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Neurobehavioral Effects of Pesticides: State of the Art

  • University of Milano & Azienda Ospedaliera San Paolo - Polo Universitario

Abstract and Figures

The authors have reviewed the literature on neurobehavioral toxicity of pesticides to assess the status of knowledge on this matter. Some data suggest that exposure to DDT and fumigants may be associated with permanent decline in neurobehavioral functioning and increase in psychiatric symptoms, but, due to the limited number of studies available and the scarce knowledge on exposure levels, no firm conclusion can be drawn. Data on subjects acutely poisoned with organophosphorous compounds suggest that an impairment in neurobehavioral performance and, in some cases, emotional status may be observed as a long-term sequela, but the possibility still remains that these effects were only an aspecific expression of damage and not of direct neurotoxicity. Studies carried out on subjects chronically exposed to organophosphates, but never acutely poisoned, do not provide univocal results but the slight changes consistently observed in sheep dippers suggest the need of focusing on activities characterized by relatively higher exposure levels. In general, the main limits of existing knowledge are the variability of the testing methods used, which makes it difficult to compare the results of single studies, and the scarce knowledge on exposure levels. A promising approach may be the conduction of prospective longitudinal or cohort studies, where exposure and dose assessment can be more easily controlled, or the evaluation of cohorts of workers a priori selected for the availability of environmental and biological monitoring data. The follow up of the populations under study may give an answer at the problem of the prognostic significance of the observed changes. Also the protocols used to assess neurobehavioral functioning need to be standardized.
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Neurobehavioral Effects of Pesticides:
State of the Art
C. Colosio
, M. Tiramani
, M. Maroni
International Centre for Pesticides and Health Risk Prevention, Via Magenta 25, 20020 Busto Garolfo, Milan, Italy
Department of Occupational Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Received 20 August 2002; accepted 9 April 2003
The authors have reviewed the literature on neurobehavioral toxicity of pesticides to assess the status of knowledge on
this matter. Some data suggest that exposure to DDT and fumigants may be associated with permanent decline in
neurobehavioral functioning and increase in psychiatric symptoms, but, due to the limited numberof studies available and
the scarce knowledge on exposure levels, no firm conclusion can be drawn. Data on subjects acutely poisoned with
organophosphorous compounds suggest that an impairment in neurobehavioral performance and, in some cases,
emotional status may be observed as a long-term sequela, but the possibility still remains that these effects were only an
aspecific expression of damage and not of direct neurotoxicity. Studies carried out on subjects chronically exposed to
organophosphates, but never acutely poisoned, do not provide univocal results but the slight changes consistently
observed in sheep dippers suggest the need of focusing on activities characterized by relatively higher exposure levels. In
general, the main limits of existing knowledge are the variability of the testing methods used, which makes it difficult to
compare the results of single studies, and the scarce knowledge on exposure levels. A promising approach may be the
conduction of prospective longitudinal or cohort studies, where exposure and dose assessment can be more easily
controlled, or the evaluation of cohorts of workers a priori selected for the availability of environmental and biological
monitoring data. The follow up of the populations under study may give an answer at the problem of the prognostic
significance of the observed changes. Also the protocols used to assess neurobehavioral functioning need to be
#2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Pesticides; Neurobehavioral effects; Neurobehavioral testing; Review
Pesticides differ from other chemical substances
because they are toxic chemicals deliberately spread
into the environment with the aim of controlling unde-
sired living species. Since their toxicity may be not
completely specific for the target organisms, their use
may pose a risk to human health.
The mechanism of action of pesticides frequently
involves a neurotoxic effect: organophosphorous
compounds and carbamates act through the inhibition
of central nervous system cholinesterase (Jeyaratnam
and Maroni, 1994; Machemer and Pickel, 1994);
pyrethroids affect the sodium channels of the nerve
membrane, keeping them open for more than the few
milliseconds needed for the generation of the action
potential (He, 1994); organochlorinated compounds in
general act as central nervous system stimulants, but
the mechanism of action varies for the different active
ingredients (Tordoir and Van Sittert, 1994); morpho-
line derivatives alter the balance between excitatory
and inhibitory threshold in neurons, impairing the
function of the nervous system (Barbieri and Ferioli,
1994), while formamidines have an agonistic action on
the alpha-2 catecholamine receptor (Xue and Loosly,
The absorption of high doses of neurotoxic active
ingredients gives rise to well known pictures of acute
NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577–591
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ39-0331-406611/406615;
fax: þ39-0331-568023.
E-mail address: (C. Colosio).
0161-813X/$ – see front matter #2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
poisoning, characterized by impairment of the nervous
system function. In some cases, acute poisoning may
be followed by delayed sequelae, the most studied
being the so-called ‘‘organophosphates induced
delayed neuropathy’’ (OPIDN), that can be demon-
strated in hens and may also occur in man from one to
three weeks after a severe acute exposure to certain
OPs. The disease is characterized by a accid weakness
of the distal limb muscle and is attributed to the
capacity of some OP compounds to link a specic
nervous system molecular target, the neurotoxic ester-
ase (NTE) (Lotti and Moretto, 1999).
The almost ubiquitous presence of pesticide residues
in the living and working environments gives rise to the
question of whether or not prolonged exposure to
neurotoxic compounds at concentrations lower than
those able to cause acute effects may have adverse
consequences on health. Since CNS and some specic
CNS functions including behavior may be a sensible
target for the effects of other neurotoxicants such as
solvents and metals (Mergler et al., 1999; Noraberg and
Arlien-Soborg, 2000; White and Proctor, 1997), study-
ing selected neurobehavioral effects in subjects
exposed to neurotoxic pesticides may contribute to
provide an answer to this question.
This paper aims at reviewing the studies published
in the literature on neurobehavioral effects of
pesticides and critically evaluating the information
available for some groups of active ingredients. Area
of uncertainty and specic research needs are also
Available data regarding organochlorine compounds
are summarized in Table 1.
In a USA study, 859 children were tested at the ages
of 3, 4, or 5 years to evaluate the effects of DDT
absorbed either through transplacental route or during
breast-feeding (Gladen and Rogan, 1991). This study
indicated that DDT did not affect either psychomotor
and mental behavioral patterns, or school performance
in English and mathematics, even when the provisional
tolerated daily intake was exceeded. Six hundreds and
seventy children out of the 858 studied by Gladen were
tested at birth and at the ages of 6, 12, 18 and 24 months
(Rogan and Gladen, 1991). Exposures to polichlori-
nated biphenyls and DDE were taken into account. A
small delay in motor maturation was observed at 24
months in PCB exposed children, while DDE exposure
was not associated with any neurobehavioral effect. A
study carried out in Costa Rica on 27 retired men
engaged in malaria control activities exposed to DDT
for at least 2 years, suggested that prolonged occupa-
tional exposure to DDT was associated with permanent
decline in neurobehavioral functioning and increase of
neuropsychological and psychiatric symptoms (van
Wendel de Joode and Wesseling, 2001). This study
however did not provide information on the exposure
levels of the studied workers.
In summary, no rm conclusions can be drawn on
neurobehavioral toxicity of DDT and other organo-
chlorine compounds, and further research is needed.
