ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

MicroRNA Expression and Association with Clinicopathologic Features in Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Systematic Review


Abstract and Figures

Background: Studies have suggested that microRNAs (miR) may be useful prognostic markers and are associated with aggressive clinicopathologic features in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). In this systemic review, we examined associations between miRs and aggressive clinicopathologic features in PTC. Methods: A literature search was performed within the PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science and Scopus databases, for papers published prior to November 24, 2014. The search was performed by combining the concepts "thyroid tumor" with "microRNA" and by using "and" as the Boolean operator. Upon retrieval of candidate studies, full text publications were reviewed in their entirety and selected if they examined the prognostic significance between miR expression and established aggressive clinicopathologic features of PTC. Results: Fifteen studies from 13 unique groups that included 807 patients were reviewed. Most of the studies were retrospective and none included patients who had undergone routine central lymph node dissection. Expression levels of miRs-21, -34b, -130b, -135b, -146b, -151, -181b, -199b-5p, -221, -222, -451, -623, -1271, -2861 and let-7e showed significant association with at least one aggressive feature, such as large tumor size, extrathyroidal extension, multifocality, lymphovascular invasion, lymph node metastases, distant metastasis, advanced AJCC stage and BRAF V600E mutation. Herein we summarize the literature with regard to these associations. Conclusion: Further studies are needed to investigate whether miRs are independent predictors of aggressive clinicopathologic features before one recommends that miR expression levels should be incorporated into the management algorithm for patients with PTC. A well-designed prospective study is needed to assess these potential associations.
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MicroRNA Expression and Association
with Clinicopathologic Features in Papillary Thyroid Cancer:
A Systematic Review
Patricia Aragon Han,
Chien-Hsiang Weng,
Hunain T. Khawaja,
Neeraja Nagarajan,
Eric B. Schneider,
Christopher B. Umbricht,
Kenneth W. Witwer,
and Martha A. Zeiger
Background: Studies have suggested that microRNAs (miR) may be useful prognostic markers and are as-
sociated with aggressive clinicopathologic features in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). This systematic review
examined associations between miRs and aggressive clinicopathologic features in PTC.
Methods: A literature search was performed within the PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science, and
Scopus databases for papers published prior to November 24, 2014. The search was performed by combining
the concepts ‘‘thyroid tumor’’ with ‘‘microRNA’’ and by using ‘‘and’’ as the Boolean operator. Upon retrieval
of candidate studies, full-text publications were reviewed in their entirety and selected if they examined the
prognostic significance between miR expression and established aggressive clinicopathologic features of PTC.
Results: Fifteen studies from 13 unique groups that included 807 patients were reviewed. Most of the studies
were retrospective, and none included patients who had undergone routine central lymph node dissection.
Expression levels of miRs-21, -34b, -130b, -135b, -146b, -151, -181b, -199b-5p, -221, -222, -451, -623,
-1271, -2861, and let-7e showed significant association with at least one aggressive feature, such as large
tumor size, extrathyroidal extension, multifocality, lymphovascular invasion, lymph node metastases, distant
metastasis, advanced American Joint Cancer Committee stage, and presence of the BRAF
mutation. Herein
we summarize the literature with regard to these associations.
Conclusion: Further studies are needed to investigate whether miRs are independent predictors of aggressive
clinicopathologic features before it can be recommended that miR expression levels should be incorporated into
the management algorithm for patients with PTC. A well-designed prospective study is needed to assess these
potential associations.
Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) is the most common
type of differentiated thyroid cancer, comprising 65–
88% of thyroid cancers (1). Although >90% of patients ex-
perience excellent five-year survival rates when treated with
appropriate surgical and medical therapy (2), 5–10% expe-
rience a more aggressive clinical course, characterized by
early metastases, increased mortality, resistance to radioac-
tive iodine, and disease recurrence (3).
Aggressive clinicopathologic features of PTC such as
tumor size >2 cm, multifocality, extrathyroidal extension
(ETE), lymphovascular invasion (LVI), lymph node metas-
tasis (LNM), distant metastases, and histological variants
such as tall-cell or columnar types determine treatment op-
tions and play key roles in patient outcome. However, often
these clinicopathologic features are unknown preoperatively
and are thus unavailable to guide precise surgical manage-
ment, including the determination of whether a patient
should undergo a prophylactic central lymph node dissection
(CLND) (4–7).
The recent expansion of knowledge and efforts to geneti-
cally characterize PTCs by The Cancer Genome Atlas Re-
search Network (TCGA) Thyroid Working Group and others
have revealed that microRNAs (miR) may play an important
role in PTC prognosis (8–19). miR are small nonprotein-
coding RNA molecules that are 21–25 nucleotides in length.
They regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional le-
vel by binding to imperfectly complementary sequences
within target miRs (often in the 3¢-untranslated regions),
thereby leading to degradation or translational suppression
(20). Previous studies have reported that specific miRs
are associated with aggressive clinicopathologic features
of PTC, such as those listed above in addition to BRAF
Endocrine Surgery Section, Department of Surgery;
Johns Hopkins Surgery Center for Outcomes Research, Department of Surgery;
Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.
Volume X, Number X, 2015
ªMary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/thy.2015.0193
mutation. However, other studies have failed to report any
significant association (9–18,21–25).
Despite the inconclusive studies in the literature, the in-
corporation of specific miR expression panels into the sur-
gical management algorithm of PTC in order to improve
perioperative decision making has been suggested (9–18,21–
25). To the authors’ knowledge, however, there is no pub-
lished systematic review examining the clinicopathologic
significance of miRs in PTCs. Therefore, a systematic review
of the literature was conducted to examine the associations
between expression levels of certain miRs and aggressive
clinicopathologic features in PTC.
Materials and Methods
All aspects of the Cochrane Handbook for Interventional
Systematic Reviews (26) were followed. The study was
written in accordance with the guidelines proposed by the
preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-
analyses (PRISMA) statement (27). Papers published prior to
November 24, 2014, were searched on PUBMED, EMBASE,
Cochrane, Web of Science, and Scopus databases by com-
bining the terms ‘‘thyroid tumor’’ with ‘‘microRNA’’ by
using ‘‘AND’’ as the Boolean operator (see Supplementary
Data; Supplementary Data are available online at www
Three reviewers (P.A.H., C.H.W., and H.T.K.), working
independently and in three teams of two, used web-based
standardized forms and screened all abstracts and titles for
miR expression in PTC. Upon retrieval of candidate studies,
full-text publications were reviewed in their entirety and
selected if they examined the prognostic significance be-
tween miR expression and any clinicopathologic features
of PTC. Specific clinical features included patient sex, age,
tumor size, histological subtype of PTC, multifocality, cap-
sular invasion, LVI, ETE, LNM, distant metastasis, stage of
disease (American Joint Cancer Committee; AJCC), and
mutation status.
