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Development of machine learning models for the prediction of positive surgical margins in transoral robotic surgery ( TORS )

  • AdventHealth Orlando

Abstract and Figures

Purpose: To develop machine learning (ML) models for predicting positive margins in patients undergoing transoral robotic surgery (TORS). Methods: Data from 453 patients with laryngeal, hypopharyngeal, and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma were retrospectively collected at a tertiary referral center to train (n = 316) and validate (n = 137) six two-class supervised ML models employing 14 variables available pre-operatively. Results: The accuracy of the six ML models ranged between 0.67 and 0.75, while the measured AUC between 0.68 and 0.75. The ML algorithms showed high specificity (range: 0.75-0.89) and low sensitivity (range: 0.26-0.64) in detecting patients with positive margins after TORS. NPV was higher (range: 0.73-0.83) compared to PPV (range: 0.45-0.63). T classification and tumor site were the most important predictors of positive surgical margins. Conclusions: ML algorithms can identify patients with low risk of positive margins and therefore amenable to TORS.
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Development of machine learning models for the
prediction of positive surgical margins in transoral
robotic surgery (TORS)
Andrea Costantino MD
| Claudio Sampieri MD
Francesca Pirola MD
| Armando De Virgilio MD, PhD
Se-Heon Kim MD, PhD
Department of Biomedical Sciences,
Humanitas University, Pieve Emanele
(MI), Italy
Otorhinolaryngology Unit, IRCCS
Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano
(MI), Italy
Department of Otorhinolaryngology,
Yonsei University College of Medicine,
Seoul, Korea
Unit of Otorhinolaryngology Head and
Neck Surgery, IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico
San Martino, Genoa, Italy
Department of Surgical Sciences and
Integrated Diagnostics (DISC), University
of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Se-Heon Kim, Department of
Otorhinolaryngology, Yonsei University
College of Medicine, 50-1 Yonsei-ro,
Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Republic of
Purpose: To develop machine learning (ML) models for predicting positive
margins in patients undergoing transoral robotic surgery (TORS).
Methods: Data from 453 patients with laryngeal, hypopharyngeal, and oro-
pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma were retrospectively collected at a
tertiary referral center to train (n=316) and validate (n=137) six two-class
supervised ML models employing 14 variables available pre-operatively.
Results: The accuracy of the six ML models ranged between 0.67 and 0.75,
while the measured AUC between 0.68 and 0.75. The ML algorithms showed
high specificity (range: 0.750.89) and low sensitivity (range: 0.260.64) in
detecting patients with positive margins after TORS. NPV was higher (range:
0.730.83) compared to PPV (range: 0.450.63). T classification and tumor site
were the most important predictors of positive surgical margins.
Conclusions: ML algorithms can identify patients with low risk of positive
margins and therefore amenable to TORS.
artificial intelligence, head and neck cancer, personalized medicine, robotic surgical
procedures, squamous cell carcinoma
Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) was approved by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2009, progres-
sively changing the treatment paradigm of head and neck
TORS is now the most common primary treat-
ment for early-stage oropharyngeal cancer,
and it can
be also proposed for minimally invasive resections of
laryngeal and hypopharyngeal tumors.
Recent studies
showed that TORS is feasible in selected locally-advanced
(T3T4) tumors, particularly when neoadjuvant chemo-
therapy (NCT) is applied, as proposed by our group.
The reduced surgical invasiveness that accompanies
robotic surgery allows radical treatment with excellent func-
tional results, if compared to most open approaches.
However, treatment-related toxicity is also dependent on
adjuvant treatments, that are administered in up to 70% of
patients based on pathological adverse features not always
predictable before surgery.
Although doses of postoperative
radiotherapy (RT) are usually lower than those of definitive
treatment, almost full RT dose with the addition of concur-
rent chemotherapy (CT)
is recommended in cases ofAndrea Costantino and Claudio Sampieri with equal contribution.
Received: 29 August 2022 Revised: 10 November 2022 Accepted: 5 December 2022
DOI: 10.1002/hed.27283
Head & Neck. 2022;110. © 2022 Wiley Periodicals LLC. 1
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positive surgical margins. In this context, despite treatment
intensification might determine a survival advantage in
those patients with locally-advanced tumors,
modality treatment should be limited to reduce the effects
of its greater toxicity.
Especially, this applies to patients
with a preoperative higher risk of positive margins who
might benefit more from upfront chemo-radiotherapy
(CRT). Although the importance of negative surgical mar-
gins is clear, few data are available in the current literature
about predictors of margin status after TORS.
no studies have ever built a prediction model able to guide
the decision-making process in a more personalized
In this setting, machine learning (ML) models have
been recently proposed to improve the management of
patients with head and neck cancer.
In fact, ML is
being used to enhance current modeling by providing
more accurate and precise predictions for outcomes of
interest. In particular, ML algorithms enable computers
to learn from data and experiences, and to make predic-
tions about previously unanalyzed data.
Since the
presence of positive margins is key to the indication for
adjuvant therapy and knowing this risk in advance might
determine a preferable change in the treatment strategy,
the purpose of the present study was to develop different
ML models to predict the surgical margin status in
patients undergoing TORS.
This study adheres to the Transparent Reporting of a
Multivariable Prediction Model for Individual Prognosis
or Diagnosis (TRIPOD) reporting guideline.
2.1 |Study design and population
A single-center retrospective study was carried out at
the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at Severance
HospitalYonsei University, Seoul (Republic of Korea).
The study followed the principles of the Helsinki Decla-
ration and was approved by the Institutional Review
Board. Informed consent was obtained from all patients.
All patients who underwent TORS between April
2008 and May 2022 were included. The inclusion criteria
were as follows: (1) age 18 years or older; (2) oropharyn-
geal, hypopharyngeal and laryngeal squamous cell carci-
noma; (3) successfully completed TORS; (4) surgical
margin status available from the final histopathological
report. Exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) occult
primary tumors; (2) re-resections for margins clearance;
(3) margin status not available or unclear. Patients who
underwent either upfront TORS or receive NCT before
surgery (according to the protocol previously described
were included, and this variable was taken into account
in the analysis. All robotic procedures were performed by
the senior surgeon (S.H.K.), which allowed the assess-
ment of the impact of the surgeon's experience on surgical
margins status.
