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Separating Narcissism From Self-Esteem



Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by a sense of superiority and a desire for respect and admiration from others. A common belief, both in psychology and in popular culture, is that narcissism represents a form of excessive self-esteem. Psychologists, including ourselves, have labeled narcissism as “an exaggerated form of high self-esteem,” “inflated self-esteem,” and “defensive high self-esteem.” We review research that challenges this belief by showing that narcissism differs markedly from self-esteem in its phenotype, its consequences, its development, and its origins. Drawing on emerging developmental-psychological evidence, we propose a distinction between narcissism and self-esteem that is based on the divergent socialization experiences that give rise to them. This proposal clarifies previous findings, stimulates theory development, and creates opportunities for intervention to concurrently raise self-esteem and curtail narcissism from an early age.
Current Directions in Psychological
2016, Vol. 25(1) 8 –13
© The Author(s) 2015
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0963721415619737
The mythological figure Narcissus was a handsome, self-
aggrandizing, and vain young man who fell in love with
his own reflection in a body of water. He was unable to
take his eyes off of himself and slowly pined away at the
waterside. Psychologists have come to know personali-
ties like his as narcissistic. A common belief, both in
psychology and in popular culture, is that narcissism rep-
resents a form of excessive self-esteem. Psychologists,
including ourselves, have labeled narcissism as “an exag-
gerated form of high self-esteem,” “inflated self-esteem,
and “defensive high self-esteem.” The media have por-
trayed narcissists as individuals whose self-esteem is “too
high” or “on steroids. This belief presumably arose from
early psychoanalytic work, which used the terms narcis-
sism and high self-esteem interchangeably (Pulver,
In this article, we challenge the belief that narcissism
represents a form of excessive self-esteem. We review
accumulating evidence showing that narcissism differs
markedly from self-esteem in its phenotype, its conse-
quences, its development, and its origins. What draws the
line between narcissism and self-esteem, we argue, is the
socialization experiences that give rise to them: Narcissism
and self-esteem may be rooted in seemingly similar yet
actually distinct perceptions of regard from others. This
proposal clarifies previous findings, stimulates theory
development, and creates opportunities for intervention to
concurrently raise self-esteem and curtail narcissism from
an early age.
Narcissism Versus Self-Esteem
Although well publicized for its extreme form as Narcis-
sistic Personality Disorder, narcissism is a subclinical per-
sonality trait on which individuals from the general
population vary from one another. Narcissists (i.e., those
scoring high on narcissism scales) feel superior to others,
believe they are entitled to privileges, and crave respect
and admiration from others. They are certain that the
world would be a much better place if they ruled it. We
focus on prototypical narcissists: the grandiose types
619737CDPXXX10.1177/0963721415619737Brummelman et al.Narcissism and Self-Esteem
Corresponding Author:
Eddie Brummelman, Research Institute of Child Development and
Education, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 15780, 1001 NG
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Separating Narcissism From Self-Esteem
Eddie Brummelman1, Sander Thomaes2,3, and
Constantine Sedikides2
1Research Institute of Child Development and Education, University of Amsterdam;
2Center for Research on Self and Identity, School of Psychology, University of
Southampton; and 3Department of Psychology, Utrecht University
Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by a sense of superiority and a desire for respect and admiration from
others. A common belief, both in psychology and in popular culture, is that narcissism represents a form of excessive
self-esteem. Psychologists, including ourselves, have labeled narcissism as “an exaggerated form of high self-esteem,”
“inflated self-esteem,” and “defensive high self-esteem.” We review research that challenges this belief by showing
that narcissism differs markedly from self-esteem in its phenotype, its consequences, its development, and its origins.
Drawing on emerging developmental-psychological evidence, we propose a distinction between narcissism and self-
esteem that is based on the divergent socialization experiences that give rise to them. This proposal clarifies previous
findings, stimulates theory development, and creates opportunities for intervention to concurrently raise self-esteem
and curtail narcissism from an early age.
narcissism, self-esteem, development, socialization, intervention
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Narcissism and Self-Esteem 9
who feel superior to others on agentic traits (e.g., compe-
tence, intelligence, uniqueness) rather than on commu-
nal traits (e.g., kindness, helpfulness, warmth; Campbell,
Rudich, & Sedikides, 2002; for research on less prototypi-
cal, vulnerable narcissists, see Cain, Pincus, & Ansell,
2008). By contrast, high self-esteemers (i.e., those scoring
high on self-esteem scales) feel satisfied with themselves
as a person but do not necessarily feel superior to others.
