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Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) detects motor neuron loss in pre-symptomatic muscles in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis


Abstract and Figures

Objective: Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) is a quantitative neurophysiological measure that provides an index of the number of lower motor neurons supplying a muscle. It reflects the loss of motor neurons in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). However, it is unclear whether MUNIX also detects motor unit loss in strong, non-wasted muscles. Methods: Three centres measured MUNIX in 49 ALS patients every three months in six different muscles (abductor pollicis brevis, abductor digiti minimi, biceps brachii, tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis) on the less affected side. The decline of MUNIX in initially non-wasted, clinically strong muscles (manual muscle testing, MMT grade 5) was analysed before and after onset of weakness. Results: In 49 subjects, 151 clinically strong muscles developed weakness and were included for analysis. The average monthly relative loss of MUNIX was 5.0% before and 5.6% after onset of weakness. This rate of change was significantly higher compared to ALS functional rating scale (ALSFRS-R) and compound muscle action potential (CMAP) change over 12months prior to the onset of muscle weakness (p=0.024). Conclusion: MUNIX is an electrophysiological marker that detects lower motor neuron loss in ALS, before clinical weakness becomes apparent by manual muscle testing. Significance: This makes MUNIX a good biomarker candidate for disease progression and possibly pharmacodynamics responds.
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Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) detects motor neuron loss
in pre-symptomatic muscles in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Christoph Neuwirth
, Paul E. Barkhaus
, Christian Burkhardt
, José Castro
, David Czell
Mamede de Carvalho
, Sanjeev Nandedkar
, Erik Stålberg
, Markus Weber
Neuromuscular Diseases Unit/ALS Clinic, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Department of Neurosciences, Hospital de Santa Maria, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Kantonsspital Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland
Natus Medical Inc, Middleton, WI, USA
Institute of Neurosciences, Uppsala University, Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland
article info
Article history:
Accepted 20 November 2016
Available online xxxx
Pre-symptomatic ALS
In pre-symptomatic muscles MUNIX can detect motor unit loss.
MUNIX is more sensitive to change compared to CMAP and ALSFRS-R.
This makes MUNIX a biomarker candidate for disease progression.
Objective: Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) is a quantitative neurophysiological measure that provides
an index of the number of lower motor neurons supplying a muscle. It reflects the loss of motor neurons
in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). However, it is unclear whether MUNIX also detects
motor unit loss in strong, non-wasted muscles.
Methods: Three centres measured MUNIX in 49 ALS patients every three months in six different muscles
(abductor pollicis brevis, abductor digiti minimi, biceps brachii, tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum bre-
vis, abductor hallucis) on the less affected side. The decline of MUNIX in initially non-wasted, clinically
strong muscles (manual muscle testing, MMT grade 5) was analysed before and after onset of weakness.
Results: In 49 subjects, 151 clinically strong muscles developed weakness and were included for analysis.
The average monthly relative loss of MUNIX was 5.0% before and 5.6% after onset of weakness. This rate of
change was significantly higher compared to ALS functional rating scale (ALSFRS-R) and compound mus-
cle action potential (CMAP) change over 12 months prior to the onset of muscle weakness (p= 0.024).
Conclusion: MUNIX is an electrophysiological marker that detects lower motor neuron loss in ALS, before
clinical weakness becomes apparent by manual muscle testing.
Significance: This makes MUNIX a good biomarker candidate for disease progression and possibly phar-
macodynamics responds.
Ó2016 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights
1. Introduction
Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) is a quantitative electro-
physiological technique that provides an index of the number of
functional lower motor neurons (LMN) supplying a muscle. Recent
studies have demonstrated a good test-retest reliability in healthy
subjects and ALS patients and its capability to track loss of func-
tional LMNs over time (Ahn et al., 2010; Nandedkar et al., 2010,
1388-2457/Ó2016 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Abbreviations: ADM, abductor digiti minimi muscle; AH, abductor hallucis muscle;
ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; ALSFRS-R, revised amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
functional rating scale; APB, abductor pollicis brevis muscle; BB, biceps brachii
muscle; CI, Confidence Intervals; CMAP, compound muscle action potential; EDB,
extensor digitorum brevis muscle; FDI, first dorsal interosseus muscle; LMN, lower
motor neuron; MMT, manual muscle testing; MUNE, motor unit number estima-
tion; MUNIX, motor unit number index; SD, standard deviation; TA, tibialis anterior
muscle; UMN, upper motor neuron.
Corresponding author at: Neuromuscular Diseases Unit/ALS Clinic, Kantonsspi-
tal St. Gallen, Rorschacherstrasse 95, CH-9007 St. Gallen, Switzerland. Fax: +41
E-mail address: (C. Neuwirth).
Clinical Neurophysiology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
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Please cite this article in press as: Neuwirth C et al. Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) detects motor neuron loss in pre-symptomatic muscles in Amy-
otrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Clin Neurophysiol (2016),
2011; Neuwirth et al., 2011, 2015; Boekestein et al., 2012; Fathi
et al., 2016).
MUNIX applies a mathematical model, using the area and
power of the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) after
supramaximal electrical stimulation of a mixed peripheral nerve
and area and power of the surface electromyography (EMG) at dif-
ferent levels of voluntary isometric contraction. These values are
used to compute the ‘‘ideal case motor unit count” to estimate
the amount of functioning motor neurons. MUNIX is fast, non-
invasive, and can be applied to any distal or proximal muscle in
which a CMAP can be elicited by supramaximal electrical nerve
stimulation. The method has been described in detail previously
(Nandedkar et al., 2004, 2010). Measurements are usually per-
formed in less than five minutes per muscle (Neuwirth et al.,
2015, 2016).
