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Skin and Environmental Contamination With Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci in Patients Receiving Oral Metronidazole or Oral Vancomycin Treatment for Clostridium difficile-Associated Disease

  • STERIS Corp., Mentor, Ohio, United States


Oral metronidazole has been recommended for treatment of mild-to-moderate Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD), in part because of concern that use of vancomycin may be more likely to promote colonization and transmission of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). The objective of our study was to compare the frequency of skin and environmental VRE contamination associated with metronidazole treatment for CDAD with such frequency associated with vancomycin treatment for CDAD. Prospective, observational study. This study was performed at the Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Cleveland, OH). For patients with CDAD who had concurrent VRE colonization, stool, skin, and environmental samples were cultured for VRE before, during, and up to 3 weeks after therapy with metronidazole or vancomycin. The proportions of skin and environmental contamination were compared before and after resolution of diarrhea and during treatment with metronidazole or vancomycin. Of the 34 patients, 17 were treated with vancomycin and 17 were treated with metronidazole. The proportion of environmental cultures that were positive for VRE was significantly higher during resolution of diarrhea than it was after resolution of diarrhea (38% vs 28%; P=.025), whereas the proportion of skin cultures positive was not different during and after resolution of diarrhea (78% vs 71%; P=.60). There were no differences between patients who received metronidazole and patients who received vancomycin in the proportions of skin culture results (73% vs 77%; P=.80) or environmental culture results (37% vs 32%; P=.359) that were positive for VRE. Eleven patients (32%) had chronic fecal incontinence, and 28 (82%) had incontinence at least once during their CDAD episode. In VRE-colonized patients with CDAD who experienced frequent fecal incontinence, skin and environmental VRE contamination was common during and after resolution of diarrhea. The frequency of VRE contamination was similar between patients treated with metronidazole and patients treated with vancomycin.
Skin and Environmental Contamination With Vancomycin-Resistant
Enterococci in Patients Receiving Oral Metronidazole or Oral
Vancomycin Treatment for Clostridium difficile-Associated Disease
Ajay K. Sethi, PhD; Wafa N. Al-Nassir, MD; Michelle M. Nerandzic, BS; Curtis J. Donskey, MD
Oral metronidazole has been recommended for treatment of mild-to-moderate Clostridium
(CDAD), in part because of concern that use of vancomycin may be more likely to promote colonization and transmission of vancomycin-
resistant enterococci (VRE). The objective of our study was to compare the frequency of skin and environmental VRE contamination
associated with metronidazole treatment for CDAD with such frequency associated with vancomycin treatment for CDAD.
Prospective, observational study. This study was performed at the Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Cleveland, OH).
For patients with CDAD who had concurrent VRE colonization, stool, skin, and environmental samples were cultured for VRE before,
during, and up to 3 weeks after therapy with metronidazole or vancomycin. The proportions of skin and environmental contamination
were compared before and after resolution of diarrhea and during treatment with metronidazole or vancomycin.
Of the 34 patients, 17 were treated with vancomycin and 17 were treated with metronidazole. The proportion of environmental
cultures that were positive for VRE was significantly higher during resolution of diarrhea than it was after resolution of diarrhea (38% vs
P = .025), whereas the proportion of skin cultures positive was not different during and after resolution of diarrhea (78% vs 71%;
P = .60). There were no differences between patients who received metronidazole and patients who received vancomycin in the proportions
of skin culture results (73% vs 77%; P = .80) or environmental culture results (37% vs 32%; P = .359) that were positive for VRE. Eleven
patients (32%) had chronic fecal incontinence, and 28 (82%) had incontinence at least once during their CDAD episode.
In VRE-colonized patients with CDAD who experienced frequent fecal incontinence, skin and environmental VRE
contamination was common during and after resolution of diarrhea. The frequency of VRE contamination was similar between patients
treated with metronidazole and patients treated with vancomycin.
2009; 30:13-17
For treatment of mild-to-moderate Clostridium difficile-asso- colonization.7 Here, we investigated the frequency of skin and
ciated disease (CDAD), oral metronidazole has been rec- environmental contamination with VRE during CDAD treat-
ommended as the preferred agent, in part because of concern ment for patients with pre-existing VRE colonization. Because
that use of vancomycin may be more likely to promote col- both metronidazole and vancomycin therapy promote over-
onization and transmission of vancomycin-resistant entero- growth of VRE,3 we hypothesized that the frequency of con-
cocci (VRE).1"5 However, metronidazole has also been asso- tamination would be similar among patients treated with ei-
ciated with VRE colonization in case-control studies.6 We ther agent. We compared the frequency of contamination
recently reported that both oral metronidazole and oral van- before resolution of diarrhea with the frequency of contam-
comycin therapy promoted persistent overgrowth of VRE in ination after resolution of diarrhea, as well as the frequencies
stool samples obtained from colonized patients during CDAD of contamination in the presence of high-density stool col-
treatment.3 Such overgrowth in stool may potentially facilitate onization and low-density stool colonization,
transmission, particularly in patients with diarrhea or fecal
incontinence.7,8 For example, in VRE-colonized patients with METHODS
fecal incontinence, high-density colonization of stool (ie,
more than 4 log10 colony-forming units [cfu] per gram of
stool) was associated with a significantly increased frequency From September 2007 through March 2008, we performed a
Setting and Study Design
From September 2007 thro
of environmental contamination, compared with low-density prospective observational study involving patients with CDAD
From the Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (A.K.S.) and Infectious Diseases (W.M.A.-N.), University Hospitals of
Reserve University School of Medicine, and the Research Service (M.M.N.) and the Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, Cleveland Veterans
Affairs Medical Center (C.J.D.), Cleveland, Ohio
Received June 14, 2008; accepted August 15, 2008; electronically published December 1, 2008.