As Rosenberg (1965) noted, “When we deal with self-
esteem, we are asking whether the individual considers
himself adequate—a person of worth—not whether he
considers himself superior to others” (p. 62).
Thus, narcissism and self-esteem both entail positive
views of the self, but these views are qualitatively differ-
ent. Consistent with their distinct phenotypes, narcissism
and self-esteem are only weakly to moderately correlated
(Campbell et al., 2002; Thomaes & Brummelman, 2016).
Indeed, many narcissists do not have high self-esteem.
They see themselves as decidedly better than their fellow
humans, but they are not happy with themselves.1 Con-
versely, many high self-esteemers are not narcissistic.
They value themselves, but they shy away from seeing
themselves as better than others.
Disparities between narcissism and self-esteem often
emerge in the social realm. Narcissists do not have a
burning desire to establish deep, intimate bonds with
others; rather, they strive to surpass others, to dominate
others, and to use others to attain social status (Campbell
et al., 2002). They aspire to get ahead rather than to get
along. When they receive the respect and admiration
they crave, narcissists feel on top of the world, but when
they don’t, they feel like sinking into the ground (Tracy,
Cheng, Robins, & Trzesniewski, 2009). Narcissists often
externalize these feelings of shame by lashing out
aggressively (Bushman & Baumeister, 1998; Thomaes,
Bushman, Stegge, & Olthof, 2008). The so-called narcis-
sistic rage turns the feeling “I am bad” into “You are bad.
Narcissists also commit more delinquent acts than their
non-narcissistic counterparts (Barry, Grafeman, Adler, &
Pickard, 2007). In sharp contrast, high self-esteemers do
not wish to surpass others, to dominate others, or to use
others for their own good; rather, they desire to establish
deep, intimate bonds with others (Campbell et al., 2002).
They aspire to get along rather than to get ahead. They
also do not typically explode in aggressive outbursts and
are unlikely to commit delinquent acts (Donnellan,
Trzesniewski, Robins, Moffitt, & Caspi, 2005).
Wouldn’t it at least feel good to be a narcissist?
Perhaps it would. Narcissism is associated with subjec-
tive well-being, such as happiness and low levels of
depression, anxiety, and loneliness. However, these
associations are fully accounted for by self-esteem (Orth,
Robins, Meier, & Conger, 2015; Sedikides, Rudich, Gregg,
Kumashiro, & Rusbult, 2004). Thus, narcissism benefits
subjective well-being only insofar as it is associated with
high self-esteem.
Narcissism and self-esteem first emerge in late childhood,
from about age 7 (Thomaes, Stegge, Bushman, Olthof, &
Denissen, 2008). At that age, children have fully acquired
the cognitive capacities to form global self-evaluations
(Harter, 2012), which underlie narcissism and self-esteem.
Also, children this age readily use social comparisons to
evaluate themselves (Harter, 2012), enabling narcissistic
self-views such as “I am special” (“—and more special
than everyone else!”). Although narcissism and self-
esteem manifest at the same age, they diverge in their
normative developmental trajectories. Narcissism peaks
in adolescence and then gradually decreases throughout
adulthood (Foster, Campbell, & Twenge, 2003). By con-
trast, self-esteem reaches its lowest point in adolescence
and then gradually increases throughout adulthood
(Robins, Trzesniewski, Tracy, Gosling, & Potter, 2002).
Thus, over the life course, narcissism rises when self-
esteem falls, and vice versa.
