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Genome editing for resistance against plant pests and pathogens

  • InnovPlantProtect
  • InnovPlantProtect
  • InnovPlantProtect

Abstract and Figures

The conventional breeding of crops struggles to keep up with increasing food needs and ever-adapting pests and pathogens. Global climate changes have imposed another layer of complexity to biological systems, increasing the challenge to obtain improved crop cultivars. These dictate the development and application of novel technologies, like genome editing (GE), that assist targeted and fast breeding programs in crops, with enhanced resistance to pests and pathogens. GE does not require crossings, hence avoiding the introduction of undesirable traits through linkage in elite varieties, speeding up the whole breeding process. Additionally, GE technologies can improve plant protection by directly targeting plant susceptibility (S) genes or virulence factors of pests and pathogens, either through the direct edition of the pest genome or by adding the GE machinery to the plant genome or to microorganisms functioning as biocontrol agents (BCAs). Over the years, GE technology has been continuously evolving and more so with the development of CRISPR/Cas. Here we review the latest advancements of GE to improve plant protection, focusing on CRISPR/Cas-based genome edition of crops and pests and pathogens. We discuss how other technologies, such as host-induced gene silencing (HIGS) and the use of BCAs could benefit from CRISPR/Cas to accelerate the development of green strategies to promote a sustainable agriculture in the future.
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Genome editing for resistance against plant pests
and pathogens
´udia Rato .Miguel F. Carvalho .Cristina Azevedo .Paula Rodrigues Oblessuc
Received: 30 September 2020 / Accepted: 27 May 2021
ÓThe Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
Abstract The conventional breeding of crops strug-
gles to keep up with increasing food needs and ever-
adapting pests and pathogens. Global climate changes
have imposed another layer of complexity to biolog-
ical systems, increasing the challenge to obtain
improved crop cultivars. These dictate the develop-
ment and application of novel technologies, like
genome editing (GE), that assist targeted and fast
breeding programs in crops, with enhanced resistance
to pests and pathogens. GE does not require crossings,
hence avoiding the introduction of undesirable traits
through linkage in elite varieties, speeding up the
whole breeding process. Additionally, GE technolo-
gies can improve plant protection by directly targeting
plant susceptibility (S) genes or virulence factors of
pests and pathogens, either through the direct edition
of the pest genome or by adding the GE machinery to
the plant genome or to microorganisms functioning as
biocontrol agents (BCAs). Over the years, GE tech-
nology has been continuously evolving and more so
with the development of CRISPR/Cas. Here we
review the latest advancements of GE to improve
plant protection, focusing on CRISPR/Cas-based
genome edition of crops and pests and pathogens.
We discuss how other technologies, such as host-
induced gene silencing (HIGS) and the use of BCAs
could benefit from CRISPR/Cas to accelerate the
development of green strategies to promote a sustain-
able agriculture in the future.
Keywords Genome editing Pathogen resistance
Pest resistance Susceptibility genes Resistance
factors Crop protection
BCA Biocontrol agent
Cas9 CRISPR-associated protein 9
CRISPR Clustered regularly interspaced short
palindromic repeats
DAMPs Damage-associated molecular patterns
dsRNA Double-stranded RNA
ET Ethylene
ETI Effector-trigged immunity
ETS Effector-trigger susceptibility
GE Genome editing
gRNA Guide RNA
HIGS Host-induced gene silencing
HR Hypersensitive response
JA Jasmonic acid
MAPK Mitogen activated protein kinase
Nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat
C. Rato P. R. Oblessuc (&)
InnovPlantProtect Collaborative Laboratory, Department
of Protection of Specific Crops, Elvas, Portugal
M. F. Carvalho C. Azevedo (&)
InnovPlantProtect Collaborative Laboratory, Department
of New Biopesticides, Elvas, Portugal
Transgenic Res,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)
PAMPs Pathogen-associated molecular patterns
PCD Programmed cell death
PR Pathogenesis-related
PRR Pattern recognition receptor
PTI Pattern-triggered immunity
R Resistance
RLK Receptor-like kinase
RNAi RNA interference
RNP Ribonucleoprotein
S Susceptibility
SA Salicylic acid
sRNA Small RNA
TAL Transcription activator-like
TALEN Transcription activator-like effector
TF Transcription factor
TIR Toll/interleukin-1 receptor
VIGS Virus-induced gene silencing
ZFN Zinc finger nuclease
Significance statement
Genome editing is increasingly being used to protect
plants against pests and diseases. This review dis-
cusses recent progress on the editing of plant suscep-
tibility genes, and pests and pathogen virulence
factors. It offers a comprehensive overview of funda-
mental studies and proof of concept investigations
which demonstrate the potential for commercializa-
tion. It also shows how genome editing may be
combined with other technologies to develop new
solutions for environmentally-friendly and sustainable
plant protection. The strategies and successes here
described are particularly relevant when considering
disease outbreaks that may compromise food security
M. Margarida Oliveira, ITQB NOVA, Instituto de
Tecnologia Quı
mica e Biolo
´gica Anto
´nio Xavier,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Av. da Repu
2780–157, Oeiras, Portugal.
Supriya Chakraborty,School of Life Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi—110,067,
Global food security depends on innovative solutions
that reconcile an increase in crop production and
sustainability, i.e. without expanding agricultural land
and agrochemical use. This great challenge is further
aggravated by climate change. The increase in global
temperatures and changes in atmospheric composition
contribute to the emergence of pests and pathogens on
new crops and locations (Fones and Gurr 2017). Pests
and pathogens can quickly adapt to the new environ-
mental conditions acquiring new virulence genes
through mutation, hybridization or horizontal gene
transfer, becoming resistant to disease control mea-
sures and/or more aggressive to hosts (Tre˛bicki and
Finlay 2018; Fones et al. 2020). Pests and pathogens of
plants are diverse, ranging from intracellular virus to
extracellular bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, and insects,
and depending on lifestyle they can be classified as
biotrophs (feed from live cells) or necrotrophs (feed
from dead cells). Their virulence factors are also
diverse, including proteins, toxins or RNA molecules
with distinct modes of action that can inhibit the plant
immune responses, modulate hormone levels, or
facilitate the acquisition of nutrients, allowing the
pests and pathogens to exploit plants’ susceptibility
(S) genes to feed from and colonize the host (reviewed
by Wang and Wang 2018). On the counter part, plants
use resistance genes to activate the immune system to
defend themselves from pests and pathogens (Jones
and Dangl 2006). Food security depends on the host’s
success on winning this ceaseless arms race. There-
fore, improving plant resistance either by boosting
resistance genes or blocking susceptible ones can shift
this arms race towards plant health.
The first layer of plant immunity is known as
pattern-triggered immunity (PTI; Jones and Dangl
2006). PTI is triggered when host pattern recognition
receptors (PRRs) perceive pathogen-associated
molecular patterns (PAMPs) or damage-associated
molecular patterns (DAMPs). PAMPs are highly
conserved molecular signatures shared among
microbes, derived from flagellin, chitin, elongation
factor-Tu, and others. DAMPs are plant self-mole-
cules that are released from damaged cells or secreted
by intact cells undergoing pathogen invasion, includ-
ing cytosolic proteins, peptides, amino acids, and
nucleotides. PAMPs and DAMPs are perceived by
PRR proteins at plant cell membrane. Classical
Transgenic Res
examples are the epitopes flg22, elf18 and the
peptidoglycan chitin, which are perceived by the
receptor-like kinases (RLKs) FLAGELLIN-INSEN-
SITIVE 2 (FLS2), elongation factor-Tu (EFR), and
RECEPTOR KINASE 1 (CERK1), respectively
´mez et al. 2001; Zipfel et al. 2006; Miya
et al. 2007). Similarly, plant elicitor peptides (Pep) and
components of plant cell wall matrix have as receptors
respectively (Krol et al. 2010; Kohorn and Kohorn
2012). Upon perception of these elicitors, a burst of
reactive oxygen species (ROS) occurs rapidly via the
NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phos-
HOMOLOG PROTEIN D (RBOHD) at the plant cell
membrane, followed by an influx of extracellular Ca
into the cytosol, which results in the activation of other
ion fluxes (influx of H
and efflux of K
), promoting extracellular alkanization and
depolarization of the plasma membrane. After these
first responses, RLKs activation also induce a cascade
of signal transduction events mediated by mitogen
activated protein kinases (MAPKs), leading to phos-
phorylation of several transcription factors (TFs) that
regulate the expression of pathogenesis-related (PR)
proteins and modulate plant hormone responses (re-
viewed by Nishad et al. 2020). PTI outcome for non-
host plants is the elimination of the microbe and
absence of disease (Fig. 1).
Pathogens can overcome the first layer of plant
defence by blocking PTI through the quick action of a
collection of virulence proteins, known as effector-
trigger susceptibility (ETS; Jones and Dangl 2006).
Effectors have different sites of action, functioning
either in the plant apoplast or cytoplasm. Apoplastic
effectors can interfere with PAMP and DAMP
perception, apoplastic ROS production, and act as
inhibitors of host proteases. Cytoplasmic effectors are
translocated into different cell compartments and
interfere with various plant physiological processes,
including ROS burst, MAPK activation, expression or
secretion of PR proteins, or yet with the plant hormone
biosynthesis and signaling (reviewed by Wang and
Wang 2018). Whilst the primary function of pest and
pathogen effectors is to promote infection and plant
susceptibility, plants have evolved proteins capable of
recognizing these virulence factors to promote
effector-trigged immunity (ETI; Jones and Dangl
2006). ETI is activated when nucleotide-binding
leucine-rich repeat proteins (NB-LRRs) or their
guardees or decoy proteins interact with a pest/patho-
gen effector. These are major resistance (R) genes that
share downstream signalling pathways with PTI, but
result in programmed cell death (PCD), a stronger and
long-lasting response. Downstream the R-genes, the
ETI hypersensitive response (HR), a primary compo-
nent of the PCD in which a strong ROS burst is
101 (SAG101) as the most important hubs. ETI
signalling through EDS1/PAD4 will activate salicylic
acid (SA)-mediated responses, whilst EDS1/SAG101
primarily mediate HR (reviewed by Thordal-Chris-
tensen 2020). Recently, an alternative R-gene mode-
of-action was described. The NB-LRR gene ZAR1
assemble into a complex ring-shaped pentamer,
hypothetically disrupting the cell membrane integrity
with a pore-forming channel (Wang et al. 2019a). This
‘resistosome’’ would also result in ETI-mediated PCD
and consequent plant resistance to the pest or pathogen
(Fig. 1).
One of the most environmentally-friendly and
sustainable crop protection approaches is to breed
cultivars for resistance to pests and diseases. Poten-
tially all plant resistance/susceptibility layers can be
manipulated to improve crop protection. Breeding in
favour of PTI is possibly a broader, durable, and
sustainable resistance, although its quantitative char-
acteristic makes it more difficult to be selected and less
effective in the short run than ETI. For these reasons,
breeders prefer to select for ETI-related major race-
specific R genes. Nonetheless, pathogens can over-
come this type of resistance in a short period of time
due to its qualitative characteristic. Thus, a combina-
tion of PTI and ETI boosting would be ideal.
Conventional breeding is time-consuming and labour
intensive whereas, molecular breeding can be faster,
creating more flexible solutions that can be adapted
and applied as soon as problems arise. Crop improve-
ment is performed by genetic selection or modification
of the DNA sequence known to be involved in the trait
of interest, and includes molecular marker-assisted
selection, genomic selection, and genetic engineering,
Transgenic Res
in which targeted genome editing (GE) techniques
have gained great importance over the last few years.
Targeted GE techniques induce double-strand DNA
breaks resulting in targeted modifications when the
breaks are repaired by non-homologous end joining
(NHEJ) or homology-dependent repair (HDR). The
major four classes of sequence specific nucleases
responsible for the double-strand breaks used for GE
are the meganucleases, zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs),
transcription activator-like effector nucleases
(TALENs), and clustered regularly interspaced short
palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated
protein 9 (Cas9; reviewed by Kaur et al. 2021;
Ghogare et al. 2021). In brief, meganucleases are
endodeoxyribonucleases with a large recognition site
that induce a staggered cut with overhangs within the
target site. The most commonly used is the naturally
occurring I-SceI, although hybrid enzymes can be
developed, depending on the specificity required by
the selected target. ZFNs are endonucleases that
contain multiple zinc-finger DNA-binding domains
and several zinc fingers as a tandem array, recognizing
a 3-bp module. Hybrid FokI restriction enzyme fused
to zinc finger DNA-binding domain is a common ZFN
example, with specificity directed by the zinc fingers
combination. TALENs are similar in principle to
ZFNs, although the endonuclease domain is now
paired with multiple transcription activator-like
(TAL) effector domains that recognize single base
pairs. Therefore, the specificity of the TALENs target
site reflects the number of TAL effector domains
included in the nuclease. CRISPR/Cas9 is a natural
bacterial adaptive immune defence system against
invasive DNA sequences, where a guide RNA (gRNA)
Dying or infected cell
Defence genes
Ca2+ Cl-/H+/NO3
Pests and Pathogens
PR proteins
HR and PCD
R gene
Fig. 1 Defence and attack strategies deployed during plant-
pathogen interactions. Plant disease resistance responses are
induced upon recognition of PAMPs and/or effectors from pests
and pathogens by plant PRR proteins. This recognition leads to
the reprograming of transcriptional regulation of defence genes
and of plant hormonal responses. Some effectors specifically
bind to, induce and/or decrease gene expression of target genes
or protein activity. Pathogens can also negatively impact plant
growth and developmental-associated processes (e.g.
transcriptional expression of genes and negative regulation of
signalling pathways). See text for further details. Abbreviations:
HR, Hypersensitive Response; PCD, Programmed Cell Death;
PR, Pathogenesis-Related; R gene, Resistance gene; S gene,
Susceptibility gene; ROS, Reactive Oxygen Species; PAMPs,
Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns; PRR, Pattern Recog-
nition Receptors; RBOHD, Respiratory Burst Oxidase Homo-
logue D; TF, Transcriptional Factor
Transgenic Res
aligns with the target sequence, directing the double-
strand break induced by the endonuclease Cas9.
Synthetic gRNA can be designed to target a specific
plant or pest/pathogen gene to induce deletions, point
mutations or insertions (reviewed by Kaur et al. 2021;
Ghogare et al. 2021).
