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Cícero Eduardo Walter

Cícero Eduardo Walter
Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Piauí (Brazil)

PhD in Business and Economics
Professor of Business and Management at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Piauí (Brazil).


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Ph.D. in business and economics from the University of Aveiro (Portugal). Assistant professor of business and management at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí (Brazil). Current research topics comprise Innovation Management, Business Management, and Organizational Behavior.
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August 2015 - present
Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Piauí
  • Professor
  • Professor of Business and Economics from Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology from Piauí (Brazil).


Publications (72)
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The purpose of this study is to ascertain the hierarchical importance of a patent's characteristics to licensing. This research has a causal‐exploratory purpose, in that it sought to establish relationships between variables. This research aims to identify which characteristics are influential in the licensing of Brazilian academic patents in the b...
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Purpose: This case study analyzes how management strategies for higher technical-vocational education are used to attract students, based on institutional marketing, and how they were put into practice in the MarketIFPI project of the FIPI-Campus Oeiras. Method: This descriptive and interpretative investigation used participant observation, analysi...
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Objective: The present investigation aims to identify the explanatory factors for academic satisfaction, as well as the influence that the identified factors have on the degree of academic satisfaction in its global context and on the chances of the institution's recommendation to friends and family. Method: The investigation was conducted with a s...
Conference Paper
Social Networking Sites have not only become a dominant means of communication and information worldwide, but also a strategic source for cybercriminals to exploit users’ personal information. This occurs when, for marketing purposes, online activities such as browsing and shopping, generate data for the algorithm to analyze and possibly interfere...
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Purpose: The main objective of the present research was to investigate the influence of the use of Instagram, by Brazilian users, on narcissistic behaviors and the desire for self-promotion, and its possible impacts on impulse and conspicuous consumption. Design/methodology/approach: Based on 316 responses collected through an online survey on the...
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The present study aimed to analyze the current state of the art regarding brand hate with the main intention of identifying possible gaps to be explored in future studies. Brand hate can be described as a set of negative emotions on the part of consumers concerning a certain brand, whose implications involve a reduction in the profitability of comp...
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Licensing technologies are one of the main ways to produce and bring academic research to society. Despite previous studies’ dedicated efforts to identify licensing probabilities, the question of how the expertise and prestige that a university has in a given technological field influences the licensing probabilities is still little addressed. This...
Conference Paper
This article aims to clarify the concept of nudge, a decision support system (knowledge-driven), and understand what relationships exist between the following variables: being a tobacco user or not, gender, the incentive to smoke or not, and the awareness that images contained on tobacco packages provoke in people. We conducted two searches in acad...
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Comparing companies solely based on tax incentives for R&D activities can be misleading. Hence, this research aims to assess how Portuguese companies that make use of tax incentives for R&D activities on an ongoing basis behave in terms of promoting and appropriating value through innovation. From an initial population of 3,156 companies, a final d...
Pessoas que vivem sem definir uma missão de vida, sem uma visão e sem objetivos calibrados, correm o sério risco de viver praguejando a chuva em vez de se preparar para ela. Embora muitas vezes se possa compreender a vida como uma sucessão desconexa de acontecimentos, ou seja, como uma completa aleatoriedade em que estamos inseridos, sem nenhuma li...
Purpose The present investigation aimed to evaluate the influence of envy on the predisposition to innovative behavior, starting from a conceptual model that considers not only the direct influence of envy but its indirect influence through ostracism and alignment with the negative behaviors of superiors. Design/methodology/approach Using a survey...
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Currently, given the different dynamics of competition, food retailers are increasingly betting on private labels as a strategy of differentiation and retention of competitive advantages. To this extent, this study aims to assess the antecedents of the purchase intention of food retailers’ private labels, as well as to understand the managerial pra...
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Doing internships is increasingly common in Portugal, often being regarded as a prerequisite for entering the labour market. This trend reinforces the need to understand the interns’ perception of the ideal characteristics for this type of experience, in order to stop (or at least slow down) the brain drain that is currently felt. This exploratory...
