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Daytime sleepiness and its determining factors in Chinese obstructive sleep apnea patients


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to characterize excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in a large cohort of Chinese patients with various severity of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS), and investigate its correlations with clinical/polysomnographic variables. A total of 1,035 consecutive Chinese patients with snoring (mean age ± SD 45 ± 15 years, BMI 26.6 ± 4.3 kg/m(2)) were examined by overnight polysomnography, and subjective EDS was assessed using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). The 1,035 patients were compared according to severity of sleep-disordered breathing: AHI <5 (primary snoring group or normal overall AHI) (24.1%), AHI 5-20 (mild OSAHS, 21.7%), AHI >20-40 (moderate OSAHS 16.5%), and AHI >40 (severe OSAHS 37.7%). ESS score progressively increased as the severity of OSAHS aggravated among these patients. More severe OSAHS patients were characterized by EDS, nocturnal hypoxemia, and disruption of sleep structure. Progressive worsening of nocturnal hypoxemia was observed from mild to severe OSAHS patients with a strong correlation with ESS score. The stepwise multiple regression analysis performed to evaluate the correlations of individual clinical and polysomnographic variables with the ESS score revealed that the ESS score significantly correlated with the oxygen desaturation index (ODI), apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), and body mass index (BMI), and ODI was the strongest determinant of ESS score. EDS is correlated with the severity of OSAHS. More severe patients are characterized by higher ESS score, higher BMI, and progressive worsening of nocturnal hypoxemia. Nocturnal hypoxemia is a major determinant of EDS in Chinese OSAHS patients.
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Daytime sleepiness and its determining factors in Chinese
obstructive sleep apnea patients
Rui Chen &Kang-ping Xiong &Yi-xin Lian &
Juan-ying Huang &Min-yan Zhao &Jian-xiang Li &
Chun-feng Liu
Received: 22 October 2009 / Revised: 21 January 2010 /Accepted: 27 January 2010 /Published online: 20 February 2010
#Springer-Verlag 2010
Objective The aim of this study was to characterize
excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in a large cohort of
Chinese patients with various severity of obstructive sleep
apneahypopnea syndrome (OSAHS), and investigate its
correlations with clinical/polysomnographic variables.
Materials and methods A total of 1,035 consecutive
Chinese patients with snoring (mean age ± SD 45 ±15 years,
BMI 26.6±4.3 kg/m
) were examined by overnight poly-
somnography, and subjective EDS was assessed using the
Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS).
Results The 1,035 patients were compared according to
severity of sleep-disordered breathing: AHI <5 (primary
snoring group or normal overall AHI) (24.1%), AHI 520
(mild OSAHS, 21.7%), AHI >2040 (moderate OSAHS
16.5%), and AHI >40 (severe OSAHS 37.7%). ESS score
progressively increased as the severity of OSAHS aggra-
vated among these patients. More severe OSAHS patients
were characterized by EDS, nocturnal hypoxemia, and
disruption of sleep structure. Progressive worsening of
nocturnal hypoxemia was observed from mild to severe
OSAHS patients with a strong correlation with ESS score.
The stepwise multiple regression analysis performed to
evaluate the correlations of individual clinical and poly-
somnographic variables with the ESS score revealed that
the ESS score significantly correlated with the oxygen
desaturation index (ODI), apneahypopnea index (AHI),
and body mass index (BMI), and ODI was the strongest
determinant of ESS score.
Conclusion EDS is correlated with the severity of OSAHS.
More severe patients are characterized by higher ESS score,
higher BMI, and progressive worsening of nocturnal
hypoxemia. Nocturnal hypoxemia is a major determinant
of EDS in Chinese OSAHS patients.
Keywords Excessive daytime sleepiness .Nocturnal
hypoxemia .Obstructive sleep apneahypopnea syndrome .
Obstructive sleep apneahypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is
characterized by recurrent upper airway collapse during
sleep leading to intermittent nocturnal hypoxemia and sleep
fragmentation [1]. It is often associated with comorbidities
such as hypertension and other cardiovascular and meta-
bolic disorders, neurocognitive dysfunction, etc. [2,3]. The
prominent symptoms of OSAHS are snoring and excessive
daytime sleepiness (EDS), and some of the patients could
have difficulty in concentrating and experience microsleep,
poor memory, and decreased attentional capacity [4]. EDS,
in particular, is known to be a predisposing factor for
accidents, interpersonal problems, and reduced productivity
among OSAHS patients [5,6].
R. Chen :K.-p. Xiong :Y.-x. Lian :J.-y. Huang :M.-y. Zhao :
C.-f. Liu (*)
Sleeping Center,
Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,
1055 Sanxiang Road,
Suzhou, Jiangsu 215004, China
R. Chen :K.-p. Xiong :C.-f. Liu
Laboratory of Aging and Nervous Diseases,
Institute of Neuroscience, Soochow University,
Suzhou, Jiangsu 215004, China
J.-x. Li
Department of Toxicology, School of Radiation Medicine and
Public Health, Medical College of Soochow University,
Suzhou, Jiangsu 215007, China
Sleep Breath (2011) 15:129135
DOI 10.1007/s11325-010-0337-4
The mechanisms underlying EDS observed in the OSAHS
patients remain unclear. It has been postulated to be related to
nocturnal sleep disturbance or to the metabolic and psycho-
logical factors, such as obesity and depression, etc. [7,8].