Narcissism and self-esteem are moderately heritable
(Neiss, Sedikides, & Stevenson, 2002; Vernon, Villani,
Vickers, & Harris, 2008). Yet they are shaped by markedly
distinct socialization experiences. Although several stud-
ies have addressed this topic, most of them were cross-
sectional and relied on adults’ recollections of their
childhood socialization experiences (for overviews, see
Horton, 2011; Thomaes & Brummelman, 2016). People
often misremember their experiences, especially child-
hood experiences. Overcoming these limitations, a recent
study followed 565 children and their parents prospec-
tively over four measurement waves (Brummelman,
Thomaes, Nelemans, Orobio de Castro, Overbeek, &
Bushman, 2015a). Narcissism was nurtured by parental
overvaluation—how much parents saw their child as a
special individual entitled to privileges. Overvaluing par-
ents overclaim their child’s knowledge, overestimate their
child’s IQ, and overpraise their child’s performances,
while directing their child to stand out from others by giv-
ing him or her an uncommon first name (Brummelman,
Thomaes, Nelemans, Orobio de Castro, & Bushman,
2015). Over time, this socialization practice may lead chil-
dren to internalize the view of themselves as superior
individuals, which is at the core of narcissism. By contrast,
self-esteem was nurtured by parental warmth—how
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10 Brummelman et al.
much parents treated their child with affection and appre-
ciation. Warm parents express fondness for their child,
share positive affect with their child, and foster in their
child the feeling that he or she matters. Over time, this
socialization practice may lead children to internalize the
view of themselves as worthy individuals, which is at the
core of self-esteem.
What Underlies Narcissism and
Knowledge of the origins of narcissism and self-esteem
provides insight into their similarities and differences.
Symbolic interactionism holds that children come to see
themselves as they believe they are seen by significant
others (Harter, 2012). Consistent with this view, narcis-
sism and self-esteem are similar in that they arise, in part,
from the internalization of regard from significant others.
They are different, however, in that they arise from dis-
tinct forms of regard—parental overvaluation versus
parental warmth. Experiences of overvaluation may lead
to the core belief underlying narcissism: “I am superior to
others.” Experiences of warmth may lead to the core
belief underlying self-esteem: “I am worthy.
Thus, narcissism and self-esteem may represent dis-
tinct perceptions of regard from others. Unlike previous
theorizing, this view is based on empirical knowledge of
the origins of narcissism and self-esteem. Some theorists
have proposed that “self-esteem rests on qualities which
a person actually possesses, while [narcissism] implies
presenting to the self and to others qualities or achieve-
ments for which there is no adequate foundation”
(Horney, 1939, p. 99). We argue that individuals largely
derive narcissism and self-esteem not from their qualities,
but rather from their perceptions of others’ regard for
them. Other theorists have proposed that high self-esteem
means thinking well of oneself, whereas narcissism
means passionately wanting to think well of oneself
(Bushman & Baumeister, 1998). We propose, instead, that
narcissists and high self-esteemers both think well of
themselves. But they do so in drastically different ways:
Narcissists think of themselves as superior to others
(reflecting a vertical, hierarchical view of themselves in
relation to others), whereas high self-esteemers think of
themselves as worthy (reflecting a horizontal, nonhierar-
chical view of themselves in relation to others).
Questions arise. Narcissists crave respect and admira-
tion. If narcissists truly feel superior, why would they so
desperately want others to validate their superiority? One
popular view is that narcissists crave such validation
because, deep down inside, they dislike themselves. How-
ever, there is no consistent evidence that narcissists harbor
such implicit self-loathing (Bosson et al., 2008; Gregg &
Sedikides, 2010). We suggest, instead, that narcissists crave
validation because their sense of superiority is precari-
ous—much more precarious than high self-esteemers’
sense of worth. Although everyone can be worthy, not
everyone can be superior. Indeed, the quest for superiority
is a zero-sum game: For every winner there is a loser, and
for every loser there is a winner (Back et al., 2013; Crocker
& Canevello, 2008). Thus, narcissists may need continuous
validation from others to believe that they are still the win-
ner and not yet the loser.
Do narcissists succeed in attaining external validation?
Because they are charming at first sight, they receive vali-
dation at the early stages of acquaintance. Yet unlike high
self-esteemers, narcissists have an antagonistic orienta-
tion toward others: They are disagreeable, arrogant, and
manipulative, and they also look down on others (Miller,
Price, Gentile, Lynam, & Campbell, 2012; O’Boyle,
Forsyth, Banks, Story, & White, 2014). As relationships
grow closer, these traits come to the surface, and narcis-
sists gradually lose the very validation they crave (Leck-
elt, Küfner, Nestler, & Back, 2015). This loss, in turn, may
fuel narcissists’ initial craving for external validation, thus
creating a self-sustaining spiral of validation seeking.