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Technology transfer offices (TTO) were created with the mission of executing innovation policy and its technology transfer to industry. Most studies regarding TTO focus on the context of developed countries, so there is a lack of research on the subject in emerging economies, such as Brazil. In addition, the issue of how diverse the skills of the t...
Conference Paper
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O tema bem-estar dos colaboradores é cada vez mais frequentemente analisado nos dias de hoje. Refere-se sobretudo à questão do Marketing Interno, que muito resumidamente consiste no facto da empresa voltar grande parte da sua atenção-tal como faz para os consumidores externos-para os consumidores internos, que no fundo são os seus primeiros cliente...
Conference Paper
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O mundo empresarial está em constante mudança e a pandemia COVID-19 acelerou, inevitavelmente, esse processo. Quer os consumidores, quer as empresas foram confrontados com novos métodos de comercialização mais dinâmicos e com outras oportunidades de negócio que eram pouco exploradas no passado. O significativo crescimento do e-commerce em tempos de...
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We recently went on a trip to Peru. Lima, the capital, and Cusco, the former capital of the Inca empire. We loved Peru and the Peruvian people albeit have mixed feelings about the country and those who live there. Do they really see the [Entrepreneurial] Spanish Conquistador Francisco Pizarro as their saviour and founder of the capital of Lima? Of...
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Com as mudanças provenientes da automatização, as aptidões comportamentais como a criatividade, a adaptabilidade e a capacidade de colaboração serão cada vez mais importantes para o sucesso organizacional. A combinação de soft e hard skills faz-se de uma importância significativa no presente e no futuro. Mais especificamente, é destacado que sem as...
Conference Paper
Nowadays, and increasingly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) occupies a leading role in the world, being used in the most diverse contexts. The retail sector is just one of them. The starting question that originated this article is: is Portugal receptive to the use of cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence in retail? In other words, what is the opinion...
Conference Paper
The COVID-19 pandemic changed how people live their lives. This change, in turn, heavily affected companies in the sense that they had to adapt to the new reality in many different ways. A process that had to suffer major changes was the recruitment one since a lot of the traditional ways to recruit employees were not suitable in this new reality,...
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Fashion influencers are a new phenomenon and profession to which many young individuals may currently aspire; such is its impact in the digital and online world. Hence, the article serves an upcoming group of fashion-influencers-to-be, as well as firms that seek the help of such professionals. This study aimed to test the mediating role of the atti...
This paper address the main difficulties regarding the student supervision process within their research work.
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This research is a part of the Erasmus+ internationally funded InDo research project, involving a consortium led by an Italian higher education institution. An objective of the project is to include desk and field research on the topics of Understanding by Design and Differentiated Instruction, which led to this article having been produced, for kn...
Conference Paper
The case study is one of the preferred research methods in Business Management field due two main reasons, i) it is recommended for exploring new themes, subjects, relations, or contexts, and ii) it helps the researcher to build theory from analyzed case(s). Despite the extensive contributions from different authors in management research for addre...
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The case study is one of the preferred research methods in Business Management field due two main reasons, i) it is recommended for exploring new themes, subjects, relations, or contexts, and ii) it helps the researcher to build theory from analyzed case(s). Despite the extensive contributions from different authors in management research for addre...
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The general objective of the present research was to present a series of 5 original investigations to identify and discuss the impacts of the determinants of innovation through the analysis of the constituent elements of the triad government-industry- academia. More specifically, it was intended to point out ways to promote innovation from a holist...
TikTok has become a very popular social media platform with the use of short videos to express opinions, show different lifestyles and entertainment. Its popularity is also a result of the use of a fast and on-time media and the growth of mobile digital devices that allow people to obtain information when they want and where they want. TikTok is es...
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The creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge have been widely studied. However, studies revealing the influence of peer collaboration on the productivity of academics with widely recognized performance remain scarce. The same can be said about the size of collaboration networks and the expected range of co-authors for maximizing scholarly...
