Corrado Ievoli

Corrado Ievoli
Università degli Studi del Molise | Università del Molise · Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences


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Publications (24)
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Around the world, medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) play a fundamental role in the economic, social, cultural, and ecological ambits of local communities. Today, the most important uses of MAPs are their applications in the pharmaceutical, perfume, cosmetics, toothpaste, soap, beverage, and food industries. At the same time, the expression MAPs...
Il settore delle piante officinali risulta piuttosto frammentato, vincolando le imprese in termini di competitività, accesso al mercato e valorizzazione delle produzioni. Solo 4 Regioni hanno finanziato iniziative di collaborazione nei Psr 2014-2022: Emilia-Romagna, Toscana, Sardegna e Basilicata. In termini economici si tratta di 7,7 milioni di eu...
Negli ultimi anni, in Italia e non solo, il settore primario ha profondamento risentito dei cambiamenti climatici e di una crisi economica, legata principalmente a prezzi stagnanti e costi di produzione crescenti. Come conseguenza di tale situazione, si sta assistendo ad un rinnovato interesse verso produzioni agricole alternative, che si connotono...
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Climate change is challenging in mountain areas, and initiatives to define resilience programs appear essential to face global warming impacts. Despite the participatory strategy being primarily considered the best solution to involve local actors in adopting resilience actions, the literature stresses how mountain dwellers, like farmers, are often...
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Mountains can be described as socio-ecological systems (SESs), a complex set of relations that involve natural aspects and human communities. Mountains provide indispensable ecosystem services, but they are affected by climate change. For this, stakeholders’ initiatives to face global warming, particularly farmers, are essential and participatory s...
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Mountain areas have been the testbed for sustainable development models focused on balancing their vulnerability and the value of their natural, cultural, and social resources. In these areas, the continuous adaptative interaction between bio-geophysical and socio-cultural processes assembles Socio-Ecological Systems (SES) characterized by a great...
This paper provides an analysis of the trends and the main components of public support in agriculture in Italy over the last twenty years (2000-2019). For this analysis, the rich information contained in the CREA database "Agricultural expenditure of the Regions" was used, the most updated and constant source of information on public spending in a...
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GOALS: • Understand and generate an overview of the current role of the Spun Paste Cheese Value Chain (SPC VC) in the territorial regeneration processes of Alto Molise (Italy); • Assessment of the extent of SPC VC tele-coupling and assemblage.
Conference Paper
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Il tema del sostegno pubblico all’agricoltura costituisce un filone di studio e riflessione ampiamente sviluppato dal CREA. Sin dagli anni Novanta il CREA analizza e quantifica l’intervento pubblico in agricoltura attraverso la spesa indirizzata al settore, grazie a una metodologia di analisi che - attraverso procedure di monitoraggio e valutazione...
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The paper deals with the issue of responsible and sustainable tourism starting from a series of Italian (and only partially French) cases of ecomuseums of pastoralism and transhumance as potential drivers for development and territorial regeneration, as well as for the promotion of experiential tourism with low environmental impact, capable of trig...
Technical Report
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Il settore italiano della birra artigianale da anni fa registrare tassi di crescita positivi, in termini di produzione, esportazione, valore aggiunto prodotto e, soprattutto, di occupazione. Il fenomeno della birra artigianale nasce in Italia nella prima metà degli anni Novanta e da allora non si è mai arrestato, configurandosi come un potente attr...
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Sedimentation has significant impacts on the useful capacity of an artificial reservoir, a resource to preserve. Interventions of dredging are therefore often unavoidable, even because decommissioning of dams is often impossible in many contexts and entails high costs. Dredging generates an undesired accumulation of materials that represent an envi...
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No-tillage is a farming system aiming at minimizing soil disturbance associated with the cultivation of arable crops. This technique, together with the practices of continuous soil cover and of crop rotation, also represents one of the elements of the so called Conservation agriculture, a paradigm of sustainable agriculture that is spreading in man...
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The paper deals with the role of ICT and the related infrastructures to induce innovations for sustainable rural development. In particular, it focuses on the innovations induced by ICT in farms and in new rural firms, and on how digital infrastructures support and generate social innovation mechanisms, leading to the consolidation of entrepreneurs...
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The greater market orientation of European dairy production, caused by the end of quota regime, is likely to have consequences on less favoured areas, where breeding of dairy cattle plays both a crucial socio-economic and environmental role. Within this new framework, endogenous factors determining spatial reorganisation of the sector are becoming...
Il caso di Castel del Giudice proposto nel saggio, mostrando diverse caratteristiche ricon-ducibili al paradigma dello sviluppo rurale "neo-endogeno", lascia intuire che il successo delle iniziative sperimentate nel piccolo comune del Molise e attribuibile alla (casuale) capacita di superamento dei limiti che il modello endogeno incontra nelle aree...
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The green harvesting (GH) policy measure has been introduced in Italy starting from the 2009/2010 wine season, with the goal of preventing market crises by reducing the yield of a given parcel to zero. In the 2010-2012 period, almost 85% of the national expenditure and about 81% of European Union (EU) expenditure for this measure have been showered...
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The paper analyses preferences and motivations of Italian consumers of flowers and ornamental plants, both conventional and organic. The results helped to outline their profile. Purchases are still done in the traditional places (flower shops for cut flowers and plant nurseries for potted plants), however positive trend is found for potted plants p...
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The importance of extrinsic and intrinsic attributes of wine for purchase decisions is the object of a lively debate. As a matter of fact, in recent decades, the shift of consumption motivations from nutritional purposes to drinking for pleasure has caused a persistent decrease in the overall demand. However, the increasing number of product variet...
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Rural employment is one of the most important item of the Common Agricultural Policy reform. Attractiveness and development of rural areas are strictly linked to quality of job opportunities in rural areas. In addiction role of migrant workforce in primary sector viability is not enough considered. So it’s necessary to build a conceptual framework...
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Nel corso degli ultimi decenni si è realizzato in campo estimativo un fecondo processo di confronto tra le tradizionali procedure utilizzate in campo agrario ed i criteri e le metodolqie di valutazione storicamente evolutesi in contesti diversi, quali quello industriale e quello commerciale. Tale confronto ha interessato le stesse metodologie di va...


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