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Coherent Exciton–Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Interaction in Hybrid Metal-Semiconductor Nanostructures



We report measurements of a coherent coupling between surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) and quantum well excitons in a hybrid metal-semiconductor nanostructure. The hybrid structure is designed to optimize the radiative exciton-SPP interaction which is probed by low-temperature, angle-resolved, far-field reflectivity spectroscopy. As a result of the coupling, a significant shift of approximately 7 meV and an increase in broadening by approximately 4 meV of the quantum well exciton resonance are observed. The experiments are corroborated by a phenomenological coupled-oscillator model predicting coupling strengths as large as 50 meV in structures with optimized detunings between the coupled exciton and SPP resonances. Such a strong interaction can, e.g., be used to enhance the luminescence yield of semiconductor quantum structures or to amplify SPP waves.
Coherent Exciton–Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Interaction
in Hybrid Metal-Semiconductor Nanostructures
P. Vasa,
R. Pomraenke,
S. Schwieger,
Yu. I. Mazur,
Vas. Kunets,
P. Srinivasan,
E. Johnson,
J. E. Kihm,
D. S. Kim,
E. Runge,
G. Salamo,
and C. Lienau
Institut fu
¨r Physik, Carl von Ossietzky Universita
¨t, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany
Technische Universita
¨t Ilmenau, Fachgebiet Theoretische Physik I, Postfach 100565, D-98684 Ilmenau, Germany
Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701, USA
The Center for Optoelectronics and Optical Communications, University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
Charlotte, North Carolina 28223, USA
School of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
(Received 18 December 2007; revised manuscript received 1 August 2008; published 8 September 2008)
We report measurements of a coherent coupling between surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) and
quantum well excitons in a hybrid metal-semiconductor nanostructure. The hybrid structure is designed
to optimize the radiative exciton-SPP interaction which is probed by low-temperature, angle-resolved, far-
field reflectivity spectroscopy. As a result of the coupling, a significant shift of 7 meV and an increase in
broadening by 4 meV of the quantum well exciton resonance are observed. The experiments are
corroborated by a phenomenological coupled-oscillator model predicting coupling strengths as large as
50 meV in structures with optimized detunings between the coupled exciton and SPP resonances. Such a
strong interaction can, e.g., be used to enhance the luminescence yield of semiconductor quantum
structures or to amplify SPP waves.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.116801 PACS numbers: 73.20.Mf, 71.35.Gg, 78.67.De
The radiative coupling between an emitter and its elec-
tromagnetic environment gives rise to fundamental
quantum-optical phenomena like vacuum Rabi or normal
mode splittings [13] and the Purcell effect [4]. Modifica-
tions of the spontaneous emission due to radiative coupling
have been demonstrated for various quantum systems rang-
ing from single atoms [1] to semiconductor quantum dots
[2] and quantum wells (QW) [3,5] coupled to a micro-
cavity. Many groups have investigated similar interactions
in close proximity of metallic structures [6,7]. Various ex-
perimental [810] and theoretical [6,11] studies have
shown an enhancement in the luminescence yield as well
as a reduction of the excitonic lifetime of a QW when
placed close to a metallic nanostructure due to its coupling
to surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). Other reports, how-
ever, show a suppression of luminescence in the proximity
of a metal surface [12,13]. The discussion of these results
has partly remained controversial because present experi-
ments give limited insight into the microscopic nature of
the coupling. Hence the interaction between a metallic
nanostructure and a quantum emitter is not fully under-
stood. One of the most direct ways to probe this interaction
is to study the normal mode splitting between QW excitons
and SPP.
In this Letter, we investigate the linear optical properties
of a hybrid nanostructure consisting of a GaAs QW placed
in the vicinity of a metallic nanoslit array [14,15]. We
report the first direct observation of the normal mode
splitting between QW excitons and SPPs in the nanoslit
array. As a result of this coupling, low-temperature angle-
resolved far-field reflectivity spectra reveal a significant
shift in the exciton resonance position together with an
increase in the radiative exciton damping.