© 2008 by The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of
All rights reserved. 0899-823X/2009/3001-0004$15.00. DOI: 10.1086/592710
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in the acute care and long-term care facilities at the Cleveland
Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Cleveland, OH), where there
is an endemic high rate of VRE colonization.7 Patients received
a diagnosis of CDAD on the basis of symptoms of diarrhea
and a positive stool toxin assay result (C.
Tox A/B II;
Wampole Laboratories). Coexisting
stool colonization was
identified by plating samples onto Enterococcosel agar (Becton
Dickinson) containing vancomycin at a concentration of
identification and susceptibility testing were then per-
formed according to Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute
guidelines.9 The choice of therapy for CDAD was made by the
physicians caring for the patients. Information regarding de-
mographic characteristics, coexisting illnesses, antibiotic ther-
apy, and fecal incontinence was obtained through standardized
medical chart review. For fecal incontinence, it was noted
whether the patient had chronic incontinence or at least 1
occurrence of incontinence during their CDAD episode, as
documented in the daily nursing notes.
All patients with CDAD who had coexisting VRE stool
colonization during the study period were enrolled unless
they refused to provide informed consent, were scheduled for
hospital discharge within 2 days after the diagnosis, or had
received empirical therapy with oral metronidazole or oral
vancomycin before the diagnosis of CDAD. Patients whose
therapy was switched from metronidazole or vancomycin to
another agent were included if they received at least 5 days
of treatment with the agent; for these patients, only the culture
samples collected during treatment with the initial agent were
included in the analysis. The hospital's institutional review
board approved the study protocol.
Stool, skin, and environmental samples were cultured for
VRE before initiation of treatment, every 2-3 days during
treatment, and each week for up to 3 weeks after completion
of treatment while the patients were hospitalized or were
residents of the affiliated long-term care facility. Skin speci-
mens (from the chest and abdomen) were obtained by swab-
bing a 5 x 20-cm area with a premoistened rayon swab.
Environmental samples (from toilet seats, call buttons, bed
and bedside tables) were obtained by swabbing a des-
ignated area of each surface (5 x 20 cm for bed rails and
bedside tables, the entire surface area of the call button, and
the top surface of the toilet seat). To ensure that the envi-
ronmental culture samples represented ongoing shedding of
VRE in the environment, the environmental sites were dis-
infected with 10% bleach after each set of samples was ob-
tained; additional culture samples were obtained after bleach
disinfection to ensure that VRE was eradicated. No specific
interventions were undertaken to decrease the burden of VRE
on the patients' skin, but routine bathing practices were per-
formed. The nursing staff encourages daily bathing for all
patients, and bed baths with moist towels and nonantimi-
crobial soap are provided for patients who are unable to bathe
The skin and environmental swab specimens were incu-
bated for 2 days in Enterococcosel broth (Becton Dickinson)
containing vancomycin at a concentration of 6 ntg/mL and
were then plated onto Enterococcosel agar (Becton Dickin-
son) containing vancomycin at a concentration of 6 ^g/mL.
For a subset of
skin and environmental isolates, speciation
and broth-dilution minimum inhibitory concentrations for
vancomycin were determined by using standard methods.9 If
VRE was present in a stool sample, the concentration was
quantified as described elsewhere.7
Statistical Analysis
Data were analyzed by using SPSS, version 10.0 (SPSS), and
Stata, version 9.1 (StataCorp). Distributions of clinical and
TABLE. Characteristics of
Patients Who Were Colonized With Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci
(VRE) and Received Either Oral Metronidazole or Oral Vancomycin Treatment for
Disease (CDAD)
Metronidazole Vancomycin
All patients group group
(n = 34) (n = 17) (n = 17)
Baseline VRE density, log10 cfu per g of stool
Long-term care facility resident
Chronic fecal incontinence
Fecal incontinence reported at any time
during the CDAD episode"
Diabetes mellitus
Chronic pulmonary disease
Underwent surgery in prior 3 months
End-stage renal disease
Spinal cord injury
72.5 (65-79)
7 (6-8)
16 (47.1)
11 (32.4)
28 (82.4)
13 (38.2)
11 (32.4)
3 (8.8)
10 (29.4)
7 (20.6)
2 (5.9)
4 (11.8)
73 (64-76)
7 (6-8)
9 (52.9)
5 (29.4)
14 (82.3)
4 (23.5)
6 (35.3)
1 (5.9)
5 (29.4)
3 (17.6)
0 (0.0)
2 (11.8)
71 (67-80)
7 (6-8)
7 (41.2)
6 (35.3)
14 (82.3)
9 (52.9)
5 (29.4)
2 (11.8)
5 (29.4)
4 (23.5)
2 (11.8)
2 (11.8)
NOTE. Data are median value (interquartile range) or
(%) of
cfu, Colony-forming units.
" Determination of
based on review of
nursing progress notes.
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Days from start of treatment
Call Bed rail
Site cultured
1. Density of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) in
stool (A) and skin contamination and environmental shedding of
VRE (B) in VRE-colonized patients who received oral metronidazole
treatment for Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD; n =
compared with VRE-colonized patients who received oral van-
comycin treatment for CDAD (n = 17). Day 0 was the day that
CDAD was diagnosed (before treatment). Error bars indicate stan-
dard error, cfu, Colony-forming units.
demographic characteristics were compared between patients
who received treatment with oral vancomycin and patients
who received treatment with oral metronidazole. The Student
unpaired t test and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used for
normally and nonnormally distributed data, respectively. The
Pearson x2 test and Fisher exact test were used for categorical
data. The Student unpaired f test was used to compare the
densities of VRE in stool in the 2 treatment groups at different
The Fisher exact test was used to compare the pro-
portions of skin and environmental culture results that were
positive between patients who received metronidazole and
those who received vancomycin; the comparisons were made
both during and after resolution of diarrhea. Comparisons
between groups were also made with regard to VRE density
in stool (greater than 7, 4-7, and less than 4 log10 cfu/g).