Likewise, studies investigating a potential relationship be-
tween EDS and several indices of nocturnal oxygenation also
have yielded controversial findings [911], some of which
were limited by the small sample size and require further
evaluations in large cohort of patients. In this study, a total of
1,035 consecutive cases of Chinese snoring patients were
examined at our institution by overnight polysomnography,
and subjective EDS was assessed using the Epworth Sleep
Scale (ESS) questionnaire, which is a quick, inexpensive, and
validated tool for the assessment of chronic sleepiness [12,
13]. The aim of the present study was to characterize EDS in
a large cohort of Chinese patients with different degrees of
OSAHS, and evaluate its correlation with various clinical and
polysomnographic variables, including body mass index
(BMI), apneahypopnea index (AHI), nocturnal hypoxemia,
and sleep structure, of which the relative importance of their
impact on EDS was also investigated.
Materials and methods
We examined a total of 1,180 consecutive patients who
presented snoring problem with clinical suspicion of
OSAHS between April 2004 and December 2008 at our
institution. Of these, a total of 1,035 patients were included
(866 men and 169 women, mean age ± SD 45± 15 years),
and 145 patients were excluded due to (1) patients received
treatment for sleep-related breathing disorders; (2) diagno-
sis of obesity hypoventilation syndrome for patients (N=
26) who has BMI 30 kg/m
associated with abnormal
daytime blood gas measurement (PaO
<70 mm Hg, PaCO
>45 mm Hg); (3) concomitant presence of other sleep
disorders, such as central sleep apnea (CSA), restless legs
syndrome, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior
disorders, periodic limb movement disorders, narcoleptic
spectral disorders, etc., and (4) other diseases such as
cancer, severe physical disability, and mental disorders,
including those receiving relevant medications, which
would impact the quality of life, mentality, and sleep
profiles of the patients. The study was approved by the
hospital ethics board and all patients were informed and
consented prior to the study procedures.
EDS evaluation
The medical history, principal symptoms during the day
and sleep at night, and previous and concomitant medi-
cations were collected. A validated Chinese version of the
ESS questionnaire [14] with eight items and four-point
scales (03) was completed for each patient on the day of
admission to evaluate the subjective EDS (0 =would never
doze off, 1 =slight chance of dozing off, 2 =moderate
chance of dozing off, and 3= high chance of dozing off,
under the situations of (1) sitting and reading, (2) watching
TV, (3) sitting, inactive in a public place (e.g., theater or a
meeting), (4) as a passenger in a car for an hour without a
break, (5) sitting and talking to someone, (6) sitting quietly
after a lunch without alcohol, (7) while stopped for a few
minutes in traffic in a car, and (8) lying down to rest in the
afternoon when circumstances permit). The ESS score
ranges between 0 and 24 with the normal value 10 [12].
EDS was considered present whenever ESS score was >10.
Polysomnographic study
Overnight polysomnographic study (Sandman Elite, Tyco,
Canada) was performed in an attended setting for all patients
on the first night of admission starting from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
next morning, and at least 7 h of recording time was
considered a successful monitoring. The polysomnographic
study included the following: airflow by using oronasal
thermistors and nasal pressure transducer, thoracic and
abdominal respiratory movements, arterial oxygen saturation
by pulse oximetry, snoring and body position, electroen-
cephalogram (C3/A2, C4/A1, O1/A2, and O2/A1), electro-
oculogram, chin and leg electromyogram, and
electrocardiogram. The following polysomnographic varia-
bles were obtained: apneahypopnea index (AHI), oxygen
desaturation index (ODI, defined as the sum of the numbers
of oxyhemoglobin desaturation of >4% events per hour of
sleep), time of oxygen saturation <90% (Time (SpO
90%)), minimum pulse oxygen saturation (SpO
), total sleep
time (TST), non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep phases
14, REM sleep, and respiratory arousal index.
All studies were analyzed by trained PSG technicians
and sleep physicians using the criteria of Rechtschaffen and
Kales [15], and in close concordance with scoring updates
given by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine [16].
The traditional Rechtschaffen and Kales terminology for
the five sleep stages (i.e., stages 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM sleep,
with stages 1 and 2 collectively referred to as light sleep,
stages 3 and 4 collectively referred to as deep sleepor
Slow wave sleep) were used in this study. Apneas were
scored when there was a complete cessation of airflow or
90% drop in the peak thermal sensor excursion for at least
10 s. Hypopneas were scored when there was a drop in
nasal pressure signal excursion by 30% of baseline lasting
at least 10 s with a 4% desaturation from pre-event
baseline, or when there was a drop in nasal pressure signal
excursion by 50% of baseline lasting at least 10 s with a
130 Sleep Breath (2011) 15:129135
3% desaturation from pre-event baseline and/or the event
associated with arousal. The AHI was defined as the sum of
the numbers of apneas and hypopneas per hour of sleep.
Statistical analysis
Data were presented as mean ± SD, and statistical analysis
was performed by using SPSS 11.0 software: (1) one-way
ANOVA for the comparison of ESS score, clinical and
polysomnographic variables between groups of patients
with different severities of OSAS; (2) linear regression with
calculation of Pearson correlation coefficient (r) to evaluate
the correlations of individual clinical and polysomno-
graphic variables with the ESS score; and (3) stepwise
multiple regression analysis with calculation of standard
partial regression coefficient (β) to examine the relative
importance of major determinants of ESS score. Statistical
significance was defined as p<0.05.