We investigate a multilayer, metal-semiconductor hy-
brid structure consisting of a gold nanoslit grating depos-
ited on a GaAs=AlGaAs QW heterostructure. The sample
consists of a 10 nm wide GaAs QW layer embedded in
Al0:3Ga0:7As barriers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on
a GaAs substrate. On the top side, the barrier has a height
of only 20 nm and is capped by a 3 nm GaAs buffer to
ensure that the QW is close to the surface while maintain-
ing sufficient optical quality. A h¼80 nm thick gold film
is then deposited on the top surface of the semiconductor.
Then an array of d¼140 nm wide slits with a grating
period of a0¼500 nm is created by electron beam lithog-
raphy. A schematic of the sample cross section and a
scanning electron microscope image of the top surface
are shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b), respectively. Such a
nanoslit grating is chosen (i) because these arrays provide
a particularly efficient coupling between SPP and far-field
radiation and (ii) because its linear optical properties are
now reasonably well understood [14,15].
In our experiments such a nanoslit array is illuminated
with p-polarized light, with its electric field vector perpen-
dicular to the slit axis. In this case, SPPs are excited at both
air-metal (AM) and semiconductor-metal (SM) interfaces
by transferring momentum n2
a0,n2Z, to the incident
photons. Angle-dependent reflectivity spectra of such
nanoslit arrays reveal the excitation of different AM and
SM resonances as illustrated in the simulations shown in
Fig. 1(c). The hybrid structure parameters are chosen
similar to our sample and the spectra have been calculated
PRL 101, 116801 (2008) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending
0031-9007=08=101(11)=116801(4) 116801-1 Ó2008 The American Physical Society
using a full vectorial diffraction model [15,16] by assum-
ing a spatially homogeneous refractive index ns¼3:66 of
the semiconductor layers. The spectra indicate that at
excitation energies of 1:5eV, i.e., around the exciton
resonance of a 10 nm GaAs QW and at an incidence angle
¼40, three different SPP modes, AM½1,SM½þ2,
and SM½3, are almost in resonance leading to an effi-
cient coupling among these modes via the light transmitted
through the nanoslits.
In Fig. 1(d), the spatial distribution of the electric field
component Experpendicular to the slit axis is shown for
illumination by a p-polarized monochromatic plane wave
with Eex ¼1:517 eV, incident at ¼38. This is close to
the crossing of the SM½3,SM½þ2, and AM½1SPP
resonances. The calculations indeed reveal the formation
of coupled SPP modes with spatially localized field inten-
sities at both the AM and SM interfaces. Inside the semi-
conductor, the SPP fields are characterized by a short
modulation period along xof a0=j2nj100 nm due to
the dominant contribution from the n¼þ2and 3dif-
fraction orders. The SPP field is mostly evanescent with a
decay length of only 50 nm, due to the large nsof the
semiconductor. When placed within this decay length, the
transition dipole moment of the QW exciton couples to this
strong evanescent field.
Both the SPP field at the SM interface and the electric
field emitted by the QW are coupled via the nanoslits to
evanescent SPP fields at the AM interface. Therefore they
are rescattered into propagating radiation [14,15] and can
be detected in the far field in a reflection geometry. It is,
however, not necessarily needed for observing exciton-SPP
couplings. The parameters of our sample are chosen so that
the heavy hole (HH) and light hole (LH) exciton reso-
nances of the QW at a temperature of T¼10 K occurring
at 1.546 and 1.554 eV, respectively, match well with the
coupled AM-SM resonance. A strong exciton-SPP interac-
tion is expected only in a narrow range of incidence angles,
when the almost dispersionless QW exciton and the highly
angle-dependent SPP are brought into resonance.
