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Employer-based travel demand management program: Employer's choice and effectiveness


Abstract and Figures

The impact and effectiveness of employers' travel demand management (TDM) programs have often been investigated, but there is little research on employers' preference of TDM programs and the factors which influence their choices. This study aims to examine employers' choices of TDM program and the effectiveness based on a Seoul TDM database. Factors affecting employers' decisions on whether to participate in TDM programs and the degree of participation are identified based on regression models: binary logistic, ordinary least squares and Tobit regressions. In addition, an employers' TDM program choice model is developed using the approach of the multiple discrete continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model, as an employer can participate in multiple TDM programs, and their individual effectiveness is represented by continuous values of traffic impact fee discount rates. The developed models consistently indicate that facilities' characteristics such as owner type and facility size, along with locational characteristics (e.g., land use and accessibility to transit) are important in choosing a TDM program. In particular, the MDCEV model shows that employers' preferences for TDM programs vary significantly by employer and characteristics of the program.
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Employer-Based Travel Demand Management Program: Employer’s Choice
and Effectiveness
Joonho Ko, Ph.D.
Department of Transportation Research
The Seoul Institute
57 Nambusunhwan-ro Seocho-gu, Seoul 06756, South Korea
Tel: 82-2-2149-1127; Fax: 82-2-2149-1120; Email:
Daejin Kim (Corresponding Author)
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
790 Atlantic Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, United States
Tel: 1-678-707-0472; Email:
Employer-Based Travel Demand Management Program: Employer’s Choice
and Effectiveness
The impact and effectiveness of employers travel demand management (TDM) programs have often
been investigated, but there is little research on employers preference of TDM programs and the factors
which influence their choices. This study aims to examine employers’ choices of TDM program and the
effectiveness based on a Seoul TDM database. Factors affecting employers’ decisions on whether to
participate in TDM programs and the degree of participation are identified based on regression models:
binary logistic, ordinary least squares and Tobit regressions. In addition, an employers’ TDM program
choice model is developed using the approach of the multiple discrete continuous extreme value
(MDCEV) model, as an employer can participate in multiple TDM programs, and their individual
effectiveness is represented by continuous values of traffic impact fee discount rates. The developed
models consistently indicate that facilities characteristics such as owner type and facility size, along with
locational characteristics (e.g., land use and accessibility to transit) are important in choosing a TDM
program. In particular, the MDCEV model shows that employers’ preferences for TDM programs vary
significantly by employer and characteristics of the program.
Keywords: Travel demand management, Employer, Worksite, Multiple discrete-continuous extreme
value model, Transport policy
1. Introduction
An important objective of transport policies in a city is to reduce citizens’ car dependency, encouraging
alternative modes of travel such as public transit, walk and bicycle. It has been shown that the mode shift
from car to alternative modes can be achieved to a substantial degree by various travel demand
management (TDM) strategies. Indeed, James and Brög (2001) showed that in South Perth, Australia, a
TravelSmart® individualized marketing strategy to convert car trips to walking trips by inducing
behavioral changes reduced car usage by 14%. Deployment of carsharing and public bicycle share
programs are also considered effective in reducing car trips and car ownership (Cervero and Tsai, 2004;
DeMaio, 2009). Above all, measures focusing on employment sites and commute trips are of importance
since they can mitigate peak time traffic congestion, which usually incurs tremendous social costs
resulting from excessive travel time and wasteful fuel consumption. Transportation agencies have
therefore conceived and implemented various worksite-based interventions in the form of incentives,
disincentives and/or marketing (Dill and Wardell, 2007).
The worksite-based intervention, often called employer-based TDM, is an efficient tool in the
effort to reduce car trips as it is relatively easy to implement, control and track performance (Hasnine et
al., 2016). TDM strategies encompass a wide variety of options including alternative work schedules,
guaranteed ride home, shuttle services and vehicle-use restrictions. These strategies are often selectively
implemented according to their suitability to the characteristics of the employer (e.g., municipal/local
governments and business associations) and particular situations (e.g., geographic conditions, problems to
be addressed and the decision-makers involved) (Litman, 2003). Thus, suitability evaluations under
various contexts are inherently important as they can guide employers in the right direction when
selecting strategies and implementation approaches. A number of studies point to this, empirically
evaluating the effectiveness of TDM strategies (Brockman and Fox, 2011; Merom et al., 2005; O’Fallon,
2010). Together with these evaluations, an understanding of employers’ behavior concerning TDM
strategy adoptions can help policy makers identify and develop effective TDM strategies. However, it
appears that the behavior of employers has rarely been investigated.
Seoul, South Korea’s largest city, has also recognized the need for implementing employer-based
TDM programs as traffic congestion becomes a serious social issue, increasing the risk of degrading the
quality of life and the health of citizens. The employer-based TDM in Seoul is unique in that employers
are incentivized by discounting annual traffic impact fees which are charged to facility owners based on
the size (i.e., floor area) and type (e.g., commercial or educational) of facility (Ko, 2013). The size and
type are generally believed to be the major determinants for traffic induced by the facility. Indeed, the
traffic impact fee for a facility is computed by multiplying three factors: total floor area in square meters,
facility type weight and unit fee. The facility type weight ranges between 0.47 (for factories) and 9.83
(for department stores). The traffic impact fees can be reduced, proportional to the amount of reduced
vehicle traffic resulting from TDM program implementation, as a way to encourage employers to actively
support TDM programs. Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) considers a set of TDM programs for
the traffic impact fee discount and monitors program-by-program traffic reduction effects for target
facilities. The monitored results are reflected in the amount of annual traffic impact fees determined, and
the results are stored in a TDM database together with pertinent information on the facilities. This
database is a valuable resource enabling researchers to investigate the characteristics of employers’ TDM
Based on the Seoul TDM database, this study aims to examine the characteristics of the
employers’ choice of TDM program and the effectiveness of the various programs. For this, two analyses
are conducted. The first is to investigate factors affecting employers’ decisions on whether or not to
participate in a TDM program, and the extent of their participation. These investigations are implemented
separately after developing three statistical models of binary logistic regression (for the choice of whether
or not to participate), ordinary least square model and Tobit regression (for the degree of participation); a
Tobit model is supplementarily considered, as the dependent variable (degree of program effectiveness) is
non-negative. The second analysis is to identify the factors which affect an employers choice of TDM
program in a combined manner. For this, the multiple discrete continuous extreme value (MDCEV)
model, formulated by Bhat (2005) to handle situations of multiple discreteness combined with a
continuous dimension of choice is used, as one employer can participate in multiple TDM programs, and
their individual effectiveness is represented by continuous values (i.e., traffic impact fee discount rates).
The MDCEV models have been employed for modeling household vehicle fleet composition and usage
(Bhat and Sen, 2006; Imani et al., 2014; You et al., 2014) and activity time-use behavior (Eluru et al.,
2010; Pinjari and Bhat, 2010), but it has not yet been applied to TDM analysis. This study shows that a
number of factors, including facility characteristics (e.g., type and size) and locational factors (e.g., land
use and accessibility to transit) can affect the decision of TDM program participation and its effectiveness.
More importantly, the program-by-program variations of the effect are identified by the MDCEV model.
The results of the models developed are expected to enhance the understanding of employers’ TDM
participation decisions and TDM effectiveness, helping transportation agencies develop and implement
effective TDM programs at worksites.
2. Literature review
A number of studies have shown that a variety of employer-based TDM strategies exist which are
intended to stimulate a mode shift for commuting trips (Scheepers et al., 2014; Hasnine et al., 2016;
Litman, 2003). One such strategy is a travel awareness campaign which seeks participants’ behavioral
changes through social marketing and advertising, as shown in The Walk to Work Day campaign
implemented in Australia to encourage more walking. The effectiveness of the campaign was evaluated
by Merom et al. (2005) based on pre- and post-campaign telephone surveys. They found that the
participants in the campaign decreased their “car only” use and increased walking combined with public
transport. Economic incentives can also act as a stimulus to mode shifts as illustrated by the parking
cash-out program in California, USA. The program required employers of 50 or more persons who
subsidize commuter parking to offer a cash allowance to employees who are not using their parking
spaces due to mode shifts. Shoup (1997) pointed to the effectiveness of the program based on case
studies of eight firms: a decrease in the number of solo drivers and vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) for
commuting by 17 % and 12%, respectively.
