Cut Ita

Cut Ita
Universitas Malikussaleh · Department of Industrial Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering


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Cut Ita currently works at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Malikussaleh. Ita does research in Ergonomics, Work Analysis, Motion Study, Production Analysis, Operational Research and Data Analysis


Publications (73)
Dental and oral health is the most important thing for human life and is part of general health. What society needs to pay attention to. To achieve optimal dental and oral health, regular maintenance must be carried out. Treatment can be started from paying attention to the food diet, limiting foods that contain sugar and sticky foods. Cleaning pla...
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Immunization is an effort to create or actively increase a person's immunity to a disease so that if one day they are exposed to the disease they will not get sick or only experience a mild illness. The specific objectives of this program are to provide information about the importance of immunization for children, to achieve complete basic immuniz...
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PT. Kilang Padi Mutiara Refinery is a company engaged in rice production that produces rice, groats, and bran. The main product of this factory is rice. It can be seen in storage warehouse activities that they still experience problems with poor product placement due to irregular distances between placement and delivery areas caused by the preparat...
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Dalam menjaga kinerja pabrik pupuk salah satunya dibutuhkan ketersediaan suku cadang. Sehingga proses pengadaan suku cadang yang dijalankan perusahaan haruslah efektif dan efesien. Kompleksitas aktifitas supply chain proses pengadaan suku cadang yang melibatkan banyak pihak dan ketidak-pastian yang terjadi dalam perubahan secara berkala yang sangat...
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Postur kerja merupakan titik penentu dalam menganalisa keefektifan dari suatu pekerjaan. Apabila postur kerja yang dilakukan oleh operator sudah baik maka dapat hasil yang diperoleh oleh operator akan baik. Akan tetapi bila postur kerja operator tidak ergonomis maka operator tersebut akan mudah kelelahan. CV. Mulieng Iceberg merupakan badan usaha y...
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The document data collection process is one of the administrative management processes that are still using manually for now. this is for such administrative management takes a long time so it is not effective and efficient. To overcome these problems, efforts are needed to provide knowledge about computer applications. With the existence of an inf...
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PT. Ika Bina Agro Wisesa (IBAS) is a company that produces products in the form of crude oil or CPO (Crude Palm Oil). The company sets a minimum production target of FFB that must be processed to reach 30 tons in one boiling with a minimum production target of 600 tons/day. The company is required to increase productivity. The problem so far is tha...
PT. Jampalan Baru merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan sabun. PT. Jampalan Baru memiliki banyak stasiun kerja yaitu stasiun mesin mixing, stasiun mesin mixer sabun cream, stasiun mesin kemas sabun cream, stasiun pengemasan sabun cream, stasiun mesin lakban,dan stasiun penyusunan sabun cream. Objek penelitian yang diambil yaitu di...
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PT. Industri Nabati Lestari, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan CPO (crude palm oil) menjadi minyak goreng (olein) dan memiliki produk sampingan dari hasil pengolahan yaitu stearin dan PFAD. Permasalahan yang didapati hasil uji laboratorium pada perusahaan menunjukkan kualitas olein masih berbeda - beda. Hal ini menunjukkan kualitas peng...
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UD. Kilang Minyak Hidup Baru merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan kelapa menjadi minyak kelapa. UD. Kilang Minyak Hidup Baru memiliki banyak stasiun kerja yaitu stasiun penyimpanan bahan baku, stasiun parutan kelapa, stasiun perebusan, stasiun pengadukan ampas masak, dan stasiun press. Objek penelitian yang diambil yaitu di stasi...
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Penelitian ini dilakukan pada derah bertegangan tinggi, dimana masalah yang di hadapi akan mengganggu Gardu Induk (switchyard) 150 Kv di PT.PJB UBJ OM PLTMG arun. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui risiko bahaya perlu menjadi perhatian. serta untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya risiko. Dengan menggunakan metode hazard identification, risk analysis and risk contr...
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Pabrik Kelapa Sawit PTPN IV Kebun Adolina merupakan pabrik yang memproduksi Crude Pulm Oil (CPO). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada lingkungan kerja fisik di stasiun kamar mesin. Ada 11 stasiun pada pabrik kelapa sawit, namun tingkat kebisingan yang paling tidak normal terdapat pada stasiun kamar mesin. Rata-rata tingkat kebisingan pada stasiun kamar m...