2.2 |Data collection and pre-processing
Variables included in the analysis were: age, gender,
smoking and alcohol status, tumor site and subsite, clini-
cal T classification, mouth opening (in mm) and exposure
(3-point Likert scale as previously described
), previous
NCT and number of cycles, previous radiotherapy, the
sequence number of the procedure performed by the sur-
geon, and the robot type used during surgery (da Vinci
Si/Xi or da Vinci SP). Missing data for variables of inter-
est were analyzed and distinguished into the categories
missing completely at random,”“missing at random,
and missing not at random.Variables determined to be
missing at random were imputed using a linear or a logis-
tic regression method for continuous and categorical vari-
ables, respectively.
The final histopathological report
was used to define the surgical margin status. A margin
was labeled as positive if invasive carcinoma was found
at the inked margin of the resected specimen.
The dataset was randomly split using a 70:30 ratio,
whereby the ML algorithm was trained using 70% of the
available cases (training dataset) and tested using the
remaining 30% (testing dataset).
2.3 |Model training and validation
Six 2-class supervised ML decision models, which were
selected as the current and most frequently adopted predic-
tive model types in the literature, were used to predict the
presence of positive margins at the final histopathological
report. In particular, the training dataset was used to train
the following six ML-based models: C5.0 decision trees
flexible discriminant analysis (FDA),
neighbor (kNN),
random forest (RF),
support vector
machines (SVM),
and extreme gradient boosting (XGB).
To ensure model stability and reduce bias, a 10-fold
cross-validation was performed during the training of all ML
algorithms. A dataset augmentation technique (Synthetic
Minority Oversampling Technique, or SMOTE) was adopted
during the training process to generate more samples for the
minority class to correct for class imbalance.
hyperparameter tuning was performed to maximize the area
under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.
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The classification performance of the ML algorithms
was measured on the testing data by comparing accuracy,
area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity,
positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value
(NPV), and F1 score (that is, a standard metric for ML
classifiers that combines precision and recall). A positive
TABLE 1 Characteristics of included patients
Variable Overall, N=453
Margin status
p-valueNegative,N=315 Positive,N=138
Age 61.8 (9.7) 61.2 (9.4) 63.2 (10.4) 0.072
Gender 0.008
Female 54 (12%) 46 (15%) 8 (5.8%)
Male 399 (88%) 269 (85%) 130 (94%)
Smoking 327 (72%) 219 (70%) 108 (78%) 0.056
Alcohol 278 (61%) 189 (60%) 89 (64%) 0.37
Site <0.001
Oropharynx 268 (59%) 207 (66%) 61 (44%)
Hypopharynx 104 (23%) 60 (19%) 44 (32%)
Larynx 81 (18%) 48 (15%) 33 (24%)
Subsite <0.001
Ariepiglottic fold 18 (4.0%) 11 (3.5%) 7 (5.1%)
Base of tongue 66 (15%) 47 (15%) 19 (14%)
Epiglottis 11 (2.4%) 5 (1.6%) 6 (4.3%)
False vocal cord 10 (2.2%) 5 (1.6%) 5 (3.6%)
Postcricoid area 5 (1.1%) 1 (0.3%) 4 (2.9%)
Posterior pharyngeal wall 25 (5.5%) 18 (5.7%) 7 (5.1%)
Pyriform sinus 76 (17%) 41 (13%) 35 (25%)
Soft palate 4 (0.9%) 3 (1.0%) 1 (0.7%)
Tonsil 198 (44%) 157 (50%) 41 (30%)
True vocal cord 40 (8.8%) 27 (8.6%) 13 (9.4%)
T classification <0.001
1 117 (26%) 95 (30%) 22 (16%)
2 174 (38%) 127 (40%) 47 (34%)
3 107 (24%) 64 (20%) 43 (31%)
4 55 (12%) 29 (9.2%) 26 (19%)
Exposure 0.15
Good 101 (22%) 76 (24%) 25 (18%)
Fair 265 (58%) 175 (56%) 90 (65%)
Poor 87 (19%) 64 (20%) 23 (17%)
Mouth opening (mm) 43.7 (14.5) 43.9 (13.9) 43.5 (15.8) 0.14
NCT 331 (73%) 234 (74%) 97 (70%) 0.38
NCT Cycles 2.4 (1.7) 2.4 (1.6) 2.4 (1.8) 0.48
Previous RT 13 (2.9%) 7 (2.2%) 6 (4.3%) 0.23
Robot 0.14
Multi-port 279 (62%) 187 (59%) 92 (67%)
Single-port 174 (38%) 128 (41%) 46 (33%)
Note: Data are presented as counts and percentage, or as means and standard deviations (SD).
Abbreviations: NCT, neo-adjuvant chemotherapy; RT, radiotherapy.