Table 1shows the main demographic and clinical character-
istics of all the subjects studied. This large cohort of
Chinese patients had an average age of 45 years and BMI
of 26.6 kg/m
. In addition, BMI 30, 35, or 4 kg/m
reported in 14.1, 2.2, and 0.4% of patients, respectively,
reflecting an overall non-obese study population. The
cardiovascular and metabolic disorders were relatively
common as history of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias,
and diabetes was reported in 380 (37%), 79 (8%), and 49
(5%) patients, respectively. Based on the assessments of
AHI according to the OSAHS diagnostic criteria from the
Chinese Medical Association [17], the 1,035 patients were
compared according to severity of sleep-disordered breath-
ing: primary snoring group (AHI <5 events/h, N= 249. This
group did not meet the PSG cut-off criteria for OSA was
categorized as either primary snoring group or normal AHI
group, mild (AHI 520 events/h, N=225), moderate (AHI
2140 events/h, N=171), and severe (AHI >40 events/h,
N=390) OSAHS groups. The majority of patients had
moderate-to-severe OSAHS (54%, N= 561). There was no
significant difference in gender and age among the four
groups, but significantly higher BMI, neck circumference,
and systolic and diastolic blood pressure were reported with
increasing severity of OSAHS (Table 1). In addition to
snoring, patients experienced other common symptoms of
OSAHS such as EDS, poor memory, witnessed apneas,
choking or gasping in sleep, sleep maintenance insomnia,
or unrefreshing sleep and dry mouth, frequent nocturia, etc.
It is of note that more patients reported EDS and poor
memory in moderate/severe OSHAS patients than in
primary snoring and mild OSAHS patients.
As is evident in Fig. 1, the ESS score progressively
increased with the severity of OSAHS. Compared to the
primary snoring (mean ESS score ± SD 8.3±5.0) and mild
Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of primary snoring and mild, moderate, and severe OSAHS patients
Primary snoring Mild OSAHS Moderate OSAHS Severe OSAHS
Number n(%) 249 (24.1) 225 (21.7) 171 (16.5) 390 (37.7)
Age years 40.4± 18.2 45.7 ±14.2 48.8 ±14.2 45.7± 12.6
Gender % of males 63.9 83.1 90.1 92.4
AHI events/h 1.6± 1.4 11.8± 4.2*
*** 30.3± 5.6*
***** 66.6± 16.1*
BMI kg/m
23.9± 3.7 26.2±3.4*
*** 27.5± 3.1*
**** 28.8± 3.9*
Neck circumference cm 37.4± 4.0 39.1± 3.3*
*** 40.2± 3.0*
**** 41.8± 3.0*
Morning blood pressure mmHg
Systolic blood pressure 118.20± 12.12 122.76± 15.89*** 122.87±14.92*** 131.83± 16.07*
Diastolic blood pressure 78.13±8.98 81.57± 11.07*** 81.85± 8.86**
*** 90.43± 11.86*
Common comorbidities n(%)
Hypertension 45 (18.1) 70 (31.1) 65 (38.0) 200 (51.3)
Cardiac arrhythmias 12 (4.8) 16 (7.1) 15 (8.8) 36 (9.2)
Diabetes 5 (2.0) 8 (3.6) 6 (3.5) 30 (7.7)
Common clinical symptoms n(%)
Daytime sleepiness 95 (38.2) 125 (55.6)**
*** 96 (56.1)**
*** 295 (75.6)*
Poor memory 83 (33.3) 122 (54.2) 105 (61.4) 252 (64.7)*
Data (age, AHI, BMI, neck circumference, and blood pressure) are presented as mean ± SD
AHI apneahypopnea index, BMI body mass index
*p< 0.01 when compared with primary snoring group; **p <0.05 when compared with primary snoring group; ***p<0.01 when compared with
severe OSAHS group; ****p<0.05 when compared with mild OSAHS group; *****p<0.01 when compared with mild OSAHS group
Sleep Breath (2011) 15:129135 131
OSAHS (9.4±4.6) groups, significantly greater ESS scores
were reported in the moderate OSAHS patients (10.4 ± 4.6,
p<0.01 vs. primary snoring and p<0.05 vs. mild OSAHS),
and reached the highest in the severe OSAHS patients
(13.0±5.0, p< 0.01 vs. moderate OSAHS). In addition,
NREM sleep phase 1/2 and respiratory arousal index
increased whereas slow wave sleep (NREM sleep phase
3/4) decreased significantly from mild to severe OSAHS
suggesting a progressive disruption of sleep structure in the
OSAHS patients (Table 2). However, REM sleep did not
differ among the three OSAHS groups. On the other hand,
the parameters of nocturnal hypoxemia measured by ODI,
Time (SpO
<90%), and minimum SpO
demonstrated that
nocturnal hypoxemia progressively aggravated among the
four groups of patients. For example, the moderate/severe
OSAHS patients were associated with significantly greater
ODI and Time (SpO
<90%), and lower minimum SpO
(p<0.01 vs. primary snoring and mild OSAHS groups;
Table 2).
Linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the
correlations of individual clinical (age, BMI, and neck
circumference) and polysomnographic (AHI, phase 1/2
sleep, slow wave sleep, REM sleep, respiratory arousal
index, ODI, Time (SpO
<90%), and Minimum SpO
variables with the ESS score. All these individual variables
except age and REM sleep significantly correlated with
ESS score. By using the stepwise multiple regression
analysis to further evaluate these correlations and their
relative importance, only three variables, i.e., BMI, AHI,
and ODI, significantly correlated with the ESS score with
the strongest association with ODI (β= 0.258 for ODI vs.