To study this interaction, the sample is illuminated in the
energy range between 1.503 and 1.569 eV with a weakly
focused p-polarized beam from a tunable continuous wave
Ti:sapphire laser. Angle-resolved, linear reflectivity spec-
tra are recorded for ¼2644at T¼10 K with an
angular resolution of 0.2and a spectral resolution of
0.2 meV [Fig. 2(a)]. The spectra are almost entirely domi-
nated by the strong reflectivity peak of the SPP resonance
resulting from the coupling among the AM½1,SM½þ2,
and SM½3modes. This resonance is highly dispersive
and is essentially unaffected by the presence of the QW.
Very faint features from the QW and GaAs substrate (at
1.512 eV) resonances are also visible. As expected the QW
signature is weak, since most of the incident light is simply
reflected off the metal grating.
We expect that the weak QW signal has little effect on
the strong SPP peaks in the reflectivity spectra. Therefore
more detailed information on the QW reflectivity can be
obtained by subtracting the contribution from the SPP
resonance from the data. Recent studies on metallic nano-
arrays have shown that SPP line shape is well described by
a Fano-like line shape [14,17] given by Rð!; Þ¼
jrð!; Þj2with
rð!; Þ¼aþb
Here, aand bare frequency-independent complex ampli-
tudes and !SPPðÞis the SPP resonance frequency. The
nonradiative SPP damping rate is given by , whereas is
the dominant radiative damping rate [14,18].
In agreement with previous work, this Fano model
satisfactorily describes the experimental line shapes
[Fig. 2(a)]. The parameters of the model, i.e., the disper-
sion !SPPðÞof the coupled SPP resonance and the line-
width þ, agree well with our model calculations [4].
The SPP dispersion is mainly given by that of the AM½1
Difference spectra obtained by subtracting these simu-
lations from the original data are shown in Fig. 2(c).We
observe a small remaining signature of the strongly dis-
persive SPP, a distinct LH exciton resonance at around
1.554 eV, a HH exciton resonance at 1.546 eV, and the
FIG. 1 (color online). (a) Schematic of the metal-
semiconductor hybrid structure consisting of a gold nanoslit
grating deposited on a GaAs QW. (b) Scanning electron micro-
scope image of the gold grating with a0¼500 nm,d¼
140 nm, and h¼80 nm. (c) Calculated angle-resolved far-field
reflectivity spectra of this structure. Dispersion relations for
different AM and SM SPP resonances are indicated as dash-
dotted lines. (d) Calculated spatial distribution of the normal
electric field Exfor Eex ¼1:517 eV and ¼38, near the
crossings of the SM½þ2,SM½3, and AM½1SPP reso-
PRL 101, 116801 (2008) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending
excitonic excitation of the GaAs substrate at 1.512 eV. The
substrate feature is split into two closely spaced narrow
resonances reflecting a minor strain-induced lifting of the
degeneracy of LH and HH excitons. Their resonance en-
ergies are mainly unchanged when varying . In contrast,
for the QW excitonic transitions we observe a clear bend-
ing of both QW LH and HH resonances together with a
slight increase in broadening near the crossing with the
SPP resonance. The changes in line position and width are
a clear signature of exciton-SPP coupling in hybrid metal-
semiconductor nanostructures.
To quantitatively explain the SPP-QW interaction, a
phenomenological model is used, in which the AM½1,
SM½þ2, and exciton resonances are treated as three
coupled Lorentzian oscillators. Such a classical coupling
model is commonly used to study normal mode splittings
in various systems because the dispersion relations of the
coupled modes are mainly affected by the quantum prop-
erties of the emitters [19,20].