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TABLE 2 Results of the univariable and multivariable binary logistic regression model
Univariable analysis Multivariable analysis
Variable OR 95% CI p-value OR 95% CI p-value
Procedure 1 1.001.00 0.2
Age 1.02 1.001.04 0.047 1 0.981.02 0.9
Female ––
Male 2.78 1.346.51 0.01 1.88 0.874.56 0.13
No ––
Yes 1.58 1.002.56 0.057
No ––
Yes 1.21 0.801.84 0.4
Oropharynx ––
Hypopharynx 2.49 1.534.04 <0.001 2.48 1.434.32 0.001
Larynx 2.33 1.373.95 0.002 2.60 1.394.88 0.003
Tonsil ––
Ariepiglottic fold 2.44 0.856.59 0.083
Base of tongue 1.55 0.812.89 0.2
Epiglottis 4.6 1.3216.7 0.016
False vocal cord 3.83 1.0214.4 0.041
Postcricoid area 15.3 2.19304 0.016
Posterior pharyngeal wall 1.49 0.553.67 0.4
Pyriform sinus 3.27 1.865.79 <0.001
Soft palate 1.28 0.0610.3 0.8
True vocal cord 1.84 0.853.84 0.11
2 1.6 0.912.87 0.11 1.86 1.033.42 0.04
3 2.9 1.605.38 <0.001 2.17 1.174.12 0.02
4 3.87 1.937.91 <0.001 5.08 2.4310.9 <0.001
Good ––
Fair 1.56 0.942.66 0.091
Poor 1.09 0.562.11 0.8
Mouth opening 1 0.981.01 0.8
No ––
Yes 0.82 0.531.28 0.4
NCT cycles 1.02 0.911.15 0.7
Previous RT
No ––
Yes 2 0.636.13 0.2
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margin was labeled as positiveclass for the classifica-
tion algorithms. The results were plotted using ROC
A permutation feature importance score was com-
puted using the testing dataset to identify the most
important variables used in model prediction.
tion feature importance is defined to be the decrease in a
model score when a single feature value is randomly
shuffled, and it is a model inspection technique that can
be used for any fitted estimator. In particular, the permu-
tation feature importance scores are determined as the
difference in model performance determined by the AUC
before and after the alteration of a given dependent
2.4 |Statistical analysis
All the abovementioned data were collected and stored in a
Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet. Categorical variables were
summarized by counts and percentage, while continuous
variables were reported as means ± standard deviations
(SD), after confirming the normal distribution using the
ShapiroWilk normality test. Differences between patients
with negative and positive margins were compared by Wil-
coxon rank-sum test for continuous variables, while cate-
gorical variables were evaluated using the chi-squared test
or Fisher's exact test, as appropriate.
Correlation between the margin status and the
included variables was done using univariable binary
logistic regression (LR) models. Parameters with a p-
value <0.05 in the univariable analysis were included in
the multivariable LR analysis to define independent pre-
dictors of positive surgical margins. In case of variables
holding similar clinical information (e.g., site, subsite),
the covariate with the greater effect size based on zscore
was included in the multivariable analysis. Results were
summarized with odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence
intervals (CIs).
A conventional predictive binary logistic regression
(LR) model was employed as a benchmark to assess the
actual benefit of using ML models for margins status
prediction and therefore it was trained and validated
using the same training and testing datasets. The accu-
racy, AUC, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and F1
score were measured. Finally, a pairwise comparison of
the AUC between LR and other ML models was per-
formed via the method described by DeLong et al.
Statistical analyses were performed using the R soft-
ware for statistical computing (R version 4.0.1, Foundation
for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). A value of
p<0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.
3.1 |Patients characteristics
After applying the abovementioned inclusion and
exclusion criteria, a total of 453 patients (males: 88%;
TABLE 2 (Continued)
Univariable analysis Multivariable analysis
Variable OR 95% CI p-value OR 95% CI p-value
Multi-port ––
Single-port 0.73 0.481.11 0.14
Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; NCT, neo-adjuvant chemotherapy; RT, radiotherapy.
FIGURE 1 ROC curves showing the accuracy in the prediction
of positive surgical margins in patients undergoing TORS. The
dashed diagonal line (black) represents the identity line
(no discrimination line). Abbreviations: C50, C5.0 decision trees;
FDA, flexible discriminant analysis; LR, logistic regression; kNN, k-
nearest neighbor; RF, random forest; SVM, support vector machine;
XGB, extreme gradient boosting. [Color figure can be viewed at]
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mean age: 61.8 ± 9.7 years) who underwent TORS were
included in the study. Patients characteristics are shown
in Table 1. Positive margins were identified in 138 (30.5%)
cases. Patients with positive margins were more com-
monly males (94% vs. 85%; p< 0.05). Positive margins
occurred more frequently in tumors of hypopharynx (32%
vs. 19%) and larynx (24% vs. 15%) than oropharynx (44%
vs. 66%) (p< 0.05). Advanced clinical T classification
(cT3-4) was more common in cases with positive margins
(50% vs. 29.2%; p< 0.05). The other features were not sig-
nificantly different between the two groups.
3.2 |Binary logistic regression model
The results of the binary logistic regression model are
showed in Table 2. The multivariable logistic regression
analysis showed that hypopharyngeal (OR: 2.48, 95% CI:
1.434.32) and laryngeal (OR: 2.60, 95% CI: 1.394.88)
tumor sites, and cT classification (T2, OR: 1.86, 95% CI:
1.033.42; T3, OR: 2.17, 95% CI: 1.174.12; T4, OR: 5.08,
95% CI: 2.4310.9) were independent predictors of posi-
tive surgical margins. The predictive LR model showed
accuracy of 0.68 and AUC of 0.69 (Figure 1). In particu-
lar, the model showed high specificity (0.87) and low sen-
sitivity (0.24) in detecting those patients with positive
margins after TORS.
3.3 |Performance of ML models
The dataset was randomly divided into a training dataset
and a testing dataset consisting of 316 (70%) and
137 (30%) patients, respectively. The ML models
TABLE 3 Confusion matrices of
the ML models
Model Predicted class
Actual class (n=137)
Negative margin (n=95) Positive margin (n=42)
C50 Negative margin 85 31
Positive margin 10 11
FDA Negative margin 83 22
Positive margin 12 20
KNN Negative margin 84 30
Positive margin 11 12
XGB Negative margin 78 28
Positive margin 17 14
RF Negative margin 83 31
Positive margin 12 11
SVM Negative margin 71 15
Positive margin 24 27
LR Negative margin 83 32
Positive margin 12 10
TABLE 4 Classification
performance of the ML models
Accuracy AUC Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV F1 score
C50 0.7 0.7 0.26 0.89 0.52 0.73 0.35
FDA 0.75 0.75 0.48 0.87 0.63 0.79 0.54
KNN 0.7 0.7 0.29 0.89 0.52 0.74 0.37
RF 0.69 0.72 0.26 0.87 0.48 0.73 0.34
SVM 0.72 0.75 0.64 0.75 0.53 0.83 0.58
XGB 0.67 0.68 0.33 0.82 0.45 0.74 0.38
LR 0.68 0.69 0.24 0.87 0.45 0.72 0.31
Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value;
C50, C5.0 decision trees; FDA, flexible discriminant analysis; LR, logistic regression; kNN, k-nearest
neighbor; RF, random forest; SVM, support vector machine; XGB, extreme gradient boosting.
