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A Method to Increase Efficiency in Testing Pooled Field-Collected Mosquitoes


Abstract and Figures

Testing field-caught mosquito collections can result in thousands of pools, and testing pools of 50 mosquitoes each can be both time consuming and cost prohibitive. Consequently, we have developed an alternative approach to testing mosquito pools for arboviruses, utilizing a superpool strategy. When mosquito samples are processed for extraction of viral RNA and subsequent virus testing via quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, each pool is tested individually. Using the method described here, 0.025 ml from each of 10 pools is combined into a superpool for RNA extraction and testing. When a virus-positive superpool sample is found, each of the original 10 pools that constitute this sample is tested individually in order to find the specific positive sample. By retesting the original samples after the initial superpool screen, we are still able to obtain reliable estimates for minimum infection rates or maximum likelihood estimations. To test this principle, we created controlled mosquito pools of known titer and subjected them to our superpool process. We were able to detect our entire range of laboratory-created pools as being West Nile virus (WNV) positive. In 2005, field surveillance efforts from our laboratory resulted in over 4,000 mosquito pools tested, with 8 resulting WNV-positive samples. We found that all of these field samples were detected as WNV positive using the superpool method and contained calculated virus titers from < 0.1 to 4.1 log10 plaque-forming units/ml WNV, indicating that the limit of superpool detection of WNV is below this point. These results reveal that the superpool method could be accurately used to detect WNV in field-collected specimens.
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ABSTRACT. Testing field-caught mosquito collections can result in thousands of pools, and testing pools
of 50 mosquitoes each can be both time consuming and cost prohibitive. Consequently, we have developed
an alternative approach to testing mosquito pools for arboviruses, utilizing a superpool strategy. When
mosquito samples are processed for extraction of viral RNA and subsequent virus testing via quantitative
real-time polymerase chain reaction, each pool is tested individually. Using the method described here,
0.025 ml from each of 10 pools is combined into a superpool for RNA extraction and testing. When a virus-
positive superpool sample is found, each of the original 10 pools that constitute this sample is tested
individually in order to find the specific positive sample. By retesting the original samples after the initial
superpool screen, we are still able to obtain reliable estimates for minimum infection rates or maximum
likelihood estimations. To test this principle, we created controlled mosquito pools of known titer and
subjected them to our superpool process. We were able to detect our entire range of laboratory-created pools
as being West Nile virus (WNV) positive. In 2005, field surveillance efforts from our laboratory resulted in
over 4,000 mosquito pools tested, with 8 resulting WNV-positive samples. We found that all of these field
samples were detected as WNV positive using the superpool method and contained calculated virus titers
from ,0.1 to 4.1 log
plaque-forming units/ml WNV, indicating that the limit of superpool detection of
WNV is below this point. These results reveal that the superpool method could be accurately used to detect
WNV in field-collected specimens.
KEY WORDS West Nile virus, mosquito pool, quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain
reaction, arbovirus testing, surveillance
Arthropod-borne encephalitis viruses are an
ongoing health risk to humans in the United
States. In Florida, 3 encephalitis viruses are
commonly found in the resident mosquito pop-
ulation: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), St.
Louis encephalitis (SLE), and West Nile virus
(WNV). A variety of surveillance methods are
employed in Florida for early detection of
potential outbreaks, including passive monitoring
of dead birds and horses, as well as monitoring
human cases and seroconversions in sentinel
chicken flocks (Blackmore et al. 2003, Godsey
et al. 2005). Testing mosquito pools is another
method employed during routine surveillance,
outbreaks, and in field-based experiments
(Shroyer 1991, Vitek et al. 2008).
The generalized procedure for pooling mosqui-
toes for virus testing involves sorting samples by
species and dividing the collection into pools of
up to 50 individual mosquitoes (Lee et al. 2002,
Condotta et al. 2004, Farajollahi et al. 2005,
Lampman et al. 2006). Mosquito pools have been
used previously for detection of other arboviruses
(Chiang and Reeves 1962, Dow et al. 1964, Le
1981, Shroyer 1991) and, since the discovery of
WNV in the United States in 1999, mosquito
pooling has been utilized throughout the country
for WNV detection (Lanciotti et al. 2000,
Lanciotti and Kerst 2001).