Table 1
Summary of studies on organochlorinated compounds
Number of subjects
(job for workers)
Functions tested Observed effect(s) Author (year) Comments
27 male (public health
DDT workers)
Cognitive, motor and
sensory functions
Overall poor
van Wendel
de Joode and
Wesseling (2001)
Data on exposure
levels lack
27 male (controls) Verbal attention Other active
ingredients involved
Visuo-motor speed
Neuropsychological and
psychiatric symptoms
1 female (occasional
exposure to lindane)
Hospitalization Central nervous system
toxicity; symptoms
lasted 20 months
Hall and
Hall (1999)
Acute poisoning case
859 DDT exposed children
tested at the age
of 35 years
Mental behavior patterns
(McCarthy and Bayley
scores; school performances)
No observed effects Gladen and
Rogan (1991)
Transplacental and
cumulative exposure
through breast milk tested
670 PCBs and DDE exposed
children (follow up at
birth and at 6, 12, 18
and 24 months)
Bayley scales of infant
development (MDI and PDI)
Small delay in motor
maturation (PCBs)
(24 months PDI);
no effect of DDE
Rogan and
Gladen (1991)
Transplacental and
cumulative exposure
through breast milk tested
578 C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591
Organophosphorous compounds represent the che-
mical group of pesticides most extensively investigated
for their neurobehavioral toxicity. The rst reports of
neurobehavioral changes, such as memory impairment,
confusion, anxiety, drowsiness, labile emotion, fatigue,
depression, irritability in subjects heavily exposed to
OP compounds date back to the 1950s and 1960s (Dille
and Smith, 1964; Gerson and Shaw, 1961; Grob et al.,
1950; Metcalf and Homes, 1969; Durham et al., 1965).
Even if these studies were not adequate to reach
conclusions, they have for the rst time underlined
the possibility of development of ‘‘chronic OP-induced
neuropsychiatric disorders’’ (COPIND). After these
early studies, two main lines of study have been
pursued: the onset of the neurobehavioral impairment
as a consequence of an acute OP poisoning and the
occurrence of neurobehavioral changes as a conse-
quence of prolonged exposure without preceding epi-
sodes of acute poisoning.
Neurobehavioral Effects After Acute OP Poisoning
The studies published on neurobehavioral effects in
subjects with a previous episode of acute OP poisoning
are summarized in Table 2.
A reduction of verbal attention, visual memory,
motricity and affectivity was demonstrated through
neurobehavioral testing with the WHO protocol core
test battery (Maroni et al., 1986; WHO, 1986) and
supplementary tests in a group of 38 subjects with a
previous unintentional episode of acute occupational
OP poisoning with hospitalization. Neurobehavioral
outcomes were compared with a control group com-
posed by 38 never poisoned subjects, living in the same
community (Rosenstock et al., 1991). The study sug-
gested that even a single episode of OP intoxication, for
which medical treatment was needed, was associated
with a persistent decline in neuropsychological
functions. The authors underlined that one of the most
important drawbacks in these studies is the inability to
identify the contribution of pesticide exposures other
than clinically signicant acute poisoning. These
ndings are similar to those obtained by Savage
et al. (1988) on a group of 100 previously poisoned
subjects, who showed no clinical neurological effects
but differences in several neuropsychological per-
formance abilities, namely intellectual functioning,
abstraction, exibility of thinking and simple motor
skills. The authors of the study underlined the need
of carrying out an evaluation of both neurological and
neuropsychological parameters when examining sub-
jects with previous acute poisoning.
Also a study carried out on a group of 128 subjects
included in the register of poisonings of the California
State for an acute OP episode showed a reduction
in sustained visual attention, vibrotactile sensitivity,
symbol digit tests. Interestingly, the most heavily
poisoned subjects (hospitalized cases) showed the
highest level of neurobehavioral impairment (Steenland
et al., 1994).
Thirty-six male workers were evaluated between
10 and 34 months after hospitalization for acute orga-
nophosphate poisoning and compared to an age and
sex-matched community reference group (McConnell
et al., 1994). The main nding of this study consisted
of an abnormal vibrotactile threshold in one fourth of
patients previously poisoned with methamidophos.
It should be noted that some of the above mentioned
studies have been criticized and their conclusions
questioned on the basis of unclear selection of subjects,
inappropriate control group, and unknown signicance
of some of the neurobehavioral tests used (Lotti, 1992).
The possibility of a neurobehavioral impairment
consequent to a previous episode of acute poisoning
has also been conrmed by a follow-up study carried
out on the subjects involved in the Tokio subway Sarin
poisoning episode (Yokoyama et al., 1998), and by a
signicant number of published case reports.
In summary, the evidence of a neurobehavioral
impairment in previously poisoned subjects is rather
consistent. The highest levels of neurobehavioral
impairment are observed in the most heavily poisoned
subjects (those hospitalized and treated with atropine
and antidotes). On the contrary, a clear reduction of
AChE activity without overt signs of poisoning has
shown to be inadequate to cause neurobehavioral effect
(Ames et al., 1995). As for single OP compounds, a
group of toxicologists and medical experts, after
reviewing the scientic literature on chlorpyrifos, con-
cluded that there was no clear evidence of long-term
effects other than cases of OPIDN from suicidal inges-
tion. As for long-term exposure, the authors concluded
that the peripheral and central nervous system was
not affected, unless an acute and severe poisoning
occurred. With respect to neurobehavioral effects, they
were dened as unlikely to occur (Clegg and Van
Gemert, 1999).
Since available data, including sarin poisoning cases,
indicate that a severe clinical poisoning is necessary
for the occurrence of neurobehavioral impairment,
a further question concerns the specicity of the
observed effects. Interestingly, such effects are very
C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591 579
similar to those observed in subjects with a previous
episode of CO poisoning with CNS anoxia (Raub et al.,
2000), or even in subjects with a previous CNS trau-
matic injury (Deb et al., 1999). Also in the experi-
mental model, long-term sequelae seem to be
secondary to convulsions or anoxia associated with
the severity of cholinergic syndrome and not directly
related to AChE inhibition (Lotti, 1992). Although
recent studies on chlorpyrifos have pointed out a
neurobehavioral effect in rats repeatedly exposed to
low doses (Socko et al., 1999) and an in vitro inhibitory
effect on brain cells associated with oxidative stress
Table 2
Studies on subjects with a previous episode of acute OP poisoning
Number of workers (job) Functions tested Observed effect(s) Author (year) Comments
18 (9 male, 9 female)
(Tokyo subway
sarin poisoning)
Medical follow up
of acute poisoning
Reduction in psychomotor
performance (digit symbol)
et al. (1998)
Long-term sequelae of
Tokio subway sarin
acute poisoning casesGeneral health, chronic
fatigue, posttraumatic stress
disorder checklist: impaired
36 male workers
(evaluated 1034
months after
for OP poisoning)
Questionnaire Abnormal vibrotactile
threshold in one forth of the
previously poisoned cohort
et al. (1994)
Higher prevalence of
reported history of
exposure to solvents
among the previously
poisoned group
Vibrotactile threshold
34 male (community-
based reference
128 male (OP poisoned
(19821990) in
Definite cases (83) Reduction in sustained
visual attention, vibrotactile
sensitivity, symbol digit tests
et al. (1994)
Particularly affected
heavily poisoned
(hospitalized) subjects
Probably cases (45)
90 male
Neurologic function and
eight computerized
neurobehavioral tests
36 male
(Nicaragua workers)
Three groups: never
poisoned (I); poisoned
with other than
methamidophos (II);
poisoned with
methamidophos (III)
Abnormal vibrotactile
threshold in group III
et al. (1994)
36 male (controls) Vibrotactile threshold
8 poisoned cases
Medical follow up of
acute poisoning
Deficit of concentration,
word-finding and memory
in five out of eight
patients, reversible in four
et al. (1993)
Case reports
38 male (previous
acute poisoning,
Neurobehavioral tests
(WHO protocol)
Reduction of verbal
attention; visual memory,
motricity; affectivity
et al. (1991)
Unclear selection of
subjects and control
38 male (controls) Unclear interpretation
of some neurobehavioral
19 farm workers
acutely poisoned
No formal neurological
examination or testing
Blurred vision, night
sweats, headaches,
weakness, nausea
Whorton and
Obrinsky (1983)
Raw observational study
100 male þfemale
(previous OP
Neurologic functions No neurological effects Savage et al.