Exclusion criteria included the following: review articles,
single case reports, letters to the editor, abstracts presented in
conferences, studies using miRs for differentiation between
benign and malignant thyroid lesions, studies examining miR
target genes, and studies of in vitro models. In instances
where the same study cohort was used in multiple articles
reporting different miRs, only the study based upon the
largest patient population was included in the total patient
count (11,12,17,18). The reviewers also independently as-
sessed citations of relevant articles to identify additional
studies for inclusion. At each stage of the selection process,
discrepancies in article selection between two reviewers were
discussed by the study team members and resolved. Re-
viewers also extracted methodological and outcome data
from all eligible studies.
Figure 1 describes the flow of candidate and eligible arti-
cles. After removing duplicates, a total of 830 abstracts were
identified, of which 174 by title and abstract alone were
deemed relevant. Of the 174 full-text articles evaluated
FIG. 1. Preferred reporting
items for systematic review
and meta-analyses (PRIS-
MA) flow chart: algorithm
for identification of eligible
studies with inclusion and
exclusion criteria.
against the predetermined inclusion criteria described above,
48 articles met the initial eligibility criteria. Of these, 33
articles were excluded because they were in vitro studies or
studies using miRs for diagnosis only. The remaining 15
studies were systematically reviewed and abstracted.
Design of the studies
Table 1 summarizes the results of the 15 studies com-
prising 807 patients (9–15,17,18,21–25,28). The earliest
study was published in April 2009 (23), and the latest in
August 2014 (14). The largest study evaluating miR ex-
pression from tissue samples included 100 patients (18); only
one study evaluated circulating serum miR and included 106
patients (25). The smallest study evaluating miR expression
in tissue samples included 30 patients (15). Two studies were
prospective (17,25). None of the studies included patients
who had undergone prophylactic lymph node dissection.
For initial biomarker screening, eight studies performed
miR microarray (10–12,14,15,21,22,28), and one performed
Solexa RNA sequencing (25) followed by quantitative poly-
merase chain reaction (q-PCR) to validate the results. Con-
versely, six studies identified candidate miRs from the
literature and performed q-PCR (13,17,18,23,24) or Northern
blots (9) to characterize miR expression. Four studies evalu-
ated miR expression in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded
(FFPE) tissue (13,15,21,23), whereas seven used fresh frozen
tissue (11,12,14,17,18,24,28), three used a combination of
FFPE and frozen (9,10,22), and only one examined serum (25).
The 15 studies utilized a variety of statistical methods to
analyze their outcomes (Supplementary Table S1). A number
of studies (9–12,15,17,21,24,25) compared the mean of miR
expression using Student’s t-test, a parametric test for testing
differences in mean between groups. In studies where the
assumptions for using parametric tests were not met (9–
13,15,17,18,22–25), Kruskal–Wallis, Mann–Whitney U,or
Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to compare continuous
values of miR. Eight studies (10,13–15,21,22,25,28) also
utilized parametric and nonparametric tests to compare other
continuous variables. The correlation between different miRs
was tested in three studies (21,24,25) by using Pearson’s
correlation coefficient. Differences between groups for cate-
gorical variables were analyzed utilizing Pearson’s chi-square
test in multiple studies (9,12,13,15,17,22,23). Specifically,
this was often used for comparing BRAF mutation status
between groups. Only one study performed both univariate
and multivariable logistic regression to identify independent
clinicopathologic features and molecular markers for prog-
nosis (17). Disease-free survival was analyzed in two studies,
which utilized Kaplan–Meyer graphs, log–rank test, and
Cox proportional hazards models (17,22). None of the studies
examined addressed the positive predictive value (PPV)
or negative predictive value (NPV) of miRs in their analyses
The risk of bias in the included studies was assessed using
a modified Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (NOS) for observational
studies (29). The NOS includes a set of questions, or scale,
consisting of eight multiple-choice questions that address
subject selection and comparability (of cases and controls in
case-control studies, of cohorts in cohort studies) and the
assessment of the outcome (in case-control studies) or ex-
posure (in cohort studies). High-quality responses earn a star,
totaling up to nine stars (the comparability question earns up
to two stars) (29,30). In this review, a score was presented
summarizing the number of stars earned by each study in
each domain (Supplementary Table 2). Overall, the studies
were consistently of high quality. However, including pa-
tients with routine CLND would have improved compara-
bility. For the assessment of selection criteria, one study
received two stars (21), while 14 of the 15 studies had four
stars (9–15,17,18,22–25,28). For the assessment of comparabil-
ity of the groups, three studies were given two stars (17,22,25),
while 12 studies received one star (9–15,18,21,23,24,28). All
15 of the included studies scored four stars in the exposure
criteria (9–15,17,18,21–25,28).
miR and aggressive features in PTC
Sex and age. Ten studies, including 644 cases, analyzed
the association between miR expression levels and sex (9,12–
14,17,18,23–25,28), of which two studies reported a signifi-
cant association (12,18). Expression levels of miRs-146b,
-221, and -222 were significantly higher in male patients.
The same 10 studies analyzed the association between miR
expression levels and age (9,12–14,17,18,23–25,28). Only
one study (12) reported age-associated expression changes,
with significantly higher expression of miR-222 in patients
45 years of age.
Tumor size, histological subtypes, and multifocality. Ten
studies, including 632 cases, analyzed the association be-
tween miR expression and tumor size (9,12–14,17,18,21,23–
25), of which five studies reported a significant association
(12,13,21,23,25). There was a positive correlation between
larger tumor size and expression levels of miRs-135b, -146b,
-151-5p, -181b, -221, and -222 (12,13,21,23,25). Three
studies (21–23), including 157 cases, analyzed the associa-
tion between miR expression and histological subtypes of
PTC. Higher expression levels of miRs-221, -222, and -623
were associated with classical variant of PTC (CVPTC),
whereas higher expression levels of miRs-125a-3p, -153,
and -1271 were associated with follicular variant of PTC
(FVPTC) (21,22). Furthermore, miRs-146b, -221, and -222
exhibited the highest fold change in tall-cell variant of PTC,
followed by CVPTC and FVPTC (23), whereas miRs -375
and -551b were found to be highly upregulated in FVPTC
(22). Nine studies, including 649 cases, analyzed the asso-
ciation between miR expression and multifocality (9,12,14,
18,21,23–25,28), of which only two reported a significant
association (21,25). Higher expression levels of miR-146b
and let-7e were associated with multifocal PTC (21,25).
