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Technological exploration : a longitudinal study of the role of recombinatory search and social capital in alliance networks /

  • University of Oklahoma

Abstract and Figures

Typescript. Thesis (Ph. D.)--New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration, 2003. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 232-269).
Content may be subject to copyright.
HEC Paris
This study examines the influence of the structure and composition of a firm’s alliance
network on its exploratory innovation—innovation embodying knowledge that is
novel relative to the firm’s extant knowledge. A longitudinal investigation of 77
telecommunications equipment manufacturers indicated that the technological diver-
sity of a firm’s alliance partners increases its exploratory innovation. Further, network
density among a firm’s alliance partners strengthens the influence of diversity. These
results suggest the benefits of network “closure” (wherein a firm’s partners are also
partners) and access to diverse information can coexist in an alliance network and that
these combined benefits increase exploratory innovation.
A core area of research on strategic alliances con-
cerns their influence on firm performance (Gulati,
1998). Within this domain of inquiry, researchers
have often characterized alliances as wellsprings of
innovation and new capabilities (e.g., Hamel, 1991;
Leonard-Barton, 1995). Many studies have shown
the alliance networks in which firms are embedded
can enhance firm learning and innovation (e.g.,
Ahuja, 2000; Shan, Walker, & Kogut, 1994; Smith-
Doerr et al., 1999; Soh, 2003). Despite this evi-
dence, substantial opportunity exists to expand un-
derstanding of how and under what conditions
alliance networks influence firm innovation. A re-
view of nearly 40 years of research published in 12
leading management and social science journals
(Phelps, Heidl, & Wadhwa, 2010) showed the liter-
ature on alliances and firm innovation is limited in
at least four important respects.
First, although some research has examined the
influence of alliance network structure on firm in-
novation, the composition of firms in these net-
works has received little attention. Network struc-
ture refers to the pattern of relationships that exist
among a set of actors, and network composition
refers to the types of actors in a network character-
ized in terms of their stable traits, features, or re-
source endowments (Wasserman & Faust, 1994).
Recent research has recognized that alliance net-
work studies have largely ignored network composi-
tion and has called for more attention in network
research to the heterogeneity of the resources of firms
in networks (Lavie, 2006; Maurer & Ebers, 2006). The
few studies that have examined both structure and
composition have focused on the depth of partner
technological resources and found that they improve
a firm’s innovation performance (Baum, Calabrese, &
Silverman, 2000; Stuart, 2000). Although dyad-level
research has examined the influence of technological
differences between partners on firm innovation
(Sampson, 2007), research has largely overlooked the
influence of network-level technological diversity
the technological differences between a firm and its
partners and among the partners. Such compositional
diversity is relevant to a current debate in the social
network and alliance literatures.
Second, research has yielded conflicting results
about the influence of alliance network structure
on firm innovation. Research that examines the
influence of social networks on creativity and in-
novation has stressed the benefits actors derive
from network structure and explored how these
benefits, or “structural social capital” (Nahapiet &
This article is based on my doctoral dissertation, which
received the Academy of Management’s TIM Division’s
Best Dissertation Award and the State Farm Companies
Foundation Dissertation Award. I thank my dissertation
committee members, Raghu Garud, Theresa Lant, and J.
Myles Shaver, for their advice and guidance. I am grateful
for comments on drafts of this article by Sanjay Jain, Mel-
issa Schilling, J. Myles Shaver, Kevin Steensma, Kate
Stovel, Anu Wadhwa, and Mina Yoo. I thank Simon Rodan
for his help with computing the diversity measure used
here. I also thank Associate Editor Chet Miller for his me-
ticulous feedback and thank the three anonymous review-
ers for their comments, all of which greatly contributed to
the improvement of the article. I acknowledge financial
support from the State Farm Companies Foundation and
the Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship at the Stern School
of Business, NYU. Finally, I am grateful for the extraordi-
nary database development and programming skills of
Ralph Heidl and Tim Nali. All errors are my responsibility.
Academy of Management Journal
2010, Vol. 53, No. 4, 890–913.
Copyright of the Academy of Management, all rights reserved. Contents may not be copied, emailed, posted to a listserv, or otherwise transmitted without the copyright holder’s express
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Ghoshal, 1998), influence knowledge creation. In
particular, the configuration of an actor’s set of
direct ties (i.e., the actor’s “egocentric network
structure”) has received some attention. This re-
search has focused on triadic closure (i.e., whether
an actor’s partners are partners), but two competing
perspectives exist, each with different causal mech-
anisms linking network structure to innovation.
The argument of one view is that disconnected
networks increase creativity and innovation be-
cause they provide actors with timely access to
diverse information (Burt, 1992, 2004).
An alter-
native view suggests dense networks, in which tri-
ads are closed and “structural holes” (unconnected
partners) are absent, provide social capital because
such structures generate trust, reciprocity norms,
and a shared identity, which increase cooperation
and knowledge sharing (Coleman, 1988; Portes,
1998). Research has found support for both views,
yielding conflicting results. Although studies have
found structural holes in a firm’s network enhance
its knowledge creation (Hargadon & Sutton, 1997;
McEvily & Zaheer, 1999), other research has sug-
gested that network closure improves knowledge
transfer and innovation (Ahuja, 2000; Dyer & No-
beoka, 2000; Schilling & Phelps, 2007).
One plausible reason for these conflicting results
is that most studies have examined the influence of
network structure and largely overlooked network
composition. An examination of network composi-
tion may help resolve these conflicting results and
lead to a better understanding of how alliance net-
works influence firm innovation. Another possible
explanation is that different studies have examined
different types of ties, different institutional con-
texts, and different outcome variables. It is unlikely
a particular network structure is universally bene-
ficial (see Adler & Kwon, 2002). Research has sug-
gested that the value of open versus closed net-
works for innovation and creativity is contingent
on the type of task (Hansen, 1999), type of tie
(Ahuja, 2000), and particular institutional environ-
ment (Owen-Smith & Powell, 2004). In contrast,
network structure may act as a contingency vari-
able and moderate the influence of network com-
position on firm innovation. Moreover, this effect
may depend on the type of learning and innovation
actors pursue. Both of these contingencies have
been largely unexplored in prior research and are
examined in this study.
A third limitation of research on alliances and
firm innovation concerns an often-used, yet largely
unexamined, assumption about the benefits of
structural holes. Although a principal benefit at-
tributed to structural holes is timely access to di-
verse information (Burt, 1992), structural holes are
neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for
such access (Reagans, Zuckerman, & McEvily,
2004). The informational benefits contacts provide
can be directly observed by examining the extent to
which they specialize in different domains of
knowledge (Reagans & McEvily, 2003; Rodan &
Galunic, 2004). Observing differences in competen-
cies also allows a finer-grained measure of diversity
than simply counting structural holes. Because
competencies are stable and durable properties of
firms (Patel & Pavitt, 1997), they are a composi-
tional variable. Ties to partners with dissimilar
knowledge stocks provide a firm with access to
diverse information and know-how, independent
of the structure of its local network. Thus, the so-
cial control benefits of network closure and access
to diverse information and know-how can coexist.
Research on interfirm alliances (Ahuja, 2000) and
interpersonal networks (Rodan & Galunic, 2004)
has shown network density and knowledge diver-
sity are empirically distinct. However, alliance re-
search has not examined the independent and in-
teractive effects of network structure and network
knowledge diversity on firm innovation.
A final limitation of research on alliance net-
works and firm innovation is that it largely ignores
the novelty of the knowledge created and embodied
in the innovations measured. Instead, studies have
focused on the amount of innovation indicated by
survey items or counts of new products and pat-
ents. This approach implicitly rests on the as-
sumption that innovations are similar in their
knowledge content. Although research has sug-
gested firms typically search for innovative solu-
tions to problems in the domains of their existing
expertise (“local search”) and produce “exploi-
tive” innovations that represent incremental im-
provements to their prior innovative efforts (e.g.,
Dosi, 1988; Martin & Mitchell, 1998), some re-
search has shown firms vary in the scope of their
search and the exploratory content of their inno-
vations (Ahuja & Lampert, 2001; Rosenkopf &
Nerkar, 2001). A few studies have examined how
organizational design decisions influence ex-
ploratory knowledge creation (Jansen, Van Den
Bosch, & Volberda, 2006; Sigelkow & Rivkin,
2005). However, with the exception of some qual-
itative case study research (Dittrich, Duysters, &
Burt (1992) also argued structural holes allow actors
freedom from the normative expectations of others in a
network, yet research into the influence of network struc-
ture on innovation and creativity has stressed informational
benefits, rather than control benefits, as the primary causal
motor (e.g., Ahuja, 2000; Burt, 2004; Obstfeld, 2005).
2010 891Phelps
de Man, 2007; Gilsing & Noteboom, 2006), re-
search has generally ignored the effects of alli-
ance network structure and network diversity on
exploratory knowledge creation.
The purpose of this study is to address these
limitations. I do so by examining the influence of
the structure and composition of a firm’s network
of horizontal technology alliances on its explor-
atory innovation. I focus on horizontal technology
alliances for theoretical clarity. Exploratory inno-
vation is the creation of technological knowledge
that is novel relative to a firm’s extant knowledge
stock. Research has often portrayed exploration as a
process (March, 1991), yet the manifestation of this
process can be observed by examining the explor-
atory content of a firm’s innovations (Benner &
Tushman, 2002; Rosenkopf & Nerkar, 2001). Ex-
ploratory innovations embody knowledge that dif-
fers from knowledge used by the firm in prior in-
novations and shows the firm has broadened its
technical competence (Greve, 2007; Rosenkopf &
Nerkar, 2001).
Understanding the origins of exploratory innova-
tion is an important endeavor. Because the results
of exploration (versus exploitation) typically take
longer to realize, are more variable, and produce
lower average returns, organizations generally pur-
sue exploitative innovation at the expense of ex-
plorative innovation (March, 1991). They face a
fundamental challenge: although exploitation im-
proves an organization’s short-term performance,
exploration increases its long-term adaptability and
survival (Levinthal & March, 1993). This formula-
tion does not suggest that exploratory innovation is
preferred over incremental innovation, only that a
balance is necessary (March, 1991). The strong in-
centives to pursue exploitation at the expense of
exploration raise the question of how and when
firms are able to explore effectively. Research has
documented the propensity of firms to pursue local
search and exploitative innovation (e.g., Dosi,
1988; Helfat, 1994), but much less is known about
how and when firms overcome this predisposition
and develop exploratory innovations. Explaining
the production of exploratory innovations should
provide a better understanding of how organiza-
tions are able to thrive and survive.