Of 64 total patients who received a diagnosis of CDAD during
the study period, 42 (66%) had coexisting VRE colonization.
Of these 42 patients, 8 were excluded from analysis, including
1 who did not provide consent and 7 who had their therapy
switched from metronidazole to an alternative agent before
completing 5 days of treatment. Of the 34 study patients, 17
received oral metronidazole treatment and 17 received oral
vancomycin treatment. The mean durations of treatment
(±SD) with metronidazole and vancomycin were 11.7 ±
1.2 days and 12.4 ± 2.3 days, respectively. The Table shows
a comparison of the characteristics of the patients who re-
ceived vancomycin treatment with those of the patients who
received metronidazole treatment. All of the patients were
male. There were no statistically significant differences be-
tween patients treated with vancomycin and patients treated
with metronidazole. Thirty-two percent of the patients had
chronic fecal incontinence. However, of note, 82% of the
patients in each treatment group were documented as having
fecal incontinence on at least 1 occasion by the nursing
for patients who did not have chronic incontinence, the in-
continence almost always occurred during the acute episode
of CDAD.
There were no statistically significant differences in the
density of VRE in stool between the metronidazole and van-
comycin treatment groups before initiation of CDAD therapy,
during therapy, or up to approximately 2 weeks after com-
pletion of therapy (P ^ .239) (Figure 1A). In both groups,
high-density VRE colonization was maintained during ther-
apy. The proportions of skin and/or environmental cultures
showing contamination were not statistically significantly
ferent (P > .280, for all comparisons) between patients treated
with metronidazole and patients treated with vancomycin
(Figure 15). The toilet seat was the most commonly contam-
inated environmental site.
Figure 2 shows a comparison of the proportions of skin
and environmental cultures with positive results before and
after resolution of diarrhea. The proportion was statistically
significantly higher when diarrhea was present than it was
after resolution of diarrhea (103 [38%] of 272 vs 29 [26%]
of 112 cultures; P = .025), but the proportion of skin cultures
demonstrating contamination was not statistically signifi-
cantly different during and after resolution of diarrhea (53 [
78%] of 68 vs 20 [71%] of 28 cultures; P = .60).
Figure 3 shows a comparison of skin and environmental
cultures demonstrating contamination, stratified by the den-
sity of VRE in the patient's stool; culture samples obtained
when diarrhea was present were excluded to eliminate in-
*: 80-1
£ 70-
2 m-
o SO-
40 -
<8 20 -
2 0 -
Skin Environment
vancomycin-resistant enterococci
(VRE) in
after resolution
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>7 4-7 <4
Density of VRE in stool, log10cfu/g of stool
FIGURE 3. Skin contamination and environmental shedding of
vancomycin-resistant enterococci
by density
of VRE
in stool (excluding culture samples obtained while patients had di-
arrhea), cfu, Colony-forming units.
creased shedding caused by diarrhea as a confounding factor.
Contamination of the environment was associated with in-
creased stool density of VRE: there were positive environ-
mental culture results for
(9%) of 32 samples obtained when
stool density was less than 4 log10 cfu/g, for 14 (44%) of 32
samples obtained when stool density was 4-7 log10 cfu/g, and
for 28 (58%) of 48 samples obtained when stool density was
more than 7 log10 cfu/g of stool, respectively (P< .001). Of
the 22 VRE isolates for which speciation and susceptibility
testing were performed, all were Enterococcus faecium, and 20
(91%) had vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentrations
of 256 jiig/mL or greater.
During the study period, more than one-half of patients with
CDAD in our institution had concurrent VRE colonization.
The observation that patients with CDAD frequently have
coexisting VRE colonization is consistent with a previous
study in which
of patients with CDAD had VRE detected
by surveillance stool cultures.10 As we have previously dem-
onstrated,3 both oral metronidazole and oral vancomycin
treatment of CDAD promotes persistent high-density VRE
overgrowth in stool samples from colonized patients. The
major new finding of the current study is that skin contam-
ination and environmental shedding of VRE is very common
among patients colonized with VRE who are receiving treat-
ment for CDAD. There was no difference in the frequency
of VRE contamination between patients who received met-
ronidazole treatment and patients who received vancomycin
Our findings suggest that metronidazole and vancomycin
treatment of CDAD may promote transmission of
cause these agents promote persistent high-density coloni-
zation. For culture samples obtained in the absence of di-
arrhea, the proportions of skin and environmental cultures
demonstrating contamination were significantly higher if the
samples were obtained when the stool density of VRE was
greater than 4 log10 cfu/g than when it was less than 4 log10
cfu/g. These data are consistent with our previous study of
VRE-colonized patients with fecal incontinence; environ-
mental contamination was significantly more common when
the VRE density in stool was greater than 4 log10 cfu/g than
when the VRE density in stool was less than 4 log10 cfu/g.7
It is necessary to develop new treatments for CDAD that are
less likely to promote overgrowth and shedding of
theory, treatments that cause less disturbance of the indige-
nous colonic microflora than do metronidazole or vanco-
mycin or that inhibit VRE in the colon would be less likely
to promote VRE colonization and shedding.
Boyce et al.11 and Drees et al.12 have previously reported
that VRE-colonized patients with diarrhea have an increased
prevalence of environmental VRE contamination. Our find-
ings provide further evidence that diarrhea is associated with
shedding of VRE in the environment. However, of
ding of
remained common even after diarrhea resolved
26% of environmental culture results were positive after
the resolution of diarrhea). Moreover, the proportion of skin
cultures with positive results was equally high during and
after the resolution of diarrhea. These data suggest that the
risk of transmission of
by patients with CDAD who had
coexisting VRE colonization is likely to be high both during
and after resolution of diarrhea.