Capsular invasion, LVI, and ETE. Only one study (21),
including 57 cases, analyzed the association between miR
expression and capsular invasion, of which miRs-146b, -221,
and -222 were significant (21). Two studies (13,21), in-
cluding 109 cases, analyzed the association between miR
expression and LVI. Only one (21) reported expression levels
of miRs-146b, -221, and -222 to be associated with LVI.
Seven studies, including 326 cases, analyzed the association
between miR expression and ETE (9,12,14,17,18,23,24), of
which five reported a significant association (9,12,14,18,24).
Higher expression levels of miRs-135b, -146b, -199b-5p,
-221, and -222 were associated with ETE (9,12,14,18,24).
Table 1. Summary of miR Expression and Significant Associated Features in PTC
Study n
miR Sex Age
subtype Multifocality
invasion LVI ETE LNM
metastasis AJCC BRAF(total 807)
1 Peng 2014 36 199b-5p - - - - **
2 Acibucu 2014 57 146b *-*** **-
221 ** -** * * *
222 ** -** * --
3 Chou 2013 71 146b - - - - **-
4 Dettmer 2013 44 125a-3p *
153 *
623 *
1271 *
5 Huang 2013 69 21 - - - *-*
203 - - - - - *
6 Lee 2013 30 146b *
221 *
222 *
7 Sun/Yu 2013 52 21 - - - - - - -
146b - - - - - - *
181b - - *-- -*
221 - - *-***
222 - - - - ***
8 Wang Z 2013 91
135b - - *-*-*
146b - - *-*--
221 *-- - *--
222 ** * -*-*
9 Wang Z 2013 87 451 *
2861 *
10 Yu 2012 106 let-7e - - - *---
151-5p - - *-*--
222 - - - - **-
11 Wang P 2012 83 221 - - - - *-- -
222 - - - - *-- -
12 Zhou 2012 51 221 - - - - ** * *
13 Yip 2011 32 34b
146b **
222 *-
14 Chou 2010 100
146b *-- - *-**
221 - - - - *-*-
222 - - - - *---
15 Sheu 2009 56 21 - - - - - - -
146b - - - - - - -
181b - - *--- -
221 - - - - - - -
222 - - - - - - -
miR nomenclature: The prefix ‘‘miR’’ is followed by a dash and a number, the latter often indicating order of naming (e.g., miR-21 was named prior to miR-34); a capitalized ‘‘miR-’’ refers to the
mature form of the miRNA; miRs with nearly identical sequences except for one or two nucleotides are annotated with an additional lower case letter (e.g., miR-146a and miR-146b are closely
related); when two mature miRs originate from opposite arms of the same pre-miR, they are denoted with a -3p or -5p suffix (e.g., miR-146-3p and miR-146-5p).
Studies 3 and 14 and 8 and 9 studied different miRs.
The total nincludes the larger number of cases from the two sets of presumably overlapping patients.
All miRs were upregulated, except miRs-34b and -130b, which were downregulated. Study #3 performed multivariable logistic regression analysis; study #10 measured circulating serum miRs.
*, statistically significant; -, no association; [blank space], surrogate outcome was not tested.
miR, microRNA; PTC, papillary thyroid carcinoma; LVI, lymphovascular invasion; ETE, extrathyroidal extension; LNM, lymph node metastases; AJCC, American Joint Cancer Committee.
Furthermore, higher expression levels of miR-146b were
associated with extensive extrathyroidal invasion in a sub-
group analysis of 25 cases with ETE (12).
LNM and distant metastasis. Eleven studies, including
701 cases, analyzed the association between miR expression
and LNM (9,11–14,17,21,23–25,28), of which eight reported
a significant association (9,11–14,17,21,25,28). Expression
levels of miRs-21, -146b, -151-5p, -199b-5p, -221, -222,
-451, and -2861 were significantly higher in patients with
LNM (9,11–14,17,21,25,28). Furthermore, expression levels
of miRs-451 and -2861 were significantly higher in patients
with lateral LNM (11). Three studies, including 209 cases,
analyzed the association between miR expression and dis-
tant metastasis (17,21,24). Expression levels of miRs-146b
and -221 were significantly higher in cases with distant
metastasis (21).
Tumor staging (AJCC). Nine studies, including 572
cases, analyzed the association between miR expression and
tumor staging (9,10,12,13,17,18,21,24,25), of which seven
reported a significant association (9,10,12,13,17,21,25).
Higher expression levels of miRs-135b, -146b, -221, and -222
were significantly associated with high-risk groups, defined as
patients with AJCC stage III or IV (9,10,12,13,17,21,25).
mutation.Nine studies, including 496 cases,
analyzed the association between miR expression and
mutation status (9,10,13,15,17,18,23,25,28), of
which six reported a significant association (9,10,13,15,
17,28). Expression levels of miRs-21, -146b, -203, -181b,
-221, and -222 were significantly higher in tumors with
BRAF mutation compared with those with wild-type BRAF
gene alleles (9,10,13,15,17,28).
This systematic review outlines several miRs that were
shown to be associated with aggressive features of PTC. The
five main publication databases were searched to assure
identification of all relevant publications. To the best of the
authors’ knowledge, this represents the first systematic re-
view of miR association with aggressive features of PTC.
Overall, most studies identified upregulated expression of
miRs-146b, -221, and -222 in association with several ag-
gressive features in PTC. These associations do not necessarily
presuppose a causative role for these miRs in progression, but
it is possible that miR and miR target dysregulation could
represent key molecular events in PTC development and its
progression. One could hypothesize, based upon these find-
ings, that increased expression levels of miRs-146b, -221, and
-222 provide cells with a selective growth advantage, leading
them to develop aggressive features sequentially such as larger
tumor size, ETE, LNM, and advanced AJCC stage. As shown
in Table 2, these latter aggressive features were the most
consistently reported to be associated with miR upregulation.