As a first approximation, the SPP couplings of HH and
LH excitons are treated separately because of their suffi-
ciently different energies. For each excitonic resonance the
reflectivity spectrum is modeled by a function of the form
of Eq. (1), but now with three Lorentzian oscillators in-
stead of one. The uncoupled SPP and exciton resonances
are represented by a diagonal matrix Huc where the com-
plex entries Vii are !iii, with i¼1corresponding to
AM½1,i¼2to SM½þ2, and i¼3to the QW HH, LH
or substrate exciton with known dispersion relations. The
total matrix for the coupled system is given as
Huc þHc¼
V11 00
0V22 0
0V12 0
V21 0V23
0V32 0
In Hc, the parameters Vij are complex coupling ele-
ments. V12 ¼V21 denotes the slit-induced coupling be-
tween AM½1and SM½þ2SPPs [14,15]. The
parameters V23 ¼V32 denote the coupling between the
exciton and the SM½þ2SPP. This reflects the coupling ~
ESPP between the exciton dipole moment ~and the local
SPP field. Under our weak excitation conditions ~
dominated by the vacuum SPP field, as in previous experi-
ments [2,3]. In our structure there is no direct coupling
between air side plasmons and the QW [V13 ¼V31 ¼0].
Eigenvalues of this coupled matrix are used to calculate
Rð!; Þ. The calculated spectra compare well with the
experimental data [Fig. 2(b)]. To compare with Fig. 2(c),
the SPP contribution is subtracted from the simulated
Rð!; Þand the resulting QW dispersion is illustrated in
Fig. 2(d). Satisfying agreement with experiment is ob-
tained for the following coupling parameters: V12 ¼ð90 þ
23 ¼ð40 þ5iÞmeV,VHH
23 ¼ð50 6iÞmeV,
and Vsub
23 ¼ð18 2iÞmeV [Fig. 3(a)]. Because of the
considerable field enhancement in the metallic slit struc-
tures, these values for the coupling strengths are larger than
in many dielectric microcavities.
The model correctly predicts various salient features of
our measurements. Most importantly, it reproduces the
strongly asymmetric shift of the QW resonances seen in
Fig. 3(b). This shows that the QW exciton is coupled to at
least two interacting SPP modes. For small angles (<
36), these two modes interact constructively, giving rise to
a large spectral shift. On the high-angle side, destructive
interference diminishes the exciton-SPP interaction. The
model also explains why the observed shift of 6–8 meV is
much smaller than the predicted coupling strengths of
50 meV. In our structure the crossing between the AM
and SM modes is not perfectly matched to the exciton-SPP
resonance. This off-resonance condition reduces the effec-
tive coupling strength significantly. In Fig. 3(b), the shift of
the LH resonance is less pronounced than the HH shift.
This obviously reflects the larger in-plane component of
the HH dipole moment ~kand shows that the coupling is
induced by the in-plane components of the SPP field. The
very small shift of the substrate resonance evidently re-
flects its large spatial separation from the interface. This
FIG. 2 (color online). (a) Angle-resolved reflectivity spectra
(T¼10 K) of the hybrid structure. The dominant feature is the
resonance resulting from the coupling of the AM½1,SM½þ2,
and SM½3SPP modes. (b) Spectrum at ¼38(open circles)
together with simulations based on the Fano (blue solid line) and
the coupled-oscillator model (red dashed line). (c) Reflectivity
spectra obtained after subtracting the SPP contribution from (a).
The spectra reveal a clear shift of the HH and LH QW reso-
nances. (d) Spectra obtained from the coupled-oscillator model.
Red dash-dotted lines indicate the SPP and QW HH and LH
dispersions, respectively.
PRL 101, 116801 (2008) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending
results in a reduced spatial overlap with evanescent SPP
fields [Fig. 2(d)] which cause the exciton-SPP coupling.
The results in Fig. 3(c) show a rather surprising angle-
dependent change in the linewidth of the exciton reso-
nances. The HH resonance width changes from a nearly
constant width of 6 meV to about 10 meV when brought
into resonance with the SPP mode. This means that the on-
resonance linewidth is not purely given by the predomi-
nantly inhomogeneous broadening of the QW exciton line,
but that the coupling to SPP induces an additional, and
surprisingly strong, radiative damping of the coherent ex-
citon polarization.
This is of interest because it means that the radiative
damping time of a quantum emitter can be decreased to
values of few ps or even below by coupling it to SPP in
metal nanoslit arrays, provided that (i) its emission energy
is in resonance with the SPP excitation and (ii) its dipole
moment is appropriately aligned to strongly couple to the
SPP modes. In such arrays SPP excitations are predomi-
nantly radiatively damped [in Eq. (1)] [14,18].
