confirmed patients were reported from 30 provinces. Nearly half of the patients were aged 50 years or older (47.7%). There was a clear gender difference in incidence with 0.31 (male) vs. 0.27 (female) per 100,000 people (P<0.001). The median incubation period was 4.75 (interquartile range: 3.0-7.2) days. About 25.5%, 69.9% and 4.5% patients were diagnosed with severe pneumonia, mild pneumonia, and non-pneumonia, respectively. The overall CFR was estimated be 3.06% (95% CI 2.02-4.59%), but male patients, ≥60 years old, baseline diagnosis of severe pneumonia and delay in diagnosis were associated with substantially elevated CFR. The R0 was estimated to be 3.77 (95% CI 3.51-4.05), ranging 2.23-4.82 in sensitivity analyses varying the incubation and infectious periods. Conclusions: Compared with SARS-CoV, 2019-nCoV had comparable transmissibility and lower CFR. Our findings based on individual-level surveillance data emphasize the importance of early detection of elderly patients, particularly males, before symptoms progress to severe pneumonia.
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Importance In December 2019, novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)–infected pneumonia (NCIP) occurred in Wuhan, China. The number of cases has increased rapidly but information on the clinical characteristics of affected patients is limited. Objective To describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of NCIP. Design, Setting, and Participants Retrospective, single-center case series of the 138 consecutive hospitalized patients with confirmed NCIP at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University in Wuhan, China, from January 1 to January 28, 2020; final date of follow-up was February 3, 2020. Exposures Documented NCIP. Main Outcomes and Measures Epidemiological, demographic, clinical, laboratory, radiological, and treatment data were collected and analyzed. Outcomes of critically ill patients and noncritically ill patients were compared. Presumed hospital-related transmission was suspected if a cluster of health professionals or hospitalized patients in the same wards became infected and a possible source of infection could be tracked. Results Of 138 hospitalized patients with NCIP, the median age was 56 years (interquartile range, 42-68; range, 22-92 years) and 75 (54.3%) were men. Hospital-associated transmission was suspected as the presumed mechanism of infection for affected health professionals (40 [29%]) and hospitalized patients (17 [12.3%]). Common symptoms included fever (136 [98.6%]), fatigue (96 [69.6%]), and dry cough (82 [59.4%]). Lymphopenia (lymphocyte count, 0.8 × 10⁹/L [interquartile range {IQR}, 0.6-1.1]) occurred in 97 patients (70.3%), prolonged prothrombin time (13.0 seconds [IQR, 12.3-13.7]) in 80 patients (58%), and elevated lactate dehydrogenase (261 U/L [IQR, 182-403]) in 55 patients (39.9%). Chest computed tomographic scans showed bilateral patchy shadows or ground glass opacity in the lungs of all patients. Most patients received antiviral therapy (oseltamivir, 124 [89.9%]), and many received antibacterial therapy (moxifloxacin, 89 [64.4%]; ceftriaxone, 34 [24.6%]; azithromycin, 25 [18.1%]) and glucocorticoid therapy (62 [44.9%]). Thirty-six patients (26.1%) were transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) because of complications, including acute respiratory distress syndrome (22 [61.1%]), arrhythmia (16 [44.4%]), and shock (11 [30.6%]). The median time from first symptom to dyspnea was 5.0 days, to hospital admission was 7.0 days, and to ARDS was 8.0 days. Patients treated in the ICU (n = 36), compared with patients not treated in the ICU (n = 102), were older (median age, 66 years vs 51 years), were more likely to have underlying comorbidities (26 [72.2%] vs 38 [37.3%]), and were more likely to have dyspnea (23 [63.9%] vs 20 [19.6%]), and anorexia (24 [66.7%] vs 31 [30.4%]). Of the 36 cases in the ICU, 4 (11.1%) received high-flow oxygen therapy, 15 (41.7%) received noninvasive ventilation, and 17 (47.2%) received invasive ventilation (4 were switched to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation). As of February 3, 47 patients (34.1%) were discharged and 6 died (overall mortality, 4.3%), but the remaining patients are still hospitalized. Among those discharged alive (n = 47), the median hospital stay was 10 days (IQR, 7.0-14.0). Conclusions and Relevance In this single-center case series of 138 hospitalized patients with confirmed NCIP in Wuhan, China, presumed hospital-related transmission of 2019-nCoV was suspected in 41% of patients, 26% of patients received ICU care, and mortality was 4.3%.