There are several examples on GE in plants to
knockout the function of S genes to overcome virus,
bacterial and fungal diseases. Here we describe the
most recent studies and the ones with more impact in
crops. Plant GE to improve protection against pests is
still an underdeveloped field (reviewed by Bisht et al.
2019). The use of small RNAs (sRNAs), i.e. short,
noncoding RNA molecules that guide silencing of
genes, is an emergent field to improve plant protection
that has gained the interest of scientists and agrono-
mists. RNA silencing has been shown to regulate PTI
and ETI against bacteria, oomycetes, and viruses.
Additionally, cross-kingdom sRNAs have been rec-
ognized as a new plant defence response, where pests
and pathogens virulence factors are silenced by sRNA
produced in the plant and translocated to the pathogen,
a natural form of host-induced gene silencing (HIGS;
reviewed by Hou and Ma 2020). GE approaches can
facilitate the manipulation of plant genomes to
promote HIGS and confer resistance to pests and
pathogens. The genome of pests and microbes can also
be edited to improve plant protection. Several studies
show that CRISPR/Cas-based gene drive techniques
(i.e. genetic engineering of super-Mendelian inherited
genes) are effective to control pests in a sustainable
manner (Tyagi et al. 2020). BCAs are also a very
sustainable alternative to control pests and pathogens
in the field, and GE of phages, bacteria and fungi can
facilitate BCAs’ use by repressing possible plant
virulence factors or environmental/animal-induced
detrimental traits, or yet by adding traits of interest
(reviewed by Huss and Raman 2020; Leung et al.
2020). All these are relatively new applications of GE
techniques and will be reviewed here.
In the last decades, genome sequencing innovations
and other molecular biology tools have enabled great
advances in our understanding of gene function in
crops and pests/microbes, particularly in the plant-
pathogen interactions field. All this knowledge com-
bined with GE techniques, can now be used to improve
plant health. Breeding efforts could potentially be
reduced from the traditional 7–25 years to approxi-
mately 2–3 years. CRISPR/Cas9, for instance, can be
designed in a matter of days and be implemented in
weeks, for as little as 10 (Friedrichs et al. 2019).
Depending on the crop, edited plants that are free of
exogenous DNA/RNA, can be obtained in one year,
and improvements are enduring. Therewith, GE has
been successfully used in agricultural crops for the
control of pests and diseases. This review will focus on
the GE achievements to boost plant protection, at both
plant and pest/pathogen levels, focusing on CRISPR/
Cas technology as it is one of the most powerful and
promising GE techniques shaping the field of plant
Plant genome editing to enhance plant immunity
Successful enhancement of plant immunity by GE
requires information about the host target gene
sequence and molecular function, and ideally the host
whole genome sequence as well to monitor and
minimize off-target events. Fortunately, the number
of plant species, including many crops, that have been
fully sequenced is steadily increasing, as is the
knowledge on the genetic and molecular details of
plant immunity, particularly on negative regulators of
plant defence (e.g., host S genes). Pests and pathogens
use host S genes for successful nutrition, infection,
establishment, and proliferation (Pavan et al. 2010).
These can be involved in assisting penetration,
providing support for pathogen subsistence, or in the
negative regulation of the plant immune signalling
(van Schie and Takken 2014). S genes knockout is a
straightforward way to develop plant disease resis-
tance against a specific pathogen (Zaidi et al. 2018)
but it may also result in broad-spectrum resistance, if it
induces a prolonged or constitutive defence response
(Lapin and Van den Ackerveken 2013). Indeed, GE
technologies have been exploited to develop plant
resistance against pests and pathogens through tar-
geted mutagenesis of S genes (Fig. 2; Tables 1,2,3,
4). However, it is important to note that S genes are
frequently involved in plant growth and development,
with mutations having the potential to cause undesir-
able effects which could compromise this approach.
Fungal and oomycete pathogens: genome editing
of plant S genes to enhance crop resistance
Fungal pathogens are accountable for numerous
diseases, including mildew, rust, and rot, causing
Transgenic Res
dramatic losses in crop yields and seriously compro-
mise quality (Savary et al. 2019). This class of
pathogens possesses diverse lifestyles and pathogenic-
ity mechanisms, as well as high genetic flexibility.
This means that they can adapt and break R gene-
mediated resistance, develop resistance to fungicides,
and even invade new hosts, representing a major
challenge in disease control (Doehlemann et al. 2017).
GE has been successfully used to address this
challenge (Fig. 2) and improve plant resistance
against fungal and oomycete pathogens (Table 1).
Among the diverse classes of S genes, the ones
involved in plant immune signalling are specially
targeted to incorporate resistance by GE. A classic
example is the calmodulin-binding MILDEW RESIS-
TANCE LOCUS O (MLO) gene, whose loss-of-func-
tion mutations protect virtually every plant species
from infection by the powdery mildew fungi (Kusch
and Panstruga 2017). Powdery mildew, a global fungal
disease that infects a wide range of plants, traditionally
has been controlled by breeding resistant cultivars.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) was the first crop to have
the MLO genes edited. Targeted mutations introduced
in three TaMLO homoeoalleles by TALEN technology
conferred heritable broad-spectrum resistance to pow-
dery mildew caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici
(Wang et al. 2014). Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
Slmlo mutants also showed resistance against powdery
mildew, in this case caused by the fungal pathogen
Oidium neolycopersici (Nekrasov et al. 2017).
SlMLO1 edition by CRISPR/Cas9 took less than a
year and resulted in plants free of foreign DNA, with
mutations indistinguishable from those naturally
occurring, and without off-target mutations as shown
by whole-genome sequencing. RNA interference
(RNAi)-mediated silencing of the grapevine (Vitis
fera) gene VvMLO-7 reduced susceptibility to
powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe necator (Pessina
et al. 2016), one of the most damaging grapevine
diseases that is traditionally controlled by highly toxic
sulfur-based and synthetic fungicides. Based on this
finding, purified CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoproteins
S gene
Plant genes
(e.g. Mlo, EDR1, ERF922,
Sec3A, BSR-D1, WRKY52,
WRKY70, PMR4, 14-3-3d,
(e.g. JAZ2,
P450 CYP71A1)
viP-Cas9, gRNA
(e.g. CR, Rep, and IR, CP of
TYLCV; TIR, CP/MP and Rep/C4
of ChiLCV; IR,CP/MP, Rep/RepA
of WDV; genome of SRBSDV
and RSMV; P3/CI/Nib and CP of
Fig. 2 Summary of GE strategies to boost plant protection. The
different strategies used to modulate plant immunity or
pathogen virulence are indicated, as well as examples of the
genes edited by the respective approach. Abbreviations: S gene,
Susceptibility gene; PG, Plant genome; R factors, Resistance
factors; viP, virus-inducible promoter; gRNA, single guide
RNA; gRNA, guide RNA; PatG, Pathogen genome; VG, Viral
genome; atVG, attenuated virus genome; see text for genes
Transgenic Res
(RNPs) targeting VvMLO-7 was delivered to grape
Chardonnay cultivar protoplasts in order to increase
resistance to powdery mildew in this important
cultivar. This methodology not only enabled to
improve on-target and reduced off-target activities
(Malnoy et al. 2016), but also prevented some of the
drawbacks associated with the plasmid-mediated
delivery of GE components to plant cells, such as
the random integration of plasmid sequences in the
host genome. These advantages allowed the genera-
tion of DNA-free genome edited plants, potentially
bypassing the current GMO regulations. Nonetheless,
plant regeneration from the protoplasts and inocula-
tion experiments are needed to confirm the efficiency
of this method for GE resistance, as protoplast regen-
eration is not straightforward for most crop species,
which represents a bottleneck for the application of
this methodology.
Another strategy to improve powdery mildew
resistance in wheat by knocking out susceptibility
components is editing the ENHANCED DISEASE
RESISTANCE 1 (EDR1) gene. Arabidopsis thaliana
EDR1 is a MAPKKK that plays a negative role in the
defence response against powdery mildew (E. cichor-
acearum), and like MLO, is highly conserved across
plant species (Frye et al. 2001). TaEDR1 knockdown
by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and RNAi
resulted in enhanced resistance to powdery mildew,
suggesting that TaEDR1 negatively regulates powdery
mildew resistance in wheat (Zhang et al. 2017a). As
expected, wheat mutant plants with CRISPR/Cas9-
mediated multiplex GE of the three TaEDR1
Table 1 Engineering fungi and oomycetes resistance through genome editing of susceptibility genes in crops
Plant species Targeted
gene(s) (function
Outcome (pathogen species) GE
(calmodulin binding)
Broad-spectrum resistance to powdery mildew
(Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici strains)
TALEN Wang et al. (2014)
Enhanced resistance to powdery mildew (Blumeria
graminis f. sp. tritici)
Zhang et al.
TaNFXL1 (transcription
Enhanced resistance to Fusarium head blight
(Fusarium graminearum)
Brauer et al.
Oryza sativa OsERF922 (transcription
Enhanced resistance to rice blast (Magnaporthe
Wang et al.
OsSEC3A (exocyst
Enhanced defence response to rice blast
(Magnaporthe oryzae)
Ma et al. (2018)
OsBSR-D1 (transcription
Broad-spectrum resistance to rice blast
(Magnaporthe oryzae strains)
Zhu et al. (2020)
Vitis vinifera VvMLO-7 (calmodulin
Possible enhanced resistance to powdery mildew
(Erysiphe necator)
Malnoy et al.
VvWRKY52 (transcription
Increased resistance to grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) CRISPR/
Wang et al. (2018)
SlMLO1 (calmodulin
Resistance to powdery mildew (Oidium
Nekrasov et al.
SlPMR4 (callose
Enhanced resistance to powdery mildew (Oidium
´n Martı
et al. (2020)
BnWRKY70 (transcription
Enhanced resistance to stem rot (Sclerotinia
Sun et al. (2018)
Gh14-3-3d (14–3-3
Enhanced resistance to verticillium wilt (Verticillium
Zhang et al. (2018)
TcNPR3 (SA receptor) Enhanced resistance to black pod (Phytophthora
Fister et al. (2018)
ClPSK1 (Phytosulfokine
peptide hormone)
Enhanced resistance to Fusarium wilt (Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. niveum)
Zhang et al.
MAPKKK mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase, SA salicylic acid
Transgenic Res
homologues showed resistance to powdery mildew
(Zhang et al. 2017a). The stress adaptative signalling
hub 14-3-3 is known to contribute to cotton (Gossyp-
ium hirsutum) susceptibility to Verticillium dahliae,
the causal agent of verticillium wilt, a destructive
disease difficult to control due to the lack of isolated
resistant genes and poor germplasm resources in
cotton. Silencing of 14-3-3 by RNAi in G. barbadense
showed reduced sensitivity to V. dahliae infection as
compared to wild type plants (Gao et al. 2013). Cotton,
being an allotetraploid species is difficult to edit.
Nonetheless, CRISPR/Cas9 edited Gh14-3-3d gene
was stably transmitted to the next generations and
conferred high resistance to verticillium wilt in Cas9/
gRNA transgene-free cotton plants. Resistance was
linked to the induction of genes involved in brassi-
nosteroid and jasmonic acid (JA) signalling (Zhang
et al. 2018). The subunit of the exocyst complex
OsSEC3A participates in rice (Oryza sativa) suscep-
tibility to rice blast, caused by Magnaporthe oryzae.
Plants harbouring OsSEC3A mutations introduced by
CRISPR/Cas9 displayed enhanced resistance against
rice blast associated to increased defence responses
(Ma et al. 2018).
Durable broad-spectrum resistance has the poten-
tial to be achieved by loss-of-function mutations in
immune signalling genes such as MLO,EDR1,14-3-3
and SEC3 in virtually every plant species, as is clearly
the case for MLO genes (Wang et al. 2014; Malnoy
et al. 2016; Nekrasov et al. 2017). Atedr1 mutants are
resistant to the oomycete Phytophthora infestans
(Geissler et al. 2015), whereas OsEDR1 RNAi rice
plants display enhanced resistance to the bacterial
pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Shen et al.
2011), suggesting that similarly to mlo mutants, edr1
and possibly 14-3-3 and sec3a mutant plants might
also be resistant to other pathogens. However, mod-
ifications in such genes could also result in increased
susceptibility to other pathogens, as it happens for M.
oryzae,Fusarium graminearum and Ramularia collo-
cygni, which are known to be more virulent in a mlo
background (Jarosch et al. 1999; Jansen et al. 2005;
McGrann et al. 2014). This enhanced susceptibility
may be particularly critical in wheat, in which blast
disease caused by M. oryzae pv. Triticum is an
emerging disease with a potentially catastrophic
outcome (Islam et al. 2019). Moreover, disruption of
S genes with signalling roles could result in growth
defects and/or yield loss (Zaidi et al. 2018). There are
several such examples: the pleiotropic effects of mlo
loss-of-function are often associated with impaired
yield and quality (Wang et al. 2014; Acevedo-Garcia
et al. 2017; Kusch and Panstruga 2017); T0 Gh14-3-3-
edited plants showed dwarf phenotype and fewer
flowers (Zhang et al. 2018); and rice plants with
mutations in OsSEC3A showed dwarf stature plus
lesion-mimic phenotypes (Ma et al. 2018). Interest-
ingly, Taedr1 mutant showed no obvious growth and
developmental defects (Zhang et al. 2017a). Further
studies in this direction would be of great value for
wheat breeders and ultimately to grain producers.
Plant immunity is a consequence of PAMP/DAMP
(PTI) or effector recognition (ETI), which leads to
activation of a signal transduction cascade and regu-
lation of TFs that activate the expression of genes
involved in plant defence (Fig. 1). TFs have been the
target of GE to enhance plant resistance against fungi.
WRKY transcription factors for instance are key
regulators, both positive and negative, of plant
immunity (Eulgem and Somssich 2007). In Arabidop-
sis, AtWRKY11 and AtWRKY70 are involved in JA-
and SA-induced resistance to pathogens, and in
rapeseed (Brassica napus), BnWRKY11 and
BnWRKY70 are differentially expressed upon inocu-
lation with the pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclero-
tiorum that causes stem rot disease (Sun et al. 2018). In
rapeseed, two Bnwrky11 and Bnwrky70 mutants were
obtained by CRISPR/Cas9. In T1, most of Bnwrky70
mutants showed editing in three BnWRKY70 copies
and exhibited enhanced resistance to stem rot, while
BnWRKY11 mutants showed no significant differ-
ence (Sun et al. 2018). The grape TF VvWRKY52 is
involved in biotic stress responses (Wang et al. 2017).