Over the past few decades, several scholarly debates
have focused on the promises and perils of self-love, with
narcissism and self-esteem often being conflated (Swann,
Chang-Schneider, & McClarty, 2007). Thus, from a basic-
research standpoint, we encourage researchers to demar-
cate clearly narcissism from self-esteem and to investigate
their shared and unique phenotypes, consequences,
development, and origins. We specifically encourage
researchers to deepen their involvement in the origins of
narcissism and self-esteem, as this topic can further clar-
ify the fundamental differences between the two con-
structs. From an applied-research standpoint, we
encourage psychologists to rethink their intervention
efforts. Psychologists have feared that widespread efforts
intended to raise self-esteem might inadvertently create a
generation of narcissists (Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger,
& Vohs, 2003; Twenge & Campbell, 2009). However, a
precise understanding of the distinct roots of narcissism
and self-esteem might enable interventions to raise self-
esteem while simultaneously curtailing narcissism.
Implications for Intervention
Since the early ’70s, Western society has become increas-
ingly concerned about children’s self-esteem. In their
well-intended efforts to boost self-esteem, parents, educa-
tors, and interventionists have heavily relied on praising
children for being special and extraordinary. Rather than
raising self-esteem, such “overvaluing” practices may
breed narcissism (Brummelman, Thomaes, Nelemans,
Orobio de Castro, Overbeek, & Bushman, 2015a). Thus,
what seems like common sense may have led people
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Narcissism and Self-Esteem 11
astray. Over the past few years, several proof-effective
self-esteem interventions have been initiated (O’Mara,
Marsh, Craven, & Debus, 2006), but their impact on nar-
cissism remains unknown.
A priority for research is to develop interventions that
concurrently raise self-esteem and curb narcissism by
precisely targeting their roots. One promising approach
is to address the socialization practices that give rise to
narcissism and self-esteem (Brummelman, Thomaes,
Nelemans, Orobio de Castro, Overbeek, & Bushman,
2015b). Interventions can teach parents and educators to
express affection and appreciation to children without
proclaiming them to be superior to others. By doing so,
parents and educators may help children feel happy with
themselves without seeing themselves as better than oth-
ers. Such an approach would require existing parent-
training and educational interventions to be refined,
because many of them focus on providing children with
regard (e.g., praise, encouragement) without carefully
distinguishing between different types of regard.
Another promising approach is to address directly the
core beliefs underlying narcissism and self-esteem: the
belief that one is superior to others versus the belief that
one is worthy. Psychologically precise interventions can
effectively change individuals’ core beliefs, which may
feed into changes in more stable traits (Dweck, 2008).
Experimental work has begun to explore this approach.
For example, nudging individuals away from their supe-
riority beliefs (e.g., by having them think about what
makes them similar to others) reduces narcissism levels
(Giacomin & Jordan, 2014). Helping people internalize
others’ appreciation (e.g., by having them describe the
meaning and significance of others’ kind words) raises
self-esteem levels, especially among those who need it
the most: low self-esteemers (Marigold, Holmes, & Ross,
These approaches may be most effective when timed
in late childhood. At that age, children readily evalu-
ate themselves from others’ perspective (Harter, 2012),
thus creating leverage for intervention. Also, their self-
views are relatively unstable (Trzesniewski, Donnellan, &
Robins, 2003), rendering them more susceptible to
change. Indeed, from adolescence onward, children’s
self-views may be more resistant to socialization influ-
ences (Harris et al., 2015).
Ever since Narcissus wandered into the psychological lit-
erature, scholars have attempted to uncover his true per-
sonality. One of the most common beliefs—that narcissism
is an extreme manifestation of high self-esteem—is as
intuitive as it is incorrect. By demarcating narcissism from
self-esteem, and by identifying their distinct roots, we
hope to provide researchers and practitioners with a
framework to guide their further inquiries into the mys-
teries of self-love.