Older age and male sex are risk factors associated with poorer
thyroid cancer prognosis, but predicting them using miRs is
not meaningful, and they are only listed in the tables as ref-
erence to the primary literature.
These results are consistent with observations that miR-
146b is associated with a risk of recurrence and promotes cell
migration and invasion with expression of cancer-promoting
genes and regulators of apoptosis (8,17). Furthermore, pre-
vious studies have identified that miR-221 and miR-222 are
activated by high-motility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) in
PTCs, and both promote proliferation by inhibiting the
translation of cell cycle regulator p27kip1 (31).
Target genes regulated by miRs-146b, -221, and -222 in
PTC remain under study, and little has been reported regarding
the molecular mechanism by which miRs influence aggressive
features in PTC. MiR-146b is encoded by a gene on chro-
mosome 10q24. Some of the predicted miR-146b-5p targets
include adherens junction and mesenchymal-epithelial tran-
sition (MET) gene sets, which suggests a functional role in
promoting epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). EMT is
an important step in metastasis, and as documented in this
review (Table 2), several studies suggest that miR-146b-5p
may be associated with central LNM. The MiR-221 and miR-
222 genes are clustered on chromosome X, which might
Table 2. Summary of miR Expression and Associated Features in PTC by miR
miR Sex Age
subtype Multifocality
invasion LVI ETE LNM
metastasis AJCC BRAF
21 **
34b *
130b *
135b * * *
146b ** * * * ** ** * ** ****
151-5p * *
181b ** *
199b-5p * *
221 * ** * * * **** *** * **** ***
222 * * ** * * * *** **** **** **
451 *
623 *
1271 *
2861 *
let-7e *
Number of asterisks (*) in columns representative of number of studies with a significant association.
All miRs were upregulated except miRs-34b and -130b, which were downregulated.
explain their similar expression pattern and presumed sphere
of influence (Table 2). Some of the predicted miR-221 and
-222 targets include gene sets thatenhance genomic instability
and subsequent cell proliferation. The mechanism by which
they do so includes reducing p27
protein expression and
promoting EMT that in turn leads to increased growth rate and
cancer-cell invasiveness (31,32).
While the biological implications of miRs-146b, -221, and
-222 remain under study, recently the TCGA Thyroid
Working Group has proposed putative target genes for miR-
146b, -221, and -222, which include: IRAK1, KIT,TRAF6,
and PDCD4 for miR-146b;and p27
for miRs-221 and
-222 (8), findings that are relevant to the present analysis.
Notably, it is apparent in this systematic review that miRs-
146b-5p, -221, and -222 may play a role in BRAF-mutated
PTCs. However, there is also evidence that altered expression
of miR may occur independent of the BRAF
and other (epi)genetic mechanisms might instead be re-
sponsible for their dysregulation (25). BRAF
is known to
be the most common mutation (up to 80%) found in PTC.
However, its role as an independent predictor marker asso-
ciated with aggressive features, specifically with LNM, is still
controversial (33).
While the overwhelming majority of studies measured
miR expression in tumor tissue, one study measured circu-
lating miR expression in serum. This study demonstrated the
potential of serum let-7e, miR-151-5p, and miR-222 as
markers for prognosis in PTC by showing that circulating
levels of these miRs are detectable both before and after
tumor excision. However, the mechanism underlying the
release of miR from tissues into the bloodstream is unknown,
and it remains unclear whether circulating miR levels can
accurately reflect miR expression in specific tissues (34,35).
Importantly, in the course of conducting this review, a
number of limitations were identified in the included studies
that may explain the differences in reported results. First,
results may be biased because, with the exception of two
studies (17,25), all were retrospective. Second, small num-
bers of patients were analyzed in each study; the largest study
included 106 patients (25), raising questions about achieving
adequate statistical power. Third, the cutoff levels of miR
expression in tumor tissues used to predict prognosis were
not uniform. Fourth, with one exception, none of the studies
included multivariable analysis (17). Lastly, and most im-
portantly, none of the studies included patients who had un-
dergone routine prophylactic central neck dissection.
Performing lymph node dissection only for patients already
suspected to have metastases preoperatively can result in a
biased study outcome, since the lymph node status is only
known for this particular subset of patients.
Because discrepancies exist in the existing literature re-
garding the association of several miRs with aggressive
clinicopathologic features of PTC, the prognostic value of
miRs remains to be established in well-designed future
studies. An ideal prospective study needs to be adequately
powered to detect clinically meaningful differences in the
association between miR levels and each of the aggressive
features described above, including central LNM. Such a
study would require prophylactic CLND in all patients and
would need to be powered to detect relationships between
miR levels and outcomes across all PTC subtypes. It is rec-
ognized that it may be difficult to enroll sufficient numbers of
patients to capture adequate samples of the less common
forms of PTC (e.g., follicular variant or tall-cell PTC).
However, given the fact that the vast majority of the patients
have CVPTC, a study powered to detect meaningful differ-
ences among patients with classical PTC may provide, at a
minimum, genetic insights into common pathways. The
principal improvement in understanding the relationships
between miR levels and outcomes available from a pro-
spective study involves the elimination of selection bias in
CLND. The majority of retrospective studies examined CLN
pathology only in patients who underwent CLND, thus bi-
asing the sample of patients studied toward those with pos-
sibly more aggressive or advanced disease, or because of
surgeon preference.
In addition, PPV and NPV are extremely important factors
in determining the usefulness of any test. It is not possible to
determine the PPV and NPV of miR levels without including
patients who did not undergo CLND. Moreover, PPV and
NPV may be very different across PTC subtypes or in the
presence of certain disease features.
Although definitive studies are currently lacking, miRs
may hold a potential as prognostic indicators in PTC. Mea-
surement of miR expression might facilitate and optimize
surgical management of patients with PTC. Yet, currently,
information is insufficient to guide clinical decision making.
In particular, future development of assays analyzing FNA
samples and validation of these findings regarding miRs in
the preoperative setting will be needed. Further prospective
studies, however, that overcome the aforementioned limita-
tions, including bias in selecting patients for lymph node
dissection, are required before incorporating expression
levels of miRs as predictive markers of aggressive clinico-
pathologic features in PTC into clinical practice. It is im-
portant that potential markers be tested within relevant
clinical scenarios. Simply testing molecular markers for di-
agnosis or prognosis without placing them into clinical
context will not inform us of their true clinical utility.