β=0.163 and β=0.05 for BMI and AHI, respectively, all
p<0.05). There was also a trend of correlation between ESS
score and Time (SpO
<90%) (p=0.06), but no notable
correlations between ESS score and nocturnal sleep
According to the 2nd edition of International Classification
of Sleep Disorder (ICSD-2) [18], OSAHS ranks the second
in prevalence after insomnia with the prevalence rate of 2
5% reported in adult population of Caucasian, Asian, and/or
other races [19]. OSAHS negatively impacts multiple organ
systems, impairs cognitive function including memory,
thinking, perception, etc., and an increasing severity of
OSAHS is associated with a greater hazard of all-cause
mortality [20]. Proper treatment has been shown to improve
the neuropsychiatric abnormalities, cardiovascular function,
and quality of life [3,21]. Therefore, the systematic clinical
evaluations of OSAHS with various spectrum of severity
and examination of the correlations between clinical
Fig. 1 ESS score (mean ± SD) in Chinese patients with different
severities of obstructive sleep apneahypopnea syndrome
Table 2 ESS score and polysomnographic parameters of primary snoring group and mild, moderate, and severe OSAHS groups
Primary snoring Mild OSAHS Moderate OSAHS Severe OSAHS
ESS score 8.3± 5.0 9.4 ±4.6**
*** 10.4± 4.6*
**** 13.0± 5.0*
TST min 401.4± 85.5 400.8± 74.4 405.6± 75.7 428.7 ±76.9
Phases 1+2 % 69.3± 12.8 74.1 ±11.7*** 75.6± 11.3*
*** 81.9± 15.7*
Slow wave sleep % 14.0± 12.2 10.5 ±9.1*
*** 8.4±7.9*
*** 4.6± 7.7*
REM sleep % 16.3± 6.7 15.2±7.2 15.8± 8.2 13.4± 7.6*
Respiratory arousals index events/h 0.4± 0.6 3.0 ±2.5*
*** 8.8±4.7*
**** 27.2± 12.2*
Time (SpO
<90%) min 0.3± 1.7 4.0 ±14.4*
*** 10.0± 19.2*
***** 147.4± 111.5*
Minimum SpO
% 83.2 ±23.6 82.5± 9.4*
*** 77.3± 8.3*
***** 65.6± 12.7*
ODI events/h 2.3± 2.1 13.1 ±7.2*
*** 33.4± 8.8*
***** 66.4± 17.3*
Data are presented as mean ± SD
ESS Epworth Sleepiness Scale, TST total sleep time, REM rapid eye movement, NREM non-rapid eye movement, SpO
pulse oxygen saturation,
ODI oxygen desaturation index
*p< 0.01 when compared with primary snoring group; **p <0.05 when compared with primary snoring group; ***p<0.01 when compared with
severe OSAHS group; ****p<0.05 when compared with mild OSAHS group; *****p<0.01 when compared with mild OSAHS group
132 Sleep Breath (2011) 15:129135
presentations, risk factors, and comorbidities are critical for
the management of patients and disease.
The studies of many aspects of OSAHS in China are at
the beginning from recent years. In our study with a large
cohort of Chinese patients, 561 cases were diagnosed with
either moderate or severe OSAHS (54%) from a total of
1,035 consecutive patients examined at our institution for
snoring problem with clinical suspicion of OSAHS. Hence,
due to the lack of public awareness of OSAHS, a large
proportion of these patients were diagnosed with moderate-
to-severe OSAHS when they first sought medical attention
regarding their symptom of snoring. Consistent with the
literatures in OSAHS patient population, cardiovascular and
metabolic disorders are also relatively common in this large
cohort of Chinese OSAHS patients. Although we did not
perform a quantitative analysis of neurocognitive function
such as memory, attention, and learning ability in this study,
the percentages of patients experiencing poor memory were
higher in the moderate-to-severe OSAHS patients (61
65%) than the primary snoring (33%) and mild OSAHS
(54%) patients based on the subjective symptom assess-
ment. These findings indicate that cardiovascular diseases
and neurocognitive dysfunction are also the common
comorbidities in Chinese OSAHS patient population.
Obesity is a significant risk factor for OSAHS and
increases the risk of developing symptomatic OSAHS by
10-fold, from 24% in the general middle-aged adult
population to up to 2040% in those with a BMI 3 kg/m
(the cut-off BMI for obesity as defined by WHO) [22]. The
study that compared Asian and white OSAHS patients has
found that Asians are younger with a lower mean BMI
(26.6±3.7 in the Asians vs. 30.7±5.9 in the whites) [23]. In
2000, the WHO convened an expert consultation, which
concluded that there is a substantial proportion of Asian
people who have a high risk of type 2 diabetes and
cardiovascular disease at BMIs lower than the existing
WHO BMI cut-off point for overweight of 25 kg/m
The panel recommended that for some Asians, a BMI of
23 kg/m
or higher marks a moderate increase in risk for
these diseases while a BMI of 26 kg/m
or more represents
high risk [24]. In Hong Kong Chinese, comparing severity
of sleep-disordered breathing, Asian patients with OSAHS
have been found to have greater severity compared to
Caucasian patients matched for age, gender, and BMI [25].
Data from Lim et al. also found that moderate-to-severe
OSAHS in Singaporean local patients with a BMI of
27.9 kg/m
(SD 6.7) has a fair degree of correlation
between AHI and BMI [26]. In our study, lower BMI with
a mean value of 26.6 kg/m
(SD 4.3) was reported among
mild to severe Chinese OSAHS patients, and more severe
OSAHS groups indeed had greater BMI values (predomi-
nantly overweight, not obese). In addition, BMI was one of
the three major determinants of the ESS score. These results
underscore the relationship between BMI and OSAHS and
EDS in Chinese OSAHS patients. Our data partially
support the hypothesis of Knorst et al. [27] that factors
such as fragmented sleep, number/duration of respiratory
events, minimum SpO
levels, and degree of obesity were
associated with EDS, and obesity has a major effect on the
severity of OSAHS. However, we had excluded those
patients with obesity hypoventilation syndrome, which may
also cause of EDS.