Therefore the luminescence efficiency of an emitter with
a low quantum yield (e.g., carbon nanotubes) can be en-
hanced by coupling its emission via the SPP excitations
into the far field. In contrast, metal structures with domi-
nant nonradiative damping (<)[12,13] will reduce the
luminescence yield. Of course for emitters with an inher-
ently large quantum yield, such as excitons in the GaAs
QW studied here, only minor enhancements of the lumi-
nescence yield are possible.
In conclusion, we have investigated for the first time the
coherent interaction between quantum well excitons and
surface plasmon polaritons in a novel hybrid metal-
semiconductor nanostructure. This coupling gives rise to
spectral shifts of the exciton resonance and to a surprising
increase in the radiative exciton damping. Our results
present a quantitative measure of the coupling strength
and show that couplings as large as 50 meV can be reached
in samples with optimized geometries. Because of the large
optical nonlinearities of QW excitons, such a strong
exciton-SPP coupling [21] is of considerable interest for
various future applications. This strong coupling may be
beneficial for enhancing the quality factor of metallic
nanoresonators by SPP amplification [22,23], or it may
help to build SPP lasers [22] and to transfer quantum
information over mesoscopic distances.
We gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with
Q. H. Park (Seoul) and C. Ropers (Berlin). We thank
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (P. V.) and DFG
(SFB 296) for financial support.
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FIG. 3 (color online). (a) Experimental (black solid lines) and
simulated (blue dashed lines) reflectivity spectra at ¼26and
34, respectively. The red dash-dotted lines are guides to the eye.
(b),(c) Experimental (open circles) and simulated (lines) energy
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PRL 101, 116801 (2008) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending
... Vasa зі співавторами [85] вивчав когерентний зв'язок між ПП та екситонами квантових ям в гібридній структурі, що складалася з золотої наногратки, нанесеної на гетероструктуру квантової ями GaAs/AlGaAs. В такій системі дві моди ПП на межі розділу напівпровідник-метал та повітря-метал взаємодіють одна з одною, утворюючи нові симетричні та антисиметричні моди, які у свою чергу також взаємодіють одна з одною. ...
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... The spectral shifts are particularly envisaged in a hybrid metal− semiconductor nanostructure due to the interaction between excitons and surface plasmons. 52 The coupling strength of the excitons and surface plasmon polaritons can reach 50 meV with optimized structure geometries giving rise to the exciton resonance spectral shift and increase in the radiative exciton damping. This strong coupling can be used for improving the quality factor of metallic nanoresonators, building a laser, and transferring quantum information. ...
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Second harmonic generation (SHG) as an essential nonlinear optical effect, has gradually shifted its research trend toward the integration and miniaturization of photonic and optoelectronic on‐chip devices in recent years. 2D layered materials (2DLMs) open up a new research paradigm of nonlinear optics due to their large second‐order susceptibility, atomically thin structure, and perfect phase‐matching. However, 2DLMs are facing a bottleneck of weak SHG conversion efficiency limit caused by short light–matter interaction lengths at a nanoscale. Moreover, advances in integrated on‐chip SHG devices based on 2DLMs rely on the continuing development of novel strategies with tunable and efficient SHG responses. Here, this review provides a comprehensive overview of recent progress in exploring highly efficient and tunable SHG responses in 2DLMs. Various modulation and enhancement strategies for the SHG response of 2DLMs are extensively studied and systematically discussed, which can be classified into two categories: symmetry breaking and light‐matter interaction enhancement. Moreover, remaining challenges and outlooks toward further extending and realizing the practical applications of 2DLMs in nonlinear on‐chip integrated devices with SHG modulation and enhancement characteristics are discussed.