It is possible to obtain reliable estimates for
minimum infection rates or maximum likelihood
estimations (Bernard and Kramer 2001, Condotta
et al. 2004) utilizing pools of approximately 50
mosquitoes. However, increasing the numbers of
mosquitoes tested per pool may lead to inhibition
of the growth of certain viruses in cell culture–
based assays (Hubbard et al. 1989). When testing
field-caught specimens, mosquito collections can
result in thousands of pools, and testing pools of
50 mosquitoes each can be both time consuming
and costly. Additionally, quantitative reverse
transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (qRT-
PCR) assays may be more beneficial for surveil-
lance despite its higher costs because these assays
outperform conventional RT-PCR due to its
speed, lower contamination risk, ability for
quantification, and higher sensitivity (Vijgen et
al. 2005). In our laboratory, the estimated cost of
testing a single pool using standard RT-PCR is
roughly $3.00/pool, while qRT-PCR costs ap-
proximately $8.00/pool; however, costs can rise
steeply depending on the reagents and methods
employed. In 2005, field surveillance efforts from
Present address: Louisiana State University, School
of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Pathobiological
Sciences, Skip Bertman Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
To whom correspondence should be addressed.
University of Florida, Florida Medical Entomology
Laboratory, 200 9th Street SE, Vero Beach, FL 32962.
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 24(2):311–314, 2008
2008 by The American Mosquito Control Association, Inc.
our laboratory resulted in over 4,000 mosquito
pools tested, with 8 resulting WNV-positive
samples (Vitek et al. 2008). The cost of testing
these field samples for WNV would be approxi-
mately $32,000 using standard qRT-PCR meth-
ods as described by Lanciotti et al. (2000).
Consequently, we have developed an alterna-
tive approach to testing mosquito pools for
arboviruses, utilizing a superpool strategy. By
combining aliquots of 10 mosquito pools into 1
superpool prior to viral RNA extraction, this
method decreases the costs associated with
arbovirus testing of mosquito pools by a factor
of approximately 10. This reduced cost is
especially important when dealing with large
sample numbers. Mosquitoes are sorted and
pooled using standard protocols. When mosquito
samples are processed for extraction of viral
RNA and subsequent virus testing via qRT-PCR,
we draw and then combine 0.025 ml from each of
10 pools, instead of drawing 0.25 ml from each
pool. Then, each 0.25-ml sample is added to
0.25 ml of extraction buffer prior to extraction of
viral RNA. In addition to the cost benefits, this
allows us to test 10 times as many samples at
once. When a virus-positive superpool sample is
found, each of the 10 pools that constitute this
sample is tested individually in order to find the
specific positive sample.
To test this methodology using laboratory-
infected mosquitoes, 7-day-old female Culex
quinquefasciatus Say from a colony established
from Alachua County in Gainesville, FL, in 1995
(generation .F
) were utilized and maintained
at 28uC under a 14:10 (L:D) cycle simulating a
long day photoperiod. We used WNV strain WN-
FL03p2-3 (Doumbouya 2007), originally isolated
from a pool of Cx. nigripalpus Theobald in Indian
River County, FL, in 2003, passaged 5 times in
African green monkey kidney cells and once in
baby hamster kidney cells. Female Cx. quinque-
fasciatus were starved for 48 h and then allowed
to feed on artificial membrane feeders containing
citrated bovine blood warmed at 35uC for 15 min
with 6.8 60.03 log
plaque-forming units
(PFU)/ml WNV. After feeding, mosquitoes were
immobilized with cold and fully engorged spec-
imens transferred to 1-liter cardboard cages with
mesh screening. Mosquitoes were transferred to
incubators, held for 13 days at 25uC, and
provided 20%sucrose ad libitum. After 13 days,
surviving mosquitoes were removed from each
cage, killed by freezing, and their legs removed.
Mosquito bodies were triturated in 0.9 ml BA-1
diluent (Lanciotti et al. 2000) and stored at
280uC for later processing. Prior to virus assays,
2 4.5-mm zinc-plated beads (BB-caliber air gun
shot) were added to each mosquito sample.
Samples were homogenized at 25 Hz for 3 min
(TissueLyser; Qiagen, Inc., Valencia, CA) and
centrifuged at 4uC and 3,148 3gfor 4 min.