It is well-known that most patients with OSAHS have
subjective EDS which adversely affects their cognitive
function, quality of life, and increases driving accidents
while sleepy [9]. However, EDS is not universally present
in all OSAHS patients. The clinical determinants and
underlying pathology of EDS in OSAHS patients remain
controversial [10,11]. Here we reported that increasingly
higher percentage of patients experienced EDS in more
severe OSAHS patients (76% in severe vs. 56% in mild/
moderate OSAHS), and consistently, the ESS score
progressively increased as the severity of OSAHS aggra-
vated, with a strong positive correlation between the ESS
score and AHI. These findings demonstrate that the degree
of EDS is associated with the severity of OSAHS in
Chinese patients.
In this study, more severe OSAHS patients are charac-
terized by EDS, nocturnal hypoxemia, and disruption of
sleep structure as evidenced by sleep fragmentation,
prolonged light sleep (phase 1/2 sleep), decreased slow
wave sleep, and increased arousals. Progressive worsening
of nocturnal hypoxemia was also observed from mild to
severe OSAHS patients with a strong correlation with ESS
score. The pathogenesis of EDS in OSAHS patients
remains controversial and unclear. Earlier studies have
provided discrepant results regarding the association be-
tween EDS and sleep fragmentation or nocturnal hypox-
emia [711]. Bedard et al. [28] evaluated impaired
vigilance in patients with OSAHS and showed that the
severity of nocturnal hypoxia predicted the propensity of
falling asleep and reduction in general intellectual meas-
ures, the ability to perform executive and psychomotor
tasks. In Medianos study [11], patients with OSAHS were
dichotomised to those with EDS and those without, and the
two groups were similar in terms of age, BMI, and disease
severity as assessed by AHI. The EDS group was
characterized by shorter sleep latency, improved sleep
efficiency, and worse nocturnal oxygenation than those
without EDS. From these earlier small clinical studies, it
has been postulated that nocturnal hypoxemia may play a
major role in determining EDS in OSAHS. On the other
hand, another study has indicated either no significant
association between EDS and sleep disruption or nocturnal
hypoxemia alternatively [10]. In our study involving a large
cohort of Chinese OSAHS patients, stepwise multiple
Sleep Breath (2011) 15:129135 133
regression analysis revealed that only three major factors,
i.e., ODI, BMI, and AHI, among a variety of clinical and
polysomnographic variables are significant determinants of
EDS, with the order of relative importance as ODI>BMI>
AHI. These data support that nocturnal hypoxemia is a
more dominant determinant of EDS in OSAHS patients.
Importantly, sleep disruption such as changes in sleep
structure (sleep phase), however, was not found in the
stepwise multiple regression/correlation analysis to be a
significant determinant of EDS.
The findings from animal models of chronic intermittent
hypoxia (CIH) and other relevant pathologies have provid-
ed some insights regarding the underlying mechanisms of
nocturnal hypoxemia contributing to EDS in OSAHS
patients [2933]. Zhan et al. [30,31] suggested that CIH
during sleep can trigger neural damage of brain regions that
promote and control wakefulness through a convergence of
oxidative and inflammatory events, which ultimately lead
to neuronal cell loss and the manifestation of sleepiness.
Induction of neuronal apoptosis and neurocognitive dys-
function associated with intermittent hypoxia has also been
demonstrated in other animal experiments involving acti-
vation of proinflammatory pathways and excessive forma-
tion of oxidation products [32,33]. Future studies are
warranted to further explore the underlying molecular/
cellular mechanisms.
In conclusion, EDS and sleep disruption are common in
a large cohort of Chinese OSAHS patients. More severe
OSAHS patients are associated with symptoms of EDS,
higher ESS score, higher BMI, worsening of nocturnal
hypoxemia, and profound sleep disruption. Nocturnal
hypoxemia appears to play a major role leading to the
EDS in these patients.
Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Technology-
Development Foundation of Suzhou (No. SS08036).
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... Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is the most common complaint in OSA patients seeking outpatient treatment and an important criterion for the diagnosis and treatment of OSA. Our previous study found that 50% of OSA patients complained of subjective daytime sleepiness (6). EDS, in particular, is known to be a predisposing factor for cognitive impairment, accidents, interpersonal problems, and reduced productivity among OSA patients (4,(7)(8)(9)(10). ...
... According to epidemiological studies, the incidence of EDS in patients with OSA was as high as 12%-65% (7,(31)(32)(33). Our previous study also found that using a cut-off of ESS ≥ 9, approximately 50%-75% of Chinese patients with moderate to severe OSA are comorbid with EDS (6). EDS manifests in various ways, with multiple adverse behavioral health outcomes, including falling asleep while driving, a major public safety issue, and it is shown to be a contributor to increased risk of outpatient physician visits and hospitalizations (10, 34,35). ...