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development was performed on the training dataset using
the 14 available variables already mentioned. Then, each
trained model was applied to the testing dataset to pre-
dict the margin status after TORS. Table 3shows the con-
fusion matrix containing the information of correct and
incorrect predictions of each model compared to the
actual class. Table 4summarizes the classification perfor-
mance of each prediction algorithm. The accuracy of the
six ML models altogether varied between 0.67 and 0.75,
while the measured AUC between 0.68 and 0.75. Figure 1
shows the ROC curves of the developed models. Overall,
the ML algorithms showed high specificity (range 0.75
0.89) and low sensitivity (range 0.260.64) in detecting
those patients with positive margins after TORS. Accord-
ingly, NPV measured higher (range 0.730.83) than PPV
(range 0.450.63). All models showed no statistically sig-
nificantly better AUC compared to the LR model based
on the DeLong test.
Figure 2shows the permutation feature importance
scores of the six ML models. Variables contributing to the
model are displayed in descending order according to
their corresponding importance scores. The absolute
magnitude of a permutation feature importance score
reflects the impact of a single variable on the overall
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study focus-
ing on the development of prediction models to define
the risk of positive margins in patients undergoing TORS.
Six different ML algorithms were trained and tested in a
single-center cohort of 453 patients. The classification
performance showed an AUC between 0.68 and 0.75, and
the highest accuracy was measured for the SVM and the
FDA models. Overall, the ML models demonstrated high
specificity (range 0.750.89) and low sensitivity (range
0.260.64) in detecting patients with positive margins
after TORS.
The classification performance of ML algorithms
should be analyzed according to the specific clinical con-
text. Models with either high sensitivity or high specific-
ity should be preferred based on the specific clinical
situation. The high specificity and negative predictive
value measured in our models allow the identification of
patients with low risk of positive margins, this having
important benefits in terms of customized adjuvant treat-
ment. In fact, the main purpose of TORS is the complete
resection of the tumor with minimal functional impair-
ment compared to open surgery.
However, toxicity of
the treatment is also dependent on the amount of
FIGURE 2 Permutation feature importance scores of the six ML models. Variables are displayed in descending order according to their
corresponding importance score. Abbreviations: C50, C5.0 decision trees; FDA, flexible discriminant analysis; kNN, k-nearest neighbor; RF,
random forest; SVM, support vector machine; XGB, extreme gradient boosting; NCT, neo-adjuvant chemotherapy; RT, radiotherapy. [Color
figure can be viewed at]
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radiation delivered post-operatively.
For these reasons,
and especially for early-stage tumors, TORS should be
selected when there are high chances of completing the
treatment without the need for adjuvant therapies.
Although recent literature data showed that the prognos-
tic role of surgical margins is yet to be defined in
current guidelines still require adjuvant
CRT with a regimen that is comparable to the upfront
treatment protocol (66 Gy vs. 70 Gy) in presence of a pos-
itive margin.
From this perspective, ML models could
improve the possibility to propose TORS only if negative
surgical margins are likely to be obtained, reducing the
risk of a multi-modality treatment with increased toxic-
ity. In this scenario, further studies are needed to better
define the risk of post-operative RT in patients undergo-
ing TORS. Other clinical and radiological variables may
be employed in the development of more complex predic-
tion models
to precisely estimate the best treatment
protocol for each patient, from the standpoint of a preci-
sion medicine approachin head and neck oncology.
We developed different prediction models based on
14 demographics and clinical variables available pre-
operatively. Multivariable LR analysis showed that tumor
site and T classification were the only independent pre-
dictors of positive surgical margins. Tumors arising from
the hypopharyngeal and laryngeal areas are more diffi-
cult to reach through a transoral route,
and anatomical
boundaries limit surgical excisions that are wide enough
yet with minor functional impairment. For the same rea-
sons, locally advanced tumors are more difficult to resect
with consequent higher risk of positive margins. TORS is
usually performed in small T1-T2 tumors according to
current literature data.
However, we demonstrated that
this conservative surgery can be proposed also in selected
T3-T4 tumors, particularly after NCT, with still optimal
oncological results.
In this scenario, our prediction
models might be mostly beneficial to select cases really
amenable to complete tumor excisions.
A permutation feature importance score was also cal-
culated using the testing dataset to identify the most
important variables used in the different ML models.
Overall, T classification and tumor site/subsite were con-
firmed to be important predictors of TORS margin status.
In addition, other variables relevantly impacted on the
classification performance, such as exposure, robot type,
NCT administration. On the other hand, previous RT,
smoking, alcohol status, and gender showed minor role
in determining the correct prediction. Permutation fea-
ture importance score is computed to describe the algo-
rithm used by each ML model. However, the overall
interpretability of the analysis remains uncertain as the
significance of the score has still unclear interpretation,
and the only reliable information regarding individual
input variables is their ranking. In addition, the overall
interpretability of the ML algorithms remains uncertain
as a not negligible heterogeneity is evident among differ-
ent models.
This study is subjected to limitations. The retrospec-
tive nature of the study entails the risk of various biases,
especially regarding patient selection. In addition, data
retrospectively collected can be incorrectly or poorly clas-
sified, affecting the quality of the model. Our inclusion
criteria regarding tumor and patients characteristics were
not strict, as to obtain a wider applicability of the predic-
tion models. In fact, the applicability of these models to a
variety of clinical scenarios can be potentially implemen-
ted by the inclusion of tumors arising from all laryngeal
and pharyngeal subsites, regardless of the T classification.