CRISPR/Cas9 edited grapes harbouring biallelic
mutations in VvWRKY52 showed increased resistance
to Botrytis cinerea in the first generation and no off-
target events (Wang et al. 2018). Interestingly, in
Arabidopsis, WRKY52 is a Toll/interleukin-1 recep-
tor (TIR)-NB-LRR protein containing a WRKY
domain that confers resistance against the bacterial
pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum (Deslandes et al.
2002), probably acting against fungal and bacterial
pathogens (Narusaka et al. 2009). Therewith, this is
another example of a possible broad resistance gene
that would be interesting to investigate.
The mycotoxin virulence factor deoxynivalenol is
known to promote the growth of Fusarium gramin-
earum in wheat. The deoxynivalenol-induced
Transgenic Res
TaNFXL1 TF was edited by CRISPR/Cas9, resulting
in enhanced resistance to Fusarium head blight and
suggesting that TaNFXL1 can promote susceptibility
to F. graminearum (Brauer et al. 2020). Another
example is the C2H2-type TF from rice OsBSR-D1,
which had its natural allele bsr-d1 identified by
genome-wide association to confer non-race-specific
resistance to blast (Li et al. 2017). A single nucleotide
change in the BSR-D1 promoter resulted in enhanced
binding of a repressive MYB transcription factor,
hence suppressing BSR-D1 expression. OsBSR-D1
promotes peroxidase expression in rice that degrades
and suppresses resistance to M. oryzae. Based on
this observation, CRISPR/Cas9 was used to knockout
OsBSR-D1 to develop rice plants with broad-spectrum
resistance to blast by eliciting HR (Li et al. 2017; Zhu
et al. 2020).
Plant hormones play an important role in plant
defence and susceptibility (Fig. 1). SA-mediated
defence response is elicited against hemi- and
biotrophic pathogens whilst JA and ethylene (ET)
are elicited in defence signalling mainly against
necrotrophs. The NON-EXPRESSOR OF PATHO-
GENESIS-RELATED 3 (NPR3) is a paralogue of
Arabidopsis NPR1, both being SA receptors. Knock-
down of the cacao (Theobroma cacao)TcNPR3 by
RNAi enhanced resistance to Phytophthora tropicalis,
the causal agent of black pod (Shi et al. 2013). Cacao is
a tropical tree crop with limited sources of genetic
resistance and slow generation time, hence TcNPR3 is
a good GE target. CRISPR/Cas9-edited Tcnpr3
showed improved resistance to P. tropicalis infection
and increased expression of downstream defence
genes, confirming the function of TcNPR3 as a
repressor of cacao immunity (Fister et al. 2018).
Furthermore, sequencing analysis of predicted off-
targets revealed no additional mutation sites. PMR4,
encoding a callose synthase, is another SA responsive
gene. In Arabidopsis, PMR4 plays an important role in
callose deposition triggered by PTI in a NPR1-
dependent manner (Nishimura et al. 2003; Dong
et al. 2008), although it also negatively regulates
SA-associated defence (Nishimura et al. 2003). A
recent effort to increase powdery mildew resistance in
tomato involved the knockout of POWDERY MIL-
DEW RESISTANCE 4 (SlPMR4) by targeted mutage-
nesis using CRISPR/Cas9 technology (Santilla
´nez et al. 2020). All mutant tomato plants
showed reduced but not complete loss of susceptibility
to Oidium neolycopersici, confirming previous obser-
vations where SlPMR4 knockdown by RNAi
enhanced resistance against powdery mildew (Huibers
et al. 2013). The NPR3 and PMR4 function as SA
response repressors, suggesting that both NPR3- and
PMR4-edited plants could show broad resistance
against other pathogens, hence testing this hypothesis
could bring important information to the field of crop
As previously mentioned, JA and ET are involved
in plant resistance or susceptibility and have antago-
nist function with SA responses. The ETHYLENE
RESPONSE FACTOR (ERF) gene family play pivotal
roles in plant adaptation to multiple biotic and abiotic
stresses (Phukan et al. 2017). In rice, for instance, the
expression of OsERF922 is strongly induced by both
virulent and avirulent strains of M. oryzae. Knock-
down of OsERF922 by RNAi leads to increased
resistance to M. oryzae, suggesting that OsERF922 is a
negative regulator of rice blast resistance (Liu et al.
2012). Building on this observation, targeted modifi-
cation of OsERF922 using CRISPR/Cas9 generated
knockout mutants with enhanced resistance to rice
blast, without affecting major agronomic traits (Wang
et al. 2016a). ClPSK1 encodes a precursor of the plant
hormone phytosulfokine involved in plant immunity
repression (Hammes 2016). Recently, CRISPR/Cas9-
mediated knockout of ClPSK1 resulted in enhanced
watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) resistance to fusarium
wilt, caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum (Zhang
et al. 2020a). In line with this result, Clpsk1 transcript
was significantly induced upon this fungus infection,
and application of exogenous phytosulfokine
increased pathogen growth. Studying the effects of
GE in other genes regulating plant hormone responses
is another interesting approach to achieve broad
resistance, although it is important to be aware of
possible defence-growth trade-off problems.
Bacterial pathogens: genome editing of plant S genes
to enhance crop resistance
Plant pathogenic bacteria are challenging to control
primarily due to asymptomatic infections, lack of
effective agrochemicals, large diversity, quick multi-
plication rate, and easy spread amongst hosts and
geographical regions. Consequently, the most efficient
strategies to control bacterial pathogens are mainly
based on plant genetic resistance, good agronomic
Transgenic Res
practices, and biocontrol agents. The increasing
knowledge in the molecular mechanisms of host–
pathogen interactions opens new opportunities to
engineer plant resistance against bacteria. As for other
pathogens, GE of S genes is becoming popular for
breeding crops for bacterial resistance (Fig. 2). Sev-
eral studies have been published on the application of
GE strategies to counteract various bacterial diseases
(Table 2).
Bacterial pathogens produce effectors that can bind
to the promoter’s region of S genes promoting its
expression and consequent ETS (Fig. 1). TAL effec-
tors of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae contribute to
pathogen virulence by binding to effector-binding
elements in the promoter region of specific rice S
genes, such as the SUGAR WILL EVENTUALLY BE
sequence-specific manner, resulting in its transcrip-
tional activation (Antony et al. 2010). The SWEET
family genes encode sugar transporters, many of
which involved in plant-pathogen interactions (Chen
et al. 2010; Streubel et al. 2013). SWEET transporters
facilitate the exploitation of the host resources by the
pathogen by exporting sucrose from the host cells,
making it available to the pathogen hence conferring
disease susceptibility (Chen et al. 2010,2012). Early
on, TALEN was used to mutate predicted TAL
effector-binding sites within the OsSWEET14
(Os11N3) promoter to engineer heritable broad-
Table 2 Genome editing of crop susceptibility genes for engineering resistance to bacteria and broad-spectrum resistance to bacteria,
fungi and oomycetes
Plant species Targeted
gene(s) (function)
Outcome (pathogen species) GE
Oryza sativa OsSWEET14 (Os11N3)
(sugar transporter)
Broad-spectrum resistance to bacterial blight
(Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae strains)
TALEN Li et al. (2012);
´et al.
Zafar et al. (2020);
Zeng et al. (2020)
OsSWEET13 (Xa25)
(sugar transporter)
Resistance to bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae
pv. oryzae)
Zhou et al. (2015)
OsSWEET11 (Xa13 or
Os8N3) (sugar
Resistance to bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae
pv. oryzae)
Kim et al. (2019); Li
et al. (2020b)
(sugar transporter)
Broad-spectrum resistance to bacterial blight
(Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae strains)
Oliva et al. (2019);
Xu et al. (2019)
domain; RNA-
Broad-spectrum resistance to bacterial blight
(Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) and rice blast
(Magnaporthe oryzae)
Zhou et al. (2018)
DMR6 (2-oxoglutarate
Fe(II) oxygenases;
SA responses)
Broad-spectrum resistance to bacterial speck
(Pseudomonas syringae), Xanthomonas spp. and
leaf blight (Phytophthora capsici)
de Toledo
Thomazella et al.
SlJAZ2 (JA co-
Resistance to bacterial speck (Pseudomonas syringae
pv. tomato)
Ortigosa et al. (2019)
Malus pumila DIPM-1/-2/-4 (RLK) Increased resistance to fire blight disease (Erwinia
Malnoy et al. (2016)
CsLOB1 (transcription
Enhanced resistance to citrus canker (Xanthomonas
citri subsp. citri)
Jia et al.
Citrus sinensis CsLOB1 (transcription
Resistance to citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp.
Peng et al. (2017)
(transcription factor)
Increased resistance to citrus canker (Xanthomonas
citri subsp. citri)
Wang et al. (2019b)
RLK receptor-like kinase, TPRs tetratricopeptide repeats, SA salicylic acid JA jasmonic acid
Transgenic Res
spectrum resistance to X. oryzae pv. oryzae strains (Li
et al. 2012). Mutant rice plants exhibited enhanced
resistance due to lack of OsSWEET14 induction by the
bacterial pathogen. These results were later confirmed
by similar approaches using TALEN (Blanvillain-
´et al. 2017) and CRISPR/Cas9 technologies
(Zafar et al. 2020; Zeng et al. 2020). Despite the
apparent success of the mutations introduced in the
OsSWEET14 promoter in the rice cv. Kitaake
´et al. 2017), the same mutation
showed only moderate resistance or even susceptibil-
ity to African X. oryzae pv. oryzae strains (Oliva et al.
2019). Therefore, in an effort to broaden the resis-
tance, CRISPR/Cas9 was used to knockout OsS-
WEET14 by targeting its coding region in rice cv.
Zhonghua 11. The resulting mutant plants showed
broad-spectrum resistance to Asian strains and at least
one African strain. Additionally, these Ossweet14
plants showed increased plant height and no detri-
mental effects on yield, despite the known role of
OsSWEET14 in plant development (Oliva et al. 2019).
Similar results were obtained by Zhou et al. (2015), by
generating rice harbouring mutations in the coding
region of the S gene OsSWEET13 (Xa25) using
CRISPR/Cas9. The mutants exhibited resistance to
bacterial blight, with no detectable morphology
defects under normal growth conditions.
Recently, the coding region of OsSWEET11 (also
known as Xa13 and Os8N3) was also edited by
CRISPR/Cas9 (Li et al. 2020b). OsSWEET11 regu-
lates rice bacterial blight resistance but it also
participates in pollen development (Chu et al.
2004,2006). Constitutive interference or knockdown
of OsSWEET11 enhances bacterial blight resistance
but reduces pollen fertility, compromising its use in
breeding (Chu et al. 2006). Indeed, edition of
OsSWEET11 coding sequence improved resistance
to X. oryzae pv. oryzae but also caused changes in
important agronomic traits and a sterile phenotype (Li
et al. 2020b). To minimise any effect in pollen
development, a CRISPR/Cas9 specific deletion was
engineered in the promoter region of OsSWEET11 that
contains a pathogen-induced element (Ro
¨mer et al.
2010; Yuan et al. 2011). Homozygous mutant Oss-
weet11 plants displayed significantly enhanced bacte-
rial blight resistance, and no significant effects in the
agronomic traits analysed, including fertility (Kim
et al. 2019). In another attempt to engineer broad-
spectrum bacterial blight resistance in rice, CRISPR/
Cas9 technology was used to disrupt the TAL effector-
binding sites of two S genes, OsSWEET11 and
OsSWEET14, in rice cv. Kitaake, which already
harbours a recessive resistance allele of OsSWEET13
(Xu et al. 2019). The resulting triple mutant line
exhibited broad-spectrum resistance to most X. oryzae
pv. oryzae strains, as a result of loss of ETS. Strong,
broad-spectrum resistance was also obtained when
OsSWEET11,OsSWEET13 and OsSWEET14 were
simultaneously edited by CRISPR/Cas9 to introduce
mutations in all promoters (Oliva et al. 2019).
Importantly, the triple mutant lines showed no alter-
ation in agronomic traits, suggesting their potential use
in agriculture.
The citrus (Citrus sinensis) transcription factor
CsLOB1 is another S gene induced by TAL effectors
of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, the causal agent of
the citrus canker (Hu et al. 2014). This is a devastating
disease that affects the majority of the commercial
citrus cultivars worldwide and is responsible for
significant economic losses. The most effective and
sustainable approach to control this pathogen, is the
generation of resistant citrus varieties. Conventional
citrus breeding is challenging mainly due to poly-
ploidy, polyembryony, and prolonged crossing cycles.
To overcome these, several GE-based attempts have
been made to generate canker-resistant citrus in Citrus
paradisi and C. sinensis. The CsLOB1 promoter
contains the effector-binding element of the effector
PthA4. Building on these observations, the effector-
binding element in the CsLOB1 promoter and its
coding region were independently targeted via
CRISPR/Cas9 (Jia et al. 2016,2017; Peng et al.
2017). Both approaches resulted in plants resistant to
X. citri subsp. citri, without obvious effects on both
growth and off-target mutations (Jia et al. 2017),
opening the opportunity to generate CsLOB1-edited
citrus varieties to fight citrus canker.
Bacterial effectors also interact with plant proteins
to promote ETS (Fig. 1). The enterobacterium Er-
winia amylovora is the bacterial pathogen behind fire
blight disease in apple (Malus pumila) and other
commercially valuable plants (Malnoy et al. 2016).
The E. amylovora pathogenicity effector DspA/E
interacts with four apple RLKs from the DSPE-
2/-3/-4) family (Borejsza-Wysocka et al. 2006).
Simultaneous targeted mutagenesis of DIPM-1,
DIPM-2, and DIPM-4 by direct delivery of purified
Transgenic Res
CRISPR/Cas9 RNPs to apple protoplasts resulted in
the generation of DNA-free genome edited apple cells
(Malnoy et al. 2016). Similarly, to the VvMLO-7
edited grape protoplasts previously mentioned, this
methodology is promising by reducing off-targets and
generating transgene-free plants. Nonetheless, as only
protoplasts were evaluated, future inoculation exper-
iments are needed to confirm the efficiency of DIPM
edition to increase apple resistance to fire blight.