Thirty-two percent of the study patients had chronic in-
continence, and a remarkably high proportion (82%) were
reported by the nursing staff to be incontinent on at least 1
occasion, almost always during the period of CDAD treat-
ment. Some overstatement of the frequency of incontinence
by the nursing staff was possible; however, it was apparent
to the investigators that many ill elderly patients with de-
creased mobility had difficulty reaching their toilet or com-
mode before moving their bowels. Although it is plausible
that the high prevalence of fecal incontinence may have con-
tributed to the high frequency of skin and environmental
contamination, it should be noted that environmental con-
tamination may also be frequent for continent VRE-colonized
patients.8 In fact, we demonstrated that the frequency of en-
vironmental contamination and the numbers of cfu recovered
by direct plating were not significantly different between 15
continent and 15 incontinent VRE-colonized patients (60%
vs 73%).8
Our study has some limitations. The study was observa-
tional, and a small number of patients were studied. Our
patient population included only male veterans, many of
whom were long-term care facility residents. In addition, a
high proportion of the study patients had chronic or transient
fecal incontinence. Therefore, additional studies in other set-
tings are needed. Because all of the patients were treated for
CDAD, there was no untreated control group. Therefore, we
cannot definitively state that metronidazole and vancomycin
treatment were the cause of the persistent VRE overgrowth
or shedding. However, we have previously revealed that the
concentration of VRE in stool samples from colonized pa-
tients decreases significantly by 1-2 weeks after discontinu-
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ation of antibiotic treatment.3,7
did not collect information
on bathing practices of patients and, therefore, cannot com-
ment on possible effects of different bathing practices on VRE
skin contamination.
In summary, we found that both oral vancomycin and oral
metronidazole treatment of
in patients with coexisting
VRE colonization are associated with VRE skin contamina-
tion and environmental shedding. Diarrhea and increased
density of VRE in stool were associated with increased risk
of contamination. Additional studies are needed to assess skin
contamination and environmental shedding for VRE-colo-
nized patients with CDAD who have a low frequency of fecal
incontinence. Additional research is also needed to assess
whether strategies, such as skin decolonization and environ-
mental decontamination, can reduce the risk of VRE trans-
mission by VRE-colonized patients with CDAD.1314
Financial support. Department of Veterans Affairs, Geriatric Research Ed-
ucation and Clinical Center, Cleveland VA Medical Center, and ViroPharraa
Pharmaceutical (to C.J.D.).
All authors report no conflicts of interest
relevant to this article.
Address reprints request to Curtis J. Donskey, MD, Geriatric Research
Education and Clinical Center, Cleveland VA Medical Center, 10701 East
Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44106 (
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... 24 Risk factors associated with oral vancomycin treatment are among others a perturbation of the gut microbiome and colonization with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE). 25,26 According to the latest guidance documents from ESCMID, and SHEA/IDSA, fidaxomicin is now the first-choice treatment for primary CDI, and vancomycin remains second choice. Nonetheless, fidaxomicin is not available in all countries. ...
Full-text available
Introduction: The aim of this systematic review of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) was to examine the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of vancomycin for treatment of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection (rCDI). Methods: The PubMed database was searched from inception to August 23, 2022. An initial screening was performed followed by a full-text evaluation of the papers. Inclusion criteria were RCTs investigating vancomycin for treatment of rCDI. Results: A total of six studies and 269 patients were included in the review. Three studies used a fixed dose regimen of vancomycin, one study used pulse regimen, one study used a taper-and-pulse regimen, and one study used a taper-and-pulse regimen for the participants with two or more recurrences. The resolution of infection varied from 19% to 58.3% in five of six studies reporting this as an outcome. Four out of six studies reported new episodes of rCDI as an intervention outcome, in those studies 50-63% of participants experienced rCDI. Regarding the safety and tolerability of vancomycin treatment for rCDI, one study described several adverse events regarding gastrointestinal discomfort along with fatigue and skin rash. There were no records of serious adverse events in the included studies. Conclusion: While oral vancomycin is mostly safe and well tolerated in the RCTs reviewed here, the efficacy for treating rCDI varies greatly from 19-58.3%, and 50-63% of participants experienced new episodes of rCDI.
... However, strong evidence for causality of increased VRE colonisation following vancomycin therapy is lacking. Since most patients received systemic antibiotics prior to developing C. difficile infection and therapy, this common risk factor may have already resulted in higher VRE colonis-ation rates prior to treatment, with only a small impact of the actual antibiotic chosen [30][31][32][33]. In accordance, studies of vancomycin used for eradication therapy of asymptomatic carriers showed hardly any new colonisation with VRE [34,35]. ...
Full-text available
Clostridioides difficile is the most common cause of hospital-acquired diarrhoea and one of the most important causes of hospital-acquired infections. It results in significant morbidity, mortality and economic burden - especially in the context of recurrent infections. After initial antibiotic therapy of a C. difficile infection, recurrence occurs in about 20% of all patients, which increases the risk of further recurrence to about 45%. Traditional therapeutic options for treatment of C. difficile infection include metronidazole or vancomycin. Newer therapy options such as fidaxomicin, the administration of monoclonal antibodies or faecal microbiota transplantation demonstrate significant advantages over traditional therapies, particularly regarding the reduction of the recurrence rate. This article highlights the main differences between the recommendations of the Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases on the management of “Clostridioides difficile infection” and the IDSA/SHEA reference guideline “Clinical Practice Guidelines for Clostridium difficile Infection in Adults and Children: 2017 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA)” and discusses some important challenges in -treatment of C. difficile.