On the other hand, accuracy of the models can be
improved with further studies that apply more strict
selection criteria and employ other variables. In particu-
lar, a specific subgroup analysis based on tumor site and
subsite was not performed in our study due to the low
sample. As already mentioned, the tumor location is an
important predictor of the surgical margin status, and
some differences might be detected in the accuracy of ML
models among different tumor sites. In the current study,
data were obtained from a single tertiary referral center,
and the large amount of data allowed for testing the
internal validity to exclude model overfitting. However,
multicenter studies are recommended to assess the exter-
nal validity of the predictive models.
Another limitation to ML is the lack of transparency
in the analysis that causes difficult interpretation of the
Predictions generated by the ML algorithm
are based on multiple layers of analysis, but the specific
process is not directly accessible. As already stated, the
impact of individual variables and the relationship
among them cannot be displayed in a comprehensible
format. Especially, ML does not generate measures of the
effect size of individual variables, as instead defined by
the OR of a multivariable logistic regression model. ML
algorithms can recognize complex patterns of non-linear
combination of the input variables to improve the classi-
fication performance. However, future studies should
also focus on a better categorization of the included vari-
ables for improving the algorithms interpretability.
Six ML prediction models were developed and validated
to predict surgical margins positivity in patients undergo-
ing TORS, employing 14 patients' clinical features. Classi-
fication performance of the ML algorithms showed high
specificity and NPV that allow to preoperatively identify
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patients with lower risk of positive margins. External vali-
dation cohorts are mandatory to confirm our results and
to improve accuracy of ML models in the future. Also, fur-
ther prospective studies are needed to state the ability of
the developed models to personalize patients' treatment
based on individual risk estimates, in the context of a pre-
cision medicine approach in head and neck oncology.
The author declares that there is no conflict of interest
that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of
the research reported.
The data that support the findings of this study are available
from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Andrea Costantino
Claudio Sampieri
Francesca Pirola
Armando De Virgilio
Se-Heon Kim
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How to cite this article: Costantino A,
Sampieri C, Pirola F, De Virgilio A, Kim S-H.
Development of machine learning models for the
prediction of positive surgical margins in transoral
robotic surgery (TORS). Head & Neck. 2022;110.
10970347, 0, Downloaded from by Universita Di Firenze Sistema, Wiley Online Library on [27/12/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
... It provides improved precision, dexterity, and visualization, enabling surgeons to perform complex operations with greater accuracy and control. Andrea et al. [150] propose the utilization of machine learning models to tackle the challenge associated with the prediction of positive surgical margins in patients subjected to transoral robotic surgery (TORS). Positive surgical margins have been linked to unfavorable clinical outcomes, emphasizing the importance of preoperative identification of patients at risk. ...
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Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are recognized for their intelligence as they seamlessly interact with humans, enhancing the physical world through computation, communication, and control. Over the last few years, the evolution of CPS, including IoT components, has significantly impacted many facets of people’s lifestyles. It has been immersed in a wide range of services and applications in various areas, including manufacturing, healthcare, and energy. However, the interrelationship between the cyber and physical worlds gives rise to a multitude of research problems and challenges. In the healthcare field, for instance, CPS introduces complexities related to interoperability, privacy, data security, and real-time data processing with critical implications for the reliability and safety of medical processes. To address these challenges and harness the full potential of CPS in healthcare, this paper, through a comprehensive literature review, aims to discuss cutting-edge CPS technologies and solutions that hold promise for healthcare applications. To this end, we propose a comprehensive architectural model that can serve as a benchmark for implementing CPS in healthcare applications. This model thoroughly details how services, components, and technologies can be integrated to transform massive raw data collected from the physical world into valuable information for an enhanced decision-making process. Finally, a use case on healthcare CPS is presented, outlining its characteristics, the role that different technologies have played in its development, and the major challenges in implementing such systems successfully. This study provides a cohesive understanding of the role CPS can play in empowering healthcare while offering insights into the challenges, and future research trends.
... The aim is to use this technology in a Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) [69] or Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) simulation [70], replacing one of the robotic mini-arms with a miniendoscope that is also controlled by a remote device. More recently, the Fundamental of Endoscopic Surgery (FES) program certificate [71] also became a requirement to be eligible for board certification in general surgery. ...
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Despite the location (Earth or Space), surgical simulation is a vital part of improving technical skills and ensuring patients' safety in the real procedure. The purpose of this study is to describe the Space System for Minimally Invasive Surgery (SY-MIS©) project, which started in 2016 under the supervision of the Center for Space Systems (C-SET). The process connects the best features of the following machines: Biomedik Surgeon, Space Biosurgeon, SP-LAP 1, and SP-LAP 2, which were defined using the VDI 2221 guidelines. This research uses methods based on 3 standards: i) Biomedical design: ISO 9001-13485 / FDA 21 CFR 820.30 / ASTM F1744-96(2016); ii) Aerospace human factors: HF-STD-001; iii) Mechatronics design: VDI 2206. The results depict the conceptual biomedical design of a novel training system named Surgical Engineering and Mechatronic System (SETY©), which integrates the use of 2 laparoscopic tools and 2 anthropomorphic mini-robotic arms (6 DOF). It has been validated by the Evaluation of Technical Criteria, getting a total score of 90% related to clinical assessment, machine adaptability, and robustness. The novelty of the research lies in the introduction of a new procedure that covers the simultaneous use of laparoscopic and robotic systems, named Hybrid Cyber-Physical Surgery (HYS©). In conclusion, the development of SY-MIS© promotes the use of advanced technologies to improve surgical procedures and human-machine medical cooperation for the next frontier of habitability on other planets. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-02-01 Full Text: PDF
... ML has seen rapid growth in clinical research over the past decade and it is increasingly being used to provide more precise an patient-tailored predictions for desired outcomes [18][19][20][21]. In this context, ML prediction models have demonstrated a wide application in the management of head and neck cancers [22][23][24][25]. ...