Recommended Reading
Brummelman, E., Thomaes, S., Nelemans, S. A., Orobio de
Castro, B., Overbeek, G., & Bushman, B. J. (2015a). (See
References). The first longitudinal study to disentangle the
origins of narcissism and self-esteem.
Campbell, W. K., & Miller, J. D. (Eds.). (2011). The handbook of
narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder: Theoretical
approaches, empirical findings, and treatments. New York,
NY: Wiley. A handbook that covers recent advances in
research on narcissism, including grandiose versus vulner-
able narcissism.
Morf, C. C., & Rhodewalt, F. (2001). Unraveling the paradoxes
of narcissism: A dynamic self-regulatory processing model.
Psychological Inquiry, 12, 177–196. An influential model
that casts narcissism as a self-regulatory process that strives
toward the overarching goal of creating and maintaining a
grandiose self.
Orth, U., & Robins, R. W. (2014). The development of self-esteem.
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23, 381–387.
An accessible overview of research on the development and
consequences of self-esteem across the life span.
Thomaes, S., & Brummelman, E. (2016). (See References). A
comprehensive review of theory and research on youth
narcissism, including early research on the link between
socialization experiences and narcissism.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
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... It parallels the differentiation between personal self-esteem and individual narcissism as separate aspects of positive self-evaluation as well as the literature differentiating separate, qualitatively different, adaptive, and maladaptive forms of self-esteem. The first body of literature points to personal self-esteem and individual narcissism having distinct nomological networks (separate correlates among psychological variables, Hyatt et al., 2018), distinct phenotypes, consequences, developmental trajectories, and origins (Brummelman et al., 2016). Personal self-esteem is a belief that one is of a high value and the pride one takes in their own strengths (Brummelman et al., 2016;Kernis, 2003), while individual narcissism is an inflated view of oneself that requires continual external validation (Emmons, 1987;Morf & Rhodewalt, 2001cf Sedikides, 2021, see Chapter 1 for a more detailed discussion). ...
... The first body of literature points to personal self-esteem and individual narcissism having distinct nomological networks (separate correlates among psychological variables, Hyatt et al., 2018), distinct phenotypes, consequences, developmental trajectories, and origins (Brummelman et al., 2016). Personal self-esteem is a belief that one is of a high value and the pride one takes in their own strengths (Brummelman et al., 2016;Kernis, 2003), while individual narcissism is an inflated view of oneself that requires continual external validation (Emmons, 1987;Morf & Rhodewalt, 2001cf Sedikides, 2021, see Chapter 1 for a more detailed discussion). In contrast to self-esteem, narcissism is defined by vanity, grandiosity, and self-entitlement, including entitlement to admiration and recognition from others. ...
... Sob a ótica da psicologia moderna, o narcisismo pode ser caracterizado por um senso exagerado de importância pessoal, necessidade de admiração e construção de fantasias irrealistas a respeito de si (Fatfouta, 2019). Também é definido como um traço de personalidade que leva o indivíduo a sentir-se superior aos que o rodeiam, além de buscar ser respeitado e admirado (Brummelman, Thomaes, & Sedikides, 2016). ...
... Conquanto haja essa dificuldade, buscam demonstrar um alto nível de moralidade pessoal como meio de obtenção de apreciação social (Fossati, Borroni, Eisenberg, & Maffei, 2010). No entanto, quando suas características pessoais vêm à tona e deterioram suas relações (Leckelt, Küfner, Nestler, & Back, 2015), observa-se que o narcisista busca novamente ações de obtenção de validação de seus pares (Brummelman et al., 2016). Verifica-se aqui então a contínua busca por validação de suas ações e opiniões, fenômeno também ob- 9 servado em pessoas com forte orientação para comparação social (Park & Baek, 2018). ...