Contrary to the TAL effectors mentioned above,
effectors can indirectly regulate gene expression
(Fig. 1). WRKY22 is involved in resistance to the
bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae in Ara-
bidopsis (Hsu et al. 2013) and to the fungal pathogen
M. oryzae in rice (Abbruscato et al. 2012). There is a
negative correlation between CsWRKY22 expression
and C. sinensis immune response to canker. Therefore,
citrus plants harbouring mutations in CsWRKY22
showed reduced susceptibility to citrus canker (Wang
et al. 2019b). Gene transcription can also be modu-
lated at the mRNA level. BROAD-SPECTRUM
RESISTANCE KITAAKE-1 (BSR-K1) encodes a tetra-
tricopeptide repeats-containing protein, that binds to
mRNAs of multiple defence-related OsPAL genes,
promoting their turnover in rice. PAL is required for
the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, including
lignin and SA, and OsPAL1 overexpression confers
resistance to M. oryzae. CRISPR/Cas9-derived knock-
out of OsBSR-K1 led to OsPAL accumulation and
enhanced broad-spectrum resistance to both M. oryzae
and X. oryzae pv. oryzae without major yield penalty
(Zhou et al. 2018). Cultivars harbouring broad-spec-
trum resistance loci offer the ultimate approach to
control pathogens as these typically confer resistance
to diverse races or strains of the same pathogen or even
to multiple pathogens species (reviewed by Li et al.
The successful examples of GE to engineer plant
defence against pathogens may not translate under
field conditions, where plants are exposed to varied
conditions, including numerous pests, pathogens, and
abiotic stresses. Broad-spectrum resistance against
pathogenic bacteria and fungi was also obtained
through GE of the S gene DOWNY MILDEW
RESISTANCE 6 (SlDMR6-1) in tomato. This crop is
severely affected by the bacteria P. syringae and
Xanthomonas spp., and Phytophthora spp. oomycetes
(Schwartz et al. 2015). In Arabidopsis, DMR6 was
shown to convert SA to 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid
(2,3-DHBA), reducing SA levels hence suppressing
SA-mediated plant immunity (Zhang et al. 2017b). In
tomato plants, SlDMR6-1, an orthologue of the
Arabidopsis DMR6, is upregulated in response to P.
syringae pv. tomato and P. capsica infections (de
Toledo Thomazella et al. 2016). CRISPR/Cas9 dis-
ruption of SlDMR6-1 active site resulted in plants with
resistance against these pathogens and to Xan-
thomonas spp., without detrimental effects on plant
growth and development (de Toledo Thomazella et al.
2016). These results suggest that knocking out
SlDMR6-1 may potentially confer broad-spectrum
disease resistance to various others plant pathogens.
Recently, enhanced resistance to the rice blast fungus
and to bacterial blight was achieved by CRISPR/Cas9
multiplex GE, creating Cas9/gRNA transgene-free
homozygous triple mutants with specific mutations int
(OsPi21), and OsXa13 genes (Li et al. 2019). TMS5 is
a protein involved in thermosensitive male sterility,
OsPi21 is a S gene that slows plant defence against M.
oryzae, and as described above, Xa13 is a SWEET
family member that favours pathogen growth. These
examples highlight the potential of CRISPR/Cas9
genome edition of plants with the so desired durable,
broad-spectrum resistance, against not only a diverse
range of pathogen species but also from divergent
Plant response to pathogens is under the tight
regulation of hormone signalling (Fig. 1; reviewed by
Glazebrook 2005). Recently, the trade-off between
plant defences against pathogens with opposing
infection strategies (i.e. biotrophs and necrotrophs)
was solved by spatially uncoupling the antagonism
between JA and SA plant hormone-mediated defence
pathways at stomata, the entry gates for some
pathogens (Ortigosa et al. 2019). P. syringae pv.
tomato, which causes bacterial speck disease in
tomato, produces the JA mimic coronatine that
induces stomatal opening, facilitating bacterial viru-
lence and allowing bacterial colonization (Melotto
et al. 2006). In Arabidopsis, this stomatal response to
coronatine is dependent on JASMONATE ZIM-
DOMAIN-2 (JAZ2). In an attempt to improve resis-
tance to bacterial speck disease, the tomato ortholog of
AtJAZ2,SlJAZ2, was targeted by CRISPR/Cas9 to
prevent coronatine-induced stomatal opening (Or-
tigosa et al. 2019). Sljaz2 mutant plants displayed
bacterial speck resistance, without compromising
Transgenic Res
resistance to the necrotroph B. cinerea. JA-signalling
outside stomata remained unaffected, enabling JA-
mediated responses against B. cinerea, demonstrating
the successful uncoupling of JA- and SA-mediated
defence pathways towards necrotrophs and biotrophs,
respectively. This uncoupling represents a major
breakthrough to obtain broad-spectrum resistance
against distinct classes of pathogens.
Viral pathogens: genome editing of plant S genes
to enhance crop resistance
Once a virus gains access to plant cells or vasculature,
the development of incompatible interactions between
pathogen and plant can be determined by the presence
of R genes or by the absence of critical factors for
completion of their life cycles, encoded by the so-
called S genes (Fig. 1). During plant-virus interaction
S genes assist in viral replication, translation and
movement. Some are essential for host survival while
others are not, therefore providing opportunities for
intervention through GE to enhance plant resistance
(Garcia-Ruiz 2018). Identification of these factors has
relied on different screening approaches and showed
that at times, some host proteins play a part in the life
cycle of viruses belonging to very different families.
That was the case for plasmodesmal-located proteins
involved in the movement of Grapevine fanleaf virus
(GFLV) and Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV; Amari
et al. 2010), and also endosomal SYNAPTOTAGMIN
A (SYTA) for the movement of Cabbage leaf curl
virus (CaLCuV), Turnip vein clearing virus (TVCV),
and Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV; Lewis and Lazarow-
itz 2010; Uchiyama et al. 2014). Nevertheless, com-
pelling evidence for the lack of universal susceptibility
factors came from large, comparable genetic screens
(Kushner et al. 2003; Panavas et al. 2005), indicating
the need to search for new plant S genes required for
virus proliferation. Presently, the best studied S genes
for viral infection belong to the EUKARYOTIC
ily, which are critical for the life cycle of multiple
viruses (reviewed by Jaafar and Kieft 2019). Based on
this evidence, most GE strategies described to date are
focused on eIF4E members (Table 3).
The efficiency of eIF4E GE in plant resistance
against viruses was first validated in Arabidopsis.
eIF(iso)4E CRISPR/Cas9 mutations conferred resis-
tance to TuMV, with transgene-free lines showing no
visible changes in growth and development (Pyott
et al. 2016). Later, the technology was applied to crop
GE. CRISPR/Cas9 edition of eIF4E in cucumber
(Cucumis sativus) introduced modifications directed at
its N and C termini, resulting in eif4e plants resistant to
members of the Potyviridae family Cucumber vein
yellowing virus (CVYV), Zucchini yellow mosaic
virus (ZYMV) and Papaya ringspot mosaic virus-W
(PRSV-W), but not to the cucumovirus Cucumber
mosaic virus (CMV) or tobamovirus Cucumber green
mottle mosaic tobamovirus (CGMMV;
Table 3 Engineering virus resistance through genome editing of susceptibility genes in crops
Plant species Targeted gene(s) Outcome GE method References
Cucumis sativus eIF4E Resistance to CVYV, ZYMV, PRSV-
Chandrasekaran et al.
Oryza sativa eIF4G Resistance to RTSV CRISPR/
Macovei et al. (2018)
Manihot esculenta nCBP-1/-2
Enhanced resistance to CBSV CRISPR/
Gomez et al. (2019)
Musa balbisiana (e)BSV Resistance to BSV CRISPR/
Tripathi et al. (2019)
eIF4E1 Resistance to PVY
Atarashi et al. (2020)
SlPelo Resistance to TYLCV CRISPR/
Pramanik et al. (2021)
eIF4 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4, (e)BSV endogenous virus sequences, CVYV Cucumber vein yellowing virus, ZYMV
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, PRSV-W Papaya ring spot mosaic virus-W, RTSV Rice tungro spherical virus, CBSV Cassava brown
streak virus, BSV Banana streak virus, PVY
Potato virus Y-N, CMV Cucumber mosaic virus, TYLCV Tomato yellow leaf curl virus
Transgenic Res
Chandrasekaran et al. 2016). Interestingly, these
plants were phenotypically normal. Segregation of
mutated eIF4E and Cas9/gRNA transgene allowed the
selection of non-transgenic eif4e mutant lines, and
sequence analysis of putative off-target sites showed
no evidence of unwanted GE (Chandrasekaran et al.
2016). GE of rice plants was also used to generate
resistance to Rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) by
introducing mutations within the eIF4G coding
sequence adjacent to a motif critical for resistance
(Macovei et al. 2018). Segregation analysis led to
Cas9/gRNA transgene-free lines showing resistance to
RTSV, and normal agronomic parameters. Candidate
off-target genes were sequenced, with no mutations
detected. Importantly, only in-frame homozygous
mutations in critical residues (but not truncations)
were viable, suggesting that eIF4G is essential for
plant survival (Macovei et al. 2018). Another report
described the edition of eIF4E isoforms NOVEL CAP-
sava (Manihot esculenta; Gomez et al. 2019). These
proteins interact with a viral component of the
Potyviridae family member of Cassava brown streak
virus (CBSV), which is involved in cassava brown
streak disease. Genome edited ncbp-1/-2 double
mutant lines showed a delay and weaker symptoms
development, but off-targets GE were also detected
(Gomez et al. 2019).
Recently, eIF4E1 was also edited in tomato by
CRISPR/Cas9. While a single nucleotide insertion in
the gene led to a lower accumulation of Potato virus Y
strain N (PVY
), but not PVY
, a 9-nucleotide
deletion reduced the levels of CMV strain yellow
(CMV-Y) and associated symptoms. Also, CMV-O
aphid transmission, which is more efficient than
CMV-Y transmission, was decreased in half (Atarashi
et al. 2020). Another example of GE in tomato for
virus resistance was described for the susceptibility
factor Ty-5/SlPelo, likely involved in ribosome recy-
cling during protein synthesis. Plant lines harbouring
single nucleotide insertions led to frameshifts and
premature stop codon, which correlated with resis-
tance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), as
well as reduced viral accumulation (Pramanik et al.
Some plant viruses are known to integrate their host
genome, as first reported in banana (Musa balbisiana)
for Banana streak virus (BSV; Harper et al. 1999).
This represents a major problem for breeders as under
stress conditions endogenous (e)BSVs become viru-
lent. CRISPR/Cas technology was used to target all
three ORFs of the locus comprising the infectious
integrated viral sequences (Tripathi et al. 2019).
Following water stress, from a total of 8 lines
analysed, 2 showed moderate symptoms while 6
remained symptomless along the experiment. Further
analysis indicated that the former 2 were edited at
ORF1 and 2 whereas the symptomless lines had been
modified at all three ORFs. Off-target GE events
analysis indicated a very low frequency of non-
specific genome modifications (Tripathi et al. 2019).
Insect resistance: plant genome editing to enhance
crop resistance
There is currently very limited information on the use
of GE to introduce plant resistance to insects. In the
only example we are aware of, CRISPR/Cas9 was
used to verify the inactivation of rice cytochrome P450
CYP71A1, a tryptamine 5-hydroxylase that catalyses
the conversion of tryptamine to serotonin (Lu et al.
2018). As a result, serotonin plant production stopped,
leading to an increase in SA levels and higher
resistance to brown plant hoppers and stripped stem
borers (Table 4). In a different strategy, CRISPR/Cas9
was used to target six loci involved in tomato yield and
productivity in wild tomato S. pimpinellifolium
¨n et al. 2018). This wild tomato has the
advantage of being resistant to a wide range of
arthropod pests including spider mites, but it has low
yields (Rakha et al. 2017). In one generation, the
productivity and quality of the edited tomato lines
were enhanced. Although neither R or S genes were
targeted in this study, the de novo domestication to this
wild tomato improved agronomic traits whilst would
keep pest resistance, and therefore enhancing yield,
although the de novo domesticated plants still need to
be challenged with pests to confirm this.
CRISPR/Cas-based genome editing for targeted
suppression of pests and pathogens
Engineering viral sequences has been the focus of
many studies in the last decades, with great advances
mainly in the field of RNA silencing and GE. On the
contrary, despite its importance in crop production,
manipulation of pests genomes by GE approaches is
still in its infancy. CRISPR/Cas is naturally used by
Transgenic Res
bacteria and Archaea to edit and fight foreign genetic
elements such as phages, plasmids and transposons
(Hille et al. 2018). Direct manipulation of pests and
viral genomes by GE approaches has been used in both
plant protection and to study gene function (Tables 4
and 5; Fig. 2). Cas9 and gRNA sequences can be
introduced in plants to reduce viral load by targeting
genes important for replication and expression of
structural components. Studies on insect gene function
using CRISPR/Cas9 have been slowly advancing the
knowledge on the potential targets that could be used
to fight pests in crops using a similar strategy.
Insect genome editing to inhibit pest proliferation
The control of insects through genetics has been
exploited for several decades. An example is the
release of mutant populations unable to generate
offspring, obtained by the sterile insect technique. The
concept relies on having an overwhelming population
of sterile insects competing for resources and mating
opportunities. As female receptivity may be reduced
or turned off, under favourable circumstances, a
systematic decrease in the number of descendants
can be expected (Table 4). A classic example of
success in using this approach is the eradication of the
cattle New World screwworm, as well as the ongoing
efforts to control the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis
capitata and the malaria vectors Anopheles sp. (Dunn
and Follett 2017). Although radiation mutagenesis is
the method traditionally used, novel technologies such
as GE are being explored, with multiple proof-of-
concept examples in the literature, including for plant
pests. Being Drosophila sp. an excellent genetic
system, it is not surprising that early applications of
GE technologies emerged within this genus. D. suzukii
is a major problem for soft-skinned fruit growers. Two
Drosophila sp. genes have been targeted by injecting
plasmid DNA encoding Cas9 and gRNAs into
embryos, the white gene (modulating eye pigmenta-
tion) and the Sex lethal gene (controlling female
development; Li and Scott 2016). Progeny with white
eyes or females showing altered genitalia and ovaries
were recovered with either intervention. Also, the
transcription factor Abdominal-A (Abd-A), that regu-
lates proper segment development during embryoge-
nesis in D. melanogaster, was targeted in Spodoptera
litura, a worm responsible for great losses worldwide.