Onset of ALS usually starts focally in the cervical/lumbar regions
(limbs), bulbar region, or thoracic region, then spreads to contigu-
ous regions (Ravits et al., 2007).
Consequently, measurements from several arm and leg muscles
can provide information on the pattern of disease spread as
opposed to measurements in only a single muscle (Neuwirth
et al., 2015).
In a previous study, MUNIX measurements in 6 different mus-
cles revealed a significant higher decline rate than the revised
ALS functional rating score (ALSFRS-R) and was similar in different
types of ALS onset (bulbar, arm, leg onset) (Neuwirth et al., 2015).
However, it is not known whether MUNIX is able to detect LMN
loss in strong, non-wasted (here denoted pre-symptomatic)
The aim of this study was to determine the rate of MUNIX
decline prior and after the onset of weakness in initially clinical
strong muscles (modified MRC manual muscle testing grade 5)
and to compare MUNIX decline rates with CMAP amplitude decline
rates and the ALSFRS-R, a well-established functional measure of
disease progression (Kaufmann et al., 2007).
2. Methods
2.1. Subjects
ALS patients were recruited in specialised ALS centres in St. Gal-
len, Lisbon, and Milwaukee. The study protocol was approved by
the local ethics committees. All subjects gave written informed
ALS patients fulfilled the categories for possible, probable-
laboratory supported, probable, or definite ALS according to the
revised El Escorial criteria (Brooks et al., 2000). Patients were
excluded, if they had other diseases that could influence coopera-
tion or measurements (e.g. polyneuropathy, radiculopathy, periph-
eral nerve lesion, carpal tunnel syndrome, major stroke,
frontotemporal dementia). Time from symptom onset (weakness,
dysarthria, dysphagia, dyspnoea, gait impairment) to first mea-
surement had to be less than 24 months. This criterion was added
to avoid bias towards patients with slow progression or subjects
with advanced stages and already numerous wasted muscles at
study entry. Assessments and measurements were performed
every three months ± two weeks scheduled at the regular clinic
2.2. MUNIX procedure
To reduce systematic variability caused by electrode size and
type, all centres used the same self-adhesive disposable surface
ground and disc recording electrodes with 15 mm diameter
(Ref 019-415200, Natus, Middleton, WI, USA) and arrangement of
stimulation/recording electrodes (Barkhaus et al., 2006).
-Classic-, Keypoint
.net- and Synergy
phies were used for measurements. Stimulation electrodes were
not standardised across centres. The protocol for MUNIX measure-
ments, model and computation has been reported in detail previ-
ously (Nandedkar et al., 2004, 2010; Neuwirth et al., 2010, 2011).
MUNIX was performed in the abductor pollicis brevis (APB),
abductor digiti minimi (ADM), biceps brachii (BB), tibialis anterior
(TA), extensor digitorum brevis (EDB), and abductor hallucis (AH)
A mandatory step in the procedure was to move the active
recording electrode several times until the maximum CMAP ampli-
tude with a clear negative take-off (first negative deflection) was
obtained. The clinically less affected side was selected for measure-
ments, which was generally the opposite side of symptom onset in
order to prevent measurements in severely affected muscles and to
reduce the risk of an early ‘‘floor-effect” (Neuwirth et al., 2015). In
case of no detectable weakness in limb muscles, the right side was
2.3. Measures
At each visit, ALSFRS-R score was determined by the same ALS
research nurse or neurologist. MUNIX raters were blinded to the
results of the ALSFRS-R score and previously obtained CMAP and
MUNIX measurements. Results of these longitudinal MUNIX mea-
surements have partially been published (Neuwirth et al., 2015).
This study aimed to analyse only pre-symptomatic muscles for
which additional longitudinal data sets were available.
Manual muscle testing (MMT), using a modified 8-grade scale,
was performed in all muscles prior to MUNIX measurements by
an experienced ALS neurologist. The 8-grade scale was selected
to distinguish different force levels (Table 1). Numeric values for
statistical analysis for MMT4 + was 4.3 and consequently 3.7 for
For analysis of pre-symptomatic muscles, only clinically strong
(MMT 5) and non-wasted muscles were considered for which at
least one measurement before onset of weakness on follow up
was available.
To evaluate change of MUNIX and CMAP in pre-symptomatic
muscles, the last point in time with MMT grade 5 was arbitrarily
set to ‘‘month 0” (M0). In case the rater documented slight clinical
weakness in a muscle which was not detectable on the next follow-
up visit with MMT grade 5, the last measurement with MMT grade
5 was set to M0. The relative change of MUNIX, ALSFRS-R, CMAP,
and MMT in percent change over time before and after the last
measurement with MMT grade 5 (M0) was analysed.
2.4. Statistics
Linear mixed-effect models with the dependent variable ‘‘per-
centage change from baseline”, fixed factor time (month), variables
(MUNIX, CMAP, ALS-FRS-R, MMT) and random factor subject were
Table 1
Manual muscle testing (MMT) grading scale.
5 Normal strength
4+ Inability to resist against maximal pressure
4 Ability to resist against moderate pressure
4Ability to resist against minimal pressure
3 Ability to move through full ROM AG
2 Ability to move with GE
1 Visible muscle contraction
0 No movement/contraction at all
ROM = range of movement; AG = against gravity; GE = gravity eliminated.
2C. Neuwirth et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Neuwirth C et al. Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) detects motor neuron loss in pre-symptomatic muscles in Amy-
otrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Clin Neurophysiol (2016),
performed. In order to calculate the relative change per month for
each muscle, a nested model design was used (months nested in
muscles). To compare the relative change for each variable
(MUNIX, ALSFRS-R, CMAP, MMT) at each time point, another
nested model design was used where the variables were nested
in months. Decline rates and p-values with 95% Confidence Inter-
vals (CI) of relative change values are presented. A p-value <0.05
was considered significant. For an appropriate comparison of the
time series data, the Standard Error (SE) was applied. All analyses
were performed using the statistical program R version 3.1.2
( Core Team, 2012).