I derive two predictions about the effect of hori-
zontal technology alliances on firm exploratory in-
novation. First, in highlighting the role of network
composition, I draw on the recombinatory search
literature (e.g., Fleming, 2001) and examine the
benefits and costs of increasing network technolog-
ical diversity for exploratory innovation. I predict
network diversity has an inverted U-shaped effect
on firm exploratory innovation performance. Sec-
ond, building on interfirm learning and network
research, I argue that the extent to which a firm’s
partners are densely interconnected generates trust
and reciprocity, which enhance the benefits of net-
work diversity and mitigate some of its costs. I
predict the density of a firm’s alliance network
positively moderates the effect of network diversity
on the firm’s exploratory innovation performance.
In the empirical work reported here, I tested
these predictions on a panel of 77 leading commu-
nications equipment manufacturers during 1987–
97 and found partial, yet robust, support for both
hypotheses. A positive linear effect of network di-
versity emerged, rather than a curvilinear effect,
and a positive linear interaction between diversity
and density, rather than a curvilinear interaction.
This study contributes to the alliance and innova-
tion literatures by addressing significant gaps in
research on the influence of alliance networks on
firm innovation. This is the first study of which I
am aware that investigates the influence of alliance
network structure and composition on firm explor-
atory innovation. The results show the technologi-
cal diversity in a firm’s alliance network and the
density of the network increase exploratory inno-
vation, independently and in combination. The re-
sults also suggest the presence of structural holes in
a firm’s network is not a necessary condition for
providing the firm with access to diverse informa-
tion. The extent to which an actor’s network is
composed of alters with diverse knowledge bases
provides it access to diverse information, indepen-
dent of network structure. The benefits of network
closure and access to diverse information and
know-how can coexist in a firm’s alliance network,
and combining the two increases the firm’s explor-
atory innovation. Because I find network diversity
begets diverse innovations (Kauffman, 1995), the
results suggest that dense networks populated by
diverse actors generate more, rather than less, di-
verse knowledge.
To understand when alliances influence a firm’s
exploratory innovation, I build on two complemen-
tary theoretical bases: recombinatory search and
As He and Wong stated, “Exploration versus exploi-
tation should be used with reference to a firm itself and
its existing capabilities, resources and processes, not to a
competitor or at the industry level” (2004: 485). Thus,
“one can only view acts of exploration or exploitation
relative to a particular actor’s vantage point” (Adner &
Levinthal, 2008: 49).
892 AugustAcademy of Management Journal
social capital. The recombinatory search literature
casts innovation as a problem-solving process in
which solutions to valuable problems are discov-
ered via search (Dosi, 1988). Search processes lead-
ing to the creation of new knowledge typically in-
volve the novel recombination of existing elements
of knowledge, problems, or solutions (Fleming,
2001; Nelson & Winter, 1982) or reconfiguring the
ways knowledge elements are linked (Henderson &
Clark, 1990). Search is uncertain, costly, and guided
by prior experience (Dosi, 1988). Over time, feedback
from past search efforts becomes embodied in organ-
izational routines, which efficiently guide current
search efforts (Nelson & Winter, 1982).
Firms create knowledge by engaging in local and
distant search (March, 1991). Local search, which
is synonymous with exploitation, produces recom-
binations of familiar and well-known knowledge
elements and is often the preferred mode of search
(March, 1991; Stuart & Podolny, 1996). In contrast,
distant search, or exploration, involves recombina-
tions of novel, unfamiliar knowledge and involves
higher costs and uncertainty (March, 1991). Although
distant search can be less efficient and less certain
than local search, it increases the variance of search
and the potential for highly novel recombinations
(Fleming, 2001; Levinthal & March, 1981).
Innovation search research has primarily focused
on where firms search for solutions (i.e., local ver-
sus distant); the interfirm learning literature, on the
other hand, has emphasized how firms search. Ac-
cording to this research, interfirm relationships are
a mechanism for search and a medium of knowl-
edge transfer (Ingram, 2002). Because knowledge
is widely and heterogeneously distributed (von
Hayek, 1945), the exchange of knowledge is neces-
sary for recombination (Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998).
Yet the nature of knowledge involved in innovation
poses challenges to exchange. Technical innova-
tion involves tacit and socially embedded knowl-
edge (Dosi, 1988). Technology is knowledge em-
bedded in communities of practitioners (Layton,
1974) who develop tacit understandings of how to
solve problems related to its use and reproduction
(von Hippel, 1988). Such knowledge is also stored
in organizational routines (Nelson & Winter, 1982).
The specialized, tacit, and embedded nature of
technical knowledge makes market trading for it
subject to severe exchange problems (Teece, 1992).
Firms that can identify potentially useful elements
of technological knowledge, conceive of how these
elements can be fruitfully combined, and effectively
access and assimilate this knowledge increase their
potential for knowledge creation (Galunic & Rodan,
1998). Strategic alliances are important in each of
these aspects of successful recombination.
Strategic alliances are a means of accessing
knowledge a firm does not have and can be an
effective medium of knowledge transfer and inte-
gration (Hamel, 1991). Alliances provide a firm
with direct and repeatable access to its partners’
organizational routines, which reduces its ambigu-
ity about a partner’s knowledge and increases the
efficacy of its transfer and assimilation (Jensen &
Szulanski, 2007). Because of the increased social
interaction and enhanced incentive alignment and
monitoring features they provide, alliances are in-
stitutions better suited than market transactions for
the repeated exchange of tacit, routine-embedded
knowledge (Teece, 1992).
Although alliances provide access to external
knowledge, they do not guarantee its effective de-
tection, transfer, and assimilation. These processes,
and thus the odds of successful recombination, are
influenced by the incentives partners have to coop-
erate and share knowledge with each other (Hamel,
1991). Because the risk of opportunism is pro-
nounced in horizontal technology alliances, effec-
tive cooperation and knowledge sharing are diffi-
cult to achieve (Gulati & Singh, 1998). Alliance
research has typically emphasized the role of for-
mal governance mechanisms—such as detailed
contracts, the use of equity as a “hostage,” and joint
venture structures—in curbing opportunism and
increasing cooperation (e.g., Kogut, 1988; Mowery,
Oxley, & Silverman, 1996; Sampson, 2007). Other
research has suggested that mutual trust and reci-
procity norms between partners provide effective
and efficient informal governance (Dyer & Singh,
1998; Kale, Singh, & Perlmutter, 2000).
Trust and reciprocity serve as social control
mechanisms that mitigate opportunism and safe-
guard exchange in alliances (Dyer & Singh, 1998).
As such, they are forms of social capital, because
they represent resources that are instrumentally
valuable for, and appropriable by, partners in a
social exchange relationship (Coleman, 1988). The
extent to which social capital exists in a firm’s
network of alliances can increase the firm’s access
to its partners’ knowledge, the motivation of its
partners to transfer knowledge, and the efficiency
of knowledge exchange and transfer (Inkpen &
Tsang, 2005), resulting in more successful recom-
binations (Galunic & Rodan, 1998). In the next two
sections, I build on the recombinatory search lit-
erature and research on interfirm networks and
social capital to develop predictions about how
and when network technological diversity and
network density influence a firm’s exploratory
innovation performance.
2010 893Phelps
Network Technological Diversity
Diversity refers to the extent to which a system
consists of uniquely different elements, the fre-
quency distribution of these elements, and the de-
gree of difference among the elements (Stirling,
2007). Thus, I define alliance network technologi-
cal diversity as the extent to which the technologies
pursued by a firm’s alliance partners are different
from one another and from those of the focal firm.
Although network diversity provides benefits for a
firm’s exploratory innovation efforts, it also poses
significant costs. Diversity affects the relative nov-
elty of knowledge available in a network and the
ease with which a firm can recognize, assimilate,
and utilize this knowledge.
Increasing network diversity increases the rela-
tive novelty of the knowledge a firm can access.
Because exploratory innovations embody relatively
novel knowledge, a necessary condition for firm
exploratory innovation is access to dissimilar
knowledge (Greve, 2007; Jansen et al., 2006). Diver-
sity increases the number and variety of possible
combinations and the potential for highly novel
solutions (Fleming, 2001). The “value of variance”
(Mezias & Glynn, 1993) in distant search is that
though it increases failures, it also increases the
number of highly novel solutions (Levinthal &
March, 1981). In contrast, individuals and organi-
zations that exploit established competences in
their innovative problem-solving efforts typically
experience more certain and immediate returns,
but produce mostly incrementally innovative solu-
tions (Audia & Goncalo, 2007; Dosi, 1988). Search-
ing diverse knowledge domains challenges existing
cognitive structures, including premises and be-
liefs about cause-effect relationships (Duncker,
1945), which can promote new associations and
lead to highly novel insights and solutions (Simon-
ton, 1999). By searching diverse and novel do-
mains, firms can develop multiple conceptualiza-
tions of problems and solutions and apply
solutions from one domain to problems in another
(Hargadon & Sutton, 1997). Diverse knowledge
sources also provide firms with access to diverse
problem-solving heuristics (Page, 2007), which can
increase the exploratory content of new combina-
tions of knowledge (Audia & Goncalo, 2007). Fi-
nally, searching diverse, nonredundant knowledge
can stimulate intensive experimentation with new
combinations, leading to highly novel innovations
(Ahuja & Lampert, 2001).
Network diversity also influences a firm’s relative
absorptive capacity. As the technological distance be-
tween partners increases, their ability to recognize,
assimilate, and apply each other’s knowledge de-
clines (Lane & Lubatkin, 1998), increasing the costs
of recombinatory innovation (Weitzman, 1998). A
firm must expend greater effort and resources to
understand and integrate dissimilar knowledge
(Cohen & Levinthal, 1990). This can manifest in
costly, excessive, and inconclusive experimenta-
tion (Ahuja & Lampert, 2001). A firm’s cognitive
capacity constraints and its relative inexperience
with dissimilar knowledge components will limit
its ability to comprehend increasingly complex in-
teractions among these components (Fleming &
Sorenson, 2001). Moreover, integrating novel
knowledge from dissimilar sources often requires
changing existing patterns of communication and
social exchange, which is difficult in established
organizations (Kogut & Zander, 1992). Attempting
to assimilate and integrate highly diverse knowl-
edge components can lead to information overload,
confusion, and diseconomies of scale in innovation
efforts (Ahuja & Lampert, 2001). Thus, as a firm’s
network diversity increases, its costs of absorbing
and utilizing this knowledge greatly increase.