... However, antibiotics disturb the gut microbiota, increase the risk of CDI, and also can affect the composition of resistance gene determinants (the resistome) in the gut microbiota (14)(15)(16). Further, oral vancomycin is associated with colonization and expansion of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) in CDI-treated patients (17,18). These expansions may increase the risk of subsequent infection in the patient as well as environmental contamination by the colonized patient and subsequent transmission. ...
... Previous studies have demonstrated that groin and skin cultures detect approximately half of patients colonized with VRE or C. difficile, including those most likely to shed organisms to the environment. 23,24 Finally, we did not evaluate strategies that might reduce transfer of pathogens into patient rooms on shoes or on wheeled equipment. For example, it has been suggested that the use of a UV-C device for shoe decontamination might reduce transfer of pathogens into rooms on shoes. ...
Objective To investigate the timing and routes of contamination of the rooms of patients newly admitted to the hospital. Design Observational cohort study and simulations of pathogen transfer. Setting A Veterans’ Affairs hospital. Participants Patients newly admitted to the hospital with no known carriage of healthcare-associated pathogens. Methods Interactions between the participants and personnel or portable equipment were observed, and cultures of high-touch surfaces, floors, bedding, and patients’ socks and skin were collected for up to 4 days. Cultures were processed for Clostridioides difficile , methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). Simulations were conducted with bacteriophage MS2 to assess plausibility of transfer from contaminated floors to high-touch surfaces and to assess the effectiveness of wearing slippers in reducing transfer. Results Environmental cultures became positive for at least 1 pathogen in 10 (59%) of the 17 rooms, with cultures positive for MRSA, C. difficile , and VRE in the rooms of 10 (59%), 2 (12%), and 2 (12%) participants, respectively. For all 14 instances of pathogen detection, the initial site of recovery was the floor followed in a subset of patients by detection on sock bottoms, bedding, and high-touch surfaces. In simulations, wearing slippers over hospital socks dramatically reduced transfer of bacteriophage MS2 from the floor to hands and to high-touch surfaces. Conclusions Floors may be an underappreciated source of pathogen dissemination in healthcare facilities. Simple interventions such as having patients wear slippers could potentially reduce the risk for transfer of pathogens from floors to hands and high-touch surfaces.
... Large concentrations of VRE in the stool previously have been found to correlate with skin and environmental contamination. 16 Potential limitations of this study include the fact that we sampled only a portion of the gloves and gowns instead of using alternative methods to culture the entire surface area. The transmission rate of VRE may be much higher than we were able to detect. ...
Background: Health care workers (HCWs) are significant vectors for transmission of multidrug-resistant organisms among patients in intensive care units (ICUs). We studied ICU patients on contact precautions, colonized with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE), to assess whether bacterial burden is associated with transmission to HCWs' gloves or gowns, a surrogate outcome for transmission to subsequent patients. Methods: From this prospective cohort study, we analyzed 96 VRE-colonized ICU patients and 5 HCWs per patient. We obtained samples from patients' perianal area, skin, and stool to assess bacterial burden and cultured HCWs' gloves and gowns for VRE after patient care. Results: Seventy-one of 479 (15%) HCW-patient interactions led to contamination of HCWs' gloves or gowns with VRE. HCW contamination was associated with VRE burden on the perianal swab (odds ratio [OR], 1.37; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.19, 1.57), skin swabs (OR, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.51, 3.02), and in stool (OR, 1.95; 95% CI, 1.39, 2.72). Compared with colonization with Enterococcus faecalis, colonization with Enterococcus faecium was associated with higher bacterial burden and higher odds of transmission to HCWs. Conclusions: We show that ICU patients with higher bacterial burden are more likely to transmit VRE to HCWs. These findings have implications for VRE decolonization and other infection control interventions.
Clostridioides difficile is a leading cause of healthcare-associated infections. The main objective was to assess the current landscape of CDI infection prevention and control (IPC) practices. An anonymous survey of IPC practices for CDI was conducted between July 25 and October 31, 2022. Precautions for symptomatic patients were applicable for 75.9% and were discontinued 48 h minimum after the resolution of diarrhea for 40.7% of respondents. Daily cleaning of CDI patients’ rooms was reported by 23 (42.6%). There was unexpected heterogeneity in IPC practices regarding the hospital management of CDI.
Background There is a paucity of data guiding treatment duration of oral vancomycin for Clostridiodes difficile infection (CDI) in patients requiring concomitant systemic antibiotics. Objectives To evaluate prescribing practices of vancomycin for CDI in patients that required concurrent systemic antibiotics and to determine whether a prolonged duration of vancomycin (>14 days), compared to a standard duration (10–14 days), decreased CDI recurrence. Methods In this retrospective cohort study, we evaluated adult hospitalized patients with an initial episode of CDI who were treated with vancomycin and who received overlapping systemic antibiotics for >72 hours. Outcomes of interest included CDI recurrence and isolation of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE). Results Among the 218 patients included, 36% received a standard duration and 64% received a prolonged duration of treatment for a median of 13 days (11–14) and 20 days (16–26), respectively. Patients who received a prolonged duration had a longer median duration of systemic antibiotic overlap with vancomycin (11 vs 8 days; P < .001) and significantly more carbapenem use and infectious disease consultation. Recurrence at 8 weeks (12% standard duration vs 8% prolonged duration; P = .367), recurrence at 6 months (15% standard duration vs 10% prolonged duration; P = .240), and VRE isolation (3% standard duration vs 9% prolonged duration; P = .083) were not significantly different between groups. Discontinuation of vancomycin prior to completion of antibiotics was an independent predictor of 8-week recurrence on multivariable logistic regression (OR, 4.8; 95% CI, 1.3–18.1). Conclusions Oral vancomycin prescribing relative to the systemic antibiotic end date may affect CDI recurrence to a greater extent than total vancomycin duration alone. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings.
Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is characterized by a high delayed and unrelated mortality. Predicting delayed mortality in CDI patients could allow the implementation of interventions that could reduce these events. A prospective multicentric study was carried out to investigate prognostic factors associated with mortality. It was based on a cohort (July 2015 to February 2016) of 295 patients presenting with CDI. Logistic regression was used and the model was calibrated using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. The mortality rate at 75 days in our series was 18%. Age (>65 years), comorbidity (defined by heart failure, diabetes mellitus with any organ lesion, renal failure, active neoplasia or immunosuppression) and fecal incontinence at clinical presentation were associated with delayed (75-day) mortality. When present, each of the aforementioned variables added one point to the score. Mortalities with 0, 1, 2 and 3 points were 0%, 9.4%, 18.5% and 38.2%, respectively. The area under the ROC curve was 0.743, and the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test p value was 0.875. Therefore, the prediction of high delayed mortality in CDI patients by our scoring system could promote measures for increasing survival in suitable cases.
Objective: To summarize and critically appraise the evidence regarding oral vancomycin prophylaxis (OVP) to prevent recurrent Clostridium difficile infections (RCDIs), identify potential consequences of this emerging practice, and highlight future directions of study. Data sources: A MEDLINE literature search of English-language publications from 1947 through September 2018 was performed using the search terms vancomycin and C difficile and prophylaxis. Clinical trials were identified on the National Library of Medicine clinical trials registry. Study selection and data extraction: All clinical studies (n = 3) assessing oral vancomycin for secondary prophylaxis of C difficile infection (CDI) were evaluated by all authors. Other search results and references in selected publications were used for background and discussion. Data synthesis: OVP reduced the risk of RCDI in high-risk patients taking systemic antibiotics. Variable dosing regimens and lack of safety data are limitations. OVP may have an adverse impact on the gastrointestinal microbiome, but this was not examined in the clinical studies. Relevance to Patient Care and Clinical Practice: Although current studies are limited by methodological concerns, clinicians can consider vancomycin 125 mg orally once or twice daily in high-risk patients receiving broad-spectrum antibacterial agents. Results of ongoing trials will define the most appropriate regimen and its impact on outcomes, including collateral damage. Conclusions: OVP reduces the risk of RCDIs and should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Caution is warranted before routine use is implemented because the impact on long-term outcomes has not been assessed and the optimal regimen has not been defined.
Although vanA carrying Enterococcus faecium human clinical isolates have been rarely found in Hungary before 2012, they have been detected in continuously increasing numbers since then. To identify factors associated with their dissemination, we investigated the clonal relatedness and plasmids of 30 vanA carrying E. faecium isolates originating from different Hungarian healthcare institutions from 2012 to 2014. Molecular typing of the isolates (n = 30) was performed with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing, Tn1546 polymerase chain reaction mapping, plasmid restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, and sequencing. A single Tn1546 variant was detected in all of the isolates. It harbored IS1251 in the vanS-vanH intergenic region, had an entire deletion of the transposase gene and a partial deletion of the resolvase gene, and was located on a pRUM-like plasmid. Based on PFGE, the isolates could be grouped into 13 pulsotypes. Representative strains of these pulsotypes belonged to ST17, ST18, ST80, ST117, and ST203, which are known to be part of the hospital-adapted clades. The increase in the number of vanA carrying E. faecium clinical isolates in Hungary could be explained by the dissemination of pRUM-like vancomycin resistance plasmids in hospital-adapted clonal lineages.
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To determine whether total and antianaerobic antibiotic exposure increases the risk of room contamination among vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)-colonized patients. A 14-month study in 2 intensive care units at an academic tertiary care hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. All patients who acquired VRE or were VRE-colonized on admission and who had environmental cultures performed. We performed weekly environmental cultures (2 sites per room) and considered a room to be contaminated if there was a VRE-positive environmental culture during the patient's stay. We determined risk factors for room contamination by use of the Cox proportional hazards model. Of 142 VRE-colonized patients, 35 (25%) had an associated VRE-positive environmental culture. Patients who contaminated their rooms were more likely to have diarrhea than those who did not contaminate their rooms (23 [66%] of 35 vs 41 [38%] of 107; P = .005) and more likely to have received antibiotics while VRE colonized (33 [94%] of 35 vs 86 [80%] of 107; P = .02). There was no significant difference in room contamination rates between patients exposed to antianaerobic regimens and patients exposed to nonantianaerobic regimens or between patients with and patients without diarrhea, but patients without any antibiotic exposure were unlikely to contaminate their rooms. Diarrhea and antibiotic use were strongly confounded; although two-thirds of room contamination occurred in rooms of patients with diarrhea, nearly all of these patients received antibiotics. In multivariable analysis, higher mean colonization pressure in the ICU increased the risk of room contamination (adjusted hazard ratio per 10% increase, 1.44 [95% confidence interval, 1.04-2.04]), whereas no antibiotic use during VRE colonization was protective (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.21 [95% confidence interval, 0.05-0.89]). Room contamination with VRE was associated with increased mean colonization pressure in the ICU and diarrhea in the VRE-colonized patient, whereas no use of any antibiotics during VRE colonization was protective.
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Enterococcus faecium strains resistant to ampicillin, high levels of gentamicin, and vancomycin but susceptible to teicoplanin (vanB class vancomycin resistance) were recovered from 37 patients during an outbreak involving a 250-bed university-affiliated hospital. Three isolates with vancomycin MICs ranging from 8 to 256 micrograms/ml all hybridized with a vanB probe. Restriction endonuclease analysis of chromosomal and plasmid DNA suggested that all isolates tested were derived from a single clone. Vancomycin resistance was shown to be transferable. Risk factors for acquiring the epidemic strain included proximity to another case patient (P, 0.0005) and exposure to a nurse who cared for another case patient (P, 0.007). Contamination of the environment by the epidemic strain occurred significantly more often when case patients had diarrhea (P, 0.001). Placing patients in private rooms and requiring the use of gowns as well as gloves by personnel controlled the outbreak. These findings suggest that multidrug-resistant E. faecium strains with transferable vanB class vancomycin resistance will emerge as important nosocomial pathogens. Because extensive environmental contamination may occur when affected patients develop diarrhea, barrier precautions, including the use of both gowns and gloves, should be implemented as soon as these pathogens are encountered.