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Background: A recent cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China, was caused by a novel betacoronavirus, the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). We report the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, and radiological characteristics and treatment and clinical outcomes of these patients. Methods: All patients with suspected 2019-nCoV were admitted to a designated hospital in Wuhan. We prospectively collected and analysed data on patients with laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection by real-time RT-PCR and next-generation sequencing. Data were obtained with standardised data collection forms shared by the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium from electronic medical records. Researchers also directly communicated with patients or their families to ascertain epidemiological and symptom data. Outcomes were also compared between patients who had been admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and those who had not. Findings: By Jan 2, 2020, 41 admitted hospital patients had been identified as having laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection. Most of the infected patients were men (30 [73%] of 41); less than half had underlying diseases (13 [32%]), including diabetes (eight [20%]), hypertension (six [15%]), and cardiovascular disease (six [15%]). Median age was 49·0 years (IQR 41·0-58·0). 27 (66%) of 41 patients had been exposed to Huanan seafood market. One family cluster was found. Common symptoms at onset of illness were fever (40 [98%] of 41 patients), cough (31 [76%]), and myalgia or fatigue (18 [44%]); less common symptoms were sputum production (11 [28%] of 39), headache (three [8%] of 38), haemoptysis (two [5%] of 39), and diarrhoea (one [3%] of 38). Dyspnoea developed in 22 (55%) of 40 patients (median time from illness onset to dyspnoea 8·0 days [IQR 5·0-13·0]). 26 (63%) of 41 patients had lymphopenia. All 41 patients had pneumonia with abnormal findings on chest CT. Complications included acute respiratory distress syndrome (12 [29%]), RNAaemia (six [15%]), acute cardiac injury (five [12%]) and secondary infection (four [10%]). 13 (32%) patients were admitted to an ICU and six (15%) died. Compared with non-ICU patients, ICU patients had higher plasma levels of IL2, IL7, IL10, GSCF, IP10, MCP1, MIP1A, and TNFα. Interpretation: The 2019-nCoV infection caused clusters of severe respiratory illness similar to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and was associated with ICU admission and high mortality. Major gaps in our knowledge of the origin, epidemiology, duration of human transmission, and clinical spectrum of disease need fulfilment by future studies. Funding: Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission.
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Accurate monitoring of host immunity is hampered by the flaws of conventional tests. The relationship between lymphocyte number and function is unknown. The function of lymphocytes was analyzed based on IFN-γ secretion assay. Lymphocyte number and function was investigated in individuals under various states. The number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was gradually decreased, whereas the function of them was gradually increased with increasing age. A significantly negative correlation existed between the number and function of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Differently, both the number and function of NK cells are maintained at a high level after birth. Staying up all night was found to impair the function of CD4+, CD8+ T cells, or NK cells. Lymphocyte number and function were both decreased in patients with immunosuppressive conditions or opportunistic infections, while the opposite phenomenon was observed in patients with some autoimmune diseases (except for NK cells). In kidney transplant recipients, the number and function of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were increased or decreased when rejection or infection occurred. We demonstrated that evaluation of host immunity based on combination of lymphocyte number and function plays an important role in the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of diseases.