Given these benefits and costs of network diver-
sity, I expect it to exhibit a curvilinear effect on a
firm’s exploratory innovation. At low levels of di-
versity, a firm has a high degree of relative absorp-
tive capacity in its portfolio of partners, but the
knowledge to which it has access provides little
novelty. At high levels of network diversity, ab-
sorptive capacity costs are likely to outweigh the
benefits of highly novel knowledge. Although in-
creasing diversity exponentially increases opportu-
nities for novel recombinations (Fleming, 2001), an
organization is greatly constrained in its ability to
process an abundance of potentially novel recom-
binations into usable innovations (Weitzman,
1998). Research has shown that as knowledge com-
ponents become more diverse, the chance of their
recombination into useful innovations declines,
with excessive diversity reducing innovation
(Fleming & Sorenson, 2001). In contrast, at a mod-
erate level of network diversity a firm’s exploratory
innovation efforts benefit from a balance of access
to a moderate degree of novel knowledge and mod-
erately efficient relative absorptive capacity. Thus,
some degree of diversity is valuable for exploratory
innovation; too much can be detrimental.
Hypothesis 1. The technological diversity in
a firm’s alliance network has an inverted U-
shaped relationship with the firm’s subsequent
degree of exploratory innovation.
Network Density
Although an alliance provides access to a part-
ner’s knowledge, it does not guarantee the effective
894 AugustAcademy of Management Journal
detection, transfer, and assimilation of this knowl-
edge (Hamel, 1991). The tacit and embedded nature
of technological knowledge makes it difficult for
partners to detect, transfer, and assimilate (Teece,
1992), reducing its potential for successful recom-
bination (Galunic & Rodan, 1998). Increasing net-
work diversity worsens this problem, since a firm’s
absorptive capacity in relation to its partners will
decline (Lane & Lubatkin, 1998). Greater diversity
reduces the odds partners share a common under-
standing of technical issues, a language for discuss-
ing them, and an approach to codifying knowledge
(Cohen & Levinthal, 1990). The exchange hazards
in horizontal technology alliances compound these
problems. Because partners have incentives to
compete, the risk of opportunism is elevated. Such
alliances are also inherently uncertain and pose
large measurement and monitoring problems
(Pisano, 1989). Partners are at risk of involuntary
knowledge leakage, the withholding of effort and
resources needed to achieve alliance goals, misrep-
resentation of newly discovered knowledge, and
challenges in transferring tacit knowledge devel-
oped during the relationships (Gulati & Singh,
1998). Network diversity also compounds these
problems. Increasing diversity increases the rela-
tive novelty of knowledge and the variety of tacit
knowledge, thereby increasing the amount of
unique tacit knowledge. High novelty and tacitness
increase partner uncertainty and contractual haz-
ards (Pisano, 1989). Technological diversity in-
creases coordination problems and the potential for
costly contractual renegotiations (Sampson, 2004).
These exchange hazards can reduce cooperation
and knowledge sharing, hindering a firm’s recom-
bination efforts.
The extent to which a firm’s alliance partners are
densely interconnected mitigates some of the costs
and amplifies some of the benefits of increasing
network diversity, thus positively moderating its
effect on exploratory innovation. Dense networks
facilitate the production of trust and reciprocity
among networked firms, which decrease exchange
hazards in alliances, increase cooperation among
partners, and mitigate absorptive capacity prob-
lems. These problems become more challenging,
and thus more important to resolve, as network
diversity grows.
Network density promotes trust and reciprocity
between partners because they share common
third-party partners. Dense networks allow firms to
learn about current and prospective partners
through common third parties, reducing informa-
tion asymmetries among firms and increasing their
“knowledge-based trust” in one another (Gulati,
Nohria, & Zaheer, 2000). Network closure also pro-
motes trust by increasing the costs of opportunism
(Coleman, 1988). Because a firm’s behavior is more
visible in a dense network, an act of opportunism
can damage its reputation, jeopardizing its existing
alliances and reducing future alliance opportuni-
ties (Gulati, 1998). Because the costs of opportun-
ism can outweigh the benefits, firms will refrain
from such behavior. Thus, dense networks also
generate “enforceable” or “deterrence-based” trust
(Kreps, 1990; Raubb & Weesie, 1990). Research has
provided empirical support for these arguments
(Gulati & Sytch, 2008; Holm, Eriksson, & Johanson,
1999; Husted, 1994; Robinson & Stuart, 2007;
Rooks, Raub, Selten, & Tazelaar, 2000; Uzzi, 1996).
Network density also generates reciprocity exchanges
in which partners share privileged resources because
they expect recipients will repay them with some-
thing of equivalent value (Coleman, 1988). A firm
can encourage reciprocity between two of its part-
ners by transferring reciprocal obligations one part-
ner owes to the firm to the other partner (Uzzi,
1997). Dense networks also promote reciprocity by
protecting relationships from opportunism, in-
creasing actors’ confidence that obligations for re-
payment will eventually be met (Coleman, 1988).
The trust and reciprocity benefits of dense net-
works can mitigate some of the exchange hazards
and challenges to effective interfirm cooperation
associated with greater network diversity. Trust
and reciprocity generated by network density act as
informal safeguards of dyadic exchange, supple-
menting formal alliance governance mechanisms
(Powell, 1990). Given the challenges of formal gov-
ernance in horizontal technology alliances among
technologically diverse firms, informal governance
becomes more important in mitigating opportun-
ism and promoting cooperation as diversity in-
creases. Informal governance reduces the threat of
opportunism and increases each partner’s motiva-
tion to cooperate and share resources (Dyer &
Singh, 1998). Trust reduces the extent to which
alliance partners protect knowledge, increases their
willingness to share knowledge, and increases in-
terfirm learning and knowledge creation (Kale et
al., 2000; Larson, 1992). Reciprocity norms rein-
force this motivation to share, since firms can be
confident partners will reciprocate (Dyer & No-
beoka, 2000). As a result, the information and know-
how shared will be less distorted, richer, and of
higher quality (Dyer & Nobeoka, 2000; Uzzi, 1997).
Research has suggested dense interfirm networks are
better for transferring and integrating complex and
tacit knowledge than networks with structural holes
(Dyer & Nobeoka, 2000; Kogut, 2000).
Alliance network density also reduces absorptive
capacity problems related to growing network di-
2010 895Phelps
versity. Network closure promotes intense social
interaction, experimentation, joint problem solv-
ing, and triangulation, which enhance a firm’s abil-
ity to absorb and apply increasingly diverse partner
knowledge. The trust and reciprocity benefits of
network closure promote intense interaction
among personnel from partnered firms (Larson,
1992), which improves the detection and transfer of
tacit and embedded knowledge (Zander & Kogut,
1995). Intense interaction can also lead to the cre-
ation of partner-specific knowledge-sharing rou-
tines that facilitate knowledge transfer (Lane & Lu-
batkin, 1998). The social capital produced in dense
alliance networks encourages such relation-spe-
cific investments (Walker, Kogut, & Shan, 1997).
The trust and reciprocity benefits of network clo-
sure also increase partners’ joint problem-solving
efforts and stimulate experimentation with differ-
ent knowledge combinations, improving knowl-
edge detection and transfer from diverse partners
(Dyer & Nobeoka, 2000; Uzzi, 1997). Trust and rec-
iprocity can also increase a partner’s motivation to
“teach” (Szulanski, 1996), which is more important
for student firms as partner diversity increases,
since they should find it easier to learn unaided
from similar partners (Szulanski, 1996). Alliance
partners also provide alternative interpretations of
technical problems and solutions, allowing a firm
to compare, contrast, and triangulate these perspec-
tives (Nonaka, 1994). Alternative perspectives dif-
fuse rapidly in dense networks (Smith-Doerr &
Powell, 2005) and are more valuable when partners
are diverse, since a variety of perspectives in-
creases the chances some will be useful in a firm’s
recombination efforts (Nonaka, 1994). Finally, the
rapid flow of information in dense networks pro-
vides firms with more opportunities to share and
expand their understanding of technical issues and
can help establish a shared mode of discourse
(Smith-Doerr & Powell, 2005), allowing diverse
partners to more efficiently communicate with and
learn from one another (Kogut & Zander, 1996).
In sum, increasing network density improves a
firm’s ability to absorb and utilize knowledge from
more diverse partners. I expect these benefits of
network density to moderate the curvilinear effect
of network diversity on firm exploratory innova-
tion in four distinct ways. First, increasing density
will increase the slope (i.e., strength) of the positive
relationship between diversity and exploratory in-
novation (i.e., the positive slope to the left of the
peak of the curve). Second, increasing density will
increase the amplitude of the curvilinear effect of
diversity. That is, as density increases, the maxi-
mum value of exploratory innovation achieved will
increase. Third, the value of diversity that maxi-
mizes exploratory innovation will increase as den-
sity increases, shifting the peak of the curve to
higher values of diversity. Finally, increasing den-
sity will reduce the slope of the negative relation-
ship between diversity and exploratory innovation.
That is, after the effect of diversity turns negative,
increasing density will dampen the negative effect
of diversity on exploratory innovation.
Hypothesis 2. The density of a firm’s alliance
network moderates the curvilinear relationship
between network diversity and exploratory in-
novation in such a fashion that increasing den-
sity will: (a) increase the slope of the positive
effect of diversity, (b) increase the amplitude of
the effect of diversity, (c) increase the value
of diversity that maximizes exploratory inno-
vation, and (d) reduce the negative effect of
Sample and Data
The research setting for this study was the global
telecommunications equipment industry (SIC 366).
Firms in this industry produce and market hard-
ware and software that enable the transmission,
switching, and reception of voice, images, and data
over both short and long distances using digital,
analog, wire line, and wireless technology. I chose
this setting for two reasons. First, during the 1980s
and 1990s this industry experienced significant
changes in technology and competition, resulting
in a growing use of technology alliances by incum-
bents (Amesse, Latour, Rebolledo, & Se´guin-Du-
lude, 2004). Second, since I used patent data, I
chose to study an industry in which firms routinely
and systematically patent their inventions (Hage-
doorn & Cloodt, 2003; Levin, Klevorick, Nelson, &
Winter, 1987).
To minimize survivor bias and right censoring, I
limited the study period to 1987–97. I limited the
sample frame to public companies to ensure the
availability and reliability of financial data. I lim-
ited the sample to the firms in the industry with the
largest sales because complete and accurate alli-
ance data are more available for industry leaders
than for smaller firms (Gulati, 1995). To minimize
survivor bias, I identified the top-selling firms in
the industry at the beginning of the study period
rather than the end because numerous mergers, re-
structurings, and failures occurred during the study
period (Amesse et al., 2004). To minimize the influ-
ence of right censoring, I ended the study period in
1997 to allow sufficient time for the (non)approval of
patent applications that sample firms made during
896 AugustAcademy of Management Journal
the period (also see footnote 4). Following prescrip-
tions for establishing network boundaries in empiri-
cal research (Laumann, Marsden, & Prensky, 1983), I
restricted the network to both firms and alliances that
focused on the telecommunications equipment in-
dustry. Recent alliance network research has used
similar network construction criteria (Rowley, Beh-
rens, & Krackhardt, 2000; Schilling & Phelps, 2007).