In order to determine the sensitivity for the
superpool method to detect a single positive pool
from 9 potentially negative mosquito pools, we
used the body of a single laboratory-infected
colony mosquito to create a known positive pool
to simulate the lowest possible number positive in
a wild-caught pool. As a point of reference, we
used our standard pool testing procedure: 0.25 ml
of a laboratory-infected positive pool containing
a single mosquito of known titer was combined
with 0.25 ml of extraction buffer. The superpool
procedure was tested over a range of titers using 3
known positive laboratory-infected mosquitoes
that were chosen based upon their previously
determined WNV titers. Mosquito samples were
of high (7.4 log
PFU/ml WNV), medium (5.6
PFU/ml WNV), and low (2.3 log
WNV) titers. We added 0.025 ml of 1 of these
positive pools to 0.225 ml of a negative pool, and
0.25 ml of extraction buffer. Negative pools
contained 50 virus-negative Cx. nigripalpus col-
lected from the field in 2005 (Vitek et al. 2008).
A standard was created by adding 0.25 ml of
WNV stock (8.0 log
PFU/ml WNV) to 0.25 ml
of extraction buffer as a reference sample for the
calculation of viral titers, and a negative control
consisting of 0.5 ml of extraction buffer were
processed along with the experimental samples to
detect any cross-contamination.
To further evaluate the superpool method, 8
WNV-positive mosquito pools collected in 2005
(Vitek et al. 2008) were processed as described
above. Each superpool consisted of 0.025 ml of a
field-collected positive pool, combined with
0.025 ml from each of 9 negative field-collected
mosquito pools, and 0.25 ml of extraction buffer.
Positive standards and negative controls were
created and samples were processed as previously
All samples were extracted with the MagNA
Pure LC System and Total Nucleic Acid Isolation
Kit (Roche, Mannheim, Germany), and eluted in
0.05 ml of elution buffer prior to qRT-PCR
The amount of viral RNA in each sample was
determined using the LightCyclerH480 system
(Roche) and Superscript III One-Step qRT-PCR
kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) carried out as
described previously for WNV (Lanciotti et al.
2000, Lanciotti and Kerst 2001). Samples were
amplified using the following operation guide-
lines: 48uC for 30 min, 95uC for 2 min, 45 cycles
of alternating temperatures of 95uC for 10 sec
and 60uC for 15 sec, followed by 50uC for 30 sec.
Standard curves were created based on data
acquired from 10-fold serial dilutions of WNV
stocks of known concentration and used to
extrapolate concentrations of experimental sam-
ples (Bustin 2000).
We were able to detect the entire set of
laboratory-created mosquito pools using the
312 J
standard viral RNA extraction and qRT-PCR
methods. Under standard pool testing conditions,
high-, medium-, and low-titered pools were
detected and calculated to contain 7.4, 5.6, and
2.3 log
PFU/ml WNV, respectively. In the
superpool method, the high-, medium-, and low-
titered pools were detected with calculated
concentrations of 5.3, 3.0, and 1.8 log
WNV, respectively. The positive control derived
from WNV stock was detected at 9.1 log
ml WNV and negative controls were not detected
as positive for WNV. This shows that our limit of
detection for the superpool method is below our
low-titered mosquito pool.
All of the field samples were detected as WNV
positive using the superpool method and con-
tained calculated virus titers from ,0.1 to 4.1
PFU/ml WNV (Table 1). The positive
control contained 8.9 log
PFU/ml WNV and
the negative controls were not detected as positive
for WNV. Since the lowest titer from field-
collected samples was detected using the super-
pool method and calculated to contain ,1.0 log
PFU/ml WNV, this indicates that the limit of
superpool detection of WNV is below this point.
These results reveal that the superpool method
would be able to detect WNV in field-collected
specimens under these conditions.
Compared to standard qRT-PCR methodolo-
gy, our superpool method allows 10 times the
number of mosquito pools to be tested simulta-
neously at roughly one-tenth of the total cost.
With the potential benefit of saving both time and
money, this method is currently being used to test
samples collected in Florida during the 2006 field
season. In 2006, we collected 289,663 mosquitoes,
divided into 6,476 pools. Using the superpool
method will cost us approximately $5,200 com-
pared to $51,700 for testing these samples via the
standard pooling method, saving $46,500 while
also allowing us to test the samples in less time.
The cost to test these pools by nonquantitative
RT-PCR would be approximately $19,400, while
the superpool method would save $14,200. It
would also provide the added benefits of qRT-
PCR compared to RT-PCR, such as increased
sensitivity, increased processing speed, lower
contamination risk, and the ability to quantify
viral loads (Vijgen et al. 2005).