Research has empirically proven that combined TDM measures (implementing several measures
together) can lead to increased reductions in car use when compared to individual measures (Eriksson et
al., 2010). In line with this, TDM measures of carrot and stick are often simultaneously implemented,
as illustrated in the Transport Plan of the University of Bristol, UK (Brockman and Fox, 2011). TDM
strategies in this plan included limiting parking spaces, increasing parking charges, improving facilities
for walkers and cyclists, and providing carsharing and free university bus services. A before-after survey
of university staff members revealed significant mode shifts after implementation of the measures: an
increase in the proportion of respondents who walk to work from 19% to 30%, and who cycle to work
from 7% to 12% (Brockman and Fox, 2011). Despite the fact that the university setting might produce
improved outcomes due to the greater work flexibility of staff members and their better understanding of
sustainable transportation, the combined TDM measures are advantageous in that they offer more options
to replace the use of a car to get to work. Herzog et al. (2006) revealed that comprehensive employee
commuter benefit packages, composed of financial incentives, services such as guaranteed ride home and
carpool matching, and informational campaigns, resulted in a reduction of trips and VMT by about 15%
for surveyed employees in the metro areas of Denver, Houston, San Francisco and Washington DC.
These impacts were identified by a survey comparing a commuter group receiving the benefits with
another which did not. Such campaign-type approaches are also often combined with physical
intervention tools. For example, the Bike Now program implemented in New Zealand deployed
combined TDM measures to overcome general misconceptions about cycling, while at the same time
bicycle facilities were improved, resulting in shifts from car to bicycle by nearly half of the surveyed
participants (based on a before-after survey targeting 27 workplaces) (O’Fallon, 2010).
The effectiveness of employer-based TDM programs can vary depending on the characteristics of
the employer and/or employees. Zhou et al. (2012) found that employees from a large employer (the
University of California, Los Angeles) had more opportunities for carpooling and thus drove alone less
often even after factoring in residential location, annual income and commute time. The study also
pointed out that different employee groups, usually marked by income levels, may favor different TDM
programs. The importance of the income factor was stressed by Loukopoulus et al. (2004) where it was
argued that car-user responses to TDM measures were mainly dictated by a cost-minimization principle.
The association between income and TDM effectiveness was also noted in Hendricks (2005). In addition
to the income effect, the study emphasized the importance of management support and proximity to good
transit service for the success of TDM programs. Dill and Wardell (2007) demonstrated through the
development of statistical models that worksite locational factors (street connectivity, whether it is located
downtown, and accessibility to transit) were critical to the worksite’s transit mode share as well as the
effectiveness of TDM programs. The study also found a positive relationship between employer size
(number of employees) and TDM effectiveness even for worksites with no rail access. These studies
suggest that the consideration of the context in which employers are situated is important to understand
TDM program’s effectiveness and employers’ TDM program choices.
With regard to the method of TDM program evaluation, many studies have relied on before-after
surveys, identifying behavioral differences after intervention (Brockman and Fox, 2011; James and Brög,
2001; Merom et al., 2005; O’Fallon, 2010). In other instances, the target groups’ mode choice changes
(or characteristics) were compared with those of control groups (Herzog et al., 2006; Zhou et al., 2012).
In addition to these applications of revealed preference (RP) data, stated preference (SP) surveys have
been conducted for estimating the expected impact of proposed policies, providing opportunities to
quantitatively compare a variety of potential policy options (Eriksson et al., 2010). Potential TDM
strategies can also be evaluated systematically under a modeling framework. As can be seen in Hasnine
et al. (2016), where a joint RP-SP mode choice model was applied, TDM evaluation tools which have the
capability of testing various scenarios can play such a role. Shiftan and Suhrbier (2002) applied activity-
based modeling approaches in an attempt to develop a tool for evaluating TDM strategies in terms of
travel and emission impact. Dill and Wardell (2007) constructed regression models to predict mode
shares after considering the impact of employers’ TDM strategies. However, the capability of these
approaches appears to be rather limited when it comes to revealing the variation of an individual TDM
programs effectiveness, which usually interacts with an employers characteristics. In addition, the
analyses focused mostly on the behavior of travelers, with little consideration of employers’ TDM
program choices.
As a whole, the literature reviewed suggests that the effectiveness of TDM measures adopted by
employers has been studied often, usually demonstrating the positive impacts towards a reduction in car
commutes. The review also implies that a set of measures have commonly been implemented together to
maximize their effectiveness, requiring an evaluation approach that enables researchers to capture the
variation in program-by-program effectiveness. Previous studies also appear to have shown little interest
in an employer’s choice of TDM programs. It is conjectured that data availability can be the defining
issue for carrying out choice studies. Therefore, this study, attempting to investigate employers’ TDM
program participation characteristics, is expected to contribute to the literature by adding insights
regarding TDM program choices at the worksite, based on a reliable data source managed by a local
3. Data
3.1 The employer-based TDM database
The employer-based TDM database is updated annually by SMG to appropriately assess the traffic impact
fees to owners of facilities with a floor area of 1,000 square meters or more. This study utilizes the
database built in 2013 which contains information on 15 employee-related TDM programs, as listed
Car use restriction programs based on vehicle plate numbers (license plate rationing programs) or
drivers’ own choice: 1) final digit (one day out of every ten days), 2) last two digits (two days out
of every ten days), 3) odd and even (every other day), 4) weekly no-driving day program
Parking related programs: 1) no parking for employees, 2) eliminating free parking, 3) reducing
parking spaces
Programs encouraging the use of alternative travel modes: 1) transit subsidies, 2) free commuter
buses, 3) employer-provided taxi service, 4) transit day campaigns, 5) encouragement of bicycle
Other: 1) flexible work schedules, 2) carpools, 3) site-specific programs developed by the
The weekly no-driving day program is implemented in Seoul and several other cities in South Korea. The
program participants are required to not use their private car at least one day a week; participants can
select the day(s) of the week considering their vehicle needs. Some incentives such as annual vehicle tax
reductions and parking fee discounts are offered by SMG to the participants unless they violate the no-
driving day rule three times or more in a year (Ko and Cho, 2009). The no-parking program for
employees is regarded as implemented when worksite parking is prohibited for at least 80% of the
The key element of the database is traffic impact fee discount rates (in percentages) for each
facility and the individual TDM programs implemented. The rate can be considered as a program-by-
program car trip reduction since it is designed to be proportional to the amount of reduced car trips by the
individual programs. SMG has developed a manual for the evaluation of the discount rate, specifying
program-by-program definitions, minimum requirements and criteria (e.g., a minimum number of
participating employees), formulae for computing the rate, monitoring methods and required documents
for verification. Facility owners can obtain reduced traffic impact fees based on the discount rates
(maximum 100%) summed over all the implemented TDM programs. The discount rates for a facility are
evaluated based on quarterly reports submitted by the facility owner and field verifications by SMG staff.
The database also contains information on the characteristics of the facility including facility type, size
and address. In this study, the address information was used for augmenting the database by integrating
with geographic information system-based spatial data, providing locational factors for the facility.
3.2 Sample selection
This study used a subset of the database. First, only four facility typesoffice, commercial, medical and
educationalwere considered, since they are the major sectors of employment involving regular
commutes. The four sectors comprise 63% (=6,024/9,553) of the worksites contained in the database, but
the proportion of employment in the sectors is expected to be even larger. (Unfortunately, the
employment size could not be obtained due to data unavailability.) Second, in order to avoid making
invalid conclusions from a small sample size (usually incurring low statistical significance), TDM
programs in which only a small number of facilities (i.e., < 30) participated were screened out of the
sample. As a result, five programsodd and even number vehicle plate rationing programs, reduced
parking spaces, transit subsidies, flexible work schedules, and carpoolingwere not considered for
analysis. The resultant final data set was composed of 5,995 worksites including 5,083 which did not
report their TDM activities to receive traffic impact fee discounts. This study utilizes about 63%
(=5,995/9,553) of the total number of worksites in the database. Figure 1 illustrates the location of the
facilities considered in this study. Note that a number of sampled facilities were identified as being
concentrated in small areas, raising concern about oversampling from those areas. However, there was
little evidence that such oversampling was systematic, rendering an effective elimination of co-location
effects impractical. Future studies are suggested to carefully handle and investigate this co-location effect
since it can distort modeling output under certain conditions.