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To evaluate the ecological disturbances of peroral vancomycin administration following cephalosporin administration, 20 healthy volunteers received cefuroxime axetil tablets (250 mg) perorally twice a day for 1 week, and 10 of these volunteers subsequently received vancomycin capsules (125 mg) perorally four times daily for 7 days. The concentration of vancomycin in feces after 1 week of vancomycin administration was high (mean ± SD, 520 ± 197 mg/kg), which correlated with the ecological disturbances noted in the vancomycin recipients. Vancomycin administration resulted in a rapid decrease in the numbers of intestinal Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, and Enterococcus durans (P ⩽ .05), while there was a significant emergence of motile enterococci with decreased susceptibility to vancomycin (Enterococcus gallinarum and Enterococcus casseliflavus; minimum inhibitory concentration, 4–16 mg/L) (P ⩽ .01). Because of vancomycin administration, there was also a significant overgrowth of vancomycin-resistant Pediococcus species and lactobacilli as well as of Klebsiella species, Citrobacter species, and Enterobacter species (P ⩽ .01). The numbers of bifidobacteria and Bacteroides species were significantly reduced during vancomycin administration. None of the enterococcal strains carried vanA or vanB. Twenty-two of the 27 motile enterococci carried the vanC-1 gene specific for E. gallinarum, whereas five strains carried the vanC-2(C-3) gene, thus implicating that they were E. casseliflavus or Enterococcus flavescens.
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Colonization and infection with vancomycin-resistant enterococci have been associated with exposure to antibiotics that are active against anaerobes. In mice that have intestinal colonization with vancomycin-resistant enterococci, these agents promote high-density colonization, whereas antibiotics with minimal antianaerobic activity do not. We conducted a seven-month prospective study of 51 patients who were colonized with vancomycin-resistant enterococci, as evidenced by the presence of the bacteria in stool. We examined the density of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in stool during and after therapy with antibiotic regimens and compared the effect on this density of antianaerobic agents and agents with minimal antianaerobic activity. In a subgroup of 10 patients, cultures of environmental specimens (e.g., from bedding and clothing) were obtained. During treatment with 40 of 42 antianaerobic-antibiotic regimens (95 percent), high-density colonization with vancomycin-resistant enterococci was maintained (mean [+/-SD] number of organisms, 7.8+/-1.5 log per gram of stool). The density of colonization decreased after these regimens were discontinued. Among patients who had not received antianaerobic antibiotics for at least one week, 10 of 13 patients who began such regimens had an increase in the number of organisms of more than 1.0 log per gram (mean increase, 2.2 log per gram), whereas among 10 patients who began regimens of antibiotics with minimal antianaerobic activity, there was a mean decrease in the number of enterococci of 0.6 log per gram (P=0.006 for the difference between groups). When the density of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in stool was at least 4 log per gram, 10 of 12 sets of cultures of environmental specimens had at least one positive sample, as compared with 1 of 9 sets from patients with a mean number of organisms in stool of less than 4 log per gram (P=0.002). For patients with vancomycin-resistant enterococci in stool, treatment with antianaerobic antibiotics promotes high-density colonization. Limiting the use of such agents in these patients may help decrease the spread of vancomycin-resistant enterococci.
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To study vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) gastrointestinal colonization prevalence in high-risk hospitalized patients and to assess the cost and utility of this laboratory-based surveillance. Large university teaching hospital. Quarterly prevalence culture survey of 50 stool specimens submitted for Clostridium difficile toxin A assay from October 1996 through June 1999 (n=526). Screening culture survey of all C difficile-positive stool specimens from July 1998 through June 1999 (n=140). Specimens for analysis were collected from patients who were admitted to the hospital and who had C difficile toxin A testing ordered. Patient samples were excluded from analysis if they were obtained from patients not hospitalized at UCLA Medical Center, if the C difficile toxin assay result was indeterminate, or if the patient was known to have previous VRE colonization or infection. During quarterly surveillance, VRE was detected in 19.8%, C difficile toxin A in 9.5%, and both VRE and C difficile toxin A in 3.2% of stool specimens submitted for C difficile toxin assay. Patients whose stool specimens were positive for C difficile toxin A were significantly more likely than those whose specimens were negative to have VRE detected (odds ratio, 2.3; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-4.5). Based on these findings, in July 1998, we began routine screening of all C difficile-positive stool specimens for VRE. From July 1998 through June 1999, 58 (41.4%) of 140 patients with C difficile-positive specimens had VRE newly detected in the stool. The combined cost of the two laboratory-based surveillance strategies was approximately $62 per VRE-positive patient identified and $5,800 per year. Quarterly surveillance of stool submitted for C difficile assay combined with screening all C difficile-positive stools is a cost-effective and efficient strategy for detecting VRE stool colonization among high-risk hospitalized patients. Such a laboratory-based surveillance should be included as part of a comprehensive program to limit nosocomial VRE transmission.