Cas9 mRNA and gRNAs targeting Abd-A were
microinjected into embryos, and larvae with anoma-
lous segmentation were recovered (Bi et al. 2016). C.
capitata was also validated for interventions with
CRISPR/Cas9 through the disruption of the white (we)
and the paired (Ccprd; required for segmentation of
the developing embryo) genes. Injection of Cas9 and
gRNA RNPs complexes into embryos led to flies with
white eyes (we) or embryonic developmental malfor-
mations (Ccprd; Meccariello et al. 2017). Another
example came from the brown planthopper Nila-
parvata lugens, one of the most serious pests of rice
which is also a vector for viral diseases. CRISPR/Cas9
was employed with gRNAs targeted at two genes
Table 4 Engineering insect resistance through genome editing of crop and insect sequences
Species Targeted gene(s) Outcome GE
Plant Oryza sativa CYP71A1
cytochrome P450
Enhanced resistance to hoppers and stripped
stem borers
Lu et al. (2018)
Insect Drosophila
White and sex lethal White eyes or females showing altered
genitalia and ovaries
Li and Scott
Abdominal-A Anomalous segmentation of larvae CRISPR/
Bi et al. (2016)
White and paired White eyes or embryonic developmental
Meccariello et al.
Cinnabar and white Altered eye pigmentation CRISPR/
Xue et al. (2018)
White Altered eye pigmentation CRISPR/
Heu et al. (2020)
Transgenic Res
involved in eye pigmentation, cinnabar and white.
Following embryo injection with RNPs, insects
showing heritable altered eye were recovered (Xue
et al. 2018). CRISPR/Cas9 was also used to generate
mutants with an edited white ABC transporter gene in
the silverleaf whitefly Bemisia tabaci, an insect that
causes great damage to crops across the world, not
only through its feeding activity but also as a viral
vector (Heu et al. 2020). As expected, injection of
Cas9 and gRNAs RNPs into vitellogenic adult females
led to heritable altered eye colours.
The possibility of introducing targeted lethal
mutations into insects’ genomes opens interesting
prospects for their control. In that regard, the concept
of gene drive is especially appealing: a gene that when
inserted into a chromosome propagates itself faster
than would be expected through standard inheritance
(Table 4). A proof-of-concept was presented for the
malaria vector Anopheles gambiae encoding the
highly specific homing endonuclease gene I-SceI and
reporter fluorescent proteins. As the nuclease is
transmitted to the progeny, it induces a double strand
break repair in the homologous chromosome inherited
from the non-carrier parent. Because the template for
repair is I-SceI itself, the rate at which it is transmitted
is biased (Windbichler et al. 2011). In another report,
the same principle was applied to insert CRISPR/Cas9
gene drive constructs at three A. gambiae loci whose
disruption led to recessive female sterility, with
transmission rates as high as 99.6% for the Drosophila
sp. ortholog of nudel (Hammond et al. 2016). A note of
caution was presented by the same group, which
showed that after an early increase in transmission
peaking at the 6
generation, the gene drive was
resistant to transmission at later generations due to the
selection of nuclease-induced mutations at the target
site which were detected as early as the 2
(Hammond et al. 2017). However, further work with
CRISPR/Cas9 targeting of the A. gambiae double sex
gene (which controls sexual differentiation) indicated
that careful choice of the target may overcome those
limitations. Females exhibited complete sterility, egg
output fell, and the populations collapsed entirely after
8–12 generations, with no mutant alleles resistant to
the gene drive having an impact on the transmission
process (Kyrou et al. 2018). Also, a group proposed an
approached termed precision guided sterile insect
technique in which one line expresses Cas9 and
another expresses gRNAs to disrupt genes required for
female survival (sex lethal,transformer,doublesex)
and male fertility (b-Tubulin 85D,fuzzy onions,
protamine A,spermatocyte arrest). Using D. melano-
gaster, they obtained descendants that were 100%
sterile males (Kandul et al. 2019).
Overall, considering the increasing number of GE
applications to a wide range of insects, similar
pertinent gene drive examples are likely to be
proposed in the future for the precise control of
agricultural pests, opening good prospects to reduce
pesticide application in the environment and minimize
unintended impacts on non-targets.
Viral genome editing to inhibit its proliferation
GE technologies can be used to edit viral genomes,
therefore interfering with their life cycles. The fact
that in the field, RNAi transgenic lines can select for
geminivirus populations that escape this mechanism,
indicates that alternative solutions are needed (Fuentes
et al. 2015; Mehta et al. 2018). The first proof-of-
concept study was performed in N. benthamiana
transiently expressing the ZFN editing system to target
genes important for Tomato yellow leaf curl China
virus (TYLCCNV) and Tobacco curly shoot virus
(TbCSV) replication and structure, namely: C1 repli-
cation-associated protein (Rep), C2 transcriptional
activator protein (TrAP), C3 replication enhancer
protein (REn), C4 RNA-silencing suppressor, V1 coat
protein (CP), and V2 precoat (Chen et al. 2014). Later,
CRISPR/Cas9 system was incorporated into N. ben-
thamiana and Arabidopsis plants to prove its effi-
ciency in editing Rep and CP genes, as well as
intergenic regions (IR) from several geminiviruses,
showing a reduction in virus titer (Baltes et al. 2015).
Furthermore, CRISPR/Cas9 components were
incorporated into crop plants to prevent virus infection
(Table 5). Transgenic stable tomato plants containing
Cas9 and gRNAs targeting CP and Rep from Tomato
yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) resulted in the plants
harbouring lower viral loads across generations. There
were however cases of functional edited viruses being
recovered. Efforts to generate transgenic tomato lines
targeting the IR, which could be a better target to
reduce viable edited mutants, were however unsuc-
cessful (Tashkandi et al. 2018). Cassava (Manihot
esculenta) expressing Cas9 and gRNAs targeting
TrAP and REn genes of African cassava mosaic virus
(ACMV) is another example. Nevertheless, these
Transgenic Res
transgenic lines showed no resistance due to the
frequency that mutant viruses emerged following
infection, suggesting that this technology may not
always produce the desired outcome for virus control
(Mehta et al. 2019). Following preliminary transient
validation, a strategy that could lead to better
outcomes might be targeting other regions of the
genome with multiple gRNAs simultaneously
expressed (Rybicki 2019). This was actually effective
to control Chilli leaf curl virus (ChiLCV) in N.
benthamiana by transiently expressing Cas9 and
double or triple gRNAs constructs in N. benthamiana
targeting combinations of IR, CP/movement protein
(MP) and Rep/C4. Effective control of symptoms and
virus accumulation, with no escape mutants, were
observed (Roy et al. 2019). The same strategy was
used in barley (Hordeum vulgare) to express Cas9 and
gRNAs directed at IR, CP/MP, Rep/RepA and Rep of
Wheat dwarf virus (WDV). Interestingly, in this case,
some gRNAs did not seem to induce changes in the
viral genome and one gRNA was not expressed. Yet,
three out of the four lines analysed exhibited no
symptoms or viral accumulation (Kis et al. 2019).
These studies were applied to ssDNA viruses from the
Geminiviridae family but CRISPR/Cas9 was also
successfully applied to the dsDNA CaMV. gRNA
constructs directed at CP sequences expressed in
transgenic Arabidopsis led mostly to full resistance
(up to 96%), although in some instances functional
viruses were detected (Liu et al. 2018).
Cas enzymes with ribonuclease activity, can also be
applied to control plant RNA viruses as shown with
the transient expression of Cas13a, FnCas9, and
Cas13d/CasRx plus gRNA in N. benthamiana and
Arabidopsis (Aman et al. 2018). Following validation
in transient N. benthamiana assays, the Cas13a system
was employed to degrade RNA viruses in transgenic
rice with gRNAs directed at the genomes of Southern
rice black-streaked dwarf virus (SRBSDV) and Rice
stripe mosaic virus (RSMV; Zhang et al. 2019).
Unfortunately, the specific sequences targeted in these
virus genomes were not described, but following
infection, plants showed lower viral load and mild or
no clear symptoms. Additionally, transgenic potato
plants expressing Cas13a/gRNAs targeting conserved
regions of the potyviral membrane protein (P3), the
cytoplasmic inclusion bodies (CI), the viral replicase
(Nib) and CP of three major Potato virus Y (PVY)
strains were evaluated for viral resistance. Upon
challenge with all PVY isolates, selected lines showed
virtually no infection symptoms and a reduced viral
load, which correlated with the level of Cas13a/gRNA
expression (Zhan et al. 2019).
A major concern associated with constitutive
overexpression of CRISPR/Cas9 systems is off-target
genome modifications. To limit this constraint, Ji et al.
Table 5 Engineering virus resistance in crops through genome editing of virus sequences
Plant species Targeted gene(s) Outcome GE method Reference
DNA viruses
Hordeum vulgare MP/CP, Rep, Rep/
RepA, IR
Resistance to WDV CRISPR/Cas9 Kis et al. (2019)
CP, Rep Enhanced resistance to TYLCV CRISPR/Cas9 Tashkandi et al.
IR, CP Enhanced resistance to TYLCV Virus-inducible
Ghorbani Faal et al.
Manihot esculenta TrAP, REn No resistance of ACMV CRISPR/Cas9 Mehta et al. (2019)
RNA viruses
Oryza sativa Viral genomes Enhanced resistance to SRBSDV,
CRISPR/Cas13a Zhan et al. (2019)
P3, CI, Nib, CP Enhanced resistance to PVY
CRISPR/Cas13a Zhan et al. (2019)
CP capsid protein, Rep replication-associated protein, IR intergenic region, TrAP transcriptional activator protein, REn replication
enhancer protein, MP movement protein, P3 membrane protein, CI cytoplasmic inclusion protein, Nib viral replicase, bTYLCV
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, ACMV African cassava mosaic virus, WDV Wheat dwarf virus, SRBSDV Southern rice black-streaked
dwarf virus, RSMV Rice stripe mosaic virus, PVY Potato virus Y
Transgenic Res
(2018a) developed a virus-inducible system based on
the promoter sequences of geminivirus Beet severe
curly top virus (BSCTV). After validation in transient
N. benthamiana assays, transgenic Arabidopsis
expressing virus-inducible Cas9 and gRNAs directed
at Rep gene were infected with BSCTV. Plants
showed very low viral accumulation and no symp-
toms. Importantly, these plants did not show off-target
genome modifications (Ji et al. 2018). Similar con-
cerns led to another report describing a Cas9 expres-
sion system under the control of a virus-inducible
endogenous rgsCaM tomato promoter. Transient
assays confirmed the inducible expression of Cas9 in
tomato upon infection with Tomato yellow leaf curl
virus, as well as the reduction of viral load and
symptoms directed by gRNA aimed at IR and CP
sequences (Ghorbani Faal et al. 2020).
Pests and pathogens targeted suppression
approaches that would benefit from CRISPR/Cas
Plants have evolved with a plethora of microorgan-
isms that, as a community, are often referred to as the
microbiome. The interaction between plants and their
microbiomes can have positive outcomes to the plant
by promoting growth and/or protecting them against
biotic or abiotic stresses. These BCAs properties can
arise from the direct interaction of the microbe with
the plant or with the pest or phytopathogen itself (Ko
et al. 2019). The interaction between the BCA and the
plant can result in local or systemic induction of
defence signalling pathways, making the host plant
more resistant to infection by pathogenic microbes.
The interaction between BCA and pest or pathogen is
also possible, and can result in the BCAs production of
metabolites, such as lytic enzymes, siderophores or
hydrogen cyanide with antimicrobial properties that
reduce the pathogen growth or directly kill it, in
competition for the environmental niche and/or avail-
able nutrients or in the BCAs parasitism of the
phytopathogen (Avis et al. 2008;Ko
¨hl et al. 2019).
Besides the plant growth promoting properties, if
properly channelled, BCAs have a vast potential to be
used as biochemical alternatives (Baker 1987; Cook
1993). There is yet another level of interaction
between plants and its microbiome that happens
through sRNAs (reviewed by Cai et al. 2018), which
has been studied mainly in plants interaction with
oomycetes, fungi, nematodes, and insects. As dis-
cussed above, when plants sRNA target pests or
pathogens genes, it is called host-induced gene
silencing (HIGS). HIGS has been cleverly highjacked
by scientists to introduce sequences in the plant
designed to target a chosen region in the pathogen
genome, thus silencing targeted pathogen virulence
genes and therefore controlling the disease incidence
(Hou and Ma 2020). The use of BCAs in combination
with HIGS to control pests and pathogens in crops is
very promising, and further coupled with the emerging
GE techniques such as CRISPR/Cas could lead to
great achievements, helping to increase productivity in
more sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural
Suppression of pests and pathogens by biological
control agents
BCAs can regulate pest and plant pathogen popula-
tions, being used as alternatives to chemical insecti-
cides and fungicides. One example is the
entomopathogenic ascomycete fungi belonging to
the Metarhizium and Beauveria genera (Rohrlich
et al. 2018), which have been developed into living
formulations, registered as mycoinsecticides or
mycoacaricides, and reached field-testing stage with
reports of high efficacy in pest control (Ownley et al.
2008; St Leger and Wang 2010). However, in the field
the viability of these living organisms is compromised
due to exposure to adverse environmental conditions
such as temperature, humidity and UV radiation, as
well as fungicides applications. Moreover, BCAs have
a relatively slow kill capacity and higher cost than
conventional chemical insecticides, which makes
them more appropriate for preventative control rather
than for outbreaks (Ko
¨hl et al. 2019). BCAs genome
engineering could enable the development of microor-
ganisms more resistant to adverse environmental
conditions, to fungicides and with increased pest/-
pathogen control. Targeted gene engineering of fungi
has been slow-progressing mostly due to the low rate
of homologous recombination, consequence of the
presence of non-homologous and end joining DNA
repair mechanisms that results in the ectopic expres-
sion of the targeted DNA, and the limited availability
of adequate selectable markers. There are however
several examples in which traditional genome engi-
neering has been successfully applied to pest
Transgenic Res
pathogenic fungi (Table 6). Trichoderma spp., have
been widely used as antagonistic fungal agents against
several pests and as plant growth promoting microor-
ganisms (Verma et al. 2007). Disruption of the N-
acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminidase in T. hamatum by inser-
tional mutagenesis of the gene, showed increased plant
growth promotion (Ryder et al. 2012). However, this
mutation negatively impacted its success as a sapro-
trophic competitor and as an antagonist of soil-borne
pathogens. Another example is Beauveria bassiana¸ in
which exogenous overexpression of a tyrosinase gene
required for melanin formation showed increased UV-
resistance (Shang et al. 2012). In Metarhizium aniso-
pliae additional copies of the toxin cuticle-degrading
protease (Pr1) were introduced to accelerate the
fungal kill-power (St Leger et al. 1996). The consti-
tutive Pr1 production by the fungus in the Manduca
sexta hemolymph activated the prophenoloxidase
system, causing 25% reduction in time of larvae death
and 40% reduction in food consumption, hence greatly
increasing M. anisopliae virulence (St Leger et al.