Figure 1. Location of sampled worksites
3.3 Sample characteristics
The characteristics of the selected worksites and their TDM program participation are summarized in
Table 1. The table indicates that the proportion of worksites which participate in at least one TDM
program is 15.2% (=912/5,995). The average number of TDM programs that a worksite chooses to
implement is 1.6 (=1,467/912), suggesting that many worksites implemented multiple TDM programs.
The most common TDM program was found to be the elimination of free parking (a participation rate of
47.1% for the worksites which implemented at least one TDM program), followed by the weekly no-
driving day program (participation rate of 30.6%). Thus, 71.3% of the worksites which submitted a TDM
program participation report stated that they implemented the elimination of free parking and/or the
weekly no-driving day program. With regard to owner characteristics, 71% (=650/912) of the
participating worksites were found to be owned by private entities while the remaining 29% were in the
public sector, which may be expected, since the number of private facilities is much greater than those in
the public sector. It is worthwhile to note that 81% of the public sector facilities in the selected sample
implemented at least one TDM program, compared to just 11% for the private sector, showing the active
participation of the public sector. This situation is somewhat expected, as SMG often requires facilities in
the public sector to participate in the TDM programs.
The table also shows that a significant portion (76%) of the participating facilities is office
buildings. Commercial facilities show the highest participation rate of 22% (=107/486), followed by
office buildings at 16%. The participation rates for educational and medical facilities are only 8% and 9%,
respectively. The higher participation rate for commercial facilities may be expected since they are
usually charged much higher traffic impact fees, thus their greater motivation to participate in order to
obtain larger discounts. Given that all other conditions are equal, commercial facilities should pay greater
fees due to a higher weight factor. For example, the weight factor for major commercial facilities is 5.5
times higher than that of office buildings. It is observed that the average traffic impact fee discount rate
varies program-by-program, with employer-provided taxi service having the highest rate of 18.49%. It is
notable that two programs, the transit day campaigns and work site-specific programs developed by the
employer show a significantly lower discount rate of around 3%. The lower rate suggests that these two
programs may not be effective in reducing vehicle trips for some reason. The 912 worksites which
submitted a TDM activity report were able to cut their traffic impact fees by 21.6% on average. In terms
of facility size, worksites with free commuter buses and site-specific TDM measures were found to be
relatively larger, implying that these two programs are likely to be implemented at worksites with a larger
number of employees. Meanwhile, small employers seem to prefer implementing the weekly no-driving
day program.
The locational characteristics of the worksites were identified by a series of geographic
information system-based processes: address matching and buffer analysis. The two processes produced
information on population and employment size (based on the 2010 census data - the latest available) and
on transportation service levels within 500-meter buffers around the facilities. It is of interest that the
participating worksites are located in areas with relatively lower employment density, compared to areas
where the non-participating worksites are sited. (It is suspected that the co-location effect mentioned
earlier may partly be responsible for this, but there is no definite evidence.) Indeed, the average numbers
of employees within the 500-meter buffers are 34,238 and 40,011 for participating and non-participating
worksites, respectively. This situation is rather counter-intuitive as TDM programs are considered to be
more acceptable to worksites located in areas with high employment density (possibly because of more
likelihood of these areas having better transit accessibility). In particular, the TDM measures of the
weekly no-driving day program and transit day campaign appear to have been implemented at worksites
located in areas with more residents than employees; the respective ratios of the number of employees to
population are 0.87 and 0.76 for the two programs. Interestingly, the worksites which implemented free
commuter bus operations were found to be those least served by transit, as indicated by the smaller
numbers of stations, bus stops and bus routes served within the buffers. This suggests that commuter bus
operations are preferred as a way to supplement transit services.
Table 1. Selected Sample Characteristics
Facilities participating in at least one TDM program
License plate rationing programs
Free parking
Bicycle use
Final digit
Last two digits
Weekly no-driving
day program
Number of facilities sampled
Located in CBD
Facility type
Average traffic impact fee
discount rate (%)
Average facility floor area (m2)
Average number of residents1
Average number of employees1
Average number of subway
Average number of bus stops1
Average number of subway
Average number of bus routes1
Average distance to the nearest
subway station (meters) 2
Average distance to the nearest
bus stop (meters) 2
Average number of intersections1
Average total road length
(kilometers) 3
Table 1 (continued)
Facilities participating in at least one TDM program
Facilities not participating
in any TDM program
Free commuter
taxi service
Transit day
programs developed
by the employer
Number of facilities sampled
Located in CBD
Facility type
Average traffic impact fee discount
rate (%)
Average facility floor area (m2)
Average number of residents1
Average number of employees1
Average number of subway
Average number of bus stops1
Average number of subway lines1
Average number of bus routes1
Average distance to the nearest
subway station (meters) 2
Average distance to the nearest bus
stop (meters) 2
Average number of intersections1
Average total road length
(kilometers) 3
1. Measured within a 500-meter buffer around the facility; 2. Measured based on the Euclidean distance; 3. Measured within a one-kilometer buffer around the facility
4. Methodology
4.1 Models for decisions on whether to participate in TDM programs and effectiveness of the
This study develops statistical models to explore worksite TDM program participation characteristics by
utilizing the sample characteristics in Table 1 as explanatory variables. First, a binary logistic regression
model is constructed in order to investigate which factors are associated with the participation decisions
by assigning a value of one for worksites for which the traffic impact fee discount rate is larger than zero
and a value of zero for all others. The motivation of developing this model is that it is necessary to
clearly identify which worksites are not participating in TDM programs. Although this logistic regression
model does not fully utilize the information provided in the data set (by simply converting non-zero
values into ones), the result would guide policy makers to conceive adequate strategies to encourage the
participation of TDM programs under the condition that only a small portion of worksites (15.2% for this
studys sample) are participating in the programs. In addition, an ordinary least square regression model
is developed using a dependent variable of the summed traffic impact fee discount rate over the individual
TDM programs. To this end, a Tobit model is also considered, as the dependent variable cannot have
negative values, as specified below (Tobin, 1958).
 
 
 
In this equation, wi and ti are observed independent and non-negative dependent variables for worksite i
and ui follows iid N(0, σ2). In addition, θ is the parameter to be estimated. The Tobit model is described
in terms of a latent variable t*, supposing that ti* is observed if ti* > 0 and is not observed if ti* 0. The
result of these models is expected to reveal the relationship between the magnitude of the combined TDM
impacts and the relevant factors.
4.2 Joint model of TDM program participation and effectiveness
Under the context of this study, a worksite can opt to implement multiple TDM programs with
different degrees of car trip reduction. This situation is modeled using the MDCEV model. The MDCEV
model is an excellent approach which can handle behavioral phenomena characterized by multiple
discrete choices and a joint continuous choice dimension. The MDCEV model can also deal with
diminishing marginal returns or satiation effects which are not reflected in standard discrete choice
models (Bhat, 2005; Bhat, 2008; Bhat and Sen, 2006). The functional form of utility for the MDCEV
model is (Bhat, 2008):
 ,
where U(x) is a quasi-concave, increasing and continuously differentiable function with respect to
consumption (in this study, car trip reduction effects represented by traffic impact fee discount rates)
quantity (K1)-vector x (xk 0) for all k, and ψk, γk and αk are parameters associated with TDM program
k of the K alternative programs. The parameters, ψk, γk and αk represent baseline marginal utility,
translation parameters and satiation parameters, respectively. The translation parameter γk enables corner
solutions and also acts as a linear satiation parameter; the higher the value of γk, the less the satiation
effect in the consumption of alternative k. This study particularly applies the γ-profile approach with no
outside good (i.e., a TDM program chosen to be implemented by all employers) for fitting a model. In
the approach, the satiation parameter αk is set to zero and thus the utility becomes a simple linear system
(Bhat, 2008):
 .
The baseline utility is parameterized in the following functional form to introduce the impact of observed
and unobserved alternative attributes of baseline utility:
  ,
where zk is a set of attributes describing the TDM program k and the worksite and εk represents
unobserved characteristics that impact the baseline utility for program k. From the analyst’s perspective,
the employer is maximizing the random utility subject to a binding linear budget constraint. By assuming
an extreme value distribution for εk and independent relationships between εk and zk (k = 1, 2, …, K), the
MDCEV formulates the probability that an employer will allocate the available budget to multiple
alternatives (for more details, Baht, 2005; Baht, 2008). In this study, the MDCEV model estimation was
conducted using the program developed based on R codes (MARG, 2016).