The interaction of light with asymmetric nanostructures leads to the coupling of plasmon modes. Understanding the nature and tunability of these hybridized plasmon modes is essential for both fundamental studies and the development of new applications. Herein, we systematically examine these coupled plasmon modes and heat generated by the asymmetric hexagonal nanoframes dimers (HNDs). Our results show that there are three plasmon bands in the examined wavelength. One of these bands is related to the coupled plasmon modes, which can be actively controlled by changing the height of nanoparticles. These coupled plasmon modes originate from the interaction of dipoles with a minimum splitting energy of 170 meV. Moreover, the thermoplasmonic studies show that the temperature of the asymmetric HNDs strongly depends on the coupling of nanoframes which shows great promise for highly sensitive thermal imaging.
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Ultra-short pulses with high repetition frequency have great application prospects in the field of nano-optics. Here, in the case of continuous wave incidence, the femtosecond pulses with THz repetition frequency are achieved in the transmission system consisting of quantum emitters (QEs) and plasmonic resonators. The generation mechanism of the ultra-short pulses with high repetition frequency is elucidated by semi-classical model. Attribute to the presence of the two-level QEs, the field amplitude in plasmonic resonator is oscillating with time, resulting in the transmittance of the system behave as the form of pulse oscillation. Moreover, the pulse repetition frequency and extinction ratio can be freely controlled by the incident light intensity and QEs number density to obtain the required ultra-short pulses at nanoscale. This also has potential applications in high-speed signal processing fields and generating optical clock signals that can be used in optical computing.
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Semiconductor quantum boxes (QB's) are well suited to cavity quantum electrodynamic experiments in the solid state because of their sharp emission. We study by time-resolved photoluminescence InAs QB's placed in the core of small-volume and high-finesse GaAs/AlAs pillar microresonators. A spontaneous emission rate enhancement by a factor of up to 5 is selectively observed for the QB's which are on resonance with one-cavity mode. We explain its magnitude by considering the Purcell figure of merit of the micropillars and the effect of the random spatial and spectral distributions of the QB's.
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The modification and control of exciton-photon interactions in semiconductors is of both fundamental and practical interest, being of direct relevance to the design of improved light-emitting diodes, photodetectors and lasers. In a semiconductor microcavity, the confined electromagnetic field modifies the optical transitions of the material. Two distinct types of interaction are possible: Weak and strong coupling. In the former perturbative regime, the spectral and spatial distribution of the emission is modified but exciton dynamics are little altered. In the latter case, however, mixing of exciton and photon states occurs leading to strongly modified dynamics. Both types of effect have been observed in planar microcavity structures in inorganic semiconductor quantum wells and bulk layers. But organic semiconductor microcavities have been studied only in the weak-coupling regime. Here we report an organic semiconductor microcavity that operates in the strong-coupling regime. We see characteristic mixing of the exciton and photon modes (anti-crossing), and a room-temperature vacuum Rabi splitting (an indicator of interaction strength) that is an order of magnitude larger than the previously reported highest values for inorganic semiconductors. Our results may lead to new structures and device concepts incorporating hybrid states of organic and inorganic excitons, and suggest that polariton lasing may be possible.
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An investigation of the spectral response of a small collection of two-state atoms strongly coupled to the field of a high-finesse optical resonator is described for mean number N¯≤10 atoms. For weak excitation, a coupling-induced normal-mode splitting is observed even for one intracavity atom, representing a direct spectroscopic measurement of the so-called vacuum Rabi splitting for the atom-cavity system.
We observe enhancement in the photoluminescence intensity up to a factor of three from a single quantum well located near a thin metallic film evaporated onto the sample surface. The largest enhancements occur when the silver film thickness is approximately 40 Å, but the luminescence intensity emitted from the coated sample is greater than that emitted from the untreated sample for coverages up to 170 Å. We interpret this enhancement as a consequence of surface plasmon excitation in the metallic film, providing a first indication of a coupling between surface plasmons and light emitted from a quantum well.