... The author conducted this systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [12] as reported in Figure 1. The authors searched all papers in the three major medical databases, such as Scopus (Elsevier), PubMed [National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NLM NIH)], and Cochrane Library (Wiley). ...
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Aim Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new field of science in which computers will provide decisions-supporting tools to help doctors make difficult clinical choices. Recent AI applications in otolaryngology include head and neck oncology, rhinology, neurotology, and laryngology. The aim of this systematic review is to describe the potential uses of AI in head and neck oncology with a special focus on the surgical field. Methods The authors performed a systematic review, in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, in the main medical databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane Library, considering all original studies published until February 2023 about the role of AI in head and neck cancer surgery. The search strategy included a combination of the following terms: “artificial intelligence” or “machine learning” and “head and neck cancer”. Results Overall, 303 papers were identified and after duplicate removal (12 papers) and excluding papers not written in English (1 paper) and off-topic (4 papers), papers were assessed for eligibility; finally, only 12 papers were included. Three main fields of clinical interest were identified: the most widely investigated included the role of AI in surgical margins assessment (7 papers); the second most frequently evaluated topic was complications assessment (4 papers); finally, only one paper dealt with the indication of salvage laryngectomy after primary radiotherapy. Conclusions The authors report the first systematic review in the literature concerning the role of AI in head and neck cancer surgery. An increasing influx of AI applications to clinical problems in otolaryngology is expected, so specialists should be increasingly prepared to manage the constant changes. It will always remain critical for clinicians to use their skills and knowledge to critically evaluate the additional information provided by AI and make the final decisions on each patient.
... In particular, our treatment protocol based the post-operative RT and CRT on the current NCCN guidelines, considering the pathological staging after NCT. However, some differences might exist due to tumor response, particularly for the role of margin status and pathological tumor regression [29,30]. The pathological response to NCT can potentially impact the evaluation of surgical margins, due to a non-centripetal widespread cell dropout throughout the tumor mass that determine a more challenging assessment of tumor infiltration. ...
... Prospective cohort studies are indeed necessary to better define indications and to improve the outcome assessment. In addition, further data are needed to improve the ability to predict the response to different treatment strategies, and consequently determine a better personalized treatment [27]. ...
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Background The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the posterior pharyngeal wall (PPW) is associated with poor oncological outcomes based on current literature data. We reported the preliminary outcomes of a potential new treatment protocol based on neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT) and transoral robotic surgery (TORS). Methods A retrospective single-center case series was performed including a total of 20 patients diagnosed with a SCC of the PPW between October 2010 and September 2021. All patients successfully completed TORS with neck dissection after NCT. Adjuvant treatment was performed in the presence of adverse pathologic features. Loco-regional control (LRC), overall survival (OS), and disease-specific survival (DSS) were defined as the time from surgery to tumor recurrence or death, as appropriate. Survival estimates were calculated by Kaplan–Meier analysis. Surgical data and post-operative functional outcomes were also reported. Results Estimated 3-year LRC, OS, and DSS rates (95% Confidence interval) were 59.7% (39.7–89.6), 58.6% (38.7–88.8), and 69.4% (49.9–96.6). The median hospital stay was 21 days (IQR 17.0–23.5). Oral diet and decannulation were achieved after a median of 14 days (IQR 12.0–15.0). Feeding tube and tracheostomy dependence after 6 months was observed in 3 (15%) and 2 (10%) patients, respectively. Conclusions The use of NCT followed by TORS for PPW SCC treatment appears to have good oncological and functional outcomes for both early and locally advanced cancers. Further randomized trials and site-specific guidelines are needed.
... Indeed, very little is known about the role of positive margins after NAC, and further studies are required to better define this aspect [42,43]. A recent paper tried to predict the risk of positive surgical margins in patients undergoing TORS using machine learning algorithms [44]. As expected, the greater risk of positive margins was related to tumors arising from the supraglottic and hypopharyngeal areas, other than tumors with higher T classification. ...
Objectives: To analyze the oncological and functional outcomes of patients with stage III-IV laryngo-hypopharyngeal cancer who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) with subsequent transoral robotic surgery (TORS). Materials and methods: A single-center retrospective cohort study included a total of 100 patients (median age of 67.0) affected by stage III-IV supraglottic or hypopharyngeal cancer. All patients underwent NAC followed by TORS and risk-adjusted adjuvant therapy. The primary outcome was recurrence-free survival (RFS). Results: The median follow-up time was 24.0 months. Estimated 2-year (95% CI) OS, DSS, and RFS were 75% (66% - 85%), 84% (76% - 92%), and 65% (56% - 76%), respectively. Among the 11 patients who relapsed on the primary site, 3 underwent salvage total laryngectomy, 3 underwent salvage CRT, and the others receive palliation or supportive care. At 6 months from surgery, 17 patients were still tracheostomized or had a stoma retainer, while 15 were gastrostomy dependent. At the Cox multivariable analysis, the clinical stage at presentation, the number of NAC cycles, and the presence of LVI were found to be independently correlated with the RFS. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that NAC followed by TORS can obtain good tumor control, survival, and organ preservation rates in stage III-IV laryngo-hypopharyngeal cancer.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve the surgical treatment of patients with head and neck cancer. AI algorithms can analyse a wide range of data, including images, voice, molecular expression and raw clinical data. In the field of oncology, there are numerous AI practical applications, including diagnostics and treatment. AI can also develop predictive models to assess prognosis, overall survival, the likelihood of occult metastases, risk of complications and hospital length of stay.