Unclear selection of
subjects and control
100 male þfemale
Neurophisiological testing
(Wechsler adult intelligence
scale, Helsted-Reiten
battery and Minnesota
multiphasic personality
Differences in the
neurophysiological tests:
intellectual functioning,
abstraction, flexibility of
thinking and simple motor
skills (distress)
Unclear interpretation
of some neurobehavioral
580 C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591
(Garcia et al., 2000), the possibility still remains that
the long-term sequelae after acute OP poisoning are
only an unspecic expression of the CNS anoxic
Neurobehavioral Effects After Prolonged
Low-Level Exposure
The main studies on workers with prolonged expo-
sure to OPs in the absence of a documented episode of
acute poisoning are collected in Table 3. They will be
analyzed according to the exposure context.
Exposure in Agriculture
Durham et al. (1965) and co-workers did not nd any
change in reaction time in workers chronically exposed
to OP compounds if compared to unexposed control
subjects. Analogous results were obtained by Rod-
nitzky et al. (1975) in a group of 12 farmers and 11
professional sprayers. Levin et al. (1976) studying a
group of 13 professional applicators and 11 farmers
found increased levels of anxiety, impaired vigilance
and reduced concentration in professional applicators
but not in agricultural workers. The authors could not
rule out the possibility that the ndings may have been
produced by factors other than exposure. Maizlish et al.
(1987) in a group of 99 pest control workers, 56 of
which exposed to diazinon, failed to show any sig-
nicant behavioral change between pre- and post-shift
examination, while a signicantly lower performance
was observed in the applicators when compared to
controls. The ndings did not correlate with duration of
exposure. Since estimated cumulative exposure may
not be a valid risk indicator, particularly on intermit-
tent-exposure conditions, the study could not denitely
rule out the presence of long-term neurobehavioral
Daniell et al. (1992) studied a group of 49 agricul-
tural applicators and 40 unexposed control subjects. A
questionnaire was administered prior and after a 6-
month application season; in both exposed and controls
neurobehavioral functions were tested through a com-
puterized battery of tests. The study did not show any
clear evidence of clinically signicant decrement in
neuropsychological performance following a 6-month
period of pesticide exposure, and only one subtest of
the applied battery (symbol digit substitution) showed
a statistically signicant across-season change. Since
one control out of four reported a previous pesticide
exposure, the criteria for selection of control subjects
may be questioned.
Stokes et al. (1995) showed a signicant increase in
hand vibration threshold in a group of 90 male pesticide
applicators compared to 68 unexposed control subjects.
Ames et al. (1995) among 135 agricultural applica-
tors, selected a group of 45 subjects that showed
reduction of acetylcholinesterase or butiryl cholines-
terase activity without any overt symptom of poison-
ing. The whole group underwent a battery of 27
neurological tests. When the ndings obtained in the
group with a previous episode of cholinesterase inhibi-
tion were compared with those obtained in the group
that never suffered any decrease in cholinesterase
activity, the authors did not nd any signicant differ-
ence for all but one (serial digit performance) of the
investigated parameters. However, the difference
observed in serial digit performance showed a better
performance in the cholinesterase inhibited group. The
study would suggest that in presence of AChE inhibi-
tion, but without symptomatic poisoning, no neurobe-
havioral sequelae are expected.
A study carried out by London et al. (1997) on 231
sprayers and 115 internal controls, who underwent a
complete clinical and neurological examination and
neurobehavioral testing, did not show any appreciable
difference either in neurological or neurobehavioral
parameters. However, the authors reported the pre-
sence of confounding factors and the estimation of
the exposure levels, done through a job-exposure
matrix, was not reliable.
Analogous results were obtained by Bazylewicz-
Walckzak et al. (1999), who evaluated 25 females
engaged in pesticide application in greenhouses and
25 paired controls through the application of the
neurobehavioral core test battery, without showing
any difference between pre- and post-exposure mea-
surements. However, the authors showed longer reac-
tion times, reduced motor steadiness, tension,
depression and fatigue in the exposed group when
compared to controls.
Fiedler et al. (1997) evaluated neuropsychological
and psychiatric effects due to chronic use of OPs in 57
male tree fruit farmers, compared with 42 age-matched
male cranberry/blueberry growers and hardware store
owners. The study revealed statistically signicant
slowing of reaction time in the exposed subjects, while
all other measures of cognitive function (concentration,
visuomotor skills, memory, expressive language,
mood) and emotional distress did not differ between
exposure groups.
In conclusion, there is not a rm and consistent
evidence that OP compounds are able to cause neuro-
behavioral effects after long-term low-dose exposure,
C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591 581
Table 3
Studies on OP exposed subjects without a previous episode of acute poisoning
Number of workers (job) Functions tested Observed effect(s) Author (year) Comments
Exposure in agriculture
26 female (Greenhouse
Neurobehavioral core
test battery
Longer reaction times Bazylewicz-
et al. (1999)
No differences
pre- and post-exposure
25 female (controls)
Reduced motor steadiness
Tension, depression and
fatigue in the exposed
57 male (tree
fruit farmers)
Cognitive functions
(concentration, visuomotor
skills, memory, expressive
language, mood)
Statistically significant
slowing in reaction time
et al. (1997)
Cognitive functions and
emotional status not
differing between
the groups
42 male (cranberry/
growers) Emotional status
231 male (sprayers) Clinical neurologic
No significant neurologic
and neurobehavioral effects
et al. (1997)
Long-term exposure
determined using a
job-exposure matrix 22
cases of previous acute
poisoning reported
115 male (internal
controls) Vibration sense
Presence of confounders
Neurobehavioral tests
The same group of
subjects selected
by Stephens
Selected 30 subjects
after dipping (10 most
symptomatic, 10 least
symptomatic and
10 unexposed)
Significant differences in
two-point discrimination
(dorsum hands and foots)
et al. (1996)
Subtle differences, clinical
significance unclear, levels
of exposure unknown
Mean calf circumferences No observed effects on
short-term memory and
45 male (previous
Previous RBC
cholinesterase at 70% or
less than baseline or
PChe at 60% or less
than baseline
One out of 27 neurological
test (serial digit performance)
significantly different, but in
direction opposite than
et al. (1995)
The study suggest that even
with ACHE inhibition,
but without poisoning,
no neurobehavioral
sequelae are expected90 male (no previous
cholinesterase inhibition
90 male (pesticide
Symptom questionnaire
Significant increase in
hand vibration threshold
in applicators
et al. (1995)
Vibration threshold
68 male (unexposed
control subjects)
49 male (agricultural
Questionnaire prior and
before application
season (6 months)
Only one subtest showed
statistically significant
exposure related across-season
change (symbol digit
et al. (1992)
No clear evidence of
clinically decrement in
One control out of four
reported a previous
pesticide exposure
40 male (controls)
99 pest control
Neurological screening
No adverse DETP related
changes in pre- and post-
shift neurobehavioral function
et al. (1987)
No difference pre- and post-
exposure, slight differences
exposed vs. controls56 of which exposed
to diazinon
Symptom questionnaire
Poorer performances in the
exposed group, not supported
by regression analysis with
duration of exposure
Sine estimated cumulative
exposure may be not a good
indicator in intermittent-
exposure conditions, the
study suggest that is not
an effect, if any
Tests of concentration,
eye-hand coordination,
patter recognition, visual
memory, finger tapping
(DETP) determination
582 C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591
even if these effects are neither been consistently nor
extensively investigated (Goran and Jamal, 1997;
Jamal, 1995). The main limits of the available studies
are uncertainty on quantitative exposure denition,
inappropriate selection of control subjects, lack of
consistency among the results of different studies,
and difculties in the interpretation of some results
in terms of health outcomes.