This systematic review reveals that some miRs are associ-
ated with aggressive clinicopathologic features, such as large
tumor size, ETE, multifocality, LVI, LNM, distant metastasis,
advanced AJCC stage, and presence of the BRAF
tion. However, most of the studies examined were retrospec-
tive, and did not include patients who had undergone routine
CLND. Further studies are needed to investigate whether miRs
are independent predictors of aggressive clinicopathologic
features before it can be recommended that miR expression be
incorporated into the management algorithm for patients with
PTC. A well-designed prospective study is needed to assess
these potentially clinically useful associations.
Author Disclosure Statement
The authors have nothing to disclose related to this work.
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Address correspondence to:
Martha A. Zeiger, MD
Professor of Surgery, Oncology, Cellular
and Molecular Medicine
Chief of Endocrine Surgery
Johns Hopkins Hospital
600 N. Wolfe Street
Department of Surgery
Block 606
Baltimore, MD 21287
... Recent evidences have shown multiple differentially expressed miRNAs in human cancers (12,13). Serving as oncogenes or tumor suppressors, miRNAs are involved in cancer development (14). Owing to the specific biological and functional characteristics, miRNAs have become novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets in cancers (15). ...
... In addition, dysregulated miRNA has been closely associated with thyroid dysfunction and oncogenicity resulting in this type of thyroid cancer [8]. Evidence has shown that miRNAs may act as useful prognostic markers and are correlated to aggressive clinicopathologic features in PTC [9]. For example, miR-146b and miR-155 are helpful in discriminating benign and malignant lesions, suggesting that circulating miRNAs are likely to be a useful alternate serological marker for PTC [10]. ...
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Introduction: This research aims to explore the expression levels of microRNA (miR)-300/BCL2L11 and their values in the clinical diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). Methods: Pathological tissues that were surgically removed for thyroid disease were selected. miR-300 and BCL2L11 expression levels in the samples were measured. ROC curves were plotted to analyze miR-300 and BCL2L11 predictive values for PTC. Upon silencing miR-300 and Silencing BCL2L11 in PTC cells, the corresponding miR-300 and BCL2L11 expression levels were tested, followed by examining PTC cell activities. The targeting relationship of miR-300 and BCL2L11 was detected by the bioinformatics website and luciferase activity assay. Results: miR-300 expression levels were elevated and BCL2L11 expression levels were reduced in PTC tissues. miR-300 and BCL2L11 expression levels in PTC tissues had a correlation with TNM stage and lymph node metastasis. The results of ROC curve revealed that both miR-300 and BCL2L11 had clinical predictive values for PTC. Mechanistically, miR-300 negatively regulated BCL2L11. The functional assays unveiled that silencing miR-300 impeded PTC cell activities, and silencing BCL2L11 induced PTC cell activities. In the rescue experiment, silencing BCL2L11 reversed the impacts of silencing miR-300 on PTC cell development. Conclusion: This study underlines that miR-300 expression is increased and BCL2L11 expression is declined in PTC. miR-300 and BCL2L11 both have clinical predictive values for diagnosing PTC.
... We and several others have reported dysregulated microRNAs (miRNAs) in thyroid cancers. The most commonly aberrantly expressed miRNAs in ATC include miR-222, miR-221, miR-146b and miR-21 [36][37][38][39][40][41]. However, there is a paucity of information on miRNA expression differences in hypoxic vs. non-hypoxic regions within thyroid tumors [30][31][32][33][34][35]. ...
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Hypoxia, or low oxygen tension, is frequently found in highly proliferative solid tumors such as anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) and is believed to promote resistance to chemotherapy and radiation. Identifying hypoxic cells for targeted therapy may thus be an effective approach to treating aggressive cancers. Here, we explore the potential of the well-known hypoxia-responsive microRNA (miRNA) miR-210-3p as a cellular and extracellular biological marker of hypoxia. We compare miRNA expression across several ATC and papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) cell lines. In the ATC cell line SW1736, miR-210-3p expression levels indicate hypoxia during exposure to low oxygen conditions (2% O2). Furthermore, when released by SW1736 cells into the extracellular space, miR-210-3p is associated with RNA carriers such as extracellular vesicles (EVs) and Argonaute-2 (AGO2), making it a potential extracellular marker for hypoxia.
... We and several others have reported dysregulated microRNAs (miRNAs) in thyroid cancers. The most commonly aberrantly expressed miRNAs in ATC include miR-222, miR-221, miR-146b and miR-21 [36][37][38][39][40][41] . However, there is a paucity of information on miRNA expression differences in hypoxic vs. non-hypoxic regions within thyroid tumors [30][31][32][33][34][35] . ...
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Hypoxia, or low oxygen tension, is frequently found in highly proliferative solid tumors such as anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) and is believed to promote resistance to chemotherapy and radiation. Identifying hypoxic cells for targeted therapy may thus be an effective approach to treating aggressive cancers. Here, we explore the potential of the well-known hypoxia-responsive microRNA (miRNA) miR-210-3p as a cellular and extracellular biological marker of hypoxia. We compare miRNA expression across several ATC and papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) cell lines. In the ATC cell line SW1736, miR-210-3p expression levels indicate hypoxia during exposure to low oxygen conditions (2% O2). Furthermore, when released by SW1736 cells into the extracellular space, miR-210-3p is associated with RNA carriers such as extracellular vesicles (EVs) and Argonaute-2 (AGO2), making it a potential extracellular marker for hypoxia.
... MicroRNA expression profiles have also been the focus of a plethora of studies investigating their potential as diagnostic/prognostic/predictive biomarkers in PTC and a great number of microRNAs have been found to have deregulated expression [38,39]. A meta-analysis, including 15 studies involving 807 PTC patients, found that expression levels of miRs-21, -34b, -130b, -135b, -146b, -151, -181b, -199b-5p, -221, -222, -451, -623, -1271, -2861, and let-7e showed significant association with at least one aggressive feature, such as large tumor size, extrathyroidal extension, multifocality, vascular invasion, lymph node metastases, distant metastasis, advanced TNM stage, and presence of the BRAF(V600E) mutation [40]. According to several reports, PTC is most consistently associated with the overexpression of miR-146b, miR-221, and miR-222. ...