Introduction: Indications for elective treatment of the neck in patients with major salivary gland cancers are still debated. Our purpose was to develop a machine learning (ML) model able to generate a predictive algorithm to identify lymph node metastases (LNM) in patients with major salivary gland cancer (SGC). Methods: A Retrospective study was performed with data obtained from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program. Patients diagnosed with a major SGC between 1988 and 2019 were included. Two 2-class supervised ML decision models (random forest, RF; extreme gradient boosting, XGB) were used to predict the presence of LNM, implementing thirteen demographics and clinical variables collected from the SEER database. A permutation feature importance (PFI) score was computed using the testing dataset to identify the most important variables used in model prediction. Results: A total of 10 350 patients (males: 52%; mean age: 59.9 ± 17.2 years) were included in the study. The RF and the XGB prediction models showed an overall accuracy of 0.68. Both models showed a high specificity (RF: 0.90; XGB: 0.83) and low sensitivity (RF: 0.27; XGB: 0.38) in identifying LNM. According, a high negative predictive value (RF: 0.70; XGB: 0.72) and a low positive predictive value (RF: 0.58; XGB: 0.56) were measured. T classification and tumor size were the most important features in the construction of the prediction algorithms. Conclusions: Classification performance of the ML algorithms showed high specificity and negative predictive value that allow to preoperatively identify patients with a lower risk of LNM. Lay summary: Based on data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program, our study showed that machine learning algorithms owns a high specificity and negative predictive value, allowing to preoperatively identify patients with a lower risk of lymph node metastasis.
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Background The impact of close surgical margins on oncologic outcomes in HPV‐related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (HPV + OPSCC) is unclear. Methods Retrospective case series including patients undergoing single modality transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for HPV + OPSCC at three academic medical centers from 2010 to 2019. Outcomes were compared between patients with close surgical margins (<1 mm or requiring re‐resection) and clear margins using the Kaplan–Meier method. Results Ninety‐nine patients were included (median follow‐up 21 months, range 6–121). Final margins were close in 22 (22.2%) patients, clear in 75 (75.8%), and positive in two (2.0%). Eight patients (8.1%) recurred, including two local recurrences (2.0%). Four patients died during the study period (4.0%). Local control (p = 0.470), disease‐free survival (p = 0.513), and overall survival (p = 0.064) did not differ between patients with close and clear margins. Conclusions Patients with close surgical margins after TORS for HPV + OPSCC without concurrent indications for adjuvant therapy may be considered for observation alone.
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PurposeTo perform a meta-analysis evaluating trans-oral robotic surgery (TORS), and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in the treatment of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC).Methods This study adhered to the PRISMA guidelines.ResultsA total of 5624 patients (IMRT, n = 4322; TORS, n = 1302) were included in this meta-analysis. The majority of patients in the IMRT cohort were treated with concurrent CT (n = 3433, 81.3%). On the other hand, the majority of patients in the TORS cohort was treated with an adjuvant treatment (n = 826, 67.8%). IMRT subgroup showed a cumulative survival rate of 83.6% (99% CI 76.9–89.3%), while it was 91.3% (99% CI 81.2–97.8%) in the TORS subgroup. Disease-free survival was significantly different between IMRT (79.6%, 99% CI 70.6–87.3%), and TORS (89.4%, 99% CI 82.7–94.5%). IMRT subgroup showed a feeding tube dependence rate of 4.0% (99% CI 1.1–8.4%), but it was not significantly different from the TORS subgroup (1.3%, 99% CI 0–4.9%). Tracheostomy dependence rates were similar among the two subgroups (IMRT, 0.7%, 99% CI 0–1.1%; TORS, 0.2%, 99% CI 0–1.1%).ConclusionsTORS appears to be a consolidated effective surgical approach in the management of OPSCC, according to both oncologic and functional outcomes. Further RCTs comparing TORS and IMRT with homogeneous cohorts in terms of tumor staging and HPV status are advisable.
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Purpose of review: The treatment of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx (OPSCC) remains controversial. HPV positivity is widely accepted as a favorable prognostic factor, and HPV+ OPSCC is considered a distinct pathological entity with dedicated NCCN guidelines and may deserve a more personalized therapeutic strategy. The possibility to reduce surgical invasiveness and acute and late toxicity of radiotherapy/chemotherapy has led to the new concept of de-escalation treatment strategies. In particular, several de-intensified approaches have been investigated with the aim to give patients less toxic treatments, while maintaining comparable results in terms of disease's control and survival. The aim of the present review is to systematically illustrate the current status of research in de-intensification surgical and non-surgical strategies in the treatment of the OPSCC. Recent findings: We categorized all completed and on-going trials on the basis of the specific de-escalated treatment protocol. Several de-intensified approaches have been investigated with the aim to give patients less toxic treatments, while maintaining comparable results in terms of disease's control and survival. Considering the conflicting results reported so far by preliminary studies, it is necessary to wait for the final results of the on-going trials to better clarify which is the best de-intensified strategy and which patients would really benefit from it.
Objectives This study reports oncological outcomes of transoral robotic surgery (TORS) and neck dissection (ND) alone for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and aims to analyse the influence of resection margins on local recurrence rates. Materials and methods Fifty-one patients treated with curative intent for HNSCC, with TORS and ND alone between 2013 and 2019 at two tertiary centres were included in this observational multi-centre prospective cohort study. Oncological outcomes are reported on 47 patients for whom the aim was to treat with TORS and ND alone; this excluded four patients who were recommended adjuvant radiotherapy based on resective pathology but did not receive treatment. Local control is the primary endpoint; disease specific, progression free and overall survival are secondary outcomes. Results With a median follow up of 43 months, estimated outcomes at 3 years (n = 47) were as follows: local control 92%, progression free survival 80%, disease specific survival 94%, and overall survival 84%. Presence of a positive margin on the main specimen was the only statistically significant predictor of local recurrence on univariate Cox regression analysis. Time dependent receiver operating characteristic curve identified margins of 1.1 mm as a threshold for local control, with area under the curve 0.788 (95% CI 0.616–0.960), indicating a good classifier. Conclusion This is the first UK surgery alone series reporting mature oncological outcomes following TORS and ND. Positive margins on the resected specimen are the strongest predictor of local recurrence, with conventional definitions of “close margins” having no impact.