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Objetivo: Diante de uma percepção disseminada de que a vivência do chamado traz resultados positivos para a carreira de uma pessoa e, ainda, que tais chamados pos­suem origem altruísta, o presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar se a orientação para comparação social impacta a percepção de vivência de um chamado e, ainda, se o narcisismo afeta a relação entre o chamado e o comprometimento do indivíduo com sua carreira e com a organização.Método/abordagem: Utilizando modelagem de equações estruturais para a modela­gem dos dados, avaliou-se o modelo de mensuração - validade discriminante, validade convergente e confiabilidade.Contribuições teóricas/práticas/sociais: O estudo traz contribuições teóricas e práticas ao apresentar reflexos positivos para a carreira a partir de características pessoais tidas como negativas, e que essas características não necessariamente trazem efeitos negati­vos sobre o comprometimento do indivíduo para com a organização.Originalidade/relevância: O estudo mostra-se relevante em suas contribuições teóri­cas e práticas, pela expansão da literatura sobre chamados ocupacionais, explo­rando antecedentes usualmente vistos como negativos à carreira, e por oferecer no­vos elementos para que profissionais e recrutadores pautem decisões ligadas a car­reira.
... Implications of the current findings are somewhat more complicated when it comes to more extraverted people. The finding that individuals with higher extraversion had lower self-confidence might speak to a false exterior, whereby outward projected selfconfidence may serve as a mask for self-doubt that remains hidden (Brummelman et al., 2016). This is true of individuals high in narcissism, which has been found to correlate with extraversion, as both traits are associated with a tendency to seek external validation from peers and to engage in social comparisons (Campbell et al., 2002;Wink, 1991). ...
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Research has long supported the notion that extraverted individuals have greater self-confidence than more introverted ones. However, more introverted people tend to take particular advantage of the distance and asynchrony of digital communication to forge connections, which can increase confidence. Limited research has examined whether specific motivations for texting impact the relationship between introversion/extraversion and self-confidence. Thus, in a sample of 157 emerging adults (Mage = 19.73, SD = 1.5), the current study aimed to examine how texting to escape versus texting to express oneself might moderate the association between introversion/extraversion and self-confidence in one’s identity. Contrary to hypotheses, findings showed that introversion predicted greater self-confidence, while extraversion predicted lower self-confidence. Express motivations further strengthened the association between introversion and self-confidence; however, escape motivations undermined these positive effects. For individuals who are more extraverted, use of texting to escape buffered against the association with lower self-confidence, while use of texting to express oneself was found to undermine the protective element of escape motivations. These findings align with recent research that questions long-held societal notions about the self-confidence of individuals based on their levels of introversion/extraversion and offer insight into the role of digital communication in supporting or undermining self-confidence.
... Thus, empirical data show that the three factors of narcissism are related in quite distinct ways to self-esteem. Moreover, the constructs of self-esteem and narcissism can be conceptually distinguished, because having high self-esteem is compatible with prosocial attitudes and does not necessarily imply that individuals believe that they are superior to others (Brummelman et al., 2016;Orth & Luciano, 2015;Paulhus et al., 2004). ...
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This meta-analytic review investigated the development of narcissism across the life span, by synthesizing the available longitudinal data on mean-level change and rank-order stability. Three factors of narcissism were examined: agentic, antagonistic, and neurotic narcissism. Analyses were based on data from 51 samples, including 37,247 participants. As effect size measures, we used the standardized mean change d per year and test-retest correlations that were corrected for attenuation due to measurement error. The results suggested that narcissism typically decreases from age 8 to 77 years (i.e., the observed age range), with aggregated changes of d = −0.28 for agentic narcissism, d = −0.41 for antagonistic narcissism, and d = −0.55 for neurotic narcissism. Rank-order stability of narcissism was high, with average values of .73 (agentic), .68 (antagonistic), and .60 (neurotic), based on an average time lag of 11.42 years. Rank-order stability did not vary as a function of age. However, rank-order stability declined as a function of time lag, asymptotically approaching values of .62 (agentic), .52 (antagonistic), and .33 (neurotic) across long time lags. Moderator analyses indicated that the findings on mean-level change and rank-order stability held across gender and birth cohort. The meta-analytic dataset included mostly Western and White/European samples, pointing to the need of conducting more research with Non-Western and ethnically diverse samples. In sum, the findings suggest that agentic, antagonistic, and neurotic narcissism show normative declines across the life span and that individual differences in these factors are moderately (neurotic) to highly (agentic, antagonistic) stable over time.