3. Results
Sixty-seven subjects were recruited from September 2010 until
May 2015. Each centre recruited 15 to 28 ALS patients. Three
patients did not fulfil inclusion criteria and were excluded from
analysis because of long disease duration (27–58 months) with
very slow disease progression. Forty-nine out of 67 patients
(36 men, 13 women) presented with at least one muscle with full
force (MMT grade 5) and weakness on follow up. Seventeen sub-
jects had bulbar onset (35%) and 33 spinal onset (65%), with almost
equal distribution of lower and upper limb onset. The mean age of
subjects was 59.3 years ± 11.3 (SD) and the mean disease duration
at the time of first measurement was 13.4 ± 5.8 months.
MUNIX measurements were well tolerated in all subjects
except in one subject who declined longitudinal measurement of
the biceps.
A total of 151 muscles from these 49 patients fulfilled the crite-
ria for analysis (clinically not affected at the first assessment and
weakness during the follow-up period). Total time for measuring
all six muscles ranged between 20 and 40 min. The individual
number of follow-up measurements varied from muscle to muscle
depending on the total number of follow-up visits and the time of
onset of muscle weakness. The number of analysed muscles prior
and after the onset of weakness is shown in Fig. 1. Fifty-five out
of 151 muscles could be measured 3-monthly up to 1 year after
onset of weakness and 44 muscles were measured 3-monthly up
to 1 year prior to onset of weakness.
The average relative monthly decline was 5.0% for MUNIX (all
muscles) before and 5.6% after onset of clinical weakness (Fig. 2,
Table 2). This rate of change was significantly higher compared
to ALSFRS-R prior to and after the onset of weakness (Fig. 2,
Table 2). Relative CMAP change was not significantly different from
ALSFRS-R over 12 months prior to clinical weakness, but after
onset of weakness (Table 3,Fig. 2A and B).
The decline rates of MUNIX were significantly higher compared
to the CMAP decline between month-12 and -3 prior to onset of
weakness (Fig. 2,Table 2). CMAP and MUNIX decline rates varied
muscle-specific (Table 2).
MUNIX decline rates were generally higher than CMAP decline
before and after onset of weakness, with the exception of the AH,
which revealed higher CMAP decline rates. ADM MUNIX had the
lowest decline rate prior to onset of clinical weakness compared
to other muscles and accelerated after onset of weakness. APB
revealed the highest pre-symptomatic MUNIX decline rate of all
However, these differences were not statistically significant.
Decline rates were separately analysed in 6-month periods
before and after onset of muscle weakness (Table 4). CMAP and
MUNIX decline was lowest between month-12 and month-6 and
then almost doubled in the period -6 to M0 (non-significant).
MUNIX decline was most prominent in the 6-months period prior
to M0. Analysis of MMT revealed a slight increase of 0.18% per
month before onset of weakness, which was caused by prior
measurements with slight weakness which were revised to
MMT5 at follow up visits.
4. Discussion
It has been recognised in previous studies that neurophysiolog-
ical abnormalities occur (e.g. MUNE and EMG) before this is
reflected in force measurements, e.g. MMT (Swash and Ingram,
1988; Bromberg and Brownell, 2008; de Carvalho and Swash,
2013; de Carvalho et al., 2014).
In this study we could demonstrate that this is also the case for
MUNIX. A marked decline of MUNIX – expressed by relative
change of means was already detectable12 months before
clinical muscle weakness was detected by MMT. These results in
pre-symptomatic muscles are similar to those obtained in asymp-
tomatic carriers of SOD1 mutations (Aggarwal and Nicholson,
2002). In this study in single cases of asymptomatic SOD1 muta-
tions carriers, the statistical motor unit number estimation
(MUNE) technique was applied every 6 months demonstrating
motor neuron loss prior to symptom onset. Ongoing studies utilise
MUNE to estimate the number of LMN in asymptomatic familial
ALS gene carriers (Benatar and Wuu, 2012). However, in contrast
to MUNE, where only single or few muscles are studied (usually
ADM or APB), the fast performance of MUNIX in individual muscles
yields an examination over several regions in multiple muscles in
an appropriate amount of time (Neuwirth et al., 2016).
Our results also reveal that prior to onset of weakness the
MUNIX decline is more prominent than the CMAP amplitude
Fig. 1. Number of MUNIX measurements per individual muscle. (A) Arm muscles:
APB = abductor pollicis brevis, ADM = abductor digiti minimi, BB = biceps brachii.
(B) Leg muscles: TA = tibialis anterior, EDB = extensor digitorum brevis, AH abduc-
tor hallucis. X-axis: month 0 = last point in time with MMT was grade 5.
C. Neuwirth et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3
Please cite this article in press as: Neuwirth C et al. Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) detects motor neuron loss in pre-symptomatic muscles in Amy-
otrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Clin Neurophysiol (2016),
decline (Tables 3 and 4). This can be explained by compensatory
reinnervation (distal axonal sprouting), which can at least tem-
porarily preserve motor unit function and in turn, CMAP amplitude
(Swash and Ingram, 1988). It has been estimated that approxi-
mately 50% of LMNs supplying a muscle may be lost (i.e. motor
units) in a chronic process before clinical symptoms such as muscle
wasting or weakness become evident (Wohlfart, 1957; Aggarwal
and Nicholson, 2002; Bromberg and Brownell, 2008).