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PT Wijaya Karya Beton suatu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang kontruksi beton dimana distribusinya mencakup hampir seluruh indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pekerja di stasiun kerja pembuatan plat sambung pada work shop plat sambung. Para pekerja tersebut bekerja secara repetitif dengan postur tubuh yang tidak efektif sehingga hasil kuesione...
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DEA has become one of the most appropriate methods for comparing the various Decision-Making Units (DMU) associated with public services such as universities. There are two primary outputs that can be used to measure college performance, namely: the number of graduates and the number of publications. While the primary input of college efficiency me...
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Frekuensi yang tinggi akan penggunaan komputer yang tidak mempertimbangkan sisi ergonomi dalam bekerja mengakibatkan adanya risiko yang dirasakan oleh pengguna. Dept. PSDM dan Dept. Personalia dan Benefit PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda merupakan departemen yang menggunakan komputer sebagai salah satu alat utama dalam bekerja. Keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pe...
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Photographs either with a regular camera or a digital camera where taken from high lighting on people, often producing red spots on the pupils of the eye with the term red eye. This can cause the photo results are not good. With certain software that functions as an image processor, it can easily remove the red eye using only a tool called red eye...
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Along with the development of information technology (IT) which is rapidly increase. There is development of technological and electronic tools that are able to create efficient time. In the Design of the Chess Game Software, users use computerization to find solutions to chess game by using the method (Alfha-Beta). Alfha-Beta method is one of the...
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Dunia Barusa, Inc. is a business institution engaged in Toyota car sales services, spare parts and periodic service. Service quality is an important factor in determining the success of this business. Services provided by Dunia Barusa, Inc., includes a comfortable waiting room with prayer rooms and toilets, responsiveness of service complaints, fri...
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Height body detection is an interesting thing to study, because of height is often using in various fields. Measurement height with a manual tool, it is very easy to use. Retrieval of objects using a webcam camera then measured with the Russel & Rao method. This system was built using Borland Delphi 07 programming language. His research method was...
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PLN is the only state-owned electricity company that provides and regulates electricity to the public. However, in the provision of electricity to every community, there are many frauds or irregularities in utilization of electricity by irresponsible parties was found by PLN. Electricity deviation caused by irresponsible parties, like the theft of...
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The security of information in this global era is increasingly becoming a vital need in various aspects of life. An information will have a higher value when it comes to aspects of business decisions. This study presents a learning application to explain how to secure data using cryptographic techniques. This study aims to design a prototype learni...
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The development of smartphones at this time is improving very fast and rapidly can affects to the renewal of all applications in the smartphone. At this time we can do anything with a smartphone in hand. In other hand smartphone also can reduce the saturation and boredom of many games made for smartphones. One of example is the crossword game appli...
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Maintenance is an activity to maintain facilities or equipment of the factory and make repairs or adjustments to the necessary replacement to satisfactory condition of production operations in accordance with what is planned. Companies often experience damage to the Blowing machine so that interconnected machines cannot be operated. The purpose of...
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Data mining is the process of analyzing data using software to find patterns and rules in the data set. Data mining can analyze large data to find knowledge to support decision making. In this study the Rule Association will be discussed as one of the data mining functions implemented using the A priori Algorithm. There will also be analyzed two su...
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Honey Guava Fruit (Green Guava Deli) is one of the fruit that are very popular, liked, and consumed by the people. The pProblems that cause a decline in the quality of guava due to honey guava plants can also be attacked by disease. The limited access information about honey guava disease is one of the obstacles, while the number of agricultural ex...
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Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method is a linear programming approach that has been widely used as a framework for evaluating efficiency and measurement. DEA decision making is often faced with situations where the existing DMU has input and output that contains fuzzy and hesitant elements so that it is difficult to make efficiency measurements....
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Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is one method that is often used in the benchmarking process. The benchmarking process with DEA is often faced with problems where there is a Decision Making Unit (DMU) both Input and Output which is not in the form of qualitative data but in the form of qualitative data. Qualitative data requires an assessment from...