Admittedly, there was a 2- to 3-fold reduction
in calculated WNV titer via the superpool method
in the laboratory-created samples when compared
to our standard pooling method. Approximately
1 log
PFU WNV of the observed reduction can
be explained by the reduction of the amount of
sample added. The remaining decrease in sensi-
tivity could be due to an inhibitory effect on the
qRT-PCR, resulting from the increase in co-
extracted mosquito nucleic acids, a decrease in
the efficiency of the reaction by limiting the
amount of starting RNA template, as has been
shown in experimental amplification of phage
DNA (Kainz 2000), or by some other means we
have yet to discover. It is unlikely that this
reduction was created by differences in sample
preparation as both methods were run at the
same time with each sample experiencing identi-
cal preparation, i.e., same extraction protocol,
same number of freeze–thaw cycles, same general
laboratory conditions. The impact of this de-
crease in titer-calculation accuracy when com-
pared to the standard method is offset by the
benefits gained from the streamlined superpool
approach. The calculated titers using the super-
pool method would remain considerably more
accurate than relative quantification using RT-
The minimum infection rates (MIRs) and
maximum likelihood estimations (MLEs) are still
able to be calculated after a superpool assay.
When a positive superpool is identified, it is
broken down into its component sub-pools, and
each of those pools is individually tested via qRT-
PCR analysis. This enables a much more reliable
MIR or MLE estimate, based on pool sizes of 50
mosquitoes or fewer and not the superpool size of
approximately 500 mosquitoes. It is important to
note that during epizootics or epidemics in focal
zones, it may be worthwhile to utilize standard
procedures of individual testing of mosquito
pools as more superpool samples will be positive
for virus. Therefore, the number of component
pools tested will also increase, offsetting the cost
and time benefits of the superpool method.
Further research is underway to determine the
absolute sensitivity of the superpool method, the
reasons for the decreased calculated titers ob-
served, and the ability of multiplex assays to use
the superpool method. The multiplex assay for
detecting WNV, SLE, and EEE using the super-
pool method would be of particular interest to
researchers in Florida and other states where
mosquitoes are abundant and multiple arbovi-
ruses are endemic. Such a test would save
considerable time and money, thereby streamlin-
ing mosquito control efforts and protecting
public health.
Table 1. Field-collected mosquito samples positive for
West Nile virus (WNV), as tested by
superpool methodology.
Sample no. WNV titer (log
351 3.3
493 4.1
510 3.6
522 0.1
558 4.0
967 3.9
1,102 ,0.1
2,186 3.4
PFU, plaque-forming units.
2008 S
This research described in this publication was
made possible by funding from the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Ser-
vices. We would like to thank Chelsea Smartt and
Kendra Pesko for their critical reading of this
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... Live swallow bugs were sorted into pools of 100 for virus screening and immediately frozen at − 70 • C. Pooling arthropods for testing has been standard in arbovirology for at least 60 years and is still widely used, mostly because of the impracticality of screening each individual among the large numbers of arthropods typically available for collection (Chiang and Reeves 1962;Chisenhall et al. 2008;Maya-Delgado et al. 2020;Tang et al. 2020). While sorting bugs into pools, we noted whether a pool consisted exclusively of adult bugs, instars, or a mixture. ...
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The extent to which host group size affects the hosts’ exposure to parasites and pathogens has been explored by behavioral ecologists for almost 50 years, and we know that host and parasite taxa, mobility of host and parasite, and the extent of spatial structure within groups all affect the group-size relationship. Here we examine how the prevalence of an arthropod-borne viral pathogen changes with host group size in a host-parasite system recently invaded by an introduced species that also serves as a host for the virus. Infection by the alphavirus, Buggy Creek virus (BCRV), in swallow bugs (Cimex vicarius) increased with colony size of the cliff swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota; the bugs’ principal host) in the absence of invasive house sparrows (Passer domesticus) but decreased with swallow colony size in the presence of sparrows. The sparrow-adapted lineage A of BCRV declined to near extinction in the largest cliff swallow colonies, regardless of sparrow presence. The results may reflect BCRV’s divergence into a lineage (B) that amplifies mostly in bugs and thus is transmitted more effectively in large cliff swallow colonies that maintain high numbers of the blood-feeding bugs, whereas the other lineage (A) is adapted to house sparrows and does not require large numbers of bugs and cliff swallows for effective transmission and persistence. The results show that an alternative host can modify the group-size consequences for the original host and illustrate another complexity in analyzing the costs and benefits of coloniality whenever invasive species are present. Significance statement Predicting the spread of viral pathogens can be important in assessing threats to wildlife or humans, and the size of a host’s social group is regarded as a potentially important determinant of pathogen exposure. Invasive species can sometimes profoundly alter disease dynamics when they enter a host-parasite system and serve as alternative hosts, thereby either increasing or decreasing the original host’s exposure to pathogens. For an arthropod-borne virus that is vectored by a blood-feeding bug that parasitizes a colonially breeding bird, we found that virus infection in bugs increased with host (bird) group size when an invasive bird species was absent but decreased with host group size when the invasive was present. The study indicates that the presence of alternative hosts is another variable to consider in trying to predict how pathogen exposure is affected by host group size.