MUNIX seems to overcome this ‘‘blind spot” of pre-
symptomatic LMN loss. This could be especially relevant for early
phase II clinical ALS trials and proof-of-concept studies. Such stud-
ies are usually underpowered for functional measures, such as the
Table 2
Relative monthly decline of MUNIX, MMT and CMAP in individual muscles 12 months before and after last measurement with MMT.
Muscle Monthly decline rates [%]
Pre-symptomatic 12 months Symptomatic 12 months
APB 6.8 2.2 0.18 5.1 3.9 2.7
ADM 2.2 2.3 0.29 5.2 4.4 3.0
BB 4.6 3.4 0.06 4.2 4.3 2.4
TA 6.3 4.9 0.24 7.3 6.0 4.1
EDB 6.1 2.7 0.06 6.2 5.9 4.3
AH 3.7 4.6 0.25 5.6 6.7 4.8
All muscles 5.0 3.4 0.18 5.6 5.2 3.6
ALSFRS-R 3.5 3.0
Table 3
Difference of means (95% CI) and p-values for differences of relative decline rates comparing MUNIX, CMAP and ALSFRS-R prior and after month 0 (corresponding to Fig. 2).
12 21.8 (7.15, 36.51); 0.0036 5.7 (8.88, 20.28); 0.44 16.1 (2.47, 29.79); 0.0207
921.8 (7.90, 35.76); 0.0022 6.4 (7.46, 20.30); 0.36 15.4 (2.01, 28.82); 0.0243
620.6 (9.35, 31.87); 0.0003 5.8 (5.36, 16.98); 0.31 14.8 (4.02, 25.58); 0.0071
314.7 (4.24, 25.09); 0.0059 7.1 (3.20, 17.36); 0.18 7.6 (2.35, 17.53); 0.13
0 1.2 (7.47, 9.87); 0.79 0.1 (8.30, 8.16); 0.99 1.3 (6.88, 9.42); 0.76
36.8 (12.06, 1.59); 0.0106 7.1 (12.32, 1.93); 0.0072 0.3 (4.83, 5.44); 0.91
613.0 (18.82, 7.24);<0.0001 13.4 (19.14, 7.59);<0.0001 0.3 (5.40, 6.08); 0.91
920.9 (27.42, 14.39);<0.0001 16.4 (22.90, 9.98);<0.0001 4.5 (10.94, 2.01); 0.18
12 24.4 (31.94, 16.80);<0.0001 19.8 (27.28, 12.25);<0.0001 4.6 (12.10, 2.88); 0.23
Significant differences (p< 0.05) are presented in bold numerics.
Table 4
Decline rates in 6-months periods before and after onset of weakness for all muscles for ALSFRS-R, MUNIX, CMAP and MMT.
Month Monthly decline rates [%], all muscles
12 to 63.2 3.5 2.3 0.1
6to0 3.9 6.6 4.5 0.3
0to6 3.1 5.7 5.5 4.1
6to12 2.9 5.0 3.9 2.9
Fig. 2. Relative decline/increase of MMT, MUNIX, ALSFRS-R (ALS), and CMAP 12 months prior and after onset of weakness in muscles. Month 0 = last measurement with
MMT5. (A) Comparison of MMT, MUNIX and ALSFRS-R. (B) Comparison of MMT, CMAP and ALSFRS-R. Corresponding p-values and confidence intervals are shown separately
in Table 3. Error bars = standard error.
4C. Neuwirth et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Neuwirth C et al. Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) detects motor neuron loss in pre-symptomatic muscles in Amy-
otrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Clin Neurophysiol (2016),
ALSFRS-R and MMT. However, a biological signal (e.g. potentially
effective medications or treatments slow down or stop motor neu-
ron loss) would be detected by MUNIX, thus paving the way for
longer phase III trials (Benatar and Wuu, 2012; Turner and
Benatar, 2015; Benatar et al., 2016).
This concept is supported by our recent study which showed
that the time to detect a 25% relative difference of decline with
80% power between two groups (each n= 50) would take
11.6 months for MUNIX (using 4 of the 6 muscle groups), but
26.5 months for ALSFRS-R (Neuwirth et al., 2015).
Twelve to 6 months prior to onset of weakness, MUNIX and
CMAP decline rates were smaller and then increased in the time
period 6 months before and 12 months after onset of weakness
in the observed muscles (Table 4). This difference was not statisti-
cally significant, yet might reflect acceleration of motor neuron loss
prior to onset of weakness. Alternatively, the different decline rates
might be also caused by bias: muscles in slowly progressing
patients are more likely to be trackable longer backward and for-
ward than fast progressing muscles, resulting in higher decline
rates around month 0, before clinical onset of weakness.
The ADM showed smaller change rates and deterioration of
MUNIX and CMAP than the APB 12 months prior to onset of weak-
ness and then increased. These different change rates may be the
electrophysiological correlate of the clinical ‘‘split-hand” phe-
nomenon (Weber et al., 2000; Eisen and Kuwabara, 2012). The
electrophysiological ‘‘split-hand-index”, which uses the CMAP
amplitudes of the APB, ADM, and first dorsal interosseus (FDI)
muscle for calculation, has been recently adapted for MUNIX mea-
surements (Weber et al., 2000; Eisen and Kuwabara, 2012; Menon
et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2016). The initially slower decline rates in
the ADM might reflect the relative resistance to LMN degeneration
compared to the APB and FDI until the onset of weakness and mus-
cle wasting and further progression of LMN degeneration. The
cause of the spilt hand phenomenon is still incompletely under-
stood, but is most likely of cortical origin (Weber et al., 2000;
Eisen and Kuwabara, 2012).
There are some limitations of this study.