These sampling criteria resulted in a sample of 77
firms headquartered in 13 countries.
I used patent data to measure technological
knowledge because patents are valid and robust
indicators of knowledge creation (Trajtenberg,
1987). Knowledge is instantiated in inventions, and
patents are measures of novel inventions externally
validated through the patent examination process
(Griliches, 1990). A patent application represents a
positive expectation by an inventor of the eco-
nomic significance of his or her invention, since
getting such protection is costly (Griliches, 1990).
Patents measure a codifiable portion of a firm’s
technical knowledge, yet they correlate with mea-
sures that incorporate tacit knowledge (Brouwer &
Kleinknecht, 1999). For these various reasons, pat-
ents are a reliable and valid measure of innovation
in the telecom equipment industry (Hagedoorn &
Cloodt, 2003).
Information on U.S. patents was obtained from
Delphion. Using patents from a single country
maintains consistency, reliability, and comparabil-
ity across firms (Griliches, 1990). U.S. patents are a
good data source because of the rigor and proce-
dural fairness used in granting them, the large in-
centives firms have to obtain patent protection in
the world’s largest market for high-tech products,
the high quality of services provided by the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and the rep-
utation of the United States for providing effective
intellectual property protection (Pavitt, 1988; Riv-
ette, 1993). I used the application date to assign a
granted patent to a firm because this date closely
captures the timing of knowledge creation (Grili-
ches, 1990). Because patents are often assigned to
subsidiaries, I carefully aggregated patents to the
firm level.
The collaboration data were obtained from mul-
tiple sources. I initially collected alliance data from
the SDC Alliance Database. Although this database
provided substantial content, it had many limita-
tions. I overcame these limitations through system-
atic archival research using annual reports, 10K
and 20F filings, Moody’s Manuals, Factiva, Lexis-
Nexis, and Dialog. These last three databases index
the historical full texts of hundreds of business
publications from all regions of the world and in-
clude articles translated to English from their orig-
inal languages, and non-English publications. I
conducted broad keyword searches to identify all
instances of interfirm cooperation involving the
sample firms. Individuals fluent in the respective
language read non-English articles and reports,
identified instances of interfirm cooperation, and
translated the documents into English. I recorded
only collaborations that could be confirmed in mul-
tiple sources. Around 1,200 annual reports and Se-
curities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings
and over 180,000 electronic articles were exam-
ined, and over 8,500 relevant news stories were
printed out. Overall, the data set from which this
study draws includes 7,904 alliances and 1,967
acquisitions initiated during 1980-96. I reviewed
every record from the SDC data and corrected du-
plicate entries and other errors and omissions using
secondary sources.
Firm attribute data were collected from Compus-
tat, annual reports, SEC filings, the Japan Company
Handbook, Worldscope, and Global Vantage.
Measurement: Dependent Variable
Exploratory innovation. Exploratory innovation
is the creation of technological knowledge by a firm
that is novel relative to its existing knowledge stock
(Benner & Tushman, 2002; Rosenkopf & Nerkar,
2001). Following prior research (Benner & Tush-
man, 2002, Katila & Ahuja, 2002; Rosenkopf &
Nerkar, 2001), I measured exploratory innovation
using patent citations. I began with the list of U.S.
patent classes that corresponded to the telecommu-
nications equipment industry at the beginning of
the sample period (see Table 1). I assessed the
exploratory innovation of firm iin year tby classi-
fying and tabulating all citations in the firm’s tele-
communications equipment patents applied for in
year t(and eventually granted). I traced each cita-
tion to determine if the firm had used the same
citation or if the citation was to a patent developed
by the firm during the seven years before the focal
year. I used a seven-year window because organi-
zational memory in high-tech firms is imperfect,
causing the value of knowledge to depreciate rap-
idly over time (Argote, 1999) and creating signifi-
I identified all divisions, subsidiaries, and joint ven-
tures of each sample firm (using Who Owns Whom and
the Directory of Corporate Affiliations) as of 1980. I then
traced each firm’s history to account for name changes,
division names, divestments, acquisitions, and joint ven-
tures and obtained information on the timing of these
events. This procedure yielded a master list of entities
that I used to identify all patents belonging to sample
firms for the period of study.
2010 897Phelps
cant problems for intertemporal knowledge transfer
(Nerkar, 2003). Although prior research (e.g., Katila
& Ahuja, 2002) has used a 5-year window to assess
exploration, I chose a 7-year window because the
median age of cited patents in telecom technologies
is about 6.5 years (Hicks, Breitzman, Olivastro, &
Hamilton, 2001). Using this window, I classified
each citation as “new” or “used.” I computed the
variable as the result of dividing new citations by
total citations (exploratory innovations
new cita-
/total citations
.) Because this formula mea-
sures a share of new citations, rather than their full
count, it captures a firm’s propensity to produce ex-
ploratory innovations, independent of firm scale.
The extent to which a firm draws on elements of
knowledge (e.g., patent citations) it has previously
used reflects its practice of local search and exploi-
tation of its extant knowledge stock. The extent to
which it uses citations with which it has no expe-
rience is indicative of distant search and explor-
atory innovation (Benner & Tushman, 2002). This
measure ranges from pure exploitation (no explo-
ration) at the low end to pure exploration (no ex-
ploitation) at the high end. It is consistent with
research that has conceptualized and measured ex-
ploitation and exploration, or local and distant
search, as the ends of a continuum
(Benner &
Two aspects of the patent data used to construct this
measure merit discussion. First, during the period of
study, the USPTO did not publish patent applications. A
patent application date was only observable when a
patent was granted. Because I observed patents using
their date of application and because there is a delay
between the date of application for a patent and its even-
tual granting, I may not have observed all patents applied
for in a particular year and eventually granted, because
the USPTO had not rendered a decision by the time I
collected my patent data. The influence of such a right-
censoring bias, caused by the delay between patent ap-
plication and issuance, is likely to be negligible in this
study. Around 99 percent of all applications are re-
viewed within five years of application (Hall et al., 2001),
which is the period between the end of the sample (1997)
and the last year of patent data collection (2002). Second,
patent examiners often add citations to patent applications
(Alcacer & Gittelman, 2006), which suggests applicant firms
are not necessarily aware of all cited patents. Third-party
citations often manifest as noise in the measurement of
patent-based variables (Jaffe, Trajtenberg, & Fogarty, 2002).
Noise in the measurement of a dependent variable in-
creases standard errors and reduces the likelihood of find-
ing statistically significant effects (Gujarati, 1995).
Though I focus on one domain of search (i.e., tech-
nological knowledge), firms search multiple domains,
such as customer and geographic space (Gupta, Smith, &
Shalley, 2006; Sidhu et al., 2007). Portraying exploitation
Primary U.S. Patent Classes Used to Represent
Telecommunications Equipment
Class Number Title
178 Telegraphy
179 (discontinued) Telephony
329 Demodulators
332 Modulators
333 Wave transmission lines and networks
334 Tuners
340 Communications: electrical
341 Coded data generation or conversion
342 Communications: directive radio wave
systems & devices
343 Communications: radio wave antennas
348 Television
358 Facsimile and static presentation
359 Optics: systems (including
communication) and elements
367 Communications, electrical: acoustic
wave systems and devices
370 Multiplex communications
375 Pulse or digital communications
379 Telephonic communications
381 Electrical audio signal processing
systems and devices
382 Image analysis
385 Optical waveguides
455 Telecommunications
725 Interactive video distribution systems
Because patents are classified by technological and func-
tional principles, they do not map easily to product-based in-
dustrial definitions such as SIC codes (Griliches, 1990). That is,
there is not a one-to-one mapping between primary patent
classes and industries. Multiple patent classes are used in a
single industry, and a single patent class can be used in multiple
industries. Consequently, to identify the areas of technology that
constitute telecommunications equipment, I needed to develop
a concordance between primary patent classes and the three-
digit SIC code 366, “communications equipment.” To do so, I
utilized both Silverman’s (1996) concordance method and con-
cordances provided by experts. I used the concordance for com-
munications equipment developed by scholars at Science and
Technology Policy Research (SPRU), a unit of Sussex University
in the United Kingdom, and the concordance developed by the
Community of Science Inc., an internet company that provides
collaborative tools and services for research scientists and engi-
neers. I identified the primary patent classes common to both of
these expert-based concordances as a baseline and then com-
pared this list of classes with a rank-ordered list delineating the
degree to which specific international patent classes (IPCs) were
associated with SIC 366 as the industry of manufacture as of
1988. To make this comparison, I used the USPTO’s USPC-IPC
concordance. The primary classes listed in the baseline concor-
dance were associated with the highest ranked IPC classes as-
sociated with U.S. SIC 366 (except for class 725, which did not
exist in the late 1980s). This indicated that the 22 primary
classes used in this study to represent communications equip-
ment technology in this table are most frequently associated
with SIC 366.
898 AugustAcademy of Management Journal
Tushman, 2002; Greve, 2007; Sidhu, Commandeur,
& Volberda, 2007).
As a robustness check, I applied an alternative
measure of exploratory innovation from prior re-
search (e.g., Ahuja & Lampert, 2001; McGrath &
Nerkar, 2004). I computed this measure as the num-
ber of new three-digit technology classes in which
firm ipatented in year t, classifying a technology
class as new if the firm had not patented in that
class in the past seven years. The USPTO assigns
patents to about 450 technology classes, with each
class demarcating an area of technology. The extent
to which a firm enters new technological domains
is indicative of exploration (Ahuja & Lampert,
2001; McGrath & Nerkar, 2004). This measure was
broader than the citation-based measure since it
took into account all technology classes in which a
firm might patent.
Measurement: Explanatory Variables
Following prior research (e.g., Ahuja, 2000; Stu-
art, 2000), I sampled alliances involving technology
development or exchange because my phenome-
non of interest and theory concerned the transfer
and creation of technological knowledge. I ex-
cluded unilateral licensing deals and alliances
formed for the sole purpose of marketing, distribu-
tion, or manufacturing.
Network technological diversity. To measure
network technological diversity, I employed Rodan
and Galunic’s (2004) measure of knowledge hetero-
geneity. This measure incorporates information about
the knowledge distance between a focal actor and
each of its partners and the distances among the part-
ners. I began at the dyad level and measured the
technological distance between pairs of firms using
Jaffe’s (1986) index. For each firm-year, I measured
the distribution of a firm’s patents across primary
patent classes. Following Sampson (2007), I used a
moving four-year window to establish a firm’s patent-
ing profile. This distribution located a firm in a mul-
tidimensional technology space, captured by a K-di-
mensional vector (f
], where f
the fraction of firm i’s patents that are in patent
class k). This approach rests on an assumption that
the distribution of a firm’s patents across classes
reflects the distribution of its technical knowledge
(Jaffe, 1986). The technological distance, d, be-
tween firms iand jin year twas calculated as:
dijt 1
1/ 2
1/ 2
This measure was bounded between 0 (complete
similarity) and 1 (maximum diversity) and sym-
metric for the two firms. I used these pairwise
distance values to construct annual distance matri-
ces, D
, which reflected the technological distances
between all possible pairs of sample firms.