... For example, during the study period there were 8,518 tests on mosquito pools in a subsection of Caguas compared to 452 tests on suspect human cases in all of Caguas. Some of the testing burden may be ameliorated by using "superpools" for mosquito testing [35], but the trapping itself also remains a challenge. Moreover, despite the intensive mosquito trapping and testing in Caguas and the small proportion of ZIKV-infected people who seek care, human surveillance was more sensitive than mosquito surveillance. ...
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Background Detecting and monitoring the transmission of arboviruses such as Zika virus (ZIKV), dengue virus, and chikungunya virus is critical for prevention and control activities. Previous work has compared the ability of different human-focused surveillance strategies to detect ZIKV transmission in U.S. counties where no known transmission had occurred, but whether virological surveillance in mosquitoes could represent an effective surveillance system is unclear. Objectives We leveraged a unique set of data from human and virological surveillance in Ae. aegypti during the 2016 ZIKV epidemic in Caguas, Puerto Rico, to compare alternative strategies for detecting and monitoring ZIKV activity. Methods We developed a simulation model for mosquito and human surveillance strategies and simulated different transmission scenarios with varying infection rates and mosquito trap densities. We then calculated the expected weekly number of detected infections, the probability of detecting transmission, and the number of tests needed and compared the simulations with observed data from Caguas. Results In simulated high transmission scenarios (1 infection per 1,000 people per week), the models demonstrated that both approaches had estimated probabilities of detection of greater than 78%. In simulated low incidence scenarios, vector surveillance had higher sensitivity than human surveillance and sensitivity increased with more traps, more trapping effort, and testing. In contrast, the actual data from Caguas indicated that human virological surveillance was more sensitive than vector virological surveillance during periods of both high and low transmission. Conclusion In scenarios where human surveillance is not possible or when transmission intensity is very low, virological surveillance in Ae. aegypti may be able to detect and monitor ZIKV epidemic activity. However, surveillance for humans seeking care for Zika-like symptoms likely provides an equivalent or more sensitive indicator of transmission intensity in most circumstances.
... For time-and cost-efficient mosquito surveillance high-throughput analysis of pooled mosquitoes rather than individual insects is often necessary [59,60]. To determine the utility of our assay platform for analyzing mosquito pools we created four sample pools comprising Wolbachia-infected Ae. albopictus and un-infected Ae. aegypti mosquitoes-Pool A: 99 Ae. ...
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Manipulation of natural mosquito populations using the endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia is being investigated as a novel strategy to reduce the burden of mosquito-borne viruses. To evaluate the efficacy of these interventions, it will be critical to determine Wolbachia infection frequencies in Aedes aegypti mosquito populations. However, current diagnostic tools are not well-suited to fit this need. Morphological methods cannot identify Wolbachia, immunoassays often suffer from low sensitivity and poor throughput, while PCR and spectroscopy require complex instruments and technical expertise, which restrict their use to centralized laboratories. To address this unmet need, we have used loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and oligonucleotide strand displacement (OSD) probes to create a one-pot sample-to-answer nucleic acid diagnostic platform for vector and symbiont surveillance. LAMP-OSD assays can directly amplify target nucleic acids from macerated mosquitoes without requiring nucleic acid purification and yield specific single endpoint yes/no fluorescence signals that are observable to eye or by cellphone camera. We demonstrate cellphone-imaged LAMP-OSD tests for two targets, the Aedes aegypti cytochrome oxidase I (coi) gene and the Wolbachia surface protein (wsp) gene, and show a limit of detection of 4 and 40 target DNA copies, respectively. In a blinded test of 90 field-caught mosquitoes, the coi LAMP-OSD assay demonstrated 98% specificity and 97% sensitivity in identifying Ae. aegypti mosquitoes even after 3 weeks of storage without desiccant at 37°C. Similarly, the wsp LAMP-OSD assay readily identified the wAlbB Wolbachia strain in field-collected Aedes albopictus mosquitoes without generating any false positive signals. Modest technology requirements, minimal execution steps, simple binary readout, and robust accuracy make the LAMP-OSD-to-cellphone assay platform well suited for field vector surveillance in austere or resource-limited conditions.