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Maintenance is an activity to maintain facilities or equipment of the factory and make repairs or adjustments to the necessary replacement to satisfactory condition of production operations in accordance with what is planned. Companies often experience damage to the Blowing machine so that interconnected machines cannot be operated. The purpose of...
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Pengukuran beban kerja merupakan suatu teknik untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang efisiensi dan efektifitas kerja suatu unit organisasi, atau pemegang jabatan melalui proses penelitian dan pengkajian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik analisis jabatan, teknik analisis beban kerja atau teknik manajemen lainnya. Departemen Health Safety Envirom...
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Bagian Operasi-1 adalah salah satu pusat produksi dan mengghasilkan bunyi yang sangat bising pada PT.Pupuk Iskandar Muda khususnya di kawasan Compressor House Urea-1 . Lingkungan kerja yang tidak memenuhi syarat seperti kebisingan melebihi ambang batas dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian melihat pengaruh kebisingan t...
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This paper was retracted by IOP Publishing on 12 December 2018. This paper was published due to a technical error and was not intended to be included in this journal. Retraction published: 8 February 2019
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This paper was retracted by IOP Publishing on 12 December 2018. This paper was published due to a technical error and was not intended to be included in this journal. Retraction published: 8 February 2019
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This paper was retracted by IOP Publishing on 12 December 2018. This paper was published due to a technical error and was not intended to be included in this journal. Retraction published: 8 February 2019
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This paper was retracted by IOP Publishing on 12 December 2018. This paper was published due to a technical error and was not intended to be included in this journal. Retraction published: 8 February 2019
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This paper was retracted by IOP Publishing on 12 December 2018. This paper was published due to a technical error and was not intended to be included in this journal. Retraction published: 8 February 2019
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This paper was retracted by IOP Publishing on 12 December 2018. This paper was published due to a technical error and was not intended to be included in this journal. Retraction published: 8 February 2019
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This paper was retracted by IOP Publishing on 12 December 2018. This paper was published due to a technical error and was not intended to be included in this journal. Retraction published: 8 February 2019
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This paper was retracted by IOP Publishing on 12 December 2018. This paper was published due to a technical error and was not intended to be included in this journal. Retraction published: 8 February 2019
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This paper was retracted by IOP Publishing on 12 December 2018. This paper was published due to a technical error and was not intended to be included in this journal. Retraction published: 8 February 2019
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The development of information and communication technology at this time has touched all sides of life. Almost no side of human life is not touched by this information technology, which is more synonymous with the world of computerization. No exception also with the computerization that is popular in the corporate environment and government agencie...
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The learners' needs are an important factor in designing syllabus and materials design, this research deals with the syllabus and material design based on the professional's needs. It is expected that the syllabus and materials designes are communicatively applicable to the professional academy. Descriptive method is applied in this research. The s...
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The purpose of this research is to know how influence of mixture of pertamax with Tuak Nias (Tuonifaro) to fuel consumption at 125 cc engine To prove that Tuak Nias or Tuonifaro can be used as fuel mixture on motorcycle and examine how big influence of mix between Tuak Nias or Tuonifaro with Pertamax, conducting research by literature study method...
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At the Unit Laka Lantas Polres Lhokseumawe determining accident-prone areas on roads in Lhokseumawe still using manual systems. Determination of accident-prone areas are less effective because the police Unit Laka Lantas Polres Lhokseumawe just using the data of the last year and had to repeatedly calculate manually accident-prone areas based on th...
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The development of science and technology is advancing. Therefore, the data security needs to be applied. Cryptography is one of the sciences that learn mathematical techniques related to aspects of information security such as secrecy. One of them is known as Arnold Cat Map (ACM) algorithm on encryption and decryption by iterating digital images t...
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Based on the formulation of the problem to be discussed by the writer is to know: the influence of 0.4 mm spark gap variation, and standard spark plug type, to CO and HC, the influence of 0.5 mm spark plug gap variation, and variation of platinum spark plug on CO and HC, influence of spark gap variation 0,6mm, and variation of iridium spark plug ty...
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Image magnification is one of the branches in digital image processing that is often required in various applications such as in the field of medicine, multimedia, and in satellite imagery. As technology grows, more and more methods are used for image enlargement. In this study, the image enlargement process performs by using Bi-Cubic spline interp...