Purpose There is a scarcity of empirical evidence in the literature on the chain of causality involving tax incentives for Research and Development (R&D) activities and their subsequent transformation into innovation. This study aims to assess the influence of R&D tax incentives on the organizational attributes of Portuguese firms to identify how t...
In this article the stage is set for storytelling, ethnographic narratives, and a look at the literature on innovators and anti-innovators. Envy is seen to be a central element in the discussion. Political skills, on the other hand, may diminish the negative effects which may have ensued, implemented by insecure leaders in view of subordinates with...
Spotify is a world class platform for music streaming, and it offers various kinds of services. As with many digital platforms, Spotify uses artificial intelligence to personalize the user experience, also known as a recommender system. This study investigates what role Spotify’s recommender system plays in the use of Spotify and if there are any d...
It is urgent to find solutions towards a more sustainable future. Herein the objective is to study the state of the plastic recycling industry. Three different countries were selected for analysis, using primary and secondary data: Portugal, Germany, and Italy. We did an exploratory survey (93 answers from these three countries) including the calcu...
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Purpose The aim of this paper is to understand the importance of consumer loyalty in the specific context of Hotel Family Business. This study proposes a conceptual model to examine how perceived service quality and corporate social responsibility (SCR) influence guest satisfaction and loyalty, and also how they relate to corporate image, perceived...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact around the world on health, economies, businesses, equality and the movement of people in the form of tourism. In this context, this paper looks at the strategy chosen by Turismo de Portugal to adapt to the crisis in a country where tourism plays an important role in supporting the local economy, h...
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As a result of the disruptive and comprehensive power of using Big Data, organizations need to commit to its application at a strategic level to achieve sustainable competitive advantages through its efficient use. Given this context and considering the importance of Big Data, this research aimed to identify how Big Data and its strategies, have be...
O mundo do trabalho tem vindo a sofrer mudanças significativas por influência do avanço tecnológico, tornando-se importante o estudo da perceção dos impactos respetivos. Este estudo, de metodologia mista, pretende contribuir para uma melhor compreensão das alterações tecnológicas e das suas consequências. Num inquérito com 164 participantes, com qu...
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Firms aim at achieving their economic interests without neglecting the needs of local and regional communities and the environment itself. The process involves defining and implementing Social Responsibility strategies that leverage organizational competitiveness and sustainability. In this context, the current study purposes to demonstrate how Cor...
The objective of this book chapter is to help fellow colleagues in academia to build a network – not only with lecturer colleagues, but also with students, talented students who are willing to help – to further themselves, to gain recognition, and to grow themselves as educators. This may well involve extending the authorship of research papers, to...
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Purpose This study applies an Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI) model to quantify the level of job satisfaction and explores the factors that influence employee satisfaction, performance and loyalty to an information technology recruitment and outsourcing organization in Portugal. Design/methodology/approach As an instrument of data collection, qu...
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Micro and Small Enterprises have emerged as an important alternative for the generation of jobs and income, mainly in countries that present serious market failures for the creation of productive jobs. However, the lack of commercial and managerial skills, inadequate access to markets, as well as the absence of an entrepreneurial culture has led to...
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Micro and Small Enterprises have assumed an important strategic role for the economic and social development of Brazil, representing about 99% of all business establishments and contributing to the generation of 55.3% of all formal jobs in the country. However, these ventures have faced a series of restrictions on entrepreneurial activity, such as...
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The main objective of the present research is to identify the knowledge flows responsible for promoting the innovation capacity of Portuguese companies. Specifically, we intend to identify which variables influence Portuguese innovation capacity from a macro and micro perspective, so that we can establish possible ways to promote open innovation (O...
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Este estudo aborda o desenvolvimento do governo eletrónico (e-Gov Administração Pública. O tema tem despertado grande interesse da comunidade como a disponibilização de serviços públicos online, a nível central, local e transfronteiriço; as metodologias de avaliação dos serviços eletrónicos; a aferição interoperabilidade, usabilidade, inclusão e co...