... Although more advanced than for other arboviruses, molecular methods for WNV detection still have wide margins for technical implementation to both adapt their use to the variety of clinical samples (tissue, blood or CSF) from humans and animals, and particularly vector tissue extracts [48][49][50], and to take into account more recent knowledge from sequence analysis of strains circulating and evolving in various geographical areas and habitats. Problems are also related to the very low viral loads that can be expected especially in post-mortem tissues or while screening subjects in the absence of symptoms. ...
The emergence and spread of West Nile Virus (WNV) from North through South America during the last decade, and the recent outbreaks of disease in both humans and horses in Europe suggest that the epidemiology of this infection is evolving. WNV is now considered among the emerging threats for both human and veterinary public health in areas like Europe where it was previously regarded to as an exotic agent. Further knowledge has built up from studies investigating the characteristics of the virus and its genome evolution capacity, the adaptation to new avian host species, the changes in vector competence and biology, and the host-pathogen interactions, including the immune response. Also, the new needs for preparedness to future major outbursts of disease have stimulated research on virus detection and characterization, filling the gaps in both specialized diagnostic technology and the need for field rapid assays. This review will present an overview of WNV virology, remarking the impact of virus diversity and evolution on theoretical and practical aspects involved in both risk definition, detection and control of infection.
... These assays are currently referred to as the "gold standards" for DENV detection [21][22][23][24]. More relevant to our research, current testing of mosquito populations for arboviruses in general, but more specifically dengue viruses, has been limited to RT-PCR of mosquito pools (25-100 insects) [25][26][27]. ...
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Recent epidemics of dengue viruses (DENV) coupled with new outbreaks on the horizon have renewed the demand for novel detection methods that have the ability to identify this viral pathogen prior to the manifestation of symptoms. The ability to detect DENV in a timely manner is essential for rapid recovery from disease symptoms. A modified lab-derived 10-23 DNAzyme tethered to gold nanoparticles provides a powerful tool for the detection of viruses, such as DENV. We examined the effectiveness of coupling DNAzyme (DDZ) activation to the salt-induced aggregation of gold nanoparticles (AuNP) to detect dengue virus (DENV) progeny in mosquito cells. A DNAzyme was designed to recognize the 5' cyclization sequence (5' CS) that is conserved among all DENV, and conjugated to AuNPs. DDZ-AuNP has demonstrated the ability to detect the genomic RNA of our model dengue strain, DENV-2 NGC, isolated from infected Aedes albopictus C6/36 cells. These targeting events lead to the rapid aggregation of AuNPs, resulting in a red to clear color transition of the reaction mixes, and thus positive detection of the DENV RNA genome. The inclusion of SDS in the reaction mixture permitted the detection of DENV directly from cell culture supernatants without additional sample processing. Specificity assays demonstrated detection is DENV-specific, while sensitivity assays confirm detection at levels of 1 x 101 TCID50 units. These results demonstrate DDZ-AuNP effectively detects DENV genomes in a sequence specific manner and at concentrations that are practical for field use. We have developed an effective detection assay using DNAzyme catalysis coupled with AuNP aggregation for the detection of DENV genomes in a sequence specific manner. Full development of our novel DDZ-AuNP detection method will provide a practical, rapid, and low cost alternative for the detection of DENV in mosquito cells and tissues, and possibly infected patient serum, in a matter of minutes with little to no specialized training required.
Interpretation of enzootic West Nile virus (WNV) surveillance indicators requires little advanced mathematical skill, but greatly enhances the ability of public health officials to prescribe effective WNV management tactics. Stepwise procedures for the calculation of mosquito infection rates (IR) and vector index (VI) are presented alongside statistical tools that require additional computation. A brief review of advantages and important considerations for each statistic’s use is provided.
Surveillance of West Nile virus (WNV) in populations of mosquitoes or sentinel animals is of primary importance when assessing the risks to human health posed by naturally circulating WNV. In this chapter we focus on methods for detection of both WNV and its enzootic transmission. Methods for virus detection include CDC mini light trap, CDC gravid trap, and dead bird surveillance. Methods for transmission detection include passive box traps, chicken-baited traps, and sentinel chickens.