5. Results
5.1 Models for decisions on whether to participate in TDM programs and the effectiveness of the
As shown in Table 2, three regression models were developed by utilizing the factors (except the number
of facilities sampled) in Table 1 as explanatory variables. Some variables, including floor area,
population and employment size, and the number of intersections, were transformed by taking logarithms
for fitting better models. All three models which capture only significant factors at a level of 0.10 appear
to be statistically satisfactory in terms of their explanatory power, as suggested by R2 values, F-statistics
and Chi-square statistics. Overall, the directions and relative magnitudes of the estimated parameters are
found to be consistent across the three models, suggesting any types of the model may be appropriate to
explain the characteristics of the TDM program participations. However, it should be noted that the
magnitude of the parameters in the Tobit model are substantially larger than those in the ordinary
regression model, and the variable of the number of intersections is not significant for the regression
model. The greater parameters in Tobit models can often be observed as a scale factor between zero and
one should be multiplied with the estimated Tobit parameters so as to make the Tobit parameters
comparable to those of ordinary regression models (Wooldridge, 2009). Indeed, the marginal effect of the
log of facility floor area (the estimated parameter = 15.989) at a median value is estimated to be 2.66 by
the Tobit model, which is comparable to 3.238 in the ordinary regression model. Although a detailed
investigation concerning these rather different results is not within the scope of this study, care should be
taken when predicting the effectiveness of the TDM programs using the models.
The models clearly indicate that employers in the private sector are less likely to participate in
TDM programs; in fact the binary logistic regression model suggests that private sector employers are 93%
less likely to implement TDM programs. Regarding the facility type, medical facilities show the least
tendency to participate in the programs. It is conjectured that the high income and rather irregular
commutes of employees in the medical service area might negatively influence program implementation.
The models show that office and commercial facilities are more likely to participate. The size of the
facility is found to have a positive association with TDM participation; supposing that the facility size is
proportional to the number of employees in the facility, the finding suggests that larger employers may
have more options for the deployment of TDM programs, which is consistent with the finding in Zhou et
al. (2012).
The models also show the importance of the locational characteristics of a worksite. Firstly,
population size is found to exert a negative impact on implementing TDM programs. This situation may
be expected, since more population means that the area is likely to be a residential area, where the level of
public transit service is usually lower than that of business areas. The lower transit service level can be a
hurdle for actively implementing car trip reduction measures. However, the population size variable is
significant only at a level of 0.10 in the logistic regression model, and other models did not reveal its
significance. Interestingly, the models suggest that the number of employees in the surrounding area is
negatively associated with TDM program implementations. This finding is rather counter-intuitive since
areas with high employment density are less likely to induce commutes by car (Chatman, 2003). A
potential explanation is that it might not be necessary to implement TDM programs for those worksites
located within high employment areas, since employee car dependency is likely already sufficiently low.
The low TDM program participation rate (15.2%) mentioned in the previous section may partly reflect
this situation. However, care should be taken in interpreting this, since employers may have different
preferences for TDM programs depending on their situation. Program-wise analyses to be presented in
the next section are expected to offer better explanations concerning this issue. (The MDCEV model in
the next section shows that the employment size variable is only significant for the weekly no-driving day
program and operation of free commuter buses.)
Accessibility to the subway is also found to play a critical role in the decision concerning TDM
participation; better accessibility (more subway lines and closeness to stations) means more chances of
implementing TDM programs. In contrast, it is found that good accessibility to bus stops negatively
affects participation in a TDM program. This situation is consistent with the fact that the average distance
to the nearest bus stop is 117.8 and 105.2 meters for TDM participating and non-participating worksites,
respectively. It is not clear why worksites closer to bus stops are less likely to participate in the programs.
It is just conjectured that facilities with poor accessibility to transit might actively implement TDM
programs providing transportation services such as free commuter bus operation and employer-provided
taxi service to mitigate the poor accessibility. Thus, good (or poor) accessibility to transit does not
always mean higher (or lower) likelihood of implementing TDM programs, suggesting the importance of
TDM program-wise analyses. (The MDCEV model in the next section reveals that the variable of the
distance to the nearest bus stop is not significant for any TDM programs.) The number of intersections,
which may be closely related to street connectivity, is found to have a positive relationship with the
chance of implementing TDM programs and in increasing their effectiveness. This finding is expected,
since worksites located in areas with more intersections are likely to be more accessible by walking, thus
increasing the likelihood that restrictions on car use will be put in place.
Table 2. Binary Logistic Regression, Multiple Regression and Tobit Models for Worksite Participation in TDM programs
Binary logistic regression
Multiple regression
Tobit regression
3.910 ***
-62.363 ***
Facility characteristics
Owned by private entities
-3.701 ***
-17.027 ***
-43.517 ***
Facility type (reference = office facility)
Educational facility
-0.611 ***
-1.225 ***
-8.892 ***
Medical facility
-0.787 ***
-1.304 ***
-10.611 ***
Log of facility floor area (square meters)
1.253 ***
3.238 ***
15.989 ***
Locational factors
Log of population size within a 500 meter buffer
-0.186 *
Log of employment size within a 500 meter buffer
-0.628 ***
-1.091 ***
-7.29 ***
Number of subway lines within a 500 meter buffer
0.183 ***
0.442 ***
3.529 ***
Distance to the nearest subway station (kilometers)
-0.468 **
Distance to the nearest bus stop (kilometers)
1.720 ***
4.688 ***
17.457 **
Log of the number of intersections within a 500
meter buffer
0.289 ***
2.469 ***
1Nagelkerke R2 = 0.438
2Hosmer and Lemeshow statistic = 18.513 ***
-2 Log likelihood = 3,388.564
Adjusted R2 = 0.328
F-statistics = 418.0 ***
3L(c) = -6,213.559
4L(β) = -5,315.772
-2 [L(c)- L(β)] = 1,795.573
>= 
= 26.1
Number of observations (n) = 5,995
1Nagelkerke R2 is one of the goodness-of-fit indices defined by 
/(  (Field, 2009), where n represents sample size. For L(c) and L(β), see below.
2Hosmer and Lemeshow statistic is a chi-square statistic comparing the observed frequencies with those expected under an estimated model. In general, the smaller Hosmer-
Lemeshow statistic or the larger corresponding p-value indicates that the assumption of the logistic response function is more appropriate for the estimated model.
3 L(c) is log likelihood of the constant-only model.
4 L(β) is log likelihood of the final model.
Note: * Significant at 10%; ** Significant at 5%; *** Significant at 1%.
5.2 Joint model of TDM program choice and effectiveness
Table 3 illustrates the estimated MDCEV model for the employers’ TDM program choices and their
individual effectiveness measured by the traffic impact fee discount rates. For the final model, numerous
model specifications were tested and only significant variables at a level of 0.1 were retained. (An
inclusion of all the variables in the MDCEV model failed to properly produce standard errors of the
parameters, potentially due to too many variables and a complex mechanism of the model estimation
procedure. In addition, the MDCEV model with all the variables, regardless of their significance levels,
is likely to be too complex, as the corresponding parameters would need to be estimated for all 9 TDM
programs.) In the model estimation, site-specific TDM programs developed by the employer served as
the baseline alternative. Note that the MDCEV model is based on only 916 worksites which implemented
at least one TDM program while the regression models in the previous section utilized all the worksites,
including the ones which did not participate in any TDM program.
Similar to the finding by the previous regression models, the resultant MDCEV model indicates
that the owner type of facility is critical for deciding which TDM programs to implement and their
effectiveness. Indeed, the facility owner variable was found to be significant for most TDM programs,
suggesting that facilities owned by private entities are less likely to implement TDM programs. As
mentioned previously, this is ascribed to the fact that employers in the public sector are often required to
implement the programs. However, the program-by-program significances of the variable imply that
three programslicense plate rationing according to the final digit, no parking for employees, and
eliminating free parkingmay be equally important for both private and public entities, as the variable is
not significant for the three programs. The facility size is another important factor for most TDM
programs except for the license plate rationing program according to the last two digits and the no parking
for employees program. In particular, the model reveals that free commuter buses and employer-provided
taxi service are the most preferred programs by larger employers, as suggested by the positive signs and
magnitudes of the estimated parameters for the variable. Meanwhile, final digit-license plate rationing
and weekly no-driving day programs seem to be preferred by smaller employers. Interestingly, this
situation infers that costly TDM programs such as free commuter buses and employer-provided taxi
service may be viable only for larger employers.