Table 3 (Continued )
Number of workers (job) Functions tested Observed effect(s) Author (year) Comments
13 professional
Beck depression
Inventory (22 multiple
choice items)
Elevated levels of anxiety,
impaired vigilance and
reduced concentration in
commercial sprayers but
not in farmers
et al. (1976)
The authors underline that
anxiety may have been
produced by other factors
than exposure
11 farmers
Structured interview
PChE but not AChE
depressed in the
exposed groups
24 unexposed control
subjects PChE and AChE
12 farmers Memory No difference exposed
vs. controls in all the
parameters taken
into account
et al. (1975)
Many of the workers taken
into account had used many
different active ingredients
11 professional
Signal processing time
(A) Sheep dipping
612 male (sheep dippers) Administered a
standard neuropathy
symptom questionnaire
Neurologic symptoms
(primarily sensory type) in
the highly exposed subjects
et al. (2001)
Data on the levels of
exposure retrospectively
collected through
53 male (non-dipper-
No clear effects on thermal
or vibration sensory thresholds
107 male (ceramic
146 male
(sheep farmers)
Subjects selected based
on presence of symptoms
after dipping
Significant cognitive and
neuropsychological effects
et al. (1995)
No association presence of
symptoms and chronic
outcomes143 male (controls)
neurophisiological testing
Several since several of the
quarry workers selected as
controls reported to have
helped on sheep farms
during sparing time
Urine alkylphosphates
38 male (sheep dippers
exposed to diazinon)
Measured AChE activity
and dialkylphosphate
Significant AChE inhibition
(not at levels associated
with toxicity), increase in
alkylphosphate excretion
Rees (1996) Dippers are significantly
24 completed the study Handling of concentrate
dip is the main source of
(B) Other exposures
191 male (current and
former termiticide
189 controls
Neurologic function No major differences
exposed vs. controls
et al. (2000)
In recently exposed
subjects, biological
monitoring data show
significant occupational
Biological monitoring
(urine 3,5,6-TCP) Reduction of nerve conduction
velocity, tremor, visual motor
skills, memory impairment,
emotional status, fatigue
reported in the exposed group
Other active ingredients
59 male (quinalphos
and other pesticide
17 controls
Physical examination,
testing battery, digit span,
digit symbol test, Bourdon
Weirsma vigilance test
Altered plantar and
ankle reflexes
et al. (2000)
AChE activity not different
in exposed and controls
AChE activity
Memory, learning and
vigilance affected
Higher level of education
in controls
Eight subjects with a previous episode of acute poisoning had a pattern of low performance on a number of tests.
C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591 583
Since some studies (Bazylewicz-Walckzak et al.,
1999; Beach et al., 1996; Maizlish et al., 1987) did
not show neurobehavioral changes between pre- and
post-exposure determinations nor association between
changes and biological monitoring indicators, but sug-
gested slight differences when comparing exposed and
controls, it might be hypothesized that such effects
build up over time and a one-season exposure only is
not sufcient to cause an appreciable deterioration. In
future, research should be more focused on prolonged
exposures, with particular attention for highly exposed
subjects and on the denition of reliable indicators of
prolonged exposure.
Exposure in ‘‘Sheep Dipping’’
Apart from agriculture, a signicant exposure to
pesticides may be present in other rural activities.
One of these activities is the so-called ‘‘sheep dipping’’
(Table 3(A)). It consists of dipping sheep in a pesticide
aqueous solution to prevent sheep scab, the allergic
disease caused by the mite Psoroptes Ovis, and other
external sheep parasitosis. The treatment is usually
made with organophosphorous compounds, but in
some cases also pyrethroids can be used.
A study carried out on a group of 146 sheep farmers
and 143 unexposed control subjects showed a signi-
cant cognitive and neuropsychological decit in
farmers. Recent exposure was measured through the
determination of alkylphosphate concentration in
urine. No association was observed between the pre-
sence of OP-related symptoms and long-term out-
comes (Stephens et al., 1995). This suggests that
neurobehavioral effects, if present, may occur inde-
pendently of symptoms that might immediately follow
an OP overexposure. In this study, the selection of
control subjects may be questioned, since several of the
quarry workers selected as controls reported to have
helped on sheep farms during sparing time. At the
comparison of the ten most symptomatic and the ten
less symptomatic subjects selected by Stephens et al.
with 10 unexposed healthy control subjects, Beach
showed a reduction in two-points discrimination (dor-
sum, hands and foots) and mean calf circumferences.
The study did not show any effect on short-term
memory and learning (Beach et al., 1996).
Pilkington et al. (2001) evaluated a group of 612 OP
exposed dippers, and compared the results of a stan-
dard neuropathy symptom questionnaire with those
obtained from a control group of 53 non-dipper-farm-
ers and 107 ceramic workers. The study showed an
increase in neurological symptoms in the dippers,
primarily of sensor type, the signicance of which
was dependent on few individual workers with extre-
mely high exposures. The study did not show any
signicant association between exposure and sensory
thresholds. Data on exposure levels were collected
through an exposure history questionnaire.
The possibility of a neurological impairment of
dippers related to pesticide exposure has generated a
serious concern over the last years. Certainly, dippers
are to be considered as a high exposure group (Rees,
1996), and dip concentration is the most important
determining factor of OP exposure, since the excretion
of OP metabolites in the exposed dippers increases
with the increase of the concentration of the solution
used (Buchanan et al., 2001). In some cases dippers
develop ue like symptoms at the end of the work-shift.
This has been matter of further concern, because mild
acute OP poisoning may be difcult to diagnose
(Goran and Jamal, 1997) and such ‘‘dipper u’’ cases
might, in fact, be unrecognized mild OP poisonings
that are erroneously interpreted as ue (Murray et al.,
In spite of the great attention raised in the commu-
nity, the investigations carried out on dippers suffer the
same limitations of other similar studies, mainly in the
denition of the levels of exposure and in the selection
of the control groups. Thus no rm conclusions can be
drawn on the real occurrence of such effects and on the
causative factors. The slight changes consistently
shown by different studies indicate the need of better
studies on this topic, addressing the open questions
concerning the doseeffect relationship, the type of
involved compounds, and their mechanism of action.
Other Exposures
Steenland et al. (2000) studied 191 current and
former termiticide applicators and 189 unexposed
control subjects (Table 3(B)). In 65 recently exposed
subjects an average urinary 3,5,6-trichloropyridinol
(3,5,6-TCP) excretion of 629.5 mg/l was measured,
versus 4.5 mg/l measured in the US general population:
these data suggest a signicant occupational exposure.
Clinical examination did not show any difference
between exposed and control subjects. On the other
hand, signicant differences were reported in the
exposed group in nerve conduction velocity, arm/hand
tremor, vibrotactile sensitivity, vision, smell, visual/
motor skills, and neurobehavioral skills. Also symp-
toms such as memory problems, emotional status, and
fatigue were signicantly more frequent in the exposed
584 C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591
A study carried out on 59 subjects engaged in the
industrial production of quinalphos and 17 controls
showed altered plantar and ankle reexes and reduction
in memory, learning and vigilance in the exposed
subjects, whose levels of acetylcholinesterase activity
did not differ from those measured in control subjects
(Srivastava et al., 2000). However, it must be noted that
the level of education was higher in the control group
(47.1% of graduated and above versus 25.5%), and this
difference may have affected the observed difference
between exposed and controls.