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Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common type of endocrine cancer, with an increasing incidence worldwide. The treatment of PTC is currently the subject of clinical controversy, making it critically important to identify molecular markers that would help improve the risk stratification of PTC patients and optimize the therapeutic approach. The VHL tumor suppressor gene has been implicated in tumorigenesis of various types of carcinoma and linked with their aggressive biological behavior. The role of VHL in the origin and development of PTC has only recently begun to be revealed. In this narrative review we attempt to summarize the existing knowledge that implicates VHL in PTC pathogenesis and to outline its potential significance as a candidate molecular biomarker for the grouping of PTC patients into high and low risk groups.
... MiRNA dysregulation has been identified as a hallmark of human malignancies (10,29) and may be correlated with clinicopathological characteristics and disease activity of cancer (30)(31)(32). Several studies have demonstrated that miRNAs play an important role in the metastasis and progression of thyroid cancer (33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39). In the present study, we showed for the first time that miR-29b-3p expression was downregulated in PTC tissues as compared to normal tissues and was significantly negatively correlated in terms of tumor size, local lymph node metastasis, and TNM stage in patients with PTC. ...
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Introduction MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNA molecules that regulate genetic expression and are also vital for tumor initiation and development. MiR-29b-3p was found to be involved in regulating various biological processes of tumors, including tumor cell proliferation, metastasis, and apoptosis inhibition; however, the biofunction and molecule-level mechanisms of miR-29b-3p inpapillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) remain unclear. Methods The expression of miR-29b-3p in PTC samples was tested via qRT-PCR. Cellular proliferation was analyzed by CCK-8 and EdU assays, and cellular migratory and invasive abilities were assessed utilizing wound-healing and Transwell assays. In addition, protein expressions of COL1A1, COL5A1, E-cadherin, N-cadherin, Snail, and Vimentin were identified via Western blot (WB) assay. Bioinformatics, qRT-PCR, WB, and dual luciferase reporter assays were completed to identify whether miR-29b-3p targeted COL1A1 and COL5A1. In addition, our team explored the treatment effects of miR-29b-3p on a murine heterograft model. Results Our findings revealed that miR-29b-3p proved much more regulated downward in PTC tissue specimens than in adjacent non-cancerous tissues. Meanwhile, decreased expression of miR-29b-3p was strongly related to the TNM stage of PTC patients (p<0.001), while overexpression of miR-29b-3p in PTC cells suppressed cellular migration, invasion, proliferation, and EMT. Conversely, silencing miR-29b-3p yielded the opposite effect. COL1A1 and COL5A1 were affirmed as the target of miR-29b-3p. Additionally, the COL1A1 and COL5A1 were highly expressed in PTC tumor samples than in contrast to neighboring healthy samples. Functional assays revealed that overexpression of COL1A1 or COL5A1 reversed the suppressive role of miR-29b-3p in migration, invasion, and EMT of PTC cells. Finally, miR-29b-3p agomir treatment dramatically inhibited Xenograft tumor growth in the animal model. Conclusions These findings document that miR-29b-3p inhibited PTC cells invasion and metastasis by targeting COL1A1 and COL5A1; this study also sparks new ideas for risk assessment and miRNA replacement therapy in PTC.
... Papillary, follicular, medullary, and intervariant are the commonly found TC subtypes (1,2), among which the papillary thyroid carcer (PTC) is the most common one, and PTC patients account for more than 80% of all TC patients (3). PTC usually has a better prognosis, but in some patients, especially with low differentiation, prognosis with malignant pathological features such as lymph node and distal metastasis is not satisfactory (4)(5)(6). Euthyrox has become one of the most commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs because of its high efficiency, low side effect, and convenience (7). However, some PTC patients have euthyrox-resistance during treatment that affects the clinical outcome, and it is important to clarify the underlying mechanism to facilitate the use of euthyrox. ...
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As one of the most commonly used chemotherapeutic drug for papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), euthyrox affects the therapeutic outcome due to the resistance of euthyrox. Hsa_circ_0002111 is highly expressed in euthyrox-resistant PTC patients, and this study intends to explore its role in euthyrox drug resistance. PTC patient samples were used to screen for Circ_0002111 expression. TPC-1 and K1 PTC cell lines and their corresponding euthyrox-resistant cell lines (TPC-1/euthyrox and K1/euthyrox), and a benign human thyroid follicular cell line (Nthy-ori 3-1) were used in in vitro experiments. Circ_0002111 was knocked down in euthyrox-resistant cell lines, and cell viability and colony formation were detected. Caspase-3 activity assay and nucleosomal fragmentation assay were used for the detection of apoptosis. Luciferase reporter assay and biotin-labeled RNA pulldown assay were used to analyze interactions between Circ_0002111 and miR-557, or miR-557 and DUSP14. The upregulation of Circ_0002111 was found in PTC patient samples and associated with euthyrox-resistance in poor prognosis of PTC patients. Experiments in cell lines showed that Circ_0002111 regulates euthyrox-resistance in PTC cells. Mechanistic studies showed that Circ_0002111 promoted DUSP14 expression through miR-557, and euthyrox-resistance in PTC cells depended on the regulation via miR-557/DUSP14 signaling pathways. In conclusion, Hsa_circ_0002111 promotes euthyrox-resistance of PTC cells by adsorption miR-557 upregulation, suggesting Circ_0002111 might be a potential diagnostic marker and therapeutic target for euthyrox-resistant PTC patients.
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Background: In recently diagnosed patients with thyroid cancer, papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), as the most common histological subtype, accounts for 90% of all cases. Although PTC is known as a relatively adolescent malignant disease, there still is a high possibility of recurrence in PTC patients with a poor prognosis. Therefore, new biomarkers are necessary to guide more effective stratification of PTC patients and personalize therapy to avoid overtreatment or inadequate treatment. Accumulating evidence demonstrates that microRNAs (miRNAs) have broad application prospects as diagnostic biomarkers in cancer. Aim: To explore novel markers consisting of miRNA-associated signatures for PTC prognostication. Methods: We obtained and analyzed the data of 497 PTC patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas. The patients were randomly assigned to either a training or testing cohort. Results: We discovered 237 differentially expressed miRNAs in tumorous thyroid tissues compared with normal tissues, which contained 172 up-regulated and 65 down-regulated miRNAs. The evaluation of differently expressed miRNAs was conducted using our risk score model. We then successfully generated a four-miRNA potential prognostic signature [risk score = (-0.001 × hsa-miR-181a-2-3p) + (0.003 × hsa-miR-138-5p) + (-0.018 × hsa-miR-424-3p) + (0.284 × hsa-miR-612)], which reliably distinguished patients from high and low risk with a significant difference in the overall survival (P < 0.01) and was effective in predicting the five-year disease survival rate with the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.937 and 0.812 in the training and testing cohorts, respectively. Additionally, there was a trend indicated that high-risk patients had shorter relapse-free survival, although statistical significance was not reached (P = 0.082) in our sequencing cohort. Conclusion: Our results indicated a four-miRNA signature that has a robust predictive effect on the prognosis of PTC. Accordingly, we would recommend more radical therapy and closer follow-ups for high-risk groups.