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Background and purpose Obstructive sleep apnoea is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness due to sleep fragmentation and hypoxemia, both of which can lead to abnormal brain morphology. However, the pattern of brain structural changes associated with excessive daytime sleepiness is still unclear. This study aims to investigate the effects of excessive daytime sleepiness on cortical thickness in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Materials and methods 61 male patients with newly diagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea were included in the present study. Polysomnography and structural MRI were performed for each participant. Subjective daytime sleepiness was assessed using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score. Surface-based morphometric analysis was performed using Statistical Parametric Mapping 12 and Computational Anatomy 12 toolboxes to extract cortical thickness. Results Using the median Epworth Sleepiness Scale score, patients were divided into the non-sleepiness group and the sleepiness group. The cortical thickness was markedly thinner in the sleepiness group in the left temporal, frontal, and parietal lobe and bilateral pre- and postcentral gyri (pFWE < 0.05). There was a significant negative correlation between the cortical thickness and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score. After adjusting for age, body mass index, and obstructive sleep apnoea severity, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score remained an independent factor affecting the cortical thickness of the left middle temporal lobe, transverse temporal and temporal pole. Conclusion Subjective daytime sleepiness is associated with decreased cortical thickness, and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score may be of utility as a clinical marker of brain injury in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.
... However, in these epidemiological studies, less than half of those with moderate to severe OSA (defined as AHI-4% ≥15/hour) were excessively sleepy [defined as Epworth Sleepiness Scale Score(ESS) ≥11/24] [68,71] . All clinical-based studies appear to be consistent in their significant association with EDS, primarily resolved by ESS, but in some cases by objective multi-day delayed testing and observational testing dependence on sleep, with high rates of OSA as defined by the AHI [72][73][74][75][76][77][78].Several clinical trials have shown that treatment of OSA leads to improvements in objective measures of self-reported sleepiness. Although OSA severity as assessed by the AHI has been associated with sleep improvement in some studies, initial sleep severity is a good predictor of improvement, demonstrating its importance as an individual respond to OSA as an indicator of disease severity. ...
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Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a prevalent condition with known impacts on cardiovascular and neurocognitive health, affecting nearly 1 billion individuals globally. While the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) is the most commonly used metric to gauge OSA severity, its effectiveness in evaluating treatment response remains uncertain. This review explores the history and predictive capabilities of the AHI in various clinical scenarios and considers alternative metrics such as hypoxic burden, arousal intensity, odds ratio product, and cardiopulmonary coupling. Future research directions include utilizing genetics, blood biomarkers, machine learning, and wearable technologies to identify distinct OSA endophenotypes. The aim is to enhance diagnostic accuracy, prognostic insights, and patient care strategies in managing OSA-related consequences.
... The Epworth Sleepiness Scale was used to measure the level of daytime sleepiness. Patients with more severe daytime sleepiness were characterized by higher ESS scores [44]. In this meta-analysis, a significant improvement in daytime sleepiness and quality of sleep was observed. ...
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With exercise being more frequently utilized in treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a systematic review of the intervention efficacy of exercise on OSA is necessary. PubMed, EBSCO, Web of Science, VIP, and CNKI databases were searched to collect randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of exercise applied to OSA from January 2000 to January 2022. The literature screening, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment of included studies were conducted independently by two reviewers. Meta-analysis was then performed using Rev Man 5.4 software. A total of 9 RCTs were included, including 444 patients. Compared with the control group, exercise made an improvement in apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) [MD = −6.65, 95% CI (−7.77, −5.53), p < 0.00001], minimum oxygen saturation (SaO2min%) [MD = 1.67, 95% CI (0.82, 2.52), p = 0.0001], peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) [SMD = 0.54, 95% CI (0.31, 0.78), p < 0.00001], Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) [MD = −2.08, 95% CI (−3.95, −0.21), p = 0.03], and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) values [MD = −1.64, 95% CI, (−3.07, −0.22), p = 0.02]. However, there were no significant changes in body mass index (BMI). As for the results of subgroup analysis, aerobic exercise combined with resistance exercise [MD = −7.36, 95% CI (−8.64, −6.08), p < 0.00001] had a better effect on AHI reduction than aerobic exercise alone [MD = −4.36, 95% CI (−6.67, −2.06), p = 0.0002]. This systematic review demonstrates that exercise reduces the severity of OSA with no changes in BMI, and the effect of aerobic exercise combined with resistance training is better than aerobic exercise alone in AHI reduction. Exercise also improves cardiopulmonary fitness, sleep quality, and excessive daytime sleepiness.
... Common presentations include daytime fatigue and snoring, and OSA has been shown to be associated with many other conditions including anxiety and depression, cognitive impairment, as well as raised risks of cardiovascular and in OSA patients seeking outpatient treatment and an important criterion for the diagnosis and treatment of OSA. Our previous study found that 50% of OSA patients complained of subjective daytime sleepiness (Chen et al. 2011). EDS, in particular, is known to be a predisposing factor for cognitive impairment, accidents, interpersonal problems, and reduced productivity among OSA patients ( Several previous studies have attempted to examine the relationship between EDS and brain injury in patients with OSA. ...
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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Obstructive sleep apnoea is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness due to sleep fragmentation and hypoxemia, both of which can lead to abnormal brain morphology. However, the pattern of brain structural changes associated with excessive daytime sleepiness is still unclear. This study aims to investigate the effects of excessive daytime sleepiness on cortical thickness in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 61 male patients with newly diagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea were included in the present study. Polysomnography and structural MRI were performed for each participant. Subjective daytime sleepiness was assessed using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score. Surface-based morphometric analysis was performed using Statistical Parametric Mapping 12 and Computational Anatomy 12 toolboxes to extract cortical thickness. RESULTS: Using the median Epworth Sleepiness Scale score, patients were divided into the non-sleepiness group and the sleepiness group. The cortical thickness was markedly thinner in the sleepiness group in the left temporal, frontal, and parietal lobe and bilateral pre- and postcentral gyri (pFWE<0.05). There was a significant negative correlation between the cortical thickness and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score. After adjusting for age, body mass index, and obstructive sleep apnoea severity, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score remained an independent factor affecting the cortical thickness of the left middle temporal lobe, transverse temporal and temporal pole. CONCLUSION: Subjective daytime sleepiness is associated with decreased cortical thickness, and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score may be of utility as a clinical marker of brain injury in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.