1996). In another study, M. anisopliae virulence was
also increased by overexpressing the scorpion neuro-
toxin AaIT, one of the most toxic known insect-
selective peptides (Wang and St Leger 2007).
Although the AaIT gene has already passed regulatory
hurdles to field release, it is important to mention that
M. anisopliae can infect different insect classes such
as locusts, beetles, crickets and mosquitoes and
therefore it could put in risk beneficial insects.
Beside toxins, the range of fungal virulence genes
constantly being discovered and that could be
exploited to improve BCAs properties is vast. By
combining virulence genes from different pathogens
and/or creating synthetic multifunctional genes, novel
combinations of specificities and virulence can be
created (Wang and St Leger 2007). GE methodology
will have a fundamental role in facilitating and
accelerating these studies. However, despite some
developments in the GE of pathogenic fungi, to the
best of our knowledge, most are still reporting the
development of the technique itself, rather than its use
to directly improve BCA properties (Table 6; Nødvig
et al. 2015; Krappmann 2017; Deng et al. 2017). For
example, the CRISPR/Cas9 system was developed for
Trichoderma reesei to induce mutagenesis or to
introduce new genes by homologous recombination
into a target site of the fungal genome (Liu et al. 2015).
This methodology can also be used to generate
multiple genome modifications simultaneously by
Table 6 Genome engineering and editing of biocontrol agents (BCAs) to improve antagonism activity or study virulence factors
gene(s) (function)
Outcome Genome
BCAs to control insect pests
NAG (N-acetyl-b-D-
Reduced antagonism to several pests
and enhanced plant growth
Ryder et al. (2012)
Tyr (tyrosinase) Mycoinsecticide and increased UV-
Shang et al. (2012)
Pks15 (polyketide
Reduced virulence to diverse insects CRISPR/Cas9 Toopaang et al. (2017);
Udompaisarn et al.
Pr1 (cuticle-degrading
Increased virulence to Manduca
sexta hemolymph
Overexpression St Leger et al. (1996)
AaIT (scorpion
Increased virulence to wide range of
Overexpression Wang and St Leger (2007)
BCAs to control fungal and oomycete pathogens
lcsL (transcription
Reduced virulence to the
Phytophthora infestans
CRISPR/Cas9 Jiao et al. (2019)
Bacillus subtilis
and B. mycoides
sfp (4-
Reduced virulence to Rhizoctonia
solani and Fusarium culmorum
CRISPR/Cas9 Yi et al. (2018)
Transgenic Res
co-transforming gRNAs and donor DNAs for different
targets (Liu et al. 2015). Similarly, CRISPR/Cas9
system for Bacillus licheniformis has recently been
developed for industrial purposes (Li et al. 2018; Zhou
et al. 2019; Zhan et al. 2020). B. licheniformis is an
important microorganism used as cell factory for the
production of biochemicals and enzymes, but some
races are also important plant growth promoters and/or
possess BCA properties. Race SA03 confers increased
saline-alkaline tolerance in Chrysanthemum plants
(Zhou et al. 2017), whereas race MH48 reduces foliar
fungal diseases in Camellia oleifera (Won et al. 2019).
Development of CRISPR/Cas9 system for B. licheni-
formis opens new avenues to improve its growth
promoting rhizobacteria and BCA traits for agricul-
tural use. Another example is the CRISPR/Cas9
method developed for Streptococcus pyogenes to
establish a highly-efficient multigene disruption
method consisting of an all-in-one knockout plasmid
with a target-gRNA, Cas9, and a homologous repair
template (Zhang et al. 2016). Soon-after, a two-
plasmid similar system was described to delete large
chromosome fragments (So et al. 2017).
CRISPR/Cas9 has been used to investigate genes
involved in BCAs virulence (Table 6). CRISPR/Cas9
coupled with blastospore-mediated transformation
was first optimized for Beauveria bassiana to pre-
cisely edit single and multiple genes (Chen et al.
2017). Very recently, a B. bassiana mutant for the
polyketide synthesis 15 (Pks15) gene, which has
crucial roles in insect virulence (Toopaang et al.
2017), was complemented through an in-cis genetic
complementation system using CRISPR/Cas9. The
authors successfully used a CRISPR/Cas9 vector
previously developed for another phylogenetically
very distant fungus (Udompaisarn et al. 2020).
CRISPR/Cas9 methodology was also developed for
Purpureocillium lilacinum (Jiao et al. 2019) based on
the same system as Chen et al. (2017). P. lilacinum is a
filamentous saprobic fungus with BCA properties
against plant parasitic nematodes, as well as against
insects and plant pathogens (Goffre
´and Folgarait
2015; Wang et al. 2016b). CRISPR/Cas9 was intro-
duced into P. lilacinum to increase homologous
recombination efficiency to disrupt lcsL, a putative
bZIP transcription factor from the lcs cluster that is
involved in the syntheses, modification, and regulation
of the lipopeptides leucinostatins, the most prominent
secondary metabolites produced by the fungus (Jiao
et al. 2019). lcsL deletion reduced the antagonistic
effect against the oomycete Phytophthora infestans
demonstrating the importance of this gene in P.
lilacinum virulence.
Bacillus spp. are soil bacteria with BCA properties
that associate and colonize different plant species
(Choudhary and Johri 2009). One of the most common
species, B. subtilis, suppresses pathogens growth by
secretion of antimicrobial compounds and/or induc-
tion of plant systemic resistance (Choudhary and Johri
2009; Ongena et al. 2007). They are interesting from a
commercial point of view as they possess specific
metabolic and physiological traits that facilitate cre-
ating formulations as fertilizers or as BCAs (Kumar
et al. 2011). Despite the benefits of using Bacillus spp.
as BCAs, the detailed molecular mechanisms involved
in the interaction with plants still lack full understand-
ing, mostly due to the difficulty in performing reverse
genetics in environmentally isolated species. CRISPR/
Cas9 system for Bacillus spp. was first developed for
the model organism B. subtilis 168, using a plasmid
with a cas9 gene controlled by a mannose inducible
promoter and a gRNA driven by a constitutive
promoter (Altenbuchner 2016). A similar system was
developed for the undomesticated strain ATCC6051a,
commonly used for the industrial production of
enzymes (Zhang et al. 2016). Despite their interest,
these methods were developed for model or undo-
mesticated strains that have natural transformability.
Recently, CRISPR/Cas9 transformation of recalcitrant
species and with phytopathogen BCA properties has
also been successful (Yi et al. 2018). In B. subtilis HS3
and B. mycoides EC18, disruption of 4’-phosphopan-
tetheinyl transferase (sfp), required for the production
of several lipopeptide antibiotics, demonstrated that
the surfactin and fengycin families of lipopeptides are
responsible for the antagonistic activity against two
fungal pathogens, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium
culmorum (Yi et al. 2018).
GE is starting to gain momentum to improve in field
fitness and effectiveness of microorganisms such as
BCAs. In addition to increasing the BCA kill-power,
by manipulating toxins and virulence factors, or the
BCA adaption to environmental stresses, the idea to
have a kill switch would also be of high value to field
applications. Engineering extreme susceptibility to
sprayed-on compounds would be very useful to easily
kill the BCA in case it becomes a pest or shows
Transgenic Res
unexpected off-target effects, therefore avoiding envi-
ronmental risks.
Suppression of pests and pathogens by host-induced
gene silencing (HIGS)
HIGS was initially reported for transgenic petunias
and relies on a regulatory mechanism that limits RNA
levels (Napoli et al. 1990; van der Krol et al. 1990).
One of the hallmarks of the canonical RNAi pathway
is the accumulation of sRNAs that have a reverse-
complement sequence to their target for degradation
by the RNA-induced silencing complex (Tabara et al.
1999; Hammond et al. 2000,2001; Song et al. 2004).
Progress in HIGS relied on technological develop-
ments in the fields of gene delivery and transgenic
plant regeneration. These were mostly based on the
naturally occurring T-DNA transfer by Agrobacterium
tumefaciens (Fraley et al. 1983; Zambryski et al. 1983;
Horsch et al. 1985) and also DNA uptake by proto-
plasts (Krens et al. 1982), electroporation (Fromm
et al. 1985), and biolistic transformation (Klein et al.
1987). The first examples came from work on plants
expressing translatable or untranslatable viral coat,
such as Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) in papaya
(Fitch et al. 1992), Tobacco etch virus (TEV) in
tobacco (Lindbo and Dougherty 1992) and Plum pox
virus (PPV) in plum (Scorza et al. 1994; Hily et al.
2004), with several of these transgenic lines actually
reaching the market (Dong and Ronald 2019). Tech-
nologies such as homologous recombination and
recently developed GE allow for targeted insertions
into specific regions of the genome. These eliminate
the potential negative effects associated with random
disruption of important coding or non-coding regions,
whilst also allow generating plants without
selectable markers (Chen et al. 2019).
Cross-kingdom RNA trafficking enable the transfer
of sRNA from plants to fungi, oomycetes, nematodes,
and insects (reviewed by Cai et al. 2018; Wang and
Dean 2020). For example, a combination of transient
(biolistics and VIGS) and stable T-DNA insertion
systems was used to express interfering RNAs in
barley and wheat directed at development and
pathogenicity genes of Blumeria graminis (Nowara
et al. 2010). Fungal growth was affected, indicating
transfer of interfering RNA molecules from the host to
the pathogen. Oomycetes have also shown suscepti-
bility to this mechanism, as reported for transgenic
potato expressing dsRNA, particularly those directed
at the G-protein b-subunit GPB1 of P. infestans (Jahan
et al. 2015). HIGS also works for nematodes, with the
first examples coming from tobacco plants expressing
dsRNA targeting a splicing factor or an integrase from
the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Ya-
dav et al. 2006). Both approaches effectively depleted
the nematode’s cognate mRNA and controlled the
disease. There are also successful examples of insect
control using transgenic expression of inhibitory
sequences. Transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants
expressing dsRNA designed to deplete a cytochrome
P450 of the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera
reduced its tolerance to the plant toxic compound
gossypol and slowed its growth (Mao et al. 2007). To
our knowledge, examples of HIGS directed at bacte-
rial diseases are limited to the control of A. tumefa-
ciens, which transfers a tumour-inducing T-DNA into
plants. Transgenic expression of dsRNA sequences
with homology to T-DNAs in Arabidopsis and tomato
led to efficient control of tumour formation (Escobar
et al. 2001).
For over 20 years, plant viruses are known to
encode proteins that act as RNAi suppressors (Kass-
chau and Carrington 1998; Anandalakshmi et al. 1998;
Brigneti et al. 1998; Voinnet et al. 1999) by interfering
with one or more steps of the pathway (reviewed by
Yang and Li 2018; Guo et al. 2019; Li and Wang
2019). More recently, this class of proteins was also
found in bacteria and oomycetes (Navarro et al. 2008;
Qiao et al. 2013), suggesting that in field conditions,
infections by viruses, oomycetes, or bacteria could
potentially reduce the efficiency of HIGS (Savenkov
and Valkonen 2001). Future combination of this
powerful approach with CRISPR/Cas9 methodology
may, however, enhance the development of plant hosts
harbouring resistance to different pests and pathogens.
Genome editing perspectives to improve plant
Given the outstanding success of the CRISPR/Cas9
technology in so many diverse areas, it is pre-
dictable that plant pathology research will also
continue benefiting from the ever-improving toolbox
being validated and becoming available for a wider
range of plant species and pathogens. In doing so,
CRISPR-based technologies will continue providing
solutions to improve agriculture and general plant
Transgenic Res
health, to combat vector-borne diseases, and control
invasive species. Despite the many successful stories,
some aspects need to be carefully investigated and
resolved. Scientists must not be blinded by its
advantages whilst neglecting pitfalls. Studies report
a wide and sometimes unpredictable range of off-
target effects (see e.g. Ji et al. 2018), requiring
comprehensive genotyping, and for large field tests,
ideally whole genome sequencing, which is becoming
economically more accessible. Also, the selection of
traits to be introduced in plants needs to be carefully
planned to ensure no negative impacts on the food
chain. In some cases, before even start considering
GE, further research is required to identify new
sources of resistance genes. This is particularly
important for insect resistance, for instance, where
the pool of resistance genes available to be edited is
rather poor.
De novo or fine-tuning of R gene expression, allelic
replacement, total abolishment of certain undesired
functions of S genes or ‘‘weak’’ alleles are all possible
ways to explore how to improve plant immunity. For
instance, the replacement of the elicitin receptor-like
protein (ELR) of potato cultivars by the wild potato
(Solanum microdontum) allele, that recognizes a
highly conserved Phytophthora spp. elicitin, would
attain durable broad-spectrum late blight resistance
(Du et al. 2015). This approach could be extended to
many PAMP receptors in different plant species, as
shown for the flagellin receptor FLS2/3 (Hind et al.
2016) and for the elongation factor-Tu receptor EFR,
increasing resistance to R. solanacearum in tomato
(Lacombe et al. 2010) and Medicago (Pfeilmeier et al.
2019), to X. oryzae pv. oryzae and Acidovorax avenae
subsp. avenae in rice (Schwessinger et al. 2015;Lu
et al. 2015), and to P. syringae pv. oryzae in wheat
(Schwessinger et al. 2015). Similarly, the tobacco
Ngene confers resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus
(TMV) when transformed into otherwise susceptible
tomato plants (Whitham et al. 1996). Nencodes a
protein comprising NB-LRR regions (Whitham et al.
1994) that controls infection by triggering a hyper-
sensitive response (HR; Whitham et al. 1996). This R
gene transfer strategy was emulated on other occa-
sions (Bendahmane et al. 1999; Spassova et al. 2001;
Hu et al. 2015; Kim et al. 2017), suggesting that it
could be used with targeted GE techniques to
efficiently generate disease resistant and
selectable marker-free plants (Chen et al. 2019).
R genes, such as NB-LRRs are valuable resources
for transferring resistance from wild species to elite
varieties. Sometimes, the critical differences between
R genes from wild species and elite varieties are
restricted to a single nucleotide variant (Lindner et al.