Langmuir–Blodgett monolayer assemblies, which contained dye molecules, have been deposited on silver films. Exciton–surface plasmon interactions have been studied with attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectroscopy. Reflectivity and dispersion curves for plasmon surface polaritons (PSP’s) at the metal interface are reported for both angular and wavelength scans. In agreement with theory dispersion curves from angle scans exhibit a double ‘‘back bending’’ at the transverse exciton frequency ωT (due to PSP interaction with the in plane component of the dye transition dipole moment) and at the longitudinal frequency ωL (due to PSP interaction with a perpendicular component). Correspondingly, dispersion curves from wavelength scans break into separate branches at these frequencies.
The coincidence in excitation energy between surface plasmons on silver and the GaN band gap is exploited to couple the semiconductor spontaneous emission into the metal surface plasmons. A 3-nm InGaN/GaN quantum well (QW) is positioned 12 nm from an 8-nm silver layer, well within the surface plasmon fringing field depth. A spectrally sharp photoluminescence dip, by a factor ≈55, indicates that electron-hole energy is being rapidly transferred to plasmon excitation, due to the spatial overlap between the semiconductor QW and the surface plasmon electric field. Thus, spontaneous emission into surface plasmons is ≈55 times faster than normal spontaneous emission from InGaN quantum wells. If efficient antenna structures can be incorporated into the metal film, there could be a corresponding increase in external light emission efficiency.
We present a unifying point of view which allows to understand spectral features reported in recent experiments with two-dimensional arrays of subwavelength holes in metal films. We develop a Fano analysis of the related scattering problem by distinguishing two interfering contributions to the transmission process, namely a non-resonant contribution (direct scattering) and a resonant contribution (surface plasmon excitation). The introduction of a coupling strength between these two contributions naturally induces resonance shifts and asymmetry of profiles which satisfy simple scaling relations. We also report an experiment to confirm this analysis.
Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) systems allow the study of a variety of fundamental quantum-optics phenomena, such as entanglement, quantum decoherence and the quantum-classical boundary. Such systems also provide test beds for quantum information science. Nearly all strongly coupled cavity QED experiments have used a single atom in a high-quality-factor (high-Q) cavity. Here we report the experimental realization of a strongly coupled system in the solid state: a single quantum dot embedded in the spacer of a nanocavity, showing vacuum-field Rabi splitting exceeding the decoherence linewidths of both the nanocavity and the quantum dot. This requires a small-volume cavity and an atomic-like two-level system. The photonic crystal slab nanocavity--which traps photons when a defect is introduced inside the two-dimensional photonic bandgap by leaving out one or more holes--has both high Q and small modal volume V, as required for strong light-matter interactions. The quantum dot has two discrete energy levels with a transition dipole moment much larger than that of an atom, and it is fixed in the nanocavity during growth.
J. Dintinger, S. Klein, F. Bustos, William L. Barnes, and T. W. Ebbesen, Physical Review B, Vol. 71, article 035424 (2005). "Copyright © 2005 by the American Physical Society." The interaction of a J-aggregate and surface plasmon polariton modes of a subwavelength hole array have been studied in detail. By measuring the effects of hole array period, angular dispersion and concentration of the J-aggregate on the transmission of the array, the existence of a strong coupling regime is demonstrated with a Rabi splitting of 250 meV. This large splitting is explained not only by the high oscillator strength of the dye but also by the high local field amplitudes generated by surface plasmons of the metallic structure.
A resonance phenomenon in the zeroth diffraction order of a gold-wire grating is explained by the excitation of surface polaritons. This effect is connected with a strong enhancement of the electromagnetic fields on the wire surface and consequently with a peak of power losses in the grating material. Measurements of the zeroth-order transmittance have been performed on gold gratings with periods of 1 and 2 micrometers in the near-infrared region which are in agreement with theoretical results. Furthermore, dispersion relations of the first-order coupling mode are presented having large energy gaps in the center of the Brillouin zone. It is shown that this energy gap strongly depends on the wire profile. In this coupling branch, however, practically no dispersion could be observed for optical wavelengths less than the grating period.