The MDCEV model suggests that educational and medical facilities, which were previously
found to be less likely to participate in the TDM programs, may have different levels of preference for
each program. More specifically, educational facilities appear more likely to participate in license plate
rationing programs and employer-provided taxi service, while medical facilities are found to prefer
implementing no parking for employees, employer-provided taxi services and transit day campaigns.
Commercial facilities show a weaker tendency toward the weekly no-driving day program, eliminating
free parking and free commuter buses, compared to office facilities (the reference facility type). These
detailed alternative-by-alternative preference identifications seem to be the important benefit of the
MDCEV model.
Whether the facility is located within a central business district (CBD) is also an important factor,
which was not identified as significant in the previous regression models. The MDCEV model indicates
that facilities located in the CBD are more likely to participate in the weekly no-driving day program (at a
rather lower significance level, 0.10) and no parking for employees. The finding that no parking for
employees, one of the strictest car-use control programs, is preferred by the facilities located in the CBD
is plausible, since employee resistance to such control measures can be minimized only when transit
service is well-provided. The transit service level in the CBD is significantly higher than in other areas in
Seoul (Ko et al., 2011). Meanwhile, encouraging bicycle use is found to be the least preferred program in
the CBD, which may be due to the lack of bicycle-related facilities such as bicycle rental systems, bicycle
lanes and bicycle parking in the CBD. From a policy perspective, this finding suggests that an adequate
level of built environment may be required for implementing various TDM measures.
Accessibility to transit service is also a critical factor for TDM program choices and their
effectiveness, as already shown in the previous regression models. In particular, the number of subway
lines appears to positively influence the likelihood that TDM programs such as license plate rationing and
elimination of free parking are in place. The distance to the nearest subway station is found to be another
significant variable, indicating that programs encouraging use of bicycles and free commuter buses are
more likely to be implemented and effective with an increase in distance. This situation seems to be
counter-intuitive, but suggests that non-car commuters’ inconvenient access to subway stations located
away from worksites can be mitigated by providing or encouraging alternative travel modes. This finding
is notable since it infers that the general belief that TDM effectiveness has a positive relationship with
transit service levels cannot always be applied. The number of intersections also seems to positively
influence the implementation of TDM measures, in particular for the weekly no-driving day program and
eliminating free parking. Considering that more intersections means a higher degree of street
connectivity, which promotes walking, this finding suggests that favorable environments for walking may
be necessary for effective car use reductions.
Table 3. MDCEV Model for TDM Program Participation Effectiveness: Baseline Utility
Coefficient (t-Statistic)
License plate rationing program (final digit)
Log of facility floor area (square meters)
-0.759 (-5.240) ***
Educational facility (reference = office)
1.202 (3.158) ***
Number of subway lines within a 500-meter buffer
0.296 (1.933) *
License plate rationing program (last two digits)
Owned by private entity
-2.471 (-9.871) ***
Number of subway lines within a 500-meter buffer
0.444 (3.917) ***
Educational facility (reference = office)
1.498 (4.188) ***
Weekly no-driving day program
Owned by private entity
-3.073 (-14.329) ***
Log of facility floor area (square meters)
-0.637 (-5.777) ***
Commercial facility (reference = office)
-2.749 (-4.273) ***
Log of employment size within a 500-meter buffer
-0.321 (-3.788) ***
Located in CBD area
0.941 (1.756) *
Log of the number of intersections within a 500-meter buffer
0.272 (2.706) ***
No parking for employees
Medical facility (reference = office)
1.068 (2.808) ***
Located in CBD area
1.384 (3.550) ***
Eliminating free parking
Log of facility floor area (square meters)
-0.290 (-3.203) ***
Commercial facility (reference = office)
-2.331 (-9.977) ***
Number of subway lines within a 500-meter buffer
0.272 (3.192) ***
Log of the number of intersections within a 500-meter buffer
0.384 (4.617) ***
Encouraging bicycle use
Owned by private entity
-2.169 (-9.854) ***
Log of facility floor area (square meters)
-0.476 (-4.721) ***
Log of distance to the nearest subway station (meters)
0.24 (1.957) **
Located in CBD area
-1.526 (-2.049) **
Free commuter buses
Owned by private entity
-2.344 (-5.746) ***
Log of facility floor area (square meters)
1.244 (6.346) ***
Commercial facility (reference = office)
-1.974 (-5.151) ***
Log of employment size within a 500-meter buffer
-0.412 (-2.625) ***
Log of distance to the nearest subway station (meters)
0.789 (3.087) ***
Log of the number of intersections within a 500-meter buffer
0.374 (2.376) **
Employer-provided taxi service
Owned by private entity
-1.853 (-6.459) ***
Log of facility floor area (square meters)
0.294 (2.320) **
Educational facility (reference = office)
0.899 (2.027) **
Medical facility
1.169 (2.987) ***
Transit day campaign
Owned by private entity
-3.259 (-7.708) ***
Log of facility floor area (square meters)
-0.538 (-3.540) ***
Medical facility (reference = office)
1.550 (3.346) ***
Note: df = degrees of freedom. Goodness of fit: log likelihood of the base model at convergence (df = 19) = -4,667.30, log
likelihood of the final model at convergence (df = 54) = -4,175.42, likelihood ratio = 983.76, 
= 66.6, Number of
observations = 912.
* Significant at 10%; ** Significant at 5%; *** Significant at 1%.
The baseline constants shown in Table 4 provide an indication of the inherent preference for
various TDM programs and marginal utility at zero consumption for the different alternatives. The
resultant baseline constants suggest that the campaign-type programs of the weekly no-driving day and
transit day campaign are most preferred. Conversely, the costly programs of free commuter buses and
employer-provided taxi service have the smallest baseline preference. (Note that employer-provided taxi
service does not have a significantly different baseline utility from that of the baseline alternative, site-
specific programs developed by the employer.) This trend clearly indicates that employers are more
willing to choose TDM programs that demand fewer financial resources to operate.
A higher translation parameter for an alternative indicates that employers are less satiated with
the consumption of that alternative and are therefore more likely to actively participate in the program,
thereby promoting greater effectiveness. Table 4 indicates that a license plate rationing program
according to the last two digits does not have a statistically significant satiation effect, suggesting that this
program is commonly implemented together with other programs and therefore has a higher effectiveness.
A similar interpretation may be applied to the program of eliminating free parking with a higher
translation parameter. Site-specific programs developed by the employer have the greatest satiation effect,
suggesting that these programs are customized for worksites with peculiar characteristics, for which
conventional TDM programs may not be effective in reducing car use.
Table 4. MDCEV Model for TDM Program Participation: Baseline Constants and Translation Parameters
TDM Program
Coefficient (t-Statistic)
Baseline constants
License plate rationing program (final digit)
7.159 (5.350) ***
License plate rationing program (last two digits)
2.223 (6.700) ***
Weekly no-driving day program
11.797 (9.599) ***
No parking for employees
0.541 (1.881) *
Eliminating free parking
3.392 (3.145) ***
Encouraging bicycle use
6.616 (5.183) ***
Free commuter buses
-12.052 (-3.925) ***
Employer-provided taxi service
-0.179 (-0.136)
Transit day campaign
7.563 (5.657) ***
Translation parameters
Site-specific programs developed by employer
1.284 (3.052) ***
License plate rationing program (final digit)
28.308 (1.990) **
License plate rationing program (last two digits)
98.668 (1.483)
License plate rationing program (weekly no-driving day program)
23.160 (4.031) ***
No parking for employees
17.181 (2.305) **
Eliminating free parking
48.683 (3.398) ***
Encouraging bicycle use
6.661 (3.913) ***
Free commuter buses
9.154 (2.323) **
Employer-provided taxi service
19.787 (3.445) ***
Transit day campaign
2.740 (2.069) **
* Significant at 10%; ** Significant at 5%; *** Significant at 1%.