2020). In this case newly developed base editors
(reviewed by Anzalone et al. 2020) could be exploited
to generate specific base changes. In addition to single
base exchanges, early studies demonstrated that
insertions of short donor sequences can be achieved
through the CRISPR/Cas9 technology (Shan et al.
2013; Li et al. 2013). The targeting of regulatory
mechanisms such as protein post-translational modi-
fication (PTMs) could also fine-tune resistance
responses. Some pathogen effectors target host cells
by ubiquitinating essential immunity proteins and host
ubiquitin ligase knockout increases resistance to
biotrophic pathogens in Arabidopsis (Trujillo et al.
2008) and to Phytophthora infestans in potato (Bos
et al. 2010). Downstream components of the resistance
process, such as MAPKs, transcription factors, and
proteases/lipases could also be targeted. This includes
negative regulators of the SA response such as the
MAP kinase MPK4, whose functional impairment
increases Arabidopsis resistance against Pseu-
domonas syringae and Peronospora parasitica (Peter-
sen et al. 2000). In crops, homologs of these genes
could be edited to confer broad resistance. Another
strategy is to express plant enzymes that neutralise
fungal toxins in otherwise susceptible plants (Johal
and Briggs 1992). For example, F. graminearum,an
important fungal pathogen of wheat, produces myco-
toxins particularly dangerous to humans and animals.
Transgenic wheat expressing a barley UDP-glucosyl-
transferase that metabolises the F. graminearum toxin
deoxynivalenol to a less toxic derivative, provides
high levels of resistance to the fungal pathogen, with
only reduced symptoms of Fusarium head blight in the
field (Li et al. 2015).
Transgenes can be constitutively or differentially
expressed, individually or multiplexed as gene stacks,
for a stronger effect in the plant. Once constructed,
gene stacks can be incorporated into different crop
species and newly discovered genes can be further
added on to the stack. Stacking of multiple R genes
using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in potentialize
downstream genetic segregation and so could be a
great advance to plant breeding. A first in line to test
this could be rice and bacterial blight and leaf streak
Transgenic Res
pathogens (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and X.
oryzae pv. oryzicola, respectively), where a series of R
genes and their cognate avirulence and virulence
effector genes have been identified and characterized
(reviewed by Jiang et al. 2020). However, although
HDR-based technology is available to perform tar-
geted insertions and replacements in important crops
like rice (Lu et al. 2020), to our best knowledge, GE
was not yet used to introduce R genes and promote
resistance. Up to now, only proof of concept studies
have been performed, and replacement of an endoge-
nous gene requires a selectable variant containing a
selection marker, and so targeted replacement without
direct selection remains a challenge.
Coupled with structure-based design principles, the
function of proteins involved in pathogen resistance
can be improved, and/or novel ones developed by
fusing or splitting domains, rational design, and
directed evolution. Certain protein motifs are suffi-
cient to determine plant host resistance. Examples of
these include the highly conserved EDVID motif of
the CC domain, required for Rprotein function
(Rairdan et al. 2008) and the overexpression of
isolated TIR domains, being sufficient to trigger HR
(Swiderski et al. 2009; Maekawa et al. 2011; Bernoux
et al. 2011). Furthermore, chimeras of subdomains
from different PRRs have been used to form functional
receptors. For instance, when the extracellular LRR
domain of the EFR receptor was replaced with
corresponding parts from different families of R
receptors (like, FLS2 or XA21), a broader spectrum
of resistance against diverse pathogens was achieved
(Albert et al. 2010; De Lorenzo et al. 2011; Sch-
wessinger et al. 2015). Hence, the versatile pro-
grammability of CRISPR/Cas9-based GE could
enable modulation of these domains to achieve
broad-spectrum resistance (Andolfo et al. 2016).
The development of disease resistance by GE may
involve altering the effector-target interaction, knock-
ing out S genes, knocking in R genes, but also
uncoupling the antagonistic action of growth and
defence mechanisms. As discussed, activation of
defence mechanisms often causes plant growth inhi-
bition and yield reduction. Recently, OsALDH2B1
was shown to function as a master regulator of the
growth-defence trade-off in rice (Ke et al. 2020). Loss
of OsALDH2B1 function enhanced resistance to
multiple pathogens (fungal blast, bacterial leaf blight,
and leaf streak), but caused a reduction of rice growth
and yield. Its primary function is as a mitochondrial
aldehyde dehydrogenase involved in male fertility, but
also functions as a transcription factor with both
repressing and activating activities involved in the
regulation of a diverse range of biological processes.
These findings may have important implications in
plant breeding for resistance by using GE technologies
to modulate OsALDH2B1 (or similar genes) activity to
balance growth-defence trade-off. A recent study to
explore how a transcription factor network coordinates
growth and defence, used a high-throughput pheno-
typing approach to measure growth and flowering in a
set of Arabidopsis mutants previously linked to the
aliphatic glucosinolate defence pathway (Li et al.
2020a). This study not only provided new insights on
how these biological processes are integrated to
optimize fitness, but it also highlighted potential
candidate genes for GE to balance growth and defence
while breeding for resistance. Furthermore, the
authors observed that the capability to promote both
growth and defence was highly dependent on the
specific environment in which the phenotypes were
being measured, raising the importance of analysing
plants response to GE under different growth condi-
tions, which is particularly relevant in the design of
plants for different environments, as well as in face of
global climate change.
Technically, there is still a great scope for GE
improvement through the CRISPR/Cas system. Com-
parative analyses of the various methods available will
identify the best and most robust approaches accord-
ing to the exact needs, thus helping streamlining
processes. Structure-based improvement of Cas9 effi-
ciency for each species, through protein engineering,
is gaining momentum as Cas9 structural data becomes
available. Eventually, discovery of different CRISPR
systems and components from other bacteria will
likely identify additional Cas enzymes.
Concluding remarks
The development of new tools to improve plant
protection is critical in the context of current agricul-
tural, environmental and ecological challenges, par-
ticularly in the face of global climate change and
expanding world population. GE is an important
instrument to improve food safety and security in a
sustainable manner, and to mitigate the challenges
Transgenic Res
imposed by the world growing population and climate
change. Indeed, a variety of GE efforts led to plants
with potentially valuable traits that could be readily
implemented in the field. Here, we discussed studies
that showcase how the targeted knockout of negative
regulators and S genes by GE is a powerful strategy for
crop protection. GE has been shown to efficiently edit
S genes against plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria,
mainly. GE has also been successfully used to control
insect vectors of animal diseases, but more research is
required to promote plant protection against pests. The
advances in CRISPR/Cas technology will enable this
area to evolve, mainly by the application of gene
knockout approaches and using improved Cas
enzymes and techniques that, depending on the
plant-pathogen and defence approach targeted, facil-
itate the development of transgene-free plants.
GE approaches targeting viral DNA or RNA
require the continuous expression of CRISPR/Cas
system in the plant, resulting in transgenic lines. Plants
carrying this system can edit the virus genome,
conferring resistance. Similarly, HIGS plants need to
have the RNAi construct against specific genes of the
targeted pathogen integrated into the plant genome,
also resulting in transgenic plants. On the other hand,
methods involving CRISPR/Cas edition of S genes, or
yet insertion of R genes, can yield non-transgenic
plants, as after plant genome editing the CRISPR/Cas
system is not needed and can be removed. Also, in a
non-transgenic plant approach, BCAs could bear the
CRISPR/Cas system that would act on the targeted
gene(s) of the pathogen or pest. These may be taken
into consideration when selecting the GE approach
used to obtain resistant crops.
Despite the indisputable value of GE resources in
general and CRISPR/Cas in particular, scientists are
still limited by regulatory issues and by public
opinions and perceptions that entails that these tech-
nologies are some way from commercial applications,
especially in Europe. It is essential to have mecha-
nisms of governance in place to assure that this
technology is ethically and safely developed and
employed. The barrier of legislation and public
perception is slowly turning. The general public may
start trusting more these new technologies and the
scientists, realizing how important it is to respond
quickly, easily, and safely in extreme circumstances of
potentially critical plant disease outbreaks that could
compromise food security worldwide. If this is the
case, it might open the door to precise breeding being
commonplace to respond to climate change and food
scarcity. The potential impact of GE, and CRISPR
technology in particular, in synthetic plant biology to
breed resistance against pests and diseases is enor-
mous and will have a direct impact on agriculture
sustainability on a scale never before experienced.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to all the researchers
whose contributions have been cited, which have helped us to
prepare this review paper. We apologize to those authors whose
excellent work could not be cited due to space limitations.
Author contributions All authors participated in literature
gathering and manuscript writing. CA designed the figures in
collaboration with the other authors.
Funding This review was funded by the European Social
Fund (ALT20-05-3559-FSE-000036) and the Fundac¸a
˜o para a
ˆncia e Tecnologia (FCT) based on RCM 23/2018 March, 8.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that there is no con-
flict of interest.
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Transgenic Res
... This is labor-intensive and demands access to whole-genome sequences. However, limited or no data are available on the molecular functions of S/R genes in most non-model plants [130]. Furthermore, many S genes have dual roles in plant physiology and susceptibility to pathogens, which often makes them essential for the survival of the host. ...
... Similarly to other methods for inducing disease resistance, the widespread and long-term planting of gene edited plants, especially in monocultures, might lead to the appearance of new or adapted pathogen strains. Simultaneous protection against different races or strains of the same species and/or several taxonomically unrelated pathogens can be an additional challenge [130,135,136]. The possibility of using CRISPR/Cas for the fast induction of new mutations that lead to plant resistance can help to manage resistance genes and edited plants such as by producing multi-lines or stacked lines with multiple resistance mechanisms. ...
... and thus implies the need to develop multiplex CRISPR-based approaches [130,135]. The role of tolerance (T) and sensitivity (S) genes, which positively or negatively regulate stress tolerance and adaptation, has been proposed [137]. ...
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The discovery of the CRISPR/Cas genome-editing system has revolutionized our understanding of the plant genome. CRISPR/Cas has been used for over a decade to modify plant genomes for the study of specific genes and biosynthetic pathways as well as to speed up breeding in many plant species, including both model and non-model crops. Although the CRISPR/Cas system is very efficient for genome editing, many bottlenecks and challenges slow down further improvement and applications. In this review we discuss the challenges that can occur during tissue culture, transformation, regeneration, and mutant detection. We also review the opportunities provided by new CRISPR platforms and specific applications related to gene regulation, abiotic and biotic stress response improvement, and de novo domestication of plants.
... Desde hace tres décadas, además, el fitomejoramiento convencional ha sido complementado con la tecnología del ADN recombinante (Langner et al. 2018;Ran et al. 2017), un proceso a través del cual secuencias exógenas de ADN son introducidas en el genoma vegetal para conferir a las plantas rasgos de interés agronómico generalmente intransferibles por medio de métodos convencionales. La mejora tradicional de la resistencia en plantas, sin embargo, requiere de mucho tiempo y esfuerzo, además de ser inespecífica, de modo que los programas de mejoramiento genético vegetal basados en métodos convencionales no pueden seguir el ritmo de las crecientes demandas alimentarias ni de la constante adaptación de poblaciones de insectos y patógenos (Chen et al. 2019;Rato et al. 2021). Asimismo, pese a que la introducción de genes a través de herramientas biotecnológicas ha derivado en el desarrollo de variedades resistentes, así como en cultivos con propiedades nutricionales mejoradas, entre otras características que han permitido tanto incrementar la producción global de alimentos como disminuir el uso de plaguicidas y mejorar la nutrición (Zaidi et al. 2019), muchos factores continúan limitando el cultivo y la comercialización de las plantas genéticamente modificadas en la actualidad (Langner et al. 2018), indistintamente de la procedencia del material genético insertado (p. ...
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Due to environmental constraints and the continuous evolution of agricultural pests and diseases, we need new crop protection strategies to supply sufficient, nutritious, and safe food for an ever-growing global population. In plants, CRISPRa-based transcriptional regulation and epigenetic editing tools offer versatile and reversible strategies for disease resistance enhancement compatible with these goals. However, despite its potential in agriculture, the application of the CRISPRa system has been restricted to model plants with few traits of agronomic interest. An alternative to conventional model plants is tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). In particular, the Micro-Tom tomato variety exhibits genetic and horticultural traits, making it an attractive model for studying the CRISPRa system in vivo. Here, we report the integration of the CRISPRa system for transcriptional activation and epigenetic reprogramming of the PR-1 gene in Micro-Tom tomato plants. We achieved the generation of edited plants by stably transforming hypocotyl explants with Agrobacterium. These plants were resistant to hygromycin and developed from organogenic and embryonic structures. Additionally, we implemented a transient transformation method in cotyledonary explants as an alternative to the agroinfiltration method without adverse effects associated with Agrobacterium inoculation. This work represents an advancement in implementing the CRISPRa system for disease resistance improvement in plants of agronomic importance.
... In parallel, the advent of genetic engineering has opened new avenues for enhancing disease resistance. Modern techniques, particularly gene editing, enable the precise introduction or overexpression of specific resistance genes in crops, offering targeted protection against particular pathogens [32]. This dual approach is exemplified in several case studies demonstrating the successful development of resistant varieties. ...
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Climate change poses a significant challenge to global agriculture, with profound implications for plant disease dynamics and plant protection strategies. This review aims to synthesize current research on the impact of climate change on plant diseases, particularly focusing on how these changes affect pathogen life cycles, host resistance, and disease distribution. Emphasizing the Indian context, this paper explores the adaptation of plant protection strategies in response to these challenges, including the integration of traditional methods and advanced scientific approaches. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of climate change relevant to agriculture, including changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and atmospheric CO2 levels. It delves into the direct and indirect impacts of these climatic changes on plant diseases, highlighting how altered environmental conditions influence pathogen virulence and the susceptibility of host plants. This section also discusses the shifted patterns in pest and disease distribution due to climate change, with a focus on the Indian agricultural scenario. Then it examines the current challenges in plant protection, assessing the limitations of traditional methods like chemical, biological, and cultural control in the context of a changing climate. It identifies critical areas such as increased disease incidence, pathogen resistance development, and the necessity for sustainable and adaptable plant protection strategies. Further it explores various adaptive strategies, including Integrated Disease Management (IDM), advances in breeding for disease resistance, biotechnological approaches, and climate-smart agricultural practices. It outlines how IDM principles and practices are being adapted to new climate scenarios, the role of genetic engineering and traditional breeding in developing disease-resistant varieties, the development of biopesticides and biocontrol agents, and the application of climate forecasts in disease management. Case studies and practical applications from different regions of India provide real-world examples of effective adaptation strategies, drawing lessons and best practices. The review concludes by identifying research gaps, advocating for multidisciplinary collaborations between plant pathology, climatology, and agronomy, and emphasizing the critical role of policy in supporting adaptive strategies. This comprehensive synthesis and analysis aim to contribute to the broader understanding of plant protection in the era of climate change and guide future research and policy-making in this vital field.