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BACKGROUND The molecular characterization of thyroid nodules in cytological samples has so far been focused on discriminating between benign and malignant forms in a purely diagnostic setting. The evidence on the impact of molecular biomarkers to determine the risk of aggressiveness in cytologically “neoplastic” lesions is limited to genomic alterations (such as BRAF and TERT mutations). The aim of our study was to assess the preoperative role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in predicting the nodal status of patients with papillary thyroid cancer. METHODS A pilot series of histological samples of papillary thyroid carcinoma with (6 cases) or without (6 cases) lymph node metastases, matched for other major clinical and pathological features, was analyzed for global miRNA expression in a screening phase. A set of miRNAs was then validated in a series of 63 consecutive cytological samples of papillary carcinomas: 48 pN‐negative and 15 pN‐positive at histology. RESULTS Unsupervised cluster analysis segregated surgical pN‐negative and pN‐positive samples, except for 1 case. The 45 differentially expressed miRNAs in pN‐positive versus pN‐negative cases were predicted to regulate a wide range of cellular pathways, enriched for Wnt, gonadotropin‐releasing hormone receptor, and cerulein/cholecystokinin receptor signaling. In agreement with their profiles in surgical samples, 4 miRNAs of the 10 selected for validation (miR‐154‐3p, miR‐299‐5p, miR‐376a‐3p, and miR‐302E) had a significant differential expression in cytological samples of papillary carcinoma with lymph node metastases and predicted the positive nodal status with a relatively good performance. CONCLUSIONS MiRNA profiling is a potential promising strategy to define papillary carcinoma aggressiveness in the preoperative setting. ;
Background Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) is the most frequent subtype of thyroid carcinoma, mainly detected in patients with benign thyroid nodules (BTN). Due to the invasiveness of accurate diagnostic tests, there is a need to discover applicable biomarkers for PTC. So, in this study, we aimed to identify the genes associated with prognosis in PTC. Besides, we performed a machine learning tool to develop a non-invasive diagnostic approach for PTC. Methods For the study's purposes, the miRNA dataset GSE130512 was downloaded from the GEO database and then analyzed to identify the common differentially expressed miRNAs in patients with non-metastatic PTC (nm-PTC)/metastatic PTC (m-PTC) compared with BTNs. The SVM was also applied to differentiate patients with PTC from those patients with BTN using the common DEMs. A protein-protein interaction network was also constructed based on the targets of the common DEMs. Next, functional analysis was performed, the hub genes were determined, and survival analysis was then executed. Results A total of three common miRNAs were found to be differentially expressed among patients with nm-PTC/m-PTC compared with BTNs. In addition, it was established that the autophagosome maturation, ciliary basal body-plasma membrane docking, antigen processing as ubiquitination & proteasome degradation, and class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation are associated with the pathogenesis of PTC. Furthermore, it was illustrated that RPS6KB1, CCNT1, SP1, and CHD4 might serve as new potential biomarkers for PTC prognosis. Conclusions RPS6KB1, CCNT1, SP1, and CHD4 may be considered as new potential biomarkers used for prognostic aims in PTC. However, performing validation tests is inevitable in the future.
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To determine the diagnostic significance of miR-221 and miR-222 expression in papillary thyroid carcinoma and the associations with clinicopathological features of patients, quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was performed in 83 cases of papillary thyroid carcinoma and the corresponding normal tissues, as well as in 25 cases of multinodular goiters and 15 cases of normal thyroid tissues. Expression of two miRNAs was then associated with patient clinicopathological features. After that receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed to evaluate the diagnostic values of miR-221 and miR-222 in papillary thyroid carcinoma. These results demonstrate that both mir-221 and miR-222 were significantly over-expressed in papillary thyroid carcinoma compared to non-tumor tissues. ROC curves indicated a sensitivity and specificity of 80.7 and 74.8%, respectively for miR-221 and 78.3 and 83.2%, respectively for mir-222. Moreover, expression of miR-221 and miR-222 was significantly associated with extrathyroidal invasion of papillary thyroid carcinoma (p = 0.027 and 0.034, respectively) with a sensitivity of 63.6 and 63.6% and the specificity of 52.5, 73.8%, respectively. Expression of both miRNAs was correlated in papillary thyroid carcinomas (r = 0.468, p = 0.000), which suggested that expression of both miR-221 and miR-222 might be used as tumor markers for diagnosis and prediction of tumor progression.
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Background The study objective was to compare the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (NOS) and the RTI item bank (RTI-IB) and estimate interrater agreement using the RTI-IB within a systematic review on the cardiovascular safety of glucose-lowering drugs. Methods We tailored both tools and added four questions to the RTI-IB. Two reviewers assessed the quality of the 44 included studies with both tools, (independently for the RTI-IB) and agreed on which responses conveyed low, unclear, or high risk of bias. For each question in the RTI-IB (n=31), the observed interrater agreement was calculated as the percentage of studies given the same bias assessment by both reviewers; chance-adjusted interrater agreement was estimated with the first-order agreement coefficient (AC1) statistic. Results The NOS required less tailoring and was easier to use than the RTI-IB, but the RTI-IB produced a more thorough assessment. The RTI-IB includes most of the domains measured in the NOS. Median observed interrater agreement for the RTI-IB was 75% (25th percentile [p25] =61%; p75 =89%); median AC1 statistic was 0.64 (p25 =0.51; p75 =0.86). Conclusion The RTI-IB facilitates a more complete quality assessment than the NOS but is more burdensome. The observed agreement and AC1 statistic in this study were higher than those reported by the RTI-IB’s developers.