Dengue virus (DENV) is transmitted in the saliva of the mosquito vector Aedes aegypti during blood meal acquisition. This saliva is composed of numerous proteins with the capacity to disrupt hemostasis or modulate the vertebrate immune response. One such protein, termed “aegyptin,” is an allergen and inhibitor of clot formation, and has been found in decreased abundance in the saliva of DENV-infected mosquitoes. To examine the influence of aegyptin on DENV infection of the vertebrate, we inoculated IRF-3/7−/− −/− mice with DENV serotype 2 strain 1232 with and without co-inoculation of aegyptin. Mice that received aegyptin exhibited decreased DENV titers in inoculation sites and in circulation, as well as increased concentrations of GM-CSF, IFN-γ, IL-5, and IL-6, at 48 h post-inoculation when compared to mice that received inoculation of DENV alone. These and other data suggest that aegyptin impacts DENV perpetuation via elevated induction of the immune response.
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The reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is the most sensitive method for the detection of low-abundance mRNA, often obtained from limited tissue samples. However, it is a complex technique, there are substantial problems associated with its true sensitivity, reproducibility and specificity and, as a quantitative method, it suffers from the problems inherent in PCR. The recent introduction of fluorescence-based kinetic RT-PCR procedures significantly simplifies the process of producing reproducible quantification of mRNAs and promises to overcome these limitations. Nevertheless, their successful application depends on a clear understanding of the practical problems, and careful experimental design, application and validation remain essential for accurate quantitative measurements of transcription. This review discusses the technical aspects involved, contrasts conventional and kinetic RT-PCR methods for quantitating gene expression and compares the different kinetic RT-PCR systems. It illustrates the usefulness of these assays by demonstrating the significantly different levels of transcription between individuals of the housekeeping gene family, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GAPDH).
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The authors report on the development and application of a rapid TaqMan assay for the detection of West Nile (WN) virus in a variety of human clinical specimens and field-collected specimens. Oligonucleotide primers and FAM- and TAMRA-labeled WN virus-specific probes were designed by using the nucleotide sequence of the New York 1999 WN virus isolate. The TaqMan assay was compared to a traditional reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR assay and to virus isolation in Vero cells with a large number ( approximately 500) of specimens obtained from humans (serum, cerebrospinal fluid, and brain tissue), field-collected mosquitoes, and avian tissue samples. The TaqMan assay was specific for WN virus and demonstrated a greater sensitivity than the traditional RT-PCR method and correctly identified WN virus in 100% of the culture-positive mosquito pools and 98% of the culture-positive avian tissue samples. The assay should be of utility in the diagnostic laboratory to complement existing human diagnostic testing and as a tool to conduct WN virus surveillance in the United States.
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The development and application of nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) assays for the detection of West Nile (WN) and St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) viruses are reported. Two unique detection formats were developed for the NASBA assays: a postamplification detection step with a virus-specific internal capture probe and electrochemiluminescence (NASBA-ECL assay) and a real-time assay with 6-carboxyfluorescein-labeled virus-specific molecular beacon probes (NASBA-beacon assay). The sensitivities and specificities of these NASBA assays were compared to those of a newly described standard reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and TaqMan assays for SLE virus and to a previously published TaqMan assay for WN virus. The NASBA assays demonstrated exceptional sensitivities and specificities compared to those of virus isolation, the TaqMan assays, and standard RT-PCR, with the NASBA-beacon assay yielding results in less than 1 h. These assays should be of utility in the diagnostic laboratory to complement existing diagnostic testing methodologies and as a tool in conducting flavivirus surveillance in the United States.
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After West Nile virus (WNV) was first detected in Florida in July 2001, intensive surveillance efforts over the following five months uncovered virus activity in 65 of the state's 67 counties with 1,106 wild birds, 492 horses, 194 sentinel chickens, and 12 people found infected with the virus. Thirteen of 28 mosquito isolations came from Culex mosquitoes. As seen in the northeastern United States, wild bird mortality was the most sensitive surveillance method. However, unlike the predominantly urban 1999 and 2000 epizootics, the Florida transmission foci were rural with most activity detected in the northern part of the state. All human cases were preceded by the detection of WNV in animals; however, only eight of the twelve cases were preceded by reports of WNV activity in the county of residence. West Nile virus-positive animals detected by multiple surveillance systems preceded seven of these cases by two weeks or more.