... Characterized by recurring complete or incomplete collapse of the upper airway during sleep, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) yields intermittent hypoxia, hypercapnia, and sleep fragmentation [2]. OSA is a highly prevalent disorder, affecting~20% of Americans and an even higher proportion of Asians [3]. Importantly, OSA is associated with a number of chronic medical conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, and neurocognitive dysfunction [4][5][6]. ...
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Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) yields intermittent hypoxia, hypercapnia, and sleep fragmentation. OSA is associated with chronic medical conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, and neurocognitive dysfunction. However, the risk of infertility in OSA remains unclear due to limited data and lack of long-term population-based studies. The study aims to assess the risk of infertility in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) by means of a population-based cohort study. The data was utilized from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) to conduct a population-based cohort study (1997–2013). Compared with the Non-OSA group, the male with OSA and surgery group has the OR (odds ratio) of infertility of 2.70 (95% CI, 1.46–4.98, p = 0.0015), but no significance exists in females with OSA. When the data was stratified according to age and gender, some associations in the specific subgroups were significant. Respectively, males aged 20–35 years old and aged 35–50 years old with a history of OSA and surgery both had a positive association with infertility. (aOR: 3.19; 95% CI, 1.18–8.66, p = 0.0227; aOR: 2.57; 95% CI, 1.18–5.62 p = 0.0176). Male patients with OSA suffer from reduced fertility, but no significant difference was noted in females with OSA. The identification of OSA as a risk factor for male infertility will aid clinicians to optimize long-term medical care. Furthermore, more studies will be encouraged to clarify the effect of OSA on female fertility.
Study objectives Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is a major symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Traditional polysomnographic (PSG) measures only partially explain EDS in OSA. This study analyzed traditional and novel PSG characteristics of two different measures of EDS among OSA patients. Methods Sleepiness was assessed using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (>10 points defined as “risk of dozing”) and a measure of general sleepiness (feeling sleepy ≥3 times/week defined as “feeling sleepy”). Four sleepiness phenotypes were identified: “non-sleepy”, “risk of dozing only”, “feeling sleepy only” and “both at risk of dozing and feeling sleepy”. Results Altogether, 2083 OSA patients (69% male) with an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) ≥5 events/hour were studied; 46% were “non-sleepy”, 26% at “risk of dozing only”, 7% were “feeling sleepy only” and 21% reported both. The two phenotypes at “risk of dozing” had higher AHI, more severe hypoxemia (as measured by oxygen desaturation index, minimum and average oxygen saturation [SpO2], time spent <90% SpO2, and hypoxic burden) and they spent less time awake, had shorter sleep latency, and higher heart rate response to arousals than “non-sleepy” and “feeling sleepy only” phenotypes. While statistically significant, effect sizes were small. Sleep stages, frequency of arousals, wake after sleep onset and limb movement did not differ between sleepiness phenotypes after adjusting for confounders. Conclusions In a large international group of OSA patients, PSG characteristics were weakly associated with EDS. The physiological measures differed among individuals characterized as “risk of dozing” or “non-sleepy”, while “feeling sleepy only” did not differ from “non-sleepy” individuals.
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Aims/introduction: To estimate the prevalence, and patient clinical and demographic profile, as well as risk factors associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Beijing, China. Materials and methods: Hospitalized adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were consecutively screened and invited for an overnight polysomnography from four hospitals in Beijing, China, from May 2016 to February 2017. We used the American Academy of Sleep Medicine 2012 polysomnography recording techniques and scoring criteria to identify the type of apnea and the severity of OSAS. The χ2 -test was used to evaluate differences between groups regarding the prevalence, and demographic and other clinical parameters. Results: A total of 735 patients were found eligible for the study, of whom 309 patients completed the overnight polysomnography. The mean age of the patients was 58.2 ± 10.9 years, and most (67.3%) were men. The prevalence of overall (apnea hypopnea index ≥5/h), moderate-to-severe (apnea hypopnea index ≥15/h) and severe (apnea hypopnea index ≥30/h) OSAS was 66.3% (95% confidence interval 60.8-71.6%), 35.6% (95% confidence interval 30.3-41.2%) and 16.5% (95% confidence interval 12.5-21.1%), respectively. Central and mixed apnea contributed 12% to all sleep-disordered breathing. With the aggravation of OSAS, the combined prevalence for central, mixed and obstructive apnea increased from 57% to 70%. We found OSAS to be associated with older age, obesity, self-reported snoring and apnea, and diabetes complications. Conclusions: Guidelines on screening and treatment of OSAS among hospitalized patients with diabetes are needed to direct the routine practice for diabetes endocrinologists for optimal clinical care of such patients.