MUNIX and manual muscle testing need active cooperation of
the patients. Manual muscle testing is subjective and depends on
the general physical condition and strength of the rater and the
tested subject. This might be prone to error, especially when the
raters – which were specialized neurologists in the 3 centres –
have to distinguish between normal force and slight weakness. In
our cohort, some MMT grade 4 + measurements were revised on
follow up visit again to MMT grade 5, resulting in a slight increase
of MMT in the pre-symptomatic period (Tables 2 and 4).
In addition, MMT was not standardised across the centres,
which might have been another source of variability. It should also
be noted that the transformation of the MMT rating scale into a
numeric value was arbitrary, and therefore the calculation of rela-
tive decline may not mirror decline in force appropriately. How-
ever, for the purpose of this study not the grading system was
relevant, but the definitive onset of weakness (‘‘point of no
return”). Nevertheless for future studies, quantitative measure-
ments such as hand-held-dynamometry may be advantageous.
It seems possible that upper motor neuron (UMN) involvement
had an effect on force measurements. However, it has been shown
that LMN loss is the primary cause of weakness in ALS, while UMN
impairment leads to slowing of contraction speed (Kent-Braun
et al., 1998). In addition, MMT has been suggested as an accurate
tool to observe global strength in ALS patients (Great Lakes ALS
Support Group, 2003; Visser et al., 2003).
Like in our previous study, the relative change of MUNIX was
significantly higher compared to the ALSFRS-R (Neuwirth et al.,
2015). This comparison has its limitations, as different features
are compared: loss of functioning LMN versus a global functional
score. The latter is also influenced by upper motor neuron (UMN)
involvement. It should therefore be emphasised, that MUNIX is
not intended to replace the ALSFRS-R or other functional measures
in phase III clinical trials, but may provide a biological signal in
terms of a pharmacodynamic response in early phase II studies.
Finally the absolute number of individual muscles amongst the
set of 6 muscles was relatively small, invalidating statistical anal-
ysis and interpretation of muscle-specific data.
5. Conclusion
MUNIX is an electrophysiological method that detects loss of
functional lower motor neurons in pre-symptomatic muscles in
ALS, before clinical weakness becomes apparent by manual muscle
testing. This suggests MUNIX as a marker of disease progression
and potential pharmacodynamics response in early phase II clinical
ALS trials (Turner and Benatar, 2015).
Dr. Neuwirth and Dr. Weber have received honoraria from
Hänseler AG, Switzerland and Biogen, USA, as advisory board
members. Dr. Weber has received advisory board honoraria from
Merz Pharma, Switzerland. Dr. Nandedkar is an employee of Natus
Medical Inc, and also a consultant to Biogen, USA. Dr. Burkhardt
receives honoraria for services from Biogen, USA. The other authors
declared they have no competing interests.
This work was supported by the Swiss ALS Foundation, the
Swiss NeRAB Foundation and the EU Joint Programme Neurode-
generative Disease Research (JPND) project. The project is sup-
ported through the following funding organisations under the
aegis of JPND – France, Agence Nationale de la
Recherche; Germany, Bundesministerium für Bildung und For-
schung; Ireland, Health Research Board; Italy, Ministero della
Salute; The Netherlands, The Netherlands Organisation for Health
Research and Development; Poland, Narodowe Centrum Badan
Rozwoju; Portugal, Fundação a Ciência e a Tecnologia; Spain, Min-
isterio de Ciencia e Innovación; Switzerland, Schweizerischer
Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung;
Turkey, Tübitak; United Kingdom, Medical Research Council (grant
number SNF 31ND30_141622). We would like to thank all partici-
pating patients and their caregivers. We are thankful to Urs (Sim-
men Statistical Consulting, Basel, Switzerland) for performing the
statistical analysis. We also like to thank Dr Michael Benatar,
Miami, USA, for fruitful discussions. Dr Nandedkar thanks Natus
Medical Inc for support. Dr Barkhaus acknowledges funding sup-
port from the Dolores and Carroll Fund from the Milwaukee Med-
ical Foundation.
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otrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Clin Neurophysiol (2016),
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6C. Neuwirth et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Neuwirth C et al. Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) detects motor neuron loss in pre-symptomatic muscles in Amy-
otrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Clin Neurophysiol (2016),
... Given ongoing denervation/reinnervation, there is instability in the neuromuscular junctions and mild decrement in CMAP may be seen on repetitive nerve stimulation (Lambert, 1969b). In slowly progressive processes, CMAP amplitude may be maintained within the normal range until the compensatory processes (including reinnervation leading to fiber type grouping, muscle fiber hypertrophy and splitting) are overwhelmed Schwartz, 1982, 1997) at which point the CMAP begins to decline (Nandedkar, et al., 2010, Neuwirth et al., 2017. In Fig. 17C, the top trace shows a low normal amplitude response when the patient noticed the weakness. ...
... A more widely used method is called 'Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) (Nandedkar et al., 2010;Nandedkar et al., 2018;Neuwirth et al., 2017). After obtaining the CMAP in the tested muscle, MUNIX uses the surface EMG interference pattern (SIP) signals to analyze the SMUP's properties. ...
... Dividing MUNIX into the CMAP amplitude gives the Motor Unit Size Index (MUSIX) that reflects the degree of reinnervation in the component SMUPs. Given the variable rates of progression in motor neuron disease and related disorders, this offers the advantage of detecting an affected muscle (i.e., MU loss with compensated reinnervation) before clinical weakness is apparent (Carleton and Brown, 1979;Neuwirth et al., 2017). ...