6. Conclusions
This study attempts to explore employer TDM program participation characteristics using a TDM
database containing information on the individual participating employers TDM program(s) and their
effectiveness, represented by the traffic impact fee discount rates. For this, factors affecting employers’
decisions on whether to participate in TDM programs and the degree of their participation were identified
based on regression models. In addition, an employers TDM program choice model was developed
using the MDCEV model approach, as an employer can participate in multiple TDM programs and their
individual effectiveness is represented by continuous values.
The developed regression models suggested that employer TDM program participation can be
affected by various factors including employer type, facility size and accessibility to transit. Private and
smaller facilities were found less likely to participate in the TDM programs. Compared to offices and
commercial facilities, educational and medical facilities appeared to be less likely to participate in TDM
programs. Better subway accessibility tended to increase TDM participation and its effectiveness, as
expected. In contrast to our expectations, employment density around worksites (measured within a 500-
meter buffer) was found to negatively affect TDM implementation. Although this situation can be partly
explained by the low TDM participation rate (about 15%), more in-depth analysis may be required for
fuller clarification. The developed regression models revealed another counter-intuitive finding, in that
better accessibility to bus stops has a negative association with TDM implementation. It was conjectured
that facilities with poor accessibility to transit might actively implement TDM programs of providing
transportation services such as free commuter buses and employer-provided taxi services to mitigate the
poor accessibility. Thus, good (or poor) accessibility to transit does not always mean more (or less)
chances of implementing TDM programs, suggesting a need for TDM program-wise analysis.
A TDM program-wise analysis was conducted based on the MDCEV model. Overall, the
developed MDCEV model revealed similar patterns of the role of similar factors; for example, private
facilities showed a weaker tendency to participate in the TDM programs. However, the model indicated
that worksites might have different preferences for implementing TDM programs, depending on worksite
characteristics. High-cost programs (i.e., free commuter buses and employer-provided taxi services) were
found to be preferred by larger employers while low-cost campaign-type programs (e.g., final digit
license plate rationing and weekly no-driving day program) were preferred by smaller employers. The
baseline constants of the MDCEV model also indicated that campaign-type programs were preferred by
most employers while the high-cost programs were least preferred. This suggests that policy makers need
to consider providing financial support for employers to increase their TDM options.
The models suggested that built environment such as transit accessibility and street connectivity
is crucial for improved implementation of TDM programs. In particular, built environment favorable to
transit and walking was found to positively influence the implementation of car use restriction programs.
As Scheepers et al. (2014) have illustrated, this finding proves that built environment is a crucial element
for a shift from cars to alternative modes. Interestingly, worksites with poor accessibility to transit were
found more likely to implement TDM programs of providing or encouraging alternative transportation
options such as commuter buses or bicycles. This implies that worksite characteristics should be taken
into account when choosing TDM programs.
This study is meaningful in that it revealed employers’ behavioral response regarding TDM program
choices, which is a significant addition to the current literature as these issues have rarely been
investigated. From a methodological perspective, the application of the MDCEV model to the TDM
study is also unique. In spite of its contributions, this study is expected to be further improved by
considering employee characteristics such as income level and commute distance, which can dictate
preferences for TDM programs (Zhou et al., 2012). Supplementary surveys collecting such information
may enable researchers to capture the impact of more diverse factors. In addition, it is worthwhile to
examine the differing responses of both private and public sector employers in more detail, as the models
developed pointed to this aspect consistently. Approaches of market segmentation (private vs. public)
and/or different modeling frameworks (e.g., nested structure) would be helpful in the investigation.
Applicability of this study is expected to be enhanced by adding policy analyses which can be conducted
by establishing adequate scenarios. Unfortunately, the calculations of marginal effects and elasticity for
variables in the MDCEV model are not as straightforward as ordinary regression models due to the non-
linearity between explanatory and response variables, requiring complex computation processes and/or
simulation techniques (Bhat and Sen, 2006; Imani et al., 2014; Pinjari and Bhat, 2010). Thus, additional
studies may be needed to expand the current studys applicability for capturing the impact of various
policies. It should be noted that the findings identified can be applied only to the context of this study,
which targets worksites in a large city with a population density of about 17,000 people per square
kilometer. Travel patterns in urban settings are significantly different from those of suburban areas where
ample free parking exists, few or no alternatives to driving are provided, and car use is seldom restricted
(Ko, 2013). Therefore, some degree of caution needs to be exercised when transferring the findings in
this study to other geographical areas. As this study has demonstrated the potential of the TDM database
for identifying employers’ TDM program choices and implementation characteristics, and the database
has been built up on a yearly basis, future studies are encouraged to conduct longitudinal analyses that can
reveal time variations in employer TDM program choice behavior.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or
not-for-profit sectors.
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... Travel Demand Management is a tried-and-tested method that has been utilised in a range of cities hosting mega-events (Currie and Delbosc, 2011), and is increasingly being used to address transport congestion issues. The limited research evaluating employers' engagement with and acceptance of TDM (Ko and Kim, 2017) has identified that acceptance of TDM varies depending on employee type, location, and the characteristics of the TDM programme being proposed (see Anable, 2005;Ko and Kim, 2017;Lo et al., 2016). The current research extends our understanding of the role of employers in TDM, through analysis of the different roles businesses play in facilitating VTBC. ...
... Travel Demand Management is a tried-and-tested method that has been utilised in a range of cities hosting mega-events (Currie and Delbosc, 2011), and is increasingly being used to address transport congestion issues. The limited research evaluating employers' engagement with and acceptance of TDM (Ko and Kim, 2017) has identified that acceptance of TDM varies depending on employee type, location, and the characteristics of the TDM programme being proposed (see Anable, 2005;Ko and Kim, 2017;Lo et al., 2016). The current research extends our understanding of the role of employers in TDM, through analysis of the different roles businesses play in facilitating VTBC. ...
... The influence of business on VTBC has received significantly less attention than car use change and personal mobility (Ko and Kim, 2017). Organisations and businesses create the majority of commuting demand and transport network use, therefore, evaluating businesses' role in travel behaviour change is an important factor in the future of transport policy. ...
Full-text available
The organisers of the London 2012 Olympics faced transport congestion challenges whose resolution required travel behaviour change across an entire transport network. This study evaluates the role of Transport for London's (TfL) £30 m business-focussed Travel Demand Management (TDM) programme in achieving significant traveller behaviour change across its entire transport network. The paper argues that soft TDM measures, together with a targeted 'hard-edge' message, alongside travel alternatives, can achieve significant voluntary travel behaviour change (VTBC) across a whole transport network, despite such behaviour normally being habitual. Incorporating a longitudinal study comprised of pre-and post-Games qualitative interviews, office attendance data and analysis of TfL's travel survey with Ajzen's (1991) Theory of Planned Behaviour, this research highlights the importance of reliable information, freedom of choice, and faith in the effectiveness of the measures proposed, in eliciting acceptance of the TDM policy. The results also demonstrate the importance of a relevant, hard-edge message in the form of a 'big scare'-which operates as a 'catalyst-for-change' (CfC), breaking habit by increasing cognitive engagement and acceptance-as well as the importance of the role of businesses in delivering significant levels of voluntary travel behavioural change. The findings contribute to the evaluation of methods for achieving actual VTBC, which could be instrumental in enacting the large-scale travel behaviour changes required to meet international environmental objective of reducing carbon resource consumption by both businesses and individuals.
... Over half of respondents said that if parking was not available they would not drive, though only about one-third of respondents said they would switch to transit. Other studies confirm that restricting parking access and implementing higher parking charges that employees pay are effective for reducing solo driving (Christiansen et al., 2017), though the overall effectiveness may depend on employer characteristics such as location within a Central Business District (Ko and Kim, 2017). ...
Off-street parking is commonly required by cities, which leads to an ever-expanding supply of spaces. This chapter reviews the literature to assess how off-street parking affects travel choices. The supply of parking has direct effects on travel, where the ease of parking makes driving more attractive, and conversely, limited or expensive parking reduces driving and encourages use of alternatives. Parking also has indirect effects on travel choices, where parking becomes a dominant feature of the built environment and inhibits walking, biking or transit use, in addition to increasing the cost of housing in places where alternatives to driving are abundant. Recent moves by some cities to reduce or eliminate parking requirements suggests that an era of parking reform is underway, and cities have tied parking reform to environmental, economic, and equity goals. Ultimately, parking remains a powerful tool for influencing travel choices, where more parking leads to more driving, but managing parking through prices and reducing required parking can nudge travelers toward other modes.