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Background: The differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and bacterial community-acquired pneumonia is often a challenging phenomenon. The neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio, a suitable indicator of inflammation, has been demonstrated to be a useful biomarker for predicting bacteremia. The main aim this study is to evaluate the role of neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and bacterial Community-Acquired Pneumonia at Ayder and Mekelle hospitals, Mekelle, Ethiopia. Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted from February to May 2017 on a total of 146 patients at Ayder and Mekelle hospitals. After taking written informed consent, study participants were interviewed for a detailed history and 5 mL of blood was collected for hematological analysis. Pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed by using Ziehl-Neelsen and Gene X-pert. Community acquired pneumonia was diagnosed using sputum culture. Student's t-test, Pearson's chi-square test, and receiver operating characteristics curve analysis were used. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio and eythrocyte sedimentation rate were significantly higher in pulmonary tuberculosis patients than bacterial community-acquired pneumonia patients. Neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio and eythrocyte sedimentation rate with cutoff values of ≥ 2.72 and ≥ 39, respectively, showed the highest area under the curve (AUC = 0.69; 95% CI: 0.62, 0.77). Conclusions: Neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio and eythrocyte sedimentation rate together at a time with their respective cutoff values gave a 69% accuracy in differentiating pulmonary tuberculosis from bacterial community-acquired pneumonia. Therefore, neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio and erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be used in differentiating pulmonary tuberculosis from PTB patients from bacterial Community-acquired pneumonia, especially in resource-limited settings.
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The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) has been recognized as a highly pathogenic virus to humans that infects the respiratory tract and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Studies in animal models suggest that MERS-CoV infection induces a strong inflammatory response, which may be related to the severity of disease. Data showing the cytokine profiles in humans during the acute phase of MERS-CoV infection are limited. In this study, we have analyzed the profile of cytokine responses in plasma samples from patients with confirmed MERS-CoV infections (n = 7) compared to healthy controls (n = 13). The cytokine profiles, including T helper (Th) 1, Th2 and Th17 responses, were analyzed using cytometric bead array (CBA). A prominent pro-inflammatory Th1 and Th17 response was clearly seen in patients with MERS-CoV infection, with markedly increased concentrations of IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-15 and IL-17 compared to controls. IL-12 expression levels showed no difference between patients with MERS-CoV infection and the healthy controls despite the significantly increased levels of IFN-α2 and IFN-γ (P < .01). No changes were observed in the levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, and TGF-α (P > .05). Our results demonstrate a marked pro-inflammatory cytokine response during the acute phase of MERS-CoV infection in humans.
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The function of lymphocytes is the key to reflect the immune status of hosts. Evaluation of lymphocyte function is a useful tool to monitor the effect of immunosuppressive treatment and predict the prognosis of immune-mediated diseases (e.g., cancer, autoimmune diseases, and infectious diseases). As the lymphocytes have various activities, such as activation, cytotoxicity, and cytokine secretion, it is a challenge to evaluate the function of lymphocytes in clinical practice and the reference intervals (RIs) of lymphocyte function are rarely reported. The present study showed that the secretion of IFN-γ was well correlated with the activation, chemotaxis, and cytotoxicity of CD4⁺, CD8⁺ T cells, and NK cells, which suggests that IFN-γ production can be used as a symbol of lymphocyte function. We therefore created a simple method to detect the function of CD4⁺, CD8⁺ T cells, and NK cells simultaneously according to IFN-γ secretion by using whole blood instead of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. We further established the RIs of lymphocyte function (CD4⁺ T cells: 15.31–34.98%; CD8⁺ T cells: 26.11–66.59%; NK cells: 39.43–70.79%) in healthy adults. This method showed good reproducibility for the evaluation of lymphocyte function. The established RIs were suitable for use in other centers based on the validation data. We also validated the RIs in individuals with different immune status, and the results showed that kidney transplant recipients and infants (0–1 year) had a decreased lymphocyte function, whereas T cells in systemic lupus erythematosus patients exhibited an opposite trend. Overall, we have successfully established the RIs of lymphocyte function in healthy adults in a simple way, which might be of important clinical value in the diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis of immune-related diseases.