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Resumo: O nosso estudo é sobre o trabalho do futuro e abordamos o avanço tecnológico no setor dos serviços, nomeadamente na McDonald's, uma corporação transnacional importante. A pesquisa é exploratória e descritiva. O procedimento técnico seguido foi o de inquérito por questionário, com 297 respostas a dois inquéritos separados. A abordagem do pro...
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This study seeks to answer the following research question: "What factors can explain the number of patent filing requests made by residents in Brazil at patent offices in Brazil, the United States, Europe, and triadic patent families?". The methods used in this research are quantitative, using big data from private and public investments in Scienc...
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A presente investigação teve como objetivo identificar como os Estilos de Aprendizagem se relacio-nam com características distintivas de estudantes do Ensino Médio, com a finalidade última de pro-porcionar uma maior familiarização com o tema para o desenvolvimento de proposições teóricas para futuras investigações na área. O estudo foi conduzido co...
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The Brazilian National Institutes are strategic elements for the growth and development of Brazilian society since they have the purpose of meeting social and economic demands. However, for this purpose to be materialized, it is essential to develop strategies and mechanisms that consider the current educational context, marked in large part by the...
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The present research aimed to identify how Learning Styles relate to distinctive characteristics of high school students, with the ultimate purpose of providing greater familiarization with the theme for the development of theoretical proposals for future research in the area. The study was conducted with a sample of 132 students from IFPI-Campus O...
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Comumente as Instituições de Ensino adotam práticas de ensino e aprendizagem de forma homogênea, como se todos os estudantes aprendessem da mesma maneira. Isso origina uma série de disfunções, uma vez que pode favorecer o aprendizado em alguns alunos que detêm o estilo preferencial contemplado e desfavorecer outros com estilos de aprendizagem diver...
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Com este estudo pretende-se analisar o grau de inovação das Micro e Pequenas Empresas do Estado do Piauí, Brasil, com o intuito precípuo de classificá-las como “Pouco Inovadoras”, “Inovadoras Ocasionais” ou “Inovadoras Sistémicas”, e especificamente, verificar se existem diferenças na forma como as empresas inovam referente aos setores e a localiza...
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The companies don't operate in total isolation from the environment in which they are inserted. The environment at the same time as it is influenced by the organizations, in the performance and the performance of its origins, especially with regard to the practice of innovation. Small and medium-sized enterprises are the engine of economic developm...
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In the current context of scarce financial resources, technology transfer offices are pressured to find ways to increase revenues through technology transfers or reduce expenses with their portfolio of technologies, especially patents. The Patent assessment seeks to detect the market potential of patents for transfer through licensing, abandonment,...
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Given the increasing complexity of the business environment, which has a considerable impact on Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE), innovation becomes the key to creating and maintaining competitive advantages, generating positive results for both companies involved in the process of innovation, and for the economy as a whole. The present research h...
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Os desafios na administração pública municipal têm crescido constantemente, e as necessidades financeiras dos municípios dificilmente podem ser sanadas pela arrecadação regular. Nessa perspectiva, as transferências voluntárias tornam-se aliadas na captação de recursos, sendo preciso para tal e elaboração de projetos. Este artigo pretende analisar a...
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Cada vez mais as organizações reconhecem que a comunicação interna e o engajamento dos colaboradores são requisitos fundamentais para o bom desempenho organizacional. A comunicação interna tornou-se essencial para as melhores práticas de desenvolvimento e organização das instituições. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar a importância...
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Resumo A educação brasileira tem por finalidade o pleno desenvolvimento do educando, seu preparo para o exercício da cidadania e sua qualificação para o mercado de trabalho. Para tal é necessário que as Instituições de Ensino estabeleçam mecanismos que auxiliem de forma sistemática na concretização, acompanhamento e manutenção de tais objetivos,...
Comumente as Instituições de Ensino adotam práticas de ensino e aprendizagem de forma homogênea, como se todos os estudantes aprendessem da mesma maneira. Isso origina uma série de disfunções, uma vez que pode favorecer o aprendizado em alguns alunos que detêm o estilo preferencial contemplado e desfavorecer outros com estilos de aprendizagem diver...