Next, I computed the uniqueness of the knowl-
edge of each partner jin firm i’s alliance network in
year t. The uniqueness of firm jis a function of the
uniqueness of its partners, k, and firm j’s distance
from them. Following Rodan and Galunic (2004), I
defined the uniqueness of firm j,u
, as:
djk uk.
The uniqueness of each firm is found in the solu-
tion of the eigen equation(
UDU), where Uis an
eigenvector of Dand
is its associated eigenvalue.
The elements of Uare the uniqueness values for
each firm, and Dis the matrix of pairwise techno-
logical distances. I measured the technological di-
versity available to firm iin its (ego) network of
alliance partners in year tas:
Network technological diversityit 1
where d
is partner j’s distance from iand
is j’s
uniqueness score computed for i’s Npartners. The
1/Nterm compensates for the fact that lambda in-
creases linearly with network size. This measure
increases linearly with the distances among iand
its partners (Rodan & Galunic, 2004).
Network density. To measure ego network den-
sity, I constructed annual adjacency matrices for
the period 1987–96 that indicated the presence of a
technology alliance, in existence at the end of a
focal year, between all possible undirected pair-
wise combinations of sample firms. An alliance
with more than 2 firms entered the adjacency ma-
trix as separate dyadic combinations of all firms in
the alliance. Of all sample alliances, 89 percent
involved only 2 firms, and the average alliance had
2.38 firms. Because alliances often endure longer
than one year, constructing adjacency matrices us-
ing only alliances formed in a focal year would
have understated the true connectivity of the net-
work. Consequently, I collected alliance data for
each firm beginning in 1980 and researched each
and exploration as ends of a continuum in one domain of
search does not preclude the possibility that firms can
simultaneously achieve high levels of both exploitation
and exploration in multiple domains (Gupta et al., 2006).
A universal argument about the mutual exclusivity or
independence of exploitation and exploration may be
impossible (Gupta et al., 2006).
2010 899Phelps
alliance to identify its date of dissolution or con-
tinuance through the last sample year.
Ego network density was the percentage of all
possible ties among an ego’s alters that had been
formed (Scott, 1991). Ego networks in which a
firm’s alliance partners are themselves allied imply
higher values of density. To test the robustness of
the effect of density, I substituted Burt’s (1992)
measures of efficiency and then constraint into al-
ternative specifications. The Appendix presents
these specifications. Both efficiency and constraint
are measures of triadic closure (see Borgatti [1997]
for a comparison). Figure 1 presents an example of
a sample firm’s ego network, specifically, Motoro-
la’s network of technology alliances at the end of
1992, and lists the values for the density, effi-
ciency, and constraint of this network. Algebraic
explanations of each measure are also shown.
Control Variables
To minimize alternative explanations and isolate
the marginal effects of the explanatory variables, I
controlled for several firm- and alliance-level vari-
ables whose influence on exploratory innovation
might be confounded with the explanatory vari-
ables. Given the firm-level analysis used in this
study, I aggregated alliance-level observations to
the firm level. I used multiple-year moving win-
dows of differing lengths to compute five control
variables. These window lengths ranged from four
to seven years and differed by control variable. I
based the choice of window length for each control
variable on prior research. Using alternative win-
dow lengths (1 year) for these control variables
did not substantively change the results of the ex-
planatory variables presented in Table 2.
Network size. More alliance partners may pro-
vide a firm with access to greater technical diver-
sity. Moreover, measures of ego network density
are sensitive to network size, making network size
an important control variable (Friedkin, 1981). I
computed network size as the natural logarithm of
the number of telecom technology alliance partners
maintained by firm iin year t.
Alliance duration. Alliance longevity can lead to
greater interfirm trust (Gulati, 1995), stronger reci-
procity norms (Larson, 1992) and relation-specific
routines (Levinthal & Fichman, 1988), increasing
interfirm learning (Simontin, 1999). I measured al-
liance duration as the average number of years firm
ihad participated in its existing telecom technol-
ogy alliances at the end of year t(see footnote 6).
Repeated ties. Prior ties between firms can in-
crease interfirm trust (Gulati, 1995), the develop-
ment of relation-specific learning heuristics, and
interfirm learning (Lane & Lubatkin, 1998). Follow-
ing Gulati and Gargiulo (1999), I calculated re-
peated ties as the average number of alliances firm
ihad formed with its current group of alliance
partners in the five years prior to year t.
Joint venture. Research has suggested equity
joint ventures are superior governance mechanisms
for interfirm learning and knowledge transfer
(Kogut, 1988; Mowery et al., 1996). I computed the
variable as the proportion of firm i’s telecom tech-
nology alliances governed by equity joint ventures
in year t.
International alliance. International alliances
provide access to diverse knowledge (Rosenkopf &
Almeida, 2003), but they experience greater coor-
dination and communication problems and cul-
tural conflicts than domestic alliances, and this
experience diminishes interfirm learning (Lyles &
Salk, 1996). I measured this variable as the fraction
of firm i’s telecom technology alliances in year t
involving foreign firms.
Partners’ market overlap. Because partners
tend to protect their knowledge when they are
product-market competitors, overlaps in partners’
markets can impede interfirm knowledge transfer
(Dutta & Weiss, 1997). I computed market overlap
as the proportion of firm i’s portfolio of telecom
technology alliances in year thaving partners with
the same primary four-digit SIC code as firm i.
Firm sales. Firm size can have both negative and
positive effects on firm innovation (Teece, 1992). I
controlled for firm size using the natural log of sales
(in millions of U.S. dollars) for firm iin year t.
I researched each alliance using the sources de-
scribed previously. I also contacted company personnel
to identify dissolution dates, which proved very useful in
identifying the termination or ongoing status of joint
ventures (JVs). For nearly all JVs, I was able to identify
the months they were ended or their ongoing status at the
end of the sample period. For each remaining JV, I as-
sumed it existed until the end of the last year in which it
was documented or until the end of the year after the year
it was founded, whichever was later. For non-JV alli-
ances, I recorded termination on the basis of specified
tenure, if mentioned in the archival sources, or an-
nouncement of dissolution (either from archival sources
or company contact). In cases in which I could not es-
tablish precise dissolution, I followed Ahuja (2000) and
presumed an alliance to exist until the end of the last
year in which it was documented or until the end of the
year after the year it was founded, whichever was later. I
performed a t-test of the difference in mean duration
between alliances with formal dissolution announce-
ments and those with assumed dissolution dates and
found no significant difference.
900 AugustAcademy of Management Journal
Motorola’s 1992 Ego Network Structure of Technology Alliances
In the figure, Motorola is the focal actor, or ego. Below are the values of ego network density, efficiency and constraint for Motorola’s
1992 technology alliance network and an explanation of each measure. Burt (1992) provides a detailed explanation of the measures of
efficiency and constraint and Borgatti (1997) provides a comparison of the three measures.
The values for the density, efficiency, and constraint of this network and their algebraic computation are as follows:
Density 26.67%
Ego network densityi
100, jq,
where x
represents the relative strength of the tie between alter jand alter q, and Nrepresents the number of alters to which ego iis connected.
Because I treated alliances as either present or absent (i.e., they do not vary in terms of strength), all values of x
were set to 1 if a relationship
existed and 0 otherwise. The term [N(N1)] was divided by 2 to reflect that alliances are undirected ties. Variable range, 0–100%.
Efficiency 0.75
Ego network efficiencyi
where p
is the proportion of i’s ties invested in the relationship with q, m
is the marginal strength of the relationship between alter jand alter
q(as I used binary data, all values of m
were set to 1 if a tie existed and 0 otherwise), and Nrepresented the number of alliance partners to which
focal firm was connected. This measure could vary from 0 to 1, with higher values indicative of greater efficiency (i.e., structural holes).
Constraint 0.15
Ego network constrainti
where p
is the proportion of i’s ties invested in the relationship with j, p
is the proportion of i’s ties invested in the relationship with
q, and p
is the proportional strength of alter q’s relationship with alter j. This measure can vary from of 0 to 1, with higher values
indicative of greater constraint (i.e., fewer structural holes).
2010 901Phelps
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations
Variables Mean s.d. Min. Max. 123456789101112131415161718
1. Exploratory innovation 0.72 0.19 0 1 4
2. Network technological
0.22 0.33 0 1.71 .19
3. Network density 33.88 32.99 0 100 .18 .27
4. Network size
1.33 0.99 0 3.56 .25 .79 .38
5. Alliance duration 3.10 1.87 0 14 .08 .14 .14 .20
6. Repeated ties 0.38 0.46 0 4 .19 .49 .17 .43 .13
7. Joint venture 0.18 0.19 0 1 .02 .39 .18 .38 .26 .20
8. International alliance 0.30 0.25 0 1 .06 .16 .14 .18 .02 .08 .28
9. Partners’ market
0.33 0.24 0 1 .02 .04 .08 .07 .02 .09 .12 .14
10. Sales
6.47 2.66 2.99 11.34 .17 .64 .20 .61 .39 .55 .40 .17 .05
11. Firm current ratio 2.32 1.58 0.003 23.46 .13 .21 .09 .22 .19 .26 .29 .17 .06 .37
12. Firm R&D intensity 0.13 0.76 0 20.25 .03 .04 .07 .01 .27 .03 .18 .08 .02 .20 .09
13. Firm patent stock 582.06 1,267.74 1 6,875 .14 .50 .21 .44 .21 .67 .29 .15 .11 .63 .25 .04
14. Firm age 45.39 36.03 2 150 .13 .58 .18 .52 .38 .37 .50 .25 .04 .74 .30 .09 .11
15. Firm alliance
0.14 0.75 0.001 19.25 .02 .09 .14 .18 .08 .03 .15 .07 .08 .29 .05 .36 .52 .16
16. Firm technological
0.76 0.31 0 1 .11 .34 .19 .32 .32 .25 .40 .11 .09 .59 .38 .02 .07 .53 .18
17. Firm acquisitions 0.96 1.71 0 16 .06 .34 .08 .32 .03 .07 .24 .06 .34 .11 .04 .06 .38 .09 .20
18. U.S.-Canada 0.65 0.48 0 1 .1 .50 .14 .31 .30 .39 .52 .29 .11 .65 .29 .06 .09 .61 .13 .43 .19
19. Europe 0.19 0.39 0 1 .04 .51 .10 .39 .14 .06 .50 .21 .12 .18 .18 .03 .06 .55 .08 .30 .40 .66
n(firms) 77; n(observations) 707. All correlations greater than .07are significant at p.05.