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The compound muscle action potential (CMAP) is among the first recorded waveforms in clinical neurography and one of the most common in clinical use. It is derived from the summated muscle fiber action potentials recorded from a surface electrode overlying the studied muscle following stimulation of the relevant motor nerve fibres innervating the muscle. Surface recorded motor unit potentials (SMUPs) are the fundamental units comprising the CMAP. Because it is considered a basic, if not banal signal, what it represents is often underappreciated. In this review we discuss current concepts in the anatomy and physiology of the CMAP. These have evolved with advances in instrumentation and digitization of signals, affecting its quantitation and measurement. It is important to understand the basic technical and biological factors influencing the CMAP. If these influences are not recognized, then a suboptimal recording may result. The object is to obtain a high quality CMAP recording that is reproducible, whether the study is done for clinical or research purposes. The initial sections cover the relevant CMAP anatomy and physiology, followed by how these principles are applied to CMAP changes in neuromuscular disorders. The concluding section is a brief overview of CMAP research where advances in recording systems and computer-based analysis programs have opened new research applications. One such example is motor unit number estimation (MUNE) that is now being used as a surrogate marker in monitoring chronic neurogenic processes such as motor neuron diseases.
... Decline in sum scores indicated LMN loss and correlated with the revised ALS functional rating scale (ALSFRS-R) 3,12,13 . However, given that MUNIX has proven to show decrease in functional LMN already in presymptomatic muscles in ALS it poses a promising biomarker 14 . ...
... Furthermore, we analyzed these M50 parameter results with the D50 disease progression model, which allows consideration of disease aggressiveness and accumulation separately. This model divides the term "disease progression", which had always been considered as a composite parameter in previous studies 3, [12][13][14]26 , into the two parameters in a sigmoidal approach addressing the high heterogeneity in ALS patients [15][16][17] . ...
... M50 correlated with the disease aggressiveness and was lowest in the subgroup with high disease aggressiveness. This also supports further investigations that MUNIX show a decline even in pre-symptomatic muscles in ALS patients, especially in high aggressive disease course 14 . Our observations are supported by the fact that these significant differences were also evident between disease aggressiveness subgroups for CMAP50 and MUSIX200. ...
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Capturing disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is challenging and refinement of progression markers is urgently needed. This study introduces new motor unit number index (MUNIX), motor unit size index (MUSIX) and compound muscle action potential (CMAP) parameters called M50, MUSIX200 and CMAP50. M50 and CMAP50 indicate the time in months from symptom onset an ALS patient needs to lose 50% of MUNIX or CMAP in relation to the mean values of controls. MUSIX200 represents the time in months until doubling of the mean MUSIX of controls. We used MUNIX parameters of Musculi abductor pollicis brevis (APB), abductor digiti minimi (ADM) and tibialis anterior (TA) of 222 ALS patients. Embedded in the D50 disease progression model, disease aggressiveness and accumulation were analyzed separately. M50, CMAP50 and MUSIX200 significantly differed among disease aggressiveness subgroups (p < 0.001) regardless of disease accumulation. ALS patients with a low M50 had a significantly shorter survival compared to high M50 (median 32 versus 74 months). M50 preceded the loss of global function (median of about 14 months). M50, CMAP50 and MUSIX200 characterize the disease course in ALS in a new way and may be applied as early measures of disease progression.
... The ALS Functional Rating Scale Revised (ALSFRS-R) [4] is one of the most MUNIX has been studied as a diagnostic and monitoring marker in ALS. It is extremely sensitive to subtle changes in the number of functioning motor units, demonstrating LMN loss in pre-symptomatic limbs of ALS patients [25][26][27]. It correlates with ALSFRS-R, CMAP amplitude and spirometry measures such as slow vital capacity [28][29][30]. ...
... The choice of limiting the analysis to one upper and one lower limb was taken for two reasons: first, because we wished to avoid a time-consuming examination, in view of its possible application in longitudinal designs, and second, in a few cases the choice was almost forced due to marked contralateral limb weakness, such that the examination was not possible, as minimal patient cooperation is required to effect the contraction. The choice of measuring just the limbs of one side, namely the less affected one, has already been carried out by some study groups [22,25,27,28,43]. ...
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Unlabelled: The MUNIX technique allows us to estimate the number and size of surviving motor units (MUs). Previous studies on ALS found correlations between MUNIX and several clinical measures, but its potential role as a predictor of disease progression rate (DPR) has not been thoroughly evaluated to date. We aimed to investigate MUNIX's ability to predict DPR at a six-month follow up. Methods: 24 ALS patients with short disease duration (<24 months from symptoms' onset) were enrolled and divided according to their baseline DPR into two groups (normal [DPR-N] and fast [DPR-F] progressors). MUNIX values were obtained from five muscles (TA, APB, ADM, FDI, Trapezius) and averaged for each subject. Results: MUNIX was found to predict DPR at follow up in a multivariable linear regression model; namely, patients with lower MUNIX values were at risk of showing greater DPR scores at follow up. The result was replicated in a simple logistic regression analysis, with the dichotomic category "MUNIX-Low" as the independent variable and the outcome "DPR-F" as the dependent variable. Conclusions: our results pave the way for the use of the MUNIX method as a prognostic tool in early ALS, enabling patients' stratification according to their rates of future decline.
... A systematic review analyzing the use of EMG as a biomarker for ALS suggests that it may be a practical tool for analyzing patient data longitudinally to monitor disease progression [36]. Currently, the most validated method is the Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX), which has only been implemented in two clinical trials [37]. While the use of EMG as a biomarker for ALS is promising, more research is needed to assess its use clinically. ...