These papers are in line with some of the agricultural
studies above discussed and do not seem to add sub-
stantially new information.
Synthetic pyrethroids are insecticides becoming
more and more important in agriculture, public health
and for the struggle against vector born disease in the
developing world because of their low acute toxicity
and very short environmental half-lives. They also nd
a signicant use indoors (home, restaurants, ofces and
also airplanes), therefore the denition of the health
risk associated with the use of these compounds is of
great public health interest. No extended studies are
available suggesting the capacity of pyrethroids to
impair neurobehavioral function in low-dose exposure
conditions. Two papers based on single case reports
(Altenkirch et al., 1996; Muller-Mohhnssen, 1999)
(Table 4) suggested the possibility of some neurobe-
havioral effects after acute poisoning episodes. How-
ever, the observed effects were various, the number of
cases very small, and the information on health status
were collected only through telephone interviews or
questionnaire. Finally, acute pyrethroid poisoning is a
very unlike event. In conclusion, this class of chemicals
does not seem to be of particular relevance for a
possible neurobehavioral toxicity.
One of the most toxic fumigants is methyl bromide, a
compound widely used for soil fumigation and seed
Two studies suggested the capacity of methyl bro-
mide and another fumigant, sulfuryl uoride, to cause
neurobehavioral effects (Table 5). Calvert et al. (1998)
studied a group of 123 fumigation workers through the
measurement of nerve conduction, vibration, neurobe-
havioral, visual, and olfactory functions. The study
showed a reduction of the performance at the pattern
memory tests only in sulfuryl uoride workers, but
exposure levels of these subjects had not been mea-
sured. A second study carried out on 15 fumigation
workers, only ve of whom were considered as
‘‘chronically exposed’’, measured neurological func-
tions through the WHO neurobehavioral test battery
and the determination of other parameters (dynamome-
try, vibration, peripheral nerve conduction and psycho-
logical functions). Insomnia, headache, paresthesiae,
mood changes, loss of memory, increased threshold
for vibration, reduction of dynamometric test, and
increased score for negative auto-perception were more
frequent in the exposed group, who also showed a
signicant increase in blood methyl bromide in the
post-exposure samples (Acuna et al., 1997).
Due to the limited number of studied subjects, it is
almost impossible to draw conclusions on the neuro-
behavioral toxicity of these compounds; however in
view of the relative frequency of acute poisoning with
fumigants, this issue would deserve further attention.
Table 4
Studies on neurobehavioral effects of pyrethroids
Number of subjects Functions tested Observed effect(s) Author (year) Comments
4 previous acute and
subacute pyrethroids
poisoning (case reports)
Follow up of acute
poisoning cases
Reduced intellectual performance,
visual disturbances, dysacousia,
relationship not
Sensomotor polyneuropathy
Vegetative nervous disorders
Opportunistic infections
23 (male þfemale) acute
pyrethroids in-home
poisoning case
(case reports)
Follow up of acute
poisoning cases
Nine out of 23 presented
severe somatic or
psychiatric disorders
et al. (1996)
relationship not
Study aimed at multiple
chemical sensitivity
C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591 585
In several retrospective studies, the active ingredi-
ents used by the studied subjects could not be dened,
and, given that the use of many different active ingre-
dients is very common in agriculture, data were
referred to ‘‘use of mixtures’’. Also the so-called ‘‘Gulf
War syndrome’’ has been sometimes attributed to
exposure to mixtures of pesticides.
A reduction in cognitive tests was observed when
comparing 96 Hispanic adolescents working in agri-
culture with 51 contemporaries engaged in non-agri-
cultural activities (Rohlman et al., 2001). Agricultural
workers were supposed to be exposed to pesticides, but
qualitative and quantitative data on exposure were
lacking, and, at the same time, a comparability of
educational and cultural status of exposed and controls
was not demonstrated (Table 6).
Baldi et al. (2001) published the results of a study
carried out on 528 agricultural workers directly
exposed to pesticides during mixing, preparation or
spraying of pesticides, 173 indirectly exposed (re-entry
workers), and 216 never exposed subjects. The study
showed cognitive effects in the workers, the most
impaired functions being information selection and
processing, but a doseeffect relationship could not
be shown since exposure was only assessed with a
questionnaire and the compounds to which the workers
would have been exposed could not be identied. Apart
from the limitations on the exposure assessment, a
further weakness of this study was that the psycholo-
gists in charge of the examination knew the exposure
status of the workers.
A very complex study was carried out by Cole et al.
(1997) through the application of the WHO neurobe-
havioral core test battery (Cassitto et al., 1990)ona
group of 142 Ecuadorian agricultural workers exposed
to 43 different active ingredients, mainly represented
by Mancozeb, carbamates and OPs. This study showed
that visualspatial tasks were the most sensitive targets
of farm membership, however, it has to be noted that
the levels of exposure were assessed only through a
questionnaire, the presence of numerous possible con-
founders was acknowledged in the paper, and the
authors themselves underlined that cross-sectional stu-
dies cannot provide conclusive evidence of effects.
Gulf War Syndrome (GWS)
Many of the veterans who served in the 1991 Gulf
War reported a number of unexplained symptoms
during or after their service. Difculty in memory
and attention were among the symptoms most com-
monly reported (Fiedler et al., 2000; Storzbach et al.,
2000, 2001), but in some cases these symptoms could
be part of the so-called ‘‘chronic fatigue syndrome’’
and, in other cases, of the ‘‘multiple chemical sensi-
tivity’’ syndrome (Kipen et al., 1999; Pollet et al.,
1998). Among the possible etiological factors, con-
sideration was given to low-level exposure to nerve
gases, but also to exposure to pesticides used for the
treatment of dresses, tents and sleeping bags and to
the antidotes provided to the troops during their stay
in the war area. In some studies, severe and mild
moderate illness was positively associated with self-
reports of pyridostigmine bromide use, insect repellent
use, and psychological distress caused by threat of
biological or chemical weapons (Nisenbaum et al.,
2000). Table 6 summarizes the most recent literature
on this topic.
The body of available data conrms that GWS is a
poorly known entity, characterized by signs and symp-
toms which uctuate depending on the studies, with
many organs apparently involved but without any
Table 5
Studies on neurobehavioral effects of fumigants
Number of subjects Functions tested Observed effect(s) Author (year) Comments
123 male Nerve conduction, vibration,
neurobehavioral, visual,
olfactory, and renal
function testing
Exposure to sulfuryl fluoride
associated with reduced performance
at the pattern memory test
et al. (1998)
Levels of exposure
unknownFumigation workers
(methyl bromide,
sulfuryl fluoride) Impairment of olfactory function
120 male (controls)
15 male WHO neuro behavior Insomnia, headache, paresthesiae,
mood changes, loss of memory,
increase of threshold for vibration,
reduction of dynamometric test,
score for negative auto-perception
et al. (1997)
Blood methyl
bromide increased
from 13.3 to
30 mg/dl after
Fumigation workers
(methyl bromide)
(5 chronically exposed)
Core test battery
10 controls
Vibration assessment
Peripheral nerve conduction
Psychological functions
586 C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591
clinical evidence of organic injury. Moreover, signs and
symptoms overlap with many other chronic diseases
and there is a serious possibility that this syndrome may
not represent a single nosological entity (Knoke et al.,
2000). Numerous etiological hypotheses have been
formulated, namely stress, vaccinations, exposure to
neurotoxins, and exposure to weak uranium (Tourni e r
et al., 2002), however none of them has a solid scientic
support and a credible mechanistic explanation. Factor
analysis of self-reported symptoms did not identify a
unique Gulf War syndrome (Knoke et al., 2000), the
most commonly reported nding being psychological
distress. At the state of current knowledge, a bio-
psycho-social explanatory model may probably provide
the most likely interpretation of the nature of these
disturbances (Ferrari and Russel, 2001).