... The Pearson correlation between NGS and vulnerability subscale of B-PNI was also carried out for discriminant validity and was -0.110. The findings are consistent with other studies conducted in the US(51) and Netherlands(52). ...
... Undisciplined child SM refers to clients' lack of frustration tolerance and their inability to force themselves to complete routine or boring tasks (Young et al., 2003) and it may reflect the lack of adequate boundaries in childhood, which is believed to be one of the causes of NPD (Fernando, 1998). Studies have reported this association between parental indulgence and permissiveness on the one hand and pathological narcissism on the other hand (Barry et al., 2007;Brummelman et al., 2016;Eberly-Lewis et al., 2018;Miller & Campbell, 2008;Segrin et al., 2013). However, other studies have shown associations between pathological narcissism and parental coldness and emotional control as well (Barry et al., 2007;Capron, 2004;Cramer, 2015;Horton et al., 2006;Miller & Campbell, 2008;Miller et al., 2010). ...
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The aims of the current study was to investigate the relation between the narcissistic personality syndrome (NPS) and schema modes, which refer to the predominant emotional state, schemas, and coping responses that are active for an individual at a particular time. Participants consisted of 25 clients who filled out the Schema Mode Inventory and 25 clinicians who provided assessment of NPS using the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure. This study showed a significant correlation between NPS and a lack of frustration tolerance (i.e., undisciplined child mode). There were no significant relations with self-aggrandizement (i.e., self-aggrandizer mode), feeling intensely angry (i.e., angry child and enraged child modes), and trying to suppress painful emotions by compulsively and excessively committing to distracting and soothing activities, such as abusing drugs (i.e., detached self-soother mode). This preliminary study contributes to our understanding of pathological narcissism in Dutch outpatient clients. We point to the importance of a self-reported lack of frustration tolerance as a potentially valuable diagnostic characteristic of pathological narcissism. We additionally emphasize the importance of diagnostic approaches based on clinical judgement when it comes to pathological narcissism.
... When we realize the above distinctions, we are also better able to define what kind of happiness and wellbeing we should be nourishing as educators and caregivers. For example, it is true that there are studies showing that happy children can be more occupied with themselves and less interested in the plight of others (Baumeister et al., 2003;Brummelman et al., 2016). However, when one investigates a little deeper into how these studies have made the children "happier," one notices that these interventions usually can be categorized as belonging to the category of pleasurable happinessi.e., giving them lollies, stickers, non-specific praise, etc. ...
Narcissism and its components remain up-to-date in academic studies as a topic that has been and continues to be the focus of attention of researchers. The aim of this study is to examine the predictive effect of early maladaptive schemas on narcissism and the mediating role of self-esteem in this effect. A total of 426 university students, 229 female and 197 male, participated in the study. In addition to the demographic information form, the Narcissistic Admiration and Competition Scale, Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form-3 and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory were used to collect data. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, Pearson Product of Moments Correlation analysis, mediation analysis in line with the procedures recommended by Preacher and Hayes, and Bootstrapping method were used to evaluate the mediation effect. According to the results of the research; Schema domains of impaired autonomy, unrelenting standards, disconnection, other-directedness, and impaired limits predict self-esteem. Schema domains of impaired autonomy, unrelenting standards, disconnection, impaired limits as well as self-esteem, predict narcissism, while the schema domains of other-directedness do not predict narcissism. Self-esteem acts as a mediator in the relationship between impaired autonomy, unrelenting standards, disconnection and impaired limits schema areas and narcissism.
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Two studies examined the rank-order stability of self-esteem from age 6 to 83: Study 1 was a meta-analysis of 50 published articles (N = 29,839) and Study 2 analyzed data from 4 large national studies (N = 74,381). Self-esteem showed substantial continuity over time (disattenuated correlations ranged from the .50s to .70s), comparable to the stability found for personality traits. Both studies provided evidence for a robust developmental trend: Self-esteem stability was low during childhood, increased throughout adolescence and young adulthood, and declined during midlife and old age. This trend could not be explained by age differences in the reliability of self-esteem measures, and generally replicated across gender, ethnicity, self-esteem scale, nationality (U.S. vs. non-U.S.), and year of publication.