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a severe neurodegenerative disease affecting the motor neurons. Although the etiology remains unknown, mutations in superoxide dis-mutase 1 have been observed in patients with familial ALS, resulting in increased calcium in the cells and leading to cell death. Additionally, studies in patients with the C9orf72 repeat expansion have shown lower age of onset, cognitive and behavioral impairments, and reduced survival. Accumulation of TDP-43 in the cytoplasm of neurons and glial cells caused by the loss of UBQLN2 has been shown to lead to mitotoxicity and proteasomal overload. Early diagnosis of ALS is necessary for the optimization of care between a patient's neurolo-gist and interdisciplinary team members to ensure the best outcomes possible. Proper management between physical therapy, occupation therapy, and pharmaceutical medications can improve ALS symptoms, achieving the highest quality of life possible for the patient. The current therapeutic medication recommended for ALS is Riluzole, but new therapies are emerging. This paper analyzes mechanisms of injury and progression of ALS along while analyzing current, emerging, and alternative therapeutics targeting ALS.
... A systematic review analyzing the use of EMG as a biomarker for ALS suggests that it may be a practical tool for analyzing patient data longitudinally to monitor disease progression [36]. Currently, the most validated method is the Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX), which has only been implemented in two clinical trials [37]. While the use of EMG as a biomarker for ALS is promising, more research is needed to assess its use clinically. ...
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a severe neurodegenerative disease affecting the motor neurons. Although the etiology remains unknown, mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 have been observed in patients with familial ALS, resulting in increased calcium in the cells and leading to cell death. Additionally, studies in patients with the C9orf72 repeat expansion have shown lower age of onset, cognitive and behavioral impairments, and reduced survival. Accumulation of TDP-43 in the cytoplasm of neurons and glial cells caused by the loss of UBQLN2 has been shown to lead to mitotoxicity and proteasomal overload. Early diagnosis of ALS is necessary for the optimization of care between a patient’s neurologist and interdisciplinary team members to ensure the best outcomes possible. Proper management between physical therapy, occupation therapy, and pharmaceutical medications can improve ALS symptoms, achieving the highest quality of life possible for the patient. The current therapeutic medication recommended for ALS is Riluzole, but new therapies are emerging. This paper analyzes mechanisms of injury and progression of ALS along while analyzing current, emerging, and alternative therapeutics targeting ALS.
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive neurodegeneration involving motor neurons. The 3–5 years that patients have to live is marked by day-to-day loss of motor and sometimes cognitive abilities. Enormous amounts of healthcare services and resources are necessary to support patients and their caregivers during this relatively short but burdensome journey. Organization and management of these resources need to best meet patients' expectations and health system efficiency mandates. This can only occur in the setting of multidisciplinary ALS clinics which are known as the gold standard of ALS care worldwide. To introduce this standard to the care of Iranian ALS patients, which is an inevitable quality milestone, a national ALS clinical practice guideline is the necessary first step. The National ALS guideline will serve as the knowledge base for the development of local clinical pathways to guide patient journeys in multidisciplinary ALS clinics. To this end, we gathered a team of national neuromuscular experts as well as experts in related specialties necessary for delivering multidisciplinary care to ALS patients to develop the Iranian ALS clinical practice guideline. Clinical questions were prepared in the Patient, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome (PICO) format to serve as a guide for the literature search. Considering the lack of adequate national/local studies at this time, a consensus-based approach was taken to evaluate the quality of the retrieved evidence and summarize recommendations.
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Objective To compare the utility of MUNIX (motor unit number index) with needle EMG in characterizing motor unit (MU) properties in the biceps brachii (BB) muscle in subjects with remote polio. Methods Thirty subjects suffering from remote polio were investigated with MUNIX and needle EMG, all with Macro EMG and 20 of these subjects with concentric needle EMG. Results Both MUNIX and the needle EMG methods showed abnormal results. Fiber density (FD) was the most sensitive parameter for showing signs of reinnervation. At a group level, the methods showed neurogenic findings, but there was no correlation between the results of the MUNIX and needle EMG investigations. Conclusions Both MUNIX and needle EMG are valuable methods for measuring neurogenic involvement in the BB muscle. However, there was a lack of correlation between the MUNIX and needle EMG findings. The cause for this missing correlation may be multifactorial as there are several differences between the methods. Significance The reason for the lack of correlation between the MUNIX and needle EMG results is discussed. By combining the needle and surface recorded methods one can obtain more information on the denervation and reinnervation process compared to using just one of the methods alone.
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Background: Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) is a neurophysiological measure that provides an index of the number of lower motor neurons in a muscle. Its performance across centres in healthy subjects and patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) has been established, but inter-rater variability between multiple raters in one single subject has not been investigated. Objective: To assess reliability in a set of 6 muscles in a single subject among 12 examiners (6 experienced with MUNIX, 6 less experienced) and to determine variables associated with variability of measurements. Methods: Twelve raters applied MUNIX in six different muscles (abductor pollicis brevis (APB), abductor digiti minimi (ADM), biceps brachii (BB), tibialis anterior (TA), extensor dig. brevis (EDB), abductor hallucis (AH)) twice in one single volunteer on consecutive days. All raters visited at least one training course prior to measurements. Intra- and inter-rater variability as determined by the coefficient of variation (COV) between different raters and their levels of experience with MUNIX were compared. Results: Mean intra-rater COV of MUNIX was 14.0% (±6.4) ranging from 5.8 (APB) to 30.3% (EDB). Mean inter-rater COV was 18.1 (±5.4) ranging from 8.0 (BB) to 31.7 (AH). No significant differences of variability between experienced and less experienced raters were detected. Conclusion: We provide evidence that quality control for neurophysiological methods can be performed with similar standards as in laboratory medicine. Intra- and inter-rater variability of MUNIX is muscle-dependent and mainly below 20%. Experienced neurophysiologists can easily adopt MUNIX and adequate teaching ensures reliable utilization of this method.