Table 6
Studies on neurobehavioral effects of mixtures
Number of subjects Functions tested Observed effect(s) Author (year) Comments
528 directly exposed A selected battery of nine
neuropsychological tests
(not computerized)
Cognitive effects Baldi
et al. (2001)
Qualitative and
quantitative data on
exposure lacks
Pesticide applicators
in vineyards
No doseeffect
173 indirectly exposed
(re-entry workers)
Study not carried
out in blind
216 never exposed
3531 male (Gulf
War veterans)
Questionnaire Multiple chemical sensitivity Reid
et al. (2001)
Quantitative and
qualitative exposure
data lack
Chronic fatigue Syndrome
Psychological morbidity
96 hispanic adolescents
working in agriculture
Computerized behavioral
assessment and research
system (BARS)
Reduction in the cognitive
tests in agriculture workers
et al. (2001)
Qualitative and
quantitative data on
exposure lack51 hispanic adolescents
not working in
Educational and cultural
differences may explain
the difference
239 male (Gulf
War veterans)
Medical examination
Battery of 12 psychological
and 6 neurobehavioral tests
The majority of cases with
symptoms had no objective
evidence of neurobehavioral
et al. (2001)
Effects attributed to
low-level nerve gas
Evidence of psychological
Data on the levels of
exposure lack
45 þ35 þ23 male
(Gulf War veterans)
Complete physical,
psychiatric and
Personality, negative coping
strategies, life stress after the
war are significant predictors
of current physical function
et al. (2000)
Risk not related to
chemical exposures
241 male (Gulf War
veterans, with
Questionnaire Increased distress and more
poorly neurobehavioral
performances in subjects
with symptoms
et al. (2000)
differences have a
prominent role
113 (Gulf War veterans,
without symptoms)
12 physiological and
6 neurobehavioral tests
1935 male (Gulf
War veterans)
Questionnaire 15.7: chronic fatigue
et al. (1999)
1161 accepted to
enter the study
13.1: multiple chemical
3.3: both conditions
142 farm workers
72 controls
core test battery
Visualspatial tasks Cole
et al. (1997)
Exposure to 43 different
active ingredients, but
mainly to Mancozeb,
carbamates and OP,
estimated through
C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591 587
Although most pesticides have a known neurotoxic
potential, the evidence of their capacity to cause neu-
robehavioral impairment in man in the absence of a
previous acute poisoning episode is very limited. Even
in the past-poisoned subjects, the often observed reduc-
tion of verbal attention, visual memory and attention,
motricity, affectivity, and exibility of thinking, may
be the result of a generic brain injury, for example,
anoxia consequent to the cholinergic crisis, and not
necessarily to be related to a specic neurotoxicity of
these compounds. Solving this dilemma would signif-
icantly improve the knowledge on the neurobehavioral
effects of OPs, and the answer would have relevant
implications on risk assessment and risk management
The slight changes sometimes observed in subjects
exposed to OP without any previous acute poisoning,
such as longer reaction time, emotional and intellectual
changes and fatigue, and the evidence of effects in
heavily exposed subjects, such as sheep dippers, are a
matter of concern and further research is recommend-
able to conrm or rule out the presence of a risk
of neurobehavioral toxicity consequent to repeated
low-dose OP exposure. The same applies to fumigant
In spite of their great social and legal impact, the
effects attributed to mixed exposures, including the
Gulf War syndrome, are not sufciently substantiated
in scientic terms to call for specic investigations: it
is, in fact, very difcult to search the cause of a
unspecied disease that may actually not even exist.
A disappointing feature common to the majority of
the studies on neurobehavioral effects is represented
by their inconclusiveness: in spite of the number of
available studies, very few conclusions can be made.
To improve our knowledge on this area and remove
the existing uncertainties, future studies should be
designed and conducted in a different way from the
past, taking in due account the need of combining
clinical or neurobehavioral testing with robust toxico-
logical assessments.
In most of the past studies, no dose measurement has
been performed and in some of them even the nature of
exposure has not been documented. When a dose was
measured, it was impossible to correlate the current
level of exposure with the observed effects, which were
very likely attributable to previous exposures.
Since the current dose does not necessarily correlate
with the historical exposure and past levels of exposure
are usually undeterminable, cross-sectional studies
may be inconclusive, if a preliminary check of avail-
able data is not carried out. A sound solution may be
the selection of cohorts of workers employed in plant
protection productsindustries, for which historical
environmental and biological monitoring data are
available. In this case, the possibility of creating
job-exposure matrices would allow the researcher to
better categorize exposure classes and to identify a
doseresponse relationship.
Promising results may be provided also by pros-
pective longitudinal or cohort studies where exposure
and dose assessment can be more easily controlled
(Rohlman et al., 2001). Such studies are obviously
more expensive and difcult to carry out and provide
results only after many years, however this is the toll to
pay if clear scientic results are sought.
The follow up of the cohort under study might allow
to answer the question of the prognostic signicance of
the observed changes.
A further critical area is represented by testing
protocols: although many different procedures are
available for the assessment of human behavioral
functions, performance tests are displacing traditional
diagnostic tests. Performance tests include variables
such as attention, concentration, sensory function,
motor control, spatial relations, visuomotor coordina-
tion, memory, and affect (Fiedler et al., 1996). Each of
these functions may be assessed through different tests,
which may be organized in different batteries; even the
parameters of administration of the same test may vary
among different studies. The lack of standardization
makes impossible to repeat single studies and also to
compare similar studies made by different researchers:
since reproduction of results by independent groups is
the only scientic criterion to conrm the validity of
observations, this eld of research condemns itself to
perennial uncertainty unless a clear denition of stan-
dardized testing methods and procedures is achieved.
Recently, performance tests have been computerized,
and these computerized test batteries seem adequate
for standardized and efciently conducted eld studies
(Fiedler et al., 1996). However, it must be taken into
account that, due to the need of alphabetic knowledge,
computerized tests may be not appropriate for studies
on low educated populations (Baldi et al., 2001).
The selection of the study population is another very
critical issue, because it poses relevant methodological
problems, especially in agricultural settings where a
low cultural prole of the subjects may inuence
the outcomes of the study (Rohlman et al., 2001).
Given the difculty of matching exposed farmers with
unexposed controls, cross-sectional studies ending with
588 C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591
exposed control comparisons ought to be carefully
designed and the comparability of the population
groups fully documented. The main variables to be
taken into account while planning a study on neuro-
behavioral toxicity are depicted in Table 7.
Since they are in the early phase of development,
children should be considered as a highly vulnerable
group and should deserve special attention. In a work-
shop held in Atlanta by the US Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry, approaches and
methods targeted to children and adults exposed to
toxic substances were evaluated, a list of basic func-
tions to be assessed during eight developmental periods
from birth to high school was discussed, and 10 specic
recommendations to establish a neurobehavioral
screening for pediatric populations were made (Kras-
negor et al., 1995). A test battery specically targeted
to children has also been suggested (Davidson et al.,
2000). The poverty of studies on children in the
literature ought to be corrected taking also advantage
of the easier opportunity they may provide for long-
itudinal perspective studies.