Firm current ratio. The availability of slack
resources can increase exploratory search (Singh,
1986) and lead to greater innovative performance
(Nohria & Gulati, 1996). I controlled for the un-
absorbed slack resources of firm iin year tusing
its current ratio (current assets/current liabilities)
(Singh, 1986).
Firm R&D intensity. A firm’s R&D expenditures
are investments in knowledge creation (Griliches,
1990) and contribute to its ability to absorb extra-
mural knowledge (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990). I mea-
sured R&D intensity by dividing firm i’s R&D ex-
penses by its sales in year t.
Firm patent stock. The more patents a firm has,
the more patents and references it can cite; a large
patent stock could thus negatively affect the pri-
mary measure of exploratory innovation here. A
firm’s patent stock also reflects the depth of its
technological resources and absorptive capacity
(Silverman, 1999). I controlled for the number of
firm i’s patents obtained in the four years prior to
the end of year t.
Firm age. As firms age, they tend to exploit their
existing technological competencies rather than ex-
plore new and unfamiliar technologies (Sorensen &
Stuart, 2000). I operationalized firm age as the
number of years from the date of founding of firm i
to year t.
Firm alliance experience. Alliance experience
enhances the collaborative capability of a firm,
which facilitates interfirm knowledge transfer
(Sampson, 2005). I controlled for the number of all
types of alliances formed by firm iin the seven
years before year t, divided by its sales in year t.
Firm technological diversity. Technologically
diverse firms may be more innovative because of
diverse internal knowledge flows (Garcia-Vega,
2006), and they may be more able to absorb external
knowledge (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990). I measured
firm i’s diversity in year tusing a modified Herfin-
dahl index (Hall, 2002):
Technological diversityit
Nit 1,
where N
is the number of patents obtained by firm
iin the past four years. N
is the number of patents
in technology class jin firm i’s four-year patent
stock. This variable could range from 0 to 1 (max-
imum diversity).
Firm acquisitions. Acquisitions can enhance ac-
quirer innovation (Ahuja & Katila, 2001). Telecom
equipment firms often use both acquisitions and
alliances to source knowledge (Amesse et al.,
2004). I controlled for the number of telecom equip-
ment acquisitions (i.e., those in which the target
company’s primary SIC code was 366) made by
firm iduring the four years prior to and including
year t.
U.S.-Canada/Europe/Asia. I used dummies de-
noting the regional origin of a firm to control for
regional effects. “U.S.-Canada” was coded 1 if a
firm was headquartered in the United States or
Canada. “Europe” was coded 1 if the firm was
headquartered in Europe. Asia was the omitted
Model Specification and Estimation
The dependent variable was a proportion and
presented several challenges to linear regression
(Gujarati, 1995). Thus, I used three alternative mod-
eling approaches. First, I estimated the models with
exploratory innovation as the dependent variable
using panel linear regression and robust standard
errors. Following common econometric practice
(Greene, 1997), I also estimated models with a log-
odds transformation of exploratory innovation.
nally, I estimated models using a generalized esti-
mating equation (GEE) approach in which I
specified a probit link function and an exchange-
able correlation matrix and computed robust errors
(Papke & Wooldridge, 2005). As a robustness check,
I compared the results from these alternative spec-
ifications. I included year dummies to control for
period effects, such as differences in macroeco-
nomic conditions or industry technological oppor-
tunity. Either firm-specific fixed or random effects
can be used to control for unobserved firm hetero-
geneity (Greene, 1997), such as differences in mo-
tivations to pursue, and abilities to develop, explor-
atory innovations. Because the use of random
effects relies on an assumption that errors and re-
gressors are uncorrelated, I used a Hausman (1978)
test to choose between fixed and random effects. I
also checked for first-order serial autocorrelation in
the errors. I lagged all independent variables one
year, which reduced concerns of reverse causality
and avoided simultaneity.
The transformed variable is as follows: ln(explor-
atory innovation/1–exploratory innovation). Because
the transformation is undefined when exploratory inno-
vation is equal to 0 or 1, I recoded these values as follows:
00.0001 and 1 0.9999.
2010 903Phelps
Table 2 reports descriptive statistics and correla-
tions. The panel was unbalanced and consisted of
77 firms and 707 firm-year observations. Table 3
presents the results of the panel regression analysis
used to test the hypotheses. I report the results for
untransformed exploratory innovation for ease of
interpretation. The results using a logit transforma-
tion and those from GEE estimation are consistent
with those reported in Table 3. I estimated models
1–7 using firm random effects for three reasons: (1)
significant unobserved heterogeneity was present,
(2) Hausman specification tests were not signifi-
cant, supporting the use of random effects, and (3)
significant serial correlation was not present. Hu-
ber-White (or “sandwich”) robust standard errors
are reported, and all significance levels are for two-
tailed tests. Multicollinearity does not seem to have
unduly influenced the regression results because
the average variance inflation factor (VIF) for each
model and the VIFs for all variables were below the
rule-of-thumb value of ten (Gujarati, 1995).
Hypothesis 1 predicts an inverted U-shaped ef-
fect of network technological diversity on firm ex-
ploratory innovation. Models 2–6 in Table 3 pro-
vide partial support for this hypothesis. In each of
these models, network technological diversity
it 1
exhibited a positive and significant effect on ex-
ploratory innovation. However, the squared term
was not significant in any model in which it was
entered. Thus, although I found evidence of a pos-
itive linear effect of network diversity, I did not
Results of Random-Effects Panel Linear Regression Analysis Predicting Firm Exploratory Innovation
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Constant 0.85** (0.06) 0.89** (0.07) 0.89** (0.07) 0.89** (0.07) 0.86** (0.07) 0.85** (0.07)
Network size
0.03** (0.01) 0.05** (0.01) 0.05** (0.01) 0.04** (0.01) 0.04** (0.01) 0.04** (0.01)
Alliance duration 0.01 (0.01) 0.01 (0.01) 0.01 (0.01) 0.01 (0.01) 0.01 (0.01) 0.01 (0.01)
Repeated ties 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) 0.02 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) 0.02 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02)
Joint venture 0.08 (0.06) 0.08 (0.06) 0.08 (0.06) 0.07 (0.06) 0.05 (0.06) 0.05 (0.06)
International alliance 0.09* (0.04) 0.08* (0.04) 0.08* (0.04) 0.08* (0.04) 0.07* (0.04) 0.08* (0.04)
Partners’ market overlap 0.04 (0.04) 0.03 (0.04) 0.03 (0.04) 0.02 (0.04) 0.02 (0.04) 0.01 (0.04)
Firm sales
0.02* (0.01) 0.03* (0.01) 0.03* (0.01) 0.02* (0.01) 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01)
Firm current ratio 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01)
Firm R&D intensity 0.08 (0.08) 0.08 (0.08) 0.08 (0.08) 0.08 (0.08) 0.07 (0.08) 0.06 (0.08)
Firm patent stock/1,000 0.004** (0.00) 0.002** (0.00) 0.002** (0.00) 0.002** (0.00) 0.003** (0.00) 0.003** (0.00)
Firm age 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00)
Firm alliance
0.01 (0.03) 0.02 (0.03) 0.02 (0.03) 0.02 (0.03) 0.02 (0.03) 0.02 (0.03)
Firm technological
0.05 (0.04) 0.05 (0.04) 0.05 (0.04) 0.05 (0.04) 0.05 (0.04) 0.05 (0.04)
Firm acquisitions 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00)
U.S.-Canada 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02)
Europe 0.01 (0.03) 0.00 (0.03) 0.00 (0.03) 0.00 (0.03) 0.01 (0.03) 0.00 (0.03)
Network technological
0.06* (0.03) 0.06* (0.03) 0.06
(0.03) 0.07* (0.04) 0.08* (0.04)
Network technological
diversity squared
0.00 (0.04) 0.00 (0.04) 0.05 (0.04) 0.06 (0.09)
Network density 0.05* (0.02) 0.10* (0.04) 0.07 (0.05)
Network technological
diversity density
0.46** (0.13) 0.53** (0.14)
Network technological
diversity squared
0.48 (0.36)
Year dummies included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
0.13 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.17 0.18
(df)4.67** (1) 4.66* (2) 6.18* (3) 9.94** (4) 11.71** (5)
n(firms) 77; n(observations) 707. Huber-White robust standard errors are in parentheses.
** p.01
Two-tailed tests.
904 AugustAcademy of Management Journal
find evidence of a curvilinear effect. Hypothesis 2
predicts network density strengthens the effect of
network technological diversity on exploratory in-
novation. Models 5–6 show the interaction had a
significant, positive effect on exploratory innova-
tion, supporting Hypothesis 2. The interaction of
network diversity squared and network density
was not significant (model 6). Although not pre-
dicted, network density had a positive and signifi-
cant effect on exploratory innovation, independent
of diversity (models 4–5). The Wald statistics at the
bottom of Table 3 indicate models 2–6 provide
significant improvement in fit relative to model 1. I
constructed each test for incremental improve-
ment in fit relative to the baseline model, because
making it relative to the previous model would
have provided the same information as the sig-
nificance level of the newly entered variable,
since each explanatory variable was entered
alone (Gujarati, 1995). The Appendix contains an
assessment of the robustness of the results and
alternative explanations.
This study was motivated by important limita-
tions of research on alliance networks and firm
innovation. This literature has largely ignored the
potential influence of network composition, partic-
ularly the technological diversity of a firm’s part-
ners. This research also draws on seemingly incom-
patible theoretical arguments and has produced
conflicting empirical results regarding the influ-
ence of network structure. These conflicts stem
from an assumption that a firm’s access to diverse
information and the innovation benefits of network
closure are mutually exclusive. In part because of
this assumption, potential complementarities be-
tween network structure and composition have
been largely unexamined. Finally, research on alli-
ance networks and firm innovation has focused on
the volume of firm innovation, with little consid-
eration of its exploratory content.
This study addressed these limitations by exam-
ining the influence of the composition and struc-
ture of a firm’s network of horizontal technology
alliances on its degree of exploratory innovation.