CRISPR-Cas, a versatile genome-editing technology, redefines the boundaries of research in biological sciences. This technology is leading new scientific progressions and provides a wide range of applications in agriculture, health, and industry at a peerless speed. Based on the cost-effective nature of CRISPR-Cas, this tool has now been democratized and accessible to everyone. Like other genetic engineering tools, CRISPR-Cas raises biosafety and biosecurity concerns for human health and the environment, e.g., accidental release of dangerous biological agents, biological weapons development, etc. This chapter describes the current knowledge about biosafety and biosecurity apprehensions related to CRISPR-Cas technology. Moreover, the chapter outlines potential steps to increase biosafety and biosecurity while dealing with the CRISPR-Cas tool and making this technology broadly available for practical purposes.
The current progress in genetic technologies (methodologies) allows to create crops with the modified genome to counter different pest species. Genome editing is the most popular and efficient approach to increase crop defense against harmful insects, mites, and nematodes. During the first decades of the twenty-first century, the methodology of pest control using plant recombinant technologies has evolved significantly. Toxins of bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) were the first heterologous protective compounds introduced into the plants, and until now, these bacteria remain the main source of transgenes for pest control. Heterologous expression of plant proteins toxic to pests, such as lectins and protease inhibitors, was another popular strategy for increasing pest resistance in plants. RNA interference of pest genes achieved through RNA expression in plants recently has become the most studied and efficient approach in the area of crop pest protection. CRISPR/Cas-based genome modification systems as the most modern technologies for gene manipulation allow to knock out genes, create targeted genetic variation, and include precise insertion/deletion and single nucleotide changes. All these approaches are focused on targeting some physiological, biochemical, and behavioral systems of the pests. This chapter summarizes the progress in genome improvement of plants for protection against pests. We extensively reviewed the sum of research articles published between 2000 and 2022 reporting that successful transgenic and genome editing events proved to be efficient against a wide range of harmful pest species.
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Crop cultivars in commercial use have often been selected because they show high levels of resistance to pathogens. However, widespread cultivation of these crops for many years in the environments favorable to a pathogen requires durable forms of resistance to maintain “healthy crops”. Breeding of new varieties tolerant/resistant to biotic stresses by incorporating genetic components related to durable resistance, developing new breeding methods and new active molecules, and improving the Integrated Pest Management strategies have been of great value, but their effectiveness is being challenged by the newly emerging diseases and the rapid change of pathogens due to climatic changes. Genome editing has provided new tools and methods to characterize defense-related genes in crops and improve crop resilience to disease pathogens providing improved food security and future sustainable agricultural systems. In this review, we discuss the principal traits, tools and impacts of utilizing genome editing techniques for achieving of durable resilience and a “healthy plants” concept.
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High-throughput sequencing (HTS) has instigated a paradigm shift in plant pathology, showcasing its transformative role in the management of plant diseases. As a powerful tool, HTS aids in identifying pathogens and enhances disease management strategies by detecting novel and emerging pathogens, tracking disease outbreaks, and contributing to developing disease-resistant cultivars. Despite these benefits, the implementation of HTS faces obstacles due to the complexity of data interpretation and economic factors that affect its widespread adoption. This comprehensive review summarizes the strengths, limitations, and opportunities associated with using HTS in managing plant diseases. The article also delves into the prospects of HTS, incorporating technological advancements, synergy with complementary methodologies, capacity-building initiatives, and the development of best practices and guidelines. By acknowledging and addressing these obstacles while harnessing the full capabilities of HTS, we advocate for a refined approach to managing plant diseases. This approach is critical for ensuring global food security, especially in the context of a growing global population and climate change.
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The advent of genome editing has opened new avenues for targeted trait enhancement in fruit, ornamental, industrial, and all specialty crops. In particular, CRISPR-based editing systems, derived from bacterial immune systems, have quickly become routinely used tools for research groups across the world seeking to edit plant genomes with a greater level of precision, higher efficiency, reduced off-target effects, and overall ease-of-use compared to ZFNs and TALENs. CRISPR systems have been applied successfully to a number of horticultural and industrial crops to enhance fruit ripening, increase stress tolerance, modify plant architecture, control the timing of flower development, and enhance the accumulation of desired metabolites, among other commercially-important traits. As editing technologies continue to advance, so too does the ability to generate improved crop varieties with non-transgenic modifications; in some crops, direct transgene-free edits have already been achieved, while in others, T-DNAs have successfully been segregated out through crossing. In addition to the potential to produce non-transgenic edited crops, and thereby circumvent regulatory impediments to the release of new, improved crop varieties, targeted gene editing can speed up trait improvement in crops with long juvenile phases, reducing inputs resulting in faster market introduction to the market. While many challenges remain regarding optimization of genome editing in ornamental, fruit, and industrial crops, the ongoing discovery of novel nucleases with niche specialties for engineering applications may form the basis for additional and potentially crop-specific editing strategies.
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Genome editing holds the potential for rapid crop improvement to meet the challenge of feeding the planet in a changing climate. The delivery of gene editing reagents into the plant cells has been dominated by plasmid vectors delivered using agrobacterium or particle bombardment. This approach involves the production of genetically engineered plants, which need to undergo regulatory approvals. There are various reagent delivery approaches available that have enabled the delivery of DNA-free editing reagents. They invariably involve the use of ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), especially in the case of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing. The explant of choice for most of the non-DNA approaches utilizes protoplasts as the recipient explant. While the editing efficiency is high in protoplasts, the ability to regenerate individual plants from edited protoplasts remains a challenge. There are various innovative delivery approaches being utilized to perform in planta edits that can be incorporated in the germline cells or inherited via seed. With the modification and adoption of various novel approaches currently being used in animal systems, it seems likely that non-transgenic genome editing will become routine in higher plants.
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Tomato is one of the major vegetable crops consumed worldwide. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and fungal Oidium sp. are devastating pathogens causing yellow leaf curl disease and powdery mildew. Such viral and fungal pathogens reduce tomato crop yields and cause substantial economic losses every year. Several commercial tomato varieties include Ty-5 (SlPelo) and Mildew resistance locus o 1 (SlMlo1) locus that carries the susceptibility (S-gene) factors for TYLCV and powdery mildew, respectively. The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein (Cas) is a valuable genome editing tool to develop disease-resistant crop varieties. In this regard, targeting susceptibility factors encoded by the host plant genome instead of the viral genome is a promising approach to achieve pathogen resistance without the need for stable inheritance of CRISPR components. In this study, the CRISPR/Cas9 system was employed to target the SlPelo and SlMlo1 for trait introgression in elite tomato cultivar BN-86 to confer host-mediated immunity against pathogens. SlPelo-knockout lines were successfully generated , carrying the biallelic indel mutations. The pathogen resistance assays in SlPelo mutant lines confirmed the suppressed accumulation of TYLCV and restricted the spread to non-inoculated plant parts. Generated knockout lines for the SlMlo1 showed complete resistance to powdery mildew fungus. Overall, our results demonstrate the efficiency of the CRISPR/Cas9 system to introduce targeted mutagenesis for the rapid development of pathogen-resistant varieties in tomato.
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Eukaryotic translation initiation factors, including eIF4E, are susceptibility factors for viral infection in host plants. Mutation and double-stranded RNA-mediated silencing of tomato eIF4E genes can confer resistance to viruses, particularly members of the Potyvirus genus. Here, we artificially mutated the eIF4E1 gene on chromosome 3 of a commercial cultivar of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) by using CRISPR/Cas9. We obtained three alleles, comprising two deletions of three and nine nucleotides (3DEL and 9DEL) and a single nucleotide insertion (1INS), near regions that encode amino acid residues important for binding to the mRNA 5' cap structure and to eIF4G. Plants homozygous for these alleles were termed 3DEL, 9DEL, and 1INS plants, respectively. In accordance with previous studies, inoculation tests with potato virus Y (PVY; type member of the genus Potyvirus) yielded a significant reduction in susceptibility to the N strain (PVY N), but not to the ordinary strain (PVY O), in 1INS plants. 9DEL among three artificial alleles had a deleterious effect on infection by cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, type member of the genus Cucumovirus). When CMV was mechanically inoculated into tomato plants and viral coat accumulation was measured in the non-inoculated upper leaves, the level of viral coat protein was significantly lower in the 9DEL plants than in the parental cultivar. Tissue blotting of microperforated inoculated leaves of the 9DEL plants revealed significantly fewer infection foci compared with those of the parental cultivar, suggesting that 9DEL negatively affects the initial steps of infection with CMV in a mechanically inoculated leaf. In laboratory tests, viral aphid transmission from an infected susceptible plant to 9DEL plants was reduced compared with the parental control. Although many pathogen resistance genes have been discovered in tomato and its wild relatives, no CMV resistance genes have been used in practice. RNA silencing of eIF4E expression has previously been reported to not affect susceptibility to CMV in tomato. Our findings suggest that artificial gene editing can introduce additional resistance to that achieved with mutagenesis breeding, and that edited eIF4E alleles confer an alternative way to manage CMV in tomato fields.
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New breeding technologies accelerate germplasm improvement and reduce the cost of goods in seed production1–3. Many such technologies could use in vivo paternal haploid induction (HI), which occurs when double fertilization precedes maternal (egg cell) genome loss. Engineering of the essential CENTROMERIC HISTONE (CENH3) gene induces paternal HI in Arabidopsis4–6. Despite conservation of CENH3 function across crops, CENH3-based HI has not been successful outside of the Arabidopsis model system⁷. Here we report a commercially operable paternal HI line in wheat with a ~7% HI rate, identified by screening genome-edited TaCENH3α-heteroallelic combinations. Unlike in Arabidopsis, edited alleles exhibited reduced transmission in female gametophytes, and heterozygous genotypes triggered higher HI rates than homozygous combinations. These developments might pave the way for the deployment of CENH3 HI technology in diverse crops.
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Biological control is widely successful at controlling pests, but effective biocontrol agents are now more difficult to import from countries of origin due to more restrictive international trade laws (the Nagoya Protocol). Coupled with increasing demand, the efficacy of existing and new biocontrol agents needs to be improved with genetic and genomic approaches. Although they have been underutilised in the past, application of genetic and genomic techniques is becoming more feasible from both technological and economic perspectives. We review current methods and provide a framework for using them. First, it is necessary to identify which biocontrol trait to select and in what direction. Next, the genes or markers linked to these traits need be determined, including how to implement this information into a selective breeding program. Choosing a trait can be assisted by modelling to account for the proper agro-ecological context, and by knowing which traits have sufficiently high heritability values. We provide guidelines for designing genomic strategies in biocontrol programs , which depend on the organism, budget, and desired objective. Genomic approaches start with genome sequenc-ing and assembly. We provide a guide for deciding the most successful sequencing strategy for biocontrol agents. Gene discovery involves quantitative trait loci analyses, transcriptomic and proteomic studies, and gene editing. Improving bio-control practices includes marker-assisted selection, genomic selection and microbiome manipulation of biocontrol agents, and monitoring for genetic variation during rearing and post-release. We conclude by identifying the most promising applications of genetic and genomic methods to improve biological control efficacy.
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Plants are challenged incessantly by several biotic and abiotic stresses during their entire growth period. As with other biotic stress factors, insect pests have also posed serious concerns related to yield losses due to which agricultural productivity is at stake. In plants, trait modification for crop improvement was initiated with breeding approaches followed by genetic engineering. However, stringent regulatory policies for risk assessment and lack of social acceptance for genetically modified crops worldwide have incited researchers toward alternate strategies. Genome engineering or genome editing has emerged as a new breeding technique with the ability to edit the genomes of plants, animals, microbes, and human beings. Several gene editing strategies are being executed with continuous emergence of variants. The scientific community has unraveled the utility of various editing tools from endonucleases to CRISPR/Cas in several aspects related to plant growth, development, and mitigation of stresses. The categorical focus on the development of tools and techniques including designing of binary vectors to facilitate ease in genome engineering are being pursued. Through this Review, we embark upon the conglomeration of various genome editing strategies that can be and are being used to design insect pest resistance in plants. Case studies and novel crop-based approaches that reiterate the successful use of these tools in insects as well as in plants are highlighted. Further, the Review also provides implications for the requirement of a specific regulatory framework and risk assessment of the edited crops. Genome editing toward insect pest management is here to stay, provided uncompromising efforts are made toward the identification of amiable target genes.
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CRISPR–Cas9 methods have been applied to generate random insertions and deletions, large deletions, targeted insertions or replacements of short sequences, and precise base changes in plants1–7. However, versatile methods for targeted insertion or replacement of long sequences and genes, which are needed for functional genomics studies and trait improvement in crops, are few and largely depend on the use of selection markers8–11. Building on methods developed in mammalian cells12, we used chemically modified donor DNA and CRISPR–Cas9 to insert sequences of up to 2,049 base pairs (bp), including enhancers and promoters, into the rice genome at an efficiency of 25%. We also report a method for gene replacement that relies on homology-directed repair, chemically modified donor DNA and the presence of tandem repeats at target sites, achieving replacement with up to 130-bp sequences at 6.1% efficiency. Rice genes are replaced using chemically modified donor DNA and CRISPR targeting.
Genome engineering for targeted incorporation of valuable traits in crop plants has been emerged as a powerful method in recent years. Genome editing was started with reprogrammable sequence‐specific nucleases (SSNs) that can be engineered to cause targeted double‐stranded breaks (DSBs) in the chromosome. Zinc finger nucleases (ZFN), Transcription activator‐like effector nucleases (TALEN) and Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR‐associated (Cas) genes (CRISPR/Cas system) are the main genome engineering methods being utilized for various genome engineering strategies in plants. The first two are based on protein engineering for their customization while CRISPR‐Cas system is RNA guided and very easy to design. Introduction of CRISPR‐Cpf1 further diversified the genome engineering methods. In the current chapter, we describe the basic details and applications of the above strategies for targeted gene editing in crop improvement programs.