Background: We attempted to predict pathological factors and treatment outcomes using machine learning and radiomic features extracted from preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) patients. Methods: The medical records and imaging data of 155 patients who were diagnosed with OPSCC were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The logistic regression model showed that the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of the model was 0.792 in predicting human papilloma virus (HPV) status. The LightGBM model showed an AUC of 0.8333 in predicting HPV status. The performance of the logistic model in predicting lymphovascular invasion, extracapsular nodal spread, and metastatic lymph nodes showed AUC values of 0.7871, 0.6713, and 0.6638, respectively. In predicting disease recurrence, the LightGBM model showed an AUC of 0.8571. In predicting patient death, the logistic model showed an AUC of 0.8175. Conclusions: A machine learning model using MRI radiomics showed satisfactory performance in predicting pathologic factors and treatment outcomes of OPSCC patients.
Objectives/Hypothesis To investigate the surgical, oncological, and functional outcomes of transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for the treatment of supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma. Study Design Retrospective chart review. Methods The charts of patients treated by TORS supraglottic laryngectomy (SGL) in an academic medical center were reviewed. The following outcomes were studied according to the tumor location: average robotic setup and operative times, mean estimated blood loss, postoperative complications, need of tracheotomy, refeeding characteristics, mean hospital stay, need of neck dissection and adjuvant therapy, 5‐year local and regional controls, overall survival (OS), and disease‐free survival (DFS). Results Seventy‐five patients underwent TORS SGL. Tumors were classified as cT1 (32%), cT2 (52%), and cT3 (16%). Average robotic setup and operative times and the mean estimated blood loss were 15 minutes, 55 minutes, and 20 mL, respectively. The mean follow‐up period ranged from 2 to 5 years. The 5‐year OS and DFS were 80.2% and 94.3%, respectively. Overall, 34.6% of patients received adjuvant radiotherapy. The majority of patients (92%) restarted an oral diet within 24 to 48 hours postsurgery. Transient tracheotomy was performed in 8% of patients. Postoperative hemorrhages occurred in 12 patients (16.0%), lengthening the hospital stay (mean = 6.8 days). There were no outcome differences regarding the tumor location. Conclusions TORS is an effective and safe therapeutic approach for early‐ and intermediate‐stages cancers. Oncological outcomes may be quite similar to other surgical approaches, including transoral laser and open surgeries. Future randomized controlled studies are needed for comparing TORS SGL with other surgical procedures. Level of Evidence 4 Laryngoscope , 2020
Background Machine learning (ML) algorithms may predict patients who will require salvage total laryngectomy (STL) after primary radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy for laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Methods Patients treated for T1‐T3a laryngeal SCC were identified from the National Cancer Database. Multiple ML algorithms were trained to predict which patients would go on to require STL after primary nonsurgical treatment. Results A total of 16 440 cases were included. The best classification performance was achieved with a gradient boosting algorithm, which achieved accuracy of 76.0% (95% CI 74.5‐77.5) and area under the curve = 0.762. The most important variables used to construct the model were distance from residence to treating facility and days from diagnosis to start of treatment. Conclusion We can identify patients likely to fail primary radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy and who will go on to require STL by applying ML techniques and argue for high‐quality, multidisciplinary regionalized care.
Purpose: To perform a systematic review of studies evaluating Trans-oral Robotic Surgery (TORS) in the treatment of parapharyngeal space (PPS) tumors. Methods: A comprehensive electronic search was performed in PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar databases for appropriate published studies. The last search was conducted on November 9, 2019. Results: Twenty-two studies were included for the systematic review which analyzed a total of 113 patients (median age 53.5, IQR 41.5-58.1). The most common PPS tumor treated with TORS was the pleomorphic adenoma (n = 66; 58.4%). All tumors were successfully resected. The median tumor size was 4.8 cm (n = 73; IQR 3.8-5.4). Combined transcervical (TORS-TC) and transparotid (TORS-TP) approaches were used in 13 (11.5%) and 5 (4.4%) patients, respectively. Capsule disruption was noted in 11 cases (14.5%), while tumor fragmentation was observed in 7 patients (10.3%). The median time of hospitalization was 3 days (n = 79; IQR 2-4.1). Oral diet was possible from the day after surgery in the majority of patients (n = 34, 68%). The most common complication was dysphagia (n = 5, 4.5%). Conclusions: This systematic review confirms the safety and feasibility of TORS in the treatment of PPS lesions. Given the low quality of included studies, further evidence is needed in order to establish clinical guidelines.
Background: Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) has recently emerged as a surgical technique for oropharyngeal cancer. We performed a systematic review to investigate the clinical safety and effectiveness of robotic surgery compared with conventional open surgery in primary oropharyngeal cancer. Methods: A literature search was conducted using the English-language databases Ovid-MEDLINE, Ovid-Embase, and the Cochrane Library, as well as local databases containing publications through July 2018. The outcomes included demographic characteristics, adverse events, and complications, as well as oncologic, functional, and surgical outcomes. Results: Nine papers (n = 574 patients) met the inclusion criteria. Disease-free survival rate was significantly higher in the TORS group than open surgery group (n = 5 studies, RR: 1.13, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.24, I2 = 0%). Primary TORS compared with open surgery was associated with lower risks of free flap reconstruction (relative risk [RR]: 0.33, 95% confidence interval [CI]:, I2 = 6%). In subgroup analyses, the time to decannulation reconstruction (N = 2 concurrent studies, mean difference [MD]: -6.71, 95% CI: -8.40, -5.03, I2 = 78%) in the TORS group shortened by 6.7 days than open surgery group. The length of hospital stay showed significant shorter by 1.09 days in three concurrent studies (95% CI -3.49, 1.30, I2 = 72%). Conclusions: From current non-randomized studies, TORS could have advantage for disease-free survival and lowering the risk of free flap reconstruction compared to open surgery. However, due to lack of relevant studies, oncologic, functional, surgical outcomes including complications of TORS versus open surgery for oropharyngeal cancer are need to be verified with long-term follow-up comparative studies.