This section is part of a preprint. It's aims describe the Methods that will be used to analyze the Academic Performance influence on Students Satisfaction.
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Resumo Uma importante questão do ambiente empresarial é a importância da formação de equipes de trabalho eficazes para a resolução de problemas cada vez mais complexos, que embora sejam muitas vezes legadas aos sentimentos de proximidade e afinidade, não geram os efeitos desejados no ato da sua constituição. Este artigo pretende evidenciar como os...
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Uma importante questão do ambiente empresarial é a importância da formação de equipes de trabalho eficazes para a resolução de problemas cada vez mais complexos, que embora sejam muitas vezes legadas aos sentimentos de proximidade e afinidade, não geram os efeitos desejados no ato da sua constituição. Este artigo pretende evidenciar como os estilos...
Conference Paper
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Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) are considered the most dynamic and flexible arrangement of activity. In the economy, the foundation and development of these features is important for the creation of the so-called "normal" economic environment. In the recent past it was enough for companies to meet their needs in a profitable way to stay in the m...
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Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPE) são consideradas as mais dinâmicas e elásticas formas de atividade. Na economia, a fundação e desenvolvimento das mesmas são importantes para a criação do ambiente económico dito “normal”. No passado recente bastava apenas que as empresas atendessem as necessidades de forma rentável para se manterem no mercado, mas e...
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Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPE) são consideradas as mais dinâmicas e elásticas formas de atividade. Na economia, a fundação e desenvolvimento das mesmas são importantes para a criação do ambiente económico dito “normal”. No passado recente bastava apenas que as empresas atendessem as necessidades de forma rentável para se manterem no mercado, mas e...
Conference Paper
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Resumen Micro y Pequeñas Empresas (MPE) son consideradas como las más dinámicas y elásticas formas de actividad. En la economía, la fundación y desarrollo de las mismas son importantes para la creación del entorno económico dicho "normal". En el pasado reciente bastaba simplemente que las empresas atendiesen las necesidades de forma rentable para m...
Conference Paper
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Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE), mostly the Commercial MSE are considered the most dynamic and elastic forms of activity. In the economy, the foundation and development of these are important for the creation of the so-called "normal" economic environment. In the recent past, it was enough for enterprises to meet their needs in a profitable way t...
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RESUMO Na medida em que uma start-up começa a crescer surge uma miríade de decisões que devem ser tomadas diariamente, impedindo o micro gerenciamento característico dessas empresas em início de atividade A resposta seria criar uma organização com uma gestão empresarial de forma sistemática, organizada e intencional. Com base nesse argumento deci...
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Resumo: Uma forma altamente simplista de explicar o funcionamento das organizações no mercado é dizer que estas oferecem produtos e/ou serviços de acordo com as necessidades do mercado de forma lucrativa. Mas, do ponto de vista estratégico, fornecer apenas aquilo que o mercado necessita, mesmo que seja melhor do que as organizações concorrentes num...
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Resumo Comumente as Universidades adotam práticas de ensino e aprendizagem de forma homogênea, favorecendo o aprendizado em alguns alunos e desfavorecendo outros. O presente estudo descreve como a configuração das aulas do curso de Gestão da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra e as avaliações utilizadas para se aferir o desempenho infl...
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Resumo: Na medida em que uma start-up começa a crescer surge uma miríade de decisões que devem ser tomadas diariamente, impedindo a micro gestão característica dessas empresas no início da atividade. A resposta seria criar uma organização com uma gestão empresarial de forma sistemática, organizada e intencional. Com base nesse argumento decidimos,...
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Na medida em que uma start-up começa a crescer surge uma miríade de decisões que devem ser tomadas diariamente, impedindo a micro gestão característica dessas empresas no início da atividade. A resposta seria criar uma organização com uma gestão empresarial de forma sistemática, organizada e intencional. Com base nesse argumento decidimos, por meio...


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