The theoretical framework suggested network com-
position and structure play different, yet comple-
mentary, roles in exploratory innovation. Regard-
ing network composition, I drew on research on
recombinatory search to predict that the technolog-
ical diversity in a firm’s alliance network has an
inverted U-shaped relationship with its exploratory
innovation. Although increasing diversity in-
creases the number, variety, and novelty of poten-
tial innovative combinations, excessive diversity
impairs a firm’s ability to recognize and utilize
knowledge components in its network, reducing its
ability to produce exploratory innovations. Regard-
ing network structure, I built on research on inter-
firm networks and interfirm learning and argued
the density of a firm’s horizontal alliance network
increases its ability to access, mobilize, and inte-
grate its partners’ knowledge, thus increasing its
ability to benefit from technologically diverse part-
ners. In so doing, this study moved beyond the
dyadic perspective typically used in interfirm
learning research (cf. Tiwana, 2008).
The results are mostly consistent with the pre-
dictions of the theoretical framework. I predicted a
curvilinear effect of network diversity, yet I found
evidence of a positive linear effect on exploratory
innovation. I speculate on this result below. I also
found the density of a firm’s network of horizontal
technology alliances strengthened the effect of di-
versity. These results do not seem to be biased by
endogeneity and are robust to the use of many firm-
and alliance-level controls, alternative specifica-
tions and estimation routines, firm fixed and ran-
dom effects, and the use of alternative measures.
Although I predicted an inverted U-shaped effect
of network technological diversity, I found a posi-
tive, linear effect. There are at least three possible
explanations for this result. First, sample firms may
have avoided alliances with excessively diverse
partners. Indeed, Mowery et al. (1998) found that
firms typically avoid forming alliances with highly
dissimilar partners. Without a sufficient number of
excessively diverse networks, only a linear rela-
tionship can be observed. Although this argument
suggests the parameter estimates for network diver-
sity and its square might be biased by sample self-
selection, I tested for such endogeneity and found
none (see the Appendix). Second, Rosenkopf and
Almeida (2003) found that once a firm had formed
an alliance, it was just as likely to learn from tech-
nologically dissimilar firms as from similar firms.
They theorized firms typically make the necessary
investments in interfirm learning mechanisms to
learn effectively from highly diverse partners. If
sample firms typically made such investments,
then they would have been able to mitigate, to some
extent, the absorptive capacity problems associated
with increasingly diverse partners. Finally, increas-
ing technological distance among a firm’s partners
may have increased their willingness to share
knowledge with the focal firm because they were
less concerned their knowledge would leak to ri-
vals via a common partner. When a firm’s network
consists of partners with similar and thus substi-
tutable knowledge stocks, competitive concerns
2010 905Phelps
can lead them to withhold information and knowl-
edge from a common partner to prevent its leakage
to rivals via this common intermediary (Khanna,
Gulati, & Nohria, 1998).
This study has important implications for re-
search and practice. First, this study contributes to
a debate in the literature concerning the network
structure of social capital by suggesting that re-
search has overemphasized the informational ben-
efits of structural holes for firm innovation. The
prior research assumption has been that structural
holes increase an actor’s timely access to diverse
information. Because structural holes and network
closure are inversely related, this argument implies
the informational benefits of structural holes must
come at the expense of the benefits of network
closure, and vice versa. Prior conflicting findings
about the effect of structural holes on firm innova-
tion may be influenced by a confounding of the
structural holes effect with an unobserved compo-
sitional effect of partner knowledge diversity. This
study suggests the extent to which an actor’s net-
work is composed of alters with diverse knowledge
bases will provide it access to informational diver-
sity, independent of network structure. The bene-
fits of network closure and access to diverse infor-
mation and know-how can coexist in a firm’s
alliance network, and the combination of the two
enhances its exploratory innovation. This finding
coincides with the results of a recent longitudinal
qualitative study of interfirm networks. In their
examination of six biotechnology firms, Maurer
and Ebers (2006) found firms with dense networks
of partners with diverse resources experienced
greater growth and development.
Second, this study contributes to the innovation
search literature. Much of this literature stresses
the proclivity of firms to practice local search. Lit-
tle research explores how firms are able to over-
come the inertial tendencies of local search. The re-
sults of this study suggest having access to diverse
knowledge is important. This finding reinforces and
complements the results of recent alliance-level re-
search, which shows partner technological diversity
affects the rate of firm innovation (Sampson, 2007).
While Sampson (2007) also found that the use of
equity joint venture, a formal alliance governance
mechanism, positively moderated the influence of
partner dissimilarity on firm innovation, my results
suggest informal governance provided by network
closure positively moderated the influence of net-
work-level diversity on firm exploratory innova-
tion performance. Research has shown alliances
enhance firm innovation performance, but it is dif-
ficult to establish from these past studies whether
firms expanded their technical competencies in the
process. The findings of this study suggest alliances
can spur exploratory innovation when they provide
access to technologically diverse partners that are
densely connected to one another.
Finally, the results of this study have managerial
implications. The findings confirm alliances can
improve a firm’s development of exploratory inno-
vations. The theory and results point to the benefits
of forming alliances with technologically diverse
partners in densely connected networks. Thus,
managers should attend to the structure of the alli-
ance networks in which their firms are embedded,
because these structures have implications for firm
performance. Although technology alliance part-
ners are often selected based on their technological
capabilities (Stuart, 1998), the results of this study
suggest a firm’s ability to learn from technologi-
cally diverse partners depends on the degree of
network closure around these relationships. Man-
agers should evaluate how their choices about
forming new alliances and ending existing relation-
ships will affect the structure of their networks.
Moving from the dyad level of analysis to the net-
work level can sensitize managers to the impor-
tance of understanding how social structure influ-
ences firm performance (Gulati, 1998).
The results and contributions of this study
should be considered in light of its limitations.
First, although I emphasized the benefits of dense
and diverse alliance networks for firm innovation, I
did not consider their long-term costs. Research
suggests network density reduces the diversity of
information available in a network over time (Lazer
& Friedman, 2007). Dense links provide redundant
paths to the same information sources. Soon every-
one in the network comes to have the same infor-
mation (Burt, 1992). Over time, this homogeneity
would harm innovation. This argument implies
that the diversity of information in a network is
fixed and results from the diversity of information
possessed by actors when the network was formed.
Thus, the only way to inject novel information into
a network is to add connections to new actors who,
as a function of their ties to others outside the focal
network, can provide such novelty (Burt, 1992;
Granovetter, 1973). Access to diverse information
is determined solely by the connective structure of
ties among actors (Obstfeld, 2005).
These are unrealistic assumptions. Not only does
this argument assume actors are equally and easily
able to absorb or imitate the information they do
not initially possess, it also rules out the possibility
of recombinant innovation. Given some degree of
heterogeneity among actors in the information and
knowledge they possess, the sharing and diffusion
of these resources provides the potential for their
906 AugustAcademy of Management Journal
novel recombination into new knowledge that did
not previously exist (Fleming, 2001). If innovation
is a process of the recombination of existing knowl-
edge, then innovations actually increase the poten-
tial for subsequent innovations. In short, recombi-
nations beget more recombinations (Fleming,
2001). From this perspective, a network established
with some degree of diversity in the information
and knowledge actors possess will facilitate the
development of even more diverse information and
knowledge. Thus, diversity begets diversity (Kauff-
man, 1995: 291). Moreover, as the results of this
study suggest, network density can facilitate this
process. Rather than driving out diversity, dense
networks that begin with specialized and therefore
diverse actors may generate more, rather than less,
diversity. Although a detailed investigation of this
issue was beyond the scope of this study, it repre-
sents an important topic for future research.
Next, because I used patents to assess exploratory
innovation, the measure may not capture all of a
firm’s exploratory innovations. If firms systemati-
cally patent explorative knowledge for unobserved
reasons, parameter estimates may be biased. I at-
tempted to control for this potential source of bias
using control variables and firm effects. Addition-
ally, firms may patent knowledge in anticipation of
entering alliances because of concerns about future
leakage of this knowledge to partners (Brouwer &
Kleinknecht, 1999). Exploratory inventions tend to
have a greater impact on subsequent technological
development (Rosenkopf & Nerkar, 2001) and may
therefore be of greater economic value (Narin,
Noma, & Perry, 1987). Thus, firms may patent ex-
ploratory inventions before entering alliances to
appropriate their greater economic value. The use
of a one-year lag between collaboration and patent-
ing and the use of firm effects reduces the likeli-
hood of such a bias.
Another possible limitation is that an alliance
survivor bias may have influenced the results. If
sample firms formed alliances with the intent of
exploratory learning and if successful alliances sur-
vived, then observed alliances will be those that
yielded the greatest exploratory benefit. Such a
self-selection bias is unlikely in this study. First,
because I have time-varying data on alliances and I
observe alliance formation and dissolution, my
data include both successful and unsuccessful alli-
ances. Second, research shows firms often exit al-
liances before they yield knowledge transfer bene-
fits (Deeds & Rothaermel, 2003) and often maintain
alliances that negatively affect interfirm knowl-
edge transfer (Gomes-Casseres, Hagedoorn, &
Jaffe, 2006). Third, firms enter technology alli-
ances for reasons other than technological explora-
tion (Hagedoorn, 1993). Finally, if alliances that are
beneficial for exploration tend to survive, I would
expect a positive effect of the number of alliances
maintained by a firm on its exploratory innovation.
I do not observe such an effect.
Finally, the archival data used in this study can-
not provide direct evidence of the causal processes
and mechanisms that I hypothesized. Although my
hypothesis concerning network density relied on
an established and empirically validated argument
that density promotes trust and reciprocity, my
data did not allow me to observe trust and reciproc-
ity among personnel involved in the sample alli-
ances. The results are consistent with theoretical
expectations, yet a better understanding of the mi-
crosociological foundations that underlie the ob-
served effects of alliance network structure and
composition is needed to validate the causal infer-
ences of this study. In particular, longitudinal quali-
tative research should explore how interorganization-
al and interpersonal networks interact to produce
social capital and how this social capital influences
knowledge transfer and innovation.
Because firms have strong incentives to pursue
exploitation at the expense of exploration, the
question of how and when firms are able to explore
effectively is fundamental to understanding how
organizations adapt, thrive, and survive. As Moran
and Ghoshal concluded, “An organization that is
not adequately enabling and motivating new possi-
bilities is more likely to witness its own decline”
(1999: 410). The results of this study reinforce the
“relational view” of firm resource creation and ad-
vantage (Dyer & Singh, 1998) by helping to identify
the conditions under which alliances enable a firm
to create exploratory technological innovations that
can provide it with the technological foundations
for new commercial possibilities. The results sug-
gest the benefits of network closure and access to
diverse information can coexist in a firm’s alliance
network and the combination of the two increases
exploratory innovation.