Acuna MC, Diaz V, Tapia R, Cumsille TA. Assessment of
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Stable factors Situational factors
Age of subject Alcohol (recent use)
Educational level Caffeine (recent use)
Sex Nicotine (recent use)
Socioeconomic group or occupation Medicines or drugs (recent use)
First language Paints, glues or pesticides (recent use)
Preferred hand Near visual acuity
Computer experience (automated tests only) Upper body injury restricting movement
Caffeine (habitual use) Recent cold or flu
Alcohol (habitual use) Stress
Nicotine (habitual use) Arousal (and fatigue), sleep last night
Medicines or drugs (habitual use) Screen luminance (automated tests only)
Paints, glues or pesticides (habitual use) Time of day
Diabetes Time of year
Other nervous system disease
Head injury causing unconsciousness >1 h
Alcohol or drug addiction
Level of physical activity at work
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C. Colosio et al. / NeuroToxicology 24 (2003) 577591 591
... Behavior can mainly be considered a combination of four parameters: cognitive, sensory-motor, psychological, and psychomotor. The bellwether of the damage to the nervous system is the changes in behavior, which is why behavioral In 2003 and 2009, respectively, our group published two contributions on this matter [10,11]. The main findings have been that comparison among different studies is difficult because of significant differences among study protocols and the parameters measured. ...
... Each study was assigned a score of 0 to 2-3 for each of the 7 parameters. The studies were classified as follows: Tier 4 category (0-10 out of the 18 points), Tier 3 (11)(12)(13) Toxics 2023, 11,192 4 of 20 points), Tier 2 (14)(15), and Tier 1 (16-18 points). The studies rated in Tier 1 and Tier 2 categories were given more consideration in our conclusions than those in Tier 4 and Tier 3 categories. ...
... Each study was assigned a score of 0 to 2-3 for each of the 7 parameters. The studies were classified as follows: Tier 4 category (0-10 out of the 18 points), Tier 3 (11)(12)(13) Toxics 2023, 11,192 4 of 20 points), Tier 2 (14)(15), and Tier 1 (16-18 points). The studies rated in Tier 1 and Tier 2 categories were given more consideration in our conclusions than those in Tier 4 and Tier 3 categories. ...
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The modes of action of insecticides frequently involve a neurotoxic effect; therefore, the study of neurotoxic effects caused by long-term and low-dose insecticide exposure is of particular interest. This study looks at whether or not new studies conducted after 2009 and up to 2021 have provided new evidence for a better understanding of the actual neurobehavioral risk associated with long-term insecticide exposure. We selected and reviewed studies carried out on the neurobehavioral effects of neurotoxic insecticides (organophosphates and/or carbamates, pyrethroids, multiple or undefined insecticides, and organochlorines) considering occupational and non-occupational exposures. The articles were also scored and ranked based on seven parameters. Eighty-six studies were chosen for a final review process from among the 950 scientific papers identified. Twenty-six addressed occupational exposure and six environmental exposure. Among the latter group of studies, 17 focused on rural residents, to be assumed exposed because of living in rural areas, and 43 on the general population. Pending doubts have not been resolved in the last ten years due to the presence of contradictory and hardly comparable results and the fact that in most of the studies showing an evident neurobehavioral impairment the frequent presence of a previous episode of poisoning and hospitalization, with severe brain hypoxia, impaired the possibility of confirming the presence of a causal association with insecticide exposure. Interestingly, the most severely exposed groups, such as applicators who did not wear personal protective equipment, performed worse on neurobehavioral tests. As for residential exposure, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that prenatal OP exposure may increase the risk of ADHD in children.
... Although the evidence of neurobehavioral (NB) impairment as a consequence of acute exposure to OP pesticides is fairly consistent, a follow-up study is warranted to add weight to the findings (Colosio et al. 2003). NB performance assessment can be classified into seven domains of functions tested, specifically perception and visuospatial function, motor control, memory, attention, executive function, language, and intellectual quotient (Zucchella et al. 2018). ...
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Farmers are regarded as a high-risk population for pesticide exposure because of the frequency of their occupational exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides. The purposes of this study were 1) to compare urinary OP metabolites, nerve conduction, and neurobehavioral (NB) performance between farmers and a control group, as well as between baseline measurement and after spraying OP pesticides; 2) to investigate the factors associated with increased urinary OP metabolites after spraying OP pesticides; and 3) to investigate the effects of OP metabolites on changes in nerve conduction and NB performance after spraying OP pesticides. This study was conducted with a sample size of 71 farmers and a control group of 26. The findings showed that after spraying OP pesticides total dialkylphosphate (DAP) levels were significantly higher than baseline levels. Multiple linear regression showed that increased urinary OP metabolites among farmers after spraying pesticides were negatively associated with wearing a mask when spraying OP pesticides and positively associated with the number of years of farm work and type of sprayer equipment. The results also showed a positive association between the increased urinary total diethylphosphate (DEP) levels and the decreased amplitude of motor nerve conduction. Furthermore, a positive correlation was observed between increased urinary total DEP and decreased right amplitude of sympathetic skin response (SSR). An increase in urinary total DMP was positively associated with a decrease in raw score and a standard score of visual-motor integration (VMI). Our findings provide evidence that exposure to OP pesticides can cause a deficit in nerve conduction and NB performance in farmers. These findings may contribute to the early detection of neurological disease and inform strategies to prevent damage to the peripheral and central nervous systems.
... Humans can get exposed to pesticides by respiratory, eye, dermal, or oral pathways. Traveling through the bloodstream in the whole human body, the pesticides can affect different organs causing reversible or irreversible effects [10,12]. Although pesticides can be eliminated from the human body by urine, respiration (by exhaling), or skin, the impact on human health depends on the exposure time, the concentration of the pesticide, and the sensitivity of certain persons to these compounds [10]. ...
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Pesticide pollution is a major issue, given their intensive use in the 20th century, which led to their accumulation in the environment. At the international level, strict regulations are imposed on the use of pesticides, simultaneously with the increasing interest of researchers from all over the world to find methods of neutralizing them. Photocatalytic degradation is an intensively studied method to be applied for the degradation of pesticides, especially through the use of solar energy. The mechanisms of photocatalysis are studied and implemented in pilot and semi-pilot installations on experimental platforms, in order to be able to make this method more efficient and to identify the equipment that can achieve the photodegradation of pesticides with the highest possible yields. This paper proposes a brief review of the impact of pesticides on the environment and some techniques for their degradation, with the main emphasis on different photoreactor configurations, using slurry or immobilized photocatalysts. This review highlights the efforts of researchers to harmonize the main elements of photocatalysis: choice of the photocatalyst, and the way of photocatalyst integration within photoreaction configuration, in order to make the transfer of momentum, mass, and energy as efficient as possible for optimal excitation of the photocatalyst.
... Physical growth has a relationship to the factors of genetics and the environment. Considering the high intensity of the use of pesticides, another causative factor that may very well contribute to stunting is chemicals in the environment (xenobiotics) [7]. Rotenone is an often-used natural insecticide [8]. ...
Stunting, according to the WHO, is defined as body length or body height with respect to the same age that is less than minus two standard deviations (<-2SD) from the median standard of the WHO for children growth. Rotenone is a pesticide that can induce an occurrence of disrupted growth on the larvae of zebrafish. Centella asiatica or pegagan is a plant that has antioxidant effects. Zebrafish embryos were treated with pegagan at concentrations of 1.25, 2.5, and 5 µg/ml. Exposure to treatments began from 2 to 72 hpf and development was monitored until the larval age of 9 dpf. Rotenone at a concentration of 12.5 ppb can induce stunting. There was a decrease in the process of bone ossification and an increase in the expression of RANKL in zebrafish larvae induced by rotenone. Meanwhile, the extract of Centella asiatica at concentrations of 2.5 µg/ml and 5 µg/ml was able to increase body length. Pegagan 5 µg/m shown the most significant effect for the increase in bone ossification (p <0.05). Observations of RANKL expression indicated significant reductions in the Centella asiatica extract treatment groups from the lowest concentration 1.25 µg/ml, up to 2.5 µg/ml and 5 µg/ml. Centella asiatica extract of 2.5 µg/ml and 5 µg/ml concentrations can increase the body length of zebrafish larvae, increase bone ossification, and lower the expression of RANKL, which has an effect on the process of osteoclastogenesis.