A rapid increase in the incidence of infection and colonization with vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) has been reported from U.S. hospitals in the last 5 years. This increase poses several problems, including a) the lack of available antimicrobials for therapy of infections due to VRE, since most VRE are also resistant to multiple other drugs, e.g., aminoglycosides and ampicillin, previously used for the treatment of infections due to these organisms, and b) the possibility that the vancomycin resistance genes present in VRE may be transferred to other gram-positive microorganisms such as Staphylococcus aureus. An increased risk of VRE infection and colonization has been associated with previous vancomycin and/or multi-antimicrobial therapy, severe underlying disease or immunosuppression, and intra-abdominal surgery. Because enterococci can be found in the normal gastrointestinal or female genital tract, most enterococcal infections have been attributed to endogenous sources within the individual patient. However, recent reports of outbreaks and endemic infections due to enterococci, including VRE, have shown that patient-to-patient transmission of the microorganisms can occur either via direct contact or indirectly via hands of personnel or contaminated patient-care equipment or environmental surfaces. Prevention and control of the spread of vancomycin resistance will require coordinated, concerted effort from various departments of the hospital, and can only be achieved if each of the following elements is addressed: 1) prudent vancomycin use by clinicians, 2) education of hospital staff regarding the problem of vancomycin resistance, 3) early detection and prompt reporting of vancomycin resistance in enterococci and other grampositive microorganisms by the hospital microbiology laboratory, and 4) immediate implementation of appropriate infection-control measures to prevent person-to-person transmission of VRE.
Objectives: To review and summarize the status of diagnosis, epidemiology, infection control, and treatment of Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD). Diagnosis: A case definition of CDAD should include the presence of symptoms (usually diarrhea) and at least one of the following positive tests: endoscopy revealing pseudomembranes, stool cytotoxicity test for toxin B, stool enzyme immunoassay for toxin A or B, or stool culture for C difficile (preferably with confirmation of organism toxicity if a direct stool toxin test is negative or not done). Testing of asymptomatic patients, including those who are asymptomatic after treatment, is not recommended other than for epidemiologic purposes. Lower gastrointestinal endoscopy is the only diagnostic test for pseudomembranous colitis, but it is expensive, invasive, and insensitive (51% to 55%) for the diagnosis of CDAD. Stool culture is the most sensitive laboratory test currently in clinical use, but it is not as specific as the cell cytotoxicity assay. Epidemiology: C difficile is the most frequently identified cause of nosocomial diarrhea. The majority of C difficile infections are acquired nosocomially, and most patients remain asymptomatic following acquisition. Antimicrobial exposure is the greatest risk factor for patients, especially clindamycin, cephalosporins, and penicillins, although virtually every antimicrobial has been implicated. Cases of CDAD unassociated with prior antimicrobial or antineoplastic use are very rare. Hands of personnel, as well as a variety of environmental sites within institutions, have been found to be contaminated with C difficile, which can persist as spores for many months. Contaminated commodes, bathing tubs, and electronic thermometers have been implicated as sources of C difficile. Symptomatic and asymptomatic infected patients are the major reservoirs and sources for environmental contamination. Both genotypic and phenotypic typing systems for C difficile are available and have enhanced epidemiologic investigation greatly. Infection control: Successful infection control measures designed to prevent horizontal transmission include the use of gloves in handling body substances and replacement of electronic thermometers with disposable devices. Isolation, cohorting, handwashing, environmental disinfection, and treatment of asymptomatic carriers are recommended practices for which convincing data of efficacy are not available. The most successful control measure directed at reduction in symptomatic disease has been antimicrobial restriction. Treatment: Treatment of symptomatic (but not asymptomatic) patients with metronidazole or vancomycin for 10 days is effective; metronidazole may be preferred to reduce risk of vancomycin resistance among other organisms in hospitals. Recurrence of symptoms occurs in 7% to 20% of patients and is due to both relapse and reinfection. Over 90% of first recurrences can be treated successfully in the same manner as initial cases. Combination treatment with vancomycin plus rifampin or the addition orally of the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii to vancomycin or metronidazole treatment has been shown to prevent subsequent diarrhea in patients with recurrent disease.
We describe an outbreak of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (vanA phenotype) bacteremia on the oncology ward of a tertiary care community hospital. In 10 of the 11 cases the patients had leukemia and were neutropenic (median duration of neutropenia, 21 days) at the time of bacteremia. On average, patients received six antibiotic agents for a total of 61 agent-days prior to development of vancomycin-resistant E. faecium bacteremia. The mortality rate was 73%. Molecular typing of 22 isolates revealed that the majority (83%) represented a common strain, indicating nosocomial spread. When the 11 cases were compared to 22 matched control patients, gastrointestinal colonization with vancomycin-resistant E. faecium (odds ratio [denominator, 0] ∞, P = .005) and the use of antimicrobial agents with significant activity against anaerobes (metronidazole, clindamycin, and imipenem; odds ratio ∞, P= .02) were found to be risk factors for the development of vancomycin-resistant E. faecium bacteremia. Since no proven therapy for such infection exists, there is an urgent need to identify effective measures to prevent and control the development of vancomycin-resistant E. faecium bacteremia.
We tested the hypothesis that patients with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) stool colonization who are continent of feces contaminate the environment less frequently than patients who are colonized and incontinent. We prospectively examined the frequency of environmental VRE contamination in the rooms of 15 patients who were continent and 15 who were incontinent and VRE-colonized. Broth-enrichment cultures of bed rails, bedside table, and call buttons were performed at baseline, and 2 and 5 days after environmental disinfection. The numbers of VRE colonies isolated after directly plating environmental swabs onto agar were compared for the continent and incontinent groups. The percentages of patients with 1 or more positive environmental cultures for VRE were not significantly different for the groups of patients who were continent and incontinent at baseline (60% vs 73%, P =.45) or 2 days after disinfection (60% vs 80%, P =.24). The numbers of VRE colonies isolated by direct plating were not significantly different for the continent and incontinent groups (P =.42). Environmental contamination occurs frequently in the rooms of patients who are continent, and those who are incontinent and VRE-colonized. Our findings suggest that similar infection control measures should be implemented for patients who are continent and incontinent.