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Human coronaviruses (hCoVs) can be divided into low pathogenic and highly pathogenic coronaviruses. The low pathogenic CoVs infect the upper respiratory tract and cause mild, cold-like respiratory illness. In contrast, highly pathogenic hCoVs such as severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome CoV (MERS-CoV) predominantly infect lower airways and cause fatal pneumonia. Severe pneumonia caused by pathogenic hCoVs is often associated with rapid virus replication, massive inflammatory cell infiltration and elevated pro-inflammatory cytokine/chemokine responses resulting in acute lung injury (ALI), and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Recent studies in experimentally infected animal strongly suggest a crucial role for virus-induced immunopathological events in causing fatal pneumonia after hCoV infections. Here we review the current understanding of how a dysregulated immune response may cause lung immunopathology leading to deleterious clinical manifestations after pathogenic hCoV infections.
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Introduction The increase and persistence of inflammation in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) patients can lead to higher mortality. Biomarkers capable of measuring this inadequate inflammatory response are likely candidates to be related with a bad outcome. We investigated the association between concentrations of several inflammatory markers and mortality of CAP patients. Material and methods This was a prospective study of hospitalised CAP patients in a Spanish university hospital. Blood tests upon admittance and in the early-stage evolution (72–120 hours) were carried out, where C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, proadrenomedullin, copeptin, white blood cell, Lymphocyte Count Percentage (LCP), Neutrophil Count Percentage (NCP) and Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) were measured. The outcome variable was mortality at 30 and 90 days. Statistical analysis included logistic regression, ROC analysis and area-under-curve test. Results 154 hospitalised CAP patients were included. Patients who died during follow-up had higher levels of procalcitonin, copeptin, proadrenomedullin, lower levels of LCP, and higher of NCP and NLR. Remarkably, multivariate analysis showed a relationship between NCP and mortality, regardless of age, severity of CAP and comorbidities. AUC analysis showed that NLR and NCP at admittance and during early-stage evolution achieved a good diagnostic power. ROC test for NCP and NLR were similar to those of the novel serum biomarkers analysed. Conclusions NLR and NCP, are promising candidate predictors of mortality for hospitalised CAP patients, and both are cheaper, easier to perform, and at least as reliable as the new serum biomarkers. Future implementation of new biomarkers would require comparison not only with classic inflammatory parameters like White Blood Cell count but also with NLR and NCP.
Background: In December, 2019, a pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) emerged in Wuhan, China. We aimed to further clarify the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 2019-nCoV pneumonia. Methods: In this retrospective, single-centre study, we included all confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV in Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital from Jan 1 to Jan 20, 2020. Cases were confirmed by real-time RT-PCR and were analysed for epidemiological, demographic, clinical, and radiological features and laboratory data. Outcomes were followed up until Jan 25, 2020. Findings: Of the 99 patients with 2019-nCoV pneumonia, 49 (49%) had a history of exposure to the Huanan seafood market. The average age of the patients was 55·5 years (SD 13·1), including 67 men and 32 women. 2019-nCoV was detected in all patients by real-time RT-PCR. 50 (51%) patients had chronic diseases. Patients had clinical manifestations of fever (82 [83%] patients), cough (81 [82%] patients), shortness of breath (31 [31%] patients), muscle ache (11 [11%] patients), confusion (nine [9%] patients), headache (eight [8%] patients), sore throat (five [5%] patients), rhinorrhoea (four [4%] patients), chest pain (two [2%] patients), diarrhoea (two [2%] patients), and nausea and vomiting (one [1%] patient). According to imaging examination, 74 (75%) patients showed bilateral pneumonia, 14 (14%) patients showed multiple mottling and ground-glass opacity, and one (1%) patient had pneumothorax. 17 (17%) patients developed acute respiratory distress syndrome and, among them, 11 (11%) patients worsened in a short period of time and died of multiple organ failure. Interpretation: The 2019-nCoV infection was of clustering onset, is more likely to affect older males with comorbidities, and can result in severe and even fatal respiratory diseases such as acute respiratory distress syndrome. In general, characteristics of patients who died were in line with the MuLBSTA score, an early warning model for predicting mortality in viral pneumonia. Further investigation is needed to explore the applicability of the MuLBSTA score in predicting the risk of mortality in 2019-nCoV infection. Funding: National Key R&D Program of China.