Experiments were done to determine the effect, if any, of larval and adult Culiseta melanura (Coquillett) suspensions on the recovery of eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE) virus in baby hamster kidney (BHK) and Vero cell cultures. Although triturated pools of this mosquito reduced the titer of EEE virus added to suspensions, suspensions prepared from as many as 100 Cs. melanura larvae or adults did not reduce titers of virus to undetectable levels. Similarly, the titer of EEE virus in orally infected female Cs. melanura remained detectable when a single infected mosquito was triturated in a pool with 99 uninfected mosquitoes. These results show that in BHK or Vero cell culture assay systems, triturated Cs. melanura do not completely prevent the detection of EEE virus. The results therefore indicate that mosquito suspensions would not interfere with the isolation of virus from field-collected mosquitoes. This conclusion suggests that mosquito suspensions were not a factor in previous studies that were unsuccessful at detecting transovarial transmission of EEE virus by Cs. melanura.
A new estimator is proposed for the infection rate in a population of organisms when variably sized sample pools are analyzed. This new estimator has a closed form that can be easily evaluated and updated. © 1981 by The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health.
The DNA polymerases from Thermus aquaticus and Thermus flavus were recently found to bind to short double-stranded DNA fragments without sequence specificity [Kainz et al. (2000) Biotechniques 28, 278-82]. In the present study, it is shown that the accumulation of amplification products during later PCR cycles also exerts an inhibitory effect on several enzymes tested. To simulate later cycle conditions, a 1.7 kb sequence from phage lambda DNA was amplified in the presence of various amounts of a 1 kb double-stranded DNA fragment. A 30-fold molar excess of fragments to polymerase molecules was found to be required for a complete inhibition of Taq, Tfl and Pwo DNA polymerase. This stoichiometric relation remained constant when PCR amplifications were performed using polymerase concentrations of 0.5, 1 or 1.5 U/50 microl reaction volume. The amount of 1 kb DNA fragments required for a complete inhibition was similar to the product yield of the controls (no fragment added), that were run to plateau phase levels. Additionally, PCR mixtures, that were subjected to different numbers of cycles, were compared in their ability to extend 3'-recessed ends by using a hairpin extension assay. The presence of endogenous amplicon DNA accumulated in later PCR cycles was found to inhibit completely the activity of DNA polymerase. PCR mixtures still in quasi-linear phase partially extended the hairpins. In both cases, a further addition of polymerase significantly improved their function. These results indicate that the main factor contributing to the plateau phase in PCR consists of binding of DNA polymerase to its amplification products.
West Nile virus (WNV) first appeared in the naive environment of the Western Hemisphere in 1999 in New York. Genetic analysis determined that the virus was introduced into the United States from the Mediterranean Basin. This review discusses the spread of the virus in 2001 from the initial focus in Queens, New York, to widespread activity in the eastern and midwestern United States. It concentrates on viral ecology, epizootiology, pathology, prediction, and prevention. Research questions to further our understanding of the transmission cycle of WNV are discussed, including host-preference studies, molecular confirmation of implicated mosquito vectors, and survival of WNV in the temperate environment of the United States. Comparisons are drawn with two other arboviruses enzootic in the United States, eastern equine encephalitis, and St. Louis encephalitis viruses. Although not recently introduced, these two viruses also demonstrated increased activity in the United States in 2001.
Three mosquito-borne human encephalitis viruses (eastern equine encephalitis virus [EEE], St. Louis encephalitis virus [SLE], and La Crosse encephalitis virus [LAC]) are sympatric in the southeastern United States. However, little is known concerning the temporal and spatial pattern of the distribution of these viruses in this area. As part of surveillance activities to detect the transmission of these 3 viruses in the Tennessee Valley area, we developed a single-tube multiplex reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay capable of detecting these 3 mosquito-borne viruses in a single reaction. Three viruses were differentiated by size of amplified products. Sensitivities of the multiplex RT-PCR assay for SLE, EEE, and LAC were 1-3 log median tissue culture infective doses per pool, roughly comparable to the reported sensitivity of PCR detection assays for the individual viruses, and 1 log more sensitive than antigen-capture assays for SLE and EEE. The sensitivity of the multiplex PCR was not changed significantly when carried out in the presence of extracts prepared from 50 uninfected mosquitoes. The cost of the assay is estimated at $2.98 per test, similar to the cost of other RT-PCR-based assays for viruses. However, adaptation of the RT-PCR to a multiplex format adds less than $0.01 to the per-unit cost of an RT-PCR assay targeting a single virus species. Analysis of these data suggests that the single-tube multiplex RT-PCR assay represents a sensitive, specific, cost-effective, and rapid method for monitoring activities of the 3 endemic mosquito-borne human encephalitis viruses in mosquito populations in the southeastern United States.