... This could be reflected in many ways. First, the government need to establish Travel Demand Management (TDM) plans (Ferguson, 2018;Ko and Kim, 2017) which will alleviate congestion and enhance mobility (Meyer, 1997) by using existing infrastructure capacity to reduce the impact of the pandemic. Second, policy should support different innovations by private companies or technology developers to enhance the commuters' experience. ...
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While developed nations have established policy frameworks for dealing with various macroeconomic shocks, developing countries respond to the influx of COVID-19 on heterogeneous scales, borne out of varying institutional bottlenecks. These inadequate transport facilities are not diversified enough to deal with an impending public health crisis. With the growing divergence in public transport management procedures and societal responses and willingness to adjust to a "new normal" transport procedures in time of COVID-19 and post-pandemic, it becomes expedient to learn evidence-based policy responses to transport service delivery. Qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with commuters and operators were thematically analysed to understand the impact of COVID-19 on transportation in Lagos Nigeria. The analysis revealed that increased cost of transportation, financial sustainability, changes in travel needs and loss of revenue were the significant impacts of the pandemic. This study contributes such that transport stakeholders can better understand how to navigate their transportation needs at this time of global uncertainty. The understanding of these impacts advances policy recommendations that are most inclined to the development objectives of developing nations in the time of COVID-19 and beyond. The limitations and suggestions for further research were discussed.
... Regarding company choices, where freight choices are contained, MDCEV can prove to be an interesting tool. Ko and Kim (2017) used the MDCEV to model which transport demand management strategies companies in Seoul use. The MDCEV was used because each organization can be part of several strategies simultaneously that are likely to be conscious and planned. ...
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There are some examples where freight choices may be of a multiple discrete nature, especially the ones at more tactical levels of planning. Nevertheless, this has not been investigated in the literature, although several discrete-continuous models for mode/vehicle type and shipment size choice have been developed in freight transport. In this work, we propose that the decision of port and mode of the grain consolidators in Argentina is of a discrete-continuous nature, where they can choose more than one alternative and how much of their production to send by each mode. The Multiple Discrete Extreme Value Model (MDCEV) framework was applied to a stated preference data set with a response variable that allowed this multiple-discreteness. To our knowledge, this is the only application of the MDCEV in regional freight context. Free alongside ship price, freight transport cost, lead-time and travel time were included in the utility function and observed and random heterogeneity was captured by the interaction with the consolidator’s characteristics and random coefficients. In addition, different discrete choice models were used to compare the forecasting performance, willingness to pay measures and structure of the utility function against.
... It helps people knowing about and using all their transportation options to optimize the system and to counterbalance the need to drive. (Ko & Kim, 2017) TDM is a principle that guides the way of designing transportation systems and physical infrastructure so that alternatives to driving are naturally encouraged, and systems are better balanced. (Shiftan & Suhrbier, 2002) There are many different TDM strategies with a variety of impacts. ...
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This paper aimed to provide a set of sustainable measures suitable for workplaces according to local requirements. To support this, a specific Transportation Demand Management strategy was applied, which is called Workplace Travel Planning. The result of such a Workplace Travel Plan is a package of measures implemented by an organization to encourage sustainable commuting. This research focused on two stages of the planning process: in the analysis stage, data were gathered from the stakeholders, and travel behavior was analyzed, while in the planning stage, a specific set of measures was proposed to the workplace. The selection of those measures relies on several aspects, such as existing workplace infrastructure, employer policies, employee requirements, local infrastructure, cost of implementation, level of sustainability. The mobility questionnaires are the instruments used to retrieve the input data used in the method, while the categorization of measures contributes to the next phase of the method serving as the output options. To each measure, factors, weights, and sustainability impacts were assigned. The connection of the phases was realized by creating the utility value of the measure, which enables the ranking of the measures. The approach provides a comprehensive framework of connecting employee requirements, employer willingness, and site-specific opportunities by defining a quantitative utility function, which results in a list of most suitable measures for a specific workplace.
This study explored the effectiveness of various employer-based travel demand management strategies in promoting multimodality and mode substitution among employees in Washington state using a mixed multinomial logit model. The study found that employee transportation coordinators played an important role in encouraging the use of sustainable travel modes. Spatial analysis revealed that individuals who lived and worked in proximity were more likely to adopt multimodal transportation. The study also highlighted the convenience of driving alone and the lack of information on sustainable alternatives as two major barriers to the adoption of sustainable transportation modes and recommended educational campaigns to increase awareness. To inform practice, this study identified transit subsidies, parking pricing, and work schedule flexibility as the most effective TDM strategies to promote multimodality and mode substitution, followed by compressed workweeks, and providing easy access to transit and amenities.
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Background: The reconfiguration of the South African higher education landscape in 2003 and 2004 had a significant impact on the University of South Africa (UNISA) and Technikon SA (both distance education institutions) which merged to form the ‘new’ UNISA. Aim: The aim of this conceptual study is to explore the extent to which the policies of the post-merger UNISA are enablers or inhibitors of efforts to reduce its Scope 3 carbon emissions. Setting: Staff commuter patterns between the main campuses of UNISA and the policy environment that has an impact on such travel. Methods: The aim is achieved by means of a case study methodology that considers the relevant policies of the university and applicable results of a 2018 UNISA staff travel demand survey to determine whether the policies are incongruous with the institution’s attempts to reduce its carbon footprint in general, and its Scope 3 carbon emissions in particular. The impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on defining a ‘new normal’ for the university’s operations, and the impact thereof on staff commuting, have been discussed. Results: The study revealed that despite being an Open Distance E-Learning (ODeL) institution, the university has not put a coherent policy framework in place that undeniably supports its efforts to limit or reduce its Scope 3 carbon emissions. This was brought into stark focus by the measures the university was forced to put in place as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown regulations in South Africa, to ensure the continuation of its business. Conclusion: The conclusions will assist UNISA - and other universities which have had to revisit their operations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic - to define a true ‘new normal’.
Employer-based travel demand management (TDM) programs have been implemented worldwide for decades, but rarely are longitudinal analyses implemented. This study utilizes a longitudinal dataset to assess the effectiveness of TDM measures on vehicle trip rates (VTRs) over time. The results suggest: (1) VTR grows over time, and TDM measures may decelerate the growth but cannot reverse the trend; (2) for organizational tools, collective bargaining is negatively associated with VTR; (3) distributing transit passes is negatively associated with VTR; (4) ride match is positively correlated with VTR; (5) guaranteed ride home measures, including emergency rides and employer-provided vehicles, are positively associated with VTR; (6) subsidies promoting multimodal transportation (transit, walking, biking) incentivize vehicle trip reduction; the more subsidies, the lower VTR, and such effects are reinforced over time; (7) in contrast, subsidies promoting carsharing are associated with more vehicle trips; (8) larger companies and areas with higher job densities have a lower VTR. To inform practice, when rewarding employees, distributing transit passes is a preferred strategy. Collective bargaining builds agreements between employers and employees and helps promote trip reduction. Carpooling-related and guaranteed ride-home measures should be applied with caution.
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In Tokyo, there is growing interest in the introduction of dynamic pricing for urban rail or a congestion measure that distributes rail demand through an additional charge during peak hours. Employee commuting costs in Japan are often borne by employers. In this study, we analyze employers’ perceptions of and potential responses to the introduction of peak-load pricing in the urban rail network based on a survey of 215 major companies with headquarters in Tokyo Metropolis. The results show that the median value of “intention to pay the additional charge during peak hours” 20% to 30% of each company’s commuter pass expenditure per month, per employee. Furthermore, companies can also consider diversified responses that may facilitate congestion easing. The results show that 70% of the sampled companies are likely to promote varied work styles if peak-load pricing is introduced. We confirm that this response could be stronger for companies with more employees. Companies with larger profit margins per employee and/or those providing professional and business services are likely to review their payroll systems and benefits. In cases where the additional charge is set above the payable amount, companies with more employees can promote varied work styles, require employees to pay part of the commuting costs, and consider relocating employees or offices away from Tokyo Metropolis. Companies in the hospitality, lifestyle-related, and entertainment industries are unable to change the way employees work and would review their payroll systems and benefits.