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The young field of research on youth narcissism has begun to bloom. Narcissism is a personality type marked by a sense of grandiosity and a strong need to get attention and admiration from others. Youth narcissism typically emerges at some point in late childhood or adolescence as a derailment of normal self-development and may yield considerable impairment in psychological and interpersonal adjustment. This chapter provides an integrative overview of current knowledge on youth narcissism—discussing its historical roots, theoretical underpinnings, manifestations, and developmental origins; considering pivotal issues regarding assessment, diagnosis, and intervention; and addressing key controversies. In doing so, this chapter illustrates the potential of the study of youth narcissism to the field of developmental psychopathology, and highlights exciting directions for future research. We call for an integrative, interdisciplinary approach to studying the development of trait narcissism and narcissistic pathology.
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Following a dual-pathway approach to the social consequences of grandiose narcissism, we investigated the behavioral processes underlying (a) the decline of narcissists' popularity in social groups over time and (b) how this is differentially influenced by the 2 narcissism facets admiration and rivalry. In a longitudinal laboratory study, participants (N = 311) first provided narcissism self-reports using the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire, and subsequently interacted with each other in small groups in weekly sessions over the course of 3 weeks. All sessions were videotaped and trained raters coded participants' behavior during the interactions. Within the sessions participants provided mutual ratings on assertiveness, untrustworthiness, and likability. Results showed that (a) over time narcissists become less popular and (b) this is reflected in an initially positive but decreasing effect of narcissistic admiration as well as an increasing negative effect of narcissistic rivalry. As hypothesized, these patterns of results could be explained by means of 2 diverging behavioral pathways: The negative narcissistic pathway (i.e., arrogant-aggressive behavior and being seen as untrustworthy) plays an increasing role and is triggered by narcissistic rivalry, whereas the relevance of the positive narcissistic pathway (i.e., dominant-expressive behavior and being seen as assertive) triggered by narcissistic admiration decreases over time. These findings underline the utility of a behavioral pathway approach for disentangling the complex effects of personality on social outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).
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We thank Kealy et al. (1) for noting that our article on the origins of narcissism (2) “is a notable contribution to the empirical literature” and “has important implications for helping parents foster appropriate and realistic self-views in their children.” However, they raise questions regarding the interpretation of our findings.
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A growing body of research supports the vulnerability model of low self-esteem and depression, which states that low self-esteem is a risk factor for depression. The goal of the present research was to refine the vulnerability model, by testing whether the self-esteem effect is truly due to a lack of genuine self-esteem or due to a lack of narcissistic self-enhancement. For the analyses, we used data from 6 longitudinal studies consisting of 2,717 individuals. In each study, we tested the prospective effects of self-esteem and narcissism on depression both separately for each construct and mutually controlling the constructs for each other (i.e., a strategy that informs about effects of genuine self-esteem and pure narcissism), and then meta-analytically aggregated the findings. The results indicated that the effect of low self-esteem holds when narcissism is controlled for (uncontrolled effect = -.26, controlled effect = -.27). In contrast, the effect of narcissism was close to zero when self-esteem was controlled for (uncontrolled effect = -.06, controlled effect = .01). Moreover, the analyses suggested that the self-esteem effect is linear across the continuum from low to high self-esteem (i.e., the effect was not weaker at very high levels of self-esteem). Finally, self-esteem and narcissism did not interact in their effect on depression; that is, individuals with high self-esteem have a lower risk for developing depression, regardless of whether or not they are narcissistic. The findings have significant theoretical implications because they strengthen the vulnerability model of low self-esteem and depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).
This chapter reviews the theoretical and empirical literatures that link parenting behavior to child narcissism and makes methodological recommendations for future work on that link. The review finds support for both the social learning and psychodynamic perspectives on narcissistic origins and emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between grandiose and vulnerable forms when investigating the causes of narcissism.
The Handbook of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder is the definitive resource for empirically sound information on narcissism for researchers, students, and clinicians at a time when this personality disorder has become a particularly relevant area of interest. This unique work deepens understanding of how narcissistic behavior influences behavior and impedes progress in the worlds of work, relationships, and politics.