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Quality control of MUNIX (intra- and inter-rater reliability)
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Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) is a novel neurophysiological measure that provides an index of the number of functional lower motor neurons in a given muscle. So far its performance across centres in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has not been investigated. To perform longitudinal MUNIX recordings in a set of muscles in a multicentre setting in order to evaluate its value as a marker of disease progression. Three centres applied MUNIX in 51 ALS patients over 15 months. Six different muscles (abductor pollicis brevis, abductor digiti minimi, biceps brachii, tibialis anterior, extensor dig. brevis, abductor hallucis) were measured every 3 months on the less affected side. The decline between MUNIX and ALSFRS-R was compared. 31 participants reached month 12. For all participants, ALSFRS-R declined at a rate of 2.3%/month. Using the total score of all muscles, MUNIX declined significantly faster by 3.2%/month (p≤0.02). MUNIX in individual muscles declined between 2.4% and 4.2%, which differed from ASLFRS-R decline starting from month 3 (p≤0.05 to 0.002). Subgroups with bulbar, lower and upper limb onset showed different decline rates of ALSFRS-R between 1.9% and 2.8%/month, while MUNIX total scores showed similar decline rates over all subgroups. Mean intraclass correlation coefficient for MUNIX intra-rater reliability was 0.89 and for inter-rater reliability 0.80. Conclusion: MUNIX is a reliable electrophysiological biomarker to track lower motor neuron loss in ALS. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
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Multiple candidate biomarkers for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) have emerged across a range of platforms. Replication of results, however, has been absent in all but a few cases, and the range of control samples has been limited. If progress towards clinical translation is to continue, the specific biomarker needs of ALS, which differ from those of other neurodegenerative disorders, as well as the challenges inherent to longitudinal ALS biomarker cohorts, must be understood. Appropriate application of multimodal approaches, international collaboration, pre-symptomatic studies, and biomarker integration into future therapeutic trials are among the essential priorities going forward. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Objective: Motor unit number estimation (MUNE) techniques such as motor unit number index (MUNIX) have been used to quantify lower motor neuron loss and disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We investigated the consistency of reproducibility of MUNIX in 30 ALS-patients during the course of the disorder. Methods: MUNIX was recorded in abductor pollicis brevis and tibialis anterior muscles bilaterally in ALS-patients by two measurements at the first and at one follow-up visit and once in healthy controls. Intra-rater reproducibility was evaluated by three statistical methods: interclass correlation coefficient (ICC), correlation coefficient analysis (CCA), and coefficient of variation (CV). Results: We found significant correlation between the first and second measurement of MUNIX in all tested muscles and at the follow-up visit (r ≥ 0.891, p < 0.01) and good statistically significant reproducibility of MUNIX in all four measured muscles at the follow-up visit (ICC ≥ 0.946, p < 0.01). The CV of MUNIX at the follow-up visit ranged from 13.90% to 32.95%. Conclusions: This study shows good consistency of reproducibility of MUNIX in the course of ALS. Significance: This study suggests that MUNIX can be used to track the progression of the disorder both in clinical routine and in treatment trials.
Objective: To assess the reliability of strength testing techniques among centers investigating patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Methods: The authors compared test reliability in manual muscle testing (MMT) and maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) scores among institutions and test validity by comparing change over time between MMT and MVIC. The authors examined 63 subjects at 3-month intervals for 12 months. At enrollment and at 6 months, two physical therapists each examined the subjects twice. MMT scores were calculated as modifications of the Medical Research Council scale. MVIC scores were generated as standardized megascores. Intraclass correlation coefficients and coefficients of variation compared reproducibility, and Pearson correlation coefficients compared change over time. The power of each measure to detect disease progression over time was assessed by estimating coefficients of variation for the average change. Results: Reproducibility between MVIC and MMT was equivalent. Sensitivity to detect progressive weakness and power to detect this change, however, favored MMT, an effect largely accounted for by the number of muscles sampled. Conclusions: In multicentered trials, uniformly trained physical therapists reproducibly and accurately measure strength by both MMT and MVIC. The authors found MMT to be the preferred measure of global strength because of its better Pearson correlation coefficients, essentially equivalent reproducibility, and more favorable coefficient of variation.
Biomarkers have become the focus of intense research in the field of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), with the hope that they might aid therapy development efforts. Notwithstanding the discovery of many candidate biomarkers, none have yet emerged as validated tools for drug development. In this review we present a nuanced view of biomarkers based on the perspective of the FDA; highlight the distinction between discovery and validation; describe existing and emerging resources; review leading biological fluid-based, electrophysiological and neuroimaging candidates relevant to therapy development efforts; discuss lessons learned from biomarker initiatives in related neurodegenerative diseases; and outline specific steps that we, as a field, might take in order to hasten the development and validation of biomarkers that will prove useful in enhancing efforts to develop effective treatments for ALS patients. Most important among these perhaps is the proposal to establish a federated ALS Biomarker Consortium (ABC) in which all interested and willing stakeholders may participate with equal opportunity to contribute to the broader mission of biomarker development and validation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Introduction: The split-hand phenomenon refers to preferential wasting of the thenar muscles with relative sparing of the hypothenar muscles in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Methods: We compared the split-hand index (SI) calculated from the compound muscle action potential (CMAP; SICMAP ) with that calculated from the motor unit number index (MUNIX; SIMUNIX ). We performed MUNIX on the abductor policis brevis (APB), first dorsal interossei (FDI), and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscles of 39 ALS patients and 40 age-matched healthy controls. SI is derived by multiplying the CMAP (or MUNIX) recorded over the APB and FDI and dividing by the CMAP (or MUNIX) recorded over the ADM. Results: Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed good diagnostic accuracy for both indices, but better performance of SIMUNIX than SICMAP . Discussion: SIMUNIX and SICMAP were useful in differentiating ALS patients from healthy controls. SIMUNIX appears to be a better electrophysiological marker than SICMAP for the split-hand sign of ALS. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.