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Balancing network accessibility (node value) and station-area land use (place value) has been an important research topic for transit-oriented development, but little was known about how node and place value should coordinate with ridership. Using Tokyo as a case study, we develop a node-place-ridership model to evaluate coordination between these three facets and compare different transit operators, namely subway in central area, private railway in suburban area, and Japan Railway (JR) in both central and suburban area. An indicator framework is established to measure the node value by accessible opportunities, network centrality, and train service, and measure the place value by density, design, and diversity. Using open-source urban data, we generate a series of node and place indicators for each station and develop a composite node value index and place value index with information entropy weighting. The results show that node value and place value have positive impacts on ridership and node value’s impact is five times higher than place value. Stations balanced between node and place value can be uncoordinated with ridership, while stations unbalanced between node and place value can coordinate with ridership. JR has better node-place balance and ridership coordination than subway and private railway. Several implications are drawn for ridership coordination with node and place value, including planning for a more mixed urban structure and using through trains to connect central and suburban transit networks. The results of this study would inform transport planners of better organizing transit network, land use, and ridership in urban space.
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This paper presents a tool for the evaluation of employer-based transportation demand management (TDM) strategies. The conventional method of evaluating TDM strategies has typically been to conduct expensive before-and-after strategy implementation surveys. As an alternative approach, this research uses a joint revealed preference (RP) and stated preference (SP) survey (the RP SP survey) administered before deployment of the TDM strategy, which is more cost-effective and efficient. The data collected from the RP SP survey were used to estimate an advanced discrete choice model, which was packaged into a spreadsheet-based tool for TDM decision support. The tool adopted the concept of penetration rate, whereby only a subset of the target population could be targeted for any specific TDM strategy. The tool that was developed provides an alternative approach for the predeployment evaluation of any TDM strategy for efficient implementation. Moreover, the empirical model used in the tool reveals many behavioral details about commuters' responses to employer-based TDM strategies.
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The aim of the Bike Now research project was to explore specific 'actions' that could be undertaken in the context of a workplace to encourage people to take up (and continue) cycling to work. The actionsincluded: bike mentoring/buddying; establishing 'bike buses'; providing cycle skills training; creating secure parking at the workplace; and providing a 'cycle fleet' at the workplace for travel during working hours, among others. The Bike Now projectinvolved approximately 40 workplaces in Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, and Blenheim, New Zealand for a 12 month period in 2007 and 2008. Specially trained coordinators worked with 'champions' within each workplace to identify the initiatives of interest in their particular location (through an online survey of employees), implement them (as was feasible), and then to complete a 'follow up' survey online. This paper reports on the strengths and weaknesses of the process used; the effectiveness of the initiatives implemented; and provides some guidance for future programs to encourage cycle commuting. While the presence of Bike Now in the workplace served to increase awareness of cycling, and encouraged some people in our self selected sample to commence cycle commuting, none of the initiatives on their own stood out as contributing to this success.
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The development of a vehicle fleet composition and utilization model system that may be incorporated into a larger activity-based travel demand model is described. It is of interest and importance to model household vehicle fleet composition and utilization behavior because the energy and environmental impacts of personal travel are dependent not only on the number of vehicles but also on the mix of vehicles that a household owns and the extent to which different vehicles are used. A vehicle composition (fleet mix) and utilization model system was developed for integration into the activity-based travel demand model that was being developed for the greater Phoenix metropolitan area in Arizona. At the heart of the vehicle fleet mix model system is a multiple discrete continuous extreme value model capable of simulating vehicle ownership and use patterns of households. Vehicle choices are defined by a combination of vehicle body type and age category and the model system is capable of predicting vehicle composition and utilization patterns at the household level. The model system is described and results are presented of a validation and policy sensitivity analysis exercise demonstrating the efficacy of the model.
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A high density of shops and services near the workplace may make it easier to carry out personal commercial activities on foot before, during, and after work, enabling reduced vehicle use during the rest of the day. Investigating this question is an important addition to the current research, which has focused on residential neighborhoods. Data from the 1995 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey are used to investigate the influence of workplace employment density and share of retail employment on commute mode choice and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) to access personal commercial activities. The analysis controls for socioeconomic characteristics and accounts for the endogeneity of commute mode choice and personal commercial VMT by employing a joint logit-Tobit model. Employment density at the workplace is found to be associated with a lower likelihood of automobile commuting and reduced personal commercial VMT, while the presence of employment in the retail category does not play a significant role. Workplace density is more clearly related to reduced VMT and automobile commuting than to characteristics of workers' residential neighborhoods and could have significant influences on personal commercial VMT and automobile commuting when increasing over a large area. The results suggest that land use planners should focus on encouraging employment density to a greater extent than is the current practice, although further research is needed on the role played by correlated factors such as higher parking costs, increased road congestion, and better transit service.
Adequate evaluations of transit system efficiency in direct connection with environmental concerns and the economic aspects of the city are critical for development of a better system. This paper presents an evaluation framework by comparing the subway mode shares of 25 districts in Seoul, South Korea. In this effort, causal relationships between the inherent conditions of the district and the resultant mode shares were identified on the basis of regression models with independent variables indicating the system supply level. The expected mode shares from the regression model and the actual shares were then compared as a way to identify districts displaying relatively higher or lower subway mode shares. These processes revealed key influential factors affecting subway mode share and suggest that the system supply level is strongly related to mode share and that ridership increases may be achieved by providing convenient access to stations. The implications of this study are expected to shed light on potential policy actions to improve transit ridership, particularly for those districts with relatively lower levels of ridership.
The article examines vehicle trip generation rates for office buildings in Seoul, South Korea, one of the densest cities where transit systems and employer-based travel demand management (TDM) programs are well established. Seoul has been implementing a variety of TDM measures, including a voluntary weekly no-driving day program, congestion pricing, and parking caps. One such measure is an employer-based TDM composed of 19 programs, including parking regulations, vehicle number plate rationing programs, commuter bus operations, and carpool options. Data on site characteristics were collected for the sampled buildings. The data included floor area, numbers of parking spaces and employees, location, distances to the nearest subway station and bus stop, numbers of subway stations within 300 m and 500 m, and numbers of bus stops and lines within 300 m.
There is increasing recognition that the choice of vehicle type and usage decisions form a crucial element in understanding transport-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The traditional approach to examining these dimensions is focused on vehicle fleet purchase decisions (number and type) and annual usage. These studies aggregate the overall vehicle usage as an annual decision, whereas in reality households face the choice of vehicle type for out-of-home activity participation on a daily basis. With the recent emphasis on activity-travel models, there is growing recognition that daily vehicle usage choice is affected by activity purpose choice and the travel group for the activity. This study develops a representative framework to examine daily vehicle type and usage decisions while incorporating the influence of activity type and accompaniment type choices. In the authors' approach, travel mode choice by considering the various travel mode alternatives (transit, walking/bicycling) and replacing the private vehicle alternative with various vehicle type options that are available to individuals is included. Thus the three choice dimensions, travel mode that implicitly considers vehicle type, activity purpose, and accompaniment type, are jointly analyzed by generating combination alternatives. The mixed multiple-discrete continuous extreme value (MMDCEV) framework provides an elegant modeling approach to study these choices. In the authors' study, the discrete component is formed as a combination of travel mode, activity purpose, and accompaniment type while mileage for each combination provides the continuous component. The proposed model approach is empirically tested for workers and nonworkers in New York region using the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) 2009. The model results provide insights on how socio-demographics, location, and temporal attributes influence daily vehicle type and usage, activity type, and accompaniment type decisions.
Transportation demand management (TDM) programs at employer worksites have been used with varying success across the United States since the 1970s. The overall purpose of these programs is for employers to encourage their employees to commute in modes other than a single-occupancy vehicle. Although employee commute options mandates have disappeared from many localities, the need to manage the demand for travel has not. Understanding what influences work trip mode choices can help transportation and planning agencies implement more effective TDM programs. Data from large worksites in the Portland, Oregon, region were used to evaluate how employer TDM programs, worksite characteristics, and location influence commute mode choice. Many factors contribute to the success of programs at different worksites. Success was measured in the percentage of commute trips made by transit and by walking and bicycling. Regression models showed that although subsidizing transit cost is effective, the choice of commute is also influenced by land use and transit access. Nonfinancial incentives, which can include flex time and a guaranteed ride home program, can also have a significant positive effect.