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OBJETIVO: Estudar os efeitos de gênero e obesidade e identificar fatores relacionados à sonolência diurna excessiva (SDE) em indivíduos com síndrome das apnéias-hipopnéias obstrutivas do sono (SAHOS). MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados para inclusão no estudo 300 pacientes consecutivos, atendidos em clínica do sono, com índice de apnéia/hipopnéia (IAH) > 10 eventos/hora de sono, que completaram adequadamente a avaliação clínica. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi de 47 ± 11 anos e o IAH médio foi de 52,1 ± 29,2 eventos/hora de sono. As mulheres apresentaram maior média de idade, menos sonolência e menos tempo em apnéia. O escore médio de SDE foi de 14,7 ± 7,2. O escore de SDE correlacionou-se melhor com movimentos corpóreos (r = 0,43; p < 0,01), eventos respiratórios durante o sono (r = 0,40; p < 0,01), tempo em apnéia (r = 0,40; p < 0,01), valores mínimos da saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2; r = -0,38; p < 0,01) e IAH (r = 0,37; p < 0,01). O índice de massa corpórea (IMC) médio foi de 30,2 ± 5,3 kg/m2. Sobrepeso, obesidade e obesidade mórbida foram observados em, respectivamente, 41, 44 e 5,3% dos casos. A gravidade da doença correlacionou-se melhor com IMC (r = 0,51; p < 0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Maior média de idade, menor escore de SDE e menor tempo em apnéia foram associados ao gênero feminino. Fragmentação do sono, número e duração de eventos respiratórios durante o sono, níveis de SpO2 e obesidade se associaram à sonolência. O IMC teve efeito significativo na gravidade da SAHOS.
To investigate the association between sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) and automobile accidents, and to evaluate potential underlying mechanisms, we prospectively recruited 60 consecutive patients with SAS (apnea-hypopnea index, 58 +/- 3 h(-1)) and 60 healthy control subjects, matched for sex and age. The number of automobile accidents during the past 3 yr was obtained from participants and insurance companies. We quantified the degree of daytime sleepiness (Epworth scale), anxiety and depression (Beck tests), and we assessed the level of vigilance (PVT 192) and driving performance (Steer-Clear). Patients had more accidents than control subjects (OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 0.97 to 5.33) and were more likely to have had more than one accident (OR: 5.2; 95% CI: 1.07 to 25.29, p < 0.05). These differences persisted after stratification for km/yr, age, and alcohol consumption. Patients were more somnolent, anxious, and depressed than control subjects (p < 0.01), and they had a lower level of vigilance and poorer driving performance (p < 0.01). Yet, we did not find any correlation between the degree of daytime sleepiness, anxiety, depression, the number of respiratory events, nocturnal hypoxemia, level of vigilance, or driving simulator performance and the risk of automobile accidents among SAS patients. In conclusion, patients with SAS have an increased risk of automobile accidents. None of the clinical or physiological markers commonly used to define disease severity appear able to discriminate those patients at higher risk of having an automobile accident.
A WHO expert consultation addressed the debate about interpretation of recommended body-mass index (BMI) cut-off points for determining overweight and obesity in Asian populations, and considered whether population-specific cut-off points for BMI are necessary. They reviewed scientific evidence that suggests that Asian populations have different associations between BMI, percentage of body fat, and health risks than do European populations. The consultation concluded that the proportion of Asian people with a high risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease is substantial at BMIs lower than the existing WHO cut-off point for overweight (greater than or equal to25 kg/m(2)). However, available data do not necessarily indicate a clear BMI cut-off point for all Asians for overweight or obesity. The cut-off point for observed risk varies from 22 kg/m(2) to 25 kg/m(2) in different Asian populations; for high risk it varies from 26 kg/m(2) to 31 kg/m(2). No attempt was made, therefore, to redefine cut-off points for each population separately. The consultation also agreed that the WHO BMI cut-off points should be retained as international classifications. The consultation identified further potential public health action, points (23.0, 27.5, 32.5, and 37.5 kg/m(2)) along the continuum of BMI, and proposed methods by which countries could make decisions about the definitions of increased risk for their population.
Background The risk of sudden death from cardiac causes in the general population peaks from 6 a.m. to noon and has a nadir from midnight to 6 a.m. Obstructive sleep apnea is highly prevalent and associated with neurohormonal and electrophysiological abnormalities that may increase the risk of sudden death from cardiac causes, especially during sleep. Methods We reviewed polysomnograms and the death certificates of 112 Minnesota residents who had undergone polysomnography and had died suddenly from cardiac causes between July 1987 and July 2003. For four intervals of the day, we compared the rates of sudden death from cardiac causes among people with obstructive sleep apnea and the following: the rates among people without obstructive sleep apnea, the rates in the general population, and the expectations according to chance. For each interval, we assessed the median apnea–hypopnea index and the relative risk of sudden death from cardiac causes. We similarly analyzed sudden death from cardiac causes during three time intervals that correlate with usual sleep–wake cycles. Results From midnight to 6 a.m., sudden death from cardiac causes occurred in 46 percent of people with obstructive sleep apnea, as compared with 21 percent of people without obstructive sleep apnea (P=0.01), 16 percent of the general population (P<0.001), and the 25 percent expected by chance (P<0.001). People with sudden death from cardiac causes from midnight to 6 a.m. had a significantly higher apnea–hypopnea index than those with sudden death from cardiac causes during other intervals, and the apnea–hypopnea index correlated directly with the relative risk of sudden death from cardiac causes from midnight to 6 a.m. For people with obstructive sleep apnea, the relative risk of sudden death from cardiac causes from midnight to 6 a.m. was 2.57 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.87 to 3.52). The analysis of usual sleep–wake cycles showed similar results. Conclusions People with obstructive sleep apnea have a peak in sudden death from cardiac causes during the sleeping hours, which contrasts strikingly with the nadir of sudden death from cardiac causes during this period in people without obstructive sleep apnea and in the general population.