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Alternative Explanations and Robustness Checks
I considered several alternative explanations and as-
sessed the robustness of the results. First, I removed the
time-invariant variables and used firm fixed-effects. The
results were similar to those obtained using random ef-
fects, which is consistent with the insignificant Hausman
tests (1978) mentioned in the main text. Next, I consid-
ered the potential endogeneity of network structure and
network diversity. The formation and dissolution of alli-
ances reflect choices made by firms. These choices may
be based on expectations of the exploration-enhancing
benefits of alliances. This introduces the possibility of an
unobserved sample self-selection process causing an en-
dogeneity bias. Network structure may, however, be ex-
ogenous for a few reasons. Firms form technology alli-
ances for reasons other than exploratory innovation
(Hagedoorn, 1993) and do not easily or quickly alter their
alliances to optimize their networks for particular objec-
tives (Maurer & Ebers, 2006). Thus, at any point in time,
alliance networks are not necessarily structured to max-
imize exploratory innovation and are, at least weakly,
exogenous. Last, the structure of a firm’s alliance net-
work is beyond the sole control and influence of any one
firm in the network and is therefore not a firm choice
variable. Although network diversity may change slowly
because of inertia in a firm’s alliance relationships and
thus may not be optimized for exploratory innovation at
a given point in time, the level of diversity in a firm’s ego
network is largely under its control.
Because endogeneity is an empirical question, I tested
for the presence of deleterious endogeneity related to
both network density and network diversity. I used Da-
vidson and MacKinnon’s test (1993), as implemented by
the “dmexogxt” procedure in Stata 10. This test com-
pares the estimated coefficient for the assumed endoge-
nous regressor (e.g., density or network diversity) ob-
tained from ordinary least square (OLS) fixed-effects
regression with the estimate obtained from a two-stage
instrumental variables fixed-effects regression. The null
hypothesis is that OLS fixed effects yields a consistent
parameter estimate. This procedure requires a valid in-
strumental variable for the two-stage estimator so that the
second-stage estimates can be identified. I used firm
technological diversity to instrument for network density
and network diversity in separate regressions because it
was not significantly correlated with exploratory innova-
912 AugustAcademy of Management Journal
tion but was correlated with density and network diver-
sity. Neither the endogeneity test associated with net-
work density nor that associated with network diversity
was significant. Thus, the parameter estimates for these
variables in Table 3 do not appear to be unduly influ-
enced by endogeneity.
I performed additional unreported analyses to assess
the robustness of my findings. First, I experimented with
alternative specifications by removing insignificant vari-
ables and then removing all control variables. The results
related to the three explanatory variables were robust to
these alternative specifications. Second, I estimated the
full model using a GEE approach in which I specified a
probit link function and an exchangeable working corre-
lation matrix and computed robust standard errors
(Papke & Wooldridge, 2005). Results from this analysis
for the three explanatory variables were consistent with
those reported in Table 3. Third, I substituted Burt’s
(1992) measures of network efficiency and constraint for
the density measure discussed above. The results ob-
tained using these alternative measures of ego network
closure were statistically stronger but otherwise consis-
tent with those reported in Table 3. Finally, I used the
alternative measure of exploratory innovation discussed
in the main text. Because this variable was a count and
took on only nonnegative integer values, I estimated the
full model with negative binomial panel regression, us-
ing year dummies and firm random effects (Greene,
1997). The results were consistent with those reported in
Table 3. Overall, the results of the various robustness
analyses converged and provided added support for both
Corey Phelps ( is an associate professor of
strategy and business policy at HEC Paris. He completed
his Ph.D. in strategic management at the Stern School of
Business, New York University. Dr. Phelps’s current re-
search is focused on understanding how companies learn
from extramural sources of knowledge.
2010 913Phelps
... We chose to use data on only U.S. firms because the SDC data on alliances is much more complete for U.S. firms than for non-U.S. firms (Phelps 2003). Furthermore, to avoid overlooking alliances formed by subsidiaries, all alliances were aggregated to the parent corporation. ...
... This required us to make an assumption about alliance duration. We took a conservative approach and assumed that alliance relationships last for three years, consistent with recent empirical work on the average duration of alliances (Phelps 2003). Other research has taken a similar approach, using windows ranging from one to five years (e.g., Gulati & Gargiulo 1999;Stuart 2000). ...
... Furthermore, while stocks and flows of R&D have been used to proxy for a firm's emphasis on innovation, research capability, and absorptive capacity (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990;Helfat, 1997), a firm's patent stocks (which we control for) also provide a measure of these attributes (Henderson & Cockburn, 1994;Patel & Pavitt, 1997;Penner-Hahn & Shaver, 2005). Consistent with this, prior research has found that patent stock measures and annual R&D expenditures are highly correlated (Penner-Hahn & Shaver, 2005;Phelps, 2003;Trajtenberg, 1990). ...
... Hypotheses involved creating a rolling alliance portfolio window. Consistent with others (Phelps, 2003;Schilling and Phelps, 2007), we operationalized each firm's alliance portfolio using a three-year rolling window of alliance announcements because the: n SDC database seldom reports termination data; and n average alliance duration is three years (Phelps, 2003). ...
... Hypotheses involved creating a rolling alliance portfolio window. Consistent with others (Phelps, 2003;Schilling and Phelps, 2007), we operationalized each firm's alliance portfolio using a three-year rolling window of alliance announcements because the: n SDC database seldom reports termination data; and n average alliance duration is three years (Phelps, 2003). ...
Purpose Theory predicts that balancing exploratory and exploitative learning (i.e., ambidexterity) across alliance portfolio domains (e.g. value chain function, governance modes) increases firm performance, whereas balance within domains decreases performance. Prior empirical work, however, only assessed balance/imbalance within and across two domains. The purpose of this study is to determine if theory generalizes beyond specific domain combinations. The authors investigated across multiple domains to determine whether alliance portfolios should be imbalanced toward exploration or exploitation within domains or balanced across domains. The authors also extended prior research by exploring whether the direction of imbalance matters. Current theory only advises managers to accept imbalance without helping with the choice between exploration and exploitation. Design/methodology/approach Hypotheses are tested using fixed-effects generalized least squares (GLS) regression analysis of a large 13-year panel sample of Fortune 500 firms from 1996 to 2008. Findings With respect to the balance between exploration and exploitation within each of the five domains investigated, imbalanced alliance portfolios had higher firm performance. No evidence was found that balance across domains relates to performance. Instead, for four of the five domains, imbalance toward exploration related positively to firm performance. Originality/value An alliance portfolio that allows for exploration in some domains and exploitation in other domains appears more difficult to implement than prior theory suggests. Firms benefit mostly from using the alliance portfolio for exploratory learning.
This paper investigates the impact of strategic technological alliances and environmental regulation, and their interaction, on the generation of green technologies. The empirical analysis is carried out on a newly constructed dataset of European firms over the period 2005–2011 and it is articulated in two steps. Firstly, we test the existence of a relationship between the environmental regulation, as measured by the OECD Environmental Policy Stringency index, and GTs, proxied by patent applications. We then employ a dynamic network analysis model to explore the dual role of GTs both as the determinant of the collaboration network and as the outcome of firms' collaboration strategies. We find that, even though there exists a strong and positive relationship, the regulatory framework has not a direct effect on GTs but rather it stimulates firms to search for new and qualified collaborations. Then, it is the nature and the structure of these collaborations that encourages firms to generate new green technological knowledge.
Alliance portfolio diversity (APD) helps firms access diverse capabilities and knowledge. APD can also increase transaction costs, but it is unknown whether and how transaction cost theory's (TCT's) insights about hierarchical integration operate at the portfolio level. We adapt TCT to the portfolio level to suggest that the transaction costs from APD encourage integration into alliance partners' industries, and we introduce the concept of shared‐specific investments to pinpoint one source of transaction costs within portfolios and predict which industries will be integrated. Using data from 1996‐2013 on S&P 500 firms, we find evidence in support of our theorising. Juxtaposing results with other theoretical perspectives suggests that TCT offers complementary insights about which activities to perform in the firm versus the alliance portfolio. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Cambridge Core - Strategic Management - Frontiers of Strategic Alliance Research - edited by Farok J. Contractor
Drawing on a large database of publicly announced R &D alliances, we empirically investigate the evolution of R & D networks and the process of alliance formation in several manufacturing sectors over a 24-year period (1986-2009). Our goal is to empirically evaluate the temporal and sectoral robustness of a large set of network indicators, thus providing a more complete description of R &D networks with respect to the existing literature. We find that most network properties are not only invariant across sectors, but also independent of the scale of aggregation at which they are observed, and we highlight the presence of core-periphery architectures in explaining some properties emphasized in previous empirical studies (e.g. asymmetric degree distributions and small worlds). In addition, we show that many properties of R & D networks are characterized by a rise-and-fall dynamics with a peak in the mid-nineties. We find that such dynamics is driven by mechanisms of accumulative advantage, structural homophily, and multiconnectivity. In particular, the change from the "rise" to the "fall" phase is associated to a structural break in the importance of multiconnectivity.
Conference Paper
Overflow and diffusion of regional generic culture can produce great value in SEM(small and medium enterprise) innovation network. The spread of this culture affect the action value of the enterprise and the product" value of their own in addition to affect the person's psychology to create value. Based on the mechanism of each type of value creation, we explore the value creation channel of the regional generic cultural diffusion in theoretical level whether it has the reality guiding sense, and use confirmatory factor analysis tested the hypothesis. Verification results show that the CFA measurement model has good distinction validity. Using this model, we analysis the efficiency of node enterprise in SEM innovation network node. Study found that psychological value, action value and “products” value can effectively distinguish the efficiency type and have high percentage. This research is an important measure innovation method about cultural value-creation efficiency, and has become an important standard of dividing clusters in regional network, which has tremendous implications for the development of regional economy.
I find that a firm's innovation output increases with the number of collaborative linkages maintained by it, the number of structural holes it spans, and the number of partners of its partners. However, innovation is negatively related to the interaction between spanning many structural holes and having partners with many partners.
This paper examines the association between interfirm cooperation and the innovation output of startup firms in the biotechnology industry. A reciprocal association is hypothesized. The results, however, show only that cooperation affects innovation, not the reverse. Several control variables are related to cooperation and innovation, especially startup size and the startup's position in the cooperative network.
This paper introduces a social network perspective to the study of strategic alliances. It extends prior research, which has primarily considered alliances as dyadic exchanges and paid less attention to the fact that key precursors, processes, and outcomes associated with alliances can be defined and shaped in important ways by the social networks within which most firms are embedded. It identifies five key issues for the study of alliances: (1) the formation of alliances, (2) the choice of governance structure, (3) the dynamic evolution of alliances, (4) the performance of alliances, and (5) the performance consequences for firms entering alliances. For each of these issues, this paper outlines some of the current research and debates at the firm and dyad level and then discusses some of the new and important insights that result from introducing a network perspective. It highlights current network research on alliances and suggests an agenda for future research.© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.