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The Student Identity Card used at Immanuel Technology High School is planned to be completed with RFID in the Academic Year 2018/2019. Based on this then one of the RFID usage on Student Identity Card is for the election of the Governor of Student Executive Board (BEM). This is to help the election committee can quickly handle the selection process...
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Online Learning is a learning model that utilizes internet network. As one of the institutions providing vocational education, ATI Immanuel is planned to implement online learning for improving the quality of education. help learners in choosing learning topics. The concept of data mining itself is a process of analysis of the database of students...
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The purpose of this research is to know the exhaust emissions generated due to changes in ignition and type of fuel. And expected to get various advantages, among others, in terms of environmentally friendly and health terms. In this research is to test directly by using tools that have been provided with mancatat data obtained from the test result...
Tenaga kerja merupakan unsur dominan yang mengelola bahan baku, mesin, peralatan dan proses lainnya yang dilakukan di tempat kerja, guna menghasilkan suatu produk yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Selain itu, tenaga kerja merupakan unsur yang berhadapan langsung dengan berbagai akibat dari kegiatan industri yang dilakukan. Lingkungan kerja fisik yan...
Banyak kecelakaan yang terjadi saat ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat mengenai rambu-rambu lalu lintas. Rambu lalu lintas merupakan salah satu perlengkapan jalan yaitu lambang, huruf, angka kalimat atau perpaduan antaranya. Rambu sangat penting bagi pemakai jalan sebagai alat untuk pentunjuk dan peringatan pada pengguna di jalan. U...
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Measurement of the efficiency of the university performance. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a data-based performance evaluation method used when multiple inputs and outputs are represented in the Decision-Making Unit (DMU) set. In DEA, when there is a value of Non-Zero Input and Output Slacks then this often means inefficiency. This scalar meas...
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Manpower is an element that is dealing directly with the various consequences of industrial activities undertaken. Unqualified physical work environment such as noise that has exceeded the NAV is one of the examples faced by the workforce in the workplace. One of the activities that produce noise is the activity in the fiberline department in the p...
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The Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standard (MODAPTS) is a medote for analyzing performance in performing work by monitoring the operator's movement in the workplace. MODAPTS will record the movement of each carrier in the workplace. This re-search will reveal a number of common features of MODAPTS and its applications in the packing pro...
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Sperm morphology is still a standard laboratory analysis in diagnosing infertility in men. Manually identification of sperm form is still not accurate, the difficulty in seeing the form of the invisible sperm from the digital microscope image is often a weakness in the process of identification and takes a long time. Therefore, male fertility ident...
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a data-oriented performance evaluation method that has a very satisfactory performance when there are multiple inputs and outputs presented in the form of set of peer Decision Making Units (DMU) . In the discussion of DEA, basically measures the efficiency of each DMU in specific performance based on DEA Efficienc...
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Abstrak Jika dibandingkan dengan bahasa asing yang lain, bahasa Jepang tergolong cukup mudah dipelajari, hurufnya tidak serumit bahasa Mandarin. Dalam pembelajaran, pengucapan huruf Jepang dengan benar sangat berpengaruh dalam berkomunikasi. Pengenalan ucapan adalah suatu proses yang dilakukan komputer untuk mengenali kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh...
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Abstrak Perubahan teknologi yang sangat pesat berpengaruh pada perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI). Salah satunya seperti Geographic Information System (GIS). GIS merupakan perangkat lunak yang populer saat ini. Karena kita dapat dunia pada gadget kita. Dan dengan GIS kita dapat mengetahui istilah-istilah seperti Dekstop GIS, Web GIS, data septia...
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Abstrak Suara manusia antar individu yang satu dengan yang lain memiliki perbedaan. Namum demikian, dalam perbedaan-perbedaan tersebut masih terdapat kesamaan. Identifikasi gender / jenis kelamin melalui suara dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai macam metode, dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode statistik ciri orde pertama. Dari nilai-nilai...
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Abstrak Administrasi persuratan merupakan kegiatan operasional rutin dilakukan oleh setiap personal dalam suatu organisasi atau perkantoran. Setiap kegiatan baik secara personal maupun organisasi umumnya tertuang dalam suatu dokumen/surat. Lalu lintas dokumen, surat, nota, memo, dinas. Bahkan dari mulai tahap rencana sampai dengan akhir kegiatan at...


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