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Background. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is a form of thyroid cancer with high risk of cervical lymph node metastasis. Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence and the predictive factors for occult ipsilateral central lymph node (CLN) metastasis in the patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma. Methods. A total of 916 PTC patients (1017 lesions) undergoing central lymph node dissection in our hospital from 2005 to 2011 were enrolled. The relationship between CLN metastasis and clinical factors such as gender, age, tumor size, tumor number, capsule invasion, and tumor location was analyzed. Results. Occult CLN metastasis was observed in 52.41% (533/1017) of PTC lesions, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that age ≤ 35 years, tumor size > 1.5 cm, present capsule invasion/extracapsular invasion, and tumor located in upper/middle pole/whole lobe were risk factors of CLN metastasis. Conclusions. Tumor located in upper/middle pole/whole lobe, less than 35 years old, tumor size > 1.5 cm, and present capsule invasion/extracapsular invasion were risk factors of CLN metastasis. We recommend performing ipsilateral prophylactic CLN dissection in cN0 PTC patients.
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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA transcripts approximately 20 nucleotides in length that regulate expression of protein-coding genes via complementary binding mechanisms. The last decade has seen an exponential increase of publications on miRNAs, ranging from every aspect of basic cancer biology to diagnostic and therapeutic explorations. In this review, we summarize findings of miRNA involvement in genomic instability, an interesting but largely neglected topic to date. We discuss the potential mechanisms by which miRNAs induce genomic instability, considered to be one of the most important driving forces of cancer initiation and progression, though its precise mechanisms remain elusive. We classify genomic instability mechanisms into defects in cell cycle regulation, DNA damage response, and mitotic separation, and review the findings demonstrating the participation of specific miRNAs in such mechanisms.
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This study screened microRNAs (miRNAs) that are abnormally expressed in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) tissues to identify PTC and nodular goiter and the degree of PTC malignancy. A total of 51 thyroid tumor tissue specimens paired with adjacent normal thyroid tissues were obtained from the Department of Surgical Oncology of Hangzhou First People's Hospital from June-December 2011. miRNA expression profiles were examined by microarrays and validated by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Expression levels of the miRNAs were analyzed to assess if they were associated with selected clinicopathological features. Eleven miRNAs were significantly differentially expressed between nodular goiter and PTC and between highly invasive and low invasive PTC. miR-199b-5p and miR-30a-3p were significantly differentially expressed among the three groups. miR-30a-3p, miR-122-5p, miR-136-5p, miR-146b-5p and miR-199b-5p were selected for further study by qRT-PCR and miR-146b-5p, miR-199b-5p and miR-30a-3p were different between the PTC and nodular goiter groups. miR-199b-5p was over-expressed in PTC patients with extrathyroidal invasion and cervical lymph node metastasis. In conclusion miR-146b-5p, miR-30a-3p, and miR-199b-5p may serve as biomarkers for the diagnosis of PTC and miR-199b-5p is associated with PTC invasiveness.
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The most common thyroid malignancy is papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). Mortality rates from PTC mainly depend on its aggressiveness. Geno- and phenotyping of aggressive PTC has advanced our understanding of treatment failures and of potential future therapies. Unraveling molecular signaling pathways of PTC including its aggressive forms will hopefully pave the road to reduce mortality but also morbidity from this cancer. The mitogen-activated protein kinase and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathway as well as the family of RAS oncogenes and BRAF as a member of the RAF protein family and the aberrant expression of microRNAs miR-221, miR-222, and miR-146b all play major roles in tumor initiation and progression of aggressive PTC. Small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors targeting BRAF-mediated events, vascular endothelial growth factor receptors, RET/PTC rearrangements, and other molecular targets, show promising results to improve treatment of radioiodine resistant, recurrent, and aggressive PTC.
Background: Circulating microRNAs have been proposed as disease biomarkers that may aid in risk assessment, diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of treatment response. The perceived opportunity has loomed particularly large in neoplastic disease, where alterations in cancer cells are thought to be reflected in the extracellular space as affected cells release upregulated miRNAs or fail to release apparently downregulated species. Despite the promise of miRNA biomarkers, evaluation of the diagnostic specificity and reproducibility of reported markers suggests that realizing this promise remains a work in progress. Contents: This review examines issues of diagnostic specificity and reproducibility that have afflicted circulating miRNA studies. Surveying the breast cancer literature as an example, few miRNAs are reported consistently. Furthermore, it is posited that the assumptions underlying models of direct contributions of diseased tissue to biofluid miRNA profiles may not hold. Suggestions for improving diagnostic specificity and reliability are provided. Summary: To maximize the likelihood of return on investment as miRNAs continue to be evaluated as specific and clinically useful markers, a focus is needed on miRNAs found in specific carriers, such as extracellular vesicles. Alternative sampling techniques should be developed, and nonblood biofluids should be considered. Careful optimization and standardization of preanalytical and analytical methods is needed to ensure that future results, positive or negative, are reliable.
Context: It has been shown that miRNA 221, 222 and 146b are increasingly expressed while p27Kip1 is suppressed in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). Objective: We investigated the association between the disease recurrence risk and the expression of miRNA 221, 222, 146b and p27Kip1 protein mRNA in these tumors. We also measured the changes in miRNAs in the presence of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT). Methods: We examined formalin fixed tissue samples obtained from 77 patients. 11 out of 77 samples were identified as well differentiated tumor with uncertain malignant potential (WDT-UMP), 46 were PTC and 20 were normal thyroid tissue. Results: Data analysis revealed that the higher risk of recurrence was associated with the higher miRNA expression levels in thyroid cancers. Higher expression levels of miRNA 146b, 221 and 222 were detected in thyroid cancer patients presenting with capsule invasion, vascular invasion or lymph node metastasis, when compared to the patients lacking these features. Furthermore miRNA expression levels were found to be significantly elevated in patients with distant metastases. A negative correlation was found between the p27Kip1 protein mRNA level and the expression levels of miRNA 221, 222 and 146b. While the expression levels of miRNA 221, 222 and 146b were found to be higher in the cases of WDT-UMP comparing to normal thyroid tissue, the p27Kip1 protein mRNA expression level was lower. No difference was found between the patients with HT and without HT regarding miRNAs expression levels. Conclusions: The expression levels of miRNA 221, 222 and 146b were found to be increased in cases of thyroid cancer with a high risk of recurrence. It is important to understand that these molecular changes such as miRNA expression may eventually be used to predict risk of recurrence.