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Full evaporative vacuum extraction (FEVE) was developed in this work for analysis of a broad range of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in drinking water and surface water. Sorbent pens are used in a two-stage process that first evaporates the sample matrix through sorbent beds under vacuum to recover the lighter SVOCs, followed by the application of a higher temperature and stronger vacuum to the sample vial to recover the remaining heavier SVOCs once the matrix has evaporated. After extraction, the sorbent pens are desorbed into a GC-MS using a uniquely designed "splitless" delivery system to maximize sensitivity. Critical extraction and desorption parameters that affect the method performance were optimized. After FEVE, the sorbent pens can be stored for 7-10 days at room temperature while maintaining a less than 15% loss in analyte recovery. As a proof of concept, 10 drinking water and surface water samples were analyzed using this method. 69 analytes were detected in these water samples, with the highest concentration of 1986 ng/L for bromacil. Heptachlor epoxide, chlorpyrifos, metolachlor, butachlor, and 2,3',4',5-tetrachlorobiphenyl were detected in four samples. None of the analytes were above the health and safety thresholds set by California Proposition 65.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder which mainly targets motor symptoms such as tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability. The physiological changes occur due to dopamine depletion in basal ganglia region of the brain. PD aetiology is not yet elucidated clearly but genetic and environmental factors play a prominent role in disease occurrence. Despite of various environmental factors, pesticides exposure has been convicted as major candidate in PD pathogenesis. Among various pesticides 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) has been widely investigated in PD following with paraquat (PQ), maneb (MB), organochlorines (OC) and rotenone. Effect of these pesticides has been suggested to be involved in oxidative stress, alterations in dopamine transporters, mitochondrial dysfunction, α-synuclein (αSyn) fibrillation, and neuroinflammation in PD. The present review discusses the influence of pesticides in neurodegeneration and its related epidemiological studies conducted in PD. Furthermore, we have deliberated the common pesticides involved in PD and its associated genetic alterations and the probable mechanism of them behind PD pathogenesis. Hence, we conclude that pesticides play a prominent role in PD pathogenesis and advance research is needed to investigate the alterations in genetic and mechanistic aspects of PD.
China has been in a rapid development period in recent decades, the mass production and use of chemical industrial products and pesticides have resulted in a large amount of pollutants in the environment. These pollutants enter the human body through environmental exposure and dietary intake, causing adverse health effects. Although many of them have been banned and restricted in the production and use in China, these pollutants still remain in the human body due to their high persistence and strong bioaccumulation. In this review, we aim to reveal the accumulation levels and profiles, as well as the temporal and spatial distribution of common chemical pollutants including chlorinated paraffins (CPs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers, organphosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs), new halogenated flame retardants (NHFRs), polychlorinated biphenyls, phthalic acid esters, perfluorinated compounds, bisphenols, organophosphorus pesticides and pyrethroid insecticides in the blood (including whole blood, serum and plasma) of Chinese adults by extracting 95 related studies published from 1990 to 2021. Results have shown that CPs, OCPs and PAHs were the main pollutants in China, the levels of short-chain chlorinated paraffin, p,p'-DDE and phenanthrene in blood even reached 11,060.58, 740.41 and 498.28 ng/g lipid respectively. Under the strict control of pollutants in China, the levels of most pollutants have been on a downward trend except for perfluoro octanoate and perfluoro nonanoate. Besides, OPFRs, NHFRs and PAHs may have a potential upward trend, requiring further research and observation. As for spatial distribution, East China (Bohai Bay and Yangtze River Delta) and South China (Pearl River Delta) were the major polluted regions due to their fast development of industry and agriculture.
OBJECTIVES To derive a method for retrospectively estimating cumulative exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides among a cross section of United Kingdom sheep dippers, as part of a wider epidemiological study of neurological abnormality within this group of workers. METHODS A hygiene study of dipping sessions at 20 farms using diazinon based dips was carried out by two experienced occupational hygienists. Observations on the exposure of people to concentrate and dilute dip were recorded throughout each dipping session, together with the other relevant factors including the use and condition of protective clothing. Concentrations of urinary metabolites of diazinon were used to measure actual exposure to OPs. To estimate exposure in the subsequent epidemiological study, an occupational exposure history questionnaire was developed using results from the hygiene study and an empirical exposure model. RESULTS In the hygiene study, increased urinary metabolites were associated with the handling of concentrate dip and exposure to dilute dip wash through splashing. Very few dippers wore the recommended protective clothing. The handling of concentrate dip was the principal source of exposure to OPs. Dipping task was used as a surrogate for splashing of dilute dip in retrospective exposure estimation. In the epidemiological study, cumulative exposure to OP sheep dips was highly correlated with the total number of dipping days, but not with age. CONCLUSIONS Sheep dip concentrate is the most important source of OP exposure among sheep dippers and estimates of exposure to OPs during routine dipping should take due account of exposure to concentrate dip as well as to the dilute dip wash. The observed use of recommended protective clothing by most subjects was insufficient to allow a proper empirical assessment of its effectiveness.
Acute organophosphate intoxication in man is well known to result in substantial central nervous system dysfunction. To test the hypothesis that similar neurobehavioral abnormalities might be present in mild degree in workers chronically exposed to organophosphate pesticides, 23 such subjects were tested for abnormalities in memory, signal processing, vigilance, language and proprioceptive feedback performance. The performance of the exposed workers was not deficient in any of the five measures assessed when compared with the performance of a control group matched for age and educational background. Plasma and red blood cell cholinesterase levels were found to be in the normal range in exposed and control groups, although plasma levels of exposed subjects were depressed somewhat below control values. Relative resistance of higher nervous system functions to mild chronic organophosphate exposure is suggested by these results.
A thin, healthy, partial-vegetarian, white female, who was exposed to three doses of lindane (through the application of Kwell), developed a severe case of long-term lindane poisoning. Review of the literature suggests that her toxicity was so severe because of the repetitive nature of her exposure and the fact that she was partly protein restricted when first exposed. She developed profound central nervous system toxicity, as well as skin and gastrointestinal changes, that persisted for 20 months. She was treated with high doses of Valium. It was noted that every time her Valium was diminished below a critical level, her symptoms tended to recur until she had adequately cleared the lindane from her system. We believe this is the longest term of poisoning reported following exposure to an organochloride insecticide. Her symptoms are well explained by the physiology of these compounds as described in the literature. The case is important, for it represents the longest persistence of symptoms clearly associated with poisoning by the potent gamma isomer of BHC-lindane.
This study evaluated neuropsychological effects due to chronic organophosphate use among farmers with no history of acute poisoning. Fifty-seven male tree fruit farmers (exposed) were compared with 42 age-matched male cranberry/blueberry growers and hardware store owners (unexposed). Univariate analyses of covariance (reading test as covariate) comparing exposed and unexposed subjects revealed significantly slower reaction time. No other significant differences were noted on tests of concentration, visuomotor skills, memory, expressive language, or mood. Based on an exposure metric derived from detailed exposure histories, farmers were divided into high exposure (n = 40) and low exposure (n = 59) groups, and their neuropsychological performance was compared. Analysis of covariance with age and reading test score as covariates revealed that the high exposure group had significantly slower reaction time, dominant hand. Long-term use of organophosphates without evidence of an acute poisoning episode appears to produce, at most, subtle changes in neuropsychological performance. Am. J. Ind. Med. 32:487–496, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.