Clemente Balladares

Clemente Balladares
Central University of Venezuela | UCV · Instituto de Zoología Tropical (IZT)

Master of Science


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Clemente Balladares is a Marine Biologist currently works at the Direccion General de Biodiversidad (Enviromental Ministry of Vzla.) and study PhD in Ecology at Central University of Venezuela. Clemente does research in sea turtles. Their current project is 'Conservación de Tortugas Marinas en el Golfo de Paria' which has 20 continuos seasons. Besides he had experience with fisheries, cetaceans, coral reefs, aquaculture of seaweeds and oceanographic remote sensing.


Publications (22)
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Microplastics are an increasing threat to marine fauna and oceanic habitats, potentially affecting sea turtle nesting beaches. Hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) are a Critically Endangered species with decreasing population trends. There are several hawksbill rookeries in the southern Caribbean Sea, particularly on Los Garzos Beach, th...
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The nesting characteristics (number of nests and eggs, time of year, nesting initiation, and nesting length) of leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles of the southern Caribbean Sea (specifically in the Gulf of Paria in Venezuela), were examined in association with weekly precipitation averages and numb...
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We assess all the records of olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) in an exhaustive review of multiple data sources between 1977 and 2018 in Venezuela. We compiled 35 records of olive ridleys in the country. Our findings confirm the almost year-round presence of this species in Venezuelan waters. Se evaluaron todos los registros de tortuga g...
Experiment Findings
Since July 2021 we reactivate the Macuro town park ranger small force (5 PRs) of the Paria National Park in Venezuela using Global Park Defense (GPD) system from the Global Conservation NGO. The local officers use cellular phones with the software SMART to register illegal activities and biodiversity observations.
Experiment Findings
Since July 2021 we reactivate the Macuro town park ranger small force (5 PRs) of the Paria National Park in Venezuela using Global Park Defense (GPD) system from the Global Conservation NGO. The local officers use cellular phones with the software SMART to register illegal activities and biodiversity observations.
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The effect of the installation of a gas pipeline in the Obispo Isthmus in the Paria Gulf, Venezuela, is reported here since years 2014 until 2020. The ongoing habitat degradation produced by deforestation and the consequent mudslides on the southern beach produced a hardening of the sand (ceramization), avoiding the nesting activity of the critical...
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There are five species of sea turtles in Venezuela, grouped into six different Regional Management Units (RMUs) following the definition by Wallace et al. 2010. Two RMUs for green turtle (Chelonia mydas, rmu47: Southern Caribbean; and rmu50 North-western Atlantic), and one RMU for each of the remaining species: hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbric...
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Following classical literature in herpetology, we built two five-stage life tables for the endangered hawksbill sea turtle Eretmochelys imbricata in the Gulf of Paria, eastern Venezuela, using data from incidental captures by industrial trawl fisheries from 1991 until 2000, artisanal fisheries effect and regional stranding from 1999 to 2017, and a...
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Divulgative article about the project in the East Coast of Venezuela
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These are the corresponding main figures of the paper Balladares Quintero 2019
Images of the study area, with details of an affected beach by gas pipe instalation in the year 2014 plus graphic of the nest numbers in the impacte site and the neighbour beach (Cerezo).
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Small rookeries are rarely evaluated for marine turtles worldwide. Two species of sea turtles (Hawksbill, Eretmochelys imbricata; Leatherback, Dermochelys coriacea) nest on five main beaches of the northeast coast of the Paria Gulf in Venezuela. Population trends using generalized linear models at this rookery were assessed and compared with other...
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The Venezuelan coast supports a variety of critical habitats for foraging, development and reproduction to five species of sea turtles. The aim of this paper is to inform about the presence of fibropapillomatosis in some of the sea turtle populations in the Venezuelan waters, and to record the presence of this pathology on the species Eretmochelys...
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Los varamientos son fuente de información acerca de mortalidad, amenazas, distribución e historia natural de las especies. Los esfuerzos para la atención sistemática de estos eventos iniciaron a principios de los años 90 por intermedio de los antiguos Servicio Autónomo Profauna, Red Venezolana de Varamientos y Red de Varamientos del Estado Nueva Es...
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Divulgative article of the project in the Paria Gulf
Technical Report
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En el año 1999, el Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales -MARN inició un proceso de restructuración organizativa del Despacho y la Dirección de Vigilancia y Control Ambiental propuso la creación de la Dirección de Áreas Marino Costeras -AMC. A los fines de iniciar este proyecto se dio comienzo a un Programa Piloto en Áreas Marino Costera...
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Poaching and predation of sea turtle clutches, during the 2003 and 2012 seasons, on six beaches of the Paria Gulf in Venezuela. Looting and predation of nests are among the major threats to marine turtles. Six beaches of Paria Gulf, northeastern Venezuela, have been protected and had a reduction of clutch poaching and